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June 22, 2024
Autumn is coming in at full force.
It should be a super busy time on the "farm". What has she been doing? We know what she hasn’t been doing. She hasn't been doing any post-summer clean-up around her shack on the hill. She hasn’t been spending time with all the old friends that got tired of her BS…there are a lot. She hasn’t been dating a new girl. And she hasn’t been writing any interesting quality essays. But really, it’s okay…she shouldn’t worry about it, because nobody really cares what she’s doing anyway. Rehome the animals and you can just carry on.
HD. Thanks, for continuing to be the “boss” of this public service site. We appreciate you, too!
ReplyDeleteYes, Thank you HD
ReplyDeleteHappy Holidays, HD!! Thank you for all you do. 🥰
Merry Christmas, Happy Longest Night, brighter days ahead, Happy New Year to those who celebrate <3 Warm wishes to those who don't love this time of year too. WIW
ReplyDeletePDD - I think winter solstice is my favourite day of the year. I'm up north, and we get only 7 hours of overcast daylight this time of year, so longest night is a big deal for me!
ReplyDeleteI'm in full agreement Anon. Each night (about 7 pm), as I head out to do closing animal chores, I hope for more hours of daylight. It's a joy to see solstice and know night are getting shorter!
Thanks, guys! I appreciate you all for all your wise, thoughtful, and hilarious comments.
HD. Thanks!
DeleteOh, crap, I actually found some Christmas photos at a thrift store... done by none other than the Aussie pedo himself, Rolf Harris. You thought P. Diddy was bad? Well, actual "kiddy diddlers" such as Jimmy Savile, Bill Cosby and Rolf Harris are much worse. If Jenna sees those people as her other idols besides Taylor Swift, I don't know what else will. Her predatory behavior is incredibly similar. And there was also the fact that I had to sing "Tie Me Kangaroo Down, Sport" at a rural community hall when I was younger, and the audience actually loved it. In Jenna's case, it's "tie me falcon right down, sport."
ReplyDeletewhat the f?
DeleteAnonymous 4:48. I agree. This is the same person whose comments don’t make sense most of the time.
DeleteWe don’t know why she continues commenting when they’re often either ignored or ridiculed.
DeletePlease stop! I don’t even bother coming here anymore because these nonsensical comments are so annoying!
DeleteAnonymous 12:59. I made the above comment at 4:36. I also find her “nonsensical” drivel very annoying. She refuses to read the room. Just like Jenna.
DeleteI still say that they’re on the spectrum. What’s weird is why they’re here. It’s obvious that Jenna is just mentioned as an excuse to make crazy comments.
DeleteI find her comments rather funny. She's comparing Jenna's predatory behavior to other well known predators. Yes, in a roundabout way, but the point is there. Do all comments here have to be written in a certain way? She's not calling anyone here nasty names like we used to have, and she's trying to join in on the conversation. She certainly doesn't seem like she's a Jenna fan.
DeleteAnonymous 6:02. I don’t find her funny at all. Comments don’t “have to be written in a certain way,” but hers usually aren’t pertinent to the topic.
Delete5 substacks for the month of December. Is that Jenna math for 3 essays per week?
ReplyDeleteAww, Anon, no time to write! Wog was busy in the month of December performing her many community services, and then she undoubtedly had many, MANY holiday invites because she's sooo popular in the local community.
She’s quiet on IG. Help me out, does that mean she’s depressed or pretending she’s busy? Or does she want her readers to be worried about her?
Deletemaybe stoned.
DeleteMy guess is she will come back with some convoluted tale of holiday woe to jack up pity donations. Dental emergency? Dead animal? Hawk flew off? You be the judge.
DeleteWog was still fairly busy on SuckStack notes, peddling her scrappy narrative, pushing for the 10-millionth tine her LGBTQ guide to rural living, posting a cute photo of her snow-covered derelict property, wishing all sorts of goodness on her readers, whilst reminding them this farm needs, needs, NEEDS their support because she *sniff* has no other sources of income.
I guess the well has run dry on IG. What a con artist.
DeleteShe’s over on notes bitching that she’s not getting enough attention for her queer substack posts.
Deleteshe has nothing new or interesting to say about queer culture! Queer people are a tiny subset of the population - and "late bloomers" are a tiny slice of that! now cut into that people who are late blooming RIGHT NOW and find her content relevant. Oh and lesbians specifically.
DeleteShe's talking to herself 20 years ago, and her content is irrelevant.
Anon 9:52 pm: good points. Well said.
DeleteHow to Say "I Refuse to Get a Job (like a responsible adult)" in Too Many Words
ReplyDeleteFrom Wog on SS:
"Cold Antler, the substack & the farm, is entirely supported by readers without any other off-farm job, passive income, family/spouse support, savings, credit cards, inheritance, or a trust fund. It’s you, me, and making enough to stay housed and safe every month... This isn’t some recreational substack writing musings on a lark. I’m betting the farm on this."
She continues to make her financial situation her readers' problem.
DeleteShe may not be writing a recreational substack, but I am reading it as recreation. I'll not pay for it.
Since she's trying so hard to sell this suckstack is serious business, you'd think she'd put more effort into creating actual content. Why would anyone subscribe to hear "I need to pay the mortgage" month after month?
Delete“She continues to make her financial situation her readers' problem.” The personal parasite has been doing this for decades now.
DeleteWhy does she always bring up that she has no trust fund or inheritance. Most people don’t.
ReplyDeleteOf course she has a credit card. How else does she buy all that TS merch online? It's like telling us she has no dishwasher when it's front and centre when her bird is flying around the kitchen. Does she really think people are as stupid as she us?
DeleteOh sweet Jenna!!
ReplyDeleteFrom her suckstack:
This isn’t a newsletter. This isn’t a blog. This is the weekly essay/diary/podcast from a lesbian homesteader trying to live an authentic life in upstate New York. The stakes are high. The farm is teetering on the edge of making it or foreclosure. The writing is raw and earnest. This substack is a collection of working-class prose and poetry, written by someone fighting to keep the home she has spent her life building.
And baby, You’re invited to hear all about it.
Oh, yawn. Same song and dance for the past decade. Who in their right mind would pay for all those reruns?
Delete"Authentic" means "real" right? If that is the word she used, she is indeed living a real life in upstate NY. Many people were and still are poor and struggling. Many people struggle to pay the bills and just scrape by. Many farmers lost their farms to the bank. She's living in an area with upscale neighbors but that was not always the case. Washington County is a poor county.
DeleteHer farm is not teetering on foreclosure. She has a long way to go before that would happen, even if she is behind in some payments. She has lots of equity in that place. She should talk to a bank about refinancing.
She'll end up on the public dole when she's 65 cause she sure won't have social security that will amount to anything with her non-work history.
"working class prose? what is that, and the working class people I know are not into poetry and don't have time to read it if they were.
She has not "spent her life" building what she has.
She makes me sick.
Wog is an awful person. She pretends to have working class cred, but her college-educated, oh look, I-drew-designs-for-a-handful-of-years and then I "escaped the corporate world to start a hobby farm because I enjoy farmer cosplay" will NEVER cut it. She wouldn't know a working class job if it bit her in her rump.
DeleteThe only people she appeals to are fools.
"trying to live an authentic life"
Deleteas opposed to what? an inauthentic life? a faked life?
It's more like she's trying to live an INauthentic life and get away with it. Living an authentic life isn't something you TRY to do, you just do it.
Jenna doesn’t have an “authentic” bone in her obese body.
Delete“And baby, You’re invited to hear all about it.” She should cut out her condescending crap of calling total strangers by inappropriate endearments. It’s coming across as being creepy.
DeleteYet another ‘my life is better than your life’ navel gazing exercise on her Dumbstack.
ReplyDelete“Living a life I love is endgame. If I can do that while also serving my community and helping others, all the better. My one human life isn’t about making my parents proud or buying a Lexus. It’s about love. All I care about in life is love, and I didn’t come here to make friends.”
Interesting ending. She neither serves her community nor does she help others as far as I can tell. She serves herself. As for love, that seems to be elusive too.
What a crock of crap. She doesn’t have to worry about the “friends,” because Jenna is loathed by locals, and others for being a garbage human.
DeleteWhat???? She "didn't come here to make friends" but she wants her "non freinds" to read her work and pay her for it or outright donate.
DeleteAlso, she's all about love, but not to make friends.
She talks out of both sides of her mouth and makes no sense.
Anonymous 12:59. Decades of drinking alcohol, smoking weed, and severe mental illness have made her rotten writing way worse than it was. And that’s saying something.
DeleteLol. She didn't write that she's about "love". She wrote:
Delete"Living a life I love is endgame. If I can do that
while also serving my community and
helping others, all the better."
In other words, she's listed her credo: All she cares about is herself "Living a life I love is endgame". And she has little, if any, interest in helping anyone else: "If I can do that while also serving my community and
helping others, all the better."
With this in mind, her writing that she didn't come here to make friends makes perfect sense. She's a self-absorbed, narcissistic and entitled tw**. Anyone who supports her financially is a dupe and a fool.
The notion that you can love your life and also be financially solvent is lost on her. She equates happiness with day to day struggles. She seems to think that joy only comes from misery and deprivation. It’s such a jaded way to look at life. I think that she has given up any hope of ever having a comfortable existence so she puts herself on her ridiculous pedestal made of horse shit and looks down her nose at everyone who is not just like her claiming that we are all secretly unhappy. She is becoming more detached from reality. If this is what her 40’s look like I cannot imagine what 65 will bring when she is destitute and physically diminished but since she only lives day to day I suspect that hasn’t even occurred to her.
DeleteElevenOrgasms excellent assessment.
DeleteShe is a fascinating case study in dysfunction. I was drawn back into her story since she is such a train wreck and it will be interesting to see what finally brings her down.
DeleteEO. I look forward to seeing her well-deserved decline.
Delete"serving my community and helping others, .... All I care about in life is love, and I didn’t come here to make friends.”
DeleteUm, "I didn't come here to make friends" - does she not know that you're supposed to love your friends?
And since when has she done anything for her community? The few friends she has / did have do HER favours, she's never talking about helping them with anything. I recall her helping PP load hay into the barn, but since PP supplied Jenna with emergency hay that year, it's really the least Jenna could do.
I haven't seen any evidence in the last year to show Patty is still friends with Jenna. It must have been the car loan that was never repaid that was the final straw.
I think Jenna counts Becca and her wife among her friends? They live far away and I don't think Jenna was invited to the wedding.
I don't think Jenna actually has any real friends. At best she has a few arms-length people she socialized with on rare occasions, and there isn't any actual love there at all.
Eleven O, what you wrote is exactly right. Wog offers multiple examples of her oppositional defiant disorder tendencies, and it appears to have started in childhood. If her prettier sister was a blond, popular cheerleader, Wog became the dark-haired, moody, monster. If her peers made something of themselves in the workplace, she hated working for others, then ran away (and hid) so she couldn't be compared to more successful coworkers. And if they became financially stable, had partners, took exotic vacations - well, by golly, she would eschew all of that, staying in a run-down property, belittling others, mistreating people who tried to help, and assuring she did minimal effort to improve her life. Victimhood became her credo.
ReplyDeleteThe reason she wants to appeal to newbies (those who never played a fiddle, never shot an arrow, never had chickens/sheep/goats/pigs/horses/rabbits, were totally ignorant of country life, or, most recently, are newly-out as lesbians) is that anyone with an OUNCE of experience or knowledge realizes how incredibly ignorant and incompetent she truly is -- or, as we like to say in the country - she's full of shit.
PDD. You’ve nailed it as always. I can’t imagine any normal adults being attracted to such a dysfunctional freak.
Deletespot on
ReplyDelete“Taylor and Travis out in NYC Saturday evening”
It looks like the cozy couple is still together. So much for Jenna stupidly saying that “their relationship isn’t real.”
It’s obvious that Jenna is jealous of anyone who has a loving romance. She’s still single for a reason, and will probably never find a replacement for Shannon.
Delete“Victimhood became her credo” sums it up perfectly.
DeleteWog won’t make a resolution
ReplyDeletebecause each year is the same.
She always plays a victim
and never takes the blame.
We’re having another wonderful, New Year’s Eve celebration in Cambridge tonight, and Jenna wasn’t invited again. There’s even going to be a single, lovely lesbian there who happens to be a “pretty brunette femme,” but we’ve warned her about Wog a few years ago.
ReplyDeleteJenna probably had at least five invites tonight, like at Thanksgiving, but turned them all down. “Hoo!!!”
DeleteI’m sure that no one wanted to be with Wog.
DeleteHere's to a brand new sparkling year... "It was late in December, the sky turned to snow, all around the day was goin' down slow, night like a river beginning to flow, I felt the beat of my mind go drifting into time passages, years go falling in the fading light, time passages, buy me a ticket on the last train home tonight..." -Al Stewart, British singer-songwriter. As he sang in his song, may we keep drifting through those time passages, yet we may have our failures and setbacks. We live through the darkest days of history, but there's always a light at the end of the tunnel. Farmers, ranchers, hunters and fishermen may not be aware of what's coming, but us Shamsters are all going to take the train to our goals, exposing the truth and we will all have peace in the Cambridge area.
DeletePlease stop with the nonsensical comments.
DeleteAnonymous 6:07. STFU
DeleteAnd another quote that's on my mind... "At this season of the year, darkness is a more insistent thing than cold. The days are short as any dream." -E.B. White, children's author.
ReplyDeleteUnachievable without a job Jenna!
ReplyDeleteJenna Woginrich
Cold Antler Farm
Goals for 2025
Catch up on the mortgage and start saving a little money. It’s been 4 years since I’ve felt safe with my housing.
Try to convince my readers I’m worth supporting, relentlessly
Help others achieve the same
What a crock of crap. Her whole life is lies.
DeleteWasn't she financially bleeding her unsuspecting roommate dry about 4 years ago???
DeleteWho on earth should support a parasite who preys on the kind-hearted?
Her real “goals” are to be paid for rotten writing that’s not even worth reading for free. I’m surprised that she didn’t list “finding love in 2025,” but that’s proven to be impossible so far since Shannon left.
DeleteShannon was a fluke. If they hadn't moved in with Jenna so soon due to covid, Shannon would have seen Jenna's bs for what it was far sooner.
DeleteI doubt Jenna will find another person to move in with her at this point. Jenna had a chance to change her tune when Shannon was giving Jenna the benefit of the doubt, and having grounded conversations with Jenna about money and future plans.
Latest lame question to generate engagement “do they make sore joint treatment for people”. Any functioning adult knows the answer to that one plus her local weed outlet surely has a tissue gel and She’s no stranger at that place. Poor Wog must be lonely and looking for attention. How sad is that to rely on online strangers to fill the void in her pathetic life.
ReplyDeleteEO. Jenna has always asked inane questions for no good reason, because she’s an attention whore who has no life.
DeleteI agree. If she had so many Thanksgiving/Christmas invitations, surely she could have asked one of those "friends" instead of asking strangers on the internet.
DeleteI guess that Jenna hasn’t heard about doing searches online yet. And reading reviews of products.
DeleteFrom the comments section of Wog SuckStack.
DeleteWog: Do they make sore-joint treats for people?
Night Shift: 1 think they call them 'weed edibles but don't quote me on that,
Wog: ha! my tolerance is too high to be financialy doable. Pd need 25-40mg to feel high at this point.
My question: How stoned must you routinely be to require this high dose - and at what cost?
I would like to see an explanation from the person who begs for money because her fake 'farm' is teetering on the edge since she can't make her mortgage payments.
Is this how she lives her oh-so-authentic life, lol???
HA. Sober indeed. Anyone who has to talk about having tolerance to weed smokes WAY too much of it. Next she'll be claiming she has chronic pain and needs it.
DeleteJenna is far from staying sober.
DeleteI hope Michele isn’t a paid subscriber because Jenna pissed her off!!
ReplyDeleteMichele Aucoin Schroeder
you have to know you are worthy of their support already, you shouldnt have to convience anyone to financially support your writing. That is a form of lack. That is a lack in how you think and feel and you just need to correct that thinking. also about money what caused the fear of your money four years ago? you need to heal that first. and work on balancing your budget. you need to ground your emotions in this. An easy way to start helping others is to like a post, comment on a post or restack article/newsletter or note. Having a healthy budget and balancing it first is most important. Ive worked on mine and you have to work on it and keep up with it every time you pay your bills. Giving thanks and gratitude that you can pay your bills brings in positive energy and abundance…
Jenna Woginrich
It’s capitalism, babe.
Michele Aucoin Schroeder
LMAO dont say the capitalism is evil …cause that is the root of youor problem then and you dont want to fix it. Dont be blaming capitalism for what ever issu you have about with fear of money. you are so not ready to deal with it cause you are fighting me and it new years day Go take a chill pill babe bye
She’s a Shamster in spirit.
DeleteJenna can’t resist being a condescending cunt, and called another stranger “babe.” Although I agree with what Michele wrote in response, her poor punctuation is strange.
DeleteMichelle will be well and tryly blocked by now! I'm surprised Jenna even replied to them.
DeleteWog is in a new media site, professing to be all about love, whilst remaining scrappy and needing all the poodle cash / paying subscribers. Perhaps she thinks it's too soon to show her true colors by blocking anyone she considers to be critical.
no we've already had a user who said they were blocked on substack - they were on reddit too
DeleteJenna’s substack notes are my favorite.
ReplyDeleteBurt lets Jenna know that non writers like her are welcome on substack!😂this must burn her ass!!
Burt Arthur
I think there are more of us doing what you’re doing than not, so don’t worry about it 🙂
Jenna Woginrich
Nice to meet you Burt!
Burt Arthur
In fact I did use to worry about it and I posted once asking if the actual writers were annoyed at those of us who weren’t. Most of the replies were positive and said that non-writers were more than welcome.
DeleteLola doesn’t like humans using birds to hunt and someone else thinks she’s a bloke.
ReplyDeleteGold, just gold!
Lola Renda
I understand. To me it feels wrong, not weird, to use birds of prey for human hunting purposes regardless of anything else that might be happening in the experience.
Jenna Woginrich
What do you mean?
Full Moon Flyer
It's OK Jenna. We're all just blokes getting by and getting shit off our chests and finding our voices.
Full moon flyer is getting the BLOCK! How DARE you question Jenna's very special personage???
DeleteTo any normal "public figure" this would be an educational opportunity. But since Jenna can't keep an apprentice let alone run her attempted workshops, she'll just say she knows better any anyone who thinks otherwise is just a hater.
No one has the right to question the self-proclaimed, Queen of the Queers. “Hoo!!!”
DeleteDid anyone else notice her "Beggin' Barbie Boudoir" on Instagram?
ReplyDeleteIt's quite the look: dirty headboard, putrid pink wall art, fairy lights, dirty-looking linens, waaay too many throw pillows, a TV (for the person who claims not to have one) and a fireplace-lookalike electric heater (for the person who claims to only heat with wood stoves).
Amazon Prime must appreciate her multitude of tacky and unnecessary purchases.
PDD. I had to use your funny description as a new name. Jenna has never had a sense of style in anything. Including, her hideous home “decor.” It’s probably one of the reasons why Shannon ended their relationship years ago. Funny, how she’s only bragged about using clean sheets on the rare occasions that a visitor stays over. I’ll bet that they stink from the stench of bad body odor.
DeleteThe TV jumped right out at me. I missed the heater (good catch). And that filthy headboard ... Ugh. Is her brain so addled that she forgets she claims that she has no creature comforts? What a con.
ReplyDeleteShe sure is of two minds. One begs and moans about being broke and the other is compelled to brag about all the cool stuff she bought. What a child.
DeleteEO, she also restacked, and then posted as her own, Melanie's post of a "Low Spend Heirarchy of Needs" pyramid, with the base stating, "Make Do and Do Without".
DeleteThis is so laughable, coming from a person who has a house full of Taylor Swift crap, who bought (I kid you not) fake wolf (or bear?) slippers, who's purchased the most gawd-awful Amazon clothes, and who has frozen quail and rats shipped for her captive hawk because her hawks arent taken out frequently enough to catch their own food (never mind hers).
Her mental disconnects are unreal.
EO. Jenna is a “con” cunt whose cognitive decline is becoming more obvious now that she’s older. She has a “filthy” home, and physical appearance.
DeletePDD. I also mentioned those ugly wolf slippers awhile back. They weren’t cheap, too.
she's showing she has all of the taylor swift VHS tapes. This person, omg. I don't spend this much on my hobbies all put together and that includes horses!
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't judge if it weren't for her constant cries of poor.
I have no issues with the bedroom other than the headboard flaking paint. I can't see if the sheets are dirty etc, (I'd bet they are but I can't actually SEE dirt) I don't care how many throw pillows she has or whether she got a TV because TVs are really cheap and it's easy to stream directly to almost any TV now. I bought one of those fireplace heaters myself and they're easy to come by second hand and very economical.
DeleteFor over a decade Jenna didn't even slap a coat of paint on her interior and just allowed the wear and tear to build up and the dirt to compact in corners. The effort she put into this one room shows she's capable of it, possibly because she's medicated now if she's kept that up.
So I really have no issue with the bedroom makeover that is more than her just buying / collecting things. It's a positive thing.
This is all in the context of her lying about her finances of course, which colours just about everything she does. I'd much rather see her paint her interior than acquire more animals.
Merlin's last day post crosposted here: https://www.reddit.com/r/coldantlercritics/comments/1hxoy2p/merlins_last_day_whole_post/
ReplyDeleteIt’s as we thought. Her neglect of Merlin adversely affected his health. Jenna doesn’t deserve to have either horses or a home.
DeleteA drastic loss of muscle and fat, so bad that he wouldn't survive a winter??? No wonder the vet left right after she euthanized Merlin. Seeing neglect is never pretty.
DeleteFor those who don't have horses, a well-bred draft pony in his 20s should have had many healthy years ahead of him. Obviously, something was wrong - yet she never talked about vet care, or senior tests or the cost of senior horse supplements & medicine. Bottom line - she was too lazy & selfish to get a job and earn the money needed to properly care for her horse.
May karma be real.
What a loathsome, despicable cunt.
DeleteI had that thought too, PDD. Under normal circumstances, the vet would have had a 10+ year relationship with Jenna and Merlin by now. A rare breed would stick out in the mind of any animal lover, even if they had thousands of other patients.
DeleteTo be called in to euthanize such a special animal after a long relationship - even a cat in the vet clinic gets more time with a vet.
It sounds like the vet showed up, dropped him, and bailed. Hopefully they got payment in advance.
I noticed Jenna didn't mention saving his tail. She was so isolated from the equestrian community she didn't even know the best horses show up to heaven with short tails.
Poor merlin deserved so much better, like Gibson. Fine animals, so much potential, wasted by Jenna's hubris.
The tradition of tail cutting comes from this poem:
DeleteIn Memory of Night Fight
The best horses in Heaven they have no tail.
This is a rule they all know without fail.
For when a new horse arrives with a short cut bob,
they all know that this horse did a very good job.
His owner could not bear to part with her friend
so she saved his tail, wrapped in ribbons
and in braids, to hold with his memory in a very loving way.
To enter Heaven without a tail is an honor, a message,
that without fail announces to everyone, far and wide
that this horse was more than a wonderful ride.
But this horse was loved and cherished by one
and when his time serving on this Earth was done
he left behind a broken heart and a soul
from which he never will part. –Miska Paget
I think she has his tail hanging over the mirror in the Beggin Barbie Boudoir. I thought to mention it, but seeing it thrown up there, next to a fake leaf garland seemed creepy af.
DeleteEveryone I know either appropriately saves the tail as a special keepsake, or presents it as an homage.
She has it strewn above the dresser like an old scarf.
And sending his remains to a compost pile??? Sorry, but OMFG. She had all summer to help him get better (and I think she had zero intent to do that) or make a plan to deal with his future remains. No saving towards it. No (GASP) getting an outside job to earn the money. In that whole area, not one single friend with a trailer, backhoe and a little land?
I understand different people do things differently. But to wax on about his significance to her, while simultaneously doing fuck all to help him or honor him is truly disgusting.
(whose deceased horses are either buried on my land or cremated, with ashes returned)
Notice how much this post about Merlin's last day was about *her*? She does this out of habit probably, but it shows her perspective. Merlin's euthanasia was hard on HER. No one prepared her for it. You cannot know. So hard on poor poor Jenna. SHE had to tuck a tarp over his head while she waited for the knacker to collect him. She turned away from the reality of what her choices had brought him too.
DeleteJust so, PDD. She should have gotten a job to pay for his care. She should have paid for his care over all that taylor swift and other kitchy cutesy crap in her house.
Thank you for sharing the post about Merlin. What a tragic end for a magnificent horse, who deserved so much more than the life Jenna subjected him to. The subtext of that post was chilling: she took a fancy to the idea of being a horse woman, one without knowledge, training, temperament, or the financial wherewithal to care for him, and thus sealed Merlin’s fate. No wonder the vet left quickly; any vet would have recognized that this was an act of mercy for an animal who deserved so much better. That vet was probably as disgusted by Jenna as the vet who had to put Gibson down, because vets know what neglected animals look like. That visual of Merlin’s body being dragged away in chains to rot in some heap somewhere, is just too sad to conjure. I just don’t know how this woman wakes up every day to face her sad and sorry face in the mirror, knowing that her pursuit of some fake farm life comes at the cost of the beautiful beasts caught in her web of fantasy and deceit. She makes me sick.
DeleteSo well-put, Anon 7:48. And how sad.
DeleteClearly, Merlin's original owner was an early victim of Wog's hyperbole and wet dream of living a fantasy equestrian lifestyle, despite being unqualified to do so. Based on lies and misrepresentations, Merlin's owner believed she found the right home for her horse. It's too bad, she found exactly the wrong home. I hope she never saw photos of Merlin's poor condition or his sub-par shelter, especially in recent years.
If there’s any justice for Jenna, her future corpse should be “dragged away in chains to rot in a heap somewhere.” She doesn’t deserve to be buried like normal people.
DeleteI still think Jenna's remains will be discovered weeks after her demise, below a collapsed heap of hoarder junk. The remaining animals will be scooped up by the humane society, the house condemned, the property seized and sold to settle unpaid taxes.
DeleteBeautiful Poem
ReplyDeleteI see she’s flogging logos today. Why is it that she posts the same sorry work ad nauseum? It makes one think that she doesn’t sell much since she never displays current projects. Does anybody actually believe that she supports herself with her ‘art’. Good thing that government cheque arrives each month. She’s not fooling anyone.
ReplyDeleteAlso, very tone deaf that there’s natural disasters destroying lives in multiple parts of the US over the past few months and Jenna’s begging for money because she doesn’t want to get a part time job that would easily pay her mortgage every month!
DeleteBoo hoo. Let me wipe my tears!!
Jenna Woginrich
Cold Antler Farm
Cold Antler Farm is just me. It’s me making a living on my land without the help of a spouse, roommate, partner, parents, an employer, savings, credit cards, trust fund, or inheritance. Every month I start all over again and hope I can pull it off.
I only earn my income from the food I raise, words I write, and art I create for sale. Right now illustrations and logos are discounted to encourage sales and avoid risk of foreclosure in 20 days, so please reach out for a logo or pet portrait! Or even better, consider upgrading your sub to paid.
I’m not trying to redo my kitchen or visit Milan, I’m trying to save a farm through this app, trying like hell 🖤
Her fake fear of foreclosure that hasn’t happened yet, in over a decade of whining about it, is Jenna’s most manipulative marketing tactic. She does it to elicit empathy for funds. It’s all a crock of crap.
DeleteBut “trying to save a farm” by getting a part-time job is impossible for her to do. It would cut into spending hours online doing nothing worthwhile, and being high for the entire day.
DeleteShe forgot to add a couple of important words: DATE ME!
Delete"risk of foreclosure in 20 days" - so what does that mean, she hasn't made a payment in 10 weeks?
DeleteAnd while we're still on the topic of Merlin, I think cremation would be a better option as a sendoff for dead animals, burials just don't seem that environmentally friendly, in my opinion. Considering that pet cemeteries aren't really in use anymore, that's saying something. If we're looking into other countries, they mostly leave corpses out in the open for animals to eat them, the best example of this is probably the "sky burial" rituals found in mountainous Asian countries such as Mongolia or Nepal... they leave bodies out in the open and they wait for vultures or hawks to feed on the body or carry parts back to their nests (mainly vultures in particular, since they tend to scavenge for meat)
ReplyDeleteIf Jenna ever did this, she would send out her captured hawk, then the hawk gives her a side-eye saying, "I'm not doing this shit" and flies away into the woods.
And yes, I think Nepal has some very underrated traditions and customs that you probably wouldn't find in the US, though maybe not with sky burials, they're probably illegal here.
Your overly wordy comment would be easier to read if you put a space between the paragraphs.
DeleteThis is the same person who can’t refrain from making incongruous comments that aren’t appreciated.
DeleteI didn't have an issue reading this. Anon 528 is being bitchy for no reason. Don't take it to heart.
DeleteI disagree that cremation is more environmentally friendly. It's actually pretty bad, which is why it's slowly being replaced with "aquamation". Cremation is a more affordable option for humans because it's less labour intensive than the alternative (embalming and burial).
All of my animals have been cremated because I wasn't in a place to bury them, which is just as well since I've moved multiple times.
My family's horses have been buried on property. It's absolutely fine for the environment, they just have to be buried deep enough that predators / scavengers aren't tempted to dig them up - so really deep.
In my opinion, there isn't anything wrong with having a horse or other beloved large animal's remains taken away by a professional disposal company. What counts is that they are euthanized at home, not sent to slaughter. Big animals leave big remains, and it's not always possible to have them buried or cremated. I know plenty of beloved horses that were euthanized on property and later removed professionally.
What's really sad in this case is merlin's death was hastened by the lack of care he received. As I said before there are worse fates for horses than what happened to Merlin, but he deserved better. Honestly, I think Mabel now has a worse fate. She'll be alone the rest of her life.
It strikes me that if Jenna had used any of the money she raised for the horses 10 years ago responsibly, she could have had a decent little horse boarding side business going. At least Mabel would be able to be around other horses now if that were the case.
Alright. Hear me out. This is about who I really am. First off, I must apologize. Things get out of hand on my part, and I often post random or messed up things. I know there are other sites for that.
ReplyDeleteSecond, the reason why I post unrelated things on this site is due to loneliness, and the fact I was diagnosed with mild autism as a young child. I am also not from this area. I was born in northeastern New Jersey in 1988, where I developed a better grasp on worldly views, music or gaming. I moved to a rural area when I was 17. If I'm on this site, I guess I'll just stay silent or post song parodies, or I'll just stay away from the site altogether if I don't know what I am doing...
And finally, I have been socially awkward my whole life. If there's anyone on the site who has a mild disability like me, this is relatable, but I have gone to countless therapists in the past and nothing has worked in aiding my depression and guilt from many failed hookups. It's to the point where I get nightmares every time I sleep.
I'm trying hard to make this not sound like a giant pity party, but this is the real me...
I really appreciate your honesty. You need not apologize for just being authentic. I also feel a little embarrassed by some of my critical comments about yours. Thanks for taking time to explain who you are. I can relate to what you wrote, too. Please don’t stop posting. I hope that you have a Happy New Year.
DeleteI was sincerely embarrassed that somebody, or two somebodies, felt compelled to respond as they did. Thinking that doing so would only worsen the matter I decided not to, knowing some people are just tone deaf and quick to take umbrage. Maybe you should pick a “name” for yourself because you have an interest in the site and would like share. We could keep an eye out for you. I admire your willingness to stick up for yourself!
DeleteAmon 7:53, please stay. I enjoy reading your comments, and though they may divert into some far (and far out) paths, they're generally on target with respect to the faux feral farmer.
DeleteIt took courage to discuss yourself. Thank you for sharing, so people better understand.
Anon 7:53, I think you might be interested in this true story.
DeleteA good friend moved out west and married an old-school guy. She was an East Coast gal, and while they shared a number of beliefs, they diverged when it came to horses. In his view, an animal whose time had come should be turned out into the desert, where mountain lions or other predators would end its life while providing food for themselves.
She was horrified and insisted that her horses be given a kind and dignified ending, in partial thanks of the many years they served her.
I don't know how common or how "old school" his views were, but every horse they owned together did receive a gentle ending when the time came.
Thank you for checking in 753 :) I was so confused with the comments that didn't have context. Please stay and feel free to make the same kind of comments - now that we know who it is, we have context for it and will enjoy your contribution. Please also feel free to choose a handle (anon of course) so we can string together your contributions.
DeleteReally appreciate you saying hello. ~ Woe is wog
Oh and also, there is at least one person here who thinks *everyone* posting is Jenna or "off their meds". Don't take it personally, they do that to everyone.
DeleteAnonymous 4:44. “Whack” was the one who often used to accuse people of being Jenna when they weren’t. She even did it to me several times, and would become angry when her errors were pointed out. But I don’t think that she’s commented here in a long time. It’s too bad, because her observations were intelligent.
DeleteNew Cross-post from our Cold Antler Mole https://www.reddit.com/r/coldantlercritics/comments/1i0tvun/long_dark_winter_whole_post/
ReplyDeleteShe stated she's taking Welbutrin. Hilariously, she misunderstands the drug. It doesn't act as a serotonin reuptake inhibitor at all (she keeps talking about life with serotonin). It is not an SSRI, it is an NDRI - norepinephrine dopamine reuptake inhibitor.
DeleteIn addition to treating depression, do you know what else it treats?
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. ADHD. I HAVE BEEN SAYING FOR YEARS she fits the criteria.
It sounds like she hasn't been evaluated or diagnosed with ADHD officially, but welbutrin usually isn't the first line of treatment for depression. But it could be prescribed as a first line treatment if the doc is smart and clocked Jenna might benefit from ADHD treatment too. The official diagnosis may be depression, but I think there's a good reason why she's on welbutrin and not zoloft or some other ssri.
Unfortunately, there’s no amount of any medications that can change her defective character. Being a beggar has become Jenna’s choice.
DeleteBINGO Anon 5:04. There isn't much keeping her from obtaining a part-time or full-time job, except her sloth and disinterest in an outside job that is "beneath her".
DeleteBottom line: She's a "Trust Fund Wannabe".
PDD. Thanks for your response to my comment.
DeleteAnon 504 - exactly. Now that she's medicated, she has another opportunity to change her behaviour / patterns. BUT she is not in therapy, so who is going to hold her accountable and support / encourage these needed changes?
DeleteSo they probably won't happen. If only she was medicated before she met Shannon - maybe then she would have changed her behaviour??? Slim chance but not 0.
It seems she's alienated just about everyone in her life and community, including the long-standing enabler PP.
Medication at this point might curb the worst of her chemical dependencies, and on welbutrin she absolutely should not be drinking. She shouldn't be smoking weed either, but we know she still is.
Anonymous 3:19. I wrote the comment at 5:04. I don’t think that Jenna is capable of making mature changes. Popping pills is her way of trying to show the world that she’s better, but there’s no other evidence to prove that point.
DeleteHave you heard The Feral Farmer read her latest offering? It’s about her barn cats. Well dang, I said to myself, since when has she had barn cats? Folks, it turns out that those cats that we see lounging around her house, lazing in front of the wood stove and sleeping in her bed are actually barn cats. Go figure!
ReplyDeleteJenna is always posing as something that she’s not. So her “barn cats” are an act, too.
DeleteHer cats are props. I don't know why she got them originally, as she didn't provide expected vet care (I know, what a shock). She lost a few cats, generally neglected their care and commonly referred to them as a**holes. In her asinine fashion, she considered cats contemptable UNTIL she discovered that (a) Taylor Swift loves cats and (b) her LGBTQ friends loved cats.
DeleteProbably the only reason she has for calling her house cats "barn cats" is to excuse any general neglect in their care.
calling them barn cats to excuse neglecting their care... bingo.
DeletePDD. Exactly. I said the same thing about her below:
DeleteAnonymous January 15, 2025 at 6:40 AM
“Her pets are props for pics to appear authentic.”
I own cats, too, and compared to other animals, they don't really require much training, they just do whatever they want most of the time (one of my two cats wakes me up by brushing his tail or paw against my eyelids or nostrils), so seeing Jenna use them like they're for a vanity project or something is just embarrassing...
ReplyDeleteI remember going to Kinderhook Farm at Columbia County on numerous occasions, and on the desk greeting visitors, there was a black and white cat named "Oreo" that acted the same way as mine, really nosey at times. That was in 2011. The cat is probably dead now.
Her pets are props for pics to appear authentic.
DeleteI swear, the way Jenna is acting at the moment is kind of like those obnoxious British gap year backpackers you'd find on Facebook. Always posing like they're doing things for a vanity project, or voice pity for "the poor people," while doing abusive stuff, like riding elephants in Thailand...
ReplyDeleteEven in the US, we have them too. Some are nice and respectable, while others just bitch on American culture in general. To quote Winston Churchill, "I no longer listen to what people say, I just watch what they do. Behavior never lies." For Jenna and for today's society, this rings true.
That was well-put. I agree with what you wrote, and that quote is apt for Jenna.
DeleteThere she goes shooting herself in the foot again. Case in point, a pan of Jiffy Pop, the most expensive popcorn on the market, leading off a beg-a-thon to pay her mortgage. Sure it’s cool to watch the foil expanding …. When you’re ten years old. What a complete moron.
ReplyDeleteI guess that the “expert homesteader” hasn’t heard of making her own popcorn on the stove.
Deletei'm surprised she doesn't have some vintage collectable air popper
DeleteAnonymous 2:16. It would be the Taylor Swift edition.
DeleteJenna! Taylor, your lesbian crush, is marrying a man! Please explain. You’re the expert! Marrying him for his money?
ReplyDeleteI don’t see the definitive announcement yet, but it certainly seems like her queer crush is going to marry a man. But their “relationship isn’t real.” At least, according to Jenna, who knows nothing about any kinds of intimacy.
Delete$12m engagement ring. Another thing our middle-aged know-it-all can add to the list of things she doesn’t have such as a trust fund, credit cards, savings accounts, electric heat, friends, teeth, work ethic and a living wage.
DeleteAnonymous 1:19. I don’t think that Jenna wears rings, because they’d only highlight her filthy fingers that never look clean.
DeleteHer hands are always grubby. It’s no wonder why she’s still single.
Deletelistening to the farm update from earlier this month. "the ram I was raising didn't make it, so I don't have any way to breed my flock this year... lambing didn't go so well last year"
ReplyDeleteso more dead sheep at dead animal farm. She's talking about giving away her flock and "starting fresh" meaning buying new sheep that will breed better.
she also did 108 sun salutations continuing the "tradition" from when "i had someone living with me."
She rested for two weeks in december, thanks to the substack subscribers. She usually works through the holidays, but she reallllllly needed the rest this year.
She really needed two weeks off but according to her substack “notes” still hasn’t paid for December. Dumb.
DeletePosting more of her decor showing that she has a picture of one of her many celeb crushes’ bare ass in her living room. So tacky. Again, if I saw a man had something like that in his living room, I’d think “ creep” and I think the same of Jenna.
She still rudely refuses to ever mention Shannon by her name.
DeleteAnonymous 3:11. I agree with what you wrote. Her weird worship of famous females is strange for an older woman. Jenna has been coming across as a creepy, sexual predator for years.
DeleteHer sister is wise to keep her daughter away from her creepy aunt. Imagine her neice and nephew walking into her hovel and seeing that cringe picture.
DeleteEO. I went out once with an Israeli Playboy photographer years ago. Guess what he had hanging on his walls? I took a quick look at multiple pics of perfect bodies, and wisely decided to not get naked with him. Even though he tried to reassure me that they were all airbrushed!
Deleteif I was her ex, I wouldn't want Jenna referring to me by name in her ongoing self-aggrandizing expositions.
DeleteAnonymous 4:24. I get what you’re saying. But Jenna goes out of her way to not acknowledge Shannon as her real only “ex.” I find it disrespectful, because she did a lot of work to improve her hovel. Yet got nothing in return for her efforts.
DeleteJenna was jilted by Shannon several years ago, but she’s still big mad about being dumped. It’s obvious by her asinine attempts to ignore the only person who has lived with her before. Even though the romance didn’t last long.
Delete1. I wouldn't be surprised if SD told Wog she didn't want to see her name plastered over the Internet, hence only references to "ex", "roommate" etc.
DeleteBut also
2. Wog has historically inferred she's more popular by using multiple and vague references for the same people, hoping readers think she's speaking about multiple "friends".
She referred to the Ps by their names, but also as: local farmers, area farmers, a local couple, a couple from a nearby town, friends, close friends, etc....
After all, as she continually reminds readers, she lives like fiction (aka, she lies).
PDD. I think that you’re right. Jenna wants to come across as being a popular person, instead of the putrid pariah that she is in reality.
DeleteThere is no way in hell she did 108 Sun salutations. She can’t stop lying!
ReplyDeleteJenna can barely walk a block without huffing and puffing. (We’ve seen her waddle around town.) Her obese body probably couldn’t even do 10 sun salutations. What a pathological liar.
DeleteI’m sure that Shannon could do those sun salutations. But she was in shape from working to improve Jenna’s hovel. To no avail for her future.
DeleteLet me translate what Wog has said. She really meant “It takes me a year to do 108 sun salutations.”
One time, I think it was Antlerstock? There were a bunch of us in your house learning how to make soap and Bo (I think it was Bo? Feels so long ago but I don’t think you had a cat before Bo) was running around playing with something. I looked under the couch and found him happily playing with a dead mouse. What a legend.
Jenna Woginrich
that is both very embarrassing and on brand for Bo, but back in Antlerstock days I had no idea who I was so it had to be cringe Af
Jenna is still “cringe Af.”
DeleteNow it could be one of the missing hawks……
DeleteShe posts the same shot of her living room with the woodstove multiple times weekly but the latest reveals a gaping hole in the ceiling (top right corner). WTF.
ReplyDeleteHer hovel has been falling apart for years. Just like Jenna’s cognitive decline, and lazy loser lie-style.
DeleteIf Jenna spent more money on maintaining her home, rather than buying frivolous purchases, then she wouldn’t be in this situation.
DeleteJenna’s weather alert BS always gets me. 3-5 inches expected is not a snowstorm!!!
ReplyDeleteShe’s full of shit as always, because we live in Cambridge. Her hyperbole is lies.
DeleteI’m not sure how Cambridge fared but I’m nearby and instead of the 3-5 expected, we had 1”. I hope Jenna and dumb Becca survived the storm!!!
DeleteFunny, how Brainless Becca is still friends with Wog. Even though she’s married now, and has her own home.
DeleteEven though Becca is much more attractive than Jenna, I think that the two are a lot alike. They’re both self-centered, narcissistic cunts.
DeleteI definitely think they are “birds of a feather”. I think Becca assimilates better into society.
DeleteAnonymous 11:26.
DeleteAnonymous January 20, 2025 at 11:07 AM
“Bitches of a feather flock together.”
Maybe Becca's life is a little too perfect/in control and she likes visiting Jenna so she can be stoned 24/7 and watch tv all day/night. It's probably fun for a weekend but also probably why Jenna can't find anyone to do this with long term. It gets old quick, unless you're an addict.
ReplyDeleteThat’s a good point about Becca being friends with Wog.
DeleteAlso agree that slumming it at the hovel with Jenna drooling over her and likely waiting on her hand and foot is enjoyable for a narcissist like Becca. I’ll bet when she gets back home she and her wife yuk it up about what a loser Wog is.
Delete“Bitches of a feather flock together.”
DeleteQueer culture does make more allowances for friendships between exes than mainstream culture, but as a queer person myself I would not be comfortable with, nor would I expect my wife to be comfortable with overnight visits at a single ex's house.
DeleteIt's up to becca and her wife to establish acceptable boundaries for themselves, but I think it's a bit sus, assuming they're monogamous since they just got married.
Anonymous 2:22. We’re also a queer couple, and I wouldn’t want my spouse to spend the night at “a single ex’s house.” It does seem “sus.” Maybe Jenna is Becca’s pity project. Just like Wog was with Pember Patty.
Deleteanon 235 - maybe becca is a rescuer. Some people feel compelled to save people, even from themselves, even if it hurts the person doing the saving.
DeleteI have a former friend who I realized a few years ago is completely toxic and a user. I used to buy her stories, until I went through some crap myself and this same person was not at all interested in my struggles (which were far more serious than hers). I realized she'd been using me.
I have cut contact with her but have been following her twitter along with another former mutual friend, and we are amazed at how blatant the scamming is once we realized what it was. This person has gone on to scam another person we knew, to the tune of 1.5 YEARS of living expenses, plus this person had to get them a job and organize an apartment for them just to finally get them out.
This is the THIRD TIME this rescuer has rescued this toxic person from herself. All the people here are well educated. I'm pretty sure the user in this case is bipolar, because she tends to function well while on meds, but rotates off them, blows up her life, and becomes really manipulative. Dangerously so.
Jenna has reminded me of this other toxic person I know personally, and it's very possible the dynamic between her and Becca is similar victim - rescuer pattern.
Anonymous 5:41. I wrote the comment at 2:35. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. That makes sense in terms of Becca trying to “rescue” Jenna. Which won’t work. Just like with your former friend.
DeleteDon’t worry all, Jenna will get on track tonight and post an essay. She said that people will get the 5 she promised for January. Oh I remember when she promised 3 essays a week!!!
ReplyDeleteHer whole life is lies.
Delete...on a lighter note, has anyone ever tried winter activities yet? My favorite is probably horse/mule-back riding through the farmland and woods once the ice and snow has partially melted, mostly because it's so hard to urge your horse into a trot or canter when there's too much icy ground. Farming during the winter can be pretty stressful and hard, you need something to clear your mind.
ReplyDeleteAnd I mostly ride English-style, the sounds of hoofbeats and snorting, as well as squeaking leather on a saddle never fail to get the adrenaline pumping. I used to ride competitively, but I mostly just ride on my own with a bitless bridle or halter. If you've seen Jenna's riding videos, she uses bits very often and my God, the poor horse. Merlin deserved better, and never have I seen her get a bullseye in archery or jump over fences and small coops (even though Western saddles aren't meant for jumping) She just sucked at riding, period.
I’ve never ridden a horse. I’m too scared by their size. Our favorite “winter activities” involve sitting inside with hot coffee, and watching old movies!
DeleteAnon 246 - being afraid to ride horses is completely normal! It's us horse people who, despite risk of and experience of injuries, still love these animals and participate in equine sports.
DeleteAnon 400 - I too enjoy winter riding. We had quarter horses and draft crosses who were just as fine in winter as in summer, with their woolly coats so thick you couldn't see the inside of their ears. The only things we worried about were their muzzles, but no one was ever frost-bitten.
I would only ride western in the winter when we went on trails. The snowmobilers would get the trails flattened out really well and the grid from their tracks made very good footing. Even so we rarely trotted or cantered in winter because it could hurt the horses' respiratory systems to get blowing too hard in -15C weather.
Their breath would frost up their bridles. We would use a sheepskin over the saddles to help prevent frostbite on our legs, but it made the seat more challenging so that's another reason to keep the ride slow and safe.
I haven't lived in a place that gets winters like that in years, it's been decades since I've ridden on / in snow. Thanks for reminding me how special it is.
Listened to her latest Sub. Why does she always sound like she is on the verge of tears? What she says (my life is better than yours) never matches with how she sounds (gasping for air to get through it without crying). And nobody believes she gets her house up to seventy degrees with one wood stove. We've all seen the space heaters and the thermostat
ReplyDeleteI can’t handle hearing her abrasive voice. It’s like listening to an irritant. Maybe Jenna’s “gasping for air” due to being breathless, because of overall obesity. And a lack of physical fitness.
DeleteHer IG is “private” now. Must be hard to choose between begging and using a Meta platform. Decisions decisions
DeleteJenna won’t keep her profile private for long, because being a beggar is dependent on finding new fools for funds.
DeleteShe posted on insta her latest substack post, and another post with LGBTQ+ crisis / helplines. She mentioned her parents are republican voters, so if they voted for trump again, I imagine that would be why she's gone private for a bit.
DeleteAlso, according to her substack, her mom called her house a shithole.