Happy pre-thanksgiving and kick-off to the holiday season!

These essays of her's just further prove what we have known for years.  And they will provide all the information that newer followers of hers need to make up their own minds.  We don't create haters or trolls…she does a fine job of that herself.


  1. HD. Exactly. That was well-put. Jenna’s rotten reputation was created by herself. I hope that you have a happy holiday!

  2. Interesting that she referenced Kristin Kimball's book as an example of how hetero women can get away with anything. Kimball famously did not ask for help, even to the point where it made her life much harder. Also, if you read her second book, she doesn't seem very happy. She chose a hard way of life and she really starts to feel it. When her husband is injured, everything becomes way too much for her and, although she tries to end the book on a positive note, my impression was that she'd be a lot happier if she sold the farm. That book actually made me feel very sad for her and her kids.

    Anyway, my point being that Kimball didn't spend years begging online for money. She didn't create fake emergencies to cheat people out of cash. And she never took money without providing a product. She certainly never boasted about all the TV she watches because she barely had time in the day to sit down! That woman knows grit and hard work, which are two things Jenna thinks she understands but has failed to ever demonstrate.

    I completely agree that misogyny is rife in our society, whether subtle or outright, but Jenna isn't criticized because she's a single woman; she's criticized because she's a liar, and not even a good one.

    No matter how often she tries to rewrite her own story, the truth is clear to see.


    1. HH. You’ve nailed it. Jenna cries her victim narrative that she’s criticized for being a lesbian and non-conformist. But she’s loathed for many other valid reasons. There are millions of “single women” who aren’t awful humans.

    2. Yep, and she conveniently forgets she was identifying as straight at the time when she started to get her first critics and ran the birchthorn scam. Nothing about 90% of the criticism she receives is misogynistic (except for the weird persistent body / fat shaming).

    3. A Legend in Her Own MindNovember 23, 2023 at 2:13 PM

      Tired of her victim shtick. Anon 1:09 is correct; she identified as straight for most of the criticism. They didn’t and don't care how she identifies.

      What bothers people (at least, me) is the unrelenting hypocrisy of her positions and actions.

      I firmly believe this is why people carp about her weight & appearance. After all, she's presented herself as the pinnacle of rural lifestyle, a Xena Warrior Princess who carries water buckets up hills and routinely runs 5Ks. The problem is neither her body, nor her heavy breathing during gentle walks support those claims. Yes, it's not entirely fair to comment about her weight - and I've tried not to do it - but she makes snark mighty tempting.

      And, for the record, if she didn't rabbit on about her "fit" physique, I doubt anyone would care about her looks. People don't complain about other "above normal size" women on social media.

  3. https://coldantlerfarm.substack.com/p/a-day-for-the-birds

    We were right about her having another lonely Thanksgiving again. No one wants Wog. “I’ll tell you this much for free. Hoo!!!”

    1. It’s interesting that Jenna didn’t mention why she wasn’t going out for a Thanksgiving dinner. It’s probably because Pember Patty and other former friends didn’t invite her to join them. Why would they?

    2. She finally alienated PP. I wonder what it took?

    3. Anonymous 1:11. I think that Jenna never paid Patty back for her car loan. And it probably pissed Pember off finally.

    4. Even her oldest friends have realized that Jenna is an insufferable user and taker. That’s why they’ve walked away. It’s not because of her sexual preference for women now.

  4. https://www.reddit.com/r/coldantlercritics/s/ygoJNp2D5k

    More Reddit receipts are on this sub.

  5. “Cold Antler Farm is officially a Substack Bestseller! I hit my first 100 paid subscribers Wednesday!!!”

    Right. “Sure, Jen.” Bragging about being a supposed “bestseller” is overtly obnoxious, and typical of the filthy feral failure.

    1. I’d hardly consider that low number to be impressive. I know of several subscribers who’ve signed up temporarily just to watch her train wreck. There’s probably many more. Her writing is rotten, and not worth paying to read. You can do it for free here.

    2. There are zero replies from her followers. Apparently, no one cares. “Boy, Howdy!!!”

  6. Hah! Someone just tweeted back that she actually has 77 paid subscribers, not 100. What a liar! (

  7. Jenna should know that if she blocks someone, all her other followers can still read what they said. She tends to instantly block anyone who says anything not in agreement with her.

    1. it also looks like the person who replied that created the account just to reply to Jenna. Blocked for sure! I hope they come post here.

    2. Unfortunately, Jenna can’t block her haters here.

  8. I just found where you can count the paid vs free subscribers. Substack rounds up, but you can go and count them manually. I count 78 paid, 54 free, so whatever, close enough.

    She's making $624 / month, but less than that because some people paid the year up front.

    1. It’s still nothing to be bragging about. Jenna acts as if she’s a NYT bestselling writer.

    2. A Legend in Her Own MindNovember 24, 2023 at 4:16 AM

      78 paid subscribers? Not 100? With the funds Substack takes, she'll clear less than ($7x78) $546 per month for first-month subscribers.

      $546 would buy 10 scribbled art pieces, which probably take about 30 minutes each to complete. So, for quickie pet portraits, she'd work 5 hours to earn $546, not "DAYS" of essay-writing.

      Unless she improves her slap-dash and poorly constructed early essays, I predict readership will drop. She'll then need to spend more time enticing subscribers. Look for a return to begging because running a successful Substack takes hard work and talent.

  9. Oh and Jenna is paying to read someone else's substack... who charges $1 / month less than she does LOL!!!

    1. I’m shocked that Jenna would pay anything to read someone’s Substack.

    2. Probably does it to steal ideas.

  10. Well, several hundred a month is nothing to sneeze at. I suppose it will reduce her begging. In fact, one wonders why she would want to inflate her paid follower count at all, since the more paid followers she has the less reason she should have for begging.

    1. I doubt that she’ll sustain many subscribers due to her rotten writing and reputation.

  11. A Legend in Her Own MindNovember 24, 2023 at 3:52 PM

    Mueller, She Wrote posted this about Elon Musk. I think it would also fit someone we all know:
    "Toxic narcissists can’t ever take responsibility for their own failures. Whether it’s a Republican who lost an election, or Elon, or some guys I personally know who blame me for their failures - it’s always someone else’s fault. I have news for you: YOU suck. It’s YOUR fault."

    PS Elon Musk socks, lol

  12. https://www.reddit.com/r/coldantlercritics/s/NuEo6G34Di

    More Reddit receipts.

  13. Current paid subscriber count: 81

  14. New post up about hawks and her new “apprentice”.
    And just when you thought one had to be a master of a trade in order to offer credible knowledge and experience to an apprentice, here comes Wog.

  15. Hey y'all, i was slow to see the new post today. Here's the latest steaming pile of manure!

    We’re in the Days of Grace right now in Washington County. That magical time after the leaves have fallen but heavy snow still hasn’t hit. This is the last chance for farmers to get important things done before the ground is too hard to drive fence posts and ungloved hands freeze repairing tractors. Everyone is excited about holidays and hunting season. Everyone is getting in last-minute hay in their barns or firewood in their sheds. And here on my little mountain, Cold Antler Farm is preparing for hibernation.
    Not a true hibernation, of course. Quite the opposite. I’ll be getting a lot less sleep stoking wood stoves into the night, but something akin to it. My life slows down to a crawl by late January, especially once the pigs and lambs are butchered. When there’s just a flock of chickens, three pregnant ewes (I’m rebuilding this flock), two horses and a goat - chores take a lot less time. There aren’t gardens or baby animals to tend, just the silent blanket of rest.
    Because of my need fire, even heading to a neighbor’s farm for dinner is rare. I do not travel. I can’t really date. I do not see family or friends during Christmas. I will not be at your wedding. Keeping my house warm and animals alive is my full time job until spring, so if you want to see me you’ll have to venture up mountain and bring an extra sweater. And until my situation improves to the point of repairing old burst pipes in the baseboards; this will remain my winter M.O.*
    Not to be scandalous, but I love it.
    One of my favorite things about homesteading in a four-season region is how I get to live four different lives a year:

    1. There’s the comfy and closed-shop vibes of winter, a time to mourn sunlight and look at seed catalogs like pornography. Hunting and baking reign.

      Then there’s the rush of spring! Hoo! Returning daylight is serotonin-boost beyond medication! All that excitement of planing gardens and hatchery orders while the first potted snap peas curl up window panes.

      Then there’s the absolute splendor of summer! Heat is FREE! It’s a time for casting to trout in gentle rivers, my bare legs feeling the energy of the water. Summer evenings distill into swaying in hammocks, falling asleep in a soft wind to the flickering chandelier of a thousand fireflies…

      And then there’s the last big send off. The fireworks of fall! Nature’s last best party before we tuck in to start the Wheel all over again.


    2. I’ll never understand how humans worship anything other than sunlight and seasons. What else is there when you dare to look past myth and fear? We all worship the same thing in the end: warmth and more time.
      I spend most of these months baking, enjoying the fireside, practicing my yoga, and talking to birds. My whole winter feels like the week between Christmas and New Years did back when I was a respectable person with a 9-5 job and thermostat. Some people find that time unmooring, unsure how to govern themselves without structure. But my entire winter exists joyfully in that liminal space. I learned to shape my days around the farm, household duties, freelance, and now mandatory structured writing time. I will spend a lot of this winter with to you folks.
      Hopefully, with some solid breaks for blood sport.

      GI am focused on falconry this winter. I am hopefully going to fly two birds, a larger raptor and a small falcon. I have a lot to make up for, as the last two seasons were a wash. Also, this is my first year with an apprentice! I can’t tell you how much I am enjoying teaching the sport!

    3. Honestly, helping new falconers get started might be my favorite part. I get to relive all the big moments: trapping your first bird, the rush of your that free flight, and first game taken, all over again. It makes me want to be a better falconer, and I have been reading and learning more than I have in the last few humdrum seasons combined. I can’t wait to help this young lady experience all that joy, self-esteem, hard work, and earned success falconry will give her. Hopefully, she’ll carry some of my methods into the future of the sport when she becomes a mentor herself someday.
      The beginner’s mind is always the most exciting, the most encouraging. I used to hold workshops here and teach beginner classes in archery and fiddle and soap making and all sorts of mountain skills and I really hope my enthusiasm carried through to the participants. I loved teaching every one of you, though I can’t remember the names or faces.
      Maybe some day I’ll do that again, though I think I like this arrangment more. There’s no money exchanged, no pressure to perform. It’s just a new falconer learning the ropes. She’ll be under my watch for at least two years. If she gives me permission I’ll share more details of her progress here.
      Listen, I may have experienced a decade’s worth of winter fires on this mountain, but this is my first and only winter of 2023/24. I am entering into it with the excitement of a beginner, because I am and always will be one at heart. A beginner mentor. A beginner substack author. A beginner at this particular day! I’m excited for the work, rest and feathered adventures ahead!

    4. And I promise you, if you’re brave enough to come visit the witch on the hill, I will always have supplies on hand for a hot cup of tea in the forest. But you need to bring your own flask these days. I never touch the stuff anymore.
      Wish me luck this season.
      I wish you the same, darlin

      This year my heating bill for the entire winter was $860. Before I switched to the wood stove, my monthly oil bill was $450, and that was a decade ago. I can’t imagine what people pay to stay warm without a fire now. But I can’t imagine anyone needing more than $10k a year to live once your bills are paid and animals are fed. But that’s what a decade of living alone on a mountain will do to you, warp your sense of modern economy. I’m sure some people’s vacations are $10k. I have no idea. I haven’t been on a plane since the first Obama Administration so take this all with a grain of salt.

    5. That is literally the end of it

    6. Oh and JW said this in the comments:

      Thank you! I’m really trying to convince people to pay for the essays but so far it’s just a third of you. I hope some minds change, the dream is for this to become my source of income so I can stop doing fifty other things and being so stressed

    7. Boring, boring, BORING. But thanks, Anon, for posting it. I can't believe she can't write about anything more interesting than the seasons changing. I mean, how about a story of a little mouse in the house that keeps outsmarting her? Like, just make it up or something. Anything would be better than this current drivel.

    8. And this: "...this is my first year with an apprentice! I can’t tell you how much I am enjoying teaching the sport!"

      How the hell is she apprentice worthy? She admitted that the last one she caught was too old. Not to mention all the ones that died or flew off with equipment still attached.

      As for her enjoyment of teaching falconry, what she really means is that she really really really likes the sound of her own voice, and the opportunity to talk non-stop.

    9. ”But I can’t imagine anyone needing more than $10k a year to live once your bills are paid and animals are fed.”

      amazing, she just needs $833 per month more than whatever all of her bills are. so $833 fun money?

    10. ” am and always will be one at heart. A beginner mentor. A beginner substack author. A beginner at this particular day!“

      says the person who will happily teach you something she doesn’t know herself…

    11. Jenna likes to pretend that she can teach falconry, fiddling, archery, and how to be a faux farmer. She’s “the bitch on the hill.”

    12. “But you need to bring your own flask these days. I never touch the stuff anymore.
      Wish me luck this season.
      I wish you the same, darlin”

      She’s far from staying sober with weed. Her dumb “darlin’” is always condescending and inappropriate. No one wants to “wish her luck.”

  16. To anyone who has Twitter: Is she still begging/posting sales begs since launching her Shitstack? If so, is she still posting her begs multiple times a day?

    1. We’ve been wondering about her begging, too. I don’t think that Jenna is capable of stopping.

    2. Anon7. Her “Shitstack” is just an excuse to continue begging for new subscribers.

    3. She is and it's hilarious!

  17. I'm confused about something: After she sold Taylor Swift (her stupid money pit truck) she went on to obtain Holland Taylor (the gold Subaru that supposedly proves she's a lesbo). But then there was that grey car that she used to kill a deer. Where does that car fit? Was it in between Taylor Swift and Holland Taylor? Or was it bought after HT as a second car?

    1. She bought the Subaru after she wrecked the silver car.

    2. I still say that Pember Patty is pissed off at Jenna’s not paying her back for the car loan.

    3. She was given the deer killer car shorty after shannon left and took their personal car, which jenna had been using for mail runs and trips to the butcher.

      The truck was purchased supposedly to haul hay, wood, and chickens to the butcher. I don't think it ran a single day.

      The deer killer car was totalled on a taco trip and the subaru replaced it.

      Then the truck was sold after sitting for two years.

  18. I saw above that Jenna spent Thanksgiving Day alone, and speculation that she and Patty's fiendship is kaput. So I checked out Patty's Instagram but there is no mention yet of how or where she spent her Thanksgiving.

    But there was a post from Nov. 7 for her son Ryan's birthday that received 4 comments. And none of them were from Jenna. Which is no surprise as she has never spoken of Ryan...it's almost like he doesn't exist to her. Which I'm sure would piss off any mother of a special needs child.

    BTW, does anyone have an approximate date/time that Jenna last mentioned Patty?

    1. I think that she’s mentioned Pember Patty around a month or so ago. I recall that Jenna bragged about helping her unload hay. As usual, it was a fake photo op to appear like a helpful friend.

  19. My comments on her post, and by the way I love “shitstack” !
    -lots of easy to spot, easy to fix mistakes
    -she is recycling a lot- the “unmoored” comment, for example
    -for those who have been around her or have seen her videos- does she actually say the stupid, annoying, pathetic “hoo!” When she already have a supposed “apprentice” already?

    1. Ooos blogger ate my comment. Above: does she say “hoo!” When she talks *
      And, the last one was, don’t she already have an apprentice once.

    2. A lot of us hate her “Hoo!” It’s an annoying, written tic that Jenna refuses to change. I don’t know if she’s done it in person.

    3. Her stupid usage of “hoo” is a code for excitement, but it comes across as being juvenile. Just like Jenna.

    4. Annoys me too! I keep telling myself it must be something local to her area of PA or somewhere. I think it should be more along the lines of "whew" or "whoo" but "hoo" Nah! and the "darlin' " she uses is equally annoying. I would never pay a writer whose writing irritates me!

    5. It's one of her many crutches. She writes through the voice of whatever dirty Disney character she imagines herself to be. Her first 5 years were full of "son" ticks.

    6. Her rotten writing is full of annoying words and phrases.

  20. “I tell you, when I was selling $200 logos I got dozens of shares and interactions- but I was constantly terrified and desperate. Now I’m trying to build an $8 a month subscription base for steady income and it’s like screaming into the void. I think people are substaturated.”

    People don’t want to pay for your rotten writing and lie-style. “Hoo!!!”

  21. “You want to absolutely make my 2023? Choose to hire me to write you 3 posts a week for less than cup of coffee. My goal is 250 paying subscribers because it will change my entire life. Already found my first 100, if you need some references!”

    No one cares, cunt. You’re a lying, lazy loser. Your “references” are rotten writing and reputation.

    1. I’d still consider this a form of blatant begging.

    2. Why would anyone "want to" or feel the need to, "make HER 2023". I'm trying to work on making my own. And what an odd way to phrase the next bit: that I should choose to hire her to write me 3 posts a week. If I'm going to "hire" someone I want a real benefit to me. I can read plenty of writing for entertainment for free, I don't need to hire a writer. And as far as using any of her existing 100 subscribers as references, that would do the opposite for me. Anyone who likes her writing and is willing to support her, probably wouldn't be someone that I would trust their opinion or agree with their taste in authors.

    3. Anonymous 6:06. Exactly. I feel the same way. No one is obliged to make her lie-style any better. We have our own dreams to fulfill not that fool’s. I also found the “hire her,” stupid statement to be disingenuous and oddly worded.

  22. More Reddit receipts:


    1. A Legend in Her Own MindNovember 26, 2023 at 6:12 AM

      Wog may try and re-write history to fool new subscribers, but there are plenty of receipts.

      Per her own writing, she doesn’t capture wild raptors to "save the birds". She started it for attention and to slyly sell her "honesteader" products. How many birds had their safe releases properly documented, as customary in the falconry hobby? No more than two,by my count. She's as bad at falconry as farming.

  23. “I wrote an essay on getting over a traumatic break up with the help of a ukulele and small falcon.”

    That must’ve been when Shannon dumped her fat ass, and moved back to Boston.

    1. Two essays almost in a row of rotten writing. “Hey hey, Hoo!!!”

  24. “A few winters back I found an old ukulele in the spare bedroom. It was set up against a chair like a prop, which it was. Musical instruments adorn every room of this house, but none of them are fancy. Fiddles hang from the walls. Banjos, mandolins, and guitars have graced overstuffed chairs and lonely corners. They loiter like lazy roommates. I like being surrounded by the opportunity.

    I’m not particularly good at any of them. I used to play fiddle every day but I fell out of the habit. I can still saw out an Appalachian murder ballad, but my lack of progress grew frustrating, which is the fate of a lot of people with attention disorders. Fall madly in love with something for a couple weeks, months, even years and then other things happen to halt the progress. Once I started dating women I stopped playing instruments. I don’t feel there’s any deep meaning to that, other than my hands were busy.

    But like I said, I found this cheap, 4-string, instrument set against a desk chair and brought it downstairs to tune and fuss with. I dusted it off, wiped the years off the nylon and wood, and held it like someone just handed me a human baby; careful and uncomfortable.

    I was living with someone at the time so I was too sheepish to play. I don’t know what it is about having a witness, but it makes me feel embarrassed to stumble through a learning process if someone else can hear it? It’s not about them hearing me mess up, it’s hearing me try at all.

    1. It’s such a vulnerable position to be in, like trying to run a three legged race with an emu while an entire bar is watching, all clumsy and discordant struggling. I tried anyway, playing the same little riffs and chords. I started learning a song, but stopped because it felt silly to be playing a new instrument with someone else in the house.

      Perhaps that was a sign they weren’t the right person for me? Maybe I was just a coward? Either way, besides bringing it into the living room and tuning it, it didn’t get much action downstairs either, but it was around.

      When they broke up with me and left, I couldn’t stand the silence that filled this house like black flood water. I picked up that uke again in a desperate attempt to replace the drowning with anything else at all. I started by learning songs I already knew by heart; words and melodies already seared into my brain so it would be easier putting them to the new strings.

    2. I had to release my red-tail that fall, as she wasn’t going to be suitable for a hunting bird. Feeling already crestfallen, as I had lost my partner and my hawk, I found that the bright music that came out of just plucking at random notes lightened my heart. That little abandoned instrument saved me from a very dark place exactly when I needed it.

      I learned It’s Nice to Have a Friend which was perfect; only two chords and simple and sweet. Then I moved onto other songs like Champagne Problems and Cornelia Street. Then onwards to Fletcher and Dodie and other women’s music that sounded like my life. I wasn’t interested in folk or island music, what the instrument was designed for. I wanted to learn the pop songs that were already a part of my soundtrack. Soon they were flowing out of that $40 instrument like spring water.

      Progress was so fast, songs memorized in days. I had a full sapphic setlist by spring. I don’t know if it was therapy or poetry or lunacy, but alone by that wood stove I sang my upbeat jaunty version of Champagne Problems so many times it became my own. A snarky, light, defeated song compared to the somber eulogy of an original. That was neat. Watching someone else’s’ sad story become my healing.

    3. A few weeks later, I trapped a little kestrel. Falconers can trap passage birds from September first to January 31st, and this little girl showed up just in time. I had this small source of music and this tiny ember of a falcon, both willing to show me a new way to fly if I gave them my time. I did.

      That winter I played my new songs and trained my new bird. I wasn’t used to the smaller versions of the larger things I knew, but I found there was a delicate gentleness in me as well. That bird even perched on my uke while I played, always there with her own chirps and song. It was a magical, miserable, heartbreaking, soul-sewing up of a time. I wrote 40,000 words about heartbreak no one wanted to publish. Now it sits in a folder like regret. The music remained.

      I released the kestrel that spring, honored to have spent the season with her and her short flights and bright spirit. I hope the time here saved her from possibly dying that frigid winter, gave her a place to prune her feathers and memorize our yearning Taylor Swift songs until thaw came. I hope she had a nest full of eggs and is soaring right now. And I hope she feels safe and cared for when she hears ukulele strings, if she ever does.

      And when warmth returned that spring I had a new clarity, and this new way to make music. I brought that ukulele to our pagan gatherings and my hammock by the stream. I brought it to the river when I went fishing. I played everywhere and all the time.

    4. Playing at Ostara last spring, our little fire pit among the sun-drenched snow.
      Heartbreak changes you. That winter I had to deal with being alone after thinking, that I was with the person I was going to marry. But in the aftermath of loss I found a new way to sing, and new friends to shelter from the storm with, and filled this house with longing and comfort and my own voice. I liked hearing myself sing louder, grow in confidence, even if the dogs were the only ones that ever heard me.

      It’s never a mistake to invite music back into your life. Try a new instrument! what do you have to lose!? Discover new artists or your favorite artist’s new work if you haven't checked in since life became about other things. If you haven’t spent time perusing through a record section in years, give yourself that gift again. Apps like Spotify and Pandora will help suggest new artists when you plug in old favorites, so start there if you’re unsure how.

      People that stop feeling what fresh beats can do to you, they lose something magical life. It’s not for teenagers, it’s not for the young, it’s for anyone who never stopped believing things can get better, or more inspirational, or more encouraging... At least for me. Music always pushes me through to somewhere better.

      If you’re looking for a brighter winter, I can’t recommend the uke enough. Throw in a kestrel if you’re really jonesing. It saved me from the second-hardest winter of my life.

      It’s the little things.“

    5. Clearly, the “little things” like editing and polishing her posts aren’t important to Jenna. What a pro!

    6. That story about a kestrel perching in her ukulele and chirping while she played is the biggest load of disneyfied bullshit that I’ve ever read. She is oblivious to basic animal behaviour and believes her readers are stupid if she thinks she can pawn that scenario off as “that really happened”

  25. “Friends! Please help me spread the word about my new endeavor. After 20 years of free writing I started a substack to hopefully save this farm and build a steady income. It's $8 a month to support a single, queer, no-plan B farmer. Share!”

    You can fuck all the way off, Wog. You’ve never had a “plan A” for your faux farm.

    1. Jenna thinks that using words like “single” and “queer” will elicit empathy from followers. Instead, it shows her manipulative marketing. What a con cunt.

  26. https://thehypothesis.substack.com/p/heres-why-substacks-scam-worked-so

    Maybe the stupid scammer has been suckered in by Substack.

  27. Many posts on Twitter. Begging and DESPERATE PLEADING!

    I started a substack. Yes, everyone has one. But this one is a gateway into a feral lesbian homesteading falconer and the writing is better than you think.

    Friends! Please help me spread the word about my new endeavor. After 20 years of free writing I started a substack to hopefully save this farm and build a steady income. It's $8 a month to support a single, queer, no-plan B farmer. Share!

    What is it about? It's essays, at least three a week, plus farm updates, musings, recipes, stories... all the things the blog was when it began in 2007. I had a huge readership then, and I'm trying to rebuild it.

    This is a chance to pay the bills doing what I am best at and love. I'm so exhausted working 20 jobs instead of farming and writing. My dream is 250 paying subscribers. I have 108 right now.

    1. There's a free trial, if you want to try before you buy. If you're already signed up, but set to free, please know that all essays are going to be paid moving forward. Only advertising the paid blog in posts will be free.

      It's a more sustainable method than scrambling to exhaust myself creating everything I can to make a living but my writing, which has suffered under the pressure to just pay bills. I want a chance to love this again. I want to write for a living

      If you already have this dream as a reality, consider helping another woman get there. Subscribe


    2. Please don't take offense to me adding you to this, folks below. Trying to get the word out in case you wish to share, if not, I understand.
      - [ ] @BlairBraverman @QuinceMountain @Remember_Sarah @summerbrennan @byJenAMiller @HelenJMacdonald @herdyshepherd1 @ModFarm @DanKennedy_NYC

    3. Whoops! My apologies, Wog! It’s not begging or pleading, it’s advertising!

    4. This is typical of Jenna. She’s tries to pressure people into making a pity purchase with her products. Substack is just her latest platform for begging.

    5. Edit: She tries…

    6. Her sloppy lack of editing, and proper punctuation shows that Jenna isn’t a serious, professional writer. I’ve found many mistakes in
      each of her essays, and pathetic pleas for subscribers.

  28. The stupid, “scrappy little lesbian” still doesn’t understand that she can’t be a belligerent bully, and force followers into subscribing to her “Shitstack.”

    1. That’s her chronicle lack of social awareness, tact, and intellect in general.

  29. I find it interesting that none of her family seems to be subscribers. I also don’t think that locals like Jon Katz will. He hates her now.

    1. Miriam R something the photographer subscribes

    2. Moronic Miriam is one of her dumb enablers.

  30. Classic example of ridiculously poor writing: Jenna writes that her Substack offers a “gateway into a feral lesbian homesteading falconer”. Em, Jenna, maybe you mean a gateway into THE LIFE of a feral lesbian homesteading farmer. Pretty sad. If this is your idea of advertising you’re not doing yourself any favors.

    1. Jenna can’t be bothered with the pesky problems of editing her rotten writing.

    2. HA, HA, HA! Recipes? That’s sure a selling point! Good thing she’s deleted the old blog. How many times has she made fun of people who need recipes? A recipe tells people what to do and we all know you can’t tell Jenna anything.

    3. The Wayback Machine still has her old blog up for receipts.

    4. But also, what a way to put EVERY other substack down. Leave it to Jenna. “I am the hugely bestest”

  31. A falconry expert would know birds preen, not prune, their feathers. Good grief, if you expect people to pay for your drivel at least proofread it.

    1. Jenna has an arrogant attitude, and believes that she’s above proofreading and polishing.

    2. Lol. I'm picturing the birds in the bathroom pruning their feathers carefully before going out dancing.

  32. Here's my question: If she doesn't want to do menial tasks like farm work or soap making which rob her of her dignity then what the hell is she going to write about? One naval gazing post a week is more than enough. I assume she is going to ride on the coattails of her apprentice. Does she even draw anymore? Her dumb little life has no scope and less growth. She can't hike and doesn't appear to ride her horses. BORING. She can't even write about Taylor Swift being gay. What's a feral lesbian to do?

    1. No socializing because she has no friends, no farmer’s markets, no homesteading pals, no family. Pretty much no human interaction at all. She lives a tiny, tiny uninteresting life. I’ve never once detected a sense of humor. As for “musings”, give me a break!

    2. She will be another Jon Katz: Me, I, Mine, Myself, Me, I.

    3. Jenna’s musings are mundane. Her “dumb small life” consists of “hiding from the world” at her faux farm. She has nothing of merit to offer subscribers.

    4. So predictable. When I asked if she even draws anymore she posts an unfinished sketch of pigs on IG. It makes me wonder how often she checks in here. It really is pathetic how she dances to our fiddle.

    5. SFF. I’m sure that she refreshes this blog multiple times a day to read our critical comments. We’re her foe not fan club. “Boy, howdy!!!”

    6. Jenna’s ridiculous rebuttals are always amusing. We pull her stupid strings.

  33. Can one of the substack savvy shamsters explain how is it that she has what she calls “free subscribers”? I thought the free trial is only seven days and then automatically your card begins to be charged.

  34. A Legend in Her Own MindNovember 27, 2023 at 9:29 AM

    I'm appreciative of those who've posted the latest substack tales, but I have to admit I've quit reading them to the end.

    What 💩💩💩 have I missed? 🤣

    Her writing is horrible, her musings are banal, and she continually lies. Self-aggrandizing comments on a faked homesteading life ("this farm") only last for so long. Even the most obtuse reader will figure it out.

    For Shamsters, it's clear that she's bored with animals at Dead Animal Farm. They're begrudged props in a play she can't quit, because without them, she has nothing. They attract readers; everyone (but her) enjoys animals.

    New Wog is all about Substack, her latest & favorite begging platform. She's giving it full attention and pimping it out on social media, promising everything to everyone in order to lure paying subscribers. To succeed though, she needs to be a better writer, and a consistently better writer, if she expects people to pay the equivalent of a Disney+ monthly subscription.

    Good luck with that, darlin'.

    1. PDD - You haven't missed anything but pure boredom. Because as you read, you keep hoping for a story, or some wisdom, or some humor...anything!

      But you just get zilch. I'd rather drink a blend of my toe nail clippings mixed with my neighbor's diarrhea than have to read her dispatches and essays.

  35. I suspect some of her subscribers thought they were gonna get some hot and heavy sex stuff, as in her comment “I love pussy.” But it looks like that was just wishful thinking.

    1. We knew that the “juicy and passionate” posts were just a ploy to bait subscribers.

    2. The “bitch on the hill” is a self-labeled “Baba Yaga.”She’s “dried out” from decades of deception. There’s nothing that’s “juicy” about Jenna.

    3. OK, since she is obviously not gonna deliver on the hot and heavy sex stuff, I'll do it for her:

      PART ONE:
      "It was a dark and stormy afternoon in VerYork. My girlfriend was napping upstairs, and I was in the kitchen licking clean all the pots and pans that made our breakfast. Shannon thinks I actually wash the dishes, but trust me darlin', all this lick lick lickin' is soooo much faster. Plus, it puts me in the moooood, baby.

      Then, just as I was bending down to pluck a piece of bacon off the floor and pop it in my mouth, a large clap of thunder shook the whole house. It was such a violent clap, it shook loose my underwear from my skin, which had been fused together for weeks, despite shoving handfuls of mint and lavender water down there.

      Anyway, the lightning stuck hard and made the power go out. And while that might be a disaster for you, it's a economic boom for me...because that means pity donations!!! So I made a note to myself to jump on Twitter to spread that news later, but in the meantime I had other business: Checking out my new seed catalog!

      And it was perfect timing because Shannon was asleep. See, the problem with her is that she gets mad at me because I order tons of seeds, but she is the one who has to plant them, tend to the sproutings, and harvest whatever the hell they grow. And she bitches about this all the time! Sheeesh, what an ingrate she is. Here I am, giving her a place to live, during a pandemic no less, and she is still grumbling about paying her fair share AND doing more than half the work here? She, along with her cellphone, her working car, her credit card...they are living here for cheap. In fact, she is taking advantage of ME, and that I'll tell ya for free, darlin'.

    4. PART TWO:
      So hoo! Back to that seed catalog. As I flipped through it, I couldn't help but notice the same mainly, hairy-knuckled hands holding seeds in every picture. I was getting hot. And wet. I was as mesmerized as I was when I noticed the same attributes on Jon Katz's hands during the many times he slipped me some cash when I was a new, flailing and desperate farmer. Big hairy hands that I wished would have run through my thin hair and Amazon extensions.

      And this feeling in my loins, was hotter than any putrid cast iron pizza pan. Oh, how on earth would I quench this juicy sexy thirst? Errr...Shannon! She was upstairs napping, yes, very tired from doing all the animals chores today, and yesterday, and the day before, and the day before that, and the month before that...but she was still up there! Just waiting for me in her dreams!

      So I ran up the stairs, my feet passing over a nail that threatened to rip my skin off, and onto my room. And there she was, lying in my lavender scented bed. And on her beautiful, sticky, Vasaline lined lips were some whimsical dog hairs, swaying in the breeze. I quietly slid into bed, wrapped both my 60" arms around her and gently squeezed her body.

      To my surprise, she awoke in a startled state, sat bolt upright, and said, "OK, OK, I'll go feed them!" And I said, "No, relax, let's pretend it's Beltane! Let me Paganize your pussy!!" And she said, "No, please turn on the air conditioner." I told her the power was out, due to the storm. And so, in the flickering light of candles, I imagined the best sex I'd ever had, all during a thunderstorm. Sex that would never happen...because she was already plotting her escape.

    5. I’m literally, laughing out loud. Thanks!

    6. A Legend in Her Own MindNovember 28, 2023 at 6:31 AM

      Anon7, I'd definitely subscribe to YOUR Substack. Brilliantly done!!

    7. Thanks! I love writing these.

  36. So here’s the thing. Her X account is and always has been begging. Today it’s logos. Her IG is nothing more than reposts of pop/lesbian culture. Very little original content there anymore. So she is putting her money on Substack where she has a limited following and not a lucrative monetary return. Great business plan darlin’. Getting a part time job still seems like her best option but we all know that won’t be happening EVER.

    1. Thanks for the Twitter update. Seems like her begging bleeds into her new essays as well. She just can't help her$elf.

  37. She might have 100 paying customers this month, but that is THIS month. She has to be able to keep them every month. What happens next month? Once again, she's thinking very short term. She needs to be able to sustain the monthly subscribers.
    Think it will happen?
    I have a feeling that people subscribed to see what she is offering. They may not subscribe next month and those 7-8 people who paid for the year are done now.

    1. Here's my prediction: She just launched a brand new venture. And as with any new venture, there will be excitement and interest...initially. But inevitably, people will lose interest...especially when the product sucks and fails to inspire or entertain.

      So this small amount of people who have subscribed so far (100 or so, some paid, some on free trial) -- this is it. This is all who showed up for her grand opening. This is as big as it gets for her. Sure, there might be a few new straggler subscriptions here and there in the future, but out of her captive audience of maybe a few hundred out of the 4K+ that she claims, only 100 or so showed up to see what she has to say.

      And as we all know, her writing is pretty poor, maybe average at best. And her content is non-riveting. So subscribers will start dropping like flies. And that will leave her with just a very small audience of maybe 40 people or less. Which means she'd only be pulling in less than $300 a month...for 3 essays a week. Essays that she claims take her days to write. And we also all know what happens when she tries to perform after the money is already spent (e.g. Birchthorn).

      And that is NOT what she signed up for. Nope, she was hoping to make $2K a month off this new venture. But she won't. So her ambition and incentive will dry up. And so will her essays. Until they dwindle down to nothing. Just like with her first bleg. She said the writing was free, but she had a subscribe button nonetheless...and hardly any subscribers. So the content became stale and infrequent. And this new Shitstack bleg will suffer the same fate too.

  38. Interesting throw away line there about thinking she was going to marry Shannon. Really? That seems a stretch.


    1. Also noticed on one recent post that she said she has ADHD. Is that a first or has it come up before? Has she had a formal diagnosis or has she gleaned it from reading here?

    2. As far as I know, that was the first and only time she has mentioned having ADHD. Someone here (WIW, I believe) has speculated that she has it and *BINGO* she was right!

      As for marrying Shannon, or anyone else for that matter, who is she kidding? She has admitted she hates to work because she doesn't like anyone telling her what to do. And like it or not, that is a big part of marriage...learning to give and take...learning to compromise...learning to accept when you are wrong and need to change. She hinted that Shannon did not like her ways (i.e. begging, over-spending) and she did not like that criticism ONE BIT.

  39. Summer Brennan wrote "most writers have day jobs..." Jenna restacked the article, maybe she should actually read it and pay attention!

    1. Jenna is a self-entitled, super special snowflake. “Day jobs” are only for other peons not her.

  40. New shitstack post up..with thanks again to the shamster who shares them here.

    1. New to me, sorry! Just realized it was already posted here. That’s where the “pruning birds “ came from 🙄🙄🙄🙄
      What a moron.
      And yeah, clearly Shannon was her first and only GF and she thought she was marrying her. Sure.
      Also, is it just me or is she trying to covertly include at least one TS term (marooned, crestfallen) in each post, along with a not-so-subtle name drop? Gosh, she is pathetic.

  41. “Some recent logos I did that I think are swell. You need a logo, I do them flat rate, unlimited revisions, and your money back if not happy.”

    It looks like her “Shitstack” isn’t swamped by “swell” subscribers. “Hoo!!!”

    1. Over on the Cold Antler Critics subreddit this tweet of hers was posted:

      "I tell you, when I was selling $200 logos I got dozens of shares and interactions -- but I was constantly terrified and desperate. Now I'm trying to build an $8 a month subscription base for steady income and it's like screaming into the void. I think people are subsaturated."

      She got dozens of shares because people wanted her to shut up and stop begging. But she didn't. And now people are reluctant to spend any money to see what she has to say. Cuz they know she'll just keep begging regardless.

  42. I signed for a free trial on Substack after a fairly long history of reading someone’s writing. I fully intended to subscribe after the first or two weeks (can’t remember) at a cost of $6/month for post a week. The writing was excellent but the topics weren’t as interesting as I expected so I bailed. Does Jenna, who lives the smallest life of anybody I know, honestly think she can write THREE posts a week? She’ll be begging for ideas pretty soon, if she isn’t already. The only time the narrative has deviated from things like broken pipes, ankles and teeth, fallen fences, dead farm animals, scary van man, and foreclosure notices was when Shannon was there. Honestly, Jenna, this get-rich-quick Substack plan may have already run it’s course.

    1. Oh I fully expect her to dwindle down the three posts a week very soon. This is like every single other sham she has floated out there to make a quick buck. It starts off with a huge “Look at ME!!” Bang and then it fizzles out. Just give it a few weeks.

    2. Exactly. Her “dumb small life” consists of mundane musings that are boring non-tent. She has nothing of merit to offer, and lives like a hermit, who’s “hiding from the world.”

    3. She has already asked on IG for readers to ask a question to give her ideas on what you write about and this is what - week two? I also checked the businesses she is advertising on her logo pitch on X. Only one exists and they do not have a logo. One appears to be the name of rock band. WTF.

    4. The fact that she’s asking so soon for writing prompts is pathetic. This won’t last long.

    5. Above, Anon 1:37 posted this tweet of hers:

      "Please don't take offense to me adding you to this, folks below. Trying to get the word out in case you wish to share, if not, I understand.
      - [ ] @BlairBraverman @QuinceMountain @Remember_Sarah @summerbrennan @byJenAMiller @HelenJMacdonald @herdyshepherd1 @ModFarm @DanKennedy_NYC"

      Wow, asking high profile people to shill yer shit. How low can you go?

    6. Real low if her history is any indication.

  43. On IG stories she is whining that she took her car for an oil and filter change and it was “almost $200, last time it was $38?????????” And asks if this has happened to anyone else 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
    If I had a penny for every improperly used or improperly multiplied question mark in her rotten writing, I could subscribe to a real writer’s substack for at least a year.

    1. It’s more of Wog’s wimpy “whining,” and her manipulative marketing to elicit empathy from followers. Jenna is a con cunt.

    2. A Legend in Her Own MindNovember 28, 2023 at 2:11 PM

      Pretty sad when a feral homesteading woman, who says she can survive an apocalypse, can't change her car's oil.

    3. She may be too too chunky to get herself under there but I agree, it’s not rocket science.

    4. PDD right???? In our house you didn’t get to drive until you learned how to change the oil.

    5. I call bullshit. Oil changes do not cost that much. I could understand if something was wrong and they had to fix it for an extra charge, but it seems she is trying to say that the cost has gone up that much? Nope.

    6. If her last oil change was $38 and this one was $200, how long did she wait between oil changes? A year or two?

    7. My other half said 30 minutes max to change oil (say $50), plus cost of materials.

      They probably dislike Wog.

    8. Maybe she owed them money from the past and they were trying to recoup some of that.

    9. A Legend in Her Own MindNovember 30, 2023 at 10:30 AM

      A pathetic plea for help (Was poor widdle me overcharged for my oil change?) and Pember Patty answered. Wog sure knows how to appeal to the kind-hearted.

  44. So here we go three days now since her last shitstack post. To produce “a minimum of three “ essays a week, she should be putting up a new one every two days. Keep in mind she said a minimum of three a week. And her last one had only 13 likes and three comments.
    Let the fizzling out begin.

    1. If this fizzles out in under six months will she refund those who paid for a full year? Does Substack have regulations to crack down on scammers?

    2. I’m sure she will have some lame and already-used excuse on her hunches no longer posting at least 3 essays in order to keep her annual subscribers still on the hook.

    3. A Legend in Her Own MindNovember 29, 2023 at 9:04 AM

      Substack isn't kind to subscribers (which makes creepy sense since they take 10%+ of $$):

      "Subscriber Refunds

      Subscriber refund requests should be made directly to the Publisher of the subscribed publication, who will issue refunds at their discretion.

      In the event that a reader has trouble contacting the Publisher, or if the Publisher is unresponsive, please contact our Support team through this form; and Substack will honor the refund request according to (1), (2), (3) of our Refund Policy below as well as other discretionary cases.

      1. If a refund request is made within 7 days of payment.
      2. If payment has been made to a dormant publication.
      A dormant publication is a publication which has had at least 6 months of inactivity for the annual subscription tier or at least 1 month of inactivity for the monthly subscription tier (from the date of your payment). Inactivity means that the publication has not published any articles.
      If there has been a service issue.
      3. A service issue is an issue occurring at a technical or server level (i.e., a software bug which creates a delay in the receipt of a publisher’s email). A pro-rata refund, based on the delay and/or extent of the service issue, will be provided.

      Note: Please note that refunds can take up to 5-10 business days to appear on your credit card statement."

  45. *not sure where the word hunches came from 🤣

  46. So she has posted a free essay about what I assume is a new bird which it appears she has had for a while now. Sounds fishy to me since there has been no mention of a new capture. I’m wondering if this is recycled content meant to appear current. If this is the best she can offer to lure new readers then she should go back to soap making. It’s rambling and as usual has errors. Her essays are more stream of consciousnesses than competent writing.

    1. SFF. Even her stupid “stream of consciousness” is rotten writing.

  47. Oh my gosh. I am reading it now. What a pile of steaming purple prose! And goodness, did she ever load up on the cliches!! Woooow.
    And yep, looks like she trapped a new victim. As per usual, it’s already posed with props to draw readers who are into this kind of thing.
    Gross. And sad.

    1. This is amazing. "witnessing the fleeting warmth gild every inch of her while she effortlessly raked back her hair" what???? Thank goodness she didn't throw out her back while playing with her her hair, I guess!

    2. Jenna doesn’t have enough hair to “rake back.” That’s why she hides her head with hats and bandannas.

  48. How absolutely tacky of her to like her own posts. And pathetic.
    Also half of the comments showing up for her comment count are her responses to the attagirls.

    1. I noticed one of the comments compliments the photo and not the writing.

    2. No one is supposed to “like” their “own posts.”

  49. If I was a paying subscriber, I'd be pissed that she's offering it up for free.

  50. Annoying beyond belief! The fact that she wrote this crap, rhapsodized at length about falconry and gave no information about where this bird came from is absolutely ridiculous. If she captured it, why wouldn’t she write about it? And what in the heck does she mean when she says the bird is “new to her”? Until I read otherwise I think someone gave it to her. Laughing stock, Jenna, is what you are!

    1. Just answered my own question. The bird flew in through the open glass door, made a wide swing past the screaming hot bun-burner, and landed on the lamp stand to watch a little youtube on the laptop.

  51. A Legend in Her Own MindNovember 29, 2023 at 12:13 PM

    I'll bet Wog bought the bird. Nothing in the "rules" prevents this sort of purchase, and she's never been about conservation anyway. She remains a POS.

    1. Could the bird possibly belong to her supposed apprentice? I wouldn't put it past her to lie about it's origins.

  52. On IG stories reporting stuff again to gay appropriate TS. What a piece of shit human. She can’t take a fcuking hint.

    1. It makes me laugh that the Queen of Con is a victim of the biggest con out there. How much has she spent on TS merch? While she continues to repost TS is gay crap, Taylor Swift is ensconced in her hunky boyfriend’s mansion counting her billions …. among other heterosexual activities 💕 They have become the couple of the year. Read the screen darlin’

    2. I know we've hashed this out before, but I don't even get why queers would want to claim TS. If she's queer and she's still in the closet at this point, when she has literally every resource she could ever need, and would be one of the most "acceptable" types of queers and retain massive privilege, then she's a real piece of work, in my opinion. But there's no evidence that's the case.

    3. It's hard for someone like her who has made liking Taylor Swift her whole personality. And doing so at a time when many were convinced TS and Karlie Kloss were lesbian lovers. And she's not gonna back down from that belief cuz that's all she has, and all she is.

  53. How does she expect to attract the gay community when she's violating one of the top rules: Don't out anyone. It's up to them to announce it or keep it to themselves. I know this is a celebrity crush and not real life, but it's still very gross and speaks to her lack of character.

  54. On IG stories she is asking people to sign up for her paid yoga class saying it’s queer friendly, WEED friendly, and costs less than a pizza per month.
    She should really stop giving any advice that has anything to do with spending or money. Period, full stop. Entitled, tone deaf dummy.

    1. By her yoga class I meant that one she frequents and is always talking about. Not one she is teaching. I’m not saying she has any possible credentials to teach a yoga class but that hasn’t stopped her before. Just clarifying🤣🤣🤣🤣

    2. thank you for clarifying because I did immediately suspect she was teaching a yoga class. lol.

    3. Bahahaha yep you are welcome🤣🤣

    4. What's the point of getting others to sign up for something that doesn't benefit her?

      As for the yoga, I still don't believe she actually does it cuz I can't see her being able to bend over and touch her toes unless someone literally sawed her in half.

    5. A Legend in Her Own MindDecember 1, 2023 at 6:32 AM

      I think the point of posting the yoga screenshots is she can pretend to do yoga with a person of color. Wog never helps her communities (she only cares about herself), so yoga instructor might improve Wog's cred. Also, this is a link to her "ex" who supposedly introduced her to yoga.

      And, speaking of yoga - Wog, why no yoga selfies?? You know how to take them, so perhaps you don't actually do yoga?

    6. Agree, all her yoga photos are taken of the screen with her presumably sitting in front of her laptop smoking up. Does she really think she is fooling anybody?

  55. Wow, she really knows that hawk well. She really told us about its experience.

    1. The hawk is just another distraction from reality and responsibility. Just like a procrastinator who keeps little messes all over their house so they will always have something to do...rather than dealing with bigger, deeper issues. Also, having another animal to look after is one more reason why she supposedly can't leave the farm to work a job. How convenient for her!

  56. A pathetic beg for people to join her shitstack is up on IG stories where she also promises “homesteads, hawks and homosexuality” and darlin, you didn’t misread this, it’s a direct quote. She can’t help herself.
    According to that beg her trapping the latest victim story is coming up next on the shitstack. She also posted an attagirl from one of her poor delusional readers.

  57. Yuck. This reeks of desperation.

    1. Subtlety is not in her wheelhouse. She has the mentality of a toddler. “LOOK AT ME”

    2. She “reeks of desperation,” and bad body odor. Jenna acts as if she’s 14 not 41.

  58. Another three day block without a shitstack post. As predicted here, the “at a minimum three essays a week” is fizzling out faster than you can say “darlin”

    1. I guess she read here and decided to go ahead and post 🤣

    2. Drivel alert

    3. I noticed her latest offering is Part One. This is an underhanded way to stretch one topic over two separate posts. Laziness thy name is Wog.

    4. A Legend in Her Own MindDecember 3, 2023 at 9:13 AM

      Not posting her self-serving, poorly-written deceitful drivel should be considered a public service.

  59. She's posting logos (again) for businesses that don't appear to exist. She often changes the name of an existing business and alters the name slightly on the logo, ie. Scout Woodworking is real but her logo is for Old Scout Woodworking. It seems like such a waste of time.What's wrong with her? I realize that's a loaded question.

    1. SFF. “What’s wrong with her?” In a nutshell: everything.

  60. https://twitter.com/coldantlerfarm/status/1731408395930931565?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet

    No one cares, cunt. Your ugly, filthy fingers, thick thumb and man hands are repulsive. Pushing people to make either a pity purchase or subscription is being a bully.

  61. Her hawks have always been pet props to pose. Jenna doesn’t care about the conservancy of any species, because she’s a sociopathic predator.

  62. “The comments from readers are breathtaking. I don’t know what else to do to convince you to follow (there’s a free option, takes seconds) so maybe these will?”

    She still can’t use question marks correctly. Maybe people don’t want to pay even pennies for your purple prose and lie-style.


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