New lies posted from Jenna.

I'll admit I don't read all of her posts.  I'm really just not that interested.  Any time I do read I remember why I generally don't.
She always has an agenda.  She flat out lies, is vague, misleads and is incredibly inauthentic.  Not to mention a terrible writer.  Even her made up fantasy life is boring.
I'm going to go back to folding socks….it's a lot more interesting.


  1. Jenna writes like English is her second language. She should care enough to write sober, or at least proofread sober!

    1. OMG, you hit the nail on the head. ‘like English is her second language’. I almost spit out my coffee laughing. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    2. Anonymous 8:57. Exactly. She’s far from staying sober.
      SFF. You’ve coined the term “Jenna’s Jargon.” It describes her ineptitude and rotten writing.

    3. I think she does sound like she is ESL because she downright tries too hard, and uses outdated colloquial terms and phrases used by nobody else. I believe she believes it makes her sound hobbit-like and as if she is on some sort of outer worldly adventure.
      It simply makes her writings unreadable, and unauthentic.

    4. Anonymous 6:22. I think that you’re correct. Her stupid, skewed perception makes her come across as being crazy, not “on some sort of outer worldly adventure.” That was well-put.

  2. Jenna darling, Shannon left you two YEARS ago. Don’t you think it’s time you stop mentioning her in every post? You need to move on, I’ll tell you that much for free.

    1. Shannon must have been in one big hurry to leave if she left an air conditioner, a rotisserie, a soda stream and possibly that blue bean bag chair and her cat. Run far, run fast, darlin'

    2. Jenna won’t really mention Shannon’s name, but bemoans her bank account moving back to Boston, too. She acts as if having a double income was her norm, and counted on it, when it only happened for a scant time. It’s just more manipulative marketing by the Cambridge Queen of Con.

  3. Further thoughts on Shannon. I think JW mentions her so much because it makes her seem less pathetic to have had one live in partner. Admitting she has no partner is just too bleak. With Jenna it’s all about how she is perceived whether or not it’s accurate. I really think that in her mind saying ‘my ex’ sounds cool … a tagline she enjoys throwing out there since ‘my girlfriend’ may be a phrase she will never say again.

    1. Yeah, you’re right about her saying “ex” instead of “my only relationship.” It’s no wonder why Wog is still single.

    2. Yes, the relationship gives her credibility. But let’s remember, likely it only happened, and lasted that long, and included a live-in component, because of Covid.

  4. "I should really heat up the mug, but this house has always only had one microwave"

    She does this very strange thing where she acts like having just one of something is a hardship. Like with vehicles.

    1. “This farm,” “this house,” “this woman,” and “this lying, lazy loser.”

    2. Her mundane non-tent is boring beyond belief.

    3. Do people have multiple microwaves?? 😂

  5. "If you're feeling down, or anxious, or worried - please know there's a 40-something lesbian without a microwave and no idea how she'll pay this month's mortgage yet still hopeful her life will improve and truly believing it. You can get through this brunch. We're all going to make it, darlings, by and by. "
    I don't really understand what she's trying to do here.

    1. earlier it sounded like not having a microwave was a good thing, but now she seems to be listing it like a hardship
    2. Who's trying to get through brunch?
    3. Does she not realize how dismissive "darling" is? Or that the intent?

    1. She’s mentioned brunch as a dig on “grown ups” who can afford to eat out, because they get off their fat asses to work. Jenna is “down, anxious and worried” all the time. The cunt can’t keep up with her lie-style any longer. The childish “darling” insult has always been condescending. It’s a weird way to say “fuck you” without using those words.

    2. She says at the beginning that her microwave is sitting in her tack room and later on says she doesn't have one. Which is it? Good lord. she needs to proofread

    3. I don’t see this stupid statement on her accounts. Maybe “this coward” read the comments, and has deleted as usual.

    4. It’s obnoxious and obsessive how fixated she is on constantly bringing up her being a lesbian. It’s making Jenna appear even more unhinged. It’s certainly not a date bait technique.

  6. HD. Your description of Jenna was very accurate. Her “agenda” is to filch free funds without having to work for a living. There’s nothing authentic about her fraudulent existence. She’s a putrid person.

  7. The fun part of her ‘dispatches’ (at least for me) is weeding out her true feelings from the con. Every now and then she tips her hand and you get a glimpse inside the beast.

    1. Jenna was nicknamed “the beast” in high school. Her sister was called “beauty” in contrast. I don’t know if you were aware of that fact. Her stunted psyche is even uglier than her unattractive appearance. She’s too stupid to see that her rotten writing reveals her ugly interior.

    2. So, darlin, which is it?
      In the last few dispatches you mentioned being two months behind- September and October. In this one you mention being a lesbian who hasn’t paid “this month’s mortgage”.
      Will you please address this after you read my comment, darlin? Try to get your story straight, for a change.
      I’ll ask you this much for free.

    3. Well that explains a lot. It makes me wonder why she has never sought therapy.

    4. SFF. In order for therapy to work, one has to want to change. The Beast doesn’t think that there’s anything wrong with her.

    5. Ironically, a lot of people who go to therapy assuming there's something wrong with them, learn after a lot of work that there is nothing wrong with them intrinsically, they just had some traumatic experiences and with new coping skills and some emotional processing, they find their lives much improved (assuming they have access to the basic resources needed to be safe and comfortable.)

      The people DOING the victimizing, the truly pathological in our society, rarely see a problem with their behaviour and thus never get themselves in front of a professional.

  8. “I’ve given up on him being a good cat.”

    She’s posed her pet prop again. What riveting non-tent.

  9. The bitch is back to buying bots again. She does this whenever followers flee her account. Wog will do anything to appear popular.

    1. Jenna never has a drastic increase in followers at once for no reason. She has nothing of merit to offer. But the count will decline again soon, when people realize that she’s a beggar and scammer.

  10. Oh, darlin?
    Do all of us a favor and open that lil’ app on your new phone(I am sure some dummy gave you one or traded one for something dumb), the one with the little cloud on it.
    If you do that, you’ll be shocked to see there is, gasp, no snow in the forecast for the coming ten days. Mmmkay? You learned something new today, darlin.
    Farmers should know how to check the weather.

  11. Now she reports that Merlin escaped (again) looking for a decent meal. It didn’t occur to her to feed and blanket him before she went to bed ….. only after the fact. How has it never occurred to her to house her horses in a barn? Problem solved, darlin’

    1. Probably because there is no secure, warm place for her horses to shelter in. I feel sorry for her horses. Obviously, she doesn’t care. Also speaks to how bad her fencing is that her animals keep escaping. I would not have a horse if I did not have an indoor stall for it in the winter.

    2. SFF. We’ve driven by her hovel a few weeks ago. The old barn looks like it’s ready to topple over. Jenna has ruined what was once a nice home and piece of property. What a white trash twat.

    3. How many years has she lived there with no improvements to the property? Not sure what her acreage is but surely there is space enough to erect a small stable. Typical Jenna, acquire more and more animals with no thought of how to properly care for them. It's beyond irresponsible. All the money spent on TS crap could have gone towards a shelter for that poor old horse.

    4. She keeps saying Merlin is over 30. No, he's not. If you go to her previous blog, back when she was at least halfway interesting, she first talked about him in February 2012. She states in the paragraph that she might be purchasing a 15 year old Fell pony. So from February 2012 to October, 2023, that makes him 26. She really needs to stop the lying about something so freaking simple.

    5. SFF. Jenna has bragged about having six acres that were once part of a larger piece of property. She’s only degraded not improved anything. I’d call her a hoarder.

    6. It really bothers me that she's adding 4+ years to Merlin's age, because she's trying to justify his condition as he becomes a hard keeper in his senior years, and she's preparing her few readers for his premature death.

      Poor beauty. What a horrific waste. I can't imagine what his first owner must think, having thought she'd placed Merlin in a good home and now 10 years later to see he was completely neglected for the second half of his life.

      He's an endangered breed to boot. Terrible tragic waste.

  12. New dumb dispatch:

    “What happened at 2:18 last night:”

    No one cares, cunt. You’re a lying, lazy loser any time of day. Remind us again that you’re a lesbian. “Hoo!!!”

  13. Her latest stupid post is more meaningless drivel about Jenna’s lie-style, and rotten writing that says nothing. It’s click bait for fools.

    1. Not to mention the spelling mistakes. They get worse every time. It highlights her ignorance. How does she not see that it reflects on her general competence to run a credible operation?

    2. SFF. Her rotten writing is rife with multiple major mistakes, because she doesn’t care about editing. I think that her cognitive abilities are continuing to decline due to substance abuse addictions, and serious mental illness. Of course, Jenna also has a defective character, and there’s no cure for that condition.

    3. Somehow it doesn't track. Her whole persona hinges on feeling superior - the quintessential know it all and yet she opens herself up to ridicule by displaying her poor grasp of the English language while calling herself a writer. Its bizarre but I guess nothing about Jenna makes sense.

  14. This made my Monday morning:

    She has 50 rotten reviews, and only one positive that Jenna’s probably posted. “Boy, Howdy!!!”

    1. Many of them are from women who are warning others not to date Jenna.

    2. Can you post them?

    3. "we have found at least one lawsuit, bankruptcy or lien against Jenna" I wonder what that was?

    4. That one positive review is probably Jenna herself.

    5. This site says Jenna's parents' income is $100-150K! What!? That's a very decent, above-average income! This builds credence for the theory that her parents are sending her a stipend, despite her shit-posting them regularly.

    6. Anonymous 6:00. I wrote the comment above. The reviews aren’t written now like before. But the don’t date ratings are rotten. Mylife has three categories to choose from. You can just look at her profile to see them.

      WiW. I wasn’t surprised to see that information considering Jenna’s financial failures. I also don’t know how correct her parents’ income is in real life. I’m sure that they’ve helped her before.

    7. I think that Anonymous 6:00 might be Jenna again. It has her signature “ask for information” without saying “please” and “thanks.” It’s because she’s an abrasive, brusque bitch who has zero common courtesy. She’s done this before here. Her patterns are predictable. Once you start to see them.

  15. We live in Washington County as well. Just checked the 10 day- there is a ‘chance’ of morning snow showers on Tuesday Nov 7th… we all know this will change multiple times by then, hell it will change by the end of the day. So the moral of this post? Jenna- winter happens every year. You have livestock, you should know how to take care of them after being a ‘farmer’ for ONE winter. Your hay quest starts in June, or whenever your hay supplier has bales ready. If you are looking for hay now, you are paying much more than you should be. Same for wood. Your lack of preparation is staggering, even more so that you admit it publicly.
    I’ve commented before about piglets and that whole situation. We will be breeding 7 sows in the next 2 months; we have not asked for, or taken, deposits. We have advertised that we are planning on having them available- that’s it. Some of this blame does fall to the consumer; but I suppose that is why she can’t sell locally.

    1. Thanks for your input. We’re familiar with Washington county from living in Cambridge a few years ago. Jenna just wants free funds up front for over a year in advance. She’s completely unethical and fraudulent. No normal adult operates a business this way. We’re planning on reporting her to appropriate authorities.

    2. I strongly doubt she actually sells any pig shares. She doesn't deliver locally, doesn't ship beyond her region, and there are multiple better options for small-farmed pork. I think she gets the occasional person buying a share to "donate to the food bank" which we know is just Jenna's freezer.

  16. Blast from the past:

    It’s another blatant lie, because HD did post the comment.

    1. I would have loved to have seen the comment Shannon allegedly made. A comment most likely made in the beginning before the blush was off the rose. Before Shannon saw the light and fled.

      Did anyone here happen to see said comment?

    2. It is probably still on the sham blog if you look back . I remember reading it. If I have some time I will I’ll try to search it and post it here. Someone more tech savvy than me might be quicker and know exactly how to get to it.

    3. Anon7. The comments that Shannon made would be from over two years ago, because it’s been that long before she’s moved back to Boston. I recall reading them. She came across as being a little childish, with a weird fixation on religion, and berating us for picking on the filthy feral failure. I found them funny. I’m sure that SD wouldn’t defend Wog now.

    4. I remember reading her comments too - I didn't know it was shannon at the time, but I strongly suspected given the timing and Jenna's announcement she had to have a heart-to-heart talk with shannon about the meanie meanies on the internet who hate her just because she's a successful woman.

      A few days after that an anon poster was in here saying they were shocked at how mean we all were.

      I and a couple other people tried to engage her in good faith by pointing her to old posts and documentation of all the bullshit that has gone down (not immortalized in the "why we are here" pinned post in the reddit group).

      Her brief posts weren't that interesting, it was more about how terrible we all must be to be so mean to someone we didn't know... which is funny because at that point I don't think Shannon had even googled Jenna or read her old blog posts. I think at the time plenty of posters here knew Jenna better than Shannon in some areas.

  17. She hasn't mentioned Patty in months. It's been nearly a year since she wasn't invited to thanksgiving / xmas dinner. It seems they have finally fallen out.

    Did Jenna stop paying for her car after she hit that deer? What caused this friendship between thieves to finally splinter?

    1. Agree, WIW. She used to be all up in Patty's butt 'n business. And she probably only called Patty when she needed something...which is not a good basis for a friendship.

    2. Reminds me of the bridge she burned with Jon Katz. Way back in 2016:

    3. Anonymous 12:30. Jon can’t stand her now. Speaking from the personal experience of having lived in Cambridge for years, Jenna is loathed by locals. Many have been burned by her before in business. She’s earned her rotten reputation.

  18. From the last thread: "Taylor Swift is officially a billionaire. Thanks to foolish fans like Jenna who buy everything that she puts out. And go to tours that they can’t afford. Maybe she can assist the lying, lazy loser in “catching up” on two months of mortgage payments."

    Well said. Both of them disgust me: Jenna for being piss-poor but still re-buying albums she ALREADY OWNS while her animals are under the threat of food insecurity since she can't afford hay and feed without crowd sourcing.

    And greedy Taylor who was already a multi-millionaire before launching her tour, which put her into billionaire status thanks to her charging $26 for her Shake It Off margaritas. Add to that, a bunch of "tAyLoRs VeRsiON" re-releases that she made even more money from. What she should have done is given those re-recordings out for free to every fan who turned in the old versions. That would've been a cool thing to do by a freakin' BILLIONAIRE.

    But hey, scammers gonna scam. That's one thing these two have in common.

    1. Anon7. Thanks for quoting my comment. Your additional input was well-put.

    2. I don't really have any skin the in the tswift game, but I respect her as an artist, and her artist rights to re-record songs she created and she sang that she was not getting proper compensation for. The music industry has made billions from exploiting artists, often for decades before they realize the extent of the damage. They will send artists on grueling tours and get them addicted to drugs so they can slog on. There's plenty of documentation of what they did to Kurt Cobain, Brittney Spears, Duff McKagan from guns n roses went to business school just to understand how badly he and the band was getting screwed.

      Not many artists have been able to pull off what taylor did, though plenty tried. And there are now new policies and LAWS being put in place because of what taylor did to try and prevent other artists from repeating it.

      The Eras tour, unlike many other blockbuster tours, is making massive donations to food banks to every city they go to.

      Is taylor a spoiled princess nepo-baby? Yes. But I still respect her and I hope she finds many years of happiness in her new relationship.

  19. It’s another dumb dispatch:

    “New blog: how a modern pagan honors today:”

    No one still cares, cunt. You’re a self-professed pagan in name only for click bait. Don’t you have two mortgage payments to beg towards? Better get busy, or your faux farm will finally be foreclosed for good.

    1. Funny, how Jenna’s started writing regularly again, but only after our comments pointing out that she’d stopped doing dispatches. Her ridiculous rebuttals to our criticism are amusing. We pull her puppet’s strings. “Hoo!!!”

    2. It’s a real chore trying to read through her condescending, holier- than-thou, know-it-all, drivel. Again. Your Halloween is so much crappier than hers. Your traditions are silly and dumb. Meaningless.
      That from the gal who insists on buying ghost marshmallows for her hot chocolate. And watching juvenile Halloween cartoons.

    3. Anonymous 7:25. Only Jenna knows how to celebrate any holiday. Don’t forget about making “spooky cupcakes with sprinkles!” I’ve seen kids who have better balanced diets. It’s no wonder why she’s fat.

    4. Maybe she can remind us again on
      Halloween that she’s still a lesbian. Jenna hasn’t mentioned it for a few hours.

    5. Also, “larder”? What is this, 1880? Pretentious dummy.

    6. I hate her asinine attempts to come across as country colloquial. Like using “larder,” “shire,” and “cupboard food.” Jenna is a complete poser.

    7. Lately I read her dispatch until I come across a spelling error which means I don't get too far into it.

  20. What would Wog wear for Halloween
    since her whole life is lies?
    Dressing as a deviant
    could be a good disguise.

    1. Wog doesn't need a costume...she is scary just as-is. While in town in May, by children seen, they wonder in confusion if it's Halloween.

    2. Anon7. You’re right. Your comment made me chuckle. Jenna could also dress up as a hairy hobbit, wolf, bumbling badger, and ugly, old Baba Yaga. She’s labeled herself all of those things.

    3. I should’ve written weird wolf.

  21. Whoever predicted she would showcase the new TAS vinyl nailed it. She is not only posting pictures of it with her cat, she is critiquing the tracks because she knows EVERYTHING about her favourite HETEROSEXUAL crush.

    1. those records are $50 / pop!
      the cassette tapes she buys specifically to play in the truck which she no longer has are $25 a pop.

      Be a fan have a hobby fine, but don't claim to be behind on your MORTGAGE and then post a video of your $50 merch which you bought recently!

    2. A Legend in Her Own MindNovember 1, 2023 at 6:22 AM


      Also, how freaking "stoopid' are her enablers to not see these disconnects and GIANT RED FLAGS?



    3. Jenna likes bragging about her latest frivolous purchases, but then begs for months behind mortgage money, and brings up her fake fear of foreclosure. Her whole life is lies.

    4. WIW - I posted my comment below before I saw what you wrote here. $50 is much worse for her to have spent! And yes, she probably bought the cassette as well. Ugh, I cannot understand being that stupid.

    5. Anon 7 - maybe the merch website is showing me the cost in canadian dollars?

  22. Just saw the video of the Taylor Swift album playing and the cat stopping it with his paw. Great way to scratch that album up really good and then of course she will have to buy another one (if she hasn't already). Pretty dumb of her.

    1. That special edition vinyl album cost her a whopping $31.89 which is the most expensive option as the digital download is only $11.89, the CD is $12.89, and the cassette is $19.89.

      Yet even though she is two months behind on the mortgage, and desperately needs hay and feed, she felt it was OK to spend that much...even though she ALREADY owns that album. But stupid is as stupid does.

    2. My only did she buy the vinyl ( I mentioned starting a countdown to the day she shows it off a few days ago), but she bragged on spending what looks like a whole day at least on “rating vault tracks” from the album. First of all, who the eff ever cared about her opinion on TS’s tracks?
      Tell me again, darlin, while you engage in all this stupidity and colossal waste of time, how you are two months behind on the mortgage and how your animal props don’t have enough feed for winter.

  23. "On this farm I have (for the last 25 years) practiced the old pre-christian holidays of the Wheel of the Year, and this one is most important, as well as the traditional end of the year. "

    Suddenly she's been on her property for 25 years? What?

    Oh and we're conveniently editing out the period of Buddhism?

    She's claimed "heathenism" aka a generic miss-match of cross-european paganism that includes celtic AND germanic traditions which have no historical relation.

    She's not really interested in the theology, it's just another imaginary game. She's practicing an old religion just as much as she's a hobbit.

    1. Well, we all know she likes to round up and round down when it suits her narrative. But I assume she's combining all the years of CAF, as that was the name of her first farm in Idaho and her second farm in Vermont. So 25 years combined? Or maybe she fat-fingered 2 instead of 1.

    2. Even if she's counting 25 years of "cold antler farm" - she was claiming to be a Buddhist vegetarian when she bought the property she's on now 12 years ago. She talks about it a lot in Made from Scratch. Buddhism was very trendy in the early 2000s.

  24. "Christianity was never interested in destroying ancient traditions when they could adapt and evolve them, because they weren't stupid."

    oh my god, read a history book! This is seriously offensive. She needs to search residential schools. Christians still TO THIS DAY actively work to extinguish the ancient traditions of non-Christians. Whole wars have been fought over this. What an idiot.

    1. As usual, her ignorance and stupidity are off the charts. She seriously hasn't heard of St. Patrick and how he allegedly drove the snakes out of Ireland? (Snakes being Pagans.) And while it's debatable that he physically chased the Pagans from Ireland, he most certainly facilitated the spread of Christianity whilst denouncing Paganism.

    2. Jenna is an opinionated asshole who knows nothing about most topics. Her arrogant attitude is overtly obnoxious.

  25. Forgive me, as I can't remember if I've asked this question or not, but where does the Pig Shocker get all the pork she eats? By her own admission, she eats pork a lot, almost daily. She writes about egg 'n pork scrambles, BLTs, and dinner stew type dishes with pork. Always bragging about eating pork she raised herself.

    But...her pork shares always sell out and she doesn't make it sound like she is keeping a full share for herself, so is she shaving bits of pork of each share to keep for herself? Cuz from the amount she claims to eat, it almost sounds like she keeps a full pig for herself to eat.

    1. it seems hard to believe she raises more than just enough food for photo ops — if that.

    2. My thought is she gets the CSA shares to pay for the purchase, raising, and butchering of the pigs, and only the most persistent customers actually get their pork. Of the ones who do get their pork, it makes sense she'd be shaving off a chop here, a slab of bacon there.

  26. Jon Katz wrote about a local woman also sells soap:

    “Cindy, who just got two orders for 400 bars of her wonderful soap, came to the market dressed as the lollipop lady; she had buckets of lollipops to hand out. Casa Cassavant, a/k/a the goat lady, was selling some of her terrific goat cheese and, of course, her soaps, the best soap I’ve ever used. Cindy is also meditating happily and successfully. She is coping beautifully with the anxiety of farming and business beautifully. Check out her website here.

    Cindy is a good and valued friend.”

    She puts the filthy feral failure to shame. But Jenna can’t be bothered to come to any community events. Even when she might make money. It’s better to be a beggar.

    1. It’s almost like Jon’s made a point of contrasting Cindy with Wog. And lazy Jenna acts as if selling several bars of soap is a business triumph. “Boy, Howdy!!!”

    2. You also never hear of pleased locals promoting Jenna’s products. That speaks volumes about her rotten reputation.

    3. I am a repeat customer of Cindy's soap (Caz Acrez Farm). Great quality. Highly recommend her soap sampler that comes with a reusable soap bag. And guess what? There is a website to easily order and I didn't have to email for prices/availability. I wasn't "forgotten" and didn't have to email a reminder to ship my order!
      Jenna will never get my business.

    4. SOTM. I agree about Cindy’s soaps being great. We’re repeat buyers, and live locally. There are no people praising Jenna’s products, because they’re all sub-par, and not carefully crafted.

  27. “Still no luck trapping a bird, and with it already being November, I need to accept there probably won’t be one in the cards this year. If I do catch a juvenile and my new apprentice has her license, I’ll make sure it goes to her to start her on her journey. But who knows, maybe I’ll get lucky in the next few days? It’s finally cold enough and leaves are off trees, making spotting birds to trap easier. I suppose we’ll see.”

    We’re very relieved that there’s no new bird victim for her to abuse. Jenna still can’t use question marks and commas correctly.

  28. Instagram Sham:

    “Just ranked the vault tracks in my stories if you want to talk shop, darlin.” #1989taylorsversion

    No one cares, cunt. Jenna is spending more money, and wasting time with Taylor Swift trivia. Rather than working to pay her two months behind mortgage. GFY, “darlin.”

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindNovember 3, 2023 at 4:56 AM

      Incredible the time she must have wasted on evaluating TS songs. She posted a HUGE number of stories, since deleted or timed out, with conspiracy-style pedantic theories on TS lyrics.

      She's no doubt proud of her analyses, but honestly, it looked like she was high when she posted these.

  29. Her increase in followers is because the bitch bought bots again. She does this to appear more popular than she is in reality. Her account has nothing of merit to offer otherwise.

  30. She really thinks her life of watching tv, "trapping", and reposting old photos makes her "working class"!

    1. I’ve also just responded to this bull, but my comment hasn’t appeared yet. Jenna would rather be a beggar than work to support herself like a normal adult. She lives like a pampered princess and spoiled brat.

  31. “Finally got my Subaru inspected for the year, and over $400 had to be spent to disassemble the entire rear brake system to fix an emergency brake I have never used once. Still behind on the farm.

    I feel like working class people can never get a break in this system, ever.”

    Here’s her barely disguised begging in a transparent sob story. It’s all a crock of crap. No one needs to know this about Jenna’s car. She just wants more money to buy Taylor Swift trinkets and vinyl. Get a job, slob.

    1. Add to that another thinly veiled beg just posted on her blog. This winter will be harder than ever. Holidays are hard. Fighting to keep her home.
      All while effing around and wasting DAYS to analyze bonus tracks on a vinyl she bought (again) in between wasting gas to go trap innocent birds. Yeah, ok, Jen. Sure. Nobody wants to hear this. Pick a storyline and stick to it. Can’t cry poor while you act like a spoiled antisocial brat-streaming pricey content non-stop, shamelessly living off others, and buying the latest greatest trinkets.

    2. Jenna acts as if she’s the only adult who has expenses. She mentions being behind to try and elicit empathy from followers to filch free funds.

    3. Anonymous 6:41. Exactly. I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating. One can’t be both victim and victor at the same time. Jenna’s crazy, cognitive dissonance is disingenuous. She doesn’t know the meaning of “fight.” Her enablers keep supporting the lying, lazy loser. So she’s never forced to be a “grown up.”

    4. "fighting" to keep her home? She's not a renter getting evicted, she's "fighting" getting a job.

  32. “First Snow Prayer
    Snow fell on the farm the morning of November 1st. I brought the kitten outside to show him, holding his midnight-black coat against my chest as the first-ever snowflakes he's ever seen fell on the new mane growing around his neck. He pawed the air a bit, and I held him close, and then brought him inside to the warmth of the fire. If it's snowing, the wood stove is lit.

    I can feel the self-isolating tendencies creeping in. I fear this winter is going to be harder than last. I'll avoid drama and hyperbole this morning, but when I say the holidays are hard, and growing harder every year, I mean it.

    I am so grateful for the work of this farm and the fight to keep it my home.
    May it carry me through.”

    What a complete load of crap.

    1. SFF. Your last sentence succinctly summed it up. Jenna won’t ever take any adult accountability for her actions. And that can’t be hidden by rotten writing with weird word salads that are meaningless. Her asinine agenda is still “Live like fiction!” But she expects others to pay the price for her dumb dream that’s dead now. She always uses trigger words like “fear” and “anxiety” as part of her manipulative marketing tactics.

  33. Being behind on the farm is your own damn fault. However probably just crying wolf again for pity donations.

    1. It’s no one else’s responsibility but Jenna’s to fund her own living expenses. And that includes car issues and mortgage payments. How a middle-aged adult doesn’t understand this after four decades is beyond my comprehension. Her serious mental illnesses, and defective character are pathological at this point. She’s “cried wolf” so many times that no one buys her bull now.

  34. This has been observed here before. You don’t go from 4,636 to 4,656, with a gain of 20 new followers, for no reason in approximately one week. Especially, when one’s account has nothing but begging and scamming to offer. I’d bet that she’s back to buying bots again.

    1. yep. it's very easy to do. Do her following numbers go up too? Because you can follow a bunch of randos and if they have set up an auto-follow-back function that's an easy / cheap way to boost your followers.

    2. WiW. I’m not sure about her following numbers increasing. I think that they probably do according to her account.

  35. “Can anyone else hear the train coming in Now That We Don’t Talk?!”


    #Swifties #1989TaylorsVersion

    Jenna likes to tag famous people so that they can see what a pathetic loser she is.

    1. And she's hoping to attract new foollowers.

  36. “THIS FARM HAS MADE SEPTEMBER!! (Childish Emoji)

    No one cares, cunt. Her hyperbolic, screaming caps are obnoxious. I didn’t know that “THIS” farm could accomplish anything. It’s an inanimate object not a person. Bragging about paying one of two months behind mortgage is shameful. Now, you still have October and November to beg for. Better get busy. “Boy, Howdy!!!”

    1. Cue either another car crisis or dental issue.

    2. Of course she made it. She always does. And why anyone needs to know is beyond logic.

    3. We’ve never seen any other adults broadcast each month about making their mortgage payments. Millions of us quietly just do it, without notifying strangers online. Jenna acts as if it’s an admirable accomplishment. What a whacko.

  37. Her rotten reputation grows with Reddit receipts:

    1. Don't you need to have a job to be considered working class?

    2. Bahahaha. Yes. Yes, you do need a job to be working class.

  38. "I'll avoid drama and hyperbole this morning, but when I say the holidays are hard, and growing harder every year, I mean it."

    Reading between the she admitting that her posts are usually full of drama and hyperbole? Well yes, yes she is.

    And the "I mean it" sounds like a parental ultimatum for not getting dessert if you don't eat all your veggies. Kinda like, "If you don't send me money, this year will be eVeN hArDeR. Well, boo hoo. Get a job, lazy slob.

    1. Jenna’s entire existence is dumb “drama and hyperbole.”

    2. Yeah, it gets harder and lonelier the more people you alienate from your life, too.

      There's a thriving queer community not too far from her. With all her free time she could easily do some volunteering, networking, make some friends, build some community. That's how we do it. I'm still friends with people I volunteered with at pride 20 years ago. There are literally volunteer opportunities called "friends for life" like the bike ride AIDS research fundraiser. If she did even a small bit for her community, she wouldn't be alone at christmas. Oh excuse me, YULE.

    3. WiW. Yeah, you’re right. We’re a queer couple who have lived in Cambridge for a few years. Although we’ve moved away, we still have friends from that area. Jenna would rather whine about being lonely. She also has a well-deserved, rotten reputation. And many locals loathe her. Her pretentious paganism is also annoying.

    4. "pretentious paganism" - omg I love it! What a perfect adjective.

    5. YULE be lonely, Jenna! If YULE keep up these shenanigans!

    6. WiW. I’m glad that you liked my pretentious paganism.

    7. And your “YULE” was funny.

    8. Edit: meant to type Woke Wog.


    Here’s her hourly reminder that Jenna’s still a lesbian. With another stupid reference to being 13 again.


  40. “I have been kept warm by wood stoves for so long now that I wonder how anyone ever feels truly warm without a fire?”

    No one cares, cunt. Jenna’s humble-bragging and virtue-signaling about her stupid, chosen lie-style. And she’s using question marks incorrectly again. Better get busy begging. You have more mortgage payments to make. “Hoo!!!”

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindNovember 6, 2023 at 7:26 AM

      Lol, she has such an uninteresting life that she must now gate keep how other people keep warm.

      How obnoxious. Sure, she cannot imagine how "anyone ever feels truly warm without a fire".

      I'm used to reading utter garbage from her, but she continues to reach new lows.


    2. PDD. I’m sure that judgmental Jenna had her fat ass “kept warm” for years, while growing up in the suburbs of Pennsylvania. Wog acts as if everything that she does is morally superior to others.

    3. I want to add that she was “kept warm” without a wood stove, when growing up, because her parents probably had electricity to heat their home. But her arrogant attitude implies that she’s superior now.

    4. I imagine Jenna lighting the fire in the morning whispering to herself, "I'm better than other people, I'm better than everyone!"

    5. WiW. It’s obvious that the opposite is true. I think that Jenna feels inferior to others. So she goes out of her way to convince herself of being “better than everyone!”

    6. ding ding ding anon 639! you are correct!

    7. WiW. Thanks for your response to my comment.

  41. “I moved the plant”
    Riveting non-tent, twat.

    1. Maybe she’ll start to post progress reports of her daily bowel movements, too. “Boy, Howdy!!!”

    2. This was the funniest update I'd seen from her for a while, for it's stunning banality! "I moved the plant" WHUT!? LOL And then what! Did you move it back? Move it again!? I can't WAIT to find out!!!

  42. “Feeling under the weather, whatever is going around, avoid it. I’ll be doing my best to keep up with client work, but if I didn’t specifically say you’ll see work today, I will not be overachieving. I will be doing this.”

    Boo fucking hoo. The lying, lazy loser isn’t feeling well today. Jenna must be joking. She’s always “underachieving” never “over.” It’s just another excuse to do nothing on a Monday. What a “working class” warrior. Too bad that she has no loving partner to make her some soup.

    1. Poor girl. Don’t expect any work done today on all that work that she claims is hard to come by. Amazing how she’s been managing that mortgage increase, house repairs, car repairs, teeth repairs on nary a penny!!!!

    2. Gotta laugh at how she tweets work-related updates treating her social media like a business chat.

    3. Once again, for someone who claims to make very few sales, she always posts about a lot of "client work" that she's doing (or, in this case, not doing. Don't forget to remind her that you ordered something! Her livelihood depends on you managing her workload for some reason!).

    4. Her excuses for being a lazy loser are unbelievable.

  43. “I wrote this to try and explain why and how I make a living. Before you judge, please read.”

    Only Jenna is allowed to “judge” everyone else. Even for people using electricity rather than wood to heat their homes. She’s reposted her ridiculous rebuttal that was written in August. It’s only a justification for her lazy loser lie-style. “Grow up, Wog.”

    1. Her hypocrisy is staggering. Jenna is obnoxiously opinionated and judgmental about almost everyone.

    2. But being a beggar isn’t how you “make a living,” imbecile.

  44. A Legend in Her Own MindNovember 7, 2023 at 6:38 AM

    Lol, so lazy she can't even wrote a long up-to-date beg; she recycles one from August.

    Let me paraphrase:

    "I'm likely a narcissist with oppositional defiant disorder, so I hate working for other people and listening to good advice.

    I didn't have meaningful personal relationships, so I created a fictional life where I am the hero of my story.

    Against the advice of more experienced people, I impulsively quit my entry-level corporate job with benefits and salary to buy a house with six acres and a barn.

    Then, instead of taking time to do solid preparation, but with an overabundance of fuzzy thinking, I jumped headfirst into being a "pretend homesteader" with dogs, cats, sheep, pigs, chickens, geese, turkeys, goats, rabbits and horse(s). I wrote compulsively about my journey.

    By a fluke of post-recession timing and a great editor, I published several books on raising chickens and farm living. I didn't know what I was doing, but my readers knew less, so my ignorance and gross incompetence at rural living were rarely caught out.

    After a time, I realized I was bored with taking care of animals. In fairness, I wasn't ever good at it; many suffered or died under my care. What a rush to discover I was happiest when lazing around and hardly working. Streaming entertainment became my new passion, and whining on social media was my business plan.

    Unsurprisingly, my poorly thought-out enterprises weren't self-sufficient. Never good at impulse control, I routinely spent more money than I had, leaving me broke. Begging on social media is my life now, so I spend my time posting and re-posting about fabricated or exaggerated crises. There's no greater joy than getting donations and pity purchases from kind-hearted people who pay me so I can do whatever the hell I want.

    And since I'm always about ME, I don’t give a flying fig what any of you think."


    1. A Legend in Her Own MindNovember 7, 2023 at 6:43 AM


      Darn auto correct


    2. looks like she deleted it

    3. PDD. Thanks for your amusing and accurate paraphrase.

      Anonymous 7:07. It’s still
      up. I just saw it.

    4. Indeed! Just brilliant, PDD, and spot on as usual.

    5. That was absolute gold PDD!

  45. Already deleted! Wow! Thank you for capturing it for posterity!

    1. It’s still up. PDD just gave us her own funny recap of Jenna’s rotten writing.

  46. Oh, it’s a link to the august post, on Twitter. I went looking for it on her blog.

    1. I think that she’s feeling under attack by others who are discovering her rotten reputation. Jenna’s trying in vain to do damage control after it’s far too late.

  47. A Legend in Her Own MindNovember 7, 2023 at 9:39 AM

    Has everyone seen her August 30 "original" beg??

    It's 💯 Cringe-worthy!


    1. I read it in August. It’s a bunch of blatant lying, and Jenna’s justifications for being a beggar.

    2. ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️

    3. PDD. Jenna hasn’t “healed.” She’s hidden from normal adult responsibilities of supporting herself without being a beggar.

    4. I just re-read it, as I am a glutton for punishment. And this gem here:

      "And I don’t care what people with direct deposit jobs and in-laws they borrow 10k a year from think of me, because most of them would fold in three months if they had to live like I have the last decade."

      Oh, shaddup! Most people would fold in 3 months because they would be smart enough to realize that they would need at least a part-time job to survive. And most people would fold rather than become an online beggar.

    5. A Legend in Her Own MindNovember 8, 2023 at 4:28 AM

      Right, Anon7.

      Every farmer I know works, or has worked an outside part-time or full-time job when extra cash is needed.

      👍 It's the smart thing to do.
      👍 It builds cash for emergencies, repairs or expansion.
      👍 It's called adulting; no begging from strangers required.

      What Wog fears is the hard work of being a real farmer; she'll lie, pretend and obfuscate until prople realize they've been played and her "con" quits working.

    6. PDD. Exactly. I’ll also add that “Jenna Fucking Woginrich” is fearful of any adult responsibilities. That’s why she “Lives like fiction!”

    7. A Legend in Her Own MindNovember 8, 2023 at 5:59 AM

      Prople?? Sorry for the typo. In my defense, I only had one cup of coffee this morning, and I officially hate Daylight Savings Time!

    8. PDD. I usually notice minor errors, but didn’t see yours until now. Unlike Jenna, you’ll even edit afterwards.

  48. Hey y'all, I just thought I'd update you: my mortgage was paid by being uneventfully auto-drawn from my chequing account, as it has been every two weeks since I bought my place, and as my rent was paid for 25+ years prior. Thought you ought to know. Oh wait, I'm a normal BORING person. Only super-special unique magical people celebrate paying a normal cost of living expense. My bad.

    1. Well said 👏

    2. And I have a plumber coming tomorrow! And guess what? I won't be begging anyone for money to pay for it. In fact, when it comes time to pay, I'm just gonna bust out my bank card and let them charge my checking account -- not my savings, mind you, no need -- cuz I'm an adult here! Can I get a round of applause please?

    3. Last week my furnace required not one but two repairs! Also paid for by checking account, which has a cushion for emergencies like this that came not from a trust fund or inheritance but - and this may surprise you - from my own diligent saving and budgeting. I was going to live life on hard mode by not being financially responsible but then I realized I was already living it on hard mode by having a chronic illness, but I guess that doesn't count.

    4. Her “hard mode” is moronic. But I also wanted to share that we’ve made our mortgage payment, which wasn’t months behind like Jenna’s, and also had savings for an emergency car repair. Please give me some applause for being an adult!

    5. Honestly her "hard mode" comment is one of the most infuriating things I've read from her. It's so tone-deaf and disrespectful - she CHOSES to live like she does, every crisis is of her own making, and she's completely oblivious to her own immense privilege. You know who actually lives on hard mode? Refugees. People in abusive households. People who are caretakers for elderly or disabled family members. People who, as mentioned above, have chronic and debilitating illness. People living in war-torn areas of the world. People who have true crises and emergencies like house fires or accidents that completely decimate their financial and social safety nets. People with visible marginalized identities. NOT people who CHOOSE to spend all day on personal hobbies and think this lends them some kind of superiority over everyone else. I just cannot believe her lack of self-awareness, and complete and utter self-centeredness.

    6. Anonymous 6:39. That’s a great comment. You’ve nailed it. Jenna is an overly privileged white woman who has never really struggled for anything. Yet she claims to “be built exhaustively different.” Her lazy lie-style was chosen to avoid having to deal with the adult responsibilities of working. She’s a “tone-deaf,” despicable cunt. We’re looking forward to seeing her downfall.

    7. She might’ve said “exhaustingly,” but Jenna is a mess no matter what the wording.

    8. I’d call her “exhaustingly difficult” to a fault. It’s no wonder why she’s still single.

    9. Y'all, just thought you would celebrate me getting the water pump in my 2013 sonic replaced - but then I remembered how boring I am. Between that, and other routine repairs and maintenance I've spent about $2k taking really good care of my little car, because that's how I make my cars last a long time. I have a savings account just for car stuff, so it's never stressful. Sorry my drama-free life isn't more entertaining.

    10. Oh sidenote: lesbians are allowed to drive vehicles other than pickups or Subarus. Your identity does not need to tie into your car, especially if all you claim to need it for is driving down the road to the laundromat or post office or subway sandwich.

  49. Jenna fucking Woginrich. I did read it, and I'm judging you hard. Not a good look. You're basically a "nigerian prince" in "cottage core queer farmer" clothing. And your wig is crooked.

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindNovember 8, 2023 at 4:06 AM

      "...Nigerian prince in cottage-core queer farmer clothing."

      Perfectly said!


    2. Anonymous 11:03. Your funny comment made me cackle over my morning coffee. Thanks!

  50. We woke up this morning quite cozy, because of being “kept warm” by our efficient, electric baseboards. It’s amazing that one doesn’t have to heat their home with wood to be comfortable.

  51. “PET PORTRAITS! Get them here for $85 for a 9x12" full color shipped anywhere in the WORLD free! And if you buy more than one, it's $50 each! these make great holiday gifts and if you're buying gifts anyway, help someone struggling to make it as a creative solo artist! DM to order”

    No one wants to “help” a lying, lazy loser like Jenna. Her stupid “struggling” was chosen by the bitch. Sure she’ll ship to France for free.

    1. Again, Jenna is trying to elicit empathy from followers. She refuses to go and get a part-time job even locally. Many businesses are hiring for the holidays now. Which would solve her “struggling.”

  52. HD. New post please? Thanks!

    1. So many places are now hiring for help, Jenna apply and help yourself


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