Fall 2023

Same old crap month after month after month.


  1. HD. At least, her “crap” is consistent. And Jenna always provides us with new content to mock her lie-style.

  2. Now we have a photo of her dark, depressing and cluttered house with the following caption: the vibes here are immaculate. Holy crow! Who knew vibes could be immaculate? Nobody nowhere ever. Jenna, darlin’, there’s a short circuit somewhere. Um, in your head.

    1. But she did remember to remind us 5 times today that she is a lesbian. She really needs to rename her account. People might think she is a farmer.

    2. Her hoarder’s hovel is very unappealing. Just like Jenna. It’s no wonder why no one even wants to date her. Thanks for the reminder that she’s still a lesbian. It’s her whole identity, along with being a Taylor Swift stalker.

    3. It’s always the same stupid pics of her ugly living room. Funny, how she’s never really shown her upper level. Except for that one unflattering photo of her wearing suspenders, in a depressing bedroom with nails sticking up from the floor, and very old wallpaper that’s never been redone.

    4. Link please. I'm not on that platform. Thanks.

  3. “Every time I hunch over and check my dogs for ticks I really get reminded we're primates.”

    Jenna has no humor. Her asinine attempts to be funny are always failures.

    1. Jenna needs to “hunch over my food at the top of my stairs like a Yeti” again this winter. Rather than eat in her living room like a civilized person would. She’s a filthy feral failure on a visceral level.

    2. Every surface in her house appears to be covered with clutter (and filth). There is likely nowhere to set a plate down.

    3. No way she has her dogs on a tick preventative.

    4. Or heartworm preventative. Or even flea preventative. Or we would have been sure to hear about it. I have two dogs and their Nexguard (flea and tic) and heartgard (heartworm) is about $50 per month per dog. They are the size of her dogs. There is no way she is shelling out $100 a month in preventatives. We would hear about it if she were. And, she would be asking the interwebs to pay for it.

    5. Jenna is a sociopath who has animals just for pet props in pics. She doesn’t care about her dogs’ health. And certainly doesn’t invest in their welfare.

    6. If she weren't buying hay for pasture decorations she could easily afford preventative care for her dogs.

  4. I suspect she receives zero joy from her homestead, animals, soap making, hobbies (not counting Taylor Swift stalking as a hobby LOL). If she did, the blog would practically write itself and would be a source of comfort during stressful times. She said she doesn’t write when she is stressed which makes no sense.
    I recently had minor surgery where I was awake but felt like I was going to pass out. The doc asked me about my hobbies to distract me, and I started talking about yoga. It was simply the first thing that popped in my head, but I surprised myself at how much I had to say! I felt like saying “Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk” at the end! I remember thinking that this isn’t merely a hobby, it is a passion. Anyway, I don’t get the feeling from Jenna that anything she does fills her soul.

    1. I agree with what you wrote. Her soul has a hole. Jenna never comes across as being satisfied with anything in her lie-style.

  5. It’s another funky Friday
    did the mortgage yet get paid?
    The lying, lazy loser
    can’t even now get laid.

  6. Well, somebody has their panties in a twist. She's telling us we won't see an off-white wall, open floor plan or sectional couch in her hovel because different choices were made. The reality is she has no choice. She is unable to furnish her home like a normal adult because she cannot manage her money. 41 years old and this is what she is stuck with. Second hand everything, relying on handouts from the few friends she has and charity from strangers. What a great life.

    1. Instagram Sham

      “You aren’t going to find a single off-white wall, open floor plan, or sectional couch ‘round here partner. Different choices were made.”

      Jenna, you don’t have a “partner.” You have to pathetically plead online, and whine that you want a date. And even then, no one wants an ugly, obese, stinky, total loser like you. “Hoo!!!”

    2. The walls actually look off-white but not because they're painted that color. Everything looks grimy and dusty. When was the last time she actually wiped down the walls? Remember the hawk poop on one of them? I wonder if she ever wiped it down. I don't care how she lives, I care about the poor creatures that live with her, breathing in all that dust and filth.

    3. I really wish Jenna would discover cleaning tiktok and get inspired to mop down her walls. It's so gross.

  7. The stupid, “scrappy little lesbian” is lashing out at our comments criticizing her hoarder’s hovel. GFY, Jenna.

  8. Okay so why are we having a fire in September if we are always hard up for firewood? It's not even cold. What a freaking waste!!!

  9. Jenna likes to brag about using up resources that she’s received free funds for. Like firewood when it’s not needed. It just proves that her fear of foreclosure is fake.

  10. She’s done this multiple times when it’s not cold enough to need a fire. It’s part of Jenna’s humble-bragging that the “live like fiction” fantasy lie-style is only meant for a pampered princess like herself.

  11. the only way this could surprise me is if she doesn’t also have her windows wide open

  12. Jenna has zero self-awareness of bad optics.

  13. (continued) and if she doesn’t post something “poetic” about, like, flames and warm winds, swarming through the burgeoning room which billows with sapphic joy, or something.

  14. “The vibes are immaculate”

    Her hoarder’s hovel is disgusting. Repeat and rinse of the same stupid statement. The only “vibe” that it gives off is creepy weirdo.

  15. “I have noticed younger generations have a decent vocabulary but miss pronounce everything?! What happened?!”

    It’s spelled “mispronounce,” moron. Of course, you’ve also written “laundry mat.” And you still can’t correctly use question marks. It’s no wonder why no one wants to publish your rotten writing now.

    1. You also needed a comma before but, and it’s “what’s happened?!”

    2. No one would ever associate the word “immaculate” with the filthy feral failure.

      And “I have noticed that the older generation can’t correctly use proper punctuation, and also spell basic words. What’s happened, Wog?!”

    3. Good grief, I’m surprised she could write that with a straight face. She has zero self awareness.

    4. SFF. Jenna isn’t that intelligent.

    5. I HOWLED when I saw that! Screenshot in the reddit group for posterity.

  16. “Holy Crow!” Someone is drinking alcohol alone again on a Friday night. Her patterns are predictable. Once you start to see them. I can tell because her writing is even stupider than usual. And that’s saying a lot.

    1. She’ll live and die alone.

    2. Jenna is drinking alone
      'cuz she has an empty home
      No one to help pay the bills
      So bottle after bottle she kills

  17. She’s showing off her TS water bottle now like any good thirteen year old girl.

    1. SFF. She’s emotionally stunted at around 13/14. Jenna wastes her free funds on “puerile pursuits” as you’ve said.

    2. TS water bottles sell for $35. Wouldn't that cover a few bags of feed? Shouldn't that money go towards the mortgage? Apparently not in Jenna's grifting world.

  18. Jenna is Now posting about how kids can’t pronounce words on IG. Go make some money Jenna. Pay some bills. These kids who can’t pronounce words probably have more $$ than you. What an ass. Why does she even care?

    People in general miss- pronounce words do so because they have seen the words in print but not heard them spoken. Ex. If you saw the word “ hyperbole” and knew what it meant but never heard someone say it, you would pronounce it “hyper bowl”. Think of “segue” or “depot”. She’s just so pretentious and annoying for someone who begs for hay online and spends her days charging solar lanterns.

    1. Her post on X last night has received no replies. I wish that one of her followers said something about her stupid misspelling. Jenna comes across as having an arrogant attitude for no reason.

      You’ve nailed it: “She’s just so pretentious and annoying for someone who begs for hay online and spends her days charging solar lanterns.”

  19. Instagram Sham

    “god hates a coward”

    Then the lord loathes you, too. Jenna is a complete coward about critical comments, and not changing her lazy loser lie-style. I have a theory that her hoarder’s hovel is dimly lit at night to disguise the detritus.

    1. I have thought the same thing about the dim lighting. And what's with those hanging candles? It looks like a kid's Harry Potter birthday party. Very mature.

    2. SFF. “Jenna Fucking Woginrich” is such a “grown up!” Like I’ve said before, she’s emotionally stunted at 13/14, and is incapable of being an adult.

    3. There’s nothing authentic about how her home is “decorated.” The ugly trophy heads are classless and contrived. The whole house looks like a bargain bin buyout.

    4. And the stupid Mona Lisa poster is a complete cliché.

    5. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s got a shrine to Taylor Swift somewhere.

    6. My guess is the shrine is in that outbuilding with the TS flag above the door. It probably includes a Taylor Swift Barbie Doll and a Travis Kelce Ken Doll. Oh the possibilities!

    7. SFF. Your comments have been cracking me up lately! She probably also has a life-size poster of TS at the foot of her bed. After all, it’s the next best thing to having hot “all night lesbian sex” with yourself.

    8. Right. With her vibrator on the cruel summer setting

    9. SFF. I’m sure that she’s monogrammed it with an embossed TAS. Thanks for your chuckles!

    10. She’d buy a blowup doll of her girl crush if one were available.

  20. Our darlin’ is going to drink coffee snuggled under the the covers and watch spooky stuff this morning. Going to be in the 70’s and low 80’s this week “girl” so maybe save your firewood ok?

    Guess she’s not worried about the September mortgage huh??

    1. Such an exciting, “grown up” life she leads!

    2. Maybe she’ll make more “spooky cupcakes with sprinkles” today, too. Along with her putrid pan pizza that looks like barf.

    3. Has she even bothered to feed the animals? I guess she will let us know after she checks in here. She'd predictable.

    4. SFF. Jenna has to “feed” her fake fat face first, before any animals get nutrition.

  21. Thanks to WiW, Jenna’s stupid statement is just another Reddit receipt:


  22. Federal student loan repayments restart this month after a three year pause. If I recall correctly, she was still going on and on about student loans before Covid. Let’s see if it gets mentioned. Do any shamsters have “receipts” on her student loan status?
    She seemingly easily absorbed the supposed extra mortgage amount. Let’s see if she says anything about student loans.

    1. I think that she’s had assistance as always, with paying the “supposed mortgage increase.” Watch her mention a loan after reading your comment.

    2. I remember her complaining that she could get the loan forgiveness she applied for because of the type of loans she received. It’s been crickets since though.

  23. I think if Jenna had any possibility of finding another dating prospect, she would have met that person by now. The queer dating pool is small (despite our willingness to travel) and according to her stories of the past 2 years she's been trying! She has such a limited social circle and does nothing for the community despite having plenty of free time. I think people like Becca who know Jenna's single and looking, and who may know others who are also available, would warn them off Jenna rather than trying to set them up.

    1. No one wants a lying, lazy loser like Jenna who has nothing of merit to offer in a mature relationship. In fact, she’s a liability.

  24. She did not grow those pumpkins on her table by the way, she bought those at the grocery store. Not sure why she has fake flowers on the table either since she's supposedly been growing flowers all summer?

    Shouldn't we be seeing photos of her harvest about now? My neighbors have had billions of zucchini and squash, my balcony strawberries are STILL going. Didn't she plant real sunflowers again? Wasn't she crowing about buying a pack of flower seeds every grocery run last winter?

    Did she get sick of watering them???

    Once again, it's October and NO GARDEN HAUL

    1. I went back and had another look at those sunflowers. You’re correct, they’re artificial. No surprise really: fake flowers, fake farm, fake farmer.

    2. Like I always say, her whole life is fake. Here’s proof in pics again.

    3. In one of her posts she mentioned she stopped taking care of the garden because she was dating. She has nothing to show for all that money and prep.

      Where’s the pictures of the flowers? Remember she said people were going to stop to take pictures of her garden?

    4. Oh please. It takes 5 minutes to pull out a hose (we know you have one darlin, you accidentally posted it on IG). Besides it’s been a pretty rainy summer. She likely had visions of growing flowers to present to her anticipated new love and when that fell through she likely lost interest. She seems to have no private pleasure in her life. There always had to be an end game or a photo op.

  25. Which begs the question, or SHOULD for those idiots who are still donating money, what the heck has she even done all summer?

    Fish? That's where your money is going folks. Not even to better the fences.

    She has all this free manure she should be composting for next year's garden, all this free time, where's it all going? Where have the last 10 years gone?

    1. Jenna’s spent much of her summer in the hammock drinking NA beer, and trying in vain to get a date. To no avail. She’s used her faux farm as an escape from reality.

    2. Fishing AND wasting a bunch of time and gas driving around in search of a hawk she doesn't need/can't afford.

  26. My husband has the Chiefs/Jets football game on and occasionally they put the camera on TS in the stands. I'm wondering if football will become her interest so she can see her crush in real time. I think the whole thing is hilarious.

  27. “New blog post- all about good news and changes at Cold Antler Farm”

    No one cares, cunt. Your stupid, mercurial moods never last long.

    1. She’s made multiple mistakes again with her rotten writing like: Unbelievelbaly, Im, thats, and that’s just what I immediately saw. Once again, her dumb dispatch is full of covert pleas for money, and humble-bragging about her stupid “bucolic paradise.” Jenna’s reached for her thesaurus a lot lately. Her ridiculous rebuttals to us calling out her crap are hilarious.

    2. Jenna is a blatant liar. We know for a fact that her faux farm has failed inspections several times in over a decade.

    3. She was riding her bike in Knoxville, Tennessee in the “mid 2000s”? Think about that for a minute! And she has a freelance writing gig? It would take a platoon of editors and fact checkers to fix anything she has to offer.

    4. She also always makes the vets who do her inspections out to be her new best friends. We’ve met many of them, and while they can be kind, her hyperbolic bullshit isn’t accurate. They’re professionals sent to do a job, not hangout with the Cambridge Queen of Con.

    5. A Legend in Her Own MindOctober 2, 2023 at 12:08 PM

      Her farrier is either being kind or not who I'd use. While the frog and heel are wide, which are good, there's no sole, and the front of the hoof doesn't look right (the horse could have thrush). See how uneven the hoof wall is at the front, and the dark color? Plus, the frog's lowest point is at the top of the hoof (the wide part), when it should be at the apex.

      Being told you don't need to trim excess hoof material for six months isn't the good news she thinks it is. It looks to me that her horses aren't growing enough hoof (lack of nutrition) or they're wearing their hooves too fast and unevenly.

      Maybe someone who actually knows about horses, not a faux horsewoman, will post a photo of what a good hoof looks like.

    6. Assuming this is the same farrier she's had for years, why would he suddenly be complimenting their feet now? Surely he would have stated this in the past? So either he is a new farrier making small talk...or she made it all up.

    7. A Legend in Her Own MindOctober 2, 2023 at 7:03 PM

      Anon7, it's the same farrier. She fished for compliments and he probably told her what she wanted to hear. I'm guessing he also knows she wants to cheap out on hoof care.

      If you Google functional anatomy of the horse hoof, you can see drawings of a correct hoof. The front of Merlin's hoof (its wall) is thin compared to the remainder and the wall isn't evenly balanced. I'd never have feet like that on my property. Sadly, she probably doesn't know and doesn't care.

  28. The only “changes” are the things that she bought with her begging money ( $20 floating candles, $38 paint and $73 purple shag carpet)

    1. Exactly. What a crock of crap her lie-style has become.

    2. I’m still struck by how little progress her life has made. Jenna begs for help every week, is months behind in making mortgage payments, and doesn’t even date. If anything, her circle is smaller than before.

    3. Can't believe she has the audacity to admit to spending $130 on non-necessities whilst holding out her hands for pity donations.

      Sorry, but if you are as broke as she claims to be, you buy nothing. You go without. Yet, here she is bragging about useless floating candles. SMH.

    4. And showing off a brand new book on IG tonight. She spends a lot of mo ESY for someone who can’t pay her bills

    5. Exactly! It's unbelievable that she spends that much for non-essential treats for herself. And treats should be for doing something extra or a special accomplishment, not because an adult paid for their own recurring monthly housing costs, (with donated funds no less).
      How many bales of hay would that $130 buy? How many bags of grain? Or even, how much soap making supplies? (like perhaps a new soap mold instead of the same old same old.) I can't imagine what goes on in her head!

    6. It's easy to spend / waste other people's money. Harder I think, when you have your own time and effort vested in actually working for it yourself.
      She has to have some imbecile - or several - who donates regularly, and she can count on them coming through with more money whenever she wants it. She's pulling their strings and they don't even see it. Her enablers and donators are the stupid ones, not her, she's very smart and clever.

  29. I found nothing to comment on in her latest dispatch but I find it interesting that some of her favourite celebrities are being splashed over the news. Taylor Swift (with her bright red KC Chiefs lipstick), her bestie Blake Lively and her husband Ryan Reynolds along with Patrick Mahomes’ wife - three heterosexual couples living their best lives. Normally JW would be all over TS sightings but in this case …. Crickets. The silence is deafening 🤣🤣

    1. And a missed opportunity to glean new customers.

  30. Finally Ms. Swift has found a way to shut our FF UP! Not only is her heart throb dating a man, but he’s a man’s man! A no-doubt-about-it heterosexual, football-playing fella. It’s been crickets from The Wog, I think?

    1. I'm surprised she's not yapping about it, cuz with millions of football fans online she could potentially gain new foollowers, more sales.

    2. Jenna can’t handle being being wrong about anything. She’s always known more about Taylor than Taylor knows about herself. Hard to imagine her having anything but contempt for football fans who tend to have credit cards, frequent flyer miles, and no use whatsoever for minty handmade goat soap shaped like snowflakes.

    3. Jenna’s staying silent because her mediocre mainstream musician girl crush is straight. Poor widdle Wog will have to heal her broken heart.

  31. This line of bullshit from the latest diSpAtCh made me cackle:

    "...and after I paid the August mortgage I went ahead and did what I always do when I slay another house payment..."

    Slay? Is she kidding? Slaying (at life, in particular) is a term that the latest generation is using to describe working hard to overcome obstacles, successfully, under THEIR OWN steam. Slaying is NOT getting by begging for money from online strangers. And slaying is NOT being perpetually behind on the mortgage, and making it *just* in the nick of time thanks to the kindness of strangers. "Slay another house payment" -- GTFO here with that.

    1. Anon7. I had the same reaction with her stupid usage of slay. Jenna acts as if she’s 14 not 41. She’s become a beggar who counts on free funds that she’s filched from followers.

    2. I’ve said it before, if she was actually working multiple jobs and putting in the time and effort needed to pay her bills, I’d have some sympathy. Since she fishes, hunts for hawks, eats greasy garbage, and lays in her hammock reading brand new books everyday, she gets no sympathy from me!

      She also mentioned paying $850 for firewood. Amazing how she managed to pay for that and the August mortgage, and some hay, and all her goodies like floating candles. Sorry but like someone stated here, it is impossible that she’s making enough off her soap and scribbles. Especially when we get” haven’t made a sale in 3 weeks” crap.


    3. Anonymous 7:20. That’s why I always say, her whole life is lies.

  32. “PET PORTRAITS STILL ON SALE! Ships free anywhere in the WORLD, and you can get 2 9x12" color portraits for $100!”

    Right. Sure she’ll ship to Easter Island for free. “Hey hey, Hoo!!!”

    1. Her stupid scribbles are always on some sort of sale, so it’s just more manipulative marketing to imply that it’s a good deal.

    2. Her dumb, Disneyesque design style is stunted. Just like Jenna. She has no range as an artist.

    3. I agree that she has no range. Perhaps if she stretched herself she would appeal to a larger audience. I have a couple of friends who have a fine arts degree and they were taught numerous disciplines. It illustrates (no pun intended) the level of laziness that permeates her whole life. What a waste of an education. All that potential gone down the drain.

  33. “If you need a logo, I design dope logos. Send a DM or visit the website. Flat rate, unlimited revisions, professional work. I left jobs working as a designer for HGTV, Orvis, etc for self employment a decade ago and I'm still making it! (So Far)”

    Using a dumb word like “dope” to appear like an aging hipster. I’d hardly call being a beggar “making it.” Her stupid “(So Far)” is almost an admission of failure.

    1. And “self-employment” has a hyphen, moron. What a rotten writer who won’t take time to use proper punctuation and edit.

    2. She’s underemployed not self.

    3. Unemployed more like it.

    4. Anonymous 8:03. You’re right. After writing underemployed I realized my mistake above.

    5. It annoys me every time I see her write “ to purchase, visit the website.” Her dumb website, which was ok when Shannon put it up, is completely out of date now and should be edited to exclude things that she hasn’t had in ages, such as rabbits. My biggest beef with her sending people there “to buy” is that her website has never had a direct purchasing option. The only thing the website does is direct you to email dumdum. In the world of instant purchases and purchases made even easier by minks such as Amazon pay or Apple Pay, what desperate and poorly informed person will go jumping through the hoops of emailing someone off an outdated website, to be told to make a “donation” on PayPal for subpar product which takes 8 weeks to get?

    6. Links not minks*😂

    7. Also, a donation is not a receipt for services, which any valid shop would issue.

    8. Isn't that the point? Very shady.

    9. Everything that she does is either “shady” or overtly unethical.

    10. Donations are considered non-taxable gifts, so she's cheating the IRS, too.

    11. Surely there must be a limit. I suppose that’s why she has both PayPal and Venmo. Waiting for the day the chickens come home to roost. I hear the IRS is like a dog with a bone if they sniff fraud. She’s skated so far but one slip up could open the whole can of worms.

  34. In the past 5 days she has posted the same two pitches for soap 25 times. It's an exercise in futility and yet she keeps hammering away at it. It's pathetic.

    1. Furthermore if she posted a new shot of different product choices then maybe something would catch your eye. It's the main reason I stopped looking at her X account. No new content and just rinse and repeat on the sales pitch. Boring, boring, boring. Same tedius shit on Friday as she posted Monday. Not worth the click.

    2. Jenna hasn’t learned how to be subtle with selling. She still doesn’t understand that relentlessly bullying people into making a pity purchase won’t work in the long run. It’s the same way with her relationships. That’s one of the reasons she’s still single. What a despicable cunt.

    3. She's as subtle as a punch in the face. Date me!? PayPal me!.Buy my soap!? on an endless loop. It's exhausting to the casual reader. Can you imagine being in a relationship with that constant level of neediness? It's no wonder ahe's alone.

    4. SFF. Yeah, she has the subtlety of a bulldozer. We’ve met her before in person, and Jenna is an energy drainer. I don’t know how Shannon tolerated her crap for a year.

  35. Just a thought... People don’t want to purchase snowflake soap year round.

    1. They also “don’t want to purchase” soap that has a strong stench from a fraudulent business owner.

    2. It’s ironic that someone who has bad body odor is selling soap. When she clearly doesn’t use it.

  36. “Up to no good”

    Just like Jenna.

    1. The livestock are always used as pet props pics to pose as an authentic farmer. When Jenna is a hobbyist homesteader at best.

  37. Trying to use your sexual preference as a means of manipulative marketing is beyond bizarre. It’s irrelevant to doing business to mention the queer card. Jenna is coming across as being truly unhinged. She’s also putting pressure on people to make a pity purchase by her desperate pleas for sales. It’s completely unscrupulous.

  38. Wog just wants free funds up front for more frivolous purchases like candles and coffee.

  39. A Legend in Her Own MindOctober 4, 2023 at 6:32 AM

    You'd have to be a special kind of stupid to buy meat from a person who had trouble paying her electric bill, has multiple power outages and has stored dirty jeans, road kill, hawk food in the same freezer unit.

    Plus, with one person controlling both "sides" of the processed meat, there's no check and balance on how much you actually receive.

    Shamsters might remember that years ago, the faux farmer attempted to divide meat into more shares than allowable, because the animals were oversized. The buyer wasn't pleased AND this practice is illegal. In normal CSA arrangement, animals are processed and stored by a separate entity, so the CSA buyer is guaranteed to receive their half- or quarter-share. Having the same person divvy out meat and give you exactly your share is asking to be flat-out cheated.

  40. New blog post up. Still reading it. Did you know she writes “science based, fact-checked, researched and wait for it, “peer reviewed” “scripts” as she calls them, at $200 a pop, for an unidentified someone? She, who can’t spell, punctuate, or use correct grammar to save her life?

    1. Funny, that Jenna won’t say who she’s supposedly “writing scripts” for. If it’s really true, then they’d be edited. Her rotten writing is rife with major mistakes.

    2. Okay so if she has a steady income WHY IS SHE STILL BEGGING?

    3. “decide to spend the evening doing something new. I take my old kindle fire tablet, which has a Netflix app, and I downloaded a spooky program and I digest my meal outside in the hammock chair, curled up with a non alcoholic beer and a light blanket.”

      oooh, what’s this “netflix” of which you speak? “tee vee,” you say?

    4. Drinks an awful lot of NA beer for a beggar!!!

    5. SFF. I believe that her begging has become a pathological problem that’s impossible for her to stop now. She’s been doing it for decades. Whether or not she has income.

      Anonymous 9:14. We’ve seen her around town drinking real beer. Her frequent mention of a NA beverage is just for show. Jenna’s far from staying sober, and her rotten writing reflects it. Her stupid overuse of “spooky” is also annoying.

    6. That’s what I got out of her post. She apparently has a steady income source- albeit one that she has to be in the mindset to write for. 🤣She has logo clients. She packaged and shipped soap. She paid a ton in house repairs, floating lights, paint, rug, books, fancy coffee, streaming. WHY is she still begging? You can’t have it both ways. You are either in the best shape ever, or you are broke.

    7. Anonymous 10:29. One can’t be both victim and victor at the same time. Her whole life is lies.

    8. She reminds me of a kid who can't help bragging about stealing even if they know it will get them in trouble. The Jenna equivalent is poor me, I'm so broke but look how much money I made today.

    9. SFF. Her lack of self-awareness is unbelievable for even a middle-aged moron. She’s clueless about the bad optics of begging, and then bragging about what she’s spent free funds on. Jenna’s train wreck of a life will be epic to watch implode. No one is immune from consequences forever.

    10. I agree with anon 1029, that she's been begging so long - ie "telling her story" this long, it's a part of her identity and she can't stop.

    11. WiW. Her stupid story is all about being a beggar.

    12. "I believe that her begging has become a pathological problem that’s impossible for her to stop now. She’s been doing it for decades. Whether or not she has income."

      Sounds like FOMO -- Fear Of Missing Out on extra free funds even after receiving enough donations to get by. And it's an addiction as well.

  41. A Dummy’s Dispatch:

    “There’s a pride in getting to this place, not just the hammock at the end of the day but also the goodness of the place. I can’t believe how much it has changed since I came out. Yesterday, while making dinner. I was listening to a queer podcast explaining how so many gay people’s lives can’t even really start until they come out. That everything before is just running from yourself, distracting yourself, stunting yourself. I felt like my real life started when I kissed a woman for the first time. And everything since then has been healing and growing and honest repairs and starting life all over. I did that, I am doing that. And while I don’t expect to date again or find my person, I do expect to continue to heal and grow. I expect things to get better. That now feels like the more believable story than failure or foreclosure. And I think feeling like that, deep inside, is the greatest gift this farm has taught me. Keep going. Don’t give up. Because even if it never gets easier, it will always fill you with meaning and hope.

    The day ended like that. All that was left was hot chocolate and more Over the Garden Wall and then asleep early to try all over again. Just like every other farm out there trying it’s best.

    I hope we all get another day.”

    I dislike the wishful way that she ends posts with. I still see errors in her rotten writing. Jenna is emotionally “stunted” even if she’s gay. There’s no “person” that wants a lying, lazy loser like her for a partner. She’s already a “failure,” because of her begging, and not being “honest” about anything. It’s all weird word salads, and overwrought purple prose.

    1. Honestly, I cannot read her stuff to the end. The bad spelling and grammar makes me crazy along with her holier than though attitude. Mostly its just plain boring. Who cares what time your dog goes out to pee?

    2. SFF. A glitch deleted my other response to you. I feel the same way about reading her rotten writing. That’s why I just copy snippets of her stupid statements. Jenna is an insufferable, arrogant asshole.

    3. I was shocked that she didn't write about her usual terrifying concerns like foreclosure fears and a single digit bank balance.

      It would seem that she is trying to paint a picture of a lovely, idyllic life and will follow it up with a heartbreaking disaster of some sort.

  42. Given her soap is melt n pour, it's funny she doesn't switch it up seasonally at least. The snowflake soaps AGAIN lol. Fine if they're popular, but since she's apparently making stuff to order, why not get some pumpkin molds? do a halloween set as "spooky season" is such a big thing now. Not that she'd ever take advice!

    1. Jenna is allergic to any advice.

    2. Same can be said for everything she sells, as it's always the same old stuff. It doesn't appear to sell as much as she'd like, but she refuses to add new products. Any successful business person will ditch things that don't sell well and try out new products. Yet here she is, year after year, trotting out the same crap to uninterested consumers. Stellar business plan!

  43. She has so much time and postage on her hands, over on IG she claims she will paint and mail you a painted rock if you watch her favorite Halloween cartoon. She even adds a signature “Hoo!” To her juvenile statement.
    And she hasn’t paid her mortgage, you say?

    1. How much does it cost to mail a rock? Aren’t packages calculated by weight? Did she even think of that?

    2. Jenna is emotionally stunted at around 13/14. She’s the most immature middle-aged moron we’ve ever met in person. “Hey hey, Hoo!!!”

    3. I don’t see it on Instagram now. Unless it was in a stupid story. Maybe your comment shamed Jenna into her crap deleting again.

    4. Edit: into deleting her crap again.

    5. She’s been going on about this cartoon for weeks. I guess she’s having trouble with content since she can’t talk about how gay TS is. Especially when she’s all over the place saying she likes how the guy pursued her and respects her.

    6. I read a headline that Kelce was seen leaving TS’s apartment Sunday morning. JW must be apoplectic. I guess they sat up and talked all night 🤣🤣🤣

    7. Anon 6:51 it was on her story, yes.

    8. SFF. I’m surprised that Swift has an apartment not a home. And Jenna’s stunned silence means that her mediocre, mainstream musician girl crush isn’t queer. “Hoo!!!”

      Anonymous 10:34. I can’t handle hearing her abrasive, arrogant voice.

  44. 1. She absolutely has to have an alternate source of income. Someone mentioned a long time ago that she may do art for the furry community, which seems like the most plausible option given her art style and the way she's anthropomorphized her animal drawings in the past.
    2. If she's writing scripts, does that mean she was a scab during the writer's strike?

    1. I’m the one who’s often mentioned her doing drawings for the furry fandom. It makes sense.

    2. Jenna’s https://www.deviantart.com/oakpaw/posts/journals

    3. Her mother must be proud. Woo Hoo.

  45. IG response from our girl.
    The TS /Travis relationship isn’t real and believing it is, is like being “anti vax”. Jenna’s words y’all.

    1. In dinial much? Yep can you imagine TS choosing that big old hunky guy over her? What is the world coming to?

    2. They were probably having all night, heterosexual sex during a thunderstorm.

    3. Anonymous 1:43. The only thing that’s not “real” are Jenna’s delusions and lie-style. She’s even more unhinged than I thought.

      SFF. You forgot the “flickering lantern.” I literally, cackled at your comment.

    4. Comparing “believing” in the validity of a romance to “being anti vax” is super stupid even for Jenna. She’s really lost touch with reality. Doesn’t Taylor know that she should’ve hunted for hawks a few years ago with Wog?!

    5. Clearly, only Jenna Fucking Woginrich knows every intimate detail about her queer crush. She should write Taylor’s memoir. “Hoo!!!”

    6. Yeah, look at how successful Jenna’s been with writing her own memoir!

    7. The pic of TS is superimposed with the Philadelphia Eagles emblem. Jenna still doesn't understand that you can be more than one thing at the same time. TS can still be an Eagles fan and date a Chiefs player.
      She has such a narrow mind. Just like her scribbles, her chores, her way of doing anything, she can't grow or accept that people can be more than one thing.
      I bet she would be shocked to know that both democrats AND republicans can be gay! It's actually a possibility!

    8. Hey, Jen! We don’t “believe” that your relationship with Shannon was “real.” But you’re a cunt for sure.

    9. If JW is a real fan you would think she would be thrilled to see her idol living her best life. This very public romance is providing hundreds of photo ops. Isn’t that what genuine fans live for? Her obsession with this young star seems twisted and unhealthy, even a bit deviant if I may be so bold.

    10. SFF. Jenna is “deviant” judging by the creepy comments that she’s left here. Her overt obsession with famous females is cyberstalking.

  46. "travel is only as transforming and worthwhile as the person experiencing it. 90% of travel now is credit cards and instagram updates."

    Says the person who has never experienced another culture and who spends multiple hours a day on instagram. Maybe that's swinging her perception of travel?

    I've met many travelers who have no social media, certainly not instagram. They use facebook like a phonebook to keep track of the contacts they've made across the world. There's a whole community surrounding world travelers, and many are among the kindest, most generous people I've had the pleasure to meet. I'm better for having met them too, even though I'm not the one traveling.

    Jenna is so weird. She'll say anything to position herself as some sort of cultural rebel.

    1. More like a “cultural” cretin who has no sense of the enhanced worldview that comes from traveling. She’s “weird” in a bad way. It’s no wonder why she can’t even get a date. Let alone a “real” relationship.

    2. I’ve got an idea, Jenna. I’ll travel and you sit at home taking pictures of your damn feet.

    3. She’s even admitted to being envious of those who can afford to travel. Jenna is jealous of everything that she’ll never have due to being a lying, lazy loser.

    4. Anonymous 4:20. We think that she’s catering to foot fetish people with her constant pics. Jenna’s even hinted at that in a dumb dispatch a few months ago.

    5. She keeps lowering the bar. Furries, foot fetishists. I shudder to think what comes next.

    6. SFF. You wonder how low she’ll go.

  47. She deleted her TS dating men/ anti vax story on IG ( knew she would!!!) Good thing I screen shot it 😂😂

    1. Good job, shamsters. Once again, we’ve shamed Jenna into deleting her crap. “Hoo!!!”

    2. Put it on Reddit as a receipt.

    3. The coward can’t cope with criticism, but she’ll blast others who have different opinions than her own.

    4. She is unable to self regulate. She posts impulsively then relies on a site like this one to tell her she's missed the mark. She's like a politician who governs by public opinion.

    5. SFF. Jenna behaves like a kid who doesn’t know better, but she’s a middle-aged adult. There’s something wrong with her behavior.

    6. You’d think that she’s on the spectrum with her seeming inability to understand social standards. But I believe that it’s just being obstinate.

  48. That ingrown toenail just about made me hurl.

    1. Her fat feet are repugnant. They don’t even look human. Jenna’s lack of good grooming and hygiene are horrid.

  49. Must be hard for Jenna to get a date since she mainly looks for prospects on dating apps, which means most of them have the wherewithal to search her name on google...

    1. Sooner or later they’ll find out about her rotten reputation.

    2. WiW: I enjoy your insight. You really hit the mark.

  50. She might get first dates before they get her last name...

    1. They’ll flee once they realize who she is. Jenna has nothing of merit to offer. Plus, she’s obese, ugly and stinky.

  51. Don't dating apps charge a fee to be on their sites? If so, that's another unnecessary expense her fans are donating toward.

    1. Most dating apps are free. There are many that have paid options, but you can use most of the popular ones well enough without spending money.

  52. It’s another public shaming as a Reddit receipt:


    1. She deserves to be shamed for her stupid statements about other people’s private lives.

  53. Instagram Sham

    “Still looking”

    I hope that her hawk hides. All Wog wants is another pet prop for pics to pose as a falconer.

    1. She’s never cared about conservancy of any species. It’s all about her feral farmer image.

  54. HD. New post please? Thanks!


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