Here we are….still.

The beginning of a new season and nothing has changed.
My prediction….nothing will ever change.
My conclusion….she is satisfied.

I'm not sure of the reason.  It could be mental illness, stupidity, laziness, or 50 other things.  Other than curiosity it really doesn’t matter.  It is a life wasted.  At some point, most people would reflect on their life and choices and feel badly or regretful….I don't believe this will happen with her….she is satisfied.

She is an interesting case study.


  1. HD. I agree about her being “an interesting case study.” But it’s all in a negative way. Jenna is “satisfied” with being a beggar.

  2. yes that's exactly it. She's an interesting case. She has 10 years of choices to look back on and doesn't have a single regret, isn't interested in changing anything. We are witnessing the pinnacle of her ambition.

    Her life is wasted. Worse, sadder, she wasted her horses. Merlin had so much potential. He was in such fine shape when he came to her. She could, and should, be working with him every day. All his breeding, intelligence and fitness just wasted. she tossed him into the pasture to rot. It's true there are worse fates for horses, but what a way for a rare and coveted breed like Merlin to end up.

    1. Jenna has also wasted all of the ample chances that she’s had for a decent career to continue. Orvis could’ve been the beginning of an upwards trajectory towards bigger and better opportunities. Instead, she quit way too young for her dumb dream of becoming a farmer.

    2. She’s an animal abusing asshole. Her horses are status symbols of an affluent lifestyle that’s always been beyond Jenna’s meager means to maintain.

    3. Did she ever truly dream of becoming a REAL farmer? Just like everything else she gets halfway into and quits, I think it was the coolness and reputation of being a farmer she was after. Nothing in her history shows the grit and determination needed to plow through the challenges and adversity to obtain her dream. She could never even be bothered to muck stalls or feed her animals properly. Poser

    4. Anonymous 4:15. I agree with what you wrote. Farming was just a fantasy for her. Just like wearing kooky kilts, and shooting bows while riding her horse. That’s why her moronic motto makes some sense “Live like fiction!”

    5. Jenna has always been a complete “poser.” There isn’t anything that’s authentic about her lazy loser lie-style.

    6. Looks like princess alliteration is out in fine force, yet still fails to facilitate the facetious feel towards our fake feral farmer.

      Go eat a sandwich to fuel your finite faculties.

    7. A four hour sandwich?

    8. “Princess Alliteration”March 22, 2024 at 3:44 AM

      “Boy, howdy!”

    9. You just can’t know. Hoo!

    10. Anonymous 5:36. Exactly.

    11. that was hilarious

  3. I asked this on the last post. Could someone please do a brief on her “Barn” narration? A few people said that it was “cringe.” Thanks.

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindMarch 22, 2024 at 9:18 AM

      I'm not sure the text can be copied. The Barn is a trite, thinly-disguised fictional account of a weary traveler (Hobbit-like narrator, who's a shepherd), who seeks nighttime shelter during a storm, accompanied by her loyal black gelding and border collie. On a journey through the woods, they travel past King Maple with its hanging lanterns, and they secure overnight shelter at an inn known as the Barn.

      Of course, finding the Barn is luck, a blessed reprieve from the clench of worry, and filled with kind-hearted strangers who welcome her with bed, food and drink, even though she's late and doesn't exactly follow rules.

      The story, lol, is filled with abysmal writing, such as:

      "You catch the scent of baking bread. Your knees nearly buckle from the joy of relief.

      While taking in the scene, almost drunk with the promise of comfort...

      As you walk out from behind the hay into the gathering area, the blast of warm air from the wood stoves hits you like a hug.

      Heat rises up into your hands as you grasp the handle, and you could kiss her your so happy [sic].

      Inside is a brown loaf of honey bread, large as your forearm... there's a wedge of cheese the size of your fist...

      You take a sip of port. It is rich, almost thick as milk, and you feel it coat your throat as it warmly slides into your own hearth fire.

      (After she pulls the black dog tight against her chest) the warmth is intoxicating."

      Get the drift? A world-weary and unprepared traveler w/pets are welcomed by good folk who make her life easier, and they give her the serenity and safety to continue her journey - if she has the courage to continue on the path.

      Yuck! She should have ended with "Send mo' money." It would have been more honest.


    2. PDD. Thanks! I appreciate your response. It sounds overwrought and revolting as her rotten writing always appears.

    3. Her revolting writing is rough to read on a rainy restful reef of ridiculous and rambunctious river rafts!

    4. “Princess Alliteration”March 22, 2024 at 10:36 AM

      Anonymous 10:09. Right!

    5. Does anyone know in what time period her story takes place? It would appear to be set several hundred years in the past -- a time in which solo female travelers weren't really a thing due to lawless forests filled with robbers and rapists.

      Other than that plot hole, I found what she wrote to be extremely boring. Like wondering if anything interesting was going to happen.

    6. Anonymous 12:48. Her boring drivel certainly didn’t make my “keyboard wringing wet!”

  4. “Look what came up from the dirt this spring! What do you think it foretells when vintage Pyrex is rising from the grave? No wrong answers in a brainstorm!?”

    Her filthy fingers are digging in the dirt again. How fitting for the feral farmer.

    1. I think it tells me she shopped on eBay for Pyrex, autumn harvest wheat pattern.

    2. PDD. I wouldn’t put it past Jenna to do that.

    3. that's exactly what I thought. That's not a bowl that's spent a winter outside. It's not faded or scratched. That's a collectable she smeared dirt across. She must have a smirk of duper's delight at the suckers in her comments believing her ridiculous story.

    4. So now her own property is the new lucky dump? Maybe she'll dig up a brand new iPhone next!

    5. plucky Jenna picked a peck of pickled Pyrex, how many pickled Pyrex can plucky, peculiar Jenna palter?

    6. If she just dug it up why is her hand clean? Funny since her hands are usually filthy.

    7. SFF. Exactly. It’s just another excuse for click bait.

  5. Bottom line, she is nothing but a grifting con artist with marginal talent. And unless something disastrous happens, I don't see her changing as she tends to "earn up" just enough money to support her lazy jobless lifestyle. She prefers to beg rather than work and as long as her sycophantic foollowers keep throwing her bones she won't stop this behavior.

    1. That was well-put. Jenna has no incentive to make mature changes, because she’s able to survive on her income from begging and scamming.

  6. Instagram Sham:

    She’s trying to shill her Shitstack crap.

  7. On IG she is trying to move a pig share. It’s only two sentences long but there is a spelling mistake right at the end. For someone who claims to be a writer she should be able to get through a short blurb error free. She’s pathetic.

    1. Jenna’s rotten writing is always full of errors, because she can’t be bothered to edit her own work. We wouldn’t subscribe for free.

    2. She just wants free funds up front for pork that won’t be available for almost a year. What a con cunt.

  8. OMG she posted a reel of both dogs in the woods. Poor Gibson can hardly walk. It looks to me like he is in dire need of veterinary care. His spine doesn’t look right. What kind of a cruel bitch let’s an animal suffer like that?

    1. Jenna is an animal abusing asshole who has no conscience about letting any animals suffer. She won’t spend money on vets for her dogs, but will waste stupid amounts on Taylor Swift crap, like the plastic banner for her barn.

    2. But she’d claim to either dug up the banner, or found it at the dump.

  9. Has our feral farmer commented about the snow? We are in Washington Co and got about 20” on Saturday. It’s already melting ( sadly) but I was curious if she mentioned it. It would be a prime opportunity to beg for roof or water damage, fence repair materials, or donations so she can order food in bc she’s snowed in 🙄

    1. I was wondering about that also. Usually she writes about all the storm prep she is doing or did. This time, it would have been warranted. There were power outages in some places.

    2. A Legend in Her Own MindMarch 25, 2024 at 11:07 AM

      Oh, yes. She posted a story on SuckStack, with a photo of her place in snow, and shockingly she admitted the photo was old.

      Yippee for her, folks. She LOVES the snow and her little snow-globe fantasy world. She stayed inside, naturally. Probably not much talk of two elderly horses surviving in snow, low temps (below 11⁰ F) and high winds.

      Such a maroon.

  10. Her twitter is now followers only. Interesting choice.

    1. Jenna protects her posts when she does a big beg. Then she opens it up again when it’s done.

    2. Can someone still see what she’s saying? I think that a few people here follow her to keep track of the truth.

    3. Jenna has claimed several times to be done with X, because “it’s become a wasteland.” But she still hasn’t deleted her stupid account.

    4. It’s probably something stupid like her usual “This farm needs a miracle!”

    5. It's probably a big beg coupled with a big lie, something Shamsters would pick up in an instant.

      The marks must be kept in the dark, much like poor Merlin (who looks worse).

    6. “Wringing Wet Keyboard!”March 26, 2024 at 9:47 AM

      PDD. There’s no doubt that Jenna wants to be secretive. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have protected her posts. Her patterns are predictable. Once you start to see them.

    7. I have access to her tweets. There's nothing but the usual "this farm needs a small miracle to keep from failing" crap. Two pig shares ghosted, etc. We've seen it all nothing new, just retweets.

      My thought is when she's been smoking too much / too long she gets paranoid and locks down her social media. When she wants people to retweet her (and for those retweets to be seen) she unlocks her profile... and my theory is this happens after her weed runs out and she wants more drug money.

    8. Anonymous 5:23. Thanks for your update. Please keep us posted if there’s anything new. I think that you’re right about her reasons.

    9. She’s also had a drastic drop in followers again. It’s no wonder why. Her stupid posts are all about begging, boring drivel and non-tent.

    10. A Legend in Her Own MindMarch 27, 2024 at 7:38 AM

      Drop in readership is inevitable. Wog never changes, never grows. She sits in her dirty house, streams social media endlessly and then wanders around her unkempt property, with occasional drives into the nearby area for photo ops, junk food or impulse buys for imagined hipster cred.

      She claims expertise as a queer woman in the rural community, yet what we see is a selfish individual who most assuredly isn't part of an active LGBTQ community. She doesn't date, help others (except those who can directly benefit her), and she limits her civic "involvement" to reposting memes and bringing in a "ringer from Boston" to win the local charity fun run. Darlin, that don't cut it.

      How long can a reader remain deeply interested in a boring, flawed individual, who's made a living out of humble-bragging, interspersed with victimhood & pleas for money and support.

      No wonder her miniscule friend circle has dwindled - they're exhausted by her.


    11. PDD. Yeah, she never talks about Tara anymore, and even her enabler Pember Patty. I also haven’t heard Becca mentioned for a few months.

    12. Jenna had more friends at first years ago, but that was before she started screwing up. It appears that they’ve either dumped her, like Shannon did, or she’s distanced herself.

  11. Did she... go through the WHOLE WINTER without a burst pipe?????

    Did she forget to do that scam???

    1. Don’t remind her!

    2. I was out of touch in Jan - Feb - she didn't write about staying up all night to keep the fire going in lieu of turning up the thermostat?

    3. Anonymous 5:19. I don’t think so. But I might’ve missed it.

  12. Jenna is probably jealous that Taylor and Travis were just vacationing in the Bahamas. So much for that “relationship being fake.”

    1. She can’t cope with her queer crush being straight. “Hoo!!!”

    2. They looked hot and heavy in the pictures. What a dilemma for Wog. If she wants to see her crush in a skimpy bikini, she has to look at a big hairy dude with his hands (and lips) all over her. LOL

    3. SFF. I find it funny!

    4. I do too. If she admires this person as much as she professes then you would think she would be delighted to see her so happy. Instead it's deny, deny, deny. Grow up moron and get a life of your own instead of living in a TS fantasy land. At 40 something you still behave like a thirteen year old. Get some help.

    5. SFF. What’s even worse is that she’s now 41!

  13. I haven’t checked in in a while but seeing she is now down to posting every 5-7 days on her stack, which according to normal people math is once a week. You knew she wasn’t going to keep up with a “minimum of three posts a week” schedule she announced when she hooked most of her initial subs.

    1. Jenna never honors her promises. She’s been doing this for decades. It’s nothing new.

  14. Instagram Sham:

    “This farm has ONE quarter share left to offer for this season’s piglets! Please message to claim in!”

    GFY, Jenna. You’re a blatant liar.

    1. We’ll wait for more shit shares to appear according to her current need and greed.

    2. Heh heh, more like:

      “This farm has only A FEW MORE DAYS to make last month’s mortgage! Please message to help pay it!"

      GFY, indeed.


    Jenna’s personal post for dating made me cringe in embarrassment for her. Poor widdle Wog always fails at being funny. It’s no wonder why she’s still single.

    1. Her run-on, stupid sentence was ridiculous. There’s not one comma to break up her bullshit.

    2. Here’s a much more accurate ad for Jenna:

      Animal abusing asshole who has an arrogant attitude seeks stupid, sycophant supporter for fun. Plus points for enabling my lazy loser lie-style. You just can’t know. Hoo!!!

    3. LMAO, Anon 5:12, you beat me to it!

      And if you ask me, if someone (male or female) showed up with deep pockets and credit cards galore, she'd be into sex hobbies, polyamory and ENM in a heartbeat.

    4. Anonymous 12:48. I appreciate your response to my comment. Thanks!

    5. Jenna tries too hard to have some humor, but it won’t ever work. She’s not funny.

  16. I've been following Jenna's farm misadventures ever since I moved up to the area,as well as your efforts to hold her accountable and call out her various scams. I can't believe that she's still at the same old same old,still begging for non existent pork shares and elementary school level art. She must be on disability, because there is no way she's earning a dime from the farm. There have been so many hardworking young people who have succeeded in their farming beca

    1. (sorry, pressed return too soon) because they put in the time and the energy to make something of their farms. I support these folks wholeheartedly and the rest of the community is happy to do so as well. They've earned our respect and our support. These farmers have websites and show up at farmer's markets as far away as NYC to earn their living. But a glance through Jenna's social media shows her recreating and generally fooling around baking weird cakes and espousing her Taylor Swift fandom, which is weird in someone her age,instead of doing the real work it takes to farm. She is,indeed, a sad case. I feel so sorry for those poor animals she insists on keeping,so cruel to have them pay the price for her laziness.

    2. Your comments were spot-on. Jenna is still stuck in a rut of her own creation. We’ve been keeping track of her lies for years, and nothing ever changes in terms of growth. She won’t accept any adult accountability for her actions.

    3. Exactly. “She must be on disability, because there is no way she's earning a dime from the farm.”

    4. Jenna would never admit to being on some sort of disability, because it might make her enablers stop giving her free funds for nothing.

    5. Anon 8:12 wrote: "There have been so many hardworking young people who have succeeded in their farming because they put in the time and the energy to make something of their farms."

      And they succeeded because they genuinely love doing what they do. I don't think that was ever the case with Jenna. I think she was attracted to the romanticism of farming (i.e. Barnheart) and that she mainly started Cold Antler Farm to become famous and to have Hollywood come calling to document her iCreDiAbLe sToRy! She even said so in her first blog. And so she put immense effort into her Antlerstocks, her archery, music lessons, that Pagan meet-up group, etc.

      But Hollywood didn't call. Boo hoo. So all those activities she ended up dropping once she realized they would get her nowhere. Now all she does is bake, obsess over Taylor Swift, and terrorize hawks.

    6. A Legend in Her Own MindMarch 29, 2024 at 3:52 AM

      Spot on! I remember her writing that she wanted Hollywood to come calling with her "Green Acres 2.0" storyline, but they didn't. Anyone with a shred of reasoning soon figures out she rarely tells the truth.

      And the workshops, etc? I think Pember Patty had a LOT to do with setting those up, as it appears most of the instructors were known by PP or long-time friends of her. I think we'd all be amazed at the amount of help, advice and inspiration she doled out to an ungrateful loser.

  17. BTW, I've been following the Pig Shocker shit show for several years now, but lately I can't really see what she is up to. Her old blegs are gone, and her Twatter, Instasham and Shitstack are for members only. The only recourse I have is from a few Shamsters here who sometimes post her shenanigans. Anyone else in this boat?

    1. yep, me too. I'm not ready to sign up for any of those just to read about her, so I'm waiting it out for now.

    2. You’re not missing much. Her lie-style never changes.

    3. A Legend in Her Own MindMarch 29, 2024 at 6:39 AM

      Anon 11:58, I think I can summarize.

      ✔️ She loves her special life. Aren't you jealous?
      ✔️ Her animals are photo ops or assholes.
      ✔️ She doesn't want to work.
      ✔️ She doesn’t want to change.
      ✔️ She likes using others.
      ✔️ She's terrified. Please help.
      ✔️ Send more money.


    4. PDD. Your list nailed it as always!

  18. Thanks, PDD! It’s another Reddit receipt:

    1. You're welcome. I'm always flabbergasted at how easily she takes other people's work (usually without credit): clip art, logo designs, farm photos, slogans, photos of food products and (shockingly) photos and gifs of Taylor Swift appearing to approve Wog posts.

    2. Jenna neither “works” nor “farms.”

    3. Her whole life is lies.

  19. Instagram Sham:

    “New essay on the worst cat in the world. Free to read, audio is also free to listen to. Also covered in the podcast: farm news, horses, hawks, straight couples on lesbian dating apps, new Fletcher, and the Met Gala.”

    No one cares, cunt. Your “dumb small life” is boring drivel and non-tent.

    1. Additionally, Jenna knows nothing about classy topics like the Met Gala. She’s never been to one. And she’s the “worst” human to have any animals.

    2. The only fundraising that Jenna’s concerned about involves herself.

    3. Jenna has no sense of style. She wore a stupid outfit even to Taylor Swift’s concert. Let’s play pretend that she’s going to a gala event. I could see her either in those hokey kilts as a costume, or that ugly lemur dress that looked like crap.

    4. Let’s not forget her hideous barf brown, too-tight pleather jacket worn with old barn boots!

    5. Jenna would be consumed with jealousy if Taylor and Travis went to the Met Gala.

  20. So, another post about S******? Mmmkay Jenna. Tell us you have nothing to write about without telling us you have nothing to write about.

    1. I’m sure that Shannon would never write about Jenna now. I hope that she’s found a much more mature partner than the filthy feral farmer.

  21. It's telling that she keeps bringing up Shannon. It seems she was the one bright spark in her sad, lonely life.

    1. Yet she ruined their relationship, and rarely mentions Shannon by her name.

  22. So, I listened to the cat post, on 1 3/4 time to get through it asap. She sure is annoying to listen to! anyway, what I heard: she is 181 pounds. Confirmed. Whomever said that earlier was spot on!

    1. Thanks! I was the one who posted that article with her weight on the last thread. Jenna has an obese body according to most standards.

    2. Her grating voice is arrogant and annoying. It’s the opposite of sexy and soothing.

    3. AnonymousMarch 20, 2024 at 12:26 PM

      “I am still only 5’2” and weigh around 186 pounds. Even when I was training for the half marathon last summer and running 40-50 miles a week, I never weighed less than 178. At that weight and height, an 8/10 capri is my go-to jean size, though some bitchier critics online think that is a lie. (Listen, my body is a mystery to me, too, but I really am mostly muscle). My waist is 33” and my arms are 15” flexed. Grrrrrrr, baby.”

    4. Sure, she’s “mostly muscle.” That’s why Jenna has a bulging belly with a wide waist.

    5. In my opinion, the above article and comments proves a point that Jenna lies even about being fit. Which she’s done before as part of her inauthentic image. So to call her out for lying in any area is acceptable.

    6. I think that what’s way worse than criticizing someone’s appearance, is being an awful, animal abuser who begs for free funds.

    7. Yes, you’ve made it quite clear you will continue to body shame even though it’s wrong.

    8. Anonymous 4:52. Jenna deserves every bit of criticism that she gets.

    9. A Legend in Her Own MindMarch 31, 2024 at 7:38 AM

      As you know, I've been trying not to body shame Wog, even though I GET the people who do it, since FFF promotes herself as a paragon of fitness - likely another fiction.

      But what I want to comment on is her perpetual victim story of the handsome boy crush who called her "the friendly beast" and set in motion her many body issues and her desire to "show them all".

      Now, I'm pretty sure she decided early on to go opposite of the crowd because it made her unique. She drew a Jurassic Park valentine, dinosaur photos, coyotes, werewolves, etc. Its possibly not unreasonable to assume she identified with the beasts in some way. We also see she continues this behavior into adulthood. She refers to gerself as a badger, coyote and wolf. She plays opposites. If people hate summer's heat, she LOVES it. If they expect adults to pay their own bills (not beg), she'll throw that old view out on its ear.

      At the point, I really doubt the middle school episode ever happened. It's more revisionist history from the person who lives like fiction and puts the fake into almost everything she does.

    10. Sorry for above typos. At restaurant with poor lighting, but great cappuccino.

    11. PDD. I hope that you enjoyed the coffee. Your comment was correct. Her whole life is lies.

  23. “Meet Angus - his story just posted to the substack. See ya there”

    Her hovel looks dirty. Just like Jenna.

  24. “Per your poll results, the next Late Bloomer Series is about fear of change, and a little about coming out. Please message me any questions you want addressed, or comment if you’re not concerned with anonymity. Appreciate ya!”

    No one cares, cunt. Your “dumb small life” is boring drivel and non-tent. And the sticker is stupid, too. You’re a mundane moron not a maverick.

    1. “Also, designing stuff for stickers and tote bags. My folks get it”

      Your “folks” are stupid, sycophant supporters.

    2. So sick of her “I’m a coyote” crap.

  25. A Legend in Her Own MindApril 1, 2024 at 11:44 AM

    Another lowlife post from Wog, always begging for subscribers. Tell me how she's different than a crooked panhandler.

    "Please sign up I have to afford cat food another decade, at least." [sic]


    1. Jenna’s become a beggar, and has been doing it for decades.

  26. Thanks, PDD! It’s another Reddit receipt:

    1. So the hipster, hobbyist homesteader can’t figure out how to make her own cat food. It’s obvious that she just wants free funds. What a blatant liar.

    2. This middle-aged moron still expects people to pay her way in life. Jenna is a complete and total failure.

    3. “Please sign up I have to afford cat food another decade, at least”

      Even her pathetic plea is improperly punctuated.

    4. Wog writes and acts as if she’s 14 not 41.

  27. A Legend in Her Own Mind Who Expects Others to PayApril 2, 2024 at 5:29 AM

    For the life of me, I can't figure out why Wog's sycophantic supporters can't seem to understand that if she took a paying JOB, decreased expenses / increased income, there's no need for her to BEG continually. Why do they support her lazy rump???

    I live in a rural area, own a farm, know all the farmers in my community. There's not a single one who doesn't have some sort of additional income during the year - usually a full-time job, but at least part-time. And legitimate farmers, by the way, ALWAYS look to become more efficient at what they do. They work. A lot.

    But not Wog. She brags about hand-carrying buckets of water FFS, when perfectly good garden hoses exist. She buys feeder animals because she can't reliably breed her own. She uses $$$ hay for bedding, and she doesn’t harvest her own firewood. She wastes her time streaming programs, scouring social media, and traipsing back-and-forth to re-charge hanging solar lanterns for fairy lighting.

    She also keeps hobby animals: two barely-used horses, an untrained "pack goat", two dogs and three cats. Perhaps with the exception of her latest Taylor-influenced cat adoption, her pets rarely see vets for proper care. Her older dog, who should live to 17, is ailing. Her pony, who could live another 13 years, looks like crap. She admitted in her post about Angus-the-cat that her cats had a "light medical history" (which means no care, in all likelihood).

    Now for the record, I don't have a problem with people keeping multiple animals, even hobby animals, as long as they're properly looked after. But she doesn't take adequate care. She's a waste of space, and her poor animals surely deserve better.
    Whose animals live their best lives.

    1. Many of her stupid, sycophant supporters are losers just like Jenna. They see her as being heroic rather than a lying, lazy loser in reality.

  28. A Legend in Her Own MindApril 2, 2024 at 12:38 PM

    I see by a recent photo that she still feeds her horses on top of their own manure. She's a real POS.

    She's too lazy to pick up the sh** or put their hay in hay nets, so they don't have manure mixed with their food. Even the worst feedlot feeds animals separately from their filth.

    Of course, she has ample time to play on the internet and stream shows.


    1. What a sick sociopath who has no conscience about caring for any animals. Her horses are status symbols of an affluent lifestyle that’s always been beyond Jenna’s meager means to maintain.

    2. It’s too bad that Jenna can’t be forced to eat food on top of crap. The same way that she treats her horses, pigs and other livestock.

    3. I saw this too and it was heartbreaking. The animals are clearly suffering. They look like shit.

  29. Did Jenna straight up delete her twitter account?

    1. or was she banned for constantly reposting the same content and getting flagged as a bot???

    2. I think that Jenna’s deleted her account, because she’s posted about doing it for a few months. I’m sure that she’ll mention it on Instagram, because she can’t keep her big mouth shut. Apparently, it wasn’t working out anymore as a backup for begging. What will “Rachel Keane” do to shill now?!

    3. I don’t believe that she was banned, because it wouldn’t have taken so long. Of course, I could be wrong.

    4. I’m sure that no one will miss her nonstop begging and whining about “This farm needs a small miracle!” Even after being on Twitter and X for over a decade, she never reached even 5,000 followers. Jenna’s engagement rate was so low, because she had nothing of value to offer. Good riddance to trash. “Hoo!!!”

    5. She consistently kept on losing followers, because once they wised up to her crappy content, then they bailed.

    6. I'm really surprised she deleted it instead of just stopping posting like she did with youtube. So I guess all her eggs are in the Instagram basket. Substack isn't much of a social networking site. It's not even SEO optimized. People would have to already know who she is, google her, and follow her blog to her substack. Instagram isn't really geared for discovery either.

    7. Anonymous 7:38. I’m a little surprised about it, too. She could’ve used the platform in a positive way, but instead, bombarded people with begging.

    8. A Legend in Her Own MindApril 3, 2024 at 6:18 AM

      She changed platforms before (Reddit, Facebook, Wordpress) as soon as people put the pieces together, smelled a con and either posted the disconnects or dropped out.

      With IG stories, she controls the narrative and evidence disappears after 24 hours. With SuckStack, the only "history" is her revisionist stories, so she can reinvent herself; you know, play the victim and find new $upporter$.

      All she's done is relocate the snake-oil wagon.

    9. PDD. Fortunately, Jenna is unable to erase all of the evidence. Her rotten reputation is online now, and won’t get deleted like her accounts. She can’t “control the narrative” either here or elsewhere.

    10. All of her social media accounts are a snoozefest.

  30. Yet another tale of how she came out late in life. You don’t say Jenna! We’ve never heard this before.

    Do we know how many paid subscribers she has? Seems like a lot less hysteria about paying the mortgage than before.

    1. I don’t know about the numbers of paid subscribers, but she’s already lost several and counting. No one cares about her being a lesbian. Jenna’s “dumb small life” is boring drivel and non-tent.

    2. She also promoted her latest drivel with a stolen and uncredited image. What a shock...

    3. Anonymous 3:56. Jenna would have a fit if someone stole her pics. But it’s okay for her to do it. What a huge hypocrite.

  31. Jenna acts as if her coming out as queer is an amazing achievement. Rather than just a sexual preference that’s not very unusual now.

    1. She always has to be a super special snowflake. Jenna can’t be content with simply being herself.

    2. she also calls coming out in her 30s "late in life". She jumped straight from girlhood into menopause!

      One of my friends back in toronto came out in her 60s. That's what the reddit group "LGBT Late Bloomers" is for.

    3. Anonymous 7:15. Funny, how Jenna has rewritten her history of yearning for men.

  32. We’re waiting for her to post about the snowstorm, like “This farm has been hit hard by bad weather! Venmo, it means so much!”

  33. Regarding that first one, I think maybe she's left Lex and is trying to use IG as her only dating strategy. I noticed her ads on Lex disappeared some time back and I haven't found her again. She's usually pretty easy to find, so that's why I think maybe she's not using it at the moment.

  34. Anonymous 11:21. None of her stupid strategies will work, because Jenna isn’t an appealing prospect for a partner. She’s repulsive on every level.


    Yawn. It’s another posed pic prop of livestock in her hovel.

    1. It’s no wonder why Jenna’s living room always looks so filthy.

    2. Actually this picture infuriates me. It reminds me of the times she posted about cruelly snatching babies from their moms and bottle feeding them pretty much so they can pose for photos. Having raise many generations of goats, and I imagine it’s similar for sheep mamas, there is nothing more heart shattering than the cries of a baby separated from their mom, and the desperate searching and pleading cries of a mama separated from her baby. There are very few good reasons to remove a baby from a mama and usually its life threatening, contagious diseases.
      Or if a mama dies during the birth. But to snatch a baby sheep from their mom just so you can have a wood stove picture to post on your socials is despicable and the lowest of low.

    3. Anonymous 12:12. I’m the OP. I agree with what you wrote. I hate her fake pics. She’s trying to come across as being caring towards animals, but we know the truth about her abusing them. Jenna is a cunt who has no conscience.

    4. Also taking a lamb that's adjusting to living in a cold world, and placing it in a hot environment for a stupid photo shoot is cruel.

    5. I also hate how her hawks are used as props for pics.

  36. anon 1121. Interesting she's not looking for a date on Lex anymore. Maybe she's sticking to hinge.

  37. Jenna has worked on the terrifying internet long enough to know that anyone can use a fake pic and a fake real name to contact her if they wanted to.

    I hate when “influencers” tell you things like oh you know, what they eat, exactly where they live, what car they drive, that they like to have all night lesbian sex ( supposedly) that they like to have period sex, but then claim it’s so scary on the internet. Hey dummy, how about keep your shit professional and stop oversharing cuddling up naked with your pets? I don’t need to know this information about anyone!

    Don’t worry Jenna, I’m not contacting you anytime soon!

    1. Jenna is delusional to think that she’s an important “public person.” Her whole life is lies.

    2. Who would want to “contact” the lazy, lying loser? Jenna’s dumb dream died years ago, but she’s too stupid and stubborn to see it.

    3. A Legend in Her Own MindApril 7, 2024 at 9:25 AM

      No, I won't be contacting her ever.

      As a self-proclaimed attention-hound, she's shared that she sleeps naked, runs outside in the nude, and keeps her windows open at night. We've seen multiple photos showing her rifle leaning against an open glass door, and she live-posted when her vehicles were broken, she was out-of-power or she was drunk or high.

      TMI, indeed.

    4. PDD. Exactly. But I’d change the “hound” to whore.

  38. She is a complete train wreck , and needs intervention.

    1. Wog has been a “wreck” for years. It’s nothing new. But it’s become more obvious now that she’s middle-aged. Unfortunately, an “intervention” won’t work with someone who’s stupid and stubborn. She also doesn’t think that there’s a problem.

    2. In all seriousness, I suggest she get therapy. Her hoarding and irresponsible behavior isn't doing her or her animals any good.

      Since she reads here, please:

      🔹️Put down the smart phone. 🔹️Stop looking for validation on social media. 🔹️Take a real job to reduce financial stress. 🔹️Mend fences. 🔹️Volunteer in the community.
      🔹️Grow up and be the kind of person someone else wants as a long term relationship.

    3. PDD. That’s good advice, but Wog won’t listen. Her problems are pathological at this point.

    4. PDD. “You just don’t know. Hoo!!!”

    5. This is exactly it. You need all these pieces to strike the right balance - to be self-sufficient, to contribute to community, to have a balanced perspective on life's inevitable challenges.

      You need to pay your way financially, you need to volunteer in your community, you need to bring some assets to the table socially and emotionally to be in good working order to maintain friendships and relationships.

      She hasn't mentioned PP in what, a year? Seems they finally really did have a falling out.

      Yet the problem is alllllways with everyone else, isn't it Jenna?

    6. Anonymous 3:52. We’ve heard from friends that Patty is angry at Jenna for not paying her back for a car loan. Talk about burning bridges with a friend who’s helped her out for years.

    7. Patty’s always seemed to be naive about what a garbage human Jenna is. Maybe she’s finally wised up to the truth.

    8. A Legend in Her Own MindApril 9, 2024 at 8:58 AM

      Perhaps PP has realized how badly she's been used over the years. PP taught Wog most of what she knew about "country living", introduced her to area tradespeople, came to her aid innumerable times, repaired Wog's property, loaned or GAVE her money and goods, fixed her vehicles, and she hosted Wog friends with meals, free overnight stays and wagon rides.

      I think Wog always under-appreciated what she had with PP. Her rare thank-you trades were a joke. ("Oh, you brought and installed a door in my house or took time to paint my room? How about a dozen eggs?)

      She probably tipped the scale by not honoring her debts and showing obvious jealousy at PP traveling and living a lifestyle she deserved after decades of work.

      It appears PP has a wider variety of friends now, and I sincerely hope Wog doesn't worm her way back into PP's life.

  39. New Reddit receipt:

    1. I loathe her barf brown, too-tight pleather jacket, too. Jenna has no sense of style. She always appears frumpy and dumpy.

    2. She’s basically, white trash with a degree.

  40. How is she so oblivious to the clear signal her so called readers are sending her, 19 hours after her last stack? 2 likes on the audio, 4 on the written part. How pathetic and how telling- her writing is terrible, we all know that, but her readers have time and time again shown her clearly that they do not care about most of her subjects, but most specifically her river posts. Even a casual outside observer sees a trend in those posts- let alone the fact that they are repeat posts from her old blog!
    If she has 200 readers as she claims, this last post garnered a whopper 1-2 percent approval. That, even to the most oblivious person, is a clear sign. It’s like she defiantly rages against even her paying readers. It’s baffling.

    1. Jenna’s writing is rotten, and her low engagement rate is terrible. Just like it was on Twitter.

      I think that she’s got Oppositional Defiant Disorder, coupled with a blatant disregard for almost everything. Including, what her subscribers want to read. She’ll continue to lose more money again as the numbers dwindle.

    2. Anons, that's exactly what I think : ODD among other toxic traits, combined with a disinclination (inability?) to do required work.

      She promised SuckStack readers 2-3 posts a week. She's essentially dropped to one post per week, without any new information provided. Including previously-published posts, like the unwanted River Diaries, which are a clear slap in the face to readers who don't care to read her misgotten attempts to fish for fingerling trout.

    3. She put in her stories today that she puts something up on Sucstack every 5-6 days.

    4. If SuckStack is about writing, and if she follows what she promised her subscribers, she's definitely slowed down. Not meeting commitments is her magic power.

      She wrote:
      One post week of 3/3
      One post week of 3/17
      One post week of 3/31
      One post (so far) week of 4/7 and it's a REPEAT of her awful river diary from 2023

      And no, I'm not counting audio posts as new posts, ffs. What is she, 12?


  41. Please no reposts Jenna! Those river diaries are such a bore and reposts are so lazy. Her stack looks like a cluttered mess just like her house. Old posts above of new ones, multiples of the same post ( one audio, one essay). Looks sloppy and unprofessional.

    From all her IG begging, she’s made it obvious that she just wants to do the bare minimum on her substack and get paid handsomely for it. Pet portraits and design work? Just extras but not good enough.

    Jenna, you could have a washing machine by May if you get a job. Any job. I think most people with a brain know that you are completely out of it thinking that this will push people to give you $$$. This is a no brainer. Go to Hannaford or Price Chopper and work for a month. You would have a washer and you could quit or better yet, q work another week or two and buy that trendy word processor you think is so great. What’s missing is a JOB!!!!

    1. Jenna mistakenly thinks that she’s too good to work at a common job. Yet she doesn’t mind raising livestock, and getting her fingers filthy as a “farmer.” What a contrarian cunt.

  42. A Legend in Her Own MindApril 9, 2024 at 11:21 AM

    She's back to begging on Instagram. Send her mo' money. Why?

    "4. Because you can"
    "5. Karma"

    Yeah, people should send their hard-earned money, so she can continue to live her 'creative life'... screwing off daily, binge-watching social media, feeding animals on top of their own filth and posting a smirking selfie next to a dying fish.

    As another Shamster wrote, GFY.

    1. PDD. Jenna doesn’t deserve support for being a lying, lazy loser.

  43. I honestly don't know who her audience is. If I were a new reader, who would I be?
    I'm not gay so never had the coming out issue, but her coming out stories, (one just re-hashed Apr 3) don't seem to target anyone. To me, they read to be outdated. Not quite for the young girls, but not for the older lesbians either. If anyone has been following her for awhile they've have heard it all before and are probably tired of it.
    Homesteaders? Nope. I wouldn't follow her if I was or wanted to be homesteading.
    Pig farmers? Fishermen? etc., etc. she should ask herself who she hoping to attract as a paying reader?

    1. "Where agriculture meets pop culture..."

      What the hell does that even mean, except that she wastes a dump truck full of time on shows, mindless conspiracies and social media.

      It's pathetic.

    2. I think that’s why she keeps pushing that she is a memoirist. She just want to get paid for her blog stories that were free for years.

    3. It’s no wonder why she’s deleted her blog, because many Substack essays are old posts. Wog doesn’t want people to keep track of her lies. Jenna also “just wants to get paid” for sitting on her fat ass, and doing nothing but write boring drivel.


    5. PDD. I’ve always loathed her lame line “Where agriculture meets pop culture..." It’s just as bad as “Live like fiction!”

    6. Exactly. “I honestly don't know who her audience is. If I were a new reader, who would I be?” Jenna doesn’t even “know” the answer to this question.

    7. I'm queer and I'm so freaking sick of coming out stories. Publishers don't realize this is often triggering content for other gay people, rather than heartwarming. Plus, the coming out time is a short period for most queer people (unless you have multiple comings out, then it cam be more prolonged, example identifying as bi to gay, or gay to trans).

      I think Jenna keeps re-writing her coming out story because it's what she thinks is marketable. She's hoping to get another memoir deal from it.

    8. Great perspective! Jenna writes everything very vaguely as well. She keeps writing that Coming out is hard, it took her until her 30’s to do it, it’s hard because of patriarchy etc. but no substance.
      As a memoirist ( as she calls herself) she just rehashes the same vague points and it doesn’t seem genuine or like a true experience. How was it telling her parents? Did she lose any friendships?
      She writes like she just researched online “what is it like to come out?” And then writes an article ( over and over) about it.

    9. Spot on! This is part of the reason why her writing never resonates. It also reminds me when she was "barely" conversant about falconry and was mightily upset that she wouldn't get her beginner's license in time to write a book about it.

      Her depth of knowledge on every topic is extremely shallow.

  44. Substack outtage??
    Sure Jan.

    1. I’ve just checked, and there’s no outage now. Her whole life is lies.

  45. HD. New post please? Thanks!

  46. Anonymous 4:49. In Jenna’s queer case it could be called “Unhinged.”


    Jenna is repulsive with her ugly, man hand, and filthy fingers clutching a fish. There’s no supposed femme that would have nasty nails like hers.

    1. “Travelers! The newest essay was posted but 78% of the emails didn’t send due to yesterday’s Substack outage. So click the link in bio or stories to read about playing chicken with a thunderstorm and falling in love with stream fishing brookies! And the podcast covers all the new TS11 album drop drama over the narrative swings. Enjoy! Rep tv will save you.”

      GFY, Jenna.


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