
Sometimes I think about a particular person and how their life has or is impacting others around them.  Nearly everyone I've encountered has made a significant difference by being here and contributing one way or another.
Then I think of Jenna.  What has she contributed?  What or who is better off because of her?


  1. Honestly, it doesn't seem like she has positively impacted anyone around her in a major way. Perhaps she's done small things, like gift some eggs or maybe gifted a pet portrait, but nothing substantial or she would have bragged about it.

    And it seems like she just burns thru friendships with her constant neediness. For certain she alienated Jon Katz and his wife. Seems like all she did was take and take, giving nothing in return. By her own account, he was the first one she called when in trouble. He answered her alarm bells for a bit, helped her for awhile, and then shut that shit right down.

    And Patty...for a long while it seemed she was Jenna's biggest supporter and enabler. They were always doing things together. Partners in crime. But lately we hardly hear anything about Patty. Perhaps she grew tired of Jenna's neediness too? I don't know about Patty, but it disgusts me that Jenna never once mentioned Patty's son Ryan on her Twitter. Never re-tweeted those calls for people to send Ryan greeting cards or the GoFundMe for his disabled van ramp.

    Not to mention a plethora of friends once mentioned in her past bleg posts, never to be spoken of again. She wrote so much about people coming over to her fauxrm to help her build and repair stuff. But where are these "good friends" now? *crickets*

    And her town...the town she touts as the best town ever...yet it's a town that makes her feel scared and unsafe? She doesn't seem to contribute to her little town either. Never has any stories to tell about community events she's volunteered at. She is on no committees, and has only tweeted about the bookstore, and of course, her brewery. That's it. That's her contribution.

    And is anyone or any animal better off for knowing her? Fuuuuuuuuucccck no!

    1. Anon7. That was well-put. Jenna contributes nothing of merit to her community. She’s a shameless user and taker. It’s no wonder why locals loathe her. I’m speaking from the personal experience of having lived in Cambridge for years.

  2. Que “terrified and wide awake at 3:00am” begathon. Guess not enough money coming in. JW could easily solve her terror by acting like a responsible adult and getting a job that pays enough to cover the bills of running a house and animals. Apparently that’s not an option, since that would take away time from fishing and laying in the hammock. She also expects customers to do all the work and email her at dogsinourparks. Why no phone number? Any legitimate business has a phone number, even if it’s an 800 number. Oh I get it. Too many people would call wanting to know where their orders are. Terrified Jenna? Good.

    1. “Anyone else feel terrified and wide awake starting at 3Am ?”

      Her patterns are predictable. Once you start to see them. It’s more manipulative marketing from the con cunt.

    2. She’s trying again, to elicit empathy from followers by using trigger words like “terrified.” Jenna’s deliberately attempting to get kind people to send her money for nothing but bull.

    3. Her stupid statement has received zero replies. We’re not “terrified and wide awake” during the night due to living beyond our means. Fortunately, we have ample amounts of savings that were accrued over decades of working, not from being a beggar and scammer like Jenna.

  3. I left X for the most part and don’t see our Feral Farmer’s daily begs. But this am on Insta she posted:
    Big announcement coming later today, if any of you have been following my life online or through my books, things are about to drastically change. Details later tonight.

    Posted with old picture of her riding away on Merlin with a hawk on her arm.

    Bets? Hopes? Cynical observations?

    Anon in GA

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindNovember 9, 2023 at 5:40 AM

      She probably bought another hawk for beggar show-and-tell.

      She sure as hell hasn't taken on an actual job to pay her bills. I'll tell you that for free.

    2. The best thing for her to do would be to sell “this” faux farm. But Jenna is too attached to her artificial image.

    3. It’s probably more stupid click bait for her riveting non-tent. “I’m moving my plant again. Hoo!!!”

    4. Oh, what could this drastic change be? Her underwear? Pet portrait sale?

    5. Selling her TS merch to cover bills?

    6. The attention whore needs a new hook for holiday donations.

    7. Just saw that. First thoughts:
      -click bait for something trivial
      - she caught a hawk
      - she is selling the horses- or making a threat to, in order to bump up pity donations
      -she caught a “getchoo a girl who” and will introduce her upcoming contributions to “this farm”. Lol nope. Scratch that.

    8. On IG stories (aside from a literal vomit of pop culture and more TS is gay content) she posted the “life changing announcement coming tonight “ clickbait also, but with a video of sheep. Assuming her sheep. So maybe she is rehoming the sheep.
      One thing is for sure, she is trying to milk it, whatever it is.
      My bet is, no matter how it comes packaged- sheep, horses, hawk-it WILL be again and always, bottom line, about her needing money. A money beg. That’s my prediction.

    9. Goodness, I hope she sells the farm. One can hope.

    10. Bet: something for a fundraiser or a roommate
      Hope: I will always hope she quits pretending to farm and sells or leases her land to real homesteader types.
      Cynical observation: she is raising $ to self publish another unreadable tome.

      Anon in GA

    11. The only observation I can make, after years of watching her train wreck of a life, is that it will have something to do with money. Raising money.

    12. I agree that the news is probably about her finances. “Guys? I need more money!!!”

  4. My hope & guess is that she is selling the house & animals. She has a few out of state moves under her belt, maybe it's time for one more. People like her tend to get trapped into thinking if they move far away and start over things will be better. The problem is, your problematic self who caused all the issues is making the move. It will be the same problems in a new location.

    1. She should move back to Tennessee. Jenna has claimed that’s her favorite state.

    2. SOTM. Exactly. Jenna doesn’t get that wherever she moves her personal problems stay the same.

  5. “Here's a link to that amazing video essay, if you're wondering why the LGBTQ+ community is done with this horrific woman. What a shame she turned out to be She who must not be named, in the end?”

    Judgemental Jenna still can’t use question marks correctly. Even when they’re unnecessary.

  6. Instagram Sham:

    Stupid sycophant: “Ooooh, I so hope it is positively exciting news!!!”

    The filthy feral failure: “ME TOO”

    I find it odd that it sounds like Jenna isn’t sure that her news is good. “Rachel Keane” might know. “Boy, Howdy!!!”

    1. There is always a stupid one to egg her on.

    2. A Legend in Her Own MindNovember 9, 2023 at 9:35 AM

      Her response leads me to believe her life changing event is to ASK FOR MO MONEY from her idiot followers.

      Maybe she'll raffle off chances to stay at her faux farm. Where else could you:

      Haul water buckets by hand, whilst tripping over uncleaned piles of horse💩.

      Sleep on lavender-sprayed sheets, formerly used as dog beds;

      Eat a lunch consisting of bacon and butternut squash, covered in maple syrup and rainbow sprinkles.

      Sit on your haunches like a yeti, and talk into the night about unfair mean, mean, MEAN things written about highly successful solo women.

      Scrub hawk mews, wiping down months of bird feces and mold. Raid freezer for unused quail, squirrels and rats.

      Learn how to sell six quarters of a pig of a CSA, shaving bits here and there for "very, very local" charity donations.

      Enjoy night terrors by sleeping near a fairly crazed attention-seeker who keeps a rifle propped up against her glass sliding door.

      Chances only $25 each.

  7. “I am so excited to make this announcement. The old blog is shut down. After 20 years of sharing my writing for free; I have started a substack in hopes to save this farm doing what I do best: write.”

    We’ve called it. The lying, lazy loser is trying to get more free funds for her faux fam. Her writing is rotten, and not worth spending money for.

    1. I give it 6 months before she gets tired of it and the few subscribers she has started to drop off.

    2. *start to*

    3. Jenna won’t last long on Substack. It’s also funny how she’s gotten no positive responses on her X account.

  8. It will only last as long as it takes to lose the few people who buy her soaps. That awful photo of hairy underarm is not helping. Actually, her premise that people will use their own email is silly, what with everyone using fake emails. Trolls can use fake emails too, dear. And the only way to save your farm is to get a job and pay your bills responsibly, instead of begging on the internet.

  9. But wait, there's still X and IG. Is she going to shut those down? Not likely since she is such an attention whore. Plus where else will she beg?

    1. SFF. She has to keep her other platforms open for begging.

    2. Yes, she said she will still post on X and IG. Of course she will.

  10. A Legend in Her Own MindNovember 9, 2023 at 11:37 AM

    What a poor decision on her part. I subscribe to several Substacks, but they're done by actual writers, with worthwhile stories and essays. Unlike them, FFF counts on casual readers who drop in and then check out past materials. Her earlier posts were certainly more interesting than those from the past several years.

    My prediction: A lazy, ineffective social media wanna-be like her won't have interesting content for long. She's too undisciplined and disinterested in hard work to dedicate herself to excellence. She hopes for an influx of easy cash in the form of new subscriptions.

    And likely, the only reason she's shut down the old blog is to shamelessly steal past posts.

    What a maroon.

    1. I think the old blog holds too much evidence of all her wrongdoings. Of course she will “shut it down”. I put that in quotations because there are too many receipts in too many places.

    2. Her stupid Substack won’t last long. She’ll have a handful of sycophants who’ll subscribe at first.

    3. Yes, her small crowd of basement babies and weirdos.

  11. Starting a sub stack, I hate to break it to her, is NOT a life changing announcement.
    1. It won’t last. She never follows through.
    2. She has no quality content.
    3. Her writing is laughable at best.
    4. With her reputation, I bet the only subscribers she manages to hook will be the few old ladies (by her own description) who still send her a few dollars to write. It will not be a moneymaker for her.

    It won’t last. Start the countdown.

    1. yes, i found it hilarious that switching blog platforms is what she calls a “drastic“ change.

    2. Also have you read the first post on the sub stack? Lol. Ok, Jen. Lots of self- inflicted pats on her back. Yay her! She is the best “righter”! (Also, full of mistakes as per always).
      Brace yourselves because on this new sub stack, there will be photos of sick and dying animals, dammit!
      Also, did you not know she was a public figure? She had to remind us again. Lol.
      Oh, she says there will be snark. Gasp!

      And the biggest lol of all, she will post AT LEAST 3 times a week. Y’all shut your mouths! 🤣🤣 and she will have comments. Comments! However will she survive those with her thin skin!
      And yuck. We all could have done without the pit hair at the end. Yuck.

    3. But, has she reminded us that she is a lesbian? I can't read if I don't know that!

    4. Anonymous 12:05. Of course, Jenna mentioned being a lesbian, but didn’t say anything about Taylor Swift.

    5. Don’t worry, she said she will be talking about songs 🙄🙄🙄

  12. I'm so relieved that shit will be behind a paywall from now on

  13. She actually had the audacity to “like” her own Substack post. Nothing will “save” her faux farm now.

    “My goal is to write so good, so juicy, so passionately you can wring the sweat out of your iPad. That you can’t wait for my next post. That you also want to feel that life is still full of possibilities and hope and romance and hikes to mountain summits and equal rights for all.”

    Ugh. That was repellent. I’ll skip her “sweat.” She has horrid hygiene, and literally, stinks.

    “If you want to hate my guts and bother me, then you gotta ante up now, baby.”

    Nah, we’ll continue to “hate” her here for free. Her inappropriate usage of baby and darling drips with condescension.

    1. Jenna is beyond delusional to think that she can compete with other real writers on Substack. The cunt can’t even take time to polish her purple prose, and edit multiple mistakes. She’d make more money begging on a corner in Cambridge.

    2. Her first paid post, Rural Romance, already baited with crude words in the “read for free” portion. Real classy, Jenna. But you go ahead.

    3. It’s more like Ribald Romance. Bragging about “loving pussy” sounds like something that a drunk dude would say, “darlin.’”

    4. And a “dumb drunk dude” at that.

  14. Instagram Sham:

    “After twenty years or writing about my life publicly, I am no longer doing so. The old blog has been removed. No one can see those posts anymore. The most recent blog still remains, but will soon be archived as well.

    You guys see me out here, sharing links to my most personal and vulnerable writing to hundreds of readers for free, and then trying all month to make a living from scraps. I am so tired of the lack of dignity in forever trying to save my farm.

    I am not quitting writing, quite the opposite. I’ve got a few juicy words waiting for you right now, actually. I am simply no longer giving away the thing I do best. If you want some Jenna, it’s $8 a month. I launched my substack today (link in my bio) and it’s hopefully going to be what carries this farm from panic to solvency. You get new posts emailed right to you, or you can use an app or phone or desktop computer.

    I’ll be writing like I used to, without the fear of trolls or stalkers, about my animals, farm, everyday life, recipes, dreams, all of it - raw and with an active comment section again!

    So please, help me reach my goal of 10 subscribers this week. I promise the work is good, I’m literally writing for my life and it’s never been better.”

    1. “It’s never been better.” Her lazy loser lie-style is a shit-show of begging, and being behind in making mortgage payments. She also can’t cope with any critical comments.

    2. It’s that ick pic again, where the big butch is smoking with her fat feet showing.

    3. Of course, her hawk was posed as a pet prop. It’s great that she hasn’t had success in hunting a new bird victim to abuse.

  15. Look if she delivers content that pays her bills through subscriptions then more power to her. She would have an income to budget from and I, for one , would not have a word to say about it. Her subscribers will see if she is still begging and lying on Substack and on socials but the results will be a direct result of her own work. No meanies to blame.

    Call me skeptical but it would be fine with me to no longer have this train wreck to watch.

    Anon in GA

  16. A Legend in Her Own MindNovember 9, 2023 at 1:01 PM

    Oh, nooooo. The non-paying public will be prevented from her reading profound content about neglected buildings, vehicles, gardens and animals?

    Darn it.

    We'll also miss the endless whines about how HARD it is, being a single woman, alone on the mountain. Or how her town secretly HATES her, because (checks notes) she's out-of-the-closet? To boot, how will we ever understand the hidden meaning of Taylor Swift lyrics, or learn how to make a supremely disgusting fat-and-sugar laden lunch or dinner?

    Stay tuned.


    1. *really
      (I give up with Autocorrect)

  17. Whoever posted the link. Thanks. I just read it and its not worth 8 bucks.

    1. She says it’s $1.50 an essay. Who wants to bet those “at least three essays per week” a) don’t last long or b) a sentence constitutes an essay or c) all of the above.

    2. By don’t last long, I should have clarified, she doesn’t stick with it. But I do believe shamsters know that’s what I meant. 🤣

    3. SFF. I’ve posted the link. We wouldn’t subscribe for free.

  18. So let’s do some math. Her goal per her is ten $8 weekly subscriptions. That’s $320 a month. That’s how she is going to pay her bills now? Dude.

    1. She has “visions” of dollars dancing in her head.”

    2. Edit: “visions of dollars dancing in her head.”

    3. Isn’t it $8 a month, not a week?

    4. So her goal is $80/month. Hooo.

    5. Somehow I read it to be $8/wk.
      $80/month sounds even worse, but more power to her.
      It won’t last. It’s just yet another version of the secret blog or the paid vlogs, both of which were an abysmal failure.

  19. She thinks that just because someone pays $8/month that means she won’t be under any scrutiny and she can write without fear. If anything, subscribers will be paying closer attention to every word esp now that they’re paying for it. I predict her comment section will be a disaster and/or subscribers won’t stay for long.

  20. Some ding dong on IG asked her what happens to the monthly bill she’s paying for the blog that Jenna is getting rid of. Jenna tells her she doesn’t know, so she can cancel and support the sub stack. According to Jenna, she’s collecting 6 payments a month for her old blog. You know what they say about fools and money!

    Like someone said above, if Jenna gets paid for her writing, good for her. I don’t think it’s going to be the”life changer” she’s hoping for since she claims she doesn’t want to beg anymore, she wants to write and play outside. I think this will fizzle quickly though and her dumbass enablers will keep paying a monthly fee like the 6 idiots who’ve been paying for her not to post anything for years!

    I suspect she’ll use her old blogs to recycle content because that’s as “juicy” as it gets.

    1. Jenna is an overly privileged, pampered princess who has an arrogant attitude towards others. What she “does best” is use manipulative marketing to con kind people out of money. She has nothing novel to say, that hasn’t been more eloquently expressed, by far more articulate and intelligent writers than her.

    2. I was just thinking the same thing. All power to her BUT we know her better than that. Just like her “fightin to keep this farm”, this new blog is nothing more than her simply fighting getting a real job. Period, full stop. Just another way to see if fools can keep paying her to “live like fiction”.

    3. Anonymous 3:39. That’s what I think, too. Jenna has avoided adult accountability for decades. Substack isn’t a solution to “saving” anything, but just another way to continue her lie-style.

  21. My question is this: If she doesn’t like a comment from a paying reader, do they get blocked? Sounds like fraud to me. I’ll be interested to see how long the open comments last and if she closes comments then that would be misrepresentation since she advertised a subscription as interactive. I’m sure none of this has even occurred to her since all she can see at this point is dollar signs. Does she really think her readers will be all sweetness and light. What a dumbass.

    1. My question, exactly. Not sure she’s thought this through. She has blocked comments as consistently as she’s begged. she has very thin skin and is, of course, the only person in the universe who’s always right about everything. I think one of us needs to “take one for the team”, subscribe to her Substack and comment our fool heads off.

    2. Anonymous 2:55. Maybe you could take your own suggestion and subscribe.

  22. Jen has started Substack
    but she’ll still be a big bitch.
    It won’t work to make her famous
    and certainly, not rich.

  23. The irony with using substack is you can only subscribe using a credit card. Not even paypal will do.

    And what is it said about people with credit cards?

  24. I actually have to hand it to her, even if only one of us subscribed she'd still be getting enough from us to buy a store-made pie every month. I mean "pay her light bill".

  25. PDD check your reddit messages

    1. I’ve also tried to message PDD on Reddit, but she doesn’t have her account open to accepting them. You have to change it in settings.

    2. She'll get it when she's online, we've messaged before ❤️

    3. A Legend in Her Own MindNovember 10, 2023 at 4:34 AM


    4. PDD. Does this mean that you’ve changed the settings to accept PMs on Reddit? Thanks.

    5. A Legend in Her Own MindNovember 10, 2023 at 6:00 AM

      Anon 4:37 am, I'll have to check settings. I've received some messages on DM.

  26. All of her profile photos are far from flattering. The one that she chose for Substack is the same smug smirk on her fake fat face with a tightly closed, mean mouth. Frankly, it’s ugly.

  27. HD: Jenna has become a very lonely person. Her requirement of friends is very heavy and she doesn't reciprocate. Even her pseudo-pagan holidays are photo ops.

    She's not in "good working order" as a potential partner.

    1. I agree with what you wrote. Jenna is also a liability as a partner. She’s mentally ill, has substance abuse issues, and has a defective character.

  28. Lol $1.50 / essay, and she's charging $8/mo usd. Says she will post 3x per week.

    She cannot math. (Another classic adhd symptom btw)

    Jenna, $8/month is $2 a week. $2/3 essays is $0.67 per essay.

    Other math:

    How long does it take to write an essay? 2 hours minimum?

    Let's say she made her goal of 10 subscribers. $80/month

    3 essays a week at 2 hours a pop is a promise to work 24 hours a month.

    $80 / 24 hours is: $3.34 an hour

    So she just created herself a part time job paying a starting wage of a fraction of the minimum wage.

    If she can get 250 subscribers she'll be making $2k per month and it will begin to pay some real bills.

    Lots of folks on substack have 3K subscribers or more, subbed at $5/month, which is more average (Jenna is asking a premium price for what she's offering).

    Will she grow her paid subscribers? Now taking bets!

    1. That’s the issue. I’ve seen other writers offer stuff to read for free and then have specific articles/ essays for a fee. Jenna is taking all writing down ( to recycle as we all know) but she can’t just sit there and no try to gain subscribers.

      Funny how she insults direct deposit workers… and she’s desperately trying to be… a direct deposit worker. I will not be paying for this even to snark! She’s boring, says the same stuff over and over, is pompous and she threatened her subscribers with “juicy content”. No thanks, keep your juices to your self. I think she’s been buying and reading too many romance novels!

    2. Jenna is incapable of saving money. This latest venture will be similar to her bombed, Birchthorn book. She blew that $15,675 immediately, and had nothing left to show for it.

  29. Everyone who is in the reddit group please DM the mod.

    1. Why would we do that? I’d appreciate an answer. Thanks.

    2. My question as well.

    3. I subscribed to the substack last night for the LOLz. I've been on this ride since I was a JW fan, off and on, and I'm invested in how this turns out. So why not? I subscribed.

      Last night, the folks who messaged with the mod of the reddit group received her first substack paid entry. That's why I asked people to DM the mod, and I let them know I intended to post it anon on the Sham blog today.

      See below :)

  30. Substack has a lot of fees associated with subscriptions. She won't be bringing home that $8 per subscriber. Also.. this is a legit payment company.. they will issue a 1099 and she will owe taxes. She can't fudge or hide this income as gifts or donations.

    Here are the per subscription payment fees:

    If you enable paid subscriptions on your publications, the following fees will apply:

    From Substack:

    10% of each transaction

    From Stripe:

    Credit cards

    A credit card fee (2.9% + $0.30 per transaction fee) and a Billing fee for recurring subscriptions (0.5% for recurring payments).

    After fees and taxes she might get a little over $5 a sub in her pocket. Just to cover her mortgage... not the rest of her bills, animal feed, and endless broken teeth.. she will need 200 or more consistent subscribers every month.

    I'm guessing a good portion of this first round of subscribers are only doing a single month, not recurring, and could just as likely be haters as fans... seeing $8 as a an easy price to pay to watch her fail at yet another, all talk and no effort scam.


    1. Are identities kept private on Substack? We don’t want her to have any information on us. Thanks.

    2. She will definitely be able to see the email address used to sign up. But I think subscribers have the ability to populate their profile info with whatever they like. So make or use a burner Gmail account and call yourself Taylor.

    3. Anonymous 10:51. Thanks for responding to my question. One of our commenters copied and pasted her first post below. The Taylor username suggestion was funny.

  31. She claims she woke up to 77 subscribers. Some are free trial members. Of course she throws in a beg that even if you don’t want to read her stuff, you can just pay her $$ every month.

    I give this 5 months. It will be too much work for her. Remember over the summer she wrote blogs for a juicy hot beef sandwich and soda. Once the high of a free sub sandwich in her mouth wore off, she said it takes too long to write that she can’t get other stuff done.

    If this works, good for her, but her track record is that she’s lazy and would rather whine.

    I especially love that she’s advertising this venture as being better writing than you’ve ever seen from her before. LOL. Yeah, sure. She has nothing to write about. I think she’s looking for somewhere to put her writings from the book her editor didn’t want to publish.

    1. Jenna’s a rotten writer who hasn’t accepted that she’s bad at the craft.

  32. “Hey, want to read about rural lesbian dating adventures and the haunting concept of love? BAM:”

    No one cares, cunt.

    1. “BAM” means bullshit and moron.

    2. “Hey hey, Hoo!!!”

  33. She’s already letting her subscribers (via IG) that she’s a sucky editor and puts out work with mistakes that she fixes later. How about putting out your best work the first time darlin’? Your mistakes should be the exception not the rule!

    1. She is so thrilled all six of her fool followers signed up, she is back to carefree TS posting on IG stories. No worries about the mortgage being two months behind, darlin. She s got $80 comin on the phony express.

    2. Jenna can’t be bothered to either edit her multiple mistakes, or polish her putrid purple prose. Nothing will change on Substack.

    3. Anonymous 4:47. Your “phony express” makes me smile.

  34. On IG story she says she has 77 either paid or free trial subscribers. Prediction, not for long. She never sticks with anything, ever.

    1. It won’t last long. This won’t be the miracle that she’s hoping for.

  35. To me, she's making it sound like there will be a lot of sexual content or certainly innuendos. Like a commenter said above, she's been reading too many romance novels and with no outlet. In my opinion, her writings will put off any potential new dates or love interests. Who would want to take the chance of being written up in one of her future essays? Also, every time she writes "juicy" I cringe!

    1. There’s zero that’s sexy about Jenna in either her appearance or arrogant attitude. And her “romance writing” also makes me cringe with secondhand embarrassment. Her stupid usage of “juicy” is repulsive on a visceral level to me.

    2. I’m just a dumb straight woman but if a man was talking about loving pu**y I would be really put off and find him disrespectful. Jenna talks about women like really disgusting, disrespectful, creepy dudes do!

    3. There’s no doubt in our minds now, after seeing her salacious Substack posts, that the crude, creepy comments here were left by Jenna.

  36. A Legend in Her Own MindNovember 10, 2023 at 6:35 AM

    Yeah... look for uninteresting content (because, after all, what does she DO all day) and re-posts of past stories* that she promised would remain free to readers.

    After all, the faux farmer lies a lot.


    * "I will be posting new content, and reposting old posts... - but from here on out there won't be access to me unless you (pay, suckers!)"

    1. Her hubris is off the charts. Statements like ‘if you want some Jenna’ sound vaguely sexual and ‘you gotta ante up, baby’ is blatantly offensive. She has no idea how to curry favour with readers. Even her sales pitch is obnoxious and more than a little off putting. I agree that once the novelty wears off and she runs out of content such as her unpublished book and her river diaries, the well will run dry and it will turn into blatant begging as she runs out of firewood and hay. She can’t help herself when it comes to begging. The money she makes will likely be squandered on TS merch and treats rather than deposited in a savings account. So Jenna, enjoy your little windfall. I give it four months tops.

    2. PDD. Jenna’s lie-style is boring non-tent, like the drivel “I moved my plant.” No one will continue to pay for that kind of crap.

      SFF. I thought the same thing about her suggestive statements. As if this repulsive person is an object of desire rather than derision. She’s always been “blatantly offensive,” and a pompous asshole. Her “windfall” will wind up as another failure.

  37. In order to get the free trial subscription, you have to provide an email and payment into. And then after 7 days, your account is automatically deducted the monthly charge. I hate automatic renewal because it’s a hassle to cancel. Also I don’t want Musk to be able to sell my email. I won’t be subscribing.

    1. 'a hassle to cancel'. I'm sure she's counting on that.

  38. Here you go y'all!
    It’s a cold, wet, morning here at the farm as I write. I’ve been up since 3AM, unable to fall back asleep thanks to the existential anxiety in my head. Siren wails of anxiety, like a tornado warning, circle in my mind like hovering vultures. I’m up because of a platonic incubus in black. Angus, my 6-month-old kitten, is who initially woke me up, is resting on my chest. His paws on my cheek, his face hovering inches from mine in the quiet dark. I pulled him in under the covers, and felt his purr against my own heartbeat as he started to snuggle into the warmth. Paws kneading into soft flesh, a gentle motor, the kind of comfort you can only get from another mammal seeking heat. That’s what he came for and I was ready to deliver.
    I held my small boy close. He will grow into a very fluffy gentleman, but right now all his volume is in his tail. He curls it around my arm as he closes his eyes. I pet his head, scratch his chin. He helps me forget about the tornado. Sirens fade, replaced by purrs.
    I think of all the years I told myself stories about me and how wrong they were. “You’ll be married by 32” or “You’re not gay, Jenna, just picky” or “You don’t like cats.”
    Turns out I love pussy. The lies we tell ourselves are rafts. They get us places we need to be and then we end up carrying them around on dry land like idiots until we realize we don’t need them anymore.
    What was I up thinking about? That’s a great question. If you’ve got a few minutes I’ll tell you everything, darlin’.

    1. The house was cold. The fire went out hours ago. If this was the dead of January I would have never let it happen, but it’s not even Thanksgiving and while a fire is necessary to ward off the evening chill and make things comfortable - it isn’t needed to keep the pipes from freezing. This is the shoulder season and I get to decide if I want to be warm or sleep. It’s a choice without consequences so I’m banking sleep. It’s the time of year that wood stoves roar but windows remain open—making every night akin to camping—heat on your face and fresh air at your back. We all have our little luxuries.
      Angus is under the covers with me because he’s a baby. I can’t tell you how sweet he is when he isn’t literally climbing up taxidermy or terrorizing my other cats. Right now I want to set a halo on his head and play a harp. He coughs up some wet fur on my naked chest and I laugh, grateful to be pulled out of my head and back into the world of solvable problems. I reach for some tissues on the side table. It’s not even the size of a penny and it takes a lot more to gross me out. When you’ve helped gut pigs, wet fur isn’t exactly something to flinch at.
      I lay awake thinking about love. Not a specific woman, not even the specific idea of one, but the concept of love and what it means. I think love has become my White Whale. It’s both my obsession and my enemy to defeat, something I have longed for so many nights and also want to remove all attachment from. I don’t want to want it. I don’t want to need it, at least not from an outside source.

    2. I never thought I would be single at 41. I didn’t think I’d be living some romantic fantasy, just not alone. I feel so delayed on my own happiness. Being closeted stole decades from my own life, and it’s my own fault. It took almost a decade of living alone on a mountain, hundreds of miles away from my hometown, to get to the point where I allowed the introspection and honesty to admit I was gay. And all those years in my teens, twenties, and thirties I remember praying I would just find some guy I could tolerate that made me laugh so I could be normal, safe, have a life my family and friends could be comfortable with. Turns out, that wasn’t my path. I was a coyote born into a pile of golden retrievers. You can only pretend to be one of them for so long.
      Since coming out and starting to date women, I feel like I am finally the person I was always meant to be. I allowed myself the chance of happiness. And hoo, have I ever had some happy times, but the dream of a committed, monogamous, relationship feels less likely the older I get. And I feel like the work of my life is no longer suffering the desire for companionship, and alchemizing the need for another person into grateful solitude.

    3. E Substack

      November 10, 2023
      12:57 PM

      You don’t have to be a rural homosexual to understand this. I think a lot of people are in my boots: alone but still a kind and productive members of society. Maybe you’re a divorcée later in life? Maybe your partner has passed, or your children moved out and started their own lives? Maybe you’re like me, a person who needed a lot of time to give themselves the permission to be loved? I hope you got there, too. I hope this world is littered with so many discarded rafts we can’t walk ten feet without squeaking.
      I tell myself 41 is also not too old to get married, have a family, hell - spend the majority of my life with still. And here is where the sleepless nights enter, here is where the ghosts slide into the bedroom…
      but what if it is?
      Dating out here is hard for a dyke*. Being a childless, single, woman is hard for any of us, regardless of sexuality but especially for gay people. Small towns have a mentality of general wariness around people like me. It’s not their fault, it’s human nature.

    4. Making friends is hard now, and impossible with straight women my age. Not because of any romantic feelings, that’s such a rarity for me, to like someone like that. No, it’s just the general unease I talked about. A straight woman bringing me home is exactly like bringing home a coyote. I add an unpredictable energy.
      I realized a few years ago I could only have friendships with women my age if they were also openly queer. But there aren’t a lot of coyotes around, and the few that do exist never showed any interest in becoming packmates (to beat the metaphor to death). I have tried.
      Which isn’t to say I don’t have friends! I have dear friends, but all of my close friends are married couples - people with their own family units, all with children. There’s only so many activities it makes sense to let me be apart of. I drop by for tea. I help with farm chores. I ride along on errands. Then I go home to my little house with it’s ever-warping floors and try to farm contentment with my choices.
      I’ve been the extra orphan at Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners my entire adult life, eventually you stop wanting to be an accessory in other people’s lives. A few years ago it started to feel more lonely being invited than staying home. Then the invitations just stop. So you wake up alone in the dark in early November wondering if this year you’re also going to pretend Dec 25th is just another day of fog.

    5. Making friends with men might be easier, but then I become the wary one. Unsure if he’s actually being friendly and accepting of my sexuality or has his own agenda or possible feelings? Which is why, in general, I don’t talk to many men outside older married friends or the guy that delivers my hay (which doesn’t count since I’m literally paying him to show up). But sometimes I fantasize about having a guy friend that will sit on my porch and smoke a joint with me. We can talk openly about women and soccer and tell hunting stories, share our hopes and dreams. Sometimes I want to be one of the boys, too. But it’s the same problem. Men can’t walk into the bar with a sober coyote either. Not unless he wants to do a lot of explaining.
      So since coming out (and since quitting drinking) my small-town social life has dwindled to very few people. When winter comes and my self-isolating tendencies keep me home, sometimes I don’t talk to people for weeks at a stretch hat aren’t online or behind a check-out counter. It’s not great. I used to fill that void with activities like martial arts classes or hiking clubs, but ever since my ankle got injured a few summers back, any outdoor or sporting activity is a struggle beyond a mile walk without a heavy pack. I think if I could hike again into the wilderness with a big dog I’d be content. Anyway, a girl can dream…

    6. So until a stranger moves to town or someone who knows me from words alone reaches out, I’ll be up at 3AM wondering what the hell is going to happen to me in the end? I’m the main character in my own Truman Show; such an unmooring thought for a woman my age. This wasn’t what I was told to be, or become. I was warned, encouraged, threatened even about the risks of a life like mine. You could have a nice husband and family, they said. You could have a normal job and a thermostat and PTO they said. You could have people…
      Then again, maybe not everyone is meant to have people. Maybe a town needs outsiders, people to make them feel like their lives are richer and blessed. Sometimes I dream of just being adopted by a big family, like that guy in My Big Fat Greek Wedding who marries into a boisterous lot, so full of love. Sometimes I think of just finding one person who wants to hide away from the world forever beside me, tending the lanterns on the path till I can only walk it with a cane. Or will I be holding cats in the dark until I fade into the weird witch on the hill, driving her pony cart down to the Stewarts with a kestrel on her shoulder?
      My money is on somewhere in the middle, but tonight I’m taking two Benadryl, regardless. 3Am is a dangerous place to hang around too often.

      *if you hear me use slur like dyke, it’s because I’m a lesbian and we use this word all the time to describe a type of energy and person. If you’re not one, this isn’t permission to use it, and it’s my least-favorite word to hear out of the mouths of straight people. Not scolding, just explaining.

    7. Thanks for “taking a hit for the team!” What a crock of crap.

    8. I hope that it angers Jenna to have her “foe club” read that drivel for free. “Hoo!!!”

    9. *** end of blog entry.

      I waited to post this because I did not want the timing of me signing up for the substack and cross-posting here to reveal which of her subscribers I am.

      The above entry currently has 15 likes.

      My thought is that every single subscriber has liked this post, indicating there are in fact 15 paid subscribers, not 70+ or whatever she's claiming.

      I'm happy to subscribe for now because:
      1. I'm a messy bitch
      2. I don't think Jenna should be able to rewrite her very messy history. OWN IT! And please for the love of god, learn from it!
      3. Is she going to be able to take criticism from PAID subscribers in substack? I highly doubt it (as she didn't take criticism from people who prepaid for Birththorn, or people who bought her CSA shares, or people who bought a lifetime pass to antler stock, or any of the other people who also handed her money.) But I still wanna see! This is the latest in a long string of scams IMHO, and I want to see because yes, I'm invested in this train-wreck. I want to know how this turns out.
      4. I am not rooting for failure here. There is a vanishingly small chance Jenna's going to change at this point in her life, but where there is life there is hope. I get more than my $8 in entertainment from this, and besides, my substack subscriptions are already a tax write off.
      5. I'm suspicious the animal neglect is going to continue. Animal charities and wildlife rescue is my thing. I've donated thousands of dollars to these causes locally, and volunteered hundreds of hours. I look at this less as "supporting an animal abuser" and more a "monitoring an offender".
      6. No writer / public figure is exempt from criticism. While some of the criticism here is invalid or unfair IMHO, I think Shamsters bring an important counter-balance to the ongoing JW saga of scamming.

      So here you go, Shamsters! Enjoy, on me. :)

    10. Update - she has 100 subscribers which include the unpaid ones. I think the likes on her paid entries will indicate how many actual paid subscribers she has.

    11. Anonymous 1:24. Thanks for your service!

    12. Note for reddit users: the mod is willing to DM you these cross posts because it's easier to copy paste all in one shot. You'll probably receive the cross-posts faster via reddit if you're on there.

      In order to cross post here, because of the character limit to comments on this blog, I have to chop it up and copy paste multiple times, which is a pain to do from my phone, so I'll be doing it when I sit down at my computer, which is less often than I have my phone in my hand.

      Please be patient, I go days and sometimes weeks without thinking about Jenna, depending on what's going on in my life. Please do not expect a consistent, fast turnaround on the cross-posting, especially as the bloom falls from the rose and Jenna's posts inevitable come less frequently.

    13. WW - thank you for yours *salute*

    14. My thoughts on her first paid substack entry:

      It reminds me of her early writing, which is genuinely lovely to see. She put EFFORT into this. She used spell check. She edited it. She probably put at least 3 hours into this.


      She's not taking any responsibility for her past here. She's blaming her critics for her own failures. She CREATED the majority of her critics, and now she's trying to shield herself with a paywall.

      We didn't say her writing sucks until it really started to suck. We didn't call her an animal abuser until she wrote some pretty heinous things. We gave her very good advice all along the way which she ignored and snarked at. We watched her squander tens of thousands of dollars while throwing away a very good job.

      Jenna's behaviour invites criticism, and for whatever reason she never seems to check herself, hence the train-wreck. We tried to make it better, so at this point I'm pulling up a lawn chair and popping corn.

    15. And she's lonely. I believe that's true. I wish she'd look at her own behaviour and realise that companionship isn't something that magically appears, it's a partnership you build through reciprocal contributions to and investments in each other's well-being.

      Jenna has been abrasive to her paying customers in the past, I'm willing to bet she's a low-key abusive partner. Does she "fight fair" or does she dig at her partner's insecurities to "win" the fight? Does she take responsibility for her words and actions with her partner? I bet not, since she doesn't do that in the public eye, why would she do it when no one is watching?

    16. Anonymous 1:43. You’ve made some good points. Jenna has refused to accept any adult accountability for her actions. She’d rather blame her dumb decisions on “trolls.”

    17. Anonymous 1:48. I’m sure that Shannon had to tolerate a lot of “abrasive” behavior from Jenna. She was wise to end their relationship, and cut her losses with the loser.

    18. Yeah, I think Shannon paid a really tough price for their time with Jenna. I'm pretty sure the fear of the pandemic drove them into Jenna's isolated life much faster than they'd have progressed in a relationship under other circumstances. Things seemed fine - genuinely better for a while. But you don't up and leave half your shit and take your cat and what you can carry in one car load and never speak to your ex again without some seriously awful shit going down. I feel bad for them. I think Jenna took advantage of their comparative youth, inexperience, and fear at the beginning of the pandemic to push the relationship forward.

      But who knows? We queers are famous for our u-haulin'

    19. Interesting she claims she just can't be friends with straight women. What an odd thing to say. She can see herself being friends with guys but not women unless they're also queer?

      Is that shedding some light on what happened with Patty? Did Patty say something Jenna took offence to and ended her only neighbour friendship?

    20. Also, she says she can't hike more than a mile due to her ankle. Looks like we called that too. Turns out being outside all day isn't some magical solution to perfect health. Remember when she used to write about how she didn't need health insurance because she's the healthiest kind of human being outside and physically active as nature intended?

      We warned her.

      Can't hike or run. Never rides, even though that might help her ankle, depending on what she did to it.

      So she just smokes weed and lays in shavasana for 30 minutes and calls that exercise?

      She's not going to find her health improving with that lifestyle.

  39. I hate to break it to Jenna, but she’s already “the weird witch on the hill.” Although bitch is more appropriate.

  40. A Legend in Her Own MindNovember 10, 2023 at 3:00 PM

    Thank you, Anon, for taking one for the team.

    Egads. Rambling & incoherent thoughts. Takes no responsibility. She remains the ongoing victim of her fictional life. Her problems are because of other people. And so on.

    You know, after slogging through her writing, I believe Wog should PAY people to read it. "Siren wails of anxiety, like a tornado warning, circle in my mind like hovering vultures." may be one of the worst sentences I've ever read.

    Keep your day job, darlin. (Or get a day job.)

    1. yikes right? and if that's how she experiences life, truly, make different choices. Make the sirens go away.

      See also: psychiatric medication. changes lives for the better.

  41. She promised subscribers another post today on lambing plans.

    Maybe she shouldn't make promises about posts until after she has it locked and loaded to post. She set up an expectation and tick tock, no post o'clock.

    Is she already letting subscribers down?

  42. Thank you so much for posting. I still think she has burned a lot of bridges in her community, hence the cold shoulder wherever she goes. It's got nothing to do with being a "coyote " as she likes to put it. What's with the predatory reference with her anyway? It's got NOTHING to do with gayness. People are a lot more open to that nowadays, nobody cares. She seems to hold on to that as a way to define herself, she's rather defensive and paranoid about it.
    Well I hope she's successful with this but I get the feeling it will be like the other scams where readers had to pay for "special content" videos and she posted ONE.

    1. I agree with what you wrote. Her being a queer coyote in Cambridge isn’t the reason that Jenna is loathed by locals. They “wince” because the cunt has been burning her bridges there for years. She’s a user and taker, and people know it by now.

  43. NEW ESSAY:
    There comes a time in a woman’s life when thoughts lead to sheep.
    It’s inevitable. You’ll be minding your own business, leading a perfectly respectable life and it hits you. You’re out walking the dog and a brisk wind makes you pull your scarf a little tighter. Your fingers grasp for a crook that isn’t there. You stare into the middle distance, thoughts slide into white static, and you picture yourself wearing tweed on some forlorn moor as your flock grazes on a distant hill…
    There was a time when all I could think about was becoming a shepherd; and I was not of tweed-and-moor age, people. I was in my early twenties and I should have been at a discotheque, but I have been 40 since I was 9 and fate is fate.
    To me sheep meant freedom. Because any woman that has sheep in her everyday life—especially any woman that was not raised in a sheep-rearing household—has made a very specific series of decisions to get her there. And in my not-yet-fully-formed 22-year-old brain I had convinced myself that if I could ever get to the point where I had my own sheep on a hill, misery could never touch me.

    1. Honestly, it probably had a lot to do with movies. Babe, The Lord of the Rings, any film that featured small cottage communities that lived in bucolic harmony, that was my shit. My greatest aspirations have never surpassed Professional Hobbit. I blame those opening scenes in Fellowship of the Ring* and its portrayal of a thriving homesteading community for being the propaganda that radicalized me into the ovine lifestyle. I’ve been huffing newborn lambs and lanolin-swathing cracked hands since RED dropped the first time. I don’t know what to tell you they were very seductive movies.
      Sheep are ambassadors to Narnia, to a different life. They allow backyards to become places that no longer need lawn mowers and makes sweaters from scratch. Their needs are meager, their benefits huge. Even a small flock can give a home all the wool it has time to weave, meat for the table, and lambs to continue the cycle or sell. They can fit in a hatchback, aren’t very expensive, and they can be executively managed by a dog. What else can you find on Craigslist that can do all that?
      For years I raised sheep as a four-season flock. I kept a ram and ewes and lambed every spring. I didn’t have any special set up. Lambs were born in the field, usually in late winter, and for a span of days I would remain vigilant. I would not sleep through the night. I loved it.

    2. I have memories on this farm, of my own life, that feel like something out of the 17th century. Alone in the dark, lantern in hand, border collie at my side. I’m 34 and walking through a snow squall at 3AM, following the distant and wind-muffled cry of a lamb. I still remember finding them new and sticky beside their young mothers and scooping them up to carry them (their mother following close behind) to a lambing shed. It was a shack on the hill with four walls, a good roof, fresh straw, and the golden glow of the heat lamp. It shown like a lighthouse in the distance from a violent sea. I walked towards it like prayer.
      Once inside the shed the pair could be warm and get to know each other, start nursing, start living. I’d tuck into a corner, wool sweater and cracking wellies feeling like earned armor instead of rural drag, and I would sit and watch what my own determined life ran towards; moments like this.

    3. After years of not doing this** I will be walking in the lantern-lit dark once again. I have three beautiful 3-year-old ewes outside; Ludmilla, Masha, and Gwynne. They are Dorset crosses (crossed with what, I have no idea). And this past spring I bought in three Katahdin lambs from a farm in Salem (which are growing magnificently for customers) and two of them are ram lambs. They will breed the ewes and in a few months I will be outside checking the field three times a night with my girl, Friday, beside me. Gibson will be too old to climb the icy hill anymore.
      And to prepare I will once again be gathering supplies in the lambing bucket. I will have the faded clean towels, the tail docker, the rubber bands I was told to keep in the fridge nine years ago and still do. I’ll sling the iodine and vitamins and shots. I’ll walk the night like a ghost on the hill. I hope it all comes back to me. I hope I get to feel that way again. The way walking towards a glowing shed in a snowstorm feels like the last 15-minutes of a drive home next to someone you love.
      There’s magic in decision. I see it every day.

    4. I’m sure to some of you this sounds like unnecessary hardship, extra work. It certainly is, among many other inconveniences I’ve turned into hobbies. But I’ll tell you this much, if you ever find yourself out in the cold dark with a good dog beside you, standing on your own hill, looking for those first lambs of spring… You’re experiencing something Peter Jackson wishes he could capture on screen. But it’s not for everyone. It’s kept secret. It’s kept safe.
      Darling, you can’t capture magic. You got to live it.
      And Narnia is real if you believe in sheep.

      *Extended edition. I am not an animal.
      **Long story about a relationship and compromise, a tangent for another time.

    5. Ummm, this is 100% recycled old content. She didn’t even bother changing it too much. So that’s what the new paid blog is going to be?

    6. ”Long story about a relationship and compromise, a tangent for another time.“

      she’s going to be blaming shannon for her ”not being herself”!

      if anything, shannon seems like the type if there was any sensible way to expand the farm she would have done it. like, while she was there, IIRC, they did better with *rabbits* — a much more useful and less resource-intensive animal than anything else on the “farm”— than jenna ever did.

    7. Her stupid “darling” is overtly obnoxious. Just like Jenna. Maybe she’s unaware that the Wayback Machine has archives of her old blog for receipts.

  44. Jenna is rewriting history. Of course nothing about leaving one of her sheep in a f-ing wheelbarrow to die. Nothing about the wool CSA where she stole people’s money. She had sheep that don’t produce the right kind of wool for yarn—and instead of buying the right kind of sheep and making good with those trusting people, she just said that’s a risk you take with CSA’s! Jenna Woginrich is an absolute garbage human being. Her new posts are pure fiction.

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindNovember 11, 2023 at 3:38 AM

      Despicable Wog didn't mention the many lambs lost to the winter elements (or predators) because she couldn't be bothered to create safe lambing jugs ahead of time, allowing ewes to birth safely. I also didn't see the time she came home too drunk to check on the newborns, or the time she scooped up a lamb so she could keep it in the house for photo ops.

      Despicable Wog forgets there are receipts.

    2. There are many receipts of her rotten reputation. The internet never forgets, and neither will we. Jenna’s moronic motto is “Live like fiction!” But she’s also said sick statements like “I put the laughter back in slaughter.”

  45. Many thanks to the shamster taking one for the team🙌
    So far it looks like recycled old content. It was already predicted here that this is what she will do and that’s why she took down the old blog.
    For some reason, like others here, I am still curious to see how this train wreck ends. I think it could be because I’ve watched her do so much shit and get away with so much, scan so many, lie her way through years of mortgage payments. Can’t look away. Mostly I want her to rehome the animals, and let someone who cares for the land take over her dilapidated property.

    1. Autocorrect should know by now that if I’m talking about Jen, I do mean to type scam and not scan*🤣

  46. HD. What’s your opinion on “this” loser’s latest money maker? Thanks.

  47. She sure lives in fantasy land doesnt she? I myself have no dreams of sheep on a hill. And the reality is a much darker story as we all remember.

    1. “Live like fiction!” But her dumb enablers pay the price.

  48. Of course she calls herself a Coyote. 🙄 She is incapable of anything but self-aggrandizing.


    1. She’s been a badger, coyote, wolf, witch, hobbit, and Baba Yaga. But in reality, Jenna is just a garbage human being.


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