Writers write.

It’s just another thing.  She claims to be a writer but only if she gets paid.  Real writers write because they enjoy it.  She can't even write a blog post without wanting cash.  Real writers write and finish books for the joy and accomplish but not her….publisher turns her down and she’s done.
So the question is …..much like, if a tree falls in the forest does it make a sound?…is a writer a writer if she doesn’t write?


  1. HD. I agree with what you wrote. Jenna only does something for either financial gain or accolades from followers. There’s almost always money mooching motives behind her manipulative marketing. May I say, it’s been great having you comment more again. I appreciate your insights. I’m also grateful that you won’t allow vile, crude comments to cause issues for no reason. Thanks!

  2. Excellent comment, HD. Writers write, as others breathe. Not her.

    Years ago, I lamented at the lack of interest she showed in her farm animals. They are things to her, means to an end. Historically, the cats were
    a**holes, the dogs were her substitutes for human affection and the horses were, as Anon7 put it, "show ponies" to brag about and use for horsie rides. The rest - chicken, sheep, goats, and pigs were for photo ops and eating. Little thought or care went into them. 50% chicken mortality? Oh, well. Sheep sickly? Let it die in the wheelbarrow, alone & unloved. No farmer I know would be so callous.

    Her writing, like her life, is inauthentic and readers sense it. She lives in a magical part of the world and she cannot articulate its beauty, besides how *special * it makes her.

    What a waste of land, water, plants and animals.

    1. My musician crush/obsession lived his music. It was part of him. He could not be separated from it. There was only a short amount of time..due to his illness..that he couldn't do the music and then he died. In some respects he was unusual but creatives create. Be it writing, music, art….those people can't think of living their life without it.

    2. HD. My empathy on your loss.

    3. He was a celebrity. Not really my loss….more like a loss for humanity. At least I have his music and there are tons of videos and interviews and information of him being him.
      But thanks all the same. However dumb it is, I still feel I miss him.

    4. HD. It’s not “dumb” at all to miss someone special.

    5. It’s pretty dumb to miss someone you've never met though. Although, I am a sucker for talent and I do love a song bird. HA.
      (And he was hot)

    6. HD. Being “hot” helps!

    7. It really does.

  3. PDD - right on. Yes, and:

    The farmers I know take great pride in their work. They talk about husbandry and advances in farming tech with enthusiasm. There's a cheese dairy near me that has about 20 cows. You can go right on to their property, walk around, say hello to the animals, see them eating and getting milked.

    They have an automatic milker where the cows can go in on their own volition and get milked by a robot while they eat treats. The robot lets them in twice a day. This removes all doubt about whether the cows mind getting milked, and you can see them eating their feed and getting scritches on the rotart brushes. That place sells incredible cheese, you can't get anything like it at stores.

    They also sell amazing cuts of meat including bacon.

    These farmers also kept the old milking parlor for a sort of show piece - museum. You can go in and watch a movie on loop of how they used to milk the cows with the machine they had to place by hand, and before that how they used to do all the milking by hand.

    They take a lot of pride in how well they care for their animals, and teaching people about the laws in place to protect animals, farmers, and keep the big factory farms in line. They do a lot to counter the Peta misrepresentation / rhetoric that's been floating around.

    My point being, Jenna doesn't take any pride at all in how she cares for the animals. She rarely posts photos of their living spaces because they deservedly draw much criticism. We haven't seen how the chickens live in years. It was so bad when Shannon moved in, she had her family down to help Jenna clear out the disgusting coop and start fresh. That place must be disgusting again. It's a wonder it doesn't spontaneously combust with all that composting manure.

    1. SFF. She’s a hobbyist homesteader at best. And her poor horses are still forced to eat hay on top of their manure. Jenna is an animal abusing piece of shit.

    2. WiW, that dairy barn sounds wonderful, and you're right. Local farms would welcome anyone to drop in anytime, so to speak. People who visit our farm see healthy and well-handled animals, safe fencing, clean water, good bedding and quality food. Could she say the same thing???

    3. Absolutely not. I have never heard of anyone dealing with more escapes than Jenna, even with ones that have learned to open gates. You lock the frickin' gate! It is not that difficult to keep farm animals confined when you have the proper infrastructure - and if you don't, DON'T GET THE ANIMALS.

  4. WIW and Anon 5:30, she'll remain a POS human. Even the worst feedlot owner knows to feed animals in a trough, away from manure. She throws hay on top of old horseshit and forces them to eat on top of it. It would take 5 minutes max to stuff hay nets with hay, so horses could eat above their own waste, but she's too fcuking lazy and uncaring to do that.

    I can’t imagine how filthy the insides of the barns are.

    1. What are the laws about flying a drone over that property?

    2. WiW. We’ve reported her animal abusing many times to the appropriate authorities. And they’ve made visits to her faux farm to inspect the livestock. I doubt that drones were ever used, but it’s a good idea.

  5. Yeah, I’m a PDD fan. And I’m not “Rachel Keane.” Here’s another great comment that was at the end of the last post:

    People aren't reading and sending Wog money for her riveting content? I'm shocked, SHOCKED I tell you.

    Here's what I got out of her daily posts:

    1. Bragged about TS concert. Lied about costs. Gone fishing
    2. Picked up lambs. No money to pay. Used neighbor's goodwill to pay on time.
    3. Didn't secure new lambs, one got lost in the night and might have got hurt.
    4. Bragged about her special life on the mountain. Bragged about herself. Watched rabbits. Needs money for hay and mortgage.
    5. Mower broke. Lied about Merlin's age. Used horses to eat grass by house. Noticed that Mabel is becoming unmanageable. Bragged on her life.
    6. Bragged about her "fearless" coming out story. Humble brag she used contribution to buy roast beef sandwich.
    7. Memorial day brag about herself.
    8. Went fishin'. Bragged about her life. Signaled threat that people aren't sending enough money for her to write.
    9. Worried and unhappy. Grieves. Send more money.
    10. Listed all of her pets. Send more money.
    11. Advised readers how to manipulate your partner into doing what you want. Send money.
    12. She reminded us she has a wonderful life. Went fishin. Send money.
    13. Bragged about her temperamental espresso maker, and hipster coffee. Her Sunday was relaxed. Send money.
    14. Planted many flowers. Her place is wonderful. Send money.
    15. Humble-bragged that she became "working class" to live her special life. Send money.
    16. Made paper maché masks for Litha. Behind in bills. Send money.
    17. Stressed. Needs money. Sell, sell. Send money.
    18. Made two tiny piglet drawings for sale. $75 each? Send money.
    19. Bragged on her farm life. Send money.
    20. Ranted on ignorant comment about lesbians. Send money.
    21. Made giant art project for Litha. Bragged about her farm. Oh, yeah. Send money.
    22. Not enough people send her money. She can't lead her special farm life if she's stressed. Send more money.
    23. Unhappy. Losing followers on IG. Needs a way to make $$$. No longer posting daily. "Fcuk all you cheap-ass heteronormative ingrates" (she didn't write that, but meant to).


  6. And if you want to see the definition of a condescending B, read her last “dispatch” which she said yesterday was coming if anyone had contributed before she announced she was ending the posts.

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindJune 13, 2023 at 8:29 AM

      Agree. I accidentally hit the "publish" button before I signed it.

      Her ignorant comments in this last post are reminiscent of nasty jokes made at the expense of a local farmer who was trampled to death.

      What is she, judge and jury of what everyone does on "her mountain"? Wishing for the apocalypse because someone ordered a tank truck of water?

      And, sure, we really believe if she only had a LOT of money, she'd give money to deserving solo female farmers... Venmo. It means so much.

  7. If You Quit Posting, People Won't Know How Ignorant You AreJune 13, 2023 at 8:20 AM

    From her latest bleg: another example of Cambridge's human taint.

    "a giant diesel truck just roared up my winding mountain road with a tank that read POOL WATER and the apocalypse can't come soon enough. Imagine having the kind of money to have water delivered to your private pool on top of a mountain when there is a clean public river, downhill, five minutes away?"

    What say I???
    ➡️Imagine not having a lot of well water or potable water and needing to buy or rent a tank of drinking water for animals or to recharge your water supply.

    Imagine being sick and needing hydrotherapy, and needing to buy water to fill pool or hot tub (both of which she gleefully used at PP and SD family).

    Imagine not having enough water to pump out but needing to purchase.

    Imagine the arrogance of paying for water to go into a swimming pool, as opposed to driving to a river, using diesel or gasoline) and swim where others fish and pee.

    Imagine being such a hypocritical slob that you Imagine what other people's needs are and filter them through your teensy lens of stay-at-home entitlement.

    1. “Sidenote: a giant diesel truck just roared up my winding mountain road with a tank that read POOL WATER and the apocalypse can't come soon enough. Imagine having the kind of money to have water delivered to your private pool on top of a mountain when there is a clean public river, downhill, five minutes away? If I had that kind of money I'd have: this house paid off, a new stable with a young fell pony, an expanded hawk mews, a repaired farmhouse, and... I think that's it? Repair the fencing system and maybe a permeant deer stand back in the woods, but beyond that?

      The rest I would like to give to aspiring female solo farmers. I would love to be able to send them grants in exchange for their letters about why they want to farm, how they NEED that kind of life. I think it would be my greatest joy, to be able to give that to young women starting out trying to find what I got a taste of here? If I ever make it big, like if I ever sell a book again that makes a splash or fall into luck so thick it confuses us all - I want to live like Jimmy Carter and hand out money like Taylor Swift.

      A girl can dream, right?”

      She’s a middle-aged moron not “a girl.” Her putrid, purple prose is more rotten writing. And her refusal to correctly use question marks is imbecilic. It’s no wonder why no one wants to publish her memoir.

    2. Her whole life is lies. I thought that she was ending her “failed experiment” at writing daily, dumb dispatches. Maybe that “older lady,” funny how Jenna needed to mention her age, donated another three dollars to the dimwit.

    3. This was one of the worst lines she’s ever written. And that’s saying something:

      “If I ever make it big, like if I ever sell a book again that makes a splash or fall into luck so thick it confuses us all - I want to live like Jimmy Carter and hand out money like Taylor Swift.”

    4. Still with the delusions of grandeur. She really shot herself in the foot with the mortgage drama. No one wants to read a story about someone panicked about paying basic bills despite refusing to do what everyone else does to pay the bills.

    5. OMG, she is now gatekeeping pool owners? She really really really hates people with money, doesn't she?

      As for her stupid reasons, there are people wary of lakes, rivers and ponds due to the strange creatures that lurk within. Also, perhaps the pool owner is pregnant? When I was expecting I gained 50+ lbs on my tiny 5' frame, while nursing a recent compound ankle fracture. I spent almost every day in my parent's pool. It was bliss to feel so light and not worry about fighting a river current.

    6. A Legend in Her Own MindJune 14, 2023 at 5:37 AM

      Her crack about pool water particularly passed me off because a few years after we moved to our farm, we had water problems and hide to hire a water truck (POOL WATER) for our livestock to drink enough water to survive the summer.

      She has NO idea what that water truck is about, and if it's for a personal swimming pool? Who cares? That's their fcuking business. I personally wouldn't go swimming in a river where weekend people fish and leave hooks for bare feet to step on. Maybe someone else feels the same way.

    7. *pissed

      Oh, and we were SO GRATEFUL we could buy "pool water" so animals didn't suffer...

    8. *had

      You can tell I was pissed off about the POOL WATER - didn't even notice auto correct


  8. For the shamster who maintains the mortgage tracker, well, she just announced she is 1/4 way to the May mortgage. She asks for insane luck and has the same tired and overused line of, if you have ever considered buying, now is the time.
    How does she not get embarrassed and tired of using literally the same old beg again and again and again? How does she not see this is not sustainable? And is misleading and manipulative at best.

    1. Wow! She used that, "if you've ever considered donating, now is the time", 12 years ago when her truck was about to be repossessed. I had just started following her, and that line was a total turnoff. I realized then that she had no intention of supporting herself - her plan all along was to live off other people's money.

    2. It’s her infamous “fraction finances,” where nothing ever adds up. Jenna’s putting pressure on people to make a pity purchase.

    3. Note from last month's tracker, PS claimed at the end of May that April was still unpaid, while also announcing she'd bought more livestock.

  9. June 3 was “A Perfect Day” according to the short-lived, get-rich-quick resurrection of her blog. Isn’t it interesting that after ten days she can declare that it’s not worth the effort and decide to abandon it, while at the same time stubbornly hanging onto a dilapidated farm that is falling apart around her? In the last couple of days she’s gone from panic to frantic. If you have an ounce of self-love, a scintilla of self-awareness don’t you say “this life is killing me” and do the old skedaddle? Sell the joint and simply disappear from public view? Some of us need help understanding. Is the recently arrived diagnostician still in the house? Asking for a friend…..

    1. Unfortunately, Jenna lacks the cognitive capacities to make mature, adult decisions to change her “dumb small life.” Getting a job would solve her financial issues, yet she won’t do it.

  10. “Can ship for $9 as a set, hoping to make $125 on them but happy to accept any offer over $50, great for a kids room or gift for a farm friend, brighter in person!”

    Right. “Woo!!!”

    1. Anonymous 9:54. Agreed. I’d literally, donate my money to a bum, before giving Jenna a cent.

    2. The drawing on the right looks like a pig. But the drawing on the left looks like a freakin' BAT. Seriously, do an image search for "bat" and compare their faces to her "pig" -- they are identical. No wonder nobody wants them.

    3. A Legend in Her Own MindJune 14, 2023 at 5:21 AM

      Agree, Anon7. The drawing on the left is hideous. Plus they are tiny - 4x6 or the size of a postcard. Who on earth would pay $50-75 for one of those (plus $9.00 shipping, lol)?

  11. Just sharing: there are over 30 members of the cold antler critics group on reddit. It's not easy to get a number of shamsters here because there are so many anons and so few handles, but looks like we can safely call ourselves "tens" or "dozens" of shamsters, or hey, 1/3 of the way 100 as Jenna would say in CAF math that never maths.

    1. Jenna typically gets only a few responses to her social media posts if anything at all these past few years, so I'm wondering if we have passed the threshold where the critics' numbers rival the fans.

    2. For context, the actual number of visible followers on insta or twitter is irrelevant with an account that old. I have accounts from 2012 that have over 10K followers still. What matters is engagement - number of likes and comments per post.

    3. Her low level of engagement is pathetic. And she continues to alienate followers with her hostility.

    4. Jenna has resolutely refused to read the room. To her own detriment. She acts as if being stubborn is a virtue. Even when all the signs point to her needing to make changes, she plugs her hobbit ears, and “Lives like fiction!”

    5. She hardly gets any comments on her tweets so it does seem that there are more of us here commenting about her.

      Also, it would be fantastic if more people here had a handle/posting name. And it is so easy to do:

      1) When you go to reply, click on the "Enter comment" box and a "Comment as" option will appear directly above.
      2) It defaults to "Anonymous" but if you click on the little arrow to the right, other options appear.
      3) Choose the "Name/URL" option and a new tiny window pops up where you can enter any name you choose.
      4) After you've done that, hit "Continue" and the Reply box will re-appear and you're good to go!
      5) The only hitch is you might have to repeat this process each time you comment, but it's super quick and easy.

  12. I don't read here, the reddit group, or Jenna's comments daily, so if y'all notice info about the mortgage, the hay burn rate, or dental bills, feel free to bring it to my attention and I'll update the trackers. It's helpful for backing up our claims that she lies, all the time, here's the proof.

  13. https://www.reddit.com/r/Gaylor_Swift/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1

    Jenna should join this Reddit sub.

    1. I guarantee she's already in there. She's on tiktok too.

    2. WiW. Does Jenna have a Tik Tok account?

    3. She's not posting on tiktok or she'd be cross posting that, but she shares tiktoks on her instagram directly from the tiktok app. She must have a tiktok profile set up in order to do that, so that's another platform she's just scrolling.

      Unfortunately when she cross-posts it doesn't show her handle on the platform, just the handle of the person who made the post she is sharing.

    4. I doubt she'll ever actually generate any tiktok content bc youtube went so terribly. You have to have a lot of shit together to make a video, even a short one, and Jenna can't even proofread her own tweets.

  14. PDD, no lie, the first time I read this I thought it was an excerpt from the blog! I only skimmed it assuming it had been copy / pasted and caught "my smug life" and thought "there's a freudian slip if I ever saw one!"

    You just turned the subtext into text! Brava!

  15. I LOVE this and will do one when I'm feeling more creative.

  16. “This farm needs a miracle. “
    There we go again.
    Posted this morning.

    1. I came here to say the same thing. She’s said this stupid statement multiple times when her begging isn’t effective. “This farm” needs its odious owner to go and get a part-time job to pay her bills. That would be a “miracle.”

    2. Jenna’s patterns are predictable once you start to see them.

  17. “This farm needs a miracle”
    but Jen don’t wanna pray.
    She’s a lying, lazy loser
    did you “guys” know she’s gay?!

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindJune 14, 2023 at 5:28 AM

      Woke Wog never misses
      Decrying a lazy loser
      By calling out the Wog
      She deserves our endless kisses.


    2. PDD. Thanks! I appreciate it. I’m the one who copied and pasted your two great comments above. Kiss blown back from a fan of yours.

  18. “If anyone local is interested - selling my truck. $3k. 1998 GMC Sierra 4WD”

    Poor widdle Jenna is trying to elicit empathy by doing this truck tweet. “Hoo!!!”

    1. Maybe she shouldn’t have spent her mortgage money on the pricey concert tickets.

    2. Selling the worthless piece of junk which hasn’t run since she bought it, for $3k? Sure, Jen.
      I bet she would really like for someone like Joy who gave her $400 to not sell her fiddle step in and say, awww, here darling. Don’t sell your cool hipster truck. Here is some money.

    3. Anon 5:27, or in pigs and lambs which she can’t afford and which could need rejoining if she loses the land.

    4. Check if the POS truck is for sale on Craigslist. If not, it's more performance art.

    5. Is this it?


    6. “I have a solid truck for sale that has been sitting in my driveway for the winter/spring. I bought it and but $2k into new brake lines, engine, repairs to motors for electric windows and more. It feels like the brake lines need to be bled but the release valves are rusted. So either the brakes are shot or have air in them, and as someone who isn't a mechanic and only know the brakes aren't good, it's been not driven since last September.

      I got it from a friend who bought it back from their insurance company after a heavy branch dented the hood after a storm and it was totaled because the body repair to the hood (minor paint and dents, shuts fine) was more than the truck so they bought it back from the insurance company.

      I've been waiting till I had the money to have it towed and looked at so I had it as a hay/farm delivery truck but sadly I need the money more than I do the second vehicle.

      It's got a solid frame, new liner, back rack, huge decent tires. Solid truck that can be back on the road if you know trucks or just more than this ding dong. Price is firm, thats what I put into it and I hate selling something that might be fixable for $500 bucks. Guess on odometer, will check when I head back out or when asked.”

      Yeah, you’re right.

    7. My comment at 6:53 was meant for 6:46.

    8. Even her stupid ad is a ploy for pity, and more manipulative marketing. Of course, there are errors that should’ve been edited.

    9. I’ve flagged and reported the ad. I’ll bet that the truck is a POS. Just like Jenna.

    10. So many errors!! Makes her ad almost impossible to read. But also, I bet much more is wrong with that truck. My guess this morning was that maybe it’s worth no more than $500. Funny that she mentions that exact amount.

    11. It’s also interesting that she’s chosen not to link the ad. Most people would do that for more visibility. That’s why I think that it’s just another attempt for free funds.

    12. Anonymous 8:07. Her writing is rotten even with ads. I agree about the $500. Jenna’s a bad liar, even though she’s been doing it for decades, and that amount was the “tell.”

    13. Anonymous 5:44. Exactly. The damsel in distress again, wants to be rescued by a sycophant supporter.

    14. Guess on the odometer? GUESS ON THE ODOMETER? Anyone seriously selling a vehicle would have that information before posting. Stream-of-consciousness, impulse post.

    15. SEH. That’s typical of Jenna’s sloppy attitude towards everything. Including selling her truck.

  19. More followers are fleeing: 4,741. “Hoo!!!”

    1. And down even one more now.

    2. Dropped down to 4,738. No one wants to follow a lying, lazy loser like Jenna.

    3. Dropped down to 4,736. She’s been losing followers almost daily now. “Hoo!!!”

  20. A Legend in Her Own MindJune 14, 2023 at 6:13 AM

    Here's an interesting link on the many times the Battenkill River in NY had unacceptable fecal bacteria counts.


    Most people, and especially susceptible people, would shy away from swimming in such a river, because on any given day (especially after rain) one never knows how bad the pollution is.

    But the insufferable taint knows better. What an idiot!

  21. Cue the countdown to another fake fear of foreclosure letter.

    1. yep. she wants fun money for the summer - that always means she fakes foreclosure notices. If that doesn't work, she talks about her teeth.

    2. Foreclosure letter or root canal. You hit it on the head.

  22. She wants $3000 for a 25 year old truck with over 200,000 miles on it? Plus, where did she get the $2000 to fix it when she screams poverty every single month? I'd want to see receipts for all of this "repair." When selling a vehicle, it really doesn't matter how much you've paid to repair it, what matters is what it's worth to someone else, especially when it can't even be driven because the brakes don't work. Maybe $1,000.

    1. Back when S lived with her, I gathered the truck was a big issue between them. Jenna had a surplus of cash due to some windfall, a stimulus check I think, and she wrote a blog at the time about discussing the future with S, and not just surviving but having a decent quality of life. Then she spent thousands of dollars on a BROKEN TRUCK while saying she was behind in the mortgage (which had to be a lie the whole time S was living with her bc HOW can you get behind on the bills when you're splitting them?)

      The other big fight I suspect happened was over the falconry. Going into winter that old house likely needs window insulation - I recall her writing about repairing that oil furnace at the time - that thing would need to be filled up for the winter.

      But Jenna was buying falconry gear - had bought a brand new glove that year (I suppose so that S could have her own glove?)

      There was discussion and another blog post about maybe in 10 years she'd have a townhouse in the city with a husky and not own the farm anymore.

      Then a month later S bailed (to my relief, as I didn't believe Jenna meant to change her ways no matter how much she might agree in a discussion.)

      Now after holding on to that depreciating pile of steel for years, she's trying to get the same amount of money back out of it as she foolishly sunk into it? That's not how vehicles work.

      If she'd stuck that into a high-interest savings account she'd have almost $400 in free money. But now she'll have to sell the truck at a loss instead.

    2. “maybe in 10 years she'd have a townhouse in the city with a husky and not own the farm anymore.”

      lol, very optimistic. also, huskies in the city? i hate seeing that because huskies love to be active and it’s hard to believe many people are really up for that.

    3. A Legend in Her Own MindJune 15, 2023 at 5:51 AM

      OMG, the truck saga is funny.

      First. What good friend sold her a piece of junk truck, so bad $2000 was needed to "partially" repair it?

      Second. $3000 firm for a truck that isn't running, presumably can't be test-driven, has bad brakes, must be towed away, has 200,000 miles and is 25 years old?

      Third. But... but... it has a pride flag on the tailgate and a "rad tape deck". 🤣

      May she find a buyer as ignorant as she is.


    4. "huskies in the city? i hate seeing that because huskies love to be active and it’s hard to believe many people are really up for that."

      She did keep 2 huskies in an apartment maybe right after college. She had a roommate and the roomie posted somewhere, maybe Reddit, that she'd kennel them for all night/day. Stated that they'd pee themselves waiting for Jenna to take them out in the morning because she was busy putting on her makeup.

      So she's always been an animal-abusing POS.

    5. Anonymous 7:06. Yeah, “she’s always been an animal abusing POS.” Her rotten reputation is well-deserved.

    6. I would love a screen shot of that roomates comments if anyone ever finds them. I'll archive them in the reddit group.

      I do recall years ago a neighbour of her rental cabin commented how poorly cared for the animals on her property were and someone called the SPCA on her rabbits?

      Maybe this all happened in the comments and content of the old blog.

    7. Huskies in the city can be done... but you have to absolutely work your ass off and there are far better breeds to be urban companion animals. I had a cattle dog in the city and not only did I work my ass off to keep her healthy and happy, I hired a dog-walker to take her out for enrichment. I love cattle dogs and all working breeds, but I would never get another unless I was in a position to give it a good life.

      Remember when that used to be Jenna's goal? Back when she abandoned buddhism and vegetarianism? She was going to give the animals she did eat a good life.

      So much for that.

  23. Jenna: I need money so I’m selling my truck.

    Also Jenna: spends time telling people across social media platforms that she is selling her truck. Writes a blog that she’s selling her truck ( after telling people she wasn’t going to blog anymore). Writes a completely ridiculous ad in Craigslist where she doesn’t even include basic info, guesses at the Asking price based on what she wants, and makes herself a target to get ripped off because she comes across as totally ignorant!!!

  24. Don’t get me wrong, she needs to sell this piece of crap truck yesterday, but, BUT. Everyone here is pointing out again the scammy way she is going about it. And the ignorance about posting an ad with mussing information. And thinking she will get exactly what hat he put in it just because she was dumb to do that. Doesn’t work that way.
    I also tend to think she is over embellishing the story about how she got it.
    I could be wrong. I also sense that she wants to keep it and is fishing for a pity donation similar to the fiddle donation where she was allowed to keep it.

    1. I agree with what you wrote about “fishing for a pity donation.” That’s definitely what she wants. Other comments above have said the same thing.


  25. Media
    Jenna Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈’s Tweets
    Jenna Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈 Retweeted

    Jenna Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈
    May 30
    It would take selling 25 pet portraits today to make the May mortgage before June, which is not possible unless one of you owns a petting zoo and inherited a fortune, but if I can sell 3 I make my daily goal and that's like winning a Tuesday. So please consider or share!

    Maybe someone who is more social media savvy than me can enlighten me. Why would you repost one of your own tweets, which is from last month, which contains irrelevant information as to today, which also mentions a Tuesday being a good day and today is Thursday? I mean she is not even reposting this on a Tuesday to make it halfway right!
    Wouldn’t it be more honest and honestly, faster, for her just to type up an updated tweet? Why recycle an unrealistic, previously apparently unsuccessful tweet, and on the wrong day??
    I don’t get it.

    1. She’s done this obnoxious, multiple retweeting of her own crap for years. It makes no sense at all. Other than Jenna being a lazy loser, and her unwillingness to update information.

    2. She’s the only person I’ve ever seen on Twitter who constantly retweets herself. Jenna believes that bludgeoning followers with desperate pleas for free funds will work. But it’s only alienated people who hate her hostile and aggressive manipulative marketing.

    3. retweeting yourself is cheugy

    4. Thank you for that! I’ll start using the term lol
      And, oh no! It’s the opposite of hipster. Whatever will she do??

  26. This bleg photo: Does anyone know what that dilapidated structure is in the background?


    1. Why does the horse look like she was copied and pasted onto that background? No body shadow and what is that on the back of her front right leg? If you click on the pic, it will enlarge.

    2. It's overcast, so no shadow. I think the rear left hoof is what you're seeing behind the front leg.

  27. Dumb Daily Dispatch:


    This farm needs a miracle. So I am going to believe in miracles.

    1. Jenna only “believes” in holding out her hands for free funds.

    2. Her stupid saying of “This farm,” has always been used as a shield to deflect from Jenna’s own need and greed. But the coward lacks courage to simply state “I.”

    3. saying "this farm" makes it seem she's talking about an operation larger than herself, as though you'd be helping the animals or something.

      Truth is, all those animals would likely get better care elsewhere. Especially Merlin who looks like shit for a 26 year old horse. Poor guy deserves to retire in a sanctuary or something.

  28. My dispatch:

    Jenna, don’t worry every month you get a last minute “miracle” and pay your mortgage. Keep posting about TS, pretend to sell stuff, whine for sympathy, go swimming in the river, laze in the hammock while waiting for the pony express to deliver word that someone wants to hire you for a logo, watch streaming services etc. you got this darling, your miracle will happen at the end of the month like it always does!!!

    1. You’ve nailed it! I’m literally, laughing out loud.

    2. YES!!! She always, always makes it at the very last second. So WTF is she worried about this time around? (BTW, totally LOLed at the "pony express delivery" remark)

  29. On twitter yesterday, excited about a bookshelf full of new rom com books. It’s not on the main feed but if you look to the right side where the photos are, you can read the thread.
    Those books do not look like they came from the dump. Must be nice to splurge on a half dozen fun books while asking others to pay your mortgage.

    1. Or click on the replies tab if you are viewing twitter on your phone, you’ll see the book post right at the top.

  30. https://www.reddit.com/r/coldantlercritics/comments/14ael3s/this_farm_always_needs_a_miracle_the_miracle/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1

  31. Right on time for our mortgage tracker shamster- what was 1/4 of the way to the May mortgage two days ago is now , after ONE sale, 2/3 of the way to the mortgage AND a dental appointment.
    Make it make sense.

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindJune 16, 2023 at 9:56 AM

      Looks like "Pony Express" (thank you, Anon 3:24) will come through again.


    2. More like the Phony express.

    3. Phew, so glad those miracles are happening so quickly!!!

      Hopefully she has enough miracles to attend her beloved town’s pride celebration this weekend!!

    4. “I am 2/3rds of the way towards the May mortgage and hopefully a dental appt. From all these shares below, one sale in the past week via twitter so if you're in any need of a custom gift or want to surprise a friend or family member, send a DM! Still on sale to encourage you!”

      Right. “Sure, Jen.” Her whole life is lies.

    5. Anonymous 10:35. I like “phony express.” That’s funny!

  32. “Genuinely wondering if I should take my pride flag down for safety. After these random shootings at local queer people in rural areas, things are getting scary.”

    Now, she’ll fan the fear flames for free funds. “Hoo!!!”

    1. I'm not defending FFF, but as a queer in freaking CANADA I feel like it's really bad this year. We downsized our pride flag and put it out of reach bc there are real concerns some wing-nut is going to set it on fire. It's been happening.

      I put a rainbow on my car bc fuck them, but also my car is old enough I'm not going to be heartbroken if it's vandalized.

      I would not be putting up pride flags myself if I had a single family home unless I had a big ass scary dog. I'd have a guardian breed if I lived in a setting like Jenna's for sure.

    2. It's like all the anti-vaxxers have turned anti-gay because they're all organized with nowhere to go.

    3. We'll see how much Jenna actually wants to fight in this fight, because it is turning into a fucking fight again. It's feeling like the 90s. Having observed how jenna does literally no social activism I doubt she'll do much for the cause. Maybe she'll buy some Trixie merch.

      There is literally so much she could be doing, and it's kind of funny she hasn't tapped into the queer women's network for free labour yet. Let's see if she turns CAF into some free labour camp and calls it a "collective".

    4. I agree with you. I think Jenna’s intention seems off though. I would think if she had this concern ( which is valid) she would reach out to some of her queer friends and see what they thought? Like putting that on social media for one person to reply to seems like she has a motive for pity funds.

      Oh and darling got herself two containers of strawberries and she’s going to make one of her famous desserts!

      As you all know, she NEVER leaves the farm and cannot spend any money except to care for animals and pay bills so I guess the ingredients for this concoction was found on her doorstep?/s

    5. The fact that she brags about being too stubborn to follow a recipe is so juvenile. I can't imagine how many ingredients she has wasted because she refuses to operate like a functional adult. Feeding your failures to the pigs is a waste of baking supplies. What a moron.

    6. She probably “found the strawberries at her local dump!”

    7. SFF. As I’ve recently said here, she acts as if being stubborn is a virtue. Her food always looks like crap to me. It’s sloppy. Just like Jenna.

    8. This sums it up: “she refuses to operate like a functional adult.” In all aspects of her lying, lazy lie-style. Jenna acts as if she’s 14 NOT 40.

    9. Anon 317 - You are SO RIGHT.

    10. Also I'm laughing my ass off at the strawberries bc I live in the city and I'm literally growing strawberries on my balcony! They're nearly ready. I never buy strawberries bc the store ones just aren't the same as sun-ripened ones. And Jenna the self-described homesteader doesn't grow strawberries? LOLz

    11. expanding on the dangers of pride this year: this guy in london ontario got into a fight with a woman on facebook who'd posted a pic of herself at a pride parade. This creep tracked down the woman's father who was in palliative care in another city. He snuck into her dad's room, took a selfie, and posted it to her facebook as a threat.

      And this is just one story wild enough to make major news. Most of the time this type of behaviour is unseen by anyone outside the community.
      Wing nuts have a lot of bravery right now.

      Back to the point though, where's Jenna's queer community? Does she have any? Or just Becca? BC in general you need to do actual work for the community to build those connections.

    12. WIW - Thanks for writing all you did. I agree and feel for you. You make a lot of great points. Follow your instincts and stay strong, love.

    13. As for Jenna and her "geNuiNeLy WoNDeRiNg" comment, I call total bullshit. If she was truly scared like she claims, she would take immediate action without consulting anyone. Cuz that's what scared people do. But instead, she is taking her real or not real fear to the internet for pity sympathy donations just like Anon 3:17 said up above.

    14. Anon7. I said the same thing about free funds in my original comment at 12:56.

    15. A Legend in Her Own MindJune 17, 2023 at 3:13 PM

      Wog lives in a LGBTQ-friendly weekend destination for NYC residents. Having said that, there are nutty people everywhere, and she shares way too much on social media.

      She trolls for new readers, because she hopes the casual reader will be taken by one of her provocative or hard-luck stories and forward poodle cash.

      The problem is she attracts a diverse group. By checking profiles, I've seen more men than you might expect, including conservatives, avowed rabble rousers, evangelicals, hunters, men who want an "outdoorsy woman", and some who frankly seem to live in their parent's basement.

      Then, she's posted tidbits that are best left unsaid: how she likes to sleep, whether she keeps her windows open, when she's had weed (or alcohol), and even when she's had vehicle trouble, phone outages or power loss.

      It's too, too much.

      She doesn't listen to people, but she really needs to turn that dial down.

  33. Well she tells people to watch Taylor Swift concerts for Pride month so she really is doing social activism. I’ll tell you this much for free.

    1. Yeah, Jenna is doing SO much for her queer community.

    2. Just as long as she isn't DOING anyone in the queer community. There's a bit more hope for humanity that way.

  34. Still looking for an answer to a post I made up above:

    This bleg photo: Does anyone know what that dilapidated structure is in the background?


    Cuz that structure doesn't seem to have a single straight angle and looks on the verge of collapse. I sincerely hope it's not home for those poor horses.

    1. I’ve wondered about that stupid structure, too. It looks like a makeshift POS.

    2. A Legend in Her Own MindJune 17, 2023 at 6:33 AM

      Hi Anon7,
      I was puzzled by that photo because it's taken with a wide angle, so the chewed-down pasture appears larger. I think it's the crappy sheep shed, seen from another angle.

      The horse run-in consisted of a roof, supported by poles in front of an old stone wall; it didn't have sides.

      Unsurprisingly, since she never posts photos, it must truly be a piece of 💩 .

    3. I believe it was/is a sheep shed.

  35. https://www.bedlamfarm.com/page/2/

    “She says our town has been discovered, and people from New York are paying cash for almost anything on the market. She said the market is just as crazy here now as it was during the pandemic. The properties downstate are too expensive now, so people are coming North toward us.”

    “I could tell the realtor was sniffing around to see if we might be interested in selling the farm. Properties like ours are selling like crazy, she said.”

    Jon Katz was writing in his blog above, about homes in the area selling for a lot of money. Wog would be wise to consider getting an apartment, and possibly making a profit from her hovel. This opportunity won’t last indefinitely. Unfortunately, she’s too stupid and stubborn to make adult decisions that make sense.

    1. The exact same thing is happening in my area in Eastern Washington/North Idaho for the past five years or so. We are one of the hottest real estate markets in the country. The value of my place has tripled.

      Nice, but I'm in the same boat as was mentioned in his post. Where would I go?

      For PS, though, she could make a handy profit and move back to Tennessee. She's pined for TN many times in the past.

    2. Anonymous 6:51. I wrote the above comment. She could pocket the profit, and find an apartment in Tennessee. Jenna wasn’t meant to own a home, because she lacks the skills and funds to maintain it.

    3. Jenna’s massive ego is tied to being a feral farmer. It’s become a crippling crutch that she won’t wean herself off of. Even to her own detriment.

    4. A Legend in Her Own MindJune 17, 2023 at 10:49 AM

      The way she lies and exaggerates, she might as well set up shop elsewhere. After all, she created the bull💩 identity of Cold Antler Farm when she was a renter in Idaho - no farm involved. She'd be perfect for Tennessee, and New England would be the better for her departure. She should grab the money and RUN away from her trendy weekend village

    5. I don't know where she'd go. If S couldn't motivate her to change I don't think anyone will.

  36. enna Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈
    Guys help! I am writing a freelance script and don't know what those things are that football players push into at football practice that look like giant pads on metal frames? I guess to mimic a tackle or another body in the way? What are those things called?!

    First of all, dumbass, you have no business writing about something you don’t know (or claim not to know) the name of.

    Second, surely you’ve heard of a thing called google? It literally takes less time to use than it did to write your pathetic poor pitiful dumb me, post. Also you can use google in the privacy of your device without letting the rest of the world know how dumb and entitled and attention-seeking you are.

    1. I came here to say the same thing. Her “Guys?!” always sounds stupid and childish. Just like Jenna. And calling her assignment” “scripts” is also misleading. She’s writing crappy content filler.

    2. You’ve nailed it: “Second, surely you’ve heard of a thing called google? It literally takes less time to use than it did to write your pathetic poor pitiful dumb me, post. Also you can use google in the privacy of your device without letting the rest of the world know how dumb and entitled and attention-seeking you are.”

    3. Edit: assignment “scripts”

    4. There’s nothing appealing about Jenna on any level. It must suck being obese, ugly, stinky, and also an animal abusing beggar, pathological liar, and sociopathic scammer.

    5. HD. Please delete the crude comments. Jenna’s alternate account took my bait above as planned. Keep on begging for mortgage money, moron. You’re a fucking failure at everything. “Hoo!!!”

    6. HD. Thanks! I appreciate it. That was quick. It’s very clear that BM is Jenna, because she only posts when criticism of Wog’s appearance is mentioned.

    7. It’s fun when Jenna is “outed” as having alternate accounts either here or on Twitter like “Rachel Keane.” She’s thin-skinned only about her unattractive appearance.

      You can call her out for being a beggar, animal abuser, and sociopathic scammer, but that doesn’t bother her at all. She won’t even wince. Let alone respond with vile comments. It’s hilarious how the puppet reacts when her stupid strings are pulled. “Dance, little monkey!”

  37. “I’m 3/4 of the way towards the March mortgage and trying like hell to pay it tomorrow so I can enjoy our community Litha celebration. So I’m offering logos for half price and pet portraits 2 for $100 - I can start them tonight if it encourages any of you to support this farm!”

    This here above, is why we hate her. Jenna uses manipulative marketing to pressure people into making a pity purchase. Otherwise, the poor widdle feral farmer can’t have fun at her “community Litha celebration.” Her infamous “fraction finances” are deliberately done to create confusion. She’s always “trying like hell,” but yet won’t get a job to solve her financial issues.

    1. Maybe “Big Momma” and “Rachel Keane,” Jenna’s alternate accounts, can shill her shit for free funds. “Hoo!!!”

    2. 3/4 of the way with no sales? My, that phony express sure is coming her way with $$.
      What you want to bet “a farm miracle” happens just in the nick of time and she is paid up by tomorrow when she and the five others she calls “community “ gather for the newest holiday she has decided now to celebrate?

    3. Anonymous 10:55. Her lie-style is full of last minute “miracles.” And don’t forget about her “church group” that was mentioned for the first time in a dumb daily dispatch.

  38. https://twitter.com/coldantlerfarm/status/1670473895801942019?cxt=HHwWhsCz3YvK264uAAAA


    Jenna was “2/3rds” towards making her mortgage payment, and now it’s “3/4.” She can’t tell the truth about anything.

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindJune 18, 2023 at 12:05 PM

      First it was the May mortgage she's working like hell to pay, and now it's the March mortgage.

      Must be hard to keep stories straight.

    2. PDD. She should really keep track of her lies. We do.

  39. “Sharing this hard because I just cracked open the front tooth I’ve been putting off getting repaired because I can’t afford it and Now it’s bad, and will take everything I’ve saved for a house payment to get it fixed. Full on panic so please RT the thread below (not this)”

    She does this kind I’d crap when desperation for mortgage money happens. Here comes the big lie. It’s the one that we’ve been waiting for this month. You can fuck all the way off, Jenna.

    1. WiW said above that she’ll either have a fake foreclosure letter, or talk about her teeth. “Hoo!!!”

    2. Jenna’s pathological lying has become a chronic condition now. She doesn’t even try to tell the truth.

    3. 12:14. Edit: this kind of crap

    4. A Legend in Her Own MindJune 18, 2023 at 12:22 PM

      Ok, who had this on their BEGGING BINGO card??


    5. This entire tweet is a bunch of bull. The first stupid sentence of her tweet is so run-on that’s it’s ridiculous. There are multiple errors, and stumbling syntax. I think that she’s deliberately written it that way to appear pathetic. Although she’s always made these kind of mistakes. Even when sober.

    6. Edit: that it’s ridiculous

    7. PDD. As I’ve said for years, her patterns are predictable, once you start to see them.

    8. It’s simply implausible at this point, to have had this many dental issues. And they always coincide with Jenna wanting mortgage money. What a crock of crap.

    9. in the reddit group there is a pinned mortgage tracker post. in the comments of that post is a dental tracker - we've been actively tracking her dental expense declarations for over two years and she's on average claiming to have a major dental incident (with the implied expense) every 2-3 months.

      If her teeth were really giving her this many issues for so many years at this young an age, she'd have had them out and gotten dentures like the actual impoverished people she pretends to be. Farmers with no time or money for dental work just had them all pulled, sadly. It's not a good solution but that's the reality for some of my relatives and a couple of my poorer coworkers.

      She's implying she spends like 10K a year on her teeth. That's not sustainable.

  40. Well we KNEW this was coming.

    Teeth repair is very costly even with insurance. It’s hard for me to believe that if she only has (x+3) 3/4-2 heads of lettuce and 1 TAylor Swift t-shirt % of her May mortgage, that she has enough to pay for this tooth repair. I will admit that I go to a real dentist and not a hygienist that stayed working at an office after the dentist retired though.

    More total nonsense. She will take any offer on her pig pictures as long as shipping is covered ($10). So if I offer $10.50 she’ll accept? It won’t even pay her has to the post office! Crazy town. Posting on IG about TS all day and offering gay romance novels to anyone who wants to borrow them... oh and apparently plans to set up a “queer little library station” outside her house.

    People really need to start donating so she can spend more money and do fuck all all day.

    1. https://twitter.com/coldantlerfarm/status/1617158896639942656



    2. http://coldantlerfarm.blogspot.com/2015/03/logos-for-win.html


    3. Anonymous 12:34. Congrats. Your comment made the coward delete her pig pics offer.

    4. http://coldantlerfarm.blogspot.com/2019/05/

    5. “Jenna, I’m so sorry to hear this. I’ll try to rally help from friends and look out some more pix of my pets for you to do. You’ve done these for me already and I love them.”

      This stupid, sycophant supporter believes Jenna’s bullshit. What a dummy.

    6. She should just give Jenna the mortgage money. That’s what Wog really wants, without having to do more stupid scribbles. That takes time away from tweeting about Taylor Swift being gay, drinking alcohol, smoking weed, and pigging out on putrid pan pizza.

  41. Jen’s “cried wolf” so often
    but it’s all a bunch of bull.
    Truck, teeth, and fake foreclosures
    just like her scam with wool.

  42. How do you even 'crack open' a tooth? Holy Hyperbole Batman.

    1. Her whole life is lies.

    2. This is the third major dental disaster she's declared in 2023

    3. WiW. We think that all of them are crises fabrications for money mooching.

  43. Why doesn't she sell things people actually need? Everyone has to eat. There is a farmer's market near her. With all her acreage, she could plant lots of vegetables to sell. Also sell her soaps, too.

    1. And that would give her actual farm cred.

    2. Anon, do you have any idea how much WORK it would take to grow food, plan ahead to have the soap made, get your shit together to participate in a market / farm stand, and then actually SHOW UP on a WEEKEND and sit her ass there where just anyone can come up and TALK to her?

      Clearly you don't. Off with your absurd ideas!

    3. Anonymous 3:17. She’d rather whine than work. Otherwise, Jenna would’ve tried your sage suggestions long ago. We’ve never once seen her selling items at any local venues.

  44. HD. New post please? I’d suggest the topic of Jenna’s fake dental issues. Thanks!

  45. Jenna darling,

    Saying you don’t have the money for the March mortgage is manipulative and a lie. Dare I say fraud!???? Disgusting!!!!

    1. Exactly. Jenna is a fraudulent criminal.

    2. It’s shocking that she’s been blatantly lying about the same crises for years now.

    3. Jenna’s dental drama is just part of her manipulative marketing for free funds.


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