Almost February

She is promising 2-3 beefy essays a week.  She talks about word count.
It’s not about word count.  I don’t want to read 500 words when the point can be made in 100.
She has no clue what she’s doing. (No surprise). She has no clue about anything.


  1. HD. She’s also promised to make your “keyboards wringing wet!”

  2. I doubt she has had enough sexual experience to write soft porn which I assume she is getting at with the ‘wringing wet’ comment. It’s actually a pretty gross comment and nothing I have read so far meets that low standard. Anyway, it’s off brand if she continues to bill her stack as a farm (which it has never been except in the most minor way.) Also she says she will delete her X account soon since it has become a wasteland. I don’t believe she will. Her whole life has become a wasteland and yet she can’t see what is obvious to so many.

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindJanuary 30, 2024 at 12:04 PM

      Her readership has steadily declined on X. Guess people tire of unrelenting and predictable begs for money.

      Hey Wog, please show us more ways in which you waste time and do-little whilst simultaneously pleading for our poodle cash.

    2. Exactly. “Her whole life has become a wasteland and yet she can’t see what is obvious to so many.” Jenna is still stuck in a rut of her own creation.

    3. SFF. Jenna is repulsive, and her asinine attempts to appear sexy are stupid instead.

  3. I think Jenna described her essays as “ meaty”. She talks about meat a lot for someone who professes not to be interested 😜

    1. The only thing that’s “meaty” are her ugly man hands.

    2. Didn’t she just tell us men are “beautiful, wonderful human beings”? Quite a turnaround from her ‘men are nasty’ view of the male gender. She tries too hard to be all things to all people and lacks conviction, resulting in her words having no clarity. She needs to pick a lane and stick with it. Flipping back and forth reinforces the notion that everything she writes is a lie or at best an overblown fabrication. She undermines her credibility at every turn.


  4. “I think I will be deleting my twitter soon. It feels like a wasteland and I no longer hear from or see the people I used to follow. I am on substack and IG, very active, I hope you'll find me there.”

    No one cares, cunt. You only use the platform to bludgeon and bully people with begging and non-tent.

    1. Jenna is only hoping for a few followers to beg her to stay. And it’s X not Twitter, twat.


    Thanks, PDD! It’s another Reddit receipt.

  6. It’s the putrid poser and her pet prop to pose for pics:

    1. Her hawks are animal accessories to appear authentic. Jenna doesn’t care about the conservancy of any species. She’s a sociopath who is only trying to futilely project an image.

    2. ... and what's with the full on eye makeup and that horrible shade of lipstick she plasters on? It accentuates her mean looking scowl. She has permanent resting bitch face.

    3. SFF. Jenna is a fake femme. Her makeup is grotesque. She’s ugly on all levels.

    4. Unfortunately, she just can’t accept being a “Plain Jen” with nondescript, bland features, and a fat fridge body that’s obese. “You can’t put lipstick on a pig.”

  7. New Suckstack! Aren't you excited???

    It was well after dark and I was on the sheep hill with Cade the goat. I was using a drill with a 4” bit to bore through the frozen ground. The goat was quality control, I guess. I am not sure if this endeavor was genius or just a way to ruin a drill, time will tell; But I had to reinsert half a dozen stakes from the electric fence that had been ripped out by a black pony with no respect for the law.

    Merlin had, once again, pushed his way through the electric wiring on the weak solar-powered fence and just kept going, across pastures, until he reached the electric netting used to keep the sheep in their paddock—which he promptly stormed though like an orca slamming into a fishing net made of dental floss—ripping the netting to shreds while pulling the step-in posts out of the frozen ground.

    Merlin is still escaping only now it’s not about grain. It’s about revenge. Merlin has a very Tom-Petty attitude when it comes to backing down.

    I was just finishing up my work by headlamp when I saw a truck’s headlights coming up the road. I smiled, as I was expecting her, and having just set up the last of the netting, wiped the snow off my hands, pet the judgmental goat, and headed downhill to the driveway.

    It was my friend Katie, a local farmer who raises gorgeous Icelandic sheep. She came over to help me worm the breeding ewes in my small flock. I usually wait until spring, but since these ewes may all be pregnant, I wanted any possible parasites dealt with and flushed out well before the lambs arrived.

    She was here after dark because that’s when she could get away to help. Katie has a young daughter, and her husband was able to take over parental duties after work. It was not lost on me what this means, what it takes, to leave a warm house and cozy fireplace on a snowy night and drive in the dark, twenty minutes to a farm where you’ll most likely get dirty and cold hands (at best) and knocked down by a petulant sheep into the mud (at worst)… AND to do it at a time when I’m usually dead to the world. 6PM? In the cold dark?! She should be at home and I should be in a chrysalis somewhere watching a romcom. But she arrived to help and I was damn grateful.

    We chatted a bit, the way friends do who spend most of their time on their own farms and are elated to yap with another human adult, and then she brought her doctor kit to the sheep hill. I told her I’d be the muscle if she was the doctor. I wrangled and held the ewes for her as she drenched them.

    I can’t tell you how much I value these kinds of relationships, how much the community means to me out here. Treating 100lb+ animals in the cold dark with syringes is not a one-person job. And together it only took us an entertaining and chatty 15 minutes to treat the girls.

    That woman (or her husband) could call me at 3AM to come look for sheep in a tornado and I’d come a running. She’s one of the handful of local farmers that make up my community here. That I’m beyond thankful for. Makes my heart burst like an overflowing well, them.

    Long after our sheep doctoring and girltalk, long after I’ve washed the lanolin off my hands and headed back inside to look for the electrolyte powder for their water trough, my thoughts came back to Merlin.

    What am I going to do about this asshole?

  8. I’d solved the issue of him getting loose loose. He can’t leave the pasture and enter the yard or driveway anymore. But the bulk of my worry isn’t about him bothering the sheep or even destroying more infrastructure. Money is hard to make, but it’s just money. My fear was him being a black pony in the night on a winding country road. I rewired and amped up the wattage on the main fence and that kept him on the property, now our chess match was a home game.

    If I’m honest these shenanigans are what I love about draft ponies. Horses bred for their muscle were not bred for speed or looks. Merlin’s ancestors were used to work in Scottish coal mines. They were strong and short, and unlike their hot-blooded relatives, the horses bred to hunt foxes or drive stately carriages or ride for hundreds of miles… the draft pony was the OG Tractor. The cart horse that took you to town or pulled the fallen tree out of the road.

    They also had to be smart. Too smart. Because they weren’t horses that needed to just follow orders, they had to solve problems. Had to learn now to navigate the moors in the black of night and not break their bones racing over the landmines of holes that are rabbit warrens and old field posts. Had to learn to duck and squeeze under beams in dark mine shafts. Had to learn to maneuver carts in crowded cities, memorize plowing patterns, understand so much about us as humans because we forced them to work with us, and just like border collies, we ended up with clever and sly beasts that occasionally outsmart us.

    Merlin is such a beast.

    Sure, a farm pony is cold blooded. About as calm and threatening as an Austrian milkmaid. But they are also as cold-blooded, calm, and threatening as an Austrian milkmaid. And what I mean by that is don’t underestimate either of these individuals, because both ponies and beautiful women will destroy you if you let them. You need to match their wits. You need to play the beautiful game.

    Or, you need more grain.

    Well, I’m out of grain and I could really use a milkmaid. But you know what? We don’t always get what we want. Sometimes we’re spending our nights drilling holes in the dirt and pouring out hearts out to friends in the snow. And sometimes you wake up with a horse in your yard.

    And that’s where I’ll leave you today: grateful for my friends and intelectually thwarted by an elderly horse. This morning he was back in the sheep pasture. And I was out repairing fences before coffee, and if that’s how we’re dancing on this mountain until grass is back on the hill, then fine. Let’s dance, Ponyboy.

    Join me in prayer that the sheep netting holds until I figure out the January mortgage payment and this butcher bill, then onward towards spring. Better days are ahead, or at least warmer ones, and when your social life consists of sheep medication hangs and arguing with ponies you’ll take what you can get, motivationally speaking.

    Stay warm, tell your fiends you love them, and hold your horses if you can.

    Six weeks till Spring.

    1. I hope that one was for free. It’s just more rotten writing. And “ intelectually” is spelled intellectually, idiot.

    2. “Join me in prayer that the sheep netting holds until I figure out the January mortgage payment and this butcher bill, then onward towards spring.”

      Jenna just can’t quit her begging. Even if it’s buried beneath other words.

    3. “What am I going to do about this asshole?” That’s what we all ask about you, too.

    4. "Tell your fiends you love them" Ok then. Cold Antler Sham Fiends----I LOVE YOU!!!

    5. Anonymous 10:56. Ditto. “Hoo!!!”

    6. A Legend in Her Own MindJanuary 31, 2024 at 11:07 AM

      What a POS she is, and she continues to be massively incompetent. The horse bulled through bad fencing because he needs something. At his age, he likely has at least one mineral deficiency and needs more food to stay warm during freezing temperatures. Also, horses who don't have forage plus adequate drinking water are susceptible to painful ulcers and the chance of life-threatening colic.

      It's not a battle of wills; horses don't think that way. That she stupidly writes this sentiment shows what a stupid fcuk she really is.

      Honestly, I wish someone would rescue that poor horse.

    7. PDD. Jenna doesn’t deserve to have either a home or her horses. She’s an animal abusing asshole.

    8. I live in an area where many people own horses. I have NEVER seen or heard of a horse loose. How does Jenna post repeatedly about her horses and pigs getting loose and not realize that SHE is the problem, SHE is the asshole.

    9. SOTM:

      AnonymousJanuary 31, 2024 at 10:54 AM

      “What am I going to do about this asshole?” That’s what we all ask about you, too.

    10. How about building some real fencing. Feeding him properly might help too. How does she not know this? Broadcasting her incompetence is a dumb ass move. Or (call me crazy) keep him on a barn overnight.

    11. SFF. “Broadcasting her incompetence is a dumb ass move.” Yet Jenna has been doing this for years. Like with her well sob story recently.

    12. She's not a kid anymore. It's gone way past a rookie mistake that she can turn into a 'silly me' cutesie story. Her horse could kill someone if a car hits it on the road at night. Her liability would be off the charts. She would be ruined.

    13. SFF. Jenna is far from being any kind of “cutesie.” This fat slob, middle-aged moron acts as if she’s 14 not 41.


      This “cutesie” pic makes Jenna look like a special needs adult. It makes me cringe to see her pose.

  9. No mention of the other horse lately that I know of. Does anyone know if she still has it?
    I don't know anything about horses but my first thought is that Merlin needs/wants something and she's not providing it.
    Her expenses would go down considerably if she got rid of the horse (s).

    1. Jenna has always lived far beyond her meager means to maintain. She can’t afford her horses. They’re simply symbols of an affluent life that’s unattainable for a low-class, white trash beggar.

  10. That was horrible to read. Awful story. So many words to say nothing of interest. An orca smashing through a fishing net made of dental floss!??? Just shocked those authors she was bothering weren’t getting their agents to give her a book deal!!!

    1. It’s shocking that her agent rejected that bestseller memoir about Jenna having “hot, all night lesbian sex during a thunderstorm with a flickering lantern, too. Hoo!!!”

    2. That dental floss comment gave me pause as well. Cuz in all the years I've flossed, I don't think I've ever had a piece break -- stuff is pretty strong. I think spider webs would have made more sense.

  11. So she’s out of grain and calls her horse an asshole. Yikes. What a loser. Horses are intuitive and probably picks up on the fact his owner doesn’t like him. No wonder he keeps trying to escape.

    1. If I sold an imported Fell Pony to this loser, I'd be furious 🤬 .

    2. That poor pony, from what I remember, was a breed representative at the Kentucky Horse Park for a while. It's so unbelievably sad how far down she's taken him. From living a life of warm stalls and plenty of feed to this - not enough feed and no decent shelter from the cold and wet. He is in horse hell.

  12. Can anyone suggest she re home her horses??? This is horrendous situation

    1. She needs to be re-homed. To another frickin' solar system.

  13. This post about Merlin could be pure fiction to try and get trusting people to give her a lot of money. Years ago I remember someone gave her a considerable amount of money -my memory is fuzzy but I think she asked for money to build a decent shelter for Merlin-maybe also fencing. This was back in the days of Facebook and he put a comment that he donated the money. She spent the money on everything but that and the begging continued. Another bridge burned. Anyway, I think the out of grain comment and busting through the fencing yet again was written specifically to tug at people’s hearts and wallets. She is such a POS.

    1. Fencing: I have some friends up in NoCal who have 2 horses who live at the top of their property in a space roughly the size of three basketball courts. There is a big barn for the horses to shelter, and for their food storage. And the whole thing is surrounded by a metal fence system. Each fence panel is about 6 feet x 4 feet and they are all linked together and the horses never escape. Why can't Jenna build something like that?

    2. A Legend in Her Own MindFebruary 1, 2024 at 5:53 AM

      Horses don't look to escape their paddocks - unless they need food, fresh water, companionship, or a release from boredom. Period.

  14. So she is now focused on the January mortgage. Does that mean December was paid by some miracle?

    1. It’s amazing how there is always a miracle!!!

    2. No normal adult broadcasts their financial issues each and every month for years. Jenna is broken and stunted psychologically.

  15. Over on IG she is beating readers over the head with reviews from her Dumbstack. I counted 15. I reminds me of how she blitzes people with her begs. This type of manic behaviour is disturbing.

    1. Her begging behavior is abhorrent, and a form of verbal bullying.

    2. A Legend in Her Own MindFebruary 1, 2024 at 8:11 AM

      I can pretty much guarantee none of them know what it's like to successfully farm or raise animals in New England.

      They're likely more ignorant than Wog. Oftentimes, Attagirls aren't very bright at discerning 💩 from 💯.

    3. PDD. Exactly. Many of her “fans” are ignorant, homesteader hobbyist wannabes. Just like Jenna.

  16. My horse is also elderly (27). She wears rugs in winter and you can buy rugs made with reflective material, or even stick reflective tape in existing rugs, which catch and brightly reflect headlights. It would be good for everyone - Merlin, drivers, her insurance - if she made this small improvement

    1. I doubt that Jenna has any “insurance.” Only mature adults who accept accountability for their actions think of that necessity.

    2. It makes one wonder if she even has home insurance. She never talks about that expense and heaven knows, she sure broadcasts all her other expenses. She also never talks about having her chimney/stovepipe cleaned and she has mentioned she buys unseasoned wood. The creosote buildup must be astronomical since she has that stove going 24/7. That old place is surely a tinderbox. Living on luck and magic only goes so far. I would think personal safety would come before premium ice cream and TS merch.

    3. In her area, the financial institution holding her mortgage would require she have homeowners' insurance with them named as a loss payee, so they would get paid off if anything happened. The cost may very well be included in her monthly payment. I know the taxes are required to be held in escrow by the bank and so are included in her monthly payment amount, and the bank makes the tax payment for her. Again, that's so that the bank is protected and the homeowner can't not pay taxes on their property.

    4. Good information. Thank you for clarifying.

    5. I think it depends on the type of mortgage you have whether or not the taxes and insurance are held in escrow and paid in the monthly mortgage payment. I pay my taxes and insurance myself, separate from the mortgage.

      That said, hers was probably set up in escrow because she was a first time home buyer.

  17. But if she has a farm, and farm animals, does she not need liability insurance specific to the farm? I’m not in the US so I don’t know, but I have to insure my animals against accident or loss (for my financial well-being) and have public liability in case e.g. they get on a road and cause an accident. If Jenna is covered by home insurance then insurers certainly don’t consider her enterprise as a farm.

    1. Good points Anon 11:54 and Anon 2:27.

  18. On her Instasham: "Imbolc is here."

    That's it. That's the whole post. No explanation whatsoever. A totally missed opportunity to explain what it is, and what it means to her. Or, you know, possible fodder for a Shitstack post at least. But that would mean work on her part.

    1. I’m guessing she caught a bird- I mean a prisoner…


      It’s part of her pretentious posing as a pagan.

    3. I guess she has given up on Asatru as Imbolc is mostly a Wiccan and Celtic holiday.

  19. “I am not sure anyone will even see this, but if you are at all interested, even in the slightest amount, of supporting a farm near the edge. I could really use the sales. You just can't know. There's pork, lamb, soaps, pet portraits, logos, and an entire substack - help.”

    GFY, Jenna. You’re a lying, lazy loser. Get a job, slob. It’s no one else’s responsibility to “help” an adult out. “You just can’t know. Hoo!!!”

    1. “And if you see this in the gutters of twitter, and can simply reach out. venmo is jennawog. I have 2 mortgage payments, a butcher bill, and life expenses and down to my last $200”

      No one cares, cunt. It’s more blatant begging from the Queen of Con.

    2. Some scammer called sugarmomma has actually replied to the damsel in distress. Maybe she could “adopt” Jenna!

    3. Her whole life is “in the gutter” due to over a decade of poor choices, and Jenna’s refusal to accept any adult accountability for her actions. “Reach out” is her manipulative marketing to elicit empathy from followers to filch free funds.

    4. I can’t count how many times she’s used the annoying, stupid statement “You just can’t know.” Jenna even wrote it on her first post for Suckstack.

    5. We wonder why “Rachel Keane” won’t shill her shit for free now.

    6. She’s “not sure anyone will even see this,” and was even thinking about deleting her account, but Jenna will continue to bludgeon and bully her handful of followers anyways.

    7. I’ve read that pathological liars will often add unnecessary details to make their sob stories appear more believable. Like stating the supposed, exact amount in her bank account. No one needs to know this kind of confidential, highly personal information. She should be embarrassed by her begging behavior at age 41. Her poor parents must be mortified of their dimwit daughter.

    8. If Jenna were really that close to “the edge,” then she’d go and get a job. It’s all a bunch of bull.

  20. Phew! Jenna can breathe, she made some sales including some lamb which this is the first I’ve heard that’s for sale!

    1. We were so worried all day about Jenna. “You just can’t know. Hoo!!!”

    2. I don’t see any updates about sales. It must be in a stupid story.

    3. Goddess forbid, that Jenna should budget better. Like cutting down on all her streaming services, and maybe not buying any more new garish makeup. It’s wasted anyway on her fake fat face, and doesn’t improve her unattractive appearance.

    4. You can’t expect juvenile Jenna to cut costs on her entertainment! After all, she’s still rewatching Buffy and Gilmore Girls for the fifteenth time.

  21. “This farm needs to pull off a small miracle to get through February. Everything I have to sell is up in the stories, please check out that carousel of wonders and consider supporting this farm (if that’s something you want to do that doesn’t hinder your own safety or living situation in any way)
    @qospress Venmo is jennawog”

    Her stupid, insincere disclaimer at the end of Jenna’s blatant begging is typical of her failed attempts to come across as being caring. She’s a sociopathic scammer who has no heart.

    1. She’d even take a kid’s allowance without any compunction if possible. It’s all about her duper’s delight in getting away with mooching money.

    2. In the past, she’s taken funds from kids and an old man. Then Jenna misused that money for other purposes than what they were intended towards.

    3. The disclaimer at the end is Wog giving the finger to those who refuse to support her. It’s dripping with sarcasm, IMO.

    4. SFF. Exactly. Jenna is jealous of those who have more money than her, and refuse to enable the slothful white trash.

  22. She’s 1/3 of the way… to what who knows!!???

    1. It’s her infamous fraction finances.

  23. Check this out before she deletes it. Wog on IG screaming at her kitten and basically having a meltdown over a spilled vase of forsythia branches. “Everything about you is chaos”. She has been trying to make videos of herself singing and playing her uke. Too funny.

  24. Replies
    1. Has she no self respect? She sounds like a lunatic. How is posting a temper tantrum appropriate content? I hope the kitten is alright.

    2. A Legend in Her Own MindFebruary 3, 2024 at 8:28 AM

      The fake feral farmer's the monster, not the kitten. WTF is wrong with her? Hearing her melt down over a kitten disturbing her carefully-curated faked life is like watching 'Mommie Dearest'.

      Can you imagine how abusive she might be if something bigger happened?

    3. Imagine living with someone who behaves like a petulant child and over such a minor incident. She appears to have zero impulse control but then to go ahead and show the world your immaturity is puzzling to me.

    4. The “bitch on the hill” is quickly cracking, and showing the world what we’ve always known. Shannon was wise to end the relationship.

    5. Jenna tries hard to hide her “abusive,” sexual predator side, but it’s obvious that she’s deeply disturbed.

    6. I’ve also asked for the link below, but no one has left it yet.

    7. It’s in her IG stories.

  25. Manhandling that cat and saying nasty things to it was awful. She did not HAVE to get a cat.. her handmaiden Becca was sending her gifts for that cat and Jenna gets attention from using her pets as props.

    FYI- I report all her questionable posts about animals on IG. I encourage others to do the same. You don’t need to follow her! I sure don’t! Hawk pics, calling dogs and hoses names, holding cats by their stomachs upside down and braying like a fucking donkey about how it’s a terrible cat— report, report, report.

    GFY Jenna.

    1. I've trained working dogs for years. As she screamed at the kitten, her dog's expression indicated fear and anxiety.

      That isn't a normal home.

    2. I didn’t see her stupid story, but her abhorrent actions are typical of Jenna’s animal abusing. I always say the same thing, GFY, Jenna.

    3. There’s nothing “normal” about being a beggar at age 41, and expecting people to pay for your lie-style.

    4. PDD. I’d suggest doing another post, and Reddit receipt about her screaming at the kitten.

    5. Can someone please send a link to the screaming post? I want to report it, too. Thanks.

    6. We’re still waiting for the link to report her post.

    7. Anon, Wog posted an IG 'story', which means it's only available for 24 hours. She probably uses this to avoid a trail of evidence.

      However, there are many anonymous IG viewers, allowing you to view IG posts & stories, without having an IG account. Google and check them out.

    8. It's in her stories, not a post.

    9. Jenna probably posts them as stupid stories, because then the coward can’t be held accountable for her actions.

  26. Horses not hoses!! I was worked up lol.

  27. 8 days since her last meaty, beef essay.

    1. Jenna’s been busy begging, and drying off her “wringing wet keyboard.”

      “You just can’t know. Hoo!!!”

    2. She’s already not honoring her pledge “to post at least 2 to 3 times a week.” This behavior is nothing new. Her patterns are predictable once you start to see them. Jenna is pouting because she didn’t get to bake her crap cake that’s “expired in two weeks!”

    3. Maybe the cat ate her homework.

    4. SFF. Jenna’s being a bully with a small, fragile animal again. We’re going to do another investigative report on her animal abusing to appropriate authorities in the area.

    5. Edit: fragile feline

  28. She was shamed into deleting her blatant begging again by our critical comments. The posts below have been removed. But they’re still here as proof of more rotten receipts. “Boy, howdy!”

    AnonymousFebruary 2, 2024 at 5:31 AM

    “I am not sure anyone will even see this, but if you are at all interested, even in the slightest amount, of supporting a farm near the edge. I could really use the sales. You just can't know. There's pork, lamb, soaps, pet portraits, logos, and an entire substack - help.”

    AnonymousFebruary 2, 2024 at 2:11 PM

    “This farm needs to pull off a small miracle to get through February. Everything I have to sell is up in the stories, please check out that carousel of wonders and consider supporting this farm (if that’s something you want to do that doesn’t hinder your own safety or living situation in any way)
    @qospress Venmo is jennawog”

    AnonymousFebruary 2, 2024 at 5:39 AM

    “And if you see this in the gutters of twitter, and can simply reach out. venmo is jennawog. I have 2 mortgage payments, a butcher bill, and life expenses and down to my last $200”

  29. She showed that the cake mix expires on 2/7. Will she get to go buy bananas at the store to make the cake???!!!

    1. AnonymousFebruary 4, 2024 at 6:36 AM

      She’s already not honoring her pledge “to post at least 2 to 3 times a week.” This behavior is nothing new. Her patterns are predictable once you start to see them. Jenna is pouting because she didn’t get to bake her crap cake that’s “expired in two weeks!”

  30. Kitten Link

    1. Thanks! I appreciate your response to our asking for a link.

    2. The link won’t work for me. It says that “the page doesn’t exist.”

    3. Try it again and let me know. Reddit doesn't allow videos, so there's a link via X.

    4. Anonymous 10:58. Thanks, but it won’t work even via Nitter.

    5. Anon, it's not worth worrying over. PS screams an obscenity and yells at her cat for knocking over vase. Such a class act. 😉

  31. There’s an awards show tonight so be prepared for Jenna to post non stop on celebrity garbage!!!!

    1. Her stupid opinions are drivel and boring non-tent.

    2. I checked out her IG. She talks about jumping around her living screaming about a performance. Her life is just so sad. She has nobody to share what is probably one of her favourite award shows. After all, her celebrity crush is there and getting a lot of on camera time. (Yeah, I like the Grammys). So Wog, this is your life now? ALONE. You seem to have burned all your bridges and now here you are sitting by yourself in your falling down house. Time to start making better choices.

    3. She has ~50 stories about celebrities up over the past 24 hours. I feel sad she has no one to talk to about this so she has to blurt it out on her phone to strangers.

    4. Anon, I don't feel sad for her. She's used and burned multiple people. You reap what you sow. She earned this.

    5. Jenna is overly obsessed with famous females because her “dumb small life” has no meaning.

    6. Anonymous 3:40. I also don’t feel sorry for Jenna at all. She’s created her loser’s life, and lacks the maturity to change it.

    7. I’m sure that Jenna’s “keyboard was winging wet” when her teen, queer crush won.

    8. Edit: wringing not winging

  32. Has she ever had a farrier our to take care of Merlin? A friend just finished her apprenticeship and we were discussing horrible horse owners, so of course she came up in the conversation.

  33. I believe she does have a farrier, but I don’t think the horses have ever had a vet visit.

    1. None of her animals get vet care.

  34. I just want her to rehome the animals. They are not getting the care they need. It's scary and sad. Senior horses especially need more. They need shelter from wind and elements, especially in a place like upstate New York, senior feed, more supplements to keep them comfortable as they age. More frequent farrier and vet visits. Secure fencing. Blanketing in certain cases. I can only imagine what they look like right now. I don't understand why she doesn't get round bales delivered, either, why she keeps buying small squares. This is the most expensive way to buy hay.

    1. I agree with what you wrote. As I’ve said before, her horses are status symbols that are beyond her meager means to support.

  35. A Legend in Her Own MindFebruary 5, 2024 at 11:01 AM

    Hi Anon 7:18 am,

    Somehow, the reply button didnt work for me. The issue with your excellent idea is Wog doesn't plan ahead, manage the plan, farm correctly or budget in any way.

    Round bales, delivered, would be cheaper, but she'd need heeellllppp moving them and would likely leave them uncovered, leading to mold. And we can forget her having the vet out to inoculate horses against botulism that can be found in large rounds.

    1. PDD. Plus, her “farm truck” to haul hay was sold. “Hoo!!!”

  36. Another free post on her Dumbstack. Why does anyone bother paying her if she offers it up for free so often? At first glance I thought she had come up with an original thought but then at the end she copped to the fact that she plagiarized the core concept from John Mayer. What a piece of shit she is. Otherwise it's her usual holier than thou overtone. Actually this one is more obnoxious than usual.

    1. Jenna has stolen many other “core concepts” over the years without giving credit to their creators. She’s a massively obnoxious garbage human, who has nothing of merit to offer the world.

    2. Perhaps she doesn’t realize that ‘giving credit’ isn’t the same as ‘getting permission’. She’s clueless.

    3. A Legend in Her Own MindFebruary 5, 2024 at 2:12 PM

      She can try and spin her lying Dead Animal Farm narrative all day long, but it won't change the fact that she's the antithesis of a farmer who honors her animals.

      Shrieking at her animals, neglecting them, abusing them, not providing recommended vet care and calling them assholes further demonstrates how awful she truly is.

    4. If you are upset, contact John Mayer ( Jenna advises).

      Jenna a crayon can’t melt in your fist unless your fist is 120+ degrees. Idiot. Her writing is terrible and free again. Dumbass. Only 7 more to hit her goal and eat her cake she says!!!

    5. She should shove that crap cake mix where the sun don’t shine.

    6. Anonymous 2:15. Jenna is obsessed over a stupid set of numbers that are meaningless. She’ll never keep and increase her subscribers with rotten writing and blatant begging.

  37. Regurgitating other people’s ideas when you want to be a paid writer is not a good look.
    Jenna’s life is so far from homestead/farming —she has nothing original to write about!

    1. Her whole life is lies.

    2. I noticed she was talking about farmers in general and not herself specifically. Even she knows she is a fraud.

  38. A Legend in Her Own MindFebruary 5, 2024 at 11:01 AM

    Hi Anon 7:18 am,

    Somehow, the reply button didnt work for me. The issue with your excellent idea is Wog doesn't plan ahead, manage the plan, farm correctly or budget in any way.

    Round bales, delivered, would be cheaper, but she'd need heeellllppp moving them and would likely leave them uncovered, leading to mold. And we can forget her having the vet out to inoculate horses against botulism that can be found in large rounds.


    AnonymousFebruary 5, 2024 at 12:55 PM

    PDD. Plus, her “farm truck” to haul hay was sold. “Hoo!!!”

    The reply seems stuck now for me, too. The big butch never needed a truck. Her Ford was a accessory to appear authentic, like her hawks and horses used for pet props in pics.

    1. Edit: an accessory

    2. Is this going to be another "miracle" where right before the cake expires, she hits her reader goal? Of course it is.

    3. I’m sure she’s got the banana waiting!!!

  39. Here is a link to view her IG stories:

    (Thank the Anon who posted this link several threads ago.)

  40. Last night I read an op-ed about how TS dissed Celine Dion at the Grammys. The author clearly dislikes TS and was detailing all of her character flaws including:

    -How juvenile TS and her music is. (i.e. a perma-teen)
    -Her incessant need for attention and money
    -How she always portrays herself as the victim

    And I realized how much TS sounds like Jenna. No wonder she worships her!

    1. Could you please link the piece? Thanks!

    2. I also tried to find the op-ed but couldn’t. We’d appreciate the link, too.

    3. Where’s the link?

  41. A Legend in Her Own MindFebruary 6, 2024 at 9:25 AM

    I'm not a big fan of TS music, but the increase in attacks on her may be political.

    From Ari Melber:
    "Many MAGA Republicans are scared of Taylor Swift.

    How else can you interpret the sheer panic at Fox News -- which has stumbled in recent attempts to mar this powerful woman’s civic advocacy -- and the Trump Campaign, which dispatched an official to float the sexist canard that any Swift support for Biden is hobbled by her dating history, and taste in “men.”

    Sometimes politics is complicated. This is not.

    Trump strategists understand Swift’s power. 

    They know she has previously mobilized new voters. They know she embraced Biden in 2020 -- and far more than most top artists (who may seem liberal, but are reticent to do electoral or ‘partisan’ campaigning for many reasons). They know her huge fan base includes people who might not otherwise vote, or vote for Biden -- and whom she might impact this November.

    So lately, prominent conservatives are adopting a two-part strategy: Publicly plead with Swift to sit out this election, and try to ‘show the risk’ of getting involved, by piling on attacks and conspiracy theories.

    The idea is to “preview” the pain or punishment that a 2024 campaign would uncork..."

    There's a fair bit more from Ari about how Fox News has been encouraging attacks on TS to discredit her, and I think it's pathetic to do so.

    From what I have seen, TS's basically a nice person who treats her staff well, and she supports local organizations and charities. I don't doubt she's motivated by attention and money; many celebrities are, and these usually aren't deal breakers.

    Wog likes TS, because Wog wants to feel special. She enjoys looking at and posting images of pretty female celebrities. Part is her stunted adolescent behavior, part is her sheer isolation and part is her need to attract visitors to her pages. After all, who would be drawn to photos of unattractive people??

    1. I also think that Wog is bound and determined to paint TS as gay even thought TS has flat out said she is an ally but not gay. What would it mean if TS was gay? Absolutely nothing but since Wog has a need to be the gayest person to ever exist, it must mean something to her.
      I guess because Wog declared being gay at a late age, she expects TS to do it too. Seriously creepy.

    2. A Legend in Her Own MindFebruary 6, 2024 at 10:00 AM

      Anon 9:40 am


      Wog changes belief-sysyems and expects slavish adoration for doing so.

      ➡️ Christian, Buddhist, Celtic, Pagan, Heathen, Vegan, Omnivore, straight, Bi, Gay.

      At this stage, the only lifestyle that's believable is she's Incel.

    3. Correction: systems

    4. When it comes to Swift, as usual Wog fails to read the room. I think she misinterprets TS’s physicality with her gal pals as sexual rather than hugs and kisses between friends. I suspect that Wog hasn’t had a lot of experience with female friendship of a non-sexual nature. Sometimes a hug is just a hug and not girl on girl action. It’s like she sees the world through rainbow goggles. It’s typical of her all or nothing mentality. She doesn’t seem to comprehend nuance and projects her yearning onto female celebrities whom she finds appealing.

    5. SFF. Jenna’s total inability to “read the room” is pathological. I think that it’s part of her extreme case of Oppositional Defiant Disorder, and being stubborn to her own detriment.

  42. So a local falconer’s hawk needs surgery,,, Jenna doesn’t link the gofundme ( super helpful). I bet the hawk wouldn’t need surgery if it wasn’t captive!

    1. I’ll bet she’s sorry she didn’t come up with that one for herself.

    2. Yes, this was a lost chance!!

    3. Jenna is filing this away for future begging.

  43. Jenna’s hating on men again. Apparently straight women don’t know how inappropriate and awful men are. But lesbians do! Never change Jenna. Did you make your Dolly Parton cake? It’s the 7th!!!

    1. Well the Super Bowl is coming up and TS will be loving on her hunky man all over national television. That's gotta burn. This week she seems to be on Team Lesbian, explaining the rules to the uninitiated. Wasnt it just the other week she wrote men are wonderful humans? Which is it, darlin?

    2. Jenna is the Valedictorian of Lesbians! The loser who’s had only one real romantic relationship in her “dumb small life,” sees herself as a self-appointed “expert.”

    3. The self appointed 'valedictorian of lesbians' who has been out for about five minutes changes her opinion of men depending on what is trending on gay IG. She speaks to whichever audience will juice donations any given day.

    4. SFF. Exactly. Jenna will be swayed by whoever gives her free funds. It doesn’t matter what their sexual or political preferences are.

    5. Edit: what either

    6. She’s such a sheep. Most of her feed consists of reposts from people far more clever than she. Not a good look for someone who bills herself as a writer. FFS, have an original thought once in a while.

  44. On IG she is posting a newborn lamb standing her living room. I'm no farmer but shouldn't that baby be with its mother? I would think the mother would be frantic.

    1. Jenna has always posed pet props for pics in her hovel to appear authentic.

    2. She’s also an animal abusing, garbage human who has zero concern for the welfare of livestock.

    3. Being ‘authentic’ would be posting the lamb in a barn with its mother. Having it in the house turns it into a pet rather than part of a flock and reinforces the fact that this is her hobby and not a legitimate farming operation.

    4. A Legend in Her Own MindFebruary 8, 2024 at 8:53 AM

      Waiting to see photos of the lamb nursing from its mother, and being integrated with the flock.
      She's such a pathetic poser.

    5. Legend: Agreed. 3.2.1 ….. wait for it.

  45. She posted a photo of the mare, but from the front. She looks horrible. Beneath that coat is bones. I wonder how often the mare gets her teeth done. Horses 15 and up need to get their teeth done every six months or so.

    1. I’d be shocked if Jenna ever had them done.

  46. Here’s a Jen gem from almost a decade ago as a Reddit receipt:


    2. She’s learned next to nothing in over a decade of being a hobbyist homesteader.

    3. It’s pretty pathetic that a stupid stranger saying she’s hot “made her day!”

  47. She’s begging on IG for subscribers so she can bake her Dolly cake and yet she is on day four without new content. How can she not see that she is shooting herself in the foot (again)?

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindFebruary 9, 2024 at 9:58 AM

      PSA from pig shocker. She probably won't interact with you if you (like many of her friends) have a private account.


      But feel free to send her money, stupid people.

    2. She’s always “shooting herself in the fat feet.” Jenna’s obsession with meaningless numbers is pathological. No one cares about her crap cake. It’s just drivel and non-tent.

    3. I checked out her Dumbstack thinking she would surely have a new story since she linked it but nope, same dumb possum post she hauls out when she is late posting. It makes me wonder how lax she will be when the weather is nice and she can bugger off to the stream all day but hey, sign up people. Wog needs cake.

    4. SFF. Jenna’s “puerile pursuits,” as you’re succinctly said before, are always very immature. Her rotten writing isn’t worth paying even pennies to read. Let alone dollars.

  48. We wonder if her always behind “Morgan’s” payment was made. Maybe another “miracle” happened. “You just can’t know. Hoo!!!”

  49. Jenna Mathed us today. She’s apparently 2/3 of the way to covering this months bills so I guess she paid last month? How will we know if she isn’t whining!

    1. It’s her infamous fraction finances that smokes her issues.

  50. Looks like cake for dinner again at Dead Animal Farm. Didn't she polish off a huge carrot cake just last week?

    1. Yes. But she wrote an essay, available for free on her Sucstack about how she eats local. The ingredients for those cakes were bought at her LOCAL grocery store ( of course).

      She bought the bananas to make her expired cake once 5 more people pay for a subscription.

      Honestly, I’m surprised she found almost $200 suckers who are like “oh I don’t mind giving Jenna $8 a month to read stuff she’s giving for free!!”

      Update: it’s 2/10 and my iPad is still very dry.

    2. A Legend in Her Own MindFebruary 10, 2024 at 4:53 AM


      Two smart subscribers dropped their paid subscriptions. After paying too much money for infrequent essays from a smug, socially-inept poser, who can blame them?

      Let the fallout begin.

    3. PDD. Where did she say that they dropped their paid subscriptions? Thanks.

    4. We were waiting for a few fools to drop their subscriptions to her rotten writing.

  51. HD. New post please? Thanks!


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