Autumn is coming in at full force.

It should be a super busy time on the "farm".  What has she been doing?  We know what she hasn’t been doing.  She hasn't been doing any post-summer clean-up around her shack on the hill.  She hasn’t been spending time with all the old friends that got tired of her BS…there are a lot.  She hasn’t been dating a new girl.  And she hasn’t been writing any interesting quality essays.
But really, it’s okay…she shouldn’t worry about it, because nobody really cares what she’s doing anyway.
Rehome the animals and you can just carry on.


  1. HD. Jenna never makes any mature changes and choices. She’s incapable of being an adult.

    1. She still acts like an adolescent teen boy when it comes to sex.

    2. There’s never been a real “farm.” Jenna is a hobbyist homesteader at best.

  2. For laughs: A pretend post from earlier this year.
    Anonymous July 27, 2024 at 12:18 PM
    ~ A Very Special Wog Post ~

    Hello travellers, it's your friend J****. I am just back from sitting by the river all morning and it got me to thinking about a childhood memory which none of you long term readers can dispute and my mother wouldn't dare.

    It was a beautiful day and there was something beautiful about nature, and life was just so beautiful then. Except when it wasn't because I was a gay child and didn't know how tough I had it.

    Then I retell the same story I've been reiterating for over a decade now, about how I quit my cubicle job to live this dream, and even though it's my dream and I'll always call it my dream, it's also been my living hell, lonely as hell, scary as hell.

    I went on medication last year and that's also something I remind you about every post, about how I needed to be medicated and then I got medication. But I did not get surgery or physiotherapy for my turned ankle because I'm very very poor. I own this property and I will fight like hell to keep it, which is also something I say every time I write, because I need to use the word hell as often as I talk about my anxiety, which is pretty much every post.

    I am very proud of the life I gave my dog G*****, even though I didn't take him to the vet until it was too late to do much for him but euthanize him. He lived his whole life beside me on this property, and I view this as an accomplishment in my life devoid of many such life landmarks. I can be proud of keeping G***** alive. Sure his world was very small, but so is mine and he never knew a different life. So I'm proud of that like I really accomplished something by feeding him and staying home with him most days he lived.

    I'll go back to telling you about this single beautiful scene from my childhood and maybe blend it into the beauty of the sunlight sparkling off the water where I catch brook trout that are the size of my thumb and think about how most adults have to be working in an office hating their lives, but I get sunlight on water that looks like stars in the sky in 1992 summer camp.

    Anyway, I'm just $100 away from making my mortgage payment and telling those nasty bank people to stay away for one more month - if I don't find some luck soon I'll lose everything and it's my dream so you know, pony up if you like reading this same blog post a few times a month.

    Until next time fellow travellors, dm me to book your logo for delivery in 2029. "

    PS Don't forget that she owes about $84,000 on a property that may be worth up to $220,000. She could cash out or refinance at any time to solve her money problems. But it's obviously more fun to beg strangers for money.

    1. PDD. That’s a masterpiece of mockery. I still think that Anon7 wrote that. Even though she hasn’t claimed credit when asked about it.

      Jenna still has no sense of financial responsibility. Even after over a decade of having her hovel.

    2. it was me, WIW. I wrote it after her summer camp memories post.

    3. I do miss Anon7, I hope they post soon!

    4. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 16, 2024 at 4:14 AM

      Wonderful job!


    5. WIW. That’s great!

  3. How about that Jenna? I’ve been reading your righting since the very beginning and this is your life in a nutshell. Pretty sure it’s a stupid question, but do you recognize yourself here?

    1. Jenna is in denial about her defective character. Like a sociopath who has no conscience.

    2. She doesn’t “recognize” anything about herself that’s not part of an act. There’s nothing that’s authentic about Jenna.

  4. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 18, 2024 at 4:30 AM

    Insufferable Twat Alert,

    I-Heat-With-Wood-Therefore-I'm-Better-Than-You edition


    1. Especially since she complains annually how cold her grouse is and how she cracks ice off the dog bowl and toilet. She stressed about frozen pipes and yet according to her latest freebie, so so warm there!

      Also, I live near her, have 4 people living in my house and I would not say we are super conservative with electricity. We have a/c and gas heat that we use to stay comfortable. Our bills are never even close to what she’s claiming she paid before using the wood stove. Crazy liar!!!!

    2. Every fall Jenna acts as if she’s living “Little Hovel on the Prairie” with her wood crap.

    3. Lol, she has a working oil furnace, thermostat and has used 1500-watt living room electric heaters. Oh, and let's not forget the summer-time air conditioner.

      She definitely doesn't have to "rough it". It's all performance lies.

    4. PDD. I’ve misplaced my comments to you below.


    5. Yep, stack, stack, stack that firewood you feral farmer, you! While you’re doing it, Darlin’, you might think about why you’re still living in an uninsulated house like it’s a badge of honor instead of being just plain stupid. You’re chirping about adding a second door to help stay warm. How about rustling up enough income to actually insulate the place? Got a plan for that? I’d like to drop by in twenty years to see how this life you rhapsodize about has worked out for you. I’ll tell you this for free, you’ll be one miserable old crone if you’re still stacking and hauling fire wood when you’re my age.

    6. Anon 7:09, I remember her really wanting a wood stove and asking her to readers to comment. She rationalized that with her own woods and her trusty horses, she could harvest wood and heat her home. Almost to a person, they advised that trying to heat with your own firewood was difficult & time-consuming and that she would be FAR better off fixing and insulating her house before putting in a wood stove.

      You might guess correctly that she ignored their good advice, because she WANTED A WOOD STOVE dammit. And so she rushed headlong into buying one - another questionable decision.

    7. An extra "to" in the first sentence. Sorry.

    8. It’s kind of sad that we’ve become apologetic about making little writing errors when we comment. When I posted above, hit send and then realized that I’d written “fire wood” instead of “firewood” I expected somebody to pounce. I do a lot of writing and know how much time, attention and editing it takes to get things right. We read what we think we wrote rather than what is actually there. We may not be published authors, but we’re going to have to try harder to create the kind of overwrought, misspelled, and frequently unintelligible stuff that The Wog has on offer. No apology necessary for the extra “to”.

    9. Anon, I get it. I'm not worried about people jumping on my posts (skin is too thick for that), but I dislike seeing unintentional errors. Drafting posts on a phone (with its small screen and often-inaccurate auto-correct) really isn't the best way to communicate.

  5. PDD. Exactly. It’s all a part of her performative posing. Shannon was sure in a frenzy to flee the filthy, feral failure, because a lot of her personal possessions were left behind.


    1. Edit: I want to also add that Shannon left behind her air conditioner, beanbag chair, vacuum cleaner, and much more.


    2. PDD. Sorry, meant to place these comments above.

  6. I enjoy mocking her awful appearance, and abhorrent behavior.

  7. And I also like goading that sycophant supporter into leaving irate comments. It’s fun to annoy them. “Hoo!!!”

  8. Sorry, “BM,” I’m not into “dumpster diving” like Shannon was. I also loathe lying, lazy losers.

    HD. Please delete Jenna’s crappy comment above. It’s filthy and repulsive just like her. She’s been busy begging, and smoking way too much weed. “Schucks!!!”

  9. Anonymous 2:24. It looks like someone needs to double down on her psych meds again.

  10. I’ve said this before, but it bears repeating. Jenna will only comment here when someone mentions her appearance. She doesn’t mind being called an animal abusing beggar, pathological liar, and sociopathic scammer. The only issue that makes her mad is related to looks.

  11. Some stupid morons still don’t know the difference between disgust and desire. It’s delusional to think that her haters are actually saying the opposite of what they think and write.

    1. I said that Jenna has enough belly blubber to keep her warm without wood heat.

    2. Anonymous 9:03. “Hoo!!!”

    3. Thanks to HD, and her permissive policies, we can feel free to express our opinions here. Without having sycophant supporters trying to police people into shutting up.

    4. Looks like Jenna isn’t even pretending she’s not the one making disgusting comments anymore.

    5. HD. Please delete Jenna’s creepy comment at 4:38. She’s only here to cause chaos among us. Thanks.

    6. Anonymous 4:49. It’s been very obvious for a long time that Jenna has been making the crude comments. Funny, how she just obsesses over sex and appearance.

    7. Jenna has plenty of time to waste making creepy comments. But not enough to go and get a job for financial security. She’d rather be a beggar on Substack and Instagram.

    8. There’s nothing that’s “suppressed” about my loathing for fat, lying, lazy losers like Jenna. She’s far from being a “bbw.” More like a bulging, beached whale as an acronym.

    9. I agree that people have the right to say as they wish. Free speech and all that. If people here want to sound ridiculous and throw elementary playground insults about her “blubber” keeping her warm- go ahead, but know that many of us here are experiencing second hand embarrassment on your behalf.

    10. Anonymous 8:19. I meant what was said about Jenna’s blubber keeping her warm this winter. And I’m not embarrassed about it. I enjoy insulting her in all the aspects of her awful appearance, and abhorrent behavior. I find it refreshing to tell the truth.

    11. I also want to add that no one has made 8:19 the official spokesperson for commenters here. “Many of us” think that Jenna is repulsive on every level. Including, being a fat slob who has horrid hygiene.

    12. It also looks like 8:19 is trying to police people, and stifle our opinions that differ from their own.

    13. There’s nothing that anyone can either do, or say to stop us from saying what we want to. And in whichever ways that are available. Even if it offends certain people. We won’t keep quiet about an animal abusing beggar, pathological liar, and sociopathic scammer like Jenna.

  12. New Reddit receipt:

  13. HD. The platform keeps removing the Reddit receipts. I don’t know why. Maybe it’s because of the links.

  14. She just posted a pic on IG of the dishwasher she claims not to own. She gets dumber every year. Does she think people can't see through her lies?

  15. More new Reddit receipts. Links can’t be left now, because they’ve been getting removed for no reason. I think that it’s the same glitch on this platform that hasn’t been fixed.

    1. Both posts are about her old barn that’s almost falling down due to zero maintenance. Her hovel is a disgrace. The infrastructure was supposed to be restored with funds from a loan years ago, but Jenna misappropriated the money as usual for fun.

    2. More Reddit receipts: Jenna’s blubber is the cause of structural issues in barn.

    3. “Dressing and Croutons!”September 22, 2024 at 7:33 AM

      Anonymous 5:39. It’s nice to know that I’m not the only person who mentions her blubber above.

    4. If she were doing half the amount of farm work that she claims she would not be so obese. Case in point, hauling buckets is a lie as she has posted pictures of a hose. Shots inside the house reveal a level of filth which indicates that nothing has been scrubbed or tidied in ages. The general disrepair (especially the barn) indicates she does no repair work and only patches fencing when an animal escapes at which time she moans about how exhausted she is after doing what any real farmer would consider all in a days work. Also her neighbour takes care of snow removal. Her wood is delivered already cut so she rarely has to swing an axe and even though she lives on a woodlot, she doesn’t appear to harvest wood from her own property. She openly admits that she has stopped riding, running and hiking. I seriously doubt she ever actually ran at all based on the sorry state of her body. It was obviously meant to draw in a new audience. She talks constantly about streaming movies which is of course, a sedentary activity and she reposts endless memes which has to take up hours of her day sitting on her ass scrolling. She can fool some of the people some of the time with her extreme slimming filters but unfiltered photos which pop up periodically indicate a level of sloth that is shocking given her age.

    5. SFF. I agree with what you wrote. We’ve seen Jenna many times in person, and even slowly running on local roads in the past. So we’re speaking from experience. It’s not “body shaming” to note when someone is obese by normal standards. She’s become very lazy and slothful for a woman in her early forties. It is “shocking.”

    6. It’s like that old saying “You can’t outrun a bad diet.” Jenna has bragged before about “baking brownies with frosting,” and “spooky cupcakes with candy sprinkles!” Plus, her putrid pan pizza that’s always gross and greasy looking. I don’t think that anything has changed this year. So it’s not a shock that she’s obese.

    7. Blubber bellies like her should not eat cupcakes and Dutch Babies!

    8. Anonymous 12:37. Or maybe eat high calorie snacks sparingly. Moderation is key to weight control.

    9. For someone whose whole identity for over a decade was being a farmer, Jenna doesn’t seem to eat that many salads and veggies. It’s only when Shannon briefly lived with her that growing a garden became important. And it was probably done just to post pics as proof.

    10. Her feral, farmer facade is all an act.

  16. A new Reddit receipt about whether or not she has pigs, because the pics are old.

    PDD asked the question:

    “Has anyone seen recent evidence of pigs? This photo is a year old.

    Does she even have pigs???”

    1. If she doesn’t currently have pigs, but still shills her shit “shares,” then it’s completely fraudulent. It could be considered criminal activity.

    2. We know that Jenna is a regular reader here with her recent, creepy comments. Cue the countdown to more pig pics, and claims that they’re current ones. She’ll also probably post that old bacon photo that belongs to someone else. Yet is used in a sneaky way to imply that it’s her own pork product.

    3. Agree. A video of live animals frolicking in the autumn splendor would be 'proof of life'. When I saw the current pic I thought she was announcing that one of the pigs had died since it's just lying there on it's side looking dead. Not a great ad if you're selling fresh pork.

    4. SFF. Jenna is still clueless about running a business in an ethical manner.

    5. She knows nothing about business. Jenna has become a beggar.

    6. Only Jenna would try to sell pork shares using a picture of a mummified pig! She’s a clueless, tone deaf, lazy, huckster!

    7. Anonymous 7:02. And it’s way worse because it’s not even her photo. Jenna is a con cunt.

    8. Edit: Was referring above to bacon pic not mummy. But that’s probably also not her photo.

    9. Why would anyone want to purchase pork from a pig that’s a lying, lazy loser like Jenna? You’d be better off buying it at a store. And it’s a gamble as to whether or not you’ll ever get the promised product on time.

  17. Rehome your animals, winter is around the corner, no barn for the horses, etc.
    Let someone else provide decent animal care. Its disgusting! what you have done.

    1. It will never happen. Jenna is too stupid and stubborn to make mature choices and changes.

    2. Jenna has been given the same good advice for over a decade. But she still refuses to do the right thing. To the detriment of her animals.

    3. She can’t hear the good advice with blubber in her ears.

    4. Anonymous 3:30. She “can’t hear” anything other than her own victim narrative.

  18. Laughing at her newest fable: how she bought her "farm" without help from anyone, because she was forced to leave her Vermont rental cabin. She must have forgotten the part where the landlord was tired of her animal neglect and evicted her. Oh, she also forgot to mention the financial contributions from her readers who believed her 💩 Gee, what a heroine!

    1. Her whole life is lies.


      If you take time to search through the dates, then there’s proof of her having help buying a home. Also other information on Jenna’s past.

    3. Jenna is a pathological liar who has rewritten her history. We clearly recall all of the help that she’s had with her home since the start.

    4. Here’s Jenna bragging about how she didn’t need a down payment for her home:

      “no down payment! I used the USDA's Rural Developement Loan to buy my home. If the property you want to move on is in the USDA's Rurdev area, then you can apply through a bank or mortgage broker for that program. I didn't have a down payment.”

  19. Just for fun:

    1. I’ve never seen a flattering photo of her fake fat face. Jenna’s smiles are always insincere.

    2. Even the turkey’s body language says that it finds being around her repellent.

    3. It’s obvious that the turkey is jerking away from Jenna.

    4. Her clothes are all at least one size too small and check out that belly hanging over her waistband. Did she actually post this picture on purpose? Who would demean themselves like that?

    5. SFF. I posted the original comment above. It’s clear that Jenna has never had either a sense of style, or an awareness of what kinds of clothes look good on her. Kilts don’t just cut it.

    6. Edit: Kilts just don’t cut it.

    7. That photo reminds me of another ick pic:

      Her trying to look cutesy is creepy instead.

    8. There are many clothing options now for those who have bigger bodies like Jenna’s. But it takes time to see what works for your unique style.

    9. Agree. Too many people get stuck on a number when moving to the next size up would look more attractive and would surely be more comfortable. That jacket makes her arms look like over stuffed sausages.

    10. SFF. Yeah, she often stuffs herself into clothes that are way too tight and small for her size.

    11. Her ugly, barf brown pleather jacket should be burned, because it’s an abomination.

    12. I followed your link to the reddit post. Under the search, this popped up.

      In response to a complaint we received under the US Digital Millennium Copyright Act, we have removed 1 result(s) from this page. If you wish, you may read the DMCA complaint that caused the removal(s) at

    13. Sorry, not reddit. It was the link to blogspot.

  20. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 24, 2024 at 2:55 PM

    For people who can't wait to read more about the fake feral farmer, how about these book reviews of Barnheart?

    From Leslie, July, 2012
    Disappointing. The author is smug and immature. This "memoir" chronicles one "gotta have it" after another. She wants to be a farmer, she wants to be a shephard, she wants a truck, she wants a goat to walk like a's one chapter after another describing her impulsive and momentary obsessive desires. I found that she equates real farm animals to toys, and once the novelty of the goat wore off, on to the next new toy/animal. I don't recommend this book to anyone looking to her for sound, grounded advice. She doesn't stay with anything long enough to quantify herself as a farmer, shephard, etc.

    From Shannon, July 2013

    (There is) just a sense of "I want to do it, and I think I should, so I will!" I find that I agree with the older adults in her life. I think it was pretty entitled and haughty of her to bring so many farm animals to a small RENTED cabin. And her attitude and justification was - I want to do it and I'm really good at it, so what if my landlord doesn't want me to do it? I want it and this farm is just *insert whiney voice* so perfect for homesteading.
    I mean - she lets her animals "free range" all over her RENTED property thus creating quite a lot of poop and mess everywhere. When she is called to accountability from her landlord and neighbor, she throws a fit and spends quite a lot of a chapter justifying her actions and reactions. But honestly? They had a right to be angry and she had taken way too many liberties from her landlord's original generous agreement of letting Jenna bring two dogs and chickens onto the property.
    Another instance of entitled twenty-something behavior is when she gets the sheep dog, Sarah. After the dog bites the FIRST time, Jenna finds all these justifications and reasons why Sarah would do such a thing. Jenna wants to be a shepherd and she must have a sheep dog and she made such a rash, uneducated decision. She brings the dog into a bookstore in order to "get it used to people". It was only after the dog bit THREE MORE PEOPLE that she finally learns her lesson and gets rid of the dog... But I didn't appreciate the haughty tone from someone who must have it and have it now no matter what the consequence." (There are much better books out there.)

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 24, 2024 at 3:07 PM

      Even more.
      From Megan
      "I found her attitude immature, and some of her decisions downright irresponsible. Overall there's a tone of superiority, and I just couldn't shake the feeling that I was being looked down on for not being a farmer (yet), or a Vermonter, or a fiddle-player, or the kind of person that just makes lifelong friends with everyone she meets. Also, every other chapter was peppered with something about not having a man. Sorry, but I have no sympathy for you. Buck up."

      From Brooke
      "This was absolutely awful. The author makes an endless string of thoughtless and terrible decisions that she touts as fArM cUlTuRe. She’s also incredibly judgmental about anyone who doesn’t subscribe exactly to her lifestyle. In addition, there’s almost no useful or Illuminating information about actual homesteading or farming. She spends entirely too much time trying to rationalize her horrible decisions and how she can’t get a man. I should have DNF’d it."

      From Lindsey
      "Having read One Woman Farm, and now Barnheart, I’ve come to the conclusion that I just do not care for Jenna Woginrich. I can’t actually tell you why, and I’ll reflect on it some, but I don’t know how this woman is getting books published. Maybe it’s her writing style, maybe it’s just that she sounds like any number of dumb young Millennials who romanticized farming. Kudos to her for being mildly successful at it and I’m glad she’s doing well, but I don’t plan to ever pick up another of her narratives about her farming life again."

    2. PDD. Thanks for posting these Jen gems. I’ve read some of her rotten reviews before. I’m sure that Wog wishes they’d disappear.

    3. I laughed at “and how she can’t get a man.” Jenna still can’t find romance even with women!

    4. “Also, every other chapter was peppered with something about not having a man.”

      Yeah, she’s really a lifelong lesbian.

    5. From Leslie, July, 2012
      “Disappointing. The author is smug and immature.”

      Nothing has changed, and it’s 2024.

  21. The Feral Farmer has posted a picture on Instagram you might like to see. The bird is on a perch in the kitchen of the trashy farmhouse. Is there anything filthier than an uncaged bird in the kitchen? it’s hard for me to imagine that a person could ever hope to attract a following with the boring, mostly incomprehensible, stuff JW plucks from the internet to share with her followers. Since she apparently has no friends, no adventures and not much of anything, really, she has nothing else to offer. Zero face-to-face human interaction as near as I can tell. Not a story to tell about the horses, the pigs, the dog or the goat. Is there still a pack goat? She’s resorted to offering “essays” to her Substack subscribers because she is devoid of personality. Yawn…….

    1. Jenna is total white trash. I feel for her bird victims. We think that it’s time to alert the appropriate authorities about her animal abusing.

  22. Jenna's latest essay narration is the first instance I've seen where she acknowledges some new things which worked to her advantage / privilege:

    her race (white privilege)
    her college education

    This flies in the face of her "I bought this farm alone, did all this myself!" story. She acknowledges her parents did something HUGE: they stabilized her housing.

    If they had not cosigned that mortgage, jenna would have had to rehome all her animals and get an apartment she could afford. She certainly would have had to hold on her her job. Sadly in providing Jenna with the stability that would change the lives of most people, they instead enabled her to take accumulate more stock and charge down this switchback of folly we've been watching since 2012.

    What a way to repay Mom & Pop's generosity.

    This fully explains why Jenna's never lost the property. Her folks cosigned. Whenever Jenna spent mortgage money on unnecessary animals, every year that passed in unemployment, her parents were responsible to pick up the tab. The would have to, or the bank would go after them.

    No wonder Jenna's been so cavalier about being behind on the mortgage. No wonder she was so happy to have her ex pay more than half the bills.

    1. Would you please copy/paste the paragraph where she admits to help from her parents? I'm not a subscriber so all I can see is the first few paragraphs and she states she didn't get any help from them. She did it by herself (although we all know that's a lie.)

    2. I’d also like to see that important paragraph. We’ve thought for years, and I’ve even said it here, that the parents were part of Jenna owning her home. I’m amazed that she’s finally admitting it.

    3. It also proves that her fake fear of foreclosure is manipulative marketing to elicit empathy for funds. Jenna never has to worry about that happening, when her poor parents are probably paying for the missed mortgage payments.

    4. Anonymous 8:49. Thanks for posting this information. I appreciate the confirmation that we were right about her home.

    5. it was in her podcast narration, it's not written down.

      it's 8 min 30 sec in

    6. oh wait it is written down

      screen shot here:

  23. After reading the posts, I think she is talking about her student loans being cosigned by her parents. She just doesn't write well enough to be clear about it.

    1. I hate to agree, because we hate her. But it’s unclear about whether or not the loans were for Jenna’s home or education. She’s probably deliberately not telling the truth about it.

    2. if she has student loans cosigned by her parents and she's not paying them, wouldn't collections go after them?

    3. Anonymous 11:01. I thought the same thing. But I also still think that Jenna’s parents are part of paying for her faux farm. If they co-signed for college loans, then it makes sense that the same would happen for her home.

    4. Her blubber co-signed her student loans. lol!!

    5. Regardless of the truth, doing it by herself is part of her story as a memoirist and I don’t really believe anything out of her mouth! It’s all about how she can not work an actual job.

    6. HD. For once, “BM” was replying to something that another person wrote here. It wasn’t me at 6:10. Please delete Jenna’s creepy comment at 8:00. She’s only here to cause chaos and disruption. She must’ve taken time off from rewriting her history last night. “Hoo!!!”

    7. Anonymous 6:10. I’ve often mentioned Jenna’s appearance, in context, but I’d suggest backing off on your blubber comments. You’ve made several recently. It only attracts her to make more creepy comments. That’s not good for the site, because then, HD has to waste her time monitoring us. And it disrupts our flow of interaction. I’d appreciate your understanding. Thanks.

    8. I enjoy mocking her awful appearance, and abhorrent behavior.
      And I also like goading that sycophant supporter into leaving irate comments. It’s fun to annoy them. “Hoo!!!”

    9. “Schucks!!!”

    10. Absolutely agree with Anonymous 4:48.

    11. Anon 6:22 - what is your body like? I'm not creepy, just curious.

    12. Anonymous 6:53. I appreciate you agreeing with my comment. Thanks!

    13. Anonymous 8:17. I’m fine with answering your question. It’s fairly fit from being active all my life. I still hike with my husband. And I’m decades older than Jenna.

    14. Edit: Sorry for the error, but I made a mistake with my response on 8:19. My comment at 8:19 was meant for 7:33.

    15. I also want to add to my comment at 8:19, that we watch our weight, and what we eat. Both of us still get compliments on our physical fitness. Even though we’re seniors now. But it takes time and effort to remain healthy. Neither of us either drinks or smokes. So my skin looks great.

    16. Edit: neither, nor but not or

    17. WIW here, I agree with anon 448. It doesn't add anything to the discussion here and just generates work for HD. If anything you're being unkind to HD.

    18. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 26, 2024 at 3:44 PM

      Anon's point about not wanting to create more work for HD is a good one. HD does a lot for the group, and if it's at all feasible, reducing body cracks that attract Wog are okay with me.

      Just my $0.02

    19. Big Mama knows the difference between "your" and "you're" - not Jenna but I'll play for you 😘

    20. HD. Please delete Jenna’s deviant and delusional comment above at 9:09. Apparently, she’s been drinking bottles of bourbon again, and smoking way too much weed now. Maybe you should moderate the intake. Thanks.

    21. It’s really bizarre how many of Jenna’s deranged comments are crudely masculine in nature. I hope that she gets help for her serious mental illness. I fear for her animals most of all.

    22. 2:15. Please be on your way. If you want to snark on Jenna, then get to it.

    23. Anonymous 12:48. I second what you’ve said. They’re only here to pick on total strangers. It’s never been about Jenna. Unless, the comments relate to her appearance not behavior. Their presence doesn’t make sense, because they don’t contribute anything of merit to our topics.

    24. I’ve had years of training in my profession to notice patterns of behavior. This person won’t comment for long periods of time, but they’ll suddenly show up. And then disappear again. I really wonder, considering their warped obsession with deviancy, if they’re not an impatient at a psychiatric facility. One where the patients aren’t allowed to use computers on a daily basis. I think that this theory is completely plausible.

    25. Edit: inpatient not impatient

    26. Most normal people don’t keep coming back where they’re clearly not wanted. Especially, when their comments, which are neither intelligent nor entertaining, are always deleted by the mod. I guess that it takes a special kind of stupid to persist.

    27. The reason that they don’t pester people on the Reddit sub, is because they’d be banned by them.

  24. There are so many little niches out there, it's more popular than ever to have the modern "farmhouse aesthetic" even in the city, and some people are more engaged than ever in what actually goes in their mouths and being involved in the story of how their food was raised. And in all of that stew of good potential she has STILL not managed to make any kind of significant income farming. She had some ideas (though flawed) and ambition in the beginning, about selling wool and creating experiences, hosting workshops, and antlerstock. Like yes there were flies in the ointment even then but she was kinda trying? she was desperately in love with the life she was clutching at. And now she has given up. There is no drive or ambition or joy. There are still opportunities aplenty, and she can't be bothered to reach. I am a shepherd and fibre artist. I sell raw and processed wool products from my sheep. I have horses, and chickens, and dogs and cats and rabbits. I started with many of the same pieces as Jenna, but darn it all I'm making something of it! I have regular meat and wool customers, and repeat buyers. I have almost equalled the income I make from my in town career (that I work at part time now), and will hang on to both income streams while we fix up aging infrastructure, and once the sheds and fences are repaired, I plan to transition to being fully supported by my farm income. BUT NOT UNTIL I PROVED TO MYSELF THAT I COULD SUPPORT MYSELF THAT WAY!!!

    1. Congrats, at being truly self-sufficient. Thar was uplifting to read. Jenna made a major mistake at quitting a decent career in her twenties, to buy a faux farm that’s been a failure from the start. And she still has her hands out for help at age 42.

    2. Edit. That not thar

    3. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 26, 2024 at 9:05 AM

      Anon 8:12, this is wonderful to read and echoes much of what I've seen. There's a local woman who has no more than three acres of land, and she's turned her property into a thriving CSA, with flowers, perennials, vegetables, yogurt, preserves and cheeses available BESIDES growing/raising enough food to feed her family. I see her sharing health tips, recipes, and herbal tinctures. I don't see her posting endlessly about television, and streaming entertainment.

      There's no doubt that Wog's potential was squandered years ago. However, I really wonder how much of her early "zeal" was due to input/support from Pember Patty. I do remember that almost all of the seminar experts were connected with PP, so I assume PP was part and parcel in making the seminars actually happen.


  25. I’m making more edit errors than usual, above in comments, because we’re on our way to Canada in a car. I should wait until we get to Quebec.

    1. Being Canadian, I highly recommend Quebec in the fall.

    2. SFF. Thanks! We’re still on the road. It’s our first trip to Quebec. Unlike Jenna, who’s just jealous, we find travel to be fun.

    3. The east coast / valley area of Quebec / Ontario is absolutely gorgeous this time of year. Perfect time for a trip - have fun!

    4. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 26, 2024 at 4:02 PM

      Anon 8:44, enjoy your trip to Quebec! It's a stunning time of the year and a wonderful city (Montreal and Quebec are two of my favorites ❤️).


    5. Anonymous 3:07 & PDD. Thanks! We think that fall foliage is wonderful.

  26. Sadly, I think Jenna’s personality would make it difficult for her to be successful at almost anything and certainly don’t see any way that she could make a go of CAF if she needed face-to-face interaction to do so. Maybe, if she hired a front man and made herself scarce. But then there is also the problem of filthy collapsing infrastructure and, with two horses “mowing” the lawn, the likelihood of traipsing through poop.

    1. Totally agree that her personality flaws are her biggest problem. She talks down to her audience on the podcasts and her smug attitude is off putting. Combine that with her oppositional manner and you are correct, she is her own worst advertisement. I’ve said for a while that she needs to take a business course to gain skills in that area. She just keeps shooting herself in the foot financially speaking.

    2. Well, that’ll be a cold day in hell. Not sure a know-it-all can be taught.

    3. Her pushy personality is a total turnoff to most normal adults. No one wants to be around a smug, smirking asshole who has an arrogant attitude for no good reason.

  27. More historic book reviews. Some things never change?

    (from Michelle):
    I started off thinking I was going to LOVE this book.... It all came to a halt with the sort of efficiency a three-car pileup has in stopping traffic on the highway. I was cruising along on the high of finding one of "my people," and then, out of nowhere, she hits me with some self-righteous complaints about how other people in her community use their property and their money, simply because it's not the same way she would. I understand that when you're a gardener or a livestock farmer, it can be fun to daydream about what you would do with that beautiful sunny patch in the neighbor's front yard, or to imagine how that hillside would look with a little shed and pasture tucked against it.

    However. Someone obviously never told Jenna that just because someone doesn't use their money/property as she would, it doesn't make them any less qualified or any less valid as a land owner. It should in no way affect her that the horse farmer with an antique car hobby built a separate barn for his cars (more on that later). And hey, if the other folks want to use their property as a vacation home, that's none of her business, especially because Jenna could still continue to homestead on her RENTED property without the vacation homers interfering even a little.

    And just as a personal soapbox: The reason you should absolutely NOT get your knickers in a twist over the fact that the car collector/horse farmer built a separate barn for his cars is a darn good one - horses eat hay. Hay is flammable. Cars run on gasoline. Gasoline is explosive. If, God forbid, one or the other catches fire, you will have catastrophic damage and a bunch of dead horses. It doesn't seem that hard to understand, but she went so far as to call it "a slap in the face" simply because she was sniffy about the fact that he had more money than she did and used it in a way that she thought was too showboaty. Really, all he was doing was demonstrating an understanding that keeping horses and cars together in the same building is a stupid thing to do.

    That was annoying enough all on its own, but after I had cooled down enough to keep reading, I read the following passage in the very next paragraph: "My green-living, composting, sustainability-driven small farming probably annoyed the hell out of the conventional dairy farmers trying to scrape by. Seeing a girl with a decent-paying job throwing her money into a backyard farm so she doesn't have to buy the conventional food they're struggling to produce must make them shake their heads." Excuse me, that is the snottiest thing I have read in ages. It seems she wants everyone to be just the same as her, and she'll look down her nose left and right at everyone who's not. She says, "We're all just trying to live the lives we aspire to," but if everyone isn't aspiring to live the life that she wants for herself, they're doing something wrong. It also seemed kind of, "Look at these chumps trying to earn a living. I already earn a decent living, and I'm doing what they're doing. I'm just doing it better. I'm not struggling."

    These above two points all happened in the span of several pages, but it was enough to tick me off and sour my feelings about everything that followed. I quite honestly read the rest of the book through a wrinkled nose and gritted teeth."

    1. Continued book reviews.
      (from Clong):
      "At first I enjoyed this book (yay! Farmy stuff!!!). But the book quickly devolves. Each chapter seems to run along the same lines: author wants something, author complains about never being able to have what she wants despite it's righteous roots, the stars align and author gets what she wanted through means of both "hard work" and incredible kismet ("wow! it's like the universe knows Me and is rewarding me!") author talks about how awesome she is and how even seasoned farmers thinks so. Of course it is also peppered with a lot of "why doesn't anyone love me?!" "Nobody wants to be my friend!" "ALL Vermonters snub me because I'm an outsider!" And my personal favorite, "here is a chapter about how much better I am than the guy down the street...because he built a barn and didn't put animals in it, but rather a recording studio! What a prick! How dare he go to the trouble of matching the landscape! Why didn't he just gift the barn to me?! I would use it responsibly! The world is so backwards!" Oh. My.
      I understand that many people find her inspiring, which is great. I did not get that from this book. Her first book, although a bit corny was better than this. She comes off incredibly conceited and whiny here. The end. "

      (from Julia):
      "This book gets three stars for multiple chicken references. It loses two stars for the author’s immaturity and lack of self-reflection. The worst was wading through the chapter where she complained about how all her neighbors used their properties with a “holier than thou” attitude and then completely dismissed her neighbor’s concerns that she was building what we can reasonably assume to be a hideous structure in the path of his back deck view. She, a renter, moves in and decides she needs a sheep barn and takes issue with the fact her property-owning neighbor doesn’t want a giant structure blocking his view. What makes the whole situation painful to read about is how little she seems to be aware that other people have valid feelings and opinions that might differ from hers. Truly sorry for the woman she rented this cabin from. I imagine clean up after Jenna moved out was horrendous. "

    2. (from Angela):
      "This is the second book I've read by this author. I like her writing style, very poetic and inspiring. I'm not particularly impressed by her farming style. I get that farming is hard work but she seems to go out of her way to make it a lot harder than it should be. She talks about the sheep escaping, constantly having to chase them, and not having enough money to pay for either supplies or man power to build proper fencing. She talks about not working her own hayfields because she doesn't have enough money to buy the proper equipment, never having enough hay stored up, having to trade and barter and straight out buy hay, never having enough money to buy all the hay she needs and also never having a barn big enough to store the hay in. Then she reiterates that she doesn't have enough money to build a bigger barn. She talks a lot about money, always being behind on her bills, always worried about how she's going to pay the mortgage or get enough feed for her animals.
      After lamenting on her lack of income she waxes philosophically about the beauty of being ones own boss and the luxury of horseback riding, archery practice, long hikes through the woods, fiddle practice, visiting neighbors, entertaining guests, and long naps in the front yard hammock. This would sound lovely if it didn't also sound foolish. If you've got enough time to do several non-farm related things throughout the day then at the very least you've got enough time to pick up a part time job in town that helps pay for everything ~ your bills, proper fencing, a bigger barn, and a full supply of hay.
      But who am I to judge?

      ... I understand this book was written about four years into her homesteading experience and that she has a blog. Everyone is on their own journey, I hope hers has gotten better. Based on her business skills however, I wouldn't recommend sending her money if she asks for it."

    3. PDD. Thanks for posting more reviews. It’s unbelievable how nothing has changed in over a decade of having her hovel. Wog still sings the same sad song each and every month about never having enough money to make her mortgage payments on time. She doesn’t deserve to own a home, and animals who are abused by her.

  28. She is a disaster, and her animals are paying the price. HELP SOMEBODY!!!!!

    1. We feel the same way about the animals, and are planning on reporting her again.

    2. FYI: You don’t have to be local to report her animal abusing.


    Let’s take another “walk down memory lane.” I’d read this past post before l, but never knew until now upon review, that Jenna commented on Katz’s post to do damage control after the fact.

    1. Edit: before, but

      Typing on a small phone can be challenging.

    2. I don’t have Facebook. So I can’t see all of the content. She always has a handful of stupid supporters. But it seems like Jon didn’t respond in Jenna’s defense. There are also several people who mention having been ripped off by Wog. Including, a man who paid $125 for a cape that he never got from her as promised.

    3. Jon hates her now. He’s told us that his feelings of fondness for her as a friend have changed. Jenna is loathed by locals for being a big user, and garbage human being.

    4. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 29, 2024 at 11:42 AM

      If you've live in a rural community for 14 years, have non-shippable farm-raised meat to sell, and you're 'forced' to solicit internet strangers for sales - your neighbors hate you.

      (whose neighbors sell out every year, thanks to solid reputations and goodwill)

    5. PDD. Exactly. That was well-put. Then you add in her animal abusing, begging and scamming. Plus, Jenna’s unpleasant personality. It’s no wonder why she’s loathed by locals.

  30. Nothing new to talk about with Wog?

    1. This isn’t anything new, but the same crap is still happening at her hovel:

    2. A Legend in Her Own MindOctober 2, 2024 at 7:49 AM

      Anon, a classic critique. I agree with you that nothing has likely changed. As commented on the post, Wog has gotten away with her behavior for years because many of her readers lack critical thinking skills and don't really understand agriculture or raising meat animals. However, for people who've watched her posts over years, it's obvious she's an awful "farmer", "shepherd," "pig farmer," "falconer," and "horse owner".

      If you frequent social media posts with horses, you'll sometimes see videos that show horses in obvious stress or panic situations - frantically passaging, eyes wide, nostrils flared, head thrown up (or held down), side-stepping, weaving, etc., and there are loads of ignorant people who applaud and laugh, because they don't recognize the signs of poorly managed animals. It's the same with the faux feral farmer.

    3. PDD. I appreciate your great response to my comment. Jenna is a sociopath who has no conscience when it comes to caring for animals. Look at how much she neglected her dog’s health until he died. Her horses are also props for pics. The same way with Wog’s birds. It’s all an act to appear authentic.

  31. And yes, Halloween is coming, a time where Jenna acts insufferable, mostly because Halloween is a holiday that's pagan in origin. While trick-or-treaters occasionally come to my area, fundamentalist Christian groups that claim the holiday is satanic is more common (Jehovah's Witnesses, in particular, but even Jewish and Muslim groups also jump on the Satanic Panic train), the same people that said songs like "Stairway to Heaven" and other classic rock songs had reversed satanic messages. "Here's to my sweet Satan. The one whose little path would make me sad, whose power is Satan. He'll give those with him 666. There was a little toolshed where he made us suffer, sad Satan..."

    1. Jenna is always insufferable no matter what time of year it is. Her pagan posing is all an act.

  32. I guess one thing I've learned through the years is....Jenna's gonna Jenna. Girl is hardwired for the shameless grift. Even if her life is successfully funded by strangers, Jenna's life is inherently empty of close relationships, a tight knit community, and a homestead/animals that are well tended to. Unless she is a sociopath with no feelings, that has to weigh on her.

    1. She’s become a shameless beggar. I think that Jenna more than meets the criterion for being a sociopath.

    2. She's a fruit rollup of personality disorders.

  33. I think that we’re nearing the third anniversary of when Wog was dumped by Shannon. Maybe she’ll write more poor poems for the occasion.

    1. Despite all of Jenna’s efforts over the past three years, trying to connect with women, she’s still single and alone.

    2. Away for the WeekendOctober 5, 2024 at 5:24 AM

      It's especially funny when you realize all the fuss over Wog's roommate abandoning her is about a Covid-era 'relationship' that lasted only a year.

    3. PDD. Jenna uses Shannon as an excuse to claim that she’s lost half of her income. When it was clear that the “get yourself a girl” paid for much more than her fair share. It’s also interesting how both of Wog’s siblings are married now.

    4. Having issues maintaining relationships is yet another classic ADHD sign jenna shows. Meds don't fix it, therapy helps. Therapy and wanting to change of course.

  34. I’ll be looking for Jenna at the Saratoga Book Festival today! Over 90 local authors. Oh wait, she won’t be there 😜

    1. Yeah, but she’d be the one screaming about discrimination for lesbian writers!

    2. Jenna is too busy begging for fall funds. She can’t be bothered to network like normal adults do to make connections.

    3. A Legend in Her Own MindOctober 5, 2024 at 12:29 PM

      Wow. Big time begging on Instagram and Substack. Is that allowed on Substack?

    4. PDD. I’ve been wondering if we can report her begging without having an account.

    5. PDD. It looks like you don’t need an account. I’ve just reported her to: Here’s what I wrote:

      Subject: Content Violation: Jenna Woginrich is begging for money

      “Jenna Woginrich has a history of begging for money online. She’s been doing this for decades. Now, it’s happening on her Substack account: link to her crap.” I suggest that others do this, too.

    6. We ran Jenna off Reddit months ago for using alternate accounts to promote herself. That goes again their strict rules. I think that they banned her, because those usernames were deleted. She also might’ve done it to avoid more evidence. Maybe we can do the same on Substack.

    7. Why should she be allowed to beg when that’s not what Substack is about?

    8. Several locals in Cambridge have also reported her for begging on Substack. We discussed it over coffee.

    9. I just sent an email. It specifically violates the "marketing and promotion" terms of service. "Substack is intended for high quality editorial content, not conventional email marketing. We don’t permit publications whose primary purpose is to advertise external products or services, drive traffic to third party sites, distribute offers and promotions, enhance search engine optimization, or similar activities. Brands and commercial organizations publishing on Substack may be subject to additional verification."

    10. I'm also pretty sure Jenna reposting her huff po "let your children grow up to be farmers" is another TOS violation, as all content is supposed to be original, and you're not supposed to be posting for SEO purposes.

    11. Thanks to all here who sent emails to Substack. Including ourselves. It’s satisfying to report her for fraudulent usage.

    12. Edit: who have

  35. “I will say this. I like my fires. Hell, I love them. I love the need to stay home to keep warm. It means I am here through every snowstorm, up like a soldier every freezing night. I’m not going to your wedding. I’m not traveling for Christmas. I will not be at your New Year’s Party. “

    Translation: This is my excuse to not participate in anything where I am expected to bring a gift/gifts.

    1. Here’s another possible translation: No one wants to invite a beggar and scammer to any events. So I’ll use my stupid wood stove as an excuse.

    2. What a pretentious, condescending cunt. Many people still use wood stoves to heat their homes. But they don’t feel the need to boast about something so stupid.

    3. Or she could turn ON the thermostat on her whole-house oil furnace and depart.

      Translation: Preemptively turning down nonexistent social offers to save face.

    4. Anonymous 5:36. Exactly. I came here to comment about her furnace. It’s always been her choice to use a wood stove.

    5. Yawn. It’s her same old snoozefest about the brave city slicker turned into a feral farmer.

    6. I can tell you for a fact, that Jenna is deliberately excluded from private parties in Cambridge. Some locals are having their annual fall bonfire soon for Halloween. Even queer couples like us are going. The holidays will be here in a few months with other celebrations. Wog won’t ever be invited, and it’s not because of choosing to be “up like a soldier every freezing night,” to heat her home with wood. It’s because she’s a begging user, animal abuser, pathological liar, and a garbage person who’s burned many bridges years ago.

    7. The thing is, if you know how to run a woodstove properly, you can build and bank a fire to have some good coals to essentially "reboot" the fire a couple of hours later. Her tired excuse doesn't really hold up if she knew how to properly build a fire. Every picture I see of her woodstove, the fire is roaring. That's not a very good practice for those of us who know how to build a good, lasting fire.


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