I'm not saying….

….I understand anything about her but… I do not understand about the whole cake mix thing.
She says she will bake a cake…with this cake mix…if she gets some arbitrary number of subscribers.
The whole thing is so stupid I don't have the capacity to even try to think about it.
The main question is Who Cares?
Is there someone in the world that will subscribe so she can bake a cake?  What if she lies and bakes the cake any way?……yeah, okay…WHO CARES?
Is this what passes as content nowadays?   We're doomed.


  1. I didn't see about her threatening to bake a cake but I am going to try really really hard to work myself up to caring. I'm a real good girl like that.

  2. A Legend in Her Own MindFebruary 11, 2024 at 5:27 AM

    It's all manipulative marketing; she creates a sense of urgency so people have FOMO (fear of missing out). Here's exerpts from an article on it:

    How to Trigger Urgency in Your Marketing Copy

    Adam Heitzman, April 21, 2021

    We’ve all seen FOMO in action online.

    You’ve booked your vacation flight and are about to book a hotel room. A message pops up on the hotel’s website: “Hurry! Only 2 rooms left for these dates.”

    What do you do? You book the hotel to secure one of the remaining rooms, stat. The longer someone ponders over whether to buy a product or service, the more likely it is that they’ll talk themselves out of it.

    Making people feel as if they’re about to miss out on or lose a great opportunity — triggering that fear of missing out (FOMO) — is a powerful way to drive conversions and sales.

    1. Offer Something People Want

    Urgency only works if your product or service is something that people actively want to begin with.

    Urgency amplifies already-present feelings of wanting something. It doesn’t create them.This is important to keep in mind as you’re driving traffic to your site, too.

    2. Set a Deadline

    If potential customers know there’s no rush to buy your product or service, they’re more likely to put off buying it to weigh the pros and cons.

    They may just forget about it forever. Create an incentive to take action by running your sales and offers for a limited time.

    3. Create Scarcity

    The scarcer a product or service is, the more people want it.

    If you can highlight how scarce your product or service is – or at least create the illusion that it’s about to run out – you can drive people to click the Buy button before someone else does.

    4. Use the Right Words

    Strong ad copy and a compelling call to action can make all the difference between whether your visitors make a purchase or click away.

    Time-related words are particularly useful for creating a sense of urgency.

    Try incorporating some of these words into your copy:

    One time only.
    Last chance.
    Before it’s gone.
    Today only.
    Limited time.
    Don’t miss out.

    5. Offer a Bonus Incentive

    In addition to your main offer, give people an extra incentive to act fast.

    For instance, you might offer free shipping for a limited time, or give your first 10 buyers a free surprise gift.

    6. Write Powerful Subject Lines for Your Emails

    Use your marketing email subject line to establish a sense of scarcity or urgency. Time-related words, like the ones listed above, or vivid action verbs get people’s attention best.

    7. Use Numbers

    Numbers are a great way to get people’s attention and make an offer more attractive. Use numbers to push a sense of scarcity – for instance, “Just 3 more in stock!”

    8. Use Warm Colors

    Colors and psychology are deeply linked. Research from HubSpot supports the idea that using warm colors (red, yellow, and orange)..

    9. Customize Your Offers

    Make your urgency-driven offers even more compelling by personalizing them.

    10. Keep the Pressure On

    The Takeaway

    If you want to sell more, boosting the sense of urgency in your marketing is the way to go. Making people feel as if they’re about to miss out on or lose a great opportunity is a powerful way to drive conversions.

  3. No one cares about her crap cake. Jenna acts as if she’s 14 not 41.

  4. She made more cakes last week than sucstack posts so…. She’s obviously not too concerned with her paying readers.

    1. It’s no wonder why she has an obese body.

    2. Jenna would rather stuff her fake fat face with caloric cakes, puke pan pizza, big batches of brownies, and “spooky cupcakes with sprinkles!” than eat healthy salads.

    3. Don’t forget her pigging out on two tubs of premium ice cream for dinner!

  5. Thanks, PDD! More Reddit receipts:


    Her squat thumb and ugly man hand are disgusting.

    1. “This farm needs ya babe” is more of her manipulative marketing to elicit empathy from followers. It also sounds stupid and juvenile. Just like Jenna.

    2. Her usage of babe and darlin’ are always condescending and sexist.

    3. Jenna’s bitten nails are nasty, and her filthy fingers look like they’re always unclean.

  6. HD. It’s boring non-tent.

  7. Oh no, there is a 23 page article I just saw today about SuperBowl, TaylorvSwift, Satan, and how they are all interconnected, complete with photos of Swift performing in what appears to be hell. Better not post it here, don’t wanna get JW too excited.

  8. It’s describing the queer Queen of Con.

  9. Anyone care to share her “ farm news”? Guessing she paid the mortgage but needs more $$$.🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

    1. There’s never any “news” at “this faux farm.”

    2. Well of course as a loyal shamster I know that but she’s claiming she has “farm news” on her new sucstack!!!😂

      She’s been in great mood lately so I’m assuming she’s got lots of poodle cash to play with!

    3. Anonymous 12:44. Jenna seems jovial for someone who claims to have a fear of future foreclosure. She’s a lying, lazy loser.

    4. Anon 12:44 - apparently a lamb was born. There's a new substack post up.

    5. Anonymous 5:33. “You just don’t know. Hoo!!!”

  10. We’re worried that Wog won’t be able to pay for her March “Morgan’s,” now that she’s started to lose some subscribers.

    1. poor gal, hope she lets us know if she needs anything

    2. The “scrappy little lesbian” is such a Wonder Woman!

  11. Well it's been a little while since I checked in on Wog and her antics. Not much has changed - but she's talking about "lambing season" - did she actually breed those craigslist ewes then?

    Poor creatures. I hope they come through it ok. And she's reading things aloud now???

    She's on medication - halleluiah. But - has she properly been evaluated? Or did she just go to a doc and say "I'm anxious and depressed" and get zoloft?

    Given all the years of bad choices, the near two decades of uncertainty, loneliness, and financial instability, given how she writes 3/4 bad stuff to 1/4 "you know you want my life" stuff and how this reflects her internal experience, she needs more than a quick in/out at the docs'.

    I have a suspicion she's not getting the right meds. Maybe she's on Wellbutrin and it's treating the adhd a bit, but if she's only on an SSRI it's not going to do much for her.

    1. Hope that your back is doing better after the fall. Jenna is beyond help in my opinion.

    2. Jenna needs much more than medication for her difficult character issues. She also appears to have a serious personality disorder.

    3. Oppositional Defiant Disorder is very challenging to treat.

    4. Thanks anon 533. I've been healing well thank goodness, no permanent damage hopefully. My riding days are probably over but I can continue my equestrian interests from the ground. I got very unlucky and very lucky at the same time. WIW

    5. Anons 634 734 - I don't expect she'll ever engage in actual treatment. Part of her affliction is not believing she needs to actually change.

  12. In the final photo of the recent carousel of Mabel on Instagram, her right hip looks sunken. You can see it from the head-on photo, a shadow. This is a sign of a horse in extreme distress. She is probably also very dehydrated in addition to not having enough calories. Please, Jenna, rehome your horses. Please. They are suffering.

    1. Jenna is an animal abusing, piece of shit. She’s talked about re-homing her horses for show, just like getting a roommate, but hasn’t done either one. We’re going to report her again to the local, appropriate authorities.

    2. Her horses are stupid, status symbols of an affluent lifestyle that’s always been beyond Jenna’s meager means to maintain.

    3. Jenna, please re-home your horses.

    4. Even Pember Patty would take better care of her horses.

    5. Jenna is a sociopath who has zero concern about her horses. They’re just posed, pet props for pics to appear authentic.

    6. Could someone local please report her? PLEASE! For the horses' sakes.

    7. Anonymous 8:40. We’ve been planning the process today.

    8. Anonymous 9:50 I'm so glad to hear this. I'm anonymous 8:35 pm. I am worried that people will think the horses are OK because they're fluffy this time of year but underneath that fluff is very poor condition.

    9. Anonymous 11:47. We live in her area, and have reported Jenna before. There’s also a network of neighbors who watch her actions. No one is immune from having their animals taken from them under abusive conditions that they’re forced to endure.

    10. I'm glad to hear that. Years ago I reported her from afar, along with others. I sincerely hope those poor horses don't have to go through another NY winter. I don't think Merlin would make it, frankly. (I'm anon 8:40)

    11. Anonymous 5:58. I’d also encourage you to report her animal abusing. There’s power in numbers. It doesn’t make a difference if you’re not from her area. There’s pics as proof.

  13. A Legend in Her Own MindFebruary 13, 2024 at 11:39 AM

    I still can't get over the fact that dumba$$ removes her Amazon-Prime solar lights FROM the woods, charges them in the sun for the day, then returns them TO the woods, so she can photograph a faked fairy scene.

    Like real farmers have time for that sort of bullcrap...

    1. Jenna plays at being a farmer like it’s a role.

  14. Do you all remember when Jenna was reported because her goats were standing on a compacted pile of crap so high that they could look over the fence and could barely get inside the barn because the crap almost completely blocked the door. The plow she hired got stuck, that's how bad it was! She was forced to re-home her goats. I don't know what the process is to have animals again after you've been proven to abuse them, but I wish she was never allowed to have animals again.

    1. We recall that crap. So would others here. The conditions were disgusting. She should be banned from ever owning animals again.

  15. It looks like even Nitter CZ is finally over: https://nitter.cz

    It’s obvious that Jenna rarely posts on Twitter now. She’s recently mentioned deleting her account, but hasn’t done it yet. Her blatant begging, and boring non-tent have alienated her few fans.

  16. This link was posted by a commenter before, but I wanted it to be available again. Her old blog can still be seen:


  17. Why the sudden silence here? Maybe there’s nothing new to talk about.

    1. There’s never really anything new with Wog.

    2. Well she has cut herself off from everyone unless you want to pay for her drivel. Who wants that but a handful of very sad people.

    3. Anonymous 9:31. It looks like she’s finally even alienated her former enabler, Patty. And Becca also hasn’t appeared to have visited the faux farm for awhile. Jenna can’t resist bragging about her “bestie buddy.” Only misfits would want to read her rotten writing now.

    4. No new sub stack posts in 4-5 days as far as I can tell. I wouldn't feel I was getting my money's worth if I had paid.
      She must be busy writing a terrific post or maybe she's just lambing. If so, the poor little things, I hope they make it.

    5. 2 total in february so far, right? one on the 11th and one on the 5th. a proper podcast, indeed!

    6. It comes in waves. Her scam is pretty repetitive and I think it's sad she's breeding the sheep again. Only a matter of time before that goes horribly wrong. I took a break for a few months and checked back in - it was like I hadn't missed a beat.

      She has some other income propping this whole charade up, because in real life you don't save a farm over and over and over again. At some point a year or two in the venture fails.

      It's repetitive and boring because it's all a lie, despite the manufactured drama - she isn't creative enough to write fiction, as we've seen. She just recycles the words that work to get her cash

    7. Her whole life is lies.

    8. A Legend in Her Own MindFebruary 17, 2024 at 8:21 AM

      Anon 9:55, 💯 . She acts like a career hustler, and I have no doubt if she took in larger sums of money under false pretenses, she would be prosecuted. Similar shenanigans have taken place since her college days (!) and she's now in her 40s.

      From what I've seen: She tests the waters, runs the fiction, takes in poodle cash or favors, gets caught out, burns bridges, departs the venue and creates another narrative elsewhere.

      It's the same pattern of use and abuse, rinse and repeat.


      Same song. New stations.

    9. Does the wool CSA count…

    10. Anon 10:26, yes! I should have mentioned Blog1 and Blog2. Who knows who created Blog1, but Blog2 was designed and implemented by the 'ex' who was used for money, transportation, clothes mending, home repair and farm help.

    11. Jenna is a con cunt in all aspects of her life.

  18. Her latest post is absolute crap. Forgive me if I come off as a holier than thou baker, but angel food cake is one of the easiest things to make! She makes it sound like it is the peak accomplishment of baking that most people not dare to attempt. It’s a cake. I guess if cracking open a dozen eggs seems like too difficult a chore, then I guess it’s not for you. Jenna’s latest post describes how to make an angel food cake as if no one has done it because it’s too difficult. What?
    She says it is very important to do everything in order. On what planet would you take a recipe and not do it in order? She is brain damaged if she thinks she is teaching people something they don’t already know.

    1. Jenna always seems to put out a post after reading our critical comments. Funny, how she’s bragged before about “refusing to follow recipes.”

    2. Her rotten writing isn’t worth subscribing to even for free.

    3. I agree with the above comments. The writing is terrible and hard to read.
      And what? you make cake with chicks? (the caption under the pic in latest post).

    4. No one cares about her crap cakes.

    5. Our “keyboards” are still dry not “wringing wet” as promised.

    6. Cake! Is that the best she can come up with? I realize that cake is a large part of her diet but come on. Why not talk about actually being an egg producer, the different kinds of hens and a shot of the different coloured eggs (think Martha Stewart). A shot of Wog gathering eggs would add legitimacy to her narrative. For all we know she bought the eggs at Stewart’s. How about some healthy recipes based on eggs? She continually misses the mark. Rambling on about her personality flaws and her inabilities is self sabotaging behaviour and certainly not what readers signed up for.

    7. SFF. Jenna is incapable of reading the room. Her drivel is just a reflection of that issue. Judging by her obese body, she should be writing about making salads instead.

    8. And now I see she is begging for subscribers on X. Desperate much?

    9. SFF. Her blatant begging is overtly obnoxious:

      “My goal is to create a sustainable income through my writing. I started a substack in November, it now has over 500 followers and 194 paying subscribers and while that's a HUGE help, it's not even enough to cover half my mortgage. So if you can, please: https://coldantlerfarm.substack.com”

    10. Poor widdle Wog is whining again. The stupid, “scrappy little lesbian” is a lying, lazy loser.

    11. Whining about having few subscribers seems counter productive. It screams 'this is an inferior product'. Better to keep your original commitment of 3 posts per week and improve your content than to advertise your failure and lack of interest.

    12. SFF. Jenna can’t “keep commitments,” because she’s never honored them in the past.

  19. Here’s a radical, new concept: get a job, slob. It’s no one else’s responsibility to subscribe and support your fat ass.

  20. A Legend in Her Own MindFebruary 18, 2024 at 11:49 AM

    Lol, look! 194 simpletons and/or voyeurs. Who else would pay $8/month to read three posts in the past two weeks? One post was a rehash of her self-centered ode to eating meat *yawn*; one was a description of the unlucky lamb that was birthed from last year's craigslist rejects; the last (I don't joke) was a commonly-baked cake recipe that was likely stolen?
    Maybe she should sell metallic gold hightop sneakers for $399.

    1. PDD. Don’t give her any ideas!

  21. I can never get over how greedy JW is.

    1. I agree about her greed. There’s never enough money to satisfy her. It’s repellent. Just like Jenna.

    2. She's saying her 194 paying subscribers aren't enough to cover even half her mortgage? More Jenna math I think.

    3. Anonymous 4:15. Her whole life is lies.

  22. Substack must take 50% since she is getting $1550/month and she says that doesn’t cover half her mortgage. No way her mortgage is 3k on a 150k house.
    Funny how she is begging on X when she said she was quitting it since it is a ghost town.

    1. Jenna likes to make claims about quitting, but then doesn’t delete her account. We recall that the mortgage is approximately $1,000. PDD might know the closest amount.

    2. she is probably netting $6.67-$7 a month per user if they're on a monthly schedule, but if some people prepaid for a year or a founding membership, then the actual amount hitting her account each month is probably much less

  23. https://www.instagram.com/coldantlerjenna/p/C3doW6FOywm/?hl=en

    “Got a dozen eggs not living up to their full non-sentient potential?! Meet Angel Food Cake. My method of making this cake (from scratch) is shared in the newest post, and if you don’t want to read it I also narrate it so you can just click the link and hit play. Ten minute preview costs ya zero dollars, but could lead to you eating this cake in under 2 hours. That seems like a long time but 2 hours from now, when you don’t have a slice of cloud cake in your little paws you’ll think “that really did fly by” and you’ll remember what could have been with the sharp ache of the cakeless. Anyway, link in stories or up in my bio.”

    What a crock of cake crap. Her squat, dirty thumb adds to the ick pic.

    1. Her writing is rotten and nonsensical now. It also lacks any humor.

  24. https://www.instagram.com/coldantlerjenna/p/C3OmSTMt8rQ/?hl=en&img_index=2

    “I know there’s a game happening but look at this mossbottle I found today. Prettiest thing, that.”

    Jenna’s trying to talk country colloquial again, and it just sounds stupid. She’s also clueless about commas.

    1. Her food always appears sloppy and unappealing.

  25. The "sharp ache of the cakeless" is such a stupid thoughtless sentence. Does she ever watch even a few minutes of local or national news.? I guess she is trying to be clever (nope) but it disgusted me. And please, dear girl, don't show any more pictures of food you fixed.

    1. That was one of her stupidest sentences. And that’s saying something. Jenna’s food is revolting looking.

    2. Her hygiene is horrid. Jenna probably sticks her filthy fingers in the batter, before she bakes cakes.

  26. “This farm has last month's mortgage, this month's mortgage, and another 1k towards a butcher bill to cover - so if anyone here is interested in pork, lamb, soap, logos, design, or writing... please send a DM or check out http://coldantlerfarmny.com - I only get sales when I ask.”

    No one cares, cunt. Still singing the same, sad song even after a decade. You “only get sales” by manipulative marketing to elicit empathy from followers.

    1. Yet she recently wrote:

      “I think I will be deleting my twitter soon. It feels like a wasteland and I no longer hear from or see the people I used to follow. I am on substack and IG, very active, I hope you'll find me there.”

      What are you waiting for, moron? It’s not going to get any better for your blatant begging as time goes by.

    2. Why would anyone be foolish enough to buy pork when she prefaces her sales pitch by admitting she can't pay the butcher bill? Shooting yourself in the foot again darlin'

    3. A Legend in Her Own MindFebruary 19, 2024 at 12:14 PM

      It's amazing that she thinks it's normal to beg for the butcher bill when her "customers" have ALREADY paid for the purchase, care, feeding and butcheri bills. A person must be a special kind of stupid to buy pork from an individual who squanders the money that should have been set aside. If Wog can't afford to cover prepaid butcher fees, who's to say she fed the pigs their proper diet?

      And let's not forget past practices when she tried to cheat CSA customers out of their fair share because the shares grew "too large". Yep, she tried to make two shares into three, or some such. Wisely, the CSA owner wasn't having any of that. But, as you can imagine, if she tried this once, why wouldn't she try it again?

      After all, a grifter's gonna grift and a cheater's gonna cheat.

    4. Correction: "butcheri" should read butcher

    5. I recall her bragging about feeding them day old donuts.

    6. A Legend in Her Own MindFebruary 19, 2024 at 1:30 PM

      SFF, she also fed them old deli sandwiches. She took poodle cash to feed pigs a healthy diet, used the money for livin' expenses, and then she fed the pigs leftover deli sandwiches that were destined to be thrown away.


  27. If her pork was quality she would have repeat customers and word of mouth customers and not need to beg people to buy it.

    1. Any vendor worth their salt benefits from word of mouth referrals. A quality product pretty much sells itself.

    2. Jenna’s burned her bridges years ago, and is loathed by locals. It’s also apparent that her pork is crap.

    3. A Legend in Her Own MindFebruary 19, 2024 at 2:08 PM

      All of our local suppliers fill their orders by word-of-mouth and town postings. No one needs to beg on X - Twitter.

      Her local area has several small-scale farms that sell meat products, but Wog doesn't sell to the local market. Just think about how messed up that is.

    4. That begs the question: Does she even sell at all? Beg, "sell shares for, what is she up to, over a year later? By that time who even remembers? She certainly doesn't. It's all smoke and mirrors

    5. Don't forget that she included "butcher costs" in one of her recent beg-a-thons. Which she already collected when she sold those shares.

      PDD wrote: "Her local area has several small-scale farms that sell meat products, but Wog doesn't sell to the local market."

      And Cambridge has a farmer's market that she refuses to participate in. Total missed opportunity to offer up her soaps, portraits, logos, rancid meats, etc. Must be a reputation problem.

    6. If she has this bad a reputation online I can only imagine how bad it is at a local level with people who have dealt with her face to face. What a horrible way to live.

  28. Is her selling meat even legal? Does it and her farming practices have to be inspected before she sells it? Does she need a license? I can't imagine buying meat from her. She seems to constantly dodge doing anything legal and by the book so how is she able to sell meat?

    1. NY State allows shares of meat animals to be sold under CSA prograns, as long as the animals are butchered and processed by a certified / licensed abbatoir.

      Since she has neither, she can't sell meat by the pound, nor can she process the animals.

      What I don't get is her ability to store the processed meat in her home where, by her own admission, power outages have occurred. In addition, she's used the same freezer to store hawk food (rats/mice) and road kill. And lastly, her 'customers' count on her integrity in assuring their shares are fairly distributed.

      As others have speculated, what stops her from taking a package here and there for personal use?

    2. PDD. Don’t forget her pro tip for storing stinky jeans in the freezer!

    3. A Legend in Her Own MindFebruary 20, 2024 at 6:35 AM

      JJ, yes! She told people she puts her dirt and feces-encrusted farm jeans inside the freezer to freshen their smell. FFS, who does that?

      PS my above comment should read CSA programs; I accidentally typed an "n" on the phone's teensy keypad.

    4. Putting jeans in the dryer was a flash in the pan a number of years ago. Some celebrity (Victoria Beckham maybe) recommended this but it was debunked since the bacteria will still be present when the item thaws out and this practice doesn’t even address stains and chunks of crud that would be picked up in a farm setting. It’s typical of Wog to jump on a crazy fad because a famous female endorsed it. I suspect she was afraid they would shrink in the wash. Her pants always look like they are painted on so any shrinkage would make them impossible to zip up IMO.

    5. SFF. “Her pants always look like they’re painted on,” because Jenna has an obese body.

    6. Correction - in the freezer not in the dryer.Oops.

  29. I just checked for a new sub stack post, of course there wasn't one. I noticed her read only post of the 17th wasn't on there anymore, just the audio one, curious as to why, but then I actually read her title, ... and she writes that it's for people who don't like to bake. Why would you make an angel food cake from scratch if you hated baking?

    1. Jenna’s boring non-tent is meaningless drivel, because she has nothing of merit to offer.

    2. She wrote that the recipe was cobbled from online recipes, which probably means she stole it and didn't credit the creator. A written version would be oh-so-easy to check.

    3. Hm, guess she knows enough about baking to "cobble together" a good cake recipe.

    4. she writes and thinks as though everyone sees life as a struggle. struggle to pay the mortgage. struggle to bake a freaking cake. so you hate it all so much. ugh.

      thing is, people who hate that crap would not be reading about it. they'd be reading escapism. not reading the badly written pay per view journal of another person who also hates it.

    5. didn't she publish an angel food cake recipe in made from scratch?

  30. She has a baby goat, how is she not posting about it daily? People love that kind of content! Makes me wonder if it died...

    1. Many animals have met a sad ending at Dead Antler Farm, because the sociopath has zero corner about their welfare.

    2. Edit: concern not corner

  31. This is typical behavior for Jenna. Her patterns are predictable after awhile.

  32. As if to respond to the comments above, she just posted on IG story that now she only does 4-6 essays a month for your $8. Also, she advertised herself as a writer for hire and misspelled “writers”. Just came here to say that I have been away for over a month, and it simply never changes. Same thing over and over and over.

    1. She does “respond to the comments” here. Her ridiculous rebuttal is Jenna’s justification for not honoring her pledge to post as promised.

    2. I also want to add that Jenna “never changes” in terms of anything. She won’t accept any adult accountability for her actions. Only stupid people would hire her to do rotten writing.

    3. Jenna is still stuck in a rut of her own creation. She lacks the ability to make mature changes and decisions about her lie-style.

  33. I'm still waiting for word about reporting her for the pathetic condition of her horses. I'll join the charge, but I'm not local so awaiting instruction. My heart hurts for them. 😥

    1. I’m not local either, but maybe doing a search on reporting animal abusing in her area would be a good start.

  34. Another Reddit receipt:


  35. https://www.podpage.com/you-are-good/imagine-me-you-w-jenna-woginrich/

    Well, this will be a waste of time.

    1. “In which we fall for lesbians falling in love, share words of wisdom with our younger selves, and talk Imagine Me & You with our pal Jenna Woginrich.”

      Guess that they ran out of good guests. “You just can’t know. Hoo!!!”

    2. The true intro would say: “Jenna is infamous for her blatant begging, animal abusing, manipulative marketing, obsession with famous females, pathological lying, and sociopathic scamming!

    3. Edit scamming!”

    4. Lol, Sarah must be angling for more free overnight stays/meals at Pember Patty's place.

    5. PDD. That’s what we were thinking. Suddenly, Sarah invites Jenna on her podcast.

    6. Talk about “scraping the bottom of the barrel” with Wog on the podcast.

  36. You took one for the team. I hate to hear her grating, obnoxious voice. She’s always been a “Plain Jen.” Not everyone is lucky enough to be beautiful. I think that Sarah spent Christmas with her a few years ago. Her old blog was filled with yearning posts about men. I don’t know why she can’t admit that her attraction to dudes was once real.

  37. It’s obvious that Jenna was bisexual for years. There’s no shame in admitting that, but she insists on rewriting her his-story.

  38. Jenna called the hosts “darling” four times during the podcast and it was so cringe.

    1. Her constant usage of darling and baby are condescending. Jenna also comes across as being a creepy sexist when she says it.

    2. We wonder if she used her stupid and annoying “Hoo!!!”

  39. A Legend in Her Own MindFebruary 24, 2024 at 6:41 AM

    Wog has a long history of love bombing Sarah, with free food and stays at PP. Her behavior towards Sarah has always been somewhat imitative as Sarah revels in quirky & obscure kitsch and movies/media. I'm unsure who introduced whom, but guessing PP and UglyDogs were involved in the circle of social media friends at the time (along with Veronica and a few others). Most have moved on to bigger projects. Wog works to keep them in her circle; for example, she often compliments or reaches out to Sarah.

    In full disclosure, I sometimes listened to "You're Wrong About" because it was a mindlessly chatty distraction whilst cleaning the barn. I never became a devoté because glib attitudes and factually incorrect information is generally off-putting to me. IMHO, the show slid downhill following the departure of the more organized co-host (Mike) and it now tends to ramble on.

    Several years ago EPMD_ had the below criticisms about Sarah's podcast. Of course, he was trounced by the Attagirls, but I think he made good points on Sarah / host weaknesses that might allow her to showcase an insufferable taint like Wog.
    His opinion:
    1. The voices can grate.
    2. They are smug, even when they know nothing about a topic.
    3. They have tremendous liberal bias.
    4. They sort of not so subtly like to hate on men.
    5. They make terrible metaphors and analogies.
    6. Despite their smugness, they think it's charming to know very little about the topic they are discussing.

    Just an interesting tidbits.

    1. Correction: tidbit

    2. Sarah can also come across as being insufferable. Just like Jenna.

  40. https://www.instagram.com/coldantlerjenna/p/C3xWpkPuB28/?hl=en&img_index=1

    The fake femme has returned with her grotesque grimace and crappy makeup. Her open, gaping maw is ugly. It’s hilarious that she’s worn lipstick just for ick pics.

    1. Jenna doesn’t have an authentic bone in her obese body. Everything about her is posed and performative for photos.

    2. Is that her idea of a smile? She looks demented and the clown makeup just makes it worse.

    3. SFF. Exactly. Jenna’s smiles are always insincere on her fake fat face. She comes across as being creepy not sexy.

    4. It’s like Jenna has only two facial expressions that she defaults to in photos. One is the same smug smirk, and the other is the open-mouthed, tongue showing pose. But both are awful.

  41. A Legend in Her Own MindFebruary 25, 2024 at 8:16 AM

    Let's not ignore the three big stories:

    1. No new content in the last week of SuckStack. The July 6, 2023 River Diaries entry was previously posted on her bleg - for free. And no one cares about it.
    2. It was less than 8⁰F in Cambridge yesterday, a frigid fcuking night, and Merlin escaped AGAIN, no doubt to find food. Tell me your equine needs sustinence without telling me he needs food. But sure, she asks her readers to feel sorry for her lazy ass, in between streaming movies and eating junk food inside a warm house.
    3. She admitted her keeping hawks has NOTHING to do with "saving them" over the winter. She intends to keep her Red Tail so she can "chase the thrill" of a hawk killing a defenseless animal. And, for the record, her hawk hasn't hunted successfully. Look for her to lie about this.

    1. Her whole life is lies.

    2. suckstack - lol


    4. Anonymous 5:37. We’re working on reporting her to the appropriate authorities.

    5. Anon 5:37 - she has been reported so many times and had several surprised inspections re the horses and pigs. The laws are unfortunately lax for livestock. This is a problem nearly everywhere. If the inspectors visit and see the animals have access to food, water, and shelter as defined by law, then the specifics of what each animal needs can't be pursued further. A senior horse who can't keep weight on in winter because he's not rugged, doesn't have access to a barn or supplemental feed - there are no laws about that. It's just morals and decent horsemanship.

    6. A Legend in Her Own MindFebruary 28, 2024 at 6:41 AM

      💯 on what WIW wrote. The laws on livestock are pathetic. Animals must have water, not be starving, without demonstrated evidence of abuse. Neglect isn’t prosecuted unless it's egregious. That her horses are considered "senior" and need more care, not less, won't be taken into account. In fact, she'll simply say her horses look thin because they're old. In rural NY, there's no legal provision for annual shots, unlike with many other states, so a vet may not have seen them in years.

      Sadly, she's an ignorant and uncaring owner, but unless someone she personally knows & respects puts her to shame for her rotten animal care, there's not much that can be done at this stage.

      If you really want to make a difference, work to change animal abuse laws in her county, her state, your county, your state, and the nation.

  42. https://www.instagram.com/coldantlerjenna/p/C3yoQ95NucX/?hl=en

    “Thank you, so so so much! 200 patrons on substack! That’s 200 people that are supporting this farm, becoming part of my life, and creating community. I’m so grateful you’re reading, you just can’t know.”

    No one cares, cunt. That cake looks like crap. “You just can’t know. Hoo!!!”

    1. Jenna’s hyperbole is obnoxious. It won’t last long. Her rotten writing isn’t worth reading even for free. She’ll continue to lose more subscribers, and then wait to bake a cake again. Her fat ass, no waist shape really NEEDS more calories.

  43. Jenna’s baked her cake
    she’s bringing in more bucks.
    But no one really cares
    ‘cause we’ve run outta fucks.

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindFebruary 27, 2024 at 7:04 AM

      Perfect, WIW!
      Her short-term 'success' isn't sustainable because at the heart of it all, Wog's a derivative hack, who doesn't have the personal discipline to persevere and excel at any of her chosen activities (except for begging). To boot, she seems hell-bent on self-sabotage.

      Lastly: Her graphics/art is as good as her writing, which is as good as her animal husbandry. None is a formula for success.

    2. PDD. Thanks! I appreciate it.

    3. I laughed out loud...good one!

  44. Yeah it's strange she just pretends that didn't happen and says she had NO INTEREST in men or dating, when she clearly did. She was performing it pretty well at least. Maybe she was overcompensating which is not unusual if that's the case.

    But she's incapable of true self-reflection. Even the way in which she criticizes her past self she positions herself as the victim (of her own choices)

  45. Anonymous 2:54. I agree with what you wrote. Jenna is “incapable” of thinking outside of things being either black or white. She doesn’t see in any nuances. Just like she’s refused to get a part-time job, because it’s only writing that will work. It’s the same way with her sexual preferences.

  46. We’ve been busy lately sending out links, and other info to warn others about Wog. “You just can’t know. Hoo!!!”

  47. Paging, Anon7. You’re missed here. I hope that a few negative comments about your last funny post didn’t scare you off.

    1. I second this comment.

    2. Still here, still posting. Just no longer using a moniker. But my time stamps offer a clue, as I'm pretty much the only one who posts late at night.

    3. Anon7. Thanks for commenting. I made the original comment. I like your moniker, too.

    4. A Legend in Her Own MindFebruary 28, 2024 at 6:43 AM

      Anon7, Brava!!!

    5. Anon 5:36, I get it with not using a moniker. Every time my computer or phone "system" updates automatically, it's a crap shoot if my Poodle avatar will actually appear when I try to post it. I give up most of the time.

    6. PDD. I’ve made the moniker comment. It’s also nice to know when a longtime member like Anon7 posts. Her “perfectly Rubenesque farm goddess” was great.

  48. Two hundred subscribers at 6.67 each (and also assuming some people pre-paid for the year--so let's say 150) is 1k a mo, which is in my mind a lot of money to get for doing almost nothing

    1. yeah I am genuinely surprised there are over 200 paying subscribers. To each their own. I'm also surprised the subscriber count has doubled since her initial launch in less than a year. If she can keep this up and actually make a living at it - hell, I have no issue with it. She's have an actual job, actual self-employment. This is a big point we've been bugging her about for years - get a freaking job so that each and every month isn't a scramble to pay the mortgage / feed the animals or so she claims.

      The flip side of this is without the steady stream of manufactured crises, and given she seems to have lost interest in writing about many of her original topics, what will she find to write about now?

      Not our problem, and as long as the subscribers are happy, well CAF can just chug along.

      The animal welfare piece is what keeps me engaged, that and wanting to see if / when this trainwreck finally comes to an end which I think we have agreed isn't going to happen as the continual crises can't possibly be real or it WOULD have ended by now.

      I guess the conclusion is she will continue to be shitty at animal husbandry, will write about it with authority and will continue to project human personality traits on to animals being "assholes" etc. She has yet (since the stuck bobcat incident) to be ordered to disperse her agricultural collection again, this will probably happen at some point in the future.

      But meanwhile? She's earning a part time living through substack? Good. This is the closest she's come to gainful employment in a decade.

    2. Then why is she begging for a miracle on X?

    3. It seems no amount of money is enough for her. All her begging for miracles that will solve her problems...yeah, for that month only. And now she is supposedly pulling in $1,000-$1,500 a month with Shitstack and that's still not doing it for her? She is plagued by insatiable greed.

    4. SFF. One of her most manipulative marketing tactics is her “this farm needs a miracle” crap. She’s been doing it for years. Could you please post it? I can’t see X accounts since Nitter quit. Thanks.

      Anonymous 12:41. I’ve been saying the same thing. There’s never enough money to satisfy her “insatiable greed.” It’s annoying and obnoxious.

    5. Here it is from X:
      "This farm has a couple days to pull off a small miracle and no idea how I'm going to do it but if you see this and are interested in anything I sell, please reach out"

    6. She must be using the money for something other than the mortgage, as is her habit. Perhaps more T. Swift concert tickets, or more Dolly Parton cake mixes.

    7. SFF. Thanks! We like to track her crap. I’d also appreciate you posting new ones if possible. I’m assuming that you have access with an account. It’s Jenna’s classic, damsel in distress act again. She needs to be “adopted” by someone who won’t mind an incompetent partner.

    8. Mostly she posts the same message over and over again for a number of days in a row.

    9. Also, it’s interesting that X is doom and gloom and IG is sweetness and light. Pick a lane darlin’

    10. SFF. Yeah, she’s literally, a broken record of blatant begging.

  49. Anyone else having a problem with her Instagram? Her page loads but there is nothing there.

    1. I still see it now.

    2. I think when she's updating her IG, it's offline for awhile. If you try at a later time, it will probably work.

  50. Here’s a Jen gem:


    “You just can’t know. Hoo!!!”

    1. I’m sooo scared. It’s 2024, and nothing has happened. Jenna didn’t take time to edit this either as usual.

    2. “Sure, Jen.” She’s responsible for publicly putting out her personal information. Like previously pooping in her yard, and sleeping naked with the dogs.

    3. It reminds me of the time Jenna threatened to sic a fictional attorney named “Jack” on us years ago. Of course, it was just more idle threats from the con cunt.

    4. I’m sure that HD is shaking in her shoes with “terror!”

    5. As if Jenna could afford an attorney, when she’s begging for mortgage money each and every month.

  51. On IG - a shot of the dog inside with a coat on. Why is it Friday merits a coat inside but Merlin has no blanket in an ice storm?

    1. It makes no sense like everything else that dumbass does. Her horses are stupid status symbols of an affluent lifestyle that’s always been beyond Jenna’s meager means to maintain.

  52. HD. New post please? Thanks!

    1. When is she going to re home her horses? This is a disaster with her animals.
      She is unable to look after her animals and farm.

    2. I don’t know why you’d reply to this comment. It has nothing to do with the request for a new post. I’d suggest reporting Jenna’s animal abusing by doing research on agencies in her area.

    3. I don’t know why you would reply about this reply. MYOB

    4. It’s “my business,” because I wrote the original comment. GFY


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