She must spend a fair amount of her time blocking people and their comments. I suspect she thinks she has a whole new audience now that she’s a lesbian know-it-all. I think she’s going to quickly realize that lesbians are as discerning as anybody else and that they, too, recognize BS when they read it. Jenna is absolutely insufferable
Anonymous 4:25. She is “absolutely insufferable.”And even more obnoxious in person. I’m speaking from experience. But the bitch can’t block us from downvoting on Reddit. I’m smart enough to not leave her any comments. Although I might create an alternate account now for fun.
We’re a queer couple in Cambridge who hate her, too. Jenna is loathed by locals for being a big user, and garbage human. It has nothing to do with her sexual preference, because we were welcomed with warmth.
I'm all for it! Some time ago I tried to get someone to take over or anything. I know I'm not doing a good job but I didn’t want to just quit and let the important information just go away. I don’t know how to add mods but I'll look into it and try to figure it out. HD
"I know this sounds judgmental, it's more projected frustration. I don't want women putting off their happiness as long as I did. I get emails weekly from readers of my Late Bloomer series confessing they are queer but can't leave, because it's "too late" or will "break his heart" and while the latter may be true, the former sure as hell isn't.
I promise you, once you are actually past the rough parts - the coming out, the telling him and your family, finally realizing what romance and love and sex actually CAN BE - you will be on this sub trying like hell to get women unstuck. Not because they are bad or weak, but because watching someone voluntarily drown for a man is the saddest thing in the world."
If you want a Reddit laugh, check out Wog's alter ego comments as " screaminggogogo ".
Not surprised to see her continually deceive the public, pretending to be an uninvolved person directing people to her subscription service. Isn't this sort of behavior against Reddit rules??? PDD
Hey Writers! I consistently have payments from possible supporters fail because of zip codes not matching. I see through stripe I can disable this safety measure, and I can also see the safety measure has blocked over $500 in payments from folks in the last 6 months?
I also see I can disable this, making it one less protection step for me. I don't know how this could hurt me, other than a scammer wanting to pay me?! I assume it's for folks that don't want people using stolen cards, but I also don't think a homesteading substack is the kind of place people steal credit cards to get into...
Does anyone feel this should NOT be disabled? Thoughts? I want my substack to be as easy to upgrade as possible and some folks just forget their card is from a past address and then I lose the sale because they give up.
I'd like to not leave any money on the table, my substacks entire reason for existing is to finally earn a little from writing to support my farm. Any thoughts appreciated!
Boy she really pissed off the “Gaylor” group. Lots of downvotes for saying things like this excerpt of why she thinks TS is gay.
“To me, hands down, the most blatant proof she is queer is that work ethic.
If you grew pop as a queer millennial woman in a far-less accepting society, you are probably also more successful than peers and siblings, at least if you grew up in a home that you knew you were fundamentally less accepted and flawed to your boomer parents and society in general. This isn't because you're better than straight people, but because they never had to live in a world that saw them as less-than, broken, sinners, or outcasts.”
Here’s Jenna talking about how she prepared for the TS concert!
Oh Becca- she thought your mini skirt was “dumb”
“things I am bringing/prepping for my insane rain show tonight: Not wearing any fucking cotton near my skin. Silk long underwear and synthetic panties, a change of clothes for directly after the show, everything will be wet. No stupid costume. Pleather jacket for being warm/rain. Ponchos for everyone in my car (4 of us). You think I'm stopping there. No, I'm a lesbian and an outdoor instructor. There will be seat cushions so everyone has a dry place to sit. I am bringing a backpacking/hammock backpacking tarp in case we need a dry place to tailgate. there is food and water in pack. There is a headlamp. There is plastic bags for my phone, battery back to charge my shitty iPhone 8, all fitting inside my stadium-approved clear fanny pack. I have brought a ukulele for morale purposes. Candy. And I'm wearing chacos designed to cross rivers not any shoes I'd ever want to be wet in. Blister pack ready in first aid kit though, just in case. All clothes in pack are in dry bag. Also space blanket in case my ex girlfriend gets hypothermia in her dumb miniskirt and cowboy boots. Any questions. An adult is present.”
I don’t know why people can’t take time to scroll up here. That way, you’ll see if something has already been posted. Especially, when there aren’t already a lot of comments.
No one wants to know about her “synthetic panties.” Becca looked cute in her cowboy boots and miniskirt. Jenna is just jealous of her friend’s great body and outfit. It sucks to be an ugly, obese, stinky loser like Wog.
And bringing an instrument to a concert is crazy. It makes no sense at all. Especially, when she paid for pricy tickets. We know that they weren’t gifted by a reader as stated. What a con cunt.
This is fun, Someone posted a fossil they found in NYS and right away she wants to get one too!!
“Hey OP! Where in Upstate? I'm new to fossil hunting and looking for locations, if this is a public space you want to share of course?”
Someone responded:
Just look it up and do a modicum of research yourself, it's not hard, there are a bunch of fossils sites in NY.
Jenna’s response:
Respecively, I have been researching. Part of that research is asking people actively interested in fossils around NY where they look for them. You never know where and how you'll get some good information and I meant no offense.
Next response from user: Asking for people's spots on a public forum won't get you much. Most people aren't going to tell you less well known spots on public sites as that just leads to over collecting and destruction of collection sites.
It is best to put in some of your own effort to look for these things, this information isn't hard to find
I think everyone is different but the first time I went down on a woman I literally got a sexual migraine! Which isn't the same situation as you, but the opposite. I was so turned on the back of my skull felt like it was splitting open and it took prepping with ibuprofen and some time getting acclimated for it to stop. So there's never an easy first time! ha!
Jenna’s weird worship of Glennon Doyle is kinda creepy. It was predatory how she harassed her on Twitter for months about the newest memoir which was rejected by Wog’s agent:
It’s typical of Jenna’s laziness to not do her own research. Like her fossils question in a comment. She wants to be handed everything. Including, free funds.
The CAF math never adds up. She should be making more money now from Substack. Yet Jenna still sings the same sad song. There’s never enough to satisfy her greed.
Someone linked above a post about how there’s $500 she can’t access on substack and she wants to know why and how she can turn off safety measures so people can send her money without pesky safety precautions.
Response from a smart person: Why do you want money from people who fail safety measures? That is more likely to mean they are using someone else’s money and that person has no idea they want to give it to you.
You aren’t “leaving money on the table”, you are making sure that the proper owner of that money wants to give it to you legitimately.
Jenna’s stupid response: You think people are stealing people's credit cards to support a lesbian farm substack for $8 dollars a month?
Smart response from same user: That’s not how this works. No one cares about helping you, the risk is stolen credit cards and the tricks used to make them usable for the thief. The attempted payments to a random substack could be part of that process.
Scammer’s gonna scam.. Leave it to such a person to look for any and all loopholes to make other people’s money less safe. If I were a subscriber and knew she co promised my money’s safety, I’d drop her like a hot potato and tell her about it, and others.
All these years Jenna has chosen platforms where she can control comments. Is it a sign of desperation or idiocy that she's back on Reddit where she isn’t in charge and is once again getting beaten the F up? And on so many fronts! No longer just farming. She’s an expert on everything! Loving it!
Who EVER, in the history of the WORLD, no matter how they feel about her, has thought JW was hot? Even she knows she isn’t. With so much hotness on offer she’d be beating her suitors off with sticks. The road in front of her dilapidated farmhouse would be so congested she wouldn’t even notice Red Van Man.
She remains a hypocrite always. As someone else posted, her latest fiction is that of a sapphic sage - based on her having one Covid-initiated rural love, with an Ex who booked so fast, she left many possessions behind.
So now Wog tells her newest victims they should accept their bodies and themselves, (like her), all the while posting photos that are so filtered, her face looks like that of a praying mantis.
WW, lol. You, know, if she re-homed the animals and set the raptors free, I'd ignore her. If stupid people believe her fiction, let them support her and send her all the money they earn/have. PDD
PDD. I agree about the animals. Unfortunately, her whole hobbyist homesteader persona is all about being a feral farmer. Don’t forget that she’s also a lesbian!
Anonymous 8:41. Your comment cracked me up. Jenna can’t even convince herself of being hot, let alone the rest of us. “Red Van Man,” if he really existed, would flee in fright at the sight of her fake fat face.
Either she got the money she wanted, she’s sulking, or more likely, spending her day doing fuck all. Her tooth problem seems fine as well. Remember the “great way to start the weekend with a toothache”? Post from a few weeks ago?
If she gets horny again this summer, her garden won’t survive anyway.
Why is she growing so much lettuce ( she’s one person and it’s all ready at once) and hardly any tomatoes or things that can be preserved, frozen kept for the winter? I’ll never understand her “farming”.
She’s a failure at farming.The coward has also deleted her Reddit post complaining about credit cards on Suckstack. Poor little Jenna can’t cope with any criticism. But I copied it above in a comment to keep track of the truth.
Hey Writers! I consistently have payments from possible supporters fail because of zip codes not matching. I see through stripe I can disable this safety measure, and I can also see the safety measure has blocked over $500 in payments from folks in the last 6 months?
I also see I can disable this, making it one less protection step for me. I don't know how this could hurt me, other than a scammer wanting to pay me?! I assume it's for folks that don't want people using stolen cards, but I also don't think a homesteading substack is the kind of place people steal credit cards to get into...
Does anyone feel this should NOT be disabled? Thoughts? I want my substack to be as easy to upgrade as possible and some folks just forget their card is from a past address and then I lose the sale because they give up.
I'd like to not leave any money on the table, my substacks entire reason for existing is to finally earn a little from writing to support my farm. Any thoughts appreciated!
Let’s see how many downvotes this weird one will get. Jenna just posted it:
Is anyone worried about Pride this year?
I saw the State Department issued a warning about possible terriorist threats at 2024 Pride Events due to the upswing in anti-LGBT sentiment growing on the right. I don’t know what information this is based on, but just watching the politics and reactionary right does give me pause. Is anyone concerned?
It bugs me that she pointed out her rhubarb is already flowering. It’s already flowering because you didn’t cut the bulb out to encourage more stalks dumb dumb!
This stupid post was just for attention as always. Like Jenna puts any effort into participating in her small town events. Other than to waddle around, and announce that she’s a real lesbian! “Hoo!!!”
I chuckled about the Rhubarb flowers too. Tell me you know nothing about gardening without telling me you know nothing about gardening. PDD (Whose Rhubarb isn't flowering, b****)
She never mentions late fees, plus if she is constantly behind on her mortgage as she claims she is, the bank starts paying some serious attention because of the risk. She talks like she made a late mortgage payment so it's okay now, but if this were really happening, she would be constantly getting letters from the bank.
She really counts on her audience to be stupid all the time. Do her readers know she is actually insulting their intelligence by spinning this mortgage story every month? And I love how the toothache must not have gotten her any traction, so she dropped it, as mentioned above.
I know if I ignored her and left this forum for a few years, then came back, nothing would have changed. She would still be whining about the mortgage and tooth issues, still beating her chest about being a lesbian, with a few new begs maybe, but essentially, she is now who she's going to be, forever.
On Reddit, I posted a critique of CAF from 8 YEARS AGO, written by an attendee at one of her homesteading workshops.
And, yes, not much has changed. She did the bare minimum at the faux farm, was disorganized, cried poverty, yet screwed off instead of working.
The writer's comments included:
"House and outbuildings were a disaster, lot of haphazard stuff that showed things were not getting done.
Jenna also mentioned that she had done a lot of swimming that summer and looked forward to spending the majority of the next day at the river. With the amount of work that needed to be done, there should have been no swimming that summer.
In the end, she uses the blog so other people can support her dream of not working in an office. She had a blog post about her truck being repossessed and l'm pretty sure her house was near foreclosure."
In terms of her gardening, I have never seen a more shittier job. Even if I may focus on the easier parts, like pulling out or burning leftover weeds or stinging nettles, she'd rather burn her own weed. I thought this was a farm, not a drug den. Her house looks like a meth lab. This isn't new. Upstate NY has a ton of drug problems, Jenna might be one of the biggest addicts in the state (mostly weed).
Woof! What’s with the bolted rhubarb, lettuce ready all at once ( has she ever heard of succession planting?) 3 measly tomato plants, some herbs.
Much farmer!
There are amazing people YouTube that have less space than her and grow enough food for most of the year.
With fauxrmer Jenna, we’ll never see this garden again ( because she needed to date or get laid) and then we’ll get treated to some bullshit story about how she had to drive to Walmart to stock up on cans for the winter.
PDD as always, has made a good point in an above comment talking about Jenna’s lack of experience in romantic relationships: “…based on her having one Covid-initiated rural love, with an Ex who booked so fast, she left many possessions behind.”
Had Shannon not been afraid of catching Covid, and known what Wog was really like, then she might’ve not moved in with her so soon. I hope that she’s found love with a mature, stable partner.
Jenna claimed they had been dating a while - what did she say, a year? But they lived hours apart, so there is no way they could have known each other that well before covid scare the crap out of everyone. I'm sure if it weren't for covid, S would never have moved in with Jenna.
I think given S was significantly younger than Jenna, they didn't have the fully calibrated bullshit detector most of us are granted with experience.
I wonder... has Jenna ever jumped on the "Free Palestine" bandwagon?... since I don't think she has ever mentioned it in her blog, kind of like how she "supported" the Black Lives Matter movement? I'm bringing this up because I am of a Middle Eastern background myself (part Jordanian) and I use some farming methods that's common in my ancestral country, such as protecting livestock from predators such as jackals and spotted hyenas by setting up safety protection systems, while Jenna's animals are frequently picked off by foxes and coyotes.
Jenna is a hobbyist homesteader at best, who collects her hoard of animals to appear authentic. She doesn’t care about their welfare. Including, her horses and dogs.
PDD. Jenna is a sadistic sociopath who has been abusing animals for years. An example is her deliberately shocking a poor pig. She is a wolf, as admired in her moronic memes.
i don't think Jenna could begin to understand the history or the global context of the issues. Peace in the middle east is far beyond her comprehension.
Anonymous 12:30. But she never reads here. Right. Jenna’s ridiculous rebuttals, like moronic memes, are always resonses to our critical comments. We pull her puppet’s strings. “Hoo!!!”
Anonymous 3:34. Right. A few months ago she was abusive to her delicate little kitty. When it knocked something over, Jenna overreacted and was scary. It was very inappropriate behavior for such a minor accident. We were surprised that she posted the video. I think that the coward has deleted the evidence as usual.
"I'm so caught up in booze, oh darlin', that you just can't even know, so caught up in booze..." I saw both Styx and 38 Special live in concert a few years ago, so I think this one and "Come Sail Away" both deserve their own parodies... "Caught Up In Booze" and "Come Scam Away"...
NO ONE should EVER act this way towards a young cat. It's a baby, so you can't stay mad at it! The incident itself reminds me of watching a "Family Guy" episode. A bad one. The infamous scenes where Peter Griffin abuses his daughter Meg often come to mind, as well as the domestic violence episode, "Screams of Silence". I hate Peter Griffin so much, Jenna is almost like the real-life, female equivalent of him.
Another new Reddit receipt. This one earned Jenna the nasty nickname of “pig shocker,” for being a sadistic, animal abusing cunt. Thanks for posting it, PDD.
“Here's the truth. Many farmers and livestock owners use electric fences (aka hot wire). I've used it in the past. Curious, pushy, or frightened animals may test the fence and get an electric shock. That's not unexpected.
No one I know smiles when an animal gets an electric shock, and absolutely no one would pour water on the grounding rod to make sure the animals get a bigger shock just for spite.
Anonymous 2:31. That’s a valid question. I think that she’s an animal hoarder, and also uses them as pet props for pics to appear authentic. The same goes for Jenna’s horses and hawks.
I don't usually keep pigs due to them not being kosher/halal (My mother is Jewish, while my father is Muslim, so I get the best of both worlds here), but shocking them out of pure spite just seems petty, arrogant and cruel, in my opinion. It's like something you'd see out of a corrupt slaughterhouse or a poorly-maintained Chinese warehouse. It's not surprising, since China is a country where animal cruelty runs rampant, if you look past the CCP's obvious propaganda.
Thoughts on 'Til the Rooster Crows Ranch in Bradfordsville, Kentucky? It's a small farm that has cows, horses and goats and it's located in the KY mountains. I visited once for two nights and it was oddly serene and therapeutic watching the sun go down. One of the best moments of my Kentucky road trip last summer...
Oof! Another gross post from our darling on Reddit.
I am 41 and won’t date anyone younger than Taylor Swift. Works for me. You born anytime after 1989, no thanks. Not judging anyone else, consenting adults can do what they please but you and I aren’t getting naked if your parents didn’t at least take you to see Jurassic park in theaters
It’s interesting that Jenna participated in a Reddit post about how men are gross and make inappropriate comments about women. Not gonna lie, I’ve heard more icky, inappropriate, sexist, and ageist comments from Jenna’s rotten writing than any man I’ve ever met. Puke!!
Anonymous 6:42. I agree with what you wrote. Jenna comes across like a stupid, sexist man in many ways. Especially, her creepy, condescending language towards women, like using “darling” and “baby.”
I think that those who upvoted her creepy comment are also ageist assholes. Just like Jenna. She can’t cope with older women, because they’d see through her crap.
Anon 9:47, I think Wog was trying to say she won't date anyone YOUNGER than 35 (Taylor Swift's age, who was born in 1989). Her fixation with Taylor Swift is creepy, a present day "Play Misty For Me". PDD
PDD. You’re right. But she’s still a stupid, sexist twat. We’ve seen her leering at much younger women around town. And you might recall that creep tweet she made about Buffy, a few years ago, and “it’s ordained that she marries a virgin.” It was very predatory.
Her rigid restrictions about age makes no sense as usual. Jenna would definitely date a “ pretty brunette femme” if she was under her stupid, self-imposed limit. Of course, it’s always all about her teen queer crush, Taylor Swift.
On IG Jenna claims she needs to make the May mortgage payment. I have receipts that you paid a mortgage payment just a few days ago…per your own IG stories.
Jenna still likes to use men for help at her faux farm. She’s just upset that they rightfully rejected her, because no one wants a lying, lazy loser who is repulsive on every level.
Funny, how the fervent feminist can’t be bothered to actively do anything for women. She’s far too self-centered. Jenna only virtue-signals by posting moronic memes.
Anonymous 6:14. That was well-put. “Toxic” is a great word choice to describe Jenna in all aspects of her lie-style. There’s nothing that’s “normal” about her behavior.
It should be a super busy time on the "farm". What has she been doing? We know what she hasn’t been doing. She hasn't been doing any post-summer clean-up around her shack on the hill. She hasn’t been spending time with all the old friends that got tired of her BS…there are a lot. She hasn’t been dating a new girl. And she hasn’t been writing any interesting quality essays. But really, it’s okay…she shouldn’t worry about it, because nobody really cares what she’s doing anyway. Rehome the animals and you can just carry on.
Welcome back! Glad that's all it was.
ReplyDeleteHD. I second what was said. We were worried about your health. But Jenna won’t be happy to hear it. “Hoo!!!”
DeleteThank you!
HD, we missed you a LOT and were worried. WELCOME BACK!
Yeah! Me too! Glad to hear it was only your internet that was down.
DeleteThank you!
Now Jenna is using Reddit to sneak in advertising her suckystack and be an absolute authority on gays!!
ReplyDeletewhat handle is she using?
DeleteHere’s her new account. I put it on the last long post, but it got buried. I’m enjoying downvoting her stupid comments.
Anonymous 4:03. I wrote the downvoting comment. I like knowing that she can’t keep us from doing it.
DeleteShe must spend a fair amount of her time blocking people and their comments. I suspect she thinks she has a whole new audience now that she’s a lesbian know-it-all. I think she’s going to quickly realize that lesbians are as discerning as anybody else and that they, too, recognize BS when they read it. Jenna is absolutely insufferable
DeleteAnonymous 4:25. She is “absolutely insufferable.”And even more obnoxious in person. I’m speaking from experience. But the bitch can’t block us from downvoting on Reddit. I’m smart enough to not leave her any comments. Although I might create an alternate account now for fun.
DeleteWe’re a queer couple in Cambridge who hate her, too. Jenna is loathed by locals for being a big user, and garbage human. It has nothing to do with her sexual preference, because we were welcomed with warmth.
DeleteSO GLAD YOU ARE OK! Omg I was worried something had happened. Good to see you back HD - WIW
ReplyDeleteAll hail our HD!
DeleteLOL. Thanks guys!
HD. I still say that more mods would help you out if needed.
ReplyDeleteI'm all for it! Some time ago I tried to get someone to take over or anything. I know I'm not doing a good job but I didn’t want to just quit and let the important information just go away. I don’t know how to add mods but I'll look into it and try to figure it out.
HD. I appreciate your response. You are “doing a good job,” but having help would ease the responsibilities of running the site.
DeleteIve been enjoying the downvoting as well!!
ReplyDeleteMe too!
DeleteWog has created a fake Reddit account to sing CAF praises, and talk people into visiting her SubStack.
ReplyDeleteWhat a duplicitous POS
It won’t last long now that we know about it. Jenna hates any kind of criticism even downvotes.
DeleteShe's promoting her substack on reddit. SIGH
ReplyDelete"I know this sounds judgmental, it's more projected frustration. I don't want women putting off their happiness as long as I did. I get emails weekly from readers of my Late Bloomer series confessing they are queer but can't leave, because it's "too late" or will "break his heart" and while the latter may be true, the former sure as hell isn't.
ReplyDeleteI promise you, once you are actually past the rough parts - the coming out, the telling him and your family, finally realizing what romance and love and sex actually CAN BE - you will be on this sub trying like hell to get women unstuck. Not because they are bad or weak, but because watching someone voluntarily drown for a man is the saddest thing in the world."
Says the “expert” on nothing but being a beggar.
DeleteFFS she's posting in r/falconry too lol
ReplyDeleteIf you want a Reddit laugh, check out Wog's alter ego comments as
ReplyDelete" screaminggogogo ".
Not surprised to see her continually deceive the public, pretending to be an uninvolved person directing people to her subscription service.
Isn't this sort of behavior against Reddit rules???
Please report those comments. I’m going to do the same. I think that they are “against Reddit rules.”
DeleteYou’re right it’s her:
She’s describing her and Becca:
And still can’t use commas correctly:
This is great! Thank you for sharing this link.
DeletePDD deserves the fame for being a super, cyber sleuth!
DeleteBoo fucking “hoo”:
Postal Verification Blocked Payments
DeleteHey Writers! I consistently have payments from possible supporters fail because of zip codes not matching. I see through stripe I can disable this safety measure, and I can also see the safety measure has blocked over $500 in payments from folks in the last 6 months?
I also see I can disable this, making it one less protection step for me. I don't know how this could hurt me, other than a scammer wanting to pay me?! I assume it's for folks that don't want people using stolen cards, but I also don't think a homesteading substack is the kind of place people steal credit cards to get into...
Does anyone feel this should NOT be disabled? Thoughts? I want my substack to be as easy to upgrade as possible and some folks just forget their card is from a past address and then I lose the sale because they give up.
I'd like to not leave any money on the table, my substacks entire reason for existing is to finally earn a little from writing to support my farm. Any thoughts appreciated!
This is too funny!!!!
DeleteOnce again, there have been zero replies and upvotes so far.
Delete“You think people are stealing people's credit cards to support a lesbian farm substack for $8 dollars a month?”
Jenna isn’t getting the kind of replies that she wanted. The poor dear is down to zero upvotes.
So Jenna is pretending to be someone else to promote her substack on Reddit? I can’t. No one wastes time so they don’t have to work like our Jenna!!!!
ReplyDeleteBoy she really pissed off the “Gaylor” group. Lots of downvotes for saying things like this excerpt of why she thinks TS is gay.
ReplyDelete“To me, hands down, the most blatant proof she is queer is that work ethic.
If you grew pop as a queer millennial woman in a far-less accepting society, you are probably also more successful than peers and siblings, at least if you grew up in a home that you knew you were fundamentally less accepted and flawed to your boomer parents and society in general. This isn't because you're better than straight people, but because they never had to live in a world that saw them as less-than, broken, sinners, or outcasts.”
My favorite response from a Reddit user?
“With all due respect, this is batpoop bonkers”
Jenna is “batpoop bonkers,” and others now know it. She doesn’t deserve any “respect” either.
DeleteIf J. really believes that a good work ethic is a sure sign of being gay, uhh what does that say about herself? Maybe not gay after all?
DeleteHere’s Jenna talking about how she prepared for the TS concert!
ReplyDeleteOh Becca- she thought your mini skirt was “dumb”
“things I am bringing/prepping for my insane rain show tonight: Not wearing any fucking cotton near my skin. Silk long underwear and synthetic panties, a change of clothes for directly after the show, everything will be wet. No stupid costume. Pleather jacket for being warm/rain. Ponchos for everyone in my car (4 of us). You think I'm stopping there. No, I'm a lesbian and an outdoor instructor. There will be seat cushions so everyone has a dry place to sit. I am bringing a backpacking/hammock backpacking tarp in case we need a dry place to tailgate. there is food and water in pack. There is a headlamp. There is plastic bags for my phone, battery back to charge my shitty iPhone 8, all fitting inside my stadium-approved clear fanny pack. I have brought a ukulele for morale purposes. Candy. And I'm wearing chacos designed to cross rivers not any shoes I'd ever want to be wet in. Blister pack ready in first aid kit though, just in case. All clothes in pack are in dry bag. Also space blanket in case my ex girlfriend gets hypothermia in her dumb miniskirt and cowboy boots. Any questions. An adult is present.”
I don’t know why people can’t take time to scroll up here. That way, you’ll see if something has already been posted. Especially, when there aren’t already a lot of comments.
DeleteIf you want credit for posting first- you got it, always and forever. You are always first. π€·π½♀️
DeleteIt’s not a matter of wanting “credit” for a comment, but it takes very little effort to just scoll up.
DeleteNo one wants to know about her “synthetic panties.” Becca looked cute in her cowboy boots and miniskirt. Jenna is just jealous of her friend’s great body and outfit. It sucks to be an ugly, obese, stinky loser like Wog.
DeleteAnon 7:07 a.m. My thoughts exactly. "synthetic panties" gross. I so don't want to know!
DeleteAnd bringing an instrument to a concert is crazy. It makes no sense at all. Especially, when she paid for pricy tickets. We know that they weren’t gifted by a reader as stated. What a con cunt.
DeleteThanks for he warning Jennaπ₯΄
ReplyDeleteI WILL BE THERE! if you see a futch lesbian playing ukulele songs in a rep crop top and leather jacket in the parking lot, it's me
What an attention whore.
DeleteThis is fun,
ReplyDeleteSomeone posted a fossil they found in NYS and right away she wants to get one too!!
“Hey OP! Where in Upstate? I'm new to fossil hunting and looking for locations, if this is a public space you want to share of course?”
Someone responded:
Just look it up and do a modicum of research yourself, it's not hard, there are a bunch of fossils sites in NY.
Jenna’s response:
Respecively, I have been researching. Part of that research is asking people actively interested in fossils around NY where they look for them. You never know where and how you'll get some good information and I meant no offense.
Next response from user:
Asking for people's spots on a public forum won't get you much. Most people aren't going to tell you less well known spots on public sites as that just leads to over collecting and destruction of collection sites.
It is best to put in some of your own effort to look for these things, this information isn't hard to find
Oh Jenna!!!!
Jenna is far too lazy to do her own research, and make any “effort.”
DeleteSo speaks the Sapphic sage who knows nothing:
She’s like a lesbian life coach:
ReplyDeleteI think everyone is different but the first time I went down on a woman I literally got a sexual migraine! Which isn't the same situation as you, but the opposite. I was so turned on the back of my skull felt like it was splitting open and it took prepping with ibuprofen and some time getting acclimated for it to stop. So there's never an easy first time! ha!
DeleteA "sexual migraine"? Pleeeese! Doctor, help me! Please stop these "sexual migraines"!!!
DeleteSexual Migraine, is that a medical term?
DeleteSo, she needed to take Tylenol and wait some time for it to kick in before having sex?
Only Wog would come up with that kind of crap.
Deletesigh. Or you just had your neck jacked in an awkward way. that'll give you a headache. she's so overwrought
DeleteOut of respect for her ex, if she wants to be posting about stuff like this on a public forum, she shouldn't be doing it with her brand name.
DeleteIt’s amazing how Jenna has so much time to waste with multiple accounts on Reddit, but then won’t get a part-time job to support herself.
ReplyDeleteHer priorities have always been skewed in favor of being a lying, lazy loser.
Delete“Shucks, darling!”
DeleteJenna’s weird worship of Glennon Doyle is kinda creepy. It was predatory how she harassed her on Twitter for months about the newest memoir which was rejected by Wog’s agent:
The only positive aspect about Jenna is that she provides endless chances to mock her stupidity.
ReplyDelete“what does STBX mean?”
It means soon to be ex, stupid. I learned that from a quick search.
Watch Wog edit after reading my critical comment.
DeleteIt’s typical of Jenna’s laziness to not do her own research. Like her fossils question in a comment. She wants to be handed everything. Including, free funds.
DeleteOn IG, Jenna says she made a $60 sale and needs 14 more to make the mortgage payment.
ReplyDeleteGet a jaaaahhhhbbbb!!!
No normal adult does this each and every month for years. What a con cunt.
DeleteThe CAF math never adds up. She should be making more money now from Substack. Yet Jenna still sings the same sad song. There’s never enough to satisfy her greed.
DeleteJenna is so thirsty!
ReplyDeleteThere’s nothing that will ever quench her insatiable hunger for attention. It’s pathological at this point.
DeleteIt’s nothing new. Jenna has simply swapped her addiction to alcohol for attention. She’s far from being sober, and still smokes weed.
DeleteI find it funny when Jenna is ignored. Narcissists like her hate that.
ReplyDeleteReddit is really not the place for darlin’ Jenna.
ReplyDeleteSomeone linked above a post about how there’s $500 she can’t access on substack and she wants to know why and how she can turn off safety measures so people can send her money without pesky safety precautions.
Response from a smart person:
Why do you want money from people who fail safety measures? That is more likely to mean they are using someone else’s money and that person has no idea they want to give it to you.
You aren’t “leaving money on the table”, you are making sure that the proper owner of that money wants to give it to you legitimately.
Jenna’s stupid response:
You think people are stealing people's credit cards to support a lesbian farm substack for $8 dollars a month?
Smart response from same user:
That’s not how this works. No one cares about helping you, the risk is stolen credit cards and the tricks used to make them usable for the thief. The attempted payments to a random substack could be part of that process.
Scammer’s gonna scam..
DeleteLeave it to such a person to look for any and all loopholes to make other people’s money less safe. If I were a subscriber and knew she co promised my money’s safety, I’d drop her like a hot potato and tell her about it, and others.
DeleteAnonymousMay 24, 2024 at 6:03 PM
“You think people are stealing people's credit cards to support a lesbian farm substack for $8 dollars a month?”
Jenna isn’t getting the kind of replies that she wanted. The poor dear is down to zero upvotes.
Love it!!
DeleteAll these years Jenna has chosen platforms where she can control comments. Is it a sign of desperation or idiocy that she's back on Reddit where she isn’t in charge and is once again getting beaten the F up? And on so many fronts! No longer just farming. She’s an expert on everything! Loving it!
DeleteI love this for her!
DeleteI love that she can’t block downvotes. Even if Jenna knew your name on Reddit.
DeleteMorning Chuckles:
“I used to. Until I realized how much hotter I am now.”
“Sure, Jen.”
DeleteShe’s not fooling us with her fake feminist, obese body positivity.
DeleteWho EVER, in the history of the WORLD, no matter how they feel about her, has thought JW was hot? Even she knows she isn’t. With so much hotness on offer she’d be beating her suitors off with sticks. The road in front of her dilapidated farmhouse would be so congested she wouldn’t even notice Red Van Man.
ReplyDeleteExactly. That’s why I posted my above comment. She’s not hot. Jenna is the antithesis of sexy.
DeleteJenna’s nasty nickname in school was The Beast, because she’s repulsive on every level.
DeleteShe remains a hypocrite always. As someone else posted, her latest fiction is that of a sapphic sage - based on her having one Covid-initiated rural love, with an Ex who booked so fast, she left many possessions behind.
DeleteSo now Wog tells her newest victims they should accept their bodies and themselves, (like her), all the while posting photos that are so filtered, her face looks like that of a praying mantis.
Scanners gonna scam.
PDD. I made that comment about her acting like some Sapphic sage. Jenna is an “expert” on nothing but being a beggar.
DeleteEdit: Auto correct is working overtime: Scammers gonna scam (meaning Wog, of course)
PDD. I actually read it as scammers the first time, because it’s automatically associated with Wog!
WW, lol. You, know, if she re-homed the animals and set the raptors free, I'd ignore her. If stupid people believe her fiction, let them support her and send her all the money they earn/have.
PDD. I agree about the animals. Unfortunately, her whole hobbyist homesteader persona is all about being a feral farmer. Don’t forget that she’s also a lesbian!
Anonymous 8:41. Your comment cracked me up. Jenna can’t even convince herself of being hot, let alone the rest of us. “Red Van Man,” if he really existed, would flee in fright at the sight of her fake fat face.
DeleteVery quiet today.
ReplyDeleteEither she got the money she wanted, she’s sulking, or more likely, spending her day doing fuck all. Her tooth problem seems fine as well. Remember the “great way to start the weekend with a toothache”? Post from a few weeks ago?
She was probably buying more 6-packs of veggie starts . "Look at me, I can't plant seeds..."
DeleteIf she gets horny again this summer, her garden won’t survive anyway.
DeleteWhy is she growing so much lettuce ( she’s one person and it’s all ready at once) and hardly any tomatoes or things that can be preserved, frozen kept for the winter? I’ll never understand her “farming”.
She forgot to pick up all the nursery pots for all the π© in the ground. Also laughing at the lettuce that is ready now. Well, that's what happens when you buy starts that are all the same age.
DeleteMaybe she'll trade the lettuce for a new purebred puppy.
She’s a failure at farming.The coward has also deleted her Reddit post complaining about credit cards on Suckstack. Poor little Jenna can’t cope with any criticism. But I copied it above in a comment to keep track of the truth.
DeleteHere’s her deleted post that was downvoted:
ReplyDeletePostal Verification Blocked Payments
Hey Writers! I consistently have payments from possible supporters fail because of zip codes not matching. I see through stripe I can disable this safety measure, and I can also see the safety measure has blocked over $500 in payments from folks in the last 6 months?
I also see I can disable this, making it one less protection step for me. I don't know how this could hurt me, other than a scammer wanting to pay me?! I assume it's for folks that don't want people using stolen cards, but I also don't think a homesteading substack is the kind of place people steal credit cards to get into...
Does anyone feel this should NOT be disabled? Thoughts? I want my substack to be as easy to upgrade as possible and some folks just forget their card is from a past address and then I lose the sale because they give up.
I'd like to not leave any money on the table, my substacks entire reason for existing is to finally earn a little from writing to support my farm. Any thoughts appreciated!
Let’s see how many downvotes this weird one will get. Jenna just posted it:
Is anyone worried about Pride this year?
I saw the State Department issued a warning about possible terriorist threats at 2024 Pride Events due to the upswing in anti-LGBT sentiment growing on the right. I don’t know what information this is based on, but just watching the politics and reactionary right does give me pause. Is anyone concerned?
Like Jenna goes to any “Pride events”
DeleteIt bugs me that she pointed out her rhubarb is already flowering. It’s already flowering because you didn’t cut the bulb out to encourage more stalks dumb dumb!
Oh and sooo much lettuce.
This stupid post was just for attention as always. Like Jenna puts any effort into participating in her small town events. Other than to waddle around, and announce that she’s a real lesbian! “Hoo!!!”
DeleteAnonymous 2:40. We posted at the same time, and said something similar.
DeleteShould’ve said the Anonymous who wrote about her rhubarb.
DeleteI chuckled about the Rhubarb flowers too. Tell me you know nothing about gardening without telling me you know nothing about gardening.
(Whose Rhubarb isn't flowering, b****)
PS, Wog knows so little about Rhubarb that she could write a book or teach a beginner's class on it ($250)
DeleteRiled up over rhubarb!!
DeleteWTF farmer. Can I take a course Jenna???
Delete“oof. that says it all right there.”
The rotten writer can’t be bothered with using correct capitalization in her cretinous comments.
I’m shocked that she actually did a post that got positive responses. It must’ve been by accident that Jenna chose a pertinent topic for once.
DeleteSooo… Jenna math. Yesterday, She needed 14 sales @$60 each to make the mortgage payment. That’s $840. So she somehow made $840 since yesterday?
ReplyDeleteSounds extremely fishy!
Sorry I hit publish too soon. On IG she says it was a hard day but she made the mortgage payment.
DeleteShe never mentions late fees, plus if she is constantly behind on her mortgage as she claims she is, the bank starts paying some serious attention because of the risk. She talks like she made a late mortgage payment so it's okay now, but if this were really happening, she would be constantly getting letters from the bank.
DeleteShe really counts on her audience to be stupid all the time. Do her readers know she is actually insulting their intelligence by spinning this mortgage story every month? And I love how the toothache must not have gotten her any traction, so she dropped it, as mentioned above.
I know if I ignored her and left this forum for a few years, then came back, nothing would have changed. She would still be whining about the mortgage and tooth issues, still beating her chest about being a lesbian, with a few new begs maybe, but essentially, she is now who she's going to be, forever.
Her “miraculous,” mortgage payment at the last minute always sounds suspicious to me. What a con cunt.
DeletePerfectly said, Anon.
DeleteOn Reddit, I posted a critique of CAF from 8 YEARS AGO, written by an attendee at one of her homesteading workshops.
And, yes, not much has changed. She did the bare minimum at the faux farm, was disorganized, cried poverty, yet screwed off instead of working.
The writer's comments included:
"House and outbuildings were a disaster, lot of haphazard stuff that showed things were not
getting done.
Jenna also mentioned that she had done a lot of swimming that summer and looked forward
to spending the majority of the next day at the river. With the amount of work that needed to be done, there should have been no swimming that summer.
In the end, she uses the blog so other people can support her dream of not working in an
office. She had a blog post about her truck being
repossessed and l'm pretty sure her house was near foreclosure."
Scammers gonna scam.
PDD. I just linked your post.
DeleteIn terms of her gardening, I have never seen a more shittier job. Even if I may focus on the easier parts, like pulling out or burning leftover weeds or stinging nettles, she'd rather burn her own weed. I thought this was a farm, not a drug den. Her house looks like a meth lab. This isn't new. Upstate NY has a ton of drug problems, Jenna might be one of the biggest addicts in the state (mostly weed).
ReplyDeleteJenna has an addictive personality, and she’s far from staying sober. Her hoarder’s hovel is disgusting.
ReplyDeleteWhat’s with the bolted rhubarb, lettuce ready all at once ( has she ever heard of succession planting?) 3 measly tomato plants, some herbs.
Much farmer!
There are amazing people YouTube that have less space than her and grow enough food for most of the year.
With fauxrmer Jenna, we’ll never see this garden again ( because she needed to date or get laid) and then we’ll get treated to some bullshit story about how she had to drive to Walmart to stock up on cans for the winter.
She’s shitty at doing everything. Her faux farm only looked good when Shannon lived there for a year.
DeleteAnother new Reddit receipt. Thanks, PDD!
Currently, Jenna has ~ 198 paid subscribers.
ReplyDeleteUnsure if "comped" subscribers are included in that number.
I think she’s using these “comped” subscribers to muddy the $$$ amounts she’s getting each month.
DeleteHer whole life is lies.
DeleteJenna is incapable of honesty in all aspects of her lazy loser lie-style. It’s no wonder why she’s still single.
DeleteI think that she keeps losing subscribers, and that’s why there’s no real increase in the numbers. Her rotten writing has nothing of merit to offer.
DeleteThe other day she said she emailed a coupon out for 50% off an annual subscription but only one person purchased it.
DeleteAnonymous 12:52. We won’t read it for free. Her crappy coupon is just like Jenna’s stupid sales. No one wants what she’s trying to sell.
DeleteEdit: 11:52
DeletePDD as always, has made a good point in an above comment talking about Jenna’s lack of experience in romantic relationships: “…based on her having one Covid-initiated rural love, with an Ex who booked so fast, she left many possessions behind.”
ReplyDeleteHad Shannon not been afraid of catching Covid, and known what Wog was really like, then she might’ve not moved in with her so soon. I hope that she’s found love with a mature, stable partner.
Jenna claimed they had been dating a while - what did she say, a year? But they lived hours apart, so there is no way they could have known each other that well before covid scare the crap out of everyone. I'm sure if it weren't for covid, S would never have moved in with Jenna.
DeleteI think given S was significantly younger than Jenna, they didn't have the fully calibrated bullshit detector most of us are granted with experience.
I wonder... has Jenna ever jumped on the "Free Palestine" bandwagon?... since I don't think she has ever mentioned it in her blog, kind of like how she "supported" the Black Lives Matter movement? I'm bringing this up because I am of a Middle Eastern background myself (part Jordanian) and I use some farming methods that's common in my ancestral country, such as protecting livestock from predators such as jackals and spotted hyenas by setting up safety protection systems, while Jenna's animals are frequently picked off by foxes and coyotes.
ReplyDeleteI don’t think so. Otherwise, she would’ve been bragging about it by now.
DeleteJenna is a hobbyist homesteader at best, who collects her hoard of animals to appear authentic. She doesn’t care about their welfare. Including, her horses and dogs.
DeleteShe has repeatedly 'self identified' with predators, like foxes and coyotes, and so she does little to prevent predator-kills.
DeletePlus, I think she gets a little kick out of livestock massacres, because it gives her something to wrote about.
PDD. Jenna is a sadistic sociopath who has been abusing animals for years. An example is her deliberately shocking a poor pig. She is a wolf, as admired in her moronic memes.
Deletei don't think Jenna could begin to understand the history or the global context of the issues. Peace in the middle east is far beyond her comprehension.
DeleteShe just posted a couple of pro Palestine memes in her stories. We pointed it out and she jumped!
DeleteAnonymous 12:30. But she never reads here. Right. Jenna’s ridiculous rebuttals, like moronic memes, are always resonses to our critical comments. We pull her puppet’s strings. “Hoo!!!”
DeleteAnother new Reddit receipt:
This is why we hate her. Jenna is a fake farmer and falconer. It’s all about appearing to be authentic. What a con cunt.
DeleteHer whole life is lies.
DeleteAnother new Reddit receipt:
Jenna is just trying to guilt-trip people into becoming subscribers. She’s using manipulative marketing to elicit empathy from fools.
DeleteShe’s using her animals’ welfare as bait.
Deleteand yet she'll post about her animals being assholes and how she shocked the pig extra hard just for spite.
DeleteAnonymous 3:34. Right. A few months ago she was abusive to her delicate little kitty. When it knocked something over, Jenna overreacted and was scary. It was very inappropriate behavior for such a minor accident. We were surprised that she posted the video. I think that the coward has deleted the evidence as usual.
DeleteThis is a small, but important, point. The CSA shareholders ALREADY PAID for the food, upkeep and butchering of the sheep and pigs.
"I'm so caught up in booze, oh darlin', that you just can't even know, so caught up in booze..."
ReplyDeleteI saw both Styx and 38 Special live in concert a few years ago, so I think this one and "Come Sail Away" both deserve their own parodies... "Caught Up In Booze" and "Come Scam Away"...
That’s great!
DeleteNO ONE should EVER act this way towards a young cat. It's a baby, so you can't stay mad at it! The incident itself reminds me of watching a "Family Guy" episode. A bad one. The infamous scenes where Peter Griffin abuses his daughter Meg often come to mind, as well as the domestic violence episode, "Screams of Silence". I hate Peter Griffin so much, Jenna is almost like the real-life, female equivalent of him.
ReplyDeleteShe’s a lot like him in real life. Her obese body is also similar. Jenna is insufferable.
DeleteAnother new Reddit receipt. This one earned Jenna the nasty nickname of “pig shocker,” for being a sadistic, animal abusing cunt. Thanks for posting it, PDD.
“Happy pork? You be the judge.
What kind of person smiles when an animal is electro-shocked and then pours *more* water on the ground "for spite" ???”
There’s no way that Jenna can justify her actions in deliberately inflicting pain on pigs.
Deleteyeah she's proudly written about shocking pigs who were doing what pigs do. She doesn't even like animals, why does she keep getting more???
Delete“Here's the truth. Many farmers and livestock owners use electric fences (aka hot wire). I've used it in the past. Curious, pushy, or frightened animals may test the fence and get an electric shock. That's not unexpected.
DeleteNo one I know smiles when an animal gets an electric shock, and absolutely no one would pour water on the grounding rod to make sure the animals get a bigger shock just for spite.
That's abusive behavior.”
PDD on her post
Anonymous 2:31. That’s a valid question. I think that she’s an animal hoarder, and also uses them as pet props for pics to appear authentic. The same goes for Jenna’s horses and hawks.
DeleteI don't usually keep pigs due to them not being kosher/halal (My mother is Jewish, while my father is Muslim, so I get the best of both worlds here), but shocking them out of pure spite just seems petty, arrogant and cruel, in my opinion. It's like something you'd see out of a corrupt slaughterhouse or a poorly-maintained Chinese warehouse. It's not surprising, since China is a country where animal cruelty runs rampant, if you look past the CCP's obvious propaganda.
ReplyDeleteThoughts on 'Til the Rooster Crows Ranch in Bradfordsville, Kentucky? It's a small farm that has cows, horses and goats and it's located in the KY mountains. I visited once for two nights and it was oddly serene and therapeutic watching the sun go down. One of the best moments of my Kentucky road trip last summer...
ReplyDeleteOof! Another gross post from our darling on Reddit.
ReplyDeleteI am 41 and won’t date anyone younger than Taylor Swift. Works for me. You born anytime after 1989, no thanks. Not judging anyone else, consenting adults can do what they please but you and I aren’t getting naked if your parents didn’t at least take you to see Jurassic park in theaters
I’ve already downvoted her ageist and stupid comment. She’s lucky to find anyone halfway decent. Let alone someone younger.
DeleteNo one normal would want to “get naked” with a lying, lazy loser who is ugly, obese, stinky, and an animal abusing, sociopathic scammer.
DeleteIt’s interesting that Jenna participated in a Reddit post about how men are gross and make inappropriate comments about women. Not gonna lie, I’ve heard more icky, inappropriate, sexist, and ageist comments from Jenna’s rotten writing than any man I’ve ever met. Puke!!
DeleteAnonymous 6:42. I agree with what you wrote. Jenna comes across like a stupid, sexist man in many ways. Especially, her creepy, condescending language towards women, like using “darling” and “baby.”
DeleteI think that those who upvoted her creepy comment are also ageist assholes. Just like Jenna. She can’t cope with older women, because they’d see through her crap.
DeleteAnon 9:47, I think Wog was trying to say she won't date anyone YOUNGER than 35 (Taylor Swift's age, who was born in 1989). Her fixation with Taylor Swift is creepy, a present day "Play Misty For Me".
PDD. You’re right. But she’s still a stupid, sexist twat. We’ve seen her leering at much younger women around town. And you might recall that creep tweet she made about Buffy, a few years ago, and “it’s ordained that she marries a virgin.” It was very predatory.
DeleteAnd, she's being awfully choosey for someone who can't get a date of any age!
DeleteAnonymous 12:08. Exactly. It was a “miracle” that Shannon even lived with Jenna. She was wise to dump her fat ass, and move back to Boston.
DeleteHer rigid restrictions about age makes no sense as usual. Jenna would definitely date a “ pretty brunette femme” if she was under her stupid, self-imposed limit. Of course, it’s always all about her teen queer crush, Taylor Swift.
DeleteIf Taylor Swift was over forty, then Jenna would be interested in older women.
DeleteOn IG Jenna claims she needs to make the May mortgage payment. I have receipts that you paid a mortgage payment just a few days ago…per your own IG stories.
ReplyDeleteSo which is it!? Did you pay May or April?
Tricky math!!!
CAF math never adds up. Her whole life is lies.
DeleteOn May 26, Wog wrote: (made a house payment today!)
DeleteWho the heck knows what's real.
Live Like fiction y'all.
Each and every month she sings the same sad song. What a con cunt, and pathological liar.
ReplyDeleteOnce Wog looks at her history, she’ll realize that this won’t work:
“Another femme who likes femmes. I'm pretty femme myself and fall for very feminine women. One who has a soft heart and is nerdy”
On the other hand, this woman sounds like a weirdo who has paranoid schizophrenia. Maybe it would work out with Wog:
If a man called Jenna a “clever girl” she’d be screaming about the patriarchy.
ReplyDeleteJust stop, it’s not appropriate whether gay or straight. It’s condescending.
Jenna comes across as being extremely condescending to women. It’s no wonder why she’s still single.
DeleteShe constantly referred to Shannon that way. “Get yourself a girl who can repair holes in socks.”
DeleteScreaming about the patriarchy is probably not something a normal lesbian would do, instead Jenna comes across as more of a toxic radical feminist than anything else. You know, those people who frequently trashed Japanese video game franchises for sidelining women, when franchises such as Metroid, Super Mario, PokΓ©mon, etc, have playable female characters? That's what Jenna reminds me of.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, I still have a Game Boy Advance and a Nintendo DS that both work. Souvenirs from my young adult years...
Jenna has posted about the patriarchy in her stories and stacks so it’s definitely in her mind!
DeleteJenna still likes to use men for help at her faux farm. She’s just upset that they rightfully rejected her, because no one wants a lying, lazy loser who is repulsive on every level.
DeleteFunny, how the fervent feminist can’t be bothered to actively do anything for women. She’s far too self-centered. Jenna only virtue-signals by posting moronic memes.
DeleteAnonymous 6:14. That was well-put. “Toxic” is a great word choice to describe Jenna in all aspects of her lie-style. There’s nothing that’s “normal” about her behavior.
DeleteHD. New post please. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteThis one will soon be slow to load, after 200 comments, per this platform’s glich.
DeleteComplaint on IG that people DM’d her about the tacos she was eating. Ummm that is the least of your worries darlin’
ReplyDeletePretty threatening about subscribing to her Substack. How on earth does she think that will entice people to support her?
Deletelol- yeah. Threatening. She is insane!
DeleteShe’s on Reddit farming ideas for her substack while advertising for her substack. Not very subtle Jenna!!
ReplyDeleteOh and she claims on IG, 10,000 would changer her life.
It wouldn’t. Whomp whomp