The Unofficial End of Summer

School is back in session.  TV shows are starting their new seasons.  The weather is changing. Folks are starting the clean up and the jobs around their land to start getting ready for winter.  It’s a busy time.
Except for Jenna….she’s still doing fuck'all.  Seasons change but Jenna never will.


  1. HD. Unfortunately, you’re right. Jenna will have her hands out for free funds until they dry up. I hope that happens soon. She’s been living beyond her means for over a decade and counting.

    1. Jenna is incapable of making mature, adult decisions. Even Shannon couldn’t convince her to change. She’s so far from being a “grown up” that it’s ludicrous to even write about it.

    2. Nah, she's got her bills paid some other way. Parents or benefits. This performance about the mortgage is just for fun money.

    3. She thanked some foollowers for sending free money after her last bleg post:

      "Though, I would really, really, like to thank those of you who reached out from that last post with either a tip or nod of support. It means so much."

      But they didn't send enough so she wrote another tear-jerker -- see below.

  2. Posting the latest whopper of a DiSpAtCh in case she deletes it:

    "It's been a hell of a month. The preparation for winter is slow, but I was able to get 30 bales of hay delivered this past weekend, and my firewood guys are aware of a delivery for next week. I'm honestly relieved to have that small amount of grass stacked, and some promise of firewood on the way. But I still have to earn two mortgage payments to catch the farm up to solvent, and there aren't exactly miracles abounding. Though, I would really, really, like to thank those of you who reached out from that last post with either a tip or nod of support. It means so much.

    Last month the kitten got his shots, the sagging kitchen floor got jacked and set on new joists, and I made an appointment to get the replacement glass door installed. That glass guy shows up in about an hour, and I am still so embarrassed I had to spend this much time and money to fix a mistake I made trying to clean my house's vinyl siding with a borrowed power washer. It was gas-powered, and I was used to using the smaller electric homeowner models my friends and neighbors had leant me over the years. But this commercial model broke a glass door in one poorly-aimed spray and set the farm back half a mortgage payment. It's a literal heat and home barrier, and had to be replaced before winter, but its the kind of setback everyone has to deal with and recover from. It's just a lot more stressful for someone like me.

    But the point is: it's getting fixed. By tonight I'll be out another $250 (the glass guy is letting me pay in installments) and thats on top of the money already out for other necessary homeowner work like getting a bunch of low branches trimmed back from the giant maple tree near the house. For over a decade I let this tree grow and expand. It's shade killed grass and made the house moldy (ergo the power washing) but last winter I saw the snowy branches nearly coming into bedroom windows and dragging across the old slate roof and I knew a bad storm could mean serious damage to the house. So Saturday a friend's grown adult child (That I used to play episodes of Shaun the Sheep in my living room for when he was NINE!) trimmed them off at what I can only imagine is an insane discount, but still - when I look around at this place I see a woman doing her best to keep it up. No one can say I'm not trying.

    So this house, over the last two years, has had: a ripped out and repaired bathroom floor, with insulted pipes below and new linoleum flooring. A new side porch, complete with Amish-made deck and pet lawn and rock wall. A new master bedroom mattress, replacing the old one I inherited a decade ago already used. A repaired kitchen floor, now level and (I am so grateful to learn this) not a foundation-based issue or concern. It also has a trimmed big tree, new and improved pasture rotation and fencing, two new garden areas (corn and pumpkin patches), and a maintained, lantern-lit, woods path."

      "I still have a white fridge and no microwave. I still don't have a washer and dryer and need to go to the laundromat once a week. I still don't have a passport, or a savings account, or a membership to some sort of airport lounge or whatever most people have in their wallets. But I have this farm and I am trying to tend it, the property, the household, and my sanity best I can.

      So right now my life is split between winter prep, repairs, and work. After 4PM I am out driving locally, mostly looking for my next falconry bird and trying to show potential apprentices what goes into becoming a falconer. I got my hunting license renewed (a necessary part of being a falconer) and got lucky enough to get a doe tag. And last night while sipping a NA beer in my hammock, I watched a pair of fawns play in the horse pasture while the roosters crowed and hens scratched and dogs sat beside me under our recently-pruned tree and felt a sense of calm for the first time in weeks. It's been so stressful and sad here. I've been so sad. This is the third winter in a row I am heading into feeling heartsick, but I am trying to not feel jaded or lonely. I am trying to focus on things I can control: like firewood, hay, bills, and words.

      I hit 20,000 words today on this new writing project. The weeks of river diary entries are now turning into trapping and hawking entries. I'll carry it through the fall and winter probably, hopefully have something ready to edit by Yule. I don't know if this will or won't be something, but a writer needs to write and a trier needs to try.

      If this all sounds foggy and vague, thats how I feel. The amount of stress, effort, work, and earning ahead is so daunting. Knowing all I have to depend on is me and all that fear rests only on my shoulders isn't making me feel strong these days, but it is motivating me. And it starts in the next half hour with a new glass door, another check for $250 gone I should be putting towards my mortgage, and hope that I somehow pull this off. I guess we'll see."

    2. If you don't want to have to read thru all that bullshit, here is the condensed version after removing all the superfluous, manipulative and sympathy seeking words:

      "It's been a hell of a month.
      I still have to earn two mortgage payments.
      ...and there aren't exactly miracles abounding.
      [Broken] glass door will set the farm back half a mortgage payment.
      Its the kind of setback everyone has to deal with and recover from.
      It's just a lot more stressful for someone like me.
      By tonight I'll be out another $250
      ....and thats on top of the money already out for other work.
      I still have a white fridge and no microwave.
      I still don't have a washer and dryer.
      I still don't have a passport, or a savings account.
      It's been so stressful and sad here.
      I've been so sad.
      This is the third winter in a row I am heading into feeling heartsick.
      The amount of stress, effort, work, and earning ahead is so daunting.
      Knowing all I have to depend on is me."

      What a way with words she has. What she wrote is basically a woem (woe + poem). So send her money now!!

    3. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 6, 2023 at 3:43 AM

      Anon7, you took one for the team, plus provided a TLDR version. I'm surprised she didn't tack on her PayPal account details. How dare you have a non-white refrigerator and not send her money!!!

      Btw, when did the new mattress sneak in??? That's a few hundred (or thousand) we never heard about.

    4. Where is all the money coming from? All that stuff is expensive. I've said for years that she has a hidden source of income. I'm actually betting on SS disability. You can't make over a certain amount of income, or SS starts decreasing the payment. Thus, the donate button which probably isn't counted as income somehow.

    5. PDD. Her parents bought her the new mattress. I think that it was last year. Jenna made a big deal about saying that they were “heroes of my day!” Along with the patient Pember Patty and her husband who hauled it home.

    6. Too bad that she’s not getting any amorous action on her new mattress. Like having hot “all night lesbian sexual during a thunderstorm with a flickering lantern!”

    7. Edit: lesbian sex

    8. "catch the farm up to solvent" She doesn't even know what solvent means! Solvency is a state of having balanced income that is consistently *greater than* not equal to or less than your expenses. According to her twitter history, she's been insolvent the past 10 years! You can't just catch up the mortgage and declare yourself solvent, then two weeks later claim you're behind again. But it's not like a self-described professional authour should be careful about their selection of words.

  3. From the last thread: "If you were writing a lesbian memoir about fly fishing and falconry, what would you call it?”

    Ummmmm...if she was writing a cautionary tale she could try:

    Don't Use Real Tackle On Your Girlfriend While The Hawk Watches From The Lampshade

    ...or if she's writing a how-to sex guide:

    The Lesbo, The Fish, And The Audacity of The Barnheart Wish

    ...but since it's a memoir she should go with:

    A Grifter Runs Through It While Eating The Grapes of The Solar Lit Path

    1. And just like that she deleted it! Anon7, good job on archiving it!!

    2. I had the feeling she'd delete it based on the time I saw it, which was around 11pm CA time, and it stated it had been written "10 minutes ago" which would be 2am NY time. So I figured she wrote it in a drunken insomnia state and would delete in the morning. Hah.

  4. “ my firewood guys are aware of a delivery for next week”


    1. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 6, 2023 at 3:34 AM

      Oh, this was a classic beg, full of pitiable comments and vague statements. What does "the firewood guys are aware of a delivery for next week" even mean?? Firewood. You call. They deliver. Especially easy with scads of free/downed ash trees available, dead from emerald ash borer infestation. In our town, firewood's been given away all summer.

      But this particular dispatch really resonated with me. I mean *sniff*, I didn't know our poor faux farmer still has a white refrigerator! She doesn't have a membership to an airport club lounge. And she had to contend with Amish men who built her yoga platform, a man who leveled her floor, and another man who trimmed an overgrown tree branch at a deep discount. Will her stressful life never end?????

      She obviously needs more money to calm her nerves. Please, poodles, if you can, give, give, give.

    2. i was also wondering about that white fridge. mine is yellowish; it came with the house. shrug.

    3. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 6, 2023 at 6:12 AM

      Harvest gold for the win!!! We had one of those for decades, & we only replaced it after its final demise.

      Btw, I laughed at her color-bias in refrigerators.

      What else would we expect from a wannabe princess? She owns a custom-made bow, bought a rare, imported fell pony, seemingly subscribes to every streaming service available, pays for online yoga classes, and bemoaned not owning a pricey Peloton bike.

    4. But at least she didn't say she has no credit card or dishwasher like she used to. Guess she realized the dishwasher shows up in her pictures just like the thermostat.

    5. My 17-year old Sears Kenmore is white and still performing like a champ. So what is her point exactly?

    6. I think with the white fridge comment she's talking about how most appliances have gone stainless steel in the past 10 years. so her fridge is more than 10 years old, big whoop!

      When she got to that part about the fridge and then immediately jumps to passport my eyes rolled so far so fast I nearly whacked my head on the wall behind me!

      She talks about not having a microwave like she's a pioneer. I also do not have a microwave. It's not a huge hardship to reheat food in a pot or oven - but look at me! I'm homesteading!

      Does she assume everyone else in the country has a full compliment of modern appliances including washer-dryers? Doesn't she notice she's not the only one using the laundromat?

      Sidenote, I actually like laundromats, if they're well-run. I like using industrial machines, I like the space to fold my stuff and I really like getting 6 loads done in under 2 hours. I love the giant capacity machines to wash all my linens or towels at once, or even a duvet if needed. I love the nearby coffee shop where I can treat myself to a latte. I love the free wifi that comes with most laundromats now.

      I have washer / driers in my building so I rarely go to laundromats now, but I enjoy laundromats so much I'm thinking about buying one as an investment. They're associated with poverty but plenty of people use them and if you maintain them well they can be lovely places.

  5. I follow Kirsten Lie-Nielsen of Hostile Valley Living. She posted this about getting horses. Of course I thought of Jenna and how she is the opposite of this:
    "I love horses - I've ridden since I was 4, competed at the state level, had horses for 10 years, they're my soulmates. I also won't have horses in the foreseeable future. Why? I could remove all my other animals and still spend more money on feed, vet bills, farrier bills, etc, not including infrastructure needs and upfront purchase price. I think a lot of people get horses without realizing this, and especially in rural areas there are tons of horses living in a postage size pasture with no grass, untrimmed hooves, bad teeth, etc. Horses are a privilege and should be cared for and treated as such. Basically horses are like all other livestock but MORE. More expensive. More delicate. More dangerous. Without a plan, a budget, and a concrete reason to have them, I'm not going to have them."

    1. Yep. There's a saying in all horse communities: "That's horses." Your champion show jumper wake up lame one day, stay lame, has been lame for 6 months and now they can't breed this season? That's horses. Your bomb-proof trail horse spook at the wind and throw you from your saddle and now your knee / hip / back / shoulder is messed up for life? That's horses. Your heart horse that you've had since a teenager is boarded at a barn who just tripled their boarding costs due to rising everything, and now you can't afford to keep her? That's horses. There's such a level of financial, physical and emotional risk to horses that all horse people including myself are a little bit crazy to engage in it at all. Horses are money-pit heartbreakers and if you're not riding on the regular and taking good care of them you shouldn't have them.

      There's no excuse for Jenna wasting the potential and good work years of her two horses. Her horses have teeny tiny pasture, and she never rides them. I cringe to think of their teeth and feet. The fact Mable has gotten bitchy with Jenna indicates something's very wrong. She was a sweetheart when Jenna got her, so was Merlin. Neglect, boredom and bad diet does nothing good for horses.

    2. So true. We just had a young, otherwise perfectly healthy pony come down with a freak illness that ultimately ended in her death and a vet bill higher than what we paid for her in the first place, less than a year ago... but... that's horses!! (and we have the means to weather a storm like that...)

  6. Better go look at her dispatches. New one just up.

    1. Things are bad

      “I am doing my best. Will get back to you when there's good news to report.”

      This is an example of her manipulative marketing to filch free funds from followers. The stupid subtext is always: “Poodles, please send me money!” There’s never any “good news to report” from her faux farm. We’re waiting for the fake fear of foreclosure to appear again. GFY, Jenna. Your whole life is lies.

    2. C’mon, “guys?!” Jenna never lies. She recently wrote on her “grown up” dispatch that “this farm has never been better!”

    3. And just a few days ago, Jenna was bragging about buying an apple pie. Without a concern for how her bad optics appeared. One can’t be both victim and victor at the same time. It causes cognitive dissonance.

    4. “I spy with my little eye” the strong stench of a fabricated crisis coming up. It’s been awhile since Jenna’s needed another root canal. And she can’t use her truck for repairs since it’s been sold. If things were really that dire, then she’d have no time to write and whine.

    5. Anon 9:22 - I saw a meme on reddit yesterday that reminded me of your "victim and victor" comment:

  7. Another thought about the firewood comment. Her firewood guys “are aware” of her request but clearly are asking for cash up front so “the promise of firewood” depends on how effective her latest dispatch is. Jenna’s jargon is easy to decipher if you pay attention to the actual wording.

    1. SFF. You’ve nailed it. It’s as I’ve said before. Her patterns are predictable. Once you start to see them. Jenna’s language is always deliberately done to promote her false victim narrative.

    2. Edit: I also want to add that “Jenna’s jargon” was great wording.

    3. "Asking FF for cash up front"?

      How unfair. It's not like firewood is melt-and-pour soap... or 2025 pork ~ lamb shares... or artwork that won't be started for 8 weeks.

    4. Why thank you.

    5. Agree. This is spot on.

  8. It’s time for dental drama
    ‘cause “things are really bad.”
    But if you send Jen money
    then she won’t feel quite so sad.

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 6, 2023 at 10:07 AM


      In homage to WW:

      It's time for pet prop drama
      'cause things "are really bad"
      But if you send Jen money
      then she won't feel quite so sad.


    2. PDD. Thanks! “Pet prop drama” has been used by her before. I almost wrote that, too.

    3. Bravo! *claps*

      Things are really bad
      But I am doing my best
      Will get back to you
      with my next begging quest

      Things are really bad
      Nothing but disaster
      Put money in my Venmo
      So I can get drunk faster

    4. Anon7. That was great. Thanks for contributing!

    5. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 8, 2023 at 4:04 AM


  9. HOLD ON A MINUTE. Did she just delete the whole dispatch?

    1. SFF. I still see the dumb dispatch.

    2. “Things are bad
      I am doing my best. Will get back to you when there's good news to report.”

      The above is all I can see. Interesting.

    3. SFF. That’s all I saw, too. Jenna’s deliberately kept it short to come across as being too stressed out to write.

    4. Yep, she just did and replaced it with a much shorter note that things are bad.

    5. SFF. I didn’t realize that you were referring to the other dispatch called “Slow and Steady.” That’s why I said the short one was still up. Once again, it appears that she was shamed by our comments into deleting it. Thanks to Anon7 it’s posted here.

    6. I'm confused. So she deleted "Slow and Steady" and then wrote another one, but deleted that, and then wrote the "Things are Bad" one?

    7. Anon7. It appears that she’s only deleted the “Slow and Steady” dispatch, and then posted the short one. Unless I’m mistaken, and there was a third.

  10. Yes she sure did take that long post down and replaced with the things are bad sentence!
    Thanks to all the shamsters who copied it here and commented on it to preserve it for posterity and for those of us who didn’t manage to see it before she deleted it. It was called “ slow and steady. “ I think anon7 copied it in its entirety above at the start of this thread.

    1. That’s why I’ve also often posted her crap here, because she has a history of trying to delete evidence.

    2. One of the reasons that Jenna hates this blog is because we collect receipts. And save them for future use.

    3. When I saw that she appeared to write that post at 2am, I knew that meant only one thing: She was drunk, awake, and freaking out. Prime copy 'n paste time!

  11. Putting so much time into writing the original post and then replacing it with a short blast makes me wonder if some actual crisis has occurred. Just a gut feeling but I guess time will tell. She always has been the girl who cried wolf. You can’t tell the lies from the truth. It could be as simple as the screen door guys wanted payment in full rather than installments. .

    1. I seriously doubt that there’s been a real crisis. But it makes you wonder as to why she’s deleted the long one.

    2. How would we even know? It’s all smoke and mirrors with her. What a stressful existence it must be trying to keep all the balls in the air.

    3. SFF.

      Anon7: “Posting the latest whopper of a DiSpAtCh in case she deletes it:”

      And she’s called it. Why would anyone who’s been following Jenna’s shit-show believe her fake “cries of wolf” yet again? That’s part of the problem with her pathological lying. She’s done it too many times to be trusted that it’s truthful.

    4. This feels a lot like a staged performance piece. It’s to prod people out of pity into giving her money. Jenna tries to elicit empathy from followers all of the time.

    5. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 6, 2023 at 12:13 PM

      For a person who claims she cannot make mortgage payments on time, she's had a LOT of projects in the past two years. To boot, because she's hopelessly incompetent, nothing was done by her (well, nothing except breaking her own double-pane glass door) - which means she paid someone to do it.

      There's money floating around Dead Animal Farm, and it's not spare change thrown into a jelly jar.

    6. One thing's for sure. She's not working it out in trade. Who'd want to tap that? Oops, did I say that in my outside voice?

    7. SFF. Very few people would “want to tap” that kind of creep. Jenna’s repellent on every level. And I’d say it loudly to her fake fat face.

    8. My guess is that she re-read it and found one or more easily provable lies. Like that part about the window replacement causing her to lose a half month's mortgage. She knows we keep a mortgage tracker on reddit.

    9. What Anon7 says ⬆️⬆️⬆️

  12. Jenna would do well to remember the old saying: “Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.” No one is immune from consequences. And hers are catching up.

    1. Edit: I also want to add that the line is part of a poem by Sir Walter Scott.

    2. Add to that, her inability to keep track of all her lies. Bitch should use a spreadsheet to keep track.

  13. “Reminder not to rush”

    Clearly, the crisis wasn’t that “bad,” because the bitch took time to post a pic of her ugly man hand with its fat, filthy fingers.


      Jenna just wants people to say “Wog, darlin, we were so worried about this farm’s future!!!”

    2. What is that thing her hand?

    3. *in her hand*

    4. SFF. I’d guess that it’s an egg with a chick about to hatch. It’ll be one of her pet props for pics to appear authentic.

    5. Not a farmer but shouldn’t it be left in the nest to finish the process safely?

    6. SFF. I thought the same thing. But we’re not “experts” like JFW!

    7. My husband grew up on a farm and said it’s a dumb ass thing to do.What’s wrong with her? Scratch that, the list is too long.

    8. SFF. It just shows her complete lack of concern for an animal’s welfare. Especially, one that’s not even hatched, and is very fragile. Jenna is a sociopath.

    9. I thought it was her attempt at Pigs in a Blanket. Bet she ate it anyway.

    10. That is a very strange looking hatching egg. Usually there are cracks and not a softish area. But she's the farmer, not me. She doesn't have a nurturing bone in her body or she would have left it alone. She doesn't nurture anything....home, animals, garden, people etc.

    11. Anonymous 7:37. The only positive thing about Jenna is that she doesn’t want to be a breeder. She’d ruin a kid for life.

  14. From deleted dispatch above:

    “But I still have to earn two mortgage payments to catch the farm up to solvent, and there aren't exactly miracles abounding. Though, I would really, really, like to thank those of you who reached out from that last post with either a tip or nod of support. It means so much.”

    Her faux farm has never been “solvent” in 13 years by her own admission. This chronic condition of always being behind is nothing new. Jenna is disingenuous in implying that it’s atypical. She’s used that lame line before “It means so much.”

    1. “And last night while sipping a NA beer in my hammock, I watched a pair of fawns play in the horse pasture while the roosters crowed and hens scratched and dogs sat beside me under our recently-pruned tree and felt a sense of calm for the first time in weeks. It's been so stressful and sad here. I've been so sad. This is the third winter in a row I am heading into feeling heartsick, but I am trying to not feel jaded or lonely. I am trying to focus on things I can control: like firewood, hay, bills, and words.

      I hit 20,000 words today on this new writing project. The weeks of river diary entries are now turning into trapping and hawking entries. I'll carry it through the fall and winter probably, hopefully have something ready to edit by Yule. I don't know if this will or won't be something, but a writer needs to write and a trier needs to try.”

      It’s interesting that the FFF feels it’s necessary to clarify that she’s not drinking real beer. “Sure, Jen.” She’s not “a trier” but a liar. The stupid mention of “Yule” to remind everyone that she’s still a pagan. And also a lesbian! In case, you’d forgotten her sexual status today. The whining about emotions like feeling “sad” and “heartsick” are her calling cards for cash from followers.

    2. Her heart is a small, cold hole.

    3. Imagine how stressful it must be to try to make all the same problems seem fresh each month. She must be exhausted.

  15. Things are bad... send a beef sandwich!

    1. If Jenna can afford to buy a pie, then the same goes for a sandwich.

  16. She’s still posting on IG random crap. Can’t be that bad!!

    1. Yeah, I also commented about that above.

    2. Cannot wait for the next dispatch “when things are better” 🤣🤣🤣

    3. She may have realized that she spent a lot of money and since she's always screaming about how she can't afford anything, the optics are pretty bad. Also, she mentioned that her bathroom now has insulated pipes so no more whining "Pipes just burst!" like she does EVERY winter. Gotta keep those options open!

  17. I have to admit, it's pretty funny that she smashed her patio door with the power washer.

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 7, 2023 at 8:01 AM

      It was spectacularly stupid. She hit one of the metal magnets on the fly screen with high pressure water, and it cracked the glass like a bullet.

  18. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 7, 2023 at 8:10 AM

    Here is one of Wog's 2010 pleas for people to send money so she could buy a house! It's amazing how entitled she felt, and since her blog hadn't yet degenerated into one continuous beg-a-thon, a LOT of people contributed $$$. Nestled among the attagirls were legitimate comments from people who saw the disaster unfolding. Three of these comments are included.

    First, from Wog: "So here is the updated story so far. The house is mine. The mortgage is (by some grace of god) totally affordable. I could own my own farmhouse, acreage, and small barn...

    Paying my mortgage isn't the hard part folks—it is getting in the door in the first place... The realtor is moving forward as if all is perfect (but) My credit score is seven points below the number the Lender wants to finance my loan...

    So, In a last ditch effort to try and raise my score, I took all my (non-house-buying allotted) savings and paid down my last credit card...

    I am within a wolf's breath of this farm, friends. I can taste that Jackson Dirt. I don't want to lose out on the perfect home right when I need it...

    With all that said (taking a deep breath) if you are motivated to help. Here are some things you can do.

    1. If you live nearby, (do my work for free)
    2. (Buy my classes)
    3-5. Buy something...
    6. Or, if you are so motivated, just put one dollar (HA!) in the donation jar. If each reader does that, I am home free.

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 7, 2023 at 8:13 AM

      I don't mean to sound selfish, crass, or rude... A home ... is too important to worry about public perception. Farm > me. For those of you reading, know you're at the climax of this story. Let's try and change the ending together?"

      Chris February 5, 2010 at 9:53 PM wrote:

      "Jenna, I truly do wish you the best of luck in making your dream a reality. My comments will no doubt upset this blogosphere applecart, but this reminds me of a coworker who was stressed during the holidays because she did not have much if any disposable income to purchase gifts, yet she arrived at work every morning with a purchased steaming hot cappuccino, ordered take out lunch 2-3 times a week. I have followed your blog and read your book (via the local library system) and as a single widowed full time working mother of 2 (who brings homemade lunch and beverage from home everyday) I have had to make hard but practical decisions as to how I spend and budget my hard earned money... I can readily scroll back through your posts about fabric, yarn, music, book purchases, etc...all of which I would love to purchase as well, however...reality check sets in. I would love to order the bees I have yearned for the past 5 years, I would truly love to order my chicks for springtime, but the health insurance premiums have gone up, everything has gone up...and believe me I live the art of frugal living... A home of ones own is a righteous and honest desire yet your plea for financial help seems contradictory to a self sufficient life style...girl, you are a web designer, an author, a freelance writer contributing to quite a few magazines...sure I want to live my dreams, but I will earn the dream through my hard work"

      Another wrote:
      "Perhaps I can offer a little perspective on what some have claimed to be "negative" posts. First, all I read were a few people deciding to not donate and share their reasons why. I didn't read anything mean or vitriolic in those messages (as opposed to some of the responses to them!). Here's my take. A lot of people tend to bite off more than they can chew financially, and then it's often the rest of us who end up paying for it (mortgage/housing crisis last year ring a bell with anyone?). My husband and I deliberately bought a house for much less than we were approved for, and made sure we had the money for all other costs. If Jenna has a job with a steady income and benefits yet is still asking for help ($$), I can see why some people are reluctant to donate. If she can't afford all the costs involved without leaving herself completely strapped, perhaps, as much as she might *really* want it and as much as we might all *really* want it for her, it might not necessarily be the *right* thing for her to do at this time. JMHO"

    2. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 7, 2023 at 8:14 AM

      Meredith A February 6, 2010 at 9:26 AM added:
      "that's the life, there's a reason our nation is one in great debt. our people want what they want and when they want it. many of us wish for things greater than us right now but because of "time or money" its not available to us at the moment.

      i myself am a single girl making it on my own. i have no more animals than i can afford to care for and house while trying my best to find rentals that accommodate us all on my own salary. its a hard life but living within my means is what allows me to continue to survive.

      there's nothing wrong with waiting to own a farm, a property, or even a home on a small lot until you can properly care for and afford it as well (if that means waiting for a partner or a second source of income, that's fine). there's something to be said for putting in your dues as a youngster while saving up to purchase the property that one can call home.

      the community is an important tool and i too agree that more can be accomplished when we help those around us who are in need. i personally also dont think comparing a single mom with 3 kids needing help to a single girl and her wants..."

      **Did the faux feral farmer listen to sage advice, common sense and slow her roll? Of course not! Thirteen years later, she is still chronically late with the mortgage and begging money from kind-hearted strangers.

      *She is what she was.

    3. Wow. Wow. Those people really tried, didn’t they. And there was nothing rude or untrue said in those three comments. They have AGED so WELL! Unlike some other statements, lol, I’m looking at you, Jenna! You, and your attagirls. Former attagirls, maybe. I doubt anyone from the early blog days still follows her, and if they do, chances are they are now a shamster.

    4. I wonder if any of those level-headed commenters ever check back to find Jenna is still begging, still performing panicked catastrophes...

  19. Jenna is whineing about "her" mail carrier quit not the towns or just the post man nope it is only her mail carrier so this is why she can't get you your work you paid for more than 8 weeks ago. She can ride all over in the afternoon but can't go to the post office to deliver your work. Hhhmmm it must take gas to go to the post office but no gas is used riding around the town looking for a hawk?

    1. Jenna always tries to justify her lazy loser lie-style.

    2. Sounds like there is a job opening for a mail carrier, Missy.

    3. Jenna’s would waddle around town as a mail carrier. She’s also loathed by locals, and has an aversion to authority that’s pathological.

  20. On IG spending money on pop tarts again, another vet visit for the kitten she had no business getting, and watching Gilmore Girls while she “deep cleans”. I guess she’s good all!!!

    1. So much for her fabricated crisis. I can see why she’s so fat with pigging out on high calorie junk food.

    2. Did her other cat die? What happened to the fluffy brown tabby she had?

  21. You know for someone who considers themselves edgy and hip, her tastes are downright pedestrian. She is a pop culture sheep, never on the cutting age of anything. Always late to the party. The Gilmore Girls and Taylor Swift are puerile pursuits. She has failed at farming, can’t seem to keep a bird of prey without killing it or losing it and her content is boring - mostly reposts of others who are far more clever and cool. Being a lesbian is hardly novel. She will never be a style icon in either the fashion or home domain. So what does ‘Jenna Fucking Woginrich’ have to offer the online world?

    1. SFF. I agree with what you wrote. Jenna has no unique sense of style in anything. Including her home, clothing, music and other interests. “Puerile pursuits” is a good way to describe her “follow the flock” mentality.

    2. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 8, 2023 at 6:15 AM

      Her style is awful. She wants so hard to emulate edgy NYC weekenders, but her splash of rural flannel, pleather jacket, too-tight pants and Taylor Swift bubkes always mean she misses by a country mile.

      And don't get me started on her dirt-encrusted, dive-bar-styled American-hoarder decor.

    3. PDD. I’m at a coffee cafe, and laughing at your comment. Her hovel’s “decor” was found at the dump. It looks like the home of a crazy weirdo who’s trying to be quirky not crazy. It’s an epic failure as always.

    4. “Dive Bar, American Hoarder” Love it. Maybe she’s an original after all” 🤣🤣🤣

  22. She just admitted on IG to watching one particular episode of Gilmore Girls 34 times. That is not something to admit to anyone. Boy howdy, she’s busy!!

    1. At approx an hour per episode that's an entire work week.

    2. Why waste time working for a living like a normal adult? She’d rather be a beggar instead. Jenna’s obsessed with streaming stupid TV shows. Especially, one’s geared towards younger people. It’s no surprise. She acts as if she’s 14 not 41.

    3. It seems as if she’s succeeded in “living like fiction.” But Jenna wants others to pay the price for her lie-style.

    4. Jenna is regressing even further toward adolescence the older she becomes.

  23. No pics of the new screened window. Curioser and curioser.

    1. SFF. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was another lie.


    In *”Jenna’s Jargon” this stupid post makes no sense at all.

    *SFF created this Jen gem yesterday.

    1. I’ve never seen someone try so hard to be hip and funny, but fail at every asinine attempt.

  25. On her IG stories, she posted a pic of a HOSE. Makes all those pathetic "hauling buckets" a total LIE. Imagine that (sarcasm). And Mabel is not a "chestnut mare." I have two chestnut mares. They are completely chestnut. She has a paint mare. She is just so stupid.

    1. Just have to ask what that brush is in her BLT picture (top left corner). It looks filthy and has dust or hair hanging off it just inches from her lunch. YUCK. Who would buy soap from such an unsanitary operation? Someone should call the health inspector. Is she even licensed to sell personal care products? There must be regulations for products you use on your body.

    2. I assume it's a perch. Horrifying.

    3. “I am of an age when a really good sandwich matters. It’s BLT season, baby.”

      Her usage of baby and darling always comes across as creepy.

    4. Agreed, She's creepy, but she could show us a picture of her tomato plant with all the ripe fruit if she's proud of what she grew, or, did she not grow it? Why doesn't she can or dehydrate or do something homestead-y?

    5. Oops, I wrote Anon 2:21 and I now see she says she that she didn't grow the tomato. She puts herself out as a farmer and homesteader yet she can't grow a tomato or bake her own bread! She should be selling that stuff, not taking it from others.

  26. “Looking forward to finding my bird and starting that timeless process of training from scratch. I'm ready for a kestrel or red-tail (or both) and am hoping they are exactly what I need. This year has been really hard and falconry is really magical, and this woman needs some magic.”

    Poor widdle Jenna has had a tough time being a lying, lazy loser. It’s not “your bird,” bitch. You’re just trapping another victim for a pet prop. “This woman” needs some “slung luck” in her Venmo account. “It means so much!!!”

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 8, 2023 at 12:41 PM

      So much for the "faux falconer's" bogus story about trapping/keeping raptors for the good of the species. It's always been about her self-centered whims.

    2. PDD. Jenna’s never cared about the conservation of any species. It’s always been about her fake image, and using animals as pet props for pics.

    3. Another cash-draining expensive hobby. How can she justify that to herself? How can she sleep nights? Setting herself up to have to buy feed for another pet when she writes she has no money for hay / feed for the ones she already has.
      She has a steady contributor that gives in relation to the amount she says she needs regardless of what's for.

    4. every year she talks about how hard it's been. how hard the winter, how hard the spring, how much work and busy the summer is, and oh the stress and how hard the fall. Never enough money for the hay and firewood and mortgage and dentistry in the fall. Disaster upon disaster in the fall so she can raise some xmas COUGH COUGH *** YULE *** money.

      She'll toss out these 'you know you want my life' posts in her cycle of crying but they're what, 5% of what she posts? According to her 95% of her life is stress and struggle. But that's contradicted by the frequency with which she posts photos of her fishing and hammock time.

  27. I wonder what the "bad news" was. Since we haven't heard any more about the glass door repair is it possible it has to do with that? Like maybe the floor /wall has shifted, is not plumb or needs leveling or shimming etc? ( just throwing words out here, I don't know much about it, but I have an old house and repairs always involve more than is thought at first look.) Maybe they are asking for more money cause it involves more work than they knew.
    Just a thought

    1. Sliding doors are expensive and a heat loss. She could wall it off and put in a regular-sized door and window.

    2. Yeah but then she’s have to hire yucky men with scary power tools and as someone mentioned, more money. Surely her local lesbian community has some female contractors.

  28. New dispatch. Life is fantastic living her dream, doing lots of work etc. 🤮

    1. “Sure, Jen.” I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating. One can’t be both victim and victor at the same time. It’s implausible. And it causes cognitive dissonance. Her whole life is lies.

    2. That had to be the most tedious and self entitled missive yet. She brings navel gazing to a new low. For once I have no comment since it had absolutely no substantive content.

    3. SFF. I couldn’t bring myself to stomach reading her crap.

    4. The craziness is off the charts!

  29. Can anyone summarize what her rotten writing said?

    1. Meant her latest dumb dispatch.

    2. She slept 8 hours, did 5 minutes worth of animal chores, "worked most of the day" which by her own admission was 3.5 hours, ate a BLT that most people would be in envy of, looked for a hawk, went fishing, took a shower with mint in the tub, and still owns the farm. But with her usual purple prose and exaggeration. Life is wonderful!!

    3. Anonymous 6:11. Thanks, I appreciate your response to my comment. It sounds crazier than usual. And that’s saying something.

    4. You missed the part where she let her garden go this summer because of “summer dating” and therefore had to get a tomato For her “everyone’s jealous of my BLT” from a neighbor’s garden. Boy howdy what a farmer!

      She basically used a lot of words to say she does pretty much nothing all day but she has the best life and loves it.

    5. They did. See Anon 6:11 pm and Anon 8:19 for summaries.

  30. Wow, she is really bat shit crazy!!!!

    1. Some of us can’t stand to read her posts. I wish that one of you would give a brief.

    2. I entered response in wrong section. See above for briefs of her latest dispatch.

  31. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 9, 2023 at 3:54 AM

    Anon 6:11 explained Wog's day very well. After slogging through the latest post, it's obvious her days consist of "working" no more than three hours per day. Most of her time, even as she bemoans not having enough money for animal feed, mortgage and heat, is spent screwing off. And if after reading posts like this, ignorant fans continue to donate money for Wog to lead her lazy-rump, self-centered princess lifestyle, they deserve to lose their money.

    There's a saying: If you want something done, ask a busy person.

    There's a flip: The less you do, the less you can do.

    I think we're seeing growing atrophy at Dead Animal Farm. Each year, she does less. She lies to herself (and readers) about the farm never being better, but it isn't. It's worse for her having lived there, and it's spiraling downward.

  32. These stream of consciousness dispatches are becoming more frequent, longer each time and they have no core topic. She obviously likes to listen to herself talk. If they are so lengthy and boring that nobody wants to read them all the way to the end, then what’s the point other than self-aggrandizement? .

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 9, 2023 at 7:00 AM

      SFF, can you imagine a book of her fuzzy self-aggrandizing thoughts? No wonder editors won't touch her with a twenty-foot pole.

      She can "make a BLT that few humans will ever be lucky enough to appreciate."

      How fcuking riveting.

  33. Jenna’s post isn’t trying to convince you she has a great life, she is talking herself off a ledge trying to convince herself that she hasn’t made an absolute shitstorm out of her life. She is grasping at anything that puts a pleasant filter on her hive covered, broke-ass, begging, scamming, run down life.

    1. Could not have said it better. That’s the exact same conclusion I reached after I read the shitstorm of self- inflicted attagirls, hoo boys, and all the rest of the BS her post was brimming with. Anyone who has kept up with her for any length of time would likely reach the same conclusion.

    2. Absolutely bang on. “Talking herself off a ledge” describes it perfectly. Yes!

    3. Her vacuous, verbal rotten writing was awful. It was rife with multiple mistakes, and came across as being unhinged. Jenna cognitive abilities are continuing to decline.?

    4. Edit: vacuous vomit of rotten writing and decline.

    5. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 9, 2023 at 10:09 AM

      "Vacuous Vomit of Rotten Verbage" could be her new slogan. 🤣

      VVRV, baby!

    6. PDD. Glad that you liked my “slogan.”

  34. Jen is trying too hard
    to brag about her life.
    It’s no wonder why she’s single
    and will never find a wife.

    1. Nice!

      Jen won't work
      cuz all she wants
      are Venmo perk$
      Her future is hazy
      and full of grift
      cuz she is lazy

    2. Anon7. Good job!

  35. Thank for your dedicated service! LOVE THIS.

  36. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 9, 2023 at 11:00 AM

    New Song (with apologies to "I Feel Pretty" from West Side Story)

    I feel special
    Oh, so special
    I feel special, and feral and bright
    And I pity
    Any grrl who isn't me tonight

    I fake farming
    Feral farming
    It's alarming how often I steal
    So successful
    That I hardly can believe it's real

    See the special grrl in that mirror there?
    Who can that new lesbian be?
    Such a special face
    Such a squinty smile
    Such a languid pace
    Such a special me!

    My life's stunning
    And entrancing
    Feel like bragging to show that I'm thrilled
    'Cause I'm funded
    By some dumb, and oh-too-trusting shills!

    I feel special
    Oh, so special
    That ol' Cambridge should give me its key
    A committee
    Should be organized to honor me

    I'm so lazy
    And entitled
    Hardly do any work in a day
    But I fake it
    So my critics should just go away!

    See the special grrl in that mirror there
    What mirror, where?
    Who can that fake falconer be?
    Which? What? Where? Whom?

    Such a special face
    Such a squinty smile
    Such a languid pace
    Such a special me!

    I feel stunning (I feel stunning)
    And entrancing (and entrancing)
    Feel so pleased that I'm dancing for joy
    For I've fooled many hundreds of Readers with ploys!


    1. You’ve outdone yourself. Bravo!!!

    2. Oh my gosh this is good EXCEPT it will now be stuck in my brain all afternoon. LOL.

    3. LOOOOVVE this! Fantastic work!!

  37. you are welcome since I realized some people don't seem to know it happens each and every single year. Glad to be of help.

  38. So in the latest bleg post she wrote, "I decided to play life on hard mode."

    And then she proceeds to outline a typical day in which she does very little work, and wastes a ton of time enjoying leisurely activities. And that is what she considers hard mode? Fcuking seriously?!?

    Sorry tubs, but real life in hard mode is being a single mother forced to work two jobs to be able to afford child care, food, clothing, and a roof over their heads. Hard mode is attending night school after working a full 8 hour shift, and trying to find time to care for your dementia stricken mother.

    HARD MODE is NOT feeding furry props twice a day, knocking out a few pet doodles, and then going fishing and hawking all afternoon and streaming TV shows all night. So shut yer yap about your supposed hArD mOdE liestyle.

    1. F$cking exactly.

    2. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 10, 2023 at 2:42 PM

      Anon7 💯💯💯

    3. Jenna wouldn’t know “hard mode” if it hit her fat ass.

    4. yep. hard mode is getting evicted by your landlord so they can "move in family" but then slap on a coat of paint and either re-list for double your rent, or list on air bnb. Now repeat that 4x in 10 years.

      hard mode is being raised the descendent of residential schools, or in foster care, with no family, community or help, and somehow figuring shit out alone without descending into addiction or homelessness.

      hard mode is falling on actual bad luck and being actually homeless and managing to haul yourself out of that horrible cycle by sleeping in theatres, mall bathrooms, your car if you have one, or 24 hr gyms. showering in said gyms. maintaining the illusion of being housed while trying to hold down your job, find a better one, or find one at all.

      hard mode is being a visible minority, visible in such a way that you have to deal with prejudice whenever you leave the house.

  39. Can you also tell her that monthly mortgage payments tend to be monthly?

  40. She basically wrote a post to show people she lives life in “ hard mode”, probably to elicit sympathy for more donations. However, she actually proved what we’ve known all along, that she does f*ck- all. She proved to us that there is no way she’s paying her mortgage, bills, groceries, various home repairs, tree trimming, dental work, Multiple streaming services, Yaga subscribtions, new lesbian books every week etc. on her 3 hours of work per day. It’s impossible- so money is coming from somewhere.

    Oh and on IG: things are “brighter now”. I guess some poor sucker gave her money for pies, pop tarts, NA beer, and hot beef sandwiches.

    1. 3 hrs per day of low-quality, low-paying work per day, exactly. No way in hell.

    2. Anyone who gives money to Jenna is even stupider than her.

  41. Jen’s a pampered princess
    but says her “life’s hard mode.”
    She’s a lying, lazy loser
    whose lie-style has grown old.

  42. On IG: out to brunch with friends.

    Mortgage all paid up?!

    1. She’d expect friends to pay for her food.

    2. Also on IG- demanding audiobook recs.
      Mortgage paid?

  43. Also on IG: here’s something I watched on Netflix that you should watch too.

    1. Jenna has poor taste in everything. I wouldn’t take any of her recommendations.

  44. Evidently it’s Gay Monday. She’s vomiting lesbian content all over IG. She also mentions that men rarely hit on her 🤣 How about never ….. ever ….. ever in her life.

    1. No one wants to “hit on” on person who’s repellent like Jenna.

    2. “Men rarely hit on me, but if they do I no longer explain I’m gay, I just tell them I’m sorry I don’t have any change.”

      Jenna has no humor. Her asinine attempts to be funny are always failures, because she’s not funny.

    3. Jenna’s Pros & Cons for dating:

      Pros: 0
      Pathological liar
      Animal abuser
      Sociopathic scammer
      Financial failure
      Crap cook

    4. Feel free to add any cons that I might’ve missed.

    5. I’ll also add:
      Aversion to authority
      Stuck in a rut
      No sense of style
      Lacks empathy for others
      Rotten reputation

    6. More Cons:
      Defective character
      Putrid personality
      Multiple substance abuse addictions
      Scary cyber-stalker of famous females
      Makes creepy comments of a nasty nature on this blog
      Obsession with way younger women

  45. “Rainy morning. Farm is fed and content. Starting the day with a spooky raspberry hocho and a ghostly podcast and a fluffy black kitten. Could do worse on a Monday, I’ll tell ya that much for free.”

    What a “grown up” way to start a non-work week. She’s a lying, lazy loser. And “I’ll tell her that much for free.”

    1. Trust JW to buy the most expensive (and juvenile) marshmallows. And honcho? Please just grow up. Buying premium candy and coming up with cutesie names doesn't make her look cool- just really dumb.

    2. *hocho* damn autocorrect. Even Google knows its not a real word.

    3. Posting lots of gay and TS stories today. She is really doing the hard work today!!

    4. Anonymous 4:51. Clearly, you just don’t get how to be a real “grown up” like JFW does!

    5. That NA beer is hitting hard tonight on IG. Lots of repeat TS is gay stuff and a really odd pic of Jenna with a filter on. So odd. Up to date on bills I guess? Lots of time to kill?!!

  46. She removed all of her Victoria Secret, TS is gay stories and her weird filtered selfie. Hmmm... wonder why?

    1. Jenna often deletes her crap after we’ve called her out here. “Hoo!!!”


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