
Showing posts from June, 2023

Jenna is saying she has a date

This is rare enough to actually be big news. Points to consider…..It hasn’t happened yet.   The first thing she does is announce it on social media (not classy).   She is planning to make 'breakfast' sandwiches.  Is she implying that they will spend the night together? Yuck. She's all excited from the very beginning to lie and misrepresent.  Sounds about right for her. First dates aren’t too difficult.  But will she have a second date?  I'm not taking that bet! She will be single forever.

Another Summer begins

I've never seen anyone on social media that has such a small insignificant life.  She, in the past, has said people are jealous of her.  I wonder of what exactly. She has created this "thing" on social media that is just weird.  On one hand it seems to be the most important thing in her life…on the other hand, she fights any sort of interaction. What she wants is "just give me money and leave me alone". I don’t know what her problems are exactly….but she’s got plenty to choose from.

Most people have 32 teeth and some have 6….

…..It's simple meth.

Writers write.

It’s just another thing.  She claims to be a writer but only if she gets paid.  Real writers write because they enjoy it.  She can't even write a blog post without wanting cash.  Real writers write and finish books for the joy and accomplish but not her….publisher turns her down and she’s done. So the question is …..much like, if a tree falls in the forest does it make a sound?…is a writer a writer if she doesn’t write?

June 7th. New post.

I've got zero creativity.  Ha.  Carry on.

Happy June!

Time to snuggle down into Summer. I appreciate the conversation.  I agree with some bits and disagree with some bits.  This is a good reason to  allow everyone's words here on the blog.  The different takes gives something to think about.  I agree that people do things for a reason…on both sides.  There are reasons Jenna discusses her weight and body on a public forum.  There are reasons that people here make comments on her comments and there are reasons that others respond to the comments of the comments.  Everyone that is involved brings their own experiences to the table and nobody else knows what anybody is doing. My opinion of the weight conversation is…it's not about her size for me.  It is the blatant lying and hypocrisy.  She tries to paint a picture of healthy living, running 5 Ks, yoga, exercise, etc.  But then on the other hand, she speaks equally of hours and hours of sitting and watching media, pictures of 3000 calorie...