October 9 2024


  1. HD. There’s no need to have a title for your post, because nothing ever changes with Jenna. She’s still stuck in a rut of her own poor choices.

    1. Sometimes phoning it in is better than delaying putting up a post. I know it’s a pain when it won’t load.
      I've been spending a lot of time trying to work on a situation that is way more important to me than how Stupid Face is ruining her life this week. HAHA

    2. HD. Thanks for replying to my comment. “Stupid Face” has been “ruining her life” for years. She’s too stubborn to make mature choices and changes.

  2. This was discussed on the last post, but it’s important enough to mention again. Jenna has been violating the content rules on Substack with her constant barrage of begging. She’s done this before on multiple platforms. We encourage you to join us, and report the stupid scammer:

    1. tos@substackinc.com

    2. https://support.substack.com/hc/en-us/articles/23189462299540-How-do-I-report-a-post-to-Substack

    1. She’s incapable of not being a beggar. First there was Facebook, then Twitter, now it’s Instagram and Substack. But her old blog was the worst for Wog’s whining about never having enough money, yet still, stubbornly refusing to go and get a job.

  3. A Legend in Her Own MindOctober 9, 2024 at 3:53 PM

    "Internet begging, cyber-begging, e-begging or Internet panhandling is the online version of traditional begging, asking strangers for money to meet basic needs such as food and shelter.

    Begging is the practice of imploring others to grant a favor, often a gift of money, with little or no expectation of reciprocation.

    Who, but a beggar, would post a photo of her horse and write: "support your local farmers because they are who pays for hay", OR

    "trying like hell to pay last month's mortgage, car repairs and bills while keeping this farm going",

    "this farm needs support to make the month",

    "this farm would really appreciate your help sharing my story. It's never been harder to make sales",

    "this farm very much so needs the support",

    (give because)" I am so close to being able to sleep at night",

    "if I sell 3, it's a cord of firewood and 100lbs of pig feed",

    "if I sell 10, winter hay can also be stored"

    So much 💩💩💩💩💩

    1. PDD. I hope that Substack bans the bitch for begging.

  4. A Legend in Her Own MindOctober 10, 2024 at 5:00 AM

    Her behavior is classic online begging. She creates victim narratives for herself by using specific triggers to gain sympathy and manipulate readers into sharing, donating or purchasing goods & services from her. She's done this for over 14 years.

    Notice how she "primes the pump" to gain sympathy when promoting logos, art, meat and soap sales.

    "This farm really needs",

    "If I sell 5, I can buy all my winter firewood",

    "While helping a farm make it to Yuletide",

    "This farm is 3 weeks from foreclosure without a small miracle",

    "If you can support this farm, holy crow does it need it",

    "Every sale is hope and better sleep".

    Her classic triggers (add if I've missed any):
    1. Foreclosure / mortgage threats
    2. Firewood for heat
    3. Food / hay for animals
    4. Health / dental crises


    1. PDD. I think that your list covers it all. Jenna is a master at using manipulative marketing to elicit empathy for funds. She’s a despicable, garbage human who has no conscience.

    2. Nothing has changed since she’s started her Substack account. It’s become just a different platform for begging.

  5. I’m sure that Wog wishes Taylor Swift would donate millions to her faux farm. Instead of giving it to victims of a pesky little hurricane.

    1. Jenna never donates any money to causes. Even when Tennessee, her “favorite state,” was impacted by the disaster. She once mentioned giving a whopping $10 to BLM years ago for performative activism points.

    2. Jenna is disingenuous. She’s always had her hands out for help, and it’s never been to assist anyone else in need. Unless, it’s to fake generosity. It’s pretense to play a part. So that others will think that she’s also deserving of assistance.

  6. Well, soap is on sale this morning with free shipping! If she is going to save the farm this way she’s going to need to sell a boatload of soap. Obviously the ingredients she needs to make this stuff must cost next to nothing. She probably just never bothers to send any.

    1. Her stuff is always on some sort of sale. Jenna does this tactic deliberately to make it seem like there’s special savings. It’s part of her manipulative marketing.

    2. Need to act fast, folks! There’s a pork share available! The Cold Antler farmer isn’t just scrappy, she’s a magician!

    3. I'm confused. The con artist, oops I mean FarMER, wrote about "a pork customer that bought in advance and is moving can't get their share so trying to sell it ASAP".

      So the pork customer already paid FFF, but they're trying to sell their paid-in-advance share? That is, the pork customer isn't getting a refund from Wog and us asking for someone to buy her share?

      Or is Wog getting paid twice? Pork customer paid but can't pick up pork (too bad for her because Wog already spent the money) and Wog is re-selling the customer's pork share and keeping the money.

    4. Her shit shares are one of Wog’s biggest scams. They’re supposedly sold, but then reappear whenever she needs more money.

    5. We’re waiting for her asinine suggestion again, to buy a share for the Cambridge food bank. They wouldn’t take Jenna’s unsanitary, crap pork. (Speaking as former locals.) And no one would purchase it for that reason. It makes no sense at all.

    6. Would be interesting to know what people are told what the Cold Antler Farm refund policy is regarding pork shares. Frankly anybody who buys pork from Jenna hasn’t exercised due diligence before buying anyway and probably doesn’t care about a refund. Honestly, can you imagine anyone getting a refund from the Feral Farmer without suing her? And, since purchasers must be local, she’s got one more reason to keep her hat on and her head down as she scuttles in and out of Stewart’s. Can’t see why this isn’t a concocted story, similar to many previous ones, wherein each little piggy provides Ms. Woginrich with unlimited shares.

    7. Anonymous 12:07. It would be almost impossible to get a refund from her. As I’ve mentioned before, she’s loathed by locals for many reasons. Jenna is also ignored when she shops at Stewart’s and elsewhere.

    8. My side gig is by appointment. I'd occasionally have a client flake last minute. When I started getting people to pay in advance, I never had another cancellation.

      People who want something enough to pay for it don't just cancel their orders like this. Every time Jenna has a batch of "pig shares" to sell, she supposedly has a customer cancel last minute.

    9. Anonymous 3:06. It’s happened too many times to be believable anymore. Jenna’s stupid stories about having multiple cancellations is fraudulent. That’s why I always say her whole life is lies.

    10. Jenna’s patterns are predictable. Once you start to see them. Especially, when she’s been doing the same scams for years now.

    11. According to her “notes” I. Substack,

      Jenna Woginrich


      My apologies on the slight delay on my next post. I have been hosting company and preparing for it, but will have it posted in the next day or two!

    12. “Hosting company” might mean that Brainless Becca is ready to ruin another race in Greenwich. Like Jenna’s bragged about her doing last year.

    13. Jenna’s stupid apology is asinine. No one is waiting for another poor post of her rotten writing.

    14. As if she could host anything at her hovel. Guess it was time again to “spray the sheets with lavender!” But she’ll ignore the other filth from letting livestock and birds inside.

    15. Her humble-bragging about being busy “hosting company” is Jenna trying to come across as having connections. She’s also just making a flimsy excuse for not posting.

  7. Jenna math is very confusing. Past few months she’s been supposedly caught up with payments. Now Nov 1 she’s in trouble. If she made her September payment which she claimed she did, that should be the issue.

    She could be playing games where she made a payment in September but it wasn’t Septembers payment due?

    It’s interesting that at least once a year, someone who bought pork “moves”. Why are so many people who want a lot of pork suddenly moving???!!!😂

    I predict once again, she’ll make this payment at the last minute.

    She’s using her money to buy wood when we all know she has heat in her house

    1. It’s been mentioned many times before that the math at CAF never adds up. Jenna’s pork scam is her typical, abhorrent behavior. I consider it criminal to lie about people moving, and then needing more money for a fake share.

    2. Jenna’s unnecessary preference for using wood to heat her home, when she has a furnace, is just another scam to get free funds.

    3. Just a bit less than a year ago the Feral Farmer launched Substack with high hopes. She was giddy with excitement. She was going to support the farm as a full-time righter. She was going to mentor women who aspired to farm. What happened, Jenna? You can’t run away from yourself, Darlin’! I think the problem is you.

    4. Remember? She was going to write multiple essays a week - the best she'd ever done, she wrote. It didn't take long before she dropped to about one essay a week (no, reading it out loud doesn't count as a second submittal), re-posting previous essays and using recipes, etc as staffers.

      She has little of interest to write about (not much of a life), and she's too intellectually limited to make cogent observations.

    5. stuffers, not staffers
      Darn auto correct

    6. Anonymous 8:49 & PDD. Subscribers are still waiting for her putrid promise to “make your keyboards wringing wet!!!”

    7. She’s making good on one thing. She’s living like fiction

    8. Anonymous 10:17. And she’s always expecting others to pay for her lazy loser lie-style.

  8. Reddit receipt: https://www.reddit.com/r/coldantlercritics/s/aN9Ia4lxJ6

  9. More begs on substack:

    Farm Update:

    This farm and my livelihood is entirely funded by what I write, raise, grow, draw, make or design. There is no savings. There is no credit line. There is no spouse, checks from family members, inheritance, trust fund, or plan B. This farm is and always has been a dream that has taken all of me and all I have and is very much in danger.

    Soon the farm will be three months behind on the mortgage if I can’t manage a payment in two weeks. Right now, it isn’t looking promising as the farm has only made three sales all month. Your support is so appreciated. It is what has kept me and my work safe for over a decade.

    If you are able to support this substack, please do. I only ever ask that those who find value in my work and can afford it, to pay for it. If you can’t afford it, message me and I will comp your subscription for free. No one should lose track of a friend because of money.

    And if you do not subscribe to anything, but would like to support the farm in others ways there is a pork share available I need to sell fast, as the person who reserved it for next year is moving. I would be honored to feed you and yours.

    I also make homemade soaps, illustrate, draw pet portraits, design logos and graphics, teach music, copy write, and offer public speaking on creative endeavors and downright stubbornness. If there’s something I can grow, make, say, or be that can get me to November, I am asking to be hired, please.

    1. "But the ONLY thing I won't do is get an outside job so I won't have to beg for a living."

    2. What a crock of crap. Jenna would rather be a beggar than get a job to support herself like a normal adult.

    3. What she’s really “asking” for are free funds.

    4. She ends it with her condescending cunt “Thank you, darlin’.

    5. Edit “Darlin’”.

    6. Jenna “likes” her own posts. The same way that she did it on Twitter. No one does this if they obey the rules.


    7. You can click on the three dots after her profile to report. I did it under “Other,” and pasted links.

    8. https://substack.com/@jwoginrich

    9. Anonymous October 13, 2024 at 3:27 PM

      Edit “Darlin’”.

      I’m a perfectionist with my own editing, and this is the correct way to punctuate it. I looked it up. Even though it seems strange. In Europe they do it differently than American English:


    10. https://www.reddit.com/r/Substack/s/DH6MRZN6SY

      Do a search on “violations,” and you’ll see that Substack will take action against abuses. There are posts that prove it. Jenna won’t be immune from consequences.

    11. https://www.reddit.com/r/Substack/s/l6l15SXJZY

    12. Posted link twice because it didn’t look right the first time.

    13. Reported. “Hoo!!!”

    14. I’ve reported her today, too.

  10. I swear, two generally disliked country acts from when I grew up, Rascal Flatts and Lonestar, had longer country music careers than Taylor Swift, who was only country for... three albums. The latter even had right-wing jerk John Rich in the group before Lonestar started to go into sap territory with songs like "Amazed" and "I'm Already There". Rascal Flatts had some good songs, "Fast Cars & Freedom" and "These Days" are favorites of mine, but they were in the same boat as Lonestar for many reasons... even I'm more country than Jenna.

  11. She should open as a B & B since she's so good at "hosting company". Hahahaha .....

    1. I’m sure that her hovel stinks.

  12. That TS Eras hoodie she's wearing is around $65. Do people really take her seriously when she's begging for mortgage money?

    1. Her whole life is lies.

    2. Jenna always has plenty of money for fun items. I doubt that she’s ever been really broke. It’s all an act.

  13. I know that Jenna never goes anywhere or leaves the farm/s but that begging she amped up over the past week was probably so she could have a day out in Saratoga with her weird friend Becca.

    I was at Saratoga apple the week before but you can bet, if I saw those two mugging it up, I’d let you all know what they were up to and what J was shoving in her “ never eats out” mouth!

    1. I guessed that Becca was around in another comment. I wonder why her wife doesn’t mind when she visits Wog.

    2. Anonymous 3:27. I want to add that we used to buy apples in Saratoga all the time. When we lived in Cambridge. It was wonderful during autumn. I liked their donuts, too.

    3. Jenna posting pics with Becca is very telling. If Jenna had other friends she would be posting pics of them too...I don't think she has one close friend that lives within a 100 mile radius. I wonder how Jenna handles Becca talking about her wife and her beautiful new house. Jenna seems like a "friend" who only wants to talk about themselves and has zero interest in how/what you're doing.

    4. Anonymous 6:27. I agree with what you wrote. But I don’t get why Becca would want to even be friends with Wog, now that she’s married, and has a home. Maybe she considers Jenna to be a pity project like Patty did.

    5. Jenna used to show local friends in photos. But she’s admitted to having pushed them away after becoming a lesbian.

    6. I think the friendship with Becca will wind down after a few more years. As it is, Becca lives farther away so it's not like Jenna has an opportunity to be imposing upon them for much. It looks like Becca seems to be visiting with Jenna alone, either visiting at Jenna's house or hosting her for a short time for an event like this. Note they are not hosting Jenna for any holidays.

      When you're only seeing someone a few times a year it's easier to maintain a relationship with a difficult personality, but if Becca and her wife expand their family to include kids, they're not going to have much time or energy for Jenna. If they remain child-free, maybe Jenna will continue to get a visit once in a while. I think that Becca only visits Jenna to help with chores / projects around the property, a few years of home ownership will cure that.



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