Welcome to August

Will this be the month that Jenna gets herself together!



  1. HD. If Jenna hasn’t improved by age 42, and over a decade of having her hovel, then it’s hopeless.

  2. Wog will whine and bitch
    until she scams more money.
    It’s been happening for years
    and that’s not even funny.

  3. Jen is writing poems
    instead of getting work.
    She’d rather be a beggar
    and her mortgage payments shirk.

    1. I don’t recall posting this one.


    2. Wanted to clarify my comment. I posted this poem on another thread, but didn’t do it yesterday. Maybe it’s a strange glitch.


  4. Well, I guess that explains 1K Substack subscribers! Curiosity led me to check out the app, I found the FFarmer, clicked on “subscribe” - just to see what would happen - and was informed that I am now a subscriber. No $$ changed hands.

    1. You took a hit for the team. That crap doesn’t surprise me. Her whole life is lies.

    2. I don’t know how the platform works. But I think that there’s a difference between simply subscribing for free, and being a paying user for protected posts. Maybe someone can confirm this.

    3. I guess I’ll be able to report on this when the righter rights some more crap. I hope she can see who I am because she blocked me on Instagram and maybe she can throw me off her Substack too. Hoo, baby! Another notch in my belt…

    4. It seems like the numbers of subscribers reflect the totality, including both free and paid.

  5. To her comment about reading, watching movies, etc and getting the hawks used to human interaction, why is that a good thing if they are to be released back into the wild? I believe the whole falconry thing to be very cruel.

    1. Jenna is a sociopath who has no conscience, and lacks the capacity for caring about anything. Her hawks and horses are only pet props for pics to appear authentic. She’s an animal abusing asshole.

    2. The falconry is a facade. Just like Jenna’s lazy lie-style.

    3. falconry has it's place, but unfortunately self-aggrandizing whack jobs like Jenna tend to take it up to boost their own egos.

  6. Yesterday J posted that she made the August mortgage and she was caught up. Today she is reposting begs saying she’s trying to make the July payment. Why doesn’t anyone call her out??

    She has no internet due to a damaged line. We’ll see about that!!

    1. We constantly “call her out” here, and on the Reddit sub. Her whole life is lies.

    2. I know we do, I just wish someone on IG who follows her would say “hey I thought you were caught up yesterday, now you are 2 months behind?”

      Do better Jenna!

    3. Anonymous 11:06. Thanks for replying to my comment above. I agree with what you wrote. But I think that some people are hesitant to say something on a public platform. Though they might send her a private message. Unfortunately, Jenna is still stuck on being stupid and stubborn at age 42.

    4. Jenna’s pathological lying has become part of her begging and scamming. I think that she’s incapable of quitting her abhorrent behavior, because it’s been happening for years now.

    5. In Jenna's latest podcast ep, she stated that telling people her mortgage was caught up was a mistake, because she'd only had two sales that week.

    6. Anonymous 3:00. What a crock of crap. She’s made the same “mistake” many times before. Jenna is disingenuous, and deliberately lies to people using manipulative marketing tactics.

    7. Jenna has only made the mention of a “mistake,” because we’ve called out her out for lying again. She has to be shamed into doing anything that’s ethical.

    8. Edit: because we’ve called her out

  7. Jenna mad!

    Pounds chest.

    Jenna real mad!

    If you can afford to pay for her writing you should. If you don’t want to pay for her writing, but request access to her substack, you are TACKY!!

    I think I’m tacky, Jenna. If you know what I mean!!!??? *wink wink*

    1. “Shucks. You just don’t know. Hoo!!!”

    2. GFY, Jenna. No one wants to pay for your rotten writing, and boring, begging non-tent. My very old grandma has a more entertaining Substack than yours.

    3. I don't get it. Isn't she the one that said she would comp those that couldn't pay?

    4. Anon 5:36- yes, Jenna will comp you if you can’t pay, but if can pay and just don’t want to, she’s mad!

    5. Ahh, Thanks I get it now! Guess she's mad at me then. (breaks my heart - ha ha)

    6. Ha! Mad at me as well.

      Hoo! You just can’t know darlin’

    7. Jenna is mad at everyone who won’t hand her free funds for nothing.

    8. She’s so mad at me she send me the same story twice. Something about how she’ll be okay if the internet goes tits up because she knows how to kill chickens. Sure glad she kept the horses so she can ride the many many miles between her remote mountain homestead and her bank with a bag full of fryers to keep from being foreclosed.

    9. Spoiler alert.

      Jenna will not be ok if the internet goes tits up.

    10. Anonymous 2:15. Yeah, Jenna has bragged before about “riding her horses during the apocalypse.” As if that spoiled, pampered princess could survive without her cozy conveniences. She’d probably try to mooch off Pember Patty and her husband.

    11. What a ludicrous liar. Jenna completely depends on social media platforms for being a beggar and scammer. She’d literally, die, rather than get a job. There’s nothing that’s self-sufficient about her precarious existence.

    12. We live in the area. Her hovel is close to Cambridge. She could walk to town very easily for food. There’s nothing “remote” about that location on a hill not “mountain.”

  8. The puffball video is so creepy. She's making the weirdest faces.

    1. Her fake fat face is “creepy.”

    2. I don’t see that puffball video now. It looks like the coward has deleted her crap again. Probably after reading comments here. Jenna’s Instagram account is a waste of space.

    3. Her ugly, obese body resembles a puffball.

    4. That was a really strange video - making faces like a toddler

    5. Anonymous 3:01. I still don’t see that video. Jenna is a middle-aged moron who has a toddler’s temperament.

  9. “Getting ready for a new falconry season starting soon. I won't be hunting opening day, but I should be before October 1, which is earlier than most years! I am lucky to be getting two birds through molt right now and once they have their new feathers the flying begins! Right now it's a lot of quality time with the birds, getting them used to being with me more and more for reading and movies and human interaction. Very excited to see how James does with a whole season! Hoo!!!“

    GFY, Jenna. “Hoo!!!”

    1. We’re going to report her again soon for animal abusing.

    2. Omg it makes me sick that she has hawks watching movies. Unbelievable!!!

      Also unbelievable that she recently posted that she made the August payment. Yesterday she was “2 logos away”


    3. Anonymous 6:45.

      Anonymous August 13, 2024 at 3:00 PM

      “In Jenna's latest podcast ep, she stated that telling people her mortgage was caught up was a mistake, because she'd only had two sales that week.”

    4. Thanks for the update Anon 4:57. Hard for me to understand how she could have made such a mistake!!😂. She was all excited that it was the first time she was caught up in years. How did she mistakenly think she made such an important payment??


  10. She regreted saying she was caught up cause the money stops coming in.

    1. Her whole life is lies.

    2. Wog’s world would collapse if Jenna got off her lazy, fat ass, and actually worked to support herself like a normal adult.

    3. Yes, her world would (will) collapse and all of us careful planners, boring to her, will keep on chugging along without her nonsense.

  11. Another Reddit receipt:


    We’re going to take pics, when we drive by, and report her for a possible code violation.

    1. I feel for her horses and pet props. What crappy conditions for any animals to endure.

    2. Her hovel and property are falling apart. Just like Jenna’s “dumb small life.”

  12. Another Reddit receipt:


    What a “feral,” filthy pig. It’s no wonder why she’s still single.

    1. Jenna doesn’t deserve to have a home that she won’t clean and maintain.

  13. Another Reddit receipt:


    Jenna is an animal abusing asshole. She’s a sociopath who has no conscience, and doesn’t have the capacity to care about the welfare of anything. Including, her horses and dogs. Gibson suffered for a lot longer than he should’ve, before she was finally forced to put him down.

    1. Her horses are status symbols of an affluent lifestyle that’s always been beyond Jenna’s meager means to maintain.

    2. Her animals are basically hostages, living a life of low stimulation, low exercise, and low-quality food. She collects animals, sticks them in a pasture with the bare-minimum legally required for livestock, and calls herself a "farmer" despite not producing anything more than "pig shares" and the occasional "lamb share".

      The horses are basically treated like chained dogs. She stopped riding them years ago which means they putter around the small fenced paddock with no work, no challenge, very little space. It's not like they have all six acres, they're in an area the size of a standard arena. That's all they get to see and do for years and years. I don't think they've been off the property since Jenna's ex lived there. The really sad part is these horses have no barn as they age. In the bitter east coast snow storms, they have a run-in 3-sided shelter with gaps like a bathroom stall, instead of a cozy barn completely out of the weather.

      While their life is far from the worst, for someone selling her life as some inspirational achievement, it's pathetic that "barely legal" is her standard of care.

    3. Anonymous 2:49. Exactly.

  14. catching up on her blog…

    “ I want to lose 12-14 hours at a time in a woman’s arms.”


    idk, that sounds like…too…long. that’s a full day. that’s three meals worth of day.

    1. No one wants a lying, lazy loser like Jenna in their “arms.” Especially, an animal abusing beggar, pathological liar, and sociopathic scammer.

    2. Anonymous 3:09. Was this on her stupid Substack crap? She can’t even get one date, let alone days with women.

    3. yes, an entry published 8/5, about all the things “going right” at the farm

    4. Anonymous 4:14. Thanks for your reply. I don’t see any ladies lining up at her hovel. Jenna does a post every summer bragging about how “this farm has never been better!” Then Wog will whine the rest of the year for free funds.

    5. Funny, how Wog has plenty of time to “lose” with women. Yet she can’t be bothered to get even a part-time job, and complete projects in weeks not months.

    6. I was actually listening to the audio version of that and when she said that I went "UGH!" and my wife went "what?" I read her back what Jenna said and my wife said that's the equivalent of a teenage boy promising he can "go all night!" like that's 1, even a thing he can do and 2, a thing his lover would even want.

      She really just stuck that in there in this long list of mundane of-course-you-should things like paying bills.

      We all get what she's intending here, and I think most of us have had a night or weekend like this early in our relationships, but it's not a bragging point is it? It just sounds like a UTI to me now!

    7. lol ty for confirming, i was wondering if i was having an unusual reaction by thinking that entire concept didn’t even sound desirable.

    8. Anonymous 9:35. Jenna has a very male attitude towards sex, and she acts as if she’s a “teen boy” when it comes to women. It’s repulsive and immature.

    9. Jenna also refers to women as “girls.” She did that with Shannon. It sounded sexist and dated.

    10. There’s always something that’s creepy whenever Jenna mentions sex. It feels predatory.

    11. Some people simply aren’t sexy. Jenna is one of them.

    12. Until Jenna learns to clean her fingernails she's not going to clock as sexy to most queer folks either.

    13. Anonymous 4:15. We’ve even seen her in person. Jenna has horrid hygiene. But she’s bragged before, and recently, about being stinky. No one else finds it funny. Dirty nails and hands are gross.

    14. Jenna always appears to be frumpy and filthy. Copious amounts of makeup can’t hide her hygiene.

    15. Her obsession with having sex rather than relationships seems very masculine.

    16. anon 3:00 - who cares?

    17. Anonymous 4:54. I find analyzing people’s behavior interesting. And so do many others. Just because you don’t “care,” isn’t going to change my mind.

    18. I think it’s worth noting as well. She’s in her 40’s and acting like a horny inappropriate teenage boy. Red flag!

    19. Anonymous 7:44. I appreciate you agreeing with my comment above. Her obsessive behavior about sex is abhorrent and repulsive. I also wouldn’t be surprised if it’s Jenna at 4:54 being defensive again.

    20. Her patterns are predictable. Jenna will often comment here when either her awful appearance, or rotten reputation is mentioned.

    21. Edit: are mentioned (plural)

    22. Anonymous 4:54. Awww. It looks like someone got her big girl panties in a twist again. “Hoo!!!”

    23. Whether someone's behavior is "masculine" or not has no bearing on whether it's a red flag or wrong. Her scamming and animal neglect is worthy of criticism. Whether she is feminine enough, demure enough, straight enough, thin enough - for whom? - isn't a measure of someone's morality or a reflection on their good or bad behavior.

      Criticizing her for being "masculine" is just a dog whistle for homophobia.

    24. It's not a dog whistle when she calls herself a femme and dresses to be otherwise. It's not criticism when she says she wears size 8-10, roughly a medium, then says she's 5'2 and 175 lbs. Do you know anyone that height and weight that wears a size 8? I sure don't. It's not that we actually care what size or style she is, we are simply pointing out the lies.
      No amount of Photoshop is going to fix the ugly that's inside, but we will certainly point out the lies about the outside.

    25. Anonymous 3:05. I was pointing out that her obsession with sex rather than relationships is a more masculine way of thinking. It’s a “red flag” to warn women away from her. Most people don’t want to be used and objectified.

    26. Anonymous 3:57. I agree with what you wrote. Her whole life is lies. This site serves to warn people about an animal abusing beggar, pathological liar, and sociopathic scammer. Jenna is a garbage human being.

    27. I don’t care if a stupid stranger wants to label me as being homophobic. I’ll continue to criticize Jenna in whatever ways that I choose.

    28. "label you as homophobic" this is the definition of homophobia. This is a you problem. Bigotry isn't "criticism" it's just you being a bad person. Shape up.

    29. Anonymous 3:30. Ohhh, I’m being scolded by a stupid stranger. It means so much to hear your meaningless opinions. I don’t need to “shape up,” but you can fuck off.

  15. “Professional feral lesbian”August 17, 2024 at 5:32 AM

    Here’s a silly sub that Jenna should join. There’s women who are dressed even worse than Wog:


    1. She should show off her unflattering new overalls, and cheap, barf brown pleather jacket. Maybe even wear the ugly lemur dress, and Indiana Jones wannabe hat.

    2. This would be the perfect pic to post. It’s the first one, with Wog on her horse wearing those crappy kilts. There’s nothing authentic about her. The hostage hawk posed as a pet prop made me feel sad.


    3. Cue the countdown to Jenna trying to do a new Reddit account!

    4. We’re already watching, and on the alert for a new Reddit account. It was great, recently running her off Reddit for fraudulent usage. She might even have been banned.

  16. I was bored one day, so I decided to go to a farmer's market where they also sell vinyl records... I found three early Chicago albums (Chicago V, 1972, Chicago VI, 1973 and Chicago VII, 1974), and all were original pressings. "Saturday In the Park" is probably one of my favorite feel-good tunes of all time, I never tire of hearing Robert Lamm's vocals. Other singles I found were "Feelin' Stronger Every Day" and "(I've Been) Searchin' So Long". Jenna, "Saturday At the Farm" is for you.

    1. It’s more like a faux farm. Jenna is a hobbyist homesteader at best.

  17. Winter is aroound the corner, can we hope she rehomes her horses and animals????
    She haas such hoarding tendencies, I doubt she will relinquish any of them.

  18. Jenna’s poor poems are only begging and scamming in another form. She doesn’t fool us. But PDD’s perfect parody was funny.

  19. What an ugly bedroom. I’d sleep with my mask on to hide how hideous it looks.

  20. Jenna, darling, short sentences does not mean it is poetry. You need to dig deeper than this Cliff's Notes of your blog.

    1. Exactly. Even her poetry is rotten writing.

    2. Her poetry is also sloppy and lazy. Just like Jenna.

  21. 9

    “I kiss my oldest cat on the head

    When he was a kitten,
    I was still a girl

    I quit jobs
    I lost love
    I lost myself
    It took so much
    from me, out of me
    I don’t remember that girl
    I don’t want to

    And here we are,
    Still roommates

    Maybe with cats,
    The nine lives are ours”

    What a crock of cat crap.

    Dear Stranger,

    “Another August gone
    Herbs are hanging to dry again
    Verbena, sage, chamomile, and mint
    I’m on medication and
    The house is cleaner now
    I’ve been fixing all the broken things
    I wash the filters on the vacuum you left
    The path has lights now
    And the older dog died
    I know I’ll never see you again,
    But if you walked in this house
    You’d be proud”

    Another mention of Shannon without ever using her name.

    1. Home

      “This summer
      I didn’t go to a beach
      Or sit in a single restaurant
      I didn’t fish much,
      Hike a summit, or run a 10k
      I wrote, I worked, I repaired
      I barely remained housed
      I watched people on vacation in my phone
      And wondered what will happen to me
      I burst all the blood vessels in my left eye
      From clenching my teeth too hard in my sleep

      I also grew beautiful things
      I walked down the road
      Read for hours on the porch
      I memorized the names of ravens,
      Played my own music,
      Melted into other women’s songs
      I made new friends
      I saw a fox so stunning, I gasped
      And while I still don’t have a passport
      My world feels large enough this summer
      To last a lifetime”

      This poorly punctuated, pathetic, piece of shit called a poem, is blatant begging that’s barely disguised with words. It’s very obvious that Jenna is jealous and resentful of those who can afford to go on vacations.

    2. I forgot to add few commas above, but it doesn’t make a difference.


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