It should be a super busy time on the "farm". What has she been doing? We know what she hasn’t been doing. She hasn't been doing any post-summer clean-up around her shack on the hill. She hasn’t been spending time with all the old friends that got tired of her BS…there are a lot. She hasn’t been dating a new girl. And she hasn’t been writing any interesting quality essays. But really, it’s okay…she shouldn’t worry about it, because nobody really cares what she’s doing anyway. Rehome the animals and you can just carry on.
Jen can’t “take a hint”
ReplyDeletethat her dumb dream is dead.
Wog don’t wanna work
and her days are filled with dread.
All she does is beg
Deletecuz of her "bad" leg
She don't wanna work
Cuz she'd rather be a jerk
Her PayPal...
...put money in it
Her Venmo...
...put cash in it
Do it, do it, DO it...
Or the farm GETS IT
Thanks for doing a duet with my poem. I appreciate it!
DeleteJenna says she cannot pay the rent
Deleteshe hasn't made a mortgage payyyyment!
Well I don't know if all that's true
but she got eyes on your smackerooooooos!
Babe. She wants your money!
All your money!
Jenna says she done run out of hay
she needs donations like yessssssterday!
We've all heard that bell a-ring
she won't stop without that cha-cha-ching!
Hey. You got chump change? You got chump change?
She's got concerts on her mind
she want's your dough, your clams, your Benjamins!
And while she's staying home smokin' dope
she'll never give up re-tweetin'!
Babe. You got chump change? You got fat change?
you got fooooooldin' mon-eh!!!!???
These are brilliant, really!
DeleteJen’s been laying low
Deletesince no one wants her tweets.
But it’s almost time again
to soak her skanky feets.
If Wog's writing, she's lying
DeleteThat much is true
Her treatment of Merlin
Shows she hasn't a clue.
Fell ponies live long lives
Over 30 is common
But oldsters, like seniors,
Have need to be coddled.
With failed feral farmer
He hasn't much shelter
She stopped feeding grain
To keep him more docile.
So, he sneaks through bad fences
Whenever he can
Because he is hungry
And food is his plan.
She tells all he's thirty
And hasn't much time
To excuse her poor care,
Which should be a crime
We see you, poor Merlin
And wish you had gentler
Than a malignant homesteader
Who ought to do better.
On the last thread (or the one before) I asked a question about her Silkie chickens and don't think I got a response. To recap, I had recently heard that Silkies are primarily ornamental chickens...they are not used for meat or eggs. They are basically show chickens. So why did she buy some recently? Are they just for Instagram photos to look cool? And how much did she spend for them?
ReplyDeleteSomeone can correct me if I’m wrong but I think she got them from her caerluna friends and made a point to say how they cost just a few bucks.
DeleteOk I fact checked: she posted the silkies on IG on 2/25.
DeleteShe got them from Caerluna friends.
28 comments on that post ( huge # for her)
Some person responds that this breed has always been a temptation for her.
Jenna replies:
“temptation?! chicks are like $5 woman, get some!“
Person replies:
Aren’t they hard to sex? I’m afraid of having wet muppet babies with our weather.
Chicken expert Jenna replies:
“Oh I have no idea, I bought these as pullets, just eat the boys!”
Jenna, realizing that oops I wrote a book on raising chickens and just responded like a dope, quickly adds in a new comment:
“(Seriously though, I understand the hesitation-who needs another thing to deal with, but they are very good lap chickens. We’re watching a Chinese drama right now.”
Classic Jenna. More mouths to feed for no return. I'm sure the eggs are small, ok for her but not profitable for market. She can put the silkies with the other pets. No farmer I ever heard of would have so many non-income producing liabilities. She can't possibly be making much if any profit on her stuff. It all seems like a pyramid scheme that will come crashing down. Why would anyone buy pork or lamb shares from a farmer that admits she may not be there due to foreclosure threat. Why buy in lambs when she has 3 ewes? So much stupidity!
DeleteAnonymous 6:17. Jenna has learned nothing in over a decade. She’s a failure at farming.
DeleteAlso from the last thread: A discussion on whether a Polaroid photo Jenna posted about planting sunflowers was actually taken on her property. This is the photo in question:
ReplyDeleteI was of the opinion that those buildings are not on her land, and Anon 1:52 found an IG post of Patty's barns that match exactly:
Busted. So why the hell does she lie like this? For the sake of pity donations and potential sales she does shit like this to appear like she is a hardworking farmer. But it's just bullshit lies. I just don't get it.
Her pathological lying is part of Jenna’s defective character.
DeleteYes, that is PP property. Wog has a long history of using photos of other people's properties and animals, with vaguely worded posts that suggest photos belong to HER. She has repeatedly inferred ownership of the 100-plus acres next to her, walking, hiking, riding horses, taking photos and referring to the land as "her mountain". She also published another artist's photo (without credit) to promote her own product; it was a lovely photo of pork chops cooking in a skillet. She reluctantly gave credit after being called out by the actual artist.
Live like fiction y'all (aka lying).
HD - Love the title/comment you made for this thread. So true! I don't smoke weed, but nor do I have a problem with folks who do, as long as they appear sane, and are productive, and are not beggars. But once upon a time I did try it...and I swear, that stuff makes you sooooo damn lazy. Like you really really don't want to do anything. At all. Except eat the entire contents of the fridge. And pantry.
ReplyDeleteWhat I want to know is who introduced her to the Devil's lettuce? Timeline wise, it seems she started smoking it around the time Shannon moved in. Yes? Hmmmm. Doesn't seem to be doing her any good.
Jenna has had multiple addictions for years. I don’t know when she started smoking weed, but it’s definitely contributing to her cognitive abilities declining.
DeleteThere are different strains that actually make you incredibly productive as well. It sounds like you had an indica strain - try sativa. It's energizing and helps with focus and such, and also doesn't come with the munchies as bad.
DeleteOuch! Her ass is still hurt in’ on Twitter. How many days is it now!?
ReplyDeleteWe still have 6 days for her to pout before her monthly “made a bunch of sales and the mortgage is paid!” Post!!
“This farm has never been better!!!”
DeleteThe stupid, “scrappy little lesbian” is licking her wounds after finally realizing that followers are sick of her constant begging, and manipulative marketing for free funds.
DeleteI pity the fool who works for direct deposit!
DeleteI wonder if she wears her hat to bed?
ReplyDeleteConstantly wearing a hat exacerbates thinning hair
DeleteShe took the post down. Wonder why?
DeleteWas the post on Instagram? She probably read the comments here. It’s weird that she wears her hats even inside. Jenna should just be a butch and do a crew.
DeleteYes it was two “selfies” and a post about how she doesn’t have long with this horse so she took him out for a ride to a neighbors pasture, then he galloped and she was happy. Her skin was very rough, like bubbly, and sore and her nose looked like Karl Malden’s, very bulbous. She said sorry for her appearance, she’s been fighting a cold.
DeleteNot sure which horse she was showing since She showed just the mane.
I want to add that she DID have her eyeliner painted on...
DeleteHer selfies are always ugly. Just like Jenna.
DeleteOh, FFS. An older horse who hasn't been conditioned after a winter off, doesn't need lard-a$$ galloping him, because it makes her happy. As near as I can tell, the horses weren't ridden over the winter, and since he's not an important piece of Taylor Swift trash, she spends the bare minimum on him, so no senior feed or nutritional supplements. She's such an embarrassment.
Her makeup never looks natural. Jenna is a try-too-hard with whatever she does. “You can put lipstick on a pig.” But it’ll still be swine.
DeleteI’ve been following her since the beginning and have never seen the top of her head. Maybe she doesn’t have one.
DeleteAnonymous 2:41. I found that funny. It would explain her lack of brains.
DeleteMy wife's a fem and looks hot as hell in a crew cut. FYI "butch" is more of a political identity with respect to gender diversity within the queer / lesbian community. "Masc" I think is the term you were looking for. ;)
DeleteI think Jenna continues to struggle with personal hygiene. It's physically taxing / difficult for neurodivergent brains to process the whole bathing / getting wet / being cold thing, though I doubt she has the self-awareness to understand that and just wants to be "feral".
DeleteAnyway, I think that's why she's wearing hats all the time - her hair likely hasn't been washed in a long while.
It's totally possible it's thinning now, and the hat wearing + not cleansing the scalp would not be making that any better. Oddly, she could be growing and utilizing all sorts of remedies for thinning hair - rosemary to name just one.
Without a partner or an office job forcing her into the shower every couple of days, well, I bet there's a clotrimazole-resistant colony of ring-worm in her sheets.
I've suspected for a while her recent love of foot baths betrays a bad case of athletes foot.
DeleteWiW. With due respect, I meant to use butch in an old school way referring to one’s appearance. I’ve been part of the queer community for decades. And I’m very aware that femmes can rock crews and look hot.
DeleteFascinating that if you look at the major efforts in Wog's faux farm life, you'll see that she almost always has OTHER people do work for which she takes credit.
ReplyDelete*Farm building and repairs: LOL. If any repairs occur, they are handled by others.
*Animal care and husbandry: Too bored and lazy to do more than minimum. Shocking, really, how little time she spends with them. They are social media props.
*Truck/car repairs: not her thing. However, she'll sit in the vehicle, crying.
*Fence repairs: only the barest effort. Look at her gate, held up by baling twine. The most recent $$$ electric fence upgrade was probably done by Shannon.
*Horse driving: barely. The only person I've seen pulling logs with her horse was a "man", friends with PP. FF trotted along, useless as usual.
*Home repair and improvement: laugh. If PP doesn't do it, it doesn't get done.
*Wood splitting and cutting: Nope. Her seasoned and split wood is delivered to her back door and we're to sing praises, because she turns some of it into kindling.
*Gardening: Another laugh. After she split, Shannon admitted to having started her THIRD garden from scratch - the others were no doubt done for LAF Wog.
*Others... Have I missed anything?
PDD. I think that covers it. Good job as always!
DeleteShe's terrified of chainsaws. LOL
DeleteSo I know we all love to know what that completely independent person unrelated to Jenna named “rachel keane” is up to.
ReplyDeleteInterestingly enough, she hasn’t posted since April 18 and in that date she posted a beg for our darling girl Jenna.
Totally coincidentally... I mean who would even guess, that Jenna flounced off Twitter on April 18.
Wow! I’m just plain ol’ shocked! /s
Yeah, “Rachel Keane” has also been keeping quiet. What a coincidence!
DeleteJenna’s other account isn’t fooling anyone who’s smart enough to see that they’re the same stupid person.
DeleteNew begging blog... waaa.
ReplyDeleteAlso her rationalization for Merlin probably looking like a POS. Get him some bloodwork. Get his teeth looked at, idiot!
And, for the record, Merlin is 27 this year - NOT over 30. He is a registered Fell Pony, with a pedigree. You can't lie about his date of birth when facts are readily available.
I took another hit for the team and copied it below. What a lying, lazy loser.
DeleteShe has lost all touch with reality. Untethered.
ReplyDeleteExactly. Jenna is delusional about her lie-style.
DeleteShe’s lost the plot.
ReplyDeleteThe Sewing Tin
“It’s a true spring morning here, a gentle rain is falling outside and it’s just enough percussion to make the birdsong a melody. The phoebes are back, nesting right outside my kitchen window. The maple and birch’s first leaves just started to unfold. They're almost neon, how young they are. In a week I won’t be able to see the road from the house anymore. It will be hidden behind a wall of brush and buds, then become a jungle by mid May. I can’t tell you how much I look forward to that. To this homestead becoming hidden again on the mountain, tucked around a corner where no one can see me until they happen around that turn. It’s been a year of hiding.
I’m going through it.
I don’t know if you can classify it as a midlife crisis. I don’t have this writhing desire for extreme change, travel, romance, or new horse. I feel like growing up Catholic in a conservative home and running away to abandon your parents’ dreams and become a lesbian forest pagan is extreme change enough.
I’ve lived a life. I've driven cross country, twice. I’ve sailed across sounds in British Columbia, hiked the Rockies and Appalachians, lived in cities in the South and forests in the North. I road space mountain and a mustang under the full moon. I followed my dream, lived alone on a mountain for a decade, came out, figured out who I was and owned it. I’ve never had a passport, but for a working-class person I feel lucky to have experienced what I have.
I’m going through it.
I’m not sure what a woman is supposed to want at 40? Or rather, what she’s supposed to have? I know I don't want anything I was supposed to want. A man, kids, a 401k, a career people respect. And women without a husband or kids, there isn't value placed on them, especially in small towns. You become something else, and carry yourself with a confidence you made up.”
“Yesterday, still recovering from the sickest I’ve been in three years, I saddled up Merlin to see if he would still let me ride him. He is not much longer for the world, now over 30 and thinner than ever before. But Merlin thin still looks like an absolute unit next to a regular horse. I knew there wouldn’t be anymore afternoon-long rides through the forest with him, feeling his weight below me as we ran full speed across meadow and trail. But I wanted to know if I could just sit on him, walk down the road. He obliged and I only rode a 1/4 of the time, walking the rest beside him, as we made the quick trip up the mountain to the view of the valley. I let him graze and I sat on the grass. All my clothes are too big now and worn thin. I keep losing weight because I never feel hungry. Merlin and I make a pair, thinner than ever but still too thick for anyone to notice or be concerned. Everyone thinks a draft pony is okay.
DeleteThey say people can’t change, that we always are who we are. People change. My ex changed me, updated my hardware in a way I can’t shake. Living with someone else changed how I saw my entire farm, my life, everything. And what was accomplished with the work of two people had to continue after they left.
going. through. it.
Yesterday after I brushed Merlin and fed him some grain to try and gain back his weight from winter, I got back to work. I make some extra money with a part time job writing scripts and it’s hours of research for cents on the word but it helps. I worked on that, and made oatmeal soaps for a customer. I took breaks to plant some seed potatoes behind the barn, work on the kitchen garden. A few days easier, I spent money I shouldn’t have on flowers, an uncontrollable impulse, not the kind for vases - the kind you can plant from six packs. I just wanted something beautiful and alive to hold.”
The summation: What a crock of crap. GFY, Jenna. And learn how to edit your rotten writing.
DeleteAnd we “can’t believe that anyone still reads” her dumb dispatches. Her asinine attempts to come across as some sage old gal is a total failure.
ReplyDeleteThis comment was in response to the copied portion that’s below. It got deleted due to being too long.
Delete“Yesterday I mended a pair of pants. I used a little sewing kit my friend Katie made me out of a lozenge tin. When I was really sick, earlier this week, she dropped off a little care package with fresh flowers and chicken soup. I had asked her if she had a spare sewing needle, as I couldn’t locate one anywhere and wanted to fix some pants and she made a little tin of pins and needles and embroidery thread. Everything she left in the care package had her thoughtful touch. The blueberry muffins wrapped individually in tissue paper. The notes explaining when to add the tortellini to the soup. The flowers, expertly arranged and fashioned with a bow. The kit looked like she could open a shop selling them on Etsy. She’s a water sign like me. All the ones that still put up with me on a regular basis are water signs.
ReplyDeleteI will say this about 40, there is harmony now. You don’t realize you don’t have it when it’s missing, trust me. You could have asked me at any time in my chaotic and terrified twenties and thirties, if I was living "in balance" and I would have spun off some confident bullshit about following my dream and living with the seasons and my passion for farming, and I believed it and so would you. There was always passion, always determination, always the knowledge that I only had myself to rely on. But there wasn’t harmony. Harmony is the hardest won thing I ever earned.
But now, hoo. After 13 years on this farm I finally feel like my life, the seasons, the animals... our relationships are in sync. There’s a communion and understanding between myself and the land and animals I never experienced before. It's hard to verbalize, but I suppose it has to do with with big picture. When I stand outside, next to my farmhouse, I can see the whole of my land now. I appreciate it like an IV drip. I know every corner of it, the swamps and pond, the lantern-lit path, the places clay can be harvested from the stream. The spots where someone I once loved took me in the early days of spring because if we were very quiet, we'd see a ruby crowned kinglet. I see what I have and it means so much to me, like a scrapbook of song lyrics and conversations I memorized as they were happening. Harmony isn't a practice, it's an acceptance.”
“I wrote back in March, in that gut-punch post, about how I don’t know what is going to happen to me? I still don’t.
DeleteI will spend this summer tending this place. I will garden, struggle with bills, and mow the lawn religiously. I will plant flowers. I will raise pigs. I will try my best to get the most dire situations repaired. I will barely make enough to cover living here, and watch my Instagram feed of peers seeing and doing wondrous things while I sew old pants and weed the potatoes. We all made our choices. At least mine comes with a pony and music by candlelight after dark.
Let me tell you something. You aren’t experiencing a single emotion or thought that hasn’t already been felt in the shadow of the Colossus of Rhodes or some Etruscan street party. There’s no heartache or sadness that hasn’t been shared by a thousand poets and songwriters. People that still feel holding their emotions in is strength, please. You're like a child holding a firefly in your fist thinking you control the dark.
Get your emotions out. Tell the whole world. Feel it all. Make music and journal, do stand up or rap. Paint and sing and write.... get it out. Your emotions can be everyone's business, just make sure your actions, how you actually carry out your life and decision, that’s where restraint is necessary.
Took me to 40 to figure that out.
It’s still raining. I can’t believe anyone still reads this.
I hope you're going though it, too.”
I had to copy her crap in parts, because this platform won’t allow for longer lengths.
DeleteI’m sure that Shannon, her “ex,” gives Jenna zero credit for anything. It’s rude and obnoxious that Wog won’t refer to her by name.
DeleteAnd she’s always bringing up the same stupid comparisons with others who are her “peers.” It’s obvious that she’s seething with jealousy. While they have so much more, Jenna has “old pants to sew,” and “potatoes to weed.” What a “wondrous” way to barely survive.
DeleteI also have two pet horses, two vehicles, a pet goat, three new pet chickens, and an assortment of farm animals.
ReplyDeleteI refuse to get a legitimate outside job (one that pays my bills), and I refuse to get a roommate to split house expenses.
Feel sorry for meeeeeeee.
Your username is hilarious.
DeleteOops nearly forgot. I also subscribe to most premium streaming subscription services, so I can watch first-run shows and movies.
DeleteFeel sorry for meeeeeeee.
Someone call the wahhhmbulance.
DeleteI Can’t Afford Grapes. You’ve succinctly summed up the Cambridge Queen of Con.
DeleteAnon 3:36. Your wahhhmbulance line always cracks me up 🤣
PDD. It also makes me laugh. I wish that it was my original line!
DeleteShe’s never learned how to use question marks and commas correctly.
ReplyDelete4,734 after her “pity poor me” post.
ReplyDeleteI guess that the “hint” wasn’t “taken.”
DeleteWritten by the Feral Fairy, 2017: I'm not gay, but feel free to call me gay if you like. I am queer. A blanket term used by the LGBTQ+ community for the non-straight. I'm bisexual and always have been (that's the B in LGBT), but it took a long time to come out because of my own personal fears and self acceptance issues. I wrote about this in detail on National Coming Out Day over on Twitter. I don't talk about it here because I don't think my sexuality has anything to do with farming, wanting a farm, keeping a farm, or the life I built here. I also have never talked about my dating or sex life on this blog. It's not that kind of blog.
ReplyDeleteexcuse me, WHAT! She's been identifying as a lesbian for years to the point of overcompensating and pitying straight women who are stuck dating the terrible awful no good very bad men!
DeleteSexual identity can change overtime. A person's understanding of themselves can evolve overtime. There's nothing wrong with identifying as bi (my beloved does), it's this classic "I ALWAYS HAVE BEEN". Gurl no you have not! Stop gaslighting your readers!!!! You have been very exclusively identifying as lesbian and dating women and that's okay! It's okay if you want to date men again and your identity has shifted to bi. It's fine! But OMG stop lying!
wait wait wait sorry, I just noticed you said she wrote this in 2017.
DeleteMY MISTAKE. But tbh a part of me is expecting her to pull something like this with her sexual or gender identity - because she co-opts others' struggles as her own in an attempt to sell her story or get people invested to the point they'll buy her stuff or donate.
Her website is gone!!??!!
ReplyDeleteFalse alarm, sorry . Not sure what happened .
DeleteThat was weird. I wonder what happened.
DeleteWell said PDD, I think most of us would love to see Jenna make some positive life changes I think she knows she needs to do something different and is in a deep hole of her own making. If only she could get over her infantile stubbornness and take good advice.
Jenna is incapable of making mature changes and decisions.
DeletePDD. This is the second comment that you’ve recently made giving her good advice. Unfortunately, your wise words would be wasted on her stubborn nature.
ReplyDeleteAnon, you're probably correct. I post occasional advice because I think many of us wish she'd correct her slow-moving train wreck; the animals deserve better.
Excellent advice. Too bad she’ll never take it.
ReplyDeleteI’ll never understand why she thinks getting a job is admitting failure. She’s her own worst enemy.
“The days are gray this week, but the kitchen garden got started, step by step. Potatoes in the ground and started prep on the kailyard. Sheep shearing is tomorrow, and I’ve been updating the blog semi regularly with pretty sordid content.
ReplyDeleteApologies to anyone that read yesterday’s post before I edited it. I’m not a flight risk, just a writer with a lot of feelings on a rainy day.
Beltane is right around the corner, grass is growing in the pasture, and some days are so warm I’m barefoot in a hammock, swaying and praying.
Things always get better.”
She’s only begun “updating the blog” regularly, since we’ve called her out for rarely writing. I don’t see any editing. And “sordid content” is an inaccurate description of her whining. Sure, she’s “praying” for more Venmo donations. Her life will never “get better,” because Jenna is a lying, lazy loser.
Funny, since her flounce on Twitter, the bitch hasn’t been begging. Cue to a “Rachel Keane” stupid retweet.
ReplyDelete“All my clothes are too big now and worn thin. I keep losing weight because I never feel hungry.”
ReplyDeleteRight. What a liar. We’ve seen her around town. And she’s still chunky and obese. I guess that eating a waffle cone for dinner last week doesn’t count as “never feeling hungry.” Poor widdle Jenna with her “worn thin clothes.” Boo fucking hoo. Sell those two tickets and buy new jeans, jerk.
The stupid subtext is always: “Please pity poor me!!!”
DeleteIt’s no wonder why she’s still single.
DeletePoor thin cold hand-shaking (that is totally not withdrawl) Jenna.
DeleteAnonymous 7:14. Jenna would rather whine than work.
ReplyDeleteBrava, PDD.
ReplyDeleteguess she needs new Rag and Bone (I think that is what the name was) jeans again. Of course that would require another "root canal".
ReplyDeleteI almost added the Rag and Bone to my comment above about the jeans. LOL!!!
DeleteEdit: Rag &Bone. Clearly, I’m not a hipster like Jenna. I had to check the spelling.
DeleteIt’s strange how Jenna hasn’t tweeted in a week. Yet her numbers still continue to decline.
ReplyDeleteSo I open up IG and there at the top is a beautiful shot of ewes and lambs on a hillside posted by the original shepherdess. Everything she posts shouts clean and wholesome. Then I look at Jenna’s stories and it’s more TS garbage conspiracies about her sexuality. Even when JW posts pictures of her so called ‘farm’ everything looks shoddy and the animals are filthy, the house is filthy, she looks filthy. Lately I mostly just pass over her stuff. It’s depressing to look at. I can only imagine how depressing it is to live it. As much as I snicker at her falling down life, there is a part of me that feels concern that she has passed the point of no return. Seeing a therapist doesn’t mean you have failed. She easily asks for money and doesn’t consider that shameful then why not seek out a mental health professional - all the cool people have therapists and she is desperate to appear cool. I would bet TS has a whole team of them LOL.
ReplyDeleteSFF, reading the original shepherdess is a true morning pleasure. Her traditional property is old, but she looks after it amazingly well. The house is spotless, the old wooden and stone floors shine, her cooking is light and healthy and she clearly has a relationship with many members of her community.
DeleteAdditionally, her animals are always in good shape. The pens are cleaned, the paddocks aren't filled with sharp burrs / noxious weeds, and she's careful to look after mums and babies during inclement weather - weather, I might add, that isn't nearly as awful as upstate New York winter/spring weather.
When you compare the original shepherdess against the trashy fake feral farmer, it's evident you are looking at a copy of a copy of a copy with FFF. Wog may try to copy the visual appeal of the original shepherdess - but she's never captured its essence nor its heart.
Millenials and Gen z kids are all talking about their therapy sessions openly. Such a change from the 90s / early 00s. The thing about Jenna is she doesn't have the ability to look at herself objectively and think, "maybe I can change my thinking, maybe I should change my behaviour."
DeleteI think she genuinely believes there is nothing wrong with her. You've seen how she retroactively changes the story about herself. If Shannon really left because she didn't want to spend winters in Jenna's house, they would at least still be friends, but nope! Jenna can do no wrong and doesn't need to change anything about herself!
WiW. Exactly. It’s obvious that Jenna is still obsessed with her “ex,” whose name is never mentioned. She’s continued to mention her in dumb dispatches that praise her influence. I’m sure that Shannon wants nothing more to do with Wog. She has zero to offer as an adult.
DeleteEdit: I want to clarify my comment above. Jenna mentions Shannon’s influence frequently, but will only disrespectfully call her “my ex.” Rather than give her the dignity she deserves, and use her real name.
DeleteShearing video on IG in black and white which always makes me wonder what she is hiding. So closely cropped it could be anywhere. Does PP have sheep?
ReplyDeleteand just like that 2 colour photos quickly follow. she must have notifications on this site.
DeleteSFF. HD has said that her IP address is almost always seen on the site’s stats. Jenna must have this blog bookmarked, and refreshes her screen repeatedly throughout the day to see what’s said. Then she rushes to react to our criticism.
DeleteOn IG, fawning screen capture of a glittery Taylor Swift in concert, with caption:
ReplyDelete" >30 days till I'm surrounded by homosexuals singing cruel summer as god intended "
... but you can't afford to buy clothes or grapes. Oh, by the way, learn what the symbol " > " means, ya maroon!
Oh boy is she going to be disappointed- the gay demographic isn’t what she thinks it is. More likely she’ll be surrounded by moms.
Deletei think she’s in such a bubble she doesn’t realize the majority of swift listeners are straight. that’s just math.
DeleteMoms with tweens. And the core swifties that are in their late 20s. Mostly straight. A large slice of trumpers. She will be so disappointed to find herself NOT in the surroundings she has been talking them up to be.
DeleteNow, now. As Jenna like to post ( often) “if a gay person says it’s gay, it’s gay.” Straight people at the concert just don’t know they are gay, just like Taylor!
Deleteomg I lol'd at the >30 days thing. Oh Jenna.
DeleteRachel keane is back on her Twitter and you will never guess what she’s up to! That’s right, promoting Jenna’s work and begging for sales on her behalf. She is a great friend!
ReplyDelete“Rachel Keane” is always on call to promote her odious owner’s products for free.
DeleteJust like we’ve noted above, Jenna’s read the Keane comments, and has already deleted the stupid tweet. Dance little monkey! You’re like a puppet whose strings we pull.
DeleteThanks, Jen! We appreciate you finally giving us proof that “Rachel Keane” is your alias account. If it was another person, then the tweet would’ve remained. You’ve been busted.
DeleteI’ve never known her to go this long without begging on Twitter. Maybe she’s gotten funds from either friends or family. She’ll probably do a marathon after returning.
ReplyDeleteI remember there was a six week period a few years ago where she didn't post on twitter at all. She was just posting more frequently on instagram during that time, as she is now.
DeleteOH and she had it on "friends only" or something like that for a few months.
DeleteWiW. The bitch is back begging with old retweets. As if that’s going to turn her faux farm around, and she’ll suddenly become successful.
DeleteOn IG: Miss can’t afford grapes CAN afford a bunch of lettuce starts. You can grow tons of lettuce from seeds and why would you plant all of that lettuce at once- she is one person and like 20 heads are going to be ready at the same time. So confused. By this “ farmer”
ReplyDeleteJenna is a homesteading hobbyist at best.
DeleteIt looks like the big pig is back begging again. She’s bombarding her fleeing followers with stupid regurgitations of her old crap. She’s deleted the ridiculous “Okay, hint taken” tweet. But we have receipts here for all of her epic failures.
ReplyDeleteThe stupid, “scrappy little lesbian” never learns her lessons in life. She’s sure that her stubborn nature will prevail, and “things can still turn around.” They won’t, Wog. Your dumb dream is dead.
DeleteUnfortunately, her “hint” wasn’t truly “taken.”
DeleteLest anyone thinks our darling should get a job... on IG she has a story about how she does this thing where she listens to a straight male comedian for 15 minutes to see if she can stand them. Only 2/20 has made the cut so far. So she spent 300 minutes listening to comedians to see if she could stand them.
ReplyDeleteShe’s really bizarre and off her rocker. It’s getting worse that she brags about 5 hours spent listening to stuff and begging for money because she needs work.
Shaking my head.
Jenna has no humor herself, so she shouldn’t be judging anyone else’s.
DeleteYeah, it’s very obvious that “she’s off her rocker,” and not behaving like a normal adult.
DeleteA quick Google search of jobs in Cambridge lists a "Sandwich Artist" needed at Subway. Perfect! Or, a Stable Assistant at Chestnut Ridge stable, or sales at Dollar General, or many jobs at Stewarts (whoever that is), or Retail Sales at Cumberland Farms.... Surely a part time job away from the farm would be doable for Jenna? Also there are jobs for help at the Mansion. If she knew how to create websites she could do more work from home, not just logos and pet portraits.
ReplyDeleteYour sage suggestions would fall on her dumb, deaf ears. I’ve said the same thing to PDD. Jenna has a massive sense of undeserved self-entitlement. It’s very obvious that the FFF believes that she’s far too superior to do a menial job. She’d rather whine than work, and be an online beggar.
DeleteAnon, you're probably right.*sigh*
DeleteI do think it's good to offer her constructive ideas and useful information along with satire and critique. In that way, no one could think we're only here to h*** on her.
but her "dream" of never having to take direction from anyone. wah.
DeleteCounting down to “made the March mortgage payment” “ farms never been better” posts.
ReplyDeleteIn addition to buying a bunch of lettuce starts ( much frugal farmer) she had a pick the other day of a bunch of potted pansies in her window sill. Very frugal, doesn’t buy anything.
Did anyone else see that video of the horses posted by pig shocker?? If you stop the frame or zoom in, Merlin looks awful. He's sucked in at the hips, a sign of poor nutrition & care. At 27, he needn't look like this. The mare has lost some of her top line too.
I don't know much about horses but I thought Merlin looked thin.
DeleteI can't really tell viewing the video on my phone, but I've seen other body photos and he could absolutely be doing better, poor guy. not only is he thinner, she has never blanketed him. That's a bare minimum care requirement for senior horses when it goes below freezing, no matter how thick their coats. He's not in the UK anymore, he wasn't bred for the climate he's forced to endure each winter.
DeleteJenna is a sociopathic cunt who uses her pet props to come across as being an authentic farmer. “I put the laughter back in slaughter!”
DeleteThanks for posting the photo to the reddit group. I am so sad to see Merlin like this. My friend has a 27 y/o mare who is in great shape for pleasure riding, fully muscled and glossy. Merlin looks dull and thin. Such a shame, and a waste of what was once a gorgeous horse. I wonder if Merlin's former owner is upset at how poorly he is cared for? As i recall she gave Jenna a break on Merlin's price because she believed Jenna's type of farm would mean he got a lot of special attention.
DeleteOh no, Taylor Swift has been romantically linked to a new man. Whomp Whomp.
ReplyDeleteThat's how you know she's *really* gay. /s
DeleteI saw that about Taylor Swift, and thought that Jenna would tweet about it.
DeleteHe's a grand prix race car driver. Doesn't get more macho than that.
DeleteJenna needs to justify being a lesbian by making famous females gay, too.
DeleteShe has a new blaaaahhhhg post. Lots of ol’ timey tales of sheep shearing. She’s so lucky the sheep shearer could make it to her mountain. ( can you hear my eyes rolling??)
ReplyDeleteThe only reason that she’s regularly writing fairly recently, is a reaction against us calling her out for rarely updating her dumb dispatches. Funny, how she won’t allow any comments like on her old blog, because Jenna knows that they’ll be far from flattering now. She can’t cope with criticism.
Delete4,731 and continuing to decline.
ReplyDeleteMy senior citizen neighbor has more exciting things to tweet about than Jenna, who is half her age, and only has boring begging and non-tent. It’s no wonder why people aren’t following her now.
DeleteIt’s the 30th. Did the March payment get paid? She’s suddenly a paleontologist/ geologist and spending time fossil hunting over the past few days. Amazing how someone who is so desperate for money and claims they will lose their farm... just acts like someone who has a trust fund. Fascinating to watch.
ReplyDeleteShe actually “acts like someone who has” other sources of income, like either disability or social services welfare. There’s nothing wrong with receiving any assistance, but it’s her stubborn silence that’s the issue. Jenna wants people to think that she supports herself solely with sales. It’s a crock of crap.
Delete4,730 now. LOL!!!
DeleteIt’s a slothful Sunday
ReplyDeleteand Jen has time to play.
She’s hunting for old fossils
did you “guys” know she’s gay?!
ReplyDelete“Every table, bookshelf, any area that could be used as a personalized tableau - that’s how I decorate. Especially if the knickknacks are religious and political. What can I say I take after my mom.”
Her mom must be a mess.
ReplyDelete“Got lucky and had dinner on the hill in the last sunshine of the day. How I’m savoring it. Hoo.”
It’s her man hand with fat, filthy fingers, and nasty, gnawed nails. Her “hoo” is like something that a frat brat would say at a football game.
Lol. . THIS is the "preparation" she needed for three ewes:
ReplyDelete"I still get anxious about the preparation. (getting) plywood and extension cords."
It probably took the shearer five minutes per sheep, tops. It's estimated a novice shearer takes 30 minutes. If she's so broke, why doesn't she shearer her own sheep? Maybe she's afraid of scissors and shears 🤣🤣🤣
DeletePS I clip horses, 1200-pound animals who can be terrified of electric clippers and could stomp you into the ground, if not properly handled, so don't tell me she can't trim three sheep.
PDD. It’s the same way that the brave butch is “terrified of chainsaws.”
DeleteSo, tomorrow is May 1, meaning her May mortgage is due and she has until may 15 to pay it. Did she pay March or April? She’s been awful cagey about it. But also, she has a major, MAJOR expense coming up with her trip to Boston including travel, food, hotel, concert themed clothing, the merch she will absolutely positively have to have, and travel back. Don’t forget a farm sitter for two days. My dear friends just went to one of the concerts and they stayed the night before because you have to be at the gate around lunchtime, then gates open early afternoon, pre show is around 6 and they didn’t get to their hotel after the concert until after midnight. So you know she has got to plan on being gone for roughly two days.
ReplyDeleteAny ideas on how all this will happen?
Doesn’t her “ex” Rebecca live in Boston? I assume she is staying with her. Since she never got a girl to take with her with her extra ticket, she said she had a local back up that would drive. It will be interesting how this plays out!
DeleteThe massive enabler, Pember Patty, will probably take care of the faux farm while Wog is away. I doubt that “Becca” is an ex. She’s far too attractive to settle for a lying, lazy loser like Jenna. I think that they’re just friends.
DeleteJenna said Becca was an “ex”. They didn’t date for long though. I think it was in a blog post.
DeleteShe is faffing around her mountain looking at rocks. She is going to see Taylor Swift in a matter of weeks. She TOLD people what she has to offer, she’s GIVEN them a link to donate (PayPal AND Venmo). She has TRIED to sell a fiddle. What more do you want? It’s up to us now to get those bills paid. She’s having fun!
DeleteAnon 3:09 am, you're right - Wog told us many, many times that she needs more money. WE are the problem!
“Still offering this sale. I hope one of you takes me up on it today.”
ReplyDeleteHer stupid sales are another blatant lie. Everything that she offers is never available at a full price. It’s just more manipulative marketing to filch free funds. Jenna is the Cambridge Queen of Con.
Her fake scarcity scam is despicable, and an obvious attempt to pressure people into making a pity purchase.
DeleteHappy dDladdy - daughter duo at Taylor Swift concert. So many parents and youngsters in the crowd!
Happy Daddy - daughter duo at Taylor Swift concert. So many parents and youngsters in the crowd!
Definitely. Lots of parents with small kids, and mid twenties girls with boyfriends. I think Wog will be disappointed because she has been promoting a false narrative about the crowd.
DeleteThe fossils are her new birding and foraging for mushrooms. Squirrel! She is on to something new just like this. Apparently she has found a new fossil today. And all you mean girls wants her to do is try to get a job and worry about folding cash. Duh. This is so much more, how does she say it, dope.
ReplyDeleteShe's lived there for 10 years and never noticed the river stones, now two rock hound posts in a month. I think she's seeing a rockhound, or is trying to catch their attention. She doesn't seem to take up new hobbies otherwise. She's clearly no longer interested in birding (ironic given she's still interested in falconry). She's not interested in learning about the local species flora / fauna for all her talk about camping and hiking.
DeleteOn one hand, again, CLASSIC adhd. On the other hand, we know she has some motivation to do a new thing that is not actual spark of interest / hyperfocus on the thing, but rather a spark of interest in or focus on another PERSON. Whether it's a public figure obsession or a new dating prospect, with Jenna her serial hobbies are driven from outside herself.
She is still doing yoga so she can justify smoking weed I guess? Those hobbies stuck!
When Shannon was living there, Jenna said that she enjoyed seeing her fauxrm through fresh new eyes and that Shannon turned her onto birding. And now that Shannon is long gone, the Pig Shocker is trying to re-live those moments...but this time with rocks. Probably cuz she'd like to throw one at Shannon for ditching her.
DeleteAt least finding rocks in the river isn't costing her money.
ReplyDeleteGas money to get there! And lost time being wasted on driving there and to the library for rockhound books. Get a job instead.
DeleteShe could be working, yeah!
She should be working. YEAH!!
Watcha doin' on yer back, huh?
Watcha doin' on yer hammock, huh? Huh?
You should be working, yeah!
You should be working, YEAH!!
*Boodum dum didden bah dah dah booden dah dum de doo*
(Sorry for the ear worm, but the Bee Gees "You Should Be Dancing" plus "Nights on Broadway" have been in my brain for daaaaayyys). And there is no cure, so you must suffer too.
One more thing I wanna share:
DeleteI discovered this video gem back in late 2020 when we were all in Covid lockdown hell. I had stopped going to gyms because their pricing is predatory and their sign up/cancellation terms were downright criminal. But as a mid-lifer, I still needed exercise.
This video is amazing. The man leading this dance group is exceptional and his energy is infectious. Even if you don't want to get off your booty to boogie, just watching it will bring a smile to your face and warm your heart. And doing this dance will burn a lot more calories than marijuana-fueled Yoga sessions, Jenna. You're welcome.
That's awesome. Even I might be able to do that. Ha!
“Want to support a small farm? I'm offering sales on everything from watercolor sketches to canvas paintings like this coyote. Trying to earn in cash for lambs and piglets on top of regular bills so take advantage of this sale and watch the farm thrive! DM or visit the website!”
ReplyDeleteShe’s back to begging again. No one “wants to support” a lying, lazy loser like Jenna.
And her stuff is almost always on some sort of sale. So any supposed savings are a lie and manipulative marketing.
DeleteCalling “Rachel Keane” to shill her shit for free.
DeleteShe’s “trying to earn in cash” for the concert, and it’s related expenses. But she can’t tell the truth about anything. The weird way that she describes making money is bizarre. No one says stupid statements like “earn in” or “up.”
DeleteEdit: its not it’s.
DeleteShe may not be posting on Twitter *sniff* but she flooded Instagram stories with about 50 (!) time-wasting photos, mostly of Met Gala fashion and a few obligatory TS stories. Did she expect TS to be at Met Gala? Her celebrity stalking is creepy AF.
DeleteShe also took time to denigrate her audience by re-posting a TikTok video of a "clueless woman" with Wog-added caption "Straight people at Eras tour during Muna's set"
She's so fcking arrogant. And clueless. And lazy.
"Trying to earn in cash for lambs and piglets on top of regular bills."
DeleteLambs and piglets = Taylor Swift concert expenses. Cuz why else would someone so close to foreclosure be trying to "earn up" money for animals who might not have a fauxrm to live on? Nothing she does makes any sense.
Anon7, right! She's double-dipping to "earn up" money to buy piglets and lambs even though their purchase was pre-paid by the unfortunates who bought shares.
DeleteAre the lambs for meat shares or wool?
DeleteLong ago, she roped people into buying CSA shares for her wool, only to realize her sheep were crap-for-wool. Naturally, CSA participants paid the price for her ignorance. I'm not sure she ever refunded their money - I remember she fought it.
DeleteWho knows with these. Whichever is cheap or free, I'll guess.
“And if you don't want to buy anything but want to support the revival of the blog on the website, reading there is free per usual; but holy crow is encouragement appreciated:”
ReplyDeleteVenmo: jennawog
GFY, Jenna
“Holy crap,” what a clueless cunt.
DeleteA "revival of the blog" sure, whatever. Gee, whatever inspired her? Was it our comments here about the death of her bleg? Or the upcoming need for a $26 dollar "Shake It Up" margarita at the Taylor Swift concert?
Delete“Full sized electric/acoustic violin for sale. Silvercreek, not perfect but great for travel or small gigs. Asking $200. Comes with carbon fiber bow. Can find a travel case if shipping for a small amount extra.”
ReplyDeletePoor widdle Jenna needs more money for the concert. Her desperation is a total turn-off. That’s why she’s lost even more followers.
Her “hint” wasn’t “taken.” It’s back to being a beggar.
DeleteIf she was serious about selling it she'd advertise it on craigslist like a normal person. Trying to hock it on Twitter and Instagram is just a cry for pity donations.
DeleteAnon7. She’d rather whine than work.
DeleteResponse from Joy: 'and now the electric violin is back up for sale? It might be a second one but originally i was under the impression the one i “ bought” was your one and only
DeleteAnyway, i had to vent……so. Much of what you do i enjoy, but this? It makes me cry'
'Whoa, you put this up for sale a couple of year ago for $400. I sent you the money with the provision that you keep it and play it and never resell it ( or you could send it to me). I even sent you the cash and two days later you said my questioning you offering to take …'
Delete'friends out for a beer when i asked if putting it all towards the mortgage wasnt a better idea and you said “ my question wasnt cool”. Also one of your emailers even questioned me, defending you for taking some “extra cash”to do your own thing and i wasnt a….'
'Better fan of the farm.
I used to. BE such a fan, buying pet portraits, buying other items you put up for sale and buying wool two seasons.
That cash came out of my. Monthly budget, and i was happy to do it to help you. But your off the cuff comment really put me off…'
Of course, the coward has deleted the violin for sale tweet. And Joy’s angry response. But we have receipts here that prove Jenna’s defective character.
Delete4,728 today. She’s lost two more followers. LOL!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd at the same tine she received the most "likes" she's had in awhile for this tweet:
Delete"Been trying to spend less time on Twitter, but wanted to share some May farm happiness."
Usually her tweets receive anywhere from 1-15 "likes" on average. So to receive almost 30 likes for her absence on Twitter should be a mighty big hint for her.
The bitch bought bots again today. She does this whenever her numbers drop too low. We’ve watched her do it for years.
DeleteLaughing my ass off as Jenna projects her lesbian fantasies onto the women at the Met Gala. It’s beyond sad and shows how delusional she has become.
ReplyDeleteFurther, she has no sense of decorum. There are some things that are not for public consumption. She has no clue what comprises good taste or perhaps she thinks she is being provocative. Unfortunately it always falls flat.
DeleteJenna has zero sense of style, any “decorum,” and appropriate behavior. She “projects her lesbian fantasies onto” famous females like Taylor Swift and others. It’s no wonder why she’s still single. And her humor always falls flat on her fake fat face.
DeleteJenna goes out of her way to be “feral” and disgusting. You’d think that she was raised in a cave, rather than the suburbs of Pennsylvania by parents.
DeleteSFF. I don’t see that crap on her Instagram account. Maybe she’s deleted it like her stupid tweets.
DeleteI think she likes the T’s and A’s and pretends to be a fashionista which she certainly lay is NOT.
Delete‘Certainly is not’. Blasted autocorrect
DeleteFrom IG story: "I'll tell you this much for free, based on the kind of Taylor Swift stuff you people send me, I don't think you understand why I like Taylor Swift."
ReplyDeleteI certainly don't. I love music and I really don't get the fervor about Taylor Swift.
Also from IG stories: Look's like Wog's got the prescription for ending bigotry! "What can you do? As an ally, stand up for queer people when you hear people being bigots. Don't tolerate it. Your family, coworkers, strangers -- you don't have to be aggressive. Just clearly saying, "I don't agree with you. This is supposed to be a free country." You have no idea how powerful that is and how the next step is the person either shutting down or doubling down. And if they double down, say, "I said what I said."
ReplyDeleteI think one of the things she likes about IG stories is that you can't tell who put text on an image. So she might be resharing someone else's words or she might have added her own: you can't tell so she gets the credit.