This morning, I found an online essay from Stephanie Sherman about why she writes deeply personal and embarrassing stories (answer to make money by catching people's attention). The whole essay was amusing & I'm unsure if it was tongue-in-cheek, but her article contained some truths in its last paragraph that might apply to Wog.
"I used to think that journalism had something to do with recording information or commenting on events. But now I know that it’s about turning your life into a freak show and charging people to gawk. It’s about telling a story — your story — and ensuring that your story is so pitiable that people can’t turn away. It’s about the narcissism of living your life in public combined with the willingness to debase yourself for clicks combined with the unhealthy impulse to wallow in the heavy gloom of bad events. There will always be demand for articles that make people think “well, at least I’m not that sad fuck.”
There is a person in my life very similar to Jenna in many ways, except this person has some cyclical mental health affliction that results in them destroying their life, systemically, every 5-7 years. This person saws the branch they sit on, destroys every relationship, burns every bridge. And she tweets every day of it! And she has THOUSANDS of followers, lots of "atta girls" like Jenna's crew who take everything she writes at face value, and never compares the current story to history.
Recently, this person tweeted they had been experiencing "dark thoughts" and just a day later they were crowing about how many views and likes that story had resulted in.
Jenna is certainly not alone in this world in manufacturing crises and exaggerating their poor mood to manipulate others. This other person has an amazon wish list they like to be cheered up with.
I’d still like to see someone slap that smug smirk off her fake fat face. Jenna has no sense of style. She’s trying to look like an Walmart version of Indiana Jones.
New free post on her Dumbstack. As usual it’s too wordy and rambling. Am I the only one who found the Pirates of the Caribbean analogy puzzling? She blames coming out late in life for her bad grades, family relationships and general lack of success. Apparently being lazy and dishonest had nothing to do with her present situation
Agreed SFF 8:27 and Anon 9:00. Her writing is atrocious, so convoluted I have trouble following it, and plenty of errors. She went away to college, and left her small town. Her not coming out until she did was entirely on her. She can't blame everything bad in her life on others. Poor little Jenna, life was so hard. She didn't know she could be gay, no one told her, no one showed her.
“Agreed SFF 8:27 and Anon 9:00. Her writing is atrocious, so convoluted I have trouble following it, and plenty of errors. She went away to college, and left her small town. Her not coming out until she did was entirely on her. She can't blame everything bad in her life on others. Poor little Jenna, life was so hard. She didn't know she could be gay, no one told her, no one showed her.”
Exactly. That was well-put. “Poor little Jenna” always has a victim narrative. I’m shocked that she has any paying subscribers to her drivel.
Oh gosh, I decided to listen to her audio version and it’s just horrible. Every few lines she laughs at what she has just read. It must be a nervous tic or something but it detracts from what she is trying to express plus it is incredibly annoying. I couldn’t make it all the way through. I knew her written grammar was bad but she doesn’t correct it - just reads all the errors. I wonder if she speaks this way when she isn’t reading from her script. Ugh.
SFF. We’ve met her many times before, and her grating, annoying voice is even worse in person. It’s stupid for her to do any audio. There’s nothing that’s funny about Jenna. She has no humor.
I guess that’s my point. She is presenting what for her is a serious subject but keeps chuckling away at herself. It’s unsettling and makes it difficult to take her seriously.
The thing about Wog is she's incredibly inauthentic, and an unrepentant liar. In the latest re-hash of her coming-out-late story *yawn*, she posted a photo of Mabel being cantered, with the strong suggestion that the rider was Wog**. It wasn't. The photo is from about seven years ago, and it's a cutoff shot that showed Pember Patty riding Mabel.
If Wog is talkin' or writin', she's likely lyin'. PDD
** The caption under the photo of Pember Patty is "Figuring out who you are as a lesbian is the ride of your life."
I don't believe she wrote that latest entry entirely herself. Cuz about halfway thru I realized that I was seeing things I don't usually see in her writings: Proper spelling and grammar, correct usage of punctuation marks, and at times an overall tone and style of writing that is not hers. Check out the use of parenthesis, commas, dashes in these paragraphs:
"If you were born in a society where heterosexuality is considered normal (or your moral obligation) sexual identity might be less about who you actually desire and more about fitting in with everyone else. You’re compelled to participate even if you’re not motivated."
"From birth you are assigned a gender that matches your sex, and all the stereotypes and expectations that come with it. Pink bows on the girls and blue onesies on the boys. Barbie and Tonka for the toddlers. Makeup and sports for the teens. It’s not even something we think about, it’s how things are. Regardless of your own personal beliefs, sexuality, or politics—being straight is the default."
AND the italics, dashes, quote marks and ellipsis here:
"a little “too-into” softball"
"labeled “other”real quick"
"a countertop…what"
She doesn't normally write like that. So I don't believe she wrote that or any of the paragraphs that follow. And there are several sections that just don't sound like her. Also, very few typos. I think that she plagiarized several people's writings and slipped in her own thoughts, as well as a "darlin'" or two.
I also noticed the difference in content. Jenna has plagiarized in the past on her old blog. I think that she’s doing it again. “You just can’t know. Hoo!!!”
Of course she can cherry pick text but the portions quoted above are entire paragraphs, it seems. Small potatoes if you look at how she lives her life as a whole.
I realize everyone finds their own "truth" in their own way, but I must say Wog's continual whining about the supposed difficulty of her journey is a little much. She uses it as an excuse to justify her do-nothing lifestyle and grift money from kind-hearted readers.
She didn't come of age when homosexuality was illegal and punishable with jail. She was a single female, family-supported, college-educated, with skills and income to purchase a home in a trendy enclave of New York City. No one forced her lifestyle. She lives next to a town with live theatre, bookshop and multiple craft and service shops, many of which cater to a diverse population. Her town hosts a Pride Parade.
But Wog has to make it appear as though she's some sort of endangered predator species (a coyote) because of her LGBTQ status, living on the side of a mountain in the "danger zone". It's really laughable.
If people in town don't like or respect her, I'm pretty sure that's not about her sexuality; it's because she has a rotten local reputation for treating people badly and referring to them in a snarky, arrogant way. She's transparent in her low opinion of townsfolk, and they've reciprocated her distaste.
I live in a rural area in New England. My town doesn't have a fraction of the "weekender delights" that exist in her town. Much of our local government is GOP. The head of our road crew is an avowed Trump-supporter, and it's unpopular to question why people shoot guns on a bucolic weekend ("That's the sound of 2A rights and freedom!").
However, conservative or not, I doubt there's a person who wouldn't go out of their way to help someone in trouble. LGBTQ townsfolk seem welcome, or at least arguing over LGBTQ isn't a thing in our community. It's how you treat others that counts. Over the years, we've had a gay state representative and a transgender works director. They've always been supported because they're good people and good community members - something Wog knows nothing about.
PDD. That was spot-on. We’ve lived in her area for years, and can attest to what you’ve written. Jenna is loathed by locals not because of her sexual preference. We’re a queer couple, and Cambridge has warmly welcomed us. She’s burned her bridges by screwing people over. Wog’s “whining” is stupid, self-entitlement for no reason.
Look at this! She actually called it "my" farm on X: "Still here trying to make my farm work. I'm probably getting off of here soon, but if you see this and are at all interested in design or illustration make an offer - this farm really needs sales!"
Then it’s “this farm” at the end. I don’t know why she’s prolonging deleting her stupid account. It’s seen even less action than her lack of love life.
“If you want to read about why so many women are coming out of the closet these days or come along for a misty hunt with a hawk on a mountain, there’s already two new essays up on my Substack this March! Both include audio options (If you don’t want to read I will read to you!) and the Late Bloomer Series is free to read and listen to. I really wish I read something like it 15 years ago…. But look at me now, talking comphet and training falcons. Life’s neat.
Link up in bio or stories if you’re nasty.”
It’s an ick pic of her hawk with a dead animal. The only “nasty” cunt is Jenna.
Wog's a sadist imho. She loves the control she has over animals, and isn't bothered by poor conditions. Her fake lifestyle and image are everything to her.
She's not saving the raptor over the winter, then releasing this spring; she admitted she's keeping it into a second season at least. She doesn’t give two flying fcuks about the bird's welfare. There's not a shred of altruism or conservation in her.
And speaking of fake images: her captive hawk isn’t tearing into an animal it successfully hunted. The photo is of her feeding the raptor another meal (the lure). And if you don’t know how falconry operates, to keep it responsive to her, she doesn't feed it so it remains hungry and a little desperate to please its keeper.
Priceless link. Thank you, Anon 8:34. She hasn't 'learned' how to treat animals because she's a low-life animal abuser, masquerading as a caring small farmer, where animals lead blissful lives before they're dispatched.
The animal rescue world is filled with stories of posers like her, who took money under false pretenses, while neglecting or actively abusing animals under their care. Dead Animal Farm is no different.
Oh, and since Wog reads here constantly, maybe she should have bloodwork done on Merlin; his condition, top line, coat and age put him into high risk of PPID ("Cushings"), which is largely treatable. PDD
It’s obvious that being a lesbian hasn’t increased her chances of finding a partner. Even when Jenna was looking for men, she still had a lot of difficulty.
hm, i feel the opposite. my straight female friends tend to find they need to be pretty feminine to find a man, whereas among queers there seems to be more diversity in what different women find attractive in a woman.
QMTA, obviously that’s not about discernment, it’s more about aesthetic tastes; so i’m not arguing that men aren’t less discerning, just that they don’t seem to appreciate women who are unlike what mainstream media tells them is attractive.
I appreciate the above responses. I want to clarify my original comment. Jenna is a putrid person. So her difficulty in finding a partner is due to who she is. It doesn’t depend on her current sexual preference.
I'm probably one of the minority of shamsters here that has dated both men and women (and identify as a lesbian now). In my experience, dating men is easier because what they're looking for is simple. But that equation doesn't always make sense for women who too often end up doing the majority of emotional and domestic work in the relationship.
relationships among queer women / non binary folk are often more emotionally balanced, and the domestic / emotional labour is typically more balanced. BUT the relationship success and divorce rates are pretty parallel, and the incidence of domestic abuse and violence in queer relationships is higher than in straight ones. Straight women are still the most likely to be killed by their domestic partner, but queer people are more likely to experience abuse, overall.
I'm pretty sure Jenna perpetrated emotional abuse on S when she was living there, in the form of blowing up at her in arguments (one of the reasons someone would grab their cat and leave in their car immeditely and never return), and it's clear Jenna was abusing S financially.
Anonymous 3:25. I can relate to what you wrote, and also agree with you. I’ve been bisexual, but am in a longtime, lesbian relationship. I’m sure that Shannon endured abuse from Jenna on many levels. She was wise to end their connection completely.
It’s funny how the Queen of Dykes has made no mention of the fact that it’s International Women’s Day. But maybe only “feral” lesbians count as being worthy.
“Logo design spot’s available now and there couldn’t be a better time to support this farm. This place really needs sales, so if you can share this post I’d really appreciate it! All design and illustration work has sales and discounts for multiples!”
It’s always “there couldn’t be a better time…” Jenna still sings the same sad song each and every month. She’s added “This place” as a shield for her own need and agreed. “You just can’t know. Hoo!!!”
“I have a free series on substack talking about coming out later in life for queer women. It explains why so many lesbians come out late, and why. You can read or listen to an audio version of every essay in the series!”
No one cares, cunt. Your “dumb small life” is boring drivel and non-tent.
Jenna is disingenuous in even lightly referring to herself as “a girl.” She claims to be a feminist, but has used that outdated, stupid term in describing Shannon. What a huge hypocrite.
“I hope your rainy Sunday is full of good things. Twin ewe lambs born here, warm cinnamon buns and strong coffee, and I’m ridiculously excited about a sandwich I’ve been planning for over 4 hours. If I pull it off I shall share it in the stories so we can all cower before its glory. But right now: spooky movie snuggles with a badass bitch*
No one cares, cunt. Your boring drivel is non-tent.
As if anyone else would be “ridiculously excited” about her stupid sandwich. It was probably greasy and gross like all of Jenna’s fattening food. It’s no wonder why she has an obese body.
Very stark contrast between her latest posts vs her content from 5-8 years ago. As back then she wrote about trying to farm, preparations for events like (C)antlerstock, bow 'n arrow workshops, haulin' logs, teaching music classes, etc.
Now she only writes about desserts, 4-hour sandwiches, and Taylor fcuking Swift. Oh, how the meaty have fallen.
“farming will break your heart if it doesn't break you. Today feels like both.”
Jenna is just trying to elicit empathy for free funds by using manipulative marketing. And she’s deliberately not revealing what’s going on, because it’s all a crock of crap. “You just can’t know. Hoo!!!”
Yup - very typical of her to make a vague statement and fail to elaborate. In my experience, people who pull that shit are afraid others won't find what they have to say to be interesting (and they're right) so they try to entice others with this lame tactic.
Up above, Anon 3:25 (on 3/7) wrote: "I'm pretty sure Jenna perpetrated emotional abuse on S when she was living there, in the form of blowing up at her in arguments (one of the reasons someone would grab their cat and leave in their car immeditely and never return), and it's clear Jenna was abusing S financially."
Very interesting theory! Yes, we've all seen a taste of Jenna's anger here and there in her YouTube videos -- particularly her "I hate hate hate HATE working" rant. So yeah, could totally see her going off. And probably gaslighting her too.
To trot out my running theory that Jenna also seems to be taking on board, if she does qualify for an ADHD diagnosis, this unmanaged condition is associated with volatile / explosive emotions.
Without thinking about it or even believing her behaviour was abusive, she could still easily have been a perpetrator.
Watching her blow up at her kitten who knocked over a vase (and then posting it) leads me to believe that she has a skewed notion of what appropriate behaviour looks like. Any normal person would have deleted that video instead of sharing it online. I can only imagine her rage the first time Shannon withheld her credit card.
It was a while ago and she was making a video of herself playing her ukelele and trying to sing when the kitten jumped on the table and knocked over a vase of flowers, spilling water all over the place. She launched herself at the cat screaming that it was a horrible beast or some such thing. It went on for about 30 seconds. The dog was in the corner of the frame looking terrified. Honestly, she sounded like a petulant four year old. That was followed by a second video of her holding the cat (rather tightly) and mostly upside down and admonishing it for the camera. It’s moments like that where the curtain is pulled back and you get a glimpse of the real Jenna. Very disturbing. Any normal person would be ashamed of behaving like that but she seemed to take great delight in sharing it.
I’m sure that it’s just more boring drivel, and non-tent about her “dumb small life.” Jenna’s rotten writing will never make anyone’s “keyboards wringing wet!”
Here we go again, Jenna's threatening the lives of animals unless the reader PAYS UP!
Per the latest post:
I only have a few ewes, but this year could change everything. If healthy ewe lambs are born (at least one per mama) I will try to keep them to double my breeding stock. I say “try” because I don’t want to promise anything. (Sales are really hard to make and getting harder, so if I can’t afford to buy in a few ram lambs to cover this year’s lamb customers, these gals are not seeing Christmas. I’m just saying don’t get too attached until this substack gets some legs. )
yeah her mortgage is paid. She has about $1400 coming in monthly from this thing and honestly, good for her! I don't give a shit what she writes about, she has a freaking INCOME to actually SUPPROT HERSELF fucking huzzah!
Now the trick is that isn't enough to supplement her whole income. She's been making money other ways or this ship would have sunk years ago, so she's looking to replace whatever has been paying her bills so far with monthly direct deposit folding money from substack.
A fine goal! I hope she does it!
But I don't think that's going to actually change any of the animal welfare concerns we have. She'll ramp up her expenses just as fast as her income increases. She won't be saving anything, there will always be emergencies and her husbandry certainly isn't going to improve. She'll get back up to 10 sheep and all the drama and degradation to her pasture that happened the first time around.
The shit show isn't going to stop at CAF any time soon.
Anonymous 10:01. I doubt that she’ll be able to sustain her subscribers for the future with rotten writing. There’s never enough funds to satisfy Jenna’s endless greed.
Anon 10:01 PM is certainly correct that the sh** show with regard to animals won't end. Wog hasn't yet created a sustained 200 subscriber-level. She posted that numbers for her paying subscribers bounce up-and-down, and she complained about readers who dropped out for dubious reasons. Yes, she continues to BEG for paying subscribers on three platforms: Suckstack, Instagram and X. This won't EVER end, because she'll always, always, ALWAYS spend more money than she takes in. I think it's a sickness with her - trying to fill the empty hole inside of her with purchases.
In other observations: I saw she continues to cover her crappy animal bedding conditions with hay for photo opportunities; to wit, the photo of the newborn lambs who survived her hell are standing on a fresh pile of hay (not straw). Also, for a woman who continually bemoans not having a washing machine (which she could probably buy for $50 used), she now has at least one Aero Garden, whose cost can be a cool $80-$180.
Lol, maybe she'll tell us that S****** left the Aero Garden behind in her rush to run away from Wog. PDD
PDD. You’ve nailed it again. I’m sure that Shannon has never regretted ending their relationship. Wog would rather whine about having to go to the “laundry mat” (her stupid spelling not mine), than buy a washer that works. The cost could cut into her funds for fun.
I don’t get why a few people here aren’t using Shannon’s name now. We’ve been talking about her and Jenna for years. It’s no secret what her identity is in real life.
Perhaps we'll agree to disagree. Here's why I use initials only.
When S* lived at Dead Animal Farm, I was uncertain how much she "knew" about the overall shenanigans; at one point, I thought she might have been complicit, and I even referred to her as Wog Jr. But as time went on, I noticed that Wog was on her very best behavior when around S* There was little, if any, begging and no apparent mood swings. We saw lots of improvements for the animals and property. In hindsight, it's likely the majority of the effort was mostly done by S* - obviously (!) as Wog seems allergic to work - but still, the place was in much better shape when S* was there.
A reasonable person might ask why on earth did S* stay and do more than her fair share? Covid played a role. Likely, there was also an emotional connection. We've all seen how Wog will initially love-bomb new friends/sources of $$$. She probably did that to S*, who rarely, if ever, posted to her own social media and frankly seemed a bit naive about all of it.
I believe S* was fed a well-rehearsed fictionalized account of DAF by the fake feral farmer, with myriad excuses and justifications for questionable past behavior and earnest promises of future improvement. I seem to remember S* even responded to Shamsters about that topic; she wrote that people can change and that we weren't respecting that FFF had changed.
Later on, when reality hit S* and she'd had enough, she booked - basically cutting ties & only taking her clothes and cat. She didn't jump onto social media. She's remained private and for my part I feel like I want to respect that by only using her initials. My choice - not expecting anyone else to follow.
I've known some scary people in my past. Sometimes the less said the better. Living with and then escaping sketchy people is always risky. She got out safely, and I wish her the best. PDD
I’m one of those who thinks that since Shannon’s name has been mentioned multiple times on this site, and also Jenna’s platforms, that it’s irrelevant to disguise it. But we wish her well, too.
I agree, PDD. I just use the ex's initial at this point too. I actually think she was taken in and taken advantage of, being significantly younger than Jenna, naïve, and frightened by covid in the city enough to move in with Jenna before she could really figure Jenna out.
Once moved in, the stakes are higher. S did a lot of labour to HERSELF improve what she saw as their home. It took over a year for things to sink in that she was putting in far more than Jenna, and I'm sure something happened - some line was crossed - to get her to leave in such an abrupt way.
I will admit after the one year mark I was losing patience and compassion for S, but I also had high hopes that her very positive influence would turn the whole shit show around if she was determined enough and Jenna allowed her inertia to be changed... but it was over soon enough.
Re: photo #9 - Erm, uh, is she pretending to be in bed with Taylor Swift? I mean, just look at it: On her laptop is a pic of Taylor, who is clearly lying in a bed with a loving gaze upon her face...and...AND...she is partially covered with Jenna's they are lying in bed together! Who does that!?
Anonymous 10:38. She’s unhinged and delusional. Jenna comes across as being a creepy stalker and sexual predator. We’ve watched her leering at much younger women last summer again.
I have a theory about her filtered photos. Jenna has a big, bulging belly. So her fat folds in front don’t show from the back. We’ve also proven in the past that she alters her image. Like slimming her facial jowls.
“I am still only 5’2” and weigh around 186 pounds. Even when I was training for the half marathon last summer and running 40-50 miles a week, I never weighed less than 178. At that weight and height, an 8/10 capri is my go-to jean size, though some bitchier critics online think that is a lie. (Listen, my body is a mystery to me, too, but I really am mostly muscle). My waist is 33” and my arms are 15” flexed. Grrrrrrr, baby.”
Her height with weight would classify Jenna as being obese. She also mentions an attraction to a male in school.
“A customer that wanted 2 pigs has either ghosted, been distracted, or cant respond so I have 2 additional pigs I need to sell for 2025 winter meat shares ASAP (that's 9 months from now, though it seems farther) If you are interested and can pick up meat in NY - PLEASE DM ASAP”
We’ve been waiting for this one to appear. It’s the Queen of Con with more manipulative marketing to elicit empathy for free funds up front. Here she goes again with the pig share scam. No one wants to pay for pork this far in advance. Jenna’s probably lost some more subscribers to her rotten writing. “You just can’t know. Hoo!!!”
Yay! more pig math! Like everyone above has said, we all knew it was coming. But, I thought people paid in advance. If so, what's the problem? She doesn't say they're asking for a refund, just that they ghosted. And, she has 9 months to sell 2 pigs, should be easy peasy!
Anonymous 2:28. It’s all a bunch of bull. Her shit shares that are sold, but then suddenly become available again, always seem to coincide with a missed “Morgan’s” payment.
Anon 2:28 - That's what I'm wondering. If they ghosted her, then why doesn't she just donate the meat to her local food. pantry? Or...if she suspects that she might hear from them, then why offer their shares for sale unless she was certain? Also, if the pork isn't available for 9 more months, why is she even worrying about them? Why would she even have reached out to them at this time? To give them an update? So many much strangeness.
It seems like her meat customers are one and done. And what is a "meat share"? How much pork is that? People are paying more attention to where their grocery money is going now, and if she offered a good product, she wouldn't have to beg for pork customers on the internet.
For sure! I'd love to find local meat but I'd have to know and trust the provider. JW is not it. You're right. She should have repeat customers and the meat should be spoken for well in advance, at this point, they should be coming back year after year.
The latest idiocy posted on her IG stories: "Friends! a pork customer that bought a whole pig last year told me they wanted two this year, so I believed them. I arranged for more piglets with a breeder, redid the years plan, figured out new shelters and fences, and then they never replied or updated me on their interest or status of if they changed their mind, left on read. So now I have an additional 2 pigs to sell ASAP so if you want pork and love the idea of remaining on this farm, please message ASAP. I still need to make lasts month's mortgage so it's urgent these sell fast!" Typed word for word so any typos are hers. So much wrong with this. 1)who does all this work on just a promise? 2) who buys pigs that are not already paid for, and the biggest one, 3) she just said the money was going towards the mortgage, NOT feeding the pigs or using the money to make sure the pigs are taken care of, nope, THE MORTGAGE. That alone would make me hesitate on a purchase. Crap pork by a crap person is what you'll get.
“A customer that wanted 2 pigs has either ghosted, been distracted, or cant respond so I have 2 additional pigs I need to sell for 2025 winter meat shares ASAP (that's 9 months from now, though it seems farther) If you are interested and can pick up meat in NY - PLEASE DM ASAP”
We’ve been waiting for this one to appear. It’s the Queen of Con with more manipulative marketing to elicit empathy for free funds up front. Here she goes again with the pig share scam. No one wants to pay for pork this far in advance. Jenna’s probably lost some more subscribers to her rotten writing. “You just can’t know. Hoo!!!”
AnonymousMarch 19, 2024 at 12:19 PM
Jenna has pulled this exact scam too many times to count for years. You’d have to be a fool to fall for her crap.
And why her hyperbolic, screaming, all-caps desperation if she’s really met that goal of 200 paid subscribers? I smell the stench of another lie.
AnonymousMarch 19, 2024 at 2:28 PM
Yay! more pig math! Like everyone above has said, we all knew it was coming. But, I thought people paid in advance. If so, what's the problem? She doesn't say they're asking for a refund, just that they ghosted. And, she has 9 months to sell 2 pigs, should be easy peasy!
AnonymousMarch 19, 2024 at 4:12 PM
Anonymous 2:28. It’s all a bunch of bull. Her shit shares that are sold, but then suddenly become available again, always seem to coincide with a missed “Morgan’s” payment.
AnonymousMarch 20, 2024 at 12:46 AM
Anon 2:28 - That's what I'm wondering. If they ghosted her, then why doesn't she just donate the meat to her local food. pantry? Or...if she suspects that she might hear from them, then why offer their shares for sale unless she was certain? Also, if the pork isn't available for 9 more months, why is she even worrying about them? Why would she even have reached out to them at this time? To give them an update? So many much strangeness.
AnonymousMarch 20, 2024 at 4:21 AM
Nothing ever makes sense - or cents - with her. It sure does appear that she runs scams and is the "queen of cons".
I appreciate all the postings on previous postings, but I think the point of my post was missed. She said the sales of the 2 pigs would go towards the mortgage, not the pig's care. She stated it flat out. Who would pay for pig shares that didn't pay for pig care, like food?
Anonymous 2:05. I get your point. Jenna is using specific funds for another purpose again. She has a history of doing that with other people’s money. It feels fraudulent.
Her begs arrive are like clockwork. In March, 2023, FFF posted:
"I have one quarter share or pork I was holding for a customer that's backed out. If you're interested (in pork)... tended day in and out by a lesbian trying her hardest to remain a farmer: DM!"
But also, let’s not forget the supposed two pigs that she is lamenting have not even been CONCEIVED yet, let alone sold to her or having been cared for by her for a year. Not to mention the point made above is that she is flat out, in public, stating that money she charges for caring for pigs goes straight to something else. Long time readers know that for a fact, but it’s fascinating to me that she doesn’t even try to hide it now. There is no customer that backed out. There is something fishy with her receiving substack funds from close to 200 people at the highest possible monthly rate, and still being in the same ole place when it comes to finances. The math ain’t mathing. Again.
Anonymous 5:52. Exactly. “There is no customer that backed out. There is something fishy with her receiving substack funds from close to 200 people at the highest possible monthly rate, and still being in the same ole place when it comes to finances.”
I'm chuckling over the fact that she's tried to convince her followers that the addition of ONE more piglet required that she "arranged for more piglets with a breeder, redid the years plan, figured out new shelters and fences..."
It reminds me of the time Wog bragged about all the "farm work" she did to enhance the ventilation in the pig barn, and it turns out she opened the door!
Truly, anyone who buys her stories at this stage must be a special kind of stupid.
You would think with $1500 / month coming in direct deposit form, the equivalent of selling two pigs a month, she'd be crowing about the farm being in the best financial shape ever. But it's in dire crisis. In need of a miracle. AGAIN.
She is such a liar.
Does she want to buy more sheep? She pushes the meat shares whenever she wants an extra few hundred bucks.
It should be a super busy time on the "farm". What has she been doing? We know what she hasn’t been doing. She hasn't been doing any post-summer clean-up around her shack on the hill. She hasn’t been spending time with all the old friends that got tired of her BS…there are a lot. She hasn’t been dating a new girl. And she hasn’t been writing any interesting quality essays. But really, it’s okay…she shouldn’t worry about it, because nobody really cares what she’s doing anyway. Rehome the animals and you can just carry on.
HD. Thanks! I hope that you’re doing well.
ReplyDeleteHappy Leap Year!
ReplyDeleteThis morning, I found an online essay from Stephanie Sherman about why she writes deeply personal and embarrassing stories (answer to make money by catching people's attention). The whole essay was amusing & I'm unsure if it was tongue-in-cheek, but her article contained some truths in its last paragraph that might apply to Wog.
"I used to think that journalism had something to do with recording information or commenting on events. But now I know that it’s about turning your life into a freak show and charging people to gawk. It’s about telling a story — your story — and ensuring that your story is so pitiable that people can’t turn away. It’s about the narcissism of living your life in public combined with the willingness to debase yourself for clicks combined with the unhealthy impulse to wallow in the heavy gloom of bad events. There will always be demand for articles that make people think “well, at least I’m not that sad fuck.”
Food for thought.
PDD. Thanks for posting the paragraph. I see the similarities.
DeleteThere is a person in my life very similar to Jenna in many ways, except this person has some cyclical mental health affliction that results in them destroying their life, systemically, every 5-7 years. This person saws the branch they sit on, destroys every relationship, burns every bridge. And she tweets every day of it! And she has THOUSANDS of followers, lots of "atta girls" like Jenna's crew who take everything she writes at face value, and never compares the current story to history.
Recently, this person tweeted they had been experiencing "dark thoughts" and just a day later they were crowing about how many views and likes that story had resulted in.
Jenna is certainly not alone in this world in manufacturing crises and exaggerating their poor mood to manipulate others. This other person has an amazon wish list they like to be cheered up with.
I’d still like to see someone slap that smug smirk off her fake fat face. Jenna has no sense of style. She’s trying to look like an Walmart version of Indiana Jones.
DeleteEdit: a not an
ReplyDeleteMeant for above comment at 11:43.
DeleteNew free post on her Dumbstack. As usual it’s too wordy and rambling. Am I the only one who found the Pirates of the Caribbean analogy puzzling? She blames coming out late in life for her bad grades, family relationships and general lack of success. Apparently being lazy and dishonest had nothing to do with her present situation
ReplyDeleteHer rotten writing is nonsensical crap. Jenna refuses to accept any adult accountability for her actions.
DeleteI didn't bother to read it, even if free.
DeleteShe's always the victim. Send mo' money.
Agreed SFF 8:27 and Anon 9:00. Her writing is atrocious, so convoluted I have trouble following it, and plenty of errors.
DeleteShe went away to college, and left her small town. Her not coming out until she did was entirely on her. She can't blame everything bad in her life on others. Poor little Jenna, life was so hard. She didn't know she could be gay, no one told her, no one showed her.
What a whiny, wimpy loser.
DeleteAnonymousMarch 2, 2024 at 9:13 AM
Delete“Agreed SFF 8:27 and Anon 9:00. Her writing is atrocious, so convoluted I have trouble following it, and plenty of errors.
She went away to college, and left her small town. Her not coming out until she did was entirely on her. She can't blame everything bad in her life on others. Poor little Jenna, life was so hard. She didn't know she could be gay, no one told her, no one showed her.”
Exactly. That was well-put. “Poor little Jenna” always has a victim narrative. I’m shocked that she has any paying subscribers to her drivel.
Oh gosh, I decided to listen to her audio version and it’s just horrible. Every few lines she laughs at what she has just read. It must be a nervous tic or something but it detracts from what she is trying to express plus it is incredibly annoying. I couldn’t make it all the way through. I knew her written grammar was bad but she doesn’t correct it - just reads all the errors. I wonder if she speaks this way when she isn’t reading from her script. Ugh.
DeleteSFF. We’ve met her many times before, and her grating, annoying voice is even worse in person. It’s stupid for her to do any audio. There’s nothing that’s funny about Jenna. She has no humor.
DeleteI guess that’s my point. She is presenting what for her is a serious subject but keeps chuckling away at herself. It’s unsettling and makes it difficult to take her seriously.
DeleteThe thing about Wog is she's incredibly inauthentic, and an unrepentant liar. In the latest re-hash of her coming-out-late story *yawn*, she posted a photo of Mabel being cantered, with the strong suggestion that the rider was Wog**. It wasn't. The photo is from about seven years ago, and it's a cutoff shot that showed Pember Patty riding Mabel.
ReplyDeleteIf Wog is talkin' or writin', she's likely lyin'.
** The caption under the photo of Pember Patty is "Figuring out who you are as a lesbian is the ride of your life."
Good eye! I was wondering why that photo was cropped.
DeleteI don't believe she wrote that latest entry entirely herself. Cuz about halfway thru I realized that I was seeing things I don't usually see in her writings: Proper spelling and grammar, correct usage of punctuation marks, and at times an overall tone and style of writing that is not hers. Check out the use of parenthesis, commas, dashes in these paragraphs:
ReplyDelete"If you were born in a society where heterosexuality is considered normal (or your moral obligation) sexual identity might be less about who you actually desire and more about fitting in with everyone else. You’re compelled to participate even if you’re not motivated."
"From birth you are assigned a gender that matches your sex, and all the stereotypes and expectations that come with it. Pink bows on the girls and blue onesies on the boys. Barbie and Tonka for the toddlers. Makeup and sports for the teens. It’s not even something we think about, it’s how things are. Regardless of your own personal beliefs, sexuality, or politics—being straight is the default."
AND the italics, dashes, quote marks and ellipsis here:
"a little “too-into” softball"
"labeled “other”real quick"
"a countertop…what"
She doesn't normally write like that. So I don't believe she wrote that or any of the paragraphs that follow. And there are several sections that just don't sound like her. Also, very few typos. I think that she plagiarized several people's writings and slipped in her own thoughts, as well as a "darlin'" or two.
I also noticed the difference in content. Jenna has plagiarized in the past on her old blog. I think that she’s doing it again. “You just can’t know. Hoo!!!”
DeleteIt’s no surprise. Her whole life is lies.
DeleteI imagine there are programs that can check for plagiarism but that’s above my pay grade. It speaks to her laziness and dishonesty.
DeleteSFF, there are ways to steal the 'gist' of an idea, without using exact wording, and a plagiarism checker might miss.
DeleteCertainly a person who's made a past practice of using unauthorized photos, logos, sayings and text would know how to do cover her tracks. IYKYK
Of course she can cherry pick text but the portions quoted above are entire paragraphs, it seems. Small potatoes if you look at how she lives her life as a whole.
DeleteI realize everyone finds their own "truth" in their own way, but I must say Wog's continual whining about the supposed difficulty of her journey is a little much. She uses it as an excuse to justify her do-nothing lifestyle and grift money from kind-hearted readers.
ReplyDeleteShe didn't come of age when homosexuality was illegal and punishable with jail. She was a single female, family-supported, college-educated, with skills and income to purchase a home in a trendy enclave of New York City. No one forced her lifestyle. She lives next to a town with live theatre, bookshop and multiple craft and service shops, many of which cater to a diverse population. Her town hosts a Pride Parade.
But Wog has to make it appear as though she's some sort of endangered predator species (a coyote) because of her LGBTQ status, living on the side of a mountain in the "danger zone". It's really laughable.
If people in town don't like or respect her, I'm pretty sure that's not about her sexuality; it's because she has a rotten local reputation for treating people badly and referring to them in a snarky, arrogant way. She's transparent in her low opinion of townsfolk, and they've reciprocated her distaste.
I live in a rural area in New England. My town doesn't have a fraction of the "weekender delights" that exist in her town. Much of our local government is GOP. The head of our road crew is an avowed Trump-supporter, and it's unpopular to question why people shoot guns on a bucolic weekend ("That's the sound of 2A rights and freedom!").
However, conservative or not, I doubt there's a person who wouldn't go out of their way to help someone in trouble. LGBTQ townsfolk seem welcome, or at least arguing over LGBTQ isn't a thing in our community. It's how you treat others that counts. Over the years, we've had a gay state representative and a transgender works director. They've always been supported because they're good people and good community members - something Wog knows nothing about.
PDD. That was spot-on. We’ve lived in her area for years, and can attest to what you’ve written. Jenna is loathed by locals not because of her sexual preference. We’re a queer couple, and Cambridge has warmly welcomed us. She’s burned her bridges by screwing people over. Wog’s “whining” is stupid, self-entitlement for no reason.
DeleteLook at this! She actually called it "my" farm on X:
ReplyDelete"Still here trying to make my farm work. I'm probably getting off of here soon, but if you see this and are at all interested in design or illustration make an offer - this farm really needs sales!"
Then it’s “this farm” at the end. I don’t know why she’s prolonging deleting her stupid account. It’s seen even less action than her lack of love life.
DeleteNo one cares, cunt. Your “dumb small life” is boring, begging non-tent that people won’t miss.
Delete“If you want to read about why so many women are coming out of the closet these days or come along for a misty hunt with a hawk on a mountain, there’s already two new essays up on my Substack this March! Both include audio options (If you don’t want to read I will read to you!) and the Late Bloomer Series is free to read and listen to. I really wish I read something like it 15 years ago…. But look at me now, talking comphet and training falcons. Life’s neat.
ReplyDeleteLink up in bio or stories if you’re nasty.”
It’s an ick pic of her hawk with a dead animal. The only “nasty” cunt is Jenna.
We don’t want to read Jenna’s rotten writing. No matter what her stupid subject is about its boring non-tent.
DeleteEdit: it’s not its
DeleteWog's a sadist imho. She loves the control she has over animals, and isn't bothered by poor conditions. Her fake lifestyle and image are everything to her.
DeleteShe's not saving the raptor over the winter, then releasing this spring; she admitted she's keeping it into a second season at least. She doesn’t give two flying fcuks about the bird's welfare. There's not a shred of altruism or conservation in her.
And speaking of fake images: her captive hawk isn’t tearing into an animal it successfully hunted. The photo is of her feeding the raptor another meal (the lure). And if you don’t know how falconry operates, to keep it responsive to her, she doesn't feed it so it remains hungry and a little desperate to please its keeper.
She's a real piece of 💩 .
PDD. This is from 2015, but nothing has changed:
It’s shocking that she hasn’t learned anything in over a decade about how to treat animals.
DeletePriceless link. Thank you, Anon 8:34. She hasn't 'learned' how to treat animals because she's a low-life animal abuser, masquerading as a caring small farmer, where animals lead blissful lives before they're dispatched.
DeleteThe animal rescue world is filled with stories of posers like her, who took money under false pretenses, while neglecting or actively abusing animals under their care. Dead Animal Farm is no different.
Oh, and since Wog reads here constantly, maybe she should have bloodwork done on Merlin; his condition, top line, coat and age put him into high risk of PPID ("Cushings"), which is largely treatable.
PDD. You’re welcome. I also appreciate Meredith’s blog. BTW: I didn’t use my name in the above comment.
DeleteHere’s a search on CAF for more posts:
It’s pathetic that Jenna acts as if becoming a lesbian is an amazing achievement. Rather than just a sexual preference.
ReplyDeleteIt’s obvious that being a lesbian hasn’t increased her chances of finding a partner. Even when Jenna was looking for men, she still had a lot of difficulty.
DeleteYes, I still maintain that finding a man would be more likely. I find them to be less discerning.
Deletehm, i feel the opposite. my straight female friends tend to find they need to be pretty feminine to find a man, whereas among queers there seems to be more diversity in what different women find attractive in a woman.
DeleteQMTA, obviously that’s not about discernment, it’s more about aesthetic tastes; so i’m not arguing that men aren’t less discerning, just that they don’t seem to appreciate women who are unlike what mainstream media tells them is attractive.
DeleteI appreciate the above responses. I want to clarify my original comment. Jenna is a putrid person. So her difficulty in finding a partner is due to who she is. It doesn’t depend on her current sexual preference.
DeleteI'm probably one of the minority of shamsters here that has dated both men and women (and identify as a lesbian now). In my experience, dating men is easier because what they're looking for is simple. But that equation doesn't always make sense for women who too often end up doing the majority of emotional and domestic work in the relationship.
Deleterelationships among queer women / non binary folk are often more emotionally balanced, and the domestic / emotional labour is typically more balanced. BUT the relationship success and divorce rates are pretty parallel, and the incidence of domestic abuse and violence in queer relationships is higher than in straight ones. Straight women are still the most likely to be killed by their domestic partner, but queer people are more likely to experience abuse, overall.
I'm pretty sure Jenna perpetrated emotional abuse on S when she was living there, in the form of blowing up at her in arguments (one of the reasons someone would grab their cat and leave in their car immeditely and never return), and it's clear Jenna was abusing S financially.
Anonymous 3:25. I can relate to what you wrote, and also agree with you. I’ve been bisexual, but am in a longtime, lesbian relationship. I’m sure that Shannon endured abuse from Jenna on many levels. She was wise to end their connection completely.
DeleteIt’s funny how the Queen of Dykes has made no mention of the fact that it’s International Women’s Day. But maybe only “feral” lesbians count as being worthy.
ReplyDeleteCue to a belated post after reading the comment.
DeleteShe’s ignored another opportunity to brag about being a proud and loud lesbian who supports other women.
DeleteShe supports other women? I thought it was all about her.
DeleteSFF. I was just joking about Jenna supporting anyone other than herself.
Delete“Logo design spot’s available now and there couldn’t be a better time to support this farm. This place really needs sales, so if you can share this post I’d really appreciate it! All design and illustration work has sales and discounts for multiples!”
ReplyDeleteIt’s always “there couldn’t be a better time…” Jenna still sings the same sad song each and every month. She’s added “This place” as a shield for her own need and agreed. “You just can’t know. Hoo!!!”
Jenna is now using her Instagram account to beg her followers for funds. Get a job, slob.
DeleteEdit: need and greed
DeleteThis crap here is why we hate her. There’s never enough money and subscribers to satisfy Jenna’s greed.
Delete“I have a free series on substack talking about coming out later in life for queer women. It explains why so many lesbians come out late, and why. You can read or listen to an audio version of every essay in the series!”
ReplyDeleteNo one cares, cunt. Your “dumb small life” is boring drivel and non-tent.
Jenna is disingenuous in even lightly referring to herself as “a girl.” She claims to be a feminist, but has used that outdated, stupid term in describing Shannon. What a huge hypocrite.
DeleteShe comes across as sounding sexist with her demeaning language. And Jenna’s overuse of “darling” and “baby” is also condescending.
DeleteJenna claims she’s “juicy”
ReplyDeleteand will “make your keyboards wet!”
But this bitch is always boring
and it hasn’t happened yet.
Excellent! She hasn't written ANYTHING interesting. Anyone know if her subs have dropped yet?
DeleteThanks! I appreciate it.
DeleteAnonymous 12:22. There’s no way that Wog will be able to sustain subscribers.
DeleteInstagram Sham:
ReplyDelete“I hope your rainy Sunday is full of good things. Twin ewe lambs born here, warm cinnamon buns and strong coffee, and I’m ridiculously excited about a sandwich I’ve been planning for over 4 hours. If I pull it off I shall share it in the stories so we can all cower before its glory. But right now: spooky movie snuggles with a badass bitch*
No one cares, cunt. Your boring drivel is non-tent.
Her hoard of animals are only pet props to pose for pics to appear authentic.
DeleteAs if anyone else would be “ridiculously excited” about her stupid sandwich. It was probably greasy and gross like all of Jenna’s fattening food. It’s no wonder why she has an obese body.
DeleteClearly, only canines would want “snuggles” with Wog. Wonder why Gibson wasn’t mentioned. Maybe because he’s male.
DeleteVery stark contrast between her latest posts vs her content from 5-8 years ago. As back then she wrote about trying to farm, preparations for events like (C)antlerstock, bow 'n arrow workshops, haulin' logs, teaching music classes, etc.
DeleteNow she only writes about desserts, 4-hour sandwiches, and Taylor fcuking Swift. Oh, how the meaty have fallen.
Anonymous 12:20. “Oh, how the meaty have fallen.” Your word choice was perfect and funny. Her non-tent is boring drivel.
Delete“farming will break your heart if it doesn't break you. Today feels like both.”
ReplyDeleteJenna is just trying to elicit empathy for free funds by using manipulative marketing. And she’s deliberately not revealing what’s going on, because it’s all a crock of crap. “You just can’t know. Hoo!!!”
Funny, how Jenna still hasn’t deleted her X account, after stating a few times that she’s going to do it.
DeleteMaybe her March “Morgan’s” payment is late again.
DeleteYup - very typical of her to make a vague statement and fail to elaborate. In my experience, people who pull that shit are afraid others won't find what they have to say to be interesting (and they're right) so they try to entice others with this lame tactic.
DeleteUp above, Anon 3:25 (on 3/7) wrote: "I'm pretty sure Jenna perpetrated emotional abuse on S when she was living there, in the form of blowing up at her in arguments (one of the reasons someone would grab their cat and leave in their car immeditely and never return), and it's clear Jenna was abusing S financially."
ReplyDeleteVery interesting theory! Yes, we've all seen a taste of Jenna's anger here and there in her YouTube videos -- particularly her "I hate hate hate HATE working" rant. So yeah, could totally see her going off. And probably gaslighting her too.
I agree with you two, too. I could also see Jenna being physically violent in certain situations.
DeleteIf Jenna could deliberately shock her poor pigs without an issue, then she’s completely capable of physically abusing a person.
DeleteTo trot out my running theory that Jenna also seems to be taking on board, if she does qualify for an ADHD diagnosis, this unmanaged condition is associated with volatile / explosive emotions.
DeleteWithout thinking about it or even believing her behaviour was abusive, she could still easily have been a perpetrator.
This is why she needs treatment, not tiktoks.
Watching her blow up at her kitten who knocked over a vase (and then posting it) leads me to believe that she has a skewed notion of what appropriate behaviour looks like. Any normal person would have deleted that video instead of sharing it online. I can only imagine her rage the first time Shannon withheld her credit card.
Deleteoh shit - I didn't see that video. she screamed at a kitten???
DeleteIt was a while ago and she was making a video of herself playing her ukelele and trying to sing when the kitten jumped on the table and knocked over a vase of flowers, spilling water all over the place. She launched herself at the cat screaming that it was a horrible beast or some such thing. It went on for about 30 seconds. The dog was in the corner of the frame looking terrified. Honestly, she sounded like a petulant four year old. That was followed by a second video of her holding the cat (rather tightly) and mostly upside down and admonishing it for the camera. It’s moments like that where the curtain is pulled back and you get a glimpse of the real Jenna. Very disturbing. Any normal person would be ashamed of behaving like that but she seemed to take great delight in sharing it.
DeleteThat is horrifying. But yeah, we've seen that heartless attitude leak out in plenty of other ways over the years.
DeleteNew sub stack out. I can only read first few paragraphs since I don't subscribe.
ReplyDeleteI’m sure that it’s just more boring drivel, and non-tent about her “dumb small life.” Jenna’s rotten writing will never make anyone’s “keyboards wringing wet!”
DeleteShe might moan about her “Morgan’s” payments being months behind as usual.
DeleteHad stillborn lambs and reads like some live-births as well. Hard to know if pic is current or re-cycled like she does so often.
DeleteAnonymous 5:30. Maybe that’s what Wog was whining about in her cryptic crap post.
DeleteThanks, PDD! Another Reddit receipt:
Here we go again, Jenna's threatening the lives of animals unless the reader PAYS UP!
ReplyDeletePer the latest post:
I only have a few ewes, but this year could change everything. If healthy ewe lambs are born (at least one per mama) I will try to keep them to double my breeding stock. I say “try” because I don’t want to promise anything. (Sales are really hard to make and getting harder, so if I can’t afford to buy in a few ram lambs to cover this year’s lamb customers, these gals are not seeing Christmas. I’m just saying don’t get too attached until this substack gets some legs. )
Jenna is being a begging bully again.
DeleteFunny, how even at her goal of reaching 200 paid subscribers, there’s never enough money for this greedy cunt.
Deleteyeah her mortgage is paid. She has about $1400 coming in monthly from this thing and honestly, good for her! I don't give a shit what she writes about, she has a freaking INCOME to actually SUPPROT HERSELF fucking huzzah!
DeleteNow the trick is that isn't enough to supplement her whole income. She's been making money other ways or this ship would have sunk years ago, so she's looking to replace whatever has been paying her bills so far with monthly direct deposit folding money from substack.
A fine goal! I hope she does it!
But I don't think that's going to actually change any of the animal welfare concerns we have. She'll ramp up her expenses just as fast as her income increases. She won't be saving anything, there will always be emergencies and her husbandry certainly isn't going to improve. She'll get back up to 10 sheep and all the drama and degradation to her pasture that happened the first time around.
The shit show isn't going to stop at CAF any time soon.
Anonymous 10:01. I doubt that she’ll be able to sustain her subscribers for the future with rotten writing. There’s never enough funds to satisfy Jenna’s endless greed.
DeleteHer “Morgan’s” payment might be made now. But there’s always the next month, and the ones after.
DeleteAnon 10:01 PM is certainly correct that the sh** show with regard to animals won't end. Wog hasn't yet created a sustained 200 subscriber-level. She posted that numbers for her paying subscribers bounce up-and-down, and she complained about readers who dropped out for dubious reasons. Yes, she continues to BEG for paying subscribers on three platforms: Suckstack, Instagram and X. This won't EVER end, because she'll always, always, ALWAYS spend more money than she takes in. I think it's a sickness with her - trying to fill the empty hole inside of her with purchases.
DeleteIn other observations: I saw she continues to cover her crappy animal bedding conditions with hay for photo opportunities; to wit, the photo of the newborn lambs who survived her hell are standing on a fresh pile of hay (not straw). Also, for a woman who continually bemoans not having a washing machine (which she could probably buy for $50 used), she now has at least one Aero Garden, whose cost can be a cool $80-$180.
Lol, maybe she'll tell us that S****** left the Aero Garden behind in her rush to run away from Wog.
PDD. You’ve nailed it again. I’m sure that Shannon has never regretted ending their relationship. Wog would rather whine about having to go to the “laundry mat” (her stupid spelling not mine), than buy a washer that works. The cost could cut into her funds for fun.
DeleteI don’t get why a few people here aren’t using Shannon’s name now. We’ve been talking about her and Jenna for years. It’s no secret what her identity is in real life.
DeleteS****** is innocent here.
DeleteAnonymous 6:04. That makes no sense to me. Shannon doesn’t need her personal privacy protected. We’re not using her last name.
DeleteEveryone has different “privacy standards”. 🤷🏽♀️ use her name or don’t, it’s personal choice.
DeleteI disagree about Shannon’s being “innocent.” She’s surely, not so naive, as to be unaware after a while about Jenna’s animal abusing and begging.
DeleteShannon is far from being any kind of victim.
DeletePerhaps we'll agree to disagree. Here's why I use initials only.
DeleteWhen S* lived at Dead Animal Farm, I was uncertain how much she "knew" about the overall shenanigans; at one point, I thought she might have been complicit, and I even referred to her as Wog Jr. But as time went on, I noticed that Wog was on her very best behavior when around S* There was little, if any, begging and no apparent mood swings. We saw lots of improvements for the animals and property. In hindsight, it's likely the majority of the effort was mostly done by S* - obviously (!) as Wog seems allergic to work - but still, the place was in much better shape when S* was there.
A reasonable person might ask why on earth did S* stay and do more than her fair share? Covid played a role. Likely, there was also an emotional connection. We've all seen how Wog will initially love-bomb new friends/sources of $$$. She probably did that to S*, who rarely, if ever, posted to her own social media and frankly seemed a bit naive about all of it.
I believe S* was fed a well-rehearsed fictionalized account of DAF by the fake feral farmer, with myriad excuses and justifications for questionable past behavior and earnest promises of future improvement. I seem to remember S* even responded to Shamsters about that topic; she wrote that people can change and that we weren't respecting that FFF had changed.
Later on, when reality hit S* and she'd had enough, she booked - basically cutting ties & only taking her clothes and cat. She didn't jump onto social media. She's remained private and for my part I feel like I want to respect that by only using her initials. My choice - not expecting anyone else to follow.
I've known some scary people in my past. Sometimes the less said the better. Living with and then escaping sketchy people is always risky. She got out safely, and I wish her the best.
Exactly! Well put and precisely how I feel!
DeleteI won’t be using her name but others as always are free to do as they please.
I’m one of those who thinks that since Shannon’s name has been mentioned multiple times on this site, and also Jenna’s platforms, that it’s irrelevant to disguise it. But we wish her well, too.
DeleteEven Shannon’s last name is certainly no secret. It’s also been brought up before here.
DeleteI agree, PDD. I just use the ex's initial at this point too. I actually think she was taken in and taken advantage of, being significantly younger than Jenna, naïve, and frightened by covid in the city enough to move in with Jenna before she could really figure Jenna out.
DeleteOnce moved in, the stakes are higher. S did a lot of labour to HERSELF improve what she saw as their home. It took over a year for things to sink in that she was putting in far more than Jenna, and I'm sure something happened - some line was crossed - to get her to leave in such an abrupt way.
I will admit after the one year mark I was losing patience and compassion for S, but I also had high hopes that her very positive influence would turn the whole shit show around if she was determined enough and Jenna allowed her inertia to be changed...
but it was over soon enough.
Anyone who can post her latest super secret personal feeewwwings?
ReplyDeleteIt’ll be the same old sob story. Jenna has nothing of merit to offer.
Delete“You just can’t know. Hoo!!!”
DeleteChecking in with the “founders”? Is she sniffing her own boxed cake mix farts again??
DeleteShe really has become an insufferable twat.
DeleteSFF. Jenna is one of the most “insufferable twats” we’ve ever endured meeting in person. Her putrid presence is repulsive.
DeleteSpeaking of “putrid presence.” Her hygiene is horrid. Jenna literally, stinks. But she’s even bragged before on her old blog about being smelly.
DeleteCan whomever has access to her shitstack pretty please post the content of this latest entry? I'm curious to hear about the state of her animals.
DeleteAnonymous 10:42. I second your request.
ReplyDeleteIt’s more stupid, cryptic crap from the Queen of Con. Her hawk is just a pet prop to pose for pics.
We wish that the hawk would claw her fake fat face.
DeleteJenna has been abusing animals for years. I don’t care if the hawk harms her. It’d be some kind of karma.
DeleteRe: photo #9 - Erm, uh, is she pretending to be in bed with Taylor Swift? I mean, just look at it: On her laptop is a pic of Taylor, who is clearly lying in a bed with a loving gaze upon her face...and...AND...she is partially covered with Jenna's they are lying in bed together! Who does that!?
DeleteLink here:
Anonymous 10:38. She’s unhinged and delusional. Jenna comes across as being a creepy stalker and sexual predator. We’ve watched her leering at much younger women last summer again.
DeleteUgh. The big butch is making her modified muscle man pose. Nothing can disguise her obese body.
ReplyDelete“Ugh. The big butch is making her modified muscle man pose. Nothing can disguise her obese body.”
What she calls being “feral” we label filthy.
What a pathetic poser even in pics.
DeleteFunny, how her show-off photos are always taken from the back.
DeleteI’m shocked that her hair isn’t hidden by either a hat or ugly bandanna for once.
DeleteWe’ve watched her waddle around town. I’m sure that Jenna is using filters again to trim her wide waist.
DeleteI have a theory about her filtered photos. Jenna has a big, bulging belly. So her fat folds in front don’t show from the back. We’ve also proven in the past that she alters her image. Like slimming her facial jowls.
DeleteEdit: alters her images
DeleteI’ve literally, never seen a photo that flatters either her face or body.
DeleteJenna is many things, but she's not obese. She's 5'4" right? To be medically obese, she would need to weigh over 180lbs.
DeleteIf "obsese" is what you see when you look at her photo I can't imagine what you see when you look in the mirror.
Anonymous 5:00. Jenna isn’t that tall, and she weighs around 180 by her own admission. BTW: I’m slim and fit. Guess again!
DeleteJenna is obese by most standards. We’re also speaking from the personal experience of living in her area.
DeleteBody shaming sucks. She looks fine.
DeleteI think that she’s fat not “fine.” And I’ll “body shame” her whenever possible.
DeleteJenna has even described herself as being a “Baba Yaga, hobbit and witch.” None of those seems physically appealing.
DeleteOf course you will Anon 6:22.
DeleteAnonymous 3:14. “Boy, howdy!”
Delete“I am still only 5’2” and weigh around 186 pounds. Even when I was training for the half marathon last summer and running 40-50 miles a week, I never weighed less than 178. At that weight and height, an 8/10 capri is my go-to jean size, though some bitchier critics online think that is a lie. (Listen, my body is a mystery to me, too, but I really am mostly muscle). My waist is 33” and my arms are 15” flexed. Grrrrrrr, baby.”
Her height with weight would classify Jenna as being obese. She also mentions an attraction to a male in school.
Her stats above confirm my opinion, based on facts, that Jenna’s body is obese.
Delete“A customer that wanted 2 pigs has either ghosted, been distracted, or cant respond so I have 2 additional pigs I need to sell for 2025 winter meat shares ASAP (that's 9 months from now, though it seems farther) If you are interested and can pick up meat in NY - PLEASE DM ASAP”
ReplyDeleteWe’ve been waiting for this one to appear. It’s the Queen of Con with more manipulative marketing to elicit empathy for free funds up front. Here she goes again with the pig share scam. No one wants to pay for pork this far in advance. Jenna’s probably lost some more subscribers to her rotten writing. “You just can’t know. Hoo!!!”
Jenna has pulled this exact scam too many times to count for years. You’d have to be a fool to fall for her crap.
DeleteI knew that Jenna was just lying about deleting her X account, because “it was a wasteland now.” She keeps it as a backup for begging.
DeleteAnd why her hyperbolic, screaming, all-caps desperation if she’s really met that goal of 200 paid subscribers? I smell the stench of another lie.
DeleteYay! more pig math! Like everyone above has said, we all knew it was coming.
DeleteBut, I thought people paid in advance. If so, what's the problem? She doesn't say they're asking for a refund, just that they ghosted. And, she has 9 months to sell 2 pigs, should be easy peasy!
Anonymous 2:28. It’s all a bunch of bull. Her shit shares that are sold, but then suddenly become available again, always seem to coincide with a missed “Morgan’s” payment.
DeleteAnon 2:28 - That's what I'm wondering. If they ghosted her, then why doesn't she just donate the meat to her local food. pantry? Or...if she suspects that she might hear from them, then why offer their shares for sale unless she was certain? Also, if the pork isn't available for 9 more months, why is she even worrying about them? Why would she even have reached out to them at this time? To give them an update? So many much strangeness.
DeleteNothing ever makes sense - or cents - with her. It sure does appear that she runs scams and is the "queen of cons".
DeleteHer whole life is lies.
DeleteIt seems like her meat customers are one and done. And what is a "meat share"? How much pork is that? People are paying more attention to where their grocery money is going now, and if she offered a good product, she wouldn't have to beg for pork customers on the internet.
ReplyDeleteHer shit shares are a scam for fools.
DeleteFor sure! I'd love to find local meat but I'd have to know and trust the provider. JW is not it. You're right. She should have repeat customers and the meat should be spoken for well in advance, at this point, they should be coming back year after year.
DeleteThe latest idiocy posted on her IG stories: "Friends! a pork customer that bought a whole pig last year told me they wanted two this year, so I believed them. I arranged for more piglets with a breeder, redid the years plan, figured out new shelters and fences, and then they never replied or updated me on their interest or status of if they changed their mind, left on read. So now I have an additional 2 pigs to sell ASAP so if you want pork and love the idea of remaining on this farm, please message ASAP. I still need to make lasts month's mortgage so it's urgent these sell fast!"
ReplyDeleteTyped word for word so any typos are hers. So much wrong with this. 1)who does all this work on just a promise? 2) who buys pigs that are not already paid for, and the biggest one, 3) she just said the money was going towards the mortgage, NOT feeding the pigs or using the money to make sure the pigs are taken care of, nope, THE MORTGAGE. That alone would make me hesitate on a purchase. Crap pork by a crap person is what you'll get.
AnonymousMarch 19, 2024 at 12:18 PM
Delete“A customer that wanted 2 pigs has either ghosted, been distracted, or cant respond so I have 2 additional pigs I need to sell for 2025 winter meat shares ASAP (that's 9 months from now, though it seems farther) If you are interested and can pick up meat in NY - PLEASE DM ASAP”
We’ve been waiting for this one to appear. It’s the Queen of Con with more manipulative marketing to elicit empathy for free funds up front. Here she goes again with the pig share scam. No one wants to pay for pork this far in advance. Jenna’s probably lost some more subscribers to her rotten writing. “You just can’t know. Hoo!!!”
AnonymousMarch 19, 2024 at 12:19 PM
Jenna has pulled this exact scam too many times to count for years. You’d have to be a fool to fall for her crap.
AnonymousMarch 19, 2024 at 1:10 PM
DeleteAnd why her hyperbolic, screaming, all-caps desperation if she’s really met that goal of 200 paid subscribers? I smell the stench of another lie.
AnonymousMarch 19, 2024 at 2:28 PM
Yay! more pig math! Like everyone above has said, we all knew it was coming.
But, I thought people paid in advance. If so, what's the problem? She doesn't say they're asking for a refund, just that they ghosted. And, she has 9 months to sell 2 pigs, should be easy peasy!
AnonymousMarch 19, 2024 at 4:12 PM
Anonymous 2:28. It’s all a bunch of bull. Her shit shares that are sold, but then suddenly become available again, always seem to coincide with a missed “Morgan’s” payment.
AnonymousMarch 20, 2024 at 12:46 AM
Anon 2:28 - That's what I'm wondering. If they ghosted her, then why doesn't she just donate the meat to her local food. pantry? Or...if she suspects that she might hear from them, then why offer their shares for sale unless she was certain? Also, if the pork isn't available for 9 more months, why is she even worrying about them? Why would she even have reached out to them at this time? To give them an update? So many much strangeness.
AnonymousMarch 20, 2024 at 4:21 AM
Nothing ever makes sense - or cents - with her. It sure does appear that she runs scams and is the "queen of cons".
Jenna is far from staying sober with her stupid, unedited errors, and sloppy syntax.
DeleteI appreciate all the postings on previous postings, but I think the point of my post was missed. She said the sales of the 2 pigs would go towards the mortgage, not the pig's care. She stated it flat out. Who would pay for pig shares that didn't pay for pig care, like food?
DeleteAnonymous 2:05. I get your point. Jenna is using specific funds for another purpose again. She has a history of doing that with other people’s money. It feels fraudulent.
DeleteHer begs arrive are like clockwork. In March, 2023, FFF posted:
Delete"I have one quarter share or pork I was holding for a customer that's backed out. If you're interested (in pork)... tended day in and out by a lesbian trying her hardest to remain a farmer: DM!"
But also, let’s not forget the supposed two pigs that she is lamenting have not even been CONCEIVED yet, let alone sold to her or having been cared for by her for a year. Not to mention the point made above is that she is flat out, in public, stating that money she charges for caring for pigs goes straight to something else. Long time readers know that for a fact, but it’s fascinating to me that she doesn’t even try to hide it now.
DeleteThere is no customer that backed out.
There is something fishy with her receiving substack funds from close to 200 people at the highest possible monthly rate, and still being in the same ole place when it comes to finances.
The math ain’t mathing. Again.
PDD. Jenna still sings the same sad song. Each and every month.
DeleteAnonymous 5:52. Exactly. “There is no customer that backed out.
DeleteThere is something fishy with her receiving substack funds from close to 200 people at the highest possible monthly rate, and still being in the same ole place when it comes to finances.”
I'm chuckling over the fact that she's tried to convince her followers that the addition of ONE more piglet required that she "arranged for more piglets with a breeder, redid the years plan, figured out new shelters and fences..."
DeleteIt reminds me of the time Wog bragged about all the "farm work" she did to enhance the ventilation in the pig barn, and it turns out she opened the door!
Truly, anyone who buys her stories at this stage must be a special kind of stupid.
“This is a free sleep story I wrote and narrated the audio for, if you'd like some help falling asleep tonight.”
ReplyDeleteThe Barn: A Sleep Story
Her rotten writing would put anyone to “sleep” out of boredom.
No, thanks. Her arrogant, abrasive voice is obnoxious, and could keep me awake.
Deletethat whole piece was so cringe
DeleteIt was absolutely cringe. Capital c cringe.
DeleteCould someone please recap that crap? I can’t handle hearing her grating voice. Thanks.
DeleteWe wonder how often she’s used either darling or baby in a creepy, condescending manner. Jenna seems incapable of stopping that annoying tic.
DeleteYou would think with $1500 / month coming in direct deposit form, the equivalent of selling two pigs a month, she'd be crowing about the farm being in the best financial shape ever. But it's in dire crisis. In need of a miracle. AGAIN.
ReplyDeleteShe is such a liar.
Does she want to buy more sheep? She pushes the meat shares whenever she wants an extra few hundred bucks.
As I always say here, but it bears repeating. Her whole life is lies.