Happy June!

Time to snuggle down into Summer.

I appreciate the conversation.  I agree with some bits and disagree with some bits.  This is a good reason to  allow everyone's words here on the blog.  The different takes gives something to think about.  I agree that people do things for a reason…on both sides.  There are reasons Jenna discusses her weight and body on a public forum.  There are reasons that people here make comments on her comments and there are reasons that others respond to the comments of the comments.  Everyone that is involved brings their own experiences to the table and nobody else knows what anybody is doing.
My opinion of the weight conversation is…it's not about her size for me.  It is the blatant lying and hypocrisy.  She tries to paint a picture of healthy living, running 5 Ks, yoga, exercise, etc.  But then on the other hand, she speaks equally of hours and hours of sitting and watching media, pictures of 3000 calorie brownie dinners, ice cream, giant sandwiches, pizza, donuts, cakes, booze.   And I'm not saying that you can't do both…run and eat a donut…but it’s the inauthenticity of the conversation (really any topic in her life).
If she would just do what she does, I would have far fewer problems with her.  And I am well aware that my opinion doesn’t matter…and that’s okay.  Why does anyone post things (anything) on a blog or on the internet?  I'm sure they (we) have reasons.


  1. “New Dispatch: What to do when your partner won't allow you to have chickens or is anti-homesteading.”

    I doubt that her dumb dispatches will last long.

  2. HD. And I appreciate you letting people express ourselves in whichever ways that we want to. I also loathe her “blatant lying and hypocrisy.”

  3. Thd latest dispatch is the most condescending one yet. And she still can't spell. I suggest she donate a dollar for each spelling error to the local library.

    1. Oops, typo *the* But at least I caught it.

    2. SFF. Jenna comes across as being very condescending. Her arrogant attitude is abrasive even in person.

    3. The latest post is not only condescending and full of terrible writing, it’s also very telling of her lack of shareable knowledge in backyard birds. Some of what she is parroting in this post is misconception- such as the instant lawn fertilizer. There is no such thing with chickens. To start with, Chickens will decimate any patch of “lawn” you sit their tractor on, by the end of the day. Second, Chicken manure is not instant fertilizer. It has to properly compost for at least 2 but ideally six months before being used, and it should be mixed with other compostable matter, otherwise, it will simply burn your plants die to the high level of nitrogen.
      Chickens or divorce? That’s a little extreme and again just shows she is pulling stuff out of her hind end.
      I have kept chickens for twenty years. I am not saying that her opinion on the ease of adding chickens to a homestead is wrong. I have a problem with how ignorant she still is about chickens, and how condescending her post is. It irritates me every time she poses as an expert of something she is clearly not. Having some basic trial and error experience on a subject does not give you automatic instructor status. Especially not in the condescending way in which she instructs.

    4. Anonymous 7:14. Exactly. It’s like how she’s an “expert” at teaching archery, falconry and fiddling. While Jenna’s a terrible musician, has lost her hawks, and can’t accurately hit targets.

    5. I don’t take my chicken advice from someone who has admitted to not knowing how to tell the sex of her silkie chickens, or someone who has admitted to buying twice the number of chickens she needs because she knows upfront her neglect in how she houses and secures them at night will cost her at least half her flock.

    6. Didn’t she also admit to improperly processing meat chickens, if memory serves? And wasn’t there a fiasco recently where people who had prepaid for meat birds lost their “share” when her freezer died or malfunctioned or the power went out? I seem to remember her trying to raise money to refund the money she had taken upfront for those meat birds.

    7. And “I don’t take any advice” from an animal abusing beggar, pathological liar, and sociopathic scammer like Jenna.

    8. Also, let's not forget the time her meat chickens were allegedly destroyed by a weasel who crept in through the smallest vent hole at the top of the coop, killed six chickens and must have dragged birds through that teensy hole, because "more were missing".

      More likely, world's worst farmer didn't properly close up chickens because, you know, YouTube videos were calling her. Oh, and she blamed her Ex for leaving her the window air conditioner because she left it on that night, so neither she nor her stellar farm dogs heard the chicken massacre.

  4. HD - I agree with everything you wrote.

  5. A Legend in Her Own MindJune 2, 2023 at 7:53 AM

    HD, you described my main issues for eloquently, and far better than I ever have.

    Besides her clear admissions of animal neglect, for me, it's been about the lying and misrepresentation to collect donations, shares and pity purchases.

    I don't care about a blogger's body weight, and I don't care what they wear or spend time on, I do care when they deliberately paint an image to entice $$$ and the reality appears patently false.

    I remember there was a social media influencer who chose to "do nothing" with his life. He had a live feed, where people could watch him do nothing and donate (or not). Yes, he asked for money, but he was honest about why and that had an appeal.

    In the case of she-who-isn't-named, there isn't much honesty. Her initial story was similar to other back-to-nature enthusiasts: oh-so-rosy picture, strongly suggesting people quit their poodle lives and go back to the land! Subscribe to their blog. Read their books. Attend their classes. It can be done. Easy-peasy! A great deal of money isn't needed. You don't need to be 100% knowledgeable (even if animal lives depend on you). You'll be among the free-spirited "others". You'll be better than poodle people. Sure, it could be scrappy, but it was kind of romantic.

    And for many reasons her stories resonated, often from disaffected or kind-hearted people who loved that she was a young, single woman, with pluck, disdain of 9-5 jobs, bosses and rules. Those were her people. Her scrappy homestead was their dream and so they gave $$$ to help her along.

    The kicker is her narrative wasn't truth. The homestead, by her own admission, has never been sustainable. It survived on donations and handouts. The achievable rural life that she sold was a mirage.

    Initially - when she was more productive and during the back-to-nature trend - there was the possibility the dream could have been achieved, but this never happened. Except for the period when SD was around, the initiatives fizzled, the buildings deteriorated, the land became over-grazed and the entire enterprise seemed to struggle to survive.

    What happened? Did she lose interest because of undiagnosed ADHD? Did she realize it was just too much work to actually farm? Did she never enjoy the physical labor, and back-slid when her volunteer-helpers disappeared? Did she discover that sad stories brought quick donations, and this was too good to quit? Does her need for attention get a special thrill out of fooling strangers & taking their money?

    Who knows exactly.

    If she was more successful, more attention would have been paid. After all, the Alaska homesteaders were caught out, as were multiple social media influencers. Heck, even Martha Stewart was revealed to not be as-she-claimed.

    HD, thank you for providing a forum for our far-ranging dialog and discussions on this and other topics. It's all pretty fascinating.

    1. Oops. Omit extra "for" in first line

    2. PDD. You’re being far too modest. I always appreciate your intelligent and entertaining comments. Thanks!

  6. I mean, I again understand the lying about health-related things on her part. I am not saying it's wrong to call out those lies; it's not. But fat people can run, fat people can diet and not lose weight, so on and so forth.

    But there's a difference in saying, "I don't think she ran ten miles this morning, I can't even do that" or something similar and "What a fat obese slob." One offers conductive conversation. The other is highschool insults that just seems petty and really does come off as that person just hates fat people, and when they spoke with me, it came off they assumed all fat people lacked discipline, were lazy, etc. That's harmful, because that's not really true at all - do you think people WANT to be fat, in today's culture? Obesity is almost always tied to health, either mental or physical. It's not a choice, and sometimes, it's just genetic and there's not much to be done.

    As WiW said, I'm invested to see if it *is* untreated ADHD. I didn't get diagnosed for mine until my 30s. It is a night and day difference. I don't think folks understand how much struggle there can be with it - how could someone unless they have experienced being diagnosed as an adult and struggling all their life? Even witnessing someone else struggle doesn't explain the fact that you can want to wash the dishes, you know the dishes need to be washed, and you just cannot do it. Executive dysfunction is rough, and when you add in emotional dysregulation, yes, sometimes, it makes people act the way Jenna does. She has clear dopamine chasing behavior, as well as self-medicating behavior.

    It's not excusing her, but explaining it, and it's why I don't like and won't use insults towards her health and mental status. I get that people can talk about it all they want, but I liked that when I came in, I had people that agreed with me. My initial thoughts on the recent increase in those insults was that *no one* agreed with me, and it's why I doubted the message here. WiW and a few others helped me see the regulars didn't condone that behavior, either. It was nice, and gave me much to think about.

    The main problem is ADHD has an easy treatment: stimulants. And it really is night and day, but it's hard to get to that point. It's hard to find a doctor, to make them listen (especially as an adult AFAB person - it's near impossible for us), to get the help we need. Who knows if she's been burned by a doctor? I doubt it since she's never written it, but an easy google search will show anyone that being AFAB and getting diagnosed with ADHD as an adult should have an award because of how difficult it is.

    In response to PDD before - honestly? I think she's stuck. Really, think about it: what is there that she can do now? Sell the farm might give her a chunk of money, but it seems apparent she cannot work any longer for whatever reason, so that's no sustainable. And a multitude of people will cheer if she gives up (and I'm not saying this is wrong, either). It's probably overwhelming the sheer amount of work the animals/farm/etc. needs and if there is unmedicated ADHD, she has no idea how to tackle that, lacks the executive function to start.

    As for the scamming - honestly, it seems to work. I don't think there's a thrill there, but it's probably something about she thinks she's owed that money for her work. I don't agree with that, but that is what it seems like to me, especially with how the blog tip comments are worded.

    1. There’s no explanation nor justification as to why Jenna has chosen her lazy loser lie-style. But we’ve been burned by her before in business, and she’s shown a lack of scruples and conscience.

    2. What she can do though is admit she can't care for those animals properly. Rehome them. I don't think she'd be better off selling the property - she's got to live somewhere and she's not going to find a cheaper situation without leaving the area. And in the long run that wouldn't make a big difference.

    3. Really think if the two horses went she'd be in a much better spot. Horses are pretty worthless on most small homesteads.

  7. Anyone excusing her scamming is complicit. Think about a loved one - mother, grandmother, sister, aunt or good friend getting duped by her. Either not receiving product, or donating to her mortgage, tooth, truck, firewood begs and then finding out she's spent the money on TS merch or other foolish things. Many of those people came to the first ColdAnterSham and poured their hearts out. Many were hard up themselves, but thought they were helping her, only to find out she was probably better off than they were.

    During one of JW's firewood begs on Facebook, some woman promised she would send money as soon as she got her Social Security check. JW never stopped her. It broke my heart.

    Some people's attitude is, "well, I got my stuff, so to hell with everyone else."

    There is no excuse for the scamming. None. Absolutely none.

    1. Jenna is the Cambridge Queen of Con for a reason. I agree with what you wrote.

  8. "As for the scamming - honestly, it seems to work."

    Well, that's a ringing endorsement for being an online crook. Wow, just wow.

    1. I thought the same thing. This person may not be a bigot, but she comes across as an enabler.

    2. I took that comment to mean, apparently scamming “works “ on whatever sick level that is, for her and in her mind. Obviously she (Jenna) sees it as her day job. We don’t know everything about her finances, but by some miracle her mortgage gets paid in the eleventh hour of the last day of the second month it’s due. That’s how I took that comment, that scamming works for Jenna to maintain her narrative. Not that it’s an excuse or it’s a good thing. Just that Jenna somehow had turned it into a “thing”.

    3. For all we know her mortgage is paid on the due date EVERY month. The comments about it being behind are likely part of the scam. I would guess it's an automatic withdrawal like the rest of us. Her comments about sending a cheque in the mail is bull.

    4. 11:04 - this is what I meant. Thank you. I don't mean it as an endorsement, I meant it as Jenna is basically making it her job.

      Like, it's clear the bills ARE getting paid. No matter what she says, she's getting firewood, the mortgage is paid, the electric/internet/etc. are all paid. So her 'job' of scamming is making this happen.

      Has she ever had her utilities turned off due to nonpayment?

    5. Not that she has written about, and I feel like if she had lost utilities due to non payment, she would have definitely used it as a golden opportunity for a major pity beg.

  9. Can I just say... june on most farms is NOT a time to kick back and laze around?? The gardens are exploding out of control, and this is the time to plant a lot of vegetables. maybe trim or treat those apple trees she used to shake for the sheep but never ever does anything with the apples for herself. catch up on maintenance projects that are more easily done in fair weather (so the plumbing or roof or heater or whatever don't have a crisis next winter when needed most) Most farms don't buy smaller livestock animals to fatten and sell but keep breeding stock and raise their own much more economically. She should be up to her eyeballs in chicks and baby lambs and pigs and whatever right now and probably have a few bottle babies to care for... maybe a market to sell at or events that build skill and community, like farming conferences... but no shes watching reruns and floating down the river eating sandwiches...

    1. Don’t forget about her wasting time doing dumb dispatches.

    2. And her hunting for fossils is another new way to waste time.

    3. I mean to be fair, maintaining an online presence for your farm can be one of the tasks... I spend more time on it than I like but it works! I sold wool from our sheep to fibre artists clear across the country this week because they found my facebook posts about it (but you know, I actually had both a desirable product I could speak knowledgeably about, and the social skills to seal the deal and actually packaged and sent the product immediately....)

    4. Yeah, my farm is exploding with work right now. Not to say I don't find time for fun, I do, but there's a lot of work.

  10. “35?”

    Jenna is literally, begging for someone stupid to buy her scribbles.

    1. She has no sense of personal pride. Any normal adult would be too ashamed to have become a beggar.

    2. It also shows how little Jenna values her own work.

    3. This is just one of Jenna’s ploys for pity. She doesn’t really expect to sell it for a pittance. It’s manipulative marketing, because she’s hoping for a handout. Maybe the bigot hater here can send her another donation.

  11. “I haven't made a sale online in almost a week, if you can help spread the word, it would really help. Things have never been harder to get by as 2023, I think because everyone feels inflation, but maybe someone who doesn't needs a logo or cat picture? A girl's gotta keep trying.”

    Using old fashioned lingo to feel folksy. It’s more like “A scammer’s gotta keep conning.” You’re a middle-aged woman now, not a “girl.” Her syntax is stumbling and stupid. It’s “harder” for her now, because Jenna’s rotten reputation has grown. It has nothing to do with “inflation.”

    1. And her whining claim again, that she hasn’t “made a sale in almost a week,” has been repeated an obnoxious number of times. She’s “cried wolves are at my lavender door” too often to be believed anymore.

    2. Yeah, the inflation excuse is bullshit, as people still need to buy gifts for their loved ones. Problem is, her products are the gift that keeps on giving. Headaches that is, due to repeated emailing to find out where their purchases are.

  12. https://twitter.com/coldantlerfarm/status/1294642820276531205

    Flashback Friday to her fake face caked with makeup. The ugly, “gaping maw” is also grotesque.

    1. https://www.bedlamfarm.com/2016/06/14/the-complexities-of-being-jenna-helping-her-fend-off-the-bank/

    2. https://upstatehouse.com/farmheart/

    3. https://www.patagonia.com/mx/stories/the-flight-of-the-farmer/story-98198.html

    4. https://twitter.com/coldantlerfarm/status/884449717723312130

    5. https://www.huffpost.com/author/dogsinourparks-794

    6. https://twitter.com/coldantlerfarm/status/1238893836077862918

    7. https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/7dficl/getmotivated_thread_gets_locked_after_op_posts/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1

    8. https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/ufy9x/iama_a_single_29yearold_homesteader_author/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1

    9. https://www.reddit.com/r/GetMotivated/comments/7d6pnu/image_5_years_ago_i_quit_a_job_i_hated_to_farm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1

    10. And the finale for Flashback Friday:


    11. None of the examples paints a positive picture of Jenna either in the past or present.

    12. Anon 1:22, in your first example what I find most distaste is her association with that particular hawk. As you may or may not know, she-who-isn't-named fancies herself as an online mentor to would-be falconers. So when a nice (and legitimate) young woman, heavily into raptor management and education, needed someone to properly look after & continue training her bird when she went to college, guess who stepped in? However, the arrangement didn't last long. It was evident the bird was another social media prop for FF. It didn't appear to receive the training required and after its release d-r-a-g-g-e-d on, the marriage was broken up!

      Now, legitimate falconers follow strict protocols. The birds are flown daily, handled appropriately and their releases (if that is the goal) is video-documented or photographed - as verification of safe passage.

      Our fake farmer, on the other hand, tended to use them as social media props. She brought them to bars, wine pubs, etc, and she used them to advertize her products. At least two supposedly died under her care; two flew away with their tight, leather jesses still attached; the remainder (save the first) had no video or photo documentation. ( I assume the one that was released with SD in attendance was a legitimate release.)

      The more you know, the worse it is.

    13. Edit: distasteful (darn auto correct)

    14. The Patagonia story is so riddled with errors, it would take an entire column to correct. I wasn't impressed.

      Suffice to say FF got into falconry as a fun hobby that would help her make friends and make her feel like a GOT extra. She'd had no interest in "rescue" until that narrative played out better. The raptors she trapped weren't through-passage birds, so they weren't in danger, and they already knew how to hunt. Her capture was an unfortunate blip in their lives. For at least two, maybe more, it ended their lives.

      The more you know...


    15. That first Twitter pic is the one where she edited her cleavage line to grow from 1 inch to 4 inches. For science, I think.

      But this is my absolute favorite:

      She looks disturbingly deranged here...like Sybil and the Exorcist demon hooked up and had a love child. And that record player isn't even plugged in!

    16. Lol, I don't even have to follow the link to know which photo that was. Perfect choice!!!

    17. Old discussion of she-who-isn't-named violating laws on falconry.

    18. Anon7 and PDD. I’m the one who left the links. I had to include that classic, creepy ick pic. Whack used it for their profile pic when they commented here. I sometimes wonder if they ever still read here.

    19. A Legend in Her Own MindJune 3, 2023 at 12:48 PM

      Anon 11:42, the links were much appreciated. Thank you for sharing. Over the years, there's been a lot of thoughtful discussions on farming, fake farming and gullibility of people craving, but not understanding, a rural lifestyle.

      Post-Covid, our rural community is filled with the sorts of people who would probably be ideal marks to a social media hustler, who professes rural lifestyle knowledge. They don't yet know any better.


      I don't know if Whack checks in. The glitch in blogspot makes it difficult to use a Google handle consistently and there are too many Anons to keep straight. Even I get tired of entering a name for purposes of commenting.

  13. “This was such a perfect day.”

    That means Jenna made money by begging.

    1. Maybe the JW supporter here sent her money.

    2. That supporter was stupid to send her money.

  14. A few of you on the last thread were questioning her "sold out" lamb shares and I am wondering how was that possible? As far as I know, she didn't advertise lamb shares anywhere. I can understand how her pork shares sell, because she offers shares on her website, Instagram and Twitter. Repeatedly. But there was zero mention of lamb shares being offered. So where did these supposed buyers find out about them?

  15. In one of her latest DiSPaTcHeS the Pig Shocker listed all of her current furry props. Question is, which ones actually make her money and which ones are an unnecessary expense for internet clout?

    TWO HORSES: Costly hay burners with zero purpose other than aesthetics and horsey rides.

    SIX SHEEP: Lamb share income, but she priced them wrong so now they will cost her money.

    ONE GOAT: Sole purpose is to help haul half the contents of her house up a mountain.

    FOURTEEN CHICKENS: Egg sales/trades, but only 14 of them equates to a meager income.

    FOUR GEESE: Sells eggs/goslings, but again a dismally minimal source of income.

    FIVE PIGS: Spam sales income that only covers a few Taylor Swift sweatshirts/albums/keychains.

    HAWKS: She usually has one but they serve zero purpose beyond bAdASs photo ops.

    TWO DOGS: These two spend more time eating sheep turds than they do herding.

    TWO CATS: These two "assholes" are an outlet for Jenna's frustration and anger.

    So out of THIRTY SEVEN animals less than half of them bring in any income. And ZERO of them bring in any meaningful monthly income. Instead, they cost her money that she doesn't have. Money that she has to beg internet strangers for on the daily. Productive homestead my ass.

    1. Just rehoming the horses would be a huge help to her finances and better for them. Anyone care to calculate how much they are costing her?

    2. Yep. She's been ramping up her accumulation of animals the last couple of years. I say this un-ironically - I think Jenna's an animal hoarder. She rarely seems to downsize - whatever she sends to slaughter she immediately replaces.

      She got silkies ffs. That's a hobby chicken if I ever saw one.

  16. I wasn’t going to say anything…but I guess I will, since I have issues with hypocrisy and this has been gnawing at me. I find it a little interesting that someone has a problem with people here 'name calling' and acting like high schoolers and mean girls and whatnot but their approach to discuss it was to call everybody here (the lot) bigots and phobic.
    Not okay to say that Jenna is obese because we don't know about her health, genetics, body type, whatever and maybe she can't help what her weight is. Perhaps. That situation can certainly be true of some people….but nobody here has said anything negative about all overweight people or all people that eat pizza instead of salad. Or that all fat people are losers. Nope, none of that. Some people have commented on her weight….after she herself has commented on her weight and "weight habits". She opened the door in a public forum and people walked through. Shocking.

    1. Hard agree with me. We never said she is a loser for being fat we said she is a liar for being fat while claiming to be poor. That person also said that we all run here within minutes of Jenna posting anything so we can all talk smack. But how wuld she know that unless she herself is coming here within minutes too?

    2. HD. Thanks for your comment. I agree with what you wrote. The bigot hater was also wrong regarding seeing KYS here. That’s never happened. I’ve often mentioned Jenna’s hypocrisy in trying to come across as being healthy, but then bragging about eating many high calorie foods.

      Anonymous 7:09. Exactly. I second your statements.

    3. It’s very obvious that Jenna’s body is obese by most medical standards. We’re judging this fact by her photos, videos and seeing her in person recently.

    4. I wonder where the bigot hater went. They were active for a few days, then they’ve seemed to have suddenly disappeared. Perhaps, they’ve realized that we’re right about Jenna. I think that they also didn’t like HD, the blog’s owner, to call them out.

    5. HD - You have the wisdom of Solomon. You are right. Nobody here is attacking overweight people in general. And you are correct that when JW writes about her weight, health issues or foods she eats on a public forum, she leaves it wide open for discussion.

      I don't believe anyone here is a bigot. And I think it is hypocritical to call people here bigots, when that same person admits JW is a scammer, then supports her financially. That type of behavior is enabling and makes her complicit.

    6. 11:38 - I literally commented yesterday. I have a farm to manage and things to do outside of checking up on Jenna and you lot.

      HD - there is a difference between calling out bigotry and using slurs. If you reference back to WiW's thoughtful comments on the page before, you see why the constant slurs against Jenna's weight are harmful. And the fat shaming is not the only bigotry here. There's been homophobia, ableism (blatant), even some transphobia.

      That kind of stuff hurts *all* fat folks, queer folks, disabled folks, so own. Really, WiW's comment on the previous post was thoughtful and explained why it was so harmful.

    7. What are you talking about specifically in terms of homophobia, ableism, and transphobia?

    8. HD. Thanks for asking. I’d also like to know.

    9. Anonymous 12:22. What kind of farm do you have?

    10. Homophobia - a few pages back (in May, I think? Possibly late April?) someone totally misread a comment and went on a tirade about Jenna thinking she was bisexual. People's sexuality can change and can be rather fluid, but the kicker was they misread that the post was from years back. That was the most persuasive comment, but there's others, like the constant talk about her being a lesbian. Yes, she talks about it.. on her private blog and private platform, like Insta or Twitter. Maybe that opens it to comments (as it is public, but it is private in the sense it is for her musings), but there's a lot of comments that hit that line like the fatphobia does: it comes off as observations about all lesbians and tropes, which typically are harmful.

      For ableism, barring the fatphobia (which IS ableism), the "narcissist" and "sociopath" comments are in particular hitting this. These things don't mean what the commenter apparently thinks they mean, and as someone who does disability advocacy, it's again stereotypical musings that hurt people actually diagnosed with these disorders. Then of course are the other things, like ignoring that disability COULD have a play in this, could contribute to a lot of this, so on (or not ignoring it, but explicitly arguing against it in a way that is harmful). It's not excusing her. There's no excuse for scamming and abusing animals. But it is explaining it, and comments like that are littered here (I'm not wanting to go back; I will admit they bother me a lot) throughout. I'm not saying you have to, but take a moment to read some of it and think, "is this harmful to other people with this disorder? Is this truthful?"

      The transphobia was a few minor things, but the most recent was someone posting the profile of a commenter on Twitter I think it was that had clear specifications of their pronouns and referring to that person as female in a joking manner ("be Jenna's girlfriend"). It could be ignorance, and maybe it was. But there's a few minor instances like that.

      And I understand that people aren't going to post to my specifications. I'm not asking that (I mean, sorta, but hear me out). I'm saying that the kind of language here makes people like me - who hasn't had a personal bad experience with her but has noticed some of the red flags - find this place and think the behavior here is unwarranted and bully like, thus not listen. It's why I didn't. You lot did offer proof for a lot of it, so maybe I did change my mind, and maybe I won't send her more donations, but still: the behavior here doesn't exactly welcome people.

      I will say I found this blog a long time ago. I've not kept up with it much until recently, so prior, I didn't see some of the vicious comments I saw here. And prior to my first 'bigot' rant, I saw someone (maybe two posts before my post? I'm not sure) call out the fatphobia and get ripped apart for it. It's why I spoke up.

    11. The ableism is the most rampant. Another good example is the talk of her 'cognitive decline' and then the making fun of her typos, her way of wording things, so on. Like.. that's a mental condition (or physical, who knows), why on earth is that okay to make fun of someone for declining cognitively, no matter what the reason, whether it's alcoholism (again, a disease), weed consumption (which research strongly ties to self medicating behavior of chronic pain or illness and mental illness), or some other reason? It's why I commented it seemed she couldn't do anything without being ripped apart and it seems like people more want her to disappear than try. Sure, again, her wording sucks on the begging for tips blog posts, but she's doing something to try to fix her situation, by writing daily and earning tips for it. It's why I was doubting the actual goal here was warning people off her or just being bullies.

      Like, she's a "public figure." It's fine to make fun of her; I don't care. The comment below this one - this is fine! It's sort of funny. But talking about cognitive decline in the same beat as hating on her wording or spelling or grammar is ableistic behavior. If she does have cognitive decline, it's not like she can help it. It's not something she can fix easily, if at all. It's why I'm against making those sort of comments and goes back to the, "is this about warning people and getting Jenna to improve or just being highschool bullies?"

      Whoops, it said my comment was too long. Here's the rest.

    12. Oh, my farm? I do vegetables and flowers. I am getting over an illness that has been kicking my butt since before COVID, so no animals beyond my pets. I don't have the health to care for livestock properly right now. Is that what you were asking?

    13. Thanks for explaining. I understand what you’re saying but I'm not picking up what you’re putting down. I do not have the same definitions or ideas about these words that you are using.
      I'm not sure why you are reading here if you find it all so offensive.

    14. I mean this kindly, but please, if you're open it to, do some research as to why using these terms freely and incorrectly like this is harmful. It is extremely detrimental to multiple marginalized communities. WiW's comment on the other post explained the fatphobia well, but the others are just as harmful.

      And you're right. I'll probably stop eventually. I am just annoyed by the 'we chase complainers away' narrative. I think that's a sad way to be when it's not hard to stop calling someone an 'obese cunt.' Not saying you do it, but the previous person who had that as a favorite insult. There's plenty of things to complain about Jenna beyond the things she cannot help like cognitive decline or being fat.

    15. No thanks. I'm good.

    16. Anonymous 3:39. Your comment made me smile. I find the bigot hater’s suggestion to be condescending.

    17. HD, I've explained about the stigma recently, and in the past. It doesn't matter that you didn't say "all overweight people are bad" - that's not how weight stigma works. You're contributing to the ongoing *incorrect* culture that is actively harming people, preventing them from getting appropriate medical care, and often even basic respect and dignity as a human being. It's not acceptable to dehumanize fat people by using "obese" as an insult, and it's no different from any other prejudice.

    18. WiW. You and the BH come across as lecturing us on how to think and feel. That might not be your intention, but it’s annoying as an adult. I’m sick of politically correct crap being shoved down our throats. This is the wrong site for it.

    19. WiW, the people here clearly don't care and like to imitate Jenna in not wanting to improve or listening to anyone but their own selves.

    20. Anonymous 8:39. Bigot Hater, you can fuck all the way off. Being judged by stupid strangers is meaningless to me. “I’ll tell you this much for free.”

    21. I’d also say the BH “imitates Jenna,” with her arrogant attitude of self-righteous superiority that her opinions are the only truths.

    22. It's meaningless to you but you seem awfully upset over it.

    23. As for opinions, it's really not. It's almost like if someone took my advice to do some research they could actually find out more information, but alas! Know it alls cannot be told they're wrong about something.

    24. Anonymous 8:13. BH. You seem “awfully upset” by anyone who disagrees with your opinions.

  17. “New Farm Dispatch, always free to read!”

    Yeah, but it’ll cost you a buck to buy one. Just like Jenna used to compare her old blog to NPR, and then beg for free funds.

  18. https://twitter.com/coldantlerfarm/status/1665109103788556289?cxt=HHwWgoCwuYz605suAAAA

    Her cyber stalking of famous females like Taylor Swift is creepy in a predatory way.

  19. My sole purpose here is warning people of her scams or pity begs. Because when they fall for them, there is no recourse.

    I don’t believe for one minute she’s trying to improve herself. Every post is a manipulative scheme for free money. If she really wanted to improve herself she would actively look for a job, even part time, for some steady income.

    That’s why most of us believe she has another source of income that she’s hiding. Her main objective is to get people to pity her and send free funds.

    Look what happened when Shannon was living with her. She mooched off her car, cell phone and who knows what else. Shannon did most of the work around the “farm” and it appeared most of the cooking. No wonder she left.

    And wonder if wonders! After Shannon left, JW managed to get a car and phone. That’s why we believe she’s better off than she lets on.

    Nothing ever adds up at CAF. I will never participate in the name calling and I don’t care what she looks like. I am only here warn others.

    1. I agree that she has no interest in making mature changes to her lazy loser lie-style. It would’ve happened by now. We’re here to warn others as well. Jenna shouldn’t still be months behind in making her mortgage payments. Even after a decade of owning her home. It’s blatant lying that she’s incapable of getting a part-time job to supplement her income. I’m sure that Shannon’s very relieved to be done with the drama in NY.

  20. “The transphobia was a few minor things, but the most recent was someone posting the profile of a commenter on Twitter I think it was that had clear specifications of their pronouns and referring to that person as female in a joking manner ("be Jenna's girlfriend"). It could be ignorance, and maybe it was. But there's a few minor instances like that.”

    I made that comment, yet you’ve completely misunderstood it. The woman said that she was also a writer and farmer. In addition to other things. They came across as being the kind of weirdo that Jenna attracts as a sycophant supporter. I was mocking that aspect not their preferred pronouns. It had nothing to do with perceived transphobia.

    1. The person is not a woman according to the profile you pasted. Their pronouns are they/them.

    2. But my mocking them had nothing to do with their preferred pronouns. As I’ve already stated. Clearly, you couldn’t comprehend my comment. You want to argue just for the sake of it. GFY

    3. Casually referring to someone as a gender they are not is transphobic is the point.

    4. I’m of an older generation, and sometimes make minor errors in my writing. If you read the rest of my comment, however, I’ve corrected used their preferred pronouns. I said they and their. Apparently, you’re the only perfect person on our planet who never makes mistakes.

    5. Edit: correctly not corrected

    6. "I made that comment, yet you’ve completely misunderstood it. The woman said that she was also a writer and farmer. In addition to other things."

      The problem part is the 'woman' bit. I am not saying I don't make mistakes. The previous comment was referring to them as 'girlfriend.' And here, just now, 'woman.' That is the point I am trying to make that is transphobic.

    7. I’m done with your crap.

    8. The BH likes to lecture adults as if they’re an authority on anything.

  21. “Thanks for explaining. I understand what you’re saying but I'm not picking up what you’re putting down. I do not have the same definitions or ideas about these words that you are using.
    I'm not sure why you are reading here if you find it all so offensive.”

    Thanks for expressing so well what we feel, too.

  22. And I do think that Jenna’s cognitive abilities have declined due to drinking and smoking weed. She used to be sharper years ago.

  23. This new, politically correct commenter is trying to force-feed their narrative and values on us. I find it annoying and obnoxious. What do others here think?

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindJune 3, 2023 at 6:18 PM

      Yeah...like you and HD, I'm not picking up what's being put down.

    2. I feel like I’m being bludgeoned to death with the word “ableist”. Just give it a rest!

    3. I’m already sick of their misplaced, “moral superiority.” And their fixation on “ableist” is also annoying.

  24. A Legend in Her Own MindJune 3, 2023 at 6:27 PM

    I remember the post about gender status and the misunderstood date, because I think I was involved.

    On and off, we'd discussed how cis- men had become "the enemy" or snarked about in Jenna's posts. We thought it was unfair & hypocritical since men often bailed her out of trouble, supported her or volunteered help. We also remembered when she had good things to say about men.

    So I posted part of an older post, where she described her ideal man. A reader initially misunderstood the date of the post, and wrote, "what? she's bi???", then quickly figured out her mistake, and self-corrected. No more, no less.

    If these sorts of posts rankle, I don't think there's an easy fix.

    1. The “fix” would be for the bigot hater to leave.

    2. I try to be tolerant. There are things said on here I don't like but much that I do so I keep reading. I try to remember that there are different levels of intelligence and different life experiences. Sometimes people say or do things out of frustration or lacking a better way to express themselves. They do what they can and if they don't have the ability to better express or the words to use, it may come off as offensive or uninformed to me or some. At least the thoughts and emotions are being expressed in only in writing, perhaps being cathartic for the commenter.
      Shy Me

    3. This will be the last I will address the BH.

      At first, BH made sense to me. I don’t like the name calling and have said so before. I also believe in not policing what others say. Different people have different experiences with Jenna. I live local so I can see her lies for myself (which is what caused me to seek out, online if others thought she was a scamming liar many years ago) and other than a few rude interactions with Jenna, that’s the extent of my experience with her. She has hurt others or scammed others here which is why some people may call her names. It’s more personal to them.

      If the BH is upset about how lesbians are stereotyped, she really needs to address this issue with Jenna herself. Jenna makes lesbians look insufferable with all her “our people”, “ you are gay if you like this”, “TS is gay” stuff. Honestly, she acts like a 12 year old who found out about gay people. It’s juvenile and weird.

      The bottom line is that Jenna lies all the time. She says things that contradict herself all the time.

      I don’t leave the farm—posts leaving the farm

      I don’t eat— pics of big meals she’s eating

      I have no money—shows what she buys

      I have no friends, so lonely— posts times with friends, gatherings

      Ankle broken— multiple activities posted with a fine ankle

      I could go on but you get the idea. This isn’t people running here with every little thing, this is her day in and day out “life” we are commenting on.

      I personally won’t be addressing the BH anymore. I think they have a different agenda here than I do and this older Gen X chick calls things out like it is and if I’m “ableist” oh well. “Sucks to be me”.

    4. I really appreciate the Anon comments this morning. We all come from different places, with different ways of communicating. We don't write the same way, and we don't agree 100%. Some posters are more strident than others, some may not use current lingo, but everyone's coming from the same place: trying to help animals, expose lies, highlight hypocrisy and warn others.

      Sadly, scammers are everywhere. To me, there's nothing worse than seeing a scammer coerce money from kind-hearted strangers who don't have money to spare. Asking for donations, shares and purchases, based on fictional narratives to elicit pity, is tantamount to stealing. Enabling such behavior isn't right, and that's the hill I'll stand on.


    5. PDD - I'm with you. And I'll even go a step further. Let's say she is totally broke and cannot pay for her expenses. It is her responsibility, and only hers, to pay her bills. Either she gets a job like everyone else, or she sells the "farm" and lives in a place she can afford.

      No one, absolutely no one, is responsible for paying her bills. And it's usually kind hearted, gullible people, often who are struggling themselves, who send her money. And in my book, that is just as bad as stealing.

    6. Anon 537 re: this older Gen X chick calls things out like it is and if I’m “ableist” oh well.

      Don't use your age as an excuse. I'm gen x too, and I remember Kurt Cobain wearing a ball gown to the music awards, and spray painting "god is gay" on to a shop owned by a bigot. The icons of gen x were anti-bigot. There was a whole counter-culture movement. Pretending not to care is not gen x, that's boomer vibes... the boomers who gave up on THEIR social movements.

      Learning and change isn't about age or generations. It's about holding yourself accountable to consider your impact on others - especially on a page like this where much of the criticism is of Jenna's anti-social behavior.

      Fat shaming and bigotry is also anti-social, so if you're going to excuse yourself you're a big, fat, hypocrite. Now who's just like Jenna?

  25. Stupid Snippets:

    “This farm doesn’t even feel real anymore, it’s like a set in a movie or player housing in a video game.”

    “I check my social media and email like an addict. By late afternoon I am so exhausted.”

    “The house needs so much work, just to remain upright, it's actually too upsetting to write about.”

    “I want to watch my grief start to mat and shed off in clumps, because that is what sunlight promises.”

    1. Her writing is rotten. Just like Jenna.

  26. “I can honestly say that having an espresso maker that allows for a perfect latte on a slow Sunday morning makes up for about 17 jillion other inconveniences in adult life. Good morning.”

    What a nice treat! Nasty, gnawed nails, and fat feet in the photo. I’m also relieved to know that Jenna’s not too broke to afford an “espresso maker.”

    1. Her version of an “adult life” sounds like a nightmare for most of.

    2. Edit: for most of us.

    3. Jenna will lie and claim “I found it at our dump!”

    4. At least, she was shamed into replacing her chipped polish with a new coat of crap glitter. It’s like something stupid that a teen would wear.

  27. Asking readers for writing prompts shows how little she has going on in her life.

    1. “New blog post!”

      It won’t last long. But it looks like she’s done a new post about coffee. What an unusual inspiration!

    2. Her new posts are only Jenna’s ridiculous reactions to being called out here for rarely writing. We pull her puppet’s strings. “Dance, little monkey!”

  28. I’m shocked that she hasn’t been bragging yet about her special, small town’s Pride Parade. After all, Jenna is an authority on how to be a lesbian!

    1. As I recall she did a post a few days ago with a picture of her pride flag asking when it was being held so I guess she's not too involved with 'her people' in the community.

    2. SFF. Yeah, she’s also loathed by a lot of locals for good reason.


  29. “If 13-year-old me knew I wasn't sleeping outside every night with my dogs and a campfire with s'mores in my belly... she'd be so disappointed.”

    Yet another reference to when she was younger. It’s like she’s fixated on being a teen.

    1. I’ve never seen any other adults constantly refer to themselves when they were young. Talk about being still stuck in a teenage mentality. She’s been doing this for years.

    2. I find it funny that it’s always when she’s either 13 or 14 never older.

  30. “I'm writing while my stovetop esspresso apparatus builds pressure on the range. My good friend Patty was cleaning out her mom's closets when she found a vintage Bellman espresso maker still in the box. It's not exactly convenient. It's a pain to dissemble and clean and touchy as hell, but it seems so fitting that I am still using this unwanted, analog, contraption in 2023.

    But hey, after a bunch of youtube videos, a few minor steam burns, and very messy experiments (read; explosions) over the years, I have it down. It's basically a pressure cooker that steams milk and pushes out that holy bitter delight, and that's good enough for me. Do you have any idea how fancy it is to start a Sunday morning with a vanilla latte that no one can witness how much sugar you put in? Criminal activity, absolute bliss.”

    Once again, Pember Patty gives Jenna something that’s free. Her “criminal activity” is much more than just making coffee.

    1. But Jenna can barely be bothered to help her with hay for reciprocity.

    2. One of jenna's more annoying writers crutches is saying something is _____ as hell. It never makes sense either. Hot as hell, sure but "touchy as hell"?

      Is this a regional thing? Reminds me of when she was saying "son" all the time.

    3. It's a regional thing. It's common in the south. Her time in TN may have solidified the lingo on her. "Son" is another one that's frequent below the Mason-Dixon.

    4. A Legend in Her Own MindJune 7, 2023 at 7:40 AM

      It's a 💩💩 thing, part of her desperate attempt to look "Aw, shucks, Imma country gal." She probably keeps this up because Taylor Swift lived in Tennessee.

      Besides, Wog lived in Knoxville, TN, what, all of two years? It's a city, and although it's south of M-D line, no one routinely says "son" in polite company. My friends who live in TN, FL, GA, and the Carolinas may say sweetie or darling to close friends as a joke, but no one is using "son", which is considered derogatory.

  31. “I check my social media and email like an addict. By late afternoon I am so exhausted.”

    Ok, there is so much wrong with this. This is why she wants people to send her money and pay her bills. People with jobs, often struggling to make ends meet themselves, who fall for her pity ploys. While people pay, she plays.

    1. It must be exhausting swinging in a hammock scrolling on your phone.

    2. Anonymous 12:59. I’ve also commented about that above in my Stupid Snippets.

  32. “This happens during Don't Blame Me. She's pointing a finger at god. Great fucking song, lots of anger, lots of love, lots of religious communities not accepting who you are.”

    Yeah, it’s normal for middle-aged adults on a Monday morning to be analyzing the lyrics of a song.

    1. Jenna’s really trying to make Taylor Swift into her religion. She acts as if it’s a cult.

  33. By late afternoon she’s so exhausted? LOL, you have a lot to learn ‘farmer’. Jesus H, stop embarrassing yourself by writing things like this. I’m 52, work FT off farm and I would absolutely wipe you out by 9am- and that’s barely started my day. Please just stop.

    1. Anon3, I co-sign. Same for me. Full time off farm, I’m a mom, and I farm another full time day before and after my day job. And I could run circles around her before I have had my coffee. She gives farming a bad name. She does not “farm” by any stretch of the imagination. She needs to stop calling it that.

    2. Her whole life is lies.

  34. Dear lord, another 'poor me' post. This time about flowers. Mostly a bunch of tortured metaphors. I'm embarrassed for her.

    1. “I was asked to write about flowers.”

      Right. “Sure, Jen.”

    2. SFF. I hate her rotten writing with its putrid, purple prose.

    3. Interesting ... I was waiting for the flower post. She has been dancing around it. Good thing "Jean" showed up.

    4. “cool people click this link”

      SFF. Apparently, she’s pleading for people to read her crap post.

    5. “One spring we went to my friend Sara's ceramic studio during an open house and Sara had some flowers for sale in small pots, ready to transfer. We brought home morning glories and my then-girlfriend planted them at the base of the dead beech tree.”

      She still can’t use Shannon’s name even now. How disrespectful and rude to refer to her as “my then-girlfriend.” Being dumped must’ve really hurt Jenna’s “scrappy little lesbian” feelings.

    6. there’s no way she’s planting morning glories every year. those things are incredibly invasive and they’re everywhere. there’s just no need to grow them.

    7. Jenna’s probably imitating Jon Katz again. He’s been into photographing flowers for awhile. He’s recently had issues with his foot that were serious. I doubt that Wog was even aware of it.

  35. “Please, help share?”

    It’s no one else’s responsibility to “share” and shill your shit.

    1. And learn how to correctly use question marks, moron.

  36. Uh, oh. Taylor Swift’s broke up with her boyfriend. That must mean she’s really gay. Just like Jenna’s fantasized about.

    1. Yeah right, how come TS always manages to fall into the arms of yet another MAN? Read the screen darlin'.

  37. who‘s the best friend whose birthday requires sunflowers? PP?

  38. We wonder why she hasn’t been bragging about either running or hiking yet.

    1. It was weird how she always used inappropriate racing lingo, like “5/10Ks, to describe her stupid little road runs. I hate her hyperbolic way of making mundane things seem more special than they really are.

    2. “5/10Ks”

  39. “Good morning. I have started writing daily on the farm blog again. If you're interested, here is the link to today's post. I wrote about what you trade off for when you "reclaim your life" as a homesteader/farmer.”

    Jenna’s just trying to get free funds for more rotten writing.

  40. “It's Pride! Support a Lesbian Farmer!”


    What an insufferable piece of shit. Misusing her sexual preference for money mooching again.

    1. It’s more manipulative marketing for free funds.

    2. There’s no low level to which she won’t stoop to be a beggar. Jenna is despicable. It’s no wonder why she has haters.

  41. “Hey, Jenna!” she said (lying through her teeth), “just read your blog post and you’re amazing! I need a little more anxiety and stress in my life and have decided I need to quit my job and start farming. Boy howdy! I think not being able to sleep because of the real worry that my house will fall down is just what I need. You’re soooo right that working for $$$ and regular pap smears in an office with “windows that don’t open from the inside” isn’t anywhere near as satisfying as an hour or two of heart pounding, sweat-inducing anxiety at 3 AM. How about opening up comments on your blog so I can ask questions and learn more? I’m a little concerned that I’ll have enough worry about buying firewood, hay, hoses (I’m 77 years old and buckets will be heavy) and ice cream that the additional stress of not having health and dental care might be a bit more stress than I can handle. I’ll tell you this for free! The fact that you can manage a farm alone with a broken ankle (not to mention sloshing around in a rocky stream bed without ending up in an emergency room is awesome! Anyway, how about opening comments so I can get maximum benefit from your years of hard earned farming expertise? I could send you $1.10. And, BTW, thanks for taking the time to read this ????

    1. Brilliant.

    2. A Legend in Her Own MindJune 6, 2023 at 8:54 AM

      Oh, this is GOOD!


    3. *When I’m 77, buckets will be heavy. (Wouldn’t it be great if this platform allowed EDITING?) Everybody needs editing. Some more than others.

    4. That was great! I literally, laughed out loud.

    5. If she opened up comments again, I would consider sending her a donation of $0.02, as in "my two cents"!

    6. Anonymous 1:28. The coward can’t cope with critical comments. So she keeps them closed.

    7. Fantastic! I lost it at boy howdy!

    8. BTW: I hate her “hoos!” She sounds like a frat boy at a football game getting drunk.

  42. There are those here who equate anyone who won’t listen to their opinions, to be just the same as Jenna in her lie-style. Talk about illogical.

  43. "I bought this land FIVE YEARS out of college, and have been dedicated to it ever since. It's taken everything I have, every dollar and shred of dignity I've ever mustered, to stay here."

    Why no mention of all the internet strangers she begged to help her buy that farm? And all those whom she continues to beg to help her keep that place? No mention. No thanks. What an ingrate.

    As for her "dignity" -- what the fcuk is she talking about? She doesn't have any!


  44. Jenna Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈
    I lost a egg customer because he was so offended I asked to return egg cartons. I think about how bad that guy must tip waiters a lot.

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t Jenna post last year about how expensive egg cartons are and someone here pointed out she buys more expensive colored cartons?

    Either way, I buy eggs locally ( not from Jenna!!) and I pay a weekly fee. I do return cartons as requested but no one is hounding me to. Jenna does not understand the “costs” of doing business. The price of an egg carton needs to be factored into her price per customer. Then she has money if a customer doesn’t return them, to *gasp* purchase more cartons for HER business. Maybe this guy uses egg cartons to start seeds? Maybe this guy likes to use the egg carton for crafts? Who knows? She’s the one butthurt meanwhile he can get eggs anywhere else and she loses a customer. Such a dumbass. If your business is hanging on an egg carton being returned, it isn’t a sound business!!! Lol

    1. I read the same post. As usual her syntax is screwed up. And it should be 'an egg'. She diminishes herself by presenting as illiterate.

    2. Where to start with this one??
      First, I sell eggs. All my neighbors and family saves cartons and brings them to me by the box full. I don’t ever worry about one being returned but they usually are, and I have never bought a decorative carton in my life. but if I didn’t have a huge stock of them, I would buy them in bulk and figure that in my carton prices.
      What I can not believe here is that all it took was for what she called “a egg customer” to not return a carton for her to absolutely blast him all over the internet and accuse him or her of being a bad tipper, and turn this non story into twitter fodder for more donations. Poor me, one unreturned egg carton will break me. Poor me, I have a bad egg customer. Poor me, I lost money on an egg customer, will someone please compensate me for the loss so I don’t feel it.
      I’m with the comment above. If one egg carton or one customer- with her number of hens I am assuming she only sells about a carton a week at most- can break her so hard that she has to cry to the internet about it and put the person on blast, oh well then. She has much bigger problems than that one carton and one customer.

    3. Will someone let her know it is “an egg”.

    4. I would never do business with someone like her.

    5. A Legend in Her Own MindJune 7, 2023 at 10:04 AM

      She remains a taint.
      Yes, she bought special colored egg-cartons, at twice the cost of the usual, as I remember. Lol, only the world's worst farmer wouldn't factor the cost of egg cartons into selling price. People aren't required to return cartons; it's courtesy to do so (as we do), but sellers don't put that obligation on the buyers. And the sheer arrogance of her blasting him on social media over the situation...

      Interesting that not long ago, a friend asked for recommendations on a local meat supplier and not a single person (!) mentioned Dead Animal Farm. Her local reputation must be dirt.

      You reap what you sow " Darlin' "


    6. SFF. Her syntax is often incorrect and “screwed up.” It’s hard to believe that she’s college educated.

    7. Can someone link what the egg cartons look like? Did she buy custom ones or something?

    8. I really remember Jenna posting about the egg cartons and she may have even included a link. I think she wanted rainbow egg cartons. She complained about this issue with egg cartons last year as well.

  45. “Pet portraits and logos are all on sale! Trying like hell to make it, but sales are rare and still catching up from last month! Message or visit the website to order, and if you can’t buy please RT to help me reach new folks?”

    Singing the same sad song that’s a bunch of bull.

    1. She’s always “trying like hell,” and “working like nuts” to be a lazy lying loser.

    2. Paging Jenna’s alternate account of “Rachel Keane” to shill her shit for free.

  46. “I sold ONE! first sale in over a week!!!!!! That is encouraging!!!”

    One can’t be both victim and victor at the same time.

    1. Her hyperbolic usage of multiple exclamation marks implies emotional instability.

    2. And the screaming caps are crazy.

  47. "Here in town a local seed company was giving away BOXES of last year’s seeds and while the germination isn’t guaranteed, I figured I had nothing to lose?!"

    Does she not...have a seed collection she carries over from year to year? It sounds like she doesn't know that most seeds that are one year old are completely fine? Does she think germination is guaranteed if seeds are less than 1 year old? Guys! I don't understand!

    1. Me neither. I farm. I have a seed bank. It’s replenished every year but i have had it since we started growing things. I keep multiples of everything and we save seeds as we grow mostly heirlooms. The seeds are fine for years as they are kept in a cool and dark place.
      She has no idea what she is talking about, and it shows.

    2. I hope in the apocalypse, Jenna can get free seeds from a local company! /s

      I hate Jenna’s farmer persons because it so ridiculous. I hate her political activist persona as well since we know she does nothing but share other people’s ideas from her hammock to the point of exhaustion!!


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