Happy Valentine's Day


  1. Anonymous February 15, 2025 at 8:27 AM

    Never end in pig shares are back in rotation!!

    Jenna Woginrich

    Cold Antler Farm

    “If you live anywhere near the capital region of New York, I just had a quarter pig share open for this growing season. A regular customer had to back out. (I’m 45min north of Albany)

    This is a CSA style co-ownership of a live pig I raise and arrange for the harvest, butcher and smoking if meats. All is included in the price, $375 and includes a minimum of 25lbs meat (not hanging weight, boneless, packaged, professionally cut and vacuum sealed meat!)
    Message if interested! I can send you the information so you can understand the process, and make an educated decision- Hope to sell FAST.”

    Jenna’s shit shares are one of her oldest scams. They always “open” again, coincidentally, when Wog needs more mortgage money for another late payment. Funny, how “a regular customer had to back out.” What a con cunt.

    1. Her capitalization of “FAST” was deliberately done as a manipulative marketing tactic. Jenna wants to come across as being panicked, because she’s learned that pushes people into making a pity purchase.

    2. Aren't "harvest" and "butcher" the same thing when it comes to pigs?
      Also, I thought she was caught up on the mortgage in January. If so, and she hasn't paid February's yet, she's only, no more than, 15 days late if it were due on the 1st, barely out of the grace period. That's nothing relative to her payment history.

    3. Anonymous 12:02. She twists terms to make the process seem more than what it is in reality. Jenna lies about being “caught up on the mortgage” to suit her immediate needs for funds. Her fake fear of foreclosure is to elicit empathy from followers. It’s all about manipulative marketing tactics.

  2. HD. Thanks for the new post. Hope that you’re doing well, and staying warm this winter. Unlike Wog’s wood stove stupidity. When she has a furnace that will heat her whole house. But chooses not to use it.

  3. Guaranteed most of her Substack subscribers don’t live close enough to buy a pig share…so this is just a blatant beg for $$$ donations.
    I am loving watching her wear out her welcome on all social media platforms-Substack is no different so pop the popcorn, it’s just a matter of time.
    Her logo and cartoon business has dried up and won’t ever come back: people have figured out that A.I. does it better and cheaper.

    1. Her ludicrous suggestion of buying pork shares to support their local food bank is blatant lying. No one wants to do that, because it’s stupid.

    2. Wog has “worn out her welcome” both online and in person. She’s loathed by locals for many reasons. Talk about burning bridges that can’t be rebuilt.

  4. She is still recycling old photos that she has used for years on other platforms. It’s so boring and the epitome of laziness. To me it shows us how much her property is deteriorating. Once all the snow melts it will be a pile of feces from neglecting chores all winter.

    1. “You just can’t know. Hoo!!!”February 15, 2025 at 12:39 PM

      Like the time crap on her “poop-erty” was so thick, after a winter buildup, that a bulldozer got stuck while trying to clean it up. Jenna doesn’t deserve to have a home and animals.

    2. Wog once was joking about “wanting to be adopted by a lesbian who knows how to fix houses.” I think that she was really serious. Shannon was probably her best bet, as a competent partner, but Jenna blew it by being a beggar and liar.

    3. My theory is Jenna blew it with S because Jenna has a temper. We see it online in how quick she is to react negatively, and presume negativity (scary red van etc.) In line with my theory she has undiagnosed ADHD as someone close to a woman who was undiagnosed until 40s, the sudden, big emotions are par for the course - but how someone thinks of themselves impacts how they handle their emotions. Someone self-aware might feel bad for overreacting, but Jenna is not self-aware and she's actually quite entitled and egotistical. That adds up to a toxic, abusive personality in a relationship.

      Based on how S left, all of a sudden with only what would fit in her vehicle, I think Jenna had a big blow up that scared the shit out of S. The way Jenna talks about her *animals* as being assholes / bitches etc as though it's funny (and not in a farmer that dang bull kind of way, but with contempt) I would not be surprised at all if Jenna's habit of lashing out hit S. It's a real shame because it seemed like S knew how to communicate in a healthy way based on Jenna's posts about their conversations.

      The only lasting romantic relationship Jenna can have in her current state is with someone as toxic as she is, or with someone whose self-esteem is already in the mud.

    4. 2:26 is WIW by the way

    5. WIW. That’s a great comment, and I agree with you. Jenna knows exactly why Shannon abruptly ended their relationship, but she’s lied about the reasons.

      It wasn’t about “the freezing winters, and uncertainty of living on the farm.” I could easily imagine Wog throwing an adult temper tantrum, and hitting “her girl.” Look at how cruel she’s treated a fragile kitten, when it accidentally knocked something over.

  5. Jenna Woginrich

    Cold Antler Farm

    Queen sized mattress camp hang by the wood stove. Dog and cat, peacefully cohabiting. I’m on my 326th cup of coffee. No plans. Farm fed. Picking out a ghost story to watch before I fall into a novel. Considering a very unhealthy amount of pancakes.

    When I say quality of life, this is what I’m talking about.

    Jenna Woginrich


    I just realized a 308 in the window might unsettle some readers. It’s my fathers deer rifle, and it has abreast scope for looking at wildlife from the window 😂

    Also, I feel safer having it close by.

    Jenna Woginrich


    I’m not spending this Sunday snowstorm worrying about money. I’m spending it under a heavy blanket reading a romance novel.

    I will worry about money tomorrow. I recommend this to everybody.

    1. “I will worry about money tomorrow.” Here’s what Wog really means: I will begin begging again tomorrow. But today, I’ll use my manipulative marketing to elicit empathy for funds.

    2. It’s no wonder why she has an obese body: “Considering a very unhealthy amount of pancakes.” Her obnoxious hyperbole about coffee is stupid. It also should be spelled “father’s deer rifle” with an apostrophe.

    3. Maybe she’ll also make her pan pizza that always looks greasy and disgusting. And for dessert bake “spooky cupcakes with candy sprinkles!”

    4. Perhaps, her novel was about “feral,” backwoods lesbians who have “eleven orgasms during a thunderstorm with a flickering lantern!”

  6. Wog wouldn’t have to “worry”
    if she’d go and get a job.
    What a lying, lazy loser
    and an addicted slob.

  7. I noticed the rifle before she mentioned it. I guess nobody commented on it so she had to draw attention to the fact that she thinks she is some kind of badass. Aren’t there laws about unsafe storage? Oh wait, the rules never apply to her anyway.

    1. Jenna has bragged about her rifle before. Guess that the farm femme is really a big butch.

    2. Stating that she feels safer having it close by indicates to me that it is likely loaded. What kind of moron displays a (presumably) loaded weapon against a window in plain sight. Loaded or not it’s an invitation to break in and take it. With gun crime rampant in the country it’s beyond irresponsible to broadcast over the internet that you have a firearm in plain sight. It’s another indication of the careless manner in which she lives her life. I wonder if it’s even registered since it came from another state.

    3. Nothing that she does is ever responsible. Jenna probably “borrowed” it from her dad, and didn’t return it. I feel for her parents to have such an embarrassing daughter. At least, the other two siblings seem to be normal adults.

    4. I’ll bet that she doesn’t know how to use the rifle. It’s just another prop to pose for pics. Like her hawks.

  8. I live a few hours from her, in a house that also has both a wood stove and an oil furnace. I run the stove to save on heating bills, and also because I love it, and it's yet another thing where her lies are obvious.

    She often betrays her ignorance of things she's supposedly an "expert" in, but for those unfamiliar with wood stoves: yes, you can leave the house in the winter - this "tending the fire" is nonsense. Wood stoves are designed to run unattended (one of the big differences between them and fireplaces). I keep my living room at around 75F, and load the stove (which takes 20 minutes) 3-4 times a day depending on the weather, because I have a fairly small stove - larger models can easily do 12-24 hours between reloads. I have no trouble being out and about for a part-time job. I also don't have to huddle in front of the stove - my bedroom is a comfortable 65F with the stove going, even at the other end of a 1500 sq ft house.

    Don't even get me started on "the smell of wood smoke wafting through the living room". Woman, wood stoves are *enclosed combustion systems*. If you've got the smell of wood smoke in your living room from a wood stove, something about your setup is horribly wrong.

    I know she's doing it for internet drama points, but acting like a wood stove is equivalent to some medieval peasant hovering over a cooking fire is so ridiculous. A stove is something you can install with a federal tax credit because it uses sustainable fuels, that's regulated by the EPA to ensure efficient combustion. 1 in 3 homes in Maine use a wood stove as their primary form of heat, and the rest of New England isn't far behind numbers-wise. It's hardly a primitive, rarely used technology.

    1. That was well-put. It’s ludicrous how Jenna tries to come across as being an expert on anything. She’s a homesteading hobbyist at best. Even after having her hovel for over a decade. What an unhinged, pathological liar, and a bad one at that.

    2. She knows nothing about how to be authentic. Jenna is a fake in all aspects of her lie-style.

    3. Anon 4:51, very well said. I also live in her general area, and I use a wood stove for supplemental heat. It's no big deal to start and maintain. Also, unlike her, we fell our own trees, split and stack the hardwood. You know, like rural folks with woodlands can do. Wog tries SO hard to create the image of a feral waif, huddled by a wood stove, against winter's chill - all to create sympathy subscriptions, purchases and donations.

      The truth is many people successfully use wood stoves, and they somehow manage to live life without being "chained" to their stoves.

      If she has to huddle in the immediate vicinity of her stove's radiant heat, it's probably because her house is poorly insulated. Maybe she should have listened to the multitude of more experienced home owners, who told her to insulate her house BEFORE buying a second wood stove, but noooo, she had to do it her ignorant way.

  9. Jenna Woginrich


    I’m seeing a lot of “art is resistance” and “joy is resistance” memes and while I get it, y’all better not be avoiding the news doing downward dog so much you don’t realize boots are already in the hall.

    Take care of yourself, but take care of yourself so you can fight for and heal the world, not hide from it and call it resistance.

    Jenna, please tell us how laying on a mattress in the living room eating pancakes and reading romance novels is resistance.

    I’ll wait!

    1. What a crock of crap from someone who has “hidden from the world” for over a decade in her hovel. Jenna is just virtue-signaling again. While doing nothing to help her local community.

  10. Jenna said yesterday that “I will worry about money tomorrow.” She just set the stage to bombard people with begging for mortgage money. We’re ready to report her again on Substack.

  11. Jenna Woginrich


    I hate that I can’t tell if IG rules of queer flirting apply to substack notes or not. I can’t read this room yet.

    Jenna Woginrich


    I just ordered the farm’s main seed order. A bunch of my readers helped, offering tips and varieties best for my zone!

    21 seed packets will arrive in a light box I can hold with one hand. It will be an entire homestead of gardens and the majority of my groceries this year. Follow me for more hot investment tips!

    Why would a farmer who has been in zone 5 for years, need help from others about what to grow in zone 5?

    I cannot wait to see what she grows from these 21 packets!!

    1. She “can’t read the room” when it comes to anything. No one is “queer flirting” with a lying, lazy loser like Jenna.

    2. This is a woman that was a keynote speaker at a sustainable agriculture conference several years ago. Unbelievable

    3. Anonymous 9:41. Jenna has lost any credibility that she once had. Even though it wasn’t either earned or deserved. Her rotten reputation is well-known now and documented.

    4. There’s nothing that’s “sustainable” about being a beggar, and her fantasy “Live like fiction!”

  12. Jenna deleted the posts on notes that are here. She left the one bragging about buying 21 packs of seeds.

    She can’t pay her mortgage but can buy 21 packs of seeds? They are never $1 each so at least $42plus. I’m sure she bought them from the company she likes that has artistic packaging!

    1. I’m sure that she deleted them after reading our critical comments. This happened many times before. Jenna is a coward who has to be shamed for her actions.

    2. Edit: This has happened

    3. It’s also possible that our violation reports for her begging have been noticed by Substack. They might’ve made her delete them.

    4. I like that we can keep track of her crap here. So even when it’s deleted there’s still a record. “Hoo!!!”

  13. I wonder if Jenna is going to be a vendor at the Southern Adirondack Homesteading Festival this year…it’s at her county fairgrounds - about 25 minutes from her house. A weekend long event in April; they have a website. I believe this has gone on for the past few years, and would be an excellent way to get some new business. Unless her reputation made it to Greenwich :)
    I totally agree with the post about the woodstove. We use a stove along with our
    Oil furnace. You definitely do not need to sit by it all day and tend it. Jenna is using it as an excuse to not get a job. We also have livestock (a lot more than she has) and we work off farm, so get a job Jenna, and stop saying you are a farmer; it’s insulting to real farmers. You would not survive on a real farm more than a day.

    1. Jenna can’t even be bothered to do her local venues. Like markets and fairs. Let alone ones that would involve more money and travel.

    2. wood stoves are used as a supplement. All the houses I've lived in up north have them. The furnace is either oil, natural gas, or there are electric baseboards.

      Jenna has the oil furnace, and there are electric baseboards. The wood stoves should only be for supplementation and emergency backup in case they lose power.

  14. I feel like even if you don't have a wood stove installed, you could just use an old radiator, you may need to clean out the dust and other gunk first. I have ones brought over from New Jersey and Massachusetts that still work, and they made my life a whole lot better during the winter. The only problem is that you really need to tighten the knobs, so steam doesn't come out, posing a massive danger indoors if you have a smoke alarm.

    There have been stories of people burning the stuffing of old couches, resulting in hydrogen cyanide being released and only a few lucky ones evacuated. Couches were made with highly flammable materials during the '60s and '70s, that's why.

    1. Maybe she should burn the ugly, beanbag chair that Shannon left behind.

    2. Anon 8:37, thanks for your ideas.

      Not sure if you read early Wog posts, but she has a whole-house oil furnace. In early days, she admitted to using it, so house wouldn't freeze, but she no longer mentions the furnace because it doesn't meet her narrative of needing to buy firewood / sitting by a primitive wood-burning stove. I'd imagine the oil company would even allow her to spread wi ter heating bills over the year to ease that high winter bite.

      She lives like fiction.

    3. PDD. We’ve been on heating assistance plans for a few years. And we live in New England. There are almost always ways to get help with the bills during the winter. Jenna chooses to spend money on wood, because it adds “ambiance” to her hovel.

    4. We recently got $350 from the Salvation Army for fuel. You just have to do a little research on how to get help with heating bills.

    5. Wog's poverty cries are possibly false too. When she claimed she needed $$$ dental work or discount health insurance, readers suggested she apply for low-income subsidies or discounts.

      Wog initially ignored these good suggestions, but later snarled that she wasn't *poor*, she was broke.

    6. PDD. I recall that crap.

  15. 3 essays for the month of February so far.

    Whomp whomp

    1. She’s already broken her posting promise.

    2. Countdown to her reading our comments, and then posting another stupid essay.

    3. lol you called it, posted within hours and half the length of the previous paid posts.

    4. Anonymous 9:51. We knew that she would post after reading our comments. Jenna has this site bookmarked, and regularly refreshes her screen multiple times a day. “Hoo!!!”

    5. Her patterns are predictable. Once you start to see them. The supposedly strong, “scrappy little lesbian,” has her puppet’s strings pulled by our comments. “Dance, little monkey!”

  16. Today's locked post was cross-posted to reddit:


    1. It’s just more weird word salad, and rotten writing from the con cunt.

  17. Jenna Woginrich


    I used to delude myself into believing I’d meet my wife on Instagram.

    I’ve decided to move on to deluding myself that I’ll meet my wife on Substack.

    1. No one wants a lying, lazy loser like Jenna to even date. Let alone marry.

    2. Jenna’s life is built on “deluding” herself that she’s not a garbage person.

  18. April Isaacs

    You probably will. I have been saying this is the new dating app. People slide into DMs with a much stronger game on substack than other apps. After all, this is a platform of words. May you find her soon. 💌💘
    Jenna Woginrich


    So far the issue has been finding someone more femme than me who is equally into foraging herbs as pop culture and not a capitalist. I think that’s just me and some muppets?

    1. The big butch still thinks that she’s a farm femme. What a delusional twat.

    2. Many men would be even more “femme” than Jenna. Her hygiene is horrid. She literally, stinks, with bad breath and body odor.

    3. From her past posts, the only things she "forages" are cake mixes, marshmallows, ice cream and sugary snacks. Who on earth would believe she's "into" foraging herbs??? Doesn't anyone check backgrounds?

      As P.T. Barnum said, there's a new sucker born every minute - witness April, lol.

    4. “So far the issue has been finding someone” who would want to be with an ugly, animal abusing beggar, a sociopathic scammer, and pathological liar.

    5. “April” is just another stupid, sycophant supporter like “Rachel Keane.”

    6. https://open.substack.com/pub/rachelkeane/p/goodbye-mom?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

      Funny, how RK refers to herself as being “a large, strange woman.” She sounds a lot like Jenna.

    7. Jenna has also posted a pic of a “pretty brunette femme” in her Notes. As if this kind of lovely woman would ever be attracted to Wog again. Shannon was a fluke because of Covid concerns.


    8. Isn't it weird how Wog interprets social media platforms as either a dating app or a vehicle for scamming for money. And yet she claims she's not a capitalist.

    9. EO. Jenna has always misused social media platforms for her own benefit, and doesn’t mind going against their rules. That’s why she was banned from Reddit last year. The same will happen on Substack eventually.

    10. "more femme than me" OMG this is SO CRINGE I want to vomit from my eyeballs.

      It's been a couple of decades since I was in the queer dating scene, but even in the 90s / early 00's there wasn't this much emphasis on roles / types outside of hookups.

      And don't people change their style and expression over time? What is too butch to date jenna, short hair?

      It's just, uh, unusual for someone with such limited prospects to be narrowing the field any further, beggar being choosy!

    11. Anonymous 2:51. “It's just, uh, unusual for someone with such limited prospects to be narrowing the field any further, beggar being choosy!” I literally, laughed out loud at your comment. And I agree with what you said. Jenna is still stuck in a dated mindset.

    12. The last time that we drove by her hovel, there wasn’t a long line of women waiting to date her.

  19. Jenna Woginrich

    Cold Antler Farm

    This farm has about ten days to make a mortgage payment to avoid risk of foreclosure threat, if supporting people’s substack isn’t something you do - l(the best way to support CAF!) I also work from the farm as a part time designer and illustrator. Perhaps I can encourage you to buy a one time piece of original, hand drawn/painted animation style art or a logo?!

    All come on 9X12” Bristol art paper shipped free ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD
    Sketches in pencil are $35
    Ink is $55
    Full color is $85
    (And canvas paintings are 8×10 and $20 shipping US only right now)
    No or simple background- $150
    Full background $250
    and logos are a flat rate of $250
    message if interested and thank you for your time!! Sorry if grammar is bad I’m trying to write this and not spill coffee balanced on my lap while a cats trying to get attention- bedlam over here before caffeine and kibble

    1. Her fake fear of foreclosure is just manipulative marketing tactics to elicit empathy for funds. We’ve reported her again for begging. Please do the same.

    2. Jenna can’t even take time to properly compose her blatant begging for mortgage money.

    3. Haha!
      ➡️ It's not a *foreclosure*
      ➡️ It's not a *foreclosure threat*
      ➡️ It's RISK of foreclosure THREAT... which says nothing, really.

    4. Anonymous 6:18. But it’s very devious how her language paints a pic of foreclosure. She’s been doing this crap for years now.

    5. Jenna always hides behind her moron’s mantra of “this farm needs to make a mortgage payment…” She never admits that it’s her own responsibility, not that of an inanimate object.

  20. She edited her post. Notice that she removed “foreclosure” 😂😂. Yup we thought so Jenna!

    Now there’s just a “risk”

    Jenna Woginrich

    Cold Antler Farm

    This farm has a week to make a mortgage payment to avoid risk, if supporting people’s substack isn’t something you do - (the best way to support CAF!) I also work from the farm as a part time designer and illustrator.

    Perhaps I can encourage you to buy a one time piece of original, hand drawn/painted animation style art or a logo?!
    All come on 9X12” Bristol art paper shipped free ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD
    Sketches in pencil are $35
    Ink is $55
    Full color is $85
    (And canvas paintings are 8×10 and $20 shipping US only right now)
    No or simple background- $150
    Full background $250
    and logos are a flat rate of $250
    message if interested and thank you for your time!! Sorry if grammar is bad I’m trying to write this and not spill coffee balanced on my lap while a cats trying to get attention- bedlam over here before caffeine and kibble

    1. Once again, Jenna has either edited, or removed content after reading our comments. She’s done this multiple times.

    2. When we reported her earlier our screenshot to Substack showed the unedited version. “Hoo!!!”

  21. Is she not selling crappy soap anymore? I would think she'd have a better chance of selling that than a lame logo or a pet portrait (they always look unfinished).

    1. Her soap sucks. It has a synthetic, strong stench.

  22. Well now, Rachel Keane says this: “Jenna is amazingly talented and Easter and Mother’s Day is coming…” Anyone who is paying attention knows that Rachel Keane is Wog’s alter ego. How pathetic that she had so little support she needs to write her own reviews.

    1. “RK” is another “large, strange woman.” Just like Jenna.


    2. RK, if real, is a dupe. How do such gullible people function in life?

  23. Jenna Woginrich


    No sales yet! If you ever wanted to support this farm, this is the time! I also have one pork share for this season available! Send me a message I’m so close to making the January mortgage so I can start trying to earn Feb!

    1. “No sales yet!” No one wants to “support” a lying, lazy loser like Jenna. Get a job, slob.

    2. She’s always “so close,” and deliberately uses this wording, because Jenna wants people to simply hand her money for mortgage payments. It’s just more manipulative marketing from the con cunt.

    3. “No sales yet” also….

      No likes or comments yet. Whomp whomp.

    4. Anonymous 6:45. She refuses to “read the room.” It’s very obvious, except to Jenna, that people on all of her platforms are sick of the constant begging.

  24. Jenna Woginrich

    Cold Antler Farm

    My seed order came in. An entire homestead in a little box. My summer of groceries and my morning weeding gig. I can hold it all with one hand.

    These seeds are about $3 per pack. A commenter pointed out…


    You’re holding next year’s seeds too, and the next (open pollinated varieties)

    A farmer like Jenna should have seeds saved… no??

    1. “An entire homestead in a little box. My summer of groceries and my morning weeding gig. I can hold it all with one hand.” This sets the stage for more posed pics as proof that she’s an authentic farmer. Her huge man hand could cover an entire box of seeds.

    2. Check out the website for High Mowing Organic Seeds. Purchasing 21 packets of organic seeds is $$$$.

      But tell us again how "this farm" is living on the edge and can't pay its mortgage on time.

      Living like fiction y'all. Hahaha 😆

    3. Not to mention, I’m surprised miss awww shucks widdle farmer wouldn’t support a local business to buy her seeds. You can buy organic seeds everywhere within minutes of her mountain.

      So concerned about her community!!!

    4. Funny, her fixation on buying “organic seeds,” when it’s clear that her diet is anything but healthy.

    5. Someone previously asked why she isn’t saving her own seeds. Easy answer is most of her garden fails to thrive due to neglect. The only crop she posts about is butternut squash and once, I think potatoes. I’m quite sure I’ve never seen pictures of peas on the vine, or beans, stalks of corn or just about anything else. If she truly ate from her garden her hair wouldn’t look like straw, her skin wouldn’t appear so sallow and obesity would not be an issue. You are what you eat is not just a catchy phrase. She is a waddling advert for her unhealthy habits.

  25. And today’s beg about “no sales yet” is deleted. Can’t make this up.

    She deleted IG off the phone she doesn’t have as well.

    1. No one cares about supporting an able-bodied, college-educated, overly privileged white woman who has been a beggar for years.

    2. Normal adults don’t broadcast their fucked-up finances to total strangers. And then expect others to constantly “donate,” because they refuse to support themselves.

  26. Jenna Woginrich


    Can this algorithm connect me with solo women and men who are childless, self-employed, creatives and not in a dual-income living situation? I want to hear from the people on the edge. People with no plan B. People who are scared and angry right now but keep going.

    I’m talking people who made their passion their career, not people who have a “real job” with insurance and direct deposit and write or paint on the side. This is not a judgement, you are smart and responsible citizens. I’m just trying to see if I’m insane.
    Writers writing to feed themselves and keep a roof?
    Designers who don’t cash checks from their parents or a trust fund?
    Printmakers who made a studio out of their bedroom and sleep on the couch with the dog?
    Van travelers paying for their own gas?
    Anyone not supported by a spouse or still on their parents health insurance/cell phone plan?
    I feel like I’m a dying breed of ferociously independent working-class solo artisans. I know you’re out there.
    You got to be?

    1. Jenna is a lying, lazy loser who is trying to hide her lie-style with another weird word salad. She still can’t use question marks correctly in her rotten writing.

    2. Jenna is unemployed by choice not “self.” No one forced the moron to quit a decent career in her twenties.

  27. Another Substack rep emailed me last week about Jenna’s begging. Please keep reporting her for violations. Screenshots are also helpful. So it won’t save her if the content is either edited or deleted.

    1. They’re finally starting to respond, because many of us are reporting her multiple times.

  28. Run to read the notes on her substack about “ I need to find people like me”. Jenna is melting down that basically no one is as irresponsible as she is!

    1. Jenna just wants affirmation from other losers like her.

  29. Her notes post on Reddit will be “poof”soon. She’s being an ass to readers and complaining no one is like her just begging online for money.

    1. We’ll keep on reporting her begging.

  30. Jenna Woginrich


    I don’t mean preppers or kooks. I mean regular, in-touch, voting, working class people who follow politics and are part of their communities that happen to make a living through creative means as a single person who isn’t rich. Does no one want to do what they love for less money? Or stubbornly making it work regardless of how hard it is?

    It scares me that people like me aren’t out there. That only people that “made it” do this full time. That the only people that match this description are rich or get 50k book deals?!
    I can’t be the only one

    1. Jenna isn’t “the only one” who refuses to support herself. There are millions of morons like that. Her life is “hard” due to being stubborn and stupid.

    2. It’s ludicrous that she uses “in-touch” to describe her delusional lie-style. She’s completely removed from reality, and lives in her faux farm, bubble of denial.

  31. Jenna Woginrich


    I appreciate your reply, but, respectfully- I’m not looking for a pat on the back I’m trying to find one other person like me on this app

    Exactly like you? I don't think that's possible Jenna. What I was trying to say that is many people, myself included share many similarities. Working class. Childless, no back up plan, angry but still going, writing for money, driven by passion, but not willing to sell out. The pat on the back was just a bonus because I like you.
    Jenna Woginrich


    There’s got to be. Maybe she’s 27 or a guy in France whose 67? But someone else on a website meant to pay writers has to be a self employed single working class artist.

    Or I am crazy

    I don't actually know if you're crazy but I don't think so. I hope you find them.

    1. Jenna isn’t “working class.” What a crock of crap. She’s unemployed by making poor choices for years.


    2. We think that she’s “crazy” and lazy.

    3. Jenna is incredulous that no one else with an able body and college education don’t do fuck all all day and play poor pitiful farmer all day?

      She read an entire book yesterday if you are wondering how busy she is.

      Also she does not want readers to say nice things to her… she wants $$$$.

    4. Anonymous 8:56. Jenna probably also spent time thinking about posting more moronic memes to virtue-signal. While sitting on her fat ass, and doing nothing for the Cambridge community.

    5. I’d say her loneliness and desperation for a date is sending her over the edge. She appears to be in despair about her life situation which is entirely her own doing. It looks like she has given up on therapy which she needs more than getting laid.

    6. EO. Jenna is starting to see the consequences of her abhorrent behavior. It’s finally caught up to her at age 42, And nothing is more of a turn-off for dating than someone who’s coming across as being desperate. Add in her many other issues, and it’s no wonder why she’s still single.

    7. It’s also a red flag that she always says she wants someone to help with bills. That’s a boss or a roommate, not the potential love of your life!

    8. Anonymous 9:53. That’s possibly one of the many reasons Shannon ended their relationship. It looked like she was paying for much more than her fair share of Jenna’s expenses.

    9. Anonymous 9:53. You might recall this. Wog has also whined about getting a roommate to help her with expenses, but she’s never taken any actions towards doing it.

  32. Poor widdle Wog has made her profile private again on Instagram. It won’t last long, because she needs new fools for funds. She’s trying to hide her begging from us. The bitch bragged about deleting the account, but still hasn’t done it yet.

    1. “You just can’t know. Hoo!!!”

  33. A Legend in Her Own MindFebruary 23, 2025 at 1:34 PM

    Wog: I’m talking people who made their passion their career, not people who have a “real job”.

    Sad that her passion is being out of touch, pretending to homestead, farmer cosplay, doing little, lying a lot, getting high and begging for money.

    Also sad she's too ignorant to understand that millions of people who have "real jobs" are doing what they love.

    1. PDD. That was well-put as always. It’s also “sad” that her “real job” has become being a beggar.

  34. A blast from the past:


    1. Wow, just wow.

      Also, ten years later, nothing has changed, except Merlin is dead.

    2. PDD. It’s unbelievable how her life of lies is still the same.

    3. It really is shocking that she’s still stuck in a rut of her own poor choices.

  35. She will be stuck forever, refuses to change her disastorous behavior.

    1. Jenna is incapable of making mature changes and choices.

  36. Haven’t listened to her new post but her teaser says that her seeds have been delivered and she has a new pony.

    1. Of course, Jenna has to have a replacement pony for Merlin. She’ll be begging for more money soon to get a puppy.

    2. Her hay expenses won’t decrease now. So Jenna will continue begging for her hoard of animals. She acts like a teen who has to have horses.

    3. Just listened to her stupid voice drone on. She doesn't have a new pony but she's open to getting one, but only a certain type, a draft pony. She begs for her mortgage every month but wants another horse to abuse.

    4. I have always imagined that Substack subscribers were a more discerning bunch than those who stick with Facebook and Instagram. Jenna is proving me wrong. Maybe be her Substack followers don’t read her “notes”. She might be able to fool her with her infrequent “righting” but the true Jenna is on full display there. How can they not see what we do? She needs a pony like she needs a few more one hundred pound bags of flour and sugar under her bed.

    5. Well, that could have used some proofreading, but I think I’ve made my point….

    6. Anonymous 9:58. I got your “point.” Morons like “Rachel Keane” are still her fans.

    7. I think that she’s a shopaholic who has zero impulse control. The same goes for her hoarding horses and other animals.

    8. A couple of days ago she posted the credit card receipt from her seed order which in itself was weird and yet today she states she has no credit card. She catches herself up with her lies at every turn.

    9. EO. When her mouth moves Jenna’s lying. And she won’t shut up.

  37. Everything is great and the farm is great.

    Spent $121 on seeds and a knife.

    Is going to buy herself a $15-20 steak once she pays her Feb mortgage.

    She slept on satin sheets last night.


    1. Jenna has horrid hygiene, and stinks, but brags about “satin sheets.” She is “insufferable.”

    2. Let’s read between the lines. She really wants a stupid supporter to buy her a steak. Maybe “Rachel Keane’ can donate.

  38. I've been following Jenna for longer than I care to admit. I would never have thought she would make it this far. Granted, she isn't thriving and you can sense how miserable she is, esp when she is trying to convince us that we should envy her hahaha. I used to think the karma bus was really slow, but I think her karma is actually to have to live this isolated, lonely, selfish life every single day of the rest of her life. I wouldn't wish her life on anyone. Not even her! haha

    1. We do “wish her life” on Jenna. It’s well-deserved. She’s created her own hell for years.

    2. She did sound particularly manic on this recent recording. I would guess she needs her meds adjusted. Her mood swings are off the charts.

    3. EO. Her moods are always mercurial. I think that she’s very mentally unstable.

  39. Jenna thinks that having her hovel is still, some kind of date bait. But even that won’t work for Wog. She’s still single for many reasons.

    1. It would only work for someone looking to scam free living space, but game recognizes game, so jenna's really just looking for younger more naive marks

    2. Anon 2;20. I agree. Lots of people would move in with her cause they don't have better, but they'd be looking for the free ride that she is looking for. A con conning a con situation.

    3. Using her house as date bait is ludicrous. Most people in their forties already have stable accommodation. It’s unlikely she could attract a young partner unless, as mentioned above, it’s a young con artist. It’s possible her head could be turned by someone younger ( it would feed her ego) but finding someone to pay her bills seems to be first on her list. Someone young and wealthy wouldn’t give her a second look and anyone her age would know better. Unlike Wog, people become wiser with age.

    4. they don't have to be wealthy, they just have to be gainfully employed and naive enough to buy jenna's bullshit. she'll be striking out with the young ones as she gets older, which is why she was looking for "late bloomers" for the past year.

    5. Anonymous 7:53. Exactly. Jenna is far from being a catch as they say. She really blew it with Shannon.

  40. Her alibis aren't watertight at all. Her motives fail on every level. Thus begins the decline of the con artist. You know that Deniece Williams song, "Too Much, Too Little, Too Late"? That can easily be applied to Jenna in this situation. "It's Gonna Take a Miracle" would also work, as well. Williams's material is perfect "pity party" material for losers like Jenna.

    "Too much, too little, too late to ever try again, too much, too little, too late, let's end it being friends, too much, too little, too late, we knew it had to end, it's over... (soulful vocals) it's ooooveeeeerrrr..."

    1. Jenna’s “decline” took awhile to happen. But it’s obvious that years of making poor choices are finally catching up to her.

  41. Another good nickname for her: "The Fan-Farce-stic Forty," after the famous Marvel quartet, the Fantastic Four, and it's because she's in her forties.

    1. I like the filthy feral failure, too.

  42. “I’ve never used AI. Never used chatgpt or downloaded software. I’m not even interested, it’s insulting. Why would you want anyone else speaking on your behalf? why would you give that up?”

    This is rich. What about the photos she has used without permission or credit? Not to mention her clip art logos. Has she actually deluded herself to the point that she believes her own lies?

  43. A lot of people don’t think twice about Taylor Swift. Just saying.

    1. Jenna isn’t a normal adult. I never think about famous females like a cyberstalker.

    2. She defaults to TAS when her life is particularly sucky. Here’s a newsflash darlin’ - nobody cares.

    3. EO. No one cares what a nobody thinks and does. But Jenna is an attention whore.

  44. “Jenna is amazingly talented and Easter and Mother’s Day is coming…”

    Rachel Keane on Substack is the stupidest sycophant of Jenna’s that I’ve ever seen. She worships Wog with her words, and did it on Twitter too.

    1. It looks like Jenna ignores RK, and only uses her for PR purposes.

  45. “Sitting down to start the first essay of the month. I publish 4/5 posts with audio every 4 weeks.

    March stats:
    $300 in my bank account
    2 mortgage payments to go to catch up.”

    It’s more manipulative marketing from the con cunt. We’re reporting her for trying to put pressure on people to make a pity purchase.

    1. https://coldantlerfarm.substack.com/notes

    2. https://support.substack.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=1900000051827

      I’ve included a screenshot of a pic as proof. So it won’t matter if she either edits or deletes the content.

    3. “Sitting down to start the first essay of the month. I publish 4/5 posts with audio every 4 weeks.

      March stats:
      $300 in my bank account
      2 mortgage payments to go to catch up.
      $1000 in current dental appts I need to earn on top of that
      Plus: feed a farm full of animals, utilities, gas, and food.

      You’d never miss a week either if you were writing for your life with everything to lose. I’m grateful for the stakes. Haven’t stopped writing in over 30 years.

      If you are uncomfortable following a writer who openly discusses how hard it is to make it as a working-class creative, talks money and politics —I’m not the person for you.

      If you believe in grit, sharp teeth, and magic: stay tuned.

      Goal for today is $150 in sales and not leaving the farm or spending any money. One day at a time. I’ve believe in the impossible a day at a time.”

      Here’s the rest of her crap. This was the screenshot that I sent in my report to Substack.

    4. Normal adults don’t bombard total strangers with the supposed, exact amount in their bank accounts. She also had to add the dental details to try and elicit empathy for funds. Jenna could get just a job if she really had “everything to lose.” She’s unemployed not “working-class.” Her mortgage payments are always months behind due to being a lying, lazy loser.

    5. As an aside, about her choice of pic. We know many women in Cambridge who wear Carhartt, and they’re straight not “queer.” What a stupid stereotype. The “pretty brunette femme” featured is Jenna’s fantasy. It’s unlikely, however, that she’ll ever attract one again after Shannon.

    6. “Give the farm lady a follow, she’s a fantastic writer, living an honest life that most of us could only wish to have.”


      Cameron Bissell is another moron. Here’s the truth. She’s a rotten writer who’s been begging for a living, and is deceptive about everything. I wouldn’t “wish” it on anyone but Jenna. Her hovel is a faux “farm.”

    7. Jenna is probably disappointed that Cameron is a man. Instead of being a lesbian. She only uses males to enhance herself.

  46. There’s no one who knows the real truth about Jenna that would describe her as “living an honest life.” It’s the antithesis of the reality.

  47. “I’ve written 3k+ words since 6AM and none of it is anything worth sharing. Sometimes writing feels like stepping barefoot on carpet legos, over and over. Keep me in your prayers.”

    GFY, Jenna. Nothing that you write is ever “worth sharing.”

  48. “Goal for today is $150 in sales and not leaving the farm or spending any money. One day at a time. I’ve believe in the impossible a day at a time.”
    Still begging on Substack but trying to make it more subtle. Wonder if she’s had her wrist slapped. As usual no spellcheck.

    1. EO. I said the same thing this morning in my copy and pasted comments above. We’ve also reported her for violations again.

  49. New ewwwww on substack.

  50. Jenna Woginrich


    I’m sure plenty of you are lovely people, but if you don’t have your real name/face on your profile here, I probably will not interact because that scares the shit out of me.

    I’ve been sharing my life, my thoughts, my feelings for years with the public- the fact that you won’t even interact on social media with your real face makes me very uncomfortable.

    This nonsense again. I guess Jenna will never interacted with with me. Boohoo.

  51. Well, if she isn’t a self-important twat!

    1. I love that she got 6 comments basically nicely telling her that people prefer anonymity on the internet for safety and keeping AI from using their likeness.

    2. If she is so freaked out by the scary people on the internet then why has she been sharing every aspect of her life online all these years? Anyone paying attention knows exactly where she lives, that she has firearms in the house and no security system other than one border collie. Stupid or what?

    3. EO. Jenna has zero boundaries. She used to brag about sleeping naked with the dogs, and even pooping outside when her toilet was broken.

  52. Jenna is intentionally using incorrect pronouns for her ex. S uses they / them pronouns. My thought is Jenna feels it's more important to affirm her own identity as a lesbian than respect her ex's identity.

    1. Interesting!

      That whole post was gross. I love bird watching but a post about how you discovered birdwatching I between sec sesssions? Grrrosss.

      Such an odd thing to me yapping about. Only perverts want to know about other peoples sex lives.

    2. She’s never “respected” anything about Shannon. Jenna is obsessed with coming across as being someone who’s sexy. When the antithesis is true.

    3. I guess that her “ex” didn’t mind doing “dumpster diving” with Wog.

    4. lol you're so obsessed with being disgusted by specific details of Jenna's sex like Anon 213. I think the troll is right about you getting off on the disgust. You're a bigger clown than she is!

    5. Anonymous 4:03. “You just can’t know. Hoo!!!”

    6. Anon 213. You caught me!

    7. Oops I meant 4:03.

  53. Jenna posted this on her Instagram reel (typos are hers not mine):
    "I'm only checking this app once a day. It's no longer on my phone. Soon as I can responsibly delete it, I will. This place isn't cool. It's hell. Since dropping this app I'm already on my second novel in a week. My attention is coming back. I'm not judging myself on what people do with credit cards. I'm not dealing with hate or spam.
    If you need to contact me for a logo, art, sales, or soap please email or go follow me on substack. That's where most writers already are and professionals in arts and agriculture are talking. There are no ads. It's free. You only pay writers you volunteer to pay, over 2,000 of my readers don't pay a cent and read and talk with me daily.
    It's a newsletter delivery service, but the app side is like any other social media, there's just zero nazis or MAGA. Mostly because most of MAGA can't be bothered to try something new. Don't be like them, get off Meta. I know it's hard, it's REALLY hard for me, especially financially since I made most sales through here and my situation has not changed.
    While I'm fading this account, it'll switch to private and then be deleted. I hope to see you over there. I rarely mention Taylor Swift and the writing is the best of I've ever done. I'm proud of it.
    Get off this. Zuckerberg is a ass."

  54. Jenna Woginrich


    This farm starts every month from scratch, but the goal is to get out of risk of foreclosure, which means thousands in sales in one month, impossible unless I ask or Taylor Swift starts reading CAF, so!

    Below is everything I have to offer. Supporting the substack is the most encouraged, as it’s paying for work I’m already dedicated days to each week. But if you don’t do that here, reach out for pork or a pet portrait! Please!


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