
Showing posts from December, 2023

Happy Holidays!

I just wanted to thank you all for being here!  We have a great collection of intelligent, witty, thoughtful, creative, and caring people here.  I have been pleased to 'know' so many of you for years. Even though what has brought us together has been a negative and frustrating thing, the community we have created has been positive. So, well wishes to each of you and have a wonderful new year!


I've always considered my life to be my resume.  When I did something interesting or accomplished something, I would add it to my resume.  It has just been a different way of thinking about things.  I have an interesting and full resume. What does Jenna's resume look like? I could fill reams with stories, experiences, and observations.   She obviously can't.  And she claims to be a writer.  Maybe she wants to be a writer but she isn't.  She doesn't know the first thing about it. No skill, no talent, no imagination, no nothing.  What a pitiful human. Now translate resume into obituary. "Here lies Jenna.  She did nothing".


Jenna is so bad at what she does.  What I find hilarious is that she keeps saying that writing is what she is best at.  I think I would keep looking if I was her.  She is just so bad.