I've got some inspiration or advice for her future.

"Know when to hold 'em. Know when to fold 'em. Know when to walk away.  Know when to run. "

The thing is she doesn’t listen to advice and she’s an idiot.  Therefore, she will die on a train harassing a stranger.  But nobody will ever write a song about her.



  1. If she thinks writing is her thing she should sharpen up her skills (a lot). Her latest dispatch mentions her ‘one sided soliloquies’ on the trail. Last time I checked a soliloquy is by definition ‘one sided’. Here’s a tip sweetheart - more words doesn’t make it better.

    1. She also says solar lights need vitamins! If she has time and energy to move solar lights around from shade to sun and back again, she has time to work on someone's logo before mid-October, do other chores or something money making - perhaps even get a (shhhh...) job.

    2. Yep, the soliloquy and Vitamin D comment had me scratching my head too...and then reaching for something to jab my eyes out. Her writing attempts have become tedious and painful.

    3. I have given up on her ever learning to use a question mark correctly ⁉️

    4. SFF. Her constant, incorrect usage of proper punctuation like question marks is pathological at this point.

  2. The fact that she buys pricey food and acquires more animals tell me she has another source of income. But we all know that.

    1. It also tells us that she has shit for brains.

      But hey, don't worry about the animals, cuz they have a Taylor Swift 2024 flag nailed to their barn!! Surely that will make evvvverything OK.

  3. 4,687 and dropping almost daily. She’s lost four more followers today.

    1. I wonder which drops faster: Her foollower count? Or her IQ?

    2. Anon7. I’d say that it’s a bit of both. Her account declined again. It’s at 4,686 today.

    3. 4,685 today. How’s that whining working out for ya, Jen?!

    4. 4,682 now, and she’s lost 3 more followers today. “Hey hey, Hoo!!!”

  4. I just slogged through her latest drivel. She thinks that to only concentrate on the work of the day is the way to go? Oh honey, ever hear of a business plan? Every true business has one; they don't fly by the seat of their pants on a daily basis. That is no way to run a business!

    She's dropping hints again about possibly leaving/losing the farm so sympathetic people will throw her some cash "Oh Jenna, here's some money! Please keep your farm! Please hold onto your DREAM!!" C'mon Jenna, you're over 10 years in and still wonder how you're going to make it to the next week (or so you say). We're tired of hearing it and we have our own dreams to chase without supporting yours. We need to hear something new! Rehome your animals, go live in an apartment in an exciting city, and grow cherry tomatoes on your window sill. We're tired of your BS story on repeat.

    1. Her dumb dream is dead and done. But she’s too stupid and stubborn to see and admit it.

    2. We were recently visiting Cambridge, and came across a local lady, while browsing through the bookstore. My spouse started a casual conversation that led to talking about the FFF. She’d been thinking about giving Jenna a generous donation for her faux farm. She’s a little naive, and too trusting. Fortunately, we were able to convince her to support someone who’s much more deserving. It was a great feeling to take potential, free funds away from the lying, lazy loser.

    3. I’ve also taken money away from Jenna over the years. I can’t count how many people have turned against her thanks to my piles of proof, links, and other information. Several of them are regular readers here.

    4. Framing paying your own mortgage and caring for your own animals as a "dream" to be funded is beyond narcissistic. Talk about delusions of grandeur.

      Everyone does this Jenna. There's no reason someone else should pay YOUR BILLS.

    5. Anon 2:43 - I wrote a comment similar to yours before I read what you wrote here. And yes, hard agree that she only lives for the day at hand, with zero thought for the future. She seems to have made "carpe diem" her mantra, her life goal. Business plan be dammed...bitch is just gonna beg!!

  5. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 16, 2023 at 3:13 PM

    I plowed through the latest boring rehash of the many ways in which the world is stacked against our future award-winning author. If only she had some way to have her bills paid, her mortgage covered and money for savings so she could concentrate on writing that incredible book! Hint, hint, poodles. This is where you send her lots of money.

    Why, she's just too busy, busy trying to survive to write! Between morning walks with coffee, moving solar lights from one place to another, fly fishing, talking to herself, dashing out two whole sketches, doodling one logo, and losing ground on soap orders, she's spent, I tell you.

    Sure, she could up the daily output and increase cash flow, get a roommate, or maybe even take a legitimate outside job for sustained cash flow, but then people, she wouldn't have the freedom to basically do fcuk all during the day.

    Who wouldn't get tired of hearing her same 💩💩💩

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 16, 2023 at 3:31 PM

      Oops. Posted too quickly... contd.

      In her whine, she laments about (the) "people I can’t talk to in real life. People that are lost to entropy or cross-country moves. People that lost interest or energy for me..."

      With few exceptions, friends, neighbors, romantic partners and readers have mostly lost interest and energy with her. She's the perpetual victim, stuck in early adolescence, with little or no compassion for others. What a small, sad life.

      Here's why she's unhappy:

      "... the support and energy from the readership has faded, and with that my own drive, and what ends up happening is a terrified woman in her southern forties just tries to make it another day. Keep treading water. Try to get a sale... Try not to take it personally when friends talk about family and travel and vacations for fun. Try to remember that this all was your choice, and sometimes in life we get exactly what we wanted."

      OMG. She reeks of resentment and self-pity. How exhausting she must be as a "friend".
      She's correct that it's never too late to turn the situation around, but when will she figure out the solution lies inside of her, and no one else? As our own Anon says "Get a job." It'll make everything better.

    2. Southern forties? Oh, please.

    3. Exactly - the solution lies inside her and no one else. Why can't she see that? It is NO ONE"S responsibility to give her the life of her dreams. Why can't she just get a job already and take care of herself? No wonder her friends have all left - they are tired of her nonstop dependence on them. No wonder support from readers faded - we all got sick of her begging and dependence.

    4. The constant, almost daily decline in followers is sending her a clear message, but she’s choosing to ignore it as usual. People are sick of her begging bullshit.

    5. But we thought that “this farm has never been better!!!” Jenna uses trigger words like “terrified” to try and elicit empathy from followers to filch free funds. It’s just more manipulative marketing. “Exactly what she wanted” was to “live like fiction” forever, but to have enablers pay the price.

    6. “Southern forties” doesn’t describe Jenna. She’s an obese, ugly, stinky, middle-aged moron who doesn’t deserve to own her home.

    7. I could not drag my eyes across her post long enough to read all of it, so un-ironically I missed "the energy of my readership has faded..."

      I'm going to beat my "Jenna has moderate to severe ADHD" drum again, because wearing people out is classic social difficulty for this neuro-type, being intense, irrational, prone to fixation and often read as self-centered.

      Jenna has an extra layer of selfish entitlement that is probably just a personality issue.

    8. Great analysis, PDD. Another reason she is unhappy is that she has no one to share her life with. Cuz as much as I hate to admit, her descriptions of "setting the scene" actually sound kinda decent, kinda desirable.

      Like how she puts on music, lights candles, cooks a meal and watches a movie afterwards. Or talking walks on a lighted path along a creek and then drinking a beer while floating in a hammock afterwards, while watching fireflies and stars.

      Those are all romantically lovely things to do, yet she experiences all those things ALONE with no one to share those nice moments with. And deservedly so. Sucks to be her, lol.

  6. I'm so tired of hearing her say she has no time when all she seems to do is waste time. Endless scrolling through social media, binge watching tv shows, fishing, mountain smashing, farmer's matinees, naps in the hammock, floating down the river...what am I missing?

    When I worked full time, I was up at 6 am, home by 5:30 pm, and by the time supper was made and kids in bed, it was bedtime for me. Weekends were spent catching up. I had almost no time for myself.

    However, I saved, paid off my mortgage and retired early, debt free. I have all the time in the world now. I have passive income, medical and dental insurance. I depend on no one.

    So I don't want to hear her crap about not having time to write.

    1. We’re in a similar financial position now due to decades of our efforts, and also wise investments. Jenna would rather whine than work.

    2. The thing that really gets me is that she has no one but herself to support (no dependents to feed, clothe and educate) yet until recently she had two cars for one person. She splashes high end merch all over her feed and then complains she had nothing left over for necessities. Unbelievable.

    3. SFF. Exactly. Her unearned, massive sense of self-entitlement, and arrogant attitude are “unbelievable.” Jenna is human garbage. She really has zero redeeming qualities about her defective character.

    4. Agreed! Then her friend from sugar house homestead, is a single mom, 3 kids, grows food, makes quilts, sells her own stuff. She’s got 3 kids! Jenna could do better but I think she just doesn’t want to do anything other than lay around and move solar lights around while have others pay for it!!

      In Her latest blahg she wrote that she hopes to find someon that thinks the farm is an asset not a prison. News flash- she won’t!!! She is not going to meet someone who wants to put all their money into Jenna’s dream farm. Not gonna happen!!!

    5. Anonymous 6:04. I agree with what you wrote. Nothing about Jenna is “an asset.” She’s a problematic person to have as a partner. Shannon found that out a few years ago, before moving back to Boston. Any normal adult would avoid her like the plague that she is in terms of being a liability.

    6. SFF and Anon 6:04 - Excellent point about her having zero dependents. Couple that with her having NO JOB and there's really no excuse for her non-stop daily beg fests. Especially since she has so much free time on her hands.

    7. I found it revealing that she refers to the farm as a prison. Sometimes buried in all the nonsense she writes, she hits the nail on the head.

    8. SFF. And it’s become “a prison” of her own poor choices, and Jenna’s adamant refusal to either get a job to sustain herself, or sell “this faux farm.”

  7. Has anyone heard of the F.I.R.E movement? Financial Independence Retire Early. Young people involved in this work their butts off in high paying jobs, live frugally and retire young. Some at unbelievably young ages. A lot of these people work in the tech industry and some continue to work remotely on a part time basis giving them freedom to travel.

    If the FFF was smart, she could have been semi-retired by now. Instead, she is totally dependent on the kindness of strangers.

    1. Jenna is the absolute antithesis of these highly motivated younger people. She’s always wanted a handout not up.

    2. I don't think that's a fair contrast. It's a small minority of people who earn enough to make this possible, while the majority of working people earn enough to pay bills and maybe retire / partially retire.

      Contrast her with the average bill-paying worker and there's a chasm of discrepancy that more than illustrates the point.

    3. Her problem is that she focuses on the now, not the future. (i.e. What am I going to eat today? How can I re-word my begging today to sound less pathetic? Which new show should I stream tonight?) She is all about instant gratification and nothing more.

    4. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 17, 2023 at 5:03 AM

      Not familiar with F.I.R.E. but I absolutely defend the idea that she could have used a lot more financial sense (as readers tried to tell her time after time).

      1. If she'd rented out a room, she could have earned (conservatively) $500/month for 13 years, or $78,000.

      2. If she took on side jobs, she could have earned thousands by now. How do I know? A high school kid I know paid $11,000 cash for his first car, money earned in two years by early morning farm work, weekend landscaping and evening housesitting.

      3. She could have invested her $500/month roommate payment and earned more than $78,000 over 13 years.

      4. She could have fixed up the main house and rented it as an AB&B, netting $100-$200 per night. On nights it was rented, she could have camped out, stayed with friends, or re-purposed an RV, which are often given away.

      5. She could have turned her farm into a thriving supplier of vegetables or herbs. I reference our neighbor who's turned her two acres into a thriving CSA, with enough money to build a large greenhouse for all-season vegetables. If she did it, so could Wog.

      6. She could have done what every farmer I know has done: work a full-time, off-site job, for good earnings and benefits, like insurance and 401K. That, coupled with extra income from "this farm" could have put her in a perfect position to pay off her mortgage and have a healthy financial nest egg.

      Shamsters are right when they say she's a rural poser who uses others, wants immediate gratification and thinks only of herself.

      No wonder, as she enters her 40s, that she's a mess.


    5. I'm familiar with FIRE. She could never have made that work. It requires discipline and long term goals. I am in the real estate game and there are certainly easyish things to do to make money. I'm in a great stable situation. Now I'm not a landlord because I can pay someone else to do that. I can live like I'm retired and have income coming in. You can't float through your 20s, 30s, and 40s and expect your 50s and beyond to be wonderful. At around 45 things start to change. You don't think they will…but they do.
      I (and others here) could give her a road map but she’s too stupid to take it. At this point I could care less about what happens to her. She needs to stop getting animals and get rid of the ones she has.

    6. PDD, I totally agree with all your ideas about how FFF could have made income, except one. The high school kid would be living for FREE with his parents. Otherwise, excellent list of opportunities that she wasted.

    7. Anon 8:04, that's true, but my point is there are thousands to be made for people who take on select part time jobs in the NYC suburban area.

      Housesitters get between $50 and $150 per night. I have a friend who's booked through the end of the year. She works a full-time day job, owns & rides multiple horses, and teaches on the side. She dates, has friends, goes out and vacations. What she doesn't do is sit on her rump, eat gummies, & binge social media and streaming shows.

    8. Yes, she only focuses on the now - never looking toward the future. Does anyone remember the infamous "Steven and Laura" post she wrote? Steven planned and saved for a future date while Laura jumped right in. Laura was supposed to be the hero. I'll bet "Steven" is doing fine right now, while "Laura" is in a downward spiral.

    9. Yep. I completely agree with the money-making ventures she should have been doing and could start doing now. I remember some of these suggestions being made to her in the comments of the old blog, and I remember seeing them on twitter. In fact, she got so tired of suggestions she threatened to "throw her eyeballs at the drywall" if anyone offered her any more.

  8. I just saw a picture of Jenna on X. Could someone help me? I cannot unsee this mess with her gun like Granny Clampet. Why would she ever publish that picture?

    1. At least, Granny Clampet had some sense of style. I’ve commented about that unflattering photo in the last post. Jenna looks deeply disturbed in the ick pic. Any normal person wouldn’t make it public.

    2. Someone said that it’s a dumb meme that’s going around to post pics of hunting produce. Of course, like everything that Jenna does, it’s childish and stupid.

    3. She looks HUUUUUUGGE!!! Gawd damn.

      Which is strange because she never has enough money for mortgage, firewood, animal feed, root canals...yet she seems to have plenty of money for food, drink and sweets.

    4. Anon7. She’s bigger than before. We’ve watched her waddle around town this summer. Jenna never spares any expenses to feed her fake fat face.

  9. “It's been so hard making sales, and I am still trying to make last month's mortgage while trying to put up hay and firewood for winter heat. So far I am behind on everything, more so than any year in the past. If you can support the farm, this is the time to do it.”

    Boo hoo. The “scrappy little lesbian” is too lazy to work. No one cares, cunt. “Support” your own fat ass. You’re a fucking failure. Since being called out Jenna’s referred to “the farm” a few times not “this.”

    1. It’s no one else’s responsibility to fund her lazy loser lie-style.

    2. What a despicable, repellent sociopath.

    3. I’ll repeat this for newbies to her shit-show. One can’t be both victim and victor at the same time. Remember that when Jenna starts bragging again about her “live like fiction” fantasy existence.

    4. Well she can’t be expected to work any more than she is! Who else is going to post countless stories about lesbians, people she insists are lesbians, people that may have walked by a lesbian on the street and are now, you guessed it, a lesbian, movies like Jaws and Practical Magic ( both gay movies), TS who is gay, the significance of the color lavender ( which she posts about once a month about), her spendy food that doesn’t grow on her farm but brags that she eats from her farm, books that she purchases with money she doesn’t have ( library Jenna??), hawk kidnapping, hobbit references, hermit references, more gay stuff.

      As you can see, she needs your help, this shit won’t post itself all day every day!!!

    5. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 17, 2023 at 8:03 AM

      Anon, priceless!!! She's busy, doing nothing worthwhile.

      At her age, I couldn't name a current TV show because I was happily occupied with career, farm, romance and travel. Judging from the state of her house (shown on IG story about the goat), she lives and eats in squalor. I'll wager the "self-care" stories are fabrications: candles and twinkle lights are turned on to sell how FABULOUS her rural lifestyle is. Smoke and mirrors, folks.

      If I burned as many candles as she pretends to burn, I'd be out $$$ on a monthly basis.


    6. Then sell. Sell if you can't get it together to pay your mortgage, heat and hay bills.

    7. Twitter would grind to a halt if Jenna stopped retweeting things daily.

    8. Yet she still rigidly refuses to do the one thing that would give her financial stability: work a steady job with some sort of benefits like medical insurance. It’s very obvious that Wog’s whining about woes is manipulative marketing to filch free funds for nothing.

  10. Jen says “Wish me luck”
    but she’s running outta it.
    She’s a lying, lazy loser
    and too fat to be fit.

  11. The fable of the ant and grasshopper comes to mind. The ant worked hard preparing for winter while the grasshopper fiddled and played. We all know it didn’t go well for the grasshopper.

    1. Excerpt from a business article on the fable: "Your failures do not oblige others to favors. Take responsibility - you alone are liable for your success and failures. Aesop's grasshopper expected the ants to share their food. But the ants felt no obligation to help the grasshopper, feeling that he was the careless conductor of his own misfortune."

      Sound familiar? She wants other people's fun money, direct deposit and folding money.

    2. Jenna wants all of the benefits attached to abundance, but won’t work to achieve them. She expects poodles to pay for her lie-style.

  12. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cv-7XUng6hw/

    When all else fails for the lazy loser, Jenna will post pathetic pics of livestock in her hovel.

    1. She’s been posting pics of livestock in her home for years. It’s filthy not quirky like she’s hoping.

  13. “OKay! This is the LAST DAY to take me up on the half priced logo sale. Just a heads up! This farm is really trying to catch up and secure firewood and hay for winter and sales have never been harder! So logos, pet portraits, bulk soap boxes, pork, lamb, EVERYTHING is either on sale or going fast (including half next years pig shares) so please send that message and help this farm catch up!”

    What a rotten writer. She’s used “this farm” twice in her stupid statement. As I’ve observed before, “Okay” is one of her nervous tics that begins a barrage of begging. Putting crap in caps is blatant lying. There’s never a “last day” with Wog. Her stuff is always on sale. It’s more manipulative marketing. She’s been obnoxious and pushy by putting pressure on people to make a pity purchase.

    1. Edit: She’s being

    2. Jenna’s faux farm hasn’t been solvent since she’s had her hovel in over a decade. By her own admission. It’s a total lie to pretend that it’s a case of “catch up,” when being behind by months in making mortgage payments is her norm.

    3. Yeah, nothing is “harder” than having a home on a pricey piece of property in a decent area. Jenna’s white woman’s whining about never having enough is beyond obnoxious, when millions of people are struggling just to have housing. She’s an able-bodied, college-educated, overly privileged princess who’s the most self-entitled twat we’ve ever met.

    4. Anon 1150 - yep. totally agree. Her begging / whining has gone from pathetic to tone deaf to outrageously entitled.

  14. https://www.instagram.com/p/CwAPu3ROhN1/?img_index=7

    Maybe she found the Taylor Swift hanging on the barn at her local dump. What a mixed message in one ick pic. There’s ugly lipstick on her tightly closed, mean mouth, but also stinky tufts of hair protruding from her pits. What a femme icon! Jenna is really a repugnant pig.

    1. Her facial photos are always disturbing in a weird way. Jenna comes across as disingenuous. There’s simply nothing sincere about her smug smirk.

    2. She really went nuts with the slim face filter on the lipstick shot. Her chin is positively pointy. Compare that with the rifle shot which illustrates her actual obese body. How sad that she feels the need to alter her looks so drastically online. The only person she is fooling is herself. If she aspires to be a Femme Fatale then she needs to change her unhealthy habits, eat better, exercise, take care of her skin and wash her hair regularly.

    3. SFF. Unfortunately, Jenna will never be an appealing person. No matter what she changes. She’s repellent on every level.

  15. “Anyone who thinks Wildest Dreams is a happy romantic love song should go to prison for 2 years.”

    She “should go to prison for 2 years” for being a con cunt and predator.

    1. Sounds like she's day drinking again.

    2. SFF. I’ve been saying the same thing about her drinking during the day again. I think that Jenna is far from staying sober. It’s all an act to appear more attractive. It won’t work.

    3. Jenna has no humor. Her asinine attempts to be witty are always failures. She’s like an alien who’s trying to imitate humans.

  16. Here’s two new posts on the Reddit sub: https://reddit.com/r/coldantlercritics/s/o9r0VtIBj4



    We hold Wog accountable for her actions, even if Jenna tries to justify them.

    1. Wow, I never saw that pic of Merlin. He looks BAD. I wish there was something we could do. : -(

    2. Can any of you tech savvy shamsters tell me why I can no longer view the Reddit acct posts? I am not on Reddit as in, I don’t have a login. When I click on those links above, it tells me to continue on app or stay on the web. When I click to stay on the web, it takes me to a generic Reddit page and not the shamster page or specific link above.

    3. happens to me too

  17. Latest IG. A picture of a rock with a face painted on it and the caption 'It's almost that time'. She must be stoned or else she hit her head.

    1. SFF. I think that it’s as we’ve both commented yesterday, Jenna is drinking daily again, and is far from staying sober. Her rotten writing makes less sense than even before. And that’s saying something.

    2. Her obese body with its bulging belly looks like Jenna’s drinking a lot of alcohol again.

    3. Jenna’s bloated stomach looks distended from drinking.

  18. I came up with a list of solutions to help her with her financial woes:

    Late mortgage - get a job
    Medical and dental bills - get a job
    Hay and firewood - get a job
    Vehicle repairs - get a job
    Animal feed and vet care - get a job
    Home maintenance - get a job
    Fun money - get a job
    Folding money - get a job
    Direct deposit money - get a job

    Gee - it looks like getting a job will solve all her financial problems!

    1. It’s too bad that Jenna is too stupid and stubborn to do it.

    2. Her lazy loser lie-style doesn’t allow Jenna to work. It’d take too much time away from being slothful.

    3. Here’s a theory. Perhaps she has become unemployable. Her hygiene is horrid which eliminates a job working with the public such as a cashier. She apparently comes across as snotty and self entitled. She uses profanity freely. She has an online presence that is full of unflattering information such as this site. Her personal feeds shine a spotlight on her immaturity and lack of language skills. I mean come on, would any of you consider hiring her? Not likely. Her professional resume became one long blank page when she quit her day job. Her wardrobe sucks; Taylor Swift t-shirts don’t exactly scream professionalism and filthy fingernails and greasy hair are a general turn off. And then there’s that horrible hat! Enough said.

    4. SFF. Have you shopped at a Walmart lately? Joking aside, Jenna could clean herself up enough to get a gig. There’s a Hannaford store in Greenwich, NY that’s down the road from her. And they’re often hiring. That’s just one example of several businesses in her area. But she feels too superior and entitled to do a menial job. That’s the real issue.

    5. She could even be a stocker at a store, and not have to deal directly with customers. The point is there’s jobs that Jenna is capable of doing. It’s a matter of her refusal to take them.

    6. No offense to Walmart employees, but Jenna is almost attractive compared with some that I’ve seen.

    7. Anon 3:13. Agreed. and she'd fit right in with her math (or lack of) skills. Cashiers today don't know a thing about giving change. They either don't want to give it, thinking you should donate it or don't bother looking at what you actually gave them so don't have a clue as to what you should get back.

    8. She is most likely unemployable in a professional capacity, but retailers like Walmart are desperate to hire. She could also make good money cleaning houses or commercial buildings, but that's not going to happen.

    9. Anonymous 7:58. I’ve earned great money cleaning homes for years. It was an easy way to make money. But Jenna has too much pride and ego to do it. Although she claims to be “dignity-free!”

    10. I did too. Cleaned three houses every week while going through college. Back then that paid my rent. And I had a part time job on campus. Didn’t get my single, full time job until a year after finishing college. Worked a couple other part time ones here and there teaching art and selling phones. You do what you have to do. I had no choice if I wanted to have a place to live, a car to drive to get to work and school, and food in the fridge.
      She simply doesn’t have that in her. She wants to live the fun life while someone else pays for all of it.

    11. Anonymous 12:20. It really shows just how little she values her faux farm. Jenna is unwilling to work to sustain herself, and stand on her own two fat feet.

  19. “These three original illustrations are available! Ship free ANYWHERE in the world. Hoping for $50 each but will accept any offer at all.”

    Jenna will even ship to Easter Island at no extra cost! What a terrible sense of business. She couldn’t give me her stupid scribbles for free. Her hyperbolic bullshit is pushy and obnoxious. And her desperation is beyond pathetic.

    1. Her dumb, Disneyesque style is stagnant and sloppy. Just like Jenna.

    2. How about a buck? After all, she did say “will accept any offer at all.” It just shows how little Jenna values her own worthless work.

    3. All three of those are old scribbles having been offered before, with the possum having been offered multiple times for very little money. That tells you a lot.

    4. Anonymous 12:04. Yeah, you’re right. Jenna never learns. She keeps trying to sell the same crap, but it won’t work.

  20. What goes through her mind when she deletes stuff. This morning she had a story on IG about how the show “league of their own” will not have another season and she is so upset because people hate lesbians and she’s endured a lifetime of watching straight people in movies, so straight people should watch lesbian stuff.

    Well poof the post went shortly after... I wonder why??

    1. Jenna has a history of deleting her crap after reading comments calling her out. Maybe that’s happened here.

    2. Boo fucking hoo. The “scrappy little lesbian” has endured SO much hardship in her pampered princess lie-style.

  21. https://www.instagram.com/p/CwGwKH-uqA2/

    Jenna looks like a smirking psycho. Her creepy, closed mean mouth is ugly.

    1. Her facial photos are always far from flattering. I don’t know why she even bothers taking stupid selfies. Not one woman has responded with a positive compliment on her appearance.

  22. https://www.instagram.com/p/CwGu5Izu_Jv/

    I’m shocked that she didn’t use her stupid statement: “This farm has never been better!!!”

    1. It's sad that she still has two hammocks hanging. Like she can't move past the time with "her girl."

    2. Anonymous 1:47. I also noticed the two empty hammocks. Jenna is unlikely to find a “girl” to replace Shannon. It hasn’t happened yet, and she’s been gone for a few years.

    3. Edit: meant to type 11:47

  23. Replies
    1. “You can’t put lipstick on a pig.”

    2. Full of purply-purple prose, veiled begs, veiled explanation about the ankle and how she is in the river this much with it supposedly “broken”. Your eyes will bleed while reading about” chattering chipmunks, wildly-hairy, moss covered stones, rioting ferns, chanterelles dotting the hillside like punctuation from a sunset”. I am not even kidding.
      I thought she said she realized her river writings were bad and she was going to stop with them.
      Gosh. And I’m not even halfway done reading it.
      This one may be the purplest one yet.

    3. “Thinking about treasure starts the low hum of anxiety behind my ribs and I shake off any thoughts of money.”

      Jenna always had to mention money in every dispatch, to try and elicit empathy from followers to filch free funds.

    4. Edit: always has to

    5. Anonymous 12:38. I barely made it through her rotten writing with its weird word salads, and putrid, purple prose. Jenna’s cognitive abilities have been badly affected by her drinking, smoking weed, and untreated mental illness.

    6. I hope that “older lady” isn’t paying her a penny” for that crap. It’s no wonder why the new memoir was rejected by an agent.

    7. When my brothers and I were young and showing a lack of direction our grandmother would ask, “what are you going to do? Live under a bridge?” Is there a bridge over the Battenkill? Asking for a friend.

    8. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 20, 2023 at 4:59 AM

      That was BAD.

      And, as usual, she describes herself as so special... why, she's a Legend in Her Own mind.

      "If I hook a wild brookie it feels like I’ve pulled one over on god."

      "I’m recovering from an injury... now I can... slink into the forest like a coyote, or a bird’s shadow."

      "...these trout are the stream’s secrets... I grin like the mountain chose only me to know this."

      What a "maroon" she is.

    9. PDD. Jenna doesn’t “slink like a coyote,” she stinks like a skunk.” And waddles around town with the grace of a gorilla.

  24. It is impossible to be captivated by her writing when my brain is having to jump hurdles of purple prose and my eyes are distracted from the page from rolling so hard at her begging again. It is no wonder she can’t get published now and it’s sad that this is what she thinks is great writing. She is delusional.

    1. Jenna really is “delusional” about her “live like fiction” fantasy lie-style.

  25. Ouch! That was painful to read.

    1. Exactly. I had to take a break, and read it in parts. I can’t believe how her writing has continued to deteriorate. Just like Jenna.

    2. So, now she is hoping to find treasure to bale her out, since apparently her readership energy has waned. You go girl! find that gold and gems in the river.
      Seriously, I didn't understand her comment on "the low hum of anxiety ... I shake off any thoughts of money" What? There's your problem JW, you can, maybe, temporarily push it from your mind but that doesn't make it go away. She "fishes to forget", so avoidance, procrastination, denial, and treasure hunting. You Jerk! Do Something! As others here have written, in her area she could pick up house or farm sitting, housecleaning etc. for cash without getting a "real" job since she is so adverse to that.
      She might want to start being concerned about a stroke or heart attack, her anxiety level - even though she thinks she's suppressing it, WOW!
      And Jen, no one puts one over on God.

    3. Oh i guarantee she hasn't done any bloodwork to check in on her own health. She is at least more physically active than the average american, but if her anxiety is true, that long term stress is associated with terrible long term health affects.

      She has all these dental problems but has never posted actual symptoms of long-term anxiety. No adrenal fatigue, depression, low appetite, digestive woe, headaches etc. Just "terror".

      I think she's bullshitting about anxiety bc it tweaks empathy. Actual fear of homelessness by design forces a change in behaviour. She hasn't changed since she quit her job, which means her behaviour is working for her.

      Weird she's fishing instead of working Mabel or riding *at all*.

    4. Her constant crap about “anxiety” is manipulative marketing to elicit empathy from followers. Jenna is a criminal and predator.

  26. Anonymous 1:04, you said something I believe in. If a person is facing homelessness, or real foreclosure, they would be trying to find a job with a real paycheck. Not fishing.

    1. Jenna has never come across as really being concerned about losing her faux farm. It’s all an act, and more manipulative marketing to filch free funds.

  27. One of the most obnoxious aspects of Jenna’s unearned, arrogant attitude, is her adamant refusal to accept any adult accountability for her actions. She’ll pay the price for it. No one is immune to consequences. It’ll all come crashing down on her soon. And we’ll get to gloat about it. Just like when Shannon dumped her fat ass, before moving back to Boston.

  28. She’s complaining about “Leauge of their own” being cancelled again on IG. She has this really long description of why she’s upset but it honestly made no sense to me... she took downt the other post where she claimed people hate lesbians and that’s why it was canceled. Trying a new approach that women are threatened by it?? No clue, if anyone cares to translate, I’d be interested in what she is trying to say.

    As a writer it is up to her to be clear and make sense. I honestly don’t understand what she is trying to convey!!!

    Oh and the show is on Prime which is funny because I have a question for Jenna: Is there a streaming service you DON’T have?? Netflix, Hulu, now Prime. Plus paid streamIng yoga when there’s a gazillion for free.

    Oh and she bought herself a new, glossy guide to fly fishing that sells for $34.95. ( I thought she can’t pay her bills?

    She also has a pic on IG of this set of old dining chairs with orange seat cushions on her lawn. I’ll assume someone gave them to her. Considering she lives alone and never has people over, it’s a lot of chairs. Clutter up that house more Jenna!!!

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 21, 2023 at 6:33 AM

      She's offered a nonsensical and jumbled rationale to justify one of many solid shows that Netflix canceled. It's a long and absurd stretch - even for her.

      No, this hetero normative woman doesn't look at a likeable, lightweight show about early women's baseball and view it as a deep commentary on my life. No, I'm not threatened by seeing gay women succeed. No, I don't fear shows like this, because a tv show doesn’t affect my life choices.

      What is she, 12 years old?

    2. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 21, 2023 at 6:41 AM

      And, btw, good catch on the pricey book. She never has ANY trouble throwing money away on her latest hobby. Fly fishing isn’t cheap. I also noted an earlier IG post showed her Orvis Clearwater reel, which likely cost upwards of $200 (they go up to $500+).

      Evidence is everywhere that she misrepresents her crises and "terror" in order to filch money from kind-hearted strangers.

      Sadly, con artists have no compassion towards others and probably get a kick out of scamming money from them.

    3. Ah yes she’s been showing that shiny fishing reel in her pics! Yesterday she was shopping for flies at a shop according to IG... so poor Jenna, so poor!!

    4. Jenna has been in a delusional, downwards spiral for years due to drinking alcohol, smoking weed, and untreated mental illness. Unfortunately, she’s completely resistant to making mature changes and adult decisions.

  29. Jen spends lots of money
    but cries “wolves are at my door!”
    She’s a lying, lazy loser
    and a fat attention whore.

  30. Ah this may turn out to be a long and weird comment but I feel compelled for some reason. I am a NYS licensed falconer. I met Jenna once a long time ago at a falconry event. I do not know her as a person and I've only ever heard gossip about her including being referred to this blog. I am quite taken aback honestly. Clearly the folks that are here feel they have valid reasons for being here and again, I do not know Jenna personally nor do I have any experience with her businesses. But I thought it worthwhile enough to point out that there is quite a bit of stuff happening here that could be counted as slander. I follow an instagram influencer who just went after a group like this for affecting her work/income and publicly slandering her. She hired a digital detective who easily traced all the "anonymous" not so anonymous folks that gleefully and publicly admitted they were sabotaging her at every turn. Her name is Brianna Madia. Go look at her instagram and see what transpired. I doubt very much that Jenna has the means or wherewhithal to actually go after anyone. Just food for thought. I have read over and over (its like a damn car crash in here - hard to look away) of how you feel justified in what you're doing. I'm not here to dispute it one way or another - just a point of consideration that there's a line between offering a business review and trying to destroy a person....

    1. The key thing about slander is that what's being said must be FALSE. All the scams and animal abuse is documented and can easily be proven. Most of it you can find in Jenna's own words & photos.

    2. Thank you for your comment. Any intelligent comment is welcome here.
      A couple of points…1) slander is spoken so that specifically doesn’t apply here. But I get your point. 2) to make a successful slander or liable claim, the information must be false.
      I would venture to say that everything written here is fact or obviously opinion. Fact, in that she has posted the information herself as fact. There are people here that do have personal experience with Jenna or her products so they are speaking of their first-hand experiences.
      Jenna doesn’t need anyone's help destroying her business, income, reputation, or relationships…..she does fine with that by herself.
      Do you have specific examples of the things posted here that are liablous or even unfair?

    3. She deserves every bit of criticism. The thought of Jenna “hiring a digital detective” is hilarious. After all, she’s been behind in making mortgage payments for months. Plus, she uses her funds for fun stuff like fly fishing, and streaming services. Perhaps, Pember Patty could pay for the searches. “Hoo!!!”

    4. Here’s a message for Jenna: Bring it, bitch. We have piles of proof against you. We’ve been waiting to use it.

    5. Anonymous 9:28. Is it moral to use an innocent bird as a public pet prop? Jenna likes to pose them tied to hot lamps. She’s also taken them to town on hot days to show them off. We think that some of them have been carelessly killed by her mishandling. I’d consider reporting her for animal abusing to appropriate authorities in your area.

    6. I am definitely not a legal expert. Slander may be the wrong term to use. But it seems to me that there are folks admitting they've gone out of their way to affect her businesses - ie talking people out of buying her products and you've called authorities regarding her animals which mostly hasn't amounted to any actions taken. This is exactly the kind of thing Brianna Madia went after folks for. Certainly she's in another state so NY laws may be different. The one opinion I'm going to offer is this: She is not living a large life. Shes one person struggling on this planet. What is your end goal here? You want her to what exactly? Is this group - which seems to have a long history - actually accomplishing something other than being an echo chamber for anger? Do She's still blogging, writing and farming according to her own definitions despite what appears to be years of folks watching her closely and trying to stop her. And I get that it feels good to be angry and to have a person or a thing to focus your anger. Otherwise I wouldn't be here rubbernecking full disclosure. But it also doesn't feel good to me personally so I am working on trying to focus this weird voyeur energy I have on something more positive. Ugh, this sounds like I'm being super judgemental of a blog I'm obviously reading which is completely hypocritical I know. My intention is not to be critical. Just to offer a perspective into the void and to examine my own intentions for being here. As I sit here and ask myself why I am here its not because of what Jenna does or doesn't do. I'm here because watching the anger and the maintenance of that anger over time is fascinating honestly. I study behavior for a living so I guess it tracks. And now to put my "money where my mouth is" I'm going to go outside and smell the bergamont.

    7. Anonymous 10:47. You didn’t answer my question above, about Jenna using innocent birds as public pet props for pics. She’s not “struggling” at all. That’s part of the problem we have with her. She has plenty of free funds to spend on her lie-style. It’s obvious by her bragging about what she does and buys, in terms of activities and acquisitions. Our “end goal,” as a couple who has lived in Cambridge and knows her personally, is for her to re-home her horses and livestock. She should also stop her constant begging on social media, and lying about her fake fear of foreclosure. We have just cause to be “angry” regarding her animal abusing, like sadistically shocking poor pigs for fun, and using other people’s donations for other reasons, which weren’t designated for them. Only a sociopath would make the sick statement: “I put the laughter back in slaughter.” Lastly, I’d suggest doing research on her rotten reputation. This blog is far from being the only source discussing her.

    8. Anonymous 10:47: “Where there’s smoke there’s fire.”






    9. I'll try to address the points. Calling authorities about the animals….there was something done. The feet of piled up shit was cleared out of the lot. It was so bad that a Bobcat got stuck! She was made to get rid of most of her barnyard animals.
      I don't recall anybody trying to talk anybody out of buying her products. I don't recall a time when any prospective buyer came here asking before they bought anything. Now, there have been people advising others not to give her money or have sent links to this blog. Her begging for money is the main problem rather than her legitimately selling products. Although, pointing out her business practices in the past that seem shady are worth a mention. And there have been a lot.
      Jenna's narrative is that people don't want her to farm. I've never seen anyone here not wanting her to farm. We don't think she does farm. She always talks about "this farm" but it is not a farm. She doesn’t even have a proper garden. And I don't care about that. What I do care about is that she paints this picture (lies) about all these things to create a sympathetic character as means to an end (manipulative marketing).
      I'm not sure how you can read here and not see the sketchiness.
      Even in the last couple of days. Crying that the mortgage is late, needing money for hay and wood but also showing her new $35 book, shopping for new flies, and her new fancy reel. Square that up for me.
      If she was out there doing her thing and making money and spending money…nobody would care. But she’s not. And if she said "Hey, folks, there’s this awesome fishing rig that I really want…..could you guys chip in a few bucks so I can get it?" But she’s not.
      What do we want? We want her to get rid of her animals or provide proper food, shelter, and care for them. Vet care when needed. Proper fencing.
      We also want her to stop lying to get money and free labor from good hearted people.

    10. HD. I’m clapping at your comment. That was well-done, thanks!

    11. Jenna has a victim narrative going, but it’s all about trying to elicit empathy from followers to filch free funds. Now, she’s been doing this for decades in one way or another. She’s a criminal and predator.

    12. This blog also serves as a public service to warn newbies about Jenna. We keep receipts as proof of her behavior, so that others won’t be taken advantage of by her unethical tactics.

    13. Speaking of “digital detectives.” That reminds me of another stupid story. Longtime readers here might recall a fake threat by Jenna several years ago. She threatened to have an attorney find out our identities. I don’t remember his name, but a few savvy sleuths discovered that he was bogus. Maybe either PDD or HD remembers this ridiculous incident. We all found it funny, and joked about it for months.

    14. I do remember that now that you mention it. I don't remember the name but it was very easy to disprove. It wasn't something like Harris or something common. HA..yeah, that was dumb.

    15. HD. Thanks for responding to my comment. It really was “dumb.”

    16. I've taken some amateur falconry courses, and it breaks my heart whenever Jenna announces she plans on trapping another one. Many if not MOST of the birds she's caught have died over the winter. She claims they "escape", but the escapes only started after her more honest sharing of the birds getting sick and dying was roundly criticized.

      Jenna has written with her own hand about the things we criticize her for, and never seems to take any feedback. She's dealt with surprise inspections because of those here who report her yes - and she's been corrected by those professionals. They leave "literature". She claims they give her a pass, are here friends etc., which is a reflection more on the professionalism of the inspectors. She's had animal welfare called on her by multiple people including neighbors of completely different communities.

      I completely understand why you'd be put off by a lot of language in this blog, and I've repeatedly brought up that criticizing her body / making personal remarks isn't a valid way of drawing attention to the scams she runs or harm she does to animals and people. But some people seem to get off on it, I don't know what personal beef they have. I'm not the only poster here to bring up the subject of fatshaming and how such hate content does nothing but degrade the real effort of trying to shine a light on what Jenna is really up to.

      If you're really curious check out the reddit group which has a number of counters, including how many times she claims to have had dental work (more times than she has teeth and counting) how many times she claims to be getting letters of foreclosure, etc. The archive of information is a little easier to find there.

    17. I’d be interested in hearing about how the OP studies behavior for a living. Are they either a sociologist or psychologist?

    18. I’m also curious about how they were “referred to this blog.” I want to add that Jenna has continued to do less work in maintaining her followers for a long time. For example, she hasn’t posted a YouTube vlog in 7 years, and done any events at her home. Even before Covid she was slacking off.

    19. Even though she now produces minimal efforts in making products, and offers only boring non-tent in her blog, Jenna still expects to be enabled by free funds for doing nothing new. That’s the issue.

    20. Oh right: AND every year, multiple times a year, she posts publically that she is running out of hay and can't afford to FEED her animals. Then she gets more.

      Every year.

      She has made allusions to rehoming the horses this year, which I sincerely hope they end up in better hands. She has posted a couple of times about getting their feet seen to, but nothing about their teeth, no vet visits or supplements when Merlin is having trouble keeping weight on.

      I really don't see the confusion about why she has critics and why they want an outlet / forum.

    21. Funny, how the OP hasn’t bothered to comment again, and address any of our legit concerns about Jenna’s fraudulent falconry practice.

  31. SOTM & HD. Exactly. I agree with what you both wrote.

    1. My comment should be above not below.

  32. “That’ll do”

    Here she goes again with her fake country crap. It makes no sense in the context of chairs on a lawn. It just looks stupid.

    1. https://twitter.com/coldantlerfarm/status/1693728633985040662?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet

      Gotta get the rainbow flag in the pic. Did you “guys” know that Jenna’s a lesbian?! She hasn’t mentioned it for a few hours.

    2. The joke is the dogs herded the chairs. whomp whomp.

    3. WiW. Jenna doesn’t “joke,” because she has no humor. I’ve literally, never heard anything funny from her in decades.

  33. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 21, 2023 at 5:36 PM

    A bit late to this (busy caring for animals and fall prep), but it sounds like most people have explained what issues a variety of readers have with an individual who runs several businesses but behaves in what often appears to be an unethical manner.

    From my perspective, I'm not bothered by people who buy her drawings, her soap or even her logos. Art is in the eye of the buyer and if clients don't do their due diligence, that's on them.

    On the other hand, for a business person, her posted treatment of animals, raptors and her propensity to "live like fiction" (obfuscate, exaggerate, and use hyperbole, as she herself has admitted multiple times) to gin up pity donations, shares and sales is something else.

    IMHO, she would do better to limit animals that she can't care for (or lost interest in) and focus on being honest with her audience and happier with herself. She had/has great potential.

    Tellingly, I believe many have tried to help her, either with $$$ or advice, so they have vested interest in preaching truth. Comments widely vary, some with more "spice" than others, and while we may not all agree on wording, we basically respect each other.

    1. PDD. I couldn’t have said it better myself.

  34. “I also raise pork and lamb, future shares available, and if the meat isn’t raised or I mess up you get your money back”. Well, damn, this inspires a lot of confidence…..

    1. Her whole life is lies. People ate rarely refunded by Jenna. Backers for her bombed Birchthorn book had to repeatedly plead, and wait months for her to do it. She always “messes up” with false promises of payments.

    2. Edit: are rarely refunded

  35. So the person the above anon posted about, Brianna Madia, is / was running scams very similar to Jenna's. I've spent some time reading up on her and a big issue is she was accused to using money raised in a gofundme FOR HER DOG'S VET BILLS and using it for other things.

    Sounds like exactly how Jenna alienated most of her readership in the first few years of living her dream.

    Remember when Jenna claimed to be meeting with a lawyer about her trolls?

    1. WIW. You might’ve missed my comment above talking about the lawyer:

      AnonymousAugust 21, 2023 at 2:36 PM

      Speaking of “digital detectives.” That reminds me of another stupid story. Longtime readers here might recall a fake threat by Jenna several years ago. She threatened to have an attorney find out our identities. I don’t remember his name, but a few savvy sleuths discovered that he was bogus. Maybe either PDD or HD remembers this ridiculous incident. We all found it funny, and joked about it for months.

    2. I read up on her too. Seems they let their dog run alongside their van and then her husband hit the dog resulting in the dog being hospitalized for over a month. Idiots! I only skimmed the story because it was hard to read. They raised almost $100,000 for vet bills but spent a lot of that money on other things. She didn’t sue her critics. She simply found out who they were and shamed them on video or something.

  36. New post:


  37. When a person puts their life out in a public forum, they should expect scrutiny and criticism. I have found through following blogs and reading memoirs that people only tell you what they want you to know. Their lives are usually messier than they want to admit. But when they start asking for money it is absolutely ok to track patterns and warn people when unscrupulous behavior is discovered.

    1. Jenna’s been begging since the start of her faux farm. She’s a criminal and predator.

  38. “Pet portraits are on sale for $50. This farm needs to sell a bunch to afford winter heat, and so if you are looking for gifts, a present, a gift, or memorial- please message!”

    It’s Jenna who “needs to sell” stuff, not an inanimate object called “this farm.” Her language is always deceptive, and just more manipulative marketing.

    1. FYI: Putting pressure on people to make a pity purchase is one of her scamming techniques.

    2. Get a job, slob.

    3. If she were that destitute, there is usually county or LIHEAP help for low income households for heating assistance.

    4. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 25, 2023 at 6:52 AM

      Anon 5:01 am, during one of her many tooth crises, a few people suggested subsidized dental care plans that are available for low-income folks. She was offended by those suggestions, and she stated she was 'broke, not poor'.

      Also, she admitted on other occasions that she didn't meet the income guidelines for ACA subsidies. She didn't list the income level breakpoint, but I checked it out. As I remember, the maximum income for subsidies was upwards of $50,000 per year for one person, and I think it was $54,000 per year.

      Her financial pleas are likely so much 💩💩💩.


  39. From Twitter: "I've got a week to go. I *have paid my bills*, loans, feed, and got a little firewood in, green for spring. I have none of my winter heat wood in, and *am about to be near foreclosure threat*. Sales have never been harder, if I raise, sell, or make anything you may want - please DM!" [Emphasis mine].

    She has paid her bills but is about to be near forclosure threat?

    1. Her whole life is lies. Jenna’s fake fear of foreclosure is one of her worst, manipulative marketing scams. She’s trying to elicit empathy from followers to finch free funds up front for nothing.

    2. Edit: filch not finch

    3. A LEGEND IN HER OWN MINDAugust 24, 2023 at 6:15 AM


      "Am about to be near foreclosure threat" doesn't actually say anything definitive. What the heck does it mean to be "near" a threat?? A day? A week? A month? A quarter?

      The above shows one of her favorite techniques: write posts that suggest, infer, misrepresent and misdirect, hoping readers will read between lines that aren't there and believe FFF is in trouble.

      Reality check is needed. Why would she pay other bills before her mortgage? Why does she need money for animal feed when CSA share holders have already paid for "their" animals? Why did she get another pet (which will need $$ for vet care) if she can't pay her mortgage?

    4. She also chooses to heat her home with wood. Even though it’s unnecessary, and done only for ambiance. Because she has a functional furniture. Every bit of chaos in Jenna’s life was created and continued by her poor choices. But she still expects to be enabled by others in her lazy loser lie-style.

    5. PDD. Exactly. Like I always say, her language is deliberately done to be deceptive.

    6. Yep. She hasn't behaved like someone on the ragged edge of losing their home in 10 years.

  40. The bitch is back buying bots again. She does this every time followers flee. It won’t last long. Her account will drop again. There’s nothing worth reading in her begging non-tent.

  41. Anon 6:15 am and Anon 6:17 am. Good points. Having your bills up-to-date if you lose your house doesn't make sense. Most bills you can make partial payments on as you're able, and electric doesn't get shut off for quite awhile. She has learned that "mortgage" is what brings in the donations.
    Even if she is truly behind, I don't believe the bank would foreclose for a long time, she has too much equity. They'd push for refinancing or give her a chance or force a sale first. And I agree with others, If she were really worried about it, she'd be doing something, anything, somehow, to get it paid.
    Fuel oil can be cheaper to heat with than wood in today's overpriced wood market. She'd be better off going with the furnace and it might help keep the pipes from freezing; it does in my house.

    1. Even if it was true, but we know it’s not, normal adults don’t discuss their finances for years online with strangers. It’s simply stupid. Jenna has neither pride nor “dignity.” Which she brags about as if it’s a virtue, rather than being signs of her defective character.


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