It’s my running theory that she never sells any shares. I believe she sells little to nothing of anything. I think it’s all a lie….especially lamb shares. It’s all smoke and mirrors to show the public she is legitimately making income and living a life she thinks others would be envious of. But she’s lazy and even the lying is too much for her. She’s even a failure in her fantasy life. How pathetic is that? At this point it doesn’t even matter if anything is true. If no one believes her she is not getting authentic feedback anyway. I went to school with a girl…known her since we were 5. She’s nice enough but she’s really dumb and she has always lied. Like once she said she was going to be gone from school the next day because she was going to have surgery because her vocal chords were twisted. We all just nodded and said it was terrible. Okay, Brenda, whatever. So we are almost 55 years old and she says things...