Jenna is so bad at what she does. What I find hilarious is that she keeps saying that writing is what she is best at. I think I would keep looking if I was her. She is just so bad.
When Jenna says she doesn't know what else to do to convince people to subscribe: she's right! Advertise it to her twitter followers, and she's out of ideas! That's it folks! That's all she wrote!
HD. I agree with what you wrote. We’ve often wondered why Jenna is so fixated on her writing when she’s rotten at it. It’s also odd because her background and degree are in graphic design. It makes no sense.
It makes sense if you look at her art. She has no scope as an artist plus her drawings often appear unfinished. Sadly, her writing suffers from the same affliction - unimaginative and no attention to detail. And don’t get me started about her inability to use a question mark correctly and her propensity for exclamation marks.
Thanks for your thoughtful response to my comment. I’ve mentioned her misuse of question marks many times. Jenna’s writing is sloppy just like her drawings.
My big pet peeve with her drawings is that she doesn't bother to center the animals. For example, a 2" space on the left, and a 3" space on the right. This must piss off anyone trying to frame it.
I wonder if her free subscribers are petering out and when the bottom line is drawn, she doesn’t have enough paid subscribers to carry her without having to do any other work, which is her dream, as we well know. Her recent posts trying to drum up subscribers reek of anxiety.
I don’t t often look at her Twitter but I just had a look and it is the same post over and over and over again. Talk about beating people over the head with her begs. It’s the reason I don’t read her Twitter and I’m sure I’m not the only one. Anything current gets lost in the repetition. How can she not see that it’s counter productive to flood the zone like that? Less is more darlin’
You'd think that when launching her Shitstack she would have presented some compelling posts to hook people, rope 'em in. But no, everything she has written so far is beyond boring.
The magic of a good writer is one who can inspire. One who opens up people's imagination and curiosity. A good writer can make everyone hang on their next word. But with Jenna's writing, you are kept waiting for something, anything, to happen. But nothing ever does.
But, are her 3 cats neutered? If I remember right, Friday has not been spayed. I'd hate to see what 20 cats on her acreage would look like. Maybe she wants the cats to catch the mice etc. so she can feed them to her predator bird.
I think part of the boring nature of her content is that she is in no way involved in her community. She is estranged from her family. She doesn’t have a partner. The few friends she has she either isn’t friends with anymore or she doesn’t see them often. Her world is so small and her life is so lazy, as evident in her posts zzzzz
You hit the nail on the head. As in order to write about your experiences, you have to actually experience things. You can only drone on and on about lavender scented sheets and solar-lighted paths for so long before people lose interest. And do I want to hear about someone being behind on their mortgage for the millionth time? No, I certainly fucking do not.
I will admit I bought her Cold Antler Farm book way back when she was actually trying to farm. I only made it through a few chapters. It had a very condescending tone and even with editing, it was poorly written. It seemed obvious that she was talking out of her ass but mostly it was her holier than though attitude that turned me off and she’s only gotten worse over the years. It’s no wonder she blows through friends and is unable to maintain any kind of intimate relationship. She’s a bottomless pit.
When Wog was younger (early 20's) and enthusiastic about farming & homesteading, people forgave her initial mistakes and naivete. Additionally, they probably ignored that she wasn't the "best" writer, because at that stage, it was enough that she told her story.
But every story that captures people's attention has an arc: beginning, middle and end. Readers expect to see change - usually improvement, especially if the writer has presented herself as a content expert. The stakes are higher if their incompetence causes harm or hurt to others.
Sadly, Wog NEVER improved. Despite multiple promises, she wasn't able to develop her own 'breed' of (sheep, chickens, etc), create a sustainable farm, incorporate energy self-sufficiency, use her own wood, prove that a "scrappy homestead" could survive (and thrive) ... or even keep her animals alive and healthy.
At some point, her posts became a self-perpetuating loop of incompetence, disinterest and repeat mistakes, with fake claims of crises and daily begs for help. Frankly, people got tired of reading that sh%^.
Today, most sentient people realize that her "problems" would go away if she took a part-time job and quit screwing off, like the self-indulgent pampered suburban princess that she is. I think the only people who support her (1) enjoy watching the train wreck or (2) are themselves too damaged to see reality when it faces them.
Every day, in every way, she tells them that she lies. Live like fiction, indeed.
Twitter post warns that JW is worried about her house falling apart every day. Guess it is not an option to get a job and earn enough money to maintain that house. Easier to maintain fake fear to get new subscribers. It’s pathetic.
"I'm so exhausted working 20 jobs instead of farming and writing."
Whaaaat the fuq is she talking about? By own admission, she has been getting hardly any sales. And even then, sitting at a table scribbling out pet portraits or working on logos is not a strenuous and exhausting activity. And neither is melting and pouring soap into molds.
And that is only 3 jobs, not the 20 she is claiming. Not to mention all the time she takes for fly fishing, laying in her hammock, strolling her solar-lit paths, driving around searching for hawks, and other time-wasting activities -- none of that is exhausting either! Ugh, her lies.
Ok, let's count the number of "jobs" She has. 1. Wake up 2. Put on cat's eye eyeliner 3. Smooth down her three strands of hair 4. Make coffee 5. Open doors to let dogs and cats run outside. 6. Pour over Taylor Swift articles and song lyrics 7. Throw hay to outside animals 8. Bring water to thirsty animals 9. Light fire for role-play homesteading 10. Make HUGE meal 11. Play on computer 12. Make melt-n-pour soap 13. Put soap in boxes 14. Make animal cartoon doodles 15. Steal clip art for logos 16. Take photos of hawk for social cred 17. Read social media 18. Scribble nonsense essay 19. Drive to town for errands 20. Get high and pretend-yoga
And, on some days (oh gosh), she must ALSO do dirty laundry, worry about house falling down and townspeople looking at her oddly. Not to mention, about every two weeks, she takes a shower with mint on the floor (mint that is later recycled into her soaps!). Have a missed any?? PDD
That's right! I almost forgot she makes that silly daily list of chores and considers it "jobs." LMAO at cat eye liner! As for getting high, I think she hits that bong all day long.
Here we go again, day 3 since the last post. She thinks she is so slick to stretch them to three days in between posts, thus quietly reneging on her promise of 3 per week. At this current rate it’s three every nine days.
And it's boring as she has already written about trapping hawks before and it is not even interesting. No intrigue, no dramatic moments...just a snooze fest.
Ha! Just like this she answers two comments here: she just posted part 2 of the trapping post, as predicted, three days from her last post, and she makes the statement “I am very active in my local community”, in a tongue in cheek remark about knowing the woods around her.
This is the second time she has done a Part One, Part Two post on separate days. It speaks to the fact that she is already running out of subjects and especially her lack of editing skills. Her stream of consciousness style highlights her poor grammar and lack of syntax. Her writing lacks rhythm making it uncomfortable to read.
At least she stopped writing about fly fishing. Those posts were agony to read. It's been a month and she hasn't written anything interesting, which is stupid because it's her Shitstack debut, and this is the best she can offer?
If you ordered soaps from JW, you’ll have to email her to let her know, so that she can get the orders out by next week. Guess she has no method of knowing which orders have shipped.
I just don't understand her ineptitude. All she has to do is get a note pad and write down the customer's name and order. And then cross them off once it ships out. That's all. And it's something a frickin' 2nd grader could handle. But yet, she struggles with this.
JW instagram just posted she has written an article for North Woodlands Magazine. Of course, the article on page 80 entitled “Three Cords” is not linked. You have to buy the magazine.
Love how they buried it on the very last page. It’s probably a pile of purple prose about stacking pre-cut, seasoned wood for her “only” source of heat while a grinning possum spews words of wisdom at her from the top of that pile of wood.
She wrote an essay, not a paragraph, but an ESSAY on firewood. Is there really that much to say about something that you buy and burn? Here are a few gripping excerpts:
"Tending the fire keeps me home, and friends won't see much of me until April -- unless they walk through my door and let the warmth hit them like a slap on the back from an old friend."
This doesn't make sense as she writes about friends not visiting and then says "unless they" -- which should be followed by a reason to visit, and not the effect they feel when they do visit. And she thinks writing is her strongest suit? And this utter nonsense:
"Walking into a house tended by a single hearth stove is a teleportation trick that sends you back to the Beaver's house in Narnia, or Hogwarts at Christmas, or Bag End when Bilbo has just put the kettle on for tea. It's a domesticated type of magic, as wholesome as my fat cat sleeping beside the food stove in a basket of my own sheep's wool. He'll remain there on low bake until the equinox, when the even daylight draws hi back to alertness."
How high was she when she wrote this? It's just a fire for fucks sake!
Lol, it hasn't even been a month, and she's out of ideas.
She should pay closer attention to successful writers on Substack, who recently reminded readers that creating essays worth reading is HARD WORK, and that crap essays don't deserve an audience. This directly speaks to the fake feral farmer's latest get-rich-quick scheme. PDD
Maybe, PANcakes part 1 will be the recipe for the pancakes and the recipe for the raspberry syrup will be PART 2, 3 days later, (I can hardly wait) !!!? haha.
Amon 7:54, I think it's more of her faked mortgage crises to now goose pity Shitstack SUBSCRIPTIONS. The November mortgage was due November 1, but not deemed 'late' until December 16. Likewise, the December mortgage was due December 1, but not deemed 'late' until January 16, 2024.
Her language suggests she's late by two months, but technically she isn't.
Clearly, Shitstack is the latest begging bucket for her to prey on kind-hearted people. PDD
Hope her pancake recipe is one of her “free” essays. There are countless pancake recipes, no one needs to pay $8 for hers. ( someone who admits they can’t follow recipes, especially)
She’s really flogging the Substack this morning. She sure knows how to beat people over the head with her thinly veiled begs. Give it a rest darlin. Your desperation is showing again.
“New post on how to combat anxiety, in the moment of dread, written by a woman in a very precarious situation”
Keep on being a beggar, “baby.” It’s what you’re “the best at doing.” Your “dumb small life” is in a “precarious situation,” because you refuse to get off your lazy, fat ass and work.
You write like a second grader. Can’t write a simple sentence without a mistake. Just in case you reread the sentence and think I’m nuts, it’s “HAVE there been any falls?” And, although you seem to think falling is funny at age 41, you won’t, darlin’, at 78. BTW, I can’t remember a doctor ever asking me about falling until I was at least 65. I guess they just looked at me and realized it wasn’t likely. I hope you told your physician about your self-diagnosed “broken” ankle and your self-prescribed treatment. Trust me, you’ll pay a heavy price someday for not having that attended to. Arthritis, baby.
I made the comment above about her supposed appointment. I’ve also noticed that stupid error. Jenna writes as if she’s ESL. Her rotten writing is rife with multiple mistakes.
I came here to say, ready to read that one! We had a couple town until she posted that on shitstack and she didn’t disappoint! Three days again in between posts. Also it is not lost on me that the graphic she is using today on her panic post is wolves at the door. Literally. You knew it was coming, darlin!
So she’s pulling the anxiety card yet again. As much as she tries to present fresh, interesting content she seems incapable of not throwing in desperation and self pity. This is NOT what Substack was designed for.
Also notice all the photos she is using are recycled. I am so sick of her in the baggy pants with the hawk in the snow, pic. Or the stolen pic of bacon in the pan. So overused! Or the staged pic on horseback with the bow. Ugh. 😑
Why? Because a good part of that interview had to do with her having a boyfriend and being happy!! That’s does not fit with Wog’s agenda and narrative!
So… a woman who never has enough money to pay her bills but instead of getting a job decides to be a scammer and beggar is going to school us on combatting anxiety? Stop. No more!! I am laughing too hard to type. I wonder if “darlin” Jenna left out that rain is turning to snow in our area because a leaky roof is more profitable for begging!! Usually if there’s a snowflake, our snowflake is setting off alarm bells!!!
Exactly. People who live in New England laugh at snowfalls under three inches - it doesn't register with us. Plus, today's temps will be above freezing, so precipitation will melt before tonight.
Mildly inclement weather is yet another excuse for Wog to [checks notes] do nothing. PDD
I didn’t read her new ass-ay on substack since she’s not getting a dime from me but is her way of combating anxiety making 10 begging posts on Twit- ter? My favorite beg is the one asking for money for a bag of pig feed sent to her Venmo or cash back accompanied by a pic of a bunch of animals. No pig to be found in the picture lol. You can’t make this up.
Over on IG stories she is also cranking the anxiety and begging up. A post about her bogo pet portraits has a huge rainbow colored stamp on it which says “GAY!!!!!” If that is not manipulative, pathetic, and beyond desperate-I don’t know what is.
Her latest ploy to get subscribers is "Make My Day Coward". How does insulting people goose sales? Does she think she's funny? She must be high when she writes this stuff.
Again with lies and obfuscation. Has she ever been honest about anything???
Today, she posted a four-year old photo of sheep & chickens in deep snow with the strong inference that the photo is current. She begged her readers to: "send a little to cover a bag of pig feed on venmo." You know, the pigs whose care was pre-paid by pork CSA subscribers...
It’s infuriating, really. To be watching such a scam unfold right in front of our eyes and to see blind sheep follow her and put money in her beggar’s bucket. What a shame. She has no shame.
Jenna is fond of saying that her “writing is better than you think” to entice readers. Date I say her “bullshit is thicker than you think” ( unless you are a shammer… we know!)
Over on IG stories, the poor hawk is featured as a prop in a cluttered photo with half his wing out of frame and the woman’s legs out of frame as well. Gah. She can’t even curate a fake ass photo.
Lol, that's the Diane Arbus wannabe. Where else could she take photos of our little Appalachia weirdo so close to NYC? IMO, she's another cidiot, who used "artfully posed" faked farming fotos to create a photo display for even bigger idiots who've been easily fooled. Sigh, if only she used her talent to document actual farm life, with genuine farmers.
Hey, Wog, tell us again how you keep wild raptors captive to "save" them. PDD
Her hawks are pet props to pose for pics. Jenna is an animal abusing sociopath who doesn’t care about the conservancy of any species. Moronic Miriam is another dumb enabler.
Her engagement (likes, comments) on Substack has taken a nosedive. It wasn't great to begin with. Her chances of growing a paying audience is slim to none. I'm sure she will lose subscribers. Another opportunity wasted.
JW wants readers who have not received soap orders or pet portraits yet to contact her. That’s odd. You would think if someone has paid her by PayPal or other means she would have a record of it and keeps track of what she has sent out. People have purchased things right? Where are those records? Where are those tax records? Oh, I forgot. She made a “mistake” and doesn’t know what happened to those orders, but no doubt does know what she did with the money.
She also wants successful authors to share her work and remember what it was like to be struggling. Darling, you’ve published several books! You are actually a more successful author than many out there! If people don’t want your substack… sorry, it’s too expensive for recycled crap and baiting readers about hot sexy sex… that never occurs!!!
“A few weeks left in the year and still struggling to make last month's mortgage. The biggest thing you can do to help is subscribe to my substack as a paying member. It's a few dollars a month and building an audience could change my life.”
It’s Taylor Swift’s birthday again. Last year the psycho stalker posted a pathetic message on Instagram. Now, she knows that her queer crush is straight. “Hoo!!!”
Well, well. It’s December 13. A day revered by Swifties, I’m told. And what does Wog have to say about that? Crickets. Has she finally grown past the mental age of 13 and come to the realization that her crush is in love with a man? Even after TS made a public declaration about her sexual orientation, Wog has been posting TAS is gay crap …. But not today. Curioser and curioser.
It makes me wonder if she is still stalking her every move online. God knows, with this very public romance, it’s hard to avoid or does she only seek out the desperate few who cling to a false narrative. My bet is she has starting watching football in order to get a glimpse of her crush in real time. That’s gotta burn.
Anon7, that was in her Outlander craze, when she feverishly posted book & show updates, lusted after the fictional character Jamie Frasier (and the actor Sam Heughan) and wanted to be Scottish. Daily cosplay included absurd kilt-wearing, pretending her pricey dogs could herd and trying to craft Scottish-style cloaks.
She certainly appears to be a few eggs short of a dozen.
Uh-oh. Whatever will these poor subscribers do. The dumbass had now gone four days without a shitstack post! Who else remembers her “at a minimum three posts per week that would make your iPad sweat” or whatever BS she was slinging just a few weeks ago?
She never honors promises. Cue the countdown to another overwrought, purple prose post. “Juicy Jenna” claimed that her rotten writing would be “passionate, and make your keyboard wringing wet!” What a repellent cunt.
I cannot understand her logic. Four days without a substack entry and yet she announced on IG that she's watching a movie tonight. Is she that dumb or does she just not care? Or is she thumbing her nose at her paid in advance subscribers? It's like she's living in parallel universes.
SFF. She really doesn’t care about keeping her promise to do three posts per week. Her whole life is lies. Jenna is also “that dumb,” and mistakenly thinks that her asinine antics are exempt from consequences.
Five days without a shitstack post today. What do you want to bet she is about to put up a message about how it is no longer worth “her time” to write these essays for what she is making, so she will only post when she can. Like once a week. Or less. U til the thing dies like every other quick money scam she has slung our way.
Thought the same thing this morning. It can’t be worth her time. Glad she tried something different to beg money but she needs to just get a job and get her life together.
She showed US, lol. A ruthless "brass knuckle post" to encourage others to follow their dream and not listen to evil detractors who'll want you to change your life.
Likely, the next post will be: Please send more money. It's so HARD to pay my bills. PDD
Another free post. She must be desperate for new readers. Her holier than though attitude is off putting. What part of "I'm always behind on my mortgage" makes her life better than mine? Her distain for financially secure people drips off the page. Who is she really trying yo convince?
Her new free post, oh, where do I start. Like the comment above, I noticed right away the disdain for solvent people dripping off her words. The post reminded me so much of her infamous Reddit “I made it!” Post which she got slammed for to hell and back by every one of the hundreds of not thousands of commenters. Who is she to be giving such advice? She has no credibility whatsoever. By her own words she is a failure. Nobody should want to repeat her dumb mistakes! I also find that her post is full of lies. She grew most of the food she has stored? Bullshit! She grew nothing this year by her own admission aside from a few squash. She also admits to keeping some of the “sold out” pork shares. What a con artist! A scamming beggar who can’t pay their mortgage and who cyber begs for a living should be the last person giving life advice, and is the last person any sane human should seek or take advice from. So much purple prose, too. I recognized recycled content there as well. Like I said, where to begin.
None of her photos are close to being current. I noticed a photographer commented that she wants to visit the hovel to take some shots. What a shock that will be. There is no filter on earth that will disguise the squalor. It’ll never happen. Even Jenna is smart enough to nip that in the bud.
She supposedly needs 6 more subscribers to hit 200 and then she’s going to make a Dolly Parton banana cake. Woo howdy! If she’s making an additional $1600/ month on this scam, I better not see any boohoo I can’t pay my mortgage!!
Yep, that's what she wrote, but I won't be one of the 6. She'd have to pay me to subscribe. I couldn't get all the way through her last post though I tried. On and on she went on her rant, all full of herself. And how much did she pay for that cake mix? Lining Dolly's pockets as well as Taylor's when she can't pay her own mortgage or feed her own pigs. Maybe she could give the fancy cake mix to the pigs and the box to the goat. (said in jest, I don't know what goats eat, just going off cartoons!)
But yes. If she is making that much on this latest scam, why is she still claiming that she can’t pay the November and December mortgages? Makes zero sense.
From what I can tell, she has 171 paid subscribers. But when money is involved, how many are going to stay if she continues to write once a week instead of the 3 times a week she promised? Substack makes it really easy to unsubscribe.
Jenna is incapable of not being a beggar. It’s become her whole lie-style. I’m sure that many new subscribers will quit. Once they see her predictable patterns of not posting as promised.
Sounds like Wog got her knickers in a twist when she drove into town and all the machines were taken. I’d have liked to be a fly on the wall for that conversation. Maybe she should buy her own machine with the money she is making on her Substack.
Boo hoo on Nitter about how she’s not as successful on Substack as she hoped. ( it’s been a month Jenna- get over yourself!!!) she’s a thousand away from a mortgage payment to keep her from foreclosure ( didn’t she just write a long winded free ( FREE) post giving tips for living an unusual life??).
Jenna- I know you give advice and don’t take any but you should not be giving away for free a bazillion word post ( couldn’t get through it, too long and boring) break these posts up. Have a feature of how to live a different life with an explanation of one skill to keep people coming back for more ideas and skills from an “expert”.
How is there 4 pig shares left? Why will there be no pig shares until 2026?
How is $1600/ month not helping you at all?
When will you show us your boxed Dolly Parton cake again?
She’s not “successful on Substack,” because Jenna is a rotten writer who has nothing of merit to offer. It’s just another method of manipulative marketing to elicit empathy from followers. Her pig shares are a scam for free funds up front.
On IG she is beating people over the head to join her Substack with bizarre posts. She must be on the pipe since a lot of it is nonsensical with a little bit of Taylor is gay crap for good measure. When does she find time for writing when she is online constantly?
Geez those magic pigs again. Dontcha know it, just in the nick of time, four magical shares of the previously sold out pigs appear outta nowhere. Magic, I tell ya! 🤣🤮
If she made $1600 in November from her 194 subscribers, and she spends no money on food or gas as per her own fresh pile of a story, how hasn’t she paid her November AND December mortgages yet? Oh wait. It takes a lot of expensive weed to write the stuff she has been writing.
Her latest on IG, mailing out books from her personal library to loan to paid Substack readers. I guess with all her added income she can afford to mail heavy items like books. News flash ‘babe’ - every community in America has a library.
It should be a super busy time on the "farm". What has she been doing? We know what she hasn’t been doing. She hasn't been doing any post-summer clean-up around her shack on the hill. She hasn’t been spending time with all the old friends that got tired of her BS…there are a lot. She hasn’t been dating a new girl. And she hasn’t been writing any interesting quality essays. But really, it’s okay…she shouldn’t worry about it, because nobody really cares what she’s doing anyway. Rehome the animals and you can just carry on.
When Jenna says she doesn't know what else to do to convince people to subscribe: she's right! Advertise it to her twitter followers, and she's out of ideas! That's it folks! That's all she wrote!
ReplyDeleteHD. I agree with what you wrote. We’ve often wondered why Jenna is so fixated on her writing when she’s rotten at it. It’s also odd because her background and degree are in graphic design. It makes no sense.
ReplyDeleteIt makes sense if you look at her art. She has no scope as an artist plus her drawings often appear unfinished. Sadly, her writing suffers from the same affliction - unimaginative and no attention to detail. And don’t get me started about her inability to use a question mark correctly and her propensity for exclamation marks.
DeleteThanks for your thoughtful response to my comment. I’ve mentioned her misuse of question marks many times. Jenna’s writing is sloppy just like her drawings.
DeleteMy big pet peeve with her drawings is that she doesn't bother to center the animals. For example, a 2" space on the left, and a 3" space on the right. This must piss off anyone trying to frame it.
DeleteI wonder if her free subscribers are petering out and when the bottom line is drawn, she doesn’t have enough paid subscribers to carry her without having to do any other work, which is her dream, as we well know.
ReplyDeleteHer recent posts trying to drum up subscribers reek of anxiety.
I don’t t often look at her Twitter but I just had a look and it is the same post over and over and over again. Talk about beating people over the head with her begs. It’s the reason I don’t read her Twitter and I’m sure I’m not the only one. Anything current gets lost in the repetition. How can she not see that it’s counter productive to flood the zone like that? Less is more darlin’
DeleteYou'd think that when launching her Shitstack she would have presented some compelling posts to hook people, rope 'em in. But no, everything she has written so far is beyond boring.
DeleteThe magic of a good writer is one who can inspire. One who opens up people's imagination and curiosity. A good writer can make everyone hang on their next word. But with Jenna's writing, you are kept waiting for something, anything, to happen. But nothing ever does.
Hey, who's up for a challenge? OK: Try to say something nice or positive about Jenna. I know, it's hard. Really hard. But try anyway. I'll go first:
ReplyDeleteIn a sad world that see's too many unlucky stray cats, she has opened up her home to 3. Though if I had 6 acres, I'd adopt 20.
Umm... Hmm... I'll get back to you. Or maybe not.
DeleteHaha! Here's another one:
DeleteShe lives in a small town, so her exposure to mass amounts of people is minimal.
Ooh! I have another:
At one point in time, she single-handedly kept her town's brewery in business.
But, are her 3 cats neutered? If I remember right, Friday has not been spayed. I'd hate to see what 20 cats on her acreage would look like.
DeleteMaybe she wants the cats to catch the mice etc. so she can feed them to her predator bird.
No idea. And any mouse killed by her cats probably goes into her morning omelette.
DeleteShe hasn’t been a breeder, and brought kids into the world. Jenna would be a nightmare parent.
DeleteI think part of the boring nature of her content is that she is in no way involved in her community. She is estranged from her family. She doesn’t have a partner. The few friends she has she either isn’t friends with anymore or she doesn’t see them often. Her world is so small and her life is so lazy, as evident in her posts zzzzz
ReplyDeleteYou hit the nail on the head. As in order to write about your experiences, you have to actually experience things. You can only drone on and on about lavender scented sheets and solar-lighted paths for so long before people lose interest. And do I want to hear about someone being behind on their mortgage for the millionth time? No, I certainly fucking do not.
DeleteI will admit I bought her Cold Antler Farm book way back when she was actually trying to farm. I only made it through a few chapters. It had a very condescending tone and even with editing, it was poorly written. It seemed obvious that she was talking out of her ass but mostly it was her holier than though attitude that turned me off and she’s only gotten worse over the years. It’s no wonder she blows through friends and is unable to maintain any kind of intimate relationship. She’s a bottomless pit.
DeleteAnother place that showcases her condescending talk and holier than thou attitude is her nauseating videos on YouTube.
DeleteWhen Wog was younger (early 20's) and enthusiastic about farming & homesteading, people forgave her initial mistakes and naivete. Additionally, they probably ignored that she wasn't the "best" writer, because at that stage, it was enough that she told her story.
DeleteBut every story that captures people's attention has an arc: beginning, middle and end. Readers expect to see change - usually improvement, especially if the writer has presented herself as a content expert. The stakes are higher if their incompetence causes harm or hurt to others.
Sadly, Wog NEVER improved. Despite multiple promises, she wasn't able to develop her own 'breed' of (sheep, chickens, etc), create a sustainable farm, incorporate energy self-sufficiency, use her own wood, prove that a "scrappy homestead" could survive (and thrive) ... or even keep her animals alive and healthy.
At some point, her posts became a self-perpetuating loop of incompetence, disinterest and repeat mistakes, with fake claims of crises and daily begs for help. Frankly, people got tired of reading that sh%^.
Today, most sentient people realize that her "problems" would go away if she took a part-time job and quit screwing off, like the self-indulgent pampered suburban princess that she is. I think the only people who support her (1) enjoy watching the train wreck or (2) are themselves too damaged to see reality when it faces them.
Every day, in every way, she tells them that she lies. Live like fiction, indeed.
Jenna’s always been a condescending cunt, but it’s gotten even worse as she’s aged.
DeleteTwitter post warns that JW is worried about her house falling apart every day. Guess it is not an option to get a job and earn enough money to maintain that house. Easier to maintain fake fear to get new subscribers. It’s pathetic.
ReplyDeleteBut getting a job would mean doing real work and having someone tell her what to do. And you know she won't stand for that!
DeleteYo mamasitas, I found a workaround for anyone who doesn't have a Twitter account:
It looks a bit different, but all the bitching, moaning and begging are still there.
Useful link. Thanks, Anon7!
Ooooh, thank you!!!
DeleteNo problem!
DeleteLooking thru some past tweets I found this gem:
ReplyDelete"I'm so exhausted working 20 jobs instead of farming and writing."
Whaaaat the fuq is she talking about? By own admission, she has been getting hardly any sales. And even then, sitting at a table scribbling out pet portraits or working on logos is not a strenuous and exhausting activity. And neither is melting and pouring soap into molds.
And that is only 3 jobs, not the 20 she is claiming. Not to mention all the time she takes for fly fishing, laying in her hammock, strolling her solar-lit paths, driving around searching for hawks, and other time-wasting activities -- none of that is exhausting either! Ugh, her lies.
Ok, let's count the number of "jobs" She has.
Delete1. Wake up
2. Put on cat's eye eyeliner
3. Smooth down her three strands of hair
4. Make coffee
5. Open doors to let dogs and cats run outside.
6. Pour over Taylor Swift articles and song lyrics
7. Throw hay to outside animals
8. Bring water to thirsty animals
9. Light fire for role-play homesteading
10. Make HUGE meal
11. Play on computer
12. Make melt-n-pour soap
13. Put soap in boxes
14. Make animal cartoon doodles
15. Steal clip art for logos
16. Take photos of hawk for social cred
17. Read social media
18. Scribble nonsense essay
19. Drive to town for errands
20. Get high and pretend-yoga
And, on some days (oh gosh), she must ALSO do dirty laundry, worry about house falling down and townspeople looking at her oddly. Not to mention, about every two weeks, she takes a shower with mint on the floor (mint that is later recycled into her soaps!).
Have a missed any??
DeleteP.S. Proof-reading is not one of Wog's jobs.
That's right! I almost forgot she makes that silly daily list of chores and considers it "jobs." LMAO at cat eye liner! As for getting high, I think she hits that bong all day long.
DeletePDD. Your list is great. Numbers 2, 3, 9 and 10 made me really laugh.
DeleteHere we go again, day 3 since the last post. She thinks she is so slick to stretch them to three days in between posts, thus quietly reneging on her promise of 3 per week. At this current rate it’s three every nine days.
ReplyDeleteAnd it's boring as she has already written about trapping hawks before and it is not even interesting. No intrigue, no dramatic moments...just a snooze fest.
DeleteHa! Just like this she answers two comments here: she just posted part 2 of the trapping post, as predicted, three days from her last post, and she makes the statement “I am very active in my local community”, in a tongue in cheek remark about knowing the woods around her.
ReplyDeleteThis is the second time she has done a Part One, Part Two post on separate days. It speaks to the fact that she is already running out of subjects and especially her lack of editing skills. Her stream of consciousness style highlights her poor grammar and lack of syntax. Her writing lacks rhythm making it uncomfortable to read.
DeleteAt least she stopped writing about fly fishing. Those posts were agony to read.
DeleteIt's been a month and she hasn't written anything interesting, which is stupid because it's her Shitstack debut, and this is the best she can offer?
Her ridiculous rebuttals are always in response to our critical comments. “Dance, little monkey moron. Hoo!!!”
DeleteIf you ordered soaps from JW, you’ll have to email her to let her know, so that she can get the orders out by next week. Guess she has no method of knowing which orders have shipped.
ReplyDeleteThis would be hilarious if it wasn’t so maddening and disgusting. Some businesswoman. 🤮
DeleteI just don't understand her ineptitude. All she has to do is get a note pad and write down the customer's name and order. And then cross them off once it ships out. That's all. And it's something a frickin' 2nd grader could handle. But yet, she struggles with this.
DeleteJenna still has zero sense of how to handle being a businessperson. Even after a decade of doing it.
DeleteJW instagram just posted she has written an article for North Woodlands Magazine. Of course, the article on page 80 entitled “Three Cords” is not linked. You have to buy the magazine.
ReplyDeleteLove how they buried it on the very last page. It’s probably a pile of purple prose about stacking pre-cut, seasoned wood for her “only” source of heat while a grinning possum spews words of wisdom at her from the top of that pile of wood.
DeleteShe wrote an essay, not a paragraph, but an ESSAY on firewood. Is there really that much to say about something that you buy and burn? Here are a few gripping excerpts:
Delete"Tending the fire keeps me home, and friends won't see much of me until April -- unless they walk through my door and let the warmth hit them like a slap on the back from an old friend."
This doesn't make sense as she writes about friends not visiting and then says "unless they" -- which should be followed by a reason to visit, and not the effect they feel when they do visit. And she thinks writing is her strongest suit? And this utter nonsense:
"Walking into a house tended by a single hearth stove is a teleportation trick that sends you back to the Beaver's house in Narnia, or Hogwarts at Christmas, or Bag End when Bilbo has just put the kettle on for tea. It's a domesticated type of magic, as wholesome as my fat cat sleeping beside the food stove in a basket of my own sheep's wool. He'll remain there on low bake until the equinox, when the even daylight draws hi back to alertness."
How high was she when she wrote this? It's just a fire for fucks sake!
Jenna is a rotten writer who has nothing of merit to offer. Her articles are awful, and a waste of space.
DeleteOn her Instasham she announced this future content for her Shitstack, as she is clearly out of fresh ideas:
ReplyDeletePanCAKES, baby! Thick and fluffy and drizzled with melting butter, homemade-raspberry syrup, and powdered sugar. Recipe on the substack tomorrow"
So that photo...she ate all of that? How?!? And whhhyyyyy?
Lol, it hasn't even been a month, and she's out of ideas.
DeleteShe should pay closer attention to successful writers on Substack, who recently reminded readers that creating essays worth reading is HARD WORK, and that crap essays don't deserve an audience. This directly speaks to the fake feral farmer's latest get-rich-quick scheme.
Maybe, PANcakes part 1 will be the recipe for the pancakes and the recipe for the raspberry syrup will be PART 2, 3 days later, (I can hardly wait) !!!? haha.
DeleteHer “baby” and “darlin’” are creepy and condescending.
DeleteJenna appears to be an alien trying to imitate being a human.
DeleteNotifies Twitter that she is still 2 months behind on mortgage. Guess her get rich scheme didn’t work out as hoped.
ReplyDeletewow. even what seems to be hundreds a month can’t help!
DeleteAmon 7:54, I think it's more of her faked mortgage crises to now goose pity Shitstack SUBSCRIPTIONS. The November mortgage was due November 1, but not deemed 'late' until December 16. Likewise, the December mortgage was due December 1, but not deemed 'late' until January 16, 2024.
DeleteHer language suggests she's late by two months, but technically she isn't.
Clearly, Shitstack is the latest begging bucket for her to prey on kind-hearted people.
It’s pathetic, really. She has begged on every platform she has been on. Countdown to a future shitstack post named, “My elusive mortgage?”
DeleteOf course parts 1,2, and 3, three days apart.
Delete😆😆😆 Perfectly put, Anon.
DeletePDD. Exactly. I like “begging bucket.”
DeleteHope her pancake recipe is one of her “free” essays. There are countless pancake recipes, no one needs to pay $8 for hers. ( someone who admits they can’t follow recipes, especially)
ReplyDeleteNope. She wants money for it. She is crazy. There are literally a bajillion great recipes out there for pancakes. Free. On the internets. 🤣🤣🤣
DeleteHers look crusty and lumpy so I’ll pass.
DeleteJenna’s food always appears greasy and gross. It’s the antithesis of appetizing.
DeleteShe’s really flogging the Substack this morning. She sure knows how to beat people over the head with her thinly veiled begs. Give it a rest darlin. Your desperation is showing again.
ReplyDeleteJenna is trying to bully people into subscribing to her “Shitstack,” but it comes across as being desperate and pathetic.
Delete“I went for a checkup this morning. I’m now of the age where I’m asked “has there been any falls””
ReplyDeleteNo one cares, cunt. You’re not either funny or witty.
“New post on how to combat anxiety, in the moment of dread, written by a woman in a very precarious situation”
ReplyDeleteKeep on being a beggar, “baby.” It’s what you’re “the best at doing.” Your “dumb small life” is in a “precarious situation,” because you refuse to get off your lazy, fat ass and work.
We’re waiting for her pathetic pleas to “send Christmas cards!” Jenna just wants the cash that’s inside. “It means so much!!!”
DeleteIt’s too bad that the commenter here, has stopped posting her “Shitstack” crap. Maybe someone else can do it instead.
ReplyDeleteI think that it’s important to keep track of her lies as a public service to warn others about her begging and scamming.
DeleteYou write like a second grader. Can’t write a simple sentence without a mistake. Just in case you reread the sentence and think I’m nuts, it’s “HAVE there been any falls?” And, although you seem to think falling is funny at age 41, you won’t, darlin’, at 78. BTW, I can’t remember a doctor ever asking me about falling until I was at least 65. I guess they just looked at me and realized it wasn’t likely. I hope you told your physician about your self-diagnosed “broken” ankle and your self-prescribed treatment. Trust me, you’ll pay a heavy price someday for not having that attended to. Arthritis, baby.
ReplyDeleteI made the comment above about her supposed appointment. I’ve also noticed that stupid error. Jenna writes as if she’s ESL. Her rotten writing is rife with multiple mistakes.
DeleteI came here to say, ready to read that one! We had a couple town until she posted that on shitstack and she didn’t disappoint! Three days again in between posts. Also it is not lost on me that the graphic she is using today on her panic post is wolves at the door. Literally. You knew it was coming, darlin!
ReplyDeleteJenna has “cried wolf” so many times that no one buys her blatant bullshit and lie-style.
DeleteShe’s a “wolf in sheep’s clothing,” who uses manipulative marketing to elicit empathy from followers.
DeleteSo she’s pulling the anxiety card yet again. As much as she tries to present fresh, interesting content she seems incapable of not throwing in desperation and self pity. This is NOT what Substack was designed for.
DeleteFurther to my comment above, as usual Jenna has failed to read the room.
DeleteSFF. She’s a disingenuous, arrogant asshole who is misusing another platform.
DeleteAlso notice all the photos she is using are recycled. I am so sick of her in the baggy pants with the hawk in the snow, pic. Or the stolen pic of bacon in the pan. So overused! Or the staged pic on horseback with the bow. Ugh. 😑
ReplyDeleteMore Reddit receipts.
I’m shocked she hasn’t been blabbing about her mediocre, mainstream musician being named “Person of the Year.”
ReplyDeleteWhy? Because a good part of that interview had to do with her having a boyfriend and being happy!! That’s does not fit with Wog’s agenda and narrative!
DeleteSo… a woman who never has enough money to pay her bills but instead of getting a job decides to be a scammer and beggar is going to school us on combatting anxiety? Stop. No more!! I am laughing too hard to type. I wonder if “darlin” Jenna left out that rain is turning to snow in our area because a leaky roof is more profitable for begging!! Usually if there’s a snowflake, our snowflake is setting off alarm bells!!!
ReplyDeleteExactly. People who live in New England laugh at snowfalls under three inches - it doesn't register with us. Plus, today's temps will be above freezing, so precipitation will melt before tonight.
DeleteMildly inclement weather is yet another excuse for Wog to [checks notes] do nothing.
Major beg-a-thin over on “Nitter”. Yikes.
ReplyDeleteI didn’t read her new ass-ay on substack since she’s not getting a dime from me but is her way of combating anxiety making 10 begging posts on Twit- ter? My favorite beg is the one asking for money for a bag of pig feed sent to her Venmo or cash back accompanied by a pic of a bunch of animals. No pig to be found in the picture lol. You can’t make this up.
ReplyDeleteYes!!! Came here to say just that.
DeleteShe uses her animals as an excuse for manipulative marketing to elicit empathy from followers.
DeleteOver on IG stories she is also cranking the anxiety and begging up. A post about her bogo pet portraits has a huge rainbow colored stamp on it which says “GAY!!!!!”
ReplyDeleteIf that is not manipulative, pathetic, and beyond desperate-I don’t know what is.
I didn’t know pet portraits could be GAY!!!
DeleteLeave it to her to appropriate and misuse.
Jenna acts as if she’s 14 not 41.
DeleteHer latest ploy to get subscribers is "Make My Day Coward". How does insulting people goose sales? Does she think she's funny? She must be high when she writes this stuff.
ReplyDeleteJenna is the “coward” who hides behind her faux farm.
DeleteAgain with lies and obfuscation. Has she ever been honest about anything???
ReplyDeleteToday, she posted a four-year old photo of sheep & chickens in deep snow with the strong inference that the photo is current. She begged her readers to: "send a little to cover a bag of pig feed on venmo." You know, the pigs whose care was pre-paid by pork CSA subscribers...
What a maroon.
It’s infuriating, really. To be watching such a scam unfold right in front of our eyes and to see blind sheep follow her and put money in her beggar’s bucket. What a shame. She has no shame.
DeleteShe’s a shameless, sociopathic POS.
DeleteJenna is fond of saying that her “writing is better than you think” to entice readers. Date I say her “bullshit is thicker than you think” ( unless you are a shammer… we know!)
ReplyDelete“Dare” not date
DeleteJenna removed her begs! Guess someone sent her money or she’s mad no one did!!!
ReplyDeleteIt was only done as a response to our criticism calling out her crap.
DeleteI’m shocked none of her “readers” have called her out yet on posting two instead of “at least three” posts a week, already.
ReplyDeleteJenna would either just delete or block any critical comments.
DeleteOver on IG stories, the poor hawk is featured as a prop in a cluttered photo with half his wing out of frame and the woman’s legs out of frame as well. Gah. She can’t even curate a fake ass photo.
ReplyDeleteLol, that's the Diane Arbus wannabe. Where else could she take photos of our little Appalachia weirdo so close to NYC? IMO, she's another cidiot, who used "artfully posed" faked farming fotos to create a photo display for even bigger idiots who've been easily fooled. Sigh, if only she used her talent to document actual farm life, with genuine farmers.
DeleteHey, Wog, tell us again how you keep wild raptors captive to "save" them.
Her hawks are pet props to pose for pics. Jenna is an animal abusing sociopath who doesn’t care about the conservancy of any species. Moronic Miriam is another dumb enabler.
DeleteHer engagement (likes, comments) on Substack has taken a nosedive. It wasn't great to begin with. Her chances of growing a paying audience is slim to none. I'm sure she will lose subscribers. Another opportunity wasted.
ReplyDeleteWe knew that the initial flurry of stupid subscribers would quickly drop off.
DeleteJW wants readers who have not received soap orders or pet portraits yet to contact her. That’s odd. You would think if someone has paid her by PayPal or other means she would have a record of it and keeps track of what she has sent out. People have purchased things right? Where are those records? Where are those tax records? Oh, I forgot. She made a “mistake” and doesn’t know what happened to those orders, but no doubt does know what she did with the money.
ReplyDeleteShe’s been doing this for years.
DeleteShe also wants successful authors to share her work and remember what it was like to be struggling. Darling, you’ve published several books! You are actually a more successful author than many out there! If people don’t want your substack… sorry, it’s too expensive for recycled crap and baiting readers about hot sexy sex… that never occurs!!!
ReplyDeletePlease see below.
DeleteThis new Reddit receipt is appropriate:
My comment was meant for Anonymous 9:54.
Delete“A few weeks left in the year and still struggling to make last month's mortgage. The biggest thing you can do to help is subscribe to my substack as a paying member. It's a few dollars a month and building an audience could change my life.”
ReplyDeleteNo one cares, cunt. You’re a lying, lazy loser.
It’s the same ick pic with dogs licking her fake fat face.
DeleteBeing a beggar has become her whole lie-style.
DeleteJenna is “still struggling to make last month’s mortgage” even after over a decade of owning her home. Talk about being stupid and stubborn.
DeleteJenna is pushing people to make a pity purchase by subscribing to her “Shitstack” crap.
DeleteThis latest idea of hers is not gonna last much longer. The content is a snore-fest so far. Perhaps it's time to consider an Only Fans account.
DeleteAnon7. I think that she posts pics of her fat feet for fetish sites.
DeleteAnon7. It’s more like OnlyFoes since she has few fans. Unfortunately, there’s not much of a market for ugly, obese, stinky losers.
DeleteIt’s Taylor Swift’s birthday again. Last year the psycho stalker posted a pathetic message on Instagram. Now, she knows that her queer crush is straight. “Hoo!!!”
ReplyDeleteSomeone is having “hot all night sex,” but it sure ain’t Jenna!
DeleteWell, well. It’s December 13. A day revered by Swifties, I’m told. And what does Wog have to say about that? Crickets. Has she finally grown past the mental age of 13 and come to the realization that her crush is in love with a man? Even after TS made a public declaration about her sexual orientation, Wog has been posting TAS is gay crap …. But not today. Curioser and curioser.
ReplyDeleteSFF. Read my comment about yours. I’ve said something similar.
DeleteEdit: above yours
DeleteIt makes me wonder if she is still stalking her every move online. God knows, with this very public romance, it’s hard to avoid or does she only seek out the desperate few who cling to a false narrative. My bet is she has starting watching football in order to get a glimpse of her crush in real time. That’s gotta burn.
Delete*started watching*
DeleteOnce she reads this cue the Happy Birthday Taylor posts 🤣🤣🤣
DeleteSFF. Poor widdle Wog needs a new famous female to start stalking.
DeleteOr she could get a life and live in the real world instead of her sapphic fantasy land.
DeleteSFF. That would require maturity. Jenna acts as if Taylor is a traitor by being straight.
DeleteWondering if she has taken the banner down yet. If she's true to form she will post a picture soon. Dance little monkey.
DeleteSFF. That stupid banner on her old barn is very juvenile. Just like Jenna.
DeleteAnyone else remember when Jenna had an alias Corbie MacKenzie? She also wanted people to call her by the nickname Mare. She is crazy.
ReplyDeleteI just googled it and came up with Shieldmare pagan blog with a picture of Wog sitting on a horse. Looks like she’s been delusional for years.
DeleteThat name was so cringey. What was the point of that anyway?
DeleteAnon7, that was in her Outlander craze, when she feverishly posted book & show updates, lusted after the fictional character Jamie Frasier (and the actor Sam Heughan) and wanted to be Scottish. Daily cosplay included absurd kilt-wearing, pretending her pricey dogs could herd and trying to craft Scottish-style cloaks.
DeleteShe certainly appears to be a few eggs short of a dozen.
Jenna has never been normal. She’s always wanted to “Live like fiction!”
DeleteHey! Who's in the mood for a Christmas carol? Let's sing Jingle Bells, Wog style:
ReplyDeleteMortgage bills, mortgage bills
A mortgage I can't pay
Oh what hell it is to owe for
Mortgage, feed and hay
Mortgage bills, mortgage bills
Bills at every turn
Oh what hell it is to pay
With money I can't earn
Strugglin' thru my life
without a job or wife
Every day I tweet
Begging all the way
Cracks in molars ache
Making me irate
So I'll just smoke my pipe
And sing Taylor songs all nite!
A day or two ago
I thought I'd take a drive
And soon a kidnapped hawk
Was seated by my side
His mews are full of rot
Misfortune seemed his lot
But then he came inside
And watched LOTR all nite!
Mortgage bills, mortgage bills
Get a job? No way!!
Life is so much easier
When you have poodles pay!
Mortgage bills, mortgage bills
Bills I cannot pay
Oh what fun it is to play
And beg for money ALL DAMN DAYYYYY!!!
Yay! Fantastic!
Wow! This may be your BEST!
That’s great!
DeleteUh-oh. Whatever will these poor subscribers do. The dumbass had now gone four days without a shitstack post!
ReplyDeleteWho else remembers her “at a minimum three posts per week that would make your iPad sweat” or whatever BS she was slinging just a few weeks ago?
She never honors promises. Cue the countdown to another overwrought, purple prose post. “Juicy Jenna” claimed that her rotten writing would be “passionate, and make your keyboard wringing wet!” What a repellent cunt.
DeleteYeah, she originally said that she’d post on Mon, Wed and Fri. “Sure, Jen.”
DeleteI cannot understand her logic. Four days without a substack entry and yet she announced on IG that she's watching a movie tonight. Is she that dumb or does she just not care? Or is she thumbing her nose at her paid in advance subscribers? It's like she's living in parallel universes.
DeleteSFF. She really doesn’t care about keeping her promise to do three posts per week. Her whole life is lies. Jenna is also “that dumb,” and mistakenly thinks that her asinine antics are exempt from consequences.
DeleteFive days without a shitstack post today. What do you want to bet she is about to put up a message about how it is no longer worth “her time” to write these essays for what she is making, so she will only post when she can. Like once a week. Or less. U til the thing dies like every other quick money scam she has slung our way.
DeleteThought the same thing this morning. It can’t be worth her time. Glad she tried something different to beg money but she needs to just get a job and get her life together.
DeleteShe showed US, lol. A ruthless "brass knuckle post" to encourage others to follow their dream and not listen to evil detractors who'll want you to change your life.
ReplyDeleteLikely, the next post will be: Please send more money. It's so HARD to pay my bills.
She needs “brass knuckles” to slap some sense into her fake fat face.
DeleteAnother free post. She must be desperate for new readers. Her holier than though attitude is off putting. What part of "I'm always behind on my mortgage" makes her life better than mine? Her distain for financially secure people drips off the page. Who is she really trying yo convince?
ReplyDeleteJenna is jealous of “financially secure people,” but barely disguises her “disdain” behind bullshit.
DeleteHer new free post, oh, where do I start.
ReplyDeleteLike the comment above, I noticed right away the disdain for solvent people dripping off her words.
The post reminded me so much of her infamous Reddit “I made it!” Post which she got slammed for to hell and back by every one of the hundreds of not thousands of commenters.
Who is she to be giving such advice? She has no credibility whatsoever. By her own words she is a failure. Nobody should want to repeat her dumb mistakes!
I also find that her post is full of lies. She grew most of the food she has stored? Bullshit! She grew nothing this year by her own admission aside from a few squash.
She also admits to keeping some of the “sold out” pork shares. What a con artist!
A scamming beggar who can’t pay their mortgage and who cyber begs for a living should be the last person giving life advice, and is the last person any sane human should seek or take advice from.
So much purple prose, too. I recognized recycled content there as well.
Like I said, where to begin.
None of her photos are close to being current. I noticed a photographer commented that she wants to visit the hovel to take some shots. What a shock that will be. There is no filter on earth that will disguise the squalor. It’ll never happen. Even Jenna is smart enough to nip that in the bud.
DeleteSFF. That’s why Jenna’s night pics inside always have dim lighting to disguise her hovel’s “squalor.”
DeleteWelp darlings, I’m speechless.
ReplyDeleteShe supposedly needs 6 more subscribers to hit 200 and then she’s going to make a Dolly Parton banana cake. Woo howdy! If she’s making an additional $1600/ month on this scam, I better not see any boohoo I can’t pay my mortgage!!
Yep, that's what she wrote, but I won't be one of the 6. She'd have to pay me to subscribe. I couldn't get all the way through her last post though I tried. On and on she went on her rant, all full of herself. And how much did she pay for that cake mix? Lining Dolly's pockets as well as Taylor's when she can't pay her own mortgage or feed her own pigs. Maybe she could give the fancy cake mix to the pigs and the box to the goat. (said in jest, I don't know what goats eat, just going off cartoons!)
DeleteHer Substack says she has 300 subscribers. How does that track when she says she is not yet at 200?
DeleteProbably a total of paid and free.
DeleteBut yes. If she is making that much on this latest scam, why is she still claiming that she can’t pay the November and December mortgages? Makes zero sense.
DeleteFrom what I can tell, she has 171 paid subscribers. But when money is involved, how many are going to stay if she continues to write once a week instead of the 3 times a week she promised? Substack makes it really easy to unsubscribe.
DeleteJenna is incapable of not being a beggar. It’s become her whole lie-style. I’m sure that many new subscribers will quit. Once they see her predictable patterns of not posting as promised.
DeleteSaying that people who bring all their laundry to the laundromat need to get their life together is rich coming from someone who has nothing together.
ReplyDeleteSounds like Wog got her knickers in a twist when she drove into town and all the machines were taken. I’d have liked to be a fly on the wall for that conversation. Maybe she should buy her own machine with the money she is making on her Substack.
DeleteI think that she has a washer and dryer already.
Deleteshe can go weeks within buying food and gas! she never worries about food! what about animal food?
ReplyDeleteOnly two weeks left before eligibility for foreclosure. Begathon is on again. Guess the “brass knuckle” post on homesteading didn’t have any effect.
ReplyDeleteHer fake fear of foreclosure is a crock of crap. She’s been “crying wolf” about this bull for years. If it were true, it would’ve happened by now.
DeleteBoo hoo on Nitter about how she’s not as successful on Substack as she hoped. ( it’s been a month Jenna- get over yourself!!!) she’s a thousand away from a mortgage payment to keep her from foreclosure ( didn’t she just write a long winded free ( FREE) post giving tips for living an unusual life??).
ReplyDeleteJenna- I know you give advice and don’t take any but you should not be giving away for free a bazillion word post ( couldn’t get through it, too long and boring) break these posts up. Have a feature of how to live a different life with an explanation of one skill to keep people coming back for more ideas and skills from an “expert”.
How is there 4 pig shares left? Why will there be no pig shares until 2026?
How is $1600/ month not helping you at all?
When will you show us your boxed Dolly Parton cake again?
What is this train wreck???
She’s not “successful on Substack,” because Jenna is a rotten writer who has nothing of merit to offer. It’s just another method of manipulative marketing to elicit empathy from followers. Her pig shares are a scam for free funds up front.
DeleteI can't access any of her substack, so I have no idea what you're talking about. Is there a link somewhere?
DeleteI’ve been accessing her sucstack through her Nitter link
Anon7 gave us the Nitter information above, too.
DeleteHD. New post please? Thanks!
ReplyDeleteOn IG she is beating people over the head to join her Substack with bizarre posts. She must be on the pipe since a lot of it is nonsensical with a little bit of Taylor is gay crap for good measure. When does she find time for writing when she is online constantly?
ReplyDeleteCame here to say the same thing. Her pushy and arrogant begs on IG story, back to back, are not only off-putting but pathetic and gross.
DeleteJenna is overtly obnoxious with pushing people to make a pity purchase in the form of subscribing to her “Shitstack” crap.
DeleteGeez those magic pigs again. Dontcha know it, just in the nick of time, four magical shares of the previously sold out pigs appear outta nowhere. Magic, I tell ya! 🤣🤮
ReplyDeleteHer pork shares are a scam for free funds up front.
DeleteIf she made $1600 in November from her 194 subscribers, and she spends no money on food or gas as per her own fresh pile of a story, how hasn’t she paid her November AND December mortgages yet? Oh wait. It takes a lot of expensive weed to write the stuff she has been writing.
ReplyDeleteIt’s CAF math where nothing ever adds up.
DeleteHer latest on IG, mailing out books from her personal library to loan to paid Substack readers. I guess with all her added income she can afford to mail heavy items like books. News flash ‘babe’ - every community in America has a library.