Happy Holidays

I hope everyone (except Jenna) had a lovely Thanksgiving!  And to our Canadian friends a spectacular Thursday!


  1. Happy Belated Thanksgiving to those who celebrated. I'm thankful for all of you - and enjoy your shared parody, laughs and insights.

    WIW, Anon7, HD, Anon, et. al., you crack me up 🤣🤣🤣

    1. PDD. We’ve posted our comments a minute apart. What do you think about Jenna making her account private again. I also appreciate your humor and insights. Thanks.

    2. Edit: Forgot the question mark after “again?”

    3. Yes, Happy Thanksgiving to everyone who doesn't abuse animals!

      And another friendly reminder of how cool it would be if everyone used unique names when commenting! It's super easy: When you hit "reply" an "Enter comment" window pops up, and above that it says "Comment as" -- just click the little arrow and choose Name/Url and then enter any goofy name you want!

      It's helpful cuz it establishes who is saying what. Like the person here who always says, "Her whole life is lies" -- I always wonder if that's the same Anon, or multiple Anons.

    4. “Scrappy little liar”November 26, 2022 at 6:05 AM

      Anon7. That’s me with the lies line. I use it a lot to remind newbies of her history. I’ve had other names here before. I’ll do it again. Good idea. Thanks!

  2. Once again, Jenna’s made her stupid Twitter account private. Did she deliberately do it on Black Friday to hide her begging for more mortgage money and holiday gifts? Opinions are welcome.

    1. Well, she just made enough to pay the October mortgage and buy some more wood. Maybe she figures she is safe for a while to not beg. But I doubt it will last long. If you recall, last time she did this and went back to public, she said she couldn’t keep it private because her sales tanked.

    2. Anonymous 5:29. Thanks for your response. I agree with what you wrote. The “scrappy little lesbian” will be back to begging within weeks. If not days.

    3. No great loss. Her content is boring, mostly she just retweets herself and her grammar and spelling make her sound juvenile

    4. I also think it's due to her posting a particularly brazen begging tweet and not wanting her critics to see. And yes, she doesn't last long going private cuz it negatively impacts her sales.

    5. I follow her and I didn't see anything in particular that was unusually brazen, nor did she give any explanation or even mention going private. May be in preparation for something.

    6. I'm betting she's going into an end-of-the-year-beg-and-personal-fears-frenzy.

      So far, her "crises" haven't worked to collect poodle $$$:

      Broken ankle
      Cracked tooth
      No wood
      Late on mortgage
      Root canal
      Frozen pipes
      Bathroom floor
      Damaged car
      Roof leak
      New hawk
      Sales on art
      Sales on *pre-born* pigs & lamb
      Soap bundles

      ***Meh. Crickets***

      However, what worked in the past was turning up the victimhood, so be prepared to hear about imaginary mean people and stalkers.

      That IS, until she realizes turning off Twitter cuts off the flow of new gullible readers and she discovers increasing numbers of readers check out what people think of her business practices...

      Honestly, it would be easier to do the work and run ethical businesses for once!

      For newbies especially, my reminder that she's not a private individual only; she operates several public businesses and asks for $$$/donations based on her promoted brand as a "feral farmer". Holding her accountable for lies and misrepresentations is akin to holding any celebrity or business accountable for racist, sexist, antisemitic or anti LGBTQ actions.

  3. From the last thread, a link to the Twitter parody account:


    OMG, this is brilliant! I laughed sooooo hard at every tweet. Keep 'em coming!

    1. I'm glad y'all are getting a chuckle


    2. It’s brilliant, yes, please keep them coming. I just checked it again this morning and had a good laugh.

    3. Honestly, it's hard to tell the real from the parody. It sounds exactly like her voice.

    4. Must piss her off that it had a blue check too

  4. Thanks for showing us how to give ourselves names.

    1. OMG, love your name. Anyone else remember when she face-filtered so hard she looked like a praying mantis???

      Shamsters used software to checkout which photos were manipulated, so for a time she took Polaroids of the photos. Hahaha, fun times!

    2. Wait, she seriously took Polaroids of other pictures and then posted pictures of the Polaroids? Polaroid film is not cheap. What a moron and what a waste of time.

  5. Nothing has changed. I remember way back when she would beg incessantly then post pictures of her expensive purchases on Facebook or her blog. Then when people would push back she would tell them it was none of their business how she spent her money, then she would cry poor again.

    If she can afford TS tickets, she can afford to support herself without anyone else's help.

    1. “Scrappy little liar”November 26, 2022 at 2:16 PM

      Jenna’s a lying, lazy loser. She’s stupid and stubborn to her own detriment.

  6. Wog’s Wild Weather TalesNovember 26, 2022 at 1:59 PM

    I christen myself by this name ( or WWWT for short) based on the fact that her weather tales make me nuts since I live close enough to have the same weather and she exaggerates 99.9% of the time.
    Something is up... she deleted two posts she made yesterday. One to sell logos and one with her ugly pet portraits. Maybe somebody called her out and her ass is raw over it again.

    1. “Scrappy little liar”November 26, 2022 at 2:13 PM

      I also noticed that. The coward constantly deletes posts and tweets, only when she’s called out on her crap.

  7. So she’s promoting a Christmas movie on IG. Odd choice for a heathen … or a pagan … or whatever she is pretending to be this week.

    1. Wog’s Wild Weather TalesNovember 27, 2022 at 9:44 AM

      Yes but she is “on brand” by posting how it’s on Netflix ($16.99/month) but please tell us how you can’t pay your bills Jenna!!!

    2. Has anyone here who’s following her on Twitter, seen any stupid new tweets since she “protected” her account?

  8. She’s at 4,745 now, with no new followers. Her numbers keeps declining. It’s like lemmings fleeing.

  9. “The Chippendales Hulu Show is so incredibly good. Do you realize how good it must be, for me, a lesbian, thrilled for the next episode of CHIPPENDALES.”

    No one cares, cunt. The bitch is back with her usual stupid tweets. The attention whore didn’t stay private for even a week. She can afford to pay for pricey streaming services, but moans about making her mortgage payments each month.

    1. Did you know that Jenna’s a lesbian?! She’s never mentioned it before.

  10. “Like bacon? Like small queer farms ran independently by an author trying to write the hardest book of her life? Boy, have I got news for you. PORK SHARES AVAILABLE FOR THIS SPRING'S PIGS NOW!”


    1. “Sure, Jen.”

    2. So she’s trying to use her manipulative marketing now, because of her being a lesbian writer who deserves support. What a bunch of bull. Jenna’s the Cambridge Queen of Con.

    3. It’s dishonest for her to call them “this spring’s pigs” when the only thing happening this spring is possibly purchasing them, if she is still not foreclosed on. She herself said that they wouldn’t be harvested until January 2024. This is false advertising to grab quick funds, none of which realistically will go toward those pigs.

    4. GFA, I agree that's one of the reasons she struggles to sell her spam shares. She doesn't realize what bad optics it is to ask for money for something that won't be available for a year, but at the same time crying monthly that she doesn't have the mortgage.

  11. Monday Moaning:

    “10 pet portraits and 10 bars of soap in the mail today. Hoping to focus on logos and writing this afternoon. Farm is enjoying this splash of warm weather. I got $1200 to earn for a root canal on top of everything else. Goal for today: $200”

    Her stupid subtext is always the same game: “Gimme more money. I’m a lying, lazy loser who makes lists to elicit pity from poodles.”

    1. Your pathetic “goals” are a plea for free funds from followers. And it’s “I’ve,” rotten writer. A “farm” is also an inanimate object, and isn’t “enjoying” anything. GFY, Jenna.

    2. Her grammar is atrocious. Her editor must pull her hair out at such shoddy work.

    3. What always makes me throw up a little is her wrong use of “as soon as”. And she uses that a lot. ‘Soon as” I raise money for this. Soon as I make enough sales. Soon as I whatever.

    4. Monday "Moaning"

      Lol, I see what you did there. Great play on words!

  12. “Good morning!”

    She’s showing off the latest bird victim, that’s trapped against its will in her hovel. Jenna’s going to pay the price for her animal abusing. She can count on it.

  13. coldantlerjenna
    November 28
    Are you local? Do you eat meat? Do you want to help support a small queer farm? Because this farm has the lowest prices on 1/4 and Half shares of pigs and sales are needed going into winter! Secure your share today! 5 left!!

    Wog economics at their finest. And why are sales needed going into winter if you don’t even buy the pigs till spring? That is, if you are still on property.

    1. "wognomics" suggest sales are needed now even if the pigs won't be purchased until 10 years from now.

    2. The lowest prices, for the lowest quality!!

      And what does it matter that these pigs are being raised on a queer farm? What, does her lesbian sweat drip onto the animals and make the meat taste special? Bizarre selling point.

  14. Her Twitter sabbatical lasted all of three days. She is back on public settings.

    1. Mentioned above in comments.

    2. I don’t know why people can’t take a quick moment, and scroll up to see if someone’s already commented on her new tweets.

    3. The problem may be due to the blog layout. If the post in question is the latest/last post, there is a "reply" button but there is also an "Enter comment" box below that. If you mistakenly choose "Enter comment" it creates a whole new post and doesn't show up as a reply to the above post. I've made that mistake many times.

  15. enna Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈 Retweeted

    Jenna Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈
    Nov 26
    The Chippendales Hulu Show is so incredibly good. Do you realize how good it must be, for me, a lesbian, thrilled for the next episode of CHIPPENDALES.

    Really, Jen with the bad optics? Tell me again, while you stream Hulu, how you can’t afford your mortgage or feed for your animals, or firewood for your boutique stove.

    1. Mentioned above in comments.

    2. None of my lesbian friends watch The Chippendales. Just sayin …. Talk about mixed messages. The girl is clearly confused - I’ll tell you that for free.

    3. I'm actually surprised she's relating the two things. There's plenty of shows I, a queer, watch that are heteronormative. They need to be good but not necessarily better than the queer shows I watch.

    4. She acts as if being a lesbian now is her defining personality trait. The same way that she’s bragged about being a writer, artist, farmer and falconer. It’s very immature and juvenile. Just like Jenna.

    5. She has no definitive personality. She assumes whatever ‘persona du jour’ will garner attention. She is a chimera.

    6. She has Hulu, Netflix, HBO, and Amazon Prime Video. She also subscribes to podcasts and has/had sponsored Patreon accounts.

      Hulu and Netflix alone are about $30 a month X 12 months = $360 a year. Yet she never has her mortgage money.

  16. “Hey! You like books? Because I’ve published a few and you can order signed and personalized copies of all of them from my local independent bookstore”

    No one cares, cunt. You’re a rotten writer whose fleeting, faint “fame” has faded. Now, you’re a lying, lazy loser.

    1. The “scrappy little lesbian” continues being a beggar. Rather than getting a stable job to support her fat ass. Jenna prefers free funds from followers.

    2. She overuses her always annoying and stupid “Hey! You like…” to shill her shit. It’s more of her manipulative marketing, and unprofessional business practices.

    3. Four out of those five books are MEMOIRS. What kind of douche writes a memoir before the age of 50? Much less four?

  17. “He knows he looks good.”

    Which is more than she can say about her unattractive appearance. She’s showing off her latest trapped bird victim again. Wearing the usual smug smirk on her fake fat face with pudgy potato nose. Her ugly, dirty man hands are repellent.

    1. It’s no wonder why she’s still single.

    2. As tragic as her appearance is, I believe it's her overbearing obnoxious personality that's the true turn off. Just click on any of her YouTube videos...she comes across as a mouth breathing know-it-all who can't wait to tell you how much she hates Hates HATES working.

    3. Ooh, Anon7, SO tempted to steal "Mouth breathing know-it-all" for my next ID.

      Someone should.

      And you're correct. It's her insufferable personality and need to demonstrate her superiority in all things, except for the times when she:
      * hides (when faced with physical labor)
      * cowers (at imagined boogeymen) or
      * cries/is terrified of repairs or any sort of grown-up responsibility.

  18. WOg’s Wild Weather TalesNovember 28, 2022 at 1:29 PM

    A lot of hawk abuse on SM today! One might think that Jenna doesn’t really need money to pay for the mortgage, Multiple streaming services, cell phone, TS tickets, 2 cars, lesbian romance books, and a $1200 root canal. She seems to have a lot of time on her scrappy hands and I don’t see a whole lot of hustle other than a few recycled begs. Can’t wait for a few weeks from now when we will see the tweet “paid the mortgage, paid for root canal” this farm is in the best shape ever”

    1. I must reiterate, why is that bird inside the house? She also posted the hawk with a dead animal with the comment ‘he’s killing it’. Of course he is and he was already doing that for himself without her help. Her hubris knows no bounds.

    2. Jenna will pay the price for her animal abusing. She can count on it.

    3. Wait a sec...the price of her many root canals has ALWAYS been $1,000 to $1,200 according to her. Yet she just announced that she found a cheaper dentist:

      "I found a dentist that charges $500 LESS for root canal!"

      So wouldn't she only need to "earn up" just $500 to $700 for this supposed root canal? Yet here she is, asking for $1,200. SMH.

    4. Wog’s Wild Weather TalesNovember 29, 2022 at 3:22 AM

      I paid $1000 for a root canal about ~12 years ago. I went to an endodontist because my dentist did not do root canals. Who knows if anything she says is true!!!! Sell more 5 ingredient soap Jenna! But only for the next 4 days because for some reason she put a time limit on her soap sales... even though she begs year round 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

  19. “Are you familiar with this picture of Taylor Swift or are you straight?”

    The lonely and stupid “scrappy little lesbian” is scarily obsessed with her teen twat crush. “13/14 year-old Jenna would be so proud and relieved” that she grew up to be a middle-aged moron trapped in an obese body.

    1. 13 is the magic number. It's how old she was when she stopped growing emotionally. And it also happens to be...*drumroll*...Taylor Swift's favorite number. Feel free to puke.

    2. Talk about a bad case of arrested development.

  20. Found a perfect example of why the Pig Shocker doesn't sell as many pet portraits as she would like. Her work is half-assed as she doesn't even try to center the animals. Check out this link:


    Top row; left to right: Dog.is off center by a lot with only an inch of space on the left side. How are you supposed to frame that? Turtle is a bit better but still not centered. Cat is also off center and is ugly as hell.

    Bottom row; left to right: This cat is really bad, as it's ear is less than a half inch from the top, thus making this one not frame worthy. Dog is the worst as both it's ears are at the top of the paper and it's also totally left of center...seriously unframeable. Cat is also not centered. Why?

    According to her, all these portraits were for the same person. And if I were them, I'd be totally pissed to be sent a bunch of useless artwork. Seriously, how fcuking hard is it to pencil in an erasable boundary and draw inside it? She could do that...but she just doesn't give a fuck.

    1. They are all also very similar. As if drawn from a template.

  21. Just LOVING all the new names up above! Goat farmer anon, Scrappy little liar, Slim face filter, Wog's Wild Weather Tales.


  22. “Falconry is magic and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.”

    Nah. “Falconry is imprisoning another bird victim, which will be used as a pet prop, to prove that an ugly fat ass is authentic.”

    1. It won’t work, Wog.

    2. Jenna’s a selfish, insufferable cunt. This hawk already knows how to hunt. It’s always about her big ego, and need to be an arrogant, attention whore.


  23. Jenna Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈
    If I sell a pig today I could make my November mortgage and go into December not behind on this farm’s payments for the first time in 8 years. Please share and consider paying for a farmer to fill your freezer and not a factory

    If you have been behind on the mortgage for 8 years then it is time for YOU to reevaluate your life. It’s not time for ME to buy a pig that hasn’t been born yet. She really is out of her mind!!!

    She claims sales have been brutal but she’s seems to be fine playing with her imprisoned hawk all day!!!

    1. “Scrappy little liar”November 29, 2022 at 6:42 AM

      “Live like fiction!” While others pay for her lie-style.

    2. Jenna doesn’t deserve to have a home.

    3. So now she hasn’t been solvent in 8 years? I thought “this farm is in the best shape ever and caught up!”- as reported by her several times in the past when she had a windfall of cash via stimulus, Shannon, etc.

  24. Tuesday Trauma:

    “Good morning from Cold Antler Farm. Up since 5:30, chores are done, fire is lit, on cup of coffee 17, and starting the workday. Hoping for better luck with sales, it's been brutal, but I remain optimistic.”

    Boo fucking hoo. You’re a lying, lazy loser. GFY, Jenna.

    1. So she had orders for 14 pet portraits and another set of however many for a single person, and yet sales are brutal? Which one is it? How often does she think the same small pool of people will buy yet another pet portrait?? If she really sold 14 plus 6, I’d say for her type of product, sales are booming 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️

    2. “Scrappy little liar”November 29, 2022 at 10:11 AM

      Anonymous 8:00.
      One can’t be both victim and victor at the same time. Her whole life is lies.

  25. “If I sell a pig today I could make my November mortgage and go into December not behind on this farm’s payments for the first time in 8 years. Please share and consider paying for a farmer to fill your freezer and not a factory!”

    It’s more of her manipulative marketing. Jenna’s trying to force followers to feel pity for her plight. Maybe she shouldn’t have spent her mortgage money on pricey concert tickets.

    1. If she’s been “behind” on making mortgage payments for almost a decade, then it’s clear that Jenna’s a fucking financial failure. The fact that she admits it is shameful.

    2. “This farm” is a joke in the Cambridge area. Just like Jenna. Locals loathe her. And they consider her a personal parasite who only wants to use people for free.

  26. Recently, I looked at one of FF's more recent fans. Seems to be a sweet person. Thinks FF knows what she's doing. Perhaps idolizes her a little bit. 😂😂😂

    First, she LOVES LOVES LOVES the books and the scribbled portrait of her three animals. And, Anon7, she doesn't need to worry about centering and framing y'all because it looks like she stuck the drawing to her wood paneled wall with tape (ewww).

    Second, er, I dont think she's very practical. She wrote: "Real question here but how do you get your mailman to pick up the letters you want to mail??? We don't have a little flag to raise on our mailbox and he never takes my letters!!"

    Wow. Faux farmer's a g-d genius! Lol, if faux farmer can rope more of these chuckleberries into her web, she'll be rolling in $$$.

    PS how come the pet portraits all look the same? I swear she prints them out and draws or colors over the lines. I honestly can't tell the difference anymore.

    1. My question is, if she has a fine arts degree why can she only work in one style? What if I wanted a portrait that actually looked like my pet?

  27. Jenna's begging ways aren't limited to folding money. I would bet the "farm" that she is using other people's passwords for Netflix, Hulu, etc...

  28. “A girl and her bird”

    Nah. It’s “A pig and her pet prop.”

    1. Chunky is really rockin’ those too tight cheap jeans, and baby barf colored pleather jacket. Jenna has no sense of style.

  29. The only thing “going down” in her life is the decrease in followers: 4,741.

  30. It appears she is going for the Indiana Jones look in her latest picture in her pleather "stuff".

    1. She looks like a fat, stuffed potato.

    2. Do you ever notice that in pics taken straight on, her face is sculpted with an almost pointy chin but side shots show her jowls and doughy face. Like she thinks no one will notice. Of course the shadow around the jawline is a tell and yet she brags about being at peace with her ‘sturdy’ body. Sorry darling’ you can’t have it both ways.

    3. Another thought. Has anyone seen a genuine smile from her. Most people smile with their teeth showing and the smile shows in their eyes. She seems incapable of any real joy. Why is that?

    4. Jenna isn’t “genuine” at all, she’s very disingenuous. Her smug smirk is who she is in real life. And we’ve met her many times in person. Her fake fat face without filters is dumpy and “doughy.” She’s repellent on every level, and a lying, lazy loser.

    5. The only “joy” that Jenna has is mooching money from followers. She’s incapable of normal emotions.

    6. Agree there. I don’t give two shits about Cold Antler anything but I find her an interesting specimen of sorts. Trying to figure out what makes her tick is fascinating since she changes personas like we change our socks. It’s like watching a train wreck - you just can’t look away.

  31. Anon 509: WIW here. I will again trot out my theory that Jenna is profoundly neurodivergent. I say this as a neurospicy person myself, with my wife of 15 years having been diagnosed with "severe" adhd. For reference most moderate-severe adhd people cannot hold a job.

    The facial expression thing tracks. There is considerable overlap between autism, adhd, and identifying as queer / gay / gender diverse. Common traits are not smiling or being able to conjure a realistic smile intentionally. The face muscles just can't make it happen. I think this is why Jenna rarely smiles in posed photos or smirks.

    I reiterate my previously stated point - Jenna should be getting actual diagnosis and treatment, working on coping skills and self improvement as indeed nearly everyone does. Ignoring her disfunctions in favour of lying to thousands of people online and in print is no excuse of any valid disability she may have.

    1. Thank you for that analysis. It makes sense her behaviour. I did a deep dive into her so called website/blog. So much possibility there but it’s full of grammatical errors, the worst of which is the way she changes tenses mid sentence and often leaves words out. It speaks to lack of attention to detail (proof reading) which tracks with your theory. Also the fact that it is so rarely updated with new content. It also leads one to believe that she receives some sort of financial assistance. It’s impossible to live on her stated sources of income from such a small scale operation. She charges a pittance for her little drawings which tells you how little value she places on her work. So very sad.

  32. Reminder that we got a scary bank letter alert from Jenna just ONE MONTH ago!

    In that time Jenna has claimed to have made a mortgage payment, bought all winter hay and wood, plus $900 concert tickets.

    Shows the scary bank letter and dental pain scams still goose sales on yet to be conceived pigs and lamb now apparently.

  33. Y'ALL!!! She sold NEXT YEAR'S pigs in October and is selling THIS SPRING'S pigs now!!!


  34. “Scrappy little liar”November 30, 2022 at 6:18 AM

    It’s Wednesday Whining now
    and what will “Woke Wog” say?
    Maybe she’ll mention mortgage
    and brag about being gay,

    1. good little poem right there!

    2. “Scrappy little liar”November 30, 2022 at 11:48 AM

      Thanks! I appreciate it.

  35. Oh, no! Not the pizza picture again. Sheesh, a food artist she is not. Nor any sense of how to make a home inviting to look at. Yuck on both. Isn't she supposed to be artist?

    1. Her pan pizza looks like puke.

    2. I’ve been in her home before. It literally, stinks, just like Jenna. Her hovel is a hokey collection of crap from the dump. The decorated trophy heads are awful, and a disgraceful message.

    3. On the subject of food, she should retire the picture of bacon that she trots out on Twitter ad nauseum. The lighting is terrible (too orange) and the fat to meat ratio leans heavily on the fat side. Who would buy something like that?

    4. SFF, I agree. Maybe it's a stolen photo, and she can't resist using it. I know she's previously used unauthorized photographs to promote "her" sales - and without attribution to the creators. In one case, she got caught and the royally ticked-off photographer confronted her publicly.

      She certainly puts the faux in farming.

    5. I didn’t think that the photo may not have been taken by her but I guess it’s possible. My point was who would buy bacon from her based on that photo.

    6. Who would buy anything from the Cambridge Queen of Con?

    7. I seem to remember there being a need for clarification on her blog or Twitter years ago when she first posted what I think was this exact photo. She got called out. She had to go back and eat crow and admit that she did not take it. I could be wrong, but the story pops up in my mind every time she posts the bacon photo, so I am thinking that was the one.

    8. GFA. I recall that, too. Yet she’s still using the fake pic. And trying to imply that it’s her bacon. She should put either a disclaimer or credit on the photo for clarification.Jenna’s a lying, insufferable cunt.

    9. The whole point is, it’s a really shitty photo. Why not take a decent shot with the cellphone she claims not to have. Oh wait, she finally copped to having one, right?

    10. SFF. Jenna owns a pricey iPhone now. Only the best for the sociopathic scammer.

  36. Wog’s Wild Weather TalesNovember 30, 2022 at 2:04 PM

    WWWT here reporting Live from a location not far from our fauxmer Jenna. The weather right now is rainy and windy with a temp of 47 degrees.

    NOT a light snow like she would have her IG followers believe by her most current post of a pony in the snow. If you post a pic on IG that is old you really should say so!!

    1. “Scrappy little liar”November 30, 2022 at 2:55 PM

      Her whole life is lies.

    2. Speaking of old animals, is there any sign of Gibson? But how would we know since she recycles content weekly.

    3. Cue to old pic of Gibson to refute your comment.

    4. My thoughts exactly. She’s nothing if not predictable.

    5. “Scrappy little liar”December 1, 2022 at 5:42 AM

      Jenna’s a regular reader here. I’m sure that she refreshes the bookmarked site several times a day. If not more. We’re her foe not fan club.

  37. This is for anyone new here who wonders why this site exists:


    1. I also want to add this information. Meredith’s blog has more posts on CAF if you search for them. Jenna’s been doing the same kind of criminal crap for years. She needs to be held accountable for her actions. And pay the price for abusing animals. Plus, ripping off people for free funds.

  38. No mention of her "monthly root canal" either.

    1. It's like she hit the "Subscribe" button on a website for rotten teeth.

      And yeah, funny how she is now silent about her latest lie.

  39. Thirsty Thursday:

    “Good morning! Here’s a cat!”

    Riveting non-tent, twat. Now, it’s back to begging about her being behind in making mortgage payments. Like each and every month. “This farm’s never been better!!!” Lying, lazy loser.

    1. I don't know if "non-tent" is an established phrase or if you coined it, but it's a brilliant descriptor to describe any and all things to do with Jenna and CAF.

    2. Anon7. I can’t claim credit for “non-tent.” I read it on a Reddit sub about Hillary Baldwin. The bitch uses her kids as porn props, because her breastfeeding is perverse, and she’s even greedier than Jenna.

  40. Hey, filthy faux farmer, AGAIN with sketchy old photos??? Don't you owe it to your panhandled public to at least show them present-day photos?


    1. Lol @ panhandled public -- they are too stupid to notice. Jenna is pure greed X minimal effort X maximum stupidity.

  41. enna Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈
    Want to simply send some Yuletide cheer? My venmo is jennawog. Support a small gay farm and send a little cheer! It'll go towards the November Mortgage! Thank you and Happy Holidays!

    No thanks!

    1. I’d flush my money down a toilet before giving that lying, lazy loser a penny.

    2. This greedy tweet sums up what she wants. It’s free funds from followers for doing nothing.

    3. Send a little cheer = send weed money. Nah, sis.

    4. She reminds me of that old Dire Straits song:
      “That ain’t workin’ That’s the way you do it.
      Money for nothin’ and your chicks for free “ 🤪

    5. What a total loser, begging for money for nothing. She has not written a legit blog post since July. She pretty much only tweets about Taylor Swift and hot social topics. But still wants people to pay her. For what?!? For being queer and having useless furry props?

      Kinda tempted though to make a Venmo account and send her like .86 cents. Imagine her excitement upon receiving a payment notification, and then her disappointment in seeing it's just eighty. six. cents. Lol.

    6. Send her $0.02 with advice in the note!

    7. I sent her a holiday card a few years ago with a “big check mark” where cash could be put. I’m sure that she appreciated it!

  42. Here’s her big beg that we’ve been waiting for.

    “Here's a CAF Holiday Gift Guide! All sales help keep a single queer farmer on her farm, which I've to pull off this last decade as a self-employed farmer and freelancer! Everything I make and the ONLY way I make income in this thread! DM for info or visit…”

    GFY, Jenna.

    1. “Sure, Jen.” Tell us once again about being a “single queer farmer.” It’s very obvious that your faux farm is a fucking failure. You’re an insufferable cunt. I hope that your holidays are horrible.

    2. Her stupid syntax is stumbling like she’s doing day drinking, and smoking weed again. Jenna’s far from being sober.

    3. There’s no way that she’s been staying sober. All of the evidence proves otherwise.

    4. She posted yet another video clip of her at the brewery. And even if she ordered something non-alcoholic (which I doubt) she is still spending money she doesn't have. Money for a drink, gas money to get there...and she still hasn't made the November mortgage. Sorry, but if you have to beg for a living you shouldn't be out spending any money on luxuries. It sucks, but it's what smart and honest people do.

  43. “Logos are designed here at the farm on a desktop Mac. I have my BFA in design and worked for several corporations as a professional; designer before I went feral. Flat rates, unlimited revisions, buy now for 2023 work and it's half rate.”

    You’re “feral” and filthy. It’s no wonder why you’re still single.

    1. She forgot to say she was gay in that post. I almost forgot.

    2. what she's gay? How would you know? Anyway if you want anything after tomorrow you can't get it anyway. All the stuff had to be in by Friday according to her, you know since she is so busy.

    3. Wog’s Wild Weather TalesDecember 1, 2022 at 3:10 PM

      Oh darn you are right! Well my direct deposit won’t be available so I guess I will miss out on the wares She produces as a gay single woman on the side of a mountain with no help OR job. Oh well for me!!

    4. "Flat rates, unlimited revisions, poor kerning, sloppy detailing, and chance of a lawsuit since I steal copyrighted art and make zero to minimal changes!"

  44. Here’s a thought. Is it even legal (we know it’s not ethical) to beg for money online when you are not a registered charity? Selling crappy goods is one thing but straight out begging surely is beyond the pale.

    1. Good question. I would wager that it probably is, since GoFundMe is a thing. But then there might be tax issues. Hmmm...

    2. Wog’s Wild Weather TalesDecember 2, 2022 at 3:32 AM

      Her begging and asking for free funds is what sent me searching for more info on JW years ago. Was so glad to find like minded people who thought “this doesn’t add up”.
      If you need money for things whether needs or wants, you work. If you don’t make enough, you work more/ get a different job. A lot of people (actually only ones that don’t want to work) act like this is a “boomer” idea or that life is too great to have to work. It’s just reality and common sense. If Jenna wasn’t begging and crying everyday all day on SM and just taking care of her life, very few people would care about her TS purchases.

      Her latest post on IG is that she is looking forward to a snowstorm. As a local, there are no snowstorms in the forecast for the next couple of weeks. Also, mark my words, if the snow does fly, there will be posts about how she has to dig herself out as a single queer farmer with no partner or job.

      Also, my two cents that as a local that most people people have snow removal at the top of their list of things to make sure is taken care of. You either have a snowblower, plow or hire out if you can’t do it yourself and people help each other out. When snow hits, people with snowblowers or plows also help each other out and you get a “ feel” for who needs help. If none of the men who supposedly help that delicate damsel in distress for things all year aren’t swinging past her house and plowing out the end of her driveway ( at the very least) then she must be problematic in town!!!

      Who knows, maybe someone does plow her out OR she could find a plow at the dump? But then she can’t say “ my strong bear body shoveled 3 ft of snow today. I love this body!!”

    3. Nailed it, WWWT. Weather forecast for next 10 days is 40s-50s during the day, so even if she has snow, it will melt away.

      And you are spot on about the importance of snow removal. We are ready for it. However, she's never prepared and she's never "helped" which says a lot. Shockingly, if you look at her photos, you'll see she does the *bare* minimum after snowfalls.

      IF she shovels to the barn, the path is one shovel-width wide. She never shovels towards the crap horse shelter, so the old horses must trudge through snow to eat because LAF tosses hay over nearest fence.

      Maybe she shovels enough to get out to the road, but dont count on it. She doesn't live on the side of the mountain, folks, she lives alongside a state road so there's no long driveway to shovel.

      For someone who boasted that her horses were her pickup truck, she's done fcuk-all with them, except for rare pony rides when she wants to show off.

      Off season, she doesn't exercise them, doesn't train them and hasn't hitched them for anything useful, like snow plowing or actual wood hauling (not pretend hauling for an audience).

      Gosh, if somehow she was able to access the Internet, she could find plans for building a horse-drawn snow plow...or perhaps a horse-drawn wood skid (laugh - her pre-seasoned, split firewood is delivered 20 feet from her house).

  45. “Please share below if you think it can reach folks that may be interested in meats, soap, or art. Getting sales has never been harder, and every RT helps make one possibly happen”

    GFY, Jenna. It’s no one else’s responsibility to shill your shit. Get a job, slob.

    1. If it’s “never been harder,” stupid, then what you’re doing isn’t working out.

  46. “Are there other lesbian falconers out there?”

    Poor, lonely little Jenna is stupidly screaming into the void again. The attention whore is trying to get a date. But no one of merit wants a lying, lazy loser like Jenna.

    1. Wog’s Wild Weather TalesDecember 2, 2022 at 10:49 AM

      Why does it need to be a lesbian falconer? She is so stunted and weird.

    2. It’s two hours later, and there are zero responses to her stupid tweet. Not even one lone “like.” LOL!!!

    3. Jenna acts as if being a lesbian is the defining trait of her whole pathetic existence.

    4. There’s still no replies. I find it funny when Jenna’s ignored.

    5. No one cares, cunt. Jenna’s never learned how to read the room. It’s ironic that she gets more attention here than on any of her other accounts. Albeit it’s negative.

    6. Seven hours later and still nothing. Guess that Jenna can’t find any lesbian falconers that will respond to her stupid tweet.

    7. 20 hours later, and still nothing. LOL!!!

  47. She’s on IG looking for queer falconers and asking her foolowers to help her find some. Maybe they are all out working for a living instead of begging on line for 5 minutes and then posting vapid crap all over SM all. Day . Long. Instead of paying bills!!

    I’m a little older than her and in a relationship but I will say that at this stage in life there is no way in hell I would have anything to do with a partner who doesn’t work and doesn’t pay bills! Nope, no way. People don’t want to live “feral” Jenna!!!

    1. Exactly. I agree with what you wrote. Jenna’s a personal parasite. She’s a liability not an asset.

    2. I also want to add that Shannon dumped her fat ass, because Jenna won’t work to support herself like a normal adult. Her “Live like fiction” fantasy lie-style is a crock of crap. She offers nothing in a relationship but draining someone’s resources.

    3. Surprised she's not seeking a wealthy queer falconer. Cuz you know that's her dream trifecta. The BEST thing the Pig Shocker could do for herself is make getting a job her top New Year's resolution.

  48. Run don’t walk to IG stories and see the picture she posted of her self lounging, smoking a pipe with that poor hawk on her arm in her living room. Disgusting person!!! Bragging about being a hobbit. Awful!!! Repulsive!!!

    1. What the actual fuck is that supposed to be? I have no words …. Wait, yes I do REPULSIVE.

    2. I honestly think she has finally lost her shit

    3. Are you able to open that image in a new window and then post the link for those who don't have an IG account?

      Also, you aren't supposed to smoke around animals. Certainly that is a violation of falconry rules?

    4. I think you can go to instanavigation.com and type in “coldantlerjenna”. She liked the picture so much that it is the first pic on her grid!!! I love that some dude named Kurt responded “pretty 🔥”.

      Like sir, Jenna is looking for lesbian attention only, go sit back down with your hobbit foot fetish!!!

    5. Wog’s Wild Weather TalesDecember 3, 2022 at 6:11 AM

      Jenna woginrich is really loving her hobbit pic. Now it’s on Twitter!!

      nna Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈
      The sooner you stop perceiving me as a woman and start accepting I’m a Hobbit the more sense I make. Like as a concept.

      She really wants some responses for this since this is the third time she’s posted it on SM in the past 12 hours!!!

    6. She’s just posted that repellent pic on Twitter. Yeah, tell us what a femme you aren’t, butch. Her hobbit fetish and fat feet are gross. Wearing a hat inside looks stupid, too.

    7. Here’s what we think about you. “Like as a concept.” You’re a lying, lazy loser who’s ugly inside and out. You’re also an animal abusing, sociopathic scammer who has no conscience. That hawk is another poor bird victim, trapped against its will in your filthy hovel. You’re an insufferable cunt.

    8. She always wears hats to hide her hair. It’s thin and lank. Too bad that Jenna doesn’t do anything about her bad brows.

    9. The rotten writer can’t even use commas correctly.

    10. Did her dogs take the ick pic? Jenna lives alone now. Maybe Moronic Miriam, her photographer friend, did it.

    11. Jenna’s not hot.

    12. Anon 5:44, thanks for the instanavigation link. I scrolled through her posts and the Nov 25th one is a beaut 🤣 If you enlarge the photo, you can see the lines where she "slimmed" her face. It works particularly well on a large screen. And in her truly incompetent-graphics-designer fashion, the photoshopping work is sloppy.

  49. Replies
    1. Her “hobbit” fat feet are hideous. Like everything else about Jenna.

  50. MORE POSSIBLY STOLEN CLIP ART: On Instagram she posted her CAF Holiday Gift Guide and pic #5 is a logo for Whippoorwill Farms Honey that shows a black and white bee that shows up as one of the first results on Google images. And it's clearly marked "Honey Bee $20 Creative Market" -- so it ain't free.


    The logo:

    Being that she is only charging $100 for a logo, do you really think she spent $20 to legally procure that art? Also, she did nothing but reverse the image, everything else is the exact same. Hope those Whippoorwill folks are enjoying their low effort logo!

  51. Also on that IG post she wrote this about her spam shares:

    "I charge one flat fee and price INCLUDES professional traveling butchers- no@pig ever ends up in a slaughterhouse from this farm."

    Uhhh...didn't this heartless wench once brag that she put the laughter back in slaughter? Oh yes, she sure did.

    1. Only a sociopath could make that statement.

  52. Conspiracy Theory:
    I think “Rachel Keane” is an alias for Jenna. Her entire Twitter is retweeting every freaking begging tweet that Jenna makes!! There are a few other retweets sprinkled in but it’s basically a “buy Jenna’s shit” account. Very weird!!!

    1. Could you please link to the account? Thanks!

    2. There are several Twitter accounts under that name.

    3. Here’s her account: https://twitter.com/rachelkeane72

      She looks like another stupid, sycophantic supporter who could have a queer crush on the filthy feral farmer.

  53. Poor, desperate little Jenna. She’s relentlessly retweeting her obnoxious big beg. Guess that no one wants to give the big pig any mooching money.

  54. I think her mental health is seriously deteriorating. What 40 year old functioning adult finds delight in presenting herself as a fictional character living in ‘the shire’. She really seems to have lost touch with reality. Her family needs to step in and get her into counselling along with some financial management advice.

    1. SFF. I think that her family knows that Jenna’s too stupid and stubborn to ever get treatment. Her “Live like fiction” fantasy lie-style has become her “hobbit reality.”

    2. Here in Canada you can have a person committed (involuntarily) under the mental health act. If this is what 40 looks like what is 50 going to bring if she continues her downhill slide. So many red flags here.

    3. Jenna’s been begging and scamming for years. She had no need to change. And it’s obvious by her pathological aversion to getting even a part-time job, that she’d rather hold her hands out for help.

  55. HD. Could you please start a new post? Thanks.


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