From the last post. This is important.

As was said I'm sure she does this kind of thing All The Time.  Money she is begging for anything I’m sure never goes to her stated purpose.  We have seen time and time again how she throws out some crisis but then ends up showing some fun purchase or outing.  She only communicates in ways where she can delete posts or comments.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "She didn’t even talk about how she celebrated the holiday.":

'Whoa, you put this up for sale a couple of year ago for $400. I sent you the money with the provision that you keep it and play it and never resell it ( or you could send it to me). I even sent you the cash and two days later you said my questioning you offering to take …'

'friends out for a beer when i asked if putting it all towards the mortgage wasnt a better idea and you said “ my question wasnt cool”. Also one of your emailers even questioned me, defending you for taking some “extra cash”to do your own thing and i wasnt a….'

'Better fan of the farm.
I used to. BE such a fan, buying pet portraits, buying other items you put up for sale and buying wool two seasons.
That cash came out of my. Monthly budget, and i was happy to do it to help you. But your off the cuff comment really put me off…'


  1. HD. Thanks, for pointing out the importance of this topic. Jenna has a rotten reputation for a reason. She’s been doing this kind of criminal activity for years. It’s a public service to warn people about her unethical behavior, and to keep track of her tweets plus, posts.

    1. Wow...yeah...thus is huge. Acting like she needs to sell something she loves, and hoping some kindhearted soul will just gift her the money. What a little shit. And so glad that woman called her out on it.

  2. I Can't Afford The Grapes...May 3, 2023 at 10:09 AM
    “Wow. Joy may be kindhearted, but she's WAY too trusting. If she followed the fake feral farmer, it's a shame she hadn't noticed Wog's ongoing inconsistencies.

    I think this type of Wog-rat bailout happens more often than we imagine. We once heard from a past supporter who gave her $1000+ for her teeth, and there certainly have been multiple (and hidden) gifts.

    This is the true power of a con artist: to sell a fictional narrative and coerce kind-hearted people into giving money.”

    I’ve also copied and pasted PDD’s comment from the last post, because it accurately describes what Wog does to filch free funds.

    1. Yes, a gentleman who appeared to have problems with his own teeth gave her the $1,000. She spent it all on a puppy (Friday).

    2. Con artist...good call.

  3. Thanks to those that managed to catch that before it all went POOF!

    She is still selling her violin on IG. Maybe Joy doesn’t follow her there.

    The whole thing is disgusting. Of course the violin post on Twitter disappears and Jenna posts on IG that she needs a sunny warm day like you don’t even know!!

    1. Poof went the violin post on IG. It was in her grid - couple of hours ago when I read Joy’s response here. It’s gone now. If only she could make money reading this site!!!

    2. That sneaky, switching of platforms for begging, shows just how disingenuous Jenna is when it comes to using manipulative marketing. This unconscionable cunt is a criminal who doesn’t deserve any support.

    3. Anonymous 1:23. Once again, Jenna’s read our comments calling out her crap, and then deleted the post. Just like she’s done with the tweet. Wog won’t do it on her own, unless she’s shamed by us.

    4. Yes, kudos to whoever found those comments. And just LOVE that someone called her out for her dishonest and greedy ways. Repugnant behavior.

    5. This is the same scam that she’s still doing with trying to sell multiple shares of the same pig. Then when it comes time for butchering, Jenna claims that she needs extra funds to cover the cost. When it’s supposed to be included as part of the original price.

  4. Very cryptic posts on IG. Pics showing her junk strategically placed for the photo and messages like “ bury hatchets but keeps maps of where you put them” and “I could really use a warm couple of days. You just can’t know”. Both posted after Joy outed her nonsense on Twitter. I think her ass hurts again. I hope caerluna can bring some soup and salve for poor darling girl.

    1. The bury hatchets ...message is a TS lyric. Nothing original from Jenna.

    2. Should have known 😂😂

    3. Her hyperbole is obnoxious. “You just can’t know.” It’s always about Jenna having the biggest feelings on this planet that no one else ever experiences.

  5. If anyone got screen shots of those comments or the violin post, please post them in the reddit group "cold antler critics" or you can email them to me and I'll post them,

    1. Excellent idea, WIW. Anyone who calls out scams, idiocies and misrepresentations should FIRST get a screen capture. The only thing she seems to work hard at is controlling her narrative and silencing critical observers.

    2. i posted the tweets but i didn’t think to take screenshots unfortunately

    3. The receipts are still here even if there are no screenshots. It’s very obvious that Jenna screwed Joy over for $400, and then tried to sell the same violin again.

    4. $400!!!! OMG what a scam! What a disgrace.

    5. WiW. Jenna is an absolute criminal. And she needs to be held accountable for her actions.

  6. So is the March mortgage paid Jenna? Either it is, and she’s hoping for more pity money or it’s not but she knows damn well that she can’t cry poverty and then post pics of herself at TS in a few weeks! TS is her personality right now so nothing is going to stop her from going even if she has to stay quiet.

    Must be tough not begging and crying for attention right now!!!

  7. Want to support her “framework”? Well Venmo her!! 😫

    1. Her “framework” is being a lying, lazy loser.


  8. Jenna Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈
    And last, if you just want to encourage my framework and writing, I don't have a Patreon but my venmo is jennawog. PayPal is

    1. ”framework“? her, uh, theoretical underpinnings?

    2. HAHAHA! She's stopped calling it "this farm". It's now "my framework". At least she's not speaking of her shitty hoarding situation in the third person as a productive operation.

    3. We’ve been mocking her stupid saying of “this farm” for years. Jenna is just trying “framework” to see how it sounds. I think that it’s just as dumb in its own weird way.


  9. Jenna Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈
    And last, if you just want to encourage my framework and writing, I don't have a Patreon but my venmo is jennawog. PayPal is

    Wish me luck, I just want to feel safe

    1. GFY, Jenna. Get a job, slob. It’s no one else’s responsibility to either “wish you luck,” or make you “feel safe.” What an insufferable, self-centered cunt.

  10. “I put the laughter back in slaughter!”May 4, 2023 at 9:52 AM

    Jenna wants to “feel safe”
    and also asks for “luck.”
    But we’re sick of her whining
    and just don’t give a fuck.

    1. I Can't Afford The Grapes...May 5, 2023 at 6:59 AM

      Jenna wants to " feel safe "
      Well, so do I
      Remove her cons from the Internet
      With her constant, specious lies

    2. PDD. Thanks!

      “I put the laughter back in slaughter!”

  11. Poor widdle Jenna doesn’t “have a Patreon,” because she’s doing nothing worth supporting.

  12. Jenna, if you want to feel safe, get a job.

    In fact, the answer to all your problems is “get a job”.

    1. You must be joking about Jenna getting off her fat ass to support herself. She’d rather whine than work.

  13. She’s doing a “ask me anything” on IG. I’m sure she wouldn’t like my questions.

    “How does someone who cries poverty justify doing an AMA in IG when they should be trying to “ earn in” funds??”

    1. She's trying to flush out who we are among her followers so she can actually block us. I bet she goes private for a bit after the TS concert.

    2. Q: “Why won’t you work?”

      A: “I’m too superior to do common labor like the little people.”

  14. "Your off the cuff comment really put me off..." Imagine how different things would have been if Jenna had some charisma? She'd be pulling off bigger and more elaborate scams every year. She had a lot of us following her in 2009. She probably did have the numbers to pay her bills off her followers then.

    But her personality has put of thousands of people. She will snark at someone she KNOWS. She should KNOW Joy by name given they made multiple purchases and had been an early follower. This person was already sold and was a long term fan AND source of cash - and Jenna managed to alienate her after 10 years.

    Imagine if she'd been drawing people in over the past decade instead of putting them off? She could be a world class scammer by now.

    1. Yeah, her putrid personality has been her downfall. Jenna’s the local, Cambridge Queen of Con, and will never be known as more. But she is a master of manipulative marketing to filch free funds.

  15. I’ve been offline since yesterday, but I gather from these posts that someone named Joy massively called out Wog via public comment on her Twitter post featuring the two photos of the violin for sale ? ( which I immediately remembered her trying to sell again in the past and I thought someone had just given her money and told her to keep it ).
    Am I caught up? Oh and then she deleted the post and comments. Likely blocked Joy as well, I imagine.

    1. You’re caught up with her crap. Of course, the coward deleted the tweet and post.

  16. Q: Have you thought about self-publishing the book you just wrote?

    A: No. It probably will be scrapped, as most of it is framed around a breakup that does not even feel real anymore. I want to write a better version if it not influenced by any women other than myself.

    1. I’d like to ask Jenna why she’s such an insufferable cunt.

      I’m sure that Shannon is happy to be done with her drama and begging.

    2. Is her AMA in stories? I don’t see it on Instagram.

    3. Anonymous 5:07. Thanks. I can’t bring myself to watch her stupid stories. I know that she’s carefully screened the questions, because Jenna can’t cope with criticism. That’s why she won’t allow comments anymore on her blog.

    4. Please post more of these AMAs if there anymore!

  17. “spend more time dawdling in creeks.”

    It should be: “I’ll spend more time working to support myself rather than being a beggar.”

    1. “Dawdling in creeks” is fine after your bills are paid.

    2. Her plumbing is probably on the fritz again. But she overused that disaster too many times so "dawdling in creeks" is code word for washing her butt crack, meanwhile Gibson lays on the shore dreaming of a vet visit for all his aches and pains.

  18. “I appreciate all the shares and RTs. So far I have not been able to make any sales. If you ever considered supporting this farm, or getting a logo, or soap - this is the time to do it. I can't stress that enough.”

    We “can’t stress enough” that you’re a lazy, lying loser.

    1. No one wants to “support” an animal abusing beggar, pathological liar, and sociopathic scammer.

    2. I find it hilarious when she has to grovel and beg like this. She deserves any shame she might feel for doing so.

  19. “2k and some sunshine would change my life.”

    Here’s an answer, asshole. Sell your pricey concert tickets, one of two vehicles, and livestock. And get a job, slob.

    1. She’s already deleted the stupid tweet. LOL!!!

    2. Wow, that's it right there in a nutshell: JUST GIVE ME MONEY.

      No, what she really needs right now is about $10K to $15K to cover 2-3 past mortgage payments, assorted utility bills, a shitload of streaming services, and expenses for the TS concert.

      But I think she feels that asking for a much smaller amount is a better tactic.

    3. Forgot too add that it wouldn't change her life. It would only change the next few weeks of her lazy life. Uh, what an insufferable beggar she is.

  20. She’s ramping up the desperation on IG. She’s so transparent as the TS concert draws nearer. Her buzz words like ‘scary’ and ‘crucial’ only mean she wants to have enough cash for concert merch and weed. It’s part of her usual pattern and she’s not fooling anybody with half a brain.

    1. 99% of the time I look at her Instagram and Twitter and I just shake my head at her greedy antics and attention-grabbing mortgage payment tactics.

      The other 1% of the time I actually nod in appreciation when she posts pics about interesting animal stories or dendritic fossils. Cuz that stuff is cool and it's what her followers want to see.

    2. Whoops, forgot to add my name to that post. ^^^^^^

  21. I Can't Afford The Grapes...May 5, 2023 at 7:07 AM

    Obviously, she's been too busy flaking off and dawdling in springs to complete client work. Earlier today, she posted:
    🚨oh boy 🚨 I just found out my messages were set to only receive requests from followers?! If you tried to contact me about logos or art and did not hear back I didn’t get it! Please try again!

    Con artist?
    You be the judge

    1. Biggest idiot on planet earth
      Biggest beggar in our galaxy
      Biggest grifter in the universe

      Right now, there are tiny children all over the world who need REAL help. And these children are climbing over large garbage piles, looking for anything to eat, clothes, etc. I've seen the photos. And other young children are forced to work for a living, at the tender ages of 5-10yo, when they should be enjoying school. And playing with their friends. And coming home to a hot meal afterwards. But instead they starve. And are often poorly clothed and cold.

      Meanwhile, there is a very, very, very, very, very well-nourished, middle-aged lazy female living in Cambridge, New York, (an affluent privileged community) who REFUSES TO GET A DAMN JOB and instead begs on the internet instead. Daily. For her mortgage and Taylor Swift merch. And ice cream. And marijuana pick-me-ups.

      Talk about first world problems, shall we?

  22. The twunt on Twitter:

    "I appreciate all the shares and RTs. So far I have not been able to make any sales. If you ever considered supporting this farm, or getting a logo, or soap - this is the time to do it. I can't stress that enough."

    What she is REALLY trying to say is:

    "All your shares and RTs are cool 'n shit, but it's not helping. I NEED MORE HELP from y'all, but in the form of donations only, not re-tweets, you cheapskates. No one wants to buy my crap. So far I have not been able to make my mortgage or Taylor Swift concert expenses. So if you ever decided to take pity on my lazy ass - this is the time to do it. I can't stress that enough. Cuz I really, really, really need to be seen walking around with a $26 "Shake It Off" margarita at the Taylor Swift concert. So I can post a pic on my Instagram. So people can see how lesbo-licious-ly COOL I am, darlin'.

  23. She seems to be tripping all over herself lately and accidentally exposing herself as a serial scammer with the fiddle for almost-sale (again) post, and then the “I really need $2000” post. And that’s just for starters. I just took a cursory stroll through her Twitter, and the only three things I see on constant repeat are begs, retweet of begs, and then the maddening, “but if you don’t want to buy any crap, just Venmo me” posts which follow every beg and retweet of a beg.
    That should be a huge red flag to anyone still believing what she is selling. And it ain’t critter scribbles and soap.

    1. As her cognitive abilities continue to drastically decline, Jenna is making mistakes that show her defective character, and unethical business behavior. It’s like she can’t contain her crazy anymore. It’s no wonder why her followers are always leaving. Her non-tent is begging, lying, and lesbian fantasies about famous females.

  24. It is kinda funny to post a tweet and then retweet it just a couple hours later so the retweet is right above the original tweet in her timeline. I don't know anyone else who retweets themselves as much as she does!

    1. It’s the equivalent of her sniffing her own farts.

    2. Right. The whole idea of a retweet would be to bring up something that is unknown or needs amplifying. But to retweet yourself, let alone right immediately after the original tweet and the last retweet of the original-original tweet, well, that’s pretty pathetic and tone deaf.
      And that’s the girl who supposedly had gotten the hint.
      Obviously she did not.

    3. I’ve never seen someone who has misused the retweet function the way that Wog does. And it’s only to constantly bombard her fleeing followers with her odious offerings.

  25. IG stories: "Times are scary. Sales are hard." Click through Two more sales stories, then: "ME GOING TO THE ERAS TOUR..." That little buffer between "Times are scary" and "Me going to a notoriously expensive concert" is just enough to hopefully help me not notice the incongruity between "SCARY" and "Two tickets I could see for an average of $700 each but choose not to"

  26. Rachel Keane is back retweeting Jenna lol

    1. “Rachel Keane” is Jenna’s alternate account. We’ve recently proved that it was really hers, and busted the FFF deleting a tweet.

    2. And again, that RK retweet has been deleted. You’ve been busted again, bitch. LOL!!!

    3. I consider us basically her collaborative life coaches because of how she takes our advice about what to delete.

    4. Anonymous 1:01. It’s funny how Wog won’t delete stupid tweets on her own. She has to be shamed by us into doing it.

  27. Instasham:

    “This is my favorite pin girls like me are wearing at the Eras Tour. The pin is from the third act of The Truman Show. A film where the main character’s life exists solely for public entertainment, until it doesn’t. The lavender glitter is what she bleeds in the Anti-Hero video. Clever.

    Posted this here because only 300 of you animals follow my stories and therefore are missing out on a proper education.”

    GFY, Jenna. You’re a feral, filthy animal.”

    1. “animal”

    2. It’s another childish, stupid, and frivolous purchase. But “support my framework!” and “this faux farm!”

  28. What a “Plain Jen.” There’s literally, nothing that’s appealing about her either physically or emotionally. And certainly not spiritually.

  29. I live in her area. No one is getting glasses from the river except her. Lol

    1. "I steal other people's possessions instead of putting them on a post, leaving a note or placing in lost-and-found." What a slob. In the past, she mentioned finding pricey clothing items near a trailhead when she could have left a note. I'd hate to go back for $200 sunglasses or a $$$ jacket that were stolen by a lowlife like her.

    2. “I found it at our local dump!!!”

  30. She's being particularly high and mighty tonight. She must be super stoned since she's extra obnoxious and full of herself.

    1. Was this in her stupid stories? I can’t stand to hear her voice.

  31. Any time she tries to be cool or funny she comes across as rude. She has very little self awareness and seems to struggle with reading social cues and knowing what is appropriate behavior.

    1. We used to think that she was autistic. But we’ve come to the conclusion that there’s no excuse for Jenna’s behavior. Other than being an unconscionable cunt.

    2. She acts really odd when writing about her caerluna friends as well. I think she’s trying to come across as complimentary, but she comes across as being a dumb rube herself.
      Ex 1)they put together a small mending kit in a tin for Jenna - because she didn’t have any sewing supplies ( a homesteader without basic thread and needle?)

      Ex 2) they gave her a calendula seedling in a paper mache pot. (You can have tons of calendula from a packet of seeds- you can harvest them to use in a variety of ways - a homesteader should know this.)

      Ex3) they made fresh naan when Jenna was at a “solstice planning meeting”. She marvels that this woman is a super hero because she has a toddler and made naan! ( Jenna- people can do lots of things, people can accomplish lots of things. If you marvel how someone can make naan with a toddler, no wonder you can’t figure out how to pay your bills!!)

      She gets a lot ( for her) of engagement from her caerluna posts so she may want to ask herself why??!! Because she is actually showing stuff people are interested in.

    3. And if you check out Caer Luna Farm website and IG, you'll find she also has a professional website that sells yarn, beautifully packaged soaps and homemade balms.....and all with a toddler?!?! If only Jenna could learn from others and get out of her bubble.

    4. It seems to me that she is only mooching off those unsuspecting folks who will likely wise up soon.

    5. I Can't Afford The Grapes...May 6, 2023 at 7:25 AM

      Wog is love-bombing caerluna, much like she did with Jon Katz, Shannon and the New Yorkers who visited her hovel, went for pony rides, and were wined and dined by Pember Patty. She also tried this with UglyDogs and NYT writers.

      If you observe trends, Wog often tries to worm her way into the lives of credible people who can do her some good.

      Btw, soon after their breakup, Shannon posted retweeted stories about the manipulative nature of people who love-bomb.

    6. She is a textbook narcissist. Love bombing is one of their favorite things.

    7. PDD. I hadn’t heard that about Shannon’s retweets. The last I looked her Twitter profile was private. Probably because Jenna stalks it.

      HD. Exactly. Everything that she does is manipulative and calculating. Including, the love bombing. But she’s incapable of any mature emotions.

    8. Anon 11:14 am, we should give SD's account privacy since she had the good sense to leave. I looked at it early on. The originator of the tweet discussed how narcissists use love-bombing as control and manipulation- it's tantamount to abuse. Having watched "the fauxm" in action, I'd have to agree.

    9. PDD. I agree about the privacy. I wasn’t implying that it’d be wise to find Shannon’s account. There are a number of women who have her name. And she might not even be on Twitter a few years later.


    Jess has received an email with links and information on the Cambridge Queen of Con.

    1. “This is a STEAL”

      The only thing that’s a “steal” from Jenna, is the way that she’ll rip you off for free funds. Like she’s done with Joy and the violin.

    2. Maybe Jess is auditioning to be the new “Rachel Keane” replacement to shill her shit. LOL!!!

    3. I don't know Jenna from Adam, we just follow each other on twitter *shrug* and I always try to help artists and writers. I appreciate the heads up on the shenanigans but if you're going to use this page as a resource maybe don't mock people who don't know any better, LOL!!!

    4. Jess, I’m the one who sent you the email. I appreciate your response, and also apologize. I didn’t realize that you were unaware of her horrible history. You’ll discover that she’s been doing this for decades, and has a rotten reputation for a reason.

      We’re here to keep track of her lies. This site serves a a way to warn others, like yourself, about the Cambridge Queen of Con.

    5. Edit: as a way

    6. I tried the link and got "Hmm, this page doesn't exist."

    7. Thank you for the response. I (obviously) got a little testy last night because I was on the defensive, and I do genuinely appreciate being made aware. We have a similar unfortunate situation close to where I live with a person who started taking advantage of people's generosity during the pandemic with a community sharing/trade group, so I understand the frustration. Good luck with all of it and I'll try to make my own circles aware.

    8. Jess, Jenna has “taken advantage of people’s generosity” for years, and way before COVID was around. She’s a sociopathic predator who mimics emotions, and doesn’t have any empathy.

      I’m assuming that your comment above was referring to the Reddit sub: “Hmm, this page doesn’t exist.” Here’s the link below. In addition, to a search on CAF:


      Jess was wise to delete her support of the scammer.

    10. It gives me glee to see some solid results of alerting people to criminals like Jenna.

  33. You have to hand it to her, she's pretty good at coming up with new angles on the same old request:

    "I own this land, at least today, and it’s something I can do while out walking the dogs in the woods or splashing around the stream. When I have more gas money and some bills covered, I want to drive an hour or so away to some local shores and quarries and try to find some real fantastic things."

    It makes me want to give her money so she can drive an hour away and find some real fantastic things!

    1. Spoiler alert: if she doesn’t make some major life changes ( she won’t ). She’ll never have bills covered.

    2. She says "SOME bills covered", we all know that doesn't mean to her what it would mean to most people. She thinks getting caught up on the last months' or twos' bills is getting "caught up". She has no disposable income that I can see,

    3. Her “disposable income” is based on being a beggar.

    4. I Can't Afford The Grapes...May 8, 2023 at 5:14 AM

      Wog's greatest skill is wording messages to encourage donations and pity purchases.

      She writes: " When I have more gas money and some bills covered, I want to drive an hour or so... "

      People think: " Oh, poor woman... she can't afford to pay for 6 gallons of gas to hunt for fossils. That's only $18. "

      What she WANTS: multiple people to send her $20 (or more) for gas and bills.


    5. PDD. I thought the same thing. Her weird wording is always deliberately done. It’s just more of her manipulative marketing to filch free funds.


    Nothing has changed since this was written almost a decade ago. “Dear Jenna” still can’t cope with criticism. And she’s continued being a beggar.

    1. Puffery and Buffoonery FarmMay 8, 2023 at 6:59 AM

      Puffery and Buffoonery is my nom de plume in view of Wog's snarky response to Ginger, who wrote reasonable suggestions at Wog's 2015 "poor me" desire to get money from readers so she could buy a hipster truck.

      Ginger wrote:
      " I live on a fixed income and pinch and budget and do without if I can't afford it. Maybe you could take a part-time job or do without instead of asking for a series of loans from people you don't even know. If this farm thing isn't working out, you may need to make a change. "

      Lol, of course, Wog went off on Ginger, like a rabid troll. Her attagirls piled on.

      And, people, 2015 was when Wog was marginally more productive. She'd held Antlerstock (thank you, PP, for getting speakers), bought that expensive show pony, and she was flying high.

      By / around this time, she:
      *offered fiddling classes when she's essentially incompetent at fiddling
      *took money for wool shares when her sheep weren't fiber-quality and buyers lost $$$
      *tried to illegally sell more parts of a pig when pig grew too old/large
      *began the much-delayed, but later undelivered Birchthorne book, for which she "stiffed" many GoFundMe subscribers of their $15,000 contributions.

      And now? Less effort. Still begging and misrepresentation.

    2. As for Wog's elaborate response to Ginger: The lady doth protest too much.

      And amongst all the atta girls, there were a few commenters who agreed with Ginger. Of course Wog and her minions ignored their sage advice. One suggested Dave Ramsey's methods, and the other brought up the point that just saving up the money to buy the truck would eliminate any interest she would have to pay for the "loan" (which, of course, Wog never intended to pay back anyway).

  35. “Big new blog post: Beltane! Find it here and more about the farm, hope, and summer over at the website.”

    No one cares, cunt. Your “dumb little life” is meaningless. Funny how you ignored your dumb dispatches for months, until our comments called you out for rarely writing. GFY, Jenna.

    1. “Dance, monkey Jenna!” Your ridiculous rebuttals are proof that you’re like a puppet whose stupid strings we pull for a reaction. LOL!!!

  36. Of course, Beltran post had to end with more whiny pleading for help to pay bills. Oh the suffering, the night fears, the nightmares. Will she end up a 65 year old woman still begging on the internet, yes she will. Pathetic Jenna.

    1. She’d rather whine than work.

  37. What a laughable entry to her blog.

    OK. Yesterday's "rain" took down the sheep's fence, but after Gibson herds them back, and without fixing the fence, she "closes the gate behind them" and they're miraculously secured (whilst she sips her coffee).

    She then writes about the reason behind Beltane, lies about her need to huddle beside a fire (lol, she has a whole house oil furnace and space heaters) and lies about Merlin's age.

    She's cried that she can't afford anything, but for hosting Beltane, she apparently bought long ribbons for a May Pole, a garland of artificial flowers for Merlin, what may be a new plaid throw, sandwich fixings and cream sodas.

    Following obligatory humble-bragging about her life, she moves starts up the begging machine:

    "When I am certain the floors of this old farmhouse will collapse under me, or the roof caves in, or people will stop reading or buying lambs… that I will end up homeless and alone and broken… The truth is life here has always been hard and borderline-primitive...But when I am so scared, and can’t sleep because the bills and bones are eating me alive…"

    Yada yada... But this can turn around if someone sends her money (!!!!!!)

    Of course, she doesn't mention that she lives on a main road, near a trendy NYC weekend destination. She neglects to say she owns a house, acreage, two vehicles, two horses and multiple farm pets. She never tells her readers that her property is probably worth an extra $100,000 due to its location. She conveniently forgets that she's sitting on $1,000 Taylor Swift tickets. And she NEVER mentions that most of her imagined first-world problems would go away if she got a freaking job!

    1. I liked that she “hosted a community event”. 2 families attended. Whomp whomp. Plenty of cash to spend hosting her little party. She posted on IG those round cookies that she baked, made pulled pork for sandwiches, bought cream soda. Needs money? Whut??

    2. It’s one more weird word salad of rotten writing and blatant begging. What a crock of crap.

      I’ll repeat myself again, because it’s still true. One can’t be both victim and victor at the same time. No matter what Jenna wants.

    3. PDD wrote: "and without fixing the fence, she 'closes the gate behind them'"

      Nice catch! And just wondering, how does rain bring down a fence anyway? Sounds like bullshit to me.

      Also: "she lives on a main road, near a trendy NYC weekend destination."

      Does her town (or any nearby town) have a weekly farmer's market?

    4. Anon7. Cambridge has a nice weekly market. We’ve been to it many times. But Jenna is just too lazy to put effort into doing a booth. She’d prefer getting free funds doing nothing to deserve support.

    5. Anon7, yes, the town has a weekly farmer's market and she doesn't participate. The town also has a FB group where people post news, available jobs and farm offerings. She doesn't participate.

      It's a mystery. Hundreds, if not thousands, of people visit her "town" on some weekends so it would be a perfect opportunity for a legitimate farmer/graphic designer to showcase their offerings.

    6. PDD. I also left the comment above yours about the market.

  38. I lol-ed where she lied about being a shepherd. And about eating the sheep, from north to death. These sheep are pet mutton at this point.
    And yes. Noticed how the fence was down but voila! Limping Gibson (who at 13, the age of my dog, could be walking without pain if only given some arthritis meds and joint supplements) who herds them right back in, fence is magically no longer down because all she does is close a gate and sip on coffee.
    I don’t think she can write anything without lying.
    Also noticed the massive beg throughout the post and at the bottom of it where she asks for a single dollar. I would be mortified. Absolutely mortified. How does she not see this?

    1. Even her asking for a single dollar is manipulative marketing to filch free funds. Clearly, Jenna wants at least “2k” to “feel safe.” She’s a shameless, pathological liar who has zero scruples about anything.

    2. Jenna is disingenuous. She deliberately likes to bury her big begs at the ends of threads on Twitter, and at the bottom of posts.

    3. As I was reading thru that bleg post, I thought "Wow, this is a proper post" -- but then got to the end with the big beg. OMG, she just cannot write about anything without turning it into a "I need money" pity party.

    4. same, anon 12:20. i thought, if she had an editor this could be pretty good. it’s how she got the success she had once!

    5. Anonymous 2:46. Jenna’s not a normal adult. So she feels no shame about holding her man hands out for money.

  39. I laughed at her drawing of a troll like creature with a few strands of hair saying that all her tagged photos look like that. Of course moron, normal people don't filter their photos to death like you do.

    1. I laughed because if you look at her “tagged” photos... there is maybe one of her, mostly it’s people tagging her book or ideas.

    2. Jenna is jowly in real life, yet she filters her fake fat face to appear slimmer. As your username states. Her whole life is lies.

    3. Has she applied to SSI/SSDI? Does anyone know?

    4. Anonymous 6:28. We suspect that she’s been receiving some sort of assistance for years. But she’s too prideful to admit it, because it might interfere with her begging agenda.

    5. She's functional, educated, and earning money. I don't think she'd qualify for ssi/ssdi. She's probably getting money from someone / somewhere, but she's never even mentioned getting government handouts that she would quality for if she were low income, but like she once wrote, she's "broke not poor". I'd love to talk to her tax preparer! Are "donations" taxable as income? She may not want to apply for assistance and have her finances looked at too closely.
      I would guess that she has a core group of bleeding-heart types that donate every month that cover her basics - some people have more money than brains and almost deserve to be parted from their money like fools.

  40. Does anyone know what/how many animals she owns currently? I have a post I want to make but need to know the contents of her current furry prop flock. So far I have:

    -Two horses
    -Two dogs
    -Two cats
    -Pigs (4? 5?)
    -Geese (2? or 4?)
    -Regular chickens (How many?)
    -Silkie chickens (2? or more?)
    -One goat (Male, yes?)

    Did I miss anything? Additions/corrections appreciated.

    1. Anon7. That seems close. PDD might also know the numbers. Jenna is secretive about her livestock.

    2. Does she have pigs right now? I thought the last batch were slaughtered and she hasn't bought piglets yet (she usually posts pictures of the click-inducing piglets)
      At least two geese. She wrote about not getting any more chickens last year due to avian flu. I thought she had 4 silkies. 3 sheep from craigslist, not sure if she got a ram or just plans to borrow one. She hasn't bought lambs yet, I don't know why she even has the craigslist sheep if her plan is to raise weanling lambs to slaughter.

    3. Thanks for the helpful info, guys.

  41. “So my insane goal for today is to earn through sales here, what I need to pay for my spring lambs. It's $450 and that's 3 logos or 9 sale-price pet portraits, or one half pig's worth of meat. If you can share, or better, consider supporting the farm yourself, please do!”

    1. “Also, I'm trying to get back into regular blog writing. If that is how you found me, and you want to support it, PLEASE do.

      Free to read, but takes hours away from things that pay me, which is why I stopped. Venmo is jennawog. $10 a year from each reader would change my life.”

    2. “Logos are on sale, $50 off. DM or visit the website to order.”

    3. “Pet portraits are on sale, 2 color portraits for $100! Or any animal you want drawn, myth or real! I don't draw landscapes, people, vehicles, or buildings. Sorry.”

    4. GFY, Jenna.

    5. Jenna won’t accept any adult accountability for her actions. She’s “stopped” her rotten writing due to laziness, and offering only non-tent. It’s another ridiculous rebuttal to our comments calling her out. Of course, she has to bury a big beg in the stupid tweet. Get a job, slob. That would “change your life.”

    6. One of her nervous ticks or “tells” in her writing, is when she starts a sentence with “So.”

    7. She stopped writing her blog to spend time writing her "book" that was going to make her so much money. She was pouring a lot of time and energy into that. I also think she stopped writing her blog cause she wanted people to beg her to write and pay her for doing so. She tried holding out until they paid. "Contributions to her blog would not / will not "change her life"!

  42. The bitch is back to buying bots to increase her lost followers on Twitter. This always happens after a steady decline in numbers. Jenna’s patterns are predictable once you start to see them.

  43. I'm curious, how can she do a maypole dance on a busted ankle?

    1. The ankle is only "broke" when it's convenient to be.

    2. Anonymous 7:01. It “can’t be stressed enough,” Jenna’s own words, that her whole life is lies.

    3. On instagram stories, she's promoting someone else's message that says: ' "Aren't you supposed to be at work?" umm I'm supposed to be foraging mushrooms outside a walkable community of 100-150 people who know each other by name and share burdens of infrastructure healthcare and child rearing based on abundance, not scarcity, and so are you baybee'

      Given how much time she spends acting like her liberal town is terrifying to queers, she ought to know that some of us need cities and need to the chance to get away from our small town origins. She thinks 100-150 people who know each other by name is some protection against being dominated by that segment of straight white cis people who feel no compunction about trying to force everyone to conform? As well as those ND folks who prefer being surrounded by people we*don't* know rather than people we *do* know because knowing too many people is overwhelming?



  45. She's boasting about digging a garden and using hay for mulch. Isn't straw cheaper and also weed free? Does she even know the difference? And who uses fleece for weed control. What a waste.

    1. I Can't Afford The Grapes...May 10, 2023 at 5:35 AM

      It's incorrect to use hay for mulch or bedding. It holds moisture, contains weed/grass seeds, and it rots.

      Again, Wog shows her incompetence.

    2. We should all be grateful that none of us will ever be in a position of having to choke down a meal she's prepared from her questionable animal/garden care and dirty fingers.

  46. “$115 in sales! Under $350 to make goal!!!”

    This is an example of her manipulative marketing again. Jenna makes up a random amount of money, as her supposed “insane goal,” and then tries to con people into giving her free funds for the remainder.

    1. One of her money mooching techniques is putting pressure on people to make a pity purchase. She also constantly bombards followers with demands to Venmo her free funds. Her audacity is beyond brazen, and borders on aggressive hostility.

    2. I wonder if when she was a wee little girl, did she wish to grow up to be human garbage? Cuz she succeeded. In spades.

  47. Yup and all day on IG doing NOTHING!! Posting “ I shouldn’t have to work” memes and lying in a hammock. Doing fuck all. Oh and a fire is going. Never mind that it is absolutely gorgeous out today, no fire needed.

    One of my huge pet peeves are people who whine that “my blog is free and it takes up sooo much time”. Too bad, so sad. Don’t freaking write a blog then!??

    At least she has $115 for the concert... err I mean the bills.

    1. She has the most massive sense of unearned self-entitlement I’ve ever seen. It’s pathological at this point.

    2. What kills me is that she said she stopped writing bleg posts cuz it was taking precious time away from her making money.

      Well EXCUSE ME, but what about all the hours upon hours she wasted watching TV and movies, and mountain smashing, and visiting swimming holes, and hawk hunting, and spending eons studying Taylor Swift's every move and lyric, and wasting most of her day perusing Twitter, Instagram, and dating sites???

      What about all THAT time? Cuz NONE of those activities made her any money, I'll tell you that for free. And all of those activities are a total waste of time for her because they take away much more time than writing a simple bleg post which takes, what, a half hour to write? Ugh, she is such a dumb liar.


    For any new people who haven’t read this yet.

    1. That’s a classic example for newbies to her shit-show. I know Jon Katz from when we lived in
      Cambridge. He loathes Jenna now for many reasons.

    2. Loathes? I thought he distanced himself from Jenna after this post. Did something else happen?

    3. WiW. I meant that he loathes Jenna for being a beggar and scammer. He’s not naïve about how much she’s changed since they first were friends. I haven’t seen him for several years, so my statement refers to what he’s presented in the past. But I don’t feel comfortable sharing what he’s told us in confidence.

    4. I experienced a major case of cognitive dissonance after reading the 5-6 posts Jon made about Jenna, in which he slammed her and defamed her.

      One part of me was like, what a prick he is to be publicly airing his private thoughts about her and embarrassing her like that. Cuz it's kinda no one's business, his personal dealings with her. Especially since he wasn't even trying to warn anyone about her. He was just picking on her for what he considered foolish choices and her pathetic propensity for asking for help.

      But on the other hand, ESPECIALLY after learning of Jenna's evil pig-shocking ways, I was like, fuck yeah! Let her have it, Jon! Tell us more about how awful she is!!

  49. Same old story, same old song and dance.

    1. Jenna’s a lying, lazy loser who’s incapable of making mature choices and changes. She’s stuck in a rut due to her own stubborn stupidity.

  50. “$225 so far!!! Amazing day!!!”

    The “scrappy little lesbian” has been bragging about her begging.

    1. This is why she begs so much. If people stopped giving, she'd stop begging and would have to get a job. But there's a new sucker on Twitter every day.


  51. “Thank you to everyone that shared and supported! ended up with $325 by midnight, still more to go but that is an insane amount of money for me to make in a day. I mean, my winter heating cost is $700. I am almost done earning the lamb cash and will hopefully, get mortgage next!!!”

    It’s never enough money for the lying, lazy loser.

    1. Yup. That "mortgage next" comment is her way of saying "Not so fast,'ll need to give me even more $$$"

      As one Anon here always says, GFY Jenna. Pay your own mortgage.

    2. LOL!!! I wrote the comment above, and also often say “GFY, Jenna.”

  52. I see TS is linked to yet another man. One more lesbian fantasy bites the dust.

    1. Poor widdle lonely Jenna will have to “project her lesbian fantasies” onto another famous female.

  53. And now I see video of the dogs in the woods but she shut the camera off quickly when Gibson hobbled into the frame. It shows she is aware of her negligence when it comes to vet care.

    1. It looks like she's already deleted the video of the dogs in the woods - all I can see on Twitter/IG is the one of Friday at 13 seconds long.

    2. Okay, nevermind - I see it was on her stories (ugh). What struck me about that video - wouldn't such a hardened and experienced woodsperson/homesteader know to keep her frigging cat on a leash outside, because of songbird predation and extinction? One would think...but she's probably too lazy.

  54. Jenna- boo hoo no money

    Also Jenna: sometimes you have to say fuck it and spend $18.99 to paint the front door lavender.

    On IG stories.

    It’s not lavender. It’s purple.

  55. If looks pink to me.

  56. “Scenes from around these parts!”

    Our “scrappy” lil’ country gal is talking like she was raised in a barn. Her fat, filthy fingers clutching a dirty radish is ugly.

    1. She's just so darn folksy!

    2. You would never know she is college educated. She just keeps shooting herself in the foot.

    3. Jenna is a sociopathic scammer who pretends to pose as a farmer. But she only mimics emotions and lingo.

    4. SFF. I agree. She comes across as an uneducated, high school dropout.

    5. Anonymous 7:16. Her “folksy” crap is insincere and asinine. Jenna has no real core identity. There’s a hole in her soul. And she has no heart.

  57. “Looking to sell a logo today! DM me or visit the link in my profile for more info! All sales help keep this place going and sales are so needed in these times!!”

    Get a job, slob. GFY, Jenna.

    1. It’s no one else’s responsibility to give you “sales,” and shill your shit for free like “Rachel Keane.”

  58. Now she is looking to sell five logos by Sunday. Hooo! I’ll tell you this much for free, this concert is coming at her like a freight train! She is manically trying to make some money. But, no worries, mortgage is all of a sudden completely forgotten. So is the fake foreclosure threat. And let’s not even mention late fees cause y’all know they don’t apply to her.

    1. “This is the last weekend I am offering pet portraits for $50, with free shipping! Hoping to sell at least 5 more before Sunday! Get art, it's cute as hell, and keeps a farm going!”

      This is an example of her manipulative marketing and putting pressure on people to make a pity purchase. Jenna is a disingenuous, despicable cunt and criminal.

    2. Every time she calls her hovel a farm, I see red. Never was and never will be.

    3. Anonymous 8:09. Exactly. We’ve recently driven by her hovel, and it’s continued to look like shit.

  59. “I’ve paid for 2 or the three sheep and almost have enough for the mortgage. Gotta get that, hay, and piglets yet so I’m doing my very best to promote and work my butt off! Thank you for helping spread the word!! And THANK YOU EVEN MORE IF YOU BOUGHT SOMETHING THIS MONTH!!!!!”

    No one cares, cunt. Jenna hasn’t “worked her butt off,” because she still has a fat ass. What a lying, lazy loser. And her hyperbolic caps connote hysterical screaming.

  60. HD. New post please? Thanks.


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