Just wondering….

Is Jenna still gay?
She hasn’t mentioned it in the last 15 mins.


  1. oh my goodnes she must have changed again. I would say if 15 min. has passed and she hasn't mentioned that she is gay then yep she has gone back looking for a guy again. Lots of work to be done on the phoney pharm so maybe a guy will work out better is what she is thinking.

  2. HD. I’m literally, laughing out loud at what you wrote. Jenna is obsessed with mentioning that she’s a lesbian. It’s her whole identity, along with being a Taylor Swift fan.

  3. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 12, 2023 at 10:01 AM

    Just now:

    "Working to earn the August mortgage ASAP so I can try and catch up for the first time in 2 years, it all depends on sales. So if you want anything in the thread below, your money goes right towards a single female queer farmer keeping her home while trying to publish a new book."

    She missed adding "all alone on the side of a mountain..."

    1. PDD. “PayPal/Venmo it means so much!!!” What a mature “grown up.”

    2. X (Twitter) is still screwed up in terms of timeline. So I can’t see her latest blatant begging for mortgage money.

    3. I wonder if Twitter’s wonky timeline is messing with her sales. Wouldn’t that be a shame.

    4. Wow, I've been waiting for an opportunity to send money right towards a single queer female keeping her home while trying to publish a new book!

    5. This is so dishonest. If she pays August, she is NOT caught up! To be caught up today, she needs to pay not only August, but also September (which was due 11 days ago), and he almost halfway good for October, which is due in 18 days.
      So saying that is she pays August she would be “caught up” is a pile of bullshit.

    6. Edit: be halfway good for October *

    7. SFF. “Jenna’s Jargon” is always deliberately done for deception. She’s incapable of telling the truth. I also hope that her sales are slow due to Musk messing up the algorithms.

    8. Anonymous 11:56. LOL!!! We only donate money to those who deserve it.

  4. I took a screen shot of Jenna’s quickly deleted glamour puss selfie from last night. I had a feeling she was gonna delete darlin’!!!

    1. It was hideous. She looked high as a kite.

    2. Too bad that we can’t post pics here. What did it look like? None of her facial photos are flattering because she’s a “Plain Jen.” Her asinine attempts to appear feminine are awful. She presents as being a butch.

    3. feel free to post pics in the reddit group cold antler critics

    4. WiW. Thanks! Good idea.

  5. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 12, 2023 at 3:00 PM

    Oh yes, she's writing another book *yawn*.

    I added inspirations based on her 2017 post about a previous book she was "writing". Same 💩. Different spin.

    "Below you'll read the prologue for the book I am writing now about how a horse ...
    (water bucket)
    (mountain side)
    forced me to grow up, be better, and heal broken things. It doesn't have a publisher and no one my agent has spoken to is interested in it."

    1. PDD. Fill in the blanks, but it’s all a bunch of bull. No ones cares about her lazy loser lie-style now. Jenna’s rotten reputation continues to grow. Her stupid “heal broken things” always makes me snicker.

    2. I doubt her agent actually spoke to anyone. Jenna's a pain in the ass, her books sell in vanishing quantities as her social media following atrophies.

      Her agent has been giving Jenna the brush-off since the last book failed to sell. Her career as a published authour is over.

  6. This year I saved all six weeks of my vacation for summer. It was fantastic. I visited a lot, I fished, I rode horses. It doesn't escape me that Jenna seems to have as much leisure time in her day to day life as I did on vacation. Even on vacation there are life maintenance things - cooking, shopping, cleaning etc. Usually takes a few hours a day.

    And that's all Jenna really seems to do.

    Go through her twitter feed and search (writing) or (words) and see how many times she claims to have written 20, 40, 50 thousand words on whatever new book she is perpetually working on.

    Where are these books? If the words are so prolific / great, why doesn't she publish? If she doesn't want to self-publish, she should at least have more content to share than "I haven't paid last month's mortgage yet".

    I think it's bullshit. I don't think she's written anything we haven't seen in years. Even her last two books were repurposed blog posts.

    1. Agree completely. I am retired and still accomplish more than JW any given day. She is clearly on the dole, mortgage paid every month, food on the table, etc. etc. The begging is like a guilty pleasure for her IMO. It's all a game of 'how much can I get away with' otherwise she would get off her ass and work. She fancies herself an artist and a writer because it paints a flattering picture. It's all smoke and mirrors. I do believe she is excruciatingly lonely. She dwells on her 'ex' more than is healthy. Her apparent one shot at love went down the drain because she is who is is. Sad but hardly surprising.

    2. SFF, I completely agree, especially with the lonely part. It is a lonely life and that wouldn't be doing her anxiety any favours. It's also a pretty sad life. She collects animals and never enjoys them. She goes on ineffectual trail rides once or twice a year. She doesn't do anything with the wool from her sheep, nor has she ever successfully bred / managed a lamb business. She grows out pigs for a few months for slaughter, same with chickens if she can get organized enough to do broilers. It's lonely to suck at farming, and it's terrible for her self-esteem. Hence the false bravado and the bragging that always falls flat.

      If she weren't scamming people I'd feel sorry for her. So much wasted potential.

      She rounds up a number of people to "exes" I've noticed. Becca stayed over once or twice? Maybe she qualifies as an ex, maybe they actually gave it a go for a month or so. Shannon for sure counts as an ex. But it seems like she's talking about far more exes, as though she's counting everyone she ever had a date with as an ex. That's also a lonely thing to do, by retroactively inflating demand for her attention making it look like her social life is busier than it is.

  7. It looks like Taylor Swift is interested in another new man. What will Jenna do?! It messes with her unproven theory that her girl crush is queer.

    1. I guess Jenna’s going to take an interest in basketball now. 🤣

  8. “If you're Barbie curious and not sure you want to dish out the cash to watch it tonight at home, here's two cis het dudes watching and discussing it for the first time.”

    No one is “curious,” cunt. Funny how you always have the “cash” to buy crap, but beg for free funds.

  9. https://reddit.com/r/coldantlercritics/s/X1IZ90PWN2

    1. This one will make you chuckle.

    2. Wait, is this for real???
      She posted this somewhere???
      Or is this good parody from a shamster? I’m really asking.

    3. Inquiring minds need to know. This is hilarious.

    4. PDD has posted it. So only she knows the truth. I haven’t seen it anywhere else yet.

    5. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 13, 2023 at 6:25 AM

      Swear to Goddess, lol, it is absolutely what Wog posted as yet another scintillating book proposal.

      I wonder if her book includes chapters on missed mortgage payments, shut-off electricity and on-line begging?

    6. “Live Like Fiction: 30 Days To Become the Author of Your Own Life Story Paperback” – July 1, 2017. Author, Francesco Marconi
      Found this for sale on Amazon so as usual not an original idea from JW.

    7. PDD. Where was this posted?

    8. Thanks, Jen! You’ve written a hilarious parody of your own stupidity and arrogance. We have even more material to mock you with now. “Hey hey, Hoo!!!”

    9. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 13, 2023 at 7:53 AM

      SFF, Mr. Marconi published his book no later than April, 2017. Wog presented her "Live Like Fiction" book proposal in May, 2017.

    10. Smells a little like plagiarism to me.

    11. PDD. We didn’t know until now that this proposal was written back in 2017. It appeared to be current. I’d suggest stating when something was done. Otherwise, it can be kind of confusing to those of us who track her crap. Thanks.

    12. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 13, 2023 at 8:53 AM

      Sure thing.

    13. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 13, 2023 at 9:06 AM

      Fixed it. Please enjoy the humor of Wog wanting to create a how-to guide for others to live an "epic" life like hers.

      And please forgive any misunderstanding on the timeline, but, hey, as a book proposal, it still stands.

    14. PDD. No worries about any slight confusion regarding the timeline. Thanks for being so gracious about changing the date per my comment above. But it still stands as an example of Jenna’s massive sense of stupid, self-entitlement and delusions.

    15. LOL two typos in that book proposal.

  10. Wait wait wait.
    What? This is hysterical! She want to show people her life is affordable.... when she herself can not afford it.

    Never change Jenna!!

    1. Her lack of any awareness is unbelievable. Jenna is incapable of making mature adult decisions and changes to her lazy loser lie-style.

    2. yeah how do you sell that pitch AND cry on twitter daily about not being able to afford your mortgage, heat, or animal feed?

  11. Radio silence from Wog today. Maybe she got a job.

    1. SFF. Maybe Jenna is in mourning because her girl crush is interested in another new man. I guess that means Taylor Swift won’t be visiting Cambridge to learn how to hunt for hawks. As if that’d ever happen. Jenna was delusional to even invite her a few years ago on Twitter.

    2. When I was 15 I thought Paul McCartney was it. I collected Beatle cards (I'm that old, yes) BUT that's where it ended. I realized at that young age that Paul wasn't going to magically appear in my life. I realized that he was a man and I was a child. I grew up and cast aside my childish ways. Jenna. on the other hand worships a much younger woman so far out of her league (and likely sexual preference) that it's not only laughable but delusional on grand scale. She appears to be devolving. Once upon a time her feed was farmcentric with the occasional pop culture content but now it's, well we all can see what it has become. She's like the Benjamin Button of IG.

    3. SFF. That was well-put, and also funny. I was the same way about other famous people when much younger. Jenna isn’t a “grown up” in any sense of the term.

    4. Right. It's a stage that you go through but the crux of the matter is you go through it and come out the other end. Jenna seems stuck and the fact that she lives a lonely and isolated existence digs a deeper hole for her to wallow in. An off the farm job would not only put a few bucks in the bank but it would get her out into the community interacting with real people who have real lives rather than her Annie Wilkes existence.

    5. SFF. I’ve said for years that Jenna is stuck in a rut of her own creation. Unfortunately, she seems paralyzed by laziness and inertia. I’ve often wondered if wallowing in self-pity is her personal preference.

    6. She is self centered so it tracks that she makes everything about her. Poor me syndrome, I would call it. Inertia could be undiagnosed depression and laziness may simply be Jenna being Jenna. It’s mind boggling that a middle aged woman with a moderate education cannot see the mess she is in and evidently doesn’t care to fix it.

    7. SFF. I’m paraphrasing her stupid statement. But Jenna has said that she’d rather live under a bridge than go and get a job. She’s on a crash course that’s going to collide someday.

    8. I think the silence is just her gearing up for a massive beg.

    9. Anonymous 5:25. I agree with what you wrote. She’ll probably begin the begging with her usual nervous tics that give it away, like: “So,” “Hey hey,” “Okay,” “Friends” or “Well.” Her patterns are predictable. Once you start to see them.

  12. She’s back on IG bashing her community for being a queer wasteland! No one at Stewart’s wants to talk about lesbian pop culture. Newsflash Jenna- i guess you don’t remember posting about the pride events, or display of queer books at the bookstore. Plenty of 🏳️‍🌈 in your town, they just aren’t talking to you I guess!!!

    1. I know for a fact that Jenna is loathed by locals for good reason. Many people want her to move away.

    2. Jenna is an authority on contemporary queer culture! Nobody knows more about being a real life lesbian than her.

  13. https://www.instagram.com/p/CxLBHDvO5tQ/

    Bless her heart. Jenna’s back to posing pics from the past when she didn’t have her rotten reputation yet. Lookin’ a little butch there, “darling.”

    1. Edit: posting but posing would work, too.

    2. You mean the one of her on the pony with bow and arrow? ( I don't have instagram acct. so I don't see everything). If so, that thing is how many years old? At least 10 right? And it looks staged. She needs to give it up and start her life over. Reset, rewind, just live an ordinary life. Find someone, I think she probably should switch back to men, to fill her needs of being financially supported and for the work she needs on the house and property. She should stop making life so hard. Grow up and stop making the struggle her identity. Hoo!
      Sorry, just my wine-ing!

    3. Yeah, it’s the weird one with her pathetic posing on Merlin. What a wannabe fake. Jenna would have a hard time attracting anyone, because she’s a repellent person. Very few people of either gender would want her for a partner. She has nothing of merit to offer.

    4. Anon 5:20 pm. I agree with you! She has nothing to offer except a few bars of melt and pour soap. (Which I haven't seen her trying to sell lately). She could keep you clean with the soap and mint-scented showers but they may end up clogging up the plumbing, so you'd have to foot the bill to have the drains cleared. haha! (I don't get the mint in the shower thing, is she stepping on the mint? wouldn't that be slippery and so then what? the soap and dirty water gets hung up in the green plant matter and goes down the drain or has to be scooped out - and ? composted? Darlin' Jen, such an enigma!

    5. I'm surprised she hasn't dragged out the one of her walking down the road leading Merlin with a hawk on the other arm. It seems to be one of her perennial favorites. Ugh. That kilt! It makes my Scottish roots curl.

    6. "It makes my Scottish roots curl." Mine, too! Clan Wallace here.

    7. Jenna wears those kilts to hide her heft, but they only accentuate her obese body.

    8. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 15, 2023 at 7:03 AM

      Yes, the same laughable photo: her sitting on a horsey, whilst in her back yard, playing "Cowboys & Indians" or whatever messy cosplay homage she created that consisted of Irish-knit sweater, western saddle, Scottish kilt and bow & arrow. Miriam, the Diane Arbus wannabe, must have thought she struck gold - photographing a little Appalachian nut right in her NYC backyard.

    9. Clan Innes and Clan Hay here. I've got it every which way.

    10. PDD. You’ve nailed it again about her moronic “messy cosplay homage.” Jenna’s “live like fiction” fantasy lie-style is stupid. She’s always been an insufferable poser.

    11. Anno 6:14a.m. is that curl or hurl?

  14. https://www.instagram.com/samdawk91/

    Here’s one of her stupid sycophants. They sound just like Jenna:

    “Feral into the marrow”

    1. covencle: “You are the coolest!”

      And yet another weird witch idiot who doesn’t know the truth about the FFF.

  15. Noticed on IG she calls herself a writer, farmer, fly caster, falconer. Apparently she no longer considers herself can artist. Curious.

  16. “Good morning from Cold Antler Farm. Determination, stubbornness, love: that’s the trifecta that will get us through September”

    “Always open to illustration requests here! Hire me, make my day!!”

    GFY, Jenna. You’re a lying, lazy loser.

    1. In reality, her “trifecta” consists of begging, lying and scamming.

    2. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 16, 2023 at 7:01 AM

      Anon 6:23 💯💯💯

    3. PDD. Thanks! I didn’t sign my above comment with my username.

    4. At least now she knows what month it is. It was near the end of August when she was like, "Getting ready to start my August!" (I guess she tracks time in financial months rather than calendar months. So much for getting away from the corporate BS!)

  17. Did she pay the August mortgage yet??!!

    1. See my below comment. It looks like the lazy loser is begging for more mortgage money to “catch up” as always. Jenna doesn’t deserve to own her home.

  18. “Want to make a huge difference in someone’s day trying to catch up on last month’s mortgage, and if a miracle happens, THIS month’s too! This gal is dreaming of solvency- so DM and get some soap! Or visit the website to email!!!”

    Her hyperbolic multiple exclamation points are always an indication of desperation. No one “wants to make a huge difference” to her “live like fiction” fantasy lie-style. “This gal” is delusional to “dream of solvency” when it hasn’t happened in 13 years of owning her hovel. By her own admission.

    1. By “miracle” she means money in the form of free funds for nothing.

    2. Some melt and pour soap ain’t gonna pay the mortgage, Jen.

    3. Start the countdown clock to wog-o-fractions. Because the internet is just dying to know how many fifths of the way she is to last month’s mortgage.

    4. "Last Month" being August: I thought she wrote that she paid August mortgage. She is some kind of messed up! Anon 4:23, your "how many fifths of the way ..." may be spot on. I think she is a fifth of whisky in when she posts her nonsense! She NEVER makes sense. Nothing tracks. She just tweets and re-tweets hoping no one pays attention and her fool-followers are as messed up and drunk/stoned/high as she is when they purchase or donate.

  19. It’s almost the two year anniversary of when Shannon dumped Jenna’s fat ass before moving back to Boston. “Hoo!!!”

    1. That was a wise decision. No one wants a worthless liar as their partner.

  20. I saw an infographic about hay posted on Facebook so I will upload the photo to Reddit if anyone wants the math. But basically Jenna needs at minimum about 180 small square bales a year just for the horses if they’re out on pasture 6 mo and consume hay the rest of the year. Not unreasonable in upstate NY. And based on her photos she wastes a ton of hay esp in not having a feeder. That’s a thousand dollars a year on hay alone, or more, especially the way she seems to buy it. Even if that number were as low as 150 it’s still a ton to spend on hay. That doesn’t include farrier, vet visits, wormer, supplements, or anything else. Just a thought.

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 17, 2023 at 8:24 AM

      Anon, good comment. I saw the same post, and I'll suggest 180 bales per year for her two horses is underestimated. They have inadequate shelter, and so they'll need extra calories during winter. Also, as you point out, her way of throwing hay onto the ground invites waste (and contamination).

      She'll likely need 200 bales per year for the horses. I haven't seen hay selling for $5/bale in several years. New England prices are now $7-$10/bale and more for second cutting.

      She's paying about $1400-$1800 per year for hay.


    2. It’s been a minute since I bought hay or was in that world but 200 bales esp in upstate NY def sounds reasonable. That of course doesn’t count the hay for everyone else. It’s weird she buys horse quality hay for her ruminants. Another expensive mistake.

    3. On September 6, 2020, she wrote that she needed "about 200 - 250 bales to get through the winter. Possibly more."

    4. Then of course there is the scary notion that neither of her horses has seen the dentist and they are both of the age where they should be going twice a year

  21. Thank you for the cost of hay info. Given she doesn't buy her hay in advance, but piecemeal paying ever more as the winter wears on, I think it's conservative to estimate she pays $2k / year on hay alone.

    She should be paying $5k / year for those two horses, and the awful irony is she could be leasing a horse for 3x / week plus lessons at a local barn for less than she pays per year on lawn ornaments.

    So did she ever mention what happened to that large tabby she had that has been replaced by this black kitten? Did it just disappear?

    1. I can't believe she's owned horses for 10 years and has never taken a husbandry course, and took lessons for what, the first few months?

      I wish she'd just stick to accumulating musical instruments and doing the 101 lessons on those, then hanging them on her low ceiling to collect dust for the next 10 years.

      Instead, she's done that with animals. Learned the 101 and then charged ahead, making husbandry mistakes that have cost her animals' lives, but refuses advice from that point forward.

      It's clear she wants to do a million different things, then loses interest and rapidly moves on (classic adhd by the way), but doing that with animals that live 10+ years is a waste of beautiful life. Sure they get cared for enough to keep the SPCA from seizing them (a low bar to clear) but as horses go they could have a far, far better life. They are bored, unschooled, out of condition. What a waste.

      Side note, I'm surprised she never collected llamas or alpacas when the sheep didn't work out.

    2. WiW. Don’t give her any more animal hoarding ideas!

    3. I mean if she got alpacas she'd NEED a llama as a guardian animal, along with a couple of great Pyrenees who live exclusively outside...

    4. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 18, 2023 at 5:05 AM

      WIW, maybe her next cosplay will be Peruvian Inca.

    5. She didn't succeed with the sheep venture... twice. Why not try a fiber animal that is substantially more expensive and complex to care for?

    6. WiW. You’re making too much sense for Jenna. She’d stupid and stubborn to her own detriment.

    7. Edit: She’s not She’d

  22. Drop what you are doing, over on IG stories the ever-sold out lamb shares are up for sale magically yet again!! 🤣

    1. “This farm has LAMB SHARES open for farm-born and raised lambs due this early spring! Reserve your lamb for next year now! half and whole available in very limited quantities! $200 a half, $375 a whole (lambs dress out around 30-40lbs)”

      Her whole life is lies.

    2. Jenna will lie and say that someone has cancelled their share at the last minute. This almost always happens when she’s desperate for mortgage money. Her patterns are predictable. Once you start to see them. “Hey hey, Hoo!!!”

    3. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 18, 2023 at 8:44 AM

      "Farm born..." though not at her farm. How disingenuous. Her very specific wording suggests they're special CAF lambs, born and raised at her farm; in reality, they will be low-grade runts and cast-offs, purchased cheaply through Craigslist.

    4. PDD. Exactly. “Jenna’s Jargon,” as coined by SFF, is always deliberately done for deception.

    5. farm-born. Where else are lambs born? in the city?

  23. Her lamb is a facade
    Jen wants free funds up front.
    She’s a lying, lazy loser
    and a self-entitled cunt.

  24. New beg up. More boring than usual, if that's possible.

    1. I can’t stomach reading her rotten writing anymore. Maybe someone here can take a hit for the team, and give a stupid summary. Although her dumb dispatches always sound the same: “This farm has never been better!” And “Did you guys know that I’m a lesbian now?!”

  25. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 18, 2023 at 10:02 AM

    My turn in the muck!
    Ok, first off, she likes fall. She got another cord of hardwood, but she needs more. She got 30 bales of hay delivered, but she needs more. Some might wonder why she buys hay and firewood when mortgage is overdue. "This is the way of things up here." She is trying to earn money, but it's an uphill battle. She is close to making August mortgage if she has slung luck. Soon, she'll begin pre-hibernation preparation. [aka eating]

    For sure, the phoney pharm has never been better. House was power washed. Tree branches on big tree cut back. Kitchen floor is repaired. New glass door. Free chairs. Redecorated dining room. Light bill paid on time. She would re-do her bedroom "but a woman can only do so much." She is putting aside $20/week to castrate kitten in January. He is bringing her much joy because her other animals are old and "not long for much more of this world".

    She is struggling, struggling uphill, "working towards earning" money. Looks forward to new hawk, winter fires, writing her little book on fly fishing and falconry, maybe meeting someone new?

    Honestly, all she ever wanted was to feel safe.. and a new trapper keeper and "book fair dreams" and a first date. [Don't you all understand this?]

    She hopes your September is safer than hers. [sniff] She knows winter will be lonely and hard and the holidays are feeling worse as she gets older. But she will get through it somehow... she always has. [hint]

    Honestly, it was dull, dull, dull. I was uninspired. Maybe another Shamster can do a funnier summation.

    1. My favourite part was where she said she no longer buys animals she can’t afford but mentions saving money to have the new kitten neutered. I shudder to think what kind of end Merlin and Gibson will have. Will the dog be chucked into a wheel barrow like that old sheep and will Merlin perish in a snowstorm without any shelter? Sounds like she hasn’t factored in end of life care for either of them. It’s more important for her to have a cute little kitten to splash all over her feed.

    2. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 18, 2023 at 11:21 AM

      SFF, it's always about what makes her feel good. Zero empathy. No wonder she can't find a life partner.

    3. Jenna, if you can’t pay your mortgage, you can’t afford another pet. Period.

    4. "not long for much more of this world" GOOD LORD. I'd laugh at the butchered syntax if it weren't so sad she's referring to her dying neglected animals.

      She's been priming her followers for Merlin's passing for a while, which makes me wonder if she's going to have a knacker come get him this winter, since he lost so much weight last winter. Such a gorgeous animal who should have years of life left in him with proper care and shelter. You'd never know he was her "dream horse".

    5. PDD. Thanks for your heroism! You even used her incorrect question mark.

      WiW. Her stupid, stumbling syntax indicates that she might be drinking during the day again, and probably smoking weed.

    6. „and by redo I mean paint the fading ocean blue falls and get a new duvet cover“

      fading ocean blue falls?

    7. "while a few straightened boards might not seem that unmooring, it was. I didn’t know if the house was warping out of foundation issues or shoddy work”

    8. She wouldn’t use the word unmoored out of her own limited vocabulary.
      It is directly lifted from TS’s song Evernore. Just fyi in case anyone was impressed with her “righting”

      “Hey December
      Guess I'm feeling unmoored
      Can't remember
      What I used to fight for”

  26. If Jenna ever did lose the property, she wouldn't have many options. As privileged as she is to be housed and a homeowner not a tenant, she hasn't held a job in over 10 years. If she really did let the mortgage slide, and she really lost that place, she wouldn't be able to get approved for another mortgage for years. I doubt she'd be able to find an apartment as credit history, bank statements, and proof of employment are standard in most places now.

    If Jenna really were in a survival situation, I wonder what she'd do? Camp out on her parents' front lawn? Couch surf until she wears out her welcome? Descend into alcoholism to cope with sleeping outside?

    She talks about all this anxiety and fear, and she's just play-acting a crisis. Her problems are EASILY SOLVED with some simple choices. If she ever does lose that place due to her own incompetence she is going to sink far and fast in the real world. I don't want to see that happen by any means, I don't want anyone in our society to go through that, but that's the sad reality for many hard-working people who have truly fallen on some bad luck, and it's incredibly difficult to turn that around.

    Jenna, privileged, navel-gazing Jenna fucking Woginrich is "living like fiction" indeed and THIS is the best she can come up with.

    1. She’s an overly privileged, pampered princess who is badly cosplaying the part of a poor person. JFW doesn’t deserve to have her home.

    2. She’d probably plead with Pember Patty to rent a room for free if her faux farm was finally foreclosed.

  27. "I understand how other women feel about their wedding days because of the Schoolastic Book Fair" She actually wrote that. She is clueless and just completely trivialized one of the most important days of a person's life. I have to wonder how many married people she just completely alienated with that sentence? No Jenna, a stupid book fair does not compare to the anticipation of a wedding day, but since you'll never have one, you'll never know. Nobody is stupid enough to marry you, gay or straight.

    1. That was well-put: “Nobody is stupid enough to marry you, gay or straight.” Jenna is the most massively insensitive and stupid person we’ve ever met. She’s a loathsome, despicable garbage human.

    2. She doesn’t “understand” anything about normal emotions, because Jenna is a sick sociopath. Her stupid statement above proves it again.

    3. Jenna has no humor. Her asinine attempts to be funny are failures. And she falls flat on her fake fat face.

  28. She's advertising lamb shares for "next season" in her instagram stories.

    1. We’ve been commenting about it above. What a crock of crap.

  29. I like “phoney pharm” as used by PDD, and Anonymous 6:59 in the first comment on this post. It’s a good username. I’ll try it out.

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 18, 2023 at 4:47 PM

      Good name. Not mine originally. I borrowed it from another Shamster, Anon at the top.

    2. PDD. I’ve also acknowledged them in my comment, thanks!

  30. She’s been on IG all day posting stories about some show she’s watching on Hulu and making @spooky” cupcakes with Halloween sprinkles. Doesn’t seem to worried about bills.

    1. Yeah, making “spooky cupcakes” to feed her fake fat face is much more important than working to pay her months behind mortgage.

    2. She puts stupid sprinkles on cupcakes and even brownies like a teen. Her food always looks sloppy and unappealing. Just like Jenna.

  31. Instagram Sham

    “Mabon has been my favorite time of year since I was a little girl. Fall fills me with hope and pure love for everything wild under the stars. I was 17 years old when I first read about Mabon, and now there’s a lovely community by bonfire light with music and dancing and laughter and corn buckets. Thank you to all who made the celebration magical, see you next turn of The Wheel.”

    1. “Beautiful. And what a writer you are!”

      It looks like this old “gal” is flirting with the filthy feral failure. Jen, she’s probably ready for some hot “all night lesbian sex” with you. “Hoo!!!”

    2. Naturally, Jenna never has the common courtesy to thank a person for their kind comment. What a rude cunt. Unless, they’re “a pretty brunette femme.” Like Shannon who dumped her fat ass almost two years ago.

    3. What a liar. She’s also said that summer is her favorite time of the year. Which one is it, Wog? It can’t be both.

  32. “This is all he accomplished today.”

    And her cat still “accomplished” more than Jenna’s begging.

  33. A couple of things stand out to me. The movie she is watching stars Ryan Reynolds who is married to Blake Lively who is (surprise) best friends with Taylor Swift. As usual with her, all roads lead to TS. Her obsession is so creepy. It’s like six degrees of separation. I believe the whole cat thing is because TS loves cats. Jenna used to call them assholes.

    Also agree with commenters above regarding autumn. Didn’t she just say a few weeks ago that autumn was a terrifying time trying to stock up hay and winter firewood? She got in some wood so she is temporarily on a high until she realizes it’s only a drop in the bucket. She lives day to day instead of looking at the long game. It’s insane.

    1. SFF. Jenna can’t keep track of the truth anymore, because she’s been lying for so long. I wrote the comment above, about her saying that summer was her favorite time of year not fall.

      Her cyber-stalking of famous females has become psycho scary. Look at how she’s repeatedly harassed Glennon Doyle. And heckled her to publish her rotten writing. It’s not normal for a woman who’s 41 to act as if she’s 14.

  34. So no one has noticed her mention the brown tabby cat with the white bib? I suspect it was replaced by the black kitten. Did the tabby die? Disappear? If it were still there he would be interacting with the kitten.

    1. I'll take "Crazy stuff Jenna ate" for $500, Alex.

    2. WIW excellent point. That never occurred to me but of course the older cat would get in on the playtime and all the new cat toys. Imagine what good content that would be. Curioser and curioser.

    3. Anon7 - it's in the freezer, future hawk food

  35. From the latest bleg post: "...and if I can get more sales in this week I can pay the late mortgage and get summer ’23 on the books for good. Then I can really appreciate this fall, this magical time of year. It will be such a relief to get over that hump..."

    This is straight up junkie talk. All lies. Presumably, she's not in the throes of a serious drug habit (meth, heroin) but make no mistake, hardcore junkies talk just like this. They hit you up for money, promising that whatever you give them will solve all their problems -- that is, until the high wears off and they desperately need their next fix. And that's when they hit you up with a slew of new problems.

    Jenna does this every single month with her mortgage payment. That "hump" she needs to "get over" comes every. single. month. She says she needs to "get Summer '23 on the books." But what about Fall '23? Winter '23?? Spring '24??? And so she'll continue to beg for sales and donations. She'll keep up the "get me over the hump" rhetoric cuz she needs that monthly free funds mortgage fix. And she desperately craves it...yet won't get a job...just like every junkie.

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 19, 2023 at 6:33 AM

      Anon7, this is an excellent point. I didn't put it into the same context, but it makes perfect sense. My university roommate was a substance abuser, and this is how she thought.

      It also occurs to me that Wog deliberately sets up artificial cliff-hangers, so casual visitors (kind-hearted suckers) will think she's "up against it", and donate to rescue her.

      She's created her own VerYork serial melodrama, like The Perils of Pauline, except Pauline was an adventurous young heiress - a true original - and Wog is a low-rent, fad-chasing, wishful-thinking wannabe.

      IMHO, every post is duplicitous and manipulative.

    2. Anon7. Jenna acts like a junkie. You’re right about your observations. Her “hump” has become a chronic condition each and every month all year long.

      PDD. Exactly. “IMHO, every post is duplicitous and manipulative.”

    3. She has copped to having an addictive personality in the past (alcoholism and her current california sobriety) and it makes sense she'd be getting a sort of high from this "constant anxiety" which isn't really anxiety since she isn't actually in any danger, otherwise she'd change her behaviour.

      She seems weirdly stable for all the drama - she hasn't lost the property or even been forced to rehome animals in nearly 10 years. Her parents or some social service paying her mortgage directly to the bank would explain why she doesn't have a bottom that's further than where she already is (alone in an old neglected character home that is slowly becoming a shithole.)

  36. Ol'Elon is thinking about putting Twitter (X) behind a pay wall. Wonder what will happen then?

    1. The “scrappy little lesbian” will probably start begging more on her Instagram Sham account.

    2. Elon does shit like this to whip up some buzz. I really doubt he'll require $1/ month or whatever for an account. It would be removing the anon feature of having a twitter account which is a big draw for the platform. It filled in the gap from facebook which has always had a real name policy.

      If he's going to now force a realname policy (at least connected to phone numbers and credit cards) AND force people to give their payment information and pay? It's a platform killer. Why would anyone use it when there are a dozen others that are both anon and free?

  37. Instagram Sham

    “$50 off the next two design jobs I sell, cause this gal has to get winter hay in ASAP. Get a logo, help a horse!”

    GFY, Jenna. You’re using more manipulative marketing to elicit empathy from followers for free funds. You’re a lying, lazy loser. Go stuff your fake fat face with sprinkled “spooky cupcakes.”

    1. Her asinine attempts at country colloquial crap like “this gal” is disingenuous and annoying. Jenna is a total fraud at everything that she does.

    2. She has no interest in trying to “help her horses.” It’s all a front for money mooching. Jenna can barely be bothered to take care of them. Merlin and Mabel get crap care from the Cambridge Queen of Con.

    3. If she cared so much about her horses she wouldn’t be spending $$ on junk food she doesn’t need. No nutritional value in sprinkles and pop tarts, ghost peeps, Jenna! That’s probably $10 right there that could go toward your beloved animals!!!

  38. Just had a look at her logo advert and couldn't help but notice that the sheep and the banner look like run of the mill clip art and although I'm no graphic artist, the S at the end looks too close to the T. This is based on the space between the R and the O at the beginning. Pretty sloppy work even at 50 dollars off.

    1. Ha! She took it off instagram after she saw your comment! Maybe she will redo it with proper spacing.

    2. I find it funny when she’s shamed into deleting her crap. “Dance, little monkey, Jenna!” We pull your stupid puppet’s strings. “Hoo!!!”

    3. She’s only sensitive about criticism when it could adversely affect her failing business.

  39. “Amazing opportunity!!! Spend 20 days this October making cheese on Martha’s Vineyard!! Ig message name in top left of image”

    Jenna is now trying to shill shit for someone else.

    1. Like she’s even capable of going outside her bubble of “this farm” to do anything that’s adventurous. Let alone going to an event that would require needing more money.

    2. Likely some new chick she is stalking

    3. SFF. I thought that, too.

    4. Jenna never promotes anyone else but herself out of kindness. Unless, there’s an ulterior motive like either money or dating.

  40. “Are you looking for a logo design? This farm hasn't made a sale in a week and really needs to catch up for winter prep and a late mortgage payment - so I am offering $50 off the next 2 logos I sell!”

    Rinse and repeat again. Hiding behind the screen/shield of “this farm.” Rather than have the courage to state that she needs sales. She can’t “catch up,” because it’s become a chronic condition now. So it’s blatant lying to pretend otherwise.

    1. I wouldn’t take her lousy logos for free.

    2. She’s spent the last 2 days on IG fangirling about secret TS codes and Ryan Reynolds so if she was really concerned about catching up she would do... anything else??!!!

    3. Those stupid secret codes are also manipulative marketing, but Jenna is too stupid to see it. Even the queen of con was fooled.

  41. I produce lamb on my smallholding, primarily for my own freezer, but I sell any extra. How on earth can she decide what to charge for a butchered lamb that’s not even born yet, when she has no idea what the cost of producing that lamb will be next season? Feed is a commodity and prices are going up, a long winter could mean extra bedding costs. What about any vet bills? Even butchering costs are going up with inflation. Does she just magic a price out of thin air and hope for the best?? Has anyone ever actually received their paid for lamb (or pork) share??

    1. Her whole life is lies. There have been reports of ripped off people. One woman was going to take legal action, but we’ve never heard what’s happened.

  42. Instagram Sham

    “This is Ludmila. She’s got one horn going forward, on looking back, and not to brag but she’s being bred this fall so if you’d like to reserve lamb at a very competitive rate for next fall, message me! Lamb shares open, half and whole, (selling 4)”

    We’re going to keep track of the supposed 4 shares, because Jenna has a habit of lying about how many are left.

    1. I don’t get the “not to brag” part. It doesn’t make sense in the context of her post. And it’s “one going back” not “on.” Jenna can’t even be trusted to edit her sales information.

    2. Edit: “one looking back”

    3. So she's selling one lamb who doesn't yet exist? Has not yet been conceived?

    4. Sounds like it, she's selling lambs that haven't been conceived, Sheep hasn't been bred yet, and I don't understand the "not to brag" statement either. Makes no sense. And she's not just selling one but two yet to be conceived lambs? (if she's saying she has 4 shares available), Is she hoping for twins? I could be a billionaire and I wouldn't give her a dime of my money. (Hoo! darlin")

    5. Her starting math is confusing. If she’s offering half and whole lambs, then she can sell
      - 4 halfs
      - 2 wholes
      - a whole and 2 halfs.

      This is assuming that her ewe produces twins (likelihood depends on breed and husbandry) and that both lambs survive to killing weight. Again, breed and husbandry matter, but this could be 6-8 months easy. Survival is a big “if” considering her track record with livestock. Proper nutrition and vaccination/worming programs matter too.

      If one lamb dies she’s lost 50% of her stock/potential income? How is this a business model??

      Not that I’m trying to give her ideas, but you can get orphan lambs during lambing season from local farmers for very little money (they don’t want to spend time hand feeding and Jenna has nothing but time) and rear them yourself until the lambs are up to weight. Then at least you’re starting with a known quantity. And rearing 6 lambs is as easy as rearing 2, with more security and profit potential.

      Unless Jenna is mad or mentally ill, this lamb share thing has to be a scam.

    6. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 21, 2023 at 5:34 AM

      In the past, Wog proved incompetent at raising her own lambs and she gave away or sold her flock several years ago. She neglected to create lambing jugs, and as I remember, she lost lambs to disease, predation and inclement weather. Old Shamsters will remember when she was too drunk to go into a snowstorm to check on newborn lambs. She also had a lot of negative comments after she "home raised" a lamb for photo-opportunities instead of letting it stay with its mother.

      Since then, she's done exactly as you suggested, scoured Craigslist and local ads for problem lambs (orphaned or sickly).

      Saying she's back to breeding her own sure seems like a scam to obtain cash-on-promise.

    7. Her annual lamb scam is just another way to filch free funds up front.

    8. I remember her snatching the baby away from the mother under false pretenses just so she would have a bottle baby photo op at her fingertips. As I recall that was her practice with other babies born to her once-goat mama, because I personally wrote in to say how cruel and unnecessary and self serving her practices of stealing babies from the mamas were. I think she blocked me, lol.

    9. Anonymous 6:15. Jenna can’t cope with criticism. She’s a fat ass who has thin skin. Recently, she’s showed an egg with a hatchling in her hand for a photo op. Obviously, to normal people, that’s interfering with its process. But the cunt doesn’t care about an animal’s welfare.

    10. Anonymous 11:59. “Unless Jenna is mad or mentally ill, this lamb share thing has to be a scam.” She’s both conditions, but it’s also a scam.

  43. https://www.instagram.com/p/CxbxPytt_yL/

    Jenna is really crazy.

    1. She has no humor, and comes across as creepy.

    2. Her house just looks grimy and depressing.

    3. Anonymous 1:17. There’s nothing enviable about her home. I’ll bet that it stinks, too. Just like Jenna.

  44. https://www.instagram.com/p/CxbzuUvNj7S/

    “It doesn’t take much to make my day.”

    Of course, in response to recent comments here, she’s shown her other cat. But Jenna “never reads this blog.”

    1. Could be from a year ago. She is famous for recycling pics of her animals.

    2. SFF. You’re right. But it’s still a ridiculous rebuttal to comments here wondering about her missing cat.

    3. Speaking of manipulative marketing with animals. When Jenna mentioned in a dumb dispatch that she was saving $20 a month for her new kitten’s shots, that was deliberately done so that a fool would offer to pay. She’s pulled the same sort of stunt with dental issues and truck repairs.

    4. Woe is Wog made this comment above: “So no one has noticed her mention the brown tabby cat with the white bib? I suspect it was replaced by the black kitten. Did the tabby die? Disappear? If it were still there he would be interacting with the kitten.”

      Watch for a video of the two cats playing together.

    5. Oh good so there's proof the tabby didn't disappear without mention. That's happened before so you see my concern.

    6. WiW. But she’s only posted proof as a ridiculous rebuttal of your comment. Jenna has this blog bookmarked, and refreshes the screen multiple times a day. We’re her “foe club,” because she has no fans. Only a few stupid, sycophant supporters like Patty and Becca.

  45. HD. New post please? This one’s getting long to load. Thanks!


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