One of these days…

…there will be real issues that she will have to deal with.  A combination of factors that she has been playing with for years will insure she will face real discomfort and hardship.  At that point she will not have people wishing her well…they will be cheering at her reaping the consequences of her actions.

Basically when you are a lying, scamming jerk people are happy when you fail.  And some will happily kick you while your down.


  1. It looks like she read my comment about CAF being a non-farm. She has posted a video with old farm footage. Nothing recent on the entire reel. I love when we get her to jump through hoops.

    1. SFF. Her ridiculous rebuttals are Jenna’s “clap back” to our critical comments.

    2. A Legend in Her Own MindJanuary 23, 2024 at 7:54 AM

      SFF, it's quote the rebuttal, lol, because nothing says "genuine farmer" like old footage of an individual NOT farming: cup of hot beverage on deck, strolling through the woods, playing horsey (TWO horses for one 'broke' farmer), keeping a $$$ falcon, burning daylight with fly fishing and lusting afterTaylor Swift.

  2. Burst pipes and time to make a promotional video. That tracks!

    I actually have no problem with Jenna trying something new and making something to promote herself, my issue is the way she goes about it. She tries to elicit sympathy. Oh my goodness darlings I’ve faced addiction, eating disorders, homophobia, loneliness so pay me $8/ month to be one of “my people”.

    She really should have focused on building up her audience on IG first with quality material and then offered substack posts for free for a few months to hook people and then offered it up as a paid service.

    1. Considering tomorrow is day five without a post, I’d say she has pretty much ditched the stack.

    2. It’s typical of Jenna to not honor her promise to post as promised. This is nothing new.

    3. Edit: Should’ve said “her pledge to post as promised.”

    4. A Legend in Her Own MindJanuary 23, 2024 at 7:42 AM

      Lol, some promotional video. All I see is an entitled wannabe with pretentious and expensive hobbies. I think we all know how this will end.

    5. And it’s dishonest at best. “CAF” is not a farm. It’s a home in a rural area of her state. She does not farm. She has a few pets. She plants a handful of kale and sunflower seeds she got at tractor supply. Period. End of story.

  3. Just thought I’d point out the Jenna’s friend sugar house workshop started a substack in May 2023 and has over 4000 subscribers. ( not sure how many are paid). She only has a few posts up as well. Just thought this was interesting.

    1. When Jenna doesn’t get the results that she wants, like easy money, then she throws the adult version of a toddler’s temper tantrum.

  4. I don’t understand why Jenna keeps advertising for people to “support” her farm. That is HER job and she can use her skills to do so. It’s not my job to give her $8 a month to read recycled blog posts.

    1. Exactly. It’s no one else’s responsibility to “support” her faux farm and fat ass.

  5. 25 paid subscribers until 200. All this begging earned her $40.

    1. But subscribing to what? The girl hasn’t bothered to post in five days now, and the last few times she posted, it was recycled content which was formerly free on her old platforms, which even though she says are deleted now, are still fully accessible.

    2. She just linked her sucstack on IG and I was like “oh finally, a new post”. Nope still the possum post. Whomp whomp!

  6. Over on IG stories she has unleashed a shameless begathon complete with guilting people to subscribe because, wait for it, her boxed dolly cake expires in two weeks. Don’t you know it’s your effing responsibility to give her money so she can bake a slum cake? You must be living under a rock, if you don’t know that.

    1. I’m cackling!!!I hope you make it Jenna because this means you’ll never beg again!! Har har har Hoo!

    2. No one cares about her boxed crap cakes. Jenna is delusional to even say such a stupid statement.

    3. She should shove that slum cake where the sun don’t shine.

  7. I think anyone sympathetic to Jenna has already subscribed. That part was easy. Convincing new people to subscribe? That's a whole other ballgame.

    1. That’s why she’s become a bully beggar.

  8. “This farm needs sales, if you or anyone you know is interested it has 8 days and no sales. If you can share, or better yet, need design or gift art- please dm.”

    Stop hiding behind the shield of “this farm,” an inanimate object. It’s your need and greed.

    1. “And” get a job, slob.

    2. The poor, “scrappy little lesbian” is reeking with desperation again.

  9. “I just made a banging trailer for my writing, please look at it! (This took me way longer than I thought it would)”

    No one cares, cunt. “Hoo!!!”

    1. She had to include her fat ass wearing stupid kilts on Merlin. What a putrid poser, and inauthentic on every level.

    2. She could have used all that time to write a new post and fulfill her obligation to those readers who have given her their money. Once she has the cash they can go hang in the wind for all she cares. She is so corrupt and unable to look past the present moment. Does she really think they will stick around when she thumbs her nose at them?

    3. A Legend in Her Own MindJanuary 23, 2024 at 8:00 AM

      SFF, exactly, but some people dont care about honoring commitment. Look at her trail of unhappy customers, cheated supporters and dead animals.

    4. Exactly. “She is so corrupt and unable to look past the present moment.” Jenna is the Cambridge Queen of Con.

  10. HD. We’ll “happily kick her while she’s down.” Jenna’s comeuppance will be wonderful.

    1. Schadenfreude is a German word that combines Schaden, which means “damage,” and Freude, which means “joy.”

  11. The beggar has had roughly the same number of Instagram followers for years and I suspect the number never changes much on the pitiful former Twitter app either. The few folks who continue to pay any attention to her have been continually pestered, badgered and bludgeoned for money and sales for years. Since she discourages commenting or dialogue of any kind there is no engagment with followers which would be helpful to her efforts. Any people who pay attention at this point are probably right here and not helpful to her desperate efforts to save herself. On Substack, seven subscribers (her mother being one) have managed to refer fourteen people for a free trial or subscription. No wonder this “get rich quick scheme” has JW in a panic.

    1. Her Mother? Wonder if she even bothered to thank her. I think we all know the answer to that question.

    2. Yet she won’t go and get a part-time job “ to save herself.” Jenna is stupid, stubborn, and truly her own worst enemy. Her poor parents must abhor her lazy loser lie-style.

  12. So let me get this straight… her parents don’t support her, they are conservative, etc. but her mom not only is a subscriber but has referred others to essays that are very juicy, sexy, and don’t forget, GAY!??? Just an observation. Nothing seems quite right in wog’s world.

    Oh and on IG people asked for an update on her burst pipes. Jenna replied that she fixed it with some shark bites. Amazing!

    1. Nothing is right, I smell a rat. If her mother is a paying subscriber that's stupid. Just give her $8.oo per month cash. There'd be no commission taken off it and wouldn't be reportable as income. Also, does it sound like her mother to refer others to her daughter's embarrassing work, life, habits etc. ?
      And I don't believe she fixed the pipes, they were never busted. The pipes may have set up for a bit but weren't frozen solid. All that's needed is to build up the fire (or turn up the thermostat) and turn the faucets on and water will start flowing. I've done it many times.

    2. I’m not subscribed, but anyone can find her Substack. Apparently if you refer people who subsequently subscribe - I’m flying by the seat of my pants here -, you can earn free months or something. Pat Woginrich has referred two. You can see the names on “Leaderboard”.

    3. Ma Wog must love hearing that Jenna “loves pussy.” What a repulsive cunt.

    4. Her whole life is lies. “And I don't believe she fixed the pipes, they were never busted.” Jenna’s manipulative marketing didn’t work again, after our comments called out her crap.

  13. It must be another “miracle” that the stupid, “scrappy little lesbian” fixed her burst pipes. She’s such a resourceful, plucky farmer. “Boy, howdy!”

  14. We have a new Suckstack!
    The Blackout
    A few nights ago the power went out. It was dusk when it happened, almost dark. The only reason I knew was because the desktop computer I was watching a movie on went black, mid-scene. Nothing else changed.

    The glow from the fire kept glowing. The flickering from candles kept flickering. The battery-powered twinkle lights remained. The only change was the loss of light and sound from that screen.

    Without distraction from the movie I heard the high wind through the trees. The way my head was resting on the pillow, it sounded like music playing in another room. I had not moved since the power went out. I listened to the winds gusting, watched the night come home, and drifted in and out of a nap as wax dripped and dogs sighed.

    When I would come to I’d listen to the wind and feel the fire’s heat on my face. I heard the stream outside thrashing and hissing. So much rain had fallen the day before. Everything felt oversaturated. Sometimes a farmhouse can feel like a ship at sea.

    If I had the energy to slink into my usual catastrophic thinking, I would have. I would have worried about ridiculous things; landslides, sinkholes, every old tree falling down at once…

    But I was so tired and the room was so lovely. The gentle crackling of the fire, stray branches gently raking against siding, the stream’s fury, my exhaustion giving me permission to repeat the phrase that has kept me sane so many nights I’ve lost count:

    Trouble is coming darling, but it’s not coming tonight.

    The light and heat around me was my own. The fire I’d stoked and the wood that fed it; I arranged and paid for. The electric twinkling, the same. I was warm because of the time I put in taking care of myself; from tending embers at dawn to resting beside glowing coals before dark. My body finally still after a full day of work on my farm.

    I didn’t own the electricity that powered the romantic comedy. I rented it, like most of us do. And since I had given away that power, in every sense, the silence was easy to make peace with.

    There are these moments we get. They’re so good they feel stolen. Times when the body feels held and mind is quiet. When the obligations of the day have been met. Those you feed have been fed. Those you protect, feel safe. There’s food in my stomach, a roof over my head, and at least in this moment there isn’t loss or tragedy or fear.

    There was just the page turn of the black screen followed by the gifts silence lets you hear. Steam hissing off the snow-damp logs in the wood stove. The wind through the trees. If you can remove yourself from fear it sounds like giant cellos bowed in the fog of distance. And if you’re lucky, whatever secrets you’ve been keeping from yourself, get to exhale and rest beside you.

    These are the moments we get.

    And because I felt warm and safe from the storm. Because I knew the animals were good for the day. Because the worst things I’ve ever done and the greatest things I’ve ever achieved were all behind me…I didn’t have the energy to race either of those horses before sleep. I continued to lay in the comfort I’d cultivated by hand.

    I’ve wasted so much time eulogizing the love I lost,
    I forget this homestead,
    every piece of it,
    is love.

    1. So, it’s dusk, not yet dark. So like 5:00 and Jenna’s got her head on a pillow watching a movie and then continues to nap and lay there listening to the snow on the log hiss in the fire ( why would snow be still on a log in the fireplace when she’s been laying there watching a movie).

      I really don’t know what she’s doing with this!

    2. “Every piece of it” is a crock of crap.

    3. “I continued to lay in the comfort I’d cultivated by hand.” The only thing that Jenna has “cultivated” in over a decade is being a beggar.

    4. I can’t believe that people would pay to read her purple prose, romanticized, rotten writing. We wouldn’t subscribe for free. This is meaningless drivel that’s non-tent.

    5. “Trouble is coming darling, but it’s not coming tonight.”

      Jenna is too stupid to see that “trouble” is already here in her “dumb small life.” “Hoo, darling!!!”

    6. Hard to imagine being able to hear that tiny little stream with the wind howling and branches scratching the side of the house. This latest offering is pretty much as bad as it gets for sheer craziness. She just belched up an incomprehensible pile of words and I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if she isn’t dead positive it’s the best stuff she’s ever written.

    7. A Legend in Her Own MindJanuary 23, 2024 at 5:19 PM

      This is almost as good as the time she wrote that she gave the animals their breakfast IN THE DARK, except the sun had risen about an hour earlier.

      Really, she's such a falsifier. When she originally posted about the power 'outage', it was clearly daylight. According to local weather, her area had 20-30 mph wind and 1/2 inch of warm rain - not much as New England storms go. Also, she lives on the protected side of that particular storm, so not much wind.

    8. Wow, after five days that’s the best she could come up with. Pathetic.

    9. My thoughts exactly, anon.

    10. Sorry, SFF not anon!

  15. Jon Katz’s blog is a good resource to find out what the weather is really like there. They live in the same town.
    Jenna almost always lies about the weather, but we already knew that.

  16. “You just can’t know. Venmo, it means so much!!!”

  17. Her “tagging” famous people like Stephen King was ludicrous and delusional. Jenna has tried leeching off several of those writers in the past. To no avail. They’ve wanted nothing to do with the Cambridge Queen of Con.

  18. Jenna continues to cause her own “stress” by rigidly refusing to get a part-time job. But she puts the burden of blame on others.

  19. Her blatant begging for “a small tip” is disgusting.

  20. Jenna I hope you are reading this. You need to take a step back and reevaluate your life. Begging every single day isn't it. Either ditch the homesteading farce or actually do it. If you actually put your heart into homesteading, you'd be able to make the living you are trying to get the easy way. But is begging really easy? At the cost of your reputation? Think of all the things that you could make money on if you actually put in the effort. There are so many things you would be an expert on now if you didn't give up:
    1. sheep for wool (yarn, sheepskin)
    2. breeding rabbits (meat, fur)
    3. beekeeping (honey)
    4. goats (would be a good selling point for your soap)
    5. gardening (farmers markets, roadside stand)
    6. sewing (if you'd practiced all these years I bet you could make/sell a decent cloak by now)
    7. archery lessons
    8. fiddle lessons (think of how good you would be by now if you actually tried)
    9. Vlogs/YouTube (if you only would have dug into learning production/editing/creating content you'd probably have millions in the bank by now)
    10. WRITING (this is the saddest one of all. Zero attempts to improve your writing through all these years.

    1. Edit to add, all of the points above are things that Jenna tried and ditched. My point is, if she kept trying and learning along the way, after 10+ years she'd probably be skilled at these things that can earn an income.

  21. A Legend in Her Own MindJanuary 24, 2024 at 6:35 AM

    People she's tagged should continue to ignore her. Every normal adult works for a living. If one "job" or investment doesn't pan out, they reconsider options, reduce expenses, supplement income or change jobs.

    Honestly, she's like a petulant child, refusing to come down the stairs until her parents buy a pony for her bedroom.

  22. Begging is boring.

    Get a job!!

    1. I agree 6:46. Imagine all the new content she could write about if she got a job. She might actually have something new to say. Of course, all her long-time readers would have to regain consciousness before they could read about what would be a life-changing miracle for her.

    2. Jenna has trapped herself. Alienated herself. No family interaction. One friend. Convinced that, as a lesbian, the whole community dislikes her. Scuttles around town, eyes down. Knows that she can’t work for anybody because she’ll be told what to do. Can’t, apparently, even keep employed remotely. Anyone who has any legitimate authority over her, like the bank, is out to get her. Has failed at every single thing she has tried to do from home to support herself. She’s worn out her welcome on social media, which has been her lifeline in making sales, making excuses for herself and expecting customers to keep her accountable.
      And now Substack is a mess. In a few short months, she’s a desperate woman. Her marketing today (to her 8 new Insta followers, I guess): “I don’t care if this is cringe (referring to the ‘trailer’ she made, maybe?) share if you have a single friend that might see it and choose to help this farm”. Heck of a sales pitch, darlin’!

    3. Anonymous 8:40. I agree with what you wrote. As I’ve mentioned before, we’re a queer couple who live in Cambridge. We’ve been warmly welcomed by the community. Jenna is loathed by locals, because she’s a user/taker garbage human. It has nothing to do with her sexual preference. She’s burned her bridges here years ago, and it’s too late to rebuild the damage.

  23. Begging for a tip is demeaning. Bragging that she has no shame is even more so. Just when I think she has hit an all time low she dips a bit lower. At 41 she still can’t figure out how to be an adult. It’s pitiful.

  24. Did she really write that she dropped pet portraits and logos? Meaning she stopped trying to get that work? She may not have made much off of them but she must have made some money. Isn't that what we are to believe she was living on - along with soap - before sub stack? If it's not big money she's not interested. She has no concept of accumulation. It all adds up. Whether she's earning it or spending it. (I remember her saying she buys a treat for herself every time she makes a mortgage payment).

  25. Her Blackout post has 9 comments. Anything of interest?
    a non subscriber

  26. A Legend in Her Own MindJanuary 24, 2024 at 8:27 AM

    Yes, Anon 7:32, she wrote that. What she wants is for people to send her money "just because". Years ago, one of her enablers admonished Shamsters for questioning payments to her, insisting that Wog was an artist who deserved everyone's financial support because she's special. Wog's special all right: she's a minimally-talented writer who lucked into publishing several books, thanks to good editors and excellent timing of the homesteading movement. Since that time, she's proven herself to be an uncaring animal owner who pretends to farm, begs for daily handouts and appears allergic to legitimate work.

  27. Her sales pitches are always like:

    *This is better than you think.
    *im doing the best I can
    *I should have done this 20 years ago.
    *please share on your dead uncles obituary in Case even one person sees my work is worth it!!

    1. OMG, yes!

      For maximum sympathy dollars, she hopes people think she's a farmer who can write & draw, as opposed to a failed graphics designer who can't farm.

    2. She’s always “working like mad,” trying like nuts.” Jenna’s excuses to not work are “cringe.”

    3. You nailed it, Anon 9:37!

  28. “I just sent this video to a well guy I paid to come out to the farm two weeks ago because my well was dripping. He basically said that when things are this wet they drip, but does anyone else know if this is normal when the grounds really saturated or am I in trouble?”

    Now, she’s trying to manufacture another fake crisis. “Hoo!!!”

    1. “This video seems to have the same issue, but my basement isn’t leaking. I realize now that I rarely ever use water. I’m one person, I may need to run the faucets to relieve pressure? Does that sound right? It feels wasteful”

      She’s never cared about being “wasteful.” Unless, it’s for more blatant begging.

    2. Jenna has never deserved to have a home that’s always been far beyond her meager means to maintain. She’ll come up with any crap to elicit empathy from followers to filch free funds for nothing.

    3. It’s just another ridiculous rebuttal to our critical comments that she never posts pics as proof of a fake crisis. And we get a stupid video the next day, “darling!”

    4. I thought that “trouble” wasn’t here yet per her post.

    5. I find it extremely disgusting of her to beg professionals for free help- she is always posting her crisis of the moment trying to elicit free advice- when she herself insists on getting paid for basically, breathing.
      Hypocritical much?
      Also, her stupid question marks alone showcase the pathetic level of her writing abilities. Also her grating personality.
      If I had someone in my life who constantly spoke in question marks? I would have kicked them to the curb already?

    6. I’m shocked that she hasn’t tried to contact Pember Patty’s husband the plumber. Oh, that’s right. She’s never paid them back for her car loan.

    7. The dumbest part of the post is that she called her well guy and he gave her the answer. Should have been the end of story but she felt compelled to splash it all over IG. Rather than elicit donations, it just makes her look stupid.

    8. SFF. Jenna feels compelled to share every awful aspect of her “dumb small life. She’s a filthy feral failure.

    9. Edit: “dumb small life”

    10. Being "wasteful" is buying a Dolly Parton cake mix: not running your water to keep it from freezing. (you can always catch the water and save for flushing, plants, animals etc. later). She has never seemed to have an inkling on how to conserve and now all of the sudden running water to keep it from freezing is "wasteful".

    11. Don’t forget that red lipstick pic where she shows off a $30 t shirt she bought from someone! But she can’t pay her mortgage.

    12. Let's include her $17+tax Jaws Coffee Mug from Amazon Prime - something anyone who's fearful of losing their home needs to buy.

    13. Her asinine attempts to pretend that she’s frugal are ridiculous. When there are many receipts to prove otherwise.

  29. On IG stories:

    In a photo that shows her holding her phone in front of her computer screen and taking a photo of herself with presumably another phone which she uses to post? Anyway:

    “I need some home repair lesbian to adopt me before this place drives me insane. Basically you just need to understand how houses work and tell me “it’s fine” 30 times a day. Accepting any and all applications. I am funny, make a decent pan pizza, and you’ll never want for pork again”

    So so many problems with this one but, if you are sold out of pork, reportedly, how are you always cooking pork and telling someone they will never want for pork again? That must be all those magic shares and also shares bought for “needy families”.

    1. She still doesn’t know “how houses work.” Even after a decade of having her hovel. Jenna is also not “funny” at all.

    2. Jenna is the antithesis of being a “grown up.” She really wants “to be adopted,” and have her entire existence paid for by a more mature adult.

    3. Let me see if I have this straight. She'll survive the apocalypse as long as she's adopted by a lesbian who understands the house Wog's lived in for 13 years? The house that was redecorated and sold to Wog with all new mechanics?

      Wow, she's some kinda special homesteader...

    4. What a revealing statement of her pathological immaturity. No normal adult needs to be coddled “30 times a day.”

    5. It sounds like the fake femme wants a big butch to take care of her home.

    6. PDD. No one in their right mind would want Jenna as their problem. I’m sure that Shannon is glad to be gone.

    7. Put my name on the deed. Then we'll talk.

    8. Anonymous 4:50. Even that wouldn’t work for me. Jenna is an insufferable, arrogant asshole who has nothing of merit to offer. There’s a reason why she’s still single. Even with a home and property.

  30. Jenna’s like a broken record. She’s still sings the same sad song each and every month. Talk about being stuck on stupid and stubborn.


    Here’s Jenna’s justification for staying stuck on being stupid and stubborn to her own detriment. Even though her dumb dream is dead.

    1. Normal adults have backup plans in case their “Live like fiction” fantasy doesn’t work out.

    2. Edit: double posted for some strange reason

  32. Saying that as a single person, she uses very little water tells me she showers very little. Ick.

    1. Her hygiene is horrid.

    2. Confused about where she gets the buckets of water for the animals. Has she forgotten they’re out there?

    3. Her hoard of animals are pet props for pics. Jenna is a sociopathic cunt who doesn’t care about anyone but herself.

    4. When the weather turns freezing pipes cold, my 93 year old mother knows that's the time to USE THE WATER!.She will typically do at least one load of laundry, showers, makes sure the dishes are done etc. to constantly use the water throughout the day. And to flush the toilet whenever she gets up during the night whether she uses it or not. If J. is not doing that, no wonder her water freezes. Does she not know you have to keep the water moving through the pipes?
      Don't understand her well dripping comment. what does that mean? what does that look like? I've never known my well to drip and couldn't see it if it did.
      She is getting stupid-er and stupid-er instead of wiser as she goes on.

    5. She has an artesian well. Water needn't be pumped out; instead, it forcefully flows from underground pressure. There's been rain, so ground is saturated and well is full. She needs to bleed off some water. The well guy told her that, but apparently, she's too ignorant to believe him or search for bonified artesian well information. Better to ask randos in her readership.

    6. Thanks Anon 5:00 for the explaination. I didn't know that but probably would have if I had that type of well for 13 years.


  33. “Thank you again for reading this.i hope today I can make this happen. The stress is killing me and that’s why I launched the substack- to build a steady dependable income. I wish I did it 20 years ago when I had the audience- now it may be too late unless word gets out.”

    Clearly, the “stress” isn’t “killing” her quickly enough to make Jenna get a job. I think that she was fired from the gig writing scripts, since she hasn’t mentioned it in months. Her math is always off. Substack didn’t even exist “20 years ago,” and that was before her faux farm was bought in terms of having an “audience.” It’s just another ploy for pity. Her lack of capitalization for I is also annoying, as are her hyphens being misplaced.

  34. One of her misfit, stupid sycophant supporters is filling in for “Rachel Keane.”

  35. Just a reminder.

    There is only ONE more pig share until 2026. We should not see her begging people to buy pig shares for a long time!

    This farm needs a miracle and the “miracle” usually happens every month around the 25th. Just saying. Hoo! Belch!

    1. The real “miracle” would be for fat ass to stop being a beggar. She’s also far from staying sober. Hoo! Belch!”

    2. Edit: “Hoo! Belch!”

  36. “I have one pork share left for this springs pigs (next winters meat pick up! Grab it please!!!) no more meat shares will be available until 2026!”

    Right. You’re a lying, lazy loser who just wants free funds up front.

    1. Personally, I’m waiting until Jenna sells her 2029 pig shares before I buy a share /s.

    2. A Legend in Her Own Mind isJanuary 25, 2024 at 6:07 AM

      Looking for 2035 pig shares before they sell out!!!

      PS Brava, Anon 6:12 pm. Funny!

    3. It’s guaranteed that more shares will magically appear again, according to her need and greed.

    4. Let’s bookmark this statement and come back to it in a few months when she starts selling magic pork shares again and calls them something like fall 2024 or spring 2025 pigs 🙄🙄🙄🙄🤮

    5. Her shit shares are a scam for free funds up front with no pork.

  37. On X Jenna claims she’s never paid her mortgage this late in the month. Not true! Your miracle comes every month around the 25th.

    Good solid plan to keep begging and whining everyday, asking for someone to buy 60 bars of soap is another solid option. Do not, I repeat, do not get a job. That would be so stupid. Imagine how many people would hate to read about your honesty about how much it sucks you have to go to work a few hours a week but YOU as a women with no partner or trust fund or plan B have to do whatever you need to, to keep your farm.

    Instead, keep writing insincere essays about how your head is in a pillow at 5:00 pm, and the lights went out even though they went out earlier in the day ( as locals know). Keep writing about burst pipes ( that get magically fixed with shark bites) charging solar lanterns, and oh those “juicy” posts, yes please, I ruined 2 iPads wringing them out!!!

    Don’t change a thing darlin’ Hoo!

    1. Her whole life is lies. Especially, when she’s been behind in making mortgage payments for months. “Darling!!!”

  38. She's a bad artist who can't farm, not a good farmer who can't write.January 25, 2024 at 7:39 AM

    That's the message.

    1. She is a bad artist who can’t farm or write.

  39. Once again she's posting pics of other people's farms. How long has it been since we have seen the inside of any of her outbuildings? The conditions must be deteriorating fast. I recall that one of the walls was rotting from the ground up. I wonder how she is going to explain the barn collapsing and how that is not her fault. She worries about her house falling down but seems oblivious to the state of the the structures that shelter the animals.

    1. She wants them to share her beg for SubStack subscribers. One of them, Leah*, already has.

      *I thought he had more sense.

    2. SFF. Jenna’s cognitive abilities “must be deteriorating fast,” too.

  40. See it mentioned above where she is saying on Twitter that this is the longest she has gone without paying the mortgage. First of all, that’s a lie. Second of all, the above poster was kind to translate for her because on Twitter she actually says this is the longest she has gone without paying her “Morgan’s”. Also she completely fails at properly punctuating that beg.

    1. Thank you for the clarification! I really messed up. I thought Jenna was having trouble paying her mortgage. Turns out she’s having trouble paying her Morgan’s. I should go do some pricey yoga streaming and drink a handcrafted NA beer to get head on straight!!!😜

    2. I missed that post. And I don’t see it. Unless Jenna’s deleted it. Did she seriously write “Morgan’s”? I thought that you might be joking, but wasn’t sure. If so, she’s either drinking again or stoned.

    3. It’s on her Twitter. She seriously wrote that.


    5. Third post down, just below pic of pigs

    6. Wow. I’m shocked that she really wrote that crap, and hasn’t deleted it yet. I couldn’t copy and paste the post, for an error reason, but maybe someone can for another receipt. Thanks!

    7. It is a big lie. In fact, at least once or twice she didn't receive her mortgage miracle until a few days after the 1st.

    8. Her whole life is lies.

  41. “I need some home repair lesbian to adopt me before this place drives me insane. Basically you just need to understand how houses work and tell me “it’s fine” 30 times a day. Accepting any and all applications. I am funny, make a decent pan pizza, and you’ll never want for pork again”

    There won’t be any “applications” to live with the lying, lazy loser. Her puke pan pizza and crap pork are hardly enticements. Maybe she should also throw in having “hot, all night lesbian sex during a thunderstorm with a flickering lantern, too. Hoo!!!”

    1. The only dykes desperate enough to apply, would be one of her low numbers, creepy misfits. Just like Jenna.

    2. So is this her new dating strategy? Unlimited pan pizza? Her desperation knows no bounds.

    3. Funny as in weird, I guess. No sense of humor whatsoever.

    4. I live in her area and hired a “home repair lesbian” and she kicked ass and did an incredible job… I would never refer her to Jenna… ever! I paid her with money for her skills and a job well done not in pork or pizza!!

    5. You'd think that after living there 10+ years she would have picked up some home repair knowledge here and there. Plus there are myriad how-to home improvement books, instructional YouTube videos, DIY websites...yet she knows nothing.

    6. Anonymous 6:09. We also know a single, lovely lesbian in her area that we’d never introduce to Jenna.

    7. Anonymous 12:23. The self-professed “expert” on farming would rather be “adopted” than learn how to handle her own home repairs. Jenna’s willful ignorance is disgusting.

  42. “I’ve never gone this far into the month without making the last months Morgan’s any sales help. Please message if you can”

    This one was beyond belief even for Jenna. There’s no way that she’s staying sober. The bitch is either drinking again, or stoned out of her mind.

    1. This post is pathetic. I can’t believe that she hasn’t deleted it yet out of shame.

    2. HD. I’d say that this is an example of “the consequences of her actions” finally catching up.

    3. How she wrote Morgan’s instead of mortgage is incomprehensible. And then didn’t edit her errors before posting.

    4. It still hasn’t been deleted. It’s no wonder why she’s having a hard time getting more subscribers to her rotten writing.

    5. I’d be mortified making a major mistake like that, but it doesn’t even occur to Jenna to delete it.

    6. Maybe she can't stand to go back and read her own writing.
      Although since she's always boasting how good her writing is maybe she thinks she doesn't have to go back and proof it 'cause she's so great!

  43. She’s been very quiet. I think a miracle is brewing!!!

    1. I think that a big beg is brewing!!!

    2. This behavior is part of her predictable patterns. Jenna is pouting, and staying silent, because her begging wasn’t working. Wog wants people to worry about her absence. It’s a stupid cycle of immature behavior.

  44. Jen hasn’t paid her “Morgan’s”
    and “any sales help.”
    Wog always wants to whine
    her “wolf cries” are a yelp.

  45. So what do we think?

    Very quiet. Since TS has a hot beef sandwich of a boyfriend, I’ve noticed Jenna’s obsessing over a “g-flip” now.

    So did a miracle occur? She doesn’t seem particularly worried for someone who is so close to foreclosure. No new stacks since her head was on a pillow at 5pm watching streaming services.


    1. I'm sure she's working a double shift at some local business or doing day-labor for ready cash to get herself out of her predicament.

    2. Jenna is always “obsessing” over famous females, because her “dumb small life” is meaningless. Her fake fear of foreclosure is manipulative marketing for free funds.

  46. New stack up and it’s a freebie. Mostly just a lot of navel gazing about realizing she was gay in high school. Pretty boring stuff.

    1. Ended it with a bag to become a paid subscriber. She just can’t help herself.

    2. Correction *a beg*

    3. Jenna is not mentally ok. She’s just not. She talks out of both sides of her mouth. I thought she saw her first lesbian at a diner with her parents?? Now her parents had gay friends over and Jenna had gay teachers but there was no representation for her? Baby lesbians are not going to throw $8 at Jenna to talk about how she thinks of people as animal types ( whut?)

    4. Lots of free posts lately. I wonder how her paid subscribers feel about spending money on something she keep giving away for nothing.

    5. She’s a mess, not the myth that Jenna tries to lie about being. One can’t be both victim and victor at the same time.

  47. So much to unpack on this one. The most telling part for me was that she turned down a summer writing program. Perhaps the first in a long line of bad decisions. Maybe she would have learned to use question marks correctly … and commas … and proof reading along with how to edit your work so it doesn’t resemble verbal diarrhea.

    1. What revisionist drivel. I couldn't make it past a handful of paragraphs.

    2. “I’m not a coward anymore.” Right. “Sure, Jen.” Her immature lie-style of being a beggar is completely cowardly. What a crock of crap. I also can’t believe that her rotten writing was good enough to be accepted into a “prestigious program.”

    3. I’m sure that her old teachers would be appalled by how her writing has degraded: “Morgan’s” instead of mortgage.

    4. "Prestigious Program" may be a relative term. We know how much she lies.

    5. “Morgan’s” -- I think she was referring to the rum she was chugging when she wrote that tweet.

  48. In her latest post she said “I was mugged” figuratively, but I took it literally and I kept thinking to myself “where’s the part where she gets mugged?” as I read it LOL
    That would have been a lot more interesting! Ha

    1. Yeah, what the hell was that about? I also kept waiting to read about karmic retribution but was bitterly disappointed. Oh well.

  49. She posted 7 hours ago and has 1 comment and 7 likes. Whomp whomp.

    1. Sorry- 8 likes. Tricky fingers!

    2. In my opinion, he biggest problems is lack of editing. Far too many words and unnecessary descriptions. Nobody needs to hear about her process nor such a lengthy preamble. It’s like she is preemptively making excuses for her poor writing. Multiple paragraphs about the topography of the northeast draw the reader away from the point of her essay and quite frankly, she had already lost my interest at that point. Three long paragraphs about climbing a hill are a bit much. Any salient points are lost in the clutter. If she feels she is giving her readers their money’s worth with a staggering word count, she has missed the mark.

    3. Second the great point, thank you

    4. No comments because people probably think it's bullshit. I don't know why she insists on identifying as a lesbian when at most, she is bi. And if the right deep-pocketed man came along, she'd go straight in a New York minute.


      Scroll down for Jenna stating that she’s not a lesbian eleven years ago. When she’s supposedly known for a lot longer.

  50. Looks like the Nitter site is down (

    Is it working for anyone else? I looked into it and found a reddit thread from July 2023 where it was announced that Nitter was officially dead. But obviously not since we've been using it for months. Perhaps it's a temporary glitch.

    1. Yup I can’t access it either. Says “ no connection with server”.


    Thanks, PDD! It’s another Reddit receipt.

  52. On IG she is calling herself a ‘monogamous loudmouth’. Doesn’t monogamy imply she is in a relationship? Did I miss something? Her whole life is obfuscation and misdirection. She doesn’t have an authentic bone in her body.

    1. She also says “ no thank you” to children. Didn’t she recently say she wanted a wife and kids? Whiplash much???

    2. Jenna is a lying, lazy loser loudmouth who’s still single for a reason.

    3. And now she thinks men are “beautiful wonderful human beings”? Words just pour out of her like a leaky faucet. There is no apparent connection between her brain and her mouth.

    4. Especially fascinating since she has also posted that men are icky gross and can’t believe women would want one.

      Another post about not wanting kids— 2 today. Weird!!

      Under 20 likes on her sucstack and it’s been up 24 hours. People are probably still trying to make sense of it!!!

    5. Her deluge of new posts are just ridiculous rebuttals to our critical comments that she’s been slacking off.

    6. Men are only tools for the twat to use like she’s done in the past.

    7. Maybe the ‘men are wonderful’ comment means she has finally acknowledged that TS is straight. She’s back on the Taylor bandwagon… her favourite music is Pennsylvanian, TS has the sad eyes only Pennsylvanians have … it goes on. Being ‘like Taylor’ gives her self worth. I’ll bet she even watched the Chiefs game and saw her crush at field level working the PDA’s.

  53. So much for her recent post saying something about “wanting to be able to support a family.” When Jenna has been adamantly opposed to being a parent for decades.

    1. She’ll write whatever feels good in the moment. With no consideration for her past positions on issues.

    2. She wants to support a family when she can't even support herself and her animals?!? Put down the bong, Jenna.

  54. is not working but you can try this instead:

    Let me know if it works for you.

    1. Thanks, I’ve used this one before. It seems to work for now.

  55. Are we to assume the mortgage got paid. No begs and she’s having a movie night tonight.

    1. She watches the most puerile movies. Exceptionally young girls in provocative costumes. What a perv.

    2. SFF. Jenna is a sexual predator. We’ve watched her leering at younger women last summer.

    3. It must be a “miracle” if “this farm” paid its mortgage. “Hoo!!!”

  56. HD. New post please? Thanks!

  57. Her latest post is absolute crap. Forgive me if I come off as a holier than thou baker, but angel food cake is one of the easiest things to make! She makes it sound like it is the peak accomplishment of baking that most people not dare to attempt. It’s a cake. I guess if cracking open a dozen eggs seems like too difficult a chore, then I guess it’s not for you. Jenna’s latest post describes how to make an angel food cake as if no one has done it because it’s too difficult. What?
    She says it is very important to do everything in order. On what planet would you take a recipe and not do it in order? She is brain damaged if she thinks she is teaching people something they don’t already know.


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