
 success or failure apparently brought by chance rather than through one's own actions.
"it was just luck that the first kick went in".

As Jenna would say, "For the last 8 quarter  decades " I have issues with the term luck.  So of course this is one of her favorite words.  My main glaring issue is that I don't believe in "woo" and woo is all up in Luck's business.  Mostly when someone tells me I'm lucky I am immediately offended.  That one word wipes away all of my thought and effort put into a situation.   I'm lucky I got a good grade on the test. God or whatever made it happen.  It had nothing to do with me dragging my carcass out of bed every morning to get to class, or listening to the prof, or taking notes, or working to understand the material, or studying, or going to sleep early the night before, etc, etc.  Nope….just luck.
So, when Jenna says to wish her luck or if she's lucky she'll make a sale … know maybe she's right.  A soap sale doesn't have anything to do with her good reputation or wonderful business model.  Nothing to do with the quality of the product or snappy advertising.
It's no wonder she has anxiety.  Imagine a life where you have absolutely no control over anything.  Why even try? Why not just lay naked on the ground.  If you're lucky it will work out for you.


  1. Jenna likes to count on luck rather than work. Imagining her obese body “naked on the ground” might ruin my breakfast.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. It looks like the “Whack” BM tried to make another crazy comment. Fortunately, HD has already removed their crude content. Funny, how that putrid person only comes out of the woodwork, when we’ve mentioned aspects of Jenna’s appearance. They’ve never discussed any of the many issues that we have with her unethical business practices, animal abusing, and almost daily begging behavior.

    3. Apparently, the comments about her appearance is more important to BM, than her pathological lying. And the scamming of those who’ve trusted her to honor their products and projects. Instead of ripping them off for free funds.

  2. Regarding her comment that her body is "small". She is not small - she is short. Big difference. And as far as her claim to being size 10, there is really no consistancy in sizing. They vary wildly from vendor to vendor. Right now, I have in my closet clothing that ranges from XXS to XL. I hover between M-L, but some clothing is cut very large and some very slim.

    1. Yeah, she’s not “small.” And there’s no way that she’s a regular size 10. We’ve seen her around town, and she looks like a stocky boulder.

  3. “Twit”er post

    Jenna Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈
    No sales all weekend but going to keep a positive attitude and hope this gets shared! Thank you in advance to anyone who has or might support this small farm on the edge!!

    “Small farm on the edge!!”

    I can’t. I just can’t. This has to be a big long joke. She cannot be serious!!

    1. There she goes again with her manipulative marketing, and fake fear of foreclosure. Cue the “scary red van man” driving by her home on a public road.

      This cunt has been living on “the edge,” because she’s a lying, lazy loser. But somehow she can shop now for another new car. “Sure, Jen.”

    2. No sales, but if you buy a logo you have to wait until January for her to start it. As always, nothing ever adds up.

    3. You have to wait until January because that will put you outside of the PayPal claims window. She will never deliver and you’re shit out of luck - an all around positive outcome for Jenna The Grifting Goblin!

    4. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 27, 2022 at 6:38 AM

      You know, Anon, that actually makes a lot of sense! PayPal's dispute guarantee ends after 180 days from payment. She could conveniently drag out design artwork an extra 2-3 months, starting January 2023, and there wouldn't be any dispute guarantee. And for "pork" and "lamb" shares years in advance? Fuggedaboutit.

      Btw, no dispute guarantee with Venmo.


  4. “A few weeks ago my car was totaled when a deer hit it at noon on a Sunday on my way to get groceries. It was a 2010 mazda. As you can imagine, buying a replacement for a 12 year old car wasn’t the biggest insurance pay out, but I found one!”

    She hit the deer not the other way around. Jenna can’t tell the truth about anything.

    1. “Got a 2009 Subaru Forester. It’s shiny and hopefully passes inspection next Monday!”

      Yeah, “shiny” is an important criteria when considering a car purchase. Jenna’s like a child who’s incapable of making mature decisions.

      She also regularly reads here. And has answered our questions about how she could afford another vehicle.

    2. Jenna’s now a lesbian cliche with that car:

    3. Correct me if I am wrong here, but if she bought the Mazda with a loan, that maybe explains why it was fully insured as opposed to just liability. However, wouldn’t any insurance pay out go to satisfy her loan first, before she can buy a new car?

    4. Let us not forget she was going out to by TACO ingredients because she had a hankering for some when she it the deer.

    5. It looks like the famous farmer doesn’t grow all her own food. And has to go and get groceries!!! What a shock. Not.

    6. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 27, 2022 at 6:48 AM

      Nothing about the 'totaled' car makes sense.
      1. If the crash was bad enough to seriously damage car, that deer didn't scamper off (gosh, do we think she lied?)
      2. Per photos, car didn't look totaled at all. Car fenders are designed to crumple.
      3. If insurance company totaled the 2010 Mazda (valued between 2K-10K if not filled with chicken sh%#), it's because they didn't want to pay for fixing a piece of crap.
      4. So, let's say they split down the middle and offered her 5K. She could have kept the car, taken the money and repaired it herself (backyard auto body work) for under $1000. She would have banked $4000.
      5. Instead, she dumps the car, spends all of the money on an older piece of crap?
      6. And, yes, what happened to the personal loan? Pember Patty, we're looking at ya. .

  5. Anonymous 6:12. She said that the car was bought from a friend. It was probably Pember Patty. And Jenna implied that the loan was informal. It’s CAF math again, where nothing ever adds up.

  6. HD. I find it strange that this blog allows “cunt” and “twat,” but “fat ass” comments are removed without warning. It never used to be this way. We could write whatever we wanted to here. Aside from attacking each other for no reason, like that nutty BM did to cause chaos.

    1. I have no idea. I'm not deleting anything like that. There are no settings that look for certain words. I have only deleted comments that are crude.

    2. Thanks, HD. That’s what I thought. I didn’t mean to come across as being accusatory of you. But it seems weird that comments mentioning “fat ass” are deleted. Maybe the system is sensitive, and feels bad about it. (Said with a smile.)


  7. Jenna Woginrich 🏳️‍🌈
    So I'm trying like mad to make sales and if possible, pay the September mortgage before October hits. Which is pretty nigh hopeless, but even a $100 made before October helps to the feed/hay/firewood costs that slowly sap the money for the mortgage. Please RT! Fresh eyes = sales!

    I predict she’ll magically get that October payment like she magically gets all other payments needed. At the very same time complaining she gets no sales... math iz so hard except when you just make it all up!!!

  8. Oops, I mean September payment. She will have that by Friday!!

    1. “Trying like mad” and “working like nuts” are her stupid, manipulative marketing phrases for free funds.

    2. Funny she mentions hay, feed, and firewood, as her only detractors from the mortgage, but never mentioned other normal people bills :
      Registration, emissions for (again) two vehicles
      Insurance-property and vehicle
      Taxes-income and property
      Dog food
      Vet and farrier regular expenses, and emergency expenses (I’m on a small farm and last month we had almost $1000 in vet expenses between a sick goat and regular meds for two aging dogs)
      Elf style clothing and hipster shoes
      Fancy hawk meats and supplies
      Lawn and home maintenance costs
      Power bill
      Water bill
      Gas/heating oil bill
      Pest control monthly bill
      Wifi, telephone bills
      You know, regular home owner and animal owner monthly expenses that normal people have.

    3. That's because she has one or more other sources of income and probably receives some kind of government assistance in the form of food stamps or help with utility bills.

  9. It’s beyond obnoxious how she constantly retweets herself. That’s classless and tacky on Twitter. Jenna relentlessly bombards people with her bullshit pleas for sales. It’s no wonder why she’s never hit 5,000 followers, even after years of effort, and steadily loses them after awhile. She’s a sociopathic scammer, and animal abusing beggar.

  10. I’m cackling at the above comment

    “ Elf style clothing and hipster shoes ”

    That is all, I’ll tell you that much for free.

  11. “Ever have one of those days where you can not do a single productive thing until your space is tidy and clean? That's every day. But today I'm moody about it.”

    What a liar. Her hovel is filthy with detritus.

  12. “Woke up at 5, farmed, picked up and unloaded 250lbs of feed, made DMV appt, did 2 loads at the laundromat, cleaned house, dishes, made soap, packaged orders, worked on logos and pet portraits, promoted online, bought groceries, hardware store run, dried herbs, still lots to do”

    1. “I want to get a lot done before trapping hawks later, nervous about how bad sales are, avoiding writing because it’s hard to be creative when stressed, I’ll still write a bit because it’s on the list. Anxiety is up today. Sharing here because dogs can’t talk.”

    2. “Here’s a cat if that was a lot”

    3. Her stupid, nonsensical ramblings sound like the filthy feral farmer is doing day drinking again.

    4. If she were that “stressed” and “anxious” about “slow sales,” then Jenna would get a job. But she rigidly refuses to support herself. The lazy loser would rather be a beggar, and whine not work. Her whole life is lies.

    5. Boo fucking hoo. Poor, desperate little Jenna finds it so hard to have adult responsibilities like paying for her own bills. Why are “poodles” not giving her huge handouts like they’ve done for years?! Jerky WoeAndBitch is a fucking failure at everything. She doesn’t deserve to have a home. Her little lists of “accomplishments” are pathetic. It’s like she wants an award just for breathing.

    6. Jenna still wants junior high school participation awards for just showing up to class.

  13. If she's stressed, it's her own damned fault. Get a freaking job, Jenna, and take care of yourself!

    1. Yet it’s the one thing that Jenna won’t do. I think that she’s a classic sociopath who has a defective character. She’s also stupid and stubborn to her own detriment.

  14. Why in the name of Pete does she think anyone cares about her list of "accomplishments"? Every adult, every day, everywhere does most of what's on that list; and if truly farming does a lot more. And no one with a proper sense of self crows about it.

    1. Exactly. We all have our own lives to be concerned about. Her loser’s lists of petty “accomplishments” are laughable. Jenna brags about bullshit that’s pathetic. It’s no wonder why she’s still single. And will probably always be alone.

  15. She lists her “to do” list like she is werkin’ sooooo hard. You are just living life Jenna, we are all busy with our lists but we know that so we don’t feel the need to post online about it.

    I thought her sales were to just get her through until her book is sold? But she can’t work on the book, without sales... ok then. More CAF logic right there. Her issues could be solved by a JOB.

    1. Her stupid little lists are part of her manipulative marketing. “I’m trying sooo hard to keep this farm afloat. Won’t you give me folding money?!”

    2. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 27, 2022 at 2:58 PM

      You crack me up, Anon!

      "I'm trying sooo hard to keep this farm afloat..." Look, everyone, I made a phone call, washed dishes and did laundry 😅😆😅

    3. PDD. Fortunately, she didn’t describe her bowel movements. At least, she’s spelled laundromat correctly instead of her stupid “laundry mat.”

    4. Her “promoted online” is basically begging. It’s something that she does almost 24/7. She relentlessly bombards people with her pathetic pleas for sales. And tries to guilt-trip them into purchasing pet portraits, pork shares, soap etc…

    5. I literally, laughed out loud at her stupid “promoted online.” As if it’s something special that she doesn’t do day and night. She shills her shit more than anyone else on Twitter.

  16. “As a woman who still has her anniversary edition of The Wicker Man (1973) I bought when I was 18, this documentary is very much my jam.”

    No one’s responded to this stupid tweet so far. Out of over 4,500 followers, there’s not one lone “like.”

  17. “I got a message from someone upset about how often I am promoting my stuff for sale on here. Said they followed me because they liked my books and farming, but were tired of being advertised to. This is not something you need to tell a person. Just unfollow them.”

    1. “Remove any spouses or roommates from being economic help. Remove help from family, too. Now, take your bank account down to $200 or so, without any use of credit cards, savings, or any job. You don't have a paycheck coming. You have all your bills for the month and no certainty.”

    2. “Now wake up every morning, and know you need to hustle and pitch your way to strangers about the food you raise, skills you have, products you make, and depend on that alone to take care of everything you've worked to have. Now do it for over a decade. Every. Single. Month.”

    3. “That's why you see constant promotion for what I do. I've kept this farm going just like that (save 10 months I had a girlfriend sharing some expenses). Do it without health insurance. Do it without a mom to ask for 5k to "float you"

      Then tell me to shut up. I dare you.”

    4. “Cold Antler Farm has been my only job, vacation, work, and world since I left my 9-5 regular job in 2012. I've managed to wake up here, work here, tend here, and remain here as a single woman for the majority of the time. It stressful. It is scary. It is worth it.”

    5. I commend the person who told you the truth about your begging. I “dare to tell you” that you’re a lazy, lying loser who won’t get a job to support herself like a normal adult. You’d rather whine than work. Go fuck yourself, Jenna. I’m not scared of you. Bring it, bitch.

    6. Here’s a little later disclaimer. As if to prove her scrupulous honesty:

      “My math was wrong up there. I had someone helping with expenses from late August 2020 to early Nov 2021* Whatever that time is.”

      No one cares, cunt.

    7. It’s Wednesday whining time
      and Jenna’s gonna cry.
      When her mouth is moving
      out of it comes a lie.

    8. OMG, she really tweeted all that? I thought it was satire until I read it again. She's sounding really desperate lately.

  18. I’ll tell you this much for free. Many many many people cannot call their mom for a 5K float. Many many others COULD but do not because as an adult you take care of yourself by getting a job so you don’t have to ask mom for money at 40 years old!! She acts like providing for herself is just unheard of and the rest of us are getting cash from others. The only one getting cash from strangers is her!!! Stick that in ur old bottle of moonshine!

    1. That was well-put. Jenna acts as if she’s the only single woman in the world who’s responsible for her bills. She also didn’t have to quit her career at such a young age to buy a faux farm that’s never been solvent. By her own admission. It was a stupid decision.

    2. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 28, 2022 at 8:22 AM

      Poor fake farmer. She's ticked off because she was "this close" to hanging with trust fund babies, capturing the attention of big influencers, and maybe scoring big $$$ for "her story", but the glitter never rubbed off on her. Her well-positioned friends moved on to bigger and better things - and left her in the dirt.

      She was lucky that she initially moved to a trendy NYC weekender locale. She shamelessly curried favor with NYC writers, photographers and influencers who frequented the area, social media and publications such as NYT, Outside Magazine, etc. In fact, she used her connections to do some writing for these newspapers/magazines.

      Now, people outside of NYC may not know this, but a good portion of area influencers and artists had "gentle starts" in life. Included are trust fund babies, who received a leg up, or would have no problem getting a 5K handout from family. Some of them were known to FF.

      Although she acted the loving, loyal, hip and appreciative sycophant and host, she probably deeply resented their status and easy financial security. They moved on...but she hasn't.

      Gurrl needs to pull herself up by her elvish boots, quit her begging and get on with life.


    3. Lol, elvish boots.

      Yep, she had quite the opportunity back in the day, but squandered it along with all the goodwill afforded to her. Way to go, faux farmer!

  19. Ok, her rant is interesting. It basically says I have all these bills, no medical, no help, no money, and no job ( she actually typed “ no job”) and she wakes up every day to beg, so shut the fuck up because it’s really scary and you would be stressed too....umm.. that’s why you get a damn job idiot!!!!

    1. She rigidly refuses to do the one thing that would give her more financial freedom: get a part-time job.

    2. The answer is so obvious. It's right in front of her face, but she can't see past the Taylor Swift lyric sheets she is constantly analyzing.

  20. “Everything this farm has to offer is in this thread! Please share! Especially if you have any sort of following, because fresh eyes = possibility for this little farm.”

    Right. “Fresh eyes” is her new stupid saying. “This little farm” is run by a middle-aged moron. Who has learned nothing about how to manage money in over a decade of owning a home.

    1. Again, it’s no one else’s responsibility to “share” any of her crap. She puts her burden of her begging on followers.

    2. Edit: the burden of her begging

    3. Fresh eyes = innocents who haven't yet figured out her 💩💩💩


    4. Fresh eyes=fresh meat, dumb man walking, new people to manipulate and scam

  21. “I want you all to know I wrote today. Not a lot. But I wrote.

    Books, they can break your heart.”

    And “we want you to know” that you don’t have a “heart” to “break.”

  22. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 28, 2022 at 7:24 AM

    Her latest whine is so perfectly her!
    First. She posts an old accompanying photo, when she hasn't had this sheep for YEARS. Next she conveniently omits the many people who volunteered to help or donated money and goods so she could acquire a home, truck, rare Fell pony, pedigreed pup, computer, camera, etc.

    Finally, she has the gall to snidely criticize a reader who had the audacity to suggest social media feeds aren't about endless repetitive promotion.

    Truly, if anyone donates and supports her after reading her lies of omission, they're a special kind of idiot.


    1. Exactly. I agree with what you wrote. And I was the one who posted her stupid series of whines today in the above comments. Jenna’s always the victim. She’s never taken any adult accountability for her actions.

    2. She wouldn't even have that farm and that first truck without the help of online strangers. It's disgusting how she doesn't acknowledge that and makes it sound like she did it all herself.

  23. Now she is retwitting her rant. I mean. Ok then.

    1. Jenna has the subtly of a sledgehammer. She doubles down on her stubborn stupidity.

    2. Most adults at age 40, have learned to modify their behavior. Especially, when it’s been problematic with people. Particularly, potential clients and customers. But Jenna does the exact opposite to her own detriment.

  24. If Jenna comes off as pretentious as she does online, my guess is she has tried to find part time work but no one wants to hire her. Being unemployed isn’t by choice.
    She is screwed.

    1. I think that she was fired from that online content writing gig that she had last year. We’ve met her many times in person. She’s “pretentious” and insufferable.

  25. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 28, 2022 at 10:34 AM

    Wait, wait...On SECOND thought, how do we know someone actually complained to Fake Farmer about promoting??

    With this latest story, she made herself the oppressed "victim" (again), this time on behalf of farmers everywhere.

    If this is another falsity, what a creep.


    1. I thought the same thing. She’s lied before about receipt foreclosure letters, for example, but never posts pics as proof of anything. Jenna’s a pathological liar. She’s like “the girl who’s cried wolf” so often that no one will believe her to tell the truth about anything.

    2. Receiving not receipt

    3. I just was thinking exactly the same. I wouldn’t put it past her to invent a message from “someone{ especially since there were zero messages under her shameless beg tweets) just to garner pity likes, pity purchases, and pity retweets.

    4. pLeAsE fEeL sORry fOr MeEEEE!!!

    5. Reminds me of the fake job application scam she floated a few years ago which garnered her some short lived pity from her very few readers.

  26. Jenna, it’s obvious that you read here. You’ve just received 5K from the insurance company for your crashed car. So you’ve stated on Twitter. Unless, it’s a lie. If you’re so broke, why wouldn’t you use that money to “float you” like you’ve whined about today? You own a truck, too. So a second vehicle is a luxury item. I’ve never seen someone so stuck, due to their stubbornness to change.

  27. On IG showing off her new to her vehicle. Please tell us again how you have no money boohoo

    1. Yep. Read what I wrote above your comment. She could’ve kept that money to “float” her faux farm. But being a beggar is better than working.

    2. Also on Instagram, she posted a pic of her Halloween decorations alongside a cup of hot cocoa with a GIANT ghost marshmallow floating in it.

      Yet she is broke? Well, although marshmallows are not that expensive, they still are a luxury as you don't HAVE TO have them in your hot chocolate. And they are not even the normal shaped ones...she splashed some folded cash for the big, fancy ghosty ones. Which I bet cost double the price of the regular ones. Yet she's broke.

    3. I just checked and found that regular marshmallows are about $2 a bag. (Maybe even more $$ in a rural area.) And the fancy ones she bought are the Peeps brand that are $2.75 for a package of just SIX ghost marshmallows.

      It's not a lot of money, but when you are having to beg monthly to pay your bills, you'd think that every penny counts while struggling like that.

    4. I agree. People spend money on shit they don’t need all the time. I work with people who don’t make a lot of money but traipse in every day with take out coffee. ( yes I sound boomer here- I’m gen x though lol) difference is, they are working and not begging for money. They pick up extra hours, they take on extra duties for stipends etc. if Jenna wants to buy stupid marshmallows and Spend hours each day analyzing and posting excruciatingly boring details about celebs and culture- fine- you do you! But, you can’t beg and cry and whine how broke you are... you can’t because it makes you sound like a loser, a crook, a dishonest person, etc.

      Get a job and buy what you want. Just shut up.

    5. I’m starting to believe what some shamsters have been saying for years - that she does NOT have money problems. That she begs to live a life of fantasy, but that her normal adult bills are covered by something/someone else. I’ve been long in agreement that cartoons and melt n pour soap ain’t it. Nor are crappy, subpar logos.

  28. “Then tell me to shut up. I dare you.”

    LOL!!! What a wimpy whiner. The badass butch sure has us shaking in our shoes with fear. I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating. My spouse is a master martial artist. They still could kick her fat ass back to Tennessee without even breaking into a sweat.

    1. She has been sounding a bit desperate lately. Especially with that "farm on the edge" comment. Perhaps the tide is finally turning, and those poor animals are getting closer to freedom and proper care.

    2. Anon7. I don’t believe that she’s any more desperate than usual. Jenna’s a master at manipulative marketing maneuvers.

  29. Another "Winter's Bottom" is fast approaching. So what's on your Begging Bingo card? I'm gonna go with:

    -Barn collapse
    -Pet health emergency
    -Broken wood stove

    C'mon everyone, let's give her some new ideas!

    1. Her “shiny” new car already has multiple issues. Just like its odious owner.

  30. -she could easily reuse bathroom subfloor content since at one point she couldn’t purchase flooring to cover it.

    -she already mentioned an oil leak and muffler issues in her new car she’s bragging about so definite potential begging there!!!

  31. She’s been sounding the alarm for the past 12 years. Ho hum. She can’t be that broke or she would have been evicted by now.

    1. *a broke-ass begger

    2. Her former friend, Jon Katz, even wrote a blog post about “Jenna’s sounding the alarm again.” She’s been doing this for decades now.

  32. I am not on instagram nor twitter so I don't know what is going on there but someone just posted she is mentioning oil leak and muffler issues? You have to be kidding me? She just gets worse and "worser" all the time.

    1. Yes she has an IGstory where she is showing off her new car and saying that her new car isn’t perfect, it’s an old girl with a lot of miles on her and it has an oil leak and muffler work is needed. She somehow weaves that into feeling like Sarah Paulsen in the car and calling her new car “holland Taylor”. Oy. Her voice is hard to listen to I’ll tell you that much for free.

    2. Ugh her voice is absolutely grating. I accidentally heard it on her escaped goat video.
      Not saying that to be petty. I just have a very strong vibe meter and a hyperactive personality perception meter that both catch something to which I have a full blown aversion.

    3. We hate her voice. It’s even more abrasive in person.

  33. Per IG she’s at a diner in Bennington Vermont having lunch (~30 minutes from Cambridge)

    Tell us again how you have no money and working so hard to make that mortgage payment!!!

    1. She has to show off her new car to the local lesbians at lunch. But it’s back to begging soon.

    2. The stocky, “scrappy little lesbian,” already has a rainbow sticker on the back to prove that she’s part of the “queer community.” Naming her new car the same stupid, childish way that she labels her bird victims. I’ve met teens who have more maturity than this middle-aged moron. “Look at me!!!”

    3. And don't forget she recently declared that she never leaves the farm unless absolutely necessary. What a liar.


    What a bunch of hyperbolic bullshit. But she’s tweeted months ago: “No one loves summer more than me. No one.” Which one is it lying hypocrite? It can’t be both.

    1. It’s juvenile, socially inept behavior at its best. If I were broke and “trying like hell” to pay my bills, I would have my head down and working my ass off nonstop with no time for stupid BS

    2. Jenna has plenty of time for pumpkins and playing. But whines about work.

    3. I noticed she brags the most about her fun stuff on IG. She is going to the Bro’s movie this weekend because she want to support a queer movie. Ok very nice, IF YOU WEREN’T begging for money to pay your bills every single day!!!
      Plus the gas money to drive to the theater. Again, tell us how you can’t make a mortgage payment. In just a few days, a new car, out to lunch in Bennington, and a movie at the theater. Will she wear the monkey lemur dress to attract a mate. I honestly think the desire to see the movie is less about supporting a queer movie and more about trying to find another victim. It would be so Gay Hallmark movie if she meets a tall femme brunette who just happened to get “stood up” outside the quaint small town cinema and after a series of zany situations ends up in Jenna’s new shiny, oil leaking Suburu!!

    4. Excellent contrast, Anon 6:15 - On Instagram she paints a picture of herself as someone comfortably living with plenty of disposable income. But on Twitter she is broke and the farm is always "on the edge" and she is worried about staying warm. "Gimme gimme gimme your folded cash so that this winter doesn't freeze my ass!"

      As for the Lemur dress, she strikes me as the kind who only wears something like that just once or twice. Just like the cowgirl skirt...worn a few times and now collecting dust mites. She begs for money, receives it, and after the bills are paid she takes what's left over and goes online shopping for clothes and Taylor Swift merch.

  35. Could she be receiving royalties from her books?
    Newbie Anon

    1. I don't think those books sell that much anymore. It would only be a few cents on each book so I really doubt it. She must be out having lots of fun as she is really not posting on twitter (I am not on twitter but see the preview if I google her name then add pops up to join). There has been no begging for a few days. To busy out with her "new" car.

  36. On her insta, which you can see on her blog, she has posted a very unflattering mugshot. Why. Why would a middle aged woman feel the need to constantly scream, LOOK AT ME!

    1. I’ve never found any photos that flatter her fake fat face. She’s a lying, lazy loser,
      and an immature attention whore.

    2. I just looked at her ugly, smug mug smirk pic. Her bald brows are so bad. They resemble horizontal, thin commas. And those stubby sausage fingers are gross. Jenna’s repellent on every level. She also oozes creepiness.

    3. She looks demented and deranged. You can actually see the crazy in her eyes.

    4. Anon7. She can’t contain her crazy anymore. It’s become a permanent part of her facial expressions.

  37. On IG stories she is driving around, trapping, and stopping at small business to buy coffee and “fueling” her heart on hope and feathers. I’m on lunch break at my work collecting my auto deposit folding money right now... what exactly is Jenna doing to make money since she had a big tantrum mere days ago about how broke she is ( and no spouse or family to help!!!)

    1. “Live like fiction!” That’s Jenna’s motto. But she expects paying “poodles” to support her fat ass.

    2. Driving around wasting time and gas for an expensive hobby she doesn't need. And then has the gall to beg for money for her bills. I just can't with her.

    3. She has no moral compass or social awareness.

  38. “Big day here, chores and hawk trapping in the morning. Freelance, mowing, wood chopping and hay delivery this afternoon. Getting ready to call it, please recommend a movie that always makes you laugh!”

    GFY, Jenna. Your “big day” is a joke. Making your loser’s lists to look like you’ve accomplished something. Poor, little lonely lesbian is trying to get attention by asking stupid questions again. What a pathetic existence.

    1. Similar comment on Instagram:

      "Driving around trapping is a September tradition. I love that I have to spend hours just watching trees if I want a hawk as a roommate this winter."

      She spends HOURS watching trees. Hours that would be better spent working a part-time job. Jenna, quit telling everyone you are "trying like hell" to make money for your mortgage/bills while there you are, sitting on your lazy ass watching fcuking trees.

    2. Yes!! Can you even imagine crying online that you are months behind on your mortgage, can’t pay your bills, etc., but then also post online that you spent all day driving around drinking small biz coffee and staring at trees like a dope? I can’t even!!!! She is nuts and it’s amazing that she can even get money from anyone anymore!

      I have no idea how much she spent yesterday but if every bit counts like she says it does when begging, her every bits need to go toward bills. If I sent her mo eye and found out she was traipsing about on nonsense I’d be pissed!!

    3. Any stupid, sycophantic supporters who still give her handouts deserve to be taken advantage of by Jenna. Her rotten reputation is online for all to see. She’s been doing this for decades.

    4. I still can't get over her watching trees for hours. For a bird she doesn't need.

      Incidentally, I spent a lot more time this spring/summer watching the crows/hawks/mourning doves on the telephone wires outside my kitchen window. And in doing so, witnessed a whole lotta poopin' going on.

      And what I observed is that their poop doesn't gently drop straight down to the ground. It comes out as a forceful spray! Very hardcore. So keep that in mind when she posts pics of the hawk in her living room...hawk chalk on the walls for sure. And she makes food and soap in that house. Gross.

  39. Out having lunch at a diner and drinking specialty beers is not what a sane woman of 40 does when they are perpetually late on the mortgage. Or don't have hay stocked. Or have less fire wood than they need for winter. She's such a fraud. I'm almost positive she's getting SS disability for some fraudulent claims of mental health. If so, she then has medicaid as that's how that works. Medicaid doesn't always include dental. Isn't it convenient she only ever has health crises that are dental related and not medical? Interesting.

    1. Her whole life is lies.

    2. Did rotten mouth ever give an update on her latest cracked tooth?

    3. Nope. Just like she didn’t on her almost-broken ankle

  40. “Logos are on sale, HALF PRICE if you buy a spot now for 2023!
    $100 instead of $200 for endless revisions, ownership of the art, all original design files but print and web files, all done over email!

    Goal today is to sell 2! if I sell 3 I'm gonna plotz!”

    Please “plotz,” putz. Her usage of Yiddish is also annoying and. It’s not your tribe, twat. Again, she’s lied about not offering her lousy logos on sale. It’s one of her manipulative marketing maneuvers, to make her crap appear like it’s a good deal. When it’s not. And she makes clients wait months until starting their projects. But demands funds up front for money mooching. Jenna acts like a sleazy used car dealer, trying to polish a turd truck, and make it “shiny” for potential purchasers.

    1. Edit: “Her usage of Yiddish is also annoying and inappropriate.”

    2. Oh, so she's using Yiddish words now? Well, here's a few more she should know:

      GONIF - An untrustworthy person; a trickster looking to con you. (i.e. Jenna Wogonif)

      KADOKHES - Word used to describe a useless person.

      MACHER - A conspirator who strives in life, no matter what the cost to others.

      SCHLUMP - A pathetic human being.

      SHNORRER - Someone who is always begging for money.

      SHTUNK - Someone who stinks and is vile and nasty.

      SHLIMAZEL - Someone who is prone to bad luck and is constantly the victim of unfortunate circumstances.

      Put those in yer pipe and smoke 'em, Pig Shocker!!

    3. I’ll call her a schlump from now on lol. Love that for her.

    4. Schlump Antler Farm



  41. I just don't understand you pay now and she can't start until after New Years (when ever that may be) but she has no work now! Why not do the work now and hope for luck you have more work after the New Year? Am I missing something?

    1. I asked the same question. As usual, nothing adds up. She obviously has another source of income, maybe more than one.

    2. You can’t comprehend something stupid that’s nonsensical. We’re the same way. Jenna’s learned nothing about either how to own her home, or ethically run a business. Even after doing it for over a decade without success.

    3. Anonymous 11:26. We’ve left our comments at the same time. Jenna’s blatantly lied about her other sources of income for years. Clearly, she’s not dependent on paltry soap sales and pet portraits to make her mortgage payments. And also pay her other expenses.

    4. In a comment up above, Anon 1:27 wrote: "You have to wait until January because that will put you outside of the PayPal claims window. She will never deliver and you’re shit out of luck..."

      I'll bet that's it. Her old spiel was pay now with a start time of two months. But in late August/early September she gave a new start time of after Jan 2023. Ridiculous. And it's probably the #1 reason her logo sales are slow to non-existent.

  42. “I have named my Subaru Holland Taylor because she's a classy, talented, older lady with a lot of golden panache. I feel absolutely amazing when inside of her and that must be how Sarah Paulson feels, too.”

    Jenna doesn’t have a clue as to how sexually creepy her stupid statement sounds (“when inside if her”). The intimate implications are perverse. I think that the filthy feral farmer is on the spectrum. She’s incapable of making mature remarks.

    1. I doubt that either Sarah or Holland would appreciate her creepy comment about their love life. It’s more stupid speculation, like her insisting that Taylor Swift is a lesbian. When there’s no proof.

    2. Edit: “when inside of her”

    3. This was one of the worst tweets she’s ever done, in terms of coming across as being sexually lascivious. It’s way too explicit. It’s also crazy to compare how she feels inside of her car, to an act of intimacy that doesn’t belong to Jenna.

    4. Can you imagine the angry backlash that she’d get for this tweet if Jenna were male? We wonder now if she’s not BM. That’s the creep here who makes the cruder comments that HD deletes. I could see the FFF saying the same kind of crap.

    5. Uh, yeah...I tried to figure out if she possibly meant something else by that comment but nope, nothing else makes sense. It's definitely sexual. And disgusting. And vile.

      But what do you expect from someone who has tried to make being gay her entire personality?

    6. I thought it was just me being a bit older and all. It just gave me the creeps. It isn't even something someone would say in private to a friend (or at least I don't think they would) and she says it to the whole internet world! Does she think she is funny or cute? I just couldn't believe what she said.

    7. It's obnoxious, inappropriate and seriously disrespectful to the referenced couple - or to anyone, ffs! Jenna is a total disgrace
      in pretty much every way.

    8. Alcohol could be to blame. Either super buzzed or straight up drunk. Who hasn't drunkenly said stupid shit and then sobered up and thought, "WTF did I say last night?" Maybe she was stoned...or worse, drunk and stoned. I bet the idiot deletes it in the morning.

    9. The creepy pervert still hasn’t deleted the disgusting tweet this morning. She even had someone call it “rude.” Jenna’s ignored that response.

    10. I’m shocked that she hasn’t tagged Taylor and Paulson to try and get their attention.

    11. She is scraping the bottom of the barrel lately with her inappropriate comments and behaviors.

    12. Anonymous 5:57. I agree with what you wrote. I’ve noticed that she’s gotten even worse since turning 40. Unfortunately, Jenna has no edit option “with her inappropriate comments and behaviors.”

    13. She’s coming across as being more crude and lewd lately. Shannon sure made the right decision to leave Jenna last fall.

    14. I thought about Shannon last night when she made those crude posts. It occurred to me that Shannon was no more than a prop to Jenna. Just like the pack goat that doesn’t pack, just like the sheep that contribute nothing, just like the two aging horse withering away with improper care and feed. Just like the trapped hawks, Shannon was a trapped prop, there to be paraded on social media in order for Jenna to proclaim GAY! COUPLED! LIVE IN HELP! GARDEN HELPER! SALAMANDER CAKE!
      I think Shannon got tired of the BS parade and of being paraded, passed up her shit, and left Jenna’s sorry ass.

    15. Edit:: packed up her shit 🤣

  43. “Back from trapping early. Frost tonight, first of the season. Lighting a fire, starting a rewatch of Bly Manor, and having hot cocoa with a peep ghost in it. Love this Sunday for me.”

    No one cares, cunt. Your meaningless existence is pathetic.

    1. No frost per weather app. But she makes up shi$ all the time.

    2. She’s back to bragging about her lazy loser “lie-style.” But it’ll be back to begging on Monday moanin’.

  44. Good idea Jenna! Light a fire using precious firewood you don’t have enough of when you as a grown ass woman could just “bundle up” or use a small space heater to take the edge off instead since it is early October and chance of frost or not, it was in The 50’s today and we had our windows open letting in that fresh air! You will certainly be crying come January when it’s you know ACTUALLY cold!!

    By all means, watch Bly Manor on Netflix ( yet another streaming service she has in addition to Hulu) and enjoy your evening, just don’t beg for money anymore!

    1. Her weather talk always riled me up since I live close by to her. I once contacted her when she was trying to alarm her fans about a snowstorm that was going to hit that the forecast was only 2” of snow and I got a nasty response about she is all alone with no support and that even 2” she has to shovel all her animals out and it’s very hard. Ready for the apocalypse though?!

      Where’s my violin?

    2. A Legend in Her Own MindOctober 2, 2022 at 3:12 PM

      Agree, Anon. We're roughly in the same weather pattern, and she frequently lies or exaggerates to make her conditions seem worse. Heck, she even lied about sunrise, posting she was outside in the dark...when it was daylight.

    3. Jenna can’t tell the truth about anything. Her whole life is lies.

    4. "Heck, she even lied about sunrise, posting she was outside in the dark...when it was daylight."

      Haha...lmao! When did she do this? I do remember earlier this year she made a big deal of some storm, while over on Jon Katz's blog he said it was nothing. (He lives less than a mile from her, as the crow flies.)

    5. A Legend in Her Own MindOctober 3, 2022 at 7:16 AM

      Anon7, I'd have to check back, but she posted a real-time "poor me" story of checking on her animals in the dark, lol, except the sun had risen about an hour earlier. Lives like fiction y'all.

  45. New message on Instagram:

    "I’m done with this mindset of not looking forward to late fall and winter, it’s so silly. The dark and cold is what I’m working towards all summer long. That’s why I’m gardening, raising animals, stacking hay and firewood. It’s the time for cozy nights, cuddling under blankets, hot mugs in cold hands, hope and trust. Every day I wake up with the work of heating my home, feeding animals, and working towards that release and relief of the first spring thaw. Why not experience winter like an exercise in wanting, gratitude, and hope? That’s what it’s always been. Do not dread the months ahead. You could be hit by a logging truck next Thursday on your way to Stewart’s. Live this winter like it could be your last and then celebrate spring like you’re gonna live forever."

    What exactly is she saying here? That she's no longer gonna bitch and moan about Winter's Bottom? And something about the overall tone of that post is just off. Almost like she is laying the groundwork for something...

    1. Or “you could hit a deer with your car,” and then make lewd sexual statements about the new Suburu, in reference to a famous couple’s intimate relationship.

  46. I think that she’s really but hurt that someone sent her a message saying they were sick of her constant begging (if it’s true of course) and so she’s trying a different tactic. If she acts like things are happy, happy great, just little ol’ queer fauxmer sippin cocoa and watching streaming services after she weeks soooOoo hard, maybe she can lull people into giving again when she hits them with the next problem. Her tooth and ankle miraculously healed, ghost marshmallows, cider, driving in her new car ( gas prices? Whut??!!) shes all good folks, nothing to see here!

    She also may be trying to attract a mate. Look how twee I am, you too could ride around INSIDE Holland Taylor just like Sarah Paulsen if you get with this! I’d date me and so should you!!!

    1. “I’d date me and so should you!!!”
      The parallels between Jenna and Buffalo Bill get clearer every day.
      Honestly, the next girlfriend she manages to trap better check for pits on the property.

    2. "It puts the folding cash in the Venmo or it gets the hose again"

    3. No one worthy wants to date a total loser like Jenna. She’s repellent on every level.

  47. “Sunday scaries is such a cutesy name for what would be more accurately described as a feeling of impending doom”

    She’s retweeted this inane crap. It’s no wonder why Jenna feels “impending doom” and “anxiety” all the time. It’s due to her ongoing poor choices, and refusing to get a job to support herself. But her victim narrative makes it about external circumstances.

  48. “Sitting at the mechanic, waiting on Holland Taylor’s inspection (my new-to-me-13-year-old-car) and hoping so hard it passes. I bought it as is for $4600 from my insurance company so this could be a horse race.”

    1. “SHE PASSED!!!! Not an easy thing for a 13 year old in NY!!!”

    2. “Didn’t buy it from the insurance company, I meant the money for the used car came from insurance!”

    3. No one cares, cunt.

    4. So do I have this correct: she has a functioning pickup truck, received $4600 for her "totaled" car, and instead of keeping the $4600, paying off the car loan and catching up with hay/firewood/mortgage, she rushes out and buys ANOTHER car?

      What's wrong with this picture?

    5. PDD. You’re correct about the cretin. It’s one stupid decision after another in her lazy loser “lie-style.”

  49. It looks like she deleted her last blog post. It was all about fall. Now her latest post is from July/about her turning 40.
    I wonder why she deleted it!

    1. She was probably called out on her lying again by someone. Jenna often tries to delete incriminating crap.

    2. Oh yes she did, I noticed that, too. That was the blog post full of begs and complaints, wasn’t it?

  50. HD. New post please? Thanks!

  51. “Just had a lovely surprise inspection from NY Market and Ag today! Met the new vet and this farm passed with flying colors

    Healthy pigs, happy meat!”

    Right. “Sure, Jen.” You can thank one of our locals for the “lovely surprise inspection.” We know them, and they loathe you. You’ll be getting more in the future. “This farm” and you, too, are a fucking joke around town.

    1. Please post pics as proof of the visit. Of course, she can’t. Just like she’s never done with anything, like “scary foreclosure letters” and bills, but expects people to believe her bullshit.

    2. There’s a network of locals in her area who are still reporting her faux farm, and also keeping a close watch on the livestock/horses. We know this information, because of connections in Cambridge.

  52. “I had a few people message, but no confirmed sales yet here. If you want your money to make a hell of a difference in a farm's day to day and get some killer art at a cheap price - please message and share!”

    GFY, Jenna.

    1. It’s no one else’s responsibility to promote your crap. You’re literally, the laziest person we’ve ever known.


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