A gob of readers to say: "Oh, no! Don't re-home your horses. Here's money ($$$!) so you can feel safe and live your wild life, alone on the side of a mountain.
Basically: No. 1. She wants cash. Lots of it. No. 2. She doesn't want to bother with aged animals who are no longer photogenic or useful. No. 3. She hasn't handled or worked them in ages. (I work and use mine every day.) No. 4. If she can collect money for her horses while pushing their problems onto someone else, it'll be a good day for her. No. 5. She'll be looking for replacement horses so fast, your collective heads will spin. At their ages, re-homing horses is a giant risk. Their previous owners should be informed. PDD
PDD. You’ve nailed it as always. Jenna just wants to keep the cash coming in, and to never change anything in her lazy lie-style. Her horses are just pet props to appear authentic, when she’s just a disingenuous fraud.
Rehoming horses at their age — they may end up in bad hands. Truly. iI happens all the time. The kindest thing you can do for an old horse is have it put down. Then you know it’s not going to end up going to slaughter. That said their current quality of life must be poor esp if there’s no shelter (!) which everyone seems to say is the case. A run in needs a wind block in order to be useful. It’s my understanding she doesn’t even have that, which is really disheartening.
Part time job? My thoughts: 1. She does not have one. She only claims to have one to show people, "she's really trying". 2. If she does, it's like the work from home job she had before that paid $200/month (if she can be believed. 3. It's like one of those Task Rabbit jobs.
As for rehoming the horses, I agree with Legend that she wants people to feel sorry for her and send her money so she can keep her horses.
I think her part time job is the one she mentioned before. Remember she was asking for people on Twitter to give her info for something she had to do? I can’t remember the topic though. She’s not at the counter at Stewart’s, I’ll tell you this much for free!
She won't rehome them. How would she keep that fake persona going? No one will take them, they are too old, Merlin especially. Maybel probably needs some ground manners reestablished and still may be a useful trail horse. I would take Merlin if I had the ways and means. Such a sweet guy who deserves so much better.
Jenna does and says everything deliberately for one reason: it’s to filch free funds for nothing. It’s all about her manipulative marketing to elicit empathy from followers.
I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating. One can’t be both victim and victor at the same time. So her stupid, drivel dispatches that combine bragging and whining in one post don’t work. It’s cognitive dissonance.
It’s delusional for Jenna to believe that her writing is decent. It’s the antithesis. She won’t even take time to either edit or polish her purple prose. It’s no wonder why her new memoir was rejected by an agent. Additionally, her harassment of famous females like Glennon Doyle is disgusting. She comes across as an unhinged, scary stalker. No reputable publisher would want to work with her. Especially, since Birchthorn bombed so badly. And the Kickstarter critical comments are still up.
I think her writing has declined, and I o Lu say that because her previous writing had the benefit of a decent editor, one such editor that I doubt would ever take her on again after the Birchthorn debacle and her public feud with her then editor, Heather. She should have rehomed the horses long ago. I get the sense that doing it now and in such public way is for two purposes only- to elicit pity, and pity donations, and to elicit a “Joy with the fiddle” deal where someone gives her money and begs her to not sell them. Save for a few legitimate and sad reasons that can’t be helped, I personally absolutely cringe at someone ditching responsibility for a senior pet- a member of the family, and rehoming. For her those horses were never more than props, so I guess they are better off with someone who will provide adequate housing, senior feed, supplements, arthritis meds. I find it very telling that in the very same post where she pays herself on the back for writing being what she does best, she didn’t even bother to edit or correct her many and very visible mistakes. My two cents. Goat farm anon
I’ve also mentioned Birchthorn above. Heather’s made it clear in the comments that Jenna was a nightmare to work with on her bombed book. Your “Joy with the fiddle” reference was spot-on. That’s exactly what Wog wants from followers. Her writing has been rotten for years. She stubbornly and stupidly refuses to edit her work. Which is why it won’t be published again. Except by herself.
Wog on Twitter (Aug 7): "I'm behind again and trying to catch up. This farm just needs a lucky break... please share. I am not going to give up. I can't."
Are her followers ever going to conclude her behavior isn't credible? Month after month - year after year, it's been the same story. The solution for this college-educated, home-owning, able-bodied individual is simple: lower expenses or increase income. Since online pandering doesn’t work, GET A JOB.
PDD. That was well-put. “This faux farm” has had more than its fair share of “lucky breaks” (enabler donations) for over a decade. And it’s still never been solvent. By the moron’s own admission. Being “behind” in making mortgage payments is nothing new. Jenna is a blatant liar to imply that this month is different from any other. Her dumb dream is dead, but she’s too stupid and stubborn to see it.
Anon 7:25 am, I'm unsure what you mean. Horse rescue organizations don't seize horses. They act as placement centers for horses that have been forfeited or seized by animal control officers, the state, local police, etc. To force a seizure, abject neglect would need to be shown, that is, the owner would have to be proven to not provide "sustenance" to the animals.
In practical terms, horses would have to be very skinny (which they aren't), not have water, have grossly-neglected feet, not have mandatory shots, and so on.
In terms of barn care, what Wog offers is an embarrassment to all legitimate horse people, and she should be ashamed of herself. In NYS, however, horses are treated like livestock from a welfare perspective. A roof or overhanging trees - even though inadequate as hell in winter - may be legal.
By posting a vetted list of horse rescue organizations, you could give Wog actual help in re-homing her horses, assuming she's serious. Be careful though, as there are scads of fraudulent horse rescues. PDD
I feel like you've shot down what i thought was a legitimate solution for her rehoming the horses. Since I'm not local, I have no way of checking out any of the rescues. Oh, well. Since the topic has been brought up, I assume JW knows how to use Google.
Anon, I didn't mean to shoot down your very well-meaning ideas. I've been involved with horse rescues, both privately and professionally. People (me too) correctly wish a rescue organization could come in and rescue neglected horses, taking them away to better homes - but it doesn't work like that. Sometimes rescues can convince the owner to give up the horses. Sometimes they must raise money to "buy" the horses from an uncaring / greedy owner. Sometimes they must agonizingly wait until the horses are bad enough that an animal control officer will seize them. On rare occasions, a caring neighbor may quietly liberate the horses to a better, never-disclosed, home.
I can tell you from years of direct experience that as poorly as legitimate horse people feel Wog's horses are kept, they likely aren't "bad enough" to warrant ACO action. However, if they are without fresh water or feed, then ACO could act.
Likely, only people who live near her could check out rescues, basically doing Wog's work for her. Fraudulent rescues often put up a good online facade, much like Wog. It's a mess, any way you look at it, and I feel bad for those horses (especially Merlin) who surely deserve better. PDD
“Good morning! This farm is trying to earn extra for winter hay and firewood, so logos are half price if you buy 8 weeks in advance and pet portraits (9x12) are on sale!
Also, shares of 2024 pork are already selling out! Send a message or click the website in my bio for more info. Please share if you have an audience that may be interested, it can make all the difference!”
“Sure, Jen.” There she goes again trying to pressure people into making a pity purchase. “This farm” is always used to deflect from her own need and greed. There’s no way that her 2024 pork shares are “already selling out.” It’s more manipulative marketing to filch free funds up front for nothing.
“this farm needs someone who shops at Loro Piana to decide they want 10 pet portraits at full price for Christmas gifts, or some kind of windfall of dumb luck. If you know this person, or are this person, I am available for hire!”
Her reference to the luxury label makes no sense at all in terms of her stupid tweet. Someone who can afford to buy Loro Piana isn’t going to hire a hack like her. I think that she’s back to buying bourbon again, and maybe drinking during the day. Her wish for “dumb luck” is typical of the lying, lazy loser. “This farm” is a false front for its odious owner who would rather whine than work.
“I am offering logo designs, which includes endless revisions on original works you will own, for $100 if you buy now and schedule the work in 8 weeks. Reg price to design now is $200! Save and help this farm get ready for winter, while trying to catch up from summer!”
She’s been trying to “catch up” for years not just “from summer.” What a blatant liar. “Save and help” yourself, stupid. It’s no one else’s responsibility to support a middle-aged moron who doesn’t deserve to have a home.
Give it up Jenna. it is over. Get a job, sell the farm, re home your animals, this has gone on for a long time. Reduce your anxieties, get a bi weekly pay check, face responsibilities, a great time to sell your farm. This I believe is best for you, give it some serious thought for your survival. Think about it, and the options available to you. Your life can change, give it some thoughts. Many of us want only the best for you, but you need to see the future. It is a good time to sell homes and farms in New York State. You can get a good price for the home and property. I hope you can start a new adventure.
I’m going to disagree with what you’ve said. We don’t “want the best for her.” Jenna deserves to finally be held accountable for all of her actions. Although I agree that “it is over” for her faux farm.
Jenna is incapable of making mature adult decisions like changing her lazy loser lie-style. Fast forward to her sixties, if she lives that long, her body will be found buried beneath her “found it at the dump” crap.
Anonymous 2:51. Her life is one “manipulation tactic” after another. Jenna’s been doing this for decades. She’s never going to change. Otherwise, it would’ve happened already, and she’s 41 now. It really is “living like fiction.” And the price is paid by dumb enablers like Pember Patty. Her fake cries of “wolves are at my door” is blatant lying.
Jenna can’t keep up her façade forever, because her body is already having issues. Like not being able to run this year because of her ankle. She’s an obese, middle-aged woman now, who is far from fit. And aging takes its toll on everyone eventually.
Her life looks a lot better from the outside than it is in reality. We’ve driven by her home recently. The house and property aren’t attractive anymore. She’s also still single for a reason. Most normal women wouldn’t want such a problematic person as their partner. It’s highly unlikely that she’ll ever find another Shannon, and will wind up being a lonely old lady.
Maybe she should switch back to men. I've known quite a few men who aren't very choosy. Given a place to stay and sex and they'd do a lot of the work for her. Don't know that they'd bring cash though, as a couple they might still have to beg for money for the monthy bills and weed.
Anonymous 5:31. Jenna said in a 2017 tweet that she was bisexual. It was recently posted in a comment here. Maybe she’d have more choices, but the pickings would still be slim in terms of quality.
I don’t get why she’s so adamant, and almost angry about loathing men now. Jenna wrote about wanting a male partner for years in her blog. Perhaps, she couldn’t handle the constant rejection from them, and thought that women would be easier. I’ll bet that’s been a big disappointment!
Jenna is going to give those tiny fish a break from the torture, And start torturing hawks soon enough. After last years loss, I’m sure she will be insufferable about capturing one.
There’s a network of neighbors in Jenna’s area that live close to her hovel. They keep close track of what’s going on. And will watch what happens with the next bird victim.
If Jenna spent as much time working, as she does promoting streaming shows she likes... she wouldn’t have to beg!!! Good lord, shut up already. Some people don’t want to watch cartoons, they have adult stuff to do!!
Jenna making noises about rehoming the horses would be heartening news if it weren't obvious she will replace them in the next year or two like she did the sheep.
If she were rehoming them and unlikely to replace them, that's cause for cautious optimism, because the latter half of poor merlin's life has been utterly wasted. He at least deserves a retirement with proper care which he will not get there.
But we know her patterns, and the jig would have been up years ago if she really were scraping by with gigs and logo design.
But we've seen her claim to be behind on mortgage and feed for years, and always managing to pull it off just in the gosh darn nick of time hoo boy.
Which is bullshit. Life doesn't work like that. She should have gone bankrupt years ago, maybe she did, maybe her folks bailed her out. We will never know.
She's wanting to rehome the cantankerous mabel and the out of condition merlin to re-up on fresh animals.
Oh and after months of rounding merlin's age up to 30, we clocked that as her manipulating followers into accepting his upcoming death / euthanasia. She wouldn't want to pay for that so she'll try to give him and possibly mabel away too.
As usual, like getting her friends to replace her floor, she's passing her problems to others to handle.
I just really hope the horses end up in a better place instead of a worse one.
Sometimes I wonder if she isn’t single-handedly slowing the progress gays are making toward acceptance. I’m slow to anger, but my irritation about being belittled for being straight is mounting. How is it acceptable to cast aspersions on me for something I can’t change when I can’t disparage you for CHOOSING to be a total middle-aged loser? Keep at it, Jenna, and even gays will be sick to death at you. Your self-awareness is in the negative numbers. Frankly, darlin’, you’e a creep!
Totally nailed it Anon 1.10 She is super creepy. Slobbering over young nubile women on a public platform showcases her deviant personality. The language she employs the odd time she gets onto this platform backs up my statement.
SFF. I’m assuming that you’re referring to her comments here, too. She comes across as having a “deviant personality” that’s getting hard to hide. We saw her overtly leering at lovely, younger women around town this summer again. As if she could attract anyone like that. Jenna’s also like a scary stalker about famous females.
I recall the creepy comments Jenna’s made about watching Buffy, a few years ago, and that her wife will be a virgin. The weird way that she often referred to Shannon as a girl was very sexist. Especially, for a woman to say it.
I just thought of the word that sums Jenna Woginrich up. Repellent! Using her given name to make it harder for her to convince herself that I’m talking about somebody else.
It’s interesting that many of us find her such a repellent person. But it’s much more than just Jenna’s unattractive appearance. Her actions are also abhorrent. She’s an animal abusing beggar, pathological liar, and sociopathic scammer. This criminal has no scruples about stealing free funds from anyone. Including, children and senior citizens who’ve graciously given her donations which weren’t used for their stated purposes.
I sometimes wonder if deep down she realizes what an inferior human she really is and all her palaver is smoke and mirrors or does she believe her own schtick and think she’s all that and a bag of chips?
I think JW is finally trying to find new homes for her horses because she flat out cannot afford to feed them this winter. Hay is scarce due to the weather and more expensive than ever. The quality is crap and even a half-assed horse owner, who never wants (or can afford) the best for her animals, knows there is trouble ahead. She’s finally up against it and she knows it.
Need proof that writing is what Jenna does best? She can’t write a simple declarative sentence on Twitter. The following would make absolutely no sense even if she took the time to check her spelling: “seagulls are part of the 199 aesteic/lore. Iots of time at her RI home with the gal pals back in 2014/15”. And she designs logos?
Her writing is rotten now. I think that it’s partly due to drinking during the day again, smoking too much weed, and Jenna’s addictions adversely affecting her cognitive abilities. She’s also just careless and sloppy.
Bingo! Meat and veg in a bowl on IG. I feel like the puppet master. Sadly her pictures of her two dogs shows Gibson looking like he is in serious pain. Poor old thing. Be an adult moron and get him into a vet.
Her stir-fry, like almost all of her food, looks greasy and gross. The Mee Tu Sauce, artfully staged next to jars of honey, is 45% sugar. The shock will be if she ever eats truly healthy meals. Fatty meat, coated in sugar sauce, makes me want to barf. PDD
I agree with what you wrote. I’ve said similar things about her food that always appears “greasy and gross.” It’s very sloppy. Just like Jenna’s appearance, and her rotten writing.
A few days ago, a brilliant wildlife illustrator embarrassingly asked for sales because she was "a few hundred pounds short" of paying her bills. Because her asking for help is a rarity, because her gorgeous illustrations are much-loved, because people trust her and because she has a website where artwork may be directly purchased... her audience rallied overnight and BOUGHT EVERY ITEM THAT WAS FOR SALE. Literally, hundreds (thousands?) of pounds in sales were earned overnight!
The next day, she was flabbergasted at the response. She's individually thanking everyone who made purchases, has enlisted friends to ship artwork in a timely manner and promises to use some of the earnings to make an even-better web store.
That kind of public support would never happen to Jenna in a similar situation. (Except for “Rachel Keane” her other account, who shills shit for free.)
No one wants to support a lying, lazy loser who’d rather whine than work. That’s why she probably won’t ever have a Patreon account, because even the moron knows that she’s creating nothing of merit for money.
For someone with an art degree her work is stagnant. She seems to have no inclination to stretch herself as an artist. Surely she was taught to work in more than one medium. She is clearly bored with her own work which is evident based on how little effort she puts into her drawings. She was obviously not well schooled in the English language. Her writing is atrocious and yet she seems to think that is where her strength lies. So what do we have here? A so called artist who produces shoddy work, a writer who doesn’t know proper grammar and a 41 year old ‘farmer’ who is incapable of caring for the blessed few animals she still hasn’t killed off. 41 years on this earth and her greatest achievement is that she has memorized Taylor Swift’s songbook. How is that for pathetic.
Good grief. She has started back in with the Taylor/Karlie gay thing again. I'm straight but I've been known to hold hands and hug my best friend, who is also straight. I guess she doesn't understand affection and love for someone of the same sex that has nothing to do with being gay. She's not capable of true emotion.
That was well-put. I feel the same way about showing affection for my female friends. Jenna acts like a sociopath who can only mimic emotions. She’s obsessed with famous females since her own “dumb small life” is a fucking failure.
Agree that she is emotionally stunted. She has no love of family, one person whom she calls her ‘bestie’ who she sees infrequently and no apparent love interest. What little emotion she exhibits is focussed on her dog. I believe she has a niece and nephew - again it appears she had no relationship with them or her siblings. She seems to equate physical touch with sexual attraction rather than simple affection. It illustrates her inexperience with genuine human emotion.
SFF. “Emotionally stunted” is an apt description. When she and Shannon were still a couple two summers ago, Jenna’s sister, husband and kids came to visit her faux farm. But she never mentions her mother, father and brother now. It appears that she’s estranged from her relatives out of choice. I also doubt that Wog has had more than a few intimate relationships. She’ll wind up as that old weirdo woman who “lives alone on the side of a mountain.” Unless, her hovel is finally foreclosed.
She is already the town weirdo from all reports. She needs to give ‘living on the side of a mountain’ a rest. At this point it’s pretty clear to anyone who follows her that she lives on a public road. It’s in most of the pictures of her front yard. She shoots herself in the foot by saying one thing and then following it up with a picture that disputes her statement. Time to give it a rest darling. Try the truth for a change.
I don't know if anyone has mentioned this yet, but in one recent post she said that selling the truck will cover the June mortgage, but then in at least two subsequent posts, she claims she's still working toward the June mortgage. Just a glaring discrepancy that I haven't seen anyone comment on yet (without an exhaustive read of all recent comments, at least).
Jenna is a pathological liar who can’t keep track of the truth, because she’s been lying for years. Her faux farm would’ve been foreclosed a long time ago if it was really in danger. It’s just more manipulative marketing to filch free funds for nothing. What a despicable, repulsive cunt.
I missed out on the horsey rehoming conversation but agree that she is either bluffing for pity cash, or needs to ditch them as they are starting to need expensive vet care due to old age. That is a big problem here for animal shelters...people buy cute kittens and puppies and then dump them at the shelter once they get old and sick. Super sad and super shitty.
More evidence that her intent to re-home Mabel is so much horse 💩.
When she purchased Mabel (for $1), she wrote:
"... the owner and I agreed if for any reason I chose not to keep her she will pick her up and take her back. So if it doesn't work out - she simply goes back to the owner..."
So Wog is either lying to her readers or intends to break her verbal contract with Mabel's former owner. What an upstanding person she is (NOT).
As for Merlin, his former owner (who imported him) would most assuredly want to be involved in his re-homing. I wouldn't trust the fake farmer in any of these decisions. PDD
“Friends! I am trying to make the July mortgage before the 15th, so offering $100 off logo designs if you can wait 8 weeks to begin the work! DM or visit my website for contact info, let's help this farm move forward to fall! Please RT!”
GFY, Jenna. It’s no one else’s responsibility to “let’s help this farm move forward to fall.”
Jenna is incapable of standing on her own, two fat feet to support “this faux farm.” She’s been enabled by begging for so long, that’s it’s adversely affected her abilities.
Her stupid salutation of “Friends!” is more manipulative marketing to elicit empathy from followers. She’s been behind in making mortgage payments for years. It’s nothing new. Each and every month she sings the same sad song. “Wolves are at my door!!!”
“If you're a meat customer and like lamb, I am taking reservations on this springs' lambs if you know you'll want some in 2024. Prices have increased (what I charged for lambs last year doesn't even cover the cost of the animals and butchering) but still competitive!”
Jenna just wants free funds up front for pigs that aren’t even available yet. And when they’re really ready, she’ll then pretend that there are still shares to sell. She’s the Cambridge Queen of Con.
Sounds like she lost money on the lambs last time and might again in 2024. Especially if she has to buy-in the lambs to raise. I believe she loses money on the pigs too. It's all about the instant cash but no long-term planning. She has no business sense. She can't get ahead of the mortgage and never will.
Anonymous 8:39. Exactly. It’s beyond belief that she’s 41, has owned her home for over a decade, but is still can’t keep current in making mortgage payments on time. Jenna is a fucking failure.
"If I can sell 4 of these today I will make my goal, make up for no sales this past weekend, and cover some of the hay and firewood I need delivered to stay warm and animals fed. Please RT if you have an audience? This farm needs help and is so lost on Twitter now."
Oh, and on cue, alter-ego Rachel Keane was peddling her crap 🤣 PDD
Jenna uses the facade of an inanimate object, “this farm,” as a deflection from her own need and greed. Her stupid subtext is always: “I need help from enablers, because my dumb small life is so hard! And I’m lost on a platform that I’ve been on for 13 years!”
There is no crisis. There never is. She got lucky conning people years ago and now it’s turned into an addiction. A gambler can’t stop gambling, an alcoholic can’t stop drinking and Jenna can’t stop begging. She simply cannot live without the dopamine fix.
SFF. She’s even admitted to having an addictive personality. It’s been said many times before here, that Jenna simply doesn’t behave and exist as if she’s in any kind of financial crisis. It’s all a con for filching free funds for nothing.
You’re right of course. It’s not plausible that she could string her bank along all this time. She is greedy - plain and simple - and corrupt. Her parents must be sooooo proud.
Spot on, SFF. I just spent a bit of time reading thru her 2011 bleg posts and was seeing that she was begging and pulling this shit back then. Begging is her drug of choice. Her lifeline. Her reason to live.
Oooh, good observation! Yes, she knows deep down she is a fraud. But at the same time she is thinking, "There but by the grace of poodles go I." Cuz she knows the farm really belongs to them.
Hey? Guys? You know how we've always wondered why the Pig Shocker doesn't participate in her local farmers market? It just might be because she is a damn idiot. Check out this post from May 2011, written about her first attempt to sell her wares at the Bennington VT farmers market:
In case you don't feel like vomiting, err, reading, here are the highlights:
1) She was more than AN HOUR LATE due to her own ineptitude. She thought the farmer's market, an hours drive away, started at 11am. But it actually started at 10am -- something she discovered at 9am whilst sitting in her bathrobe at her kitchen table (probably hungover).
2) That 80 year old vintage bike she has in her front yard -- she threw that into the back of her truck, but DIDN'T BOTHER TO TIE IT DOWN, resulting in her having to drive a slow 35 MPH to keep it from bouncing out of the truck -- a very slow speed that made her even more late.
3) Because of her re-tardiness, she was awarded the very last spot in the market, in some God-forsaken corner with little foot traffic. And the REQUIRED tent she had to bring to cover her table would not open so she wasn't able to use it. She even admits that she should have tested it out before the market. Uh, duuuuh.
4) She only brought $6 to use as change for customers. But then SPENT IT ALL on a cookie and a croissant, all the while arrogantly thinking customers HAD BETTER have exact change for their purchases. Brilliant business plan, tubs.
5) Despite this farmer's market experiencing their BIGGEST OPENING DAY EVER, she only made $55 for her lousy books (which are easily found on Amazon). Seems that no one wanted her other crap.
6) $15 of that money went to her table fee. The other $40 was lost when it fell out of her pocket, LOL. So the genius basically paid to travel and be there for ZERO monetary gain.
CONCLUSION: Her first farmer's market was a wash due to her own dumbassery. So of course she hasn't bothered to try again -- especially since we all know she never learns from her own mistakes.
Hysterical summary! Most sentient adults would take the first failed farmer's market as lessons to be learned. FFF no doubt took it as yet another opportunity to claim victimhood ("poor widdle me - I'm so slow to learn...") and beg for money.
I also liked that a man (ugh!) had to bail her out by removing her bike from the truck. FFF seems incompetent at almost everything except eating, being under the influence and finding new ways to waste time. PDD
This pathetic story is typical of Jenna’s adolescent behavior. She “never learns from her own mistakes,” and expects that people will pay her for nothing. Her hands have always been held out for help, but she doesn’t deserve to be enabled.
That was painful to read! Normal folks would set everything up ahead of time to make sure stuff was in working order. I thought it was so interesting that she made a big deal of bringing a shitty bike, acting like it was going to bring people to her tent to look at. People have seen bikes before and it’s not like the bike is special or awe inducing like a custom design. So flabbergasted that she thought it was worth driving so slow to bring that bike.
All of her posts ( past and present) make me think she’s very ill. She just doesn’t act right but tries to play off as quirky. Rewarding herself for any small amount of work she does especially at her age is so embarrassing.
Jenna is very mentally unstable, and also has a defective character. Of course, neither of those conditions excuses her animal abusing, money mooching, and sociopathic scamming. She acts as if even working for a few hours merits “rewards.”
On a different note, what is it with her obsession with Jaws? I’m wondering if I missed something along the way. Is she trying to put a gay spin on it or what? I don’t get it.
Wog has always been unoriginal and late-to-the-party for internet trends. There's a subgroup of movie goers who believe Jaws is a gay movie pretending to be straight, because they see a quasi-bromance on the boat.
Lol, and here I thought it was a scary movie about a great white shark who'd developed a taste for people. Go figure.
Another pathetic example of Jenna struggling for a sense of belonging. I had no idea that was even a thing but I'm a lifelong poodle with an investment account. What could I possibly know about obscure movie references. I have a real life and a vacation to pack for.
“I know I mostly use Twitter now just to promote things I have for sale, it’s basically a farmstand that I shout from. But if you’re looking for more farm Contant Instagram and my blog is where that lives. I’m coldantlerjenna there. Blog in bio.”
She meant to type: “I know I mostly use Twitter now just to blatantly beg for free funds.” Her fake “farmstand” reference is also a crock of crap. And it’s spelled “content,” cretin. It’s no wonder why her memoir was rejected by an agent for rotten writing.
She actually stole that from a meme that's going around some homesteading/gardening FB groups. (Maybe twitter too?) Something about zucchini hunting season.
Check out her gallery of drawings. Does anyone else think her work was a lot more professional and detailed back then? She actually drew bodies on the animals not just floating heads. P.B..
I'm going to jump in here and say I think she used to be a good writer. I learned about her from Jon Katz's blog and I read a few of her early books (borrowed from the library). I thought her early blog entries were good, too. But wow, she has seriously devolved. I don't know what happened, but her writing is now cringe worthy. She seems to have shrunk in maturity as well. She desperately needs professional help and I hope she gets it.
I agree with you to an extent. Her writing is rotten now. Unfortunately, her ego is too big to allow any introspective thinking. I think that Jenna’s multiple addictions have adversely affected her abilities, and stunted emotional maturity, too.
I never got into her early writing, mostly because the experiences of a barely-competent rural newbie weren't appealing. However, I liked her interviews with other people and I enjoyed their stories, as they were typically more experienced than Wog.
Unfortunately, at some point, she quit writing / interviewing others. She stopped learning and growing. I don't know if she burned out all the local people (likely introduced by Pember Patty), if she no longer cared, or if her head was so far up her own arse that she began to think HER musings were the most important features of her blog.
In any case, she clearly lost her earlier enthusiasm for rural living and learning (or perhaps pretending to learn) the ins and outs of a country lifestyle. Her writing became repetitive and mundane. While eye-opening at first, the litany of repeat complaints and victimhood stories were dull as fcuk.
If she wants to earn money with her audience, she needs to mix it up and experience more of life. Sell the farm. Start over. Or get a freaking job and quit begging. PDD
I agree. I enjoyed Made from Scratch, it was relatable and well-written. But i think it's the only book she had extensively edited?
I also enjoyed her blog until it became a constant RED ALERT PANIC MODE.
Once she quit her job she stopped being relatable or inspiring bc her life became about constant manufactured financial emergency, and she wrote about the animals' suffering without empathy.
Since then, i've popped in and out to see if she has yet crashed and burned, whether she's repeating the same stories.
The fact this has gone on so long shows she has other income she's not being honest about. Her mortgage is covered every month, I'm convinced.
On IG. Bragging that she eats $7 kimchi. I’m surprised ( not really) that she doesn’t make her own with all her fresh produce!!! Also looks like she took the kitten to the vet. I know when I have money troubles, I buy expensive trendy shit at the market and get more animals I can’t afford!!!
It should be a super busy time on the "farm". What has she been doing? We know what she hasn’t been doing. She hasn't been doing any post-summer clean-up around her shack on the hill. She hasn’t been spending time with all the old friends that got tired of her BS…there are a lot. She hasn’t been dating a new girl. And she hasn’t been writing any interesting quality essays. But really, it’s okay…she shouldn’t worry about it, because nobody really cares what she’s doing anyway. Rehome the animals and you can just carry on.
Here's what she wants:
ReplyDeleteA gob of readers to say: "Oh, no! Don't re-home your horses. Here's money ($$$!) so you can feel safe and live your wild life, alone on the side of a mountain.
No. 1. She wants cash. Lots of it.
No. 2. She doesn't want to bother with aged animals who are no longer photogenic or useful.
No. 3. She hasn't handled or worked them in ages. (I work and use mine every day.)
No. 4. If she can collect money for her horses while pushing their problems onto someone else, it'll be a good day for her.
No. 5. She'll be looking for replacement horses so fast, your collective heads will spin.
At their ages, re-homing horses is a giant risk. Their previous owners should be informed.
PDD. You’ve nailed it as always. Jenna just wants to keep the cash coming in, and to never change anything in her lazy lie-style. Her horses are just pet props to appear authentic, when she’s just a disingenuous fraud.
DeleteEdit: I should’ve “just” used another word in my above comment. At least, I take time to correct myself.
DeleteRehoming horses at their age — they may end up in bad hands. Truly. iI happens all the time. The kindest thing you can do for an old horse is have it put down. Then you know it’s not going to end up going to slaughter. That said their current quality of life must be poor esp if there’s no shelter (!) which everyone seems to say is the case. A run in needs a wind block in order to be useful. It’s my understanding she doesn’t even have that, which is really disheartening.
ReplyDeletePart time job? My thoughts:
ReplyDelete1. She does not have one. She only claims to have one to show people, "she's really trying".
2. If she does, it's like the work from home job she had before that paid $200/month (if she can be believed.
3. It's like one of those Task Rabbit jobs.
As for rehoming the horses, I agree with Legend that she wants people to feel sorry for her and send her money so she can keep her horses.
I think her part time job is the one she mentioned before. Remember she was asking for people on Twitter to give her info for something she had to do? I can’t remember the topic though. She’s not at the counter at Stewart’s, I’ll tell you this much for free!
DeleteI agree. Part time job is the “script writing “.
DeleteShe won't rehome them. How would she keep that fake persona going? No one will take them, they are too old, Merlin especially. Maybel probably needs some ground manners reestablished and still may be a useful trail horse. I would take Merlin if I had the ways and means. Such a sweet guy who deserves so much better.
ReplyDeleteJenna does and says everything deliberately for one reason: it’s to filch free funds for nothing. It’s all about her manipulative marketing to elicit empathy from followers.
ReplyDeleteI’ve said it before, but it bears repeating. One can’t be both victim and victor at the same time. So her stupid, drivel dispatches that combine bragging and whining in one post don’t work. It’s cognitive dissonance.
ReplyDeleteIt’s delusional for Jenna to believe that her writing is decent. It’s the antithesis. She won’t even take time to either edit or polish her purple prose. It’s no wonder why her new memoir was rejected by an agent. Additionally, her harassment of famous females like Glennon Doyle is disgusting. She comes across as an unhinged, scary stalker. No reputable publisher would want to work with her. Especially, since Birchthorn bombed so badly. And the Kickstarter critical comments are still up.
ReplyDeleteHer weird word salads sound stupid not poetic. Jenna’s decades of drinking, and still smoking weed have taken their toll on her mental abilities.
DeleteI think her writing has declined, and I o Lu say that because her previous writing had the benefit of a decent editor, one such editor that I doubt would ever take her on again after the Birchthorn debacle and her public feud with her then editor, Heather.
ReplyDeleteShe should have rehomed the horses long ago. I get the sense that doing it now and in such public way is for two purposes only- to elicit pity, and pity donations, and to elicit a “Joy with the fiddle” deal where someone gives her money and begs her to not sell them.
Save for a few legitimate and sad reasons that can’t be helped, I personally absolutely cringe at someone ditching responsibility for a senior pet- a member of the family, and rehoming. For her those horses were never more than props, so I guess they are better off with someone who will provide adequate housing, senior feed, supplements, arthritis meds.
I find it very telling that in the very same post where she pays herself on the back for writing being what she does best, she didn’t even bother to edit or correct her many and very visible mistakes.
My two cents.
Goat farm anon
*edit, I only say that..
Delete*edit, pats herself on the back
DeleteI’ve also mentioned Birchthorn above. Heather’s made it clear in the comments that Jenna was a nightmare to work with on her bombed book. Your “Joy with the fiddle” reference was spot-on. That’s exactly what Wog wants from followers. Her writing has been rotten for years. She stubbornly and stupidly refuses to edit her work. Which is why it won’t be published again. Except by herself.
DeleteUnfortunately, what Jenna is “best at” is being a lying, lazy loser who uses manipulative marketing to filch free funds.
ReplyDeletePay me. Pay me. Pay me.
ReplyDeleteWog on Twitter (Aug 7):
"I'm behind again and trying to catch up. This farm just needs a lucky break... please share. I am not going to give up. I can't."
Are her followers ever going to conclude her behavior isn't credible? Month after month - year after year, it's been the same story. The solution for this college-educated, home-owning, able-bodied individual is simple: lower expenses or increase income. Since online pandering doesn’t work, GET A JOB.
PDD. That was well-put. “This faux farm” has had more than its fair share of “lucky breaks” (enabler donations) for over a decade. And it’s still never been solvent. By the moron’s own admission. Being “behind” in making mortgage payments is nothing new. Jenna is a blatant liar to imply that this month is different from any other. Her dumb dream is dead, but she’s too stupid and stubborn to see it.
DeleteI googled "New York state horse rescues" and got half a dozen listed. Can someone local maybe get the ball rolling on this? The horses will thank you.
ReplyDeleteAnon 7:25 am, I'm unsure what you mean. Horse rescue organizations don't seize horses. They act as placement centers for horses that have been forfeited or seized by animal control officers, the state, local police, etc. To force a seizure, abject neglect would need to be shown, that is, the owner would have to be proven to not provide "sustenance" to the animals.
DeleteIn practical terms, horses would have to be very skinny (which they aren't), not have water, have grossly-neglected feet, not have mandatory shots, and so on.
In terms of barn care, what Wog offers is an embarrassment to all legitimate horse people, and she should be ashamed of herself. In NYS, however, horses are treated like livestock from a welfare perspective. A roof or overhanging trees - even though inadequate as hell in winter - may be legal.
By posting a vetted list of horse rescue organizations, you could give Wog actual help in re-homing her horses, assuming she's serious. Be careful though, as there are scads of fraudulent horse rescues.
I feel like you've shot down what i thought was a legitimate solution for her rehoming the horses. Since I'm not local, I have no way of checking out any of the rescues. Oh, well. Since the topic has been brought up, I assume JW knows how to use Google.
DeleteAnon, I didn't mean to shoot down your very well-meaning ideas. I've been involved with horse rescues, both privately and professionally. People (me too) correctly wish a rescue organization could come in and rescue neglected horses, taking them away to better homes - but it doesn't work like that. Sometimes rescues can convince the owner to give up the horses. Sometimes they must raise money to "buy" the horses from an uncaring / greedy owner. Sometimes they must agonizingly wait until the horses are bad enough that an animal control officer will seize them. On rare occasions, a caring neighbor may quietly liberate the horses to a better, never-disclosed, home.
DeleteI can tell you from years of direct experience that as poorly as legitimate horse people feel Wog's horses are kept, they likely aren't "bad enough" to warrant ACO action. However, if they are without fresh water or feed, then ACO could act.
Likely, only people who live near her could check out rescues, basically doing Wog's work for her. Fraudulent rescues often put up a good online facade, much like Wog. It's a mess, any way you look at it, and I feel bad for those horses (especially Merlin) who surely deserve better.
According to IG, she is still catching finger sized fish and she sold a magazine article. Can’t wait to read that /s.
ReplyDeleteSure she did. Her whole life is lies.
Delete4,695 and dropping again almost daily. Guess that “luck” isn’t happening, Jen. “Hoo!!!”
ReplyDeleteIt’s 4,694, and she’s lost another follower today.
DeleteIt’s 4,692, and she’s lost two more followers. “Hey hey!!!”
DeleteJen wants a life with luck
ReplyDeletebut won’t get off her ass.
She’d rather beg for free funds
and smoke some more good grass.
“Good morning! This farm is trying to earn extra for winter hay and firewood, so logos are half price if you buy 8 weeks in advance and pet portraits (9x12) are on sale!
ReplyDeleteAlso, shares of 2024 pork are already selling out! Send a message or click the website in my bio for more info. Please share if you have an audience that may be interested, it can make all the difference!”
“Sure, Jen.” There she goes again trying to pressure people into making a pity purchase. “This farm” is always used to deflect from her own need and greed. There’s no way that her 2024 pork shares are “already selling out.” It’s more manipulative marketing to filch free funds up front for nothing.
“this farm needs someone who shops at Loro Piana to decide they want 10 pet portraits at full price for Christmas gifts, or some kind of windfall of dumb luck. If you know this person, or are this person, I am available for hire!”
ReplyDeleteGFY, Jenna.
Her reference to the luxury label makes no sense at all in terms of her stupid tweet. Someone who can afford to buy Loro Piana isn’t going to hire a hack like her. I think that she’s back to buying bourbon again, and maybe drinking during the day. Her wish for “dumb luck” is typical of the lying, lazy loser. “This farm” is a false front for its odious owner who would rather whine than work.
Delete“I am offering logo designs, which includes endless revisions on original works you will own, for $100 if you buy now and schedule the work in 8 weeks. Reg price to design now is $200! Save and help this farm get ready for winter, while trying to catch up from summer!”
ReplyDeleteNo one cares, cunt.
She’s been trying to “catch up” for years not just “from summer.” What a blatant liar. “Save and help” yourself, stupid. It’s no one else’s responsibility to support a middle-aged moron who doesn’t deserve to have a home.
DeleteJenna must think we’re the stupidest bunch of people on the planet. She reads this blog and still thinks that writing is what she’s best at?
DeleteGive it up Jenna. it is over. Get a job, sell the farm, re
ReplyDeletehome your animals, this has gone on for a long time. Reduce your anxieties,
get a bi weekly pay check, face responsibilities, a great time to sell your farm.
This I believe is best for you, give it some serious thought for your survival.
Think about it, and the options available to you. Your life can change, give it some
thoughts. Many of us want only the best for you, but you need to see the future.
It is a good time to sell homes and farms in New York State. You can get a good
price for the home and property. I hope you can start a new adventure.
I’m going to disagree with what you’ve said. We don’t “want the best for her.” Jenna deserves to finally be held accountable for all of her actions. Although I agree that “it is over” for her faux farm.
DeleteJenna is incapable of making mature adult decisions like changing her lazy loser lie-style. Fast forward to her sixties, if she lives that long, her body will be found buried beneath her “found it at the dump” crap.
DeleteThe last thing that Jenna wants is to “face responsibilities.” That’s why she acts as if she’s 14 not 41.
DeleteAnonymous 2:51. Her life is one “manipulation tactic” after another. Jenna’s been doing this for decades. She’s never going to change. Otherwise, it would’ve happened already, and she’s 41 now. It really is “living like fiction.” And the price is paid by dumb enablers like Pember Patty. Her fake cries of “wolves are at my door” is blatant lying.
DeleteJenna can’t keep up her façade forever, because her body is already having issues. Like not being able to run this year because of her ankle. She’s an obese, middle-aged woman now, who is far from fit. And aging takes its toll on everyone eventually.
DeleteHer life looks a lot better from the outside than it is in reality. We’ve driven by her home recently. The house and property aren’t attractive anymore. She’s also still single for a reason. Most normal women wouldn’t want such a problematic person as their partner. It’s highly unlikely that she’ll ever find another Shannon, and will wind up being a lonely old lady.
DeleteMaybe she should switch back to men. I've known quite a few men who aren't very choosy. Given a place to stay and sex and they'd do a lot of the work for her. Don't know that they'd bring cash though, as a couple they might still have to beg for money for the monthy bills and weed.
DeleteAnonymous 5:31. Jenna said in a 2017 tweet that she was bisexual. It was recently posted in a comment here. Maybe she’d have more choices, but the pickings would still be slim in terms of quality.
DeleteI don’t get why she’s so adamant, and almost angry about loathing men now. Jenna wrote about wanting a male partner for years in her blog. Perhaps, she couldn’t handle the constant rejection from them, and thought that women would be easier. I’ll bet that’s been a big disappointment!
DeleteJenna is going to give those tiny fish a break from the torture, And start torturing hawks soon enough. After last years loss, I’m sure she will be insufferable about capturing one.
ReplyDeleteThere’s a network of neighbors in Jenna’s area that live close to her hovel. They keep close track of what’s going on. And will watch what happens with the next bird victim.
DeleteIf Jenna spent as much time working, as she does promoting streaming shows she likes... she wouldn’t have to beg!!! Good lord, shut up already. Some people don’t want to watch cartoons, they have adult stuff to do!!
ReplyDeleteShe has zero concern and awareness about the bad optics of begging, while bragging about her media addictions like stupid streaming.
DeleteJenna making noises about rehoming the horses would be heartening news if it weren't obvious she will replace them in the next year or two like she did the sheep.
ReplyDeleteIf she were rehoming them and unlikely to replace them, that's cause for cautious optimism, because the latter half of poor merlin's life has been utterly wasted. He at least deserves a retirement with proper care which he will not get there.
But we know her patterns, and the jig would have been up years ago if she really were scraping by with gigs and logo design.
But we've seen her claim to be behind on mortgage and feed for years, and always managing to pull it off just in the gosh darn nick of time hoo boy.
Which is bullshit. Life doesn't work like that. She should have gone bankrupt years ago, maybe she did, maybe her folks bailed her out. We will never know.
She's wanting to rehome the cantankerous mabel and the out of condition merlin to re-up on fresh animals.
She'd do that the second they pass away anyway.
Oh and after months of rounding merlin's age up to 30, we clocked that as her manipulating followers into accepting his upcoming death / euthanasia. She wouldn't want to pay for that so she'll try to give him and possibly mabel away too.
ReplyDeleteAs usual, like getting her friends to replace her floor, she's passing her problems to others to handle.
I just really hope the horses end up in a better place instead of a worse one.
Shall we place bets now? Do you think she'll find a new horse at the dump this spring? Or wait a year?
ReplyDeleteThe way she mentions her part time job as if it's a flex.
ReplyDeleteHer whole life is a fucking failure not “flex.”
DeleteApparently, it’s a big deal for the lying, lazy loser to work even a small gig.
DeleteUgh, the Dutch baby again. Does she ever eat a vegetable? It’s all carbs all the time at ‘this farm’. Speaks volumes about the state of her garden.
ReplyDeleteHer obese body is a reflection of her fatty diet.
DeleteJenna’s food always appears sloppy. Just like her appearance, and rotten writing. It never looks appetizing.
We pull her puppet’s strings. Watch for a ridiculous rebuttal in the form of her bragging about “I’m eating a salad that’s fresh from this farm!”
DeleteI was thinking the same thing. Sometimes I like to pull her strings. She’s such an easy mark.
DeleteSFF. Exactly. Yet Jenna mistakenly believes that she’s superior. She’s not fooling us. Her patterns are predictable. Once you start to see them.
DeleteSometimes I wonder if she isn’t single-handedly slowing the progress gays are making toward acceptance. I’m slow to anger, but my irritation about being belittled for being straight is mounting. How is it acceptable to cast aspersions on me for something I can’t change when I can’t disparage you for CHOOSING to be a total middle-aged loser? Keep at it, Jenna, and even gays will be sick to death at you. Your self-awareness is in the negative numbers. Frankly, darlin’, you’e a creep!
DeleteTotally nailed it Anon 1.10 She is super creepy. Slobbering over young nubile women on a public platform showcases her deviant personality. The language she employs the odd time she gets onto this platform backs up my statement.
DeleteSFF. I’m assuming that you’re referring to her comments here, too. She comes across as having a “deviant personality” that’s getting hard to hide. We saw her overtly leering at lovely, younger women around town this summer again. As if she could attract anyone like that. Jenna’s also like a scary stalker about famous females.
DeleteAgreed! If a man acted the way she does about women, he’d be in trouble!!! She is very gross and inappropriate toward women.
DeleteI recall the creepy comments Jenna’s made about watching Buffy, a few years ago, and that her wife will be a virgin. The weird way that she often referred to Shannon as a girl was very sexist. Especially, for a woman to say it.
DeleteThat speaks volumes. Sounds like she has paedophilic tendencies on top of everything else. Ugh.
DeleteI just thought of the word that sums Jenna Woginrich up. Repellent! Using her given name to make it harder for her to convince herself that I’m talking about somebody else.
ReplyDeleteI don’t know if you’re new here. But I’ve been calling her repellent for a few years. Everything about her is unappealing on a visceral level.
DeleteIt’s interesting that many of us find her such a repellent person. But it’s much more than just Jenna’s unattractive appearance. Her actions are also abhorrent. She’s an animal abusing beggar, pathological liar, and sociopathic scammer. This criminal has no scruples about stealing free funds from anyone. Including, children and senior citizens who’ve graciously given her donations which weren’t used for their stated purposes.
DeleteI sometimes wonder if deep down she realizes what an inferior human she really is and all her palaver is smoke and mirrors or does she believe her own schtick and think she’s all that and a bag of chips?
DeleteSFF. I think that Jenna knows she’s an insufferable, arrogant asshole, but doesn’t care enough to change.
DeleteI think JW is finally trying to find new homes for her horses because she flat out cannot afford to feed them this winter. Hay is scarce due to the weather and more expensive than ever. The quality is crap and even a half-assed horse owner, who never wants (or can afford) the best for her animals, knows there is trouble ahead. She’s finally up against it and she knows it.
ReplyDeleteI’m happy to hear that her horses might be re-homed at long last.
DeleteNeed proof that writing is what Jenna does best? She can’t write a simple declarative sentence on Twitter. The following would make absolutely no sense even if she took the time to check her spelling: “seagulls are part of the 199 aesteic/lore. Iots of time at her RI home with the gal pals back in 2014/15”. And she designs logos?
ReplyDeleteHer writing is rotten now. I think that it’s partly due to drinking during the day again, smoking too much weed, and Jenna’s addictions adversely affecting her cognitive abilities. She’s also just careless and sloppy.
DeleteBingo! Meat and veg in a bowl on IG. I feel like the puppet master. Sadly her pictures of her two dogs shows Gibson looking like he is in serious pain. Poor old thing. Be an adult moron and get him into a vet.
ReplyDeleteSFF. That didn’t take long for her usual ridiculous rebuttal of our comments. We’ve called it yesterday. “Dance, little monkey, Jenna!”
DeleteThe hokey homage to Taylor Swift on her falling apart old barn, is beyond pathetic for a middle-aged woman who’s 41.
Her stir-fry, like almost all of her food, looks greasy and gross. The Mee Tu Sauce, artfully staged next to jars of honey, is 45% sugar. The shock will be if she ever eats truly healthy meals. Fatty meat, coated in sugar sauce, makes me want to barf.
I agree with what you wrote. I’ve said similar things about her food that always appears “greasy and gross.” It’s very sloppy. Just like Jenna’s appearance, and her rotten writing.
DeleteA few days ago, a brilliant wildlife illustrator embarrassingly asked for sales because she was "a few hundred pounds short" of paying her bills. Because her asking for help is a rarity, because her gorgeous illustrations are much-loved, because people trust her and because she has a website where artwork may be directly purchased... her audience rallied overnight and BOUGHT EVERY ITEM THAT WAS FOR SALE. Literally, hundreds (thousands?) of pounds in sales were earned overnight!
ReplyDeleteThe next day, she was flabbergasted at the response. She's individually thanking everyone who made purchases, has enlisted friends to ship artwork in a timely manner and promises to use some of the earnings to make an even-better web store.
That is how you do it.
That’s a great example of an authentic artist who doesn’t beg online for a living like Jenna.
DeleteThat kind of public support would never happen to Jenna in a similar situation. (Except for “Rachel Keane” her other account, who shills shit for free.)
DeleteNo one wants to support a lying, lazy loser who’d rather whine than work. That’s why she probably won’t ever have a Patreon account, because even the moron knows that she’s creating nothing of merit for money.
And Jenna has to literally, plead with people just to buy her stupid scribbles on sale. LOL!!!
DeleteFor someone with an art degree her work is stagnant. She seems to have no inclination to stretch herself as an artist. Surely she was taught to work in more than one medium. She is clearly bored with her own work which is evident based on how little effort she puts into her drawings. She was obviously not well schooled in the English language. Her writing is atrocious and yet she seems to think that is where her strength lies. So what do we have here? A so called artist who produces shoddy work, a writer who doesn’t know proper grammar and a 41 year old ‘farmer’ who is incapable of caring for the blessed few animals she still hasn’t killed off. 41 years on this earth and her greatest achievement is that she has memorized Taylor Swift’s songbook. How is that for pathetic.
DeleteSFF. You’ve nailed it!
DeleteGood grief. She has started back in with the Taylor/Karlie gay thing again. I'm straight but I've been known to hold hands and hug my best friend, who is also straight. I guess she doesn't understand affection and love for someone of the same sex that has nothing to do with being gay. She's not capable of true emotion.
ReplyDeleteThat was well-put. I feel the same way about showing affection for my female friends. Jenna acts like a sociopath who can only mimic emotions. She’s obsessed with famous females since her own “dumb small life” is a fucking failure.
DeleteAgree that she is emotionally stunted. She has no love of family, one person whom she calls her ‘bestie’ who she sees infrequently and no apparent love interest. What little emotion she exhibits is focussed on her dog. I believe she has a niece and nephew - again it appears she had no relationship with them or her siblings. She seems to equate physical touch with sexual attraction rather than simple affection. It illustrates her inexperience with genuine human emotion.
DeleteSFF. “Emotionally stunted” is an apt description. When she and Shannon were still a couple two summers ago, Jenna’s sister, husband and kids came to visit her faux farm. But she never mentions her mother, father and brother now. It appears that she’s estranged from her relatives out of choice. I also doubt that Wog has had more than a few intimate relationships. She’ll wind up as that old weirdo woman who “lives alone on the side of a mountain.” Unless, her hovel is finally foreclosed.
DeleteShe is already the town weirdo from all reports. She needs to give ‘living on the side of a mountain’ a rest. At this point it’s pretty clear to anyone who follows her that she lives on a public road. It’s in most of the pictures of her front yard. She shoots herself in the foot by saying one thing and then following it up with a picture that disputes her statement. Time to give it a rest darling. Try the truth for a change.
DeleteSFF. She can’t tell the truth. It’s against her lying, nasty nature.
DeleteI don't know if anyone has mentioned this yet, but in one recent post she said that selling the truck will cover the June mortgage, but then in at least two subsequent posts, she claims she's still working toward the June mortgage. Just a glaring discrepancy that I haven't seen anyone comment on yet (without an exhaustive read of all recent comments, at least).
ReplyDeleteHer whole life is lies. Nothing ever adds up, because Jenna is a criminal.
DeleteJenna is a pathological liar who can’t keep track of the truth, because she’s been lying for years. Her faux farm would’ve been foreclosed a long time ago if it was really in danger. It’s just more manipulative marketing to filch free funds for nothing. What a despicable, repulsive cunt.
DeleteThe battenkill is catch and release only for trout. https://anrweb.vt.gov/FWD/FW/FishingRegulations.aspx?ID=5
ReplyDeleteFigured as much. She’s a special kind of snowflake.
DeleteThat link is for the Vermont Fish and Wildlife regulations. NY state allows keeping trout with no minimum size in her area.
for trout it is a daily limit of 0 [none] and it clearly states 'it is catch and release only
Deleteoh, PB, I do see you are correct! But there are limits to how many to keep depending on size. Not that she's catching big ones.
DeleteI think you can only keep 2 trout over 12 inches but Jenna only seems to catch the little ones.
I missed out on the horsey rehoming conversation but agree that she is either bluffing for pity cash, or needs to ditch them as they are starting to need expensive vet care due to old age. That is a big problem here for animal shelters...people buy cute kittens and puppies and then dump them at the shelter once they get old and sick. Super sad and super shitty.
ReplyDeleteMore evidence that her intent to re-home Mabel is so much horse 💩.
DeleteWhen she purchased Mabel (for $1), she wrote:
"... the owner and I agreed if for any reason I chose not to keep her she will pick her up and take her back. So if it doesn't work out - she simply goes back to the owner..."
So Wog is either lying to her readers or intends to break her verbal contract with Mabel's former owner. What an upstanding person she is (NOT).
As for Merlin, his former owner (who imported him) would most assuredly want to be involved in his re-homing. I wouldn't trust the fake farmer in any of these decisions.
“Friends! I am trying to make the July mortgage before the 15th, so offering $100 off logo designs if you can wait 8 weeks to begin the work! DM or visit my website for contact info, let's help this farm move forward to fall! Please RT!”
ReplyDeleteGFY, Jenna. It’s no one else’s responsibility to “let’s help this farm move forward to fall.”
Paging “Rachel Keane” to shill shit for free. Jenna’s alternate account isn’t fooling anyone.
DeleteJenna is incapable of standing on her own, two fat feet to support “this faux farm.” She’s been enabled by begging for so long, that’s it’s adversely affected her abilities.
DeleteHer stupid salutation of “Friends!” is more manipulative marketing to elicit empathy from followers. She’s been behind in making mortgage payments for years. It’s nothing new. Each and every month she sings the same sad song. “Wolves are at my door!!!”
DeleteMention of “wolves at the door!”:
“If you're a meat customer and like lamb, I am taking reservations on this springs' lambs if you know you'll want some in 2024. Prices have increased (what I charged for lambs last year doesn't even cover the cost of the animals and butchering) but still competitive!”
ReplyDeleteNo one cares, cunt.
Jenna just wants free funds up front for pigs that aren’t even available yet. And when they’re really ready, she’ll then pretend that there are still shares to sell. She’s the Cambridge Queen of Con.
DeleteSounds like she lost money on the lambs last time and might again in 2024. Especially if she has to buy-in the lambs to raise. I believe she loses money on the pigs too. It's all about the instant cash but no long-term planning. She has no business sense. She can't get ahead of the mortgage and never will.
DeleteAnonymous 8:39. Exactly. It’s beyond belief that she’s 41, has owned her home for over a decade, but is still can’t keep current in making mortgage payments on time. Jenna is a fucking failure.
DeleteEdit: but still can’t
DeleteJenna is an obese, ugly, stinky lazy loser who has never deserved to own her home. She’s repellent on every level.
ReplyDeleteToday on Twitter
ReplyDelete"If I can sell 4 of these today I will make my goal, make up for no sales this past weekend, and cover some of the hay and firewood I need delivered to stay warm and animals fed. Please RT if you have an audience? This farm needs help and is so lost on Twitter now."
Oh, and on cue, alter-ego Rachel Keane was peddling her crap 🤣
PDD. I called her crap out regarding “Rachel Keane” earlier today in an above comment:
DeleteAnonymousAugust 14, 2023 at 6:06 AM
“Paging “Rachel Keane” to shill shit for free. Jenna’s alternate account isn’t fooling anyone.”
Her patterns are predictable. Once you start to see them. We pull her puppet’s strings. “Dance, little monkey, moron!!!”
What a rotten writer who still can’t comprehend how to correctly use proper punctuation like question marks. She’s “lost” at life.
DeleteJenna uses the facade of an inanimate object, “this farm,” as a deflection from her own need and greed. Her stupid subtext is always: “I need help from enablers, because my dumb small life is so hard! And I’m lost on a platform that I’ve been on for 13 years!”
DeleteNo sales but still makes people wait two months for a logo? Nothing adds up.
ReplyDeleteHer whole life is lies. Jenna is a criminal and predator.
DeleteOn IG she’s having beer in the hammock as a reward for stacking hay and firewood. Guess she’s good! No need to send her a penny!
ReplyDeleteJenna’s drinking alcohol again. She’s far from staying sober.
DeleteHer smoking weed constantly certainly isn’t a sign of sobriety.
DeleteAnon 12:49 pm, she's showing off a pricey "non-alcoholic" beer, which runs under 0.5% ABV.
DeleteHer appearance and behavior don't suggest sobriety, but who knows.
Oh c'mon guys...she's just taking a break and resting her poor BrOkEn aNkLe!!!
DeletePDD. We’ve watched her drinking real beer in town. The sobriety is all an act. Otherwise, she wouldn’t make a show about posing her bottles.
ReplyDeleteJenna looks deeply deranged in this photo of a falcon and her. She’s really coming across as a scary stalker.
I’m not sure that’s Jenna. But they also look kinda creepy.
DeleteThere is no crisis. There never is. She got lucky conning people years ago and now it’s turned into an addiction. A gambler can’t stop gambling, an alcoholic can’t stop drinking and Jenna can’t stop begging. She simply cannot live without the dopamine fix.
ReplyDeleteSFF. She’s even admitted to having an addictive personality. It’s been said many times before here, that Jenna simply doesn’t behave and exist as if she’s in any kind of financial crisis. It’s all a con for filching free funds for nothing.
DeleteYou’re right of course. It’s not plausible that she could string her bank along all this time. She is greedy - plain and simple - and corrupt. Her parents must be sooooo proud.
DeleteSFF. We’ve met people in the past who know Jenna’s parents and siblings. They’re all embarrassed by her begging behavior.
DeleteSpot on, SFF. I just spent a bit of time reading thru her 2011 bleg posts and was seeing that she was begging and pulling this shit back then. Begging is her drug of choice. Her lifeline. Her reason to live.
DeleteIf there was an awful award given to someone who was stuck in a rut, and adamantly refused to change, Jenna would be the winner for once.
ReplyDeleteYes! But she's too busy collecting the award for Largest Piece of Human Garbage.
DeleteI’ve often thought how odd it is that Jenna never really says “my farm.” The fact that she uses “this” implies that it’s not really hers.
ReplyDeleteOooh, good observation! Yes, she knows deep down she is a fraud. But at the same time she is thinking, "There but by the grace of poodles go I." Cuz she knows the farm really belongs to them.
DeleteAnon7. I appreciate your understanding of my observation.
DeleteHey? Guys? You know how we've always wondered why the Pig Shocker doesn't participate in her local farmers market? It just might be because she is a damn idiot. Check out this post from May 2011, written about her first attempt to sell her wares at the Bennington VT farmers market:
In case you don't feel like vomiting, err, reading, here are the highlights:
1) She was more than AN HOUR LATE due to her own ineptitude. She thought the farmer's market, an hours drive away, started at 11am. But it actually started at 10am -- something she discovered at 9am whilst sitting in her bathrobe at her kitchen table (probably hungover).
2) That 80 year old vintage bike she has in her front yard -- she threw that into the back of her truck, but DIDN'T BOTHER TO TIE IT DOWN, resulting in her having to drive a slow 35 MPH to keep it from bouncing out of the truck -- a very slow speed that made her even more late.
3) Because of her re-tardiness, she was awarded the very last spot in the market, in some God-forsaken corner with little foot traffic. And the REQUIRED tent she had to bring to cover her table would not open so she wasn't able to use it. She even admits that she should have tested it out before the market. Uh, duuuuh.
4) She only brought $6 to use as change for customers. But then SPENT IT ALL on a cookie and a croissant, all the while arrogantly thinking customers HAD BETTER have exact change for their purchases. Brilliant business plan, tubs.
5) Despite this farmer's market experiencing their BIGGEST OPENING DAY EVER, she only made $55 for her lousy books (which are easily found on Amazon). Seems that no one wanted her other crap.
6) $15 of that money went to her table fee. The other $40 was lost when it fell out of her pocket, LOL. So the genius basically paid to travel and be there for ZERO monetary gain.
CONCLUSION: Her first farmer's market was a wash due to her own dumbassery. So of course she hasn't bothered to try again -- especially since we all know she never learns from her own mistakes.
Hysterical summary! Most sentient adults would take the first failed farmer's market as lessons to be learned. FFF no doubt took it as yet another opportunity to claim victimhood ("poor widdle me - I'm so slow to learn...") and beg for money.
DeleteI also liked that a man (ugh!) had to bail her out by removing her bike from the truck. FFF seems incompetent at almost everything except eating, being under the influence and finding new ways to waste time.
This pathetic story is typical of Jenna’s adolescent behavior. She “never learns from her own mistakes,” and expects that people will pay her for nothing. Her hands have always been held out for help, but she doesn’t deserve to be enabled.
DeleteThat was painful to read! Normal folks would set everything up ahead of time to make sure stuff was in working order. I thought it was so interesting that she made a big deal of bringing a shitty bike, acting like it was going to bring people to her tent to look at. People have seen bikes before and it’s not like the bike is special or awe inducing like a custom design. So flabbergasted that she thought it was worth driving so slow to bring that bike.
ReplyDeleteAll of her posts ( past and present) make me think she’s very ill. She just doesn’t act right but tries to play off as quirky. Rewarding herself for any small amount of work she does especially at her age is so embarrassing.
Jenna is very mentally unstable, and also has a defective character. Of course, neither of those conditions excuses her animal abusing, money mooching, and sociopathic scamming. She acts as if even working for a few hours merits “rewards.”
DeleteOn a different note, what is it with her obsession with Jaws? I’m wondering if I missed something along the way. Is she trying to put a gay spin on it or what? I don’t get it.
ReplyDeleteWog has always been unoriginal and late-to-the-party for internet trends. There's a subgroup of movie goers who believe Jaws is a gay movie pretending to be straight, because they see a quasi-bromance on the boat.
DeleteLol, and here I thought it was a scary movie about a great white shark who'd developed a taste for people. Go figure.
She won’t shut up about that stupid movie, and has said some strange things about it.
DeleteAnother pathetic example of Jenna struggling for a sense of belonging. I had no idea that was even a thing but I'm a lifelong poodle with an investment account. What could I possibly know about obscure movie references. I have a real life and a vacation to pack for.
Delete4,691 and still continuing to decline. “Hey hey, Hoo!!!”
ReplyDelete4,688 today. She’s lost more followers.
DeleteUnfortunately, Jenna is just a mess, not a myth only in her own mind.
ReplyDelete“I know I mostly use Twitter now just to promote things I have for sale, it’s basically a farmstand that I shout from. But if you’re looking for more farm Contant Instagram and my blog is where that lives. I’m coldantlerjenna there. Blog in bio.”
ReplyDeleteShe meant to type: “I know I mostly use Twitter now just to blatantly beg for free funds.” Her fake “farmstand” reference is also a crock of crap. And it’s spelled “content,” cretin. It’s no wonder why her memoir was rejected by an agent for rotten writing.
Her photos are always far from flattering. Jenna looks deranged posing with props of a rifle and produce.
Even though I dislike the rebranding to X, it’s still stupid for Jenna to continue calling it Twitter.
DeleteA gun and clearly super-overripe zucchini? Who puts those two together and why, oh why?
DeleteAnonymous 6:25. It shows how dysfunctional her thinking has become.
DeleteShe actually stole that from a meme that's going around some homesteading/gardening FB groups. (Maybe twitter too?) Something about zucchini hunting season.
DeleteAnonymous 8:18. She’s a sheeple when it comes to trends.
ReplyDeleteShe’s “deviant” all right.
Delete“Updated Oakpaw.com today. lots of cool thinsg to see. Anthrocon is only a few days away.wow. time flies.”
DeleteHer writing was rotten even decades ago in 2002. She’s never taken time edit.
taken time to edit
DeleteCheck out her gallery of drawings. Does anyone else think her work was a lot more professional and detailed back then? She actually drew bodies on the animals not just floating heads.
I guess her "sale" price doesn't include bodies! That's how she can pump them out and take the cash and run!
DeleteHer stupid scribbles have become stagnant in style.
DeleteI'm going to jump in here and say I think she used to be a good writer. I learned about her from Jon Katz's blog and I read a few of her early books (borrowed from the library). I thought her early blog entries were good, too. But wow, she has seriously devolved. I don't know what happened, but her writing is now cringe worthy. She seems to have shrunk in maturity as well. She desperately needs professional help and I hope she gets it.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you to an extent. Her writing is rotten now. Unfortunately, her ego is too big to allow any introspective thinking. I think that Jenna’s multiple addictions have adversely affected her abilities, and stunted emotional maturity, too.
DeleteI never got into her early writing, mostly because the experiences of a barely-competent rural newbie weren't appealing. However, I liked her interviews with other people and I enjoyed their stories, as they were typically more experienced than Wog.
DeleteUnfortunately, at some point, she quit writing / interviewing others. She stopped learning and growing. I don't know if she burned out all the local people (likely introduced by Pember Patty), if she no longer cared, or if her head was so far up her own arse that she began to think HER musings were the most important features of her blog.
In any case, she clearly lost her earlier enthusiasm for rural living and learning (or perhaps pretending to learn) the ins and outs of a country lifestyle. Her writing became repetitive and mundane. While eye-opening at first, the litany of repeat complaints and victimhood stories were dull as fcuk.
If she wants to earn money with her audience, she needs to mix it up and experience more of life. Sell the farm. Start over. Or get a freaking job and quit begging.
I agree. I enjoyed Made from Scratch, it was relatable and well-written. But i think it's the only book she had extensively edited?
DeleteI also enjoyed her blog until it became a constant RED ALERT PANIC MODE.
Once she quit her job she stopped being relatable or inspiring bc her life became about constant manufactured financial emergency, and she wrote about the animals' suffering without empathy.
Since then, i've popped in and out to see if she has yet crashed and burned, whether she's repeating the same stories.
The fact this has gone on so long shows she has other income she's not being honest about. Her mortgage is covered every month, I'm convinced.
ReplyDeleteI’m shocked that she didn’t say “this farm” for once.
The only affection that fake fat face gets is from her dogs. That’s an older photo. Jenna is more jowly now.
DeleteOn IG. Bragging that she eats $7 kimchi. I’m surprised ( not really) that she doesn’t make her own with all her fresh produce!!! Also looks like she took the kitten to the vet. I know when I have money troubles, I buy expensive trendy shit at the market and get more animals I can’t afford!!!
ReplyDeleteBut she appears to ignore her dogs’ issues when they’re arthritic and in discomfort.
DeleteGibson is old. Like Merlin she doesn't give them any vet care when they get old. She's interested in young animals.