
How many current friends does Jenna have?  How many friends has she talked about in the past that are no longer in her life?

I'm not an extremely social person but I have continuing relationships with people from all levels of school, many jobs, friends met through friends, ex boyfriends, ex business contacts, people in town, and regular contact with people on social media.  I have been best friends with a friend for 50 years.  We talk daily.  We've been friends since we were 5.

Tell us Jenna how we are jealous of you.


  1. No one is jealous of Jenna. She’s an animal abusing beggar, a pathological liar, and sociopathic scammer. Her fleeting friendships are only using people for projects.

    1. 🐝🐤🐇🐐🐑🐖🐕🪶May 31, 2024 at 6:25 AM

      Wog is known to "love bomb" her initial interests, with complementary posts, links, "farm life visits", and pricey presents.

      Usually, it's because she needs or wants social media attention, photo ops, car repair, home repair, bill payment, gifts and money/loans.

      Even the slowest person eventually figures out that Wog is using them, and they bail. I think they mute her or keep her at arm's length, not wishing to invite a snarky essay or post from Wog.

      From her past acquaintances, I'd say she only occasionally hanged with the Boston Race Ringer and the Diane Arbus-wannabee (who probably enjoys taking Appalachia-style photos so close to home). She's also pumped up interest with a local shop owner.

      I get that people are conflicted with her. I have a long-term acquaintance who's borderline personality and a narcissist. We have many shared interests, and she can be amusing and interesting. It took me years to realize EVERYTHING she does benefits her. I keep some distance now, put her SM account on mute for 30 days at a time, check in, comment/like a post, and then re-mute her.

    2. PDD. Exactly. Jenna burns her bridges by being a beggar, and using friends for free. Like her former heathen group: Ty’s Good Hand. They eventually all quit, because they were sick of it. I’ve talked to two of them when we lived in Cambridge.

    3. I did a search for u/Shieldmare Tyr’s Good Hand on Reddit for results. She wrote around eight posts on the now defunct group.

    4. Hahaha, TGH did the square root of not much for the community, besides tidy Wog's sloppy farm. They brought/cleaned bottles for her favorite brewery (not at all self-serving) but I don't remember any other 'community actions'. Oh, and the bee hives sge bragged about? Never survived because the homesteading expert herself never let the queen out of her shipping compartment. (What a nimrod)

      Over-promise and under-deliver are her watch words.


    “This farm has pork futures, soap, podcasts, essays, design, copywriting, illustration, pet portraits and more on offer! If you’ve never considered hiring me for a pet portrait or logo, know they also make great gifts! If my story, words, or farm is something that matters to you, please reach out to purchase or hire. It’s never been needed or appreciated more. Thank you” (black heart)

    I guess that the other hundreds of times that she’s begged weren’t “needed or appreciated more” than now.

    1. Jenna’s constant begging is like a stupid record on repeat. Her hands are always held out for help. She’s been doing this for decades now.

    2. Jenna’s always hiding behind the shield of “this farm,” rather than admit her own need and greed for more money.

    3. Pork FUTURES? Lady. I do not think that word means what you think it means.

  3. Summer's also just around the bend. School's out for the young kids, and for us rural folk, it's buckling down to hard work, not resting on our laurels. One movie that I watched when I was younger during the summer of 1999 was "A Bug's Life", Pixar's second feature film and it's loosely based on the tale of the ant and the grasshopper. The main character worked hard to protect his colony, even attempting to make a fake bird to scare off the grasshopper invasion.
    In this case, Jenna is the main villain, Hopper. The one thing she's scared of is actual work and paying mortgage bills, despite all her reasons to act tough...

  4. Begging on IG. If you don’t like her begging? Unfollow her! She needs to beg! Tomorrow she is 2 months behind on the mortgage

    1. Get ready for her fake fear of foreclosure. Counting down to the “scary, red van man took photos of this farm!”


    “I want you to know what you wrote could have been me shortly after coming out. I wanted to date the kind of women I was told (through decades of media and patriarchy) was attractive and "worthy" of desire while being basically looking like a middle-aged badger sculpted out of mashed potatoes.

    ****I say this as a chubby, short, 41-year-old with cellulite and the scars and markings of a range animal who has had a LOVELY dating history since coming out 6 years ago who lives isolated on a farm in a town of under 2,000. ****

    I couldn't have any of this until I could accept myself, at my age, with my body, as just as worthy of desire and love as anyone else. Easier said than believed. I know. But until you can see all female bodies worthy in their own ways of love, you're just setting yourself up to be forever bitter and alone.

    I think your attitude isn't compatible with a happy relationship right now, casual or committed, because you yourself do not sound like you are happy with yourself, your body, or your circumstances. A younger, hotter, woman isn't going to change that, it's only going to distract you for a few orgasms, until you revert back to whatever reason you're not good enough.

    This is not a judgment, this is based on your stream-of-conciousness list of reasons you already have given yourself why someone that may want to date you will not work unless they match your requirements. Maybe the person who wants to love you isn't younger and looks a little like your cousin. Get over it.

    Or just block me and start watching Ted Lasso, I think that first season will help you immensely.”

    I’m SHOCKED that Jenna doesn’t have a lesbian advice column. She’s such an inspiration!!!

    1. “Middle-aged badger sculpted out of mashed potatoes”May 31, 2024 at 9:06 AM

      What a crock of crap. The only good advice was to “block” her. Jenna’s being “isolated” is also blatant lying. We’ve lived in Cambridge, and she’s close to town.


      “You’re romanticizing not being liked. Stop doing that.”

      She has a lot of nerve bluntly telling strangers what to do. As if Jenna is so experienced with relationships. This asinine advice is from someone who has “romanticized” being a farmer for years.

    3. I hate how brusque and abrasive she is to people.

    4. Even in her pics as a kid Jenna came across as being an abrasive asshole. She’s always had the same smug smirk on her fake fat face. I’ll bet that she was insufferable to raise.


    “You do not look intimidating or unapproachable at all. What is your lip liner/shade in the last pic?!”

    The fake femme is pretending to not be a big butch. “You can’t put lipstick on a pig.”


    “Don’t be! I blogged for free for 20+ years for FREE and had built a small, but dedicated, following that knows my writing, art, and farm is my only income. When I switched to substack some folks were upset but those that weren’t were happy to pay.

    Not everyone can afford a 1/4 pig but they can offer $8 a month, which I’ll happily accept for a weekly essay/podcast. So my circumstances are a long time coming and rare, and now 6 months since launch it’s a slow game again. Maybe 1-3 paying upgrades a month now.”

    Acting as if she’s a successful writer, not one who begs for a living.


      “Well shucks, but like look at my Instagram stories- I am RUTHLESS about self promotion, too. But the only people you’ll turn off are people that would never pay anyway”

      Her stupid usage of country language like “shucks” is annoying. Yeah, she’s “ruthless,” all right.

    2. Jenna’s fake, country colloquial lingo is inauthentic for someone who was raised in the suburbs of Pennsylvania not “Green Acres.”

  8. I want you to know what you wrote could have been me shortly after coming out. I wanted to date the kind of women I was told (through decades of media and patriarchy) was attractive and "worthy" of desire while being basically looking like a middle-aged badger sculpted out of mashed potatoes.

    ****I say this as a chubby, short, 41-year-old with cellulite and the scars and markings of a range animal who has had a LOVELY dating history since coming out 6 years ago who lives isolated on a farm in a town of under 2,000. ****

    I couldn't have any of this until I could accept myself, at my age, with my body, as just as worthy of desire and love as anyone else. Easier said than believed. I know. But until you can see all female bodies worthy in their own ways of love, you're just setting yourself up to be forever bitter and alone.

    I think your attitude isn't compatible with a happy relationship right now, casual or committed, because you yourself do not sound like you are happy with yourself, your body, or your circumstances. A younger, hotter, woman isn't going to change that, it's only going to distract you for a few orgasms, until you revert back to whatever reason you're not good enough.

    This is not a judgment, this is based on your stream-of-conciousness list of reasons you already have given yourself why someone that may want to date you will not work unless they match your requirements. Maybe the person who wants to love you isn't younger and looks a little like your cousin. Get over it.

    Or just block me and start watching Ted Lasso, I think that first season will help you immensely.

    1. This comment has already been posted above: Anonymous May 31, 2024 at 9:00 AM

    2. It takes SO much effort to scroll above for recent comments. Especially, when there’s hardly any on a new post.

    3. Oh you are so right darling.

    4. Anonymous 10:04. “You just don’t know. Hoo!!!”

    5. Thanks, I am going to leave this to the experts from now on. 👍🏻

    6. Right. You have to be an “expert” to scroll up for new comments.

    7. Exactly. Thank you for pointing this out. I had no idea.

    8. Whoever keeps posting the same comments without quickly scrolling up first for repetition has “no idea.”

  9. According to Reddit post, she has 200 paying readers on substack

    1. She’s already lost over fifteen and counting, because her rotten writing has nothing of merit to offer.

    2. ColdAntlerFarm

      2h ago
      I'm just over 200 paid with around 900 subs.

    3. Her sub numbers fluctuate just like Wog’s weight.

  10. She is UNBELIEVABLE!!!! Shucks???

    “Well shucks, but like look at my Instagram stories- I am RUTHLESS about self promotion, too. But the only people you’ll turn off are people that would never pay anyway”

    1. “Shucks, darling!” Don’t you know how to scroll up to see if the same comment has already been posted?

  11. Anonymous 11:26. I appreciate you also mentioning this. I’m the one who posted the comment as pasted below. I think that the same person isn’t taking a moment to scroll up. They’re very defensive when it’s pointed out as above. It’s like they’re deliberately being passive aggressive in their attitude.

    Anonymous May 31, 2024 at 9:48 AM

    “Well shucks, but like look at my Instagram stories- I am RUTHLESS about self promotion, too. But the only people you’ll turn off are people that would never pay anyway”.

    Her stupid usage of country language like “shucks” is annoying. Yeah, she’s “ruthless,” all right.

  12. Edit: Meant Anonymous 11:43. It’s 11:26 who repeats comments.

  13. Longtime Shamsters might remember someone who we called “The Repeater.” This was several years ago. We wonder if this is the same person who doesn’t want to comply with polite requests to scroll up. They’re also always anonymous.

  14. What am I missing here? If it’s important to be the first to write something or necessary to be recognized for your wit or brilliance why would you post anonymously?

  15. Wog’s Weather TalesMay 31, 2024 at 1:53 PM

    Agreed. I don’t get why people get upset about this.

    When I see a double post I think “ great minds think alike”

    It would never occur to me to jump all over other shamsters. 🤷🏽‍♀️

  16. I’m on the please scroll up side. What I find strange is when a post doesn’t have that many comments yet. So it’s easy to do. Why either say the same thing, or paste an identical quote? I just add my input to the first one.


    She’s bombarding people with begging on Instagram again. It’s become her replacement for Twitter. What a con cunt.

  18. Not only bombarding with begging- mere days after begging for April’s mortgage- but also complaining how she “only got one question and a rant” when she tried to crowdsource her next stack essay. I use the word essay loosely here.
    Cry me a fucking river. Do you know why you only got one question and a rant? Because nobody fucking cares about your poor writing, your made-up advice which you have no business whatsoever giving, or your supposed inability to pay your adult bills.

    1. A competent writer would come up with her own topics. Her laziness knows no bounds. It appears she cannot accomplish anything without outside help. Pathetic.

    2. Anonymous 6:40. Her “dumb small life” is boring non-tent. Jenna can’t comprehend that people don’t care about her rotten writing, and fabricated lie-style.

      SFF. It’s because she’s got nothing to offer on her own. Jenna acts as if she’s 14 not 41.

    3. Once again, after reading our critical comments, the coward has deleted her stupid podcast post pleading for help. “Hoo!!!”

    4. I like when she’s shamed into deleting her crap. Fortunately, we keep the removed evidence here.


    It’s another new Reddit receipt:

    “It's the animal abuse and the scams Jenna. That's why you have "haters" ie critics. Your story is bullshit.”

    1. Her whole life is lies.

    2. “Professional feral lesbian”June 2, 2024 at 5:06 AM

      Jenna has “haters” because she’s an animal abusing beggar, a pathological liar, and sociopathic scammer.

    3. No one cares that Jenna is “loudly living her life however she wants.” That stupid sentence is a smokescreen to hide her abhorrent behavior.

    4. And “abhorrent behavior” isn’t about Jenna’s being gay. It has everything to do with her begging, lying and scamming.


      “Astute observations, IM.

      Her early writings promoted a person willing to try a wide variety of farm-related activities and learn from others. She may not have been the best homesteader, but she appeared eager and earnest. She posted solid interviews with content experts, artists, and musicians. She seemed to have decent interactions within the community.

      Soon after, I think she went off the deep end, and she decided she knew it all. Her word became gospel. No comments, suggestions, or criticism were accepted. She became known as a taker and a user. In a small community, reputation is everything, and hers had probably tanked.

      This behavior is deeply ingrained. I don't see her changing for anyone.”

    6. It’s funny that Jenna is downvoting comments about her on Reddit after reading them. We will upvote them again. “Hoo!!!”

    7. Let’s downvote her stupid comments, too.

    8. 🐝🐤🐇🐐🐑🐖🐕🪶June 3, 2024 at 4:21 AM

      We're not 'haters'. We dislike the dishonesty and neglect associated with DAF. I'd treat any publicly advertised business the same.

      You know, businesses pay good money to have critics & consultants examine their weaknesses. We do it at no cost.

      If Wog paid attention, she'd find a multitude of ways to improve and stop the fiction.

    9. PDD. Jenna always brags about being a “public person,” but she can’t cope with any criticism and scrutiny of her unethical tactics.

  20. Edit: (minus period)

  21. Anonymous 5:03- please scroll up to the post you edited, you already posted it 😉

  22. Anonymous 6:01. Yeah, you caught me! But I mistakenly put a period at the end of the link.

  23. Thanks for acknowledging that Someone already posted this.

    Why can’t people scroll up? It’s not hard.

    It is really upsetting for some of the long timers here.

    1. “Professional feral lesbian”June 3, 2024 at 5:04 AM

      I agree about it being annoying. Especially, when it’s easy to quickly scroll up. In a way it’s even rude, because they’re not paying attention to what others are commenting on.

    2. BTW: I responded twice, because my first comment was put in the wrong reply.

  24. “Professional feral lesbian”June 2, 2024 at 9:27 AM

    Anonymous 9:09. I posted my link comment above twice, because of an error. But I agree with what you wrote. It seems to be the same person who keeps doing it.

  25. BORING. It’s another fish in her huge man hand. Of course, the same smug smirk on her fake fat face.

    1. Jenna has plenty of time to fly fish, but won’t get off her fat ass, and find a part-time job.

  26. 🐝🐤🐇🐐🐑🐖🐕🐠June 3, 2024 at 6:56 AM

    Last week, I showed a photo of Wog's 3-inch trout "catch" to a fly-fishing friend of mine. (He's quite accomplished in a low-key sort of way.)

    His first comment was "I hope they released it." As we talked, I learned these young trout are generally too small for eating (unless you're 12 yo or starving) and too young / inexperienced to be much of a challenge to an actual fly fisher.

    How sad to expect praise for mundane accomplishments.

    1. Especially, when there are other lesbians on Reddit who catch large fish.

    2. A Legend in Her Own MindJune 3, 2024 at 8:35 AM

      No wonder she doesn't have time to get a job or take proper care of her falling-down barns and fences:

      (From Wog, 2 days ago)

      "Fly fish almost daily in the summer through fall"


    3. I’ll bet that Jenna was jealous of that big fish. Compared to her pathetic, puny ones.

    4. (You blocked me Jenna, but I’m still hereeee!) We live in the PNW, my son just twenty miles from Cape Flattery. He’s been fishing since he was three, not fly fishing, but in the ocean, now, fishing for salmon, halibut and ling cod. Although he doesn’t do it himself, he has high regard for the skill, grace and beauty of fly fishing. Watching him become a fisherman, and now watching his eight year old son hone his skills, make Jenna’s efforts look ridiculous. She’s never progressed from where they were, and are, as children dropping worms into the river. Fly fishing is just another of the many, many things for her to aggrandize and pontificate about. Another way to avoid adult responsibilities. She is ridiculous. An overnight expert on soooo many things. What’s next, magic?

    5. *Overnight Expert on Soooo Many Things*June 3, 2024 at 10:14 AM

      Maisie, well said.

      It's the mixture of ignorance, incompetence and arrogance that's especially off-putting.

      To my knowledge (Shamsters, correct me if I'm wrong), she's never successfully hunted deer. Her hawks don't bring in game, which is why she buys frozen quail, chicks and rats. Her farming and animal husbandry is lacking; we have suburban friends who are better farmers. And her fly fishing skills? Laughable. Catching baby brookies for about a year, a fish notoriously quick to take bait, does not make her praise-worthy.

      With how little competence she shows with her various (often short-term) hobbies, it's hubris that she now calls herself a

      Writer/Farmer/Fly Caster/Falconer in upstate NY.

    6. Maisie. That’s a good comment. Where and why did Wog block you? It doesn’t take much to freak out the thin-skinned, filthy feral failure.

    7. She had one of those polls on Instagram. Posed a question about whether people would be interested in one of her stupid Substack topics with the option of answering “yes” or “no”. I answered “no”. We know she’s too thin-skinned to allow comments so it’s hardly surprising that “no” was the wrong answer. She’s such a loser!

    8. Not sure why I’m sometimes “Maisie”, which is what I prefer, but most of the time “Anonymous”.


    “LOVE TO SEE ITT!!! You two are cute as hell”

    It’s spelled “IT,” moron. It figures that Jenna is impressed with two chubby women who are lesbians.

    1. Her “atta girls” are always hyberbolic and contrived.

    2. fatphobic twit

    3. “Fatphobic Twit” don’t give a shitJune 3, 2024 at 2:54 PM

      Anonymous 2:46. “You just don’t know. Hoo!!!”

    4. Like anyone would care what a stupid stranger says about their opinions on people.

    5. Anonymous 2:46,

      anything goes here.

      Except if you repeat a post that somebody else did first. You will be jumped on and smacked.

      This is a very special place on the internet, devoid of humor and like, 5 people repeating the same 4 ideas each and every post. You just can’t know hoo!

      Once you see the patterns, you can’t unsee it!

    6. Anonymous 3:09. We’re hardly “devoid of humor” here. I frequently find our comments to be funny and insightful. It’s annoying when someone won’t take a moment to scroll up, and read first what others have written. It’s called common courtesy. Rather than repeating the same copy and paste that was just done. I’ll bet that you’re the same person who does it, and then becomes passive aggressive and defensive when it’s pointed out. It’s obvious that this bothers several of us, and it’s not because we want acclaim for content. If you don’t like it leave.

    7. I find this site to have humor and wit quite often. I enjoy reading everyone's opinions and insight.

    8. Anonymous 5:17. I agree. There are many funny and witty comments. It appears that Anonymous 3:09 is the one who’s “devoid of humor,” and doesn’t want to read what others have written.

    9. Objectively speaking, Jenna is repulsive on every level. Expressing that she’s both physically and emotionally unappealing is our prerogative.

    10. Jenna wouldn’t know “funny” if it smacked her in the face. Has she EVER written anything even remotely funny?

    11. Anonymous 6:37. Jenna has no humor. I’ve literally, never once found her to be either funny or witty.

  28. She’s just doing her pathetic podcasts for more money and attention.

  29. It seems clear Jenna has targeted the "late bloomer lesbian" community on reddit for her next round of scamming.

    The sad thing is she just might find a few suckers in there - she needs people who are inexperienced, sheltered, maybe naive or idealistic about what life after coming out could be.

    1. Jenna is always “targeting” new victims for her manipulative marketing to elicit empathy from fools.

    2. She’s a creepy predator using calculated approaches to attach herself to vulnerable women. That’s why this site is a public service to warn others about Jenna.

    3. She can spot a sucker a mile away. I agree with the above comments. Beware late-bloomers

    4. I agree, and hopefully folks are catching on. Look at her last stack. One lonesome like on the audio version- and seven lonesome likes on the essay, after a day. That’s extremely telling, even if you are a dense, arrogant, know-it-all narcissist.

    5. Anonymous 6:35. Your scathing description of Jenna was accurate. Her extremely low rate of engagement is a reflection of how she’s coming across.

    6. Can she delete negative comments? If so she may have had hundreds! Hoo, Baby!

    7. Maisie. I asked the question about being blocked. I appreciate your reply. Jenna can’t even handle someone giving an honest opinion in a simple poll. And she’s a total and complete “loser.”

  30. “Professional feral lesbian”June 4, 2024 at 10:56 AM

    “Just tell her the pilot to The L Word Gen Q is free to watch on YouTube. Plenty of lesbian sex there that’s pretty hot and accurate.”

    The supposed, Sapphic sage is giving asinine advice again. As if she’s an “expert” on sex. Jenna has hardly had any relationships. Let alone intimate ones.

    1. It’s revealing how fixated Jenna is just on sex. She rarely talks about the emotional aspects of being in a relationship. Maybe it’s because she’s a sociopath who has no heart.

    2. I’m enjoying downvoting her stupid comments on Reddit.

    3. Jenna is only an “expert” on using manipulative marketing to elicit empathy for free funds

    4. Edit: free funds.


    “Honestly, I see all straight couples like Max and Roxanne in The Goofy Movie.”

    I guess that includes Pember Patty and her husband who have helped Jenna for years.

    1. It’s pathetic how her false sense of superiority is derived from thinking that being a lesbian is superior to straight people.

    2. Being a lesbian is her latest identity. She has failed at most aspects of her life and all that is left is her new sexual orientation so she flogs it to death in search of community and more importantly to find a fresh audience to scam.

    3. Jenna? What about Taylor? Remember Taylor?

    4. Anonymous 6:43. Jenna will never forget her teen queer crush. She’s still active on this stupid sub, and upvotes, plus leaves comments.


    “If you are not financially dependent on your parents, don't live in the same house, and over the age of 18, tell them. Good luck!”

    Her well-wishes always come across as being fake.

    1. There’s nothing that’s authentic about Jenna.

  33. There’s still only a few upvotes and comments a day later. And one of them is hers. “Shucks!!!”

  34. Her classic, love bombing tactic of referring to total strangers as “friends” is obnoxious and manipulative.

  35. I’ve just reported her duplicate posts on different subs to Reddit as spam. They have rules against doing it.

  36. She’s counting on people being unaware of her rotten reputation.

  37. Jenna is like a junkie when it comes to social media. When she deleted her Twitter account a few months ago, then she returned to Reddit. It’s a predictable pattern with platforms.

  38. The attention whore has to have her “fix.” She’s far from staying sober.

  39. Jenna’s writing is rotten, and her low engagement rate is terrible. Just like it was on Twitter.

    She’ll continue to lose more money again as the numbers dwindle.

    1. Jenna has nothing of merit to offer.


    “Who is Dana white?”

    What a lazy slob. Of course, Jenna can’t be bothered again to do her own searches. I found out in a moment.

    1. Jenna wants to be spoon-fed information like a child. Her massive sense of self-entitlement for no reason is obnoxious.

  41. I looked up Jenna on Judy Records:

    1. “And” see for yourself. She has a history.

    2. “And” I did. There’s nothing of interest.

    3. Anonymous 1:11 & 3:18 is sounding snippy just because they don’t approve of the content. “Shucks!!!”

    4. 🐝🐤🐇🐐🐑🐖🐕🪶🐠June 7, 2024 at 9:26 AM

      I found it very interesting.

      🤣 Multiple speeding violations

      🤣 Driving without (proof of) insurance

      🤣 Driving an unregistered vehicle

    5. PDD. I agree that it’s pertinent to her profile.

  42. It looks like some comments have been removed since yesterday.



    That must mean eating a sloppy, greasy taco with filthy fingers and nasty, gnawed nails. It’s no wonder why she’s still single. Jenna has horrid hygiene.



    “dry flies and the fireflies - it’s summer baby”

    Her boring non-tent consists of Jenna’s “stout” (her own description) man hands holding dead fish, and her creepy usage of inappropriate endearments like either baby or darling.


    “You're not too old to start over. You're too old to keep doing what isn't working.”

    Jenna is trying to justify her lazy loser lie-style. Using quotes from others to express her stupid opinions. “What isn’t working” is her refusal to get a part-time job for financial stability. Instead of being a beggar.

  46. A Legend in Her Own MindJune 7, 2024 at 7:19 AM

    I think my favorite bad piece of advice from her was recently directed at a sympathetic person who wanted opinions on whether she should "come out" to her family because a relatively new partner wanted her to do so.

    The OP wasn't entirely ready to take that step; most responses were well-thought discussions of pros and cons of taking that step, including re-defining what "coming out" can mean to the individuals, family and partners.

    Wog, on the other hand, sent out an asinine comment that basically said if you're not getting board or money from your parents, fuck their feelings. and tell them you're LGBTQ.

    What a troglodyte.

    PS The OP had a discussion with her partner and decided that it wasn't time to come out to her family for various reasons.

    1. PDD. I saw that crap, too. All of Jenna’s advice is asinine, because she’s clueless about relationships.

    2. I have real concerns about the advice Wog doles out. She prefaces it with a disclaimer about her lack of qualifications to offer counseling but the type of person who would ask for advice from a random stranger on a blog tells me that they are desperate. She could do considerable harm. Her hubris is unbelievable. She cannot manage her own life and should think twice about offering bad advice to vulnerable readers.

    3. That right there. Exactly. Well put.

    4. Her latest q and a is unlistenable. It is rife with inappropriate giggling, and it is full of advice quite, unquote, that at best she should keep to herself. It is not fit for human consumption.

    5. Jenna isn’t “fit for human consumption.” The “inappropriate giggling” shows how immature she is. I also agree with “her hubris is unbelievable.”

    6. It’s shocking that Jenna is almost 42. She comes across as being very emotionally stunted. The addiction to smoking weed seems to have also impaired her cognitive functioning.

  47. Someone commented on one of her "check out my late bloomer posts" not to give her money lol. Which one of y'all did that?? Is it a newbie???

    1. Was it on a Reddit post? I can’t find it. Please link if possible. Thanks.

    2. I found it on Reddit:


      she has been running a mortgage / medical bill / animal emergency fundraising scam for over 10 years.

      subscribe to her substack if you like the content but do not buy products (you won't get them) or make donations.

      honestly I wouldn't even subscribe after googling her. there is a DARK rabbit hole to go down here and there are plenty other people who need your support.

      my fave is Maddy Court on substack. subscribe to her instead.”

    3. She deserves our upvotes for warning people about Wog. I’m sure that Jenna has already blocked her.

    4. I think I’m pretty adept at following links but guess I’m having trouble on reddit. Couldn’t find this link there or on Safari. Hesitate to ask for pointers because it seems like some are quick to jump on people who can’t figure things out for themselves. Just curious - if a comment like this was deleted, who would be able to do it? Just the commenter? Appreciate help and just ignore me if you think I’m stupid…….

    5. Anonymous 3:09. I posted the link and comment. It was working earlier. I think that the coward deleted her post. Fortunately, we still have the evidence here.


    6. “Professional Feral Lesbian”June 7, 2024 at 3:51 PM

      Even if she deletes evidence it won’t prevent people from finding out about her rotten reputation. It’s all over the internet now.

    7. I gave her an upvote last night. I wish that other members of our sub on Reddit would do it too. It would show that many people are against Jenna’s begging, scamming, lying, and animal abusing.

  48. Jenna's been dirty deleting her reddit comments

    1. The coward always tries to delete evidence. Fortunately, we keep track of her crap here.

    2. Jenna deleted a comment on this post above:

  49. OH no wait! Jenna has found the cold antler critics reddit group and has blocked everyone with a user ID attached to that group. So if you're logged into reddit trying to view anything of hers with the same ID you use in the reddit group she's blocked you. I have other reddit IDs that have not been blocked by her and I can still see her comments.

    1. So what I'm doing is viewing her comments with one ID and then commenting to others with the blocked ID so she can't see what I'm saying LOL

    2. “Professional feral lesbian”June 8, 2024 at 5:18 AM

      I’m doing the same thing. “Hoo!!!!”

    3. BTW: Even if you’re blocked on Reddit, you can still view their comments. But you can’t see someone’s profile.

    4. I’m shocked that she hasn’t known about the sub until now. I think that Jenna has underestimated our ability to track her crap.

    5. I think I was one of the first ones to get swacked. I asked for help above when others could open a link that I could not. I asked the group if Jenna could delete comments on that platform but didn’t get an answer. It had always worked for me before.

    6. Anonymous 6:56. Sorry that you couldn’t open the link. I don’t know why it won’t work for you. You can delete both comments and posts on Reddit. She’s done it before. I hope that helps.


    7. Having alternate accounts is allowed on Reddit. It’s a good method to protect privacy. But Jenna does it to hide her history. There’s no way that Wog can block your main one. Unless she knows its name.

    8. Wog created a fake profile to shill her own Substack account.

    9. Anonymous 2:17. Do you mean that she has another one, in addition to the other three that we’re all aware of? Thanks.


    “I understand. I’ve embarrassed myself doing exactly this. Perhaps just start doing what you need? Share and subscribe content being created in your niche? Interact and lift up others and it will be reciprocated if your content and intentions are good!”

    As if Jenna is capable of feeling “embarrassed” about her abhorrent behavior. Her “content and intentions” aren’t “good.” She uses manipulative marketing to elicit empathy for funds. And her advice is always asinine.

    1. You’d get better advice from reading fortune cookies than her crap.

  51. This will be my last post. After reading her latest Q&A, I decided that Wog’s special kind of crazy is too much. She has crossed a line with her dangerous advice and is headed down a deep rabbit hole. She is too lazy to write and just likes to hear herself talk. Listening to her gasping for air and laughing maniacally as she spews nonsense is not worth my time. It’s one thing to give bad advice about farming and fish but messing with people’s personal lives is beyond the pale. I have deleted Reddit and unfollowed her on IG. I hope that karma finally catches up with her and I applaud those of you who will continue to call her out.

    1. “Professional feral lesbian”June 8, 2024 at 11:15 AM

      SFF. I totally understood. But we’ll miss reading your intelligent and insightful comments. I know that eventually, karma will kick her fat ass. It’s already coming for her.

  52. A Legend in Her Own MindJune 8, 2024 at 8:35 AM

    Like SFF, I'm having a hard time with the curve Wog has headed into. I'm not concerned about her most recent gender identity, and I don't have much interest in following bad advice given to online strangers. After mulling it over (and spending my time doing actual farm-related activities), I realize I simply don't want to waste too much time going down that particular Reddit rabbit hole.

    My concern has always been to prevent continued animal/raptor neglect and harm, and to warn others that her homesteader persona is largely falsified - theatre, if you will. While I'm confident we have helped others, yet somehow, she keeps going - like a malevolent Skinwalker who changes her appearance to fool new victims.

    I don't know the answer. I'm not ready to pack it in permanently - but maybe taking a break is warranted.


    1. “Professional feral lesbian”June 8, 2024 at 11:17 AM

      I agree with what you wrote. And I feel the same way. But Jenna needs to be held accountable for her actions.

  53. No one can evade the consequences of their actions forever. Jenna is no exception. People who have much more fame and fortune than her have been brought down. It just takes time.

  54. "It's so easy. Just do it. It might be hard it first. It certainly is for me." ???

    1. Specifically, change the pronouns you use for someone. I just like noticing how inconsistent her logic chains are. So often she's like: "It's easy, it's hard. I love it, I hate it."

    2. Anonymous 3:41. She’s a very illogical person.

  55. Letterwriter: "You have a podcast all about being gay--"

    Jenna: "It's not all about being gay guys. I'm gay so you assume it's all about being gay."


    1. Where did you see that? Thanks.

    2. I was listening to the free part of her latest "podcast"

    3. Anonymous 2:23. I appreciate your response to my question. Thanks for taking a hit for the team. I can’t handle hearing her abrasive and annoying voice. It’s the opposite of soothing.


    “Poll up in the stories about discontinuing the Late Bloomer Series on the substack. Votes appreciate...”

    No comments

    There are zero comments, because no one cares about her crap. “Shucks!!!”

    1. Forgot to add: “Votes appreciated as is private feedback”

      It’s “private” not public, because Jenna doesn’t want people to know that her rotten writing has nothing of merit to offer. And I’ll bet that no one will respond to her pathetic poll.

  57. I’m thinking about messaging mods of the late bloomers sub on Reddit. We want to warn them about Wog with links and information.

    1. I’ll also include the lesbians sub.

    2. Great idea. I’ve reported all of her “sneaky” link posts.

    3. Anonymous 11:54. I’m glad that you agree with me. I’ve reported those posts, too.


    Now that Jenna has been “outed” on her new account, she’s gone back to her stupid, second one. I’ve been downvoting dumb comments.

    1. Only other morons would take her asshole advice, and believe her bullshit.

    2. Her whole life is a fucking failure, yet she has the nerve to criticize others. Especially, when it comes to relationships.


    “The best thing you can do to support this writers farm is support the writing. It's my last best shot at saving this farm and your $8 gets you more writing and audio than any substack I've come across so far!”

    “Don't like emails? You can turn email sending off. Don't have time to read? I get it, I offer audio of every post synced to your podcast feed. Don't care if I live or die? Try caring! Is more fun!”

    “I got a Subaru to repair before i can make the May mortgage so PET PORTRAITS ARE ON SALE! you reading this? You got a pet? Want original artwork mailed to you from this farm?! Send a message because holy crow it's rough out here!”

    Once again, the bitch is bombarding people with her desperate pleas for funds. GFY, Jenna.

    1. “Holy crow,” she’s lost whatever little is left of her mind.

    2. What’s truly crazy is her doing the same crap for years, but always expecting different results. “Grow up.” Get a job, slob.

    3. This is such an arrogant, entitled message, full of forceful begging, guilting, and blatant tone-deafness. I have extreme second-hand cringe and embarrassment just reading it! I can’t imagine ever subscribing to someone who not only has, but forcefully displays, such off-putting personality and poor character.

    4. “Professional feral lesbian”June 10, 2024 at 5:52 AM

      Anonymous 5:41. I agree with what you wrote. Jenna is not only mentally unhinged, her defective character is completely repulsive. We won’t read her rotten writing even for free.

    5. Jenna is back to being a bully who beggars again.


    “girl, this person is messing with you. Stop responding!”

    I find it funny that the big butch is on the Femme Lesbians sub. She’s giving out unwanted, stupid advice again. And calling women a “girl” is clearly being condescending. Just like Jenna used to do with Shannon.

  61. Jenna likes ‘Gram stories
    because they’ll disappear.
    But we keep all the evidence
    and that fills Wog with fear.


    Straight People Do Not Work This Hard

    “Whenever TAS comes up in conversations with non-swiftie friends; those who do not like her already always jump to assumptions that belittle her -- like she lip syncs on tour or doesn't write her own music -\_ the same sexist shit that screams "how could a woman this successful actually deserve it!"

    To me, hands down, the most blatant proof she is queer is that work ethic.

    If you grew pop as a queer millennial woman in a far-less accepting society, you are probably also more successful than peers and siblings, at least if you grew up in a home that you knew you were fundamentally less accepted and flawed to your boomer parents and society in general. This isn't because you're better than straight people, but because they never had to live in a world that saw them as less-than, broken, sinners, or outcasts.

    Look at everyone else she's "competing" with. Look at their level of production/length of shows/tour dates/album releases... No one comes close. No one else is singing set lists for three hours on a treadmill at full voice for months. No one else is giving 100,000 truck driver bonuses or filling local foodbanks. If she was our president in 10 years I wouldn't blink and eye.

    I firmly believe that drive to be undeniably good, hardworking and WORTHY of love comes from one single place; the need to be accepted and approved of in a world that never wanted you.

    Yeah, her work ethic and constant need to be seen as "good" this driving force fueling 17+ years of hope and force...

    that is some gay ass shit and I love to see it.”

    1. What a crock of crap. Then why is Wog such a lazy loser? She has zero “work ethic,” and doesn’t mind being a beggar.

    2. Then according to her own moronic “theory,” and stupid title, Jenna must really be straight.

    3. oh my god what a pile of shit.

  63. In her new podcast she advocates signing someone you don’t like to her substack. WTF!????

  64. “Middle class fantasy bank”

    Stop sniffing your own shit and get a job!!!!

    1. Was this in her pathetic podcast? Thanks.

    2. She posted a new free stack. It was there.


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