
I've always considered my life to be my resume.  When I did something interesting or accomplished something, I would add it to my resume.  It has just been a different way of thinking about things.  I have an interesting and full resume.

What does Jenna's resume look like?
I could fill reams with stories, experiences, and observations.   She obviously can't.  And she claims to be a writer.  Maybe she wants to be a writer but she isn't.  She doesn't know the first thing about it.
No skill, no talent, no imagination, no nothing.  What a pitiful human.
Now translate resume into obituary. "Here lies Jenna.  She did nothing".


  1. Jenna’s Obit: “Her whole life was lies.”

  2. HD. That was well-put. If she could afford a tombstone, it should have a hand held out for begging.

  3. That free post.

    To quote the classic Christmas movie “Home Alone”. “Buzz your girlfriend, woof”. What an absolute mess that is. Lots of darlings and babes to say, I can’t afford this, but my life is great and my choices are great, and I’m so happy, you too can do this farming thing!!!

    Horrible. No one cares if you farm, quit your job, pay for yoga subs and Netflix or buy Dolly Parton cake mixes. Take care of your animals, and stop begging for money. That’s it! Take your own advice and get a part time remote job so you can pay your bills without crying on social media every few days. She’s edited to claim that she needs 68 more subscribers to hit Dolly Parton cake making ( which includes a trip to the store for bananas) which means she has $1056 coming in (minus those that paid for a full year last month) and from her begs, that not helping her at all. I think for most of us, an extra $1000 would be helpful to pay down debt, make extra mortgage payments, emergency savings etc, but for Jenna, it’s doing nothing apparently since she can’t pay last months mortgage!!

    I would love for Jenna to give her readers a tour of her “6 months” worth of food. Where does she store it, how is it organized. Does she buy 6 months worth of whipped cream and holiday marshmallows too??

    I thought back when she forgot her gift card and had to leave ye olde Walmart when she was stocking up for winter, she said she likes 3 months worth of food!?? Always bending a tale this one!!!

    1. What a crock of crap. Jenna is a disingenuous, insufferable cunt who has an abrasive, arrogant attitude for no reason. It’s no wonder why she’s still single. Her rotten writing has nothing of merit to offer anyone.

    2. Her constant usage of endearments like “darlin’” and “baby” comes across as being creepy and condescending. She thinks that it sounds sexy, but it’s stupid instead.

    3. She should shove that crappy cake mix up her fat ass.

  4. Her latest on IG is to mail out books from her personal library to paid Substack subscribers as a lending library of sorts. I guess all that added income will pay for mailing heavy items like books. News flash ‘babe’ - every community in America has a public library. What a dumb ass.

    1. I know Wog is a giant hypocrite, but isn't she the one who once railed against libraries / lending because authors wouldn't receive $$$ for purchasing their books??

    2. Her books are boring non-tent about Jenna’s lazy loser lie-style.

    3. Honestly cannot believe she’s serious. She asked the question to generate engagement. It’s pathetic the lengths she goes to for comments.

    4. SFF. She’s an attention whore.

  5. I don’t know why I bother but I can’t help myself.

    Jenna- your sucstack is not as successful as you hoped because it seems like your plan was 1. Start a sucstack. 2. Make lots of money. You have no flow to your posts, no original ideas and worst of all you are giving content away that should be paid and charging for stuff that should be free in order to “grab” readers.

    Todays “gift ideas” is a great idea, but you should have posted it the day after Thanksgiving for free and let your readers know that between now and “Yule” you’ll have a weekly series of things you can make for gifts for under $20. Content for several weeks.

    Your free post on quitting your day job to become a farmer. You literally gave the entire story away for free in one post. You could have really hooked readers by richly describing what it was like in your cubicle job. How your Barnheart was yearning for the land while your coworkers planned getaways and discussed whether Ross and Rachel would ever get together by the water cooler. Really hook the reader into YOUR story Jenna and what made you decide to live a life of a beggar with a farm. Then tell the reader that you will give concrete, homespun, boohowdy advice on how they can beg on the internet and not be able to pay their bills for 15 plus years, in a 12 month series called “Barnheart”. Maybe even include excerpts from one of your many published books to begin each “educating” post.

    It’s making me nuts how she can’t believe she’s not successful instantly at this when she isn’t planning anything!!!!

    1. Well said. It seems she started this on a whim with no content prepared in advance and no publishing schedule. She posts sporadically such as two days in a row and then dead air for most of the following week. I agree that her posts are far too long. She has never learned to edit. She has no self discipline and posts as the spirit moves her with no end game in sight. It’s quite sad really. There are so many first class Substacks out there while her has become an unprofitable laughing stock.

    2. Anon, it won't matter what sage advice is offered; Wog will ignore.

      Her lack of planning and follow-through are so strong, it's pretty pathological. And if her financial woes are to be believed, there's major self-sabotage. Solutions are there - she refuses to implement.

      For example: Substack essays should have been written over the past few months, following arcs of interest, and stashed away until she was ready to begin Substack. Teasers, which should be free, would spark interest. Essays would follow a storyline, although random "surprise essays" would also be used. She wouldn't be desperate for readership, so work could flow outward and build an audience. Essays should have been the best she had to offer. But this hasn't happened.

      As Summer Brennan wrote, essays that are ready for the marketplace are hard work; not every post is deserving of readership. Wog obviously didn’t pay attention to this excellent advice. Wog's essay, "You Can Homestead", was a real snoozefest. It honest-to-god felt like she was trying to sell a self-help course. The info was trite, obviously culled from past posts, and then [ahem] updated for 2023. But, c'mon, who was her target audience? People who don't know how to use computers? People who just aren't very bright?

      Does anyone seriously NOT know they can Google useful information and videos on farming or growing vegetables ("It's never been easier to learn these skills")? Are her readers too incompetent to figure out "It's never been easier to work remotely" for certain kinds of jobs? And, why YES, you can "start today" because "It's never been a smarter time to act."

      I wanted to rip my eyeballs out as I read this. Obviously not researched. No detailed information provided. Nothing actionable. Pulled straight outta her rear end and posted. No wonder publishers don't want to touch her work.

      It's occurred to me that her earlier flurry of seminars, antlerstocks and festivals must have heavily been influenced (handled?) by PP or others. Wog appears way too incompetent to have done this type of work herself. What we see these days is Wog 2.0, pure chaos, without handlers & enablers. Disjointed. Unprepared. Wanting immediate gratification without putting much effort into the work. For sure, she has all the earmarks of an entitled suburban princess, but little of substance that’s worthy of readers.

    3. Excellent comment PDD!

    4. I agree with what everyone has written above.

  6. JW just told everyone on X that they need to upgrade subscriptions from free to paid so the substack can become her full time job. Really? So that’s why there is a delay in getting new posts. Once again, she is trying to tell people what to do. Greedy bugger.

    1. “If everyone who subscribes to my substack upgraded to paid my writing would be my full time job. That’s the whole point of the substack! So if you already read my work and believe I deserve to be paid, please upgrade!”

      What a pushy, self-entitled twat.

    2. Maybe no one “believes” that her rotten writing “deserves” paying money to read.

    3. Not one person has even “liked” or replied to her post. Maybe “Rachel Keane,” Jenna’s other account, should shill her shit.

    4. It’s a day later, and there are still zero “likes” plus replies on her pathetic post. “Boy, howdy!!!”

  7. So Jenna was “terrified and desperate” when trying to get interactions for jobs. Lions, tigers and bears. How many times can you use those two words? She is a 41 year old woman who wants to convince others to give up their jobs and become homesteaders. Maybe other people don’t want to be terrified and desperate.

    1. Jenna has created every bit of terror and desperation in her lazy loser lie-style. Yet she rigidly refuses to accept any adult accountability for her actions.

    2. A Legend in Her Own MindDecember 18, 2023 at 10:31 AM

      Exactly, Anon. I haven't bothered reading her re-purposed posts (the same posts, previously free, and re-worded sightly for a subscription fee), so I'm not sure where she was "terrified and desperate" when trying to get a job, but this language is purposeful and typical of her. She uses trigger words such as these to prey on the sympathy of readers & goose donations (subscriptions). It's so bizarre how her fictional narrative changes depending on the post. She's either the wildly feral woman who could survive the zombie apocalypse, or she's the terrified "lone female" hiding under her covers, frightened of people who drive past her home (which is adjacent to a state roadway). I suppose Wog tries to appeal to everyone - the rural wannabes (who know so little they think she's a content expert) and the disaffected or frightened, who have trouble getting out of bed in the morning.

      As others have repeatedly said, she's disingenuous.

  8. “three shares left for next season!
    this farm needs you to keep it going!”

    Nah. “This farm needs” to be finally foreclosed for good. Her pork shares are a scam to filch free funds up front.

  9. Her IG is something today. Lusting over celebrities and begging for people to make her a full time writer. How about provide a good product Jenna?

    1. Jenna is delusional. Her “full time job” is being a beggar. Unfortunately, no one is “lusting over” an animal abusing pathological liar, and sociopathic scammer. The fact that she’s also ugly, obese and stinky makes it worse.

    2. Jenna, you can fuck all the way off. Your dumb dream was to be a farmer not writer. It’s no one else’s responsibility to give you what you want in life, big “baby.”

  10. According to J’s IG she will get back to you about design updates and emails tomorrow. She’s had a stressful couple of days. Wonder what sad story will proceed her typical “ got the mortgage paid” at the last minute.

    1. Juvenile Jenna is just setting the stupid stage for a big beg before Christmas. “Hoo!!!”

  11. “This farm needs a miracle” beg in 3, 2, 1.
    Why won’t people just pay her $8 for sporadic, jumbled, unedited writings?

    1. Her “miracle” crap is more manipulative marketing for free funds. We won’t subscribe to Jenna’s rotten writing.

    2. Lol. Her SubStack 💩 show rollout is classic.

      I'm sure she imagined SS to be the latest "easy way" to earn money without working hard: ramble on and ffs people will PAY you to create (!). She even posted on IG that the purpose of SS is to make writing her "full time (paying) job".

      So, darlin, how's it going?

      Well, she more or less behaved during the first month of Substack (weeks one through four). Riding high on the thought of money flowing into her banking account, she delivered as promised: at least three articles each week.

      By weeks five and six, however, her output dribbled down to two articles each week, with one a talky recipe for making panCAKES. Now in week seven, she coughed out last-minute Gift Ideas, and for her second weekly article, posted a self-absorbed, uninteresting repeat River Diary from July 16th... because everyone loves reading about catching palm-sized fish.

      Gosh, I can't imagine why more people aren't willing to spend the same monthly amount as Netflix to read such riviting content 💩.

    3. PDD. Jenna never honors her supposed promises with anything. Her boring non-tent isn’t worth paying even pennies to read. Substack is just her latest failure.

  12. Good observation, PDD. I came to say that after reading her last IG stories about how she can’t get back to clients because she has had two stressful days..she is cooking up a big bleg/money mooch.

    1. Jenna always does a big beg before Christmas.

  13. More recycled content on the Substack this morning. River Diaries (again) and another failed relationship. Does she not realize that most of her subscribers have been following her IG and have already read this stuff?

    1. Same MO as her books. Recycled free blog content, trying to manifest as new writing for money. It is already failing, just look at her engagement rate and her supposed schedule for posts which she has already broken.

    2. Jenna’s “engagement rate” on any platform has always been awful due to her sociopathic personality.

    3. SFF. Jenna doesn’t care about her repeat posting. She’s still too stupid and stubborn to see that her arrogant attitude is alienating potential subscribers, and even regular readers. The “River Diaries” is more meaningless drivel.

  14. Why would anyone still want to support an animal abusing beggar, a pathological liar, and sociopathic scammer? Jenna’s words also have no worth. And her character is defective. I can think of many more deserving writers to give my money to.

  15. Wog always needs new eyes on her posts, because new readers don't know her history: the lies, hyperbole, crises, and begs. That's why she implores readers to SHARE and why she tags social media influencers who have a high number of followers.

    It's comparatively easy to track histories on Facebook, Reddit, WordPress, and blogs. Because of this, she quit these apps and has sanitized her history where she can.

    She resembles a creep who stands on the street corner and obscenely propositions women; 99% will say "get lost", but occasionally one will fall for the ruse. Like the creep in this story, Wog knows it's a numbers game and she plays it every day.

    1. That’s why this site serves as a way to warn others. It’s impossible to “sanitize” her rotten reputation, and bad body odor. Jenna, literally, stinks.

  16. Her river diaries are sooo boring. I won’t read them for free!

    Advice she won’t take. Offer your recycled posts for free to grab readers. Type at the top, “this is an excerpt from my wildly successful blog that I wrote back in 2012”

  17. "It’s a frustrating place to be. Knowing that life would be better with a partner, while happily living a life no partner would tolerate. And changing my life to be tolerable would make it a life I couldn’t respect myself for living."
    So getting a part time job and having a current mortgage would be make it a life she couldn't respect herself for? No wonder Shannon ran from her.

    1. Knock knock
      Who’s there?


      Jenna who?

      Jenna is batshit crazy

      Lots of women choose to live without a partner. They also choose to pay their bills. The fact that she refuses to help herself is ridiculous. She’s not a single mom who works two jobs… she literally could work part time and pay her bills. Instead, she begs “ I only need 58 more subscribers!!”

    2. What an overly privileged, pampered princess. Shannon was wise to dump the lazy, lying loser two years ago. Jenna will never have enough numbers of subscribers to satisfy her greedy nature. If she gets to two hundred, then she’ll push people for three.

    3. Her “life would be better” if Jenna found someone stupid enough to pay all of her expenses. And “tolerate” putting up with her crock of crap.

    4. Jenna is incapable of making mature compromises in a relationship. She wants everything on only her terms. I think that’s one of the reasons that Shannon ended their romance.

    5. yes, exactly. she really thinks having a partner that you share a life with shoulder involve no compromises. or even just collaboration on building that shared life. my partner and i compromise/collaborate pretty often, but it’s no sacrifice because we love each other and over time, our shared life actually gets better at meeting both our needs because of how we keep working together toward that end.

  18. I’m confused as to how Jenna is going to keep up with this substack scam. Even if people subscribe due to her begging, they could just throw $8 bucks at her and then disappear the next month. She spends such an enormous amount of time begging when she would have more free time to lust after celebrities if she just worked a few hours a week away from her hovel.

    1. That is such a good point. I truly think she knows she is unemployable, so she doesn't even bother. Who would hire someone who shows up with filthy hair, body odour and a TS tee? That being said, if she really needed money she could improve how she presents herself. Begging has got to be more stressful (and demeaning) than showing up for work. What adult human takes such delight in being contrary?

    2. "What adult human takes such delight in being contrary?" Someone with oppositional defiance disorder.

    3. Jenna has even called herself “difficult.” She’s an abrasive, arrogant asshole who is a belligerent bully pushing people into subscribing to her “Shitstack” crap.

  19. “I am 58 paying subscribers away from my goal of 200.
    It means my writing is contributing more than a part time job. It means being able to not be afraid constantly of losing my home. It means a better future.

    Please help me reach this goal. It's $8.”

    No one cares, cunt. Your “future” is failure as always.

    1. News Flash: There’s something that’s called a part-time job, Jenna, that would help you have a more secure financial “future.” But you’d have to actually get off your lazy fat ass, and want to work.

    2. Not a shock that many part-time jobs are posted in her local community, and about 50% are for work at farms, horse stables, etc. She's also never done what it takes to make the house livable for a roommate (who might pay 50% of mortgage and utilities). She has a whole-house furnace and a working thermostat - why not use them? The wood-stoves are her pretend lifestyle choice, not a necessity.

    3. PDD. Exactly. She won’t even take any local jobs. It’s beneath her perceived superiority over others. Jenna has mentioned getting a roommate many times before, but hasn’t done anything to make it happen. It’s all a facade to fake effort.

    4. She will do absolutely anything just to keep from getting a stable and sustainable part-time job. Least of all beg.

    5. For these reasons, she's nothing more than a spoiled suburban princess, who stubbornly refuses to act like an adult and pay her own way.

      And thanks to an earlier post of hers, we learned that she considers having "uncompromising determination and the ability to ask for help" as virtues. Yes, friends, she's actually proud that she coerces money out of people. She'll never willingly stop this behavior.

    6. “ about 50% are for work at farms, horse stables, etc.”

      seems unlikely she could get hired. i bet there’s a lot of people with way better farming skills than she has. she sells herself basically to people who haven’t a clue, not to people without experience or knowledge.

  20. Her whole sales pitch is so ham fisted. It’s obvious that she only writes to keep the wolf away from the door. She never expresses a passion for writing or a desire to share unique experiences. It’s all gimme, gimme, gimme. Also it has no overhead like raising animals does or soap making. She is taking what she perceives to be the easiest possible path to quick cash. The problem is that her insincerity shines through. A quality product sells itself. Just write better and stop beating people over the head.

    1. SFF. Get ready for “Juicy Jenna” to be baking her crappy cake mix soon. She’s just gained another stupid subscriber to her “Shitstack.”

  21. She begged and whined and shamed her readers yesterday to subscribe for what? She got one new subscriber. Hope that $8 was worth it because you worked harder than an ugly stripper for it!! She’s really out of her mind!!

    1. “57!!!!” Wow. A whopping increase of 8 big bucks. “Hoo!!!”

    2. This is what one would expect from a middle-aged moron who’s bragged about being “dignity free.” She has no shame in her defective character.

    3. Pathetic. Let’s hope we don’t get the same kind of blow by blow for the next pitiful subscriber and their pitiful eight bucks. That was two or three days of beg tweeting for a measly $8. Imagine how much she could have made in 2-3 days at a simple job like bagging groceries at Stewart’s. With her dignity intact. Gah.

  22. She says “if everyone who is a free subscriber upgraded to paid”-aren’t all her subscribers paid?

    1. Some people are on a trial for one week. If I’m understanding correctly how Substack works.

    2. There is a "free" option. If you subscribe to that one, you only get the free posts she makes. Subscribing makes the posts come to your email instead of having to go look for them.

  23. “Still trying to make the November mortgage before Jan, without making it I will be in a dangerous place. Trying to gain substack subscribers instead of selling logos and art and worried I won't make the month before hitting foreclosure pressure. Please share or consider!”

    GFY, Jenna. You’re a lying, lazy loser.

    1. Here’s her fake fear of foreclosure again. This unethical tactic is her worst manipulative marketing maneuver. What a repulsive cunt.

    2. Her patterns are predictable once you start to see them.

  24. “55! I need 55 people to make this life a little safer, a little sounder, and I am only asking for people that already have read the blog for 15+ years for free be willing to pay a few dollars a month now. It literally could save this farm.”

    Jenna is “literally,” incapable of not being a beggar.

    1. She’s trying to guilt trip people into subscribing. Jenna is leveraging her old blog, and weaponizing her worthless words.

    2. Jenna tries to bully and browbeat people into giving her money.

  25. On ig she wants people to be kind to her because she hates the holidays. I’m sure the kindness she’s looking for costs, oh you know $8!!!

    1. We’ve already predicted her big beg before Christmas in comments. This is it. The only thing that’s missing is the “This farm needs a miracle” crap.

    2. A Legend in Her Own MindDecember 21, 2023 at 6:50 AM

      Like so many people, her former Number 1 enabler, Pember Patty, is spending the Christmas holiday with family & friends. The fact that she flew to California to do so must tan Wog's hide - she's stopped spending her holiday with Wog, catering to her every whim. Good for PP!

      Now, watch for "poor me" posts as Wog tries to worm back into people she used, and receive that precious poodle cash!

    3. Buckle up. She’s just getting started.

    4. Poor widdle Wog is alone again for the holidays. Maybe Brainless Becca can come visit. Cue a post about her “best gay friend!”

    5. Maybe she'll get a visit from the root canal fairy.

  26. Meanwhile, her mom, dad, sister, brother, niece and nephew will be having a lovely time without her. I respect anyone with estranged family, but if it is your choice to not spend time with them don't bellyache about it. You can't have it both ways.

    1. Wog will stuff her fake fat face with puke pan pizza, and a big batch of brownies. I’m sure that Shannon has found a much more mature partner two years later, and is happy that her holidays don’t involve being with a beggar.

    2. Jenna could make the drive once a year to see her family. She chooses to not go. This summer she had no problem driving hours to “court” another dyke in the Adirondacks who dumped her again.

  27. Her Twitter is an absolute vomit of me! Look at me! Pay me! My unpaid mortgage is because you won’t give me $8! Four shares! Three shares! Four shares again, delete post with three shares! Now two shares left but still need the same amount of money !
    Her math never maths. Ever.
    How about someone ask HER to stop turning our holiday into HELL with all her begging?

    1. Even the extra subscribers haven’t helped her situation. It’s never enough. Her problems are pathological now. Jenna is so dysfunctional that it’s not funny. She can’t stop begging for more money, and trying to elicit empathy from followers to filch free funds.

    2. It’s very clear by the shift in shares that Jenna is doing her pork scam again. She just wants funds up front for no pig.

    3. Exactly! I’ve been watching to pig availability fluctuate. Does not make sense!!

    4. “I have only one share left! If you want half a pig, or want to donate half a pig to someone in my area, please consider!”

      What a blatant liar. No one wants to “donate half a pig.” She’s tried this trick before with the local food bank. Jenna is the Cambridge Queen of Con.

    5. Anon 11:32 - My sentiments exactly upon seeing her Twitter just now. Her non-stop begging is disgusting! And it's NEVER ENOUGH. Ever.

  28. If you scroll her IG, she looks pretty happy on December 25, 2020 wearing reindeer antlers and tucked into the arm of Shannon. Just saying.

    1. She’s only “pretty happy” because Shannon was paying for much more than her fair share of Jenna’s expenses.

    2. “Those were the dyke days.” As I recall, they were both wearing stupid sweaters with a Taylor Swift theme. “Boy, howdy!”

    3. You can't see it anymore cuz Jenna deleted her bleg, but the very last photo of Shannon before the breakup was of her standing, holding a cup of coffee and looking at the camera/Jenna with a very unenthused weary smile with a hint of disgust in her eyes.

    4. Anon7. Shannon was clearly sick of living with Jenna at the end.

  29. When she started the substack she stated that she wanted some dignity and I thought to myself 'finally'. I mistakenly thought she might try a clean slate and produce some honest work. She has sure blown up that idea. Her begging for subscribers has reached fever pitch desperation. Worse than I have seen previously. Her output is recycled content for the most part and now she is back on the pig futures con. She is desperately in need of a good therapist. Her life is a train wreck and she is too stubborn or too stupid to realize how far she has fallen. Her Twitter feed is the same posts on an endless loop, IG is sporadic. She even seems to have lost interest in TAS. A trip home for Christmas would not be the worst thing given how miserable she seems to be.

    1. She also said this a few days ago: "I spent the last month trying to promote this substack instead of focusing on making sales every day."

      But she has not let up on the daily Twitter begging. Every day.

    2. Also, Jenna never visits her parents. I think the only reason she did a few years ago is cuz Shannon paid for the gas, and had a car that could make it there.

    3. Likely, her roommate wasn't a sociopath and insisted they make an effort to visit friends and family. I could be wrong, but it appears the family is blamed for a lot, in true narcissist fashion.

  30.'s begfest on Twitter...unbelievable. And this:

    "...and I am only asking for people that already have read the blog for 15+ years for free be willing to pay a few dollars a month now."

    So lemme get this straight...she has bragged for YEARS that the writing on her bleg is free, but now she wants people to pay for both blogs that are no longer available?!? That is ridiculous!! Especially since her new shitstack bleg is BORING as HELL.

    1. Yeah, Jenna wants people to pay for her boring, recycled non-tent crap. It wasn’t worth reading her rotten writing even for free.

    2. Lol, talk about bait-and-switch! Anon7, it was a big point from Wog that her writings were free-to-read, and she encouraged people to do so. Now, she's turned the tables to insist the same people who read her "free" writing should pay for that "privilege" after the fact.

      What a piece of work she is.

    3. PDD. It’s funny how “after the fact,” Jenna now wants to be paid for over a decade of free, rotten writing that’s recycled crap.

  31. The Grinch *kinda* rhymes with Woginrich, yes?

    You're a mean one, Woginrich
    Your heart's an empty hole
    You shock innocent lil' piggies
    With a smile upon your face
    And extra water for spiiiiiite!

    Or maybe:

    Oh come all ye rich folk,
    with direct deposit
    Give me, oh give to me,
    your hard earned cash


    Deck the walls with streaks of hawk shit!
    Fa la la la la, la la la la!!
    'Tis the season to be begging!
    Fa la la la la, la la la la!!
    Don me now a Taylor Swift shirt!!
    Fa la la, la la la, lah lah lah!!!!

    Or, uh:

    Scam all the world
    the mortgage has come
    Let people givvvvee to meeee!
    What beggin' and grifting bring
    just makes me want to sing
    What beggin' and grifting bring
    is ka-ka-ka-ching!

  32. I’m sure she will delete this one so here you go. A big fat boo hoo for the holidays from the girl who loves to tell everyone how happy she is doing nothing!

    We live in a world where someone bought this app for billions out of spite, for fun and I’m about to be eligible for foreclosure because I can’t scrape enough together to make a house payment. Merry Christmas to everyone smart enough to not follow a dream

    Sorry that everyone isn’t clamoring for your cobbled together substack!

    1. She's now finding out that people were reading her drivel for the train wreck and not the great writing. They're not going to pay to read the same stories that they already read for free.

    2. Strangers on the internet are not responsible for paying for her dreams. It’s that simple.

    3. I came here to comment about this manipulative marketing post. Jenna is rapidly degrading into almost a parody of herself. Her blatant begging is beyond belief. The world doesn’t owe her a living. And her sarcastic last sentence is a crock of crap. “Feel sorry for me!!!”

    4. Her dumb “dream” died years ago, but she’s too stupid and stubborn to see it. Jenna has always lived far beyond her means. Yet she expects others to pay for her lazy loser lie-style.

    5. She should’ve sold her home a long time ago. Now, Jenna is stuck in an old, falling apart abode that she can’t afford to fix and maintain. An apartment would be easier, and she could still have a dog.

    6. Jenna “lives in a world” where she wants her life funded by other adults. “Live like fiction!”

    7. No, many of us smartly followed our dreams, provided the dreams weren’t to scam money from kind-hearted people while refusing to take on adult responsibilities and pay our own way.

      My dreams were realized, and I also worked hard to make them happen: 70-hour weeks and multiple jobs when needed. No trust fund. No wealthy relatives. No begging.

      Grow up.

    8. PDD. I’ve also had my dreams come true due to hard work. And not by being a beggar. But Jenna has actually bragged about being a “grown up” in a dumb dispatch. She’s delusional.

    9. That's one of the most pathetic, jealous, angry posts I remember from her. Hahaha. Also…yeah, merry christmas non-believer.
      Also, also did she have a grand Winter Festival with all her many many friends and ex-lovers and woodland creatures to celebrate the Winter solstice?

    10. HD. Your last line was funny. We’ve been invited to a few holiday celebrations in her area. Like we were last year. Even though our hosts all know Jenna, they’d never want her putrid presence at their parties. She’s just jealous of any adults who have “direct deposit accounts” and ample savings.

    11. HD, "merry christmas, non-believer" perfectly responds to Wog's pathetic complaints about the holiday she's too "pagan" to observe - whilst also putting up Christmas decorations, watching Christmas movies and complaining she isn't happy at Christmas.

      It's one of your best lines ever!

    12. I also want to add to my comment above about Cambridge celebrations, that we’re a queer couple. Locals loathe Jenna not because of her sexual preference, but because she’s a sociopathic scammer and pathological liar. It appears that even Pember Patty has finally reached her friendship limits. We’ve heard that Wog never repaid her for the car loan.

    13. Once again, there are zero replies to her stupid “pity poor me” post. She’s being ignored. Just like a few days ago, but Jenna refuses to read the room.

  33. An observation.

    I don’t look at her IG often but clicked on a post from a few days ago (pic of her/ a random? Hawk). She starts the post off in her typical asshole fashion of “ Everyone says they want to become a falconer but it means mornings like this. “. Then she goes on to describe how she had to get fully dressed to check on her bird in the rain.

    There were no “atta girl” comments or “you are a superwoman” comments. There were comments from three different female falconers who said they bought cameras for the news so they could check in birds from their beds. She had someone else tell her that what she described is the “price” of her choices.

    Jenna gave respectful responses to all but she’s probably pissed that people are pointing out that she goes about all of this the absolute wrong way and it’s hard to be a bragging expert when others have it figured out already and you are just poor and playing farmer without improving your skills for years!!!

    1. I guarantee that she’s angry about other female falconers calling out her crap.

    2. Anon 5:05, I agree. She couldn't appear disrespectful to actual falconers, so she gave half-hearted wishy-washy comments, centered around "is a camera expensive?" This is rich, coming from the Amazon Prime queen, who probably does most of her impulse buying from them, but somehow * can't * figure out how to read product reviews & prices.

    3. If she applied the money spent on getting and keeping a hawk to her mortgage, she wouldn't be so far behind. Someone (one of her enablers or fans) could send her a book on budgeting for beginners or "how to make wise financial choices" or some such.

    4. PDD. Jenna just feigned interest to appear plausible.

  34. So, she wrote that she isn't trying to get anymore design / artwork, and we know she lost interest in making any kind of a soap-making business, and instead is focusing on her writing platform. So Jenna, how many $8 subs. equal one $200 logo?

    1. Her background is in graphic design. I’ve never understood why she’s fixated on writing when Jenna is rotten at doing it. It makes no sense.

    2. Anonymous 5:37. Her math never adds up.

    3. She sucks at both. Her outdated graphics skills-if you can call the copy and paste and steal, skills, are just as horrible as her writing. She was never a writer. She just swindled some editors at the right moment with doctored up content and lucked into a book deal. You can take one look at her online reviews to see just exactly how terrible a writer she is- according to the majority, not just according to a blog dedicated to holding her accountable.

    4. Anonymous 6:37. I agree with what you wrote. That’s an excellent summation of Jenna. She’s trying to ride on her former successes at publishing in a very different era. I also don’t think that she’s particularly talented at graphic design. Her “Disney” drawings are always done in the same style. She has no range as an artist. And her logos are lousy.

  35. Jenna lucked out with great timing when the homesteading trend was on fire and she was able to get away with using blog posts as chapters of her books. It is a different time now and Jenna has failed at fiction (Birchthorn), and been rejected for her book proposals on falconry and how being gay on the side of the "mountain" saved her life. Her world is so boring and no one cares. No amount of purple prose can change that. Jenna is most currently showing how her writing skills and creativity are non -existent - her posts are nothing new. The fans she has are looking for new content. She doesn't have it in her. Another great opportunity --crash & burn & beg.

    1. Exactly. That was well-put. Jenna has had many chances to succeed, but she’s blown all of them. She only has a home now, because of lucking out at the right time. It had nothing to do with her being a savvy buyer. The same goes for her rotten writing.

  36. She'll do "anything" to save the farm except, of course, get an outside job to earn money.

    If people fall for that line, they're a special kind of stoopid.

    1. She only wants others to “save” her faux farm not herself.

    2. But “this farm has never been better!”

  37. Eligible for foreclosure? Good. It would be better for all for you to go into foreclosure. Then you would have to take responsibility for your inaction, namely not taking responsibility for paying your mortgage on time.

    1. Based on her writings, she's not approaching foreclosure. Her November mortgage payment was late on December 16. Her December mortgage payment will be late on January 16.

    2. Her fake fear of foreclosure is a bunch of bull. It would’ve already happened years ago if it was real. Jenna wields it like a weapon to push people into giving her money. She’s a despicable cunt.

  38. I subscribe to a writer on substack that has provided more essays in a month than Jenna has since she started. All new original content and written from the heart. Her writing is fabulous but the biggest thing for me is that she is a Christian and writes about her experiences through that lens, and while I am not a Christian, I STILL pay to read her essays. She's that good.

    Jenna will never hit that level because we already know the story; we've been beaten over the head with it forever. Help, I can't pay my mortgage. Help, the animals escaped. Help, I can't pay my mortgage. Help, I need my 30th root canal. Oh, life is wonderful! Help, I can't pay my mortgage. Rinse and repeat over and over and over.

    1. I was really hoping that she would be able to put the begging aside on the Substack … a palate cleanser, if you will. BUT, true to form it has become yet another platform to beg for cash. I don’t know if that was the plan all along but there it is. It’s just so sad that begging has become her core identity. Fortunately she appears to have another source of income that she keeps secret, My God, what a way to live!

    2. She could teach a master class in obfuscation.

      Take yesterday's example: "...worried I won't make the month before hitting foreclosure pressure."

      This doesn't mean anything. What on earth is "foreclosure pressure"??? A specific action taken by the mortgage holder? If not, then it's meaningless. She's using this language as another scare tactic to ramp up imagined fear and guilt readers into sending her money.

    3. Anonymous 9:23. Wog’s “experience” is in being a beggar. And her writing is rotten.

      SFF. She’s incapable of making mature changes.

      PDD. Jenna’s deliberate “obfuscation” is part of her manipulative marketing to elicit empathy from followers to filch free funds.

  39. She took her beg off of X. Guess it wasn’t working well enough to leave it up there. Still pig shares available!!!

    1. Jenna frequently deletes her stupid posts. She was shamed into doing it again by our critical comments. “Hoo!!!”

    2. Her carny worker’s crap of hawking numbers for needed subscribers makes Jenna look unhinged.

    3. Here's a newsflash. Jenna is unhinged. Her isolated lifestyle seems to be pushing her farther from reality. At what point will she become a danger to herself?

    4. SFF. Jenna is “two tacos short of a combo plate” as they say.

    5. Thanks, Jen! I won the bet with my spouse that you’d delete that stupid post. I was right. He treated me to a yummy lunch. “Boy, howdy!”

  40. New… err recycled blog post on ShesCracked. She has some new woe is me give me money stuff as a preface.

    1. Of course, her big beg is on a roll before Christmas.

    2. Just read the latest Dumbstack. It reeks of narcissism. She’s writing it ‘for herself’. Not for her readers but for her own gratification of seeing her words in print once again. She appears to be in a downward spiral. It will be interesting to see how many subscribers drop out before the next eight dollars is due.

    3. In this past week, she offered one throw-away Holiday Gift Guide, and two repeats of previously-free posts (one from July and ine from August).

      Talk about subscribers not getting their money's worth!

    4. Jenna “reeks of narcissism,” and bad body odor. Her “words” have no worth.”

  41. Telling her readers she can’t leave the farm so she’s all alone. She managed to leave for the TS concert. Just sayin’

    1. Jenna also “left the farm” multiple times this summer to date a dyke. So her stupid story is blatant lying. She’s trying to justify why no one wants her crappy company. Apparently, not even Becca.

    2. You can’t convince me that Jenna wouldn’t want to attend a local holiday party for a few hours. If she’d been invited to one. Funny, how you never hear her mention other former friends in the area anymore. It’s obvious that they’ve either dumped her, or she’s pushed them away again.

    3. The things she has left the farm for:
      -visiting Shannon in Boston
      -visiting Shannon’s family farm where she posted photos of floaters in the pool
      -surely upon Shannon’s urging, visiting her own family
      -two days to attend Eras
      -multiple brewery visits
      -multiple hawk trapping excursions
      -multiple “farmers’ matinees “-spoiler, we real farmers don’t do those
      -visits to other farms for berry picking, pagan holiday celebration’
      -multiple trips to town for tacos, to injure a deer, to get ice cream or beef sandwiches

      Yeah, tell me again how you can’t leave the farm. I have five times the livestock numbers and I make arrangements to leave the farm, including to work a FT job in town.

    4. Floaties *

    5. well, she’s right about one thing: most “people with direct deposit jobs” would “fold [look for a new job] in three months if they had to live like I have the last decade.”

    6. Jenna has chosen each and every poor choice that she’s made.

    7. She’s bragged about fulfilling her dream to be a farmer, and it’s been a big failure. Yet she’s refused to be held accountable for her “dumb small life.”

    8. She still sings the same sad song about being a victim, when it’s her poor choices that have made her miserable. No one forced Jenna to quit a career in her twenties, to buy a home that’s been beyond her means from the start.

    9. She’s a huge hypocrite about holidays. Here’s another drive that Jenna has “left the farm” for. She’s been to Bennington, VT and back multiple times. That’s a round trip of almost 50 miles. We’ve done it often. Once she skulked around a cemetery, and said something stupid like “It’s all liminal space, baby.”

    10. Jenna has also driven to Saratoga Springs, NY several times to visit Moronic Miriam. That’s a total of almost 50 miles, too.

    11. Anonymous 4:14. We’ve always known that Jenna uses her small number of livestock as an excuse for not wanting to work. Thanks for confirming our opinions with your statement:

      “Yeah, tell me again how you can’t leave the farm. I have five times the livestock numbers and I make arrangements to leave the farm, including to work a FT job in town.”

  42. Wondering what’s up with the hawk. Aside from getting up at night when she heard imaginary bells, it’s been dead air which is a bit suspect since she would normally splash it all over IG to prove what a feral badass she is. Not that one can guarantee any of her pictures are current. We all know her track record with recycled content. I wonder if it escaped. If she is true to form, after reading this she will let us know. And is she finally done with Taylor Swift? Hey Wog, how are those Taylor and Travis voodoo dolls coming along? I guess she’ll let us know about that too.

    1. Whenever Wog is wrong she stays silent. Rather than admit that she was wrong. Cue the countdown to cyberstalking a new famous female in 2024. Maybe this time she’ll actually be a lesbian!

  43. Her “grow up” post is very telling. She wants people to imagine being her by pretending that whatever resources we have spent years building, we don’t have, but we still have all the liabilities. In other words, I should imagine I have the “exact same life” I have now, except I didn’t just invest two decades building my career and one decade building my relationship.

    But if I didn’t have the job and relationship, I definitely wouldn’t have the house and I would live somewhere way cheaper.

    I guess she thinks “a life” is the stuff you buy, and the relationships you build are somehow totally extraneous and unrelated to life.

    I’m confused!

    1. QMTA that I’m tempted to see if I can comment on her posts…

    2. Her straw man argument is absurd. Only foolish people like Wog would put themselves in a position of high expenses and no income. Unless there's a disaster or major illness, most people balance income with expenses.

      But to play her silly game, I'd immediately sell off unnecessary expenses and generate income, whether by having 1-2 roommates, leasing my horses, renting out space as AirBNB or getting remote jobs. I sure as hell wouldn't have half a dozen streaming services, go to pricy concerts, buy expensive junk food or keep toys that I can't afford. My career was such that I could easily leverage my skills into a lucrative consulting business (again). Only a fool doesn't maximize income and minimize expenses when needed.

    3. yeah, well, if you were as foolish as her you’d probably “fold” immediately. checkmate! ;)

    4. As I’ve said before, Jenna has lived way beyond her means for years. But then she tries to justify her poor choices, and make herself sound heroic. Instead of being stupid in reality.

    5. Jenna is too fat to “fold.” Her bulging belly would get in the way.

  44. It doesn’t look like she enabled the option to comment on her latest recycled post. Interesting.

    1. too bad she can’t hide the lack of engagement. so she has over 150 paid subscribers, yet it looks like she’s consistently getting less than 15 likes per post?

    2. In less than two months, average likes have dropped 50%.

    3. I’m sure that she’ll be losing subscribers soon.

    4. The stupid subscribers are throwing their money at a sinking ship. It won’t last long. Jenna is going down to the bottom.

  45. What happened to all the material she supposedly had for her new book!? Shouldn’t she be using that instead of recycling posts from a blog that everyone read for free up until minute ago! So bizarre! It’s like she’s purposely trying to make it not work. I feel like she thought setting it up and making a few posts on a few platforms would be all she needed to do to make $.

    1. And how about the content that’s “so juicy and passionate your keyboard will be wringing wet!!!” It’s just another promise that Jenna has pooped out on.

    2. thank goodness

    3. Anonymous 3:13. “Boy, howdy!”

  46. HD. New post please? Thanks!

  47. She’ll probably be alone again
    and stuff her fake fat face.
    Jen’s rotten reputation
    is an internet disgrace.


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