Lamb Shares

It’s my running theory that she never sells any shares.  I believe she sells little to nothing of anything.  I think it’s all a lie….especially lamb shares.  It’s all smoke and mirrors to show the public she is legitimately making income and living a life she thinks others would be envious of.  But she’s lazy and even the lying is too much for her.  She’s even a failure in her fantasy life.  How pathetic is that?

At this point it doesn’t even matter if anything is true.  If no one believes her she is not getting authentic feedback anyway.  I went to school with a girl…known her since we were 5.  She’s nice enough but she’s really dumb and she has always lied.  Like once she said she was going to be gone from school the next day because she was going to have surgery because her vocal chords were twisted.  We all just nodded and said it was terrible.  Okay, Brenda, whatever.  So we are almost 55 years old and she says things and we just nod and say it’s terrible.  The difference is at least Brenda is nice and doesn’t lie to hurt or scam people.  We like her….but we never believe her.
I've known people that I think…"yup, they will end up old and alone", that’s Jenna.  And she deserves every minute of it.


  1. Do you know when I sell lamb shares? within a week of when that lamb gets dropped off at the butchers. There are simply too many things that can happen in a small flock to be making any kind of guarantees about lamb availability, from poor conception rates so there are no lambs (but she buys them all in anyways?) to disease and predation and runaways and freak accidents. I just lost lambs I raised since april that were supposed to be butchered next month. damn coyotes. but at least I don't have to backpedal and try to save face with people who had bought them. or try to scratch the money back together for a refund.

    1. Jenna’s lamb scam reeks of fraud. No one wants to buy shares of an animal that hasn’t even been born yet.

    2. Old shamsters will recall she “explained” just that scenario years ago on her blog or Twitter. Not in these exact words, but basically she said she is on a csa basis and share buyers are “part owners”. If something happens and she can’t come up with the product they invested in- oh well, that’s just good ole farming and loss and that’s just how it goes.
      I think that is her ill conceived backup plan. But I also tend to agree with recent comments from multiple shamsters that there aren’t really any lamb shares, it’s all smoke and mirrors.

    3. it'll be interesting to see if she is actually able to produce ANY lambs for the butcher. Sheep are more delicate than pigs, you can't just toss them out on the pasture, feed and otherwise ignore them.

    4. Actual Homesteader- I feel you. Mine are nearly ready for butchering and I just lost a lamb to pasturella. There’s a shortage of vaccines in the UK and we’re making do with a less effective vacc. Cue perfect weather conditions for disease and all the sheep farmers are in the same position. If I’d only had two lambs to start…yikes!

    5. Anon 3:23 PM, she's CS something all right.

  2. HD. That was well-put. I think that we’ve all had a Brenda in our lives. Jenna doesn’t deserve to have a loving partner, because her whole life is lies. She’s a fucking failure at being a decent human.

  3. Instagram Sham

    It’s her hoarder’s hovel again. Jenna’s dump gives me claustrophobia just seeing the piles of crap everywhere. It’s no wonder why she’s still single. And will probably always live alone.

    1. I posted my original comment in the wrong spot! I said her house just looks grimy and depressing.

    2. Anonymous 1:22. No worries. I’ve just responded to your comment on the last post. And I agree with what you wrote.

    3. it's the filthy thermostat for me. it would take 30 seconds to clean that thing. soap and water, or maybe a melamine sponge since it's like 10 years of dirt. but omg take a little pride in your home. Even if you're cash poor you can still be clean.

    4. WiW. Her hovel always looks dirty. Unfortunately, Jenna is just as grubby and stinky in person. Her hygiene is horrid as we’ve said before.

    5. Her nails are also nasty looking. It’s like she’s either unaware of her filthy appearance, or doesn’t care that it’s disgusting.

    6. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 22, 2023 at 5:19 AM

      WIW, a dirty control thermostat in a house that allegedly doesn't have central heat.

  4. We’ve also noticed that she’s never posted either past or present, rave reviews from satisfied lamb and pork customers. Cue the countdown to Jenna writing fakes to prove us wrong.

  5. On twitter:
    "Sales are really hard to come by, so if you haven’t considered purchasing from this farm before, or want to get a head start on holiday gifts! Please order! It’s scary af being self employed"

    Beg beg beg!

    1. Yeah, “it’s scary af” choosing to be a beggar, and lying, lazy loser like Jenna. What a mature “grown up!”

    2. No one wants buy holiday gifts in September, stupid. It’s more manipulative marketing from the Cambridge Queen of Con.

    3. Edit: No one wants to buy

    4. It looks like her stupid tweet might’ve already been deleted by the coward.

    5. It’s the good ole “if you ever considered buying from me, NOW, but really now, not the last 2054 times I said it, is the best time to buy” tweet that she dusts off about twice a month.

    6. Anonymous 3:26. It’s always the same sad song for 13 years and counting. Jenna has zero self-awareness as to how sociopathic she comes across as being with her begging. Her car crash of a life will be epic in its downfall.

    7. Just looked at her pic of pigs in a field. Several small dead trees in that one shot. It’s unsightly and easily remedied since they are not large. She is running that property into the ground. Based on pictures she posts, it becomes more unsightly every year. I feel sorry for neighbours who own adjoining property. It is surely bring their property value down. “There goes the neighbourhood”.

    8. SFF. We’ve driven by her hovel a few weeks ago. “This faux farm” has never looked worse. It’s the opposite of what she states. It looks like crap. I can’t even express how many neighbors and other locals loathe Jenna, and want her to move away. She’s done nothing of substance for the Cambridge community but use people for projects.

    9. fear fear fear! limited time deal! identity politics! me!!!! scared! but still wish you had my life you direct-deposit bitches! (jenna woginrich translation service)

    10. WiW. SFF has coined “Jenna’s Jargon” to describe her deliberately done usage of language for manipulative marketing to filch free funds.

    11. She deleted this one and a bunch of others. But the screenshots live on.


    Posting a pic of pigs but not stating that they’re from her faux farm is disingenuous. The livestock could belong to neighbors.

  7. The new profile photo on Instagram is one of the worst she’s ever shown. Her head was tilted upwards to hide her fake fat face. Because Jenna is jowly in real life. It’s also repellent to see her putrid pit hair. What an unkempt cunt.

  8. Y'all, the tabby cat she posted on instagram is NOT THE CAT I was talking about. The tabby she's showed in her house in the past had a white bib. The tabby she posted today did not have a white bib. It's not the same cat (not that she said it was). So we still don't know what happened to her first cat, and this black kitten is likely a replacement. :(

    1. I remember the cat you're talking about. It had long hair. Didn't Shannon have a cat and took it with her when she left? Maybe we're thinking of that one.

  9. New blahg. She’ll write something interesting (NOT!!) once she gets $175 so pull out your poodle cash!!

    1. Her writing is so wordy I had to read some passages three times to make sense of what she is trying to say. The whole thing reeks of desperation. Evidently her source of play money is drying up. I think we are beyond the point of believing she needs mortgage money.

    2. this is so desperate and cringe. I have to assume she's into this, right? Why else would she do this?

    3. Her rotten writing is weird word salads rife with major mistakes. Jenna’s cognitive abilities continue to decline. If Wog was a decent person I’d feel sorry for her. But she’s a garbage human who’s created all of her own chaos due to being stupid and stubborn.

  10. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 22, 2023 at 11:47 AM

    The latest bleg was a good laugh! Some choice bits from the faux farmer:

    "So it’s been about a week and a half with only three sales, which is borderline terrifying...

    I am hoping to make a few more sales this week to catch up on the mortgage first, then I can focus on heating the house and feed... if you have purchased something... (and) If you are waiting still... remind me... I’m still the person running it, and this woman has A LOT going on running a farm, business, household, and regular-life obligations solo - so don’t take it personal...

    And soon as I can make my daily goal (I'll) write about something else... like about how last night all 5 pigs escaped and it took 2+ hours to get them back...

    (Btw) I can’t find a human roommate because no one wants to split the mortgage for a house in upstate NY without heat and no bedroom for the entire winter..."

    Cringe-worthy. She's still unable to keep track of orders and livestock. What a maroon.

    1. What a bunch of bull. She has heat and a second bedroom. Her whole life is lies. Here’s the truth. “BTW”: No one wants to rent from a lazy loser like Jenna who’s loathed by locals.

    2. Jenna acts as if she’s a newbie. The fact that even after 13 years, she still has livestock escaping is inexcusable. Her new stupid statement of “this woman” is quickly becoming annoying.

    3. I’d bet that she hasn’t put any efforts into finding a roommate. It’s just more lies to appear pathetic. Jenna just wants a Shannon replacement to pay for more than her fair share of expenses. And the added benefit of having hot “all night lesbian sex during a thunderstorm with a flickering lantern, too!”

    4. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 22, 2023 at 3:45 PM

      Let's think about this. If I wanted to attract a roommate so s/he could contribute $500-$800 per month towards the mortgage (year round), wouldn't it be worthwhile to fix up a spare room and turn up the whole house oil furnace??

      A roommate would bring in $6000-$9600 per year; that pays for a wealth of whined-about improvements.

      She's such a maroon.

  11. Notice again how she puts disclaimer in the new beg post that she BELIEVES all orders are out but if not, y’all just email and remind THIS WOMAN cause she is busy as a regular ole bee.
    How TF can you say you had three orders in the last week and a half and yet, YET, you aren’t even sure if you have written them down enough to remember to fill them??
    What a failing formula. Epic lack of adulting/ business skills

    1. Jenna has been busy begging, and obsessing over secret codes. What’s a Wog to do?!

  12. Y’all haters stop talking about how hard lambs are to raise! Now you’ve gone and made her have to address that in her newest post 🤣🤣🤣🤣
    The lady of the fake mountain says that if no lambs are born, by golly, she will just “buy in” (here we go again with that wog-speak!) some lambs that nobody wants and you will have your dang shares! (But who wants to bet that if that were to happen, there will be a fresh new beg for money to “buy in” lambs in the spring???)

    1. It’s like her stupid saying of “earn up money.”

  13. She claims her place was "surprise" inspected by the NY Market and Ag Dept. If that's true, she was issued a license or a permit. Why doesn't she post a pic of that? If the pigs got out, her fencing is sub-par and an inspector would have caught that. But she just said she was inspected, not the results of the inspection. Another lie, or another failure.
    If someone offered to pay off her entire mortgage and in exchange, required her to tell the absolute truth for a year, she wouldn't make it a day.

    1. I hope that she’s enjoyed the “surprise inspection.” We’ve reported her hovel many times, and will continue doing it. Perhaps, Jenna made friends with the inspectors like the last time. “Hey hey, Hoo!!!”

    2. “The pigs come from a lovely local farm family on the other side of the mountain, so they are NY bred and raised. The farm is inspected annually by NY Market and Ag, and in fact, just passed our annual surprise inspection on Weds!”

      Actually her statement is ambiguous. It sounds to me like the farm where the pigs originated was inspected. More Jenna Jargon especially if you take out the word OUR.

    3. SFF. Her whole life is lies.


    Jenna’s used one of the weird emoji that she’s posted here before. It’s further proof that she was the one who’s left the vile, creepy comments.

  15. Posting about TS again on IG and saying the app makes her feel bad. Get a job Jenna. If an app makes you feel bad, you have too much time on your hands!!

    1. Boo fucking hoo. Fat, ugly stinky Jenna “feels bad” about herself when compared with others on instagram.

    2. It’s her lazy loser lie-style not an app that “makes her feel bad.”

  16. I agree with all the above comments. Jenna's writing is confusing at best. Her business sense is non-existent, and her practices are suspect. Her rationale for not having / getting a roommate is comical. Her statement that all her current roommates don't help with the mortgage is proof that she should not have them! Getting another cat and incurring all that expense is ludicrous. Think of having all that money to put toward something else, like say the mortgage or to feed some of her (supposed) income producing animals. Anyway, I believe she has a base of bleeding heart-types that donate every month to help "the poor little dear" out. ( I can hear granny saying that as she uses her social security money to send money to help with the cat etc.). Jenna knows what works and what key words pull the heart strings of do-gooders that think, in their delusional minds, that they are helping.

    1. She’s only successful at being a scammer. A follower on the former Twitter once said that she donated money to Jenna on a monthly basis. And that her husband referred to Wog as “the other woman.” What a dumb cunt.

  17. “This farm is trying to avoid foreclosure and depends on online sales to not just avoid that, but to finally catch up. I've been scraping by since Covid and it's so damn hard. Everything this farm has to offer is on sale in this post.”

    You can fuck all the way off, Jenna. Your fake fear of foreclosure is one of your most manipulative marketing tactics. You’re trying to trigger people, and elicit empathy from followers to filch free funds for nothing. You have a home, property and livestock. Get off your lazy, lying fat ass and work rather than beg for a living.

    1. Here’s her biggest lie of all. Jenna’s been “scraping by” for 13 years not just “since Covid” came. Her “live like fiction” fantasy lie-style has been enabled by begging, and stupid, sycophant supporters like Pember Patty and Brainless Becca. She can’t “catch up” because it’s become a chronic condition.

    2. What a mature “grown up!”

    3. She actually went there. She pulled the Covid Card. Who still does that? Late to the party as usual, moron.

    4. SFF. She’s used the queer card now it’s Covid.

  18. If only there was a place Jenna could go for a few hours each week where she would be paid a sum for her time and effort. I hope they invent something like this to help her soon!!!

    1. eh, sounds like a scam ;p

    2. Yeah, it’s called getting off her fat ass and working.

  19. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 23, 2023 at 1:27 PM

    One of the earlier threats of foreclosure from the hillside hustler, this one from 2014.

    "I have no interest in starting another kickstarter or Kiva Loan to achieve these winter income goals...and keep this place solvent. I can't kickstart a novel every September nor can I be certain book deals will come through. I am certain I will find a way to keep the foreclosure warnings just that, warnings and keep this place in my name... So I encourage you to (buy my crap and send me money) ...through Paypal."

    1. PDD. “Hillside hustler” would be a good username. Jenna would’ve been foreclosed years ago had it been true. It’s just bait for free funds. She’s obsessed with the word “solvent,” and uses it incorrectly.

  20. Finally! Anyone else been having problems lately with posting? For weeks my comments won't go thru and I get an "error while publishing your comment" message. Usually I can get around this by closing out and reopening the window or browser. But the last 2-3 days, doing that didn't work at all. So weird. This error message has happened occasionally in the past but lately it's been happening way more frequently.

  21. She stated that yesterday was the worst day of farming in her entire life. Then deleted the tweet. Interesting.

    1. The coward can’t cope with any criticism, so she deletes her crap. She’s never farmed for “a day in her life.” Jenna is a wannabe homesteader hobbyist at best.

    2. Anon 4:59: Interesting! What would make the "worst day of farming" for a farmer? If your crops or land were ruined or an animal died? That's all I can think of that would be a really bad day for a farmer. Otherwise, I "worst day" wouldn't be spacific to a farmer.

    3. Maybe Merlin finally keeled over from malnutrition …. Or Gibson. Whatever it was she will try to cash in on pity donations.

    4. she sure knows how to keep us curious lol

    5. New dispatch: pigs got out!! o_O

    6. Knowing her, it’s likely a highly preventable, dumb, self-made crisis.

  22. Anon7. Yes. I’ve been having the same glitch. It’s annoying.

  23. 4,663 on X, and continuing to decline. “Hoo!!!”

  24. New dispatch. It’s a doozy. She thinks she had a heart attack chasing pigs. I have only one suggestion: Repair the wall of the barn with planks like any competent farmer would do. It’s not rocket science.

  25. New post. She is still so happy at her farm. She said she’s trying to pay “this months mortgage” so I guess August got paid??!

  26. “herding pigs covered in shit and blood on a Saturday night”
    Why were the pigs covered in blood?!?!

  27. The new post is a veiled money ask and a not-so-veiled pat on her back. She is such a great farmer, her pigs ran away twice in one night (why? Probably a combo of hungry, bored, poor housing, poor fencing) but yay her! She got them back. She is soooo good at farming. The goodest. Almost as good as she says she is at “righting”.
    That’s your recap.

    1. Your recap sums up her rotten writing that she’s “so good at doing.” Jenna’s also the authority on being a real life lesbian who has no partner.

  28. My favorite part of her heart attack tale is that she claims people don’t like her in town because she’s over 40 and doesn’t have kids. Does she know what year it is? Plenty of women don’t have kids. I have 3 neighbors that fit that bill, but they all pay their mortgage!! She is not living in reality. Glad she’s going to take the day off today. She drove around wasting gas looking for a hawk until 3 pm, then chased pigs around twice and was asleep by 8:30pm. She had a tough day and had a heart attack ( self diagnosed).

    1. She is absolutely delusional, spending so much time alone has really blurred the line between reality and her make believe narratives.
      How can she know what all the people in her town are thinking? That should be her clue that she isn’t a mind reader and this is 100% what her brain has created.
      She is CRAZY.

    2. Copied and pasted my comment from below:

      “We’ve lived in Cambridge and Salem for years. So I can say the following with certainty. Locals loathe Jenna NOT because she isn’t married with kids. She’s a predatory, garbage human who has no redeeming character qualities.”

  29. Now she is apologizing for her embarrassing post. But she hasn't taken it down. Poor me, I'm a premenstrual woman. She has no clue how she comes across. She is a total attention whore with zero self awareness and bi-polar to boot. She needs therapy..

    1. Another thought: The new beg will be that she needs money to pay for an echocardiogram for her ‘torn heart’, which BTW is quite rare. What a delicate flower “this woman” is.

    2. I am over 40 and don't have any kids. Plenty of people like me, and for those that don't like me it's not because I don't have kids. Another ludicrous idea of hers.
      Maybe her pigs are escaping because the electric fence isn't charged. Maybe her electricity has been shut off? I'd like to see some proof of her financial struggles besides the drama of the mortgage. I don't believe she can be current on her other bills and the mortgage is the only thing delinquent. If it were me I would pay my bills on a rotating basis so the mortgage would get paid every other month.
      What about her two boarder collies? they used to help her round up her wandering livestock.

    3. We’ve lived in Cambridge and Salem for years. So I can say the following with certainty. Locals loathe Jenna NOT because she isn’t married with kids. She’s a predatory, garbage human who has no redeeming character qualities.

  30. Now she changed the post to say she had “angina” where earlier she said she thought she had a heart attack.

    1. I didn’t know that Jenna’s now become a cardiologist.

  31. typically, she concludes this horrific scene by concluding she "belongs here" and that writing and farming are the only two things she's good at. Um, pretty sure that chaotic scene was a result of her being a *bad* farmer. Piling rocks against a hole in the fence is hilarious. if she can move them, a pig can move them, I'd say she should use her brain but I'm in doubt she has much of one herself - which is why the pigs outsmarted her and got what, four times the feed they normally get?

    Per usual, she has to contrast this with some imaginary straw man who knows how he's going to pay his bills for the next 10 years (that doesn't exist anymore) and yet doesn't feel like he *belongs*.

    Shit like this is why she won't ever be published again. Once her story very clearly turned south into lies and performative poverty, all interest and inspiration disappeared.

    1. I think the chest pain is her new tooth pain. She can't say her back hurts, or she wouldn't be able to care for the animals. She claims to have had more extractions and root canals than there are teeth in her head. She needs a new ominous health concern that can come and go, get worse with "stress", that she can trot out as often as she needs for the rest of her life.

      The best part is if she ever goes to a doctor / hospital and they do an ECG, they'll say "you didn't have a heart attack, it must be stress".

      It's the perfect health complaint for her. "My mortgage (clutch chest) uuuuugh I'm so stresssssseddddd..."

    2. At least she didn't brag about shocking the pigs this time. And yes, we'll no doubt be hearing about heart problems now.

  32. At the end of that new dIsPatCh she says:

    "I feel like this is the place I belong perfectly. I feel like I know myself, finally, perfectly. What a thing."

    Welcome to the world of the average person. Finally finding yourself isn't that's a normal part of life. And it's not celebrated by people slinging free funds at you. I agree with Anon 12:15 above in that her post is a thinly veiled money ask.

    1. Also REINVENTING yourself is ALSO a normal human experience. People have to run from war, relocate for work, or just get away from a toxic family. People pull up and leave, start from scratch all the time.

      On a smaller scale, my wife and I lost our housing in the small town I thought we'd retire in. I knew who I was and really felt like I belonged. Then we had to leave, it was heartbreaking.

      But we started over in a city, and now our life is so much better than it would have been if we'd stayed where we were forever. Our life is so much richer for the change, financially and experientially. And I'm not special, there are millions of people who have quitely started over and changed everything about their lives more than once.

      Jenna's development as a person stalled in adolescence, and she doesn't seem to be interested in self-improvement. I really really wish she were, because she was likely overlooked for an ADHD diagnosis in childhood bc it was something usually overlooked in girls. It's clear she struggles to adult. And if she does have ADHD, IT IS TREATABLE. Very treatable.

      But at this point I think she's developed such an obnoxious personality she'll perpetuate this as long as she can bc she has lost any ability or desire to change on her own.

      I wonder what she'd do if she were forced to move and start over.

    2. WiW. Exactly. “But at this point I think she's developed such an obnoxious personality she'll perpetuate this as long as she can bc she has lost any ability or desire to change on her own.”

  33. “I want to keep farming and writing as long as I can. They're the only two things I am good at.”

    Right. She’s bad at both. Funny, that Jenna didn’t mention drawing and design. It’s what she went to college for, and has spent her whole life doing.

    1. Deep down inside, Jenna realizes that she’s an awful artist. Her true talents are manipulative marketing and scamming.

  34. Jen claims she’s having heart issues
    but it’s all a crock of crap.
    I’d like to see somebody
    give her smug smirk a slap.

  35. One thing is certain, since she dumped all the pig feed to lure them back she will be begging for money to replace it. “This woman” seems to be replacing “this farm”. It seems very calculated. Mentioning her upcoming period was just weird. One Woman Farm is certainly accurate. It’s unlikely there will ever be another woman living at the Colfax Road Asylum. All kidding aside though, she is going downhill fast. Her mental health issues seem to be escalating. I wonder if her family follows her IG. Surely they would step in after reading the latest debacle. It’s all so very sad.

    1. SFF. I’ve also recently commented about her obnoxious overuse of “this woman.” Jenna’s cognitive abilities are declining at a rapid rate due to multiple substance abuse addictions, untreated mental illness, and serious character issues.

    2. It’s ironic that Jenna wrote in a recent post that “she’s never been calculating.” What a blatant lie. She’s one of the most manipulative people we’ve ever met. Everything that she does is deliberately meant to filch free funds from followers for nothing in return.

  36. Wonder why JW doesn’t make the connection between her wasting time driving around looking for hawks and not spending time taking care of her animals. I doubt any of her Amish neighbors waste time. They seem to work from sun up to sun down taking care of their animals and crops. If she had taken the time to inspect the pig fencing, maybe she could have fixed it before they escaped and saved herself a lot of trouble. Guess that’s too hard for her to figure out.

    1. Jenna rigidly refuses to take any adult accountability for her lazy loser lie-style. Why not “waste time” when her bills are being paid for by a few dumb enablers.

  37. I’ve come to the conclusion that “this farm” hasn’t helped to heal her, but it’s allowed Jenna to remain stupid, stubborn, and stuck in a rut of her own creation. She’s used it as an escape from adult responsibilities and being a “grown up.”

  38. I think it’s worth repeating that by Jenna’s own admission. She started her “ hard, heart attack, gettin’ her period” work at 3 pm and was snug as a bug in bed by 8:30. Lol

  39. After reading her latest dispatch, is it my imagination, or are her animals constantly escaping due to poor fencing. This seems to be a recurring problem for years. A simple wood fence separating her farm from the road might have been a better investment than going to a Taylor Swift concert.

    1. Absolutely. A fence on the roadside would be the smart thing to do but her life is one poor choice after another. She could be in for a civil suit if one of her pigs causes an automobile accident. She has no foresight. She lives in the moment. Her impulsive utterances show how little self control she has. Editing (and I use that term loosely) the following day just illustrates how impetuous she is. Not a good look for someone who is trying to come across as a competent business owner.

    2. But she’s selling Pork from pigs not even born yet. How is this not a solid business plan!!???

    3. Speaking of poor animal husbandry... when her lawnmower broke and she used our idea of letting the horses graze in that part of the yard (right next to the road), she was too lazy to set up a proper electric containment fence. Two 1000-pound animals are being "kept in" by a single strand of wire, barely noticeable and not electrified.

      Should they become spooked or curious, it's an accident waiting to happen.

  40. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 25, 2023 at 8:29 AM

    A hint as to why her animals escape.

    Her skills as a 'farmer' are laughably bad. In over 40 years, we've had three 'escapes', and none from the property.

    Real farmers understand the importance of good fences.

  41. After going on about her ineptitude (twice) she is advertising pork shares today. You would have to be a born again fool to put money down on an animal that may have run off and become roadkill before it ever sees the butcher shop. The timing is laughable. She just keeps shooting herself in the foot. Great business plan darlin’.

    1. Jenna just wants free funds up front for nothing.

  42. The nerve she has to say that cancer is nothing to stress. Are you fucking kidding me? Unless she has cancer, this stupid bitch has no idea. I'm a cancer survivor myself, gone through surgery and chemo and it's no picnic. Cancer kills, you stupid shit. Plus you bring all this stress on yourself with your pisspoor animal husbandry skills. Who knows if this really even happened. I think the fake farmer just needs more cash. Another phony catastrophe!

    1. Cancer also runs in my family. Where did you see her say this? What a despicable cunt.

    2. Maybe she’s already deleted the insensitive cancer comment, because I don’t see it anywhere.

    3. Here's her comment from the original bleg:

    4. Thanks for your response. Jenna is a stupid, insensitive cunt. She knows nothing about real stress from having a terminal illness like cancer. Naturally, she’s also misused a question mark again. Keep coming up with excuses for being a fucking failure at being a human, Jenna. You’re repellent on every level, and will never find a lasting love.

    5. “And I think last night I might have experienced angina? Something changed in my body. There was a moment when I felt a pain and pause I can only describe as a tear inside. You can only feel that amped and run on fumes for so long without it doing real damage. I firmly believe stress is more deadly than cancer. People beat cancer every day, but stress is poison.”

      There’s no new low to which “this” slug won’t sink to.

    6. And “I firmly believe” that Jenna is a lying, lazy loser who has zero redeeming character qualities. She’s “poison” in barely human form.

  43. “Some good news!

    1. The august mortgage is paid!
    2. All the firewood for the winter has been delivered!
    3. I’m wearing a pumpkin sweatshirt RIGHT NOW”

    One can’t be both victim and victor at the same time, twat. Your “good news” won’t last long. It never does. And the firewood will be gone before “Winter’s Bottom 2023.” What about September’s mortgage? And then you’ll have October etc… You don’t deserve to own a home.

    1. “Wearing a pumpkin sweatshirt” is “good news” for a kid. Not a fat pig who’s 41, and can’t contain her crazy anymore.

    2. I’ll bet that she’s “found” the stupid sweatshirt at her dump. Rather than buying one more unneeded purchase.

    3. The “hillside hustler” probably spilled sauce from her putrid pan pizza on her favorite Taylor Swift sweatshirt. So she’s waddled to Walmart to buy a larger new one.

  44. “If you don't need a cigarette after performing the bridge to You're On Your Own Kid then you didn't play it right.”

    It’s no surprise that only three fools “liked” her stupid statement that makes no sense at all as usual.

    1. It’s a TS song. She is such a teen.

    2. Quoting a mediocre mainstream musician is SO original.

  45. “If you love these chunky mint bars, now is the time to order! Shipping now through Thanksgiving for holiday mint soaps!...

    The ellipses at the end weren’t needed. But “this” rotten writer knows nothing about proper punctuation. Her soaps suck. They have a strong stench. Just like Jenna.

  46. Jenna behaves bipolar
    her moods are up then down.
    We wish she’d move away from here
    and waddle outta town.

  47. “She’s not a fan”

    And here it is a few days late, since she’s been busy chasing pigs, and having heart attacks. We were waiting for another ridiculous rebuttal to WiW wondering where the white bib tabby went. Of course, it’s posed next to the new kitten. “Dance, little monkey, Jenna!” We pull your puppet’s strings.


    2. Woe is WogSeptember 18, 2023 at 8:44 PM

      “So no one has noticed her mention the brown tabby cat with the white bib? I suspect it was replaced by the black kitten. Did the tabby die? Disappear? If it were still there he would be interacting with the kitten”

    3. lol you asked and she delivered 🤣
      But no, she doesn’t read here AT ALL.

    4. Good to see the original tabby is still alive. You cannot assume with Jenna.

    5. Jenna clearly has this blog bookmarked, and refreshes it multiple times a day to counter our accusations against her.

    6. Jenna, because we assume you're reading, post full body pics of Merlin and make an appointment for him and Mabel to see the dentist, please

  48. "People beat cancer every day, but stress is poison."

    She's framing herself as being more hardup than a cancer patient. Noice. It wasn't a glioblastoma multiforme that killed my mother, it was stress.

    She really stepped in it. If she doesn't really think she's got a more challenging life than anyone fighting cancer, she must have used this lazy writing technique she loves to lean into whereby she makes these dichotomous comparisons to try and make herself look like a hero.

    You think cancer patients are heroic? They got nothin' on me! I'm STRESSED.

    Also, you're not fuckin' stressed Jenna. You choose - actively choose - perpetual under-employment so you can maximize your leisure time. Financial stress is definitely stress, but you lose all sympathy from people when you perpetuate your situation with a decade of the same decisions.

    1. Anyone who follows her is either stupid or a loser themselves. Or maybe they enjoy watching the train wreck. Any way you look at it, she's one BIG embarrassment.

    2. Jenna’s cretinous comparison of cancer with stress makes me wonder again about her cognitive abilities to reason. I can’t comprehend how “this woman” is so overtly offensive all the time without even trying. We like watching her “train wreck” of a life, because it’s all going to come crashing down on her soon.

    3. "overtly offensive all the time without even trying" - that's why she needed therapy like 15 years ago. She's completely clueless and needs some genuine help catching up developmentally. But no, she decided it's better to just never work avoid all expectations of her and only accept friendship in the form of donations of free supplies, labour, or rah-rahs.

    4. WiW.I wrote that comment. I don’t know if even therapy could help her kind of defective character. I’ve also wondered if Jenna doesn’t have a very resistant personality disorder. She really is “completely clueless,” and doesn’t care about how hurtful her stupid statements can come across.

    5. It’s no wonder why Shannon isn’t friends with her now. Many queer couples remain connected even after their breakups. I have a feeling that they had a huge blowout fight, and that it had to do with Jenna rigidly refusing to make any mature changes.

    6. Yeah I agree anon, I would not be surprised if she met the criteria for borderline or narcissistic personality disorder after so many years of dysfunction. Borderline could actually explain the "constant anxiety" she claims to experience, and the self-destructive choices, AND how intense she is with her "favourite person".

  49. If Jenna started a gofundme for therapy, I wonder how many of her fans would donate?

    1. Good God, don’t give her any ideas.

    2. I’d rather flush our funds down the toilet than give her a penny.

    3. She'd collect a few grand for therapy then have some huge falling out with the therapist the second they did their job (ask a mild question about her reality) and then spend the rest on a puppy for mental health.

    4. "don't give her ideas" - anon! We have tried to make it better. For years we have tried - she wouldn't go for it! So screw it, let's make it worse! At least it'll be entertaining!

  50. In her hammock drinking NA beer declaring it a good day. Heart attack healed itself darlin’s.

    1. All’s well with the world if her fat ass is hanging over a hammock again. We’ve seen her drinking regular beer, so this abstinence is all an act for show.

    2. If Jenna were really worried about her heart, then she’d make an appointment with a cardiologist. But it’s just more blatant lying to elicit empathy for free funds.

    3. Heart conditions are commonly misdiagnosed / ignored in women bc the symptoms often present as: drumroll please.... anxiety!

  51. Oh no! TS appears to be seeing a football player. Doesn’t get more macho. Funny JW hasn’t mentioned that. There goes her theory (again). Reality check darlin’, you can’t will your crush to be gay.

    1. It seems to me that Jenna tends to make up stories in her head to attempt to justify her obsessions and also her spending of donated funds. I find that it applies to a lot of things that she does, but especially to anything related to TS. Likely because of the large amount of money she spends on that particular obsession, out of her donations pool. She has said it herself before that it irks her when donors dare to mind when she spends their money on something other than what she initially said.

    2. She seems to be spiraling. Now she's asking for someone to date her. But only if you like the Gilmore Girls. It's juvenile.

    3. I find this Extra hilarious. All this is going down in my nearest city. Travis Kelce is super popular here and during the game the cameras were constantly on Taylor…and Travis' mom. Then after the game they went on a proper date. Normally I would care less but I think this is great!! Jenna is an idiot,

    4. I commented about Taylor Swift’s new boyfriend a few posts ago. Jenna acts as if she’s 14 not 41. Her emotional maturity seems stunted at the teen years. That’s why she’s frequently referred to herself as “13/14 year old me would be so…” No normal adult does that.

    5. SFF. She’s done this public asking to date her before. Jenna doesn’t seem to understand that this makes her look like even more of a loser than she really is. And that’s saying something. It’s obnoxious and pathetic to be that desperate.

  52. Yeah, she’s really getting stranger by the second. Jenna thinks that it’s not okay to be gay unless her girl crushes are, too. The coward might’ve already deleted her dating plea. I don’t see it anywhere. She reeks of desperation and bad body odor. No one wants a lying, lazy loser like Wog. Especially, a weirdo who expects her partner to have her specific tastes in everything.

    1. It’s like she wants a clone of herself. But one with the money to pay for more than her fair share like Shannon did. I’m sure that’s one reason she dumped the FFF’s fat ass two years ago.

    2. She thinks she wants a clone of herself, but can you imagine how explosive that would be in such a short period of time? All Jenna's relationships seem to be about them supporting her. How pissed would she get if she were with as big a mooch as she is who was trying to out-mooch her?

  53. Jen wants a dame to date her
    but she’s a fucking mess.
    Wog has no sense of style
    in home decor and dress.

  54. "That’s my accent changing words in voice to text. What accent?! You ask. Rural isolation over time y’all"

    This is Jenna explaining her typing errors. I'd say it's more like slurring her words due to day drinking. Her punctuation needs work, as usual.

    1. She has no humor. I doubt that she’s staying sober. Her behavior and bulging belly indicates that Jenna’s still drinking real alcohol.

    2. Her self-imposed “rural isolation is part of Jenna’s problem. “This farm” has become an escape from reality. It’s also preventing her from meeting more potential partners. Not that many would want a lying, lazy loser.

    3. Edit: “rural isolation”

    4. Jenna’s asinine attempts at country colloquial like “ya’ll” are always glaringly disingenuous. What a pathetic poser.

  55. This ‘rural isolation’ business has got me thinking. On one hand she is terrified of the creepy guy at the laundromat (or laundrymat as she mistakenly calls it). She is frightened to death of the ‘red van man’ and paranoid about what people in town are saying about her AND YET she projectile vomits intimate details about her personal life on an hourly basis. Begging people to ask her on a date and sharing details about her menstrual cycle is beyond over sharing. How can real flesh and blood people she encounters weekly be scarier than some shadowy stranger on the internet? She won’t talk to a potential client on the phone because he may be some creep and yet …… You can fill in the blanks. We teach our teens about internet safety but it’s like she had blinders on when it comes to anything online. Anyone vaguely familiar with the area can track her daily comings and goings through her constant updates. If this was my daughter I would be more than a little concerned for her personal safety. (This is me stepping off my soapbox).

    1. SFF. That was well-put. I’ve also seen her stupid spelling of “laundry mat” a few years ago. Jenna makes crap up as she goes along in her lie-style. Her shameless over-sharing, and blatant lying about not wanting to talk to potential clients is crazy. She’s really coming across lately as being truly unhinged.

  56. I remember a few years ago I did the pig math. The lamb math would be similar.

    Even if at most, by some miracle, she were able to make $300 profit on each share, and she raises 12 pigs a year, that's still only $3600 of taxable income per year. That's two months of extremely tight income.

    The arts n crafts, she makes what, a few hundred a month max at those?

    She cannot possibly be making ends meet on less than $10k / year.

    Mortgage we know is over $1100 now possibly higher. = $13,200 / year
    We know she has hay, firewood, electric, and internet = call it another $2000 / year
    car insurance, gas, and minimum maintenance = $1000 / year (I'm really keeping these at a minimum)
    car payment? maybe? maybe not?
    We're already at more than double what she could possibly earn with what she talks about.

    I know I've calculated her income from selling books at less than $5,000 all time, based on how much she'd get per copy sold and how many times her different books have been reissued.

    She would have lost the house years ago if it weren't for some secret income. If she had a regular gig, she'd be talking about it. She's either living off an allowance from her folks, or off of some government income (my and others' here top theory).

    So I agree with HD - I don't think she's selling meat shares at all. Why would anyone buy from her?

    I've run two different businesses. I know when the math doesn't math. It's amazing anyone believes anything she says at all.

    I think the publishers have her number though, which is why she can't sell any of her book ideas anymore.

    1. WiW. Exactly. We’ve been watching Jenna’s shit-show for years living in Cambridge. At the risk of redundancy, her whole life is lies. Nothing ever adds up, in terms of her income, because she’s a fraud who lacks the courage to admit that her lie-style is financed by other sources.

  57. I think Jenna's aged out of her potential dating pool. People her age who are single are looking for people with their shit together. Mid 20s to early 30s is about as old as you can get evaluating a partner by their potential. Jenna should have her ducks in a row by now, and anyone in her age range typically does.

    Anyone young and naive enough to buy her bullshit and who is not on social media will have many many other better potential dating options. I think Shannon was a fluke and they moved in together quickly because of covid. I don't think we'll see any more long term partners for Jenna.

    1. Very good point. I don't think she wants someone her age. She seems to prefer them young. Anyone with any life experience wouldn't put up with her know it all attitude.

    2. I agree with what you wrote. Jenna’s overt obsession with younger women is weird. It seems very male. She appears adverse to finding someone who’s either her own age range or even older. I’ve also said that Shannon moved in because of Covid. Jenna probably pointed out the benefits of a safe place in the country. They hadn’t known each other that well before shacking up as a couple. I’m sure that SD wasn’t fully aware of the FFF’s begging patterns and manipulative marketing at first. She was wise to end their relationship.

    3. Edit: SFF. I was writing my comment when you posted one with similar meaning.

    4. Maybe Jenna knows that an older woman would have the maturity and discernment to not tolerate her crap.

    5. She reminds me of a middle-aged man who’s unappealing and obese, but still expects to attract someone who’s much more attractive than they are. As if Jenna merits a model type.

    6. There is a dark side in dating where an older, better resourced person specifically seeks out younger, naive people to date because they have the balance of power in their relationship, and dating someone young inflates their ego. For some of these april / december relationships it's mutually advantageous, but more often it's toxic and the younger person ends up emotionally abused before finally leaving.

      I am not worried about Jenna doing this because Jenna has nothing to offer as the older person. She doesn't even have a stable place to live when she's claiming to be on the verge of "insolvency" (eye roll) all the time, saying the bank is going to take her house. She does little to no maintenance on that house so it's a shithole. Remember when she tried to repair the toilet and tweeted "we shall forever hover my love" or something like that? She can't deal with basic maintenance like plumping, cleaning, painting, or carpentry. (and she calls herself a lesbian, lol, for shame!)

      If it were a really nice house and paid off, or she had a decent income she might be able to offer a younger person an enhancement in life, but I think the only time she ever had an edge was when she had a house in the country during the scary early stages of covid when there was no treatment. That's the one sliver of time when she had something to offer.

      But now what?

      Maybe she could snag herself a horse girl who wants to stable her horses for free? Oh wait, no stable.

  58. Now she's scolding 2K twitter viewers for not buying her snowflake soap. Is she for real? I can smell the crazy through the screen.

    1. She can’t contain her crazy now.

    2. Jenna’s hygiene is so horrid that you can almost smell her stench “through the screen.” How DARE people not want to purchase products from the lying, lazy loser!

    3. Maybe Shannon didn’t have a strong sense of smell. Otherwise, it just sounds gross.

    4. I’m not a lesbian, so can’t speak from personal experience. And I don’t want to get graphic. But I can compare it to doing dirty dumpster diving when we were kids. You’d hold your nose while “down there.” I know that you’ll catch my meaning.

    5. Every woman, gay or straight, knows to clean themselves if you want any below the belt action. I presume that’s why SD introduced those mint showers.

    6. SFF. I’m literally, snickering at your funny comment. Thanks!

    7. It’d take much more than mint to wash that whale free from stink.

    8. It really is rich that she makes soap and yet from all accounts, she reeks of body odour. As usual, she shoots herself in the foot. Clueless.

  59. What did she say? I can’t access!!! Boohoo!!

    1. JFW is a real nut.

    2. She deleted it but I captured it before the page refreshed.
      “This post had over 2k views and I know more than one of you uses soap.”
      She thinks she is clever but the post is dripping with desperation.

    3. Ugh. No one wants snowflake soap in the fall dummy! Why not make some leaves??!!!

    4. SFF. Jenna’s only deleted the stupid statement after your comment called out her crap. Congrats!

    5. I’ll take that compliment. 😍

    6. SFF. You’re welcome. I find it funny when we shame her here into deleting multiple postings. “Hey hey, Hoo!!!”

    7. oh wow that is such a bad look. peak entitlement. I'm selling something you use you MUST buy my overpriced melt n pour tiny soap that I haven't changed in years!

    8. That statement was dripping not only with entitlement, but with full on toddler petulance.

  60. Dumb dumb can’t pay her bills but she can afford those floating candles you hang from the ceiling for Halloween. Only $25-45 on Amazon. She deserves it! Buy her soap damn it!!

    1. Maybe Brainless Becca her “ex” can help buy Jenna more stupid, plastic crap that’s unnecessary.

    2. Maybe, but usually she gets all “ look what Aunt Becca sent me” See, I have friends!!

    3. Her few “friends” are only stupid, sycophant supporters who are even dumber than Jenna.

  61. HD. New post please? Thanks!


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