HD. Happy New Year to you, too! I agree with what you wrote. But as Jenna ages even more, and deals with the reality of getting older, she’ll finally be forced to make changes. Whether or not they’re agreeable to her lie-style.
Not only a beg post, but a recycled beg post and a report of her “grow up” arrogant narrative from a few months back. Literally nobody cares. Not a single comment on that post.
Isn’t this the second time she has trotted out this recycled post? I’ve never encountered anyone who is as inherently lazy as Wog. I can only imagine what a horrible employee she must have been.
I literally can’t get over the audacity. It’s on her Twitter today. The farm needs a miracle again. Yeah, the November just got paid last week But, BUT, now she needs the December “soon as possible”. Seriously, has she no shame?
“Good morning! This farm is trucking along, and still behind because catching up will take a small miracle, but I need to make the December mortgage soon as possible so I can somehow try to catch up. So if you are looking for logo design, pet portraits, pork shares, etc - message!”
“And if none of that sounds appealing, you can become a subscriber to my substack, the only remaining place my work is visible (I removed the old blogs) and am trying to build a steady income there. It's $8 and could change my entire life.”
“And if you're a writer seeing this with any sort of audience, please consider supporting and sharing my work. I need your help, and I hope to return the favor when it finds success with other struggling writers.”
Anon 3:19 - I don't get it either. Especially since she's also gonna ask for January, February, March, April...and so on. And she's been doing this for YEARS!!! Her self esteem and sense of pride must be in hell by now.
It's astonishing how quickly she went from being so inspired to write, to posting old stuff. I'm guessing that the people willing to pay $8/mo are fans that have read every single post on her old blog. They must feel ripped off to pay for content they have already seen. Jenna is super talented - at the many, many ways she has bit the hands that feed her. I have to laugh at myself for thinking she would actually make an honest go of it with this substack. Nope. Same song, 100th verse.
She supposedly was writing thousands of words and sent something to an editor ( which prompted the whole “ editor says no one reads memoirs” tweet and then the desperate tweets to celebrities to help her get her lesbian book published. What happened to all that material? Why is she putting random old blog posts up? So bizarre!!!
For anyone paying attention, it is obvious that she hunted a few posts back that she will begrudgingly give the shitstack another month. Since then it’s been recycled posts and here we go again, it’s been three days again between posts. So she is using recycled and tired content, and not honoring her promised posting schedule. She is down to virtually no engagement in the form of comments, and her average # of likes represent barely ten percent of her supposed readers. She is back to posting about logos with a wait, pork shares and animal portraits. The shitstack is dunzo. She is all but announced it. Who here is surprised? This is the absolute identical model for all her schemes. Delirious excitement, bait and hook, underperform, neglect, bail out.
Poor widdle Wog thought that her “Shitstack” crap was going to solve all of her financial issues. Boo fucking hoo. Cry me an “River Diary.” Unfortunately, she hadn’t counted on smart people seeing that her rotten writing wasn’t worth a subscription. Let alone reading for free. Now, pudgy is pouting like the sullen teen that she is in reality.
"Same song, 100th verse." Lol...Reminds me of that Henry the 8th song:
I am Jenna the beggar! Jenna the beggar, I am, I am! I get money from the people online! They've been suckered several times before! And everyone is a poodle, I won't get a job, I'm a loser, Cuz I am Jenna the beggar! Jenna the beggar, I am! I am!!
Additionally, no one cares about her stupid opinions, and “dumb small life.” She’d better get back to begging. Jenna’s always behind in making her mortgage payments. It’s nothing new.
Wog doesn't have an ethos. She posts a comment like this, but she certainly allowed a "trump supporter", her parent(s), to gift her multiple times, including her first new mattress, and other prezzies.
She's quite the rebel, lol, as she immediately caves as soon as she can personally benefit.
Anon 4:26, exactly! She loved the government stimulus checks, and let's not forget her ongoing complaints that she doesn't quality for FREE (or significantly discounted) Healthcare because she earns too much money. I believe that program was still underway during TFG administration.
Whaaaat?!? No. Nopity nope nope she ain't. In fact, Taylor is probably, right at this moment, working on eliminating her gag reflex -- if you know what I mean.
Anon7, hehheh. You know, the NYT opinion piece that pig shocker selectively quotes also includes a reference to the Vogue interview, in which TS said she advocates for the LGBTQ group, but she isn't a part of it.
"When discussing her motivations for releasing “You Need to Calm Down,” Ms. Swift said, “Rights are being stripped from basically everyone who isn’t a straight white cisgender male.” She continued: “I didn’t realize until recently that I could advocate for a community that I’m not a part of.”
Of course, Pig Shocker neglected to include that tidbit.
In true Wog fashion she drags out over a dozen ambiguous clips heavily edited to support her opinion when Miss Swift stated very clearly that she is not a lesbian. She's delusional and I really don't understand why it matters to her so much that this particular young woman be gay.
SFF. I believe that Jenna tries to justify her own gayness by pretending that her queer crush is also a lesbian. It’s very obvious that she’s mentally unstable and delusional.
Like the top comment on that article-from a swiftie- said: “Gaylor theories are an invasion of her privacy, and best kept to the GROSS corners of fan fiction websites which they largely come from.” Enough said.
I liked this comment, which probably reflected the majority of comments after the NYT's OPINION piece:
"Rebekah PolandJan. 4
I am sorry, but as a member of LGBTQ community, this article is insulting, no matter how you look at it. I can't believe that in 21 century I am reading a THINKPIECE about someone else's sexuality, who gave you a right? "An opinion", you can't have an opinion on a sexuality of a living person, no matter how famous they are. Someone's sexuality is not a puzzle for you to solve and a theory to prove. I live in a country where I, as a gay woman, have barely any protection or rights. Seeing you using queer stereotypes as a proof and attempting to out a woman you think is gay feels insane. It's a never ending loop. Since when we, queer people, use homophobic stereotypes to claim someone's sexuality? What makes you think it's normal to start an article with a gay woman's suicide and then write a long post trying to prove another, you claim - closeted, woman is gay?
Interpreting songs as queer has always existed for all of us, but we don't get to interpret a real, breathing woman Taylor Swift as anything but what she confirms and says she is.
If Taylor Swift ever comes out as queer, we all will welcome her and congratulate her. Until then - such articles are invasive and seem like a step backwards in queer community."
Damn damn damn I was just going to donate $500.00 to Jenna's farm to help catch up her mortgage payment but then she said no Trump supporter can get near her so now I can't. What shall I do with this money anyway? I am crushed.
1) Jenna definitely has foollowers who she knows are Trump supporters but she turns a blind eye because they are potential buyers/donators.
2) If a Trumper expressed a desire to gift her money, she would no doubt take the money but then rationalize it by stating she would donate a portion to a democrat campaign. But only a dollar or two, if that.
I think you're right, PDD -- other than the bday cake I can't think of a single thing she did for Shannon. She is all take, no give. And I'll bet one of the issues was Jenna procrastinating paying back Shannon for the use of her credit card.
Her patterns are predictable once you start to see them. This is typical of her hubris. Jenna never honors her promises to people. Even when it involves financial gain for herself. Now, she’ll feel forced to post as another ridiculous rebuttal to our critical comments.
It’s January 5 Jenna. It’s been 4 days since you posted some of your writin’ darling. It’s been 6 days since you posted new content. Hoo!
Plenty of time being the valedictorian of lesbians yesterday and schooling your handful of IG followers about how lesbians nod at each other, TS is gay and that lesbians need smaller beds than straights because a podcast told you so.
She trots out that podcast a lot. The two women are clearly being tongue in cheek a lot of the time but Wog takes everything they say as gospel. She is such a sheep, desperate to find a community. She tries in vain to be one of the cool kids.
We’re a queer couple in Cambridge who’ve been ignored by many lesbians in public places for decades. There are no “nods.” We’ve even felt disdain. Jenna is full of shit. She knows nothing about our culture and community.
Anon 9:45. I live nearby and I was very confused by her “lesbian nod” education she gave yesterday. Everyone does that nod but it’s for a variety of reasons such as “all set”, “you go first” , “ how’s it going?” “ look over there” etc. made me laugh that Jenna thinks every nodding at her is some sort of lesbian secret code 😂😂😂
She also seems to think that every famous woman that she finds attractive is a secret lesbian, sneaking away from their husbands for clandestine rendezvous. She really does ‘live like fiction’. So here we have a 40 plus woman prattling on like an adolescent about her sapphic fantasies on a public forum. It’s beyond embarrassing. If only she could see herself through the eyes of others. I wonder if her parents read her online nonsense. I can only imagine what they would think. It’s so cringe-worthy.
SFF. “If only she could see herself through the eyes of others.” That would require having a conscience. I’m sure that Jenna’s relatives are embarrassed by her adolescent behavior.
well, tbf, Anon 10:57, she isn’t just a generic lesbian like most of us — she‘s a lesbian SWIFTIE, which is basically a secret cult and shares a lot more behaviors than us generics. and they’re the real lesbians, too, because their official position is, “if you don’t like what we like you’re not A Real Lesbian (TM)”
Anonymous 1:09. You’re right. (Hangs head in shame.) I have so much to learn from the Swiftie Queen of Dykes! Even though we’ve been lesbians for decades.
I know everyone else has probably figured this out, but Wog is doing the same stunt with LGBTQ (and her new-found identity) that she's done with every other craze. * Pick up on a new interest or identity * Obsess over it * Become the self-proclaimed expert of whatever the fcuk it is * Arrogantly tell others how "it" should be done * Gate-keep the hell out of people who aren't of similar hive-mind * Become an insufferable twat over the whole issue * Rinse and repeat
PDD. It’s exactly what she’s always done. As I’ve said before, and above, but it bears repeating. Her patterns are predictable once you start to see them.
On IG, Wog feverishly defended posts that selfishly speculate about another person's (TS) sexuality. According to her, questioning the right to "out" someone is homophobic.
Now, this is pretty rich, coming from a person who says she's always been a lesbian, yet begged her readership to find her a man, and posted publicly that she was straight (later bi, now queer). But since it's now okay (by Wog standards) to comment on an individual's (maybe hidden) sexuality, is it also okay to speculate that Wog is secretely heterosexual, pretending to be LGBTQ because it brings new media attention and pity cash??
Yeah, you’re right. Jenna is a huge hypocrite about her stupid opinions. I still think that “she’s secretly heterosexual,” too. Her posts pining for men were weird. That’s probably one of the reasons that she’s removed her old blog. Unfortunately, for her, we have a backup copy of the entire site for our records.
Agreed. I believe she bought into the Gaylor theory and made the decision to be just like her crush, no matter how misguided that was. Also it opened up a new demographic for her to mine for donations. Her pining for a man to 'breathe her name' sounded pretty heartfelt.
Five whole days without a shitstack now. Perhaps the suggestion above is correct- she is ramping up a beg to pay the butcher. Must word it right! Cause, you know, if she doesn’t, people with brains might question why is she asking for butcher money TWICE. The shareholders , and I put that in giant air quotes, already paid for the butcher.
Jenna has already broken her promise “to post at a minimum of three times a week.” I guess that she’s already run out of “juicy and passionate” topics that’ll “make your keyboards wringing wet!!!”
I dunno...having posted something like this makes me think someone is secretly heterosexual. And for the record, I thought it was one of her most heartfelt essays from the past.
"I want to know a man who only says my name when he exhales.
I want to play music with you. I want to brew homemade beer and wine in August and then get drunk with you on it during a Halloween bonfire kept stoked by stories and a string band. If you are drawn to fireflies, mountain streams, stringed instruments and are more excited to watch a Thunderstorm roll in than the series finale of LOST, please consider me. And if you're not 100% country, that's even better. I want to find someone who will go with me to concerts and art galleries, listen to authors read to us, listen to 70's punk on my record player, and ride rollercoasters all over the east coast just for the hell of it. Someone who demands the occasional guilty pleasure like Pizza Hut during a Buffy marathon on a Tuesday afternoon we both called in sick. Someone who drinks coffee. A lot of coffee. Demetri Martin, Jon Stewart, and Joshua Jackson may move to the front of the line, but I'm pretty sure they're all with girls who don't ever have to worry about pulling lambs out of ewe orifices...
I'm not particular about looks, age, hair, eye color, or any of that impermanent garbage. I am interested in someone who likes to think as much as he likes to laugh. Someone with sharp wit, clever observations, who drinks dark beer and displays darker humor. Someone who feels most content when he's accomplished something he set out to do. It could be as simple as mowing the lawn or as grandiose as building a barn, but someone who shares that sense of satisfaction in shared work and can revel in the simple relaxation of hard cider and stringed instruments when that work is done. Someone who feels more alive on the back of a tractor or quarter horse. Someone who can grab heavy oxen by the reins without shaking. Someone who doesn't think teaching a goat to backpack is mildly insane. Someone who considered making cheese, reads books, and loves swimming holes (yet hates swimming pools). Beards are not necessary, but encouraged. Civil War buffs make me weak in the knees.
Selfishly, I want to know someone is keeping an eye on me, making sure I don't get hurt or do too much. I want someone to be out there with me when the lambs are born, his arm around me because I ran outside with Gibson in a fever, forgetting to grab a jacket. I want him to realize I'm cold before I do. And I want him put his hand on my shoulder when those same lambs are taken to market. (I want him to eat the lamb chops too.) I want a partner. I want him to love October more than anything.
For what that's worth. I make a damn good pie.
So if you love dogs, like dirt, can't help but make music, and think you could tolerate me: send me an email. It's a long shot, but most things are.
I am aware that this is mildly pathetic. Maybe it's the whole birthday thing causing this, but I have learned you only get things in this world when you ask for them. I know putting myself out there like this is just asking for ridicule. Please don't judge too harshly. I may or may not respond to any emails (if I get any, that is) based on how foolish/lame I feel in the morning. But if you are reading this and aren't the guy in the post, maybe you know someone who could be, feel free to share it."
The Buffy reference is probably the deal breaker. Even an adolescent boy isn’t going to be interested in Buffy. There’s plenty of farm men out there who are looking for a wife, but her calculated image of bush hat, kilt and smirk on her face would turn anyone off.
Anonymous 7:12. She’s made that “Buffy reference” before about “wanting a virgin who hasn’t watched the show.” It came across as being creepy and predatory, because it also involved “a young woman who will be my wife.” Jenna always has the same “smirk” on her fake fat face.
There’s her reference to “thunderstorm” again. But she didn’t mention having hot “all night lesbian sex” under a “flickering lantern.” And if she’s “not particular about looks or age,” then why would she be fixated on “pretty brunette femmes” who are younger than her?
Exactly. Jenna acts as if she’s the “valedictorian of all lesbians,” even though she hasn’t been out for that long. Her abrasive, arrogant attitude is insufferable. It’s no wonder why she’s still single, even after years of trying to find love. She should shove that crap cake mix up her fat ass.
Anons, I get it. The whole "valedictorian of all lesbians" shtick is ignorant and repulsive. It's laughable how little she knows about the LGBTQ community, choosing to remain "on the side of a mountain", not successfully dating or even actually involved (or helping) in her community. From what I've seen, Wog always imitates what she considers to be a desirable identity, trait or interest. In her case, she mimics the LGBTQ culture based on what she gleans from podcasts, streaming movies and social media.
I submit she's equally fluent in farming, animal husbandry, fiddling and falconry. In other words - not much at all.
New sucstack. Possible recycled post from July when Becca made her a birthday cake. She posted about it back in July. But, tell us again how much writin you do darlin’.
It's from her blog entitled "41", when self-centered pig shocker and BB celebrated PS's 41st birthday and were BUMMED their outing wasn't perfect because the local cafe was closed due to the torrential rainstorm that destroyed roads, damaged riverbanks and killed people.
But worry not! They had plenty of 'them only' fun, celebrated all day, and PS took time to beg for money.
PDD. It’s always all about Jenna. Funny, how Becca hasn’t been mentioned recently. We wonder if they’re still “besties.” Pember Patty is rarely around lately. I’ve heard from reputable local sources that Jenna’s never paid her back for the car loan.
Jenna is deranged and delusional about Taylor Swift’s love life. That anyone normal can see is straight. She’s become a creepy, cyber-stalking sexual predator.
Jenna’s inability to read social cues is astronomical. TS put the gay thing to rest on her last album liner, didn’t she? If Jenna loves and admires this person as much as she proclaims then why does she continue to harass her public ally with crazy theories? She has never learned to bow out gracefully. Time to stand down babe.The party’s over.
It’s like Jenna is literally, incapable of hearing the truth. It’s pathological at this point. Even if Taylor Swift told her in person that she was straight. Wog would deny it.
Here ya go: Over the summer, my ex-turned-best-friend Becca came to visit for my birthday. It’s become an annual tradition, an excuse for her to spend a few days at the farm and for me to exploit her free labor. If you have a farm and host city friends, you get the dynamic. They get a taste of the simple life—chilling out with gardens and baby animals—you get help weeding. Win win.
This year she helped with everything from whacking nettles to harvesting buttnutts* to fence repairs, and I got a little reminder of how much easier a farmstead is when two people are splitting the effort. It was a lovely present, her presence, and I truly cherish the time we spend together talking shit and girls and feelings, but then she put the icing on the cake…
When my birthday proper came around she insisted on baking me a cake. She took out the tote bag she had brought with her baking supplies, pans, and ingredients and set it on the kitchen counter. Among them was a box of chocolate cake mix.
I was so happy to see it. You just can’t know.
See, I come from the world of insufferably-perfect homesteaders and homemakers. I say that with both jest and envy, because I am not exaggerating when I say I know plenty of people that consider baking “from scratch” to include grains you grew and ground yourself, eggs from hens you raised, milk from someone’s udders you know intimately, and presented on a cake stand they carved from wood or glass they blew. You get the picture.
And there is absolutely nothing wrong with any of that. I am guilty of it, too. (Ask me about my farm’s BLTs in August.) But the relief of seeing someone with a 9-5 normal job slap some Duncan Hines on the table was like letting out a long-held glorious fart. True relief.
I hadn’t used boxed cake mix in a long timed forgot how fast it was. She had that batter in the oven and mixing bowl on the drying rack in minutes. Twenty minutes later the house smelled like warm chocolate cake. Had she not been there and I was left to my own devices, I would already be mixing my cocoa powder into flour and pouring it into a bowl of wet ingredients before realizing I forgot the baking powder and had to start over. She was already done baking, kitchen clean, and back in the living room playing with the kitten in the time it took me to go outside and check a water trough.
Folks, we live in a time of modern miracles.
She iced it, decorated it, brought out rainbow candles and set a plastic horse that looked like Merlin as a topper. She decorated the house with JAWS-inspired banners, put birthday hats on the cats… truly made me and the day feel special. But hands down, my favorite memory of that visit was sitting in the living room eating a giant slice of chocolate box-mix cake with cream cheese icing on a rainy summer afternoon and absolutely loving every single bite.
Which is why, ever since, I have kept a box of chocolate cake mix and tub of icing in the cupboard. It is there solely for joy emergencies. I think the last set I bought was under $5, total. Because I raise chickens there are always eggs on hand, and vegetable oil (the only other ingredient needed) was already in the cabinet.
Now, I am perfectly capable of making a cake from scratch. But it’s not about effort, or taste, it’s about speed. I always have cake mix on hand now for this purpose. It means no small celebration goes unnoticed.
Friend got a promotion at work; show up with a chocolate cake. Just celebrated three-years sober from alcohol; have a slice of chocolate cake. Your bestie just went through a horrible break up; show up with a chocolate cake. There isn’t a situation painted with regret or joy not improved upon with cake. I stand by that.
You think anyone, ANYONE, cares if that surprise of a homemade cake came from a box mix? That it took you under 6 minutes to bake, assemble, and frost this glorious life hack when it wasn’t baking or cooling!? That when you get a call with your friend crying and spiraling from a fight with their partner, you can literally have a fat slice of chocolate cake and a glass of milk ready for them when they show up an hour later?! You present a two-layer square with thick fudge icing and badly scribbled icing writing that says “Screw Your Boss You’re Perfect” after missing out on a dream promotion that someone will tell you to take it away!?
No, everyone- and I mean everyone I have shown up with a box-mix cake for a small celebration has been touched as if I’d presented them a bouquet of hand-cut flowers. BUT BETTER BECAUSE IT’S CHOCOLATE.
Sometimes those of us steeped in the handmade life forget the joys of cheating on the little things. Things like cake mix, seasoning packets, jarred sauces, eggos, anything that wasn’t stirred over a stovetop. Sometimes we shame ourselves for not going the extra mile, because part of why we live this way in the first place is our collection starvation for authenticity. But I have come to adore this mix (and it’s better than you remember, by the by) and I find that throwing together a quick dessert that looks like Hagrid made it has a charm I can’t deny, the grown-up version of kids drawings posted on the fridge.
It’s not about quality, or time. It’s about showing up fast with a symbol of celebration for no other reason than acknowledging it. We need more surprise cakes at afternoon tea, or relationship breakdown sessions, divorce filings and drivers license acquisitions. We need to take time to show we love each other. Prove that small things in life deserve recognition, that we don’t have to be perfect to be kind.
Life is hard as hell. Show up with some bad cake.
And for you true believers out there, keep milling your own flour and finding joy however you can get it, but try to find time to indulge in some of the quick delights we have available here at the end of human civilization. Box caked mix is like the reality television of baking. Slum it. It’s bad/good and easy, if a little guilty. But we are in a time that insist on guilty pleasures and small acts of kindness.
Our time here is short, chocolate is magical, and there’s no reason not to show up with cake for the smallest celebration. Especially if no one is expecting the gesture.
We live in a time of a horror surplus and surprise-cake deficit. Do your part.
She pretty much dissed Becca's cake. "Show up with some bad cake." "Slum it." It's a backhanded compliment. "Thanks Becca for some box mix cake." If someone said things like that about my kind gesture and essentially made fun of it, I'd never do it again.
Anon 1:56, I'd be royally ticked off to do a kind gesture, like making a cake, to then have it thrown back in my face publicly. Of course, Wog's much too precious to have made such a bad cake herself, but she loves that a grown-ass adult, performing free labor on her property, made her "slum it" with a trash cake.
“But the relief of seeing someone with a 9-5 normal job slap some Duncan Hines on the table was like letting out a long-held glorious fart. True relief.”
Jenna literally, stinks. She has horrid hygiene, so the “glorious fart” tracks as true. What a vile cunt.
So many typos. She put an asterisk by "buttnutts" meaning there should be a footnote explaining this is her lame name for butternut squash but there isn't. Slop writing.
Actually, it was Shannon’s name for butternut squash not Jenna’s. But she’s continued using it as if she’d made it up. Just like her stolen quote “It’s okay to live a life that others don’t understand.”
That was truly an awful read - I could only skim her disastrous back-handed complement to the free farm helper's crap cake.
And as a PS, so glad they had such fun in the midst of 100-year torrential rain, area flooding, lives lost and lives damaged. But y'all, the "gay" darling had her good time.
It reminds me of the post where she basically thanked the Covid pandemic for forcing her roommate's cohabitation.
Is she ever going to write about anything current? Isn’t she still training a hawk? Lots of material there for discussion. Preparing for a winter storm might be of interest to some. Aren’t the pigs ready for butchering? She could talk about how you divide up pig shares (I know, cue the laugh track). Caring for a senior horse might be of interest. How to get a book published would interest some people. Training a herding dog sounds good. How she became interested in archery? Baking bread, planting a garden, DIY home repair, raising chickens ………. Surely there is more to write about than chocolate cake mix. The Substack is called Cold Antler Farm but you would never know from her posts that she even lives on a farm. She could write about cake mix from a bachelor apartment.
Where to stay with this new pile of steaming stack.. -as pointed out above, the typos and grammatical errors are so many. Almost unreadable. -old, tired content. We already heard all about the dumb cake back in the summer. Even the picture is recycled. Yawn. -she could have said what she said in half the words. So much repetition. So much purple prose. -she can’t help but stick her oppositional defiant foot in her mouth. Insulting her friend much? Dang. Has she no tact? -the fart sentence- I simply have no words. No words. Crass, disgusting, unnecessary, rude. -the whole tone of this post reeks, absolutely reeks of imposter. A wannabe.
Who is she fooling, writing like a person who has friends when we know that hers are as scarce as hens’ teeth? She’s rattling on about afternoon tea, relationship breakdown sessions, divorce filings, driver’s license acquisitions and small celebrations like she actually has more than one.
Yes!!! 🙌 I thought the same!! The things she listed are nothing but wishful thinking or purple prose at best. She has no such friends. So much lying. And the story isn’t even good.
According to her IG, Becca was there in early July when she made that “slum” cake. In her gardening zone, she wouldn’t be harvesting buttnutts then. They get harvested in September. I hate when she lies about something stupid like that.
That was horrible. According to this mess of a post, she’s spent $5 repeatedly since July to bring slum cakes to others to bring them joy. Can’t pay her bills… but sure Jenna you go girl.
Honestly at this rate she’s not going to have much to write about. Boring nontent for sure!!!
Did this chick just compare a good friend getting ready to make her a birthday cake with a “glorious fart”. The only glorious fart is Jenna. Oof. This was horrible. One of the worst piles of steaming fart I’ve ever had to read. Thanks Jenna for STILL not sharing anything new with us in spite of making writing your serious big girl job.
Jenna’s disclaimer at the bottom of her new… I mean old sucstack post.
“This post was originally written December 2014, making it a decade old. I wanted to share this because I wrote it during the hardest, darkest, time in my life. Those years right after quitting my stable job, but before coming out, were the most emotionally confusing, terrifying, and lost years I ever lived. And all I had to encourage me in the morning that things would be okay was a few bright coals and a warm dog walking back to my bed in the dark with toilet ice on his muzzle.
The old blogs are gone now. I did it in the hope that I can somehow, someway, make a living writing again. I am trying to encourage people to upgrade to paying members if they can afford it without personal hindrance. New work I write, farm updates, personal diaries, and opinion pieces are only available to people who financially support the farm by hiring me to write for them. Recently, I shared the story of nursing a sick goose back to health on Christmas Eve, this summer’s romantic lavender haze, a love letter to box cake mix, and more to come. I post to this substack more than most writers on the platform, as I am trying to make it worth your hard-earned money. I hope to see you in the comments.
I will keep posting free essays now and again, like this. But know if you upgrade to paid here you aren’t helping some best-selling author pay for their kitchen remodel. You’re not supporting someone trying to make a passive income to support their already well-paying day job; You’re helping a single woman still waking up in a cold house to catch up on last month’s mortgage. This is a working class writer’s story. And I share it honestly, openly, and often. It’s romantic and hard and cringe and soft. It’s me.“
It’s interesting how she says she writes new stuff for paying customers because as Maury Povich would determine “ that was a lie” darling. Also pointing out that she posts more than others on the platform… they probably post quality writing… not recycled garbage.
Again, in order to be “working class” you have to actually do a job. It’s not being a beggar for over a decade, because you’re a lying, lazy loser like Jenna. This crap is more justifications and blatant lying. We’re on Substack, and many writers post daily, if not multiple times a week. She’s “cringe” all right.
It’s Jenna’s poor choices, and inability to make mature adult decisions, that have led to her “still waking up in a cold house to catch up on last month’s mortgage.” She’s also “single” for a reason. Boo fucking hoo.
This stupid statement is also overtly obnoxious: “And all I had to encourage me in the morning that things would be okay was a few bright coals and a warm dog walking back to my bed in the dark with toilet ice on his muzzle.” Jenna still sings the same sad song. But it’s all a crock of crap. Her complete lack of commas is also annoying.
I hate how she’s still playing the ridiculous role of damsel in distress at age 41. “Grow up,” Jenna, and support yourself without whining like a normal adult. It’s not your subscribers’ responsibility to pay for your lie-style and faux farm.
Hang on. The dog drank water from the toilet (the same one where the cat sh!$s) and then crawled into bed with her with "toilet ice on his muzzle"? Excuse me, while I hurl.
Snow piling up today and Jenna usually has a whole lot to do on the farm plus keeping her home heated with wood. But… she’s in a full face of make up including big red lips to show us her brand new $25 tshirt (with $5 shipping).
I don’t see the ick pic. Unless, it’s in a stupid story. Jenna can’t be bothered to take extra care of her livestock hoard and horses during colder weather. She’d rather waddle around her hovel with a mean mouth, smug smirk that’s caked in lipstick. Maybe she’ll shave her hairy, stinky pits too.
Its been a while since she’s posted what she considers a ‘glamour shot’. She truly seems incapable of smiling like a normal person. She looks demented with her bright red (TS) lipstick and her mouth hanging open. Honey, you’re trying way too hard. It’s not attractive, it makes you look simple.Go Chiefs!
Another thought. Why is the bird in the kitchen? I seem to recall that they projectile poop. That would have it hitting the counter where presumably she prepares food, right next to that dishwasher she doesn’t own.
SFF. I still don’t see the photo on her Instagram. Jenna only uses her stupid, open mouth pose when she’s wearing makeup. She thinks that it makes her look sexy instead of stupid. What a repulsive cunt. I don’t know about the hawk, but her hygiene is horrid. So it’s no surprise.
Speaking of the antithesis of sexy, if I’d been young and stupid enough, nine years ago, to post a story to social media describing myself as being crouched naked in front of my bunburner would I be reposting it at age 41 on Substack?
Anon 5:07pm- My thoughts exactly. The image of her walking around naked building a fire in her woodstove (and using a hatchet!) is one I hope I can forget.
Is the red lipstick pic in a story today? I don’t see any stills. Maybe she’s deleted it after reading our critical comments. Jenna also doesn’t have any boundaries about what she posts. Like the vile “fart” sentence.
I don’t get how her Substack shows that Jenna already has 400 subscribers, but she’s still whining about wanting 200. Can someone please explain this to me? The discrepancy in numbers doesn’t make sense. Thanks.
I'm not seeing where it says she has 400 subscribers. In Substack, there are free subscribers and paid subscribers. The free subscribers get the free posts sent to their email. The rest of us see those posts if we go to Substack and look for them. The paid subscribers get every post sent to their email box and can also read them on Substack. If she has over 400 subscribers, most of them are free. She has less than 200 paid subscribers.
Jenna’s done that stupid pose many times. She’s either smirking with a smug mean mouth, or leaving her ugly, gaping maw open. It’s never an authentic expression of happiness.
Everything about this cunt is fake. Jenna looks really terrible in makeup. It’s like she’s in drag. And the lipstick’s color is bad on her sallow skin.
I didn't bother to read her 2014 pity-me saga of allegedly having a cold house in the morning.
It's all the more absurd when you realize she has a whole-house oil furnace, and she chooses not to use it as designed, because she thought she was cool to thumb her nose at "big oil". She only thumbed her nose a little, though. Oil heats her water, and she admitted she leaves the furnace thermostat on, set to around 50F, so house doesn't freeze in winter. The furnace was NEW when she bought the house.
Now, many people heat with wood. They don't whine each and every day, because they've figured out how to keep their stoves going all night, or they just shut up about their choice of cold mornings.
SFF. Jenna has never “grown up” and changed in over a decade. Those posts prove it. She’s still stuck in a rut of her own poor choices. And being a beggar is one of them.
We have another "lovely" post: The Emmys were this weekend. I love award shows, I truly do. I love the actors, the art, the clothes, the fuss. I love watching people I have never met, but watched grow, slink past the cameras in gowns and suits. I love it all because it’s so far from my everyday life. These people spend more on dry cleaning in a year than I spent buying my car, but I don’t care. I can’t turn down a good story. And the Emmy’s are nothing if not awarding good storytellers.
Nick Offerman won his first Emmy for his portrayal of Bill in HBO’s The Last of Us. If you haven’t watched the third (and only) episode he’s featured in, you should. Holy crow, you should.
But if you’re not going to, I’ll summarize:
The third episode of the series is basically a stand-alone movie. It’s the story of one man surviving the apocalypse alone on his urban homestead. One day, four years into aftermath of a dying world, another man falls into one of his booby traps - a pit he dug in his front yard. Bill approached the hole with a rifle, ready to shoot.
That man he trapped turns out to be the love of his life, and they spend the next twenty years growing old and taking care of each other. None of this is spoilers for what happens to them, or to the show, but it was easily one of the most beautiful hours of television I have ever watched.
I think that episode with Nick was the closest I’ve come to seeing someone like me on television. This is somewhat confusing, as I do not identify as a man, but I am a single homosexual that over prepares for everything who would be relieved at the downfall of civilization, so there’s that.
I bring it up because that episode moved me in ways I wasn’t prepared for. I know what it is like to need to create a safe space around you, become untouchable by circumstance, become distant and isolated to protect yourself from people and a world that doesn’t want you in it. I lived that. I am that. And then I watched him slowly unravel with love, let down his guard, and allow someone to change everything.
I think about that episode a lot. I even bought the Linda Ronstadt album from the episode at a local used book store this summer. I didn’t want to forget what I watched, because the message of the episode was so hopeful, so simple:
You shouldn’t only prepare for suffering.
Maybe, just maybe, it’s okay to prepare for a life where things work out. To understand that the best years of your life can happen in middle age. To know that love can surprise the hell out of you when you least expect it. That it’s not only worth everything, it is everything.
Anyway, something to think about as I prepare for a storm heading my way right now. Hard to avoid with Linda singing on the turntable as I get out the emergency candles and charge my headlamp.
There’s a warning about a change in the weather. Tonight heavy rain, thunderstorms, and high winds are predicted to roar through the county. Alerts for 50+mph gusts and flooding are blowing up my phone. An additional 1/4” of rain is supposedly dumping on the already-oversaturated ground currently holding inches of snow.
The springs on the property are practically geysers, overflowing and sending rivulets down mountain in every direction. The well I use for my drinking water is leaking from the cap and icing over in the night. I was so worried it was going to burst I called a professional to come inspect it. It cost me a hundred dollars to have a man look at it and tell me I worry too much.
If the weather arrives as cautioned there will be power outages, flooding, downed trees, and closed roads. To think I’ll escape any hardship is ridiculous, so I prepare. Hopefully, it’s not worse than a few downed trees, some water in the basement, and a day without power but you never know. In the winter of 2021, enough water collected beside the house from a rainstorm over snow the bathroom floor had to be ripped out and replaced, and that was getting off easy.
To prepare for tonight I went out and got a few extra days worth of feed, ran a few luxury errands (I was out of tea and honey), but all the real preparation for this kind of thing happens on farm. Things like making sure everyone has food and bedding in their shelter areas and not in the usual, open, feeding areas is one precaution I take. Don’t even give them a reason to get out of their sheds or pole barns in the night or early morning.
I have all the oil lamps filled and ready. The house will be loaded with firewood, and handy access to fire-starting supplies so I am not wasting time I could be repairing tree-warped fences chopping kindling. Hawks come inside. Horses get blankets. The dog bowls are overfilled and I have a couple gallons of water on standby. You know, the usual stuff.
I do wish there was someone here to ride it out with. I think nature is less intimidating when you have a witness beside you. I never worried about weather when I had a partner here because I felt whatever happened, there was another person here to help deal with it. But I don’t think it’s realistic to think I’ll be in that situation again, at least not anytime short of the apocalypse, I am trying to be the other person I counted on, indefinitely.
I do have this fantasy that friends will come visit the farm and get snowed in during a power outage and all the work and preparations this life entails will shine. I fantasize about making cozy nests near the wood stove for them, handing them cups of hot coffee by a cracking fire in the morning while bacon sizzles on the stovetop and snow squalls dance outside the glass doors. Let them peruse my books, stacked everywhere and anywhere. Show them a life so simple and pure it makes them ache to leave it…
All of my fantasies are about taking care of things, about being needed. I think that’s why I became a farmer. Because even if the world ends I still matter, even if it’s just to sheep on a hill.
I hope the storm rides gentle and easy. I will say I am glad to live where I do. I don’t envy anyone whose land is exposed to wind and weather. I like that my farm is tucked into the side of a mountain, and the eastern side at that. Most storms come from the west, and I like that this farm is halfway down the opposite side of the gales, tucked into a hollow like that scene in Jurassic Park where Grant and the kids hide under that fallen tree while the running herd of Gallimimus leap past them.
And, while there is a downside to living on a winding country road lined with tree-draped power lines, that’s also the general extent of the damage around here - loss of power. Flooding, true flooding, isn’t a worry halfway up a mountain. )At least gravity has my back there.) All I can hope is nothing falls on the house, Subaru, or outbuildings. I park strategically. The big maple was trimmed back so no branches would crash on the roof this summer. I do what I can. I hope for the best.
“I never worried about weather when I had a partner here because I felt whatever happened, there was another person here to help deal with it. But I don’t think it’s realistic to think I’ll be in that situation again, at least not anytime short of the apocalypse, I am trying to be the other person I counted on, indefinitely.”
Even during “the apocalypse” no one would want Wog. She’s insufferable, and a user/taker not giver. Plus she’s ugly, obese and stinky.
It should be a super busy time on the "farm". What has she been doing? We know what she hasn’t been doing. She hasn't been doing any post-summer clean-up around her shack on the hill. She hasn’t been spending time with all the old friends that got tired of her BS…there are a lot. She hasn’t been dating a new girl. And she hasn’t been writing any interesting quality essays. But really, it’s okay…she shouldn’t worry about it, because nobody really cares what she’s doing anyway. Rehome the animals and you can just carry on.
HD. Happy New Year to you, too! I agree with what you wrote. But as Jenna ages even more, and deals with the reality of getting older, she’ll finally be forced to make changes. Whether or not they’re agreeable to her lie-style.
ReplyDeleteJenna will still be stuck in a rut.
ReplyDelete“Here is a free post telling you all about this farm, my life, and why I feel it's worth your time.”
ReplyDeleteNo one cares, cunt. The bitch broke her silence with a stupid post. She wants “your money” not “time.” Her words have no “worth.”
Her blatant begging is barely disguised as predicted.
DeleteNot only a beg post, but a recycled beg post and a report of her “grow up” arrogant narrative from a few months back. Literally nobody cares. Not a single comment on that post.
DeleteJenna is treating Substack as another new begging platform for her manipulative marketing maneuvers.
DeleteIsn’t this the second time she has trotted out this recycled post? I’ve never encountered anyone who is as inherently lazy as Wog. I can only imagine what a horrible employee she must have been.
DeletePDD. Exactly. Jenna has nothing of merit to offer any normal adult. She’s a user and taker.
ReplyDeleteJenna comes across like a creepy, sexual predator.
ReplyDeleteOn IG she is back to shilling subpar logos.
ReplyDeleteShe must realize that Substack is a bust and she needs to backtrack. Stay tuned for yet another magical pig share to appear.
DeleteI knew that her boasting about being done with everything but writing was crap.
DeleteOh for sure.
DeleteLatest twitter beg is back to logos, pet portraits and magically appearing pork shares. Cause ya know she always gots some pork!!!
DeleteHer now gone “girl” was only a romantic roommate with benefits. Like Shannon paying for much more than her fair share of Jenna’s living expenses.
ReplyDeleteI don’t understand how she has the balls to ask people to pay her December mortgage today, just after they paid her November mortgage just last week.
ReplyDeleteIs anyone positive that she’s a lesbian, because she’s got the biggest balls of them all!!😜
DeleteJenna presents as being very masculine in having an arrogant, abrasive attitude and pushy personality.
DeleteI literally can’t get over the audacity. It’s on her Twitter today. The farm needs a miracle again. Yeah, the November just got paid last week But, BUT, now she needs the December “soon as possible”.
DeleteSeriously, has she no shame?
She is a shameless, insufferable cunt. We knew that Jenna’s sudden silence was her gearing up for a big beg.
Delete“Good morning! This farm is trucking along, and still behind because catching up will take a small miracle, but I need to make the December mortgage soon as possible so I can somehow try to catch up. So if you are looking for logo design, pet portraits, pork shares, etc - message!”
Delete“And if none of that sounds appealing, you can become a subscriber to my substack, the only remaining place my work is visible (I removed the old blogs) and am trying to build a steady income there. It's $8 and could change my entire life.”
“And if you're a writer seeing this with any sort of audience, please consider supporting and sharing my work. I need your help, and I hope to return the favor when it finds success with other struggling writers.”
GFY, Jenna.
The pathetic lack of replies to her stupid posts shows that even her followers are sick of Jenna’s lazy loser lie-style.
DeleteThe only “miracle” would be if she got off her fat ass to work.
DeleteLooking into my Crystal ball… the fauxrm will have another last minute miracle!!!!
Delete“catching up will take a small miracle, but I need to make the December mortgage soon as possible so I can somehow try to catch up” ????
DeleteAnon 3:19 - I don't get it either. Especially since she's also gonna ask for January, February, March, April...and so on. And she's been doing this for YEARS!!! Her self esteem and sense of pride must be in hell by now.
DeleteShe is repulsive and a master manipulator.
ReplyDeleteI couldn’t agree more. Jenna is one of the most repulsive people we’ve ever met. The only thing that she’s a master at is manipulative marketing.
Delete“This farm needs a miracle”
ReplyDeleteJen sings the same sad song.
But according to her “highness”
she ain’t done nuthin’ wrong.
She should write some songs about her "misfortune" and sing 'em down at her brewery for beer money.
DeleteGood idea ANon7 2:07, but would that be considered WORK? She might ask for $8 donations to hear her perform her at her ...sshhh ... JOB haha!
DeleteAnon7. But she’s been sober now for years! “Sure, Jen.”
DeleteIt's astonishing how quickly she went from being so inspired to write, to posting old stuff. I'm guessing that the people willing to pay $8/mo are fans that have read every single post on her old blog. They must feel ripped off to pay for content they have already seen. Jenna is super talented - at the many, many ways she has bit the hands that feed her. I have to laugh at myself for thinking she would actually make an honest go of it with this substack. Nope. Same song, 100th verse.
ReplyDeleteLike I’ve said in my poem, it’s “the same sad song.” Her whole life is lies.
DeleteShe supposedly was writing thousands of words and sent something to an editor ( which prompted the whole “ editor says no one reads memoirs” tweet and then the desperate tweets to celebrities to help her get her lesbian book published. What happened to all that material? Why is she putting random old blog posts up? So bizarre!!!
DeleteI suppose she’s afraid of ”giving away“ her recent work for 8 dollars when she can’t believe it isn’t worth way more.
DeleteFor anyone paying attention, it is obvious that she hunted a few posts back that she will begrudgingly give the shitstack another month. Since then it’s been recycled posts and here we go again, it’s been three days again between posts. So she is using recycled and tired content, and not honoring her promised posting schedule. She is down to virtually no engagement in the form of comments, and her average # of likes represent barely ten percent of her supposed readers. She is back to posting about logos with a wait, pork shares and animal portraits. The shitstack is dunzo. She is all but announced it.
DeleteWho here is surprised? This is the absolute identical model for all her schemes. Delirious excitement, bait and hook, underperform, neglect, bail out.
Examples: vlog, secret paid blog, wool shares, kickstarter, wheat growing project, workshops, gardening, sheep dog training, fiddle lessons, ukulele mastering, and more.
DeletePoor widdle Wog thought that her “Shitstack” crap was going to solve all of her financial issues. Boo fucking hoo. Cry me an “River Diary.” Unfortunately, she hadn’t counted on smart people seeing that her rotten writing wasn’t worth a subscription. Let alone reading for free. Now, pudgy is pouting like the sullen teen that she is in reality.
DeleteEdit: Cry me a…
DeleteI also cannot believe she fizzled out so quickly. Gonna really piss off those suckers who pre-paid for a whole year.
Delete"Same song, 100th verse." Lol...Reminds me of that Henry the 8th song:
DeleteI am Jenna the beggar!
Jenna the beggar, I am, I am!
I get money from the people online!
They've been suckered several times before!
And everyone is a poodle,
I won't get a job, I'm a loser,
Cuz I am Jenna the beggar!
Jenna the beggar, I am! I am!!
Second verse, same as the first...
Anon7. That was great!
DeleteAnd Trump is capitalized, cretin.
ReplyDelete“I’ll never allow a trump supporter near my life. Ever.”
DeleteThe comment above was in reference to her stupid post. It didn’t stick per the glitch in this platform.
Additionally, no one cares about her stupid opinions, and “dumb small life.” She’d better get back to begging. Jenna’s always behind in making her mortgage payments. It’s nothing new.
DeleteWog doesn't have an ethos. She posts a comment like this, but she certainly allowed a "trump supporter", her parent(s), to gift her multiple times, including her first new mattress, and other prezzies.
DeleteShe's quite the rebel, lol, as she immediately caves as soon as she can personally benefit.
Hear, hear! And has she EVER, even ONCE managed to pay her mortgage on the due date? Without Shannon's help?
DeleteShannon's help and us - as in We The People - the Government. (remember the stimulus checks we all got awhile back? both her and her roommate ?)
DeleteAnon 4:26, exactly! She loved the government stimulus checks, and let's not forget her ongoing complaints that she doesn't quality for FREE (or significantly discounted) Healthcare because she earns too much money. I believe that program was still underway during TFG administration.
DeleteMore Reddit Receipts:
That top receipt is an Instagram post where Pig Shocker wrote, "Get yourself a girl who can darn your socks!"
DeleteNo...how 'bout YOU get a JOB so you can buy yourself NEW socks and spare your girlfriend having to handle your stank-ass crusty hole-y foot rags.
Anon7. Her fat feet are repulsive. Just like Jenna.
DeleteJenna can’t possibly post anything new on her sucstack, she’s too busy on IG getting excited that TS is gay again.
ReplyDeleteJenna is delusional.
DeleteShe’s become like a crazy, cyber-stalker who lives in a world based on her own insanity.
DeleteDid I miss something? TS is still dating a man right? Hey moron, you can’t wish someone to be a lesbian.
Delete"...excited that TS is gay again."
DeleteWhaaaat?!? No. Nopity nope nope she ain't. In fact, Taylor is probably, right at this moment, working on eliminating her gag reflex -- if you know what I mean.
Anon7, hehheh.
DeleteYou know, the NYT opinion piece that pig shocker selectively quotes
also includes a reference to the Vogue interview, in which TS said she advocates for the LGBTQ group, but she isn't a part of it.
"When discussing her motivations for releasing “You Need to Calm Down,” Ms. Swift said, “Rights are being stripped from basically everyone who isn’t a straight white cisgender male.” She continued: “I didn’t realize until recently that I could advocate for a community that I’m not a part of.”
Of course, Pig Shocker neglected to include that tidbit.
In true Wog fashion she drags out over a dozen ambiguous clips heavily edited to support her opinion when Miss Swift stated very clearly that she is not a lesbian. She's delusional and I really don't understand why it matters to her so much that this particular young woman be gay.
DeleteSFF. I believe that Jenna tries to justify her own gayness by pretending that her queer crush is also a lesbian. It’s very obvious that she’s mentally unstable and delusional.
DeleteLike the top comment on that article-from a swiftie- said: “Gaylor theories are an invasion of her privacy, and best kept to the GROSS corners of fan fiction websites which they largely come from.”
DeleteEnough said.
I liked this comment, which probably reflected the majority of comments after the NYT's OPINION piece:
PolandJan. 4
I am sorry, but as a member of LGBTQ community, this article is insulting, no matter how you look at it.
I can't believe that in 21 century I am reading a THINKPIECE about someone else's sexuality, who gave you a right? "An opinion", you can't have an opinion on a sexuality of a living person, no matter how famous they are. Someone's sexuality is not a puzzle for you to solve and a theory to prove.
I live in a country where I, as a gay woman, have barely any protection or rights. Seeing you using queer stereotypes as a proof and attempting to out a woman you think is gay feels insane. It's a never ending loop. Since when we, queer people, use homophobic stereotypes to claim someone's sexuality? What makes you think it's normal to start an article with a gay woman's suicide and then write a long post trying to prove another, you claim - closeted, woman is gay?
Interpreting songs as queer has always existed for all of us, but we don't get to interpret a real, breathing woman Taylor Swift as anything but what she confirms and says she is.
If Taylor Swift ever comes out as queer, we all will welcome her and congratulate her. Until then - such articles are invasive and seem like a step backwards in queer community."
Damn damn damn I was just going to donate $500.00 to Jenna's farm to help catch up her mortgage payment but then she said no Trump supporter can get near her so now I can't. What shall I do with this money anyway? I am crushed.
ReplyDeleteThat comment made me smile. It’s very easy to find much more worthy causes to support than the lying, lazy loser. All political beliefs aside.
Delete1) Jenna definitely has foollowers who she knows are Trump supporters but she turns a blind eye because they are potential buyers/donators.
Delete2) If a Trumper expressed a desire to gift her money, she would no doubt take the money but then rationalize it by stating she would donate a portion to a democrat campaign. But only a dollar or two, if that.
Her stupid proclamations are always arrogant and annoying.
DeleteI think you're right, PDD -- other than the bday cake I can't think of a single thing she did for Shannon. She is all take, no give. And I'll bet one of the issues was Jenna procrastinating paying back Shannon for the use of her credit card.
ReplyDeleteFour days without a shitstack again, and what you want to bet the next one, whenever it is, will be another recycle?
ReplyDeleteHer patterns are predictable once you start to see them. This is typical of her hubris. Jenna never honors her promises to people. Even when it involves financial gain for herself. Now, she’ll feel forced to post as another ridiculous rebuttal to our critical comments.
DeleteIt’s January 5 Jenna. It’s been 4 days since you posted some of your writin’ darling. It’s been 6 days since you posted new content. Hoo!
ReplyDeletePlenty of time being the valedictorian of lesbians yesterday and schooling your handful of IG followers about how lesbians nod at each other, TS is gay and that lesbians need smaller beds than straights because a podcast told you so.
She trots out that podcast a lot. The two women are clearly being tongue in cheek a lot of the time but Wog takes everything they say as gospel. She is such a sheep, desperate to find a community. She tries in vain to be one of the cool kids.
DeleteWe’re a queer couple in Cambridge who’ve been ignored by many lesbians in public places for decades. There are no “nods.” We’ve even felt disdain. Jenna is full of shit. She knows nothing about our culture and community.
DeleteLonely, sad , desperate, tragic life.
DeleteAnonymous 9:49. Exactly. Every bit of it was created by Jenna’s poor choices, and her inability to make mature adult decisions.
DeleteAnon 9:45. I live nearby and I was very confused by her “lesbian nod” education she gave yesterday. Everyone does that nod but it’s for a variety of reasons such as “all set”, “you go first” , “ how’s it going?” “ look over there” etc. made me laugh that Jenna thinks every nodding at her is some sort of lesbian secret code 😂😂😂
ReplyDeleteThanks for responding to my comment. Jenna really acts like she’s part of a queer cult that has a “lesbian secret code.”
DeleteShe also seems to think that every famous woman that she finds attractive is a secret lesbian, sneaking away from their husbands for clandestine rendezvous. She really does ‘live like fiction’. So here we have a 40 plus woman prattling on like an adolescent about her sapphic fantasies on a public forum. It’s beyond embarrassing. If only she could see herself through the eyes of others. I wonder if her parents read her online nonsense. I can only imagine what they would think. It’s so cringe-worthy.
DeleteSFF. “If only she could see herself through the eyes of others.” That would require having a conscience. I’m sure that Jenna’s relatives are embarrassed by her adolescent behavior.
Deletewell, tbf, Anon 10:57, she isn’t just a generic lesbian like most of us — she‘s a lesbian SWIFTIE, which is basically a secret cult and shares a lot more behaviors than us generics. and they’re the real lesbians, too, because their official position is, “if you don’t like what we like you’re not A Real Lesbian (TM)”
DeleteAnonymous 1:09. You’re right. (Hangs head in shame.) I have so much to learn from the Swiftie Queen of Dykes! Even though we’ve been lesbians for decades.
DeleteSpeaking of magically appearing pig shares, didn’t she say, for the longest time, that the 2023 piglets are harvested around January?
ReplyDeleteShe probably doesn't have the money for the butcher, she'll have to ramp-up her begging.
DeleteI know everyone else has probably figured this out, but Wog is doing the same stunt with LGBTQ (and her new-found identity) that she's done with every other craze.
ReplyDelete* Pick up on a new interest or identity
* Obsess over it
* Become the self-proclaimed expert of whatever the fcuk it is
* Arrogantly tell others how "it" should be done
* Gate-keep the hell out of people who aren't of similar hive-mind
* Become an insufferable twat over the whole issue
* Rinse and repeat
PDD. It’s exactly what she’s always done. As I’ve said before, and above, but it bears repeating. Her patterns are predictable once you start to see them.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteOn IG, Wog feverishly defended posts that selfishly speculate about another person's (TS) sexuality. According to her, questioning the right to "out" someone is homophobic.
ReplyDeleteNow, this is pretty rich, coming from a person who says she's always been a lesbian, yet begged her readership to find her a man, and posted publicly that she was straight (later bi, now queer). But since it's now okay (by Wog standards) to comment on an individual's (maybe hidden) sexuality, is it also okay to speculate that Wog is secretely heterosexual, pretending to be LGBTQ because it brings new media attention and pity cash??
(Previous comment deleted for typos.)
Yeah, you’re right. Jenna is a huge hypocrite about her stupid opinions. I still think that “she’s secretly heterosexual,” too. Her posts pining for men were weird. That’s probably one of the reasons that she’s removed her old blog. Unfortunately, for her, we have a backup copy of the entire site for our records.
DeleteAgreed. I believe she bought into the Gaylor theory and made the decision to be just like her crush, no matter how misguided that was. Also it opened up a new demographic for her to mine for donations. Her pining for a man to 'breathe her name' sounded pretty heartfelt.
DeleteFive whole days without a shitstack now. Perhaps the suggestion above is correct- she is ramping up a beg to pay the butcher. Must word it right! Cause, you know, if she doesn’t, people with brains might question why is she asking for butcher money TWICE. The shareholders , and I put that in giant air quotes, already paid for the butcher.
ReplyDeleteJenna has already broken her promise “to post at a minimum of three times a week.” I guess that she’s already run out of “juicy and passionate” topics that’ll “make your keyboards wringing wet!!!”
DeleteJen’s “Shitstack” isn’t working out
ReplyDeleteshe’d counted on more money.
Her writing is too rotten
and Wog isn’t even funny.
DeleteI dunno...having posted something like this makes me think someone is secretly heterosexual. And for the record, I thought it was one of her most heartfelt essays from the past.
ReplyDelete"I want to know a man who only says my name when he exhales.
I want to play music with you. I want to brew homemade beer and wine in August and then get drunk with you on it during a Halloween bonfire kept stoked by stories and a string band. If you are drawn to fireflies, mountain streams, stringed instruments and are more excited to watch a Thunderstorm roll in than the series finale of LOST, please consider me. And if you're not 100% country, that's even better. I want to find someone who will go with me to concerts and art galleries, listen to authors read to us, listen to 70's punk on my record player, and ride rollercoasters all over the east coast just for the hell of it. Someone who demands the occasional guilty pleasure like Pizza Hut during a Buffy marathon on a Tuesday afternoon we both called in sick. Someone who drinks coffee. A lot of coffee. Demetri Martin, Jon Stewart, and Joshua Jackson may move to the front of the line, but I'm pretty sure they're all with girls who don't ever have to worry about pulling lambs out of ewe orifices...
I'm not particular about looks, age, hair, eye color, or any of that impermanent garbage. I am interested in someone who likes to think as much as he likes to laugh. Someone with sharp wit, clever observations, who drinks dark beer and displays darker humor. Someone who feels most content when he's accomplished something he set out to do. It could be as simple as mowing the lawn or as grandiose as building a barn, but someone who shares that sense of satisfaction in shared work and can revel in the simple relaxation of hard cider and stringed instruments when that work is done. Someone who feels more alive on the back of a tractor or quarter horse. Someone who can grab heavy oxen by the reins without shaking. Someone who doesn't think teaching a goat to backpack is mildly insane. Someone who considered making cheese, reads books, and loves swimming holes (yet hates swimming pools). Beards are not necessary, but encouraged. Civil War buffs make me weak in the knees.
Selfishly, I want to know someone is keeping an eye on me, making sure I don't get hurt or do too much. I want someone to be out there with me when the lambs are born, his arm around me because I ran outside with Gibson in a fever, forgetting to grab a jacket. I want him to realize I'm cold before I do. And I want him put his hand on my shoulder when those same lambs are taken to market. (I want him to eat the lamb chops too.) I want a partner. I want him to love October more than anything.
For what that's worth. I make a damn good pie.
So if you love dogs, like dirt, can't help but make music, and think you could tolerate me: send me an email. It's a long shot, but most things are.
I am aware that this is mildly pathetic. Maybe it's the whole birthday thing causing this, but I have learned you only get things in this world when you ask for them. I know putting myself out there like this is just asking for ridicule. Please don't judge too harshly. I may or may not respond to any emails (if I get any, that is) based on how foolish/lame I feel in the morning. But if you are reading this and aren't the guy in the post, maybe you know someone who could be, feel free to share it."
PDD. This is the post that’s proof that Jenna once wanted a man. But she’s trying to rewrite her history, and deny her former feelings.
DeleteThe Buffy reference is probably the deal breaker. Even an adolescent boy isn’t going to be interested in Buffy. There’s plenty of farm men out there who are looking for a wife, but her calculated image of bush hat, kilt and smirk on her face would turn anyone off.
DeleteAnonymous 7:12. She’s made that “Buffy reference” before about “wanting a virgin who hasn’t watched the show.” It came across as being creepy and predatory, because it also involved “a young woman who will be my wife.” Jenna always has the same “smirk” on her fake fat face.
DeleteNo one wants a putrid person to be their partner. It doesn’t matter what their sexual preference is.
DeleteThere’s her reference to “thunderstorm” again. But she didn’t mention having hot “all night lesbian sex” under a “flickering lantern.” And if she’s “not particular about looks or age,” then why would she be fixated on “pretty brunette femmes” who are younger than her?
DeleteExactly. Jenna acts as if she’s the “valedictorian of all lesbians,” even though she hasn’t been out for that long. Her abrasive, arrogant attitude is insufferable. It’s no wonder why she’s still single, even after years of trying to find love. She should shove that crap cake mix up her fat ass.
ReplyDeleteAnons, I get it. The whole "valedictorian of all lesbians" shtick is ignorant and repulsive. It's laughable how little she knows about the LGBTQ community, choosing to remain "on the side of a mountain", not successfully dating or even actually involved (or helping) in her community. From what I've seen, Wog always imitates what she considers to be a desirable identity, trait or interest. In her case, she mimics the LGBTQ culture based on what she gleans from podcasts, streaming movies and social media.
ReplyDeleteI submit she's equally fluent in farming, animal husbandry, fiddling and falconry. In other words - not much at all.
We’re waiting for her whining about the snowstorm, and how Jenna almost broke her back cleaning off the rotted roof.
ReplyDeleteI’m sure that she wishes Shannon was still there to help her out. “Get yourself a girl who can darn socks, and shovel snow. Hoo!!!”
DeletePDD. She’s only an expert on manipulative marketing.
ReplyDeleteNew sucstack. Possible recycled post from July when Becca made her a birthday cake. She posted about it back in July. But, tell us again how much writin you do darlin’.
ReplyDeleteIt's from her blog entitled "41", when self-centered pig shocker and BB celebrated PS's 41st birthday and were BUMMED their outing wasn't perfect because the local cafe was closed due to the torrential rainstorm that destroyed roads, damaged riverbanks and killed people.
DeleteBut worry not! They had plenty of 'them only' fun, celebrated all day, and PS took time to beg for money.
This stupid post was predicted above in comments. It’s her ridiculous rebuttals to our criticism.
DeletePDD. It’s always all about Jenna. Funny, how Becca hasn’t been mentioned recently. We wonder if they’re still “besties.” Pember Patty is rarely around lately. I’ve heard from reputable local sources that Jenna’s never paid her back for the car loan.
DeleteIt’s usually legit when residents in an area tell you the truth about a loathsome local like Jenna.
DeleteWell here it is straight from CNN, after Jenna has foamed at the mouth for two days over the crap piece in the Times about TS being gay but not out:
ReplyDeleteTaylor Swift’s associates dismayed by New York Times piece speculating on her sexuality: ‘Invasive, untrue and inappropriate’
Will that shut you up, Jenna? How much longer will you continue on the gross path of appropriating someone who clearly wants out of the narrative?
Jenna is deranged and delusional about Taylor Swift’s love life. That anyone normal can see is straight. She’s become a creepy, cyber-stalking sexual predator.
DeleteNothing will “shut” up her gaping, ugly mean maw.
DeleteJenna’s inability to read social cues is astronomical. TS put the gay thing to rest on her last album liner, didn’t she? If Jenna loves and admires this person as much as she proclaims then why does she continue to harass her public ally with crazy theories? She has never learned to bow out gracefully. Time to stand down babe.The party’s over.
DeleteSFF. Jenna acts as if she’s on the spectrum. She’s incapable of reading the room, and shoots her own fat feet.
DeleteIt’s like Jenna is literally, incapable of hearing the truth. It’s pathological at this point. Even if Taylor Swift told her in person that she was straight. Wog would deny it.
DeleteTaylor Swift's security team should shut down speculative, rabid sites like Wog's. Her fixation on Ms. Swift is downright scary.
DeleteHere ya go:
ReplyDeleteOver the summer, my ex-turned-best-friend Becca came to visit for my birthday. It’s become an annual tradition, an excuse for her to spend a few days at the farm and for me to exploit her free labor. If you have a farm and host city friends, you get the dynamic. They get a taste of the simple life—chilling out with gardens and baby animals—you get help weeding. Win win.
This year she helped with everything from whacking nettles to harvesting buttnutts* to fence repairs, and I got a little reminder of how much easier a farmstead is when two people are splitting the effort. It was a lovely present, her presence, and I truly cherish the time we spend together talking shit and girls and feelings, but then she put the icing on the cake…
When my birthday proper came around she insisted on baking me a cake. She took out the tote bag she had brought with her baking supplies, pans, and ingredients and set it on the kitchen counter. Among them was a box of chocolate cake mix.
I was so happy to see it. You just can’t know.
See, I come from the world of insufferably-perfect homesteaders and homemakers. I say that with both jest and envy, because I am not exaggerating when I say I know plenty of people that consider baking “from scratch” to include grains you grew and ground yourself, eggs from hens you raised, milk from someone’s udders you know intimately, and presented on a cake stand they carved from wood or glass they blew. You get the picture.
And there is absolutely nothing wrong with any of that. I am guilty of it, too. (Ask me about my farm’s BLTs in August.) But the relief of seeing someone with a 9-5 normal job slap some Duncan Hines on the table was like letting out a long-held glorious fart. True relief.
I hadn’t used boxed cake mix in a long timed forgot how fast it was. She had that batter in the oven and mixing bowl on the drying rack in minutes. Twenty minutes later the house smelled like warm chocolate cake. Had she not been there and I was left to my own devices, I would already be mixing my cocoa powder into flour and pouring it into a bowl of wet ingredients before realizing I forgot the baking powder and had to start over. She was already done baking, kitchen clean, and back in the living room playing with the kitten in the time it took me to go outside and check a water trough.
Folks, we live in a time of modern miracles.
She iced it, decorated it, brought out rainbow candles and set a plastic horse that looked like Merlin as a topper. She decorated the house with JAWS-inspired banners, put birthday hats on the cats… truly made me and the day feel special. But hands down, my favorite memory of that visit was sitting in the living room eating a giant slice of chocolate box-mix cake with cream cheese icing on a rainy summer afternoon and absolutely loving every single bite.
Favorite slice of cake I had in years.
Which is why, ever since, I have kept a box of chocolate cake mix and tub of icing in the cupboard. It is there solely for joy emergencies. I think the last set I bought was under $5, total. Because I raise chickens there are always eggs on hand, and vegetable oil (the only other ingredient needed) was already in the cabinet.
ReplyDeleteNow, I am perfectly capable of making a cake from scratch. But it’s not about effort, or taste, it’s about speed. I always have cake mix on hand now for this purpose. It means no small celebration goes unnoticed.
Friend got a promotion at work; show up with a chocolate cake. Just celebrated three-years sober from alcohol; have a slice of chocolate cake. Your bestie just went through a horrible break up; show up with a chocolate cake. There isn’t a situation painted with regret or joy not improved upon with cake. I stand by that.
You think anyone, ANYONE, cares if that surprise of a homemade cake came from a box mix? That it took you under 6 minutes to bake, assemble, and frost this glorious life hack when it wasn’t baking or cooling!? That when you get a call with your friend crying and spiraling from a fight with their partner, you can literally have a fat slice of chocolate cake and a glass of milk ready for them when they show up an hour later?! You present a two-layer square with thick fudge icing and badly scribbled icing writing that says “Screw Your Boss You’re Perfect” after missing out on a dream promotion that someone will tell you to take it away!?
No, everyone- and I mean everyone I have shown up with a box-mix cake for a small celebration has been touched as if I’d presented them a bouquet of hand-cut flowers. BUT BETTER BECAUSE IT’S CHOCOLATE.
Sometimes those of us steeped in the handmade life forget the joys of cheating on the little things. Things like cake mix, seasoning packets, jarred sauces, eggos, anything that wasn’t stirred over a stovetop. Sometimes we shame ourselves for not going the extra mile, because part of why we live this way in the first place is our collection starvation for authenticity. But I have come to adore this mix (and it’s better than you remember, by the by) and I find that throwing together a quick dessert that looks like Hagrid made it has a charm I can’t deny, the grown-up version of kids drawings posted on the fridge.
It’s not about quality, or time. It’s about showing up fast with a symbol of celebration for no other reason than acknowledging it. We need more surprise cakes at afternoon tea, or relationship breakdown sessions, divorce filings and drivers license acquisitions. We need to take time to show we love each other. Prove that small things in life deserve recognition, that we don’t have to be perfect to be kind.
Life is hard as hell. Show up with some bad cake.
And for you true believers out there, keep milling your own flour and finding joy however you can get it, but try to find time to indulge in some of the quick delights we have available here at the end of human civilization. Box caked mix is like the reality television of baking. Slum it. It’s bad/good and easy, if a little guilty. But we are in a time that insist on guilty pleasures and small acts of kindness.
Our time here is short, chocolate is magical, and there’s no reason not to show up with cake for the smallest celebration. Especially if no one is expecting the gesture.
We live in a time of a horror surplus and surprise-cake deficit. Do your part.
Thanks for your service in reading her rotten writing.
Delete“…and for me to exploit her free labor.” Jenna said this supposedly in jest, but the stupid statement was the truth. “You just can’t know.” But we do.
DeleteThis drivel wasn’t worth reading for free. Let alone paying even $8 to subscribe.
DeleteShe pretty much dissed Becca's cake. "Show up with some bad cake." "Slum it." It's a backhanded compliment. "Thanks Becca for some box mix cake." If someone said things like that about my kind gesture and essentially made fun of it, I'd never do it again.
DeleteAnon 1:56, I'd be royally ticked off to do a kind gesture, like making a cake, to then have it thrown back in my face publicly. Of course, Wog's much too precious to have made such a bad cake herself, but she loves that a grown-ass adult, performing free labor on her property, made her "slum it" with a trash cake.
DeleteGod, she's an insufferable taint.
PDD. Maybe that’s why Becca has appeared to have backed off from their friendship.
Delete“But the relief of seeing someone with a 9-5 normal job slap some Duncan Hines on the table was like letting out a long-held glorious fart. True relief.”
DeleteJenna literally, stinks. She has horrid hygiene, so the “glorious fart” tracks as true. What a vile cunt.
So many typos. She put an asterisk by "buttnutts" meaning there should be a footnote explaining this is her lame name for butternut squash but there isn't. Slop writing.
ReplyDeleteI stand corrected. It's in the Substack but not in the emailed version of the Substack.
DeleteActually, it was Shannon’s name for butternut squash not Jenna’s. But she’s continued using it as if she’d made it up. Just like her stolen quote “It’s okay to live a life that others don’t understand.”
DeleteThat was truly an awful read - I could only skim her disastrous back-handed complement to the free farm helper's crap cake.
DeleteAnd as a PS, so glad they had such fun in the midst of 100-year torrential rain, area flooding, lives lost and lives damaged. But y'all, the "gay" darling had her good time.
It reminds me of the post where she basically thanked the Covid pandemic for forcing her roommate's cohabitation.
Jenna can’t take time to either edit her many mistakes, or polish the purple prose.
DeleteIs she ever going to write about anything current? Isn’t she still training a hawk? Lots of material there for discussion. Preparing for a winter storm might be of interest to some. Aren’t the pigs ready for butchering? She could talk about how you divide up pig shares (I know, cue the laugh track). Caring for a senior horse might be of interest. How to get a book published would interest some people. Training a herding dog sounds good. How she became interested in archery? Baking bread, planting a garden, DIY home repair, raising chickens ………. Surely there is more to write about than chocolate cake mix. The Substack is called Cold Antler Farm but you would never know from her posts that she even lives on a farm. She could write about cake mix from a bachelor apartment.
ReplyDeleteSFF. Jenna is still stuck in a rut. And she’s been there for years. Her “dumb small life” is boring non-tent that has nothing of merit to offer.
DeleteWhere to stay with this new pile of steaming stack..
ReplyDelete-as pointed out above, the typos and grammatical errors are so many. Almost unreadable.
-old, tired content. We already heard all about the dumb cake back in the summer. Even the picture is recycled. Yawn.
-she could have said what she said in half the words. So much repetition. So much purple prose.
-she can’t help but stick her oppositional defiant foot in her mouth. Insulting her friend much? Dang. Has she no tact?
-the fart sentence- I simply have no words. No words. Crass, disgusting, unnecessary, rude.
-the whole tone of this post reeks, absolutely reeks of imposter. A wannabe.
I couldn’t agree more with your comment. Thanks!
DeleteWho is she fooling, writing like a person who has friends when we know that hers are as scarce as hens’ teeth? She’s rattling on about afternoon tea, relationship breakdown sessions, divorce filings, driver’s license acquisitions and small celebrations like she actually has more than one.
ReplyDeleteYes!!! 🙌
DeleteI thought the same!! The things she listed are nothing but wishful thinking or purple prose at best.
She has no such friends.
So much lying. And the story isn’t even good.
According to her IG, Becca was there in early July when she made that “slum” cake. In her gardening zone, she wouldn’t be harvesting buttnutts then. They get harvested in September. I hate when she lies about something stupid like that.
ReplyDeleteThat was horrible. According to this mess of a post, she’s spent $5 repeatedly since July to bring slum cakes to others to bring them joy. Can’t pay her bills… but sure Jenna you go girl.
Honestly at this rate she’s not going to have much to write about. Boring nontent for sure!!!
Maybe she’ll bake the Dolly Parton crap cake as a gift!
DeleteIt’s great to give gifts like stupid “slum cakes.” It shows people how much they matter to you!
DeleteDid this chick just compare a good friend getting ready to make her a birthday cake with a “glorious fart”. The only glorious fart is Jenna. Oof. This was horrible. One of the worst piles of steaming fart I’ve ever had to read. Thanks Jenna for STILL not sharing anything new with us in spite of making writing your serious big girl job.
ReplyDeleteBegging is her only “big girl job.”
DeleteJenna’s life is “like a fart”
ReplyDeletethough “glorious” it ain’t.
Her horrid hygiene stinks
and she leaves a nasty taint.
Jenna’s latest puke post explains her nonsensical obsession with baking that stupid Dolly Parton crap cake.
ReplyDeleteThe fart comment was a new low. Does she expect to be taken seriously as a writer with such base material?
ReplyDeleteSFF. Exactly. It was very crude and crass. No reputable agent will want to work with her. Rotten writing aside.
DeleteHer writing continues to degrade. Along with Wog’s cognitive abilities due to drinking, smoking weed, and mental illness.
DeleteJenna’s disclaimer at the bottom of her new… I mean old sucstack post.
ReplyDelete“This post was originally written December 2014, making it a decade old. I wanted to share this because I wrote it during the hardest, darkest, time in my life. Those years right after quitting my stable job, but before coming out, were the most emotionally confusing, terrifying, and lost years I ever lived. And all I had to encourage me in the morning that things would be okay was a few bright coals and a warm dog walking back to my bed in the dark with toilet ice on his muzzle.
The old blogs are gone now. I did it in the hope that I can somehow, someway, make a living writing again. I am trying to encourage people to upgrade to paying members if they can afford it without personal hindrance. New work I write, farm updates, personal diaries, and opinion pieces are only available to people who financially support the farm by hiring me to write for them. Recently, I shared the story of nursing a sick goose back to health on Christmas Eve, this summer’s romantic lavender haze, a love letter to box cake mix, and more to come. I post to this substack more than most writers on the platform, as I am trying to make it worth your hard-earned money. I hope to see you in the comments.
I will keep posting free essays now and again, like this. But know if you upgrade to paid here you aren’t helping some best-selling author pay for their kitchen remodel. You’re not supporting someone trying to make a passive income to support their already well-paying day job; You’re helping a single woman still waking up in a cold house to catch up on last month’s mortgage. This is a working class writer’s story. And I share it honestly, openly, and often. It’s romantic and hard and cringe and soft. It’s me.“
It’s interesting how she says she writes new stuff for paying customers because as Maury Povich would determine “ that was a lie” darling. Also pointing out that she posts more than others on the platform… they probably post quality writing… not recycled garbage.
Again, in order to be “working class” you have to actually do a job. It’s not being a beggar for over a decade, because you’re a lying, lazy loser like Jenna. This crap is more justifications and blatant lying. We’re on Substack, and many writers post daily, if not multiple times a week. She’s “cringe” all right.
DeleteIt’s Jenna’s poor choices, and inability to make mature adult decisions, that have led to her “still waking up in a cold house to catch up on last month’s mortgage.” She’s also “single” for a reason. Boo fucking hoo.
DeleteThis stupid statement is also overtly obnoxious: “And all I had to encourage me in the morning that things would be okay was a few bright coals and a warm dog walking back to my bed in the dark with toilet ice on his muzzle.” Jenna still sings the same sad song. But it’s all a crock of crap. Her complete lack of commas is also annoying.
DeleteI hate how she’s still playing the ridiculous role of damsel in distress at age 41. “Grow up,” Jenna, and support yourself without whining like a normal adult. It’s not your subscribers’ responsibility to pay for your lie-style and faux farm.
DeleteHang on. The dog drank water from the toilet (the same one where the cat sh!$s) and then crawled into bed with her with "toilet ice on his muzzle"? Excuse me, while I hurl.
DeletePDD. I thought the same thing. But she also writes about “glorious farts.”
DeleteSnow piling up today and Jenna usually has a whole lot to do on the farm plus keeping her home heated with wood. But… she’s in a full face of make up including big red lips to show us her brand new $25 tshirt (with $5 shipping).
ReplyDeletePoor Jenna. No money to pay her bills! Harumph!!!
Jenna looks grotesque when she wears makeup on her fake fat face. She’s a big butch trying to be a femme and failing.
DeleteI don’t see the ick pic. Unless, it’s in a stupid story. Jenna can’t be bothered to take extra care of her livestock hoard and horses during colder weather. She’d rather waddle around her hovel with a mean mouth, smug smirk that’s caked in lipstick. Maybe she’ll shave her hairy, stinky pits too.
DeleteToday's snow forecast for Cambridge was 1-3 inches, so no biggie. This is good, because she does fcuk all for her animals during bad weather.
DeletePDD. But I’ll bet that the bitch still complains.
DeleteAnon, sure thing. She believes her followers are too stupid to check the weather forecast.
DeletePDD. Jenna is the stupid one.
DeleteYet again she fails to read the room. Right after posting another recycled pile.
ReplyDeleteJenna can’t “read the room,” because she’s too stupid and stubborn to see the truth.
DeleteIts been a while since she’s posted what she considers a ‘glamour shot’. She truly seems incapable of smiling like a normal person. She looks demented with her bright red (TS) lipstick and her mouth hanging open. Honey, you’re trying way too hard. It’s not attractive, it makes you look simple.Go Chiefs!
ReplyDeleteAnother thought. Why is the bird in the kitchen? I seem to recall that they projectile poop. That would have it hitting the counter where presumably she prepares food, right next to that dishwasher she doesn’t own.
DeleteHer smug smirk is insincere. Jenna’s disgusting, gaping maw is ugly and “demented” looking. She really appears crazy in her appearance and behavior.
DeleteSFF. I still don’t see the photo on her Instagram. Jenna only uses her stupid, open mouth pose when she’s wearing makeup. She thinks that it makes her look sexy instead of stupid. What a repulsive cunt. I don’t know about the hawk, but her hygiene is horrid. So it’s no surprise.
DeleteJenna is the absolute antithesis of sexy.
DeleteSpeaking of the antithesis of sexy, if I’d been young and stupid enough, nine years ago, to post a story to social media describing myself as being crouched naked in front of my bunburner would I be reposting it at age 41 on Substack?
DeleteWe can only hope she doesn't resurrect the shitting in the backyard episode.
DeleteAnon 5:07pm- My thoughts exactly. The image of her walking around naked building a fire in her woodstove (and using a hatchet!) is one I hope I can forget.
DeleteIs the red lipstick pic in a story today? I don’t see any stills. Maybe she’s deleted it after reading our critical comments. Jenna also doesn’t have any boundaries about what she posts. Like the vile “fart” sentence.
DeleteIt's still there in stories with the slim face filter jacked up to the max.
DeleteSFF. Thanks. I can’t see her stupid stories, because I don’t have an Instagram account. I also hate her arrogant, grating voice.
DeleteShe filters her fake fat face, because Jenna is jowly in real life.
DeleteI don’t get how her Substack shows that Jenna already has 400 subscribers, but she’s still whining about wanting 200. Can someone please explain this to me? The discrepancy in numbers doesn’t make sense. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteI'm not seeing where it says she has 400 subscribers. In Substack, there are free subscribers and paid subscribers. The free subscribers get the free posts sent to their email. The rest of us see those posts if we go to Substack and look for them. The paid subscribers get every post sent to their email box and can also read them on Substack. If she has over 400 subscribers, most of them are free. She has less than 200 paid subscribers.
ReplyDeleteThanks for replying to my question. I saw the 400 on her profile.
DeleteThe full makeup photo is on IG. It’s a silly, open mouth surprised selfie look that she thinks looks good. Nope. Just silly.
ReplyDeleteJenna’s done that stupid pose many times. She’s either smirking with a smug mean mouth, or leaving her ugly, gaping maw open. It’s never an authentic expression of happiness.
DeleteEverything about this cunt is fake. Jenna looks really terrible in makeup. It’s like she’s in drag. And the lipstick’s color is bad on her sallow skin.
She just can’t accept being a “Plain Jen,” and keeps trying to be a fake femme.
DeleteHer brows are bad, too.
DeleteAt least her shirt has sleeves and she’s not flaunting hairy hobbit armpits.
DeleteAnonymous 11:09. You’re right! Her “hairy hobbit armpits” are awful. She always appears slovenly and stinky.
DeleteI didn't bother to read her 2014 pity-me saga of allegedly having a cold house in the morning.
ReplyDeleteIt's all the more absurd when you realize she has a whole-house oil furnace, and she chooses not to use it as designed, because she thought she was cool to thumb her nose at "big oil". She only thumbed her nose a little, though. Oil heats her water, and she admitted she leaves the furnace thermostat on, set to around 50F, so house doesn't freeze in winter. The furnace was NEW when she bought the house.
Now, many people heat with wood. They don't whine each and every day, because they've figured out how to keep their stoves going all night, or they just shut up about their choice of cold mornings.
Wog loves to whine. She should STFU about her wood stove situation. Jenna is responsible for each and every poor choice for decades.
DeleteJenna’s a condescending cunt even when it comes to heating her hovel. It makes her feel superior to have a wood stove.
DeleteNot sure if this link will work
Her blog posts up until 2020 are here. Not even sure how or why. If she can delete them well know she read it here!!😂😂
Scroll down to the bottom to choose other pages of posts. There are 300 plus pages.
DeleteQuite a treasure trove. Thanks for the link. Honestly it all could have been written yesterday. Nothing has changed in nine years.
DeleteSFF. Jenna has never “grown up” and changed in over a decade. Those posts prove it. She’s still stuck in a rut of her own poor choices. And being a beggar is one of them.
DeleteWe have another "lovely" post:
ReplyDeleteThe Emmys were this weekend. I love award shows, I truly do. I love the actors, the art, the clothes, the fuss. I love watching people I have never met, but watched grow, slink past the cameras in gowns and suits. I love it all because it’s so far from my everyday life. These people spend more on dry cleaning in a year than I spent buying my car, but I don’t care. I can’t turn down a good story. And the Emmy’s are nothing if not awarding good storytellers.
Nick Offerman won his first Emmy for his portrayal of Bill in HBO’s The Last of Us. If you haven’t watched the third (and only) episode he’s featured in, you should. Holy crow, you should.
But if you’re not going to, I’ll summarize:
The third episode of the series is basically a stand-alone movie. It’s the story of one man surviving the apocalypse alone on his urban homestead. One day, four years into aftermath of a dying world, another man falls into one of his booby traps - a pit he dug in his front yard. Bill approached the hole with a rifle, ready to shoot.
That man he trapped turns out to be the love of his life, and they spend the next twenty years growing old and taking care of each other. None of this is spoilers for what happens to them, or to the show, but it was easily one of the most beautiful hours of television I have ever watched.
I think that episode with Nick was the closest I’ve come to seeing someone like me on television. This is somewhat confusing, as I do not identify as a man, but I am a single homosexual that over prepares for everything who would be relieved at the downfall of civilization, so there’s that.
I bring it up because that episode moved me in ways I wasn’t prepared for. I know what it is like to need to create a safe space around you, become untouchable by circumstance, become distant and isolated to protect yourself from people and a world that doesn’t want you in it. I lived that. I am that. And then I watched him slowly unravel with love, let down his guard, and allow someone to change everything.
I think about that episode a lot. I even bought the Linda Ronstadt album from the episode at a local used book store this summer. I didn’t want to forget what I watched, because the message of the episode was so hopeful, so simple:
You shouldn’t only prepare for suffering.
Maybe, just maybe, it’s okay to prepare for a life where things work out. To understand that the best years of your life can happen in middle age. To know that love can surprise the hell out of you when you least expect it. That it’s not only worth everything, it is everything.
Anyway, something to think about as I prepare for a storm heading my way right now. Hard to avoid with Linda singing on the turntable as I get out the emergency candles and charge my headlamp.
There’s a warning about a change in the weather. Tonight heavy rain, thunderstorms, and high winds are predicted to roar through the county. Alerts for 50+mph gusts and flooding are blowing up my phone. An additional 1/4” of rain is supposedly dumping on the already-oversaturated ground currently holding inches of snow.
ReplyDeleteThe springs on the property are practically geysers, overflowing and sending rivulets down mountain in every direction. The well I use for my drinking water is leaking from the cap and icing over in the night. I was so worried it was going to burst I called a professional to come inspect it. It cost me a hundred dollars to have a man look at it and tell me I worry too much.
If the weather arrives as cautioned there will be power outages, flooding, downed trees, and closed roads. To think I’ll escape any hardship is ridiculous, so I prepare. Hopefully, it’s not worse than a few downed trees, some water in the basement, and a day without power but you never know. In the winter of 2021, enough water collected beside the house from a rainstorm over snow the bathroom floor had to be ripped out and replaced, and that was getting off easy.
To prepare for tonight I went out and got a few extra days worth of feed, ran a few luxury errands (I was out of tea and honey), but all the real preparation for this kind of thing happens on farm. Things like making sure everyone has food and bedding in their shelter areas and not in the usual, open, feeding areas is one precaution I take. Don’t even give them a reason to get out of their sheds or pole barns in the night or early morning.
I have all the oil lamps filled and ready. The house will be loaded with firewood, and handy access to fire-starting supplies so I am not wasting time I could be repairing tree-warped fences chopping kindling. Hawks come inside. Horses get blankets. The dog bowls are overfilled and I have a couple gallons of water on standby. You know, the usual stuff.
I do wish there was someone here to ride it out with. I think nature is less intimidating when you have a witness beside you. I never worried about weather when I had a partner here because I felt whatever happened, there was another person here to help deal with it. But I don’t think it’s realistic to think I’ll be in that situation again, at least not anytime short of the apocalypse, I am trying to be the other person I counted on, indefinitely.
Regardless, wish me luck.
Here it comes.
I do have this fantasy that friends will come visit the farm and get snowed in during a power outage and all the work and preparations this life entails will shine. I fantasize about making cozy nests near the wood stove for them, handing them cups of hot coffee by a cracking fire in the morning while bacon sizzles on the stovetop and snow squalls dance outside the glass doors. Let them peruse my books, stacked everywhere and anywhere. Show them a life so simple and pure it makes them ache to leave it…
ReplyDeleteAll of my fantasies are about taking care of things, about being needed. I think that’s why I became a farmer. Because even if the world ends I still matter, even if it’s just to sheep on a hill.
I hope the storm rides gentle and easy. I will say I am glad to live where I do. I don’t envy anyone whose land is exposed to wind and weather. I like that my farm is tucked into the side of a mountain, and the eastern side at that. Most storms come from the west, and I like that this farm is halfway down the opposite side of the gales, tucked into a hollow like that scene in Jurassic Park where Grant and the kids hide under that fallen tree while the running herd of Gallimimus leap past them.
And, while there is a downside to living on a winding country road lined with tree-draped power lines, that’s also the general extent of the damage around here - loss of power. Flooding, true flooding, isn’t a worry halfway up a mountain. )At least gravity has my back there.) All I can hope is nothing falls on the house, Subaru, or outbuildings. I park strategically. The big maple was trimmed back so no branches would crash on the roof this summer. I do what I can. I hope for the best.
What a whiner. Jenna’s stupid subtext is always “Venmo, it means so much!!!” You took one for the team again. Thanks!
Delete“An essay on Nick Offerman's Emmy and preparing for a storm alone on a farm.”
ReplyDeleteI’m sure that she wishes Shannon was still there to help her out. Jenna is single for a reason. “Holy crow!!!”
“I never worried about weather when I had a partner here because I felt whatever happened, there was another person here to help deal with it. But I don’t think it’s realistic to think I’ll be in that situation again, at least not anytime short of the apocalypse, I am trying to be the other person I counted on, indefinitely.”
DeleteEven during “the apocalypse” no one would want Wog. She’s insufferable, and a user/taker not giver. Plus she’s ugly, obese and stinky.