Noun…. success or failure apparently brought by chance rather than through one's own actions. "it was just luck that the first kick went in". As Jenna would say, "For the last 8 quarter decades " I have issues with the term luck. So of course this is one of her favorite words. My main glaring issue is that I don't believe in "woo" and woo is all up in Luck's business. Mostly when someone tells me I'm lucky I am immediately offended. That one word wipes away all of my thought and effort put into a situation. I'm lucky I got a good grade on the test. God or whatever made it happen. It had nothing to do with me dragging my carcass out of bed every morning to get to class, or listening to the prof, or taking notes, or working to understand the material, or studying, or going to sleep early the night before, etc, etc. Nope….just luck. So, when Jenna says to wish her luck or if she's lucky she'll make a sale … know mayb...