Let Us Not Forget….

She's a narcissist.  She does not have the same emotions as an actual person.  She tries to mimic the socially acceptable emotions.  I'm not saying she has to be torn up about her grandmother's death.  Grief is about the relationship.  But she has probably not had a lot of experience with human deaths and doesn’t quite know the appropriate emotions to mimic.
You see this manifestation of her narcissism over and over and over.  There was a picture that either she or Patty posted several years ago where she had one of Patty’s pups snuggled under her chin.  She was trying to mimic the puppy love emotion and she absolutely failed.  The look came across as fake and weird.

So, Jenna, I guess you score one point with me.  I'm fascinated by your textbook mental illness.

P.S.  Her mother was/is a member of a Facebook group about parents who were abandoned by their adult children.   Might mean nothing, might mean something.


  1. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 11, 2022 at 11:12 AM

    Good analysis. Her communication and actions about her deceased grandmother were odd to say the least. But then, it's always about her - classic narcissistic behavior.

    Look, if she wasn't close to her grandmother, lives 4+ hours away, doesn't have roadworthy transport and is "broke", it's perfectly acceptable to miss the funeral and send a note of sympathy.

    However, she chose to attend the funeral, and took a road trip buddy (former horse riding school teacher?). If she attended the funeral and posted about the death, offering a word (even if slight) would make sense. But she didn't. Instead, the trip was treated more or less like a tourist jaunt. Lookie! Pictures at a witchcraft shop window; pics of a folksy town in Pennsylvania.

    Her family must be so proud.

    1. Yep, that was a vacation for her for sure. Seems she wrote more about her adventures than she did about poor grandma...who probably liked her sister better, lol.

  2. I mean, let’s be real here. We all know she only showed up for the funeral in hopes of being mentioned in the reading of the will.

    She took a road trip hoping for some of the folding money from grandma’s estate. It had nothing to do with her family and everything to do with cash.

    1. There it is. Parents probably paid for her travel expenses so she could show at the funeral.

    2. Oh yeah, her visit was no doubt in the hope of getting $omething. Perhaps grandma's jewelry...that she can pawn. Or some antiques...that she can hock for $$$

  3. On the last thread, PDD wrote: "That's it. One line about her grandmother: "My grandmother passed away at 96." Nothing else. The rest of the post was all about Jenna, of course."

    So out of curiosity I went to the Pig Shocker's old blog and searched for "grandma" and "grandmother" and only found a few entries with those keywords. Most of them were about Grandma Moses, who was a painter. A few were where she mentioned "grandmas" in a generic manner.

    But finally I found two entries where she mentioned her Slovak grandmother. But only a single sentence in each instance: One spoke of how she made tea for her, and the other was about a pierogi recipe. That's it, that's all she wrote about grandma in the 12 years of writing that blog.

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 13, 2022 at 7:01 AM

      Anon7, I did something similar and looked up "grandmother". For a person who pretends to be fascinated by history and traditions, it's amazing how little she appeared to care about her relatives. I'll agree Mom sent her folding paper to attend.

      Sum total of early references:

      2016: I remember playing in my grandmother's side yard as a little girl...

      2013: I had a bit of holly I grabbed before I came inside. I set it down on my grandmother's old sewing machine by some yellow beeswax tapers.

      I went to visit my grandmother’s grave every Halloween...

      2012: ... my slovak grandmother taught me to never kill a spider in a house.

      2011: It turned out perfectly... When I took a bite of the mini "tester-pie" I was 7 years old again in my grandmother's dining room...

  4. Interesting thread I saw on reddit this morning: "What is the most annoying fan base?" The number two answer was Taylor Swift fans. Here are a few choice comments:

    "As a Taylor Swift fan of 15+ years who knows every word to every song…damn, her fans can be awful. The TikTok videos analyzing every move she makes. The “you don’t deserve tickets to her next concert if you can’t quote every word of her 2-hour documentary.” The people who are convinced she’s bisexual and think her current 6-year relationship with a man is fake. [...] there are some fans who literally get into arguments online about whether or not she’s bi based on some of her song lyrics, etc. and others who think her current boyfriend is a cover-up to hide that she’s not 100% straight."

    "There's a guy that I used to know who was/is a die hard fan of hers. He tags her in every post that he makes whether it is related to her or not."

    Sound like someone we know? She also recently changed her Instagram bio tagline to: "Hope you like Taylor Swift"

    And this comment cracked me up cuz it sounded like it was written by that chick who only went on one date with Jenna:

    "Went on a date about a year ago and the girl near interrogated me about Taylor Swift. I had already said I wasn’t a fan, she has a couple okay songs (the most known ones) but not really my style. And she continues by making us watch some crappy documentary about how her ex treated her, which I politely told her I didn’t want to watch but she pushed and then afterwards proceeded to ask me what I thought, by which point I gave my worst answer since she insisted that I must have an opinion despite me already telling her I didn’t care. In terms of bad dates this is not that bad but its probably my worst to date. Fucking Taylor Swift."

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 13, 2022 at 3:45 PM

      Anon7, that last paragraph is one of the funniest pieces I've read. I could 💯 see that happening.

  5. Twitter Twaddle:

    "I’ve lived a life, let me tell ya"

    Fair enough, but can she say she's lived an HONEST life? (No need to answer)

  6. Mortgage update this morning, cause it’s time to tether others to her potential but only if..$400 makes it in her account.

    1. I believe she makes this shameful to most of us announcement (hey I’m 400 bucks away from paying LAST month’s mortgage) because she is always hoping for what she calls slung luck- namely, someone in the twitterverse saying aw, here you go, I’d that’s all keeping you from being “solvent”, here is $400.
      But what they don’t know because they likely won’t stick around us that this is a chronic condition.
      Like the lady a while back from Jenna’s hometown who paid a mortgage for her once. Elaine or something in those lines.

    2. Todays beg:
      "And if you just want to kick in because you like the idea of supporting a single lesbian writer trying to hold down a farm, business, household all the while trying to write a massive memoir: godspeed. jennawog on Venmo. Wearing shades in my profile pic."

      Oh, now, it's a "massive memoir" 🤣🤣🤣


    3. I like the idea of a single, lesbian woman supporting herself instead of constantly begging from others.

    4. Jenna’s 40 now, and still behaving like a teen twat. No normal adult constantly broadcasts their finances online. Every month without exception, she whines about making mortgage payments late.

      I’d almost forgotten that she’s a lesbian. (Said sarcastically.) Jenna hadn’t mentioned it for a few days. Her “massive memoir” will never be bought by a reputable publisher due to her rotten reputation. She’s also a terrible writer now. The lazy loser is slowly circling the drain.

    5. Her pathetic, twice mentioned “this farm” money mooching beg, has gotten almost zero attention.

  7. “My Massive Memoir”
    By Jenna WoeAndBitch

    Cheater’s Chapters:
    * Begging money for a down payment
    * Quitting my career too soon, and buying a faux farm that I couldn’t afford
    * Alienating locals with my constant scamming and using
    * Pretending to be poor for handouts
    * Coming out as a lesbian like it’s an admirable accomplishment

    Please feel free to add any.

    1. * Bragging about being fit, running and hiking. But having an obese body that reflects my true lazy “lie-style”

    2. * Never making my mortgage payments on time. But always having the funds for Taylor Swift sweatshirts and new releases, bottles of bourbon, good weed, and local ice cream

    3. * Abusing animals for over a decade, but then getting angry when authorities are called to inspect my shit-pit property

    4. * Never listening to wise advice from experienced elders. And yet acting like a expert who writes books on farming. While claiming to have never once been solvent by my own admission

    5. * Ruining a romance with my first real relationship, because Shannon wanted me to be financially responsible for my own bills. And not be begging on Twitter almost daily for free funds

    6. * Rigidly refusing to get a part-time job to support myself. But being a beggar is better. And then acting annoyed when others suggest it. It’s because I’m too superior to do menial labor. Yet my stubborn stupidity prevents me from seeing that farming is the same thing. Only I’ve unrealistically glamorized it, and won’t correct my thinking.

    7. * Posing and pretending that I care about conservancy, and teaching hawks to hunt. But the birds are accessories, like my second “metal-sided” butch truck. Wish that I hadn’t crashed my car into a deer. Of course, I’m still sober

    8. * How to have horrid hygiene, and no sense of style

    9. * My master tips on manipulating “poodles” to Venmo me money. I’ll also share the secrets for creating crises like: constant dental work, needing more firewood, roof repairs, insurance claims, “scary red van men,” ankle issues, and so much more!

    10. * Finally, “I’ll tell you this much for free.” I hide behind using the stupid statement “this farm,” because I’m a complete coward. I can’t admit that I’m the one who needs sales, and not an inanimate object like a either a house or piece of property.

    11. Who says that I can’t correct myself?! I meant to type “like either a house”

    12. LMAO at this list! Here's one more:

      *Making being a Taylor Swift fan my entire personality! And making sure everyone knows it!!

    13. Thanks, Anon7! It felt good to write it out. I almost added something about Taylor Swift, and Jenna’s juvenile obsession with her sexuality.

  8. From her latest blog post:
    “ There’s two broken molars that need to be repaired in my face”
    Ok I am convinced she is an alien. Humans do not talk/write like this.

    1. Nah, just a juvenile moron desperately pandering for attention.

    2. She must have deleted her post “soon as “ she saw yours, because I do not see it on Twitter.

    3. I guess the payout from dead!granny must not have been as high as she had hoped so she’s back to the usual grift.

    4. Here's the full beg:

      "Though between inflation and the lack of traffic to this site, it’s quite the uphill battle. There’s two broken molars that need to be repaired in my face, a recently totaled car (hit by a deer at noon on a Sunday), a recent family funeral in PA I had to travel and get a hotel room for, and a bathroom floor that is bare plywood and needs to be floored and sealed - but all of that happens after August, and therefore summer, is paid for. Once I have that taken care of I will start on wood and hay."

      Translation: I'm a giant asshole who refuses to get a job. But I got all this stuff I gotta pay for so please give me money.

    5. "Ok I am convinced she is an alien. Humans do not talk/write like this."

      She is neither. She is the contents of a flaming dumpster fire.

  9. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 14, 2022 at 7:38 AM

    Wow. Full out begging litany of her many problems on her Blog, ending with

    "If you’d like to help support the farm please send me an email...I certainly don’t expect an influx of emails, but I will ask. Because this farm needs a heap of luck to get through winter, or at least to prepare for it. I would love to hear from you."

    The "farm" needs luck...

    Yeah, right. "She" needs to get a fcuking job and support herself. Aren't her pass-by readers tired of the same old sob stories???


    1. Heap of luck=heap of free money

    2. "I would love to hear from you."

      What a liar she is, as she doesn't love getting emails unless they come with the promise of a sale or donation. Seriously, do y'all really think she loves reading emails that only contain thoughts and prayers? Nope...those get deleted faster than the speed of sound.

  10. Can someone explain to me how the eff does she still have “pork shares “ to sell? Didn’t she sell out, then someone canceled, then she sold the canceled share? And correct me, but weren’t those shares for next year..so is she already pre-selling shares for 2024? Because her 2022 pigs were supposedly spoken for LAST YEAR. And paid for. (Well not if you ask her. After having morons buy shares, she still begs for feed, hay and butcher bills).

    1. I believe she buys and repackages store pork to pass off as her own. Cuz who would ever know the difference?

  11. I just read her latest post. It is nothing but whining and begging. Why is she trying to turn her problems into our problems? The car, molars, floor, ankle, and always the mortgage, always, are NOT MY PROBLEM. Day after day, it's incessant. She was so much more interesting when she had a full time job and was learning "farming" on the side.

    1. And what makes it more egregious is that she didn't bother writing a single post for months, and then when she finally does it's just a giant beg-a-thon. Pathetic!

    2. And she only wrote the post, after we recently called her out here for lack of current content. GFY, Jenna,

  12. From her latest bleg post, this comment about her new massive memoir:

    "I’ve never worked on something so incredibly personal and important to me, and every sentence means more than it should."

    What she really means is that every sentence has been carefully crafted to elicit sympathy and pity donations. Cuz what else could that statement mean? Means more than it should?

    1. I actually want to read it, but only because I want to compare what we (us Shammers) already know versus what total BS she's trying to feed the unsuspecting. I just don't want to pay for it. I refuse to contribute to her little pity party. I also know the purple prose will give me a migraine. How many metaphors can one bad writer use?

    2. Be sure to borrow it from the library / she hates that. WIW


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