Another Summer begins
I've never seen anyone on social media that has such a small insignificant life. She, in the past, has said people are jealous of her. I wonder of what exactly.
She has created this "thing" on social media that is just weird. On one hand it seems to be the most important thing in her life…on the other hand, she fights any sort of interaction.
What she wants is "just give me money and leave me alone".
I don’t know what her problems are exactly….but she’s got plenty to choose from.
Did anyone else notice on the last post when Big Mama was posting her filthy comments that she was basically admitting she was Jenna? Her phrasing seemed pretty obvious.
ReplyDeleteI thought so as well. We know Jenna has an extraordinary amount of time on her hands to do something like that because she thinks it’s funny. It just makes me feel bad for her ( don’t get excited BM... not bad enough to give you money!!)
DeleteYeah, you’re right. We’ve thought that it was Jenna for awhile. Her crude histrionics are apparent, because she’s a bad liar. She could never cover her tracks. I wish that HD would block the bitch if possible. She’s earned every bit of her rotten reputation.
DeleteI know it’s disruptive but aside from that I think it’s pretty enlightening. It’s like a case study of how disturbed she is. A lot of these latest comments (I guess) are directed at me. And they are just nonsensical. She’s trying to be crude and shocking? I'm not sure. But the whole thing is just another failure on her part. It doesn’t get me upset or mad. I don't mind moderating comments. It doesn’t put me out. The comments don't make the blog look bad. It is obvious by the writing style what is going on. People have patterns in their lives. She just proves with every comment how immature and weak she is.
DeleteOops…that last comment was mine. HD
DeleteHD. I’ve also said that her patterns are predictable once you start to see them. Her crude comments here have proved how deeply disturbed she is in real life.
DeleteAnonymous 5:24. I’ve never “felt bad” for Jenna, because she’s created every crappy situation in her life.
DeleteI don’t know if you “guys” noticed this observation about one of Jenna’s BM comments. I’m sure that she was just trying to deflect from her identity suspicion by saying something like “That pig shocking simpleton.” It’s funny that she still couldn’t bring herself to say anything worse about herself. Even when trying to pretend that it’s another commenter. And also when making moronic, masculine sounding insults. As always, it was a total failure.
DeleteIt’s the 24th of the month! We should be hearing
ReplyDelete“Boy Howdy! I just made the May/March payment and now I have $13 left in my account. 13 is Taylor Swift’s lucky number, so with hope on feathers and slung luck, I’m gonna try to make the June/November payment by the end of the weekend. Want to Help a single lesbian who just wantS to feel safe, lay in my hammock Scrolling the phone she doesn’t have, torturing trout, and definitely not work at a job? I am offering pet scribbles for a special deal that will end never. 9 pet portraits for $50 or $49 each. Don’t have 9 pets? Ask everyone in your neighborhood to pitch in, $50 is half a dinner out for 2 so you should give me the money for my ArT.
🤣🤣🤣 One of your finest !!
😂thank you! I appreciate your appreciation... I’ll tell you that much for free!!
DeleteHD. Thanks for taking my suggestion about controlling the comments. I appreciate it. We all basically get along here, even with our different opinions. Some of us have been following her stupid saga for years. But there’s no place for vile hecklers, because they only want to detract from our information about Jenna. This site serves to warn newbies about an animal abusing beggar, pathological liar, and sociopathic scammer.
ReplyDeleteThe way I look at it is that somebody has hit the mark with an observation when she spews her dirty talk. Think of it as applause.
DeleteThe way I look at it is that one of us has hit the mark with an observation of her behavior when she spews her dirty talk. She cannot handle criticism. Think of it as applause.
DeleteOops. didn't mean to post that twice.
DeleteSFF. Exactly. Jenna has never been able to cope with any kind of criticism. She’s especially sensitive about her unattractive appearance, but her behavior is way worse.
DeleteHD. No one normal is “jealous” of Jenna’s lie-style. It’s delusional that she’d even think of her car crash existence as enviable.
ReplyDeleteSo let me get this straight. Are Jenna's comments now being blocked? Boy Howdy! That will set her off. She'll have to find another outlet when she is stoned.
ReplyDeleteSFF. It’d be interesting to know if she’s still trying to comment, but it’s being blocked. “Hoo!!!”
DeleteI'm moderating comments. She commented 3 or 4 times in a row when I turned on moderation. She bitched a little but it’s useless now she doesn’t have an audience.
HD. Thanks! I knew that she’d try to continue spewing her crappy content.
Delete“ I spent $25 on a fishing license back in early May and it’s been the greatest investment in my mental health in months. “
ReplyDeleteThis from her newest blog. No, she doesn’t read here AT ALL. Lolol
Right. “Sure, Jen.” The “greatest investment in her mental health” would be to go and get a job. But Jenna would rather whine than work.
Delete“And the water was cold and he was released”
DeleteHer ridiculous rebuttals are always a response to our critical comments. “Dance, little monkey!”
That must mean the “older lady” donated another $3 to pay the FFF. After all, one can’t expect an acclaimed author to write for free!
DeleteHmm. Purchasing a fishing license a little over a month ago doesn't authorize someone to keep trout that are in a catch-and-release section of the river.
My thoughts exactly, Legend. So what is it? She released the trout or she cooked it. She has provided evidence of both. Hard to keep the lies straight when you’re high eh darlin’.
DeleteSFF. Jenna is far from staying sober. Just look at how she conducts herself.
DeleteI’d call her existence “insignificant,” too. Jenna’s even admitted that she has a “dumb small life” several times.
ReplyDeleteOn a planet that is 4+ billion years old, our place in the history of time is just a tiny blip. But in this time there have been a number of extraordinary women who have contributed greatly to humanity: Marie Curie, Harriet Tubman, Susan B Anthony, Helen Keller, Florence Nightengale, Anne Frank, Margaret Mead, Rosa Parks, Hypatia, Rachel Carson, Margaret Sanger, Maria Montessori...just to name a few. These women were phenomenal beings with a well-deserved place in history.
DeleteAnd then you have Jenna Woginrich. What will history have to say about her? Well so far, if you Google her, the top results are "Cold Antler sham" and "Cold Antler scams" -- a plethora of results that detail acts of fraud, animal abuse and grifting.
An insignificant, dumb small life indeed. Way to go, Jenna!
Well said, Anon7. Let's not forget how her sloth also contributed to parasites (tapeworm, roundworm, pinworm, etc) on the land, dead trees from hungry pigs eating bark, overgrazed pastures, fecal runoff, and gross neglect that will likely lead to collapse of a once-pretty antique barn.
DeleteThe property is in worse shape since she's been on it.
“No sales yesterday but still offering today!”
ReplyDeleteJenna insists on forcing her financial issues on followers. That’s why they’ve been leaving. The recent slight increase is because the bitch buys bots. Again, her patterns are predictable, once you start to see them.
With her extremely small amount of foollowers, there are only so many soaps and pet portraits they need. Yet she harasses them by begging daily. And then wonders why sales are so few.
DeleteAnon7. Exactly. She literally, bombards them with her begging. Jenna is still clueless about how to conduct being in business. Even after doing it for years. She never should’ve quit her career so young to buy a faux farm. That was her major mistake, and it’s been compounded by stupidity and stubbornness.
Delete"Then it will be time to get in as much hay and firewood as possible, and that is something that is hard to even comprehend right now. But I have never been great at the long view, and will focus instead on what I can control today."
ReplyDeleteLook! A truth! And probably one of the stupidest comments she's ever made. You have LIVESTOCK, you moron. Those poor animals.
Frankly I don't care if she freezes to death this winter, which she won't because she has an OIL FURNACE, but when you have livestock, you have to plan on feeding them through the times they don't have pasture, in other words, winter. I have a lot more livestock than she does, and I put in my hay order back in March. I pay as I go too, but my hay supplier knows how much to reserve for me, and knows the check is good when I write it. I refuse to scramble for hay in February when nobody has any. She's going to be begging for hay money right about then and talking all about panic, when it's her own damn fault.
She really needs to re-home the sheep and the horses. Her last farrier appt was April 3 according to her dispatches. They need to have a trim every 8 weeks minimum as any good horse person will tell you.
Her mental capacity is that of a cabbage and I feel like I'm insulting cabbages.
That was well-put. Shannon was way better at “the long view,” but she’s long gone. Jenna doesn’t deserve to have a home and animals that she’s responsible for.
DeleteLooks like "get in" is her latest euphemism for "beg" -- probably cuz "earn up" wasn't working anymore. Wonder what word she'll use to replace "luck"?
DeleteAnother observation from BM’s comments is that Jenna thought SFF, who said that they’re Canadian, was Whack. Who I know for a fact is an American.
ReplyDeleteI picked up on that too. I used to post anonymously and only recently used the handle SFF. Guess she's not as smart as she thinks she is even with her college degree which BTW she is wasting when she could be pulling in good money. Yes I am Cdn. She must really hate me for benefitting from universal health care.
DeleteSFF. I’ve made the above comment. Thanks for confirming what I thought about you being a Canadian. BTW. I’ve also loved your country, since we went to Toronto as kids.
DeleteJenna is neither intelligent nor perceive about anything. Especially, as to how her begging behavior is seen by normal adults.
Edit: perceptive not perceive
DeleteWell thank you. I am a Torontonian born and bred. It's a great city.
Delete"I am SO CLOSE!"
ReplyDelete1) Who really gives a shit about you making your mortgage? Absolutely NO ONE.
2) All the hours and days you spend fishing: Tell me HOW that helps you pay your mortgage? If you've got time to fish, you have time for a JOB. Even a part-time job a few days a week would give you an honest income and you wouldn't have to beg EVERY SINGLE DAY to pay YOUR BILLS.
3) Girl, you're about to turn 41. Your "lifestyle" ain't cute, scrappy and feral anymore. It's sad and pathetic. Grow up. Real adults don't beg.
That was well-put. You’ve articulately described what I’ve been saying for a long time. No one cares about her lie-still. Except to keep track for public records. She’s become a beggar, because Jenna would rather whine than work.
DeleteEdit: lie-style not still
DeleteThe begging. Yeesh! Yikes! So embarrassing. So far this weekend...
Jenna has posted countless TS and “it’s cancer season” memes on IG.
Laid in a hammock
Wrote a blahg about how she spent money on a fishing license
Goes fishing
Sets up a tent on her property to read books by lantern light.
Begs Online about her desperation to pay her mortgage, she’s supposedly not making any sales. Needs money ASAP!
🎶one of these things is not like the others. One of these things just doesn’t belong. 🎶
“Still no luck making sales here, but still trying. So close to making last month's mortgage. If I can get enough sales I can possibly even catch up. If you don't want to, or can't support CAF, please consider sharing this if you have an audience that might need design work?”
ReplyDeleteGFY, Jenna. You’ve never been solvent in over a decade of having a hovel. By your own admission. Get a job, slob. And learn how to correctly use question marks, moron.
Shamsters, she is sounding a major alarm over on Twitter. Apparently her mortgage just jumped $360 and the lender didn’t tell her.
ReplyDeleteYeah, “Sure, Jen.”
DeleteSo, I looked it up, her mortgage did jump, because her taxes increased. If she's running a farm, an actual farm, she could be getting agricultural exemption on her taxes and pay a lot less/be taxed at a much lower rate. She's not. And she isn't contesting her taxes regularly, which is something she should be doing as a homeowner, no matter the property type. A property tax increase should never be a surprise, but apparently it is for her.
ReplyDeleteJenna Woginrich 🏳️🌈
Okay, so I just logged into my mortgage lender, thinking I should make the May payment ASAP, even if it means having single-digit money in the bank because in 5 days I am technically in risk of foreclosure... So I log in. This month, my min monthly payment jumped $360?!?!
ReplyDeleteJenna Woginrich 🏳️🌈
Okay, so I just logged into my mortgage lender, thinking I should make the May payment ASAP, even if it means having single-digit money in the bank because in 5 days I am technically in risk of foreclosure... So I log in. This month, my min monthly payment jumped $360?!?!
Whenever she starts a stupid sentence with “Okay,” “Hey,” and “So,” it means that she’s beginning a blatant lie. We’ve been watching her crap for years, and it’s proven to be correct.
DeleteMore from her new saga over on Twitter:
ReplyDeleteJenna Woginrich 🏳️🌈
Replying to
I'm freaking out, because things are hard enough and sales are near impossible and it's been hell since I've gone from a 2-income to single income home and now this?! Can your lender just do this? My mortgage is fixed?! What is happening?!
It’s beyond belief that she shoves her shit at everyone else, and expect people to support her lie-style indefinitely.
DeleteEdit: expects
DeleteAnd more:
ReplyDeleteJenna Woginrich 🏳️🌈
If this is related to taxes, like a reassessment, or something... I don't know what I am going to do if my luck doesn't change. This is so much money to me, and I'm already behind trying to catch up on late payments and keep the lights on... literally.
Boo fucking hoo. Poor widdle Jenna barely has enough money to “keep her lights on.” But she’s still miraculously, able to spend hours fishing, lazing about in hammocks, and streaming shows from multiple services. Plus, she has funds for gas to go and get ice cream, and drinks at the local pub.
DeleteJenna Woginrich 🏳️🌈
I can't call because they don't open until tomorrow. I can't see what this is, or why, but this is insane right? Can a 30 year contracted mortgage just JUMP $360 every month?! that's over a 1/4 of my regular monthly payment?!
Her panic attack is for one reason only: Jenna would rather whine than work. Watch this fabricated crisis be quickly resolved tomorrow. (Because we’ve called out her crap again.) The same way that her dentist was able to squeeze her in on a Monday morning. And it wasn’t a root canal as she thought it would be.
DeleteSince when is she “logging in to pay her mortgage”? Remember every month her going on and on about writing and mailing a check which she then waits to see if it clears? Something is fishy yet again.
ReplyDeleteIt’s all a crock of crap.
DeleteI’m adding to the comments above about her bullshit. This is just more manipulative marketing for free funds. As always, her patterns are predictable once you start to see them. Rather than get a job like a normal adult would do, so that she can support herself, Jenna fabricates another crisis. Like she just did with her fake dental drama a few weeks ago. She’s been doing this fraudulent kind of crap for over a decade. Frankly, I don’t believe that this increase is truthful. If she can’t afford to make mortgage payments on time, and not be months behind, then she has no right to own her home. Even if this were legit, then why would one whine in public? Of course, it’s for mooching money from followers. Her whole life is lies.
ReplyDeleteSo let me get this straight:
ReplyDeleteJenna: no sales, couple of hundred until I make the May payment.
Also Jenna: logged in to make the payment even though my account will be empty.
So you have the money for the payment then?? Even without begging? Just think you would ALSO have $25 in that account if you hadn’t bought a fishing license.
Really playing up the 2 incomes down to one thing when normally she brags how she’s a one woman show who accomplished everything without parents, a partner, trust funds etc.
In reality her 2 incomes were a flash in the pan!!!
“My escrow is like…. Under $1400”
DeleteIt’s the “like” that’s a lie. Her supposed payment for a home is still less than many rentals. Would she still be begging if it were an apartment, and she owned no livestock? I doubt it. Her faux farm is only an excuse for free funds for nothing.
Ughhh. So many lies and inconsistencies. How isn’t anyone who follows her calling her out??? You can’t both be two hundred dollars away from making the payment and also online making the payment (after saying for a decade that you mail a check, too!)
DeleteAlso, notice how someone asked her nicely if this could be a late fee, since we all hear ALL the TIME how she is late, and she didn’t even address that.
DeleteAnonymous 10:21. Exactly. I’ve also commented about the “2 incomes” below. Jenna acts as if she’s shared expenses with Shannon for decades not months.
DeleteAll of the above is why we call Jenna the Cambridge Queen of Con. Unfortunately, we’re speaking from personal experience in living locally. She’s a criminal who rigidly refuses to accept any adult accountability for her actions.
ReplyDeleteOn IG.
ReplyDelete“I fucking hate tax assessment”
She supposedly doesn’t know that this is why her payment went up... but she’s going to blame taxes I guess?
Get a job Jenna!
She’ll never do what’s sensible and smart. Jenna is incapable of making mature adult decisions and changes. That’s why she’s still stuck in a rut of her own creation.
DeleteYikes look what it says on Zillow!
Her tax assessment! Yikes. She’s been off the radar for years but someone did a reassessment and it’s bad for Jenna if the site and her tale is to be believed. This may be the only time she’s telling the truth!
Oh well. Taxes go up, insurance goes up. Did she really think it couldn't happen to her? To get the property tax down, somebody will have to come out there and look at everything. She will have to admit she lives in a house that she's never maintained, has a barn that needs to be demolished, and basically has destroyed what was a cute property. If all this is true, her "luck" just ran out. I don't feel sorry for her one bit.
DeleteThen she should consider trying to sell. I’ve posted recently that Jon Katz had been approached by realtors. I wouldn’t be surprised if even her hovel could be sold for a profit to a rich, out-of-state buyer. If nothing else, her financial issues would be solved. Unless, her parents really own the property, and they want poor widdle Jenna to have a home. Better that than living in their basement.
DeleteEven if it’s true, Jenna has no business trying to make it everyone else’s business.
DeleteScroll down to tax history
ReplyDeleteYes it’s very clear that her tax value stayed under the radar for way too long. With insurance going up nationwide, and property values having gone up during the pandemic, most tax assessors offices are going out and updating records- everyone I know has just had their reassessed in the last several months. She is not a special snowflake which should be exempt from it, in fact, looks like hers was wrong for years.
DeleteThis may be how, for all those shamsters who have wondered for years how come we don’t hear her whine about her taxes- here is your answer. She was hardly paying any. Time to pay up.
Up next is another fabricated, fear of foreclosure letter.
DeleteIsn’t it interesting how everything on Twitter is begging and desperation yet over on IG it’s sweetness and light. Does she really think that people don’t compare the two platforms? It illustrates what an absolute liar she is and shines a spotlight on her inability to operate a business with integrity. Only a fool would deal with a merchant who is so clearly unhinged.
ReplyDeleteSFF. Exactly. You’d have to be a total fool to not see her blatant lying.
DeleteJen can’t “keep the lights on”
ReplyDeletebut pays to stream TV.
Her whole life is lies
just look at its history.
Now that she has seen it posted here by our shamster research team that it is her taxes, she answered someone that it’s her “tax assessment”. Up from “I have no freaking idea why this is happening??!!??!! “ or whatever wrong punctuation she used.
ReplyDeleteHer ridiculous rebuttals are always a response to us calling out her crap.
Delete“I'm freaking out, because things are hard enough and sales are near impossible and it's been hell since I've gone from a 2-income to single income home and now this?! Can your lender just do this? My mortgage is fixed?! What is happening?!”
ReplyDeleteShannon’s been gone for over a few years now, and she’d only lived with Jenna for one. So for the FFF to make it sound like it was more than just having a roommate’s rent for awhile is a bunch of bull.
And if it’s really “been hell,” losing the income, then she should’ve replaced the roommate like she’s mentioned multiple times before.
DeleteMaybe she has looked for a roommate but she is so creepy that anyone with half a brain would run far and fast. The filth alone would be a turn off and Jenna's obvious desperation for a sexual encounter would be a huge red flag.
DeleteSFF. That’s a good point as always.
DeleteI’ve always thought that Jenna was mostly using Shannon for her extra income, because she’s a sociopath, and incapable of feeling real emotions. An example are her grotesque, “gaping maw” grimaces. The FFF has never shown a sincere smile.
DeleteFrom her latest posted crisis (oh, my god, the sky is falling again):
Delete"...Also, considering a roommate.
Also, willing to drop price on my truck.
Also, in a full panic."
Train wreck, indeed. All aboard...
PDD. She’s only mentioned the “considering a roommate” after reading our comments first. Yet she’ll never do it. “Hoo!!!”
DeleteNote that she talks about getting a loan, offering deals on her “design” work, and selling her truck on her dispatch. Nothing about getting a job. She’s in a panic but not enough to get a job.
DeleteAnd I live the end where she’s not going to give up for $350 when things are getting easier
Easier? What about all the hand wringing an bout how she doesn’t even know how to buy feed and firewood!!??? Really? Hysterical really!!
I think that her temporary influx of new followers are just spectators wanting to watch her train wreck life crash.
ReplyDeleteAgree. It's better than Netflix.
DeleteSFF. And it’s for free!
DeleteI love that people that are responding are like “yup, happens all the time!” No sympathy for Jenna. Again, this is why you should not be fishing, sitting in a hammock doing nothing all day unless you DO have A reliable income. I’m sitting in a chair outside today doing nothing because I have a job and my bills are paid.
ReplyDeleteYep, it’s the same way with me. I’m enjoying the benefits of having my bills paid, and also ample savings from working hard for years to earn them. Jenna wants to elicit empathy for being a beggar.
DeleteThe faux homesteader who TOOK MONEY from fools to learn how to "homestead" can't figure out tax assessments & what happens when they go UP?
ReplyDeleteWog's been coasting for years, because for whatever reason, her tax assessment didn't go up after her purchase of the property.
Even the most naive person might have checked that out, or put a little money on the side for taxes.
Whoever said it (above) is correct; she's way too stupid to own a home.
PDD. I’ve made that comment. My spouse and I have been saying for years that Jenna doesn’t deserve to have a home and livestock.
DeleteI think that her unearned “coasting” is crashing.
DeletePart of me thinks this will all be resolved tomorrow since Jenna seems to come out smelling like a rose.
ReplyDeleteWhy was her house assessed at a mere $30,000 for so long? Doesn’t even make sense!!
I’ve said above that it’ll probably be quickly resolved like her fake dental drama a few weeks ago. Although I still hope that’s it’s true, and that her faux farm is finally foreclosed for real.
DeleteHer hygiene is horrid, and she only wishes that it resembled a “rose.”
DeleteAfter reading these comments it dawned on me that the biggest scam is the fact that Jenna used all her original good will from the early days and the followers who supported her and sent her funds and other help to succeed…she just pissed it all up the wall. She never ever used any of the cache she started with to develop herself or farm. Such a huge waste of an opportunity she will ever get back
ReplyDeleteYep. She should have used that money for what it was: A leg up. Instead, she became lazy and greedy and got the idea to continue to beg for free funds, rather than work. Glad karma is finally catching up with her.
ReplyDeleteExactly. That was well-put.
DeleteJenna’s always had her hands out for free funds, but she’s done nothing to maintain connections with those who have helped her. She’s earned every bit of her rotten reputation.
DeleteBottom line is, if this happened (and as pointed out above, it happens to all) to a reasonable person of her age and physical ability and ability to work- they would not waste a moment tweeting about it. If I were her I would quietly take my ass on down to Stewart’s or whatever grocery store is in her area- Walmart, Publix, Kroger, or the nearest TJ Maxx or Target, and with my dignity intact, get myself an easy, responsibility free part-time job.
ReplyDeleteIf any of you remember another online curiosity who thought she should be paid for existing- the gluten free recipes girl who like Jenna got in on a trend when it was red hot, well, she ended up bagging groceries and later said it was a meaningful job. Aside from posting judge mental comments about what her fellow neighbors were putting in their grocery carts.
She reminds me a lot of Jenna.
I recall that person, and she’s a lot like Jenna.
ReplyDeleteUnlike Jenna, you’ve corrected your minor error:).
DeleteRachel is singing Jenna’s praises for her design work on IG. Such a good friend!!!
ReplyDeleteIf “Rachel” weren’t Jenna’s other alternate account, and was a real person, then maybe they’d be roommates!
DeleteOh gasp. Maybe Rachel could be her "girl"
DeleteIf the taxes did go up, wouldn't the $360.00 be for the year? It doesn't seem like they would go up over $4,000 even in Cambridge, but maybe. If it's for a year, she owes that amount to catch up and then it'd be 1/12th of that each month. Just wondering. She's a jerk.
DeleteSFF. Her misogynistic “get yourself a girl who…” were overtly obnoxious.
DeleteWell, Jenna has a fool proof plan to get money to pay her mortgage.
ReplyDeleteMaking fish with antlers for $100 each.
Solid financial plan
Lol, right? She's hoping people will just send money instead.
Delete"Date to dream" and "riding mortgage costs". Two major errors in one short post on IG. Now there's a ringing endorsement for her lack of attention to detail. Who would buy art from someone with no attention to detail. Her art like her words appear dashed off in the shortest time possible with no sense of providing a quality product. Buyer Beware.
ReplyDeleteSFF. It’s just like with her bombed Birchthorn book. Jenna can’t be bothered to correct her rotten writing that’s riddled with major mistakes.
Delete"This month, my min monthly payment jumped $360?!?!"
ReplyDeleteLol. Sucks to be you, doesn't it?
"What is happening?!"
"I don't know what I am going to do if my luck doesn't change."
Uhhh, get a job? Re-home all those expensive furry props? Stop buying unnecessary luxury items?
"This is so much money to me"
Then why did you spend so much to go see Taylor Swift? Why did you buy a fishing license and waste gas to drive to the river? Why do you buy things like premium foods and party supplies? Why do you have every streaming service? Are those things more important than your mortgage? It would seem so.
"Going to draw an antlered beast every day, all pencil and watercolor originals, and offer them for sale."
ReplyDeleteTHIS is your solution?!? The majority of your artwork goes unsold, especially when you are asking $100 for each one. A part-time JOB would solve your problem. Get one, ya lazy sod.
"If you've ever been interested in supporting this farm, this is the time to do it."
Uh, it has always been the time to do it, according to the little girl who cries lez wolf on a daily basis.
"I am not giving up for $350 a month. Not this far when things are just starting to feel easier?"
Since when? You have NOT recently said that things have gotten easier. No, you have been bitching daily, for months, how things are getting harder and harder. Quit trying to manipulate people!
“Cries lez wolf”.
DeleteI just want you to know How much I appreciate how tickled your comment made me!!
That is all.
Her incorrect, as usual, stupid question mark at the end of “easier?” is a “tell” that it’s a lie. No one wants to “support” a lying, lazy loser like Jenna. She refuses to get a job. The one thing that would solve her financial issues. But being a beggar is better.
DeleteHD. Jenna must be trying to sneak in crude comments again. She can’t cope with any kind of criticism. Even when it’s warranted. I appreciate your moderation.
DeleteOn IG in her hammock. Yesterday was a great day apparently??? She DID her bad news but she’s working on it!
ReplyDeleteSo strange, so manipulative.
Jenna is the most “manipulative person” we’ve ever known.
DeleteExactly to all of the above!!
ReplyDeleteAlso, can someone enlighten me as to what does she mean by “her minimum payment “ when she logged on to the mortgage lenders site? When I had a mortgage, it was a set amount, not a “minimum payment “. The only place I have ever seen a “minimum payment” mentioned is on a credit card bill where if you don’t pay it off each month, the lender lets you pay a minimum payment which in turn generates interest.
I do t understand her “minimum payment” BS when she is taking about, in her words, a set mortgage rate.
Also funny how she jumped from, need a couple hundred bucks to make the May payment, to, oh I’m just gonna go ahead and pay my May payment AND I’ll have a few bucks left in the bank. So she had the money all along, obv, because again according to her, zero sales.
Her whole life is lies.
DeleteWe’re wondering why she hasn’t tweeted any updates about her latest, supposed crisis. Jenna’s probably too busy doing stupid scribbles of “antlered beasts” that also won’t sell. Just like her ugly pig pics.
ReplyDeleteHey, Jenna. SELL! SELL! SELL!!!
ReplyDeleteThese drawings are hideous. I love how she suggested putting those frightening pigs in a baby’s room!
ReplyDeleteI’m surprised she is veering so far away from the Disney style she usually rips off. At least that is somewhat cute.
Her stupid scribbles are “hideous” and creepy.
DeleteCan’t wait to hear the update. She should have been in the phone as soon as the bank opened to get some answers. Instead, it’s 11:30 and she’s posting crap about being a cancer, her dog and how cis males can’t please a woman in bed ( her version was more crude) and...( not sure why she cares whether or not a man pleases a women in bed since she’s been pretty clear that she is a lez and has all night lez sex with other lez and NOT men. 🤷♀️
ReplyDeleteNot sure this is the path I would take if I was hit with a substantial bill increase but... Jenna is gonna Jenna!!
I didn’t see that above stuff mentioned anywhere. Maybe the dummy’s deleted it after reading your comment. She knows next to nothing about real intimacy, because she’s completely incapable of feeling human emotions. Jenna doesn’t have “all night sex” with anyone. No one wants to date a lying, lazy loser. Who is also obese, ugly and stinky.
DeleteShe's advertising logos using a clip art goat with a big rectangle covering part of its face. Is this the best she can offer? It looks off balance and amateurish. No wonder sales are down. Her art always looks unfinished.
ReplyDeleteSFF. Even her art and food always looks sloppy. Just like Jenna.
DeleteFrom Dispatch: “Right now, trying to cover May before June hits.” June has hit! June‘s almost over!
ReplyDeleteUmmm. right. Spoiler alert for her, July ‘bout to hit in a few days, too.
DeleteThis should have in part hit her last year, meaning she should not be in the dark about what happened. It appears the assessments for school and county taxes are not necessarily on the same schedule.
ReplyDeleteI've been sitting on the sidelines for awhile, but have to jump in here. WTF does she mean by "things starting to feel easier"? She's been in panic mode every - single - day! Sales slow or non-existent, inflation, broke teeth and truck. WTF???
ReplyDeleteSo, either "things starting to feel easier" is comparable to "I'm so close", code for send money as just a little will get me to my goal.
Or, she has been getting money from someone else, maybe that older woman she mentioned, maybe the person who came here a few threads ago who admitted sending money to her, even though she knows she is a scammer.
Jon Katz wrote years ago that she is always sounding the alarm. That was years ago, and she continues to do so every single day.
I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating. One can’t be both victim and victor at the same time. She thinks that it can. Jenna has “cried wolf” for over a decade. Her whole life is lies.
DeleteThe “slim face filter” was really put to work. Jenna is jowly in real life. That’s why she’s tilted her fake fat face upwards. But she can’t hide the smug smirk and mean mouth. I’m shocked that she’s not wearing that hat to hide her hair as usual.
My comment at 12:49 wasn’t meant as a response here. I put it in the wrong place.
DeleteI actually thought she hadn't used a filter on that one. Everything in this shot looks extra chunky even with her head tilted back.
DeleteSFF. Yeah, I think that you’re right upon second glance.
DeleteVery peculiar that she hasn’t said a word about the mortgage increase outcome today. Calling Aubrey Plaza her wife? ✔️
ReplyDeleteBashing cis men?✔️
It’s cancer season memes?✔️
Laying in the hammock? ✔️
Post TS outfits ✔️
Posting a selfie in a TS sweatshirt?✔️
Asking for suggestions for animal with antler drawings?✔️
Does not appear super worried!
I’ve predicted that this latest crisis would be just like her dental drama a few weeks ago. She creates crap just for free funds. Where was the Cancer season and cis men mentioned? I haven’t seen it. It’s also typical of Jenna to have juvenile crushes on straight, famous females. She’s like a scary, cyber stalker. Maybe she’ll even name a future bird victim Aubrey.
DeleteShe isn't really worried. She knows some enabler will bail her out, and probably already has. Some people have more money than brains.
DeleteAs far as Anon 5:39 - It's more of Jenna's "mystic math". Nothing ever makes sense, probably intentionally so, and she always has a reserve of cash for when she needs it.
Anon 1:06- IG stories today
DeleteAnonymous 3:23. Thanks, but I can’t stomach her stupid stories. I hate hearing her arrogant, abrasive voice, and she’s viscerally repulsive in every way to me.
DeleteI’m sure that she’s never “pleased” anyone in an intimate relationship. Jenna’s probably a selfish, lousy lover. Who’s hardly an expert on romance, given that she’s had so little in her life.
Delete“$55? Any requests for other northeastern wildlife with antlers?! No pressure to buy, looking for ideas to draw!”
ReplyDeleteWhat a crock of crap. Jenna is disingenuous. Her manipulative marketing technique is always putting “pressure” on people to make a pity purchase.
So it's an auction, then. She should have mentioned that from at the outset.
DeleteI didn’t realize that it was an auction either, because Jenna deliberately creates confusion about almost everything.
DeleteAnother stupid, sycophant supporter is sending her a donation. I’ve already messaged her with links and information about Jenna’s rotten reputation. And more morons want awful antler pics. What a bunch of fools.
ReplyDeleteWow I missed a lot.
ReplyDeleteRe the mortgage payment increase: if that's true, which is highly questionable, could that be because of the interest rate increases? Maybe her mortgage had a trigger rate?
ReplyDeleteSo, there is someone in my real life who is starting to remind me a lot of Jenna. They're changing the story of their past (10 years ago) and have completely fabricated crises for attention and validation on twitter. This person has moved a lot, so the people in THEIR real life have no context for the lies, and no reason to disbelieve her.
ReplyDeleteThis person posts their whole inner monologue on twitter and has on occasion reached out to me, my wife, or my friend for validation / narcissistic supply.
Recently, they changed a story of bunion surgery to one of emergency ovarian cyst surgery, completely vilified the friend who had let her stay with them rent free for MONTHS, and the details of the story didn't make sense anymore - example, using a cane after surgery - you don't need a cane after a cyst removal, a c-section, or a hysterectomy. But hey, you do after bunion surgery.
Anyway, the bald-faced nerve of such an obvious lie on twitter reminded me of FFF. There's something wrong with both of them.
Lots of TS content lately. Could she be feeling extra horny?
ReplyDeleteSFF. Jenna probably hasn’t gotten any for a few years, since Shannon dumped her fat ass, and moved back to Boston. That was wise on her part.
DeleteIt’s crazy how she’s tried to involve her followers in the supposed crisis on Sunday. But then Jenna stays silent about what’s happened with the mortgage increase. That makes me think it was all her manipulative marketing for free funds.
ReplyDeleteYes, but don’t worry. She is making up for it with lots of TS content and retweeting bs. Makes perfect sense in wog world.
DeleteRiveting content today - a cabbage and some treetops. A small life indeed but still better than TS ad nauseum.
ReplyDeleteSFF. Yet still zero updates about her big crisis on Sunday. Clearly, it was more manipulative marketing.
Delete“Aw hell yeah! Piglets from
have landed!”
Someone stupid bought the pig pics. What a waste of money.
Considering she was selling them for “anything over $10”, I wouldn’t be shocked if they paid $15-20. The one on the left is downright scary.
Delete“Yours was if you want him! Any offer accepted!”
ReplyDeleteThen a Wiccan weirdo told her not to lowball her art, and the filthy, feral farmer said:
Such a deal. “Hoo!!!”
It's a horrid rendition. But some citiot will buy it because they've never seen a real opossum.
DeleteWhat’s happened with your latest fake, crappy crisis, Jen? I’ll bet that it didn’t get you the free funds you’d hoped it would.
ReplyDeleteIt’s very obvious that this new daily drawing is just her latest gimmick for money mooching. Jenna did the same thing with her dumb dispatches, until it became clear that no one wanted to pay much for her rotten writing.
ReplyDeletein her defense, who among us would not like to be paid daily for doing fun stuff? :D
DeleteI think her strategy is to lay low, act like she’s a boss babe selling her crap. Then come this Thursday- she will start the begging panic and bombard her followers on all platforms with her best Sally Struthers, “help a lesbian In Dire need” act.
ReplyDeleteThat possum is terrible. I figured out why I don’t like her drawings. She doesn’t capture the essence of the animals she draws. Opossum are not super outgoing, friendly animals. They are very shy so drawing one with a shit eating grin is stupid. It’s eyes don’t look like in her drawing either. Putting antlers on random animals is stupid too.
Jenna take our advice and make a logo for your farm. Then sell t shirts, stickers, and mugs. Much better idea then conjuring up “art” and hoping it sells for more than the supplies!!
You're missing out on Wog's contrived hipster esthetic, that of a backwoods, broken-down barfly. Where else would you find tiny horns plastered onto taxidermy animals??
Jenna says a tax assessment increased her monthly payment by nearly $400
ReplyDeleteScreen shots posted in the reddit group for posterity.
What do we think?
Does the scammer who crued wolf have an honest to god real issue for once?
BC this would be a nasty hit for anyone, let alone someone who subsists on disability / parental allowance + fun money from arts n crafts.
If this is true, she will need to make an ACTUAL CHANGE.
We'll see.
One thought…the actual increase hasn’t happened yet. My mortgage payment is increasing by several hundred dollars per month due to a street assessment. I’ve known it was coming for several years and have prepared for it. This month I found out what my new payment is and I will begin paying it next month. It could be the same for her.
DeleteI live locally and they have been doing property reassessments.
ReplyDeleteYou can “look around” at the tax info on this public site.
For 2021- Jenna’s taxes were based on her “house and barn” Value of $30, 300, with full market value being $84,167.
For 2022- taxes were reassessed based on her house/ barn / land being worth $160,000 and full market value $160,000.
Honestly, didn’t she supposedly purchase the property in the 150’s??? This is a horrible investment if she did!!
Anyway, all public record for her county.
I opened up IG this morning and the original shepherdess has a beautiful shot of her barnyard like a scene from a Beatrix Potter story and then I click on Jenna’s feed and there are a bunch of no names singing Taylor Swift songs. What Jenna doesn’t know about branding is a lot. Her online presence is a mish mash of teenage angst and middle aged desperation. No way to run a business. She delights in highlighting her 13 year old mentality and then wonders why people have no confidence in her ability to deliver a quality product.
ReplyDeleteSFF. Jenna has learned nothing about how to do business. And you’re right about her teen mentality, too. She’s a fucking failure at everything. Her “branding” is non-existent.
Delete“Still working to catch up soon as possible! If you want to make a huge difference in a persons life while getting a logo on sale or cute pet art, send me a message! Things are starting to look UP!”
ReplyDeleteRight. “Sure, Jen.” You’ll never “catch up.” It hasn’t happened in over a decade of having your hovel. And it’s spelled “person’s,” stupid. “Hoo!!!”
No one wants to “make a huge difference” in the lie-style of a lazy loser like Jenna.
DeleteA few things.
ReplyDeleteDoes Jenna realize that she has this ridiculous cycle every single month?
Now things are looking up. As of Sunday 6/25, she needed an additional $400 to cover mortgage.
As of 6/28, things are looking up (UP!)
What changed? Is she making massive sales suddenly after not making sales for weeks as previously stated?
Come July 1 she’s going to start this whole cycle again. It will start with her waxing poetical about how great her life is, she’s rich, buying ice cream and romance novels etc. then move into - well by now WE ALL know the cycle.
Then the August cycle that will include special guest stars, Firewood drama and animal feed.
That was well-put. Jenna has zero self-awareness. Her stupid cycle is insane to normal adults. She should be ashamed of still not being able to support herself at almost age 40.
DeleteEdit: at almost age 41
DeleteMaybe her parents told her they'd cover the increase for her going forward.
DeleteGo read her latest DiSPAtch.
ReplyDeleteShe made the mortgage payment! She paid her bills! Farm is in the best shape ever! Animals are great! She’s great!
She’s rich! She’s happy!
We called it Shamsters!!
❌PSA: you may want to secure your eyeballs and take an anti nausea pill before reading. ❌
Jenna has a stupid cycle
Deletewhere she will whine and cries.
Every month it never changes
because her whole life is lies.
But Jenna’s recently claimed that she’d stop doing daily dispatches, because no one wanted to pay her for rotten writing. “Boy, Howdy!”
DeleteMaybe “Rachel Keane” and her hokey hashtags, convinced someone to donate free funds to Jenna.
DeleteThe cycle of crying continues!
DeleteI'm pretty positive that some people can "saddle a pony on a Tuesday" without begging for money from strangers on the internet
DeleteFor shame, all you conventional middle-class people, with your credit cards and bills paid, and your plane tickets and your inability to saddle up a pony on a Tuesday and do fcuk-ALL.
ReplyDeleteWog has more RICHES, Bit#$%s, than you'll ever have. HER rain is special. HER trees and flooded paths are special (ahem, she does live in a flood-zone). HER scrubby, falling-over trees are the most super fantastic views that ANYONE has! I feel sorry for y'all. Jealous, much??
Btw, I'm about to take my middle-class self to a far-away location, visiting friends in other countries, whilst friends and staff look after my farm, home and animals. I guess I can do that because I live (lol) that more conventional life where I can easily pay for my hobbies, take vacations and have great fun without begging and embarrassment.
PDD. You’ve made me smile. I hope that you have a great trip!
DeleteThanks, Anon.
DeleteIt was either that or buy hundreds of animal drawings from a scrappy, solo, lesbian (who I think is gay), living by herself on the side of a mountain.
Seriously, as much as we love our farm, we realized we haven't been "away" in over three (3) years! (thanks, Covid).
have a lovely trip! We're coming up on summer hours here too, I have six weeks paid vacation - woooooo! I literally get paid to take sick time or vacation bc I have a great job which affords me a great life - on the pacific ocean btw with some of north america's largest trees, multiple endangered species and cougars, wolves, and bears literally at our doorstep (at our old place. But a 15 min drive away a cougar has been hunting deer in front of people's homes.)
DeleteJenna's property was clearcut at one time, and it hasn't been properly restored - which contributes to the flooding. That's common but also what leads to all those scrubby trees that stop growing at 30' and die after 20 years. I don't see any mature trees anywhere near her except for that one ornamental tree in her yard.
Whatever, lie to yourself so you can settle for doing the bare minimum.
Thanks, WIW. I adore your part of the world and haven't been for several years. If anything could pry me away from rural New England, it would be the PNW, especially around Vancouver.
DeleteEnjoy your summer holiday!
So what happened to her promise to draw an antlered animal every day? By my count she stopped at two. Also someone mentioned the state of her trees. I thought the same thing on her last video of ‘the path’. She needs a crash course in woodlot management and yet she brags about her stewardship of the land. Epic fail there.
ReplyDeleteSFF. Jenna always reneges on what she promises to do.
DeleteAccording to the county website, she paid $158k. We live in the same county, and they did reassess everything. Our taxes went up about $1600 a year between county and school. Thankfully we have poodle jobs and direct deposit, but it was still a hit. We did get a mailed notice about this last year but it was a generic letter saying assessments were being redone.
ReplyDeleteHer increase could be legit- when we had our taxes escrowed, we would get a letter every year telling us if we were short, and giving us the option to pay the shortage or add it to our payment. Given that her escrow was likely short, the double whammy of catching up and adding enough to cover for next year could result in a big increase. I would assume next year that number would come down after her escrow was replenished, but I’m not sure. This is just my 2 cents, assessment rules are tough to follow.