It should be a super busy time on the "farm". What has she been doing? We know what she hasn’t been doing. She hasn't been doing any post-summer clean-up around her shack on the hill. She hasn’t been spending time with all the old friends that got tired of her BS…there are a lot. She hasn’t been dating a new girl. And she hasn’t been writing any interesting quality essays. But really, it’s okay…she shouldn’t worry about it, because nobody really cares what she’s doing anyway. Rehome the animals and you can just carry on.
Jenna’s IG post about putting Merlin and her other horse up for adoption has been taken down, after she’d first shut off comments. I wonder if she got the kind of push back she deserves for the terrible way in which she’s cared for these beautiful creatures who deserved so much better. She admitted that she can’t afford to keep them anymore because (surprise!) “things are just too hard”. Poor horses, I hope someone steps forward and takes them so they can finally have a safe and loving home, especially Merlin who has suffered for so long.
ReplyDeleteI wondered the same thing but the comments are still available on
And they were all positive. I think she had second thoughts about getting rid of them.
Interesting, I had no idea such a thing existed! But, opening her “farm” up for people to stop by and check out these horses is inviting trouble - who knows what the place looks like, or the true condition of those horses. I’m thinking about Gibson, and how quickly he was euthanized after I saw him with Jenna at the vet’s.
DeleteAnonymous 5:04. We drive by her faux farm all the time. Her hovel and property looks like crap.
DeleteJenna often deletes her posts after reading our critical comments here. She has to be shamed into doing the right thing.
DeleteShe should have done that YEARS AGO when the horses had a chance at a second life. Maaaaybe Mabel can be re-schooled? But Merlin needs rehab, expensive feed and supplements, and he's probably sick and needs treatment at this point.
DeleteEquestrians know if you can't keep your non-working horses anymore, it's kinder to call the knacker. What a waste of a beautiful horse. I hope the breed organization is able to find a home for Merlin.
Anon 5:04 - WIW here, I called it. She was neglecting Gibson by doing nothing about his limp, dismissing it as old age. Arthritis in dogs can be easily managed with cartrophen and give them an amazing life. It's an initial investment but more cost effective than any other treatment in the long run.
DeleteWhat did she say he had? A carcinoma? Poor Gibby, if that's the case, I hope she didn't leave it until the bone finally broke.
She's neglected those horses for a decade now, I'm not even sure they can be rehabbed at this point. While there are potentially worse homes than Jenna's for horses to end up in, she should have sold them on when she stopped being able to afford lessons. She basically just fed hay and a bit of grain and did their feet what, once a year???
This rehoming post is a disgrace, but at least it's better than letting them starve in the field, which we know happens to other aged neglected horses.
We wonder if Becca baked another box cake for the bitch’s birthday. Like she did last year.
ReplyDeleteYeah, Becca really went all out to celebrate her birthday. She couldn’t even be bothered to bake a “made from scratch” cake.
Delete“It’s hot,” but Jenna’s not.
ReplyDeleteHD. Is there a way to contact you now? I don’t see your email anywhere. Thanks.
DeleteThanks. I appreciate it!
DeleteAnother new Reddit receipt about her horses:
No one will buy aged horses that you cant ride. The only person interested is a kill buyer. I would not put it past her to give or sell them for a very small amount to a kill buyer. An incredibly cruel death but it would not matter to Jenna.
ReplyDeleteI had not even considered this option, but I can Jenna doing this and passing it off as having sent them to a good home. Poor horses.
DeleteJenna is an animal abusing sociopath who has no conscience. She lacks the capacity to care about anything that’s alive. Including, people.
DeleteI don't doubt Jenna would turn a blind eye to warning signs and sell to a guy with a smile and a promise of a retirement home.
DeleteI really hope not! This is the reality of having animals you can’t afford. Many people can’t afford horses.
ReplyDeleteHer horses are status symbols of an affluent lifestyle that’s always been beyond Jenna’s meager means to maintain.
DeleteI know next to nothing about rehoming horses, but if one’s intention was to take on an animal wouldn’t one want to see the animal’s health record? How is Farmer Woginrich going to come up with something like that? If a person offered to take the horse without knowing anything about it, wouldn’t that raise a red flag or two about motive? Aside from seeing the farrier neither of the horses have ever seen a vet while in JW’s care, as far as we know, and Jenna’s spewed out a lot of stuff over the years. You know, about farming?
DeleteAnon 4:30, she'd need to find a person who would essentially rescue them. In a usual horse transaction, all annual records are supplied. In the case of these minimally-kept horses, I've never seen evidence of dental work, annual shots or any senior bloodwork. Only occasional trims.
DeleteAt this stage, and based on Merlin's overall poor condition, I'd suspect dental problems, ulcers and PPID. Whoever takes him will need to spend some poodle cash to make things right.
At 27-ish, and with a small miracle, he could have as many as 13 good years left, if properly looked after.
Mabel is a slightly different case. She was supposed to have had arthritis medicine; Wog stopped it, because she knows better than anyone else. (Hey Wog, too much exercise for an arthritic horse can further damage joints). I suspect Mabel's reluctance to be ridden stems from pain, joint tenderness, and maybe ulcers resulting from the pain.
Retraining Mabel will likely require her to trust her rider - something she probably didn't have with the Wog.
These poor horses have NEVER had shelter during the terrible heat, no showers,
ReplyDeleteor a heated barn in the cold winters. I cannot imagine how they have survived
without Vet care, proper feed and the disgusting, vile environment.
Jenna is “disgusting” and “vile.”
DeleteJenna is a horrible human based on her treatment of animals alone. There is nothing she can do to redeem herself in my eyes. She has defined herself by the treatment of those horses.
ReplyDeleteDon’t forget the deliberately sadistic way she shocked her poor pigs just for fun and “spite.”
DeleteNothing has changed almost a decade later.
It looks like jowly Jenna couldn’t cope with hearing the truth about how she filters her fake fat face. I’ve just upvoted PDD’s comment:
“She's still using her old photo edit trick: Edit photo to slim her face, then save as "polaroid". Shamsters discovered this trick years ago via software that spotted her manipulated selfies.”
Jenna thinks by downvoting comments that it will negate their truth. “You just don’t know. Hoo!!!”
DeletePDD here - Perhaps I shouldn't have snarked on her filtered photo - but it's part of a faked lifestyle to coerce others into giving her $$$, and it gets up my nose sometimes. I wish she would quit; people would probably appreciate seeing honest images, and there are many successful social media influencers who remain unfiltered.
PDD. I posted the above comment. But Jenna deserves every bit of criticism that she’s earned. Including, using filters on her face and body. Her whole life is lies.
ReplyDelete“If you think you know Jenna because you subscribe to her Substack or because you bought her soap or because you think she’s a farmer or because she’s a late bloomer or because she says she’s scrappy or because she is doing everything a human can do to save her damn farm you have been DUPED! She is only these things because she says she is. You are being taken along on a merry ride my friend. She is an absolute mess. Nothing speaks louder about her character than her treatment of these horses. She has been blogging for years, we have followed her for years and despite all her efforts to block discerning followers, change platforms when she feels the heat and disable comments when things get uncomfortable, the truth will out. Not sure you can believe this? Do you know neglect when you see it? Do your own research. What kind of care do you think these horses have gotten when their farmer needs to beg on line for money to feed them and for cash to keep teeth in her own mouth? Do you know they spend their winters in outside New York wearing blankets because they have never had adequate shelter? Then you don’t know anywhere near as much as you think you do about the sad lives of the animals at Cold Antler Farm. Ignorance, of course, is bliss.”
ReplyDelete“The falling-down barn that's behind her house is used for pigs (and previously goats). I think the horses have a partial shelter, grossly inadequate for upstate NY winters, which is a roof that was installed by locals; she was supposed to have added sides, but I don't know if she ever did this. I've NEVER seen a photograph of the finished "structure."
As befitting her "don't bother" attitude when it comes to the horses, she feeds them by throwing hay over the nearest fence. I don't think she ever grains them, and they don’t receive supplements, which means they're nutritionally deficient. (Local hay misses vital minerals like selenium and vitamin E.) And, as her most recent photo shows, she STILL feeds them on top of their manure - a perfect way for horses to become infected with parasites. It's rare that she adds protective winter blankets.
It's disgusting to realize this minimally-competent person lectured others on horse ownership, and she encouraged people to buy horses, even if they had inadequate skills or resources.”
ReplyDelete“Damn, poor animals. But if she was donated money, I'm sure it would not have gone to doing anything productive. She is truly awful.”
ReplyDelete“Let the Fell Pony Society of North America know what's going on*. He was born Hardendale Black Jack (Merlin), and imported to the USA. Maybe they have decent people who can take him.
Their email is:
Edit: * assuming he's still up for adoption”
ReplyDelete“My family also keeps horses for life, and it was clear 7 years ago Jenna is no equestrian. she should have sold Merlin then, when he was still trained and capable of work, still had a chance at getting a new home for life. She had no business taking Mabel at all.
She has been barely caring for these horses for the last decade. They are deconditioned and barely handled. Jenna has destroyed their lives. So so so sad, but saw it coming.”
Jenna is a cowardly, con cunt. She has to be shamed into deleting her crap. I doubt that 1,000 morons are stupid enough to pay for her rotten writing.
ReplyDeleteShe's begging for a fence. Someone buy me a proper fence. Boo hoo it's so hard, farming without a real fence. (that's as far as I could read for free, so I don't know what her other 4 bits of advice are)
DeleteSomewhere in this post is a mention of her $6,000 Kiva loan which was supposed to go towards infrastructure improvements. Of course, Jenna misappropriated the funds as always. Just like she did with the Kickstarter campaign for her bombed book.
Anonymous 7:51. Yes she did.
DeleteHD. Comments continue to not stick. They won’t show up after they’ve posted. This has become an annoying glitch, and a waste of effort.
ReplyDeleteI appreciate the frustration. As far as I know there is nothing I can do about it.
Thanks for your reply. I wish that there was a way to fix it.
DeleteAnon 3:21 pm, my workaround for disappearing comments is to first write my post in Notes, and then copy onto CAST. If the CAST comment disappears, I can re-post.
PDD. Thanks for your good idea. A related issue is loss of continuity with comments if they’ve disappeared. Then they won’t make sense to anyone but the OP.
Delete2 days ago I Made a comment and it didn’t show up. So I’m not slapped for “repeating comments” I just let it go. My comment popped up yesterday and luckily it wasn’t a repeat!!
DeleteI know HD has nothing to do with it, just adding my 2 cents.
Anonymous 6:19. I made the comment to HD above at 3:21. I’ve never blamed her for the glitch. It’s obviously the platform. But I thought that she might be able to do something about the issue.
DeleteSuper begging over on IG stories. She’s making her promise that when she pays off the farm she’s going to help other creatives.
ReplyDeleteHow about help yourself? She claims that she’s been having trouble paying the mortgage for 2 years and has no firewood or feed for winter.
I’m sure a “miracle” Will happen soon as it always does!
I’m also sure her begging posts will disappear as they often do.
One wonders: what does she do with all her money? The money from her writing, I would think, is at least steadier and probably more than, the off-chance of selling logos etc. and of course, she should be doing both.
DeleteBeing a beggar is pathological at this point. She can’t quit it. Jenna is a total fuck-up with her finances. She blows most of her money on frivolous items. Rather than pay for her mortgage.
DeleteJenna is a very selfish person. She only wants to “help” herself.
DeleteBased on her track record, her promises will never be realized. My home is paid off because I made it a priority and took extra hours if available, etc. Jenna has made begging a priority.
DeleteIt’s crazy that on IG she is like “I’m so stressed, I decided to do some client work”. Ummm.. if you have work you should be turning that work around as fast as possible and getting more work. If you don’t, people shouldn’t wait 8 weeks for you to get started.
Making people wait that long for their work is completely unacceptable and insufferable. Jenna only wants the funds up front for fun. That’s why there’s a stupid delay. The lying, lazy loser can’t take time off from fly fishing, posting moronic memes, and trying to filter her fake fat face, and obese body into oblivion.
DeleteHer latest humble-bragging about “helping other women” is just thinly veiled virtue-signaling. Jenna likes boasting about things that will never happen.
DeleteIt'll be a cold day in hell before Jenna actually does anything to help any vulnerable person. She's built her own life off exploiting people with enough good faith to initially give her the benefit of the doubt.
DeleteBoo hoo, she can’t post on Reddit anymore because of the big mean stalkers here.
ReplyDeleteShe does not say it’s because she was using multiple accounts to spread the word of her own substack!!!!
Per her new podcast.
The moron will just drive more people to search, and then find this site. Jenna used her Reddit accounts for fraudulent advertising of her own crap. But pretended that she was another person recommending it. We were two of the ones who reported her to several subs, and also gave them links with info on her rotten reputation. Now, we get to gloat over running her off. “Schucks!!!”
DeleteJenna is just upset that she didn’t get to break Reddit’s rules without any consequences as usual. Her manipulative marketing failed for once, because it appears that she’s been banned.
DeleteWhat a huge hypocrite. It’s Jenna who is a cyberstalker and predator. We’re only holding the cunt accountable for her actions, because she won’t be a “grown up” about supporting herself.
DeletePoor widdle Wog is going to run out of platforms to post on. Substack is just her latest place to scam. It won’t last long.
DeleteShe pissed off a paid subscriber too. But eff them, she's got hundreds more!
DeleteI wonder if, at some point, Jenna's scamming will get her demonetized on substack. We know her pattern is to eventually stop posting new content all together and just recycle the same trigger-word begs - oh the mortgage - oh I have no hay - omg firewood! - and at some point substack will catch on, because that's not what the platform is for.
ReplyDeleteMy bet is her final platform will be Only Fans!
An Only fans for fat foot fetish freaks.
DeleteExit: Fans
DeleteMeant to type edit not exit.
DeleteJenna is repulsive on every level. She “only” has foes not “fans.”
DeleteOn IG:
ReplyDeleteClaims she is 2/3 of way to June mortgage payment. Also says she needs $650 to pay the mortgage in the next 8 days.
Her infamous “fraction finances” are a crock of crap.
DeleteShe is so vile, and master manipulator. Get a job and earn a living like everyone else.
ReplyDeleteYeah, it’s like I always say. She’s a master at manipulative marketing to elicit empathy for funds. Jenna is massively self-entitled, and thinks that the world owes her a living.
DeletePinocchio reads here because her story about needing 2/3 of her mortgage payment is still up but she deleted the “”I need $650 to pay my mortgage “ story.
ReplyDeleteNever change Jenna!
Jenna is over 40 now, but acts like a teen twat. The con cunt is incapable of making mature changes and decisions in her lazy, loser lie-style. It’s strange how she’ll only delete her crap after being called out on it here. She has to be shamed into doing it.
DeleteIt blows me away that every single month she acts as if needing help with her mortgage is a brand new problem. She must think her foollowers are as stupid as she is.
DeleteSome of them are (as stupid as she is). They pay to read.
DeleteIG nonsense:
ReplyDelete“So if you haven’t ever supported this farm, please consider its a matter of housing safety until I can crawl out of this or suddenly hundreds start subscribing to substack. It’s never been this stressful or hard, this is all I think about. “
Jenna still sings the same sad song. Each and every month. She’s been doing this for decades. Her whole life is lies.
DeleteWog would rather whine and wail
Deletethan go and get a job.
She’s always been a beggar
and a lying, lazy slob.
Didn't she announce at the beginning that she only needed 200 subscribers to make her mortgage? She now has 1,000 and she is STILL begging?
DeleteYep, Anon 12:38, that's my t thoughts too. What is she doing with all the extra money? It should have been "life changing".
DeleteFrom the comments above: "She claims that she’s been having trouble paying the mortgage for 2 years and has no firewood or feed for winter."
ReplyDelete'WTAF?!? She's been unable to make her mortgage without help for A LOT longer than TWO YEARS! In fact, the only way she was able to buy that fauxrm was because she begged her foollowers for help with the down payment.
She is nothing but a LYING LIAR who LIES!
yeah, her financial troubles before shannon went down the memory hole. for a while she was framing it as ”i‘m USED to having two people here—how can i make it as a single for them first time ever?“ and she’s still implying it by focusing entirely on her post-shannon troubles.
DeleteShe should be ashamed of using Shannon as an excuse for her finances. What a con cunt.
DeleteJenna is being disingenuous again. She’s had self-created financial issues for years. Long before Shannon lived with her briefly due to Covid.
DeleteI’m certain that concerns about catching Covid were why Shannon moved in way too soon. But once she realized the truth about Jenna, then she quickly fled back to Boston. Even leaving behind her beanbag chair and other items.
DeleteFrankly, I’d almost rather catch Covid, than spend even one week with Wog!
DeleteSince Jenna reads here, and she is clearly deranged and delusional, I'd like to make something very clear: Kamala Harris is NOT a lesbian. So don't even try to go there.
ReplyDeleteHa ha ha! good one!
DeleteWatch Jenna name her next hawk victim Kamala.
DeleteLate to the game re those poor horses. Is she still trying to ditch them?
ReplyDeleteAnd it comes as no surprise that she has shown herself to be the type of pet owner who only appreciates young, healthy animals, then seeks to be rid of them once they age and acquire expensive vet care. I hope she ends up severely neglected in a crusty, underfunded old folks home with the laziest and most dishonest caregivers who'll feed her maggot-infested pudding while her bed sore butt soaks in a 3 day old diaper.
On her IG today— the post with the green lesbian farmer t shirt, she claims the horses are old and lame so she can’t get rid of them.
DeleteShe also needs a new roof, well, and heating system.
The Kiva loan was supposed to be for fixing her infrastructure issues, but Jenna blew the money as usual, on other items for fun.
DeleteEdit: either fixing
DeleteMy comment that needed editing has disappeared per this platform’s glitch.
Delete“She also needs a new roof, well, and heating system.” The Kiva loan could’ve helped her with these items, but she blew the money as usual for fun.
DeleteMy comment about her behavior regarding horses disappeared.
ReplyDeleteCrazy how the platform misbehaved.
I’ve also had a few comments disappear today.
DeleteIt’s getting to be a chore to post comments, because many of them disappear for no reason. It’s been way worse lately.
DeleteWhat’s the point of posting comments if they disappear? I think that’s why certain popular people like Anon7 aren’t here anymore.
DeleteI'm still here (Anon7) and still posting...though not as much as I used to because I can't really see what she's up to these days. I posted about this several days ago, but that post disappeared, lol. But I'll post my question again below.
DeleteAlso, re the glitches on this site, they are not the fault of HD. And just from my experience here (5 years) the missing comment glitch only seems to last a few weeks and then it goes away.
DeleteThe other glitch (and IMO the worst glitch) is the one where you can't post at all -- you instead get the "Failed to publish comment" message.
Post on Reddit and stop complaining.
ReplyDeleteI also “post on Reddit,” but this site has more merit as an accumulation of history against Jenna. And I can “complain” if it’s necessary. Mind your own fucking business.
DeleteWhen longtime Shamsters put time and effort into leaving comments, then it’s natural to not want them to disappear. This particular platform is problematic, for many reasons, and it’s important to point it out. In the hopes that these issues will be resolved by their tech support.
DeleteCan anyone report her for animal cruelty? It horrendous what is happening
ReplyDeleteon her farm. The poor animals are at her mercy, she is unstable.
Why is this worse than before? Her animal abusing has been happening for years. We’ve reported her multiple times. It’s nothing new. You can do something even if you’re not living in her area.
DeleteAs mentioned above, I posted a question last week that disappeared due to the glitch. It was about not posting as much due to an inability to see what the Pig Shocker is up to.
ReplyDeleteBasically I was asking how everyone was able to see her hi-jinx. Previously I would check her bleg, her Twitter, and her Instagram. But she is no longer blegging, she ditched Twitter, and the link I use for IG ( only works for me about 20% of the time. It either fails to load anything, or it forces me to watch an ad, which after I do, nothing happens.
I also asked about her Shitstack in which she used to post two links for each entry: One to read only, and the other for audio. Now it seems that she is posting a single audio link only, which I don't want to click on and hear her voice read something that would take a lot less time if I could just read it myself. Has anyone noticed this seems to be the case?
ReplyDeleteThis works for me. Lots of begging here. She’s only 2 sales away from the June mortgage, she has no firewood…. Needs roof repairs etc.
I also use that link. Nothing ever changes for Jenna. She’s beyond redemption. What a con cunt.
DeleteIt’s shocking how she’s still being a beggar. Even after making more money from her Substack. Something isn’t adding up as usual.
DeleteIn her stories she said she made the mortgage payment and in the next reel she said, “Taking the day off!”
ReplyDeleteIn the immortal words of Bugs Bunny, “what a maroon”
Of course she made the payment. Every month she makes it. It’s a miracle, amazing, incredible!!
DeleteJenna is an addicted to attention whore. She’s pulls off her payments at the last moment to appear dramatic.
DeleteEdit: She pulls off
DeleteShe also “takes” every “day off” from supporting herself like a normal adult. That means not being a beggar, and working a part-time job. Rather than pleading with people to make a pity purchase.
DeleteIt’s a monthly drama
ReplyDeletethe mortgage has been paid.
But what would be a “miracle”
is if Jenna did get laid.
Delete~ A Very Special Wog Post ~
ReplyDeleteHello travellers, it's your friend Jenna. I am just back from sitting by the river all morning and it got me to thinking about a childhood memory which none of you long term readers can dispute and my mother wouldn't dare.
It was a beautiful day and there was something beautiful about nature, and life was just so beautiful then. Except when it wasn't because I was a gay child and didn't know how tough I had it.
Then I retell the same story I've been reiterating for over a decade now, about how I quit my cubicle job to live this dream, and even though it's my dream and I'll always call it my dream, it's also been my living hell, lonely as hell, scary as hell.
I went on medication last year and that's also something I remind you about every post, about how I needed to be medicated and then I got medication. But I did not get surgery or physiotherapy for my turned ankle because I'm very very poor. I own this property and I will fight like hell to keep it, which is also something I say every time I write, because I need to use the word hell as often as I talk about my anxiety, which is pretty much every post.
I am very proud of the life I gave my dog Gibson, even though I didn't take him to the vet until it was too late to do much for him but euthanize him. He lived his whole life beside me on this property, and I view this as an accomplishment in my life devoid of many such life landmarks. I can be proud of keeping Gibson alive. Sure his world was very small, but so is mine and he never knew a different life. So I'm proud of that like I really accomplished something by feeding him and staying home with him most days he lived.
I'll go back to telling you about this single beautiful scene from my childhood and maybe blend it into the beauty of the sunlight sparkling off the water where I catch brook trout that are the size of my thumb and think about how most adults have to be working in an office hating their lives, but I get sunlight on water that looks like stars in the sky in 1992 summer camp.
Anyway, I'm just $100 away from making my mortgage payment and telling those nasty bank people to stay away for one more month - if I don't find some luck soon I'll lose everything and it's my dream so you know, pony up if you like reading this same blog post a few times a month.
Until next time fellow travellors, dm me to book your logo for delivery in 2029.
That was great! Did either Anon7 or PDD write this Jen gem?
DeleteAnon 12:18: GREAT job! right on the mark!
DeleteAnon 12:18, a MASTERPIECE! You make me proud to be a Shamster *sniff*
PDD. So it wasn’t written by you. I thought that it was a good guess.
Jenna is incapable of writing something this funny and honest.
DeleteI thought it was her too!
DeleteAnonymous 2:36. Could you please clarify your comment? Thanks.
DeleteNo clarification needed darlin’.
DeleteAnonymous 8:45. I wanted clarification as to who they were referring to in their comment. It sounded like they thought that Jenna has written it, because the style perfectly mimicked her own.
DeleteI guess that Anonymous 2:36 couldn’t be bothered to answer a quick, common courtesy question.
DeleteI don’t get why people can’t take time to reply.
DeleteOmg get over yourselves, there’s like 6 people rattling around this board. It’s obvious what they meant, no clarification needed!!!
DeleteIt’s not “obvious” to me. There’s nothing wrong with asking for clarification, and appreciating an answer.
DeleteAnonymous 11:25. Just because you understood who they meant, it doesn’t mean that everyone else did. And there’s many more commenters here than just “6.” I know that for a fact.
DeleteI'm another one that didn't think the "her" was obvious. I wondered too, but didn't ask.
DeleteAnonymous 5:30. I appreciate your comment that we’re not the only ones who were uncertain. Yet there’s still been no common courtesy response to our confusion. All it would take is a simple sentence to clarify.
DeleteFunny, how the OP has such an arrogant, snippy attitude to people just wanting a little clarification.
DeleteIt’s very passive aggressive behavior to make a comment, but then be belligerent about answering an easy question.
DeleteHere’s the choices for who “her” could be:
Delete1. Jenna
2. Anon7
3. SFF
4. Another commenter
Please pick one for your answer. We’ve already ruled out that it’s not PDD.
Clearly, Anonymous 2:36 is incapable of picking a choice.
DeleteI think not knowing is lovely. Life should contain mysteries.
PDD. I agree. But usually people here are agreeable about answering easy questions. They don’t become bitchy and defensive. And then still act stubborn.
DeleteShe was asked nicely at first, about clarifying her comment, but chose not to respond with even one word.
DeleteAnonymousJuly 29, 2024 at 6:46 AM
Anonymous 2:36. “Could you please clarify your comment? Thanks.”
Anon 9:39, maybe the OP's a casual drop in, went on safari, is on sabbatical, took the vow of silence, is now on Kamala Harris' VP short list, has joined the F1 team, was abducted by aliens or is sailing across the Pacific to recreate Kon Tiki...
PDD. You never fail to make me smile!!!
DeleteKeep your eyes on her decor folks. She did a July photo dump on IG and it looks like she purchased herself one of those lesbian paintings she is listing after all the time. It looks like her crappy walls and the photo does not appear ( that I can find) on her site.
ReplyDeleteMe thinks J is whining about firewood, hay and mortgages while buying paintings!!
I think that you meant lusting not “listing.” Her whole life is lies.
DeleteNothing will “spruce up” her hovel. It looks dirty and disgusting. Just like Jenna.
DeleteAre the poor horses rehomed???
DeleteAnonymous 6:10. She’ll never rehome her horses. Jenna just mentions it to elicit empathy for funds.
DeleteI wonder if ex cop, lesbian helper, Tucker likes where he lives and place of employment blasted on Jenna’s substack. I know I would be pissed! She could have used an alias to protect privacy but I guess she’s only concerned about her own privacy when red van man shows up.
ReplyDeleteI’m so sick of internet beggars using everyone for their gain and engagement.
Jenna has zero issues with “outing” people’s privacy, but can’t stand when it’s done to her.
DeleteShe’s always been a huge hypocrite about everything in her lazy loser lie-style.
DeletePopped into her Dumbstack and can’t help pointing out that first she says she forgot to latch the door to the barn and in the same breath says she wasn’t worried that she forgot since it had happened before. In other words she KNEW she had forgotten to set the latch but was either too lazy to go back outside or didn’t care if the animals escaped. After all, it would make a good story even if her animals destroyed her neighbour’s garden. On the other hand, it could all be fiction. Nothing ever changes with her.
ReplyDeleteSFF. Good to see you again. Jenna is incapable of making mature changes and decisions. She’s a careless, con cunt, who doesn’t deserve to have her home and animals.
DeleteThe moronic “memoirist,” and her “live like fiction” fantasy, are a crock of crap.
DeleteI can't imagine living beside her. Her neighbours must wake up every morning wondering what bonehead disaster is next. And talk about bringing their property value down.
DeleteSFF. We live in Cambridge, and Jenna is a nightmare neighbor. She’s loathed by locals for a reason.
DeleteWog should lie better. Wasps have been making nests since spring; by now, their nests are the size of pineapples or footballs. No self-respecting wasp family would have a "paper nest...just in the early stages" (as she described the nest near her pig sty). Further, depending on the type of wasp, real farmers know to leave them alone or kill them at night. Most wasps are serious predators of other, irritating insects and they leave decent people alone, so farmers leave them alone. And if they become aggressive, you kill them and shut up. No biggie in the country.
DeleteAs for Todd, the retired police officer, being a helpful neighbor? It's more likely he wanted her rump out there catching her own damn pigs. Pigs are incredibly destructive, and having a careless idiot like Wog as a neighbor must be another level of hell for Todd.
PDD. I don’t believe that her stupid stories are even true. It’s just more lies from the con cunt.
DeleteHey ho, Shamsters! You, like me, probably think you know Ms. Woginrich pretty darn well if you’ve been following her story from the beginning. Well, you need to listen to her podcast on Spotify. Gird your loins, give yourself a little pep talk, promise yourself a little reward if you make it to the end, prepare yourself for being called “darling” four or five times and listen! Hoo, baby, the feral farmer lives a totally different life (there on her mountain, “miles” from the nearest rural town) than the one we’ve become familiar with during the last decade. It’s the Cold Antler Farm Podcast episode titled “Building Community”. Most of us are already convinced she’s nuts, but maybe she's schizophrenic. She describes herself as building community by chatting people up in the grocery store lines, talks about meetings to attend, and sounds like she has a dang lot of friends. She’s leading her Substackers and podcast listeners on a merry ride. Heaven help them!
ReplyDeleteI’d rather listen to fingernails on a chalkboard than hear her arrogant and annoying, abrasive voice. Jenna is a pariah in the Cambridge community. We’re speaking from personal experience of living in the area for years. Her whole life is lies.
DeletePer IG. She’s only a couple of hundred from making another mortgage payment. It’s only August 2 so wow, that begging paid off! When she’s crying about foreclosure in a few weeks, let us be reminded that as of today, she is publicly stating she in a couple of hundred away from being “caught up” for the first time in 3-5 years.
ReplyDeleteJenna’s made the crap claim “caught up for the first time” in years before, but it’s all a bunch of bull.
DeleteMy point is that on the podcast she creates the impression that she is a force to be reckoned within the local Cambridge lesbian community, a gal that brings people together. A welcoming, friendly person and, interestingly enough, not a hobbit, or a “beast”, or a feral thing that scuttles through town avoiding eye contact and keeping to the shadows. You know, chatty, confident, helpful, anxious to please and, as such, a pillar of the gay community. Shame on me. I thought she was the local lurker, but how would I know? The only evidence I have is a decade’s worth of getting to know her through her very.own.writing. It would be sad if it wasn’t so absolutely ridiculous.
DeleteUnfortunately, we know Wog. She’s surly and unpleasant in person. Jenna doesn’t care about our community. It’s obvious by her lack of effort.
DeleteShe IS “the local lurker,” and avoided by many people in the area.
DeleteIn over a decade, of living in Cambridge, there’s been no visible evidence of her expending any energy towards making the local community better. I doubt that Jenna has even donated to our food bank, but she’s stupidly suggested that others buy her crap pork shares for them. As if that would work.
DeleteAn inauthentic human being and devoid of conscience.
DeleteAnonymous 4:14. There’s nothing authentic about her obnoxious existence. Jenna has a black hole for a soul. She’s a pathological liar, and sociopathic narcissist. In addition, to being a beggar, and animal abuser.
DeleteAnother Reddit receipt:
It’s no one else’s responsibility to make “this farm SAFE for Samhain!” And any other time of year. Her pretense of posing as a pagan is pathetic. What a con cunt.
This is an example of her using manipulative marketing tactics. By mentioning that she’s short of making her mortgage payment by just hundreds, Jenna is trying to push people into buying something.
Delete“Last I checked it’s not my responsibility to keep anyone’s farm safe.
That is the job of the farm owner.
It will be another nail biter and magically the mortgage will be paid in the last few days of the month.
J will start year 15 of desperately needing firewood and animal feed and magically that will appear as well.
Stickers, paintings, albums, streaming services, junk food, manage to always be paid with no issues.”
Exactly. This comment echoes what was said above.
Delete“the comments full of people saying they need soap etc. Delivery date - next year? who knows! some people get their order, some will get a reduced version, some will never get it.
All I can say is welcome future CAF Critics, you are far from the first and won't be the last.”
Jenna has haters for a reason.
Jenna is literally, incapable of not lying. She’s been doing it for so long that it’s become part of her pathology.
DeleteWog will use “this farm”
ReplyDeleteas some sort of strange bait.
But the lying, lazy loser
still can’t get a date.
This old post describes her scamming:
DeleteThose comments really reveal her rotten reputation. And nothing has changed.
DeleteJenna sold some soap yesterday but she lets her readers know loud and clear that she needs more money than that piddly purchase!!!
ReplyDeleteI saw that crap. She’s letting her stupid, sycophant supporters know that “hundreds of dollars are still needed!!!” There’s never enough to satisfy her insatiable greed for more.
DeleteWog will whine and bitch
ReplyDeleteuntil she scams more money.
It’s been happening for years
and that’s not even funny.