
Oh, please.


  1. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 23, 2024 at 12:27 PM

    Tacky bedroom and crappy poetry. It's Christmas in August for Shamsters.

    1. Jenna’s doing poems
      of course, they’re really shit.
      Her writing is rotten
      and she should really quit.

    2. Double entry due to glitch.


  2. I went through a phase where I forced my cringe poetry on other people - but I was 15/16!!!

    1. Wog’s writing is so bad that I’m embarrassed for her.

    2. her 15-year-old self would be thrilled…

  3. HD. It just shows how delusional Jenna is now, to even show that crap in public, and expect praise for poor poems.

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 23, 2024 at 3:30 PM

      Who wouldn't be motivated by this???

      "The house is cleaner now
      I’ve been fixing all the broken things
      I wash the filters on the vacuum you left...
      I know I’ll never see you again,
      But if you walked in this house
      You’d be proud”


    2. PDD. Her hovel is still filthy. We’ve seen it in photos. Nothing has either changed or improved since Shannon dumped Jenna over two years ago. Going on three this fall. Referring to her ex as a “Stranger” is very disrespectful, and reflective of what a cunt Wog is.

    3. Her ex wanted the hell out of there and left without speaking to Jenna again. I doubt she'd be proud.

      And proud of what? That you vacuum the floors? That you paint over the 10 years of grime with lavender paint in a hilarious metaphor for your social media?

  4. “I’ve been fixing all the broken things”

    Except for her “broken” personality.

    1. “You can’t fix stupid.” And stubborn.

  5. “And the older dog died”

    The canine was called Gibson. Jenna won’t respect his memory, and Shannon’s by using their names.

  6. “I barely remained housed
    I watched people on vacation in my phone
    And wondered what will happen to me
    I burst all the blood vessels in my left eye
    From clenching my teeth too hard in my sleep”

    I’ll repeat what I wrote on the last post. This isn’t a poem. It’s blatant begging that’s barely disguised with words.

    1. Jenna still sings the same sad song each and every month. She’s been doing it for decades now. Her whole life is lies. The only thing missing was whining about making mortgage payments.

    2. It takes less effort to write bad sentences and call it "poetry". Same beg, different package.

      Interesting she's revisiting wishing her ex would come back. We saw a lot of talking to her ex through social media shortly after ex left.

  7. “I barely remained housed”

    Acting as if she’s almost homeless due to being lazy is beyond disgusting. Jenna refuses to get off her fat ass, and find a part-time job for financial stability. She’s chosen to be a beggar, rather than working to save her faux farm from foreclosure.

  8. “This summer
    I didn’t go to a beach
    Or sit in a single restaurant”

    Jenna has never claimed to be into beaches, so this is another pathetic, pity ploy. We’ve also seen her at a few local cafes this spring and summer, stuffing her fake fat face with food. So Wog is lying again, and trying to imply that she’s too poor to eat out.

    1. The bitch might not technically “sit,” but I’ll bet that she orders takeout.

    2. I’ve also seen her “sitting at restaurants,” this summer, and also Argyle Brewing Company. I doubt that she was drinking non-alcoholic beer, judging by Jenna’s jubilant behavior.

  9. Shannon sure “left” a lot of possessions behind in her haste to escape from Jenna: vacumn, beanbag chair, an air conditioner and more. At least, she got back her dignity from being with a beggar.

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 24, 2024 at 6:26 AM

      She also left cooking appliances, a renewed garden, repaired animal sheds, painted chicken coop door and custom-made hay nets, so horses wouldn’t need to eat on top of their own manure. (Spoiler alert: Wog quit using the hay nets)

    2. PDD. I appreciate your response to my comment above. It looks like she couldn’t wait to flee from the filthy, feral failure.

    3. I’ve always found it strange how Jenna has been disingenuous about why Shannon left so quickly. It wasn’t because of “too much stress at the farm, and cold weather.” That’s absolutely ridiculous, and a crappy cover. You don’t leave behind that many personal possessions without some sort of big blowup.

    4. The weather part of her leaving was weird, because Shannon moved back to Boston. They have hard winters, too. Jenna just didn’t want to admit that the “Dear Stranger” in her poem was tired of dealing with Wog.

    5. It’s very obvious that Jenna is still obsessed with Shannon, writing poor poems about her, and hasn’t healed from the breakup even years later.

    6. Sorry to break it to you, Jenna. But being “on medication now” isn’t going to bring Shannon back. She’s probably relieved to be done with your crap, and has found a much more mature and stable partner than you.

    7. There was certainly a big blowup. You don't grab your cat and whatever will fit in your hatchback and leave forever without there being a big blowup.

      It had been building for a while, which is why I think Jenna found $100 to buy that birthday cake for S a few weeks prior. Classic move instead of changing behaviour, trying to buy her way past broken promises.

  10. Jenna also didn’t brag about having any hot “all night lesbian sex” this summer. That’s because she’s barely been dating for years.

    1. No normal adult would want to be with a lying, lazy loser like Jenna. She’d only attract desperate misfits.

  11. I've said this before, and I'll probably say it again. I would really love to see first drafts/final drafts on her work and just better understand her entire writing process.

    1. I don’t think that she has has a “writing process” in the usual sense, because it lacks cohesion, and careful editing.

    2. Edit: she has a

    3. These are her first drafts.

    4. There’s nothing other than “first drafts,” because Jenna is lazy, and a rotten writer.

  12. Jenna’s blamed bullies for being banned, but she broke the rules. Her whole life is lies.

    1. Once again, the original comment yesterday, has been removed due to a glitch.

    2. This is the deleted evidence, and a comment, of why we ran her off Reddit. Jenna was using alternate accounts to promote her crap. That’s very unethical, and going against their rules.

  13. She can’t continue her victim narrative without wanting to put the blame on others for her own abhorrent behavior.

    1. Once again, the original comment yesterday, has been removed due to a glitch.

    2. This is the deleted evidence, and a comment, of why we ran her off Reddit. Jenna was using alternate accounts to promote her crap. That’s very unethical, and going against their rules.

  14. She generates new critics every month.

    1. Once again, the original comment yesterday, has been removed due to a glitch.

    2. This is the deleted evidence, and a comment, of why we ran her off Reddit. Jenna was using alternate accounts to promote her crap. That’s very unethical, and going against their rules.

  15. She cross-posted another one of her dating profile pics on instagram. Laying down pose, arm up, chin up - always the same pose, whether standing or laying.

    1. That’s because Jenna is jowly in real life, and she’s trying to hide her fake fat face.

    2. I’ve never seen a flattering, facial photo of Jenna. Her smug smirk is insincere, and comes across as kind of creepy.

  16. HD. I had to post repeat comments above, because they keep getting removed due to a glich in this platform. So subsequent replies make no sense when the original comments are gone.

    1. It’s also confusing when comments are out of context because they’ve disappeared.

  17. What a rotten writer. Her poor “poems” are just more blatant begging that’s barely disguised with words, and Wog’s whining.

  18. “Wog’s whining” about her long lost love is obnoxious. Especially, since she rudely refuses to call Shannon by her name.

  19. JW has shared her life on social media for well over a decade. We know what we do about her life because she has shared it. She appears to have no relationship with her family and treats people who do have close supportive families with derision and, sorry Jenna, despite your every effort to ridicule it, barely disguised envy. Her most recent “poem” in which she derides someone for relying on family to help financially certainly reveals her character to be exactly what we know it is. No wonder she has no friends. Do you think she tried to teach internet deceit and begging before she kicked this person to the curb for having a supportive family that would help their daughter in a pinch?Hello, Cold Antler Farm supporters! If you can read the Feral Farmer’s poem without questioning your good impression of its author and digging a little deeper into the background of Cold Antler Farm you deserve what you get. Not only that, but consider lending Jenna a few thousand dollars. Her farm is falling apart and her horses need to be fed. I’m pretty sure we know why her family isn’t supportive, but she’s quirky, she’s spunky! Help her out!

  20. Jenna has a shit show life that’s been created by her own crap. It’s based on pathological lying, begging and scamming. Her “barely disguised envy” is part of her mental illness. It’s no wonder why she’s still single. What a worthless, garbage human being. And certainly no one to support.

  21. Anon 9:19: Lending? there would be no "lending" about it. Any money given would be gone forever. A gift, a donation and it would never be enough.

  22. To add to the above, in the unlikely event that you meet The FF and she IS the best thing that ever happened to you can you live happily after ever with somebody who is so needy, who can’t begin to relate to your sweet family, who has no understanding of the workings of a healthy, loving reciprocal relationship. And what if they, unlike Cold Antler Farm followers who ignore warning signs, inconsistency of stories, and outright lying, become worried about you? What if your great-aunt Posie wants to give you $5K to buy a better car because you’ve been the niece of her dreams and you have to explain that you spent most of the $$ on Taylor Swift merch, expensive flies to float over the Battenkill and dead meat for a falcon?

  23. Jenna’s new poems are only loser’s laments in a short form. John and Pat must be mortified by their daughter’s disgraceful behavior.

  24. Jenna also appears to have Adult Oppositional Disorder in combination with being stupid, stubborn, and having an addictive personality. She always wants to blame others for her own problems.

  25. Edit: Oppositional Defiant Disorder

  26. https://www.additudemag.com/oppositional-defiant-disorder-in-adults/amp/

  27. https://pacificsolstice.com/what-we-treat/adult-oppositional-defiant-disorder

  28. Yep. If she's being medicated for depression they missed the ADHD. Meds for ADHD can be really effective but are considered only part of the treatment. She needs behavioural therapy to help her gain insight into her actions and the consequences. She for sure has time blindness too. But she needs to actually embrace the help.

  29. I don’t think that Jenna wants any help for her many issues. She acts as if her behavior is normal for an adult.

  30. Jenna has been deliberately distancing, and alienating her family and friends for years. But then she blames them not herself. It’s always someone else’s fault.

  31. You can still see her old blog here:


  32. Jenna is extremely lazy. She’d rather just pop pills than do the hard work to help her mental illness improve.

  33. More Reddit receipts:


    1. Yeah, using an old pic of yourself is really being honest!

    2. Jenna has no humor. Her asinine attempts to be funny are always failures.

    3. She can’t even post pics of her ugly, obese body that are current.

    4. It’s always the same smug smirk with a mean mouth in her pics.

    5. The comments are great:

      “You can’t believe a word that comes out of this woman’s mouth. She either doesn’t know fact from fiction or doesn’t care. If you love animals of any kind you wouldn’t want anything to do with her. Jenna is a poser.”

      “Be sure to use a really old photo, too. So much for honesty and transparency.”

      “At least she hasn’t posed with her mouth wide open as she usually does. On the other hand, when it is open her enablers can check out her teeth which have been the subject of more than one anxious, “woe is me I can’t afford a root canal” begging campaigns.”

      “That photo has got to be 8-10 years old by now.”

      “she keeps posting the one of her with a hawk on merlin's back. She'll post that long after the pony has died, I imagine.”

  34. She’d be preying on Pember Patty and her husband in the event of an emergency.

  35. Wog would be whining within one day, and lost without her creature comforts.

  36. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 30, 2024 at 7:19 AM

    Anons, I still remember the time she parked her truck on the driveway to PP's house, and cried hysterically because the truck couldn't get traction after snow/ice. PP had to drive down to "rescue" her.

    Her house sits next to a main road. The road is cleared, and a neighbor plows out her driveway. Her hay and wood are delivered, and she goes into a crisis mode after any inclement weather - mostly because she never preps. Truly funny that she lectures others on this topic!

  37. Cold Antler Farm: Live like there's no tomorrow

  38. Jenna isn’t self-sufficient at all. Her asinine advice about being prepared is laughable.

  39. The rotten writer doesn’t even know how to properly punctuate her stupid sentences.

  40. LOL at the “He love’s sprawling on the table” in her dumb title. What a SHOCK that she doesn’t have more subscribers!!!

  41. So is the mortgage paid or not? It’s the last day of the month.

    1. Wog will whine soon if it’s not paid.

    2. Even if her mortgage is paid on time, Jenna will beg for something else.

  42. It’s hard to believe that she’s college-educated. Jenna comes across as being just stupid white trash.

  43. https://www.reddit.com/r/coldantlercritics/s/q3rxbzq2Na

    (“Righting” is what you say you do, Jenna, but it’s “differently”. Look it up!)

    What she should’ve done “differently” is not quit a decent career in her twenties to buy a faux farm that’s always been a failure. And “full time” has a hyphen.

  44. It’s a Labor Day weekend
    but Wog won’t ever work.
    She’s a lying, lazy loser
    and an unrepentant jerk.

  45. I think that her years of substance abuse have adversely affected her abilities. Jenna is still far from staying sober with smoking weed. Her cognitive decline is scary.

  46. The word salads here are repetitive and boring. And accomplish nothing.

    JWog is still online getting under your skin.


    1. Awww, we’re being scolded by a stupid stanger again. Guess that we’re still “getting under your skin.” “Hoo!!!”

    2. Wog is the one with weird “word salads.” I find the comments here in general, to be intelligent and entertaining. I also think that this site has “accomplished” making more people aware of a predator, beggar, scammer, and animal abuser. Perhaps, Anonymous 4:48 needs to GTFO. “Clap back.”

    3. We’ve also recently “accomplished” running Jenna off Reddit for using her alternate accounts to promote herself. That’s going against their rules, and it looks like Wog was banned because of our actions.

    4. I think that this is the same Anonymous asshole, who polices people for not having their own values. On the last post they accused someone of being a “bad person,” because commenters were criticizing Jenna for coming across as a sexually obsessive, teen boy. It was a “red flag” to warn women about dating Wog.

    5. Online, yes, but to what end? Improved results from begging? Doubtful. Increased likelihood that people are beginning to see the shamster for what she is? Probably. Growing realization that Substack isn’t the road to riches and podcast fame? Yep! Certainty that Cold Antler Farm will be in greater peril than most when the internet goes down in flames? Absolute. Does Jenna have a year’s supply of melt-and-pour soup under her bed to secure her income in the end times? (Laughing!) Can she sell it from the roadside? She lives miles from town, you know. On a mountain. And can you ever imagine CHILDREN running to CAF, home of the kindly, nurturing neighbor lady, for any reason at all? She has a trunk full of comfort. (Sounds a little creepy.) This little fantasy is fiction. Like Birchthorn.

    6. Anonymous 8:07. I agree with what you wrote. Your comment is an example of what I said earlier. It’s intelligent and entertaining. There’s nothing that’s “repetitive and boring” about the content. And 4:48 sounds like a sycophant supporter of Jenna’s.

  47. Sad little people, spending days and nights belittling a woman because of her appearance. When called on it defend their vitriol and claim they do it because she treats animals poorly.

    Have some dressing and croutons with that.

    1. “Dressing and Croutons!”September 1, 2024 at 5:22 PM

      Like anything that you say will change our minds regarding warning people about an animal abusing beggar, pathological liar, and sociopathic scammer. The fact that she’s also ugly, obese and stinky is secondary. Go slather your own stupid salad with “some dressing and croutons.” BTW: That’s one of the lamest lines I’ve ever read. It’s even worse than Wog’s rotten writing.

    2. Such a “sad little person” who polices people about their freedom to express themselves. In whatever ways that we want to. I don’t give a fuck about your fake indignation. You don’t get that we won’t stop. There’s nothing that you can either do or say that will shut us up.

    3. Some do belittle her because of her appearance. Wish they didn’t because it allows people like you to avoid having to defend her on things that are really important such as animal neglect, suspect business practices, lying and being , begging your pardon, an expert on just about anything imaginable. Do you think she knows what insufferable means? If so, maybe you could figure out a way to nicely tell her to try not to be that. You know, in the interest of being a tad more likable. I’m Anon 8:07. I’d welcome your informed opinion on what I had to say earlier, especially if you have the good fortune to be one of Jenna’s many friends. Maybe we have this all wrong. Has she given us the wrong impression as we’ve followed her Cold Antler Farm blog since she quit her corporate gig? You do begin to think you know a blogger who has been prolific on multiple platforms for more than a decade, of course. I think your friend Jenna would be more than pleased to have someone set the record straight. Looking forward to hearing from you!

    4. Anonymous 6:49. That was well-put. I left the comment at 12:05. Funny, how they won’t respond to clarify questions about Jenna, but just leave their own “vitriol” towards what we write.

    5. Yeah, we must all be mistaken about Jenna’s character qualities. Even those of us who’ve known her personally, from living as locals in Cambridge for years. I’d welcome any insights as to what kind of person she really is.

    6. It looks like Jenna has been busy siccing her handful of fans on us.

    7. Maybe Anonymous 4:13 ran out of ammo, against the abundance of proof that Jenna is disingenuous and despicable.

    8. What’s ironic, is that a lot of the evidence has come from Jenna herself.

    9. The evidence is there because she can’t keep quiet, runs her big mouth, and posts pics as proof of animal abusing. Like her hawks and horses.

    10. Looks like Anonymous 4:13 has been beaten by us again. No witty insults and proof as comebacks? “Hoo!!!”

    11. I’m disappointed that she didn’t at least, give recipes for “croutons and dressing.”

    12. When one stupidly walks right into a hornet’s nest, then they can expect to be stung.

    13. This is one of the very few posts that I actually do think is Jenna. Lol.

    14. Anonymous 6:40. I also agree that they’re Jenna. Their stupid style of writing is similar.

  48. She is abusive to her animals, she needs Medical intervention. Do not let her
    manipulate you, Her barn is a disaster for her livestock, she is disgraceful. She needs
    to rehome her animals and leave Cambridge ASAP.

    1. Exactly. Anonymous 4:13 is trying to smoke the issues.

    2. Jenna doesn’t deserve to have a home and animals. She’s a despicable, garbage human being who has haters for a reason.

    3. See Reddit for more on why she has detractors.

    4. Anonymous 8:51. Here’s another new Reddit receipt. Most normal adults don’t have her rotten reputation, and multiple groups posting about them for years.


    5. Thanks, PDD, for the post and comment!


      “Even if you don't own horses, you can follow Wog's homesteading practices with your pets.

      1. ⁠Locate your dog's poop piles and throw their supper on top of them; the more poop, the better.
      2. ⁠Toss the cat's supper onto their used kitty litter box.

      Why waste time cleaning poop before you feed your animals? Save that precious time for more important activities, like lecturing others on animal care.”

  49. Speaking of “dressing and croutons,” that enabler’s dumb comment above made me hungry for salad!

    1. I’m planning on making a Caesar salad today. Of course, it’ll have homemade croutons, and lots of delicious dressing.

  50. Remember the incident that happened a few months ago with Tenacious D? Jack Black's bandmate, Kyle Gass, said "don't miss Trump next time" in front of a live audience, referencing the assassination attempt on Trump. Even though I don't support Trump or Kamala, that line just made me facepalm. It's very similar to Jenna's humor. I love the D; I liked The Pick of Destiny when it first came out, but Kage needs to shut up if the duo wants to regain their audience. Political opinions don't matter, Trump jokes are dead.

    1. Jenna has no humor.

    2. I think all of america is sick of the state of politics right now. Whatever side of the aisle you're on, joking about trump dying of covid or getting shot or being fat isn't funny. I think after 10 years of divisive politics people want to feel normal again.

  51. “Croutons and dressing”
    makes a salad better.
    Jenna hasn’t kept her promise
    to keep “keyboards” even “wetter.”

  52. Click bait. Ok, I fell for it. She just posted a recipe for glazed apple cake that sounded good, and I clicked on her substack website. Should have known better, because at the bottom after the recipe was a begathon of why she needs money, including for the August mortgage. All of her “skills” are featured. Sorry, Jenna, but I pay for my own bills and don’t need anything from you.

    1. Jenna is a con cunt. Her constant begging has become pathological at this point. She’s been doing it for decades now.

    2. Substack is just her newest platform for begging and scamming. If Jenna is almost always behind in making her mortgage payments, then she doesn’t deserve to have a home. Her whole life is lies.

    3. What a lying, lazy loser. It’s no one else’s responsibility to support an able-bodied adult who refuses to get a job.

    4. Jenna still sings the same sad song. Each and every month.

  53. Sell the farm, rehome your animals, get out and start over, if you ever can

    1. Jenna is far too stupid and stubborn to ever make mature changes and choices.

  54. Another Reddit receipt:


    1. The only kind of “consulting” that she should be doing, is teaching how to use manipulative marketing tactics to elicit empathy for funds. Jenna is an expert on that subject.

  55. Never change Jenna!

    Wah, things are so tough, I can’t pay my mortgage, I need winter hay and wood. 🥲

    Next story “you gotta watch this show on a completely unnecessary streaming service!!”

    1. Even after having her faux farm for over a decade, Jenna still acts as if she’s an unprepared newbie for the winter. Yet she wants to be “hired as a homesteading consultant.”

    2. Get an apartment, asshole.

    3. Yes, you would do well in an apartment, sell the disastorous farm amd
      rehome your animals. There you go, a new beginning for you. Give it up
      now, this is a disaster, and you know it. Give it up, it a tragedy. SELL SELL SELL

    4. Have you read this? After pimping all the usual things - logos, pet portraits, soap, Substack, pig meat and copyrighting (copywriting) for the billionth time the tiresome, disingenuous, joke of a scrappy homesteader writes: “Please help spread the word if you’re not interested in this. Holy crow it’s brutal out here for those of us without reliable income.” LIKE IT’S SOMEBODY ELSE’S FAULT SHE DOESN’T HAVE A RELIABLE INCOME!!!!!!! What an absolute joke! If I had ten million dollars I’d confidently offer it to anyone who could think of a single redeeming quality possessed by this sad sack, confident that she posses none.

    5. I am not interested in anything she has to offer, but I am not going to do her advertising for her.

    6. “Dressing and Crotons!”September 9, 2024 at 6:23 AM

      Anonymous 7:35. It’s only Jenna’s fault for not having a “reliable income,” but she tries to put the burden of blame on others. No one wants to pimp the products of a lying, lazy loser.

    7. Edit: Croutons

    8. We wonder wonder what happened to her “gig writing scripts.” Bet that she got fired for being a rotten writer.

    9. Edit: wonder what

    10. Poor widdle WhineAndBitch isn’t getting as many free funds, now that her rotten reputation is everywhere.

  56. The master manipulator, she is so sick

    1. I’ve also said that she’s a master manipulator for years. I’m sure that’s one of the reasons why Shannon dumped her.

  57. Subscribers are getting, what, a max of two locked posts a month? Are those posts worth $4 each???

    1. We wouldn’t subscribe to her rotten writing for free.

  58. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 12, 2024 at 7:58 AM

    The feral failure posted a too-long, likely weed-addled essay on the *subtle* homophobia she's experienced. She couldn't create enough examples of victimhood, so she solicited ideas from her readers, along with her typically-arrogant and banal exposition of homophobia in society.

    A key point, of course, is that townsfolk don't dislike her because she's a toxic user who neglects her animals and stuffs local businesses; it's because they're subtlety homophobic.

    No wonder editors won't touch her work.

    1. PDD. That was well-put and true. And I’m from the personal experience of living in Cambridge for years. Jenna is loathed by locals for being a big bitch, garbage human who used people for projects. Like she’s done with her now defunct pagan group. They all got sick of her shit and quit.

    2. Edit: I’m speaking from, who’s used

    3. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 12, 2024 at 8:51 AM

      She rambles on about the importance of love and respect for women and then peppers her essay with snarky comments directed at other women.

      For example, apparently describing a casual meeting with a woman at a grocery store, she writes:

      "So even women like me get asked about my boyfriend/husband if I say "my ex' in a conversation. I'm literally wearing a felt hat with feathers and fishing lures stuck in it at this IGA, Mellissa.. Assume away..."

      Way to denigrate a perfect stranger, because why ffs, would wearing a hat with fishing lures suggest the wearer is LGBTQ? I'm so tired of Wog's performance cosplay. In this case, instead of wearing her tacky kilts, she's appropriating Orvis-style rural clothes and pastimes and somehow now regulating them to *her* definition of lesbian-only attire. Grow the fuck up.

    4. PDD. Jenna is a huge hypocrite. I think that she’s just jealous of other women. Particularly, if they’re attractive, unlike her own awful appearance. Wog will also “assume” whatever she wants to, but no one else can.

    5. She’s still talking about Shannon almost three years later as her “ex” to look cool. Jenna can’t accept that it’s over.

    6. Anon 10:42, that leaped out at me too!

      Who would feel the need to bring up the "ex" from three years ago (in a relationship that lasted under two years) to a total stranger??? In a grocery store???

      Wth is wrong with her?

    7. “Dressing and Croutons!”September 12, 2024 at 11:28 AM

      PDD. I’m 10:42. Clearly, Jenna is still obsessed over Shannon. She recently even wrote a poor poem about her. That stupid “Stranger” one.

  59. So now Jenna has appropriated the word 'girlfriend'. News Flash - I have called my female friends 'girlfriend' since I was in kindergarten. Where does she get off being the Language Police? It's laughable. Her desperation to appear relevant is pathetic.

    1. SFF. Jenna has “appropriated” almost every identity in her “dumb small life.”

    2. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 12, 2024 at 10:38 AM

      Wog appropriating the term "girlfriend" and using it to shame women makes her a special kind of stupid. Perhaps she should inform the folks who celebrate National Girlfriends Day (August 1).

      "What is National Girlfriends Day?
      National Girlfriends Day celebrates the special bond of friendship between girls, whether sisters or mothers, classmates or co-workers. These relationship tend to be the dearest of friends. Girlfriends enjoy spending time together, laughing together or sharing secrets. Girlfriends are there both in time of need and celebration.

      The word “girlfriend” first appeared in 1859, according to Merriam-Webster.  It was originally defined as female friends. In the roaring 1920’s, the term “dating” became popular and before long girlfriend took on a second meaning of a romantic relationship between a boyfriend and a girlfriend.

      To this day, “girlfriend” continues to have both meanings, either a platonic relationships between girls or someone you are in a romantic relationship with.

      Who created this day? National Girlfriends Day was created in 2006 by Allie Savarino Kline and Sally Rodgers. The ladies also created a website that no longer exists (Sisterwoman.com).

      How to celebrate: In keeping with the original intent of this day to celebrate gal pals, be sure to let your fellow girlfriends know how special or important they are to you. If you can, go out to lunch, take a walk, or a have a drink together with your girl-friend. Otherwise, engage in social media to connect in ways only girlfriends can!

      Of course, if you are in a romantic relationship with a girlfriend, you can celebrate your special dating relationship with that special lady too. Just be sure to give your girlfriend her room to enjoy the ladies in her life that make her who she is today."

    3. Good info. Thanks. I just cannot get over how JW feels entitled to speak on behalf of all lesbians when it's obvious that she has limited intimate experience with any gender.

    4. SFF. Jenna thinks that she’s the official Queen of Dykes. For someone who’s middle-aged now, she has had very little experience with romantic relationships. It’s the same way with Wog acting like an expert on farming, fiddling, fishing and falconry.

    5. The gay content she produces is the same stuff that's been discussed by teenagers in the LGBT reddit forum. Arguing about the use of terms like "girl / boy friend" and "partner" are the kind of semantic pseudo-intellectual bs that shows up in high school newspapers.

  60. Another Reddit receipt:


    1. https://www.reddit.com/r/coldantlercritics/s/27czvEUNBn

      “So as an admin, I can see how many views this post got. Over 70 views. Some may be the same people coming back repeatedly, but it's safe to say the cold antler critics are at least 40+ people, probably higher. Just in case anyone (Jenna) was wondering if this is just a handful of "haters".”

      I’m sure that Jenna has the sub bookmarked, like CAST, and refreshes the screen multiple times a day for updates. It was satisfying to run her off Reddit for using alternate accounts to promote her own crap. That’s going again the rules, and it looks like they’ve banned her.

    2. Jenna has more than “a handful of haters” for many reasons.

    3. Her hawks are only pet props for pics to appear authentic. Jenna is a sociopath who doesn’t have the capacity to care about animals and people.

  61. Another Reddit receipt:


    1. I’ll bet that it’s not so “hilarious” when Wog loses even more money!

    2. It’s no wonder why subscribers are fleeing from her rotten writing. What an insulting, repulsive cunt.

  62. She claims she is not an expert on sexuality or psychology, but she can sure tell people exactly how to think and respond. What a bunch of narcissistic crap of an "essay."

    1. Jenna has an undeserved, arrogant attitude. She knows nothing about human nature.

  63. After listening to her silly sanctimonious drivel, I can see why no one wants to be around her and of course there was the usual beg for money at the end. If she has to offer a Fire Island sale on her substack, people must not like what she’s pontificating on.

    1. The point is always the beg at the end. She should forego the poor writing and just lead with that

    2. We know Jenna in real life, and she’s even more insufferable.

    3. SFF. Exactly. Jenna deliberately buries her begging at the end. It’s like she thinks that tactic will work. She’s done this before on Twitter, and both of her blogs. It’s very manipulative.

    4. Also meant to add that on the audio version she is breathless just walking a flat path which debunks her claim of running regularly. Any halfway decent runner can jog without sounding as breathless as she does. Simply doing farm chores should put her in moderate physical condition. It goes to show just how much work gets done around that place,

    5. SFF. We’ve watched her waddle around town. At almost 180 pounds, as recently admitted by her, Jenna is obese by normal standards. She’s far from being fit.

    6. She also hides her beg at the end on her Instagram account.

    7. SFF. We haven’t seen her running on the roads around here for awhile. Jenna claims she quit because of an ankle injury, but I think that’s just another lie.

  64. HD. New post please. This one will soon be too long to load. Thanks.

  65. Geez high maintenance
    word salad spinners.

    Can’t be bothered to scroll. So inconvenient.

    But here let’s justify body shaming because how dare somebody post photos of herself.

    But but….in the name of saving the animals!


    1. “Dressing and Croutons!”September 13, 2024 at 4:52 AM

      How’s it going, Jenna? Nice to see you again, trying to defend your awful appearance. I “scroll” all the time. You’re an animal abusing beggar, pathological liar, and sociopathic scammer. “Hahahahaaaaa!!”

    2. I don’t have to “justify body shaming,” because nothing that you can either do or say will make me stop. You don’t get that we won’t quit.

    3. “Geez high maintenance
      word salad spinners.”

      Then why waste your time here, if it’s so upsetting to your sensitive psyche? GTFO

    4. It’s the same “sad little person” as above. She’s still trying to police people into not voicing our own opinions. It won’t work.

    5. Anonymous September 1, 2024 at 4:13 PM

      “Sad little people, spending days and nights belittling a woman because of her appearance. When called on it defend their vitriol and claim they do it because she treats animals poorly.

      Have some dressing and croutons with that.”

    6. Anonymous 6:55. Thanks! That was well-put. Jenna lies about everything. Including her weight. It’s impossible to be a small size at 180.

    7. Edit: Meant to write: “Including her clothes.”

    8. We wouldn’t be shocked if she’s also lied about her weight. In person, Jenna looks like she’s over 200 pounds.

    9. It's the hypocrisy of her posts. I've tried hard not to body shame because there's more worthwhile issues to bring up about her (animal husbandry, obfuscation & manipulation), but I get why people do it. No one really cares what her weight/size is, but when CAF braggadocio highlights her fitness, her 5K runs, her 8-10 size and it's painfully obvious those aren't true - well, some can't resist tweaking the low-hanging fruit. The highly-filtered face and body filters don't help either.

      Just my $0.02.

    10. PDD. I always appreciate your thoughtful comments, thanks! You’ve articulated what many of us feel about her constant lying.

    11. If “someone” filters their “photos” to not look like themselves, then it’s a physical form of blatant lying.

    12. Anon 12:16, exactly. She lectures others on the need for THEM to accept their bodies, then filters her own images. She writes that she's comfortable in her own skin but uses slim-face-filters that make her look like an insect. She hides behind Taylor Swift or Indiana Jones cosplay, while preaching about personal strength and how God hates cowards.

      How can't she see these massive disconnects?

    13. PDD. I’m 12:16. I don’t always take time to use my name. Her whole life is lies.

    14. Funny, how this person leaves caustic comments about our opinions, but never addresses Jenna’s other issues. They only mention “body shaming.” I find that to be suspect of a sycophant supporter.

  66. Her new stack really flopped.

    Not many likes and only 3 comments (2 are Jenna!)

    It could have been an interesting article, but she made it sound like a cheesy Teen magazine article.

    She must be ok money wise because she’s being very cute and light about her advertising errr begging.

    She claims only one person took her up on her fire sale. So add $3.33/month to her budget I guess 🫣.

    1. Her stupid Substack is just Jenna’s newest platform for begging and scamming.

  67. We’ve seen her this summer at the IGA in Cambridge. It has a strange, convoluted layout, with the aisles wrapping around in a weird way. Wog was at the entrance where the produce is stored. She was picking through pieces of fruit with her filthy fingers. It was disgusting. She also has very bad body odor and bad breath.

    1. Yeah, her hygiene is horrid. Jenna can stink up a store when she walks through it.

  68. She got more likes for her apple cake than her new essay. 🥴

    1. Her rotten writing is crap, but the cake probably is too.


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