Happy Thanksgiving


  1. Happy thanksgiving HD, thank you for the new post ~ WIW

  2. So catching everyone up from the last post, I vote SFF SHOULD change their handle to 11Orgasms - that is TOO FUNNY!

    I agree with anon who said anyone who brags like this about sex isn't getting any.

    What struck me about this "late bloomer" post is that Jenna's coming out / first experiences are vague, braggy, and not at all like the typical first experiences I experienced, my wife experienced, or any of my queer friends experienced.

    Coming out, no matter whether it's in your teens or your 60s, is like a second puberty. In the queer woman community, hookups are NOT the norm. In fact, most people struggle with trying to figure out when a person is into them, HOW to flirt without being creepy, and typically take it really, really, really slow.

    Jenna's typical bravado is apparent here again, which is why it reads as inauthentic. It's not relatable. It's not good advice. and virtually NO ONE comes out of their newly hatched queer egg being a wild sex-goddess right away.

    She claims to be writing on this topic to help others - she seems to think she's writing a how-to-be-gay tutorial - but it's some imaginary fantasy she cooked up.

    1. I think her formula here is to try and get newly out late bloomers to envy her, and then seek out / value her advice as a result.

      It's a formula that worked for a while with the "farm" - look at these cute animals, I'm living my dream, I made it, look at these recipes, look at this amazing hobby of mine, wow I'm so cool, you know you want my life! Hey buy my book, donate to my blog, buy my rancid soaps!

      She's in phase 1 of "you know you want my life" pitching herself to the lesbians and fortunately, it doesn't look like many people are buying her bunk.

    2. If this recent “essay” on Substack doesn’t cause people to cancel subscriptions nothing will. Maybe some creepy perverts will find it, I guess, and, this might be a new market.. Sure hope none of them start cruising by the farmhouse at 15 mph. in red vans……

    3. Attention Whore is a term I used on this platform way back to describe Wog. Shortly afterwards she used it to describe herself. I laughed out loud when I saw that. She appropriates content from many sources. Most of her taglines come from someone else.

    4. spot on PDD, as usual.

  3. My first post didn't show up so I'm reposting. Sorry if it shows up twice. It's official. Goodbye SlimFaceFilter, hello ElevenOrgasms.

    1. EO. We have Wog to thank for a lot of material here.

    2. If Jenna really keeps track of her orgasam numbers, like it’s a value, then it’s pathetic beyond belief. She’s incapable of any emotional intimacy. It’s no wonder why Shannon ended their relationship three years ago.

    3. LOL this brings me joy! WIW

  4. Jenna has not begged a lot this month considering she was supposedly $1000 in the hole due to car repairs and Merlin’s death. There’s only one more day in the money hand she barely made a peep. No fake Black Friday deals, no deep discounts on pet portraits. Weird. Almost like she’s all good!

  5. https://coldantlerfarm.substack.com/p/rural-queer-survival-guide

    I find it funny that her stupid essay only has two comments. And one of them was Wog’s. Her rate of engagement on all platforms is always laughably low.

    1. I think she's trying to pivot away from farm content and into the gay sex / queer lifestyle content. Trouble is, there are hundreds of brilliant, funny, shining examples in that space already, and she's not saying anything new or that strikes particularly true to the community.

      She's rather patronizing to her "late bloomer" target audience too.

  6. I’ve mentioned before that we’re a queer couple living in Cambridge. We went to a wonderful feast last night for Thanksgiving. It was filled with incredible food, and a real sense of spirit. Jenna is never invited to private parties and other community gatherings. She’s loathed by locals for being a big user, and a garbage human who has no conscience. Many of us mock her, and we wish that she’d move. The bitch is a blight.

    1. I also want to add that amazing “mountain musicans,” who gave us a great performance after dinner, did “eat for free.” And they were great. Unlike the funky fiddler, who can’t even carry a tune if her life depended on it.

    2. A Legend in Her Own MindNovember 29, 2024 at 11:26 AM

      Sounds excellent, Anon. Wog likes to pretend she's a victim of homophobia, when she's the victim of herself. Particularly in a small community, word gets around if you cheat, denigrate neighbors, abuse animals or don't pay your bills. Based on her own writing, she was helped on myriad occasions by people in the community. She burned all those bridges.

    3. We moved to this part of Washington County from a suburb of NYC, and I’can attest to the fact that we have more friends and neighbors here that are gay, so this point she constantly brings up about fearing town folk is ridiculous. This is an area filled with artists, writers, musicians, and creative types - very accepting. Locals avoid Jenna because we are aware of how she scams rather than works, and because she contributes nothing yet asks for everything. We were at the Argyle Brewery sometime ago when Jenna walked in, with her ridiculous hat and super loud voice. The folks we were with, long time Shushan residents (it’s the town next to Cambridge), rolled their eyes and said to us: “Now, that’s someone to avoid.” Which is the prevailing attitude she’s earned thanks to the incessant drama about her “survival”, “foreclosure”, etc., etc.

    4. Anonymous 2:12. I wrote the original comment above. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. And welcome to Cambridge. I agree with what you wrote, and we feel the same way about avoiding Jenna. She’s overtly obnoxious in public places. Did you find this site doing a search on her name? Just curious about how you discovered it.

    5. PDD. Forgot to thank you for the comment. We were warned about Wog early on, because she has “burned her bridges” years ago, by being a beggar and scammer. Her fake victim narrative is a bunch of bull.

    6. I found the previous iteration of this site through a blog post by Jon Katz, which piqued my curiosity. Then came the Kickstart scam, and the “pork shares” scam, and…well, I’ve been tuned in ever since.

    7. Anonymous 9:18. Thanks for answering my question. Jon has told us that he hates her now. Perhaps, our paths will cross in Cambridge someday. Like at Canteen Coffee. They’re a welcome addition to our community.

  7. A Legend in Her Own MindNovember 29, 2024 at 11:48 AM

    Side Question.

    Why does Wog make such a big deal about clothing? If you live in the country, you generally wear durable clothing: jeans, flannel, sweaters, hoodies, tees, boots, coveralls, parkas, gloves, caps. It's about practicality.

    And her totally inane comment about horsewomen being bisexual, based on their clothing choices? WTF.

    People wear what they want and what works for them. To assign gender to clothing choices seems really limiting. If she wants to dress in rural cosplay, fine, but she shouldn’t expect she can reserve the "look" for her preferences only.


    1. WIW here. Jenna's referring to "flagging" - clothing cues queer folks have used for centuries to identify each other. These cues change pretty quickly. The last few years, having a carabiner somewhere on your outfit is a flag. On your keychain, belt loop - I have a purple one on my purse. It's less conspicuous than a rainbow and it's more of a wink to those who know.

      In some queer spaces, flags are used to communicate what you're down for - but that's EXCLUSIVE to specific clubs on specific nights. If you're in new york city or berlin, and you're in a queer club on leather night, then a black or red bandana indicates what you'd like to experience and helps you find a good match for that, whether it's a hookup or something more. But flagging your specific sexual preferences in broad daylight DOES NOT HAPPEN. No one wears a bandana to the grocery store in hopes someone will know they're down to do XYZ.

      Because being queer is politicized, some people will wear a flag or colours of a specific flag to indicate their *identity* in solidarity with each other. There are so many identity flags now even I, an old butch, do not know them all, but that's not the point. I'd recognize if someone has a hat with colours from the genderfluid flag, the trans pride flag, the bi flag etc.

      That is a thing. But that's not what Jenna said.

      There are aesthetic / fashion choices that are more common in the queer woman community, but a flannel shirt or a carabiner key chain is not a definitive indicator. Someone might clock me because of my barber's haircut, plus my carabiner, specific tattoos, depth of my voice, but if they talk to me for long I'll probably mention my wife of nearly 20 years and remove all doubt.

      Queer / Lesbian / Gay / Trans culture is rich, somewhat secret, and goes back hundreds of years. That happens with all subcultures. Unfortunately the way Jenna tries to talk about our culture shows how little she's involved. She's just chronically online and takes tiktok joke memes seriously.

    2. A Legend in Her Own MindNovember 29, 2024 at 6:12 PM

      WIW, thank you for taking the time to better explain flagging. What Wog writes always feels off, like she grabbed a Cliffs Notes on LGBTQ culture and posted their content, pretending it originates with her.

      This reminds me of her shallow understanding of rural living, homesteading, farming, animal husbandry and horsemanship.

      Btw, I think we can expect Wog to steal your ideas in the not-too-distant future.

    3. you know who does flag in broad daylight? Swingers. There are places swingers frequent where they use coloured bath poofs on their CARS to flag to the world what they're into / looking for. I imagine in areas with a really concentrated queer population like san fran, west hollywood, etc queer people might be flagging in public, but I lived for 20 years in gay neighbourhoods in toronto and montreal, and daylight flagging did not happen there at all. It wasn't about feeling unsafe, it was more a general sense of time and place.

    4. There are many areas in the states where "lesbian style" tends to overlap with the functional clothing, so in Idaho, Minnesota etc there is a known difficulty with differentiating a queer woman from a farmer's wife, because the looks pretty much overlap from pure practicality.

  8. Just read her latest. Good grief! She sounds ridiculous, using words like comphet, talking about how she avoids townspeople to avoid danger and the picture of her makes her look psycho. I can’t believe anyone seeing that picture would be attracted to her. I think she is making it all up

    1. One of the podcasts on sexuality I listen to recently discussed how armpits sometimes turn people on bc they remind people of genitals. I immediately thought of that photo Jenna posted and that explains why she thinks it makes her look hawt.

    2. As a straight woman, I learn more about queer culture from this platform than from everything Wog has ever written.

    3. Anonymous 11:55. I’ve never seen a flattering photo of her fake fat face. She looks deranged in this pic: https://upstatehouse.com/farmheart/.

    4. EO 6:02 - awwww <3

  9. Jenna math is unreliable so 11 OrGAs** could very well mean that’s how many she hopes to have in the future, much like her pork shares that are always available.

    Who exactly is her audience? People who like to read about fake bragging?

    Saying that lesbians don’t care about looks is particularly interesting since Jenna has said before she has a type ( which as a hetero, I do too so no issue there) she also said her terrible teeth have been an issue since people want nice teeth.

    She’s just such a liar and writes like those penthouse forum letters!!!

    1. Speaking from the experience of having met Jenna, when we lived in the area, her bad breath and body odor are total turnoffs to dating anyone. Then you add in her unpleasant personality, animal abusing, blatant begging, and pathological lying.

    2. Jenna’s “type” are “pretty brunette femmes,” like Shannon, her “ex” was. That sure didn’t last long.

    3. I doubt that lying, lazy losers like Jenna are anyone’s “type.”

  10. Jenna's new "podcast" she said she was invited to FIVE friends' Thanksgivings. SURE JAN.
    She said she'd rather be alone during a holiday than feel like a 3rd wheel. Well I have news for her...if she feels like a 3rd wheel, then those aren't true, close friends.
    So much of it was just begging per usual and saying that she wants to get to the point where she can help other farmers/small business owners. Oh brother. She's just saying that to try to not appear as pathetic as she is...
    Also, as a side note, Jenna needs to figure out a new way to earn a living quickly. You can go online and get a Disney - style pet portrait done for about $40 that looks so much better than what she offers. Anyone with the tiniest bit of creativity can go online and create their own logo. Between online resources and A.I. - her logos and pet portraits are obsolete.

    1. She seems to be more and more delusional believing that credit card companies don't recognize a Substack payment. Gimme a break. Readers are dropping off because the writing is poor plus most of what she publishes is free posts. The level of crazy is disturbing and she is freestyling from bullet points and not offering a written essay. And now she is apparently celebrating Christmas. She is trying to be all things to all people. It's such a trainwreck.

    2. the 'help other farmers' thing is just about the optics, to make her choices / expectation seem less self-centered.

    3. Also LOLLLLZZZZZZ She has not been invited to five thanksgivings. Maybe 5 people are still answering her texts? She'd count Patty, Becca & Becca's wife, that's three, she's counting one other couple.

    4. Maybe the ‘red van guy’ invited her for Thanksgiving 😜

    5. I’d bet that Jenna had zero invites for Thanksgiving. Why would she want to be alone again, like usual, if there were really multiple choices? It’s just another lie to protect her fragile ego.

    6. EO. She’s “delusional” to say such a stupid statement about credit cards. Jenna will make any ridiculous excuses for subscribers not renewing. Rather than admit that her rotten writing isn’t worth paying for to read.

  11. Anon 3:29
    Agreed. She also had a long list of bills she would need to pay before she could help others though. Which we know will never happen.

    In her response to a comment on that post, she is thinking about getting another horse so that will be a whole other mess!

    1. The only one that she wants to “help” is herself. I’ve said this before, but it bears repeating. Her horses are status symbols of an affluent lifestyle that’s always been beyond Jenna’s meager means to maintain. Getting yet another large animal to feed, when her mortgage payments are months behind, is truly crazy behavior.

    2. If we could only prevent her from purchasing another horse!!!!! This is a disaster with this
      Jenna. Poor Mabel, no shelter and who knows about her feed. The other livestock suffer as well.

    3. It’s also most telling that she hasn’t been to Pember Patty’s for Thanksgiving in years.

    4. Pathological liars like Jenna always use exaggerated claims to giveaway their falsification. It’s not grandiose enough to say one invite, so she said five, to appear like a popular person. Instead of the pariah that she is in reality.

    5. We think that Jenna is an unofficial, social leper of the Cambridge area.

  12. A Legend in Her Own MindDecember 3, 2024 at 6:51 AM

    I love the photo of her free-range chickens standing (and shitting) on top of hay she feeds to her animals, because nothing says incompetent like a person who mixes fecal material with foodstuff.

    This is especially stupid because the pigs are meat crops (that she has sold to other people) and she's creating a perfect pathway for possible transmission of bird flu, salmonella or E. Coli bacteria. No wonder she's had multiple occurrences of animal contamination. SMH

    1. Jenna has learned nothing about being a farmer in over a decade of having her hovel. She doesn’t care about “animal contamination.” Her abhorrent behavior is disgusting.

  13. Thankfully, at the end of her latest post, she said that she has no plans to replace Merlin or Gibson. She said she doesn't have the money to support having another dog & horse (yeah, no kidding). I'm paraphrasing, but she said something to the effect that she's finally making mature decisions and not jumping first & trying to figure it out later.
    I also think the days have passed where she could post "wolves at the door!" or "another root canal" and she would immediately get enough money from fans to pay for a horse, a pure bred border collie, down payment on her house, etc. Times have changed and her fan base isn't what it used to be.

    1. WOW! Holy shit was that a shadow, a whisper, a whiff of responsibility???

      That's a relief. She has no business owning horses she now CAN'T ride given her ankle, and she showed zero interest in keeping them fit via ground work. Her pasture decoration of choice now seems to be sheep?

      I hope she stays away from equine acquirement entirely for the rest of her life. She's not a horse person.

    2. I still don’t think that Jenna is capable of “making mature decisions” on her own. But she’s gotten so much backlash and criticism of her behavior, especially involving animals, that it’s adversely affecting her income.

    3. She says in her comments she might get another horse so…

    4. Holy crap you are right. She is talking out of both sides of her mouth. She says in the recording no more horses, and in the comments for that same recording she says “If the right horse comes along in the right way, there may be another pony but I’m not thinking about it this winter.”
      What a lunatic.

    5. The “right way” for Wog means getting her horse through handouts from free funds as usual.

    6. FACEPALM, of course. The right horse in the right way is still going to eat hay, Jenna! What a dumb bitch.

    7. Anonymous 5:48. Exactly. But Jenna is incapable of correct thinking. Her ability to process information has been impaired by decades of drinking, smoking weed, and mental illness.

  14. Wog just posted a pic of Mabel under some sort of roofed structure but completely open to the wind. I'm not a horse person but that seems completely inadequate. Snow could drift right in there. Why not purchase some additional lumber and build a proper little stable?

    1. We’ve seen that flimsy “structure” in person, and it’s completely insufficient to protect Mabel from the elements. Jenna is a sociopath who has no conscience, and doesn’t care about the welfare of her hoard of animals.

    2. This is the same sick bitch who said years ago “I put the laughter back in slaughter.” As if there’s anything that’s funny about killing animals.

  15. A Legend in Her Own MindDecember 7, 2024 at 7:20 AM

    If Wog put sides on the run-in shed, and fix her fencing, she could probably get a horse boarder for $450-$600 per month. Of course, she'd have to be more responsible but another horse could bring in $$$ and be a companion to Mabel.

    For the record, around here, people easily pay up to $1350 per month for stall space, but that's for well-kept properties. Still, it wouldn't take so much to fix up and folks will pay $$ for 24/7 turnout access.

    1. PDD. It’s a good idea. But that would require work from Wog. She’d rather be a beggar.

  16. We’re waiting for her yearly, “Winter’s Bottom” complaining post in a few months.

    1. And Jenna’s endless laments about having no one to help her to clear the snow off rotted roofs.

  17. Latest Substack: Ode to a Toaster. I hope my life is never that empty.

    1. EO. Ever since Shannon ended their relationship, Jenna’s life has been worse than ever before.

    2. "Ode to a Toaster" may be my new favorite name.

    3. She describes new appliances as "soulless, unattractive, over-complicated, impossible to repair, and cheaply made" Sounds like a self- description. I had to buy a new cooking pot recently. Would you all like to hear how wonderful it is?

  18. Speaking of which, there is a new Christmas comedy movie that's out called "Dear Santa", done by the same people who made "Dumb & Dumber", "Kingpin" and others, and regarding of your religious beliefs or views on Jack Black, it's a pretty facepalmingly-bad movie. I did like the misspelling of "Satan" instead of "Santa", I thought that was pretty funny, but once you have JB playing Satan himself, it's bargain-bin level comedy from the get-go. Other Christmas comedies like "Elf" or "A Christmas Story" is more my lane. Winter has been interesting so far, yet Jenna's failure to keep things right doing the season is the real comedy here. Why don't you recreate that scene from "A Christmas Story" and put your own soap bars in your mouth, Jenna?

  19. Edit: During the season.

  20. A Legend in Her Own MindDecember 9, 2024 at 4:23 AM

    Good grief! I hope her subscribers enjoyed another insipid essay, in which she tries to amplify and justify her bad choices. This time, it's about her frugly 'decor' and self-serving rationale.

    Maybe she can also explain her penchant for buying crappy Amazon-prime clothing and endless Taylor Swift merchandise, whose god-awful trinkets and polyester clothing are made in Egypt & China, and delivered to the USA via giant, diesel-spewing cargo ships.


    1. Jenna has no sense of style in either her decor or dressing.

    2. It seems that the majority of her Substack offerings are not behind a paywall. Curious to know how many paid subscribers she actually has left. If she thinks her free content is going to attract paid readers she is on the wrong track. If I had put money into this venture I would be mightily ticked off to see her giving it away.

  21. It’s another new Reddit receipt:


    “Animal’s blood on your hand does not make you cool or edgy.”

    "talon scars and cuffing season"

    “this is a smear of animal blood, not a cut or scar. Any scars she has from beaks or talons would be from mishandling the birds.”

    1. Jenna seems to have an obsession to show off her hands that always appear filthy. It’s no wonder why no one normal wants to date her.

    2. Her hygiene is horrid. Jenna has bad breath and body odor. She literally, stinks, and finds it funny to be offensive.

    3. Agree. It's just hands and feet with her. Clearly she is embarrassed by her looks, her hair and her obese body.

    4. EO. Yet she still self-identifies as a femme. We find that weird, having been queer for decades, because good grooming is an important part of lesbians who consider themselves to be femmes. Everything about Jenna is butch, and not in a good way.

    5. Even when Wog wears a copious amount of makeup it doesn’t look like it’s really her style.

  22. Reddit receipt:


    Maybe this is why she can't pay her mortgage and isn't productive...

    “Unkempt fingernails are so gross”

    I made a similar comment above. Her hands are gross with nasty nails. They’re symbolic of Jenna’s appearance and attitude.

    1. Jenna is far from staying sober. It’s all an act.

    2. oh ffs. so tone deaf. "I struggle to pay for basic necessities every month! fighting for my dream! Also here's some concentrated THC I just bought to get EXTRA high!”

    3. “if she's taking that, her tolerance is extremely high.

      how many thousands has she spent on weed to get to the point of using this?

      I tried a similar product once, less potent, for pain management (with dr's RX) as CBD products did nothing. I took one dose and greened out so hard my wife took me to the ER. I don't have a tolerance bc I rarely smoke - it's been years since I last shared some.

      This product is a highly concentrated form of the chemical in weed that makes you high. Only people who smoke regularly can use it.

      Oh and it's an edible, meaning you stay high for the rest of the day.”

  23. I was at N3 last night!!! IT WAS AMAZING! SUCK IT jenna!

    1. Jenna will be jealous.

    2. I got so lucky with merch too!

    3. Anonymous 7:45. I’m SURE that you’re thinking about sending some to Jenna for a gift!

    4. LOL I'll send her a video of my still-blinking wristband

  24. https://coldantlerfarm.substack.com/p/the-brave-little-toaster

    Her rotten writing is a crock of crap. “Hoo!!!”

    1. “This farmer need to earn enough in three weeks to make the November mortgage, at least, and cover an unexpected vet bill. So I am offering 4 logo designs on sale for $100! (regular price is $250!) First come first served!

      That is $150 off the job, but the catch is you can’t start the logo work with me until Jan 15th, 2025 or later. You get a discount by paying upfront now, and I start work after the holiday slump.

      Don’t need a logo? Someone you need a gift for this month might! I have pdf gift certificates I can email with instructions on how the receiver can start work with me when they are ready! Donate it to a local animal shelter, or a friend starting a dream of her own farm! Please contact me for more info, one is already in the process of being bought so 3 left!”

      Jenna deliberately buries her blatant begging at the end, but it still comes across as being sneaky. Everyone has “unexpected expenses,” but normal adults don’t whine like Wog does to total strangers. She’s mentioned “the vet bill,” that was probably for poor Merlin, as a manipulative marketing tactic to elicit empathy for funds.

    2. I’ve never understood why Wog makes people wait for projects to be done. She wants free funds up front for work that won’t begin for either weeks or months. It must be her extreme laziness, and laying around getting high all day. Rather than doing what’s responsible.

    3. “This farmer” is a fucking fraud.

    4. “I can’t wait to fall in love with someone who has her own colors, her own furniture, her own brave little toaster. How wondrous this place will look making two stories sing together, replacing parts of myself with whatever of her is better or makes more sense.

      How lovely it will be seeing this temple to one woman’s efforts turned into a community center for two. I can’t wait to see what we create together. When my place becomes ours.

      And if I never meet her, then I have created such a lovely tribute to a hard won life, one weird decision at a time. I did it without piling up credit card debt or basing it on someone else’s style. In doing so, I got to know myself better and fall in love with my story along the way.”

      Yeah, there’s no long line of ladies waiting for Wog. Let alone even one to date. No one wants to live in her hovel with hawk shit on the floors, filthy furniture, and a crazy “collection” of crap. She’ll never “meet her,” because that person doesn’t exist.

    5. I could see some desperate weirdo who’s homeless try to move in with Wog. But I doubt that she’ll ever connect with a Shannon again. That relationship only happened because of Covid fears, and Jenna putting pressure on her.

    6. It would be some kind of karmic justice for Jenna to be taken advantage of by someone who’s unscrupulous just like herself.

    7. Anon 540 re "I’ve never understood why Wog makes people wait for projects to be done"

      It's so she can delay delay delay delivering until they are truly pissed off or forget. It's how she gets the most money for the least amount of work.

      Why anyone would commission her under such terms is beyond me.

      I wouldn't be surprised if her "donations" slowly became a way to launder drug money. She's smoking so regularly, she reminds me of the people who take up dealing to support their drug habit. Keep your eyes open for more inexplicable money. She can't seem to help showing off her unnecessary purchases even the same week as posting about being in dire straits.

    8. Anonymous 4:01. Thanks for your response to my comment. I agree with what you wrote. Her behavior has become addictive over the years. Jenna loves bragging about “her unnecessary purchases” to show off like a big brat.

  25. Publically yearning for the love of her life is so demeaning. Her prose reads like a young teen writing in her diary. It speaks to her arrested development. No adult speaks in this manner. If she was a compassionate human being I would feel sorry for her. She makes a fool of herself when she goes down that sappy rabbit hole. If her family reads this crap they must be horrified.

    1. Jenna has a bad case of “arrested development.” She behaves like a teen boy in heat, not a mature middle-aged woman. Her immature attitude is the same way with having crushes on females who are so unattainable, like Taylor Swift, that they might as well be aliens.

  26. Uh oh- we’ve got a dental emergency!!!

    1. Her constant, dental dramas are one of Wog’s most manipulative marketing tactics to elicit empathy for funds. Just like that fake fear of foreclosure scam that she’s been using for years. What a con cunt, and blatant liar.

    2. Probably why she never smiles in photos otherwise readers would see that her teeth are just fine.

    3. EO. Jenna always displays the same, smug smirk with a tightly closed mean mouth. She also has bad breath.

    4. LOLZ I'll add it to the tracker on reddit

    5. Where do you see that? I checked the substack and the instagram. where did she mention dental issues again? I like to nap screenshots and link it in the tracker

    6. WIW. That’s a good idea. I thought of the same thing. But the coward could’ve already deleted the evidence like she’s done before. After reading our comments.

      It’s also suspicious that Jenna’s parents didn’t provide proper dental care. Considering that they both probably had insurance.

    7. Anon 3:16. It’s in her IG stories.

    8. I’ve been following her sob stories for a long time. And I don’t recall Jenna ever complaining about not getting decent dental care when she was a kid. I think that she’s lying again to appear like a victim.

    9. Since Wog loves wolves so much, maybe she should stop “crying,” like the classic story about the boy who did it too many times to be believed. Just like Jenna’s lies.

    10. I’d bet that both her brother and sister don’t have dental issues if you asked them about it.

    11. I’m of an age where I’ve had several teeth pulled. Boy, was my experience different than Jenna’s. Pain free from beginning to end with the routine numbing alone and no relievers afterwards. Maybe my experience was unusual, but then again I had no need to use my tooth extraction to garner the sympathy of strangers on the internet in order to pay my mortgage. If you think I’m being too hard on our darlin’ on the mountain you haven’t been paying proper attention. Not sure what she’ll do to raise funds when her teeth are gone, but experience tells me it will be dire, anxiety producing, EXPENSIVE, and leave her (regretfully) unable to fulfill a single pre-paid doodle UNTIL three days before the bank shows up to change the locks on her farmhouse.

    12. I agree. In the catalogue of dental procedures an extraction is the least arduous unless you suffer from dry socket which takes 1-3 days to develop. The pain occurs BEFORE the removal of the tooth. Once the tooth is out the pain is gone.

    13. If anyone sees something shady in the IG stories, please feel free to screen shot it and post it in the reddit group, and I'll add it to the tracker later. The post will be gone by now.

  27. I guess that "galloping with coyotes" (or wolves) thing would probably be buried into the ground along with Merlin... and since it's winter, I have done a couple of trail rides around the countryside due to the snow being at just the right time to trot or canter through the fields (I did manage to avoid the ice). My draft mule kind of hates the heat, so this was a golden opportunity, since she just wanted to go faster... I didn't even need to cluck my tongue. Jenna is probably not fit enough to enjoy this kind of fun on a horse, you see images of her sitting on a way-too-small saddle (she sits on the cantle, causing major discomfort) and trying way too hard to speed up, on an exhausted pony. Just a little bit of exercise before riding shouldn't hurt, it's not that hard!

    1. you have a draft mule!? OMG I LOVE THEM!!! I knew one named Concrete she was just the best. I love mules in general but the drafties especially for riding. They're so rare in my area.

  28. Also done a bit of jumping around a cross-country course near my farm, as well, never really got into competitive equestrian sports since they were a bit too intense for my liking. To be honest, I kind of felt like I was on autopilot through a lot of the jumps, due to mules being quick thinkers compared to horses. When I went through the victory lap, I was so proud of my sweet gal... it was when there was little snow, I wouldn't want her stumbling.

  29. Yep, I do. Her name's "Ambrosia," mostly because I like the name, the nectar of the gods (and the late 70s/early 80s soft rock/blue-eyed soul group of the same name). And I am both an English and a Western rider, so she's a good choice for jumping, sheep herding, trail riding, etc... I mostly don't ride with bits, using rope halters and bitless bridles are more of my thing.

    1. I love that for you both!!! What a wonderful life for such a great animal.

      Concrete was a trail mule, pack animal, and in the off season she guarded a small herd of 6 american bucking bulls! She was of course the boss of all of them, and assisted in handling / herding them when necessary.

      The bulls never could intimate or bully her, she would create an unstoppable wall, hence her name. She lived to be 25. She retired at 22 to a herd of the family's favourite pasture decorations, in the fenced field right behind their house. Concrete in her retirement made it her mission to learn to open the patio doors, house doors, and kitchen window so she could insert herself into family business.

      I've never met another animal like her.

    2. A Legend in Her Own MindDecember 14, 2024 at 4:56 AM

      There's nothing like a smart horse (or mule) and they're to be celebrated! I so love reading about them.

      One of my first horses was also whip-smart, a beautiful fleabitten grey Arab x Standardbred, who counted driving among her skills when I bought her at age 12. She was the undisputed herd leader and took a special delight in opening stall doors, aisle doors, and outside gates. She also removed lids from metal trash cans and banged the lids for fun.

      She more than earned our forever respect after an overnight storm knocked down a tree & took out several sections of fence at the road side of our land.

      She placed herself at the fallen fence, and she made certain NO ONE in the herd crossed onto the road. She must've stayed there for several hours, protecting her herd. There's no doubt she saved them that night.

      A toast to smart animals!

  30. Reddit receipt:


    1. Once again, she’s trying to elicit empathy for funds.

  31. Only 3 suckstacks for the month of December so far.

    2/3 of the way towards a late mortgage payment.

    Needs surgery for her teeth.

    1. Jenna’s infamous “fraction finances” can’t ever be proven to be true. And the dental dramas are just more manipulative marketing tactics to elicit empathy for funds. Her whole life is lies.

    2. Normal adults don’t discuss their finances for years online to total strangers. The fact that she still does it without fail is unbelievable. Jenna is severely mentally unstable, and incapable of making mature changes.

    3. And “normal adults don’t” constantly create fabricated crises rather than getting a job to support themselves.

    4. A Legend in Her Own MindDecember 15, 2024 at 8:52 AM

      Amen, sisters!

      I'll never forget the year she posted about tooth problems, abd our scrappy little mountain-dweller wrote how she was unable to eat and was forced to self-medicate with whiskey. It was so, SO sad...

      She didn't count on PP shortly posting photos of their shared Thanksgiving supper, with Faux Feral Farmer eating & drinking like a champion, then posing for photos, grinning ear-to-ear.

      Y'all should know - If she's speaking or writing, she's probably lying.

    5. PDD. I also recall those photos with Wog widely smiling, and appearing to eat, without any discomforts due to her dental issues.

  32. She is very ill and needs intervention, taking funds illegally and lying forever.
    Jenna, get some professional counselling, it is not getting better.

    1. Wog is worse than ever before, when at least, she made a pretense about working. Now, it’s constant lying, begging and scamming for funds.

  33. So over on IG she’s posted a video of her harvest gold drink maker strategically placed beside her harvest gold toaster. Yet another frivolous purchase of a single use kitchen gadget which is a complete waste of money she claims she doesn’t have. She just can’t help herself when it comes to showing off to the world how cool she is. Here’s a newsflash darlin’, you’re not cool, you never have been cool and you never will be cool. You are merely advertising your complete lack of financial accountability. Grow up, get a job and develop some healthy eating habits. Milkshakes are not your friend.

    1. I think that she thinks that since she gets these things at Thrift Stores, it’s not an issue. 🤷‍♀️

    2. You’re probably right but it’s still money out of her pocket that could pay for dental care. The reason it’s at the thrift store is that whoever bought it originally realized what a ridiculous purchase it was.

    3. EO. Jenna has never been able to resist being a braggart about her stupid purchases. I think that she pretends to be broke to get donations from followers. I agree with “Milkshakes are not your friend.” They’re far too fattening for an obese body to drink on a regular basis.

    4. anon 405: these cute colourful collectors' items don't show up at thrift stores anymore. The demand is too high. She'd have to be insanely lucky to find so many new, working, cute vintage appliances.

      She's getting them off etsy or some other online store at a big markup. The "thrift store" is about as real as the "dump" where she gets lucky and finds exactly the right thing she wants.

    5. Anonymous 3:24. I think that you’re correct. We’ve been thrift store shoppers for years, and the odds are slim of scoring those kinds of appliances in great shape.

    6. exactly. I've found one or two vintage appliances in the past 10 years and I live in a good area for it, lots of pyrex and mid century modern furnishings around here. But the appliances are tricky because they typically need to be rewired.

      Toasters are even trickier because the elements need to be replaced to get them to toast at all evenly. Otherwise the elements are typically damaged with corrosion from sheer exposure to years and if they work at all, they don't toast half the bread, or it takes forever.

      The only vintage appliance I have that actually worked decently was an iron from the late 70s, just like the one I grew up with.

      But we all know Jenna wouldn't iron a thing. Not even a sewing project.

    7. Anonymous 9:24. I wrote the above comment to you. It’s still possible to get great scores at thrift stores. But it’s rarer than it used to be. Recently, I bought a pair of pants at Goodwill for $7, and their retail price is $900. They’re made by a famous designer who lives in Italy, and handcrafts each piece.

    8. absolutely, everyone can get lucky. But you don't typically get what you're specifically looking for when thrifting, you have to be open to whatever you find. This is why I doubt Jenna was looking for a specific vintage toaster and happened to find it at a local thrift shop in the colour she wanted and it was fully functional and at a junk shop price? I am skeptical.

    9. Anonymous 3:44. Exactly. I completely agree. My pants are proof that you “can get lucky” without even trying. We were looking for books that day. I happened to glance at some clothes, and saw my score.

    10. Jenna can't "get lucky" even with trying.

  34. Jenna thought that the stupid Suckstack would be her salvation to saving “this farm.” But it’s only enabled her to keep being a beggar, because no one wants to pay for rotten writing.

  35. Thrift store prices can also extend to vinyl records, you're stuck with purchasing Barbra Streisand records for cheap. Even more high-quality adult contemporary artists such as Christopher Cross's debut album can get incredibly expensive, and what's worse is that many people take the records out of sleeves for collection purposes, which really pisses me off because I know the person is not going to listen to the album. Luckily, I found another store and found Boston and Toto's debut albums, as well as "Toto IV" and "The Seventh One," so that's pretty much a bonus because they're all so cheap, which is rare for thrift stores to do. You can blame increasing popularity on items, or the fact that price inflation can be a real bitch... and yes, I am a Toto fan. There's much more to them besides "Africa."

  36. Happy holidays all :) - WIW

    1. You, too! I hope that our tribe here have happy holidays. Just not Jenna. I remember her asking for cards, years ago, because she was wanting money in the mail.

    2. Happy Winter Solstice (today!) - the days get longer now! Also, 'Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays' to this outstanding Shamster community!!!

  37. You know those Christmas charity singles from British groups in the '80s? One of them, "Do They Know It's Christmas?" is probably one of the more well-known, along with "Last Christmas." The former has pretty inaccurate lyrics, many countries in Africa do celebrate Christmas, mostly because some of the more poorer British or Dutch-colonized countries have a population that's Christian. It's either Christianity, Islam or miscellaneous. The Apartheid era in South Africa was also in full swing during the '80s, people were wanting Nelson Mandela to be released.
    Donating to charities is always top priority during the holidays, however Jenna probably should keep her mouth shut for donations, she'll probably swipe all the money from the church's collection plate while giving a sermon about her one true God, Taylor Swift. "I cast thee OUT!"

  38. https://www.mylife.com/jenna-woginrich/e1242981091716

    Jenna’s ratings are rotten. Just like her writing. I’m sure that the only positive one was left by Wog.


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