Autumn is coming in at full force.

It should be a super busy time on the "farm".  What has she been doing?  We know what she hasn’t been doing.  She hasn't been doing any post-summer clean-up around her shack on the hill.  She hasn’t been spending time with all the old friends that got tired of her BS…there are a lot.  She hasn’t been dating a new girl.  And she hasn’t been writing any interesting quality essays.
But really, it’s okay…she shouldn’t worry about it, because nobody really cares what she’s doing anyway.
Rehome the animals and you can just carry on.


  1. HD. Jenna never makes any mature changes and choices. She’s incapable of being an adult.

    1. She still acts like an adolescent teen boy when it comes to sex.

    2. There’s never been a real “farm.” Jenna is a hobbyist homesteader at best.

  2. For laughs: A pretend post from earlier this year.
    Anonymous July 27, 2024 at 12:18 PM
    ~ A Very Special Wog Post ~

    Hello travellers, it's your friend J****. I am just back from sitting by the river all morning and it got me to thinking about a childhood memory which none of you long term readers can dispute and my mother wouldn't dare.

    It was a beautiful day and there was something beautiful about nature, and life was just so beautiful then. Except when it wasn't because I was a gay child and didn't know how tough I had it.

    Then I retell the same story I've been reiterating for over a decade now, about how I quit my cubicle job to live this dream, and even though it's my dream and I'll always call it my dream, it's also been my living hell, lonely as hell, scary as hell.

    I went on medication last year and that's also something I remind you about every post, about how I needed to be medicated and then I got medication. But I did not get surgery or physiotherapy for my turned ankle because I'm very very poor. I own this property and I will fight like hell to keep it, which is also something I say every time I write, because I need to use the word hell as often as I talk about my anxiety, which is pretty much every post.

    I am very proud of the life I gave my dog G*****, even though I didn't take him to the vet until it was too late to do much for him but euthanize him. He lived his whole life beside me on this property, and I view this as an accomplishment in my life devoid of many such life landmarks. I can be proud of keeping G***** alive. Sure his world was very small, but so is mine and he never knew a different life. So I'm proud of that like I really accomplished something by feeding him and staying home with him most days he lived.

    I'll go back to telling you about this single beautiful scene from my childhood and maybe blend it into the beauty of the sunlight sparkling off the water where I catch brook trout that are the size of my thumb and think about how most adults have to be working in an office hating their lives, but I get sunlight on water that looks like stars in the sky in 1992 summer camp.

    Anyway, I'm just $100 away from making my mortgage payment and telling those nasty bank people to stay away for one more month - if I don't find some luck soon I'll lose everything and it's my dream so you know, pony up if you like reading this same blog post a few times a month.

    Until next time fellow travellors, dm me to book your logo for delivery in 2029. "

    PS Don't forget that she owes about $84,000 on a property that may be worth up to $220,000. She could cash out or refinance at any time to solve her money problems. But it's obviously more fun to beg strangers for money.

    1. PDD. That’s a masterpiece of mockery. I still think that Anon7 wrote that. Even though she hasn’t claimed credit when asked about it.

      Jenna still has no sense of financial responsibility. Even after over a decade of having her hovel.

    2. it was me, WIW. I wrote it after her summer camp memories post.

    3. I do miss Anon7, I hope they post soon!

    4. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 16, 2024 at 4:14 AM

      Wonderful job!


    5. WIW. That’s great!

  3. How about that Jenna? I’ve been reading your righting since the very beginning and this is your life in a nutshell. Pretty sure it’s a stupid question, but do you recognize yourself here?

    1. Jenna is in denial about her defective character. Like a sociopath who has no conscience.

    2. She doesn’t “recognize” anything about herself that’s not part of an act. There’s nothing that’s authentic about Jenna.

  4. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 18, 2024 at 4:30 AM

    Insufferable Twat Alert,

    I-Heat-With-Wood-Therefore-I'm-Better-Than-You edition


    1. Especially since she complains annually how cold her grouse is and how she cracks ice off the dog bowl and toilet. She stressed about frozen pipes and yet according to her latest freebie, so so warm there!

      Also, I live near her, have 4 people living in my house and I would not say we are super conservative with electricity. We have a/c and gas heat that we use to stay comfortable. Our bills are never even close to what she’s claiming she paid before using the wood stove. Crazy liar!!!!

    2. Every fall Jenna acts as if she’s living “Little Hovel on the Prairie” with her wood crap.

    3. Lol, she has a working oil furnace, thermostat and has used 1500-watt living room electric heaters. Oh, and let's not forget the summer-time air conditioner.

      She definitely doesn't have to "rough it". It's all performance lies.

    4. PDD. I’ve misplaced my comments to you below.


    5. Yep, stack, stack, stack that firewood you feral farmer, you! While you’re doing it, Darlin’, you might think about why you’re still living in an uninsulated house like it’s a badge of honor instead of being just plain stupid. You’re chirping about adding a second door to help stay warm. How about rustling up enough income to actually insulate the place? Got a plan for that? I’d like to drop by in twenty years to see how this life you rhapsodize about has worked out for you. I’ll tell you this for free, you’ll be one miserable old crone if you’re still stacking and hauling fire wood when you’re my age.

    6. Anon 7:09, I remember her really wanting a wood stove and asking her to readers to comment. She rationalized that with her own woods and her trusty horses, she could harvest wood and heat her home. Almost to a person, they advised that trying to heat with your own firewood was difficult & time-consuming and that she would be FAR better off fixing and insulating her house before putting in a wood stove.

      You might guess correctly that she ignored their good advice, because she WANTED A WOOD STOVE dammit. And so she rushed headlong into buying one - another questionable decision.

    7. An extra "to" in the first sentence. Sorry.

    8. It’s kind of sad that we’ve become apologetic about making little writing errors when we comment. When I posted above, hit send and then realized that I’d written “fire wood” instead of “firewood” I expected somebody to pounce. I do a lot of writing and know how much time, attention and editing it takes to get things right. We read what we think we wrote rather than what is actually there. We may not be published authors, but we’re going to have to try harder to create the kind of overwrought, misspelled, and frequently unintelligible stuff that The Wog has on offer. No apology necessary for the extra “to”.

    9. Anon, I get it. I'm not worried about people jumping on my posts (skin is too thick for that), but I dislike seeing unintentional errors. Drafting posts on a phone (with its small screen and often-inaccurate auto-correct) really isn't the best way to communicate.

  5. PDD. Exactly. It’s all a part of her performative posing. Shannon was sure in a frenzy to flee the filthy, feral failure, because a lot of her personal possessions were left behind.


    1. Edit: I want to also add that Shannon left behind her air conditioner, beanbag chair, vacuum cleaner, and much more.


    2. PDD. Sorry, meant to place these comments above.

  6. I enjoy mocking her awful appearance, and abhorrent behavior.

  7. And I also like goading that sycophant supporter into leaving irate comments. It’s fun to annoy them. “Hoo!!!”

  8. Sorry, “BM,” I’m not into “dumpster diving” like Shannon was. I also loathe lying, lazy losers.

    HD. Please delete Jenna’s crappy comment above. It’s filthy and repulsive just like her. She’s been busy begging, and smoking way too much weed. “Schucks!!!”

  9. Anonymous 2:24. It looks like someone needs to double down on her psych meds again.

  10. I’ve said this before, but it bears repeating. Jenna will only comment here when someone mentions her appearance. She doesn’t mind being called an animal abusing beggar, pathological liar, and sociopathic scammer. The only issue that makes her mad is related to looks.

  11. Some stupid morons still don’t know the difference between disgust and desire. It’s delusional to think that her haters are actually saying the opposite of what they think and write.

    1. The six comments above are out of context, because the original comment has been removed by this platform’s glitch. They were in response to Reddit receipts:

    2. I said that Jenna has enough belly blubber to keep her warm without wood heat.

    3. Anonymous 9:03. “Hoo!!!”

    4. Thanks to HD, and her permissive policies, we can feel free to express our opinions here. Without having sycophant supporters trying to police people into shutting up.

    5. You suppressed bbw-lover. Spread my chubby cheeks with your cunt-hungry sack sucker. 😝

    6. Looks like Jenna isn’t even pretending she’s not the one making disgusting comments anymore.

  12. New Reddit receipt:

  13. HD. The platform keeps removing the Reddit receipts. I don’t know why. Maybe it’s because of the links.


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