It's Always Something

It IS always something.

This isn’t some new revelation.  This is life. Every day, every week, every month, every year there is ‘something'.  Adults have a savings to take care of that 'something' and some adults even budget every month for that ‘something'.

Not rocket science,  darlin'.


  1. A Legend in Her Own MindOctober 18, 2023 at 7:56 AM

    Regarding her last blaaag:

    Verbal vomit. Rinse. Repeat.


    1. PDD. I pasted those stupid snippets on the last post. Nothing ever changes with Wog. She’s learned very little in 13 years of having her hovel.

    2. Jenna’s mental machinations to convince only herself that things are improving is crazy. Clearly, being behind by months in making mortgage payments is not something to be bragging about. Buying new chickens, and then crying “wolves are at my door” again soon, isn’t normal adult behavior.

  2. HD. Exactly. I’ve noticed that, too. Jenna acts as if she’s being unfairly singled out by the universe. I’ve seen teens who were more mature about finances than her. Her massive, unearned sense of self-entitlement is overtly obnoxious.

  3. I can't bring myself to go look. Does anyone feel like giving a summary? I'm assuming she's writing about the furnace?

    Yeah, I have $50 / month go into an emergency house repair fund. It's not much but that's all that savings account is for, and I have other savings for emergencies / life's eventualities. This is just for paint, caulk, the occasional tradesman so I can keep our place in good repair. I have $100 / month going towards my car, 10 years old now, but well-maintained. Whenever it needs repairs or maintenance the money is already there, and I'm setting aside more than I need to maintain it so that I can afford to replace it when THAT time inevitably comes. Thinking ahead by a few years, shocker.

    She is actively choosing whimsical lighting accents over setting a bit aside - in that "jadeite mug" perhaps, for the very normal expected eventualities.

    But we're talking about someone who collects farm animals with no idea how she's going to afford to feed them, someone who claims to be heading into winter without enough firewood, someone who claims to pay their mortgage late every month. It's stupidity.

    1. What I see is that there never was an emergency, there never is, she just makes up crisis to get pity funds.

    2. WiW. I’ve posted several stupid snippets at the end of the last post.

  4. Who in the H*E* Double L drives to Walmart (30 miles) to buy “cupboard food” for Jan-Mar when they are begging strangers to buy crap so they can pay their mortgage? Yep, you guessed it! And who would be dumb enough to post such a thing on Twitter three hours after whining that it will take the sale of thousands of bars of soap to keep her farm? The “who”, of course, is Jenna Woginrich, who wants us to know that she forgot her wallet, had to put everything back and wasted gasoline. Are you kidding me? “Cupboard food” for January? In October? Rainbow-shaped air fresheners maybe, but flour?

    1. “If you’re having a bad day, at least you didn’t drive 30 minutes to the closest Walmart, fill a cart with a winter’s worth of cupboard food for Jan-Mar only to realize you left your wallet at home and had to go around replacing everything for an hour and leaving only wasting gas.”

      Right. “Sure, Jen.” Her stupid subtext is always more manipulative marketing to elicit empathy from followers to filch free funds. What a clueless cunt.

    2. Please feel sorry for poor widdle Jenna. Her overly privileged, pampered princess lie-style is sooo hard. “Hoo!!!”

    3. Anonymous 2:09. I agree that it’s probably another lie.

  5. Jenna drove to Walmart
    but left her wallet home.
    She’s a lying, lazy loser
    who claimed to need a phone.

  6. I too will buy several months worth of "cupboard food" though I don't call it that, is that a regional thing? Anyway, when I do it, that shit's expensive! I'm spending a month's worth of grocery money to buy 3-4 months of non-perishables, and then I have to be careful not to overspend in the next 3-4 months.

    Where is this grocery money coming from? Because buying 3 months worth of shelf-stable food is a massive luxury for the cash-poor, which she claims to be.

    I guess we should be glad she's not hitting up food banks.... but I think that would mess with her self-image. But that's yet another reason we know Jenna has plenty of money.

    1. WiW. It’s possible that she’s receiving government assistance and getting EBT. But she’d never admit to it, because it might interfere with her begging. I loathe her stupid expressions like “cupboard food.”

    2. Even pantry staples makes more sense than saying cupboard food.

    3. I suspect food banks don’t offer premium ice cream and craft beer so that would be of no interest to the Colfax Road snowflake.

    4. SFF. Your comment cracked me up.

    5. SFF. You cracked me up too! day old bread isn't her style. Only the best for beggin' Jenn.

  7. It’s another Reddit receipt on the con cunt:

    1. Apparently, Jenna still can’t comprehend the bad optics of bragging about buying food for months, but then begging for mortgage money at the same time.

    2. Her stupid story is suspect for a few reasons. Why would Wog buy “cupboard food” for that many months in advance? There’s no apocalypse coming. It makes no sense when she’s claiming that “sales are slow.” She’s also the type to leave a full cart. I doubt that Jenna has the common courtesy to waddle around Walmart “replacing everything.” As usual, nothing adds up. And she’ll “waste gas” hunting for hawks, driving to get ice cream to stuff her fake fat face, and to drive to races that are meant for families, not angry lesbians who have a hatred against a community that they don’t even live in.

    3. A Legend in Her Own MindOctober 20, 2023 at 7:15 AM

      Dontcha know, Darling? Wog has to "provision" her homestead for the no-doubt horrible winter that will soon descend upon the mountain. 🤣

      People, it's not like she lives along a regularly-plowed main road, within walking distance of a trendy village, has ample days of good weather and drives a gay Subaru with all-wheel drive.

      Oh, wait. It IS.


    4. She does nothing but fish all summer, so she has no produce to put up, and instead she fills her cupboards with flour, sugar, and macaroni n cheese.

  8. If it is true that she went to buy 3 months worth of food for herself (and I agree it could be lies), that is very telling. Her doesn't know if or how she can afford food or hay for her helpless animals this winter, and she may not be able to pay the mortgage, but there will be food in the cupboards for HER! She will not be hungry! Of course, she could share some of that food with the pigs, they'd eat it right?

  9. The whole story is very suspicious. It makes no sense. If she doesn’t have money to pay bills , she doesn’t have money to buy a cart full of cupboard food! Someone in her position who can barely pay her bills should be purchasing a few extra cupboard items every time she shops. Since she admitted she didn’t grow anything of note in her garden, why would food for Jan-March be a priority. It’s not like she has more food now on her Fauxrm. A stupid story all together. I think she’s hoping someone will send her a large Walmart gift card.

    1. You’ve nailed it. Jenna is hoping that someone stupid will feel sorry for the filthy feral failure.

    2. Anon 7:22. Maybe someone did send a Walmart card. She said she left her wallet home, not that she left money home. She could have had the card in her wallet.
      How does she get cash anyway, if most, or all, of her money comes from paypal, venmo, etc? I don't know how all that works.
      Also, what adult drives anywhere without their wallet? I assume her ID and license would be, where, in her WALLET?

    3. Yeah the leaving the wallet at home thing is classic ADHD, as is the spending money on what she's thinking about vs where money ought to be spent / saved.

      Her wildly untreated, undiagnosed whatever the f is wrong with her will make it impossible for her to keep a partner. One of these days I wonder if someone worse than Jenna will target her.

  10. This is especially bad optics for a woman claiming she’s a homesteader with a farm as right now is the busiest time - she would canning or preserving her harvest for the winter. Even if it’s just storing a few apples or potatoes she grew, canning tomatoes or drying herbs, she never seems to produce any food for herself. She could be writing about any of these if she *did* any of these.

    1. And that there is exactly the truth. She does none of that because she does not farm, or even “grow”.

    2. I agree with all those who posted above, and it is what I immediately thought when I read that ridiculous Walmart statement, it was nothing but a veiled beg for a)grocery money- oh, poor Jenna. None of her crops took, she has to go shop for cupboard foods like the rest is us but she has no money; or b)a veiled ask for a Walmart gift card- oh, poor Jenna, she has a Walmart bill, let me help her with that or c) longtime shamsters will remember times when she would post on her blog that a reader sent her X, Y, Z- usually something like fancy coffee or a sauce or another canned good. I bet this was a veiled attempt to scare up some of those packages from the past.

    3. You know what the sad part is? Even if, and that’s a big IF, Jenna is, by some miracle, telling the truth about her Walmart trip and only telling it because she lacks content, just to fill the page, everyone with any sense will immediately jump to the conclusion that she is either lying, or exploiting others, or begging. That’s who she is now.

    4. I’ll say it again. Jenna has been begging and lying for so long, that no one believes her bullshit anymore. Even if it’s true.

    5. Here’s what Wog has never either understood or cared about. If she’d carefully cultivated an ethical business, then she’d be successful, and have happy, repeat customers. Instead of the rotten reputation that she’s created. What a wasted opportunity.

    6. I have grown more produce on my balcony in the city this year than Jenna's grown in her yard.

  11. It’s absolutely delusional that Jenna has bragged about being a “grown up” in a stupid dispatch. She’s the antithesis of an adult who supports herself without whining for free funds in transparent, pathetic pleas.

  12. “Make Commander Biden Speaker. He knows how to get people's attention.”

    That’s more than I can say about you.

  13. Instagram Sham

    “It’s potato day!”

    Any imbecile can grow spuds. It’s effortless. That’s why Jenna does it.

    1. Figured she'd grow the most fattening vegetable instead of leafy greens.

    2. A Legend in Her Own MindOctober 23, 2023 at 4:12 AM

      Gosh, how many posts can she make from growing a measly few potatoes?

      Anon 3:52 is correct. I didn't plant potatoes - let last year's leftovers sprout - and I had a bumper crop! Zero effort. Like Wog.

  14. 4,637 and continuing to decline. “Potatoes, darling!!!”

    1. 4,636 today. Jenna only loses followers not weight.

    2. She was at 4,878 before the numbers started dropping, so that's 240+ lost foollowers (and paid bots?) in just one year.

  15. A Legend in Her Own MindOctober 24, 2023 at 7:51 AM


  16. Oh my gosh I had to get a new cup of coffee after reading her last "dispatch". She is claiming she eats for $1. a day OR LESS. Yeah right. I swear she must have watched some Little House on the Prarire shows recently. She is practically Ma Ingles.

    1. Jenna’s obese body requires many more calories than that. Her whole life is lies.

    2. Shocked that she didn’t ask for mortgage money. So what, she must be paid up? I find the whole mortgage mess fishy, especially with the supposed “new” amount added to it recently. One would think she would fall behind even more, but she seems to be staying on her 2-months behind schedule, and paying it in the 11th hour just before the bank starts foreclosure. So, so fishy.

    3. "Or perhaps her food only costs $1 a day of her OWN money, because she continually parasitizes others for donated $$$$ & pity purchases."

      This. This is the only explanation that would make sense.

      And people, don't forget she smokes weed, which means she probably eats double the amount she says she does. And her pics are proof of that.

  17. “New blog: wood stove potato fry ups, winter larder prep, hawk trapping, and the apocalypse”

    No one cares, cunt.

  18. The $1 per day for food obviously doesn't include her beverages.
    She probably had a few meals that she thinks cost about $1, but she doesn't average in the amount of the other meals. All her fancy ice cream and other splurges makes it a ridiculous statement.

    1. Exactly. I thought the same thing. She isn’t accounting for other expenses as usual.

    2. Is there a name for the type of person who exaggerates like this? $1 a day? Seriously?!?

      She admittedly eats full breakfasts with eggs, potatoes, bacon, cheese...along with several cups of sugar and cream laden coffee. For lunch she'll have a pan-made pizza or a big BLT. And then for dinner she'll have another meaty meal with more potatoes...followed by a decadent dessert or two. And gawd knows what she snacks on between all those heavy meals and puffs of marijuana.

      Yet she expects people to believe all that food costs $1 a day??? Sure, Jen.

  19. I just read the latest dispatch. It makes my brain hurt! Her writing is so bad. There are so many errors and inconsistencies. If anyone had enough time to devote to fact check even part of what she writes they'd have a full-time job!
    Also, I've noticed that she seems to start her life history at when Shannon was there and the time after she left, she doesn't go back to before Shannon came. Doesn't she remember how bad things were then, not just bad in the few years since her ex left. I don't think I'm explaining this very well, but hope you know what I mean. But obviously Shannon did it all, financed everything, had all the ideas, did all the work, and paid for the trips to Hannaford!
    J. raises chickens, but one of her hoped-for splurges is to be able to afford to buy chicken!

    1. You’ve explained it well. And I agree with what you wrote. Jenna’s writing is rotten, and rife with major mistakes. She never takes time to edit her crap. Shannon has been gone for two years now. It’s very obvious that she paid for more than her fair share. I’m sure that led to their breakup, and them no longer even being friends.

    2. She massages the truth to fit her current feeling. Sometimes she's like, "I've always been single never had a bit of help" and then other times she's like, "I'm used to having a 'partner' and being single is just so hard and unfamiliar. I'm just not used to doing it alone out here!"

    3. Anonymous 12:28. Jenna tweaks and twists the truth to fit whatever her current victim narrative might be at the moment.

    4. Agreed, Anon 11:29, she conveniently forgets that she has been broke and begging for money since the start of that faurxm. And it's repulsive that she tries to convince her foollowers that her mortgage/money problems are a recent development. And of course, not her fault.

      BTW, other than the time Shannon lived there, has Jenna ever been on time with the mortgage even once?

    5. Right. She is writing like everything was fine until her ex left a few years ago, when in reality it was only somewhat fine the short time the ex was there. Not before and not after. I don't remember her being on time with the mortgage payment but I haven't been reading too many years.

    6. If I remember correctly, the mortgage was paid on time while SuperGirl Shannon lived there. But Jenna didn't tone down her begging much. Like she begged a bit less than usual, but she still did beg. And I think that is one of the things Shannon disapproved of.

    7. A Legend in Her Own MindOctober 26, 2023 at 11:20 AM

      Anon7, Wog still begged, but fabricated crises were WAY down during the roomie's time. I figured she was on best behavior because roomie might have disapproved of bald-haired lies.

    8. Anon7 - She did still beg! A LOT! She hid the fact for months that Shannon was contributing financially, but the day she left she was back on twitter begging for mortgage money!

  20. The latest dispatch is complete fiction start to finish. Who does she think she's fooling?

    1. SFF. She’s fooling no one who’s been following her shit-show. Jenna’s a pathological liar. “Live like fiction!”

    2. Jenna’s untreated mental illness is adversely affecting all aspects of her life. I don’t think that she’s in touch with reality.

    3. And so many contradictions, as not long ago she claimed to leave the farm ONLY if she absolutely HAD TO...yet here she is racing to her neighbors farm 20 minutes after he called her about a hawk to trap. How intensely frugal of her.

    4. Anon7,

      On Monday, she drove 40 minutes and waited 90 minutes for a hawk to enter her trap, without success.

      Couple this with hours spent driving around for the past few months, hunting for a hawk, and you have a humongous waste of time.

      But *sniff* she doesn't have time for a part-time job or to keep track of customer orders.


    5. Jenna recently also drove to Bennington to screw around in a cemetery. What a lying, lazy loser.

    6. PDD, do you know roughly how much gas costs in her area?

    7. Anon7, $3.86 per gallon at Stewart's.

  21. Why does someone with no money, who goes to town all the time, need to have 4 months of provisions? It’s hysterical. It’s not like she is getting some amazing deal on potatoes at Hannaford that it makes sense for her to buy a bunch of bags. If you run out of potatoes in February, HGP buy some dummy! She’s acting like she’s snowed in for months on the mountain!!

    1. Not sure why my phone AC “Go” to “HGP”😵

    2. Snowed in on a mountainside is her fantasy life. Her apparent mental illness is blurring the lines between fantasy and reality.

    3. I can't wrap my head around needing 20 lbs of sugar! I buy just two 4 lb sacks of sugar a year, and 100% of it goes to the hummingbird feeders. And 75 lbs of flour?!? I've bought maybe one small bag in my entire life, as I don't bake, but 75 lbs seems like A LOT even if she does bake.

    4. A Legend in Her Own MindOctober 25, 2023 at 5:34 AM

      Good catch! There are two of us at home, and I probably buy two bags a year. Yes, I bake, but bread needs about a tsp of sugar and other desserts (cookies, pies, fruit breads) can use alternatives to giant glops of sugar.

      In fact, like you, much of my annual sugar purchase fills 2-3 Hummingbird feeders each summer.

      Scheese... how much sugar can one person eat??

    5. Question: How much sugar can one person eat?
      Jenna: Yes

    6. Anon7 you are hilarious

      Y'all are so right, I buy 1lb of white sugar MAYBE a year, and that was when I was baking regularly. Even the sweetest recipes - cookies etc - required only a cup of sugar for a batch. It would take me at least a year to get through a bag.

      I've gone through flour much faster, since working from home and the cost of groceries going crazy, I was baking our bread at home for a while (since developed a sensitivity to gliadin, RIP my baking). But even baking bread weekly for two people I was going through a 20lb bag of flour maybe once a year.

  22. Boy howdy! Sounds like Jenna really misses Shannon (‘s money)!!!!

  23. Don’t you all worry. Jenna has the funds to order more TS albums!! ( per IG)

    1. Yep...always short on money, never has her mortgage on time, yet has extra $$$ to line Taylor's multi-million dollar pockets.

      It's also funny how Jenna frequently begs for hay and feed but NEVER seems to have a problem feeding herself. Or paying for multiple streaming services, concert tickets, movies, decorative know...all those creature comfort must haves!

    2. Jenna always has ample amounts of money to feed her fake fat face.

  24. The Pig Shocker is getting a bit better in learning to disguise her begging, but it's still there:

    "Grocery shopping has become so different over the past few years for me. I can’t afford things I used to be able to buy"

    "Premade foods, fancy sauces, ice creams, snacks, fancy juices, hell...even fresh produce is a rarity now."

    "I only make money if the people that read my blog and follow my social media choose to reach out and purchase something."

    "...and lately it’s so rare I have to hold onto money with a frugal intensity that would make some of you blush"

    "If sales are good, I still do go out and buy fridge things like milk, cheese..."

    But her remark about holding onto her money with FRUGAL INTENSITY? Is she fucking kidding? Taylor Swift tix, marshmallow ghost peeps, decorative lights (X3), movie tickets, new books & music, decorative stickers, NA beer, wasted gas for hawk trapping, fancy ice creams and desserts, multiple streaming services etc. But oh yeah, she is intensely frugal. WHY does she lie like this?

    1. Whoops...I missed this one:

      "so all the soap and meat shares and freelance work I sell can pay to literally keep the bank threats away and lights on"

      How subtle.

    2. How ON EARTH is fresh produce a "rarity" for a farmer? And I know it's been mentioned before, but she's hoping to buy chicken when she (checks notes) raises chickens? I know she has layers but damn, add a few meat birds to your flock and you'll be set. And not cultivating sourdough starter or baking her own bread? Why not?? What an absolutely baffling blog post, especially after posting so many previous pictures of expensive store-bought food. Again, I know I'm not pointing out anything new but it's so bizarre that I need to process it for myself lol.

    3. I thought the same thing since she crows all the time how she sells roaster birds.

    4. Also the fresh produce being a rarity stumped me too. Ain’t you a farmer, dahlin?

    5. Jenna’s begging is part of her lie-style. She’s incapable of stopping now, because it’s become a chronic condition.

    6. Anon 3:26 - What exactly is a meat bird? Isn't any male or female chicken edible?

    7. Anon7, a meat bird (or "broiler") is a highly hybridized chicken bred to grow extremely fast and reach a very heavy weight in a short amount of time, about 8-10 weeks.

      Some people, including me, call them Frankenbirds. The poor things must be butchered at that time because if allowed to continue to grow, they'll die of heart attacks or their legs will break as they can't support their own weight.

      They must be ordered from hatcheries because they cannot breed naturally. For that reason, they are unsustainable for a small homestead because you cannot breed your own flock.

      Some of the meat bird breeds are Freedom Rangers, Red Rangers, and Cornish Cross. These are the chickens raised commercially and that you'll find at the grocery store and restaurants.

    8. Side note, yes any chicken can be used for meat, but some are better than others because some breeds are naturally larger. There are breeds developed for meat and others for layers.

    9. Frugal intensity??? HAHAHAHAHAAA how are all those amazon for-the-vibes purchases doing? She has all kinds of crap not to mention collector vinyl TSwift albums and all the merch that got her on the VIP list for the ticket lottery. Remember that "college sweater" acrylic fake knit taylor merch thing she bought?

      She has $10 stickers for her car FFS.

      She's BONKERS.

  25. And this bullshit here:

    "I don't have that pesky preference to be comfortable so many other people have..."

    Another whopping lie as evidenced by her lilac-scented sheets, mint showers, pricy weighed blankets, window A/C, her hammock, big bean bag, her cozy wood fires, and many many numerous sugary fat-filled comfort meals. ALL of those pesky preferences provide comfort.

    1. She writes these blahgs as if it’s the first thing she’s ever put out there. But, there’s years of evidence to the contrary of almost everything she writes, EVERY time she writes!!! She can pretend she’s Pa Ingalls going to town one last time for provisions before the winter strikes and keeps her snowed in, but we all know she’ll be at her bar for NA beers, chili cook offs, and at her local Stewart’s for ice cream and candy. All those pounds of flour and sugar are ridiculous and unnecessary not to mention unhealthy.

    2. Jenna has a “pesky preference” for free funds. Her hypocrisy and blatant lying are unbelievable.

    3. A Legend in Her Own MindOctober 25, 2023 at 6:59 AM

      Anon7, who can forget lit candles every time (!) she watched pay-per-view yoga, holiday kitsch, purchased flowers, expensive personal salves and balms, artisan-made Fire Cider, and many, many day-time foot soaks?

      Talk about a "pesky preference" to be comfortable.


    4. Jenna is judgmental about people having creature comforts. But her “pesky preferences” are okay. She’s often pigged out on her puke pan pizza, big brownies with frosting, and “spooky cupcakes covered in sprinkles!”

    5. Oh shit, I forgot about those cozy COMFY foot soaks, PDD! In a $15 fake cast iron pot no less. She can't just use a cheap $5 bucket?

      Anon 3:18 - Yes, prior to her latest bleg which is about 3 years old, there is her older forgotten bleg which has 10+ years of her bullshit. I wonder if she wanted to forget all that earlier begging so just started the new one with Shannon?

  26. Anon 7 11:50 p,m,. My thoughts exactly. I couldn't believe the quantities she was listing, (for ONE person!), but I didn't take the time to figure it out. All that flour? It must be for the pizzas since she trades eggs for bread from a neighbor. I also didn't know her stove was a bunburner ( i think she called it), yet she doesn't bake her own bread? Maybe the egg / bread barter is just a social thing as it doesn't make financial or practical sense to me.

    1. If I'm not mistaken, I believe she has two wood stoves. One in the thrift shop living room and one in her broken pipes mud room. Can anyone confirm?

    2. You're right. She does have those two wood stoves.

  27. So I did some math and Jenna would need to use approximately 2.5 cups flour and 5 tablespoons of sugar every day for 4 months to use up those much needed provisions!!

    No one poked at how she claims she never lights a fire until necessary. I was chuckling out loud. I guess those days with the windows open and fire blazing were just my imagination!!

    1. We all can recall her open windows with a wood stove blazing on a warm day.

    2. Oooh you did the math! That is a crazy amount of sugar. Guess she likes the idea of developing cancer so she can start a GoFundMe..

  28. A Legend in Her Own MindOctober 25, 2023 at 6:03 AM

    Enjoying the comments this morning, with my morning coffee (sans sugar).

    Her bleg was classic Wog.

    She wrote: Protien and carbs, with a side of hot coffee... That’s what a woman wants after an hour of lugging buckets and hay bales and tending an entire farm in a chilly rain!
    Hahaha! Oh, she still hasn't figured out how to use a garden hose to water her animals? After 13 years???

    And how about this admission? "I'm a falconer without a bird and despite my hours spent in the car trapping for the last two months, no luck."

    Yeah, she's "intensely frugal", except for gasoline and hours wasted looking to capture a wild hawk, so she can feed it store-bought frozen quail, because she's too lazy to spend sufficient time with the raptor to teach it to "hunt" (something it already knows how to do, darling), and she has to occasionally feed it. Another luxury hobby for non-frugal Wog.

    1. Her substance abuse must be addling her brain. She has clearly forgotten she posted a picture of a hose dribbling into a bucket this summer. She can’t keep her lies straight. She should make a list of them in that notebook she keeps.

    2. “This woman” still has multiple substance abuse issues. She’s behaving like a “dry drunk.” Her blatant lying is pathological at this point.

    3. Smoking weed makes you laaaazy. I speak from both personal experience and observations.

  29. Jenna didn’t mention whether or not her “new romance novel” was lesbian. She’s missed an opportunity to remind everyone that she’s gay again.

    1. She has to resort to reading about romance, since Jenna has no love life.

    2. Oh, don’t worry! She posted on IG story about a lesbian series- which she is currently reading- and I am positive she found at the dump, nice and crisp and “like new”.

    3. Anonymous 3:53. Thanks for the update. We were worried that she’d gone back to dudes. After all, she’s had SO much success with men!

    4. Radio silence on TS lately. It must be killing her that her crush is presumably having hot sex with a yucky alpha male.

    5. Missed opportunity indeed. Sometimes I wonder if the reason she mentions her alleged gayness so much is because of sales. Maybe she found that sales went up after her claiming to be a lesbian?

    6. She's on the Gay Train today. Those romance novels seem to be getting her all hot and bothered.

    7. I noticed on stories she posted and then deleted a selfie of herself with the kitten in full makeup. And lots of TS fever for the release of the album tonight. Who wants to bet that she has already bought all the vinyls in the different colors?

    8. Her makeup is always garish and applied like a teen would do without any finesse.

    9. SFF. No one is giving her any amorous attention. It’s no surprise. Jenna is repellent on every level. So her only outlet is fiction.


      Woof. This ick pic was from 2018. Jenna’s ugly, gaping maw hasn’t changed.

    11. Anon10:36–
      She had a story a couple of days ago that she ordered the new album. No shame!!!

    12. Wait, what did she call it…drastic frugality?
      Also, new bleg up.

    13. Anonymous 1:27. Her stupid statement was “frugal intensity.” The latest dumb dispatch was from two days ago not now. Unless it’s been deleted.

  30. So the newest dispatch consists of six paragraphs about how she cannot follow directions and hates people telling her what to do. Hence her dough experiment failed. Didn’t someone here mention she doesn’t bake her own bread? I guess this is her answer to that criticism.

    The rest was a quick recap of her day visiting a friend who had actually managed to catch a bird and then fishing. Riveting.

    1. Jenna has bragged about not being able to follow recipes. As if it’s a badge of honor. It’s no wonder why she’s still single.

  31. Yup new blerg. Can’t wait to see what drivel she’s got this time!!

    1. Her insipid dispatches are always boring non-tent. My grandma has a much more interesting life. And she’s ninety in a nursing center.

  32. "But I am built exhaustingly different," - you're actually not, you have undiagnosed, ragingly unmanaged ADHD. Getting assessed and engaging in therapy and considering medication will change your life.

    The "don't tell me what to do " think is called oppositional defiant disorder - disorder because it is a PROBLEM that affects the quality of life of people who have it. It's clear no one suffers more from the choices and actions of Jenna than Jenna herself.

    1. She’s “exhausting” all right. I’ve also mentioned oppositional defiant disorder in the past.

    2. The “pesky,” pampered princess has to be a super special snowflake. No one else is “different” like the lying, lazy loser!

    3. I’ve commented about this before, but it’s been awhile. My brother, who is a seasoned psychologist, has said that Jenna meets the criteria for several, serious mental issues. He’s been following her shit-show for years.

    4. Anon 415: Yeah, I can see her easily meeting the criteria for at least a couple personality disorders. All of which, including the ADHD, it's pretty classic of them to believe nothing is wrong with them despite mountains of evidence to the contrary.

    5. WiW. Right. I also should’ve correctly written “diagnostic criterion” since it’s multiple.

  33. "you need to really focus and follow specific directions, which might be my biggest downfall." because you have adhd.
    "I hate being told what to do" because you have adhd.
    "the few times I have followed directions to the letter, the results have been magnificent" because you have adhd - and you either fail spectacularly, or ace it.
    "it always felt like selling out." that's dopamine deficiency... because you have adhd
    "I lost interest by minute three." because you have adhd.

    Believe it or not Jenna, you aren't living your best life until you deal with your dysfunction when we have very effective treatment.

    1. Jenna acts as if she’s 14 not 41. Her immaturity is astounding.

  34. "It still fills me with that weighted-blanket kind of pride," - what? pride feels like a weighted blanket?

    1. Her rotten writing is just more weird word salads that say nothing.

    2. Jenna’s asinine attempts to be a poetic and profound thinker are always failures.

  35. Nice to see Jenna out on the town tonight at a local playhouse. We know she never spends money unnecessarily and is more frugal than anyone else!! She also never leaves the house. Maybe she found a ticket to the play at the dump??

    1. We wouldn’t want Wog to spend another night alone reading a romance novel.

  36. Rebecca Cogugno is just another stupid, sycophant supporter who enables Jenna to never change. I don’t know what she sees in the ugly, obese, stinky loser.

  37. Ugh. She is showing off the bread she baked holding it with dirty hands and filthy fingernails. Assuming she kneaded it with those grubby hands. Gross.

    1. I hate her fat man hands with their filthy fingers and nasty nails. What a disgusting cunt. Jenna has horrid hygiene.

    2. at least she "scour[ed] the load". (???)

    3. at least she "scour[ed] the load".

  38. Well, well. Jenna (and all the others who have spent years calling TS Gaylor and writing literal papers about how gay TS is) just got their answer and got rebuked by Taylor herself in the liner notes of her new album which released last night at midnight.
    She laments over people who sexualized her creative choices- hmmm, can we all say, WOG? , and over people who misunderstood why she chose only female friendships during a hard period in her life.
    Here’s your sign, Jenna. How does it feel to be publicly rebuked for all the speculating you have done over the last few years? Will you stop now? Will you un-fan TS now that her story doesn’t at all for your agenda?

    1. Poor widdle Wog and her mediocre, mainstream musician queer crush. It’s only okay to be gay if Taylor is, too. She’ll have to find another famous female to cyber-stalk and obsess over.

    2. You can’t open any online media without Taylor & Travis in your face. It must be killing her #1 to be so wrong all these years and #2 imagining her crush getting it on with a gorgeous alpha male. I’m peeing my pants laughing.

    3. Yep. Taylor also denied being gay in a 2019 Vogue interview telling them she was "not a part of' LGTBQ+ community" but was passionate about speaking up for the community: "'I didn't realize until recently that I could advocate for a community that I'm not a part of,' she admitted."

      So there you have it. Suuuuuck it, Jenna!

  39. HD. I guess that Jenna is back, as BM, trying to leave crazy comments here. I’ve noticed that you’re moderating again. Too bad that the lying, lazy loser has no life. We’re her foe not fan club, but she feels the need to rebut our criticism.

    1. There were a couple of comments from her last night. I think it’s fantastic that we are still getting under her skin. I love living rent free in someone’s head. Haha.

    2. Taylor Swift is StraightOctober 27, 2023 at 1:02 PM

      HD. Thanks for your reply. Yeah, it’s satisfying to still successfully goad her. I enjoy doing it. Jenna deserves every bit of criticism that she gets. It’s also funny how only the comments about her being repellent makes Wog angry enough to respond. It just shows how superficial she is regarding her unattractive appearance.

    3. I think she gets especially cranky when people post stuff on Reddit that she deleted!! Play stupid games, win stupid prizes Jenna!!

    4. Anonymous 2:48. I think that the Reddit receipts of her stupid statements make her mad. And there’s nothing that she can do to control it.

    5. What did her comments say?

    6. Interesting how she claims to be INTENSELY FRUGAL but is buying up all these TS albums that SHE ALREADY OWNS just because the new ones are tAyLoR's VeRsiOn.

    7. New bleg post up (Call for support!) in which she beggety-beg-beg-begs for money to pay BOTH the September AND October mortgage, lol. Tick's almost November!

      She also listed a bunch of home improvements she did in some weird attempt to elicit pity donations. Like, look how much I had to spend...please help me earn it back! Pathetic.

    8. Yes, because every random adult on the WWW is responsible for helping her “earn back” money that every normal homeowner budgets for, and regularly spends on, home maintenance. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

    9. Anon7. Being behind by months in making mortgage payments is an indication that Jenna can’t afford her lie-style. But she expects others to pay the price for her dumb dream that hasn’t worked out. Her manipulative marketing is transparent and disgusting.

    10. Anon7. Jenna’s crazy comments here, have always related to what was written about her unattractive appearance. But there’s a creepy component to them. HD could probably confirm it.

    11. Indeed, I can confirm about her comments. It also makes it abundantly clear she is the one posting the crude comments. It is just further validation of her mental health, maturity, and character.

    12. HD. Thanks for confirming what we’ve thought about Jenna making the crude comments. They’re repulsive and deviant just like her.

  40. TS just released a limited edition 1989 cardigan for $69.89. Countdown clock until the perpetually broke gal models one on her socials…

    1. I don’t think that the sweaters are available in fat ass sizes like Wog would wear.

  41. Wow! A new super beg up on her blahg. She’s doing so great, but… she needs money so she can write more. Poor thing! She listed 8 things she did to show how busy she is and needs to pay October and November mortgages. Meat shares available! Soaps! If Taylor Swift is seen reading her book, she’s going to be rich! Good solid business plan Jenna!

  42. “This farm needs support” again
    ‘cause Jenna wants to buy.
    Wog wants more Taylor trinkets
    so she’ll pose as poor to lie.

    1. I notice she now has a third payment app. Why three? Sounds sketchy.

    2. SFF. Everything that Jenna does is unethical.

  43. Discounted pork on IG. Available next year so I hope you aren’t hungry!!

    1. One of her most manipulative marketing scams is her pork that’s promised for the future. Jenna just wants free funds up front now.

    2. Actually I think that is 2025 pork. She calls it next year’s, but that only means she will attempt to buy piglets next year. Not harvested/ harvestable until spring 2025.
      Discount pork. That doesn’t even sound right!!

  44. Posted this and now deleted: “I am not going to make it, but thanks to all who shared and purchased. I have to figure out something else”

    1. Jenna’s never “made it” in over a decade of having her hovel. She’ll “figure it out” by being a beggar.

    2. Weird. But I do think she posts dramatic nothings to bait pity donations.

    3. What?? Does that mean if I bought meat shares I'm left with nothing? (Like I ever would, but someone may have? )

  45. So, someone please explain how this is possible. She is calling paying the September and October mortgages in November, “ keeping the farm safe for winter”. She won’t even attempt to pay the November mortgage until January 2024. She is chronically, perpetually two solid months behind. (Supposedly).
    What bank out there allows that?

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindOctober 29, 2023 at 4:06 AM

      Anon 3:43, she plays with mortgage deadlines to exaggerate yet another manufactured crisis.

      Based on past writings, the September mortgage was due September 1, but not deemed "late" until October 16.

      The October mortgage was due October 1, but not deemed "late" until November 16.

      Practically speaking, if she hasn't paid the September mortgage, the mortgage holder would considers her ONE month late.

      If she's writing, she's probably lying.

  46. I noticed that she has plenty of food for herself put away for the winter before she has food / hay for her animals.
    And that she buys herself a treat every month she makes a mortgage payment (as she has stated in writing) is ludicrous! She should be applying that money, no matter how little it is, to next month's mortgage payment. Even if she is not good at math (or whatever her problem is) after this many years she should have figured out that small amounts add up and to stop the insanity spending!
    She should give it up. She should be the submissive in a relationship, let someone more capable than she is be the alpha, Admit defeat. She can't do it on her own as she has proven. Without the help of strangers, and kind-hearted acquaintances, where would she be?

    1. did you seriously reference trad-wife / men's rights rhetoric? Was that on purpose?

    2. Jenna would never be submissive in any relationship. She’s too insecure to ever admit defeat. Even though the evidence of her failures is overwhelming. The big pig always feeds her fake fat face as a priority. Her whole life is lies and “ludicrous.”

    3. A Legend in Her Own MindOctober 29, 2023 at 7:35 AM

      WIW, Wog often described her relationship partner in offensive ways. I gagged every time I read "Get yourself a girl who'll.. "
      ...mend clothes the property dirt jobs
      ...cook and clean
      ...cater to her

      If she was a man posting such outdated crap, she'd have been hounded off X.

      (PS, sorry for AC grammar error in previous post)

    4. WIW 6:00. Nah, Not on purpose. Nothing so deep. Just writing off the cuff. Not even thinking gender or anyone's rights. Just that she should not be the one handling the finances/budget.

  47. Taylor Swift is officially a billionaire. Thanks to foolish fans like Jenna who buy everything that she puts out. And go to tours that they can’t afford. Maybe she can assist the lying, lazy loser in “catching up” on two months of mortgage payments.

  48. “It's a rainy, cold morning here at the farm. I am still trying to make a late mortgage payment to keep this farm safe from foreclosure. I will remain in limbo until I can earn 2 payments in a month. Here's what I have to offer! Please RT if you can reach anyone interested?”

    What a shock. Not. Her fake fear of foreclosure is always used to elicit empathy from followers to filch free funds for nothing. She still uses question marks incorrectly. What a rotten writer, and garbage human being.

  49. New blog. Everything is great and she doesn’t work on Sundays. Snow in the forecast ( it’s NOT) so she’s getting ready for it wearing silk underwear for chores. Has enough animal feed until Wednesday. Likes having spending money for Chinese food and romance novels ( no shit!!)

    1. It’s all a crock of crap. Her mercurial moods never last long. She’s already been begging for missed mortgage payments. One can’t be both victim and victor at the same time.

  50. “Four recent blog posts about the farm, winter prep, wild-yeast potato bread and snow! I’m still writing folks, 15+ years since starting my blog!”

    No one cares, cunt. You’re “still” lying and begging, “15+ years since starting my blog!”

  51. She talks about how few sales she makes, but always seems to have "client work" as part of her daily routine. She may not work that much, of course, but if it's true that she's not making sales then why does she constantly have work to do for presumably no clients...?


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