She walks through all her squalor like she's hangin' in the Garden of Eden Her hat strategically dipped below one eye It makes her look like a cretin She has one eye in the mirror, as she poses and preens for views Begging and praying for credence Through a fictional farm and mews,
She's so vain She probably thinks this song is about her
She bought a pup many years ago to play at make believe Lots of photos shared to show the world that she lives like a Renaissance queen But she barely cares for the things she loves And one of them was him No trips to the vet when he's clearly hurting Letting him suffer; not much useful Too late for all but the last car ride Playing the victim again and again and again because
She's so vain She probably thinks this song is about her She's so vain, she's so vain I bet she thinks this song is about her Won't she, won't she, won't she PDD
*RIP Gibson
**We've all had pets who died too soon, but rarely have people done so little for animals in their later years.
Oh, look. It’s a stupid, sycophant supporter. It’s been awhile since we’ve had one. Maybe it’s the new replacement for “Rachel Keane” who’s sucking up to fat ass on Substack. I think that her name is Jennifer. She sounds like another loser lesbian.
This is one of the few anon comments I actually do believe is Jenna. Stop self-medicating with weed, gurl. Get your ass properly diagnosed and treated, it'll lift a huge weight off your whole life.
HD can remove my song satire if she wants. I vented, because I was upset that a senior dog was put into that position when folks try every day to make animal lives better.
No dog deserves to die. Wishing kindness to those who do right by their pets during their too-short lives PDD
You have every right to "live a life no one else understands" if you choose, but that right ends when you bring children or animals into it - their welfare then becomes more important than any of your own wants.Gibson did not look well cared for when I saw him at the vets,and now I can't get that picture of him out of my head.I'm glad only in that he's released from living the life of a prop in a very selfish and disturbed woman's idea of farm life.Jenna is stuck in a fantasy life and I don't think there is any way out for her now;but I really feel for those poor animals on her broken down hovel of a property.
Woke Wog April 17, 2024 at 11:09 AM “What also strikes me as strange with losing her dog, is the lack of mentioning any local support from friends. I think that Jenna has burned her bridges even with Pember Patty. And why wouldn’t Boston Becca be there for her at a time of need?”
She finally burned out PP. Can't even maintain a friendship with a friendless fellow scammer.
That would make sense that the car load was the final straw. She hit a deer with that car, no? Got a cash insurance payout and bought a new car she liked better. Doesn't think she owes for a car she no longer has.
That's not how credit works, which is why she doesn't have any.
This revolving door of friends is very telling. out of sight out of mind. If you're not actively doing something FOR Jenna, she sees no point in having you in her life. She may even imagine a slight to sever the relationship, or even start a fight to blow it up.
She thinks she's the perpetual victim of her own life (how she talks about Shannon just deciding out of the blue to leave her, as though Shannon had not clearly communicated expectations and needed changes.) I'm sure she has some internal fiction of how Patty betrayed her after more than a decade of friendship, even when everyone else had left her.
That Patty has not materialized to say a single word in memory of Gibson, a dog she would have known her whole life, I think we can safely conclude their friendship is finally over.
I’ve noticed a pattern with Patty and Jenna. Their friendship seemed to be based on doing activities like horse rides. It appears to be over now. Even PP has finally had enough of the lying, lazy loser.
Patty has not unfollowed Jenna on insta, but she has posted on insta in the last 24 hours, yet she has not liked or commented on Gibson's memorial post.
Patty likely has jenna on "restricted mode" in insta, where if Jenna comments on Patty's own posts, patty won't see it, but it doesn't evoke the drama / notice of actually unfollowing someone.
Jenna is going to end up with absolutely no one in her life.
It’s very revealing that Patty is staying silent about the dog’s death. Jenna is already on her way to being alone for the rest of her “dumb small life.”
On insta stories, two shills for logos (still on sale) and pet portraits (always on sale), followed by a rave review of a local dentist who just got her in to fix a crown that “popped out”, followed by all the TS posts you can stand. She is back.
Gosh, I hope she remembers to feed the animals. I heard TS dropped two albums so Wog’s likely sitting in her hovel memorizing all the lyrics like any thirteen year old girl would.
Yup she’s on IG posting TS crap. Something about straight women married to men wit mustaches???? I was never a TS fan but Jenna’s made it so if I hear her songs, I wince.
Me thinks you didn’t lose 17 subscribers because you are writing about gay issues. Me thinks you lost 17 paying subscribers because you are careless and type things like “comp hey” instead of comp het. Plus you write nothing new and it just rehashes of old drivel. You promised something you didn’t deliver. iPads are bone dry.
We have only her word about losing some subscribers. I think that they’re leaving because Jenna’s writing is rotten, and is rife with multiple mistakes as you’ve mentioned.
I think that this is a manipulative marketing tactic to elicit empathy from fools. We’ve been waiting for Jenna to use her dog’s death as a sob story for more subscribers. Her patterns are predictable. Once you start to see them.
Anons are 💯 correct. Her motto is 'live like fiction', so taken literally, we can't believe anything she says. As one of us frequently writes, "Her whole life is lies." PDD
As past Shamsters have testified, she's a BFF as long as she's personally benefitting from donations, PR, social media visability, purchases, shares, repairs and other help. Once these reduce or disappear, her interest drops off. And for people who have "more" than Wog (career / personal successes, travel, exotic vacations, possessions, friends & family), her underlying resentment undoubtedly builds over time. At some point, the safest action for an acquaintance is to reduce contact to a nodding acquaintance. I think this is why there are so few "live" interactions with people who've known her a long time. PDD
very true. She carries a torch like she is a militant social warrior yet she has never attended a demonstration or volunteered a single hour of her time for any cause. She's posturing on the shoulders of giants that gave her the right to exist so out n proud.
Other song parodies to poke fun at Jenna?... I was thinking of maybe Jackson Browne's "Running On Empty", Bruce Hornsby's "The Way It Is", Boz Scaggs's "Lowdown" or Orleans's "Still the One"... I don't know, a lot of upbeat soft rock tunes motivate me through hard work days...
Fans are praising and loving the many sweet Kelce references in the new album, and deciding even more Easter eggs that spell out details of the relationship. One guess as to who ISN'T doing that while talking about the new album… She hates to be wrong, and to be proven wrong.
Swifties everywhere seem delighted with the romance. It speaks volumes that when it comes to Wog there is radio silence. She's not much of a fan if you ask me. She seems incapable of feeling happy for anyone's good fortune or joy. What a miserable, self-centered existence that must be. I suspect she turns all the angst in the lyrics back onto herself and the loss of Shannon.
Really sad to see that Gibson has passed. He was a beautiful and loyal dog who deserved better care, especially in his twilight years.
I lost one of my pups in January after a long illness (cancer). We did everything to ease her pain, including letting her go peacefully at home where she felt safest. I hope Gibson was offered a gentle passing but I worry that he wasn't.
HH, I'm so sorry to hear of your dog's passing. It's a devastating loss, and responsible dog owners do all they can to help their pets. May your pup Rest in Peace.
When Wog wrote that she didn't know Gibson had a serious illness is a little hard to believe since he looked terrible for at least a year. She was with him daily, shared a bed. At the first sign of pain and discomfort, he should have been taken to the vet. The annual "routine" senior wellness exam & bloodwork would have picked up most health issues, but we "know" she didn't take him to the vet regularly because that would have cost money... and it's not like he's pricey Taylor Swift concert tickets.
As said at the start of this thread, may she receive what she gave. PDD
Thank you, PDD. ♥️ my girl was so loved and received the best care. I miss her so much she was the sweetest thing. ♥️
I hate hearing that Jenna "didn't know" Gibson was sick. I don't believe it. I think she turned a blind eye to him slowing down and getting so stiff over time, probably justifying it as him just being old.
As a senior, he should be seen every 6 months. She let him down, and that hurts my heart. Dogs deserve so much better.
It's funny, since my farm dog, a white Swiss shepherd, recently found the rotting corpse of another domesticated dog out in the Georgia woods. Apparently, the owner turned out to be some guy who was too lazy to bury or cremate his pets, so he leaves them out in the woods for the crows. It turns out the dog was still alive and dropped dead of starvation. I am constantly reminded of that one scene from one of my childhood movies, "The Fox and the Hound", where Tod's owner felt the pressure to release him into the wild, despite him not knowing how to survive because he was sheltered all his life. I have a feeling Jenna would probably do this, her pets need to get out of this dump before it's too late.
Edit: Instead of "it's funny", maybe "a shocking coincidence" would be better... "I killed them. And not just the males, but the females and the babies, too! They're my animals, and I slaughtered them like animals!... I HATE THEM!!!"
She’s coming across as opportunistic and unhinged on IG. Trying to profit off her dog’s death by making pay only articles on her stack, painting a picyture of a little girl and her guardian angel ( obvi J and her dog). You would think that she would want to keep something special like that that she created out of grief? Hang it by the toilet perhaps?
This new nonsense that people don’t want to read her substack because of the lesbian content does not ring true at all. She can easily “fake” someone writing her to say so when she posts “proof”. It looks like a grab for sympathy and $. Oh poor me, I’m a lesbian and people don’t want to read my stuff.
Write some good stuff. Stop reposting fishing stories and telling us how Shannon squealed out of your driveway on two wheels.
We’ve predicted on the last post that Wog would try to monetize her dog’s death. Once again, she’s using manipulative marketing tactics to elicit empathy from fools.
Since the only people likely reading her SuckStack are people who followed her previously, maybe they're tired of reading the SAME FREAKING STORY of her 'coming out'. There's nothing new, nothing of interest. Instead, her stories consist of re-hashed entries that were formerly free. Why would people to pay nearly $100/year to read the same sad victim stories. And, by the way, how long can she play the victim?? PDD
*PS Your advice is gold: " Stop reposting fishing stories and telling us how Shannon squealed out of your driveway on two wheels. "
That quote I just did was a Star Wars reference. Yes, point and laugh at me. I'm a pop culture enthusiast, just like Jenna, albeit to a much lesser extent. Apparently, I was lucky to travel to Columbia County (two counties south from where Jenna lives) and visited Kinderhook Farm, where one of the sheepdogs was named "Obi", after Obi-Wan Kenobi. He was a wise guardian dog and a fighter against predators such as coyotes and foxes. A true Jedi dog, if you ask me... makes me wonder if Gibson did much more besides being another neglected pet prop. And God bless you, Lee and Georgia Ranney, for being true New York farmers.
Jenna thinks that being a lesbian is her whole identity now. She’s shoving her coming out crap at her subscribers. Clearly, they’re sick of the same stuff.
"Make a wish-a-babyyy, you and I will make it come true. Make a list-a-babyyyy, of the things I'll do for you, (falsetto) ain't no risk now, in lettin' my love rain down on yooooouuu, so we can wash away the past, so that we may start anew..." Player and Ambrosia are not one of my favorites, but this song can be used for mocking Jenna's obsession with Taylor, same thing with "Baby Come Back".
Late to the game, but this quote: "Gibson had been fighting late-stage cancer and I didn’t even know until it was far too late."
Is that possible, to not notice an animal suffering from late-stage cancer? I've not had an animal that passed from cancer but would imagine that *something* would be off, right? She goes on to say that she found out during a "routine" (as-if) vet visit. So she took her seemingly OK animal in and received that diagnosis? But yet she saw nothing wrong with him?
As for the big Thanksgiving dinner she made for him: Don't animals stop eating when they're sick? Seems like another lie.
Anon, I've had several aged pets who died from cancer. In all but one case, their illnesses were apparent. I'd say it's impossible to live closely with an animal and not know something is 'off'. Their movements become wobbly or slow, they're lethargic or clearly hurting, and they typically lose their appetites, weight and body condition.
In the one case we didn't suspect, a 5 year old Maine Coon went for her annual exam in January, got a clean bill of health, and then collapsed (passed away) in March. It was so shocking we had an autopsy done: she died of brain cancer.
Jenna uses her animals as pet props for pics. She’s a sociopath who has no conscience, and doesn’t care about their welfare. We’ve seen Gibson several times while driving by her hovel. It was very obvious that he wasn’t doing well.
Legend 3:21 - I believe brain cancer is notorious for being fast-acting, almost without warning. Yes, Jenna writes fiction. Even the smell of a big turkey dinner at that point would probably turn his stomach ( I could be wrong).
He was limping. Could have been arthritis, but could have been cancer. If it was bone cancer, she let it progress until one of his leg bones or joints finally failed (broke) at which point she'd need to shoot him or take him to the vet. I'm glad she didn't shoot him.
I think my prediction that he should have gone to the vet 6 months ago when he was limping was what happened, and whether it was cancer or not, she waited until he couldn't stand up anymore and took him to the vet for disposal.
Rest in peace, Gibson, and rest assured that Jenna will be going to a different place when her time comes.
And this: "I love you Gibson. I promise to do my best to keep your farm safe until I follow you once again."
We all know what keeping the farm "safe" means. It means begging for donations and pity purchases. Even in death she cannot resist using her furry props for sympathy. SMH.
Sooooo we know this pattern. Gibson died, RIP Gibson. But there's a vacuum for this animal hoarder, she wants to buy another puppy ASAP.
Hence the sudden doom and gloom! FIRE SALE! Money now!
She hasn't tried to rustle up logo business ever since she launched substack. She's making significantly more on monthly substack subscriptions than she ever did with her arts n crafts, so why is she suddenly agitating for a cash infusion?
She wants another dog - they cost $2k now.
Oh and Taylor Swift dropped another album, you know she needs all the merch, the cassette and vinyl.
Mark my words! New puppy and TS swag on the horizon!
I'm so glad you're still here. I couldn't find this blog a few months ago, and I thought it was gone, and then Jenna could skip happily on. This is what people should read! "You're So Vain" spoofs, and "Runnin on Frumpy" (which I'm borrowing). She never changes. She uses Gibson's death to keep her farm "safe" (which means donations or else). Thank you all for continuing to fight the good fight. The Chickqualizer
Major, beg over on suckstack. She claims 213 paying readers but she’s “comped” some people who can’t afford it. She’s begging for donations and paid speaking gigs 😵💫. She will also come set you up on your farm if you need homesteading help. Also claims the bank came and took pictures to start foreclosure proceedings. Riiiigggghhhht.
No one wants to hire a lying, lazy loser to speak on any subject. Especially, a dumb cunt who has failed at farming. Her fake fear of foreclosure is her most manipulative marketing tactic. Jenna is trying to elicit empathy from fools. Her whole life is lies.
Why would the bank need pictures to foreclose? It's all paperwork I would think. Does anyone know how it works? Also, her mortgage was sold some years ago. I don't think the financial institution is local, well, I guess they'd just hire someone local to take pics if needed. Maybe to check condition of the property. Anyway, moot point cause I don't believe it. No threat of foreclosure, she's fine.
“Sure, Jen.” It’s the return of the “scary red van man” for foreclosure photos. She’s cried “wolves are at my lavender door” too many times to be believed.
Oh bullshit. If anyone's there taking pictures it's a tax assessor. It happens. Banks don't pay someone to go 'round and take photos before the process even starts.
She's making more money from her side gig (which she says is her main gig) than ever before.
She's just rustling up funds for a $2K puppy. Right on cue.
Jenna’s finally deleted her Twitter account, but she’s still begging on Substack. She’s a hopeless loser who is incapable of making mature changes and decisions. It’s no wonder why she’s still single, and will probably die alone.
This photo op of her on merlin always makes me laugh.
I have some basic archery skills via my dad who was a large game bow hunter (among other hunting skills). She has no idea where this arrow is going. She has one eye closed lol. She's using a hilarious bow for horseback shooting. It looks like something off etsy.
Then there is the equestrian skills. Oh my. This person never learned how to ride properly. If that wasn't a western saddle she'd be flat on her ass in the dirt. LOOK AT THAT LOWER LEG! How far back and how she's pushing her heel into his side. It's a credit to merlin he didn't take off at a canter in this moment.
But whatever, to the average non-horse person, non-archer, they fall for it!
it's a shorter recurve bow because it requires less draw to get the power you need, and is easier to manage when your horse is moving. I doubt Jenna could sit the trot let alone without grabbing the saddle horn.
We also have higher safety standards now in general in the riding world. She shouldn't be posting riding pics without a helmet.
Anon 5:09, great points. All videos of Wog riding are funny as hell and show her for the incompetent rider that she is. There was one when she sat on one of PP's draft horse, pulling on the horse's mouth with a metal bit (which is painful) and yelling 'I'm not afraid of you.' or some such performance 💩 .
Then there was the video of her one-and-only event at the mounted archery club that PP introduced her to - she rode someone else's horse (western saddle) and her rump came down so hard on that poor horse's back (at the canter, lol) that the horse would have needed a chiropractor afterwards. Any other videos show her sitting still, or barely moving at the walk. The older cropped photos of Mabel being ridden? Done by some guy, her past drinking teacher buddy or PP.
If she rode one of my horses that way, her ass would be on the ground NOW. PDD
Did anyone listen to her farm stand pitch? Are the hilarious Q and A the same questions she crowdsourced off IG yesterday? And then posted the really boring unfunny answers on IG?
If so why? 😂. “If you were an animal what would you be?” I mean come on! It looked like Jenna made up the questions because they were really boring, and immature.
Don’t get the point of the super dumb questions. I saw them on IG stories and had to simply shake my head in disbelief that a 40 something has the time and absolute lack of dignity to a) take such questions and take the time to answer , or more likely b) make them up herself and take the time to answer.
Welcome back, Chickqualizer! Maybe its time for more Parody songs. With apology to "Still the One", here's my version: STILL A CON
We've been together since way back when Often we never wanna see you again But we want you to know, after all these years You're still a con so we can't disappear
You're still the one who begs to be read Still the one, with no lies unsaid We're still not done cause you're still a con
We look at your posts occasional days And we still can't believe that you get away With the lies that are told and the pets so neglected A begging, fictional farm best rejected
You're still the one that makes us scorn Deceitful plays that make us warn We're still not done cause you're still a con
Ooh Ooh
You're still a con who posts your scams Lives a life few understand Pries fast cash from poodle hands cause you're still a con
You're still a con who stalks the rich On-line begs have become your niche We're still not done cause you're still a con
You're still a con that makes us shout An untrue business that we scream about We're still having fun cause you're still a con
Her supposed grieving over Gibson is a pity ploy for free funds. Wanting a replacement puppy so soon is very disrespectful to his passing. She already has Friday for comfort. It makes no sense to get another dog now. Jenna is an animal hoarder.
To my recollection, in ten-plus years, the fake feral homesteader has *never* offered proof of any foreclosure threats.
She uses fear of *sniff* losing the farm as a sure-fire way for new (or naively ignorant) readers to feel sorry for her and send money, buy clip-art logos or promote her businesses.
But why foreclosure? Makes no sense. She is, according to her own admission, at 213 paid subs a month. That’s more money than she has ever made at any job in her life. Also by her own words, her goal was 100 subs in order to stop worrying about money. Her mortgage should be up to date and prepaid for next month, really. The math ain’t mathing.
Did anyone see yesterday on her bleg post that she offers talks on beekeeping? And rabbit raisin’- except she misspelled all over the place and it took a minute to figure out what she was trying to say. She had bees once. And killed them promptly. She had rabbits with Shannon. Once. The business didn’t business.
And she wants people to hire her and pay her, to teach them how to bee and how to rabbit?
Yeah, hire her and she'll give you names of other contacts that can help you. Hire her and she'll tell you how to do something (goat fence) then you have to do it yourself or hire someone else to do it. She's all talk.
Why would anyone want lessons from her? As I remember:
Horses: barely takes care of them. Learned what she knows from PP. Embarrassing to equestrians.
Sheep: High lamb mortality rates; had to give up flock because she couldn't make it work. Bought cast-off lambs to raise for meat or breed.
Goats: Unprofitable and uncared. Herd given up; down to one "trail goat" who's ignored.
Pigs: routinely escaped. Pork contaminated one year and meat taken off market. Fed deli scraps even though CSA customers pay good money for ptoper feed.
Chickens: bought 50% more than needed because of high mortality. Froze to death and attacked by predators.
Rabbits: Unprofitable. Reported to animal control in the past.
Hawks: Questionable. Only 2-3 had verifiable proper releases into the wild; the remainder escaped or died? Rarely, if ever, successfully hunted.
Bees. Hive didn't survive incompetent management.
But sure, hire her if you're a special kind of idiot.
The thing with the bees - it's shocking incompetence. She didn't know the queen is transported in a clip, so she never released the queen into the hive. Doomed from the start. What kind of bee keeper doesn't know to release the queen as soon as the danger of swarming is past?
Anon, lol. Thanks for refreshing my memory. I remember it was something monumentally ignorant, but not to worry, she can teach you everything you need to know about bee-keeping.
Always, always support Dead Animal Farm (likely past victims shown below, excluding hawks)
It’s been awhile since Jenna has left crazy comments here. I’d suggest that HD delete them as usual. She’s just looking for more attention, since her rotten writing isn’t getting enough interest.
Interesting comment above about the engagement she gets on dating apps. Of course making vulgar comments to appear experienced or cool will get her responses from members who enjoy alternate sexual activity or those who wish to explore their fetishes. If she doesn’t wish to partake then she should adjust her profile but she would have to be honest about what she is looking for. The trouble is that the worst thing to Jenna would be to appear ordinary (which of course she is). Like the rest of her existence it’s all bait and switch with her.
“I realized I wanted my face in a vagina." It figures that Jenna would quote that multiple times. I’m sure that Shannon is glad that she’s done with Wog.
Billie is obviously going for shock value and press and Jenna’s eating it up with a spoon. She spent so much time on IG today posting random crap. So worried about foreclosure!!!
I hate when Jenna links to old stack posts on her IG. She makes it appear like she’s writing more than she is by doing this. Also, hardly anyone comments on her posts. The most she got was 32 in her Gibson died post. ( 1 of which was Jenna, 1- Patty W. )
“This month makes 14 years in Jackson and 12 years as a self employed writer/artist/farmer. That’s a dozen years of books, stories, friendships, community, and the ruthless pursuit of a dream I was told to quit every week since I started. For my next trick, I’m going to try for a fifteenth! God hates a coward”
GFY, Jenna. Your dumb “dream” is dead. But you’re too stupid to see it.
Getting only “likes” isn’t the same as people taking time to write a response. Jenna’s rate of engagement is laughably low, considering her higher numbers of followers.
Speaking of which, I do have some equestrian experience with me. I have a paint horse and a draft mule that gives me a lift without the need for excessive steering. I used to jump fences, but now I just go on trails with some small obstacles. And yes, you must have a specially-designed saddle with bags for long rides. Looks like Jenna doesn't get the memo and gallops uncontrollably on a small saddle, while yanking on the bit throughout the ride. When galloping, you must have a good seat, get used to speed, absorb the movements and stay relaxed. Not rodeo-ride the whole way. Clearly, Jenna doesn't have an affinity with her horses and they appear weak and untrustworthy towards her.
did she post a video of her galloping recently? Did she ever gallop on any of her horses? I'd be shocked if she ever got up to a canter for more than a few paces.
I feel like she mentioned that she galloped on her horses, but it was on Merlin and she said that her hat nearly flew off. Poor sucker can't afford any helmets... I live in rural Maine, even I know how to take safety seriously. There are very few flat fields, and even if they do, they're full of holes and I have to go at a nice trot or canter. A mule is a good mount for rides like this, as they are quick thinkers. Too bad for Jenna, she used to ride an old horse that's on its last legs, and she keeps lying about his age.
Ohhhhh okay. If she only wrote about it there is no WAY she galloped on him. I watched a video of myself riding last year on what I THOUGHT was a pretty brisk canter, and it's clear from the video the horse is barely trying! She's just huge and has a massive stride.
I bet all she did was a few beats of canter before yanking the reins on him. A trot would catch that hat and blow it off. My eyes water at a canter.
Kind of a pity she never galloped - she's be likely to fall off.
I like that Jenna is responding to other IG accounts. Then she’s posting her IG her responses. Great use of time yelling at gay times to tell them that you are a graphic designer ( cough cough) and don’t like their fonts! I’m sure they care Jenna! She let Stewart’s know yesterday that she loves them. The convenience store is happy I’m sure!!
I’m sure that those who work at that Stewart’s hate her. We’ve lived in Cambridge before, and Jenna is loathed by locals for being a big user. It has nothing to do with her sexual preference.
How about "stealing" from CSA customers? They paid good cash up front so their pigs would eat quality food. Wog took the cash, probably figured if she fed pigs at no cost, she'd make more money - so she gave them leftover deli meat and donuts. Why throw rotten food in the trash when it can go to the pigs? PDD
So… according to her latest beg, she has 3 days before her farm is in trouble again. I personally would think a person taking pictures of the house for foreclosure j reported on just days ago was trouble, but that trouble is old trouble and now more trouble in 3 days? Jenna math is the most fascinating thing about her.
It never fails to amaze me that not only did she BEG to get that property, but that she has been BEGGING monthly for help to keep it ever since. Yet she always acts as if it's a brand new problem every month. FOR 15 YEARS.
It's called a mortgage, Jenna. Get a job and pay it.
The amount of PAID subscribers is undoubtedly much lower. If you look at the few subscribers who 'read' her posts, you can see the percentage paid is a fraction.
Also, I don't know if SuckStack lists current subscriber numbers, or total number who signed up (but may ignore or cancel their subscription). It's in SuckStack's best interests to exaggerate higher subscription numbers as incentives to join their site. PDD
She dumped Lezwolfmemes cuz it failed to make her any money or bring in new foollowers. And Lezwolfmemes failed because her humor was dumb and didn't make any sense. No one could relate to it.
Also, any woman who's been a lesbian for longer than 5 minutes knows that the dolphin is their spirit animal of choice.
Every background image I checked from Lezwolfmemes was stolen art, and at least one didn't allow outside use by others.
It's pathetic to have a degree in graphics/illustration, partially make your living as a 'creative' artist', yet steal intellectual property from others. PDD
“New essay about gardening, cassette tapes, and ritual magic live on the stack now! Prefer to be read to? In the podcast I read the essay as well as yap about farm news and pop culture (8 days till the met gala!) See ya there, travelers.”
It should be a super busy time on the "farm". What has she been doing? We know what she hasn’t been doing. She hasn't been doing any post-summer clean-up around her shack on the hill. She hasn’t been spending time with all the old friends that got tired of her BS…there are a lot. She hasn’t been dating a new girl. And she hasn’t been writing any interesting quality essays. But really, it’s okay…she shouldn’t worry about it, because nobody really cares what she’s doing anyway. Rehome the animals and you can just carry on.
So do I.
ReplyDeleteAs do I.
DeleteIf there’s any justice, then Jenna will die alone, after having had a painful illness.
ReplyDeleteGibson’s life is over
ReplyDeletebut Jenna’s gonna lie.
She just can’t tell the truth
and will always whine and cry.
DeleteWog will always whine and cry.
(With apologies to "You're So Vain")
ReplyDeleteShe walks through all her squalor like she's hangin' in the Garden of Eden
Her hat strategically dipped below one eye
It makes her look like a cretin
She has one eye in the mirror, as she poses and preens for views
Begging and praying for credence
Through a fictional farm and mews,
She's so vain
She probably thinks this song is about her
She bought a pup many years ago to play at make believe
Lots of photos shared to show the world that she lives like a Renaissance queen
But she barely cares for the things she loves
And one of them was him
No trips to the vet when he's clearly hurting
Letting him suffer; not much useful
Too late for all but the last car ride
Playing the victim again and again and again
She's so vain
She probably thinks this song is about her
She's so vain, she's so vain
I bet she thinks this song is about her
Won't she, won't she, won't she
*RIP Gibson
**We've all had pets who died too soon, but rarely have people done so little for animals in their later years.
You people are some miserable souls.
ReplyDeleteSince Jenna won’t ever accept any adult accountability for her actions, we’ve chosen to warn others about her behavior.
DeleteOh, look. It’s a stupid, sycophant supporter. It’s been awhile since we’ve had one. Maybe it’s the new replacement for “Rachel Keane” who’s sucking up to fat ass on Substack. I think that her name is Jennifer. She sounds like another loser lesbian.
DeleteThis is one of the few anon comments I actually do believe is Jenna. Stop self-medicating with weed, gurl. Get your ass properly diagnosed and treated, it'll lift a huge weight off your whole life.
DeleteAnonymous 3:49. Jenna seems incapable of not being addicted to some sort of substance abuse.
DeleteHD can remove my song satire if she wants. I vented, because I was upset that a senior dog was put into that position when folks try every day to make animal lives better.
ReplyDeleteNo dog deserves to die. Wishing kindness to those who do right by their pets during their too-short lives
I will Not be removing that! It’s gold.
HD. I agree! It doesn’t deserve to be removed.
DeleteYou have every right to "live a life no one else understands" if you choose, but that right ends when you bring children or animals into it - their welfare then becomes more important than any of your own wants.Gibson did not look well cared for when I saw him at the vets,and now I can't get that picture of him out of my head.I'm glad only in that he's released from living the life of a prop in a very selfish and disturbed woman's idea of farm life.Jenna is stuck in a fantasy life and I don't think there is any way out for her now;but I really feel for those poor animals on her broken down hovel of a property.
DeleteWhat is odd is the absence of Patty. No comments in the Substack, nothing posted on IG as a response or tribute. The silence says a lot.
ReplyDeleteI’ve made a similar comment on the last post. We’ve heard from friends that Patty is probably pissed about Jenna not paying her back for the car loan.
DeleteWoke Wog
DeleteApril 17, 2024 at 11:09 AM
“What also strikes me as strange with losing her dog, is the lack of mentioning any local support from friends. I think that Jenna has burned her bridges even with Pember Patty. And why wouldn’t Boston Becca be there for her at a time of need?”
She finally burned out PP. Can't even maintain a friendship with a friendless fellow scammer.
DeleteThat would make sense that the car load was the final straw. She hit a deer with that car, no? Got a cash insurance payout and bought a new car she liked better. Doesn't think she owes for a car she no longer has.
That's not how credit works, which is why she doesn't have any.
This revolving door of friends is very telling. out of sight out of mind. If you're not actively doing something FOR Jenna, she sees no point in having you in her life. She may even imagine a slight to sever the relationship, or even start a fight to blow it up.
DeleteShe thinks she's the perpetual victim of her own life (how she talks about Shannon just deciding out of the blue to leave her, as though Shannon had not clearly communicated expectations and needed changes.) I'm sure she has some internal fiction of how Patty betrayed her after more than a decade of friendship, even when everyone else had left her.
That Patty has not materialized to say a single word in memory of Gibson, a dog she would have known her whole life, I think we can safely conclude their friendship is finally over.
DeleteI’ve noticed a pattern with Patty and Jenna. Their friendship seemed to be based on doing activities like horse rides. It appears to be over now. Even PP has finally had enough of the lying, lazy loser.
DeletePatti left a comment on her substack. Doesn’t sound like they are still buddies.
DeletePatty has not unfollowed Jenna on insta, but she has posted on insta in the last 24 hours, yet she has not liked or commented on Gibson's memorial post.
ReplyDeletePatty likely has jenna on "restricted mode" in insta, where if Jenna comments on Patty's own posts, patty won't see it, but it doesn't evoke the drama / notice of actually unfollowing someone.
Jenna is going to end up with absolutely no one in her life.
It’s very revealing that Patty is staying silent about the dog’s death. Jenna is already on her way to being alone for the rest of her “dumb small life.”
DeleteOn insta stories, two shills for logos (still on sale) and pet portraits (always on sale), followed by a rave review of a local dentist who just got her in to fix a crown that “popped out”, followed by all the TS posts you can stand. She is back.
ReplyDeleteYou can’t make that stuff up.
DeleteYeah, Jenna is really overcome by grieving to be posting stupid stories of her teen queer crush.
DeleteGosh, I hope she remembers to feed the animals. I heard TS dropped two albums so Wog’s likely sitting in her hovel memorizing all the lyrics like any thirteen year old girl would.
DeleteYup she’s on IG posting TS crap. Something about straight women married to men wit mustaches???? I was never a TS fan but Jenna’s made it so if I hear her songs, I wince.
DeleteMe thinks you didn’t lose 17 subscribers because you are writing about gay issues. Me thinks you lost 17 paying subscribers because you are careless and type things like “comp hey” instead of comp het. Plus you write nothing new and it just rehashes of old drivel. You promised something you didn’t deliver. iPads are bone dry.
ReplyDeleteWe have only her word about losing some subscribers. I think that they’re leaving because Jenna’s writing is rotten, and is rife with multiple mistakes as you’ve mentioned.
DeleteI think that this is a manipulative marketing tactic to elicit empathy from fools. We’ve been waiting for Jenna to use her dog’s death as a sob story for more subscribers. Her patterns are predictable. Once you start to see them.
DeleteAnons are 💯 correct. Her motto is 'live like fiction', so taken literally, we can't believe anything she says. As one of us frequently writes, "Her whole life is lies."
PDD. I’ve used that line for years “Her whole life is lies.”
DeleteWe’re claiming credit for several of her subscribers leaving. We’ve been busy sending out links and info. You’re welcome, Jenna. “Hoo!!!”
DeleteIt must be exhausting to be in Wog's circle.
ReplyDeleteAs past Shamsters have testified, she's a BFF as long as she's personally benefitting from donations, PR, social media visability, purchases, shares, repairs and other help. Once these reduce or disappear, her interest drops off. And for people who have "more" than Wog (career / personal successes, travel, exotic vacations, possessions, friends & family), her underlying resentment undoubtedly builds over time. At some point, the safest action for an acquaintance is to reduce contact to a nodding acquaintance. I think this is why there are so few "live" interactions with people who've known her a long time.
PDD. Jenna does “exhaust” both her friends and family. She’s like an energy vampire. I think that even Becca has been drained by now.
DeleteHer usage of stupid terms is annoying. So I’ll do it back to her. Jenna is a comp-lie. That’s short for compulsive liar.
ReplyDeletecomp-het is not something jenna came up with. It's been around since the 80s.
Thanks. I knew that Jenna hadn’t come up with the term, but she has an annoying habit of overusing terms.
Deletevery true. She carries a torch like she is a militant social warrior yet she has never attended a demonstration or volunteered a single hour of her time for any cause. She's posturing on the shoulders of giants that gave her the right to exist so out n proud.
DeleteJenna acts as if she’s invented feminist concepts. Rather than parrots the pioneers.
DeleteEdit: parroting the pioneers
DeleteOther song parodies to poke fun at Jenna?... I was thinking of maybe Jackson Browne's "Running On Empty", Bruce Hornsby's "The Way It Is", Boz Scaggs's "Lowdown" or Orleans's "Still the One"... I don't know, a lot of upbeat soft rock tunes motivate me through hard work days...
ReplyDeleteMy version of the classic songs for Wog:
Delete"Running on Frumpy"
"The Cray It Is"
"Lets Down"
"Still A Con"
These are all good idea for parodies.
DeleteEdit: good ideas
DeleteFans are praising and loving the many sweet Kelce references in the new album, and deciding even more Easter eggs that spell out details of the relationship.
ReplyDeleteOne guess as to who ISN'T doing that while talking about the new album…
She hates to be wrong, and to be proven wrong.
Jenna can’t justify being a lesbian, unless her teen queer crush is one, too. She’s also incapable of admitting mistakes.
DeleteIf facts don’t jive with Jenna’s delusions, then she refuses to accept their reality.
DeleteEdit: jibe not jive
DeleteSwifties everywhere seem delighted with the romance. It speaks volumes that when it comes to Wog there is radio silence. She's not much of a fan if you ask me. She seems incapable of feeling happy for anyone's good fortune or joy. What a miserable, self-centered existence that must be. I suspect she turns all the angst in the lyrics back onto herself and the loss of Shannon.
DeleteReally sad to see that Gibson has passed. He was a beautiful and loyal dog who deserved better care, especially in his twilight years.
ReplyDeleteI lost one of my pups in January after a long illness (cancer). We did everything to ease her pain, including letting her go peacefully at home where she felt safest. I hope Gibson was offered a gentle passing but I worry that he wasn't.
HH, I'm so sorry to hear of your dog's passing. It's a devastating loss, and responsible dog owners do all they can to help their pets. May your pup Rest in Peace.
DeleteWhen Wog wrote that she didn't know Gibson had a serious illness is a little hard to believe since he looked terrible for at least a year. She was with him daily, shared a bed. At the first sign of pain and discomfort, he should have been taken to the vet. The annual "routine" senior wellness exam & bloodwork would have picked up most health issues, but we "know" she didn't take him to the vet regularly because that would have cost money... and it's not like he's pricey Taylor Swift concert tickets.
As said at the start of this thread, may she receive what she gave.
Edit: it's
DeleteThank you, PDD. ♥️ my girl was so loved and received the best care. I miss her so much she was the sweetest thing. ♥️
DeleteI hate hearing that Jenna "didn't know" Gibson was sick. I don't believe it. I think she turned a blind eye to him slowing down and getting so stiff over time, probably justifying it as him just being old.
As a senior, he should be seen every 6 months. She let him down, and that hurts my heart. Dogs deserve so much better.
It's funny, since my farm dog, a white Swiss shepherd, recently found the rotting corpse of another domesticated dog out in the Georgia woods. Apparently, the owner turned out to be some guy who was too lazy to bury or cremate his pets, so he leaves them out in the woods for the crows. It turns out the dog was still alive and dropped dead of starvation. I am constantly reminded of that one scene from one of my childhood movies, "The Fox and the Hound", where Tod's owner felt the pressure to release him into the wild, despite him not knowing how to survive because he was sheltered all his life. I have a feeling Jenna would probably do this, her pets need to get out of this dump before it's too late.
ReplyDeleteEdit: Instead of "it's funny", maybe "a shocking coincidence" would be better... "I killed them. And not just the males, but the females and the babies, too! They're my animals, and I slaughtered them like animals!... I HATE THEM!!!"
DeleteI also don’t get the comment.
DeleteShe’s coming across as opportunistic and unhinged on IG. Trying to profit off her dog’s death by making pay only articles on her stack, painting a picyture of a little girl and her guardian angel ( obvi J and her dog). You would think that she would want to keep something special like that that she created out of grief? Hang it by the toilet perhaps?
ReplyDeleteThis new nonsense that people don’t want to read her substack because of the lesbian content does not ring true at all. She can easily “fake” someone writing her to say so when she posts “proof”. It looks like a grab for sympathy and $. Oh poor me, I’m a lesbian and people don’t want to read my stuff.
Write some good stuff. Stop reposting fishing stories and telling us how Shannon squealed out of your driveway on two wheels.
We’ve predicted on the last post that Wog would try to monetize her dog’s death. Once again, she’s using manipulative marketing tactics to elicit empathy from fools.
DeleteJenna has been “opportunistic and unhinged” for a long time. But she can’t contain her crazy behavior anymore.
DeleteSince the only people likely reading her SuckStack are people who followed her previously, maybe they're tired of reading the SAME FREAKING STORY of her 'coming out'. There's nothing new, nothing of interest. Instead, her stories consist of re-hashed entries that were formerly free. Why would people to pay nearly $100/year to read the same sad victim stories. And, by the way, how long can she play the victim??
*PS Your advice is gold: " Stop reposting fishing stories and telling us how Shannon squealed out of your driveway on two wheels. "
"...and telling us how Shannon squealed out of your driveway on two wheels."
DeleteThis killed me. My laugh started out with a low, gritty "hehehee" which quickly turned into a throaty guffaw with the "two wheels" imagery. Nice one!
That quote I just did was a Star Wars reference. Yes, point and laugh at me. I'm a pop culture enthusiast, just like Jenna, albeit to a much lesser extent. Apparently, I was lucky to travel to Columbia County (two counties south from where Jenna lives) and visited Kinderhook Farm, where one of the sheepdogs was named "Obi", after Obi-Wan Kenobi. He was a wise guardian dog and a fighter against predators such as coyotes and foxes. A true Jedi dog, if you ask me... makes me wonder if Gibson did much more besides being another neglected pet prop. And God bless you, Lee and Georgia Ranney, for being true New York farmers.
ReplyDeleteYikes. Unhinged over on IG! TS new album not gay enough for Jenna. She wishes more straight women liked TS.
ReplyDeleteMore complaining that people are casually homophobic because they don’t want to hear that she’s a lesbian for the one millionth time!
Gibson who? ( probably Jenna)
News Flash darlin'. No matter how much you want her to be gay, Taylor Swift is straight.
DeleteJenna thinks that being a lesbian is her whole identity now. She’s shoving her coming out crap at her subscribers. Clearly, they’re sick of the same stuff.
DeleteShe knows nothing about demographics. A lot of straight people like Taylor Swift.
DeleteWe’re straight and like her music.
DeleteIt’s one way to keep track of the truth.
ReplyDelete"Make a wish-a-babyyy, you and I will make it come true. Make a list-a-babyyyy, of the things I'll do for you, (falsetto) ain't no risk now, in lettin' my love rain down on yooooouuu, so we can wash away the past, so that we may start anew..." Player and Ambrosia are not one of my favorites, but this song can be used for mocking Jenna's obsession with Taylor, same thing with "Baby Come Back".
ReplyDeleteTaylor's new album is getting blasted by critics and fans alike, lol.
DeleteWhile Wog whines that “it’s not gay enough!!!”
DeleteLate to the game, but this quote: "Gibson had been fighting late-stage cancer and I didn’t even know until it was far too late."
ReplyDeleteIs that possible, to not notice an animal suffering from late-stage cancer? I've not had an animal that passed from cancer but would imagine that *something* would be off, right? She goes on to say that she found out during a "routine" (as-if) vet visit. So she took her seemingly OK animal in and received that diagnosis? But yet she saw nothing wrong with him?
As for the big Thanksgiving dinner she made for him: Don't animals stop eating when they're sick? Seems like another lie.
Anon, I've had several aged pets who died from cancer. In all but one case, their illnesses were apparent. I'd say it's impossible to live closely with an animal and not know something is 'off'. Their movements become wobbly or slow, they're lethargic or clearly hurting, and they typically lose their appetites, weight and body condition.
DeleteIn the one case we didn't suspect, a 5 year old Maine Coon went for her annual exam in January, got a clean bill of health, and then collapsed (passed away) in March. It was so shocking we had an autopsy done: she died of brain cancer.
Wog is living like fiction y'all.
Jenna uses her animals as pet props for pics. She’s a sociopath who has no conscience, and doesn’t care about their welfare. We’ve seen Gibson several times while driving by her hovel. It was very obvious that he wasn’t doing well.
DeleteLegend 3:21 - I believe brain cancer is notorious for being fast-acting, almost without warning.
DeleteYes, Jenna writes fiction. Even the smell of a big turkey dinner at that point would probably turn his stomach ( I could be wrong).
Too bad that she didn’t invest more in his health when it counted. I’d bet that Jenna made that feast to stuff her own fake fat face.
DeleteHe was limping. Could have been arthritis, but could have been cancer. If it was bone cancer, she let it progress until one of his leg bones or joints finally failed (broke) at which point she'd need to shoot him or take him to the vet. I'm glad she didn't shoot him.
DeleteI think my prediction that he should have gone to the vet 6 months ago when he was limping was what happened, and whether it was cancer or not, she waited until he couldn't stand up anymore and took him to the vet for disposal.
Rest in peace, Gibson, and rest assured that Jenna will be going to a different place when her time comes.
And this: "I love you Gibson. I promise to do my best to keep your farm safe until I follow you once again."
ReplyDeleteWe all know what keeping the farm "safe" means. It means begging for donations and pity purchases. Even in death she cannot resist using her furry props for sympathy. SMH.
“This farm” won’t last long enough to be “safe.”
DeleteI did some digging, and found the old blog that was removed. Nothing has changed since then at her faux farm.
Begging on IG. She will work double time at bargain basement prices on logos and drawings!!!
ReplyDeleteI’m sure that she was fired from her gig writing scripts. Since it hasn’t been mentioned for months.
DeleteSooooo we know this pattern. Gibson died, RIP Gibson. But there's a vacuum for this animal hoarder, she wants to buy another puppy ASAP.
ReplyDeleteHence the sudden doom and gloom! FIRE SALE! Money now!
She hasn't tried to rustle up logo business ever since she launched substack. She's making significantly more on monthly substack subscriptions than she ever did with her arts n crafts, so why is she suddenly agitating for a cash infusion?
She wants another dog - they cost $2k now.
Oh and Taylor Swift dropped another album, you know she needs all the merch, the cassette and vinyl.
Mark my words! New puppy and TS swag on the horizon!
We’ve also predicted that she’d be begging for more puppy money on the last post.
DeleteI'm so glad you're still here. I couldn't find this blog a few months ago, and I thought it was gone, and then Jenna could skip happily on.
ReplyDeleteThis is what people should read! "You're So Vain" spoofs, and "Runnin on Frumpy" (which I'm borrowing). She never changes. She uses Gibson's death to keep her farm "safe" (which means donations or else).
Thank you all for continuing to fight the good fight.
The Chickqualizer
Chick. Good to see you again. She never changes:
DeleteMajor, beg over on suckstack. She claims 213 paying readers but she’s “comped” some people who can’t afford it. She’s begging for donations and paid speaking gigs 😵💫. She will also come set you up on your farm if you need homesteading help. Also claims the bank came and took pictures to start foreclosure proceedings. Riiiigggghhhht.
ReplyDeleteNo one wants to hire a lying, lazy loser to speak on any subject. Especially, a dumb cunt who has failed at farming. Her fake fear of foreclosure is her most manipulative marketing tactic. Jenna is trying to elicit empathy from fools. Her whole life is lies.
DeleteWhy would the bank need pictures to foreclose? It's all paperwork I would think. Does anyone know how it works? Also, her mortgage was sold some years ago. I don't think the financial institution is local, well, I guess they'd just hire someone local to take pics if needed. Maybe to check condition of the property. Anyway, moot point cause I don't believe it. No threat of foreclosure, she's fine.
DeleteCue foreclosure and teeth trouble, gotta fund a new puppy.
Delete“Sure, Jen.” It’s the return of the “scary red van man” for foreclosure photos. She’s cried “wolves are at my lavender door” too many times to be believed.
DeleteOh bullshit. If anyone's there taking pictures it's a tax assessor. It happens. Banks don't pay someone to go 'round and take photos before the process even starts.
DeleteShe's making more money from her side gig (which she says is her main gig) than ever before.
She's just rustling up funds for a $2K puppy. Right on cue.
She'll find the puppy at the dump of course.
If her “side gig” is Substack, then she’ll continue to lose subscribers, because Jenna’s writing is rotten.
DeleteJenna’s finally deleted her Twitter account, but she’s still begging on Substack. She’s a hopeless loser who is incapable of making mature changes and decisions. It’s no wonder why she’s still single, and will probably die alone.
ReplyDeleteThis photo op of her on merlin always makes me laugh.
ReplyDeleteI have some basic archery skills via my dad who was a large game bow hunter (among other hunting skills). She has no idea where this arrow is going. She has one eye closed lol. She's using a hilarious bow for horseback shooting. It looks like something off etsy.
Then there is the equestrian skills. Oh my. This person never learned how to ride properly. If that wasn't a western saddle she'd be flat on her ass in the dirt. LOOK AT THAT LOWER LEG! How far back and how she's pushing her heel into his side. It's a credit to merlin he didn't take off at a canter in this moment.
But whatever, to the average non-horse person, non-archer, they fall for it!
This is what a horse bow looks like for anyone who's curious:
Deleteit's a shorter recurve bow because it requires less draw to get the power you need, and is easier to manage when your horse is moving. I doubt Jenna could sit the trot let alone without grabbing the saddle horn.
DeleteWe also have higher safety standards now in general in the riding world. She shouldn't be posting riding pics without a helmet.
Her horses are status symbols of an affluent lifestyle that’s always been beyond Jenna’s meager means to maintain. She’s a complete poser.
DeleteAnon 5:09, great points. All videos of Wog riding are funny as hell and show her for the incompetent rider that she is. There was one when she sat on one of PP's draft horse, pulling on the horse's mouth with a metal bit (which is painful) and yelling 'I'm not afraid of you.' or some such performance 💩 .
DeleteThen there was the video of her one-and-only event at the mounted archery club that PP introduced her to - she rode someone else's horse (western saddle) and her rump came down so hard on that poor horse's back (at the canter, lol) that the horse would have needed a chiropractor afterwards. Any other videos show her sitting still, or barely moving at the walk. The older cropped photos of Mabel being ridden? Done by some guy, her past drinking teacher buddy or PP.
If she rode one of my horses that way, her ass would be on the ground NOW.
Jenna couldn't hold two-point to save her life. She has no business on the back of a horse.
DeleteJenna: so upset about foreclosure!
ReplyDeleteAlso Jenna: let me educate a handful of people on my IGpage by posting multiple stories about the word “dyke”
“What’s a job?” - probably Jenna
The “scrappy little lesbian” is now an expert on being gay. No one cares about her stupid opinions on any subject.
DeleteDid anyone listen to her farm stand pitch? Are the hilarious Q and A the same questions she crowdsourced off IG yesterday? And then posted the really boring unfunny answers on IG?
ReplyDeleteIf so why? 😂. “If you were an animal what would you be?” I mean come on! It looked like Jenna made up the questions because they were really boring, and immature.
She is “really boring and unfunny.” Jenna has no humor. What an ugly, attention whore.
DeleteDon’t get the point of the super dumb questions. I saw them on IG stories and had to simply shake my head in disbelief that a 40 something has the time and absolute lack of dignity to a) take such questions and take the time to answer , or more likely b) make them up herself and take the time to answer.
DeleteAnonymous 6:41. The “point” is to feed the bottomless pit of Jenna’s pathological need for attention from stupid strangers.
DeleteShe's got nerve for sure!
DeleteWelcome back, Chickqualizer! Maybe its time for more Parody songs. With apology to "Still the One", here's my version: STILL A CON
ReplyDeleteWe've been together since way back when
Often we never wanna see you again
But we want you to know, after all these years
You're still a con so we can't disappear
You're still the one who begs to be read
Still the one, with no lies unsaid
We're still not done cause you're still a con
We look at your posts occasional days
And we still can't believe that you get away
With the lies that are told and the pets so neglected
A begging, fictional farm best rejected
You're still the one that makes us scorn
Deceitful plays that make us warn
We're still not done cause you're still a con
You're still a con who posts your scams
Lives a life few understand
Pries fast cash from poodle hands cause you're still a con
You're still a con who stalks the rich
On-line begs have become your niche
We're still not done cause you're still a con
You're still a con that makes us shout
An untrue business that we scream about
We're still having fun cause you're still a con
You're still a con
You're still a con
PDD. That’s spot-on and funny. Unlike Jenna.
DeleteWow - just wow! You're a machine! I could hear the song as I read your lyrics and they fit pretty perfectly.
DeleteHer supposed grieving over Gibson is a pity ploy for free funds. Wanting a replacement puppy so soon is very disrespectful to his passing. She already has Friday for comfort. It makes no sense to get another dog now. Jenna is an animal hoarder.
ReplyDeleteFor someone so afraid of foreclosure she’s spending a lot of time analyzing Taylor songs.
ReplyDeleteJenna’s fear of foreclosure is fake. It would’ve already happened years ago. Her whole life is lies.
DeleteTo my recollection, in ten-plus years, the fake feral homesteader has *never* offered proof of any foreclosure threats.
DeleteShe uses fear of *sniff* losing the farm as a sure-fire way for new (or naively ignorant) readers to feel sorry for her and send money, buy clip-art logos or promote her businesses.
PDD. Jenna won’t post pics as proof of foreclosure, because it’s all a crock of crap.
DeleteBut why foreclosure? Makes no sense. She is, according to her own admission, at 213 paid subs a month. That’s more money than she has ever made at any job in her life. Also by her own words, her goal was 100 subs in order to stop worrying about money.
ReplyDeleteHer mortgage should be up to date and prepaid for next month, really.
The math ain’t mathing.
DeleteHer whole life is lies.
DeleteThe con cunt whips out her fraudulent foreclosure concerns, whenever she needs more money. As in trying to buy a new puppy.
DeleteDid anyone see yesterday on her bleg post that she offers talks on beekeeping? And rabbit raisin’- except she misspelled all over the place and it took a minute to figure out what she was trying to say.
ReplyDeleteShe had bees once. And killed them promptly.
She had rabbits with Shannon. Once. The business didn’t business.
And she wants people to hire her and pay her, to teach them how to bee and how to rabbit?
Lololololol stop it, Jenna. You funny, gurl.
Jenna is only an expert on how to filch funds from fools.
DeleteJenna is a joke. No one would hire her now, because she has a rotten reputation.
DeleteYeah, hire her and she'll give you names of other contacts that can help you.
DeleteHire her and she'll tell you how to do something (goat fence) then you have to do it yourself or hire someone else to do it. She's all talk.
Why would anyone want lessons from her? As I remember:
DeleteHorses: barely takes care of them. Learned what she knows from PP. Embarrassing to equestrians.
Sheep: High lamb mortality rates; had to give up flock because she couldn't make it work. Bought cast-off lambs to raise for meat or breed.
Goats: Unprofitable and uncared. Herd given up; down to one "trail goat" who's ignored.
Pigs: routinely escaped. Pork contaminated one year and meat taken off market. Fed deli scraps even though CSA customers pay good money for ptoper feed.
Chickens: bought 50% more than needed because of high mortality. Froze to death and attacked by predators.
Rabbits: Unprofitable. Reported to animal control in the past.
Hawks: Questionable. Only 2-3 had verifiable proper releases into the wild; the remainder escaped or died? Rarely, if ever, successfully hunted.
Bees. Hive didn't survive incompetent management.
But sure, hire her if you're a special kind of idiot.
The thing with the bees - it's shocking incompetence. She didn't know the queen is transported in a clip, so she never released the queen into the hive. Doomed from the start. What kind of bee keeper doesn't know to release the queen as soon as the danger of swarming is past?
DeleteAnon, lol. Thanks for refreshing my memory. I remember it was something monumentally ignorant, but not to worry, she can teach you everything you need to know about bee-keeping.
DeleteAlways, always support Dead Animal Farm (likely past victims shown below, excluding hawks)
Jenna could you please post about Billie Eilish’s vagina comment one more time? I don’t think enough people saw it the first 4 times!
ReplyDeleteJenna loves very vulgar sexual displays which is another reason she’s getting approached by the wrong types on dating apps ( per her own words!).
Jenna has also made “very vulgar sexual comments” here under another name. She’s crude, lewd and rude.
DeleteHD. Oh, look. The loser lurker BM is back. Guess that Jenna has decided to reappear. Don’t you have puppy money to beg for? “Hoo!!!”
DeleteIt’s been awhile since Jenna has left crazy comments here. I’d suggest that HD delete them as usual. She’s just looking for more attention, since her rotten writing isn’t getting enough interest.
DeleteInteresting comment above about the engagement she gets on dating apps. Of course making vulgar comments to appear experienced or cool will get her responses from members who enjoy alternate sexual activity or those who wish to explore their fetishes. If she doesn’t wish to partake then she should adjust her profile but she would have to be honest about what she is looking for. The trouble is that the worst thing to Jenna would be to appear ordinary (which of course she is). Like the rest of her existence it’s all bait and switch with her.
DeleteSFF. Jenna can’t accept being a middle-aged, mundane moron.
DeleteRegarding the above comment. Maybe Jenna could “pretend” to accept adult accountability for her actions.
Delete“I realized I wanted my face in a vagina." It figures that Jenna would quote that multiple times. I’m sure that Shannon is glad that she’s done with Wog.
DeleteBillie is obviously going for shock value and press and Jenna’s eating it up with a spoon. She spent so much time on IG today posting random crap. So worried about foreclosure!!!
DeleteWe’re a queer couple who live in her area. Of course, Jenna reduces being a lesbian to a single sex act. What a despicable, clueless cunt.
DeleteIt shows how obsessed she is with sex, and not wanting a relationship.
DeleteBillie Eilish is a “pretty brunette femme” who’s Jenna’s fantasy woman dream. Unfortunately, she’s completely out of the lying, lazy loser’s league.
ReplyDeleteI hate when Jenna links to old stack posts on her IG. She makes it appear like she’s writing more than she is by doing this. Also, hardly anyone comments on her posts. The most she got was 32 in her Gibson died post. ( 1 of which was Jenna, 1- Patty W. )
ReplyDeletePatty finally responded about Gibson. Maybe their friendship isn’t over. Jenna has always had a very low rate of response on all of her accounts.
DeletePatty probably felt pressured to say something about the dog’s death.
DeleteHD. We appreciate you removing creepy comments with no value, that are only intended to cause conflicts here. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteFunny, how she showed up yesterday, right after the comment calling her out.
DeleteJenna has this blog bookmarked, and often refreshes the site to see what’s written about her. We’re her foe not fan club.
ReplyDelete“This month makes 14 years in Jackson and 12 years as a self employed writer/artist/farmer. That’s a dozen years of books, stories, friendships, community, and the ruthless pursuit of a dream I was told to quit every week since I started. For my next trick, I’m going to try for a fifteenth! God hates a coward”
GFY, Jenna. Your dumb “dream” is dead. But you’re too stupid to see it.
She’s unemployed not “self.” Jenna bought her faux farm by being a beggar, and hasn’t ever stopped wanting handouts.
DeleteHer post has still received zero replies.
DeleteGetting only “likes” isn’t the same as people taking time to write a response. Jenna’s rate of engagement is laughably low, considering her higher numbers of followers.
DeleteThe replies are turned off on that post.
DeleteShe’s turned off the replies, because Jenna rarely receives any.
DeleteJenna can save her fake fat face by not allowing replies. It’s a way to avoid the embarrassment of not getting responses from followers.
DeleteSpeaking of which, I do have some equestrian experience with me. I have a paint horse and a draft mule that gives me a lift without the need for excessive steering. I used to jump fences, but now I just go on trails with some small obstacles. And yes, you must have a specially-designed saddle with bags for long rides. Looks like Jenna doesn't get the memo and gallops uncontrollably on a small saddle, while yanking on the bit throughout the ride. When galloping, you must have a good seat, get used to speed, absorb the movements and stay relaxed. Not rodeo-ride the whole way. Clearly, Jenna doesn't have an affinity with her horses and they appear weak and untrustworthy towards her.
ReplyDeletedid she post a video of her galloping recently? Did she ever gallop on any of her horses? I'd be shocked if she ever got up to a canter for more than a few paces.
DeleteJenna is an animal hoarder who doesn’t care about her horses.
DeleteI feel like she mentioned that she galloped on her horses, but it was on Merlin and she said that her hat nearly flew off. Poor sucker can't afford any helmets... I live in rural Maine, even I know how to take safety seriously. There are very few flat fields, and even if they do, they're full of holes and I have to go at a nice trot or canter. A mule is a good mount for rides like this, as they are quick thinkers. Too bad for Jenna, she used to ride an old horse that's on its last legs, and she keeps lying about his age.
ReplyDeleteHer whole life is lies.
DeleteOhhhhh okay. If she only wrote about it there is no WAY she galloped on him. I watched a video of myself riding last year on what I THOUGHT was a pretty brisk canter, and it's clear from the video the horse is barely trying! She's just huge and has a massive stride.
DeleteI bet all she did was a few beats of canter before yanking the reins on him. A trot would catch that hat and blow it off. My eyes water at a canter.
Kind of a pity she never galloped - she's be likely to fall off.
Anonymous 3:26. Jenna is “just huge.” I feel sorry for her horses to have that heft on them.
DeleteI like that Jenna is responding to other IG accounts. Then she’s posting her IG her responses. Great use of time yelling at gay times to tell them that you are a graphic designer ( cough cough) and don’t like their fonts! I’m sure they care Jenna! She let Stewart’s know yesterday that she loves them. The convenience store is happy I’m sure!!
ReplyDeleteI’m sure that those who work at that Stewart’s hate her. We’ve lived in Cambridge before, and Jenna is loathed by locals for being a big user. It has nothing to do with her sexual preference.
DeleteA few years ago she admitted that she was stealing creamer from Stewart’s because she was so poor. She is trash.
DeleteHow about "stealing" from CSA customers? They paid good cash up front so their pigs would eat quality food. Wog took the cash, probably figured if she fed pigs at no cost, she'd make more money - so she gave them leftover deli meat and donuts. Why throw rotten food in the trash when it can go to the pigs?
Anonymous 8:22. Jenna is white trash.
DeletePDD. I recall that crap.
With apologies to Stephen Bishop...
ReplyDeleteOn and on, she just keeps on lyin',
And she begs
When she feels like tryin',
On and on, on and on, on and on..."
I just remembered this tune, and tried it with your lyrics. Wonderful!!!
So… according to her latest beg, she has 3 days before her farm is in trouble again. I personally would think a person taking pictures of the house for foreclosure j reported on just days ago was trouble, but that trouble is old trouble and now more trouble in 3 days? Jenna math is the most fascinating thing about her.
ReplyDeleteHer whole life is lies. Jenna is using manipulative marketing tactics to try and elicit empathy from fools.
DeleteIt never fails to amaze me that not only did she BEG to get that property, but that she has been BEGGING monthly for help to keep it ever since. Yet she always acts as if it's a brand new problem every month. FOR 15 YEARS.
DeleteIt's called a mortgage, Jenna. Get a job and pay it.
Jenna’s “career” is being a beggar.
DeleteJenna is lying about having “800 subscribers” in her stupid story.
DeleteSuckStack lists her as having 800 subscribers.
DeleteThe amount of PAID subscribers is undoubtedly much lower. If you look at the few subscribers who 'read' her posts, you can see the percentage paid is a fraction.
Also, I don't know if SuckStack lists current subscriber numbers, or total number who signed up (but may ignore or cancel their subscription). It's in SuckStack's best interests to exaggerate higher subscription numbers as incentives to join their site.
ReplyDeleteIt looks like lezwolfmemes hasn’t been updated for over a year. “Boy, howdy!”
Jenna has been too busy begging for more subscribers to make any new, moronic memes.
DeleteHer comedy is too contrived.
DeleteShe dumped Lezwolfmemes cuz it failed to make her any money or bring in new foollowers. And Lezwolfmemes failed because her humor was dumb and didn't make any sense. No one could relate to it.
DeleteAlso, any woman who's been a lesbian for longer than 5 minutes knows that the dolphin is their spirit animal of choice.
Every background image I checked from Lezwolfmemes was stolen art, and at least one didn't allow outside use by others.
DeleteIt's pathetic to have a degree in graphics/illustration, partially make your living as a 'creative' artist', yet steal intellectual property from others.
Jenna has rarely given credit to people for their property. Yet she’d be livid if her crap was used without permission.
Delete“New essay about gardening, cassette tapes, and ritual magic live on the stack now! Prefer to be read to? In the podcast I read the essay as well as yap about farm news and pop culture (8 days till the met gala!) See ya there, travelers.”
ReplyDeleteNo one cares, cunt. Your “yap” is boring drivel.
Additionally, Jenna knows nothing about elegant events like the Met Gala, that should’ve been capitalized.
DeleteHer grating voice is also annoying and abrasive. It’s the antithesis of soothing.
DeleteOn insta stories she posted that she has “800 subscribers and growing, babe”
Her whole life is lies. Most of those are for free. Otherwise, Jenna wouldn’t be begging, and worried about her fake fear of foreclosure.
DeleteJenna is disingenuous again to count her read for free subscribers.
DeleteHer constant usage of “babe” and “darling” always sounds sexist and stupid.
DeleteHD. New post please? Thanks.
ReplyDeleteIt’s getting a little long to load.
DeleteJenna can’t get to read in’ her DM’s so email her if you ordered something, because she can definitely get to that!!
ReplyDeleteHere she goes again with asking buyers to remind her of their orders. Apparently, she’s too drunk and stoned to keep track of them. GFY, Jenna.
Delete"remind me if you ordered anything" is code for "let me know if you really meant it when you ordered something or if it can just be a donation"
DeleteHurry up and get a logo now! I. May Jenna is raising her prices to “two $50”
ReplyDeleteSince she hasn’t raised her prices in 20 years.
Ok when will her next sale be?
How much is “two $50”???
Her crap is always on some sort of sale. So it’s all a bunch of bull.
DeleteShe raised it to $100 for a brief period while Shannon was there.
Delete168 subscribers (give or take)
Not sure where she's getting the 800+ from. Maybe the 168 are paid? The "followers" list is quite short.