
I'm sort of disappointed that Jenna wasn't eaten by the solar eclipse.  Eh, maybe next time.


  1. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  2. Jenna's post about backpacking - having all you need to "be safe from fear" (wtf?) with you, reveals how she experiences reality. There is no real attachment to the inevitable future, and no ability to anticipate reasonable consequences.

    I've been on extended back country camping trips. I think in my 20s I would have thought like this. Camping over a weekend at a maintained site is very different from hiking for two weeks through backcountry, and "reading a book" while waiting for a storm to pass is just a laughable response. This is not someone who's been stranded by weather for days at a time.

    And that's ok. It's not for everyone. It's just funny and kind of pathetic that she persists in positioning herself as an expert in everything, and asserts the most ridiculous things. If you're out on a day trip and it rains, you wear waterproof layers and keep going. You don't stop, pitch a tent, and read a book.

    The whole "free from fear" thing is a theme beaten to death in everything she's written. Gurl. If you have an anxiety issue you go to therapy, and pursue medication. If Jenna were actually supported / treated for the clear neurodivergence challenges she has, that'd go a long way towards alleviating her anxiety. She could keep her work from home lifestyle and just level up her income by treating her inability to plan for and respond to life's challenges. Wellbutrin comes to mind, a great anti-depressant for ADHDers who deal with anxiety.

    Anyway, that photo of her fingernails is disgusting. CLEAN YOUR NAILS if ever want to date another woman. GROSS.

    1. Yeah, the ick pic is “disgusting.” I’ve mentioned before that Jenna has horrid hygiene. And her hands and nails are nasty. It’s no wonder why no normal adult wants her filthy fingers to touch them.

      She’s never been “free from fear” of any kind. Her lies are ludicrous, and scream of insecurity.

    2. Jenna is only an “expert” on using manipulative marketing to elicit empathy for free funds.

      This statement sums up her delusional thinking. “There is no real attachment to the inevitable future, and no ability to anticipate reasonable consequences.” She’s become delusional.

    3. Edit: Should’ve written “She’s become crazy.” Instead of “She’s become delusional.” Which was repetitious.

  3. HD. Jenna was probably too busy baking another crap cake to watch a rare eclipse.

  4. I’ve been missing comments from SFF and Anon7. Hope that you two are okay.

    1. Okay here. Just tired of the same old crap. If she posts anything of interest I will chime in. I have been here following along in the background.

    2. SFF. Thanks for replying to my comment. I know what you mean.

  5. I annoy listen to her “podcasts” because her voice is annoying, but she’s advertising that she’s answering anonymous questions today. Maybe some iPads will be wringing wet after today!!!

    1. “Sure, Jen.” She’ll probably have a shill like “Rachel Keane” to ask “anonymous questions.”

    2. One would have to be a special kind of stupid to ask advice from a person who's a demonstrated failure at relationships and who begs for donations to feed her animals and pay her mortgage.

    3. PDD. “How do I use manipulative marketing to become a lying, lazy loser like you?!”

    4. WW

    5. PDD. “Hoo!!!”

  6. No wonder nobody is engaging with her on shitstack. I decided to listen to the “sample” of her latest story, the Q and A. First thoughts:
    The “questions” came across super- planted. Inauthentic. Not curious. Irrelevant.
    Second, she has an arrogant air about her for someone who admittedly has only had 1.5 relationships. She has zero authority on the subject, and it shows.
    Third, it is very telling that she KNOWS she has no authority on the subject but she defiantly keeps insisting that she does, by the way she explodes in completely inappropriate giggles every other word.
    Not to mention she rambles, without saying anything of relevance or interest.
    It baffles me that she gets even that 1-2 percent engagement from her supposed “200” subs.

    1. Your observations are spot-on. I’ll elaborate with my own:
      1. She probably had a shill asking the questions.
      2. Jenna has always had an inauthentic, arrogant attitude about everything. Even when she knows nothing about the topic. Shannon was her only real romance.
      3. Her annoying, inappropriate giggling was a giveaway that she’s lying as always.
      4. Decades of being a blatant liar are catching up with her. The facade of being a “farmer” won’t work now. It’s like the Wizard of Oz when he’s finally revealed behind his curtain.

    2. I’d rather listen to Barry Manilow’s Greatest Hits for hours, than hear her annoying, abrasive voice. And I hate his music.

    3. A Legend in Her Own MindApril 13, 2024 at 7:35 AM

      I can't stomach listening to her. Part of her problem is she doesn't learn, improve herself or enjoy sufficient real-life experiences to offer solid advice to others.

      She picks up buzz words and sprinkles them into sentences for effect, but she's like a parrot talking gibberish.

      Wog had better stick to her "parasocial" relationships. 🤣

    4. PDD. Gibberish is a great word to describe her boring drivel.

    5. Ok Anon 4:56 you got me (ha ha) I just had to listen to her latest. I agree with all the above comments. Why would anyone pay to listen or read her stuff is beyond me. Her giggles, sniffs, tongue clicking etc. soooo annoying! And so much of her info is wrong or only pertains to herself, not me and probably not others. people assume I'm gay and I'm not, not the other way around like she said. Also, her comment about knowing how to write with proper punctuation etc. I had to laugh! And the huge beg at the end, with the woe is me crap ramble on and on. Anyone wanting to take the time to pick apart this Q & A post could have lots of fun!

    6. Anonymous 2:29. Her rotten writing is always full of multiple mistakes with poorly punctuated paragraphs. Jenna still can’t use commas correctly. She’s incapable of not being a beggar. Even though her X account has been deleted. What a repulsive, insufferable cunt.

    7. There’s never enough money to make Jenna content. Even after reaching her goal of getting 200 subscribers, she’s still begging. Wog is a whiner.

  7. Today: Whining that people aren’t engaging with her re) her substack.

    Last week: don’t contact me if you are not using your full name, picture, and your address because the internet is so scary!!!!

    1. Jenna has never had good engagement on any of her social media platforms, because smart people sense that she’s inauthentic. Her blatant begging, and pathological lying are also insufferable.

    2. It’s very obvious that Jenna just wants more money, not engagement from either followers or subscribers.

    3. Her non-tent offers nothing of merit to engage over. Unless you agree with her opinionated views.

    4. I was appalled at her giving advice about being in a heterosexual marriage but feeling you might be gay. Who in the hell does she think she is? First of all she has no professional qualifications nor is she an accredited social worker or therapist. Someone above said she throws around catch phrases. That was bang on. She talks in circles about subjects she has no life experience with. She is incapable of making a salient point. Not only has she never been married to a man but she has only has a year’s experience with a live in partner. And we all know how that ended. She talks as if she had an extensive dating history with men which I highly doubt. Like everything in her life it appears exaggerated.

      Her hubris knows no bounds. In my opinion she is a danger to those who buy into her verbal garbage. Her target audience seems to be desperately unhappy women who don’t know any better than to take advice from an online hack who is trying to pry eight dollars a month from their sad little hands. She’s a menace.

    5. SFF. That was well-put. I agree with what you wrote. “Her hubris knows no bounds.”

    6. LOL - she has a long history of blocking people who ask innocent or valid questions. The people she has left who pay to read her swill are inclined to keep quiet to not piss her off.

      She is so moody.

  8. I liked Barry Manilow! (Anon 5:50 a.m.) I think I still have a couple of his albums, though not played in 30 - 30 years.

    1. I wrote that comment somewhat facetiously. I like several of his songs, but not enough to listen to them for hours!

    2. This is what I like about this site (aside from calling out FFF), the wit and humor!

  9. I think for me, I've always preferred rock music (mostly 70s arena rock and yacht rock). I still have Little River Band and 38 Special's albums on vinyl. Maybe I should use the song "Lonesome Loser" to describe Jenna...

  10. Very quiet today? Fly fishing? Bespoke coffee shop hopping? Hot beef sandwiches?

    1. Those of us with full time employment are probably working. Spring has sprung so some of us may be working on our gardens and yards. Those of us with a trust fund or a check from our parents in our back pockets may be looking at brochures from Cozumel. Those of us with partners may be enjoying our partnership. What we know for sure is that the "Lonesome Loser" (love that moniker!) isn't doing any of those things.

    2. Vague post on IG. I think something happened to her dog… or she wants us to think something did. You just can’t know.

    3. A Legend in Her Own MindApril 15, 2024 at 1:23 PM

      And in her vague quote about Gibson, she steals another person's wording, without attribution, and uses another person's photograph. Never change, Wog.

      As a bonified animal lover, God bless him if he's finally running free, a breed that often lives to the age of 17.

    4. Death would be a relief for that poor animal. If he has passed, we can only hope that it was humane and she didn’t let him suffer at the end. On the other hand, it could be her setting up a new beg. In that case, cue a picture of Gibson in front of the fire.

    5. “Stay with me, my good boy.
      I loved you every minute of your life.”

      She’s used that quote before, but the “loved” implies the past tense.

    6. No one wants to “stay” with the lying, lazy loser. Not even Shannon.

  11. Hope her pup is ok because we know she doesn’t have the money to pay for treatment or surgery!

  12. RIP Gibson. The root canal turned canine who lived his whole life in the shadow of an inept handler.

    May he rest in sunny fields, run free of pain, and eat only the best where he is now.

    1. How do you know for sure that Gibson has died? I’m unsure that the quote is proof, because she’s used it before.

  13. Who do we know on her referrals list?


    Pat Wog is there - is that her mom?

    Who is jennifer nielson? She's referred 12 paying subscribers (facepalm)

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindApril 16, 2024 at 4:10 AM

      Jennifer Nielson appears to be a new kool-aid drinker and Atta-Girl. After Wog wrote yet another essay about how hArD it is for her being sPeCiAl but without a partner, Nielson wrote, "I genuinely hope you find your person. I think you deserve it more than most."

      Yeah, she's pretty clueless about the narcissist that is Wog.

    2. Pat Wog is her mom. How pathetic to get her to shill for the lying, lazy loser. And Jenn appears to be the replacement for “Rachel Keane” on X.

  14. Gibson’s obituary on her substack. Poor dog.

    No surprise, she made a big portion of the obituary about Shannon. Always back to Shannon.

    1. Thanks for your confirmation. There’s no doubt that Jenna will use her dog’s death as a manipulative marketing tactic to elicit empathy for free funds as always. She’s never gotten over being dumped by Shannon.

    2. I’ve read her drivel essay about Gibson now. What a crock of crap. Jenna couldn’t
      be bothered to give him adequate medical care while he was alive. It’s also rude and disrespectful to always refer to Shannon as an “ex” without acknowledging her name.

    3. I think it was SFF who posted about a year ago that Wog would wait until it was too late and have Gibson euthanized or let him die.

      This was after we'd all seen how badly he limped and how much he appeared to hurt... over a year ago.

      She's trying her best to milk his death for pity. I feel for poor Gibson and wish he could have had a more deserving owner. Poor dog.

    4. Over a year ago, SFF and WIW posted their thoughts about Gibson's obvious suffering. Yes, dogs sometimes get sick, and it's disgusting if pig shocker didn’t take him to the vet in all that time. She doesn't deserve to own animals.

      *Screenshots are posted on Reddit.*

    5. Dogs mask their pain. I’m sure that Gibson was in agony for a long time. I don’t buy her putting on a persona of caring about his health. Wha despicable cunt.

  15. A new Reddit receipt:


  16. I’m posting this in parts, because it’s too long:

    There is a path through the woods on this farm. It used to be an old deer path, and when my ex lived here with me, they made it their project to turn the unruly wild trails into a proper hiking path. With nothing but a pair of loppers and determination they created a beautiful loop that started near the fire pit/gathering area behind the barn and meandered through the forest, stream, and pond.

    You could walk it every season, through the flat forest trails and then down into the gulch stream where the brook trout hide. The trail took you to the banks of the farm’s pond, where we would spy on turtles and mallards or the occasional sleeping doe with her fawn. It was littered with wild berries, acorns, mushrooms, and wildlife. This path became our morning routine. With a mug of warm coffee we’d head out after chores with the dogs, and together, all four of us would start the day bathing in forest light and fresh air.

    One November day my ex told me told our relationship was over. I was completely blindsided. In three days they packed up everything in their hatchback with their cat and I knew I would never see them again. All that intimacy, love, trust, time together during a lockdown and pandemic, working, farming, fixing up this place... All that gone in a decision I was helpless to change. You can’t hold onto people that don’t want to be held.

    1. That summer after the breakup I noticed that the path was starting to grow back. Part of me wanted to let it, to help me forget. But like everything else that they did to lift this farm to a better place, I refused to let anything backslide. I would not only keep the farm, gardens, fences, flowers, and barns in the new and improved shape, I would continue to make them better. I was not going to let the effort someone put into me and this farm go wasted. I even made notes on when to clean the filters in the vacuum they bought and left behind.

    2. In an exercise of grieving the living, I not only kept the path tended, I did things to expand and improve it. I cleared more brush from the stream. I added offerings and little alters. I set up solar lanterns along every step of the way, turning our small footpath into a magical doorway into dawn and dusk.

      If you want to know magic, happen upon a fox trotting under the glow of fairy lights on a June night.

      And so, even after it became a one-woman farm again, I always tended the path and what once was about heartbreak became about family and honoring a lost person’s effort. Mornings meant coffee and the path. Evenings meant walking right at dusk when the lights clicked on and the world turned blue and gray, but not quite black.

      And making that transition from tame backyard to our wild magical place, was the first lantern on the path, like a lighthouse flame leading us home.

    3. Gibson had been fighting late-stage cancer and I didn’t even know until it was far too late. The diagnosis happened during a routine vet visit less then two weeks ago, and while not surprising to hear about in a 14-year-old dog, it was still devastating.

      I didn’t know what to do with my grief that day so I made him an entire Thanksgiving dinner. I roasted a bird, made stuffing and mash, cranberry sauce, gravy… the works. And he couldn’t believe his luck when I presented him with that giant plate. I could barely touch mine.

      In the two weeks since that vet visit, he declined so fast. He went from morning walks on the path with me and Friday until one day he started to stumble and fall. When I had to carry him back to the farmhouse, I knew we were nearly out of time.

      This past week this farmhouse has been a hospice. I made him a bed in front of the wood stove and kept up with his medication and painkillers, monitoring everything, cleaning up the accidents he couldn’t control, holding him up by the ribs so he could drink and pee.

    4. In those last few days I thought he was dying in my arms a few times, and the grief was transcendent. I have never experienced anything like it. It swirled and alchemized with so many other losses over the years, like waves that kept building and crashing. The loss of this dog I don’t know how how to live without. The loss of that relationship that built a path. The loss of love. Wailing names I missed so much I still see their shadow in the grocery line. And I think it changed something in me I don’t understand yet.

      Everything feels different now.

      I know he was a dog. But as a single, childless, woman running a farm alone, he was so much more than a pet. He was the person I had spent the most time with in my life. More than my parents, more than anyone. He arrived at this farmhouse two weeks after I signed the mortgage papers. He got to live the border collie dream, 14 years with a stay-at-home owner with his own flock of sheep. This place was all he knew, all he loved.

    5. This dog raised me. In the 14 years I spent with him, I went from being a terrified girl to the woman I am today. And in all that time, we only spent two nights apart from each other. Two nights in nearly a decade and a half. Last night was the third. Tonight is the fourth.

      Yesterday I made the gutting decision to have Gibson put down. I didn’t want to have to do this. I wanted him to pass peacefully here, watching his sheep, sun and wind on his fur. But the disease was wasting him away and when he stopped eating and drinking and seemed to be in so much pain; I wasn’t going to let him suffer any longer, even another day.

      So I made a bed out of the back of my Subaru, a thick comforter and pillows like we were going to the drive in. I lifted him into it, and opened every window and the sunroof to let in all the wind and light for his last drive together.

    6. We parked in a corner of the vet’s office lot that faced a grassy lawn and forest. We watched a black lab puppy run around with his new owner, a tall thin man with a beard that was clearly in love. It was so beautiful to watch.

      Gibson was euthanized outside so he could see the sky. The doctor was so kind. I covered him with a sheet Friday and I had slept in the two nights before. I wanted our scent with him.

      When I brought him home from the vet, I showed Friday he was gone. She understood. I then walked with her down the path, just the two of us. I brought a small tray and together Friday and I filled it with the natural clay deposit that collects in one spot in our stream along the path. I pushed through the dirt and stone in the water until I felt the smooth clay and grabbed a clumsy fistful.

    7. I made an impression of his limp paw in our farm’s clay. The same clay his paws walked over a thousand times. The clay from the path someone else forged for him, that I kept tending. I wanted that memory.

      I had been digging his grave for days. I knew when he had trouble walking it was almost over, so I put my grief into the shovel. My lower back wasn’t used to digging for hours and I didn’t care. I kept digging. The back pain felt better than grieving. I went so deep I hit water. I also broke the shovel using it too hard.

      I made a bed of hay in the farm’s work sled and laid him in it, wrapped in the sheet. I covered it with flowers, the new daffodils and forsythia were exploding everywhere and the day was so sunny and warm. I brought him to the grave I had covered with a tarp. It was dug at the entrance to our lantern-lit path.

    8. I buried him with message in a bottle explaining who he was. A short note with a lock of his hair and some polaroids. A picture of his face and another of him years ago at the brewery in town, smiling on the bar floor looking up at the people he loved.

      I covered the grave, decorated it with stones set like tiles, and transplanted a clutch of daffodils to be a headstone next to the skull of a ram lamb he once herded. Then I took a small locust branch and set it over the flowers and skull with another solar lantern.

      Now Gibson is the first light on the path.

    9. This morning Friday and I walked the path with coffee and birdsong, like always. When we passed his grave I pat my thigh and told him to come along, it was time to walk the path. I didn’t even mean to, it was muscle memory from a thousand mornings. I closed my eyes as Friday walked briskly ahead and it felt like he was right behind me, ambling at his elderly pace, about to slide past at a slow trot to catch up to his girls.

      This dog deserves an entire book. He deserves to have his story told in full, from the earliest days learning to farm as a pair of exuberant greenhorns to the middle-aged solid partnership we became. In those years this farmer and farm slowly healed and improved, thanks to the people and love that I had been lucky enough to have.

      We can’t control when people leave us. We can’t control when good dogs die. But we can respect their memory. We can keep tending the path. We can plant flowers over his grave. We can remember.

      I love you Gibson. I promise to do my best to keep your farm safe until I follow you once again. I promise I promise I promise.

    10. I still say that her stupid subtext is always “Venmo, it means so much! You just can’t know! Hoo!”

    11. “I promise I promise I promise.” She still can’t use commas correctly.

    12. “This dog raised me. In the 14 years I spent with him, I went from being a terrified girl to the woman I am today. And in all that time, we only spent two nights apart from each other. Two nights in nearly a decade and a half. Last night was the third. Tonight is the fourth.”

      As if she’s really become a strong woman now. Jenna still can’t support herself without being a beggar. No one cares about how much time she’s spent “apart from” her dog. It makes her look pathetic and unhinged to brag about it.

  17. Maybe unpopular opinion, but when Jenna actually has something to write about she does have some talent. Stripping away everything I know about her, the post about Gibson is good writing.
    RIP Gibson, you deserved so much more.

    1. Jenna’s rotten writing is overwrought and hyperbolic.

    2. A Legend in Her Own MindApril 16, 2024 at 12:20 PM

      When a person obfuscates, manipulates, and lies, it's not writing, it's propaganda. And when they do it to boost sales, subscriptions or donations, it's fraud.

      Dishonest writing is best ignored.

    3. PDD. Exactly. Jenna is disingenuous.

    4. she does have writing talent, genuinely, which is why I started following her years ago. It was more prevalent in what she produced 15 years ago. She has... deteriorated.

    5. But this line got me. I think anyone who has a heart and loved a pet can relate:

      "And in all that time, we only spent two nights apart from each other. Two nights in nearly a decade and a half. Last night was the third. Tonight is the fourth."

    6. ooof just finished it. I agree this is the best writing in a long time, and if anyone deserves the best of what she can offer, Gibson certainly does.

    7. I am a little worried about that grave she dug for him. She has scavengers around, I hope she put on enough rocks and dug it deep enough.

    8. Jenna has no “best writing.”

  18. Beautiful Gibson, RIP. Let us all hope she not thinking of getting another dog

    1. She'll announce needing a "root canal" first. For anyone new, that's how she obtained Gibson. She said she needed a $1000 root canal. A few weeks later, look! A $1000 puppy!

      RIP Gibson but it certainly isn't honoring him by lying about everything. A "routine vet visit"? If he had routine vet visits, this would have been discovered sooner. I think she just couldn't hide his condition any longer so she had to take him to the vet. soon, we'll be hearing how much his visit and meds cost and how she's once again behind in her mortgage.

      Secondly, she describes all the things she buried with him including photos and a description of him packed in a bottle. Does that sound like she's going to keep the farm safe for him? It sounds more like she expects someone else to find him. Very contradictory.

    2. Interestingly, the line that jumped out the most was the part about stumbling upon a sleeping doe with her fawn. In what universe would a doe be complacent enough to allow two humans and two dogs to approach? If she would stick to the truth her writing would be more genuine. Why does she feel she has to embellish her whole life?

      Of course we all know Gibson has never had regular vet care. The last video she posted concerned me so much. The fact that whenever Gibson came into the frame she shifted the camera spoke volumes.

      Taking bets on how soon she will have a new purebred puppy. A rescue wouldn't do for a snowflake like Jenna.

    3. A Legend in Her Own MindApril 16, 2024 at 5:09 PM

      SFF, exactly. We'll soon learn the best way to "honor" Gibson will be to acquire another purebred puppy.

    4. Countdown to another fabricated crisis for more puppy money.

  19. What do you think her next dog will be? Border collie or husky?
    She associates BCs with farming but she's talked about missing her wolf dogs, and it's not like she trains the border collies.

    But the huskies might go after the lifestock, soooo maybe she'll stick with a BC.

    1. I don’t know about the breed, but she’ll beg again for a new dog.

  20. She knew the dog was ill and still she refused to take him to the vet. No sympathy for you Jenna.

    1. I feel the same way. Jenna is an uncaring cunt.

    2. It’s clear that he’d been suffering and in pain for a long time. But it was more important to Jenna to indulge in frivolous purchases, like Taylor Swift sweaters, than to take care of his health.

    3. I think that she’s already trying to set the stage to milk her dog’s death for money making.

  21. “One November day my ex told me told our relationship was over. I was completely blindsided. In three days they packed up everything in their hatchback with their cat and I knew I would never see them again. All that intimacy, love, trust, time together during a lockdown and pandemic, working, farming, fixing up this place... All that gone in a decision I was helpless to change. You can’t hold onto people that don’t want to be held.”

    Shannon “didn’t want to be held” hostage by an animal abusing, pathological liar, and sociopathic scammer anymore. I’m sure that she made her decision over months not a mere “three days.”

    1. Jenna was surprised by being dumped, because she’s never known how to pick up on signals from someone.

    2. Shannon was probably also sick of Jenna’s nonstop begging, and her refusal to get a part-time job for financial security.

  22. What did Shannon even have to do with losing her dog other than to generate more pity? The whole Shannon narrative took away from what was otherwise a pretty effective piece of writing. Of course I agree that she will monetize Gibson’s death but the thing that really bugs me is that she dragged that poor sick dog out into the snow for photo ops when he could barely walk. There is no way she didn’t know how sick he was. I could see it on a grainy video.

    1. Agreed 100percent!!!

    2. “Wringing Wet Keyboards!”April 17, 2024 at 8:26 AM

      I also agree.

  23. What also strikes me as strange with losing her dog, is the lack of mentioning any local support from friends. I think that Jenna has burned her bridges even with Pember Patty. And why wouldn’t Boston Becca be there for her at a time of need?

    1. It sounds to me like she was going to let him stay at the farm and die an agonizing death. I think she panicked at the last minute. From how he looked in the last video he should have been euthanized at least a month ago and he certainly should have been under a vet’s care for at least a year before that. She’s a Jekyll and Hyde when it comes to her pets. I have no doubt that she loves them in her own way but there seems to be a disconnect when it comes to being a responsible owner. It’s like she believes that luck and magic will cure everything and seems to think she can ignore her problems away. People like that should be prohibited from owning pets. I

    2. I was at the vets (Cambridge Valley Vets - the best, Jon and Maria Katz also take their animals there) when Jenna came in with Gibson a couple of weeks ago. He was limping, as though he'd torn his ACL. Jenna was full of herself, lecturing those of us waiting about keeping chickens and herd dogs;if she was worried about her dog, she did not show it. CVV treats for partial tears with laser therapy and acupuncture,and there is always the path of surgery - all of which costs money,and payment is expected immediately.The good people at CVV have built a special extension for when the time comes to put a pet to sleep, we've had to use it and really appreciated the privacy it gave us.I can't imagine that any of the doctors there would allow for this procedure to be performed out in the open in full view of other pet owners waiting for appointments.I used to see Gibson around years ago,he was a beautiful dog,and it was sad to see him kind of broken down and hobbling.Where we live is beautiful, but I have seen that animal hoarding is a real issue here,and Jenna seems to fall into that category. Let's hope that a new puppy is not in the cards for Jenna.

    3. Anonymous 4:14. I’ve heard that Jenna has a rotten reputation among locals. She seems to have an arrogant attitude about everything. I’d be interested in hearing your thoughts. Thanks.

    4. My experience here (as a relative new comer) has been that people don't bad mouth or gossip but have ways of letting you know who to be wary of. When I first set up my farm, I saw that she had pork shares and chickens, but everyone I mentioned these to advised me to go elsewhere. I didn't know why, but I got the message and found other farmers. Later, I discovered an earlier version of this site and the penny dropped. People work hard around here and many young farmers have arrived and done wonders with their land in enterprising ways. It's not easy work,and no one gets rich farming in these small,family centered ways. But, it makes for a very supportive community - provided that folks can see that you ARE working.

    5. Locals in our area might not openly discuss their dislike of Jenna, but the fact that she’s never invited to certain celebrations, shows their real feelings. In addition to not recommending her faux farm for food.

  24. A Legend in Her Own MindApril 17, 2024 at 3:33 PM

    I call complete and utter fabrication on her purple-prose story of the last days of Gibson.

    She's the person who documents every step of her new kitty's vet visits, but we're to believe that she never took Gibson to the vet when he limped terribly in 2023 and he was obviously in a great deal of pain. Apparently she did nothing for him since that time, because she never discussed anything beyond statements that he's old and that he limps. Then, about two weeks ago, she took him for a routine vet visit and, SURPRISE, he had late stage cancer.

    Also, we're to believe she never mentioned Gibson's diagnosis to her readers, and that during the two weeks that she nursed him in hospice, she also chose not to detail the anguish she felt. Nothing about the meds, their cost, the thanksgiving meal she made him, his progress, the vet visits, etc.

    But how brave of her to put up a grinning IG post of her walking with her dog on April 13, wearing a $130 Taylor Swift seagull sweatshirt and Chacos. Oh, and there was also the obligatory post of her swinging in the hammock ("2024 is 33% over"). There were numerous time wasting posts, a query on naming a new lamb and overall situation-normal vibe.

    So without ANY comment, or hint, or discussion about Gibson, her story is she visited the vet two weeks ago, learned Gibson had late stage cancer, went home with meds and nursed Gibson until his collapse, at which point she returned him to the vets office, and they walked outside to her car to euthanize him inside the car.

    Make it make sense.

    1. PDD. I agree with what you wrote. It’s a crock of crap. Her whole life is lies.

    2. The vet would have had to do a biopsy for a cancer diagnosis, it's not a simple office visit. That requires anesthesia ($$$) and an early morning drop off, but I saw Jenna there in the early afternoon. My guess is that she came in for a quick fix but Dr. Fariello would have seen the terrible shape Gibson was in and advised Jenna that it was time to do the responsible thing. Fingers crossed that she doesn't go out and promptly get another dog.

    3. Anonymous 4:25. How did she come across to you? I’m curious if you don’t mind me asking. I’d imagine that Jenna would’ve been worried. Thanks.

    4. Of course, Jenna isn’t normal. Her responses are off.

    5. She did not appear worried to me, just there for a regular check up type visit,and she was more interested in talking to everyone there than in loving on Gibson or making him comfortable (it's a smallish waiting room,I usually wait in my car until they're ready for me to bring whichever pet I have in tow in ). Her whole narrative about Gibson strikes me as invented to cover over the shabbiness of the truth: she didn't take good care of him, and then it was too late (and too expensive) to do anything but put him down.

    6. Thanks. I appreciate you answering my question. I also felt that Jenna’s stupid story was a bunch of bull to hide her neglect. This explanation makes sense. “Her whole narrative about Gibson strikes me as invented to cover over the shabbiness of the truth: she didn't take good care of him, and then it was too late (and too expensive) to do anything but put him down.”

  25. I don't think she nursed him for the last two weeks, I think she had to wait to get the money to pay for having him euthanized.

    1. That’s what we were thinking.

  26. Just think: Gibson was hurting terribly around the time she bought two Taylor Swift Concert tickets. She could have sold them at a $$$ profit and used the money for Gibson's old age medical fund. She knew at least a year (or longer) that he was in pain.

    But, no. She did nothing, as far as I can tell. Maybe she waited for slung luck, or didn't understand/care what he was going through, until it must have been so bad that he needed to be euthanized.

    For the life of me, though, I cannot imagine a veterinarian killing a dog outside, in the parking lot. None of my long-time vets would ever do that. They would assist me in bringing the pet into a comfortable (and safe for all) setting inside their office, or they would arrange for an at-home visit to euthanize.

    The details don't ring true.

    1. That did not happen. CVV would never allow for something as public as that, which would be so upsetting for those waiting in the parking lot, or coming and going from the clinic. They have a big shed set aside for this, so we can grieve in privacy and take our time doing doing so without having to worry about taking up a clinic room with other pets and people around.

    2. Anonymous 5:43. Your comment is correct. We’ve also had a dog euthanized at CVV in the past. Jenna’s blatant lying has become pathological.

  27. Jenna has always seemed crazy, but her long tribute to Gibson proves it. Typically, it was all about her. The fact that this group has strong suspicions that he never got the medical care that any dog deserves is certain to infuriate her. This is what I would like to say to the Feral Farmer. Take your grieving self to the doctor’s office, let the staff see that not only are you prostrate with grief but that you are being picked on by people who don’t believe your beloved Gibson received regular medical care. Offer to pay them, if necessary, for written testimony to the contrary, and slap it up on the ol’ Substack. You get to know a person when they chose to make a living by sharing their life on the internet. Gibson deserved better and while you didn’t seem to care while he was busy being your emotional support animal, you just might (although I wouldn’t bet on it) realize it after the fact. If you really want to pay tribute to him take better care of the rest of your hoard before it’s too late.

    1. She really is crazy. But Jenna would never post pics as proof of anything.

    2. If anything, what we're more likely to see is a fabricated letter, crafted by a certain graphics artist and written (or signed) by her.

      Anyone else remember the infamous "job application" that was addressed to her *in her own handwriting*?

    3. PDD. I almost commented about that “job application,” too. It was very obvious that Jenna had sent it to herself.

  28. That whole dog dying outside thing sent up red flags for me too. She really does 'live like fiction'. I've never encountered such a chronic liar. She is becoming more delusional every year. A forty something adult living in Fantasy land is pathetic.

    1. Jenna is losing whatever grip she’s had on reality. Her pathological lying is very disturbing.

  29. PDD came up with the good idea of using shorter posts. I still hope that HD is okay, and will return.


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