Happy Holidays!

I just wanted to thank you all for being here!  We have a great collection of intelligent, witty, thoughtful, creative, and caring people here.  I have been pleased to 'know' so many of you for years.
Even though what has brought us together has been a negative and frustrating thing, the community we have created has been positive.
So, well wishes to each of you and have a wonderful new year!


  1. Thank you and Happy Holidays to all and a healthy 2024.

  2. A Legend in Her Own MindDecember 24, 2023 at 8:16 AM

    Wishing everyone Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, and a joyous New Year. Connecting with fellow Shamsters has been a joy!

  3. HD. Our thanks for your efforts in hosting this blog for years. You’ve done a great service in alerting people about a sociopathic scammer, pathological liar, and animal abusing beggar. I hope that you have a happy holiday. The same to all those here who have continued to tell the truth about Jenna Woginrich.

    BTW: It looks like the “scrappy little lesbian” has deleted her old blog from the Wayback Machine. She probably heard about it here. Fortunately, we’ve copied her entire site awhile ago, because we wanted proof for our records. There are also plenty of other receipts online.

    1. It would be impossible for Jenna to totally scrub her rotten reputation from the internet.

    2. A Legend in Her Own MindDecember 24, 2023 at 1:37 PM

      Imagine spending Christmas / Holiday, trying to scrub ten-plus years of a rotten on-line reputation.

    3. The internet never forgets

    4. PDD. That’s what happens when one is a lying, lazy loser like Jenna. No one wants Wog around.

      SFF. And neither will we.

  4. another thing that was kinda funny about ”grow up“ was that in the list of financial assistance you’re supposed to imagine you don’t have was ”kids“. i guess it’s news to most parents that kids are a financial benefit instead of extremely expensive to raise.

    1. Her stupid “Grow Up” post was just Jenna trying to justify her lie-style.

  5. It’s funny how Jenna has been strangely silent on X for several days. There’s been no bragging about going to friends’ celebrations like before. She appears to be a pariah in the Cambridge community.

    1. Even her Instagram Sham has been kinda quiet.

    2. She is stretching that shitstack posting window again. No post now for three days. There goes that “at a minimum three per week” but especially considering she just reposted an old free post last week when she last posted.

    3. She “plays dead” like this every so often. Something happened, she’s been begging, hinting at things being stressful. I don’t think this time of year is lucrative for her begging and she’s super butthurt over it. She’s used to getting her bills paid by pity so she goes quiet when it’s not working. I think she’ll be back soon with either a Christmas miracle that the farm has never been better or a super start the new year with a beg about how others spend more on one drink on NYE than her Sucstack costs and it would change her life if people gave her more money for nothing. She can’t leave her farm and people need to pay for her writing etc. lather, rinse, repeat.

    4. It just shows how Jenna doesn’t honor her promises to people. Even when they’ve paid her in advance. She’ll do it now, only after reading our critical comments.

    5. Jenna tries to elicit empathy from followers by being quiet sometimes. “I was too stressed out about money to write!!!” It’s all part of her manipulative marketing for free funds.

    6. She really wants people to worry and wonder about her health. But it’s a pity ploy for mooching money. “Venmo, it means so much!”

  6. The thing that always gets me about Jenna is how breathtakingly entitled she is. So many people have been struggling since the pandemic. Many people went back to work or got extra jobs just to put food on the table. And here's this 40 year old woman who hasn't worked in years, still begging people online to pay her to do nothing. Oh, and occasionally making bitter comments about people with jobs, financial security, and/or a partner to share the load with.

    She always seems to forget that, for most of us, we have financial security because we worked for it. It's like she thinks there are only two kinds of people in the world: the rich, who are handed everything by their family, and the flat broke. Nothing in-between. If you have money, you must have been given it. End of story. There's no possible way you worked hard!

    And I'm so sick of her bitterness about those of us with partners. Man, it would steam her tits to know that I homestead, make a small income, while my husband pays for our life. I'm so spoiled, clearly! What she can't imagine is that I have worked over the years to support him. When he was in college, I worked full time. When he was doing his PhD, I handled EVERYTHING so he could focus. We worked as a team to get through and now we get to reap the benefits. Some of which are me not having to work a regular job anymore. I only got into homesteading because we could afford it, and it helps me manage some health conditions. When I am sick, he picks up the slack. If we had a financial crisis, I'd go back to an office job in a heartbeat. We're lucky to have each other but we're not spoiled or ungrateful.

    Jenna wants everything in life to be just handed to her, with no effort on her part. It chaps my ass that she isn't suffering the consequences yet. I know so many people who would be thrilled to own their own home, let alone land.

    And here she is trying to guilt and manipulate folks online to support her. No thanks! I'll save my hard earned money for actual charities and people in need. Get a job.


    1. Exactly. That was well-put. She’s a self-entitled, overly pampered princess whose hands are always held out for help. I think that Jenna is “suffering the consequences” of her actions already. Her rotten reputation is adversely affecting all aspects of her lie-style, and even her ability to attract a potential partner. I’ve said the same thing about her “Get a job, slob.”

    2. Jenna has become bitter about her poor choices, but wants to blame others instead of her stupid self.

    3. Totally agree. She is a prisoner of her own bad choices. I have a life partner and pensions because we both worked. I took time off to raise our kids but got back to work when they were older. We both volunteered extensively in the community and built a social network. Our marriage is successful because we are not sociopaths who need to have everything our own way. Compromise has never been in Wog’s vocabulary. She must be a nightmare to live with and yet she considers her worst personality traits to be admirable - even charming. Keeping herself insulated from the community doesn’t expose her to normal social behaviour which has, I would think, stunted her social skills. Being able to ‘ask for help’ is a far cry from blatant begging. Begging has become yet another addiction. Even if she won the lottery, I am sure she would continue to beg since she needs the high. It’s a sickness.

    4. A Legend in Her Own MindDecember 26, 2023 at 10:30 AM

      HH, Anon and SFF, I totally agree. Sometimes I wonder if she knows her lies about "trust fund babies" are ignorant, but she trots them out because she's trying to get donations from wealthier individuals (say, from the NYC area) who are trust fund babies. She hopes they can be guilted into giving money to the "working poor". If they haven't "worked" in their lives, Wog's fairytales may appear credible. On the other hand, people who farm, or actually work for a living, read Wog's stories, and we see her absolute lies, exaggeration, incompetence (after 12 years in the same home) and ineffectiveness; we know her posts are total bullsh%$.

      Yes, Wog's behavior is that of a spoiled wannabe, who delights in lying to get what she wants. I believe she's created the damsel-in-distress persona to appeal to $$$ people who might want to help her. This is why she's desperate for SHARES and NEW readers. The same old crap doesn't work after a while, because even the slowest person eventually figures out her deal. New readers = unsuspecting marks.

    5. Good to see you, HH! (Hotflash Homestead, yes?) And great analysis of her never-ending shit show. It's crazy how long it's been going on. But she keeps going (begging) cuz there are always a few new suckers who allow her to *just* make it every month. Such a sad and uninspiring way to live. Get a job indeed.

  7. The more Jenna writes, the more she exposes herself as a judgmental simple minded asshole who wants everyone’s approval while at the same time not approving anyone’s choices. Her motto used to be “It’s ok to live a life others don’t understand”, but she doesn’t practice that with others who live a life she doesn’t understand. She makes it very clear it is not ok if you are different than her.

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindDecember 26, 2023 at 10:13 AM

      Anon 8:52 AM, and she stole that saying from another published self-help guide. She's shameless in taking, without credit if she can get away with it. Funny how one of her early-teen idols was a fellow student who got away with lying to his teacher (I forget the reason); Wog thought it was tremendous that he got away with it. She was skewed, I think, from an early age.

    2. Jenna has had no original ideas and sayings.

  8. In a slap in the face to her prepaid subscribers, the darlin took four days to churn out a post. I agree with the statement above that she purposefully goes quiet to rev up the pity optics.
    Shame on her for bait and switching so quickly. Especially those dumdums who paid upfront for a whole year of now four days in between mostly recycled posts.

    1. The “bitch on the hill” loves her “pity optics,” and staying silent is a manipulative marketing tactic.

    2. Agree, Anon 9:05 - She thinks going MIA for a few days will draw concern. And pity donations!

  9. Big long essay on how she saved one of her geese. Another long lie coming from someone who left a half dead sheep in a wheelbarrow to die. Does she even know how she sounds? She gives the advice that if the goose had become worse, she would have kept him isolated. No mention of a vet whatsoever. Actual caring people would have at least called the vet and gotten advice over the phone, but she's probably burned those bridges too.

    1. So it looks like the dumbstack alternates between pity posts and virtue ssignaling.What a piece of work she is.

    2. A Legend in Her Own MindDecember 26, 2023 at 11:23 AM

      In the introduction, she posted she found the goose "laying down alone in front of the barn" as she walked out to do her morning chores, which means, I assume, the goose was out all night / not secured from predators. What an incompetent POS she is.

    3. Jenna’s only posted after reading our critical comments above. She’s an animal abusing, sociopathic POS.

    4. Funny, how she hasn’t bragged about the new post yet on X.

    5. AnonymousDecember 26, 2023 at 5:54 AM

      “It just shows how Jenna doesn’t honor her promises to people. Even when they’ve paid her in advance. She’ll do it now, only after reading our critical comments.”

      I’ve called it in my comment earlier. Jenna has to be prodded into posting as promised.

    6. It wasn't a good idea for her to ask people to pre-pay for a year. Cuz as soon as the bulk of those 150ish readers drop off, she will no longer be inspired to write anything. And just you watch...she won't either.

  10. There’s also no news about how she spent her holiday. I’m sure that Jenn was alone again.

    1. No one wants Wog around. Otherwise, she’d have invites to parties, and post pics of them.

    2. Of course, the self-professed “feral pagan” probably avoids Christmas, since it’s so commercialized, but still wants cash in cards. She’s probably pissed that Pember Patty can afford to fly to California to visit her family. While Jenna can’t leave her hovel, because “this farm needs me!”

    3. We had a great time in Cambridge yesterday at a yearly celebration. Jenna is mocked by everyone. “Hoo!!!”

    4. Did she beg her foollowers to send her Xmas cards like she usually does?

    5. Anon7. Not that we know of. But her blatant begging for more subscribers was just as bad. Jenna can’t wait to back her crappy cake when she hits two hundred stupid suckers.

    6. Edit: bake not back

  11. Late to the last thread, but gotta give kudos to the Anon who posted this deleted tweet:

    "We live in a world where someone bought this app for billions out of spite, for fun and I’m about to be eligible for foreclosure because I can’t scrape enough together to make a house payment. Merry Christmas to everyone smart enough to not follow a dream"

    I had to read it twice cuz I couldn't believe she wrote that. It reeks of bitterness...and utter desperation. So bitchy and such a turnoff to her foollowers, damn. No wonder she deleted it!

    1. *Finally* (It took many attempts to make this post, lol)

    2. Anon7. That post was a Jen gem. It was beyond bitter and jealous. Even though she’s deleted it, the internet never forgets. And neither will we.

  12. "And lastly, I am also so grateful for the eight new paying followers to this blog! Thank you, especially to the founding member who signed up and made it possible to cover the November mortgage on Christmas Eve!! You guys give me enough hope to try this another month. Thank you!!!" You knew there would be a Christmas Miracle, right?

    1. Of course there was a Christmas miracle! 🤣!! Oh Jenna, never change… we know you refuse to, but it’s kinda entertaining knowing what you are going to do before you do!

    2. Not only the called by shamsters Christmas miracle, but read between the lines here where she is basically giving a heads up that unless she gets more subscribers, she is only shitstacking for another month. Watch and see.
      Like predicted above, those monthlies will start dropping off quickly now that it’s after the holidays but also due to her poorer than terrible content and her sporadic posting schedule.
      She will shut it down in a month or at least make some shitty compromise like, well, I will post when I have something to say.
      The Christmas miracle tho. Every year, darlins!

    3. It’s a “miracle” that the lying, lazy loser has any support for her rotten writing. Jenna’s fake fear of foreclosure can be used as a tactic again, too, in few months for more manipulative marketing. The stupid “scrappy little lesbian” is such a plucky, special survivor. “Hey hey, Hoo!!!”

  13. Can someone help me with the math here? She said she is down to one pig share and sold three. How did she not make enough money just from those supposed share sales not to pay her mortgage, to the point to where she needed a $250 founding subscriber? I mean I know most of this is probably a lie, but she puts it out there for inquiring minds who want to know how that math works.

    1. Her math never adds up, because it’s a crook of crap. Her whole life is lies.

    2. I’m not a subscriber to her crap but the first line of her newest blahg is hysterical. Who knew she’s a comedian?? She’s writing like a child writing a report for school. “Start with a fun fact” Did you know that geese snore? I found this out this Christmas. Actually, it was the solstice. It was December 22.

      It took her 3 tries to tell us when she found out this tidbit of boring ass information. I’ve been chuckling about this because who writes like this other than children??? Lol

    3. Anonymous 5:57. Jenna is juvenile. It’s reflected in her rotten writing. She’s also not either funny or witty, despite her obsessive love of comedy.

    4. She's definitely one of those writers who privileges the "first draft" and doesn't realize that, like, 90% of writing well is editing your crap first draft. I'd love to sit down with her over a cup of coffee, show her some first drafts and then some final drafts, and help her understand that "first thought NOT best thought".

    5. QMTA, I'd love to be proven wrong by having her share a first draft and a final draft and see how different they are. That could be a fascinating blog post about her writing process.

    6. I don’t know what QMTA means in this context. I’ve even looked it up. I’d appreciate an answer. Thanks.

    7. "Quoting myself to add"

    8. Thanks for your answer about the acronym. I’ve learned something new. And I agree with what you wrote about her writing, too. Jenna doesn’t take time to either edit, or polish her purple prose.

    9. Pretty sure she doesn't have a 'process'. It's a repetitive stream of consciousness. I doubt she even reads it over before she hits post let alone edits.

  14. If Wog thinks that being silent on IG and X will push readers to her Substack, she is wrong. Her writing is not that compelling.

    1. SFF. Nothing about her lie-style is “compelling.”

  15. The “scrappy little lesbian” broke her X silence to brag about getting another stupid subscriber to her “Shitstack” crap. Wow. A whopping 8 bucks. “Boy, howdy!!!”

    “Came for the soaps, stayed for … the falcon, Mona, the dragon. Subscribed!”

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindDecember 28, 2023 at 8:29 AM

      It's Forever & Always only about HER.

    2. PDD. I’m sure that’s why Shannon dumped her two years ago. It must’ve been insufferable tolerating Jenna’s crap. I’m surprised that she lasted that long, but the blame can be partially placed on Covid.

  16. The slacker has now gone another three days without a shitstack. I am betting now that for the “I’ll give it another month” effort she announced on Christmas, she will space them out as much as possible, then declare defeat and shut it down because “it’s not worth my time”.
    Woe is those who paid for a year.

    1. Jenna has done this many times before with other ventures. Her “Shitstack” won’t last long, because her rotten writing has nothing of merit to offer.

  17. I think that Jenna is gearing up for a big beg soon. Since she hasn’t posted anything new on X since the 21st.

    1. I think she already knows she will stop the shitstack endeavor in a month. I bet you are right. Probably thinking up what the next “work from home” -avoid a real job at all cost-scam will be.

    2. She's tiptoeing around IG with re-posts. Nothing original. She wastes so much time looking for content to appropriate. I wager she will pocket the next substack payment and shut it down the following day.

    3. SFF. Her non-tent is bland and boring. Just like Jenna’s “dumb small life.” She’s already not honoring her promises to “post at a minimum of three times a week.”

    4. Anonymous 6:19. Jenna can always post pics of her fat feet for fetish freaks.

    5. She's been pretty quiet lately. Perhaps she received some money as an Xmas gift?

  18. Instead of fulfilling her commitment to her Substack readers she’s doing a year in review on IG because - you know - priorities.

    1. Yeah that was painful and a complete waste of time. I’ll sum it up for those who want to keep their brain cells intact.

      Jenna has a bajillion stories on IG about the media she absorbed this year. She tells us what she liked on Netflix. She tells us what podcasts she liked. She tells us what shows and movies she watched in other streaming services. She tells us the music she liked. She went to the Eras tour and it was worth it!

      Jenna’s playful and relaxed now that her mortgage is paid… why rush to write more sucstack material? She can always repost something that was free a week ago amiright????

    2. A Legend in Her Own MindDecember 29, 2023 at 6:16 PM

      Wog is one f'd-up person. And it's Dyatlov Pass, idiot!

    3. Stupid shit like this is why hardly anyone is signing up to see what she has to say. People have their own likes/opinions on entertainment....so why would they want to read about hers?

      What they want is for her to write about her so-called farm. They want to read about her animals, what she's growing, her homesteading adventures. Not Taylor Swift and whatever she's been binging.

    4. No one cares about the opinions of a lying, lazy loser like Jenna.

    5. https://www.instagram.com/coldantlerjenna/p/C1c7rDQOp9o/?img_index=1

      I never knew that Jenna has so many ugly moles on her fake fat face. And her smug smirk needs lip balm. Damn, she’s looking chunky in the first photo.

  19. Wonder if the Pig Shocker has any New Year's resolutions? Like maybe getting a job. One thing she'll be doing at midnight is singing her own version of Auld Lang Syne:

    Should old unpaid bills be forgot,
    and never brought to mind?
    Should all soap orders be forgot,
    and just sell extra swine?

  20. Jenna is still staying silent on X. Except to repost stupid crap as always. “Hoo!!!”

  21. Winter officially started on the 21st, but you wouldn’t know it by the weather. It’s been warm enough for shirt sleeves and constantly raining, making it feel more like an apocalyptic spring than a winter wonderland. Third year in a row I haunted this wet-fog of a week like the spirit of Christmas Past.

    But inside the house things were warm and Yuletide festivities commenced in earnest. It was just me, but there was roast meat and gravy, spiced stuffing, mashed potatoes and sparkling cranberry cider. There was cake and cookies, comfort movies with the hawk on my fist, and lots of sleep. When it’s warm enough that no pipes will freeze if the fire goes out; I sleep like a bear*.

    This week—these days between Christmas and New Years—feels like the weather right now; like a hallway, like the book-end staircases in your old high school - a solid and unchanging transition. And like a cement staircase in a public school, I’m not going anywhere.

    It’s been days of work and errands. Then it’s been days of long hours driving around, looking for a juvenile red tail hawk for my apprentice (no luck yet and we’ve only got a month left to find her one). I’ve been either farming, working, or trapping birds because I’m trying to take advantage of the warm weather. And today I could be trapping in the rain, or slamming t-posts into the ground for a lamb pen, or reworking the horse fence wiring….but I am not, because those things don’t need to happen today. Today I rot.

    Updates on the Animals
    Thank you for the kind words about Cyrus. As of right now he is still recovering but hasn’t been inside for four nights in a row. He has been waddling around the farm with his flock mates, and eating and drinking just fine. I hope he fully recovers. I hope he heals and is honking and running around the farm with wings open and webbed feet clawing, but it’s unclear. His neck is still torqued, but I figure if I can’t catch him anymore without running and collies he is on the mend.

    The sheep, horses, and goat are all enjoying this muddy sprawl of weather. I am going through so much hay, both to fatten the lambs for the butcher and to help my old man Merlin keep meat on his bones. The pigs go through a lot of hay, too. The five of them go through at least a bale a day that either gets turned into their bedding nest or eaten as a snack. Omnivores are gonna omnivore.

    The chickens seem to need a respite from wet feathers and hypothermic days. They spend a lot of time on the deck now, like in the picture above. They go there to enjoy the view from Pride Rock and to preen and fluff in a space free of mud splatter and puddles. In the summer I shoo them off, but not now. I understand the need to preen.

    The dogs are muddy, but well. The cats are now a trio of terror, and sometimes Angus and Bo run around playing so hard it sounds like I have a college frat living upstairs. So far the only scuffles have resulted in a scratched nose and some ear hair missing, which for three cats in a small house sounds pretty standard.

  22. Updates on Me
    No big news. No big updates.

    2023 has been so sad and hard. It’s also been tender and honest and vulnerable. There’s been heartbreak and healing, loss and growth, isolation and acceptance. There’s also been religious community, new friends, hard work and celebration.

    There’s been home repairs and farm improvements. There’s been foreclosure scares and anxiety attacks. There’s been days crying over regrets I can’t change and days laughing at how lucky I am just to be alive, here, now.

    There’s also been long summer afternoons casting to trout and looking up at hawks when their shadow’s pass. There’s been mornings waking up next to beautiful women, and nights staying up till dawn talking and not talking. There’s been professional strides, more publications with interest in my work, this substack, and mostly, there’s been the blessed relief of making it another year.

    Maybe next year will be better, but even among the hardest two years of my life, it has been beautiful. I will take whatever 2024 brings, but I hope it brings softness and warmth. I hope it brings more prosperity and less fear. I hope my ankle heals. I hope my heart does, too.

    But I’ll take what I can get.
    And I’ll deal with whatever happens, regardless.

    Just not today.

    1. Thanks for taking time to post her latest drivel and blatant lying.

  23. There ya go. I'm taking one for the team.

    1. Thank you! I absolutely hate “vague posting” and it is loud and clear that that’s what Jenna does even when she’s charging $$ for her writing. 2023 was so hard— but I’m not going to tell you why. Ok then don’t say anything!!!

    2. The vague posting I believe is her way of phoning in a post four days after her last one, just to act like she is still giving the shitstack its due attention.
      Someone let her know she forgot to proofread and edit! lol.
      And much thanks to the shamster who took one for the team and posted this non-update.

    3. Jenna’s not “waking up to beautiful women.” What a crock of crap.

    4. The only ones “next” to her skanky skin are the dogs.

    5. Thank you for taking one for the team. Now wash out your eye sockets!

  24. Just when you thought it was safe, a Shamster coughs up this week's hairball from Wog 🤣🤣.

    "Vague posting"...an excellent description of what the faux farmer offers her readers: hyperbole, lies, obfuscation and 💩💩💩.

    Plus, she's so incompetent at feeding, her animals use $$$ hay as their bedding. Such a maroon.

    1. Jenna is delusional to think that anyone would buy her bull now. Especially, the part about “waking up next to beautiful women.” When it’s very obvious that she hasn’t even been dating for a long time, otherwise she’d be bragging about it, and is still single for a reason. Normal people wouldn’t want an ugly, obese and stinky, arrogant, abrasive asshole who has a rotten reputation.

      The fact that she’s also an animal abusing beggar, a pathological liar, and sociopathic scammer, makes her someone to assiduously avoid. She doesn’t ever “deal” with reality. “Just not today.”

    2. I fully believe she is waking up next to beautiful women. On her IG she posted a pic of her laptop with TS laying down on the screen and Jenna put a blanket over the laptop so it looked like TS was sleeping. Jenna probably does this with random celebs therefore she really is waking up with beautiful women!

      In all seriousness she bitched all year how she couldn’t find anyone and her dating life was nothing etc. she had a quick Adirondack hook up that lasted a hot minute and never heard of again.

      I wish one of these beautiful women would come spill the scoop!!!!😂

    3. Anon 10:53 am, 💯💯💯

      Anyone else pick up on those uber-creepy stalker vibes?

      That image of laptop-TS "lying" on her side, with a blanket partially tossed over her was weird af.

    4. The thing that makes me laugh is that she posts pics of TS with other women (many of whom are straight) ergo TS is gay. How about some pics of PDA’s with her live in boyfriend? They’re all over the internet, babe.

    5. Anon 10:53 & PDD. I wrote the comment above at 10:26. I hadn’t heard about the Taylor Swift ick pics on Jenna’s Instagram until now. That makes her cyberstalking even creepier than before. There’s no way that multiple “beautiful women” are even dating her. Let alone having hot “all night lesbian sex,” “talking and not talking.”

    6. "this week's hairball" - heh heh

      And can totally see the TS things happening.

  25. Ugh. “…and nights staying up till dawn talking and not talking.” What a rotten writer she’s become. This stupid sentence should’ve been reworded to say something different for variety. Jenna can’t be bothered to either edit, or polish her purple prose.

    1. She is subtly implying she had hot lesbian sex. But no further details of course, which is funny since she promised that her Shitstack would be soooo juicy, you'd be wringing out your iPad. Lol.

  26. Hey Jenna, how about you pick one topic per post and write a complete and polished essay instead of spewing every random thought as it occurs to you. Clearly you have never heard the expression 'less is more'.

    1. SFF. Jenna believes that all of her mindless drivel is worth writing about in her “dumb small life.”

  27. Literally LOLed at her “waking up next to beautiful womEn “ line. Bahahaha. Now come on, Wog. All summer you’ve blabbed on and on about how you couldn’t even get a date and the one woman that sort of was going to maybe date you, ditched ya. But ok, sure Jen, you woke up to multiple beautiful women.
    The only way that’s true is if you left your streaming on while you slept, and you woke up to whatever beautiful woman was on the screen. Mmmkay?
    Sometimes you can’t even lie. It’s so bad it can’t even pass as a lie.

    1. Exactly. Our comments above have said the same thing.

    2. I don't believe it either. How does she benefit from making shit up?

    3. Anon7. I think that Jenna is trying to come across as being desirable. When the antithesis is true.

  28. "Then it’s been days of long hours driving around, looking for a juvenile red tail hawk for my apprentice."

    I thought she said she NEVER leaves the fauxrm unless she absolutely has to? And at who's expense? Is she putting car wear 'n tear and wasting gas money on these hours-long excursions? If she is the mentor, I would think that she would be the one driving, while the apprentice looks out for the hawk, yes?

    1. Wog will waste time on doing everything but supporting herself.

  29. I also think it's odd that this is all she had to say about these animals:

    "The sheep, horses, and goat are all enjoying this muddy sprawl of weather."

    That's it? No elaboration at all? But she then goes on to write 10 sentences about HERSELF. And of course mentioning mortgage foreclosure, anxiety, crying, regrets, heartbreak, loss, isolation, and how everything is so sad and hard.

    That right there shows you the true aim and priority of her words: To illicit sympathy and pity donations. And that is why she had so little to say about the animals, effectively cramming the sheep, horses, and goats into one tiny sentence. Pathetic.

    1. Anon7. It’s always all about Jenna. What she wants are free funds from followers.

  30. And on Instasham she made a "2023 Review" post in which she writes, "The last ride on Merlin"

    Really? What is wrong with him? And anyway, I think she is full of shit, as you know she will ride him again if she meets another girl next summer who wants to go for horsey rides.

    1. She's planning his demise, I'm sure. She responded to a question about his health by writing "He's in his 30s now, ready to retire "

      She's such a liar. She knows his correct age (in his 20s), but makes him seem older to justify his neglect.

      She remains a giant turd.

    2. PDD. I also noticed her lie about his age.

  31. Instagram Sham (jeannieisaacs)

    “All so beautiful and full of goodness, bless you, Jenna, bless your farm and animals and all you care about and do.”

    This poor, deluded old lady keeps trying to get Jenna’s attention with her groveling. But Wog won’t even acknowledge her posts with a “like.” That’s because the cunt has no common courtesy. Bet she’d respond to “beautiful women” who are “pretty brunettes” like Shannon was.

    1. Jenna has ignored kind comments for years. She can’t take a moment to acknowledge them. I find that strange, because she’s losing potential subscribers due to her rudeness.

    2. Such goodness and beauty at Dead Animal Farm. /s.

      On IG, she plays gentle music as her tethered hawk flies to her glove and rips into head of a baby chick. Thankfully, it appears the chick was already dead, but I guess we see why her chick mortality rate is 50%.

      As a person who grew up in the country and was always around hunters and farmers, I don't know anyone who takes glee at animal deaths. I wouldn't let her anywhere near animals.

    3. And, by the way, the music she plays while the hawk rips into the head of the dead chick is from The Godfather, the well-known story of cyclic violence.

    4. AFAIK, that's frozen chick she purchased, and that's always been most of what her hawks have eaten, frozen chicks she bought for them. I've only heard of the hawks hunting successfully a few times.

    5. Anon, previously, she posted that she bought frozen quail for her hawks, but chicks must be cheaper. You're correct, though - her vanity-project hawks have rarely successfully hunted with her.

  32. I’m going to get a little serious here about Jenna on this NYE. It looks like to me, that Jenna has backed herself into a corner and has no idea how to get out of it. For some reason, she insists on using the formula that made her “successful” 15 years ago today. Other bloggers shot past her her by keeping up with the industry and staying in touch with what makes them money. There are people out there who had less popularity and fewer books published than she did who are making money off of their social media. If Jenna doesn’t want to do Tik Tok’s and all that nonsense, I cannot blame her but then she needs another plan. Instead she doubles down on writing what are essentially terrible blog posts with no depth, or substance, and wants $8 a month for it.

    Jenna was really happy to go to the TS concert. She hasn't stopped talking about it since. The thing is, as a single 40 plus year old individual with no kids, that experience could be one of many throughout a year. Instead she insists on living a life that she can’t support and complains about.

    I know she likes to periodically trot out her “I’m so happy, living the life of my dreams” stuff, she more often than not is complaining and sad about her life. If at the end of every year, you are saying how hard the previous year was, you may want to look at how YOU can change it. She is literally in a position to make any change she wants but she keeps on choosing misery.

    It’s actually pretty fascinating how she tells two stories. Living like fiction?

    *no one wants to date me\woke up next to beautiful women!

    *foreclosure, late payments, can’t pay for feed \ TS concert + merchandise, house repairs, new kitten, subscriptions

    *life is really bleak/ farm’s in the best shape it’s ever been!!

    1. That was well-put. Unfortunately, Jenna is her own worst enemy, but she’s too stubborn and stupid to see it. She appears to be incapable of making mature adult decisions in her lie-style. If even Shannon couldn’t get her to change, I don’t know if anyone can.

    2. This was spot-on, and impressive in its accuracy:

      “It looks like to me, that Jenna has backed herself into a corner and has no idea how to get out of it. For some reason, she insists on using the formula that made her “successful” 15 years ago today. Other bloggers shot past her her by keeping up with the industry and staying in touch with what makes them money.”

    3. Additionally, Jenna has always lived way beyond her means. Yet she still expects others to pay for her “Live like fiction” fantasy.

  33. You have hit the nail on the head in how she contradicts herself, often in the same post. It makes me question her cognitive abilities. Its hard to say if it stems from substance abuse, depression or possibly a head injury - not trying to be funny here. Could she have hit her head when she fell off the porch injuring her ankle and be suffering from an untreated concussion? Her Healthcare seems sporadic.

    1. SFF. Jenna’s “cognitive abilities” have been drastically declining for years. I think that she has a serious personality disorder, defective character, and substance abuse addictions.

    2. It’s been brought up before that Jenna also might have Oppositional Defiant Disorder as an adult.

    3. As many have commented, ODD seems a given but I wonder if there is more to it. It doesn't appear that she has caring people around her to notice a change in her health and behavior. What a terrible mess she had made of things.

    4. SFF. Maybe a “hit to her head” would knock some sense in her. Nothing else seems like it’s working out. What a wasted life.

    5. What a wasted life, with the start of a new 2024. she has been stuck for years.
      Does anybody think she will rehome the animals this year?

    6. Not a chance will she do the right thing and re-home the animals. She needs the photo ops to give her sad life some cred.

    7. Her hoard of livestock are pet props for pics.

  34. 2024 and it’s nothing new. The bitch is back to reposting her stupid “Shitstack” crap. Jenna tries to push people into making a pity purchase. Maybe “Rachel Keane” needs to support her.

  35. We have another post!
    July 30th 2023
    Sunday. 70°and Sunny, after a thunderstorm
    Stream perfect. World is perfect
    5PM-6:30PM My Mountain
    Jackson, NY

    She’s walking beside me down my mountain road, fly rods in our hands. The air is cool, almost crisp. It was so humid before but the break from a passing storm felt like meteorological time travel. Everything is fresh. The air is caffeinated. My body is weightless. We are going fishing before dinner.

    It was peak summer yesterday, so humid that when I walked out of a cold shower, I instantly broke out into a sweat again. It was the kind of weather that sends water dripping down your face while sitting still. But after that storm it feels like we are standing squarely in early fall, both by the aging of the daylight and dropping temperatures.

    It’s properly Lughnasadh, and I am walking beside the woman I am probably falling in love with. I know that isn’t wise, and I know it’s too soon to either expect or hope for a summer romance to turn into an actual commitment, but I have dated people for far longer with much less magic than this. It’s been a few month now, and the more I get to know her, the more I am impressed and endeared. I don’t think my feet touched the ground the entire stroll to my mountain’s stream.

    When I look over and see a loose strand of her coyote-brown mane slip from under her ball cap, I quietly blow a puff of air from my nostrils and inhale sharply. I want to reach out and tuck it back. I want to stop, slide my rough hands behind her small waist, pull her towards me and kiss her right in the middle of the road. Instead, I tell her whomever finds and hooks a trout first has to kiss the other girl. She nods and grins in agreement.

    We are only walking a few minutes longer when we turn into the woods along the road and walk beside the winding stream that runs through my farm and down the mountain towards the Battenkill. It’s nearing dusk, after 5PM. We are both tired and in a lavender haze brought on by little sleep and the best sex of my life, morning and night. And here we were, getting ready to find wild brook trout a short walk from my own backyard.

    Within moments of sliding into the forest the road disappears. The mountain stream cuts along steep sections and rambles through the gentle woods. We are navigating through dappled sunlight, searching for pockets in the stream about two-feet deep with lots of running water. You come across them every couple of yards, and the best ones are the ones that have deep pools under small drops with tiny waterfalls.

  36. We cast into them with our flies and nothing happens at first. We are in a shallow section, and even places where fish nosed at my fly earlier that week are now depleted. It could not matter less. I am outside on a Sunday evening in perfect weather that feels like change and hope. I am watching a strong, intelligent, and ethical angler think through the stream, casting her nymph into pockets and her eyes stare and pray the same way mine do.

    Soon I get my first bite. A small brook trout slips out from behind a rock and rises to my cricket fly. It’s one the guys at Orvis suggested when I was there yesterday to pick up some leaders and tippet. Their word is good. I light up at the strike. I do not hook the fish, but they’re here. They are alive and hungry and so am I.

    Soon we arrive at some culverts. They are the deepest, most aerated pools and I knew the largest brookies would be there. She casts and gets a bite! I want her to land one of the “Berthas” which is what I named the biggest trout on the mountain I have seen over the last few days. Big Bertha and Bertha II, This Time It’s Personal, is what I call them. It shocked me, how hearty a trout it was for a mountain stream so small that in most sections, I can step over it.

    When my turn comes I cast. Soon my cricket gets snapped up by a good-sized trout. I set the hook and pull it out, yelling with glee “NET NET NETTTT!!!”, and she scrambles to clutch her net hanging from the back of her fishing vest. In the chaos of two excited lesbians trying to coordinate lines and rods and nets, the fish slips off hook and falls back into the water. We both crack up laughing.

    I exclaim with joy, because not only did this woman see that I am actually capable of catching fish, she’s also partially responsible for not landing it. And since every single fishing date we’ve been on ended with her catching fish and me totally skunked, I was just relieved she saw I could catch a fish at all.

    At this point I don’t think I am capable of being more happy in this human life. I am levitating with this crush. I am catching wild brook trout on the same mountain road I drove Merlin’s horse carts and started training for a half marathon on. I think of all the women I have been before I could become myself and look up at the tree canopy, close my eyes, and thank whatever got me to this moment. It is summer and I am going to live forever.

    We walk a few more paces down the road, hitting other culverts and neighbors stop by while driving home to chat. We change our flies out and start to head back, thinking enough time had passed. Perhaps with some new bribery we could possibly have a second chance at a Bertha.

    When we pass the place I lost the trout, she insists I get the first try for redemption. I have on a fairly large nymph now, it’s a size 12 hook and a grayish purple with a brass bead head and I have a gut feeling it’s tempting and different enough to land a fish if one is still interested in take-out tonight.

  37. I cast and hook the same trout from before. I do not fuck around, I pull it directly out and into my net with a reckless speed and am so happy I do an endzone dance. But I am also me, a stout little badger of a woman and nearly trip over my own chacos and I watch her eyes grow wide as I look like I am about to splat on the pavement in my ridiculous celebration. Somehow, my body does that thing where without thinking your limbs perfectly react and I land on my feet in a miraculous display of saving face. I throw up two fists in the air, telling the whole mountain, “REFLEXES OF A JUNGLE CAT!” and while that is decidedly a lie, in the moment I feel amazing.

    I am ethereal from too much sex and too little sleep. I redeemed myself, and the girl I want to kiss so bad I have to squeeze my hands into fists or they shake, saw it all. She is bent over laughing. God, I wish you could hear her laugh. It’s like creek water and sunlight. It’s like a warm hoodie wrapped around you by a campfire. It’s like sparklers on the 4th of July and I realize this has been the best day of my life.

    I tell her how grateful I am that she is here and a part of it. I want her to know the joy I felt because of her and this day. Behind her green eyes, I see a new type of warmth, a dropping of her guard, just a little. She’s recently gotten out of a divorce. She’s been kind and amazing, but protective of her heart and in that moment I notice the first crack of light, the kind that’s powerful enough to reach shipwrecks and the backs of cave walls.

    I kiss her, because I can’t help it. And because a deal is a deal, I caught the first fish. She kisses me back and it might be the moment I know I’m in love, but I need to keep it a secret until she feels the same way, if she ever does. But honestly, it doesn't matter, because I have her today. I have her all night. And for the next couple of hours we can eat and laugh and enjoy the experience of each other on a beautiful summer evening.

    Inside my chest, something hollow and sad is flushed out clean with stream water and the tail-whip flick of a trout. Maybe this is love? Maybe this is hope?

    For the first time in years I feel excited about the future and not afraid of it. I don’t have to eat or breathe or drink a sip of water. I’m so content I am practically vibrating. I take her hand, and in the act I forget the woman that left me winters before, and the unrequited heartbreak of the last year. The hole in my heart is filled with how her lips taste, and the orange burst of a brook trout’s fins, and the light of a summer forest, and I am carrying the ancient hope Sappho wrote about.

    Even if it isn’t real, it is mine today.

    1. Lol, only two posts last week, and the first post for this week is a CUH (coughed-up hairball).

      I'll bet the people who paid for a year are thrilled that she's already broken her promise of three essays per week (3 times!). And we're only 55-elapsed days into this mess! 🤣

    2. “Sure, Jen.” This is the same dame who broke up with Wog this summer.

    3. Her fantasy lie-style has made Jenna delusional. I don’t buy her bull. When it’s obvious that the romance has ended.

    4. She still can’t say Shannon’s name out of respect for their relationship: “the woman that left me winters before.” What a repellent cunt.

    5. Here’s her stupid subtext:
      “Look at me!!! I’m bragging about having hot, all night lesbian sex again. Even though it’s just a fantasy. I’m not really a lying, lazy loser who has failed at supporting myself like a normal adult. Are your keyboards wringing wet yet? Hoo!!!”

    6. This overwrought and written, purple prose post almost made me lose my lunch.

    7. Anonymous 9:16. Edit: last summer

    8. “God, I wish you could hear her laugh. It’s like creek water and sunlight. It’s like a warm hoodie wrapped around you by a campfire. It’s like sparklers on the 4th of July and I realize this has been the best day of my life.”

      Yeah, right. Jenna acts as if she’s 14 not 41. I’ll bet that the woman ran far away from Wog’s smug smirk and fake fat face. No one wants to kiss an ugly, obese, stinky loser who has crooked, rotted teeth, too.

    9. You also just know that Jenna’s breath would be bad. Along with her horrid hygiene.

    10. I'm confused about her "unrequited heartbreak" statement. It doesn't really make sense because unrequited means one-sided. Unless she is saying that only she was hurt by the breakup? Nothing makes sense with her.

    11. Anon7 10:44: I wondered about that phrase too (unrequited heartbreak) doesn't make sense to me, but I find that's the way it is with a lot of her writing. Sometimes I don't know if it's a typo or lack of editing/proofreading, or if it's what she meant to write!

  38. “Coyote-brown mane”. 🥴

    There will be wet iPads alright. Wet with tears that people wasted 8 bucks on this!

    1. Don’t forget that the filthy feral failure also considers herself to be a coyote!

    2. We wouldn’t subscribe to her rotten writing for free.

    3. The fact that she feels the need to announce that she got laid tells you how rarely it happens.

    4. SFF. Exactly. Those who are actually having sex need not be bragging about doing it. Parts of her post read like a bodice ripper novel that’s written by a man.

    5. I thought the same thing. If a man wrote this about a woman… it would be red flags galore and creepy. Also, super confused (as usual) by her writing. These two are having the best sex of Jenna’s life, but she’s tentative to kiss or touch this woman on their walk. Then she blurts out some stupid “first one to do x has to kiss the other” thing which doesn’t really sound like two people who have been having non stop all night best sex. It sounds awkward and uncertain.

      I was also confused how Jenna almost fell on “pavement” when they were catching trout in the mountains.

    6. Anonymous 10:26. I wrote the bodice ripper comment. I think that this feminist fantasy is all in her mind. Jenna always comes across as “creepy” when she writes about any sexual scenarios. She is “awkward and uncertain,” because it’s a bunch of bull.

    7. Edit: Anonymous 10:36 not 26.

    8. My iPad's wet from hurling it into the toilet after reading that vomit-inducing fantasy.

  39. I don't really believe her fictional account, but if the woman she'd been 'courting all summer' actually visited Pig Shocker's hovel, that would have been enough to make her run for the hills.

    Only a person forced to stay because of a global pandemic would tolerate filthy walls, hawk scat, animal piss, dirty furniture and nails sticking up from the floor. Or perhaps 'summer fling' realized the only improvements to that falling-down property and largely-neglected animals were handled by OTHER people, and that Wog really wanted unpaid help (or paying help) with benefits.

    I'm sure when Wog turned her slightly-crossed, beady eyes in summer-fling's direction, she knew it was time to book!

    Btw, before this latest CUH, Wog described her lovelife like this: "Can’t say I’ve been lucky in that department so far. The woman I’d been courting all summer ended it last week. It caught me by surprise, though looking back it shouldn’t have."

    No, Wog, you shouldn't be surprised when another person isn’t into you. That you are surprised says a lot about your lack of social awareness and your disinterest in anyone else. For 2024, try thinking of others. It might do you some good. Oh, and re-home the animals; they deserve better.

    1. PDD. The crap post was definitely a “CUH.” Jenna is disingenuous to imply that this summer romance is currently happening. When the woman dumped her months ago. Her whole life is lies.

    2. Anon, her Sh$%Stack post was a "River Diary" from July 30th. If Wog's "Grow Up" post of Aug 30 was truthful, 'summer fling' broke up with Wog about three weeks after Wog filled the hole in her heart with her tasty lips and brookie fins.

      Lol, the only truthful part of the July 30th River Diary was when Pig Shocker wrote: "Even if it isn't real, it is mine today."

    3. PDD. That figures. I hadn’t realized the post’s date. Her last lame line was the truth as expected.

    4. It’s also dumb to date someone who’s recently divorced. Jenna is too desperate to care that a rebound romance will almost always fail.

    5. I don't believe it either. Like PDD noted, it seems like fiction. In fact, I counted just how often Jenna mentioned herself vs her girl:

      Times she wrote "I" - 83
      Times she wrote "she/her" - 17

      That chick is a work of fiction and Jenna is in love with herself.

  40. lol

    Tasty lips and brookie fins is giving me the giggles!!!

    1. No kidding. It’s the worst of her crazy word salads.

    2. Jenna always fails at sounding sexy. It’s stupid instead.

  41. I don't check the Pig Shocker's Twitter every day, but it shows that the last time she begged for sales was Dec. 21st. Is that correct? Has she really gone more than 10 days without a sales pitch on that platform? Shh-shh-shh-shocking!!

    1. Yeah, I’ve also commented about that above. I think that she’s been staying strangely silent, because Jenna is gearing up for a big beg.

    2. Jenna also has very little news in her “dumb small life” to brag about in posts.

  42. she framed the story as her “return” to dating, but IIRC she started talking about dating again almost as soon as SD left.

    1. in fact, i have a collection of screenshots, and i see one dating ad from january of 2020, and the next is in december of 2021, so immediately before meeting SD and immediately after SD leaving.

    2. It’s a good idea to save screenshots as pics of proof.

    3. That’s why we’ve made a backup copy of her entire old blog for our records.

    4. A Legend in Her Own MindJanuary 2, 2024 at 6:41 AM

      Anon 6:06 am, Brava!!! Facts Matter.

    5. PDD. Exactly. We’ve kept a copy just to “fact” check for the future.

  43. I live in a big city with a large gay population, but have never heard of a lesbian bringing up Sappho hope. I think the whole thing is made up. Poor JW. Maybe if she did spend some time around lesbians in a big city, she would ditch that awful Australian bush hat and icky brown jacket and update herself so she doesn’t appear to be a hayseed from a backwater region who doesn’t get out much.

    1. Your accurate description of her awful appearance made me laugh. Jenna has never had a sense of style.

  44. Her small life has gone from ridiculous to dismal to absolutely pathetic. Who writes this kind of cringeworthy drivel and expects to be paid for it? She sounds certifiably crazy. The wheels appear to be coming off the wagon.

    1. If she spent some money on a decent wardrobe rather than TS crap she might garner some interest on dating sites. Mind you she would have to wash her hair and dial down the crazy.

    2. Unfortunately, she can’t “dial down the crazy,” because Jenna is a dysfunctional, addicted to multiple substances, mentally ill moron who refuses to change.

  45. HD. New post please? Thanks!

  46. Instagram Sham: https://www.instagram.com/coldantlerjenna/p/C1j4QubO0gr/

    “Three years sober today. Giving up drinking was the best choice I’ve made. To anyone struggling, trying, in denial or fear, you can do this.

    Picture is from the first year I quit, that’s Ellie a kestrel from the before times. That hoodie is also faded, but I no longer am.”

    Right. “Sure, Jen.” That’s why you still behave like a “dry drunk.” We’ve also seen you around town drinking regular beer. Since you’ve “supposedly stayed sober.”

    1. This is one of her ridiculous rebuttals to our critical comments. “Hoo!!!”

  47. Do yourself a favor and do NOT click on her IGstories video that shows a notebook. I did because the numbers made no sense and ong. Her absolutely nauseating, arrogant, grating voice just about made me spit my coffee. Trust me, you want that as much as you want a case of the Christmas covid. Gross. I have no doubt that if that’s how she is in person and is not just ramping the yuck up for shock value on IG, it’s the answer to the why on her lack of dates conundrum.

    1. I agree about her horrid voice being “absolutely nauseating, arrogant, grating.” And we’ve met her before in person. Jenna is way worse in real life. What did you mean about the numbers? I can’t bring myself to look at her stupid stories. Thanks.

    2. She had a notepad with some nonsensical numbers on it. Turns out it’s her “annual sun salutations “ calendar if you listen to her narrating the “story”. Don’t. 🤣🤣

    3. Anonymous 9:13. Thanks for answering my question. I appreciate it. I can’t cope with hearing her voice.


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