Jenna is saying she has a date

This is rare enough to actually be big news.

Points to consider…..It hasn’t happened yet.  
The first thing she does is announce it on social media (not classy).  
She is planning to make 'breakfast' sandwiches.  Is she implying that they will spend the night together? Yuck.
She's all excited from the very beginning to lie and misrepresent.  Sounds about right for her.
First dates aren’t too difficult.  But will she have a second date?  I'm not taking that bet!

She will be single forever.


  1. HD. Lately, your posts have been hilarious. Thanks!

    1. Yes, love to see her posting more!

  2. So let’s see, is this a date or a hook up? Breakfast sandwich is presumptuous. Run far …. Run fast.

    1. Breakfast indicates a hook up. Perhaps she is using Tinder? Although it is now used for dating and people looking for long-term love, it started out as a booty call platform.

  3. Jen’s likely gonna lie and say
    she’s baked that breakfast bread.
    I hope her “date” is smart enough
    to see sick in the head.

    1. That's presuming this chick doesn't bail one hour in.

    2. SFF. I’d take one long look, and head for the hills!

  4. A date?!? I wonder if she’ll take her hat off.

    1. Only if it’s for “all night lesbian sex!”

  5. About twice a year she announces she has a date. Then nothing comes from it. I'll be surprised if this is any different.

    Given she's so close to new york city, and other city centres, and given queer women's willingness to travel GREAT distances to meet up with people they're interested in sexually / romantically, it's very telling that Jenna seems to only get a first date every six months.

    The people she'd be hooking up with either don't care about her well-documented history, don't look at her online activity and don't google her name, are incredibly naive / too generous to the point they're vulnerable, or they're out looking for a mark themselves.

  6. For context, when I was single and dating as a queer person, I could set up first dates very easily. My only limit was energy and time. It was very easy to meet people for first dates. It's hard to find someone you click with, but super-easy to get dates.

    I have wondered if Jenna only posts about dates when she actually has chemistry with some one or is excited about someone, or is she really, seriously, only getting a first date every few months.

    1. She tends to overshare so probably posts about every nibble she gets.

    2. I hope that prospective dates do their due diligence like the other commenter below.

  7. Just saw that the court blocked the student loan forgiveness program and borrowers are going to be due to restart payments in October with interest restarting in September. I wonder what that means for the special snowflake.

  8. Is anyone else here having a hard time trying to see Twitter today? I don’t have an account, but can always see tweets. Now, I’m redirected to login. Maybe it’s another Musk glitch.

    1. I saw comments online about that today. It’s a new thing they are doing to get what they call “lurkers” (I’m one!) to get an account. Surely in a few days they will reneg. Their page view counts will go down so much, it won’t be sustainable. And I’m not getting an account!

    2. Just saw on the news that Musk said it was a "temporary emergency measure" because Twitter was "getting data pillaged so much that it was degrading service for normal users."

      I hope they fix things soon cuz I just heard a shit-ton of sirens here in my city and wasn't able to check the Twitters of our police, fire or local news team. So I have no idea what's going on out there.

  9. I found this blog because I was planning on going on a date with Jenna several ago. I didn't.

    1. Congratulations on a bullet safely dodged!

    2. Anonymous 2:54. Then our work was worthwhile in warning others about her. We also know her from our personal experience of having lived in Cambridge, NY.

      No one wants an animal abusing beggar, pathological liar, and sociopathic scammer. Jenna is a lying, lazy loser who is still single for many reasons. I’m happy to hear that you didn’t date this disaster.

    3. I hope that this isn’t too nosy. Was it “several” days, months, or even years “ago”? Your missing time frame made me curious. Thanks.

    4. I know for a fact, that this blog has also successfully, warned and convinced people about not giving money to Jenna. It’s satisfying to prevent a criminal from ripping off even more innocent victims like she’s been doing for years.

    5. whoops...years! Several years ago!

    6. Bullet dodged anon probably doesn't want to potentially identify themselves to Jenna if they had correspondence.

      Jenna has a clear pattern of leaning on others for support until they break. Good for you for doing a basic google. Her last live-in gf was the only one paying the bills.

    7. I'm curious as well. Would love to hear any details if they feel like sharing.

    8. I’d also like to hear about what’s happened, to deter the dating, if she’s interested in sharing.

  10. There she goes, shooting herself in the foot again. Case in point, a video of pigs in the mud. Kinda cute but the shed in the background is rotting right out of ground. She doesn't take care of her outbuildings, ergo she doesn't take care of everything else on the property including the livestock. The wind must howl through there in the winter and eventually it will collapse on whatever is inside. She seems incapable of looking at her little farm-ette through the eyes of others and can't comprehend that potential clients consciously or unconsciously spot that something is off. Do better darlin'

    1. SFF. We’ve recently driven by her hovel, and it’s never looked worse. It’s a lie when she’s bragging about it being better than ever. “Farm-ette” was funny and accurate. Jenna continues to depreciate what was once an attractive piece of property.

    2. When the barn collapses where will she put the pigs and goat if they survive? Would she have to re-home them?

  11. I still can’t see tweets. We wonder if the “date” ate that bread baked by a neighbor.

  12. HD. Why the sudden silence here? It can’t be that Jenna has stopped doing stupid stuff.

    1. No idea. At some point I wondered if there was some technical issue but then a comment came through. Maybe because of the holiday weekend?

    2. I’ve been getting a message that Tweets aren’t loading and that Elon Musk is dealing with an extended Twitter outage. Sounds like a problem for JWog.

    3. Maybe she's busy entertaining her "date". We know she doesn't work on weekends. No self-emplyed single person. playing farmer, behind on their bills, ever would!

    4. Long holiday weekend + the Twitter shit show. Some are reporting that Musk uses Google's cloud services and didn't pay his bill which was due on July 1st.

      BTW, I forget who, but don't some Shamsters here have Twitter accounts? Perhaps they could kindly report what she's up to?

  13. According to IG she’s fishing, and posting about a 20 year old movie she thinks people should watch and TS “funnies”.

    Not worried about bills and definitely not engaged in all night, non stop lesbian sex since she is posting her typical nonsense.

    She must be cranky that her begging platform, Twitter is having issues.

    1. Yep, sales are gonna be real tough without a bunch of eyes on her sales tweets.

      As for sex, wouldya bet she has a homemade cold antler strap-on hanging from the bedpost?

    2. Anon7. Don’t give her any ideas!

  14. yeah, I'm going to be much more scarce for the summer. lots to do and enjoy this time of year! Got friends to visit, household maintenance to accomplish, whales to watch, lakes to swim, horses to ride.
    We'll see what happens with Jenna's garden and pigs this summer. She's not doing meat chickens this year either it seems. No wonder, they're more work than pigs. I think the chickens and rabbits were all the ex gf's initiative.

    Have a good summer y'all.

    1. Sounds like fun!

      Just wondering: Why is raising meat chickens a lot of work? Don't they just run around and eat whatever food you toss at them?

    2. You can get away with neglecting pigs more than you can with chickens. Pigs will, unfortunately, tolerate dirty pens, garbage feed, and very little care. Chickens don't thrive with dirty coops, low quality feed (especially if you're trying to do it right and harvest them in a short period of time) or housing open to predators. They, along with rabbits, are probable the easiest livestock to raise, but you still have to put in the time and effort to take care of them properly.

  15. On Instagram: "This is a BLT farm"

    Bitchy Lazy Twunt?
    Begging Loser Thug?
    Bankrupt Laughable Travesty?

  16. Local to Jenna. Lettuce doesn’t really grow well in August here. It bolts, it burns. She always says the stylist things that make her look like a moron. There are varieties of lettuce you can grow in August here... but since she purchased starts in the spring I don’t think those leaves she’s throwing out to the pigs are it! I grow food but also purchase weekly from a CSA and you never get lettuce in August!

  17. Stupidist not stylist. Stupid autocorrect!!!

  18. All silent on the home front about her "date" so I am guessing it was a bust IF it even happened. You know she would publish all the juicy details if it had taken place.

    1. I doubt that it was a date at all.

  19. Not sure why our Feral Farmer has been so quiet, but maybe she has landed a really big fish who will “share” life on the homestead but pay most of the bills. I have it on good authority that real farmers in the northeast are preoccupied with worries about the hay situation due to the wet weather and making the decision to buy the more expensive stuff from Canada. The idiot we know in Veryork, of course, is worry-free and knee deep in the Battenkill.

    1. There’s no way that a responsible, normal adult would ever be attracted to a lying, lazy loser like Jenna. She has nothing of merit to offer anyone.

  20. I notice her latest pig pictures are shot in tight after being called out about her falling down shack in the background. You can fool some of the people some of the time but ….. well, you know the rest.

    1. SFF. As I’ve recently commented, her hovel has never looked worse. Especially, when you see it in person like we’ve done.

  21. What happened to Cambridge Pride? Did she ever go? Did she support her little town?

    1. We were also wondering if she got “hot on by a cute girl” like last year.

  22. What a complete cunt. She posted a video of the river saying there are four ambulances nearby while making derogatory comments about the casualties who were caught up in the high water. She really has no soul or sense of compassion but she may throw a line in anyways because she is a superior human being or she may go home and eat wings. Its no wonder she can't maintain a relationship. She's sick.

    1. Well now, she deleted the portion of the audio where she disparaged the victims. Guess she read my comment and realized what a POS she is.

    2. SFF. Glad that I’m not the only one here who calls her a cunt. Jenna has also mocked the death of local people. She only deletes crap when we call her out on it. The filthy feral farmer is an uncaring sociopath.

    3. I don't use the C word lightly or often but the way her voice was dripping with superiority was disgusting. I don't know if there were deaths or just injuries but what a piece of work she is. Ugh.

    4. It’s no wonder why she’s still single, and will probably always be alone.

    5. SFF. I understand. And I can’t watch her stupid stories. I hate hearing her abrasive, arrogant voice. She has nothing to feel “superior” about, because Jenna begs for her lie-style. We also find her repulsive on a visceral level.

    6. Her stories are the best part - a window into her train wreck of a life. I look at them as a case study in disfunction but I get what you mean about her voice, always dripping with a false sense of privilege. She was likely spoiled rotten as a kid.

    7. SFF. I agree about her likely being raised by overly permissive parenting. And she’s the “rotten” result.

  23. New dispatch.

    Lots of complaints. Woe is she. She’ll be great come fall. Needs money. Mad that she lives in a country where she can’t get her ankle fixed. Sold her truck... but not as much as she wanted. Wah wah. Sob.


    1. So which is it? Is she paying her mortgage or buying new tires? Surely she didn’t get much for that bucket of bolts. Always contradicting herself. And for the love of god, learn how not to use question marks!

    2. SFF. I’m shocked that she’s even sold that POS. Her rotten writing is riddled with major mistakes, like incorrect usage of proper punctuation. Her constant “contradiction” are blatant lying x

    3. Edit. “contradictions” and lying.

  24. I noticed lots of grammar and punctuation mistakes but also lots of contradictions. She has the money for June. She sold the truck but for less. But she is “on the way to having half of June’s mortgage”. But also she is buying tires. She is sooo happy and everything is sooo great. Wow is me. Everything is hard.
    Which is it?
    She can’t write to save her life. Some days I wonder if she may be bipolar.

    1. Bipolar only scratches the surface of what’s wrong with her.

    2. I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating. One can’t be both victim and victor at the same time. Her whole life is lies.

  25. Is it just me or does one who has a broken ankle stay TF away from slick river stones? She keeps going on and on about being knee deep in the river and talking about river stones. With a supposed broken ankle.
    She has cash to spare for all these monthly dental adventures, but can’t get her ankle looked at maybe at the urgent care? I call BS.

    1. IF her ankle was broken that was months ago. It would be healed by now. She needs to stop flogging that dead horse.

    2. Jenna hasn’t been bragging either about her stupid little road runs this year. But she’s almost 41 and fat.

    3. If it was indeed broken and was never treated then it might have healed poorly but that's on her. Failing to have it looked at is her own fault. She always scrapes up money for dental emergencies and having a bone set has to cost less than a root canal. At 41 she still hasn't figured out how to adult.

  26. I still can’t see Twitter due to Musk’s policy. Could someone who has an account please post her stupid tweets until it’s fixed? Thanks.

    1. Not much there. A picture of a fish that she posted on IG and a couple of reposts of random stuff.

    2. Thanks, SFF. Please keep us updated.

    3. She has put up two new blog posts. That’s where all the conflicting information mentioned above is coming from.

    4. She’s also said the conflicting information that frequent blog posts would be stopped, because no one wanted to pay for more rotten writing.


    Jenna hasn’t used her Reddit account in years. It’s strange how she’s suddenly stopped commenting and posting. Maybe Twitter and Instagram are better for begging.



  28. From the blog: “Last month things got harder, the stakes were raised, and I need to be really determined and focused to make this farm work as a solo operation”

    The stakes were raised? Hm.

    1. I think that “stakes” was referring to her supposed tax increase. Of course, Jenna only uses it as a tactic for more manipulative marketing.

    2. Still, it makes no sense. She was paying the May mortgage when she supposedly didn’t have the money. Then there was an increase- I don’t believe that. Usually you are given a warning. Either way she not only paid May, she paid the whole thing. Then days later she is supposedly either halfway to June, or has enough to pay for June AND for new tires. And let’s not forget, according to her, this is June PLUS the new tax increase. I just don’t buy it. Not during a time when she has been quiet on Twitter, which is her main begging site. Something is off.

    3. Anonymous 4:06. I agree about it not making sense, but Jenna is disingenuous. She can’t be trusted to tell the truth. Especially, when it comes to money. Her infamous “fraction finances” are deliberately done to appear confused. So that people can’t keep track of her lies.

    4. Per her latest dispatch: she is not proud to be an American. Well Jenna dear, if you don't like the good ol' USA you can leave. The exit door is always open.
      Also, a country can't heal your ankle. The fact that you don't have the money or insurance to go to a doctor is on you, plenty of available jobs offer both.
      If at 41 she can't figure out how to earn a living, it's not her country's fault, that's on her too, plenty of opportunities to earn a living. She's insufferable!

    5. Anonymous 4:56. Maybe she should try to move her fat ass to another country. Jenna is one of the most “insufferable,” arrogant assholes I’ve ever met. And that’s saying a lot.

    6. Her massive, unearned sense of superiority and self-entitlement for no reason is outrageous.

  29. The whole 'solo operation' is such bull. With the exception of the time Shannon spent with her, she has always been on her own. She makes it sound like it is something new. Just another poor me tactic. Also it seems odd that she is referring to "my ex" more lately. Is she still pining for 'her gurl' or is she signaling to a possible prospect that she was desirable to someone, once, before she drove her away. What a pathetic existence.

    1. That was well-put. I’m sure that Shannon never mentions Jenna in the same way. When Wog recently wrote about “losing a second income,” it was blatant lying, because she’s been solo longer than they were a couple.

    2. Or maybe Annon 5:18 maybe that is all she thought of her as...a second income and finally Shannon figured it out. Hope she ran far far away.

  30. How can I read the latest dispatch without creating a Twitter account?

    1. Anon 5:33. I read on I don't have twitter.

    2. Anon 5:41pm, thanks for that. Just finished reading her latest dispatch. It’s more of her whiny endless complaints about not having enough money for the farm and need Got news for you JW, things get harder the older you get, not easier. If you had made provision for your senior years, and need new tires.

    3. Anonymous 6:48. But “this farm has NEVER been better!!!”

  31. Continued from above, you would have gotten a job with a regular income. Now you will beg on Twitter for new tires, hay and feed. It’s one emergency after another. And why are you taking apprentices in a car with bad tires with no treads. Maybe you should be worried about having an accident while driving apprentices around, instead of being refused service in a restaurant. And why would anyone know you are gay unless you announce it at the door. Utter nonsense.

    1. She acts as if it’s unusual to be gay in 2023. Jenna has always desperately wanted to be a super special snowflake, but she’s below average in every aspect.

    2. I agree ⬆️ Jenna tales trending gay news and makes it about herself. It is part of her overall monthly cycle of posting. Has SHE been refused service? Has She personally had issues in “her” town?

      She is one of those annoying “influencers” that don’t leave the house but they are going to TELL their followers how bad things are out in the world. Major pet peeve of mine. When Jenna gets refused service at the grocery store, ice cream place, brewery, feed store, or laundromat.... she can let us know about the impact of this issue.

      BTW, I was over by Jenna’s area yesterday and so many people were having a great time floating on the Battenkill. It was high from all the rain but people are having fun with friends and I’m sure Jenna doesn’t like that! If she had a big group of friends to go tubing with, you know we’d hear about it!

      One of her dispatches said that Becca’s coming to help her get some projects done around the farm so we’ll see what that means!

    3. Becca is just another stupid sycophant supporter.

    4. Jenna has been conning people into doing her projects for years. She’s done it with her former heathen group, before they got sick of being used. I don’t know if Pember Patty still falls for her “I’m just a poor widdle lesbian who lives alone on the side of a mountain and needs help” victim narrative now. That spiritual community in Cambridge has also shunned her, because they didn’t want Wog to use them.

  32. I believe she should try another country since she doesn't like America. I think Russia would be a good fit. They love gay folks there.....not. Make sure you JW announce it loud and clear so they can locate and welcome you quickly.

  33. Well folks, it's that time of year. Time to dust off that god awful picture of herself in her horrible pleather jacket and filthy hat with a hawk on her arm and looking perfectly smug. She's repulsive on every level.

    1. SFF. Exactly. “She’s repulsive on every level.” We’ve been saying that for years. I’d still like to see someone slap the smug smirk off her fake fat face.

    2. It seems like when she has nothing else to post, she either drags out that awful picture or else the one shooting a bow on horseback or leading Merlin down a road with a hawk on her arm wearing a kilt. She's stuck in a time warp and can't help hauling out her 'greatest hits'. She seems to have no idea how to move her life forward. It's really very sad.

    3. SFF. Jenna is still stuck in a rut of her own choices that she refuses to change. She takes terrible photos of herself. The worst one is that ugly, ick pic of her showing off flabby biceps.

    4. Just once I’d like to see a genuine smile. Is she so devoid of emotion that nothing sparks joy? It’s unnatural.

    5. “You can’t polish poop.” Jenna is obese, ugly and fat in all of her fake photos. But her biggest issues are being a beggar, animal abuser, and sociopathic scammer.

    6. SFF. I’ve recently made the same statement here. Jenna comes across as being insincere in whatever she does. Her grotesque “gaping maw” pics look completely fake. She’s the same way in person.

    7. Edit for 9:04. obese, ugly and stinky

  34. So she sold the useless truck to pay for June. Whatever will she sell to pay for July?

    1. It’ll be back to being a beggar again.

    2. In typical Jenna pattern...
      On IG stories posting the shit she bought at Orvis today. She bought a hideous shirt that she points out is a “youth” size and cut it into a muscle shirt ( WTF??) she also bought some fishing part. But yeah, she’s super worried about prepping for winter!!!

  35. “This farm is trying to catch up, not just keep foreclosure at bay. I would love for you to consider hiring me to design a logo or illustrate for you! Pet portraits! Trivia Night logos! The works! I just sold my truck for a grand less than I hoped, but...”

    Right. “Sure, Jen.”

    1. And... just bought crap at Orvis. Soooo worries!

  36. “Pet portraits are still on sale, full color is 2 for $100! That's for a hand drawn, inked and watercolored animation-style pet portrait and 100% of sales will go towards June catch up and hopefully, gods willing, starting to pay for July so I can save for firewood.”

    No one cares, cunt. Your crap is always on some sort of sale, so there aren’t ever real savings. It’s just more manipulative marketing. You’re the Cambridge Queen of Con.

  37. “Only 8 weeks till trapping season, and this year I could possibly have 3 apprentices?! (or none at all, people are unpredictable) but regardless if my Subaru is packed with new falconers or it's just me and Taylor on the open road looking for my next roommate - I am starting to look forward to fall. All this rain makes me feel like I'm living in a dirty fish tank (see the new blog post for more ennui) but when the crisp air returns, and hunting season starts.... I'll be a new woman.”

    We hope that she doesn’t trap another bird victim. But we’re warning you now, cunt, that you’ll pay the price if one loses its life due to your abuse. There’s a local, network of neighbors that tracks what you do. You’ll never be “a new woman.” You’re still the same slob at almost age 41, that’s incapable of making mature adult decisions and changes.

  38. Meanwhile on Twitter
    This farm is trying to catch up, not just keep foreclosure at bay. I would love for you to consider hiring me to design a logo or illustrate for you! Pet portraits! Trivia Night logos! The works! I just sold my truck for a grand less than I hoped, but...

    1. She’s gotta mention her fake fear of foreclosure as a trigger to try and elicit empathy for free funds from followers.

    2. The stupid, unnecessary ellipses after “but” were deliberately done to convey more manipulative marketing.

  39. In a couple more sales the money from that truck can go towards the June mortgage, and once that is paid... I will be owing the month I am living in for the first time in about 2 years?! Yeah, it's been stressful as hell.

    1. It’s truly crazy that she can’t comprehend being a beggar is worse than just getting a job.

    2. And her stupid misuse of question marks is moronic at this point.

    3. Often combined with an exclamation point. Bizarre.

  40. So I'm going to ask you send me a DM and consider having me draw your dog, design your logo, raise your pork, lamb, eggs, and keep being able to write and work for the life I fight to keep like a junkyard dog.

  41. If you just want to pitch in towards the writing: my venmo/cash app is jennawog. My PayPal is

    1. SFF. Jenna always sneaks in the blatant begging towards the end of a thread, but it’s the main point of her post.

  42. Okay, so I thought the sale of the truck covered the mortgage but now she just needs a couple more sales. Smoke and mirrors folks.

  43. She’s already behind if she hasn’t started buying firewood yet. Has she always had the woodstove? I can’t remember.
    My poodle job and direct deposit just paid for the 4th of my 5 cords this past week. And we’ve already got 200 bales in the barn; more to come.
    This is not rocket science… the seasons happen every year Jenna; pay attention and do some planning so you don’t sound like such a clueless citidiot.

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindJuly 7, 2023 at 5:54 AM

      The house came with a whole-house oil furnace, recently redone. Soon after, s h e decided to put in wood stoves, living the poorly-thought out fantasy of using her own wood to heat the home.

      Many told her this was a bad idea and that she should spend $$ to properly insulate house before changing heat. She ignored them. She wANteD that stove.

    2. PDD. Are you back home yet? I hope that your trip went well.

    3. Edit: Woke Wog

    4. A Legend in Her Own MindJuly 7, 2023 at 9:06 AM

      Hi WW,
      Not home. Busily enjoying my poodle holidays. Thought I'd check in, on the off chance that Wog found a job and quit begging. What was I thinking???

  44. It’s really crazy that she worries about feeding all her animals and firewood for the entire winter in AUGUST!! And by worry, I mean not doing anything about it other than complain and beg.

    Over on IG: she’s going to start writing about fly fishing since that’s all she does now. Of course a man (ewwww) says he thinks that’s great and he would read it. Darn it, no gorgeous trim, brunette girls!

    I give her a week of writing about it before she moves on to something else.

    1. She'll pretend to be an expert (at fly fishing) while she practices and maybe reads up on it a little. Maybe she could charge to "teach" people to fish, she could run workshops!

    2. Right! Kaz posted weeks ago that his firewood was already delivered and his wife was stacking it for winter.

    3. Oops! This should have posted under Anon3’s comment on firewood.

  45. "In a couple more sales the money from that truck can go towards the June mortgage, and once that is paid... I will be owing the month I am living in for the first time in about 2 years?!"

    I always wonder if her parents read her stuff and how embarrassed they must be to have a daughter who airs all her personal information to everyone with internet access. I'm sure they at least know people who read her crap. No wonder they don't talk to her.

    1. Plus the way she talks about her parents is disrespectful so I suspect they avoid her writing for the most part. If my kids talked about me that way I would want to crawl into a hole.

    2. Years ago when Jenna was on Facebook, her mother would post the same sentiments as us (get a job, what the hell is going on, etc) and you could tell she was horrified at Jenna’s begging.

    3. I’m sure that her parents are mortified by their beggar daughter.

  46. On IG stories: a horrible, out of focus, completely out of frame picture of her dirty car on some burnt out grass, with the caption, “my gay little car”


    1. It’s because her “dumb little life” is meaningless.

  47. Again, Jenna obviously has no contact with real people. Straight or gay there are tons of suburus on the road. She posted a meme once about lesbians having Suburus and now she can’t get over herself about it!! 😂. The lesbians I work with have Jeeps, Hondas and pickups. Jenna takes jokes or silly observations and makes them a personality trait. “I’m so gay, I even have a suburu, and like TS!” Just like what you like Jenna, everything isn’t a statement on your gayness”

    1. Jenna is overtly obnoxious in how much she shoves her sexual preference at strangers.

    2. I am a straight woman and own a Subaru. No wonder she can't get published. She obviously has a low IQ, a high ego and is an asshole to boot. Any thoughts she has are wrong, offensive, or just plain dumb.

    3. SOTM, You nailed it.

  48. I find it curious (and suspicious ) that all of a sudden she has an ADHD level, tunnel vision style obsession with fishing. Also, notice over the last couple of days she is really, really pandering to Orvis. She is up to something. A post specifically naming them. Then talking about how she wants to call the fishing guys at Orvis. The. She goes shopping there and posts a bunch of photos with their name and product. Then she buys an Orvis shirt she makes a special post about. Then on IG stories she posted a photo focused on the brand of her reel. And just now on IG she posts a “this is where you will find me” pic again very visibly staged around an Orvis fishing pole.
    Me thinks she is up to something.

    1. Hard agree. Perhaps she is trying to get them to hire her remotely to "expertly" write about a recreational sport that she picked up 5 minutes ago?

      Also, she posted a pic of her oRviS fishing rod on top of her LEsBiAn Subaru like you would skis on on a roof rack. Is that a thing? Or is she just trying to advertise that she's the biggest, baddest lesbian in the county?

    2. Interesting take! Nothing would surprise me other than Jenna getting a job. A real one. I think it was just days ago that someone pointed out how she always claims she doesn’t go anywhere... but then Ta-Da there she is, posting herself out spending money. Lol. Never changes Jenna!

      I was at that Orvis store on Monday. Maybe they would hire her as a cashier?? She’s no fishing expert I’ll tell you that much for free!!!

    3. It’s very obvious that the mental midget is stupidly trying to become an influencer for Orvis. As if they’d hire her to do more than stock shelves with crap Made in China. LOL!!!

  49. Oh gawds...on Instagram she posted a pic of herself fishing at the river and wrote, "Where you'll find me."

    Is she serious? Does she not realize what bad optics that is? Let's break it down: She is currently (as always) moaning about how she can't afford anything. Not the mortgage, not her bills, not her teeth or broken ankle care, nor firewood, or animal feed. So what is she doing about all that?

    Well here is what she isn't doing:
    1) She's not at a desk job earning an honest living.
    2) She's not at a bookstore earning an honest living.
    3) She's not at a sandwich shop earning an honest living.
    4) She's not at a convenience store earning an honest living.
    5) She's not at a farm or equestrian center earning an honest living.

    She is in the FCUKING RIVER fishing all day and taking selfies with her SMUG FACE. Do her idiotic sycophantic foollowers not see this? She is truly repugnant.

  50. BTW, huge thanks to all those who have been posting all the tweets we can't see. You're awesome and appreciated!

  51. The latest fishing pic is so contrived. Here's a newsflash darlin', real people don't go fishing with full on makeup. Stop making a spectacle of yourself and start acting like a real person. You will never be the Orvis cover girl.

    1. SFF. Jenna is delusional to think that any reputable business would hire her to be an influencer. She’s the antithesis with her well-deserved rotten reputation. The fact that she quit her career there makes it even less likely.

    2. We happen to personally know people in upper management at Orvis in Vermont. I plan on sending them info and links on Jenna, just in case they’re unaware of her horrible history.

    3. A Legend in Her Own MindJuly 9, 2023 at 12:40 AM

      Anon 2:08, wonderful. Communities look after each other, something the supremely self-centered Wog cannot comprehend. If she was truly a part of her local community, she'd have no need to advertise CSA shares on Twitter; they'd be taken by locals.

      Several weeks ago, a person asked townsfolk to recommend places for local meat shares. Not a single person suggested Dead Animal Farm or its faux owner.

      Says it all.

  52. New blog post alert, and, it’s for a little bit of everything, but is dripping, absolutely dripping in smugness.
    -lots of fishing
    -lots of horrible purple prose
    -lots and lots of typos, grammar, and present/past tense mistakes
    -Orvis references
    -a new girl!
    - life has never been better!!!
    -smug and condescending comments about a fellow neighbor and fishing hobbyist
    -did we mention smug and Orvis?

    1. Her hyperbolic, roller coaster emotions never last long. She’ll be back to begging again soon.

    2. Maybe the "new girl" works at Orvis.
      If her date was in fact a date, she always takes on what the new girl is into.

  53. “13 years on this farm and I still believe everything can get easier and better. And while every month still feels like treading water to make the bills and keep teeth in my mouth, when I look around I see so much amazing progress in one small life. A better farm, happier animals, a stronger woman. I see a place tended with care, with flowers blooming and hope dripping off the eaves. I see a body slowly healing, and a heart starting to open up again, and every day I have this battle to fight for - giving me meaning and hope. And yes, things are always harder around here than they would have been had I chosen a more conventional life, but I feel like I’m living mine well. The cost of middle-class dignity, credit cards, and passports is too high, too much for a moody writer with an anti-authority complex...

    What I am saying, is I am happy. And getting happier. And after this winter I wasn’t sure that was possible. But here I am, smiling as I type on an overcast day still behind on my hiked mortgage and feeling like the richest woman in town.

    I’m still here. How about that?”

    GFY, Jenna. Your rotten writing, and putrid, purple prose can’t cover the stink of who you are. You’re still an animal abusing beggar, pathological liar, and sociopathic scammer. “How about that?”

    1. Some of the phrases are recycled from a previous post. Not a lot of thought put into this and even less originality. Lazy writing indeed.

    2. Another thought. How can you have a power outage and yet be running a fan or did I read that wrong? Does she even proof read her drivel?

  54. Wannabe Orvis InfluencerJuly 7, 2023 at 1:53 PM

    Jen thinks she has “a new girl”
    it likely won’t last long.
    She’ll dump the lazy loser
    if they know right from wrong.

  55. This is the first time I saw this one. It’s from 2016 but shows Jenna was begging and then purchasing crap for herself!

  56. You can always tell when she isn't really serious about raising money (it is in her DNA to beg no matter what) as she goes quiet on Twitter till sh!t hits the fan and she really needs it then she starts begging on there like mad. Quiet on Twitter? Fly fishing? yeah she is flush as can be.

    1. Her patterns are predictable once you start to see them. This one with temporary money is nothing new.

  57. Ok, it’s obvious someone sent her a lot of money. Her cheery attitude, Orvis spending spree, fishing in the river…all very predictable. No worries about her supposed mortgage rate hike. She always gets like this when someone nails her out. But it never lasts. Soon, she will have spent the money, then it’s back to “woe is me”.

    1. Yup! The beginning of the month is always “the best” in Jenna’s world!

    2. Jenna is a fucking failure at everything. Especially, when it comes to saving money. She spent the $15,000 from the bombed Birchthorn book almost immediately. And then she was back to begging again.

  58. “I have been writing private diary entries about fly fishing this summer. I shared one publicly today.”

    No one cares, cunt.

  59. Over on twitter her soap won't cure in the heat "So your patience is appreciated! Please feel free to always check in, and that goes for everything I sell or make, from piglets to pet portraits. I am jugging home/work/writing/farm/life/stress/money everything as a single broke person and doing my best."
    And yet according to her dispatches 'the farm' has never been better. What a con.

    1. I can’t access her blog or twitter so I appreciate you all keeping me informed.

    2. Maybe Jenna can plug in the air conditioner her ex left behind to ensure her products are ready in a timely manner?

    3. Another BS excuse for laziness. Soap cures just fine in heat. What does she think happens when lye is added? It gets HOT. It might get a bit sweaty in the molds but that's really it. People have been making soap for hundreds of years in all kinds of weather and they did perfectly fine. Doesn't she also have a basement where the OIL FURNACE is? Guaranteed, it's cooler than the house. She cannot tell the truth to save her life.

    4. My fave this week was when she couldn't work on logos due to a power outage so she was sitting in front of a fan to keep cool.

    5. On this episode of “The lies of her Life” Jenna shows a picture of a big cabbage... and captions that a woodchuck ate all of her crops, everything. She’s pissed and has a gun loaded.

    6. Also on IG:

      Miss “I don’t spend any money... I’m too poor to leave the house” shows off a water bottle sticker of a trout smoking pot. Keep in’ it classy Jenna! Sticker sells for $5-6.

      Lots of shopping this week for our poor girl.

    7. Yet she always has enough money to stuff her fake fat face with pricey ice cream cones.

    8. Yes, I'm sure she will be able to shoot a woodchuck. /s

  60. “If you're waiting on soap orders so am I! The heat here has made soap making tougher, and this house doesn't have temperature control (heat/ac/etc) so when we're in this dank heat wave soap won't cure right and I am waiting for a break in the weather. I lost 3 batches already.”

    As already mentioned in comments above, what a crock of crap.

    1. But “this farm has NEVER been better!!!” GFY, Jenna. You’re an obese, ugly and stinky POS.

    2. Wth is she doing!!??? It hasn’t even been that hot here locally so I have no clue what she’s even talking about! It’s 81 degrees in Cambridge right now. Hardly a heat wave for July!!! This is another fabrication— has to be!

    3. Maybe she spent all her money at Orvis and has none left for soap making supplies. Sounds about right to me.

    4. I’m a goat farmer and soap maker in the south. It’s been 98, 94, 96 here in the last few days. I have several batches of soap successfully made and curing right now. I simply make it first thing in the morning. It cures in the house on my curing table.

  61. From Twitter: "Unexpected costs (bald tires on my Subaru that wouldn't pass inspection, $100 to renew my drivers license"

    If "tire maintainence" and "renewal of a card that is valid for 8 years and that entire time it has a date printed right on it when it will need to be renewed" isn't the very definition of EXPECTED costs, I honestly don't know what is.

    1. There again, why the hell is she advertising this for the world to read?? These are super basic, everyday mundane life-ing and adulting expenses which apply to everyone. Wasn’t she just flush with cash from the sale of the truck and whatever else happened to infuse her with money, and full of hope and joy?

    2. Jenna only mentions her expenses, because it’s her manipulative marketing for free funds. She’s hoping that a stupid sucker will feel sorry for the poor widdle lesbian, “living alone on the side of a mountain.”

    3. If she can’t cope with “unexpected costs” at age 41, then she’s completely unprepared for old age. Jenna needs to “earn up” more money.

  62. WIW checking in - let me get this straight... she claims her mortgage increased by $400 / month, isn't that almost a 40% increase in her housing expense?

    I'm sure she said her payment was under $1000 at some point.

    If she really were living off soap n crafts money, on as razor thin an edge as she claims, a 40% increase in housing expense would require significant change to manage.

    Either it's not true or something changed. She sounded particularly unhinged when she talked about the increase, so I'm inclined to believe that actually did happen, because she relies on writer's crutches heavily when she's making shit up.

    So something else changed. Her income increased to compensate for it. Is Ma and Pa Wog increasing their stipend? Did the disability stipend increase? Does she have a new person on the hook ready to move in?

    Interesting summer so far.

    For my update: my balcony strawberries are going gangbusters, but I buy the rest of my food off fishing boats and from farm distributors bc there's more than one way to have amazing food in your life.

    My union job now provides me with 6 weeks paid vacation which I currently am on. I've been working from home this past year, which is sweet as hell, peaceful and allows me the time an energy to pick up overtime, which has paid for some incredible staycation adventures.

    I don't need to go far to enjoy world class vacation activities, Jenna. I drive 10 minutes to the harbour and hop on a boat. I saw the T065A orcas last night during sunset, that's was lovely. Earlier, my wife of 16 years and I went kayaking in the harbour and a harbour seal came up to play with the rudder of my kayak. Gosh those effers are cute!

    We've been to a lot of dinners out to enjoy our anniversary week (during pride weekend, I know, what a cliche right?) and I look forward to a trail ride with a local stable next week. All this without a passport or driving more than 45 mins! I filled the tank of my paid-off little vehicle for the first time in 2 months.

    All this plus paid sick time and a pension? Are ya SURE you made the right choices with your life, gurl?

    She would have done so much better in a union environment, even better with an organization that includes therapy in their employee assistance program.

    Gosh I am just so not living my dream here!

    1. Thing is though, even though she would have had a lot more protections and a living wage if she'd picked up a union job instead of quitting in a fantastic display of hubris 10 years ago, she would still actually have had to *do her job*.

      She has a college degree and could have worked for a government organization or a non-profit / charity. Not every job is a corporate living death as she describes her last job. For someone so anti-authority, there are lots of jobs with plenty of autonomy once you've proven you're efficient.

      It's not that I want everyone to make the same choices that I have, it's that Jenna's situation is so darn *preventable*, and now that she's 20 years away from retirement age - the age many people experience chronic health issues preventing them from working to the capacity of their younger years - Jenna could still technically turn all this around and be a-ok by 65.

      But we all know that's not going to happen, because this scam has worked for 10 years, why not the rest of her life?

      The greatest possible scam could be the person she gets to actually live with her. I hope whoever that is, if that day comes, makes sure they get their own name on that mortgage before they pay a penny towards that property.

  63. I can easily check her blog and from there her IG feed but thank you to everyone who is keeping the twitter updates up. We all know sometimes there are completely different stories across her different platforms.

  64. She could be flush with cash but she will continue to post crises because it’s the only way she can get people to send her money. What good would it do her to say she is caught up. In fact, maybe that’s why she keeps saying she’s always catching up. To keep the donation spigot open. People won’t send money otherwise. As for the tires, who knows. She might want a new toy and the only way she can get people to send money is to fake another crisis.


    Everyone wants to see her ugly man hands with fat, filthy fingers and nasty nails.


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