What a Joke!

She is such an idiotic baby.  How dare she even type the word bad ass?  She can just kick and scream on her unfinished floor.  At this point who the hell cares?  She has created every bit of her life and no one is impressed.  Solve your own damn problems.
And any person that gives her money or sympathy or support of any kind at this point deserves what they get.  There is plenty of documentation and warnings everywhere about her actions and reputation.
I've said it before….her karma is her life.  She's living what she deserves.


  1. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 15, 2022 at 7:43 AM

    Well said. Here's a run-down of her latest self-induced problems.
    ➡️ Complaint: "A few weeks ago I fell off my deck at 4:30 in the morning."
    ➡️ Solution: Don't use improperly-constructed rear patio, especially in dark

    ➡️ Complaint: Chickens killed by weasel, "inside" coop.
    ➡️ Solution: Entire episode smacks of fiction. Weasel could not have removed large meat chickens through tiny entrance hole. More likely massacre didn't happen or chickens were left unsecured. However, as a purported chicken expert, she should have constructed and used a predator-safe coop.

    ➡️ Complaint: "I slipped and fell with all my weight on a turned ankle. It cracked, loudly... taking weeks to heal."
    ➡️ Solution: See doctor and/or wear foot brace for 6-8 weeks. But she didn't, going for car drives soon after, hiking trails at dusk.

    ➡️ Complaint: Insufficient hay
    ➡️ Solution: Get a job to earn money for feed, or re-home / lease horses for the winter

    ➡️ Complaint: Insufficient firewood
    ➡️ Solution: So many solutions, short of buying $$$ pre-cut & delivered firewood. Collect free wood in summer. Insulate house. Buy or make insulating curtains. Use oil furnace and get budget plan, to spread costs over 12 months. Oh, yes. Get a job.

    ➡️ Complaint: "I am still figuring out how to cover the August mortgage..."
    ➡️ Solution: Get a job.

    ➡️ Complaint: "There’s two broken molars that need to be repaired in my face"
    ➡️ Solution: Get a job, go to dental college or have teeth pulled

    ➡️ Complaint: "...a recently totaled car (hit by a deer at noon on a Sunday)"
    ➡️ Solution: Fix it outside of insurance. If it was totaled, insurance should have paid for its loss.

    ➡️ Complaint: "...a recent family funeral in PA I had to travel and get a hotel room for"
    ➡️ Solution: Don't attend far away funerals if you cannot afford to get there.

    ➡️ Complaint: "and a bathroom floor that is bare plywood and needs to be floored and sealed"
    ➡️ Solution: I'm embarrassed to write this. Buy DIY floating floor remnant and then seal edges. What a putz!

    ➡️ Complaint: "...Hopefully have the bathroom done before the first true cold comes so it doesn’t hurt the house. It’s all up in the air and stressful..."
    ➡️ Solution: Stressed because a small bathroom doesn’t have its plywood floor covered...and she can't pay bills? Get a job, dearie. Do cartoon doodles and soap on weekends. Write massive memoir at night, instead of self-medicating. See? Easy-peasy.

    1. Well done! Well written! So true! Sometimes people just need things spelled out for them, but she has been getting good advice for a long time and it doesn't sink in. It would be so easy to fix her "problems" you lay it all out beautifully. The "problems" I thought I had when I was working were nothing compared to now when I'm not working and they are more personal in nature. A job can reduce personal stress in a lot of ways.
      Newbie Anon.

    2. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 16, 2022 at 6:26 AM

      Newbie Anon, what you wrote makes a lot of sense. I think she gets away with it because most of her readers are fly-by, and they're not around long enough to spot inconsistencies and outright fabrications.

      When comments were solicited, in every case more-experienced folks correctly advised her of pitfalls, solutions and ways to improve her situation. Not only did she ignore their recommendations, she often belittled or blocked those readers for temerity of suggesting better methods.

      She's written multiple times that she has a (I think pathological) aversion to listening to advice or following requirements. There's definitely something odd about her approach to rural homesteading. If anything, she's less competent than she was years ago, and now with only a handful of prop animals to look after.

      Others have suggested a range of psychological conditions, beyond that narcissistic desire for attention-at-all-costs and other people's money.

      Whatever it is, it doesn't seem to be getting better.


  2. I’ll tell you this much for free: you can bet your bottom folding dollar that she will have that new TS album when it comes out!!!

  3. When I was researching common traits of a mooch, I learned they feel entitled to other people’s money. That’s why she has been able to beg so shamelessly for 12 years. I think most of us would be so embarrassed to constantly have our hands out, but she feels entitled. It’s like anyone with a job, direct deposit and folding money owes her something.

  4. Omg just dipped in to find her bitching about the lack of traffic on a site she NEVER POSTS ON and she posts what - an epic complaint thread.


    1. WiW. Which one? Thanks.

    2. Did someone catch the complaint about traffic on her blog? I can't find it to reference now. Maybe it was deleted?

    3. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 18, 2022 at 3:32 AM

      WIW and Anon, the comment on slow traffic was buried in her litany of complaints. Here's a snippet from the original Bleg:

      "I am still figuring out how to cover the August mortgage before I purchase anymore hay or wood, so I am hustling hard on social media and hoping for sales to come in steady. Though between inflation and the lack of traffic to this site, it’s quite the uphill battle."

      Gosh, I can't imagine why she doesn't have more visitors to her site...


    4. Thanks, PDD and WiW. I appreciate your info.

  5. This morning:
    Good morning from Cold Antler Farm! This farm has almost 100 bales of hay put up and a cord of wood! This is encouraging! 100 bales to go and another 2 cords for winter. If I can earn the $300 for the firewood this weekend I'll have it delivered This week! Stacked and ready!
    So did the August mortgage get paid? She needed $400 to do that, now “this weekend” ( which is almost over) she wants $300 to buy firewood (cough- could get free if she stopped posting about TS who she thinks is going to finally “come out” on this new album) and hay.

    Get a job and you would not have these issues.
    Get a job and you could buy whatever gay/not gay TS merch you want ( which at your age is creepy and weird but hey we all have our hobbies!!)
    Get a job and you can blather on all day about Fletcher, lesbian culture and what a great catch you are.
    Really! People would still find her insufferable but at least not a beggar with sus business practices!!

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 18, 2022 at 8:06 AM

      Anon, her math NEVER makes sense. Really - she should pin up a list of her begs. On the 14th (4 days ago):
      She had "about" 60 bales of the 200 bales hay she needs for the winter
      She had a "cord and a half" of the FOUR cords she needs for the house
      She had to figure out how to pay the mortgage before she "purchase(s) anymore hay or wood

      Now she has 100 bales of hay, a cord of wood (down half a cord?), but only needs 2 more cords for winter??


    2. She seems to the casual observer to be a massive scammer who has a hard time keeping a story straight and making it up as she goes in a way that suits today’s begging narrative.

    3. Anonymous 9:36. You’re correct about her being “a massive scammer.” Jenna’s been doing this for decades. She’s a mentally ill, pathological liar who has a defective character. We’re speaking from our personal experience of knowing her from living in Cambridge for years.

    4. No matter how much wood she has in October, she's always running out of wood in January.

  6. She is REALLY worried about making money this weekend. She’s out apple picking and those u pick bags and cider are not cheap! I live locally and usually that amount of apples she’s picking is probably in the $40-$50 range and the cider isn’t cheap either!!! Don’t worry she has the cash for this.. unless Patty is paying in which case as a constant begged she should probably say “ my friend graciously treated me to a day at a local orchard so no I have plenty of apples- thanks friend!!!”

    1. Pember Patty is her most massive enabler.

    2. She plays while poodles pay for her “Live like fiction” lie-style. That should be the title of her “massive memoir.”

  7. i guess she‘s not dating anyone because ”she is not ready yet.” heh heh.

    1. Jenna’s not “dating” because she’s a repellent person. And she has nothing of merit to offer anyone.

  8. How Stupid! If she's not ready, get off the site! By not getting off a dating site is just being on for attention, using it as a time-waster so she doesn't have to do her work/chores, or whatever imbecilic reasoning that goes on in her pea brain. She may seem, at first, to be a "catch" because she has a house and property - a rustic "get-away" in the "country", but those that would be drawn to her for that probably would not have their own $ and would be hoping to live off her, or expect expenses to be very low. Anyone like Shannon (who had it (or made it), would be expected to pay for the majority of the expenses so it would not (and did not) work out for long, when she spends the money foolishly and you pay the bills!

    1. No one worthwhile wants to “pick” a lazy, lying loser like Jenna.

    2. It’s approximately a year later, and I’m sure that Shannon doesn’t miss living with the lazy, lying loser.

  9. There’s nothing “badass” about being a begging, middle-aged moron who rigidly refuses to support herself. And is always late in making her mortgage payments each month. Yet appears to have the funds for frivolous purchases.


    No one cares, cunt. And now, you have September’s mortgage payment to make. No normal adult announces their financial fuck-ups, and brags about being late on their bills.

    1. And in 11 days, October mortgage is also due. So sure, yay, you paid August, aren’t you special. I wonder what happened with her comment from yesterday that the next several hundred she begged up would be for firewood and hay and how that was priority over the mortgage. I doubt she begged up enough to cover both.

    2. I’ve never seen any adults behave like Jenna does. She should be ashamed of herself. Yet she acts as if it’s an accomplishment to be behind every month in making her mortgage payments on time.

    3. Her stupid, screaming all-caps tweet is indicative of Jenna’s psycho sickness. She’s a sociopath who tries to mimic emotions. But her histrionic personality can’t pull it off.

  11. The amount of shit my friends and family would give me if I bragged about paying the mortgage every month! LOL LOL

    1. The “scrappy little lesbian” lacks a conscience, and doesn’t have the capacity for maturity.

    2. She probably also lacks genuine friends to keep her accountable, and meaningful connections with her family.

    3. From what I understand being relatively close to her family, she has no meaningful connections. She didn't even attend her brother's wedding which was not that long ago.

    4. Anonymous 2:20. What does her family think about Jenna’s begging and rotten reputation? I’d bet that Jenna’s just jealous of Johnny’s marriage. Now, she’s the only single sibling. And will likely always be alone.

    5. Both the brother and sister have careers. Jenna’s the only loser in their family who has nothing but begging.

    6. Hard to get a real feel for it all. They don't say much about her.

    7. I think that they don’t “say much about her,” because Jenna’s a total embarrassment to them.

    8. I believe you're exactly correct! Would you want to?

  12. Amazing how the farm was able to earn up $400 to pay the mortgage in a few days!! Paying a mortgage late month after month, year after year is nothing to brag about!! Get a job!

    1. Only someone stupid like Jenna thinks that it’s okay to brag about being late every month on making her mortgage payments. Her “job” is begging.

    2. I would be absolutely mortified to tell my closest friends, let alone the internet.

    3. I wonder sometimes if there's a disconnect where she doesn't think her family sees her begging?

  13. “AUGUST PAID! And while September being covered as well this month requires a small miracle, I do believe I can earn in the $300 towards another cord of firewood so please share this because the thread shows everything I have to offer! DM to order!”

    The “small miracle” would be Jenna getting a job. And it’s now “earn in” instead of her stupid “up.”

    1. The faux farmer still won’t either collect wood on her shit-pit property, or get it elsewhere for free. That way, she wouldn’t be able to whine about running out of fuel. Even though she has a furnace and heater.

  14. “I am rich in chicken”

    She should’ve added “shit.”

  15. Guarantee she probably got a check handed or mailed to her around the funeral of grandma as payment for showing up. Sad.

    1. There is no other way the $400 she was short in the mortgage was “earned in” otherwise. I’ll tell you that much for free.

    2. I wouldn’t put it past her to have told her parents and siblings that the trip made her lose sales and thus made her behind, and she guilted them into giving her the money for the (already late) mortgage.

    3. I could definitely see this!

  16. On IG claiming that TS is gay again. Claims that girls who eat snails together collab together with a pic of TS and Fletcher.

    At her age, I’m not sure who she could possibly attract with “eat snails” in her lexicon... I mean no wonder she gets
    Contacted to be in Poly relationships ( according to her of course). No one could possibly take her seriously as a partner. She needs another pandemic to find a prisoner/partner.

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 20, 2022 at 6:32 AM

      Anon, LOVE the "prisoner/partner" description - so apt.

      Laughingly, her circle of "friends" in teensy, largely populated with people she went out of her way to entice. (Free food! Horsie rides! Hold a hawk! Ride on horse wagon! Free overnight stays at Pember Patty!)


  17. According to her latest Twitter beg, her cord of wood just went up from $150 to $200. She now needs to sell two $100 to tell “my wood guy” to deliver a cord.

    1. I thought that she wasn’t talking to men anymore. Of course, she still needs to use their services,

    2. Edit: services.

  18. Correction: two sets of $100 cartoon drawings

  19. Interesting how the person/friend she went apple picking with has her own business, Caer Luna Farm, selling REAL goat milk soap (really cute), yarn, eggs, etc. She has a website with "virtual farm stand" where prices are listed and you can actually order online without that "send me a DM" bullshit. She also had a small farmers market last weekend hosting small business/farm women. It's interesting to me that Jenna did not participate even though it's a trusted friend running it in the same town. I just don't understand how they are friends since Jenna is basically the opposite with no desire to evolve her business past scamming and begging. Anyone who gives her $$ simply hasn't done their due diligence on this loser.

    1. Jenna’s probably jealous of her success story. Her friend might be too trusting like Pember Patty. She could also be an enabler.

    2. I’ve just sent a message via Caer Luna’s site to warn them about Jenna. Along with a link here.

    3. Maybe Jenna’s also not associating with straight women in groups. Although the fierce feminist is a fraudulent façade.

    4. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 20, 2022 at 1:34 PM

      Caer Luna is a long-time acquaintance of FF. She and her husband (at the time) did the "slow food" website craze and they developed trail foods suitable for long-distance bike rides. They came to CAF multiple times, to photograph the grabbing of the piglets, etc. She and her husband since split, and she's been in a female-female relationship for awhile as I remember.

      I don't think there's any need to warn her about FF. I haven't any doubt she knows the general story of FF, but the occasional visit seems to work for them. Yes, she's close by, but their approaches and artistic sensibilities seem far apart. Her treatment of animals, her focus on well-made, photographed and presented foods are quite different from the what the scrapster of VerYork does. And remember, to select friends, FF pulls out all the stops of affability.



    5. PDD,
      I think you are thinking of Tara who was married to Tyler. Jenna hasn't mentioned her in a couple years. Katherine and her husband run Caer Luna and apparently have a toddler.
      When I looked at her website I thought this is what Jenna could have done with more focus and hard work ( I know..I know).


    6. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 20, 2022 at 4:02 PM

      OMG, you are right. Thank you! I've lost it today... must need a vacation.

    7. I really appreciate the historians here.

  20. Our beloved fauxmer is out shopping for a used car today ( according to IG stories) only spending $5000. How is that truck in the driveway working??

    1. And how can she afford another car, when she hasn’t yet paid the loan for the crashed one? Bitch can barely make her mortgage payments on time.

    2. Grandma must have given her a small inheritance, so she's car shopping. Her finances will forever remain a mystery, but what's not a mystery is the fact that she obviously has some form of regular, steady income from SOMEWHERE. To pay a mortgage, run the house (utilities, etc.), feed animals, all that has got to cost 2 grand a month. Her cartoon scribbles are not paying for all that.

    3. Anon 5:14 - you're absolutely right. Her middle-school sketches aren't "keeping the lights on" anymore than her vacuous tweets, darlings.

  21. “PSA all episodes of Over the Garden Wall are on Hulu and it’s the fall equinox so a perfect evening has been planned for you, darling.”

    Her condescending usage of “darling” always sounds stupid and inappropriate. We wouldn’t want anything that she’s “planned.”

    1. The "darling" is from the cringe girl-boss culture. When I was starting out in business and subscribed to *lists* they were always calling their followers by endearments "loves" "lovelies" "darlings" etc. It's always gross, and I thought it had fallen out of fashion in exchange for the cringe tradition of naming your fandom aka "fam" ex. "x family" "besties" etc.

    2. I swear...what streaming service doesn't she have? She must pay well over $100 a month for all of them.

    3. WiW. I hate that fake endearments crap. It sounds insincere just like Jenna.

  22. Wow, she really thought that photo of Friday next to Cate Blanchette was clever. posted multiple times in multiple places.

    1. So sad that she never mentions Gibson anymore. Almost like he is dead to her.

    2. I don’t think that either the pic or caption is clever. Her humor is forced, and it falls flat on her fat, fake face.

  23. Speaking of Instagram, her latest post is a pic taken at HER pub, the Argyle Brewing Co.

    I thought that she never leaves the "farm" unless absolutely necessary? So in addition to the gas money spent to get there, she most likely bought booze too. With other people's folding cash.

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 23, 2022 at 8:49 AM

      Anon7, she also added that "Thursdays feel like Thursdays again..." with the photo of the pub. Has she gone full circle and is drinking again?

    2. All the signs point to her drinking booze again. Especially, her bulging belly and behavior.

  24. PDD - I just loved your problem/solution list at the top (the first post). So many good solutions that she will never choose...because she's found it is much easier to beg than to put any meaningful effort into solving problems.

    And imagine, every morning she wakes up with a sense of panic, wondering how she's going to make enough money to cover her expenses. Can you imagine that amount of daily stress? Especially when the easiest and most obvious answer is to get a damn job!

  25. Plenty of cash rolling in for her, paid the August mortgage and has enough “leftover” for firewood. Now needs to pay September mortgage.

    She always seems to make the mortgage payment at the same point in the month,..when there is about a week left of the month. Coincidence? Planned issue, that way she can beg all month? I was late on a mortgage payment once and it was my fault because the bank changed my due date and I forgot. I had the money so there was no need to be late. The bank called me to tell me AND I got a letter ( that arrived a few days after the phone call even though I paid the mortgage over the phone) I cannot believe she’s kTe every month and the bank only sends her scary letters once in a blue moon... and she needs attention/donations.

  26. I really wonder if her parents gave her money to go home and act like an adult and be at grandma's funeral? Interesting. How do you go from 2 months in arrears on the mortgage and a smashed car and no rental and a broken tooth and a hurt ankle you can't get looked at......to a 5,000 budget for a used car?

    Estates take long to figure out so unless someone was on grandma's account jointly and had access to that money once she died, there would be no actual money given out until well into an estate opening. Unless it was from the parents to attend.

    It also makes sense that she didn't post her 50 pictures of her and her "small town" and family if she was strong armed/bribed into attending? The one photo she posted was in Jim Thorpe which is near her town but not the one she grew up in. And no actual photos of family, the family get together they had afterward, the pet she needed the "pet friendly hotel" for (which....there are only two main hotels and neither allow pets). Also why not stay with the parents or family who ALSO have pets?

    It all stinks like something wad up.

  27. “I posted a picture of me sitting down vs standing up in my stories. I made the joke that I feel I am very much like a bear, when sitting down I look like a ball of softness and when standing up I look like a taller ball of softness that can throw a punch. I'm a size 10. I'm 5'3" I am very strong and very compact and for most of my life I hated it.

    But now at 40 I am learning to not just accept, but love the body I have. Being small and strong and soft isn't a bad thing. It's comfortable and safe and protective and calm. This body rides horses and trains hawks and climbs mountains and tends a farm. It has been loved and attended to. It's loved and attended. It's honest and what I got. And while I will probably always struggle with pictures I see of myself, I don't struggle with being myself.”

    No one cares, cunt.

    1. Clearly, she’s fishing for compliments on her obese body. There’s no way that she’s a small “size 10.” I’ve worked in retail for years. Jenna can’t tell the truth about anything. Including her clothes.

    2. She also used a photo that is years old in that post. That is not loving the body you have.

    3. Anonymous 6:38. I also noticed the old photo. She’s done this time trick with pics many times.

    4. And she’ll deliberately pose sideways to hide her fridge figure with a wide waist and tree trunk legs. That’s not very body positive and accepting of her appearance.

    5. Her writing is rotten now. It’s poorly crafted, nonsensical, needs editing, and appears to be done while she’s either drunk or stoned. It’s far from being the poetic musings she thinks it is.

  28. “Trapping season is an excuse to sing with the windows open fueled by the hope you’ll make a wild animal your roommate. #falconry”

    #animalabuser #learnhowtocorrectlyusecommascretin

  29. “Hey all! This farm has got to make some sales right quick, so I am offering my logo design services (flat rate, endless revisions, you own the art and rights to anything I create*) for HALF PRICE if bought now and the design isn't started until January 2023. Think of it as a design CSA. You buy a design spot now, and you and I start working in the new year.

    You save money, I save a farm, and together we both get to hold our heads a little higher because I still get to live this dream and you get to make your little gin joint that much more legit and professional looking! Lots of references and happy customers if you need them.

    Send a DM and PLEASE share this in your stories if you have an audience! #logodesigner #logos #farmlife #homesteading”

    GFY, “right quick.” She should hang her “head” in shame for being a beggar. That stupid “gin joint” line has been overused by her for years. The lazy loser won’t work on projects for months, but expects payment up front, like for her pork shares.

  30. “It's a rainy morning here at the farm and all I can think about is women, coffee, and birds.

    Trapping season, so far, has been lovely sunrise and sunset drives around the Battenkill Valley, with an encouraging number of birds out there! I've had all sorts land on the trap, but none have been snared and right now I am taking a break until a little cooler weather comes on. Hoping to have a bird by Mabon, ready to hunt by Samhain.”

    Poor, desperate little Jenna. No one wants to “pick” her to be their partner. It looks like she’s using pagan lingo again to pos as a Wiccan hipster.

    1. I’d love to know why she isn’t mentoring like she mentioned a few months ago. Why did that fall apart? They probably backed away slowly once they realized Jenna is nuts.

    2. Yeah, she’s bragged before about committing to teaching a teen girl about falconry in the fall. I think that it’s more of her vacuous virtue-signaling and humble-bragging bullshit.

    3. The father probably realized that he couldn’t trust the nasty cow with his teen daughter.

    4. Anonymous 8:59. We’ve seen her leering this summer at two teens in town. And her sick line about Buffy and virgins was weird, too.

  31. A couple things. If she is asking for upfront money for a design job she won't start until January 2023, she definitely has another source of income. If sales are as slow as she says, why can't she start now?

    And there is no way she is a size 10. Only in her dreams. Everything she says is a lie.

    1. She’s done this postponing projects for years. Yet expects funds up front. The lazy, lying loser doesn’t want to work. Jenna would rather be a beggar.

    2. There’s nothing wrong with being a larger size like she obviously is. We saw her at Cambridge Pride in June, and she’s gotten even bigger than before. But Jenna uses old pics to imply that they’re current ones. Just like her livestock photos.

  32. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 23, 2022 at 12:58 PM

    Part of the reason Fake Farmer bothers historians is lies and misrepresentations.

    No one cares that she is overweight, hefty, squishy, soft or refrigerator-like (as she has described herself). She is the one who draws attention to her body, time and again. Then, she sets up disconnects by posting old photos (inferring they are recent) and/or bragging about her physical prowess.

    Her crises, fabrications and pleas for money to save "the farm" are crass and manipulative and the math never adds up. She has repeatedly used "farming" and the need to feed the animals as a way to squeeze money out of readers; she knows without such stories, level of interest in her would be rock-bottom.

    I'm actually ashamed that readers think she is a typical woman "farmer". Her current lack of interest in animals is pretty glaring. Admittedly, animal care appears slightly better since the number of prop animals decreased, but she doesn't provide what most legitimate farmers would consider adequate care.
    1. For a published chicken expert, her expectation of a 50% mortality rate of chickens says it all.
    2. Her care for aged horses isn't the best: inadequate winter shelter, never a discussion of requisite supplements and medications, appears to still throw hay on top of their filth.
    3. Sheep, goat, pigs: nothing bad recently stands out to me, but guessing this is because there are only a handful.
    4. Hawk: laughable care. She got into falconry for all the wrong reasons (to get attention). Based on past episodes and with the exception of two "supervised" releases, the hawks may not have survived their time with her.

    If she was honest I would have more respect for her. Her obfuscation and manipulations suggest she knows what she's doing is dishonest, but she either enjoys deceiving people or she cannot help herself.

    I still wish she would re-home the animals and re-boot her narrative. This saga is repetitive and is going nowhere.

    1. PDD. That was spot-on again. Her whole life is lies. Jenna manifests duper’s delight in deceiving others. But her conniving, criminal methods are well-known now and diligently documented both online and off.

  33. Thanks! I tried it today, and the method works.

  34. Jenna: I’m so body positive!
    Also Jenna: posts a photo of herself 40 lbs ago

    1. She’s ashamed of her obese body, but pretends that it’s okay.

  35. “Still offering this sale! Hoo! Great gifts! Already this month I was able to earn the August back mortgage and put aside what I need for another cord of firewood. Goal now is to possibly, gods willing, earn towards the Sept. mortgage soon as possible to not be a month behind!”

    What a dysfunctional twat. She’s always “behind” by a month or more in making her mortgage payments. But then acts as if it’s an admirable achievement when it’s finally paid. Go fuck yourself, Jenna. No one else wants to. “Hoo!”

    1. “You're doing amazing!!!”

      A stupid, sycophantic supporter responded with the above. Clearly, she’s blind to Jenna’s bullshit.

    2. Again, her crap’s always on sale, so it’s nothing new. Jenna’s disingenuous in her unethical business practices. It’s just more of her manipulative marketing for free funds.

    3. Yeah, it’s truly “amazing!!!” to be a middle-aged moron who begs for a living, because she’s too lazy to support herself.

    4. So if she only gets a few sales per week as she claims, why do her potential customers have to wait until January for her to get started on their project???

    5. Good and logical question. Always wondered that myself. Makes no sense. It’s not like she has a lot going on. You know, like an off farm job or anything. Or a family. Or actual farming.

    6. Here’s my theory, aside from laziness, as to why she makes people wait. Jenna’s ego is enormous. Even though she’s really insecure. I think that she’s trying to come across as being so successful, that the demand for her services is backlogged for months.

      Of course, it’s all part of her pretentious posing as being something that she’s not. Like faking farming, and her rotten writing.

    7. I think so too.

  36. “Good morning from Cold Antler Farm. Things here are okay, working towards the September mortgage and hopefully getting firewood delivered soon. Hay, wood, sales and weather are all I think about right now and I can't wait to just feel a little more settled. Here's to a lucky day.”

    She almost always puts a hyperbolic exclamation point after Farm in her first stupid sentence. Looks like poor little Jenna’s not perky today. There’s her overuse of “luck” again. It’s code for free funds. Rather than getting a job to support herself like a normal adult. She hasn’t felt “settled” in over a decade, due to her lazy loser “lie-style.”

    1. Yesterday she said the mortgage is paid for, and also she had enough set aside for firewood. Today, age is “hopefully’ getting firewood. So which one is it? She overuses the word “hopefully” to get pity donations.

  37. “Not to rush anyone but it's almost snowflake mint soap season! Get yourself a bulk box on sale now cured and ready for festive holiday giving! DM to order!”

    What a posing, pushy bitch. I’m surprised that she didn’t say “This farm needs soap sales right quick. Hoo!!!”

  38. HD. New thread please? Thanks!


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