PDD. I like your list. I’m sure that we can come up with even more. Anon7 and SFF probably have some ideas. Jenna needs new names for her future, bestseller memoir!
She would whine, of course, about how hard it is to be alone on the side of a mountain, and having to carry buckets uphill (both ways!) to bring water to her animals. I wonder if she uses tank heaters… We would surely get a moment by moment account of how she didn’t sleep one bit because she was up tending the fire all night. We have a woodstove and only on the coldest and windiest nights do I need to get up to add wood, and that’s my choice as I have an oil furnace and a full tank, thanks to my poodle job and direct deposit.
This morning on IG a tight cropped shot of sheep in the snow. It didn’t go unnoticed to me that there are no falling down outbuildings in the background.
“I only have one share left for this coming year's pork! If you want it please do let me know ASAP, and if you want to support a farm on the edge, you can also donate a share to someone in need!”
Those who are really “on the edge” go and get a job. You’re a lying, lazy loser. No one will “donate a share to someone in need!” That’s just more of your manipulative marketing to filch free funds for pork that’s not even ready.
"you can also donate a share to someone in need" What Jenna doesn't say is that she is the someone in need. No way she would go beyond her shack to find someone in need.
“Those who are really “on the edge” go and get a job. You’re a lying, lazy loser. No one will “donate a share to someone in need!” That’s just more of your manipulative marketing to filch free funds for pork that’s not even ready.”
Just watch for her to announce again, that there’s another pork share available, because a buyer has suddenly changed their mind. As if Jenna would refund any money once it’s spent.
Following my earlier rant on how Wog is in no way a homesteader, my husband watches a tv show called Homesteaders and these people live off the grid. Solar power, digging a well, raising rabbits for meat, growing produce and preserving everything they raise. Their mantra is protein and produce. They don’t run out to Stewart’s for ice cream, bake cakes from a boxed mix and have their driveways plowed out. Hell, they don’t even have driveways. She is not only disingenuous but an outright liar. Anyone with half a brain can poke holes in her homesteader persona. What a dumbass and how insulting to her readers to expect them to buy her schtick.
Me again. I’m recuperating from some minor medical so I have time on my hands. Scroll on if you don’t care for my verbosity. I’ve been thinking about her ‘karmic gifting cycle of the American Possum’ nonsense. What about her own karmic situation? Lying to customers, scamming for free funds and being generally dishonest to other humans has gotta mess with her place in the universe. Luck and magic won’t take the place of doing the hard work of being a decent human. I realize that ‘hard work’ is not in her vocabulary but acting like a spoiled little princess and pretending to be a spiritual thinker is bullshit. Look people in the eye, stop disparaging those who are not just like you and GET A JOB. You will be amazed how your life will improve.
That right there. Well said. It’s amazing to think how many- if not all- of her problems would be at least partly solved by two deliberate actions- getting a job and being a decent human. However, in her own words, she told the world in her last post that she will not work for anyone else, no matter what, and she has shown the world that she refuses to be a decent human.
Whoever called it was bang on. “I can’t afford a plumber, I can’t afford anything to go wrong”. Wash, rinse, repeat. She’s both pathetic and predictable. Putting the text in a red box was a novel touch. ALERT ALERT - VENMO ME!!!!
Also: "I have 2 episodes left on season 2 of The Bear.. "
Another busy night for Wog. Maybe she could've taken some time to put a heater in her re-floored bathroom, or let the faucet drip to prevent water pipes from freezing. PDD
Spot on Anon 10:04. I lived in my house 3-4 years where my pipes froze every January. I have "fond" memories of my mother and stepfather coming to thaw them out for me. I was a bit slow but finally caught on and learned how to thaw the pipes out myself and eventually to stop them from freezing altogether. Now, (20 years later) I'm in the same place and I don't have frozen pipes anymore. Darlin Jenna has had many opportunities to correct the problem, each time pipes froze she should have been making improvements. I know people in old houses that run the pipes down the walls inside the room, not in between the walls. They just paint them the same color as the wall and call it good. I call a bluff. It hasn't been very cold for an extended period of time. Pipes should not have frozen if she has any heat at all in her house and has periodically run the water. Jerk-off Jenna, get a clue!
Agreed. It has t even been that cold so I’m not sure why she’s having this issue. It was in the 20’s yesterday and sunny. She also was bragging the day before about how proud she was that the house was 63 degrees inside or some such nonsense. Who knows it’s all good now she says.
New sucstack about ghost stories. Her new tactic? If you do t want to read what she writes just scroll until you get to a story she stole from someone else. lol. You can’t make this up.
Yeah pipes don’t freeze in a 73 degree house which she bragged she had. Keeping pipes from freezing otherwise is simple. Just takes a little work which we all know she won’t do. Last weekend in anticipation of the cold weather we drained all our outside pipes. Blew out the lines so there was no water left in them to freeze and burst. Covered every outside faucet coming off the house with insulated covers we got at the hardware store years ago. Wrapped old towels. In the house we left faucets on a slow drip. We have been in our house for over twenty years and have kept livestock outside for almost that long with water stations, pipes and faucets near each pasture. The times we have had a frozen or busted pipes: zero. Knock on wood, but also, a little upfront effort. That’s all.
Apparently her bathroom was repaired August 2022, and the pipes were insulated, so to have them freeze under normal NY winter-temps is hard to imagine.
In August, 2022, VerYork's drama queen wrote: "The bathroom floor is repaired! The pipes are insulated!"
Guess not, huh? PDD PS I believe her frozen-pipe story is complete and utter 💩
That red alert box hurt my eyes. So annoyingly crass and thinly veiled. Also, again, three days without posts. She is really not honoring her own promised posting schedule, especially since when she does finally post, it’s usually recycled, formerly free content.
“this farm has ONE remaining pork share left for the coming season (or two, possibly if another customer backs out, waiting to hear). If you're local, or willing to drive to the farm to pick it up - please get in touch and buy it ASAP!”
I’ve called this too above:
Woke Wog January 18, 2024 at 5:12 AM
“Just watch for her to announce again, that there’s another pork share available, because a buyer has suddenly changed their mind. As if Jenna would refund any money once it’s spent.”
Her patterns are preferable once you start to see them. Jenna’s lie-style is always manipulative marketing to elicit empathy from followers to filch free funds.
Stories are visible if you have an IG account. However, a while ago a techy shamster figured out a workaround and it’s by going to instanavigation dot com and then entering “colantlerjenna” or any account in the search bar. It allows you to surf instagram and stories without an account.
Her pork share math is hilarious. She seems to only raise about 5 pigs a year / season. So I guess it depends on if people buy a 1/4 , a 1/2 or a whole pig. Even so, the shares shrink and grow depending on her need for ready cash. Then, she spends the cash and has no money to feed or butcher the pigs and begs for more free funds as needed.
Does she realize how foolish she sounds? She reminds people constantly that she’s lived in the house for 10+ years - and has yet to figure out frozen pipes? I call money grab. We have an 1850’s house and the pipes froze the first winter, so speaking from experience. Pipe insulation is cheap, get some, Jenna. Leave your cabinet doors open, put towels against your baseboards to help block drafts. Buy a small space heater; they are not expensive and certainly cheaper than burst pipes. Let your water drip, as someone mentioned above. I would be embarrassed to be letting the world know my situation. She really has no awareness of how she is presenting herself.
I think she has zero embarrassment about this. In fact I think she looks forward to having an opportunity to cry distress, because in her experience that’s what has made her pity donations in the past.
As for the magical shares of pig appearing, I would be embarrassed to be so extremely deceptive about it to where she is not even trying to hide the fact that the money she urgently needs for “butchering, feed, etc in other words pig shares” is in fact money she needs for other things that have nothing to do with pig care. She may try and explain it in a roundabout way by saying, well, I need a house to live in to be able to feed pigs, but while that’s generally true, it becomes very scammy when she turns around and then says that she has no money for feed or for the butcher. It seems that it has always been her scam to sell shares twice. Once as a share and once as pity calls for emergency pig care funds. Maybe that’s the answer to everyone’s question why is she doing pigs since by her math, they are not profitable. They are if you sell them twice.
And as to why haven’t some of her “readers” figured this out and called her out on it like many others have- read her room. That tells you all you need to k ow about her “loyal readers”.
“Please help me move this pork! If you or anyone you know is interested”
Jenna is up early today working on her pork share scam. The yellow heart at the end of her stupid sentence is pathetic. It’s no one else’s responsibility to shill her shit for free.
“This farm is still trying to cover lasts months mortgage. I’ve thrown all I have into the substack, thinking readers would rather help me build a steady income for $8 a month than buy soap or logos or pet portraits so I didn’t push those and now I’m learning that was a mistake.”
Poor, desperate little Jenna. You’re “still trying to cover lasts months mortgage,” not the inanimate object that you hide behind called “This farm.” And its spelled month’s, moron. Still trying to elicit empathy from followers to filch free funds for nothing but begging. Get a job, slob.
“A year of 2-3 essays a week with accompanying recorded audio - the most I’ve ever been productive, best work I’ve ever done, is harder to get people to consider than selling a cartoon dog. Which means I have to write better, harder, more”
“If you’re interested in pet portraits or logos, I’ll sell whatever I can make or design to save this place. I know Twitter is a wasteland now but maybe someone will see this.”
Disingenuous Jenna is implying that she’s been on Substack for a year, not a few months at most in reality. And it’s called X now not Twitter, twat. People aren’t paying for rotten writing.
“If you like scary stories, I share two ghost stories from my own life and one from a good friend that skipped time and space on his commute to work. Audio option here if you want to listen to the 11 minute preview free!”
She just can’t quit whining. Jenna is being a begging bully again. She’s trying to push people into making a pity purchase.
Anon 5:00 am: Is this an exact quote? If it is, what a lie - she hasn't been doing sub stack for a year, and she's only done one recording. I'd be embarrassed to admit that i'd thrown all I have into the sub stack and this is where she's at so far. I also don't think she's given it a chance. Don't most writers build up readers over time, not in just 2-3 months? And of course it was a mistake not to continue trying to make her other sales. She really expected to go from nothing to over $1k in a month on a new venture? Where are her brains?
What flabbergasts me is that she is saying she has put more effort into her Substack than anything else and yet - many of her posts are recycled. What?
Amen!!! Scrapping together mostly recycled posts and not meeting her promised schedule of at least three a week is “the hardest she has ever worked and the best work she has ever done”? Is she freaking serious?
Not to mention she has only been on substack for all of twelve minutes. What a dummy. It was “foretold”, ad she says, that the substack was just another underbaked quick money making scheme that was not going to last or be sustainable in any way. Or offer anything of quality. It’s only taken her a few weeks to admit that.
Now she's dialed down her intended output to "a year of 2-3 essays a week".
Good ol' Wog - continues to overpromise and under deliver. As Anon above wrote, if this is her at her most productive, no wonder if farm, house and businesses are neglected. PDD
“Free idea for Elon Musk: Want to get back at all of us for not liking you? Shove it in the face of us libtards and snowflakes? Use your billions to end poverty, homelessness and a National Healthcare program like every other civilized nation and force us to admit we were wrong.”
No one cares, cunt. Better get back to begging. You have another late mortgage payment to “earn up.”
Her “pod stack” is a lot of begging in the beginning. Nice way to get more begging and less working for $$. I like Howe it’s googles fault her pipes froze. She got a false report y’all!! You’d think a cold hardy gal ready for the apocalypse would have a thermometer outside, you know, in the environment she lives in rather than relying on false reports!!!
She's full of 💩. I looked at the real-time weather reports for her area, and the lows were 13-14⁰F.
Now, she would have us believe the weather services are wrong, not her, lol. Only Wog, the incompetent, knows the "real" temperature at her hovel.
Travelers, if she thought the last two nights were bad, for the next three nights, the lows will drop to 6-7⁰F. Maybe she should think about looking after the poor animals she has on her fauxm. PDD
How is she claiming she's close to foreclosure? In her Suckstack about the goose, she said she paid the November mortgage on Christmas Eve, which means she's only behind for December right now.
Taking guesses now on what happens in a week or two when her extra month that she was giving to the shitstack is up, she ditches it, and her few annual subscribers ask her, “what now?” I bet she will have a spin ready on how it’s been a drain on her time, nobody wants to pay her for her best goodest hardest-est work ever done, and how she will scale down to maybe one post a week and later much less, until they stop asking.
Lots of begging. Apparently her bills are and have always been “reader supported”. She’s practically PBS guys!!! Oh wait, that’s “viewer supported” my bad.
The bills should be “Jenna supported” she gets paid for her work. She’s still trying to get that pork share sold for $600. I’m betting there will be an end of the month miracle like there is every single month. Hoo.
Jenna Woginrich 🏳️🌈 @coldantlerfarm 6m My Substack is not a newsletter can you get four times or less a month. It is not the side project of an already comfortably successful writer waxing poetic for passive income with over 5k in the bank. It’s the weekly, 10k or more word long form essays I pour my soul into.
Jenna is jealous of “comfortably successful writers,” and can’t contain her envy. She has no clue about how much money someone has “in the bank.” Her first stupid sentence sounds like Wog was day drinking again.
Jenna Woginrich 🏳️🌈 @coldantlerfarm 12m But if you’ve been following me and my struggle to keep this farm for the past 15 years, I would like to see me, stop struggling, and stop seeing posts like this, consider subscribing to the Substack. It’s away I’m trying to build a steady income.
Jenna can “stop struggling” if she’d just get a part-time job. I guess that being a beggar is better. She’s always lived way beyond her meager means to maintain.
Jenna Woginrich 🏳️🌈 @coldantlerfarm 14m Or if four of you choose to buy a year subscription to my substack, upfront. But that feels less likely than meat or logo sales
Jenna Woginrich 🏳️🌈 @coldantlerfarm 12m My income goal for the day is $300. That’s 1/4 share of Pork, to logo sales with the $50 off discount, 60 bars of soap, or four pet portraits. When I make that money, my hay bill from last week will be covered, so tomorrow’s income can go towards the December Mortgage
This is an example of her manipulative marketing to elicit empathy from followers for free funds. Jenna is hoping, by stating that stupid goal, that an enabler will just Venmo her money. “It means so much!!!”
Jenna Woginrich 🏳️🌈 @coldantlerfarm 12m And I am now recording myself reading these essays aloud, for anyone that doesn’t have time to read three 15+ minute long reads a week, which is probably most of you.
Also light fun posts! It’s not all hardship and frozen farms! Like pancake recipes and odes to cake mix too!
Is the above taken directly from her post?? If so, the errors are very bad. Obviously she does not proofread, as many here have mentioned before. My 9 year old niece writes more professionally than that. Jenna- wtf are you doing? How do you not see how badly you are presenting yourself? As a self proclaimed ‘public figure’, you need to set yourself apart from every other Joe Schmoe out there. Your current style of writing indicates laziness, a lack of caring, pride, and respect for your paying customers- and for yourself. Your ‘farm’ (which it is not), can survive without you there for 4-5 hours a day, long enough to work a part time job in Cambridge. You do not live that far- it would be a 10 minute commute. I don’t know any farmers in Washington County that don’t work off farm. So, be a real ‘farmer’ and go get a job. It will alleviate much of your stress. If you are too stubborn or stupid to do so, then you deserve every second of anxiety you bring upon yourself.
Anon3: my thoughts exactly! The errors are glaring and grade-school level. As a self-proclaimed writer, she needs to do better than that. She keeps saying she's doing her best work ever, but it's not worth paying for.
Jenna writes like she is wasted. The typos and bad grammar are off the charts, even for her. Not a good look for someone who wants to get paid for their writing.
Clearly, her cognitive abilities are rapidly declining. Jenna is “barely coping,” because she won’t work to support herself “off farm.” It’s incomprehensible why she can’t get a part-time job.
No normal adult whines about her financial issues each and every month for years. And also expects others to rescue her. Jenni is fucked up beyond repair.
“And I am now recording myself reading these essays aloud, for anyone that doesn’t have time to read three 15+ minute long reads a week, which is probably most of you.
Also light fun posts! It’s not all hardship and frozen farms! Like pancake recipes and odes to cake mix too!”
What a condescending cunt. Her hyperbolic overuse of exclamation points comes across as being hysterical.
Lol, this reminds me of the time she created a whole victim narrative because a "hater" allegedly mailed her a job application (!) Turns out the posted envelope "proof" was addressed to Wog in her own handwriting. You can't make this up. PDD
Woke WogJanuary 18, 2024 at 5:12 AM Just watch for her to announce again, that there’s another pork share available, because a buyer has suddenly changed their mind. As if Jenna would refund any money once it’s spent.
AnonymousJanuary 18, 2024 at 7:16 PM Her pork share math is hilarious. She seems to only raise about 5 pigs a year / season. So I guess it depends on if people buy a 1/4 , a 1/2 or a whole pig. Even so, the shares shrink and grow depending on her need for ready cash. Then, she spends the cash and has no money to feed or butcher the pigs and begs for more free funds as needed.
AnonymousJanuary 19, 2024 at 3:59 AM AnonymousJanuary 16, 2024 at 12:16 PM
Funny, how the pork shares available go up and down according to her desperation.
She wrote up some stupid review of a show she watched in one of her multiple streaming services but then decided to not only delete it, but tell everyone she was deleting it. Maybe watch your pipes instead of series Jenna!!!!
She has said she's up every few hours to stoke the wood stove (s). So run all the water faucets at that time, into buckets so it's not wasted. Keep faucets trickling the rest of the time. In the a.m. she'll have the water to take out to the animals and her pipes won't be froze.
A true writer gets people to pay for and read her work because it's well-written and engaging, not because she's begging and guilting you. What a turn-off.
Yup. It’s her responsibility to write and produce a good product. It is up to the customer to decide if they want to pay for her writing. Jenna wants people to pay for her writing even if that don’t want it ( which is the weirdest sales pitch I’ve ever heard of) or because they don’t want her to beg anymore for money. She keeps crowdsourcing material ( tell me about coming out in your 30’s, send me your ghost stories and I will post them!). This is just another cash grab. It won’t last long.
“Noluck in over a week. 10 days to make enough to cover the December mortgage. If you're seeing this, you're one of the few who still can, so please consider sharing and if you're comfortable - see if anything I sell is something you would like?”
GFY, Jenna. “And” learn how to correctly use question marks. It’s also “No luck.”
According to her IG stories, she has 30 more paid subs until she reaches 200.
She also claims she spends between 5-15 hours on each essay.
She also claims these are better than anything she’s ever published.
Wow! Stephen King, umm… if you read here at CAS can you tell us how long it takes you to write a book so I know if I should pay the $15 for your book? Thanks!!😂😂. /s She’s really losing it from all this pipe unfreezing!!!
Even if Feb's mtg pymt is due the first, she late on Dec and Jan - 2 months behind. She seems to imply 3 mos. is foreclosure territory. Still plenty of time to pay. Banks can take a long time to start proceedings. They'd rather not have to. They're making lots of $ off her. Think of the late fees and penalties she pays every month. Possibly interest (or late fees) on top of interest / late fees compounding after all this time. Her measly principle amt is nothing to them - interest and late fees every month! now that's passive income and keeps it going in perpetuity. Saying she's afraid is how she gets the dumb bleeding hearts to pay up - like others have said before/above.
Anon, thanks. I'm sure Wog hopes she can pump out crap essays at 5 hrs/essay (15 hrs/week) and spend the remainder of the time screwing off. If she did this, her hourly rate would "skyrocket" to $18/hour pre-tax. She'd still earn less than many box store job salaries, and no benefits. Oh, and the 5-hour crap essays will guarantee paid-subscriber drop off. CAF math is for losers. PDD
Over on Twitter she is reminding you, comfortable poodles, that in case you don’t catch her drift, she only has ten days for you to pay her mortgage. Which, of course, we all know is not true. She wants you to feel sorry, share, but also buy something from her. Yup.
“Noluck in over a week. 10 days to make enough to cover the December mortgage. If you're seeing this, you're one of the few who still can, so please consider sharing and if you're comfortable - see if anything I sell is something you would like?”
GFY, Jenna. “And” learn how to correctly use question marks. It’s also “No luck.”
Is anyone else seeing what I’m seeing or is it my device? It’s three days again without posts but this morning it looks like she reposted the already recycled possum story on the top of her stack.
Lately I have noticed that she is recycling old photos more than usual. The wood stove seems to be her perennial favourite followed by pigs in squalor and the shot of the barn with the TS banner. Is she even doing any farm related tasks? If not then she needs to rebrand her online presence.. Cold Antler FARM doesn’t really cut it anymore. More often than not when I log into IG The Original Shepherdess shows up at the top of my feed. Even in muddy season her operation shines. Clean, healthy looking animals on a well groomed property. Beautiful interior shots of a charming farmhouse with gleaming pots and pans and a well scrubbed proprietress. Such a stark difference to Wog’s filthy feet and garage sale decor. It’s all so gross and unappealing
SFF. She’s been recycling pics and posts again. Jenna has been trying to catch their attention and followers for years. We’ve warned her awhile ago about Wog with links and information. Jenna’s faux farm is the antithesis of TOS.
Jon Katz is also begging for funds again on his blog, even telling people he will start making monthly payments tomorrow. He carefully avoids mentioning how much money he is making from you tube, while mentioning he has to pay for feed and hay. Of course, the fact that he has a lavish lifestyle doesn’t enter into it. He has an iPhone 15, new camera lenses, teeth implants, Vermont inn vacations, new car, new books every month, lobster rolls for dinner. People art suckers for giving him money.
Jon Katz has quite a lavish lifestyle, and a beggar as stated at times. His camera lens are quite high end, many photographers I know could never afford. He needs money for his blog and every few months makes request to his readers.
Big difference between The Wog and Katz. Katz won't beg for money for a root canal and then we see a new puppy. If he asks for money for a new lens, and I can't recall him ever doing that, we would see the new lens. We would see pictures taken with the new lens and we would get an explanation of why he wanted it, artistically speaking.
Currently, Katz is asking for people to support his blog, but he also says the blog will always be free. And as someone pointed out, it's every few months, not every day, multiple times a day.
I see nothing wrong with asking people to support a cause or even a camera lens. It's the beating people over the head CONSTANTLY with begging, then lying about the reason for the beg, that makes me crazy.
Jon Katz is constantly raising money or asking for items to help the local nursing home and also a school. He is involved in the community (something Jenna never is-oh wait, remember she washed glasses at a bar as her attempt to help the community LOL) Anyway, Jon is constantly posting and some of his photos are breathtaking. I get it if people don’t care for him, but in my opinion he seems to be one of the more well rounded people I follow. No one is perfect, not even us! ;-)
I don't follow Jon Katz, but check on Bedlam Farm from time to time. For what little it's worth, my thoughts: 1. He's a far superior writer to Wog 2. He treats the blog like a job and there's continuity of threads directed at the reader. 3. His photos can be gorgeous. I remember him asking for money to purchase a better camera, but the results seem worth it. 4. He definitely (and legitimately) helps the local community and students/young people. His posts identify supported organizations, not offering the vague 💩 descriptions that Wog posts (you know, buy $600 of pork and she'll give to a person in need...) 5. His blog remains free, and his requests for additional $$ come periodically, not daily. 6. Saying that, I'm certain there's a self-centered quality to him that would be irritating in the long run. PDD
Jenna Woginrich 🏳️🌈 @coldantlerfarm 20m Still no luck, just people that want logos some day when their situations also change, which is both encouraging and scary, how many people are struggling
I have nine days to make it happen, and every bar of soap or pork share counts
Blah blah blah
My Crystal ball says that “this farm” will get a last minute miracle.
I don't believe the pipes burst. I live in the same area. Hard to believe they would've froze that solidly to break a pipe. I've had my water freeze without breaking the pipe if you catch it soon enough. It hasn't been that cold or for an extended time, no wind last night, heated house, etc. I say she's lying for sympathy and cash. Also, I find it hard to believe she slept through an alarm unless she was passed out from drink or stoned.
It should be a super busy time on the "farm". What has she been doing? We know what she hasn’t been doing. She hasn't been doing any post-summer clean-up around her shack on the hill. She hasn’t been spending time with all the old friends that got tired of her BS…there are a lot. She hasn’t been dating a new girl. And she hasn’t been writing any interesting quality essays. But really, it’s okay…she shouldn’t worry about it, because nobody really cares what she’s doing anyway. Rehome the animals and you can just carry on.
HD. Jenna would just complain about running out of wood for her stove. Even though she has heaters and a functional furnace.
ReplyDeleteShe’s “Little Louse on the Prairie.”
Delete"Little Louse on the Prarie"
One of your BEST
PDD. Thanks!
DeleteJJ, maybe we could have fun creating entertainment titles for Wog.
Paper Loon
Pity Profiteer
Fraud Mountain
On Grifting Pond
Despicable She
The Imitation Game
PDD. I like your list. I’m sure that we can come up with even more. Anon7 and SFF probably have some ideas. Jenna needs new names for her future, bestseller memoir!
She would whine, of course, about how hard it is to be alone on the side of a mountain, and having to carry buckets uphill (both ways!) to bring water to her animals. I wonder if she uses tank heaters…
ReplyDeleteWe would surely get a moment by moment account of how she didn’t sleep one bit because she was up tending the fire all night.
We have a woodstove and only on the coldest and windiest nights do I need to get up to add wood, and that’s my choice as I have an oil furnace and a full tank, thanks to my poodle job and direct deposit.
This morning on IG a tight cropped shot of sheep in the snow. It didn’t go unnoticed to me that there are no falling down outbuildings in the background.
ReplyDeleteLol, she's "ready for another hard day and night." Right, Wog.
DeleteShe had about 3 inches of snow, hardly any wind (about half of what we got), and the neighbor plows out her driveway *after every snowstorm*.
Whew. Sure hope she makes it. 🤪🤣
She’s priming her pumps for a big beg. “Venmo, it means so much!!!”
DeleteYeah, she's a real homesteader alright.
DeleteWog wants to whine ‘bout winter
ReplyDeleteso she can beg for wood.
“Darlin’” could solve her issues
with work the way she should.
“I only have one share left for this coming year's pork! If you want it please do let me know ASAP, and if you want to support a farm on the edge, you can also donate a share to someone in need!”
ReplyDeleteRight. “Sure, Jen.”
Those who are really “on the edge” go and get a job. You’re a lying, lazy loser. No one will “donate a share to someone in need!” That’s just more of your manipulative marketing to filch free funds for pork that’s not even ready.
Delete"you can also donate a share to someone in need"
ReplyDeleteWhat Jenna doesn't say is that she is the someone in need.
No way she would go beyond her shack to find someone in need.
AnonymousJanuary 17, 2024 at 9:11 AM
Delete“Those who are really “on the edge” go and get a job. You’re a lying, lazy loser. No one will “donate a share to someone in need!” That’s just more of your manipulative marketing to filch free funds for pork that’s not even ready.”
Exactly. Jenna would take the meat and resell it to some other poor sucker. She’s as crooked as the day is long.
DeleteJust watch for her to announce again, that there’s another pork share available, because a buyer has suddenly changed their mind. As if Jenna would refund any money once it’s spent.
DeleteFollowing my earlier rant on how Wog is in no way a homesteader, my husband watches a tv show called Homesteaders and these people live off the grid. Solar power, digging a well, raising rabbits for meat, growing produce and preserving everything they raise. Their mantra is protein and produce. They don’t run out to Stewart’s for ice cream, bake cakes from a boxed mix and have their driveways plowed out. Hell, they don’t even have driveways. She is not only disingenuous but an outright liar. Anyone with half a brain can poke holes in her homesteader persona. What a dumbass and how insulting to her readers to expect them to buy her schtick.
ReplyDeleteHer whole life is lies.
DeleteMe again. I’m recuperating from some minor medical so I have time on my hands. Scroll on if you don’t care for my verbosity. I’ve been thinking about her ‘karmic gifting cycle of the American Possum’ nonsense. What about her own karmic situation? Lying to customers, scamming for free funds and being generally dishonest to other humans has gotta mess with her place in the universe. Luck and magic won’t take the place of doing the hard work of being a decent human. I realize that ‘hard work’ is not in her vocabulary but acting like a spoiled little princess and pretending to be a spiritual thinker is bullshit. Look people in the eye, stop disparaging those who are not just like you and GET A JOB. You will be amazed how your life will improve.
DeleteThat right there. Well said.
DeleteIt’s amazing to think how many- if not all- of her problems would be at least partly solved by two deliberate actions- getting a job and being a decent human.
However, in her own words, she told the world in her last post that she will not work for anyone else, no matter what, and she has shown the world that she refuses to be a decent human.
SFF. Hope that you heal soon. Her karma will be crap. Jenna’s soul has a hole.
DeleteThanks. I’m much better.
DeleteDing ding ding. Frozen pipes. She can’t flush the toilet. Womp womp.
ReplyDelete13 winters in the same house, and she STILL can't figure out how to keep pipes from freezing?
DeleteI call total stupidity, or total lie.
Whoever called it was bang on. “I can’t afford a plumber, I can’t afford anything to go wrong”. Wash, rinse, repeat. She’s both pathetic and predictable. Putting the text in a red box was a novel touch. ALERT ALERT - VENMO ME!!!!
DeleteI’ve called it above:
DeleteWoke Wog
January 17, 2024 at 6:52 AM
She’s priming her pumps for a big beg. “Venmo, it means so much!!!”
Also: "I have 2 episodes left on season 2 of The Bear.. "
DeleteAnother busy night for Wog. Maybe she could've taken some time to put a heater in her re-floored bathroom, or let the faucet drip to prevent water pipes from freezing.
Spot on Anon 10:04. I lived in my house 3-4 years where my pipes froze every January. I have "fond" memories of my mother and stepfather coming to thaw them out for me. I was a bit slow but finally caught on and learned how to thaw the pipes out myself and eventually to stop them from freezing altogether. Now, (20 years later) I'm in the same place and I don't have frozen pipes anymore.
DeleteDarlin Jenna has had many opportunities to correct the problem, each time pipes froze she should have been making improvements. I know people in old houses that run the pipes down the walls inside the room, not in between the walls. They just paint them the same color as the wall and call it good.
I call a bluff. It hasn't been very cold for an extended period of time. Pipes should not have frozen if she has any heat at all in her house and has periodically run the water.
Jerk-off Jenna, get a clue!
Agreed. It has t even been that cold so I’m not sure why she’s having this issue. It was in the 20’s yesterday and sunny. She also was bragging the day before about how proud she was that the house was 63 degrees inside or some such nonsense. Who knows it’s all good now she says.
DeleteNew sucstack about ghost stories. Her new tactic? If you do t want to read what she writes just scroll until you get to a story she stole from someone else. lol. You can’t make this up.
Yeah pipes don’t freeze in a 73 degree house which she bragged she had.
DeleteKeeping pipes from freezing otherwise is simple. Just takes a little work which we all know she won’t do. Last weekend in anticipation of the cold weather we drained all our outside pipes. Blew out the lines so there was no water left in them to freeze and burst. Covered every outside faucet coming off the house with insulated covers we got at the hardware store years ago. Wrapped old towels. In the house we left faucets on a slow drip. We have been in our house for over twenty years and have kept livestock outside for almost that long with water stations, pipes and faucets near each pasture. The times we have had a frozen or busted pipes: zero. Knock on wood, but also, a little upfront effort. That’s all.
Apparently her bathroom was repaired August 2022, and the pipes were insulated, so to have them freeze under normal NY winter-temps is hard to imagine.
DeleteIn August, 2022, VerYork's drama queen wrote: "The bathroom floor is repaired! The pipes are insulated!"
Guess not, huh?
PS I believe her frozen-pipe story is complete and utter 💩
PDD. Her pathological lying is becoming crazy. There are too many receipts to prove their falsity.
DeleteThat red alert box hurt my eyes. So annoyingly crass and thinly veiled.
ReplyDeleteAlso, again, three days without posts. She is really not honoring her own promised posting schedule, especially since when she does finally post, it’s usually recycled, formerly free content.
I think that she’s already deleted the plea post. Unless, it’s in her stupid stories.
Delete“this farm has ONE remaining pork share left for the coming season (or two, possibly if another customer backs out, waiting to hear). If you're local, or willing to drive to the farm to pick it up - please get in touch and buy it ASAP!”
ReplyDeleteI’ve called this too above:
Woke Wog
January 18, 2024 at 5:12 AM
“Just watch for her to announce again, that there’s another pork share available, because a buyer has suddenly changed their mind. As if Jenna would refund any money once it’s spent.”
Her patterns are preferable once you start to see them. Jenna’s lie-style is always manipulative marketing to elicit empathy from followers to filch free funds.
DeleteEdit: predictable not preferable
DeleteLooks like the red box was deleted. What a silly goose she is to post and then delete her posts.
ReplyDeleteNope. It's still there in her stories.
DeleteHow do you access stories? I don’t see a red box on Twitter or her IG.
DeleteStories are visible if you have an IG account. However, a while ago a techy shamster figured out a workaround and it’s by going to instanavigation dot com and then entering “colantlerjenna” or any account in the search bar. It allows you to surf instagram and stories without an account.
DeleteI have an IG account. I just don’t see it.
DeleteThe coward could’ve deleted it after reading our critical comments. “Hoo!!!”
DeleteHer pork share math is hilarious. She seems to only raise about 5 pigs a year / season. So I guess it depends on if people buy a 1/4 , a 1/2 or a whole pig. Even so, the shares shrink and grow depending on her need for ready cash. Then, she spends the cash and has no money to feed or butcher the pigs and begs for more free funds as needed.
ReplyDeleteAnonymousJanuary 16, 2024 at 12:16 PM
DeleteFunny, how the pork shares available go up and down according to her desperation.
Does she realize how foolish she sounds? She reminds people constantly that she’s lived in the house for 10+ years - and has yet to figure out frozen pipes?
ReplyDeleteI call money grab.
We have an 1850’s house and the pipes froze the first winter, so speaking from experience. Pipe insulation is cheap, get some, Jenna. Leave your cabinet doors open, put towels against your baseboards to help block drafts. Buy a small space heater; they are not expensive and certainly cheaper than burst pipes. Let your water drip, as someone mentioned above.
I would be embarrassed to be letting the world know my situation. She really has no awareness of how she is presenting herself.
I think she has zero embarrassment about this. In fact I think she looks forward to having an opportunity to cry distress, because in her experience that’s what has made her pity donations in the past.
DeleteAs for the magical shares of pig appearing, I would be embarrassed to be so extremely deceptive about it to where she is not even trying to hide the fact that the money she urgently needs for “butchering, feed, etc in other words pig shares” is in fact money she needs for other things that have nothing to do with pig care. She may try and explain it in a roundabout way by saying, well, I need a house to live in to be able to feed pigs, but while that’s generally true, it becomes very scammy when she turns around and then says that she has no money for feed or for the butcher. It seems that it has always been her scam to sell shares twice. Once as a share and once as pity calls for emergency pig care funds. Maybe that’s the answer to everyone’s question why is she doing pigs since by her math, they are not profitable. They are if you sell them twice.
And as to why haven’t some of her “readers” figured this out and called her out on it like many others have- read her room. That tells you all you need to k ow about her “loyal readers”.
Jenna has “zero embarrassment” about begging, because she’s a sociopathic scammer who lacks a conscience.
Delete“Please help me move this pork! If you or anyone you know is interested”
ReplyDeleteJenna is up early today working on her pork share scam. The yellow heart at the end of her stupid sentence is pathetic. It’s no one else’s responsibility to shill her shit for free.
“This farm is still trying to cover lasts months mortgage. I’ve thrown all I have into the substack, thinking readers would rather help me build a steady income for $8 a month than buy soap or logos or pet portraits so I didn’t push those and now I’m learning that was a mistake.”
ReplyDeletePoor, desperate little Jenna. You’re “still trying to cover lasts months mortgage,” not the inanimate object that you hide behind called “This farm.” And its spelled month’s, moron. Still trying to elicit empathy from followers to filch free funds for nothing but begging. Get a job, slob.
“A year of 2-3 essays a week with accompanying recorded audio - the most I’ve ever been productive, best work I’ve ever done, is harder to get people to consider than selling a cartoon dog. Which means I have to write better, harder, more”
DeleteGFY, Jenna.
“If you’re interested in pet portraits or logos, I’ll sell whatever I can make or design to save this place. I know Twitter is a wasteland now but maybe someone will see this.”
DeleteWhat a crock of crap.
Disingenuous Jenna is implying that she’s been on Substack for a year, not a few months at most in reality. And it’s called X now not Twitter, twat. People aren’t paying for rotten writing.
Delete“If you like scary stories, I share two ghost stories from my own life and one from a good friend that skipped time and space on his commute to work. Audio option here if you want to listen to the 11 minute preview free!”
DeleteShe just can’t quit whining. Jenna is being a begging bully again. She’s trying to push people into making a pity purchase.
Her lazy loser lie-style is a “wasteland.”
DeleteAnon 5:00 am: Is this an exact quote? If it is, what a lie - she hasn't been doing sub stack for a year, and she's only done one recording.
DeleteI'd be embarrassed to admit that i'd thrown all I have into the sub stack and this is where she's at so far. I also don't think she's given it a chance. Don't most writers build up readers over time, not in just 2-3 months? And of course it was a mistake not to continue trying to make her other sales. She really expected to go from nothing to over $1k in a month on a new venture? Where are her brains?
Anonymous 5:31. Yes, this is an exact quote from her X account today. Jenna is a pathological liar.
DeleteHer first sucstack post was 11/12 so 2 months ago. 😂😂
Deleteamazing. never change, Jenna!
DeleteOnly Jenna could make months into years.
DeleteHer rotten writing is at its worst not “best.” It’s still sloppy, and lacks any editing.
DeleteWhat flabbergasts me is that she is saying she has put more effort into her Substack than anything else and yet - many of her posts are recycled. What?
ReplyDeleteHer claims are ludicrous.
DeleteThat there tells you everything you need to know about her, her work ethic, and her absolute lack of integrity.
DeleteWhy would readers rather support her monthly on substack? If this is as hard as she’s ever worked, no wonder she can’t make the mortgage payment!!!
ReplyDeleteAmen!!! Scrapping together mostly recycled posts and not meeting her promised schedule of at least three a week is “the hardest she has ever worked and the best work she has ever done”?
DeleteIs she freaking serious?
Not to mention she has only been on substack for all of twelve minutes.
DeleteWhat a dummy. It was “foretold”, ad she says, that the substack was just another underbaked quick money making scheme that was not going to last or be sustainable in any way. Or offer anything of quality.
It’s only taken her a few weeks to admit that.
Jenna reeks of desperation, and bad body odor. She only “works hard” at being a beggar.
DeleteNow she's dialed down her intended output to "a year of 2-3 essays a week".
DeleteGood ol' Wog - continues to overpromise and under deliver. As Anon above wrote, if this is her at her most productive, no wonder if farm, house and businesses are neglected.
And she’s very mad at Elon Musk today.
ReplyDelete“Free idea for Elon Musk: Want to get back at all of us for not liking you? Shove it in the face of us libtards and snowflakes? Use your billions to end poverty, homelessness and a National Healthcare program like every other civilized nation and force us to admit we were wrong.”
DeleteNo one cares, cunt. Better get back to begging. You have another late mortgage payment to “earn up.”
As if either Elon Musk or Stephen King (from her deleted post), would pay any attention to a lazy, lying loser like Jenna.
DeleteIt’s delusional and hilarious that Jenna stupidly spouts off her meaningless opinions and drivel.
DeleteJenna just wants Musk to send her mortgage money.
DeleteThe wordy ghost stories have now been up for a whole day on her stack. Two likes and two comments.
ReplyDeleteThat’s because her writing is rotten.
DeleteI like the “I don’t ship meat” comment most today.
ReplyDeleteShe has repeatedly let us know that she is the valedictorian of lesbians and absolutely does not ship meat!!!
DeleteI saw that stupid post, too.
DeleteHer “pod stack” is a lot of begging in the beginning. Nice way to get more begging and less working for $$. I like Howe it’s googles fault her pipes froze. She got a false report y’all!! You’d think a cold hardy gal ready for the apocalypse would have a thermometer outside, you know, in the environment she lives in rather than relying on false reports!!!
ReplyDeleteJenna will never accept any adult accountability for her actions. She’ll place the blame on other factors.
DeleteShe's full of 💩. I looked at the real-time weather reports for her area, and the lows were 13-14⁰F.
DeleteNow, she would have us believe the weather services are wrong, not her, lol. Only Wog, the incompetent, knows the "real" temperature at her hovel.
Travelers, if she thought the last two nights were bad, for the next three nights, the lows will drop to 6-7⁰F. Maybe she should think about looking after the poor animals she has on her fauxm.
How is she claiming she's close to foreclosure? In her Suckstack about the goose, she said she paid the November mortgage on Christmas Eve, which means she's only behind for December right now.
ReplyDeleteHer whole life is lies.
DeleteTaking guesses now on what happens in a week or two when her extra month that she was giving to the shitstack is up, she ditches it, and her few annual subscribers ask her, “what now?”
ReplyDeleteI bet she will have a spin ready on how it’s been a drain on her time, nobody wants to pay her for her best goodest hardest-est work ever done, and how she will scale down to maybe one post a week and later much less, until they stop asking.
Yeah, Jenna’s latest venture will fail as always.
DeleteLots of begging. Apparently her bills are and have always been “reader supported”. She’s practically PBS guys!!! Oh wait, that’s “viewer supported” my bad.
ReplyDeleteThe bills should be “Jenna supported” she gets paid for her work. She’s still trying to get that pork share sold for $600. I’m betting there will be an end of the month miracle like there is every single month. Hoo.
It’s more like “poodle supported.”
DeleteJenna Woginrich 🏳️🌈
My Substack is not a newsletter can you get four times or less a month. It is not the side project of an already comfortably successful writer waxing poetic for passive income with over 5k in the bank. It’s the weekly, 10k or more word long form essays I pour my soul into.
Jenna is jealous of “comfortably successful writers,” and can’t contain her envy. She has no clue about how much money someone has “in the bank.” Her first stupid sentence sounds like Wog was day drinking again.
DeleteIt’s not worth paying even pennies for Jenna’s rotten writing. We wouldn’t subscribe for free.
ReplyDeleteJenna Woginrich 🏳️🌈
But if you’ve been following me and my struggle to keep this farm for the past 15 years, I would like to see me, stop struggling, and stop seeing posts like this, consider subscribing to the Substack. It’s away I’m trying to build a steady income.
Jenna can “stop struggling” if she’d just get a part-time job. I guess that being a beggar is better. She’s always lived way beyond her meager means to maintain.
DeleteJenna Woginrich 🏳️🌈
Or if four of you choose to buy a year subscription to my substack, upfront. But that feels less likely than meat or logo sales
Jenna is being a begging bully, and trying to push people into making a pity purchase.
ReplyDeleteJenna Woginrich 🏳️🌈
My income goal for the day is $300. That’s 1/4 share of Pork, to logo sales with the $50 off discount, 60 bars of soap, or four pet portraits. When I make that money, my hay bill from last week will be covered, so tomorrow’s income can go towards the December Mortgage
No one cares, cunt. It’s not anyone else’s responsibility to support your faux farm and fat ass.
DeleteThis is an example of her manipulative marketing to elicit empathy from followers for free funds. Jenna is hoping, by stating that stupid goal, that an enabler will just Venmo her money. “It means so much!!!”
DeleteJenna Woginrich 🏳️🌈
And I am now recording myself reading these essays aloud, for anyone that doesn’t have time to read three 15+ minute long reads a week, which is probably most of you.
Also light fun posts! It’s not all hardship and frozen farms! Like pancake recipes and odes to cake mix too!
Get a job, slob.
DeleteHer abrasive, arrogant and grating voice is worse than fingernails on a chalkboard.
DeleteI didn't think she would record herself reading the essays silently.
DeleteAnon 8:16– 😂😂part of Jenna’s charm is horrible writing! Aloud? You don’t say??!! What else Jenna? Ice is cold? Rain is wet?
DeleteThere are no “three reads a week” 🙄🙄🙄🙄
DeleteJenna has zero “charm.” She’s an ugly, obese and stinky, arrogant asshole who has nothing of merit to offer.
DeleteIs the above taken directly from her post?? If so, the errors are very bad. Obviously she does not proofread, as many here have mentioned before. My 9 year old niece writes more professionally than that.
ReplyDeleteJenna- wtf are you doing? How do you not see how badly you are presenting yourself?
As a self proclaimed ‘public figure’, you need to set yourself apart from every other Joe Schmoe out there. Your current style of writing indicates laziness, a lack of caring, pride, and respect for your paying customers- and for yourself.
Your ‘farm’ (which it is not), can survive without you there for 4-5 hours a day, long enough to work a part time job in Cambridge. You do not live that far- it would be a 10 minute commute. I don’t know any farmers in Washington County that don’t work off farm. So, be a real ‘farmer’ and go get a job. It will alleviate much of your stress. If you are too stubborn or stupid to do so, then you deserve every second of anxiety you bring upon yourself.
All of the above are exact quotes pulled from her X account.
DeleteAnon3: my thoughts exactly! The errors are glaring and grade-school level. As a self-proclaimed writer, she needs to do better than that. She keeps saying she's doing her best work ever, but it's not worth paying for.
DeleteIt’s her “worst work ever” not “best.” Jenna is delusional.
DeleteJenna writes like she is wasted. The typos and bad grammar are off the charts, even for her.
ReplyDeleteNot a good look for someone who wants to get paid for their writing.
Sorry Anon 8:04 am. I did not read your comment before I posted mine. You said the same thing I did but you said it first!
DeleteShe is getting worse and worse, I she is barely coping.
DeleteClearly, her cognitive abilities are rapidly declining. Jenna is “barely coping,” because she won’t work to support herself “off farm.” It’s incomprehensible why she can’t get a part-time job.
DeleteI think that she is “wasted” on alcohol, weed, and having a defective character.
DeleteShe’s far from staying sober. We’ve watched her drink real beer last summer in town.
DeleteThat is one entitled and tone-deaf begathon, if there ever was one!
ReplyDeleteHer self-entitlement is unbelievable. Jenna acts as if she’s owed support.
DeleteJenna still refuses to read the room. Even when her pathetic, plea posts get zero response and no “likes.”
Delete“Ten days to earn the December mortgage. I can do this. I have to.”
ReplyDeleteGFY, Jenna. You’re a wimpy whiner not a self-sufficient “grown up.”
No normal adult whines about her financial issues each and every month for years. And also expects others to rescue her. Jenni is fucked up beyond repair.
Delete“And I am now recording myself reading these essays aloud, for anyone that doesn’t have time to read three 15+ minute long reads a week, which is probably most of you.
ReplyDeleteAlso light fun posts! It’s not all hardship and frozen farms! Like pancake recipes and odes to cake mix too!”
What a condescending cunt. Her hyperbolic overuse of exclamation points comes across as being hysterical.
No one cares about her stupid, crap cakes.
ReplyDeleteIt looks like the butch “bitch” is sending herself stupid notes.
Jenna is trying to fake friends now.
DeleteOh she definitely wrote that to herself.
DeleteAnonymous 11:29. That’s what we thought. Her patterns are predictable once you start to see them.
DeleteLol, this reminds me of the time she created a whole victim narrative because a "hater" allegedly mailed her a job application (!) Turns out the posted envelope "proof" was addressed to Wog in her own handwriting. You can't make this up.
PDD. Exactly. I almost mentioned that in my comment.
DeleteI predict that she’ll delete some of these posts again, after reading our critical comments. “Boy, howdy!!!”
ReplyDeleteI like to goad her. It’s fun to have a “foe club.” Jenna has no fans.
DeleteWe’re waiting for her infamous, stupid statement “This farm needs a miracle. Hoo!!!”
ReplyDeleteConfused about pork? So am I. By her posts, the following is true:
ReplyDeleteDec 2022. Half pig is $500
Dec 2022. Half pig is $570
May 2023. Half pig is $450
Oct 2023. Half pig is $600
Sep 2023. 2 pigs left
Dec 2023. 4 shares left
Dec 2023. Only have 1 share left
Dec 2023. If you want 1/2 pig, contact Wog
Jan 2024. 1 share left
She went from 2 pigs left to 4 shares left, then only 1 share left, but if you want 1/2 pig, that's okay.
She definitely makes it up on the fly.
Woke WogJanuary 18,
Delete2024 at 5:12 AM
Just watch for her to announce again, that there’s another pork share available, because a buyer has suddenly changed their mind. As if Jenna would refund any money once it’s spent.
AnonymousJanuary 18, 2024 at 7:16 PM
DeleteHer pork share math is hilarious. She seems to only raise about 5 pigs a year / season. So I guess it depends on if people buy a 1/4 , a 1/2 or a whole pig. Even so, the shares shrink and grow depending on her need for ready cash. Then, she spends the cash and has no money to feed or butcher the pigs and begs for more free funds as needed.
AnonymousJanuary 19, 2024 at 3:59 AM
AnonymousJanuary 16, 2024 at 12:16 PM
Funny, how the pork shares available go up and down according to her desperation.
So she's thawing pipes AGAIN? I thought they were already thawed. Surely to God she knows enough to keep the taps at a trickle.
ReplyDeleteJenna doesn’t deserve to have a home that she’s still clueless about maintaining. Even after a decade, and at age 41.
DeleteStill. Thawing. Pipes.
You can’t fix stupid.
DeleteShe wrote up some stupid review of a show she watched in one of her multiple streaming services but then decided to not only delete it, but tell everyone she was deleting it. Maybe watch your pipes instead of series Jenna!!!!
ReplyDeleteShe has said she's up every few hours to stoke the wood stove (s). So run all the water faucets at that time, into buckets so it's not wasted. Keep faucets trickling the rest of the time. In the a.m. she'll have the water to take out to the animals and her pipes won't be froze.
DeleteMaybe take break from posting on IG and have a nap instead. Priorities darlin’
DeleteShe’s often shamed into deleting her stupid posts by critical comments.
DeleteA true writer gets people to pay for and read her work because it's well-written and engaging, not because she's begging and guilting you. What a turn-off.
ReplyDeleteYup. It’s her responsibility to write and produce a good product. It is up to the customer to decide if they want to pay for her writing. Jenna wants people to pay for her writing even if that don’t want it ( which is the weirdest sales pitch I’ve ever heard of) or because they don’t want her to beg anymore for money. She keeps crowdsourcing material ( tell me about coming out in your 30’s, send me your ghost stories and I will post them!). This is just another cash grab. It won’t last long.
DeleteJenna has become a bully beggar. She can’t accept that people don’t like her rotten writing.
DeleteI’ve never before seen a bigger bully than Jenna.
Delete“Noluck in over a week. 10 days to make enough to cover the December mortgage. If you're seeing this, you're one of the few who still can, so please consider sharing and if you're comfortable - see if anything I sell is something you would like?”
ReplyDeleteGFY, Jenna. “And” learn how to correctly use question marks. It’s also “No luck.”
“And” get a job, slob.
DeleteI feel like I'm in the movie Groundhog Day. What a broken record.
DeleteAccording to her IG stories, she has 30 more paid subs until she reaches 200.
ReplyDeleteShe also claims she spends between 5-15 hours on each essay.
She also claims these are better than anything she’s ever published.
Wow! Stephen King, umm… if you read here at CAS can you tell us how long it takes you to write a book so I know if I should pay the $15 for your book? Thanks!!😂😂. /s
She’s really losing it from all this pipe unfreezing!!!
Then Jenna can bake her crap cake. “Hoo!!!”
Delete170 subscribers × $7/subscriber take home ×12 = $14,280/year (if she's lucky)
Don't quit your day job.
PDD. Thanks for doing this math. I think that she’s going to lose subscribers, because Jenna’s writing is rotten, and has nothing of merit to offer.
DeleteIt's even less because some people paid the entire amount upfront. They don't pay the monthly fee.
DeleteAnonymous 7:35. Those stupid suckers deserve to lose their money.
DeleteYay. 10 more days till foreclosure eligibility!
ReplyDeleteHer fake fear of foreclosure is her most manipulative marketing tactic to elicit empathy from followers to filch free funds.
DeleteEven if Feb's mtg pymt is due the first, she late on Dec and Jan - 2 months behind. She seems to imply 3 mos. is foreclosure territory. Still plenty of time to pay. Banks can take a long time to start proceedings. They'd rather not have to. They're making lots of $ off her. Think of the late fees and penalties she pays every month. Possibly interest (or late fees) on top of interest / late fees compounding after all this time. Her measly principle amt is nothing to them - interest and late fees every month! now that's passive income and keeps it going in perpetuity.
DeleteSaying she's afraid is how she gets the dumb bleeding hearts to pay up - like others have said before/above.
Anonymous 6:47. She’s only mentioned late fees after reading our multiple comments calling her out. Jenna is a serious pathological liar.
DeleteAnon, thanks. I'm sure Wog hopes she can pump out crap essays at 5 hrs/essay (15 hrs/week) and spend the remainder of the time screwing off. If she did this, her hourly rate would "skyrocket" to $18/hour pre-tax. She'd still earn less than many box store job salaries, and no benefits. Oh, and the 5-hour crap essays will guarantee paid-subscriber drop off.
DeleteCAF math is for losers.
PDD. Her self-proclaimed “dumb small life” is nothing worthy of writing about.
Delete"If she did this, her hourly rate would "skyrocket" to $18/hour pre-tax."
DeleteShe should move to my state where minimum wage is over $16 an hour. Oops - did I say that out loud?! 🤣
Instagram Sham:
ReplyDelete“I wish you warmth and intact plumbing. If I can handle this, anyone can. Warmer tomorrow”
She doesn’t “wish” well for anyone. Jenna’s asinine attempts to mimic human emotions are always failures.
The deliberate mention of “intact plumbing” is setting her stage for another big beg. I’m calling it now.
DeleteHer patterns are predictable once you start to see them.
DeleteOver on Twitter she is reminding you, comfortable poodles, that in case you don’t catch her drift, she only has ten days for you to pay her mortgage. Which, of course, we all know is not true.
ReplyDeleteShe wants you to feel sorry, share, but also buy something from her. Yup.
AnonymousJanuary 21, 2024 at 5:07 AM
Delete“Noluck in over a week. 10 days to make enough to cover the December mortgage. If you're seeing this, you're one of the few who still can, so please consider sharing and if you're comfortable - see if anything I sell is something you would like?”
GFY, Jenna. “And” learn how to correctly use question marks. It’s also “No luck.”
AnonymousJanuary 21, 2024 at 5:07
“And” get a job, slob.
Recently, a commenter left this link to her old blog that Jenna’s deleted:
Is anyone else seeing what I’m seeing or is it my device? It’s three days again without posts but this morning it looks like she reposted the already recycled possum story on the top of her stack.
ReplyDeleteI see it, too. She hasn’t done any decent writing yet.
DeleteYup. noticed that too. Stoned again.
DeleteSFF. Being stoned makes her even stupider.
DeleteIt’s also annoying how she’ll use curse words for no reason. “I fucking earned it.” It comes across as being crass and crude. Just like Jenna.
ReplyDeleteDon’t forget that she’s “Jenna Fucking Woginrich!” As if that’s something to be bragging about.
DeleteLately I have noticed that she is recycling old photos more than usual. The wood stove seems to be her perennial favourite followed by pigs in squalor and the shot of the barn with the TS banner. Is she even doing any farm related tasks? If not then she needs to rebrand her online presence.. Cold Antler FARM doesn’t really cut it anymore. More often than not when I log into IG The Original Shepherdess shows up at the top of my feed. Even in muddy season her operation shines. Clean, healthy looking animals on a well groomed property. Beautiful interior shots of a charming farmhouse with gleaming pots and pans and a well scrubbed proprietress. Such a stark difference to Wog’s filthy feet and garage sale decor. It’s all so gross and unappealing
ReplyDeleteSFF. She’s been recycling pics and posts again. Jenna has been trying to catch their attention and followers for years. We’ve warned her awhile ago about Wog with links and information. Jenna’s faux farm is the antithesis of TOS.
DeleteJon Katz is also begging for funds again on his blog, even telling people he will start making monthly payments tomorrow. He carefully avoids mentioning how much money he is making from you tube, while mentioning he has to pay for feed and hay. Of course, the fact that he has a lavish lifestyle doesn’t enter into it. He has an iPhone 15, new camera lenses, teeth implants, Vermont inn vacations, new car, new books every month, lobster rolls for dinner. People art suckers for giving him money.
ReplyDeleteWe know Jon from living in Cambridge for a few years. I agree about him being a beggar at times, but unlike Jenna, he tries to help his community.
DeleteJon Katz has quite a lavish lifestyle, and a beggar as stated at times. His camera lens are quite high end, many photographers I know could never afford. He needs money for his blog and every few months makes request to his readers.
DeleteTeeth implants? A full set is about 30 grand. GFY Jon.
DeleteBig difference between The Wog and Katz. Katz won't beg for money for a root canal and then we see a new puppy. If he asks for money for a new lens, and I can't recall him ever doing that, we would see the new lens. We would see pictures taken with the new lens and we would get an explanation of why he wanted it, artistically speaking.
DeleteCurrently, Katz is asking for people to support his blog, but he also says the blog will always be free. And as someone pointed out, it's every few months, not every day, multiple times a day.
I see nothing wrong with asking people to support a cause or even a camera lens. It's the beating people over the head CONSTANTLY with begging, then lying about the reason for the beg, that makes me crazy.
Jon Katz is constantly raising money or asking for items to help the local nursing home and also a school. He is involved in the community (something Jenna never is-oh wait, remember she washed glasses at a bar as her attempt to help the community LOL) Anyway, Jon is constantly posting and some of his photos are breathtaking. I get it if people don’t care for him, but in my opinion he seems to be one of the more well rounded people I follow. No one is perfect, not even us! ;-)
DeleteI don't follow Jon Katz, but check on Bedlam Farm from time to time. For what little it's worth, my thoughts:
Delete1. He's a far superior writer to Wog
2. He treats the blog like a job and there's continuity of threads directed at the reader.
3. His photos can be gorgeous. I remember him asking for money to purchase a better camera, but the results seem worth it.
4. He definitely (and legitimately) helps the local community and students/young people. His posts identify supported organizations, not offering the vague 💩 descriptions that Wog posts (you know, buy $600 of pork and she'll give to a person in need...)
5. His blog remains free, and his requests for additional $$ come periodically, not daily.
6. Saying that, I'm certain there's a self-centered quality to him that would be irritating in the long run.
ReplyDeleteJenna Woginrich 🏳️🌈
Still no luck, just people that want logos some day when their situations also change, which is both encouraging and scary, how many people are struggling
I have nine days to make it happen, and every bar of soap or pork share counts
Blah blah blah
My Crystal ball says that “this farm” will get a last minute miracle.
Yeah, we’re waiting for her infamous, lame line. “This faux farm needs a miracle. Hoo!!!”
DeleteJenna won’t ever lower herself to get a job. She just hopes for “luck.”
DeleteHer disingenuous mention of “people struggling” is to highlight her own. “Venmo, it means so much!!!”
DeleteI don't believe the pipes burst. I live in the same area. Hard to believe they would've froze that solidly to break a pipe. I've had my water freeze without breaking the pipe if you catch it soon enough. It hasn't been that cold or for an extended time, no wind last night, heated house, etc. I say she's lying for sympathy and cash.
DeleteAlso, I find it hard to believe she slept through an alarm unless she was passed out from drink or stoned.
Anonymous 8:46. We live in her area, too. Jenna is lying again for money mooching.
DeleteFunny, how Jenna never posts pics as proof, but expects people to believe her lies.
DeleteAn hour ago, Jenna responded to some of her comments on IG ( pic of wood stove) that she slept through her alarm and her pipes burst.
ReplyDeleteWhether this is true or not, you decide. 😜
Juicy Jenna”January 21, 2024 at 8:02 AM
DeleteThe deliberate mention of “intact plumbing” is setting her stage for another big beg. I’m calling it now.
Edit: “Juicy Jenna”
Delete“Sure, Jen.” What a blatant liar. It’s the “Winter’s Bottom of 2024.”
DeleteJen’s a damsel in distress
ReplyDeleteeach fake crisis is the worst.
According to this cunt
her cold pipes have even burst.
HD. New post please? Thanks!
ReplyDeleteOnly 9 days left till foreclosure eligibility. Countdown has begun.