Everything is just stupid.

How is it that she is still trying to sell logos as a main income stream?  She has zero business sense. On top of no talent, no customers and no decent products….she threatens to raise her prices.  Okay, Jenna.  If people aren’t buying at $100 they won't buy at $250.  They are always on sale anyway and nobody is buying them then.   She'd make more money selling rocks out of her front yard.


  1. HD. The stupid increase in price makes no sense as usual. She’d make more money digging up old crap from the dump than trying to sell her lousy logos. B

  2. She claimed 17 people unsubbed because of the gay content??? Um, have they followed Jenna AT ALL in the last 4 years???

    If anything they unsubbed because they're not getting value from the subscription. $8 is half a streaming service. If your content sucks there's a lot more value to be had elsewhere.

    1. They’ve unsubscribed because she’s a rotten writer who has boring drivel. But Jenna wants to blame everything on her sexual preference.

    2. She is a terrible writer, and blames people who unsubbed because of her sexual preference, but as stated above she is boring and dull. There is no value in the subscription.

  3. It's a tough job market right now. If Jenna decided to suddenly see the light and realize her "dream" of "keeping the farm safe" is as simple as picking up a pretty basic job, she'd have trouble getting one right now. Not many places are hiring and many thousands are struggling right now.

    That's likely a contributing factor to the unsubscribes too.

    1. I still think that she could find a local part-time job. But Jenna has an arrogant attitude, and believes that she’s above working at a Stewart’s.

    2. A Legend in Her Own MindMay 1, 2024 at 7:31 AM

      There are over 1000 jobs within 25 miles of Cambridge. 200 are part-time. Since she has few discernable skills and would whine if she had to commute, there are 42 jobs within 10 miles.

      The job market in her part of New England is solid.

    3. 🐝🐤🐇🐐🐑🐖🐈🐕May 1, 2024 at 8:26 AM

      🔸️Aldi's in Bennington is hiring; 28 miles away and $18/hrs.
      🔸️The Preserve, Battenkill River is looking for a Gift Shop Clerk and Food Truck Server (summer season jobs).

      Many other jobs are posted on Facebook.

      Her financial problems are her own.

    4. Agree. There are tons of jobs in her area.

  4. The seven deadly sins of Jenna:
    Greed: Constantly scams her way into doing various things.
    Lust: Always writing about wanting to have sex with other women. Ever heard of consent???
    Envy: She is jealous of others' successes, and had a panic attack when it was revealed that Taylor married a male athlete.
    Pride: Is an attention-seeker, but in a bad way.
    Gluttony: She has never heard of healthy eating, and that has taken a huge toll on her appearance.
    Wrath: She is mentally unwell and not afraid to lash out at anyone, including her own animals.
    Sloth: Neglects her animals, does a lackluster job at maintaining everything, only wants to blog or watch fantasy movies and comedy specials.

  5. More parody song ideas: "I Can See Clearly Now" by Johnny Nash, "Feelin' Stronger Every Day" or "Saturday In The Park" by Chicago, "Smuggler's Blues" by Glenn Frey and "I Wouldn't Have Missed It For The World" by Ronnie Milsap...

  6. I wonder if Jenna is still subscribing to the yoga person?

    1. Only if it’s for free.

    2. She pays a monthly subscription to many things that she'll never give up. Streaming services, gaming, yoga. Add in her monthly cost for smoking pot. Wolves are at the door, but darling, don't expect her to give up a thing!

    3. SOTM. Jenna refuses to give up any of her unnecessary luxuries and indulgences. She’s a snobby, self-entitled twat. I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating. One can’t be both victim and victor at the same time.

  7. Cracking up.

    Logo prices were supposed to go up today. But… no one bought a logo during her big sale so, she will extend the sale. You can’t make this up.

    1. Her patterns are predictable. Once you start to see them.

    2. Whoever said it in the last post was correct. If no one was buying at the cheaper rate, no is going to buy at the increased rate. DUH!

    3. Logos are also something people buy maybe once or twice. You don't need your branding redone all the time.

      Any of her readers who have followed her for more than a year know she does these logo fire sales any time there are concert tickets, guitars, or puppies to be bought.

      I'm surprised she hasn't "cracked a tooth" yet.

    4. Anonymous 3:35. Cue the countdown to a fabricated “cracked tooth” crisis.

  8. 🐝🐤🐇🐐🐑🐖🐈🐕May 1, 2024 at 4:42 AM

    Her logos are clip art with the same, boring images and fonts. No wonder people don't want them.

    They are:
    Circle, Hills, Sunset/sunrise, Animal(s), Letter or tool-of-the-trade that is partially cut-out by silhouette of an animal or tool.

    As innumerable software programs do better for less, she counts on ignorant or sympathetic people to buy her bad designs.

    I don't believe she expects to sell any, though. It's all performance to make it appear she's hard-working and in-demand.

    1. PDD. Exactly. Your last sentence succinctly sums it up.

  9. On IG stories she claims every free post takes her 12-20 hrs to write. Wtf??? So subscribe, you ungratefuls!
    She combines that with her trusty-rusty wolves at the door graphic, and her even more rusty and overused, this farm needs a miracle line.
    You can’t make this shit up. Can not.

    1. 🐝🐤🐇🐐🐑🐖🐈🐕May 1, 2024 at 8:31 AM

      If it really takes that long to write mediocre posts (after 10-plus years of 'righting'), she might deduce she's in the wrong field.

      Now, I don't begrudge how long it takes her to write. I do begrudge her trying to guilt free subscribers into paying subscribers because she's bad at what she does, and it takes a long time.

    2. The “ miracle” would be if Jenna got off her fat ass to work.

    3. https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/1439915.Jenna_Woginrich/blog

      Jenna has mentioned “this farm needs a miracle” so often that the phrase has zero meaning now. It’s like a written tic.

    4. I just did a search under “jenna woginrich this farm needs a miracle.”


      “This farm has a couple days to pull off a miracle and make enough to catch up on the mortgage so I'm not three months behind.”

      “This farm needs to pull off a small miracle to get through February and it just might.”

      “She's begging again. FB: "this farm needs a miracle..." A couple of weeks after buying two new sheep, trapping a hawk, buying a truck, the farm…”

    5. Normal adults don’t constantly complain about “needing miracles” to pay for their bills, because they have either jobs or some savings.

    6. Her obvious, Opositional Defiant Disorder, combined with being extremely stupid and stubborn is a terrible combination.

    7. Jenna also has a highly addictive personality. Per her own admission. She’s been a heavy drinker, and still smokes weed.

    8. Anonymous 4:42. I agree with everything that you wrote, and have made similar observations about her. Even in this post. Jenna has refused to change, and make mature decisions. She’s on a downward descent from now on. Unless, a real “miracle” happens like therapy.

    9. This is a very astute observation. She needs money and a miracle… but then spends all day on IG posting about lesbians, TS, hating men, and fishing. She went fishing yesterday in fact. How does she expect people to support her farm when she doesn’t appear to be doing any farming… at all. The other day she bragged about “gardening” no proof of the gardening but then posted an IG story of her farm in the rain covered in flowers ( anyone with a brain could see that is an old video since they were summer flowers and fully leafed out trees. Deceptive.

    10. Anon, it wasn't her farm in the rain - it was Pember Patty's.

    11. Jenna is disingenuous. She’s used pics of Patty’s place before, because it’s in much better condition than her hovel.

  10. So try something else Jenna. Like a job. It’s really simple!

    1. It’s not “simple” when Wog is a lying, lazy loser.

    2. you say that to her too many times and she'll threaten to throw her eyeballs at the drywall

    3. Anonymous 3:38. I recall that lame line!

  11. I think Jenna getting a job is easier said than done. Her reputation is shit, so everyone local won't hire her. If she went a few towns over, or by some miracle interviewed for a remote position, her resume/job experience is really lacking. If you saw someone with a 12 year gap in their resume, but that person said they freelanced and have a blog- would you hire them? Nope.
    If she ever decides to get a job, it would most likely need to be minimum wage retail.
    She really painted herself into a corner with this "farm".

    1. You’ve made a good point, but I still think that she could work.

    2. Absolutely she can work, it's just her ego gets in the way and she won't take a job that she deems below her. She could get a job tomorrow doing retail or delivering pizzas but she'd probably eat the pizzas LOL

    3. SOTM. I made the comment above. And I agree with what you wrote. It’s her huge “ego”that’s the issue with Wog not wanting to work. Any pizzas would be better than her puke pan ones!

    4. Can you imagine receiving a food order from someone with filthy hands/nails and body odour? Dirty finger marks on the box would be a turn off not to mention animal hair and who knows what else inside her vehicle. I'm assuming she still transports livestock in the car. It's no wonder she can't get a second date.

    5. SFF. Jenna has horrid hygiene as I’ve mentioned before. But it’s her aversion to authority that’s pathological. She couldn’t handle having anyone give her orders. Especially, if they were younger than her.

    6. her cost of living is so low, a min wage job is all it would take to stabilize her. Not that I believe for a second she's unstable. She would have lost the farm a long time ago if she were REALLY paying bills with writing gigs and arts n crafts.

  12. Look, I have no problem with various Disney-style drawings and comic strips, even I do them with dogs, except it's more adult and made to shock the reader, kind of like how the web series "Happy Tree Friends" tricked people into thinking it's a kids' show, plus adding in 90s Simpsons-style jokes while cutting down on profanity. The problem with Jenna's comic strips and logos is that she fails to color them in, or they're done poorly with various errors. And yet, she claims to have experience with art... "D'oh!"

    1. Everything that she does is shoddy looking.

  13. IIRC Jenna would find a buyer for her logo work then 1) claim she was too busy to start the logo for some period of months and/or 2) take the money up front and never produce a logo. She’s got a proven track record of taking money first- kickstarter, wool shares, meat shares, logos, drawings, “antler stock”, YT video subs, and currently substack subscriptions - and never providing the paid for goods or services. Like a reeeeally long track record of this spanning over a decade. And it’s all on the internet, available if anyone dies even a rudimentary google search. The sham stuff comes up on the FIRST page of any searches for her name.

    1. Jenna can’t escape her rotten reputation anymore. She’s the Queen of Con.

  14. https://www.instagram.com/coldantlerjenna/p/C6edhRpuK1o/?hl=en

    Posing as a pagan again.

    1. The axe and flowers are all props.

    2. 🐝🐤🐇🐐🐑🐖🐈🐕May 3, 2024 at 1:07 PM

      Laughing that she had to carry the pre-cut/split wood to her back yard to pose it for another of her GENUINE photos, in which she pretends to cut fuel for her wood stove.

      Nah, that doesn't happen at Dead Animal Farm. Wood is cut, split, pre-seasoned and delivered to her house by the truckload. She isn't cutting up rounds, but she wants you to believe she does.

      Feral homesteader? Hahahahahahaha!
      Live Like Fiction, y'all.

    3. PDD. Surely, she got those bulging biceps from doing manual labor!

    4. I don't get what I'm looking at. Maybe I need to be high as a kite to understand:

      1) An area that doesn't look at all like her property.
      2) Dead wood she doesn't need since she gets all hers delivered.
      3) A fancy new ax she can't afford. And flowers tied around it? Bitch, please.
      4) A yellow flower crown. To wear whilst cutting wood in front of no one?
      5) A make-shift Maypole with colorful floaty things that nobody but her sees?

      WTF is she smoking these days?

  15. Remember that one time she was a Buddhist... and then dropped the whole religion to focus on mock paganism, an act that's way too blasphemous, in my book? I have been to a few countries where Buddhism is still practiced, mostly Japan and South Korea, and the Buddhist monks in those countries go through rigorous training to achieve true peace. Too bad Jenna has to play catch-up... I would LOVE to go back to Nara, Kyoto and Hiroshima again, but I think the place where I live in is peaceful enough...

    1. Her whole life is lies.

    2. At almost 42, Jenna is still searching for an identity.

    3. Buddhism was trendy at the time, as was vegetarianism. She claimed Buddhism but never specified which branch / type, never talked about spiritual practices like meditation.

      She was never really Buddhist. And I think she plays at being pagan. She doesn't really read / research the history or again, the types. Like anything she does she picks it up overnight and declares herself an expert.

    4. Anonymous 3:43. Jenna is only an “expert” at using manipulative marketing tactics to elicit empathy from fools.

    5. She needs to start her own religion. Maybe something like:


    6. 🐝🐤🐇🐐🐑🐖🐈🐕May 4, 2024 at 3:15 AM


  16. So in a nutshell. Jenna wrote a post about body acceptance in order to brag about the women with perfect bodies she’s slept with. Ok got it.

    1. I doubt that Jenna has had sex with more than a few females.

    2. She’s repulsive on every level. There’s no way that women are lining up to sleep with her.

    3. 🐝🐤🐇🐐🐑🐖🐈🐕May 3, 2024 at 11:39 AM

      Lol, yes! And the photo she selected to show herself today is a heavily-filtered selfie because nothing says *honest acceptance* of your body like deceitful images.

      Overall, what a load of armchair pap and self-love actualization. Too bad her "love" doesn't extend to her neglected animals and cheated customers.

      It occurs to me that reading Wog lecture on selfless love is like reading Kristi Noem's thoughts on puppy training.

    4. PDD. Ugh. That’s the ugly, old muscle-butch pic. We’ve seen Jenna waddle around town. She looks nothing like that in reality.

    5. It’s always the same smug smirk on a tightly closed mean mouth. There isn’t anything that’s authentic about Jenna.

    6. https://upstatehouse.com/farmheart/

      These unflattering photos look a lot more like Jenna.

    7. But according to Jenna in an article cited here, her obese body is “mostly muscle!”

    8. It would seem that Shannon was her first and only sexual encounter if you've followed her writings.

      And that pic she posted...not trying to explicitly body shame, but what the hell is that? From the waist down she looks somewhat normal with a bit of chub which is fine, but from the waist up I don't understand what is going on there. I've seen different types of women's bodies before but nothing like that.

      Again, trying not to body shame. Just looking at her in a physiological sense. And I don't get what I'm looking at. Like, was she supposed to be taller but something stunted her growth and all the muscles and tissues ran for the exits?

    9. Anonymous 12:41. She’s posing like Popeye in the pic. I think that Jenna has altered her arms to appear bigger than they are. They look almost swollen compared with the rest of her anatomy.

    10. 🐝🐤🐇🐐🐑🐖🐈🐕May 4, 2024 at 6:27 AM

      There's a great deal of weirdness in that photo.

      1. If you enlarge, you can see that the waist and thighs were 'slimmed' via software - the lines aren't smooth.
      2. She's admitted to using Spanx (if you live in jeans, why?) which may have slimmed her center.
      3. If so, the excess has to go somewhere, so it ooched out the top/back - I think that's why it looks odd.
      4. Her arms? That's not muscle, my friends, it's poundage because there isn't any arm definition. It seems an odd photo to post as proof that you are 'fit'.
      My $0.02

    11. PDD. We can attest that Jenna’s arms are flabby not fit, because we’ve seen her around town many times during the summer. There’s no “definition.” Along with the rest of her obese body. She doesn’t even do a good job of “slimming” and “filtering” her image. It’s all a hack job like her life.

    12. Jenna’s biceps are beefy batwings that wiggle when she walks. I’m speaking from the personal experience of seeing her in person.

    13. What photo? Link?

    14. Anonymous 7:48. It’s the photo from her recent essay “Late Bloomer: Body Issues.” I couldn’t include a link.

  17. Re this latest ShitStack entry...again, I don't believe she really wrote the entire thing. The proper grammar, sentence structure, phrasing, and correct punctuation just does NOT sound like her normal writings, which are full of errors and dumbfuckery.

    Plus, someone here said she claims it takes her 12-20 hours to write each post. Seriously? The only way that makes sense is if she is taking 16 hours to research what she wants to say, and then cherry picking excerpts and peppering them with some profane words and darlin's.

    1. Maybe AI is editing and/or correcting.

    2. AI sounds about right. Like everything about her life, it’s fake.

    3. A Legend in Her Own MindMay 4, 2024 at 6:31 AM

      Yep. AI for the WIN!
      Isn't it amazing that someone who now writes about honesty in her body beliefs appears to be so dishonest?

      If only AI could correct redundancy and insipid thoughts.

  18. My observations: Shannon was definitely the first and only.
    Based on her abysmal engagement on the last post, anyone can see it definitely fell flat. Again.
    Also agreed with above comment- she copied and pasted research. She didn’t “rite” the stats part of this. It’s very mix and match. You can clearly point out her writing and the copy and paste parts.

    1. I agree about Shannon, and maybe Becca, being her only “bedmates.” Jenna’s rate of engagement on all of her platforms has always been abysmally low. It’s no surprise that “she copied and pasted research,” without giving credit to the writers.

  19. This is funny. The only comment on her “Late Bloomer Body Issues” essay was Pember Patty around 20 minutes ago. And there are only 13 “likes.” Her friend wrote: “I bought a bikini today!” I’m sure Jenna is very disappointed that single, “pretty brunette femmes” aren’t complimenting her arms. “Hoo!!!”

    1. She also used her stupid, signature “darling.” Of course, “HOO!” in caps was included.

    2. Jenna couldn’t even be bothered to write a response to Patty. All she left her were zero energy, star emoji. Jennifer Nielsen, the new Rachel Keane, wrote three, ass kissing comments on the audio essay. I think that she has a queer crush on Wog.

      JN: “You’re incredibly brave! What you say about comparison is so true, it’s schooled in us from minute one and is absolutely toxic. I like what you say about even comparing ourselves to our younger selves. It’s true, the 43 year old post childbirth with crows feet me sometimes would love to go back and be the 22 year old version of myself even though she was dying to be literally anyone else. Comparison really is the thief of joy.”

      JW: “It really is. And then the hard part is finding other people that also realize it.”

      JN: “This is beautiful, so needed.”

      JW: “Oh thank you! I can't tell you what a relief it is to see a nice comment after sharing something to personal!!”

      JN: “This year I started getting a couple of grey hairs, this actually thrilled me in a way. I’m dying to start going grey so my outside will start to reflect my inside a little more accurately. I feel I’ve been an old lady since I was born and some visible greys will maybe stop people from being surprised that my ideal Friday night is getting groceries on the way home from work and then eating the dinner I made on my back deck while contemplating life and what to plant next in my garden”

    3. Jenna has also ludicrously claimed “I’ve had sex with women HALF my body weight…” That means at her stated weight of 180 pounds, these women were waifs who weighed 90 pounds. What a crock of crap. I also think that she’s lying about being with multiple females, but hasn’t been bragging about it until now. Her patterns are predictable. Once you start to see them. She can’t shut her yap. Especially, when it comes to dating.

    4. She seems to be obsessed with 'the orgasm'. She doesn't mention much about a loving relationship or any of the 'before and after' action. I would bet a lot of money that she is a selfish lover. Like everything else in her life it's all about me, me, me.

    5. "I feel I’ve been an old lady since I was born..." She's an emotional infant.

    6. SFF. I’ve recently made a similar observation about her obsession with sex.

    7. A Legend in Her Own MindMay 5, 2024 at 5:22 AM

      Based on her own writings, she's a self-centered taint. It's ALWAYS about her.

      No shock that she can't sustain adult relationships.

    8. PDD. Jenna can’t “sustain” any relationships. Shannon was wise to dump her.

    9. It sounds like Jenna and Jennifer could be a couple. They’d just call each other “Jenn.”

    10. Jenna is incapable of emotional intimacy. That’s why she’s fixated on sex. It’s a typically male response.

  20. Super begging people to read her substack. She promises it’s not about sex it’s about how she has body positivity! Spoiler alert— it is about sex- how Jenna has lots of sex with skinny women! Lol

    She claims she spent 3 days writing that new post and wants substack to be successful so SHE can help other farmers and artists with their bills.

    1. The only one that Jenna wants to help is herself. It doesn’t matter how much time it took, because her writing is rotten. No one wants a lying, lazy loser like Jenna.

    2. Where do you see her begging? It must be on a stupid story.

    3. Here’s her begging on Substack:
      Jenna Woginrich

      2 hrs ago
      “I learned that every time someone likes a post, clicks the heart, it helps other people find my writing. The more things are liked the more the algorithm sends my work to other readers so please click those!!!”

    4. Her begging is on her IG stories. You can see them by c&p link below. It does not give her any “views”.


    5. 🐝🐤🐇🐐🐑🐖🐈🐕May 5, 2024 at 7:31 AM

      Thanks, Anon, for the Instagram secret link.

      Amazed how she continues to misrepresent facts, now pleading for people to click and share so she can continue to do "fcuk all", smoke weed, go fishing, make unnecessary purchases and get paid poodle cash.

      My favorite fiction?
      Her new goal (if the Suckstack succeeds) is to EVENTUALLY start a "program that gets funds to other farmers and artists struggling to make ends meet."

      Notice she doesn't state that SHE will be giving any funds to others... So give her lots of shares and subscriptions because eventually she might write messages telling others to send money to struggling farmers and artists.

      Lol. Right, like I believe in her future largesse and goodwill. No, she has shown us who she is many time. Wog never changes.

    6. PDD. There already exist other options for people who are looking for funds. This reminds me of when Jenna proclaimed that she wanted to support Patty and her husband in their old age.

    7. Anon 8:16 am, that's hysterical! Somehow I missed her PP fib. Lump that fictional promise along with the "meat shares" she supposedly donated to needy people in town (which, I assume meant her) or delivered to the senior citizens home, yet no proof ever existed.

      Anyone else remember the Meetup heathen help group (Tyr's Good Hands?), who essentially completed all her dirty farm chores at the farm?? They might also have returned for-deposit bottles to her favorite liquor store.

    8. PDD. I wrote the above comment, but didn’t use my name. I recall that her stupid statement about supporting Patty and her husband was on her now defunct Twitter account. Jenna’s Meetup group was just an excuse to get unpaid labor as usual. Your line about the liquor store was funny. I wouldn’t put it past her. I’d be shocked if she’d ever donated food for free.

    9. WW, I don't remember if it was the liquor store or her favorite brewery. However, in doing a quick search on Tyr's Good Hand and her name, I stumbled over a number of unintentionally funny posts from 7-8 years ago, where heterosexual Wog invited strangers to visit, flirted with men and claimed to be a Libertarian.

      She posted the all-too familiar farmhouse living room photo as an example of a heathen home and was mocked for it. In fact, her boastful image had nothing to do with heathenry but everything to do about her "hipster" image. They easily picked up on her arrogance toward others, and the implication that her faux farm lifestyle was better than others.

      What an insufferable taint she was.

    10. BAHAHAHAAA SHE CLAIMED TO BE A LIBERTARIAN??? I must have missed that!

  21. AnonymousMay 5, 2024 at 5:57 AM

    Her begging is on her IG stories. You can see them by c&p link below. It does not give her any “views”.

    Thanks for the link. Jenna is doing an unbelievable amount of begging. Including, her most manipulative marketing tactic of whining about losing her faux farm. What a repulsive, despicable cunt. There’s never enough money to make her happy.

    1. Jenna is trying to bully, bludgeon and browbeat people into subscribing to her rotten writing. This won’t work out for her in the long run.

    2. Rather than get off her fat ass, and find a part-time job, Jenna is trying to place the burden of her bills on supporting subscribers.

    3. Jenna’s blatant begging:

      “Hey, you know how I keep linking to my substack & you
      keep ignoring it?

      I think you should hear me out.”

      “Are you obligated in any way? Of course not. But you're reading this. You got a body. And in a few clicks you might feel a lot better.”

      “My goal is to share the story of the hardest times in my life to help other women. Eventually if the substack succeeds- to start a program that gets funds to other farmers and artists struggling to make ends meet.”

      “I don't know what it is about me or my writing that you don't like. That's none of my business. But you're here right now and I don't know what to say besides politely asking
      you to give me a listen? Please? It’s free.”

      “When you click the link in these stories or my bio it takes you to an email prompt you can sign up as a free reader or click skip. You can just click the new LB
      essay on body issues.”

      “I'd really appreciate you signing up, or better yet, subscribing as a patron if you feel my writing has any value. I'm so close to losing this farm and trying like hell to save it
      before I burn out.”

      “Every comment and clicked heart on my post means more people will
      see it in the algorithm. The more engagement my writing gets the more substack sends it out to new readers so even if you already read it, please hit those likes and comment. If people are interacting with it it gets in more inboxes”

      “Thanks for listening and maybe give this girl a second chance?”

    4. The above begging is just from her stupid stories today.

    5. What a twat: “I don't know what it is about me or my writing that you don't like. That's none of my business.” We can tell you in detail, but you don’t want to hear the truth.

    6. Here’s why we hate her: Jenna is an animal abusing beggar, pathological liar, and sociopathic scammer. She’s also a rotten writer who has nothing of merit to offer. Now you know.

    7. What a whining, wimpy woman.

  22. I’ve been around long enough to remember Jenna writing that Shannon was her first adult relationship. The only way for her to write about sex and relationships and not get a cease & desist from Shannon, is for Jenna to Live Like Fiction and pretend she has had many relationships.
    I like to think that the reason her writing is so unsuccessful is that people can sense how inauthentic she is. If she could actually dare to be honest-and sober- she would probably have more success.

    1. You’re right about Shannon being “her first adult relationship.” That’s also strange for a person in their late thirties. I’ve been tracking her lies for a long time, too. It’s ironic that a stupid, sycophant supporter said that her writing was “authentic,” because everything about Jenna is posed and fake.

    2. If Wog wants to write authentically she should do an article rating the various vibrators on the market. Aren't authors told to write what you know? It's likely the one and only thing that she is an expert at.

    3. SFF. There are already great, sex toy reviewers who she never could compete with, even though that’s a funny suggestion. But I still say that her area of expertise is in using manipulative marketing tactics to elicit empathy from fools.

  23. “My goal is to share the story of the hardest times in my life to help other women. Eventually if the substack succeeds- to start a program that gets funds to other farmers and artists struggling to make ends meet.”

    BAHAHAHAHAAAA Jenna has not given to a single charity, dollar or hour of labour, in her ENTIRE LIFE. Her useless keyboard warrior-ing makes no real difference, it's just virtue signaling. Not action.

    We will buy ice cream in hell long before Jenna donates even $100 to a charitable cause. And for someone with so much free time on her hands, if she wanted to volunteer, she easily could. She'd build a better community for herself too.

    1. Hold up now. Jenna did donate a dollar to the BLM movement a few years ago. What a generous philanthropist!

    2. Yeah, Jenna is just humble-bragging about something that will never happen.

    3. I remember her bragging about making that stupid, small donation. Jenna doesn’t even have any black friends. She did it to appear woke.

    4. OMG she really has become holier than thou. Does she actually think people can’t see through her empty promises? She has turned her Substack into a gong show. I read it for comedic value only. She find new ways to make an ass of herself weekly. What a train wreck.

    5. okay fine, the $1 to BLM (what charity exactly? Because "BLM" isn't an organization as far as I'm aware. Did she send it to the ACLU?) And she gave $10 to wolf preservation because she wanted the swag from doing the fun run independently.

      She wants to consider *herself* a cause for others to donate to.

    6. A Legend in Her Own MindMay 6, 2024 at 4:09 AM

      You're correct that BLM was a movement, but it also became a hashing and a charity. At the time, multiple groups raises money for #BlackLivesMattee and asked that black artists and entrepreneurs be supported. I don't remember where she donated her $10, but you can bet it was performance.

      Here's a link on tax records for one BLM group:


    7. *hashtag, raised, #BlackLivesMatter

      (No coffee yet...)

    8. Jenna is a performative activist. She’s all talk, and no action.

  24. That reminds me of the time on Twitter when she replied to J.K. Rowling's tweet on Twitter in 2017, "How many Horcruxes does Trump have?" As much as I don't like Trump myself, this was just one of the worst times she implemented pop culture references in her tweets. Even I know how to make pop culture references when it works, her tweets are incredibly forced, like something that the toxic Star Wars fanbase would do. And should I mention that J.K. Rowling is a transphobe, too?

    1. Jenna has no humor. There’s nothing that’s authentic about her.

    2. It feels “forced,” because it’s contrived.

  25. 🐝🐤🐇🐐🐑🐖🐈🐕May 6, 2024 at 8:50 AM

    In Wog's revisionist history, what year did she say she realized she was a lesbian?

    Probably like most of her audience, I didn't bother reading her latest 'coming out' stories.

    1. It changes to suit the occasion. It’s all smoke and mirrors, folks.

    2. 🐝🐤🐇🐐🐑🐖🐈🐕May 6, 2024 at 10:12 AM

      I asked because seven years ago, she claimed she was a straight woman and actively flirted with men she met online. She asked one for a date, wanted another to come to the farm so they could hang out and jokingly proposed to a third. (He wrote he was too young for her)

    3. PDD. In one of her early essays on Substack, Jenna claimed that she’s been a lesbian her whole life. Talk about rewriting her his-story with wanting a husband.

  26. In her latest post she's sporting a pair of brand new Converse high tops. Hey Wog, remind us again how you're about to lose the farm.

    1. I also noticed the shoes. Jenna probably “found them at the dump!”

    2. At least, her ugly fat feet are completely covered by the high tops.

    3. where do you see new shoes? I don't see it on substack or insta. maybe in her stories? and it's gone already?

    4. I saw the shoes in one of her stupid stories yesterday. It was there this morning. She was begging for more subscribers.

    5. Anonymous 3:18. https://insacret.com/profile/coldantlerjenna

      I wrote the above comment. I just checked, and the shoes are still there. Along with jeans that have a stupid looking rolled up hem.

  27. “Coyote watercolor sketch - 9x12”
    Make an offer if you want her”

    There are still no “offers.”

    1. “Bid starts at $30?
      Free shipping”

      Jenna is incapable of using question marks correctly.

    2. https://insacret.com/profile/coldantlerjenna

    3. Her incorrect usage of question marks conveys insecurity in what she’s stating.

  28. “Still need questions if you guys want a late bloomer bonus pod (these questions are about sexuality, dating, coming out, ya know gay shit) you don't have to be gay to ask I'd LOVE
    questions from straight people!!

    Ask me a question”. I need three”

    No one cares, cunt. That’s why there aren’t any replies.

    1. https://insacret.com/profile/coldantlerjenna

    2. She can shove her “gay shit” where the sun don’t shine.

  29. “This farm needs sales, so here is everything I have to offer! If you EVER considered soap or pork or a logo you've never
    been needed more!!!”

    Jenna is always desperate, but she won’t get a part-time job.

    1. https://insacret.com/profile/coldantlerjenna

    2. Jenna always hides behind the shield of “this farm” for begging, because she’s a coward, who won’t admit her own need and greed.

    3. How many effing times have we heard the “if you’ve ever considered…it’s never been more needed than NOW” ( She means now, not the last 103 times she said now)”

    4. Anonymous 5:39. Exactly. Her whole life is lies.

  30. How in the world does such a shallow person think she's an expert on EVERYTHING?

    1. She’s only an “expert” at using manipulative marketing tactics to elicit empathy from fools for funds.

  31. Jenna is now hiding her begging on Instagram stories. It’s the same old crap. She’s been doing this for decades.

    1. Instagram has become her latest platform for begging. It’s Jenna’s replacement for deleting her Twitter account.

  32. The gall to write this, considering the way in which she's defrauded all the people who supported her past "fundraisers": "Eventually if the substack succeeds- to start a program that gets funds to other farmers and artists struggling to make ends meet.” I still believe that Jenna lives on disability,because she really has nothing to sell. Her "art" is elementary school level,and judging by what she posts on IG, she has a handful of these done a long time ago which she keeps re-posting. Same with the "pig shares", which is the same slice of bacon on a skillet that she posts to say that "someone pulled out and I have one share left!"Same with the soap, and lamb shares. Jenna has been cosplaying a homesteader for too long with absolutely nothing to show for it save for a tumbledown house,a falling apart barn, and a motley collection of animals she's assembled for photo ops. For those of us who live in the area,she's become the poster child for all that farming is not about: weird crushes that normal adults grow out of,laziness that most adults can't afford, and narcissistic self absorption that we learned to leave behind long ago. I just hope that another dog/cat/horse/lamb does not enter that "farm".

    1. 🐝🐤🐇🐐🐑🐖🐈🐕May 7, 2024 at 7:17 AM

      Falconry hunting season is over. What's she doing with the latest red-tailed hawk she captured?We sure don't see videos of her exercising it. Odds are it's locked inside a filthy mews, NOT being exercised as needed, because she's out FISHING or inside streaming online 💩

      Her animal props are just that.

    2. You are right- she hasn’t as much as mentioned the latest hawk lately. Like, in a long while!

    3. offf that's a shame. yet another dead hawk?

  33. Jenna’s next “podcast” talks about weekend sex flings. But, she hardly talks about sex guys, hardly ever!

    1. Jenna is trying to portray herself as an appealing partner. Unfortunately, she’s repulsive on every level.

    2. What a huge hypocrite. Jenna has been boasting for years that she’s monogamous. Suddenly, she’s having wild “weekend sex flings.” Of course, it’s all a bunch of bull and lies. Her lavender oil is stale.

    3. What! I call bullshit! Like hell that ever happened! She's lying about weekend flings so she can generally write about her sexual experiences without it being specifically about S.

      Bullshit she's ever had a weekend fling let alone several! ~ WIW

    4. WIW. I agree with you. There’s no way that these fictional flings ever happened to her.

    5. We wonder if the supposed, flings included having hot “all night lesbian sex, during a thunderstorm with a flickering lantern!”

  34. I’m cackling!

    Jenna begged for 2 days for questions so she could make a podcast. She even admits one is from a troll but goes on about how people have questions and she will keep making podcasts as long as she gets questions. Ma’am, you begged for questions. Lol

    1. I wonder what the troll one said. Maybe it’s from one of us.

    2. He said the troll asked “what qualifies you to talk about sexuality and being a lesbian “. Of course Jenna twisted it that if she was rich and gorgeous, people wouldn’t think that. Ummm ok

    3. I predict more of these audio sessions. She is obviously too lazy to sit down and write so this is an easy out fir her.

    4. Anonymous 9:42. Thanks for your reply to my question. Unfortunately, Jenna is ugly and “broke.”

    5. SFF. Her voice is grating, annoying and abrasive. It’s the antithesis of soothing and sexy.

  35. Her obsession with the Met Gala is also bizarre and incongruous. Jenna knows nothing about any elegant events. She has no sense of style, dresses like a slob, and also has horrid hygiene.

  36. https://insacret.com/profile/coldantlerjenna

    “You're either frolicking in this field with me
    You're frolicking in this
    field against me”

    Posting moronic memes to express her Oppositional Defiant Disorder, and refusal to accept any adult accountability for her actions.

    1. Her stupid choices of memes are just as bad as Jenna’s ridiculous retweets used to be.

  37. https://insacret.com/profile/coldantlerjenna

    “Got 4 logo spots open for May. If interested type your email below and I'll send
    you the information!”

    Poor widdle Wog is trying to sell the lousy logos for “this farm,” but no one wants what the “scrappy little lesbian” has to offer. I’m sure that there are more than “4 spots open for May,” but Jenna is lying again to look like she’s in demand.

  38. Notice how she was going on and on about the Met Gala- as pointed by others, she should be the last person to talk about it. Well, this week all over social media there have been criticism about people posting about the gala, and voila! She says she will not talk about it. Lolol
    Can’t listen to her. All she does is beg, arrogantly misrepresent, and insult.

    1. She’s a sheeple who follows the flock, and doesn’t have any originality.

    2. A Legend in Her Own MindMay 7, 2024 at 11:30 AM

      She tries hard to be a trendsetter, but in the end she's only a follower, and a bad cosplay imitation. Sheeple is an excellent name for her.

    3. PDD. I didn’t come up with the name, but sheeple suits her.

    4. I listened to the beginning of her latest recording and she said a 53 year old woman who stopped listening to her because of Jenna’s change of direction and neediness on her postings, just wrote and apologized for that. And she now loves listening to Jenna. Ummmm….

    5. Anonymous 12:49. Yeah, right. “Sure, Jen.”

  39. Crying foreclosure threats on IG!

    1. Her fake fear of foreclosure is Jenna’s most manipulative marketing tactic.

    2. I just did a search for foreclosure under her name:


    3. http://highstfarm.blogspot.com/2015/10/the-art-of-begging-and-manipulation-101.html

    4. “And since the bank just sent someone to take pictures of my house for possible foreclosure proceedings an hour ago, I am going to shamelessly promote myself because I heave learned you don’t get a single thing you don’t ask for.”

      “This farm is trying to catch up, not just keep foreclosure at bay. I would love for you to consider hiring me to design a logo or illustrate ...”

      “She says the letters from the bank are threatening foreclosure. Jenna gets a lot of warning letters. I donated $50 to Jenna's campaign, and I ...”

      “It's a rainy, cold morning here at the farm. I am still trying to make a late mortgage payment to keep this farm safe from foreclosure.”

      “There have been months of bad sales, bad luck, and foreclosure notices in the mail. I've had the electric turned off, threatening letters ...”

      “In the two weeks following the most recent foreclosure crisis, Jenna made some major upgrades to her operation. She acquired a fancy chicken ...”

      “.. foreclosure. This farm has been right up against it every month for a very long time. Years of stress trying to figure it out, and sometimes the only ...”

    5. Note to Newbies: Jenna’s patterns are predictable. Once you start to see them. She starts whining about foreclosure whenever money starts getting tight.

  40. Boy Cheryl and Angela are Jenna’s new butt lickers. Can’t stop fawning over Jenna in her suckstack comments!!

    1. Jennifer Nielsen is also the new replacement for “Rachel Keane” on Twitter.

  41. Hello, yeah, it's been a while
    Not much, how 'bout you?
    I'm not sure why I blogged, I guess I really just wanted to stalk you
    And I was thinking maybe later on
    We could have sex for a while
    It's been such a long time
    And you shut me out 'cause I smiled
    I'm not talkin' 'bout butting in
    And I don't want to ruin your life
    But there's a hot, hot aura surrounding you
    And I really want to stalk you tonight...
    The song that I play the most on road trips reworked for Jenna's creepy personality... with apologies to England Dan and John Ford Coley, of course.

  42. I like Seals & Crofts more than this duo, but I just wanted to bring that song up.

  43. I’m confused. Maybe I misread. I thought just last week she was saying she was three days away from “threat of foreclosure “. On IG stories today she says it’s three months away. Which is it?

    1. Correction, IG stories says three weeks. But I distinctly remember her saying three days recently.

    2. So WTF has she done with all the substack cash??? That mortgage should be in prepaid mode right now.

    3. It’s usually some variation of three. It’s a mystery as to why her finances haven’t improved due to the subscribers. Even though she’s lost some. I think that she spends money on luxury, non-essential items rather than pay her bills.

    4. https://insacret.com/profile/coldantlerjenna

      “Please consider supporting this farm or substack! I've got three weeks to avoid threat of foreclosure but the dream is to catch up so I'm not always *just* not losing my farm. I want to know what it would be like to write about homesteading without fear of losing my home and that’s a worthy goal!!!”

  44. “4 logo spots open!
    HIRE ME BABY!!!”

    Her inappropriate usage of “baby” in a professional context is creepy and condescending.

  45. HD. New post please. Thanks.


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