Grow up.

First I'll address the question of if everything is taken away, can you survive?  Um, yes.  I don’t work for anyone else.  For the last 25 years I have worked for myself in various capacities.  It's not a crazy unusual situation.  I have never been married or had a live-in to help me with money or any business.  My parents are both dead.  No help there.  I have two brothers.  One is an ass.  I have more money than either of them.  I don't have any other family.   I live on 40 acres 15 miles from town.  I don't need to rely on anyone to give me anything.  I have created my life to be the way it is.  I'm not extraordinary, I've just always done what needs to be done.  I have been kind to people along the way…I haven’t stepped on people to get myself higher.  People like me and I have a fine reputation.  If I would ever need help people would know my need was authentic and they would help me.  No one would ever think I was a scammer.

Second, let’s visit briefly living like fiction.
"When I look up at the living room ceiling I can see where loose slates are letting rain in. I can see the first stains of water, and made a note to call the slate repair guy".  

She has a two story house.  The living room is downstairs.
"it was full of boring beetles I needed to spray for to keep them from burrowing into this house's foundation."

She does not have a wood foundation. Concrete or stone will have no beetle problems.
" I have done it without hurting anyone, at least intentionally."

This is just a boldfaced lie.

I will state again, nobody here has a problem with her selling her wares on the internet.  She picks these very weird paper tigers.  Using the internet isn’t scamming.

There is always so much to weed through with her.


  1. HD. Exactly. That was well-put. I’ve just copied and pasted her latest drivel on the last post.

  2. It’s her blatant begging, scamming and lying that are the problem. Not her trying to sell stuff. Jenna knows this, and obfuscates the issue.

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 1, 2023 at 7:49 AM



  3. Wow, just wow. There is nothing self sufficient about her. She is totally dependent on others. And she sees family as someone to borrow from. Again, wow.

    She complains of having no trust fund - go cry me a river. I don't know anyone who has one. But I know a lot of financially successful people and they all got that way by working.

    There is so much to unwrap in her much aggrieved post. A psychologist could have a field day.

    1. Her lack of any awareness is beyond belief. Jenna’s been begging since the start of her faux farm, and has had her hands out for help non-stop. She’s never been “self-sufficient.”

  4. She has stated she's done nothing illegal, but she has crossed a moral and ethical line many, many times.

    Taking money and not providing product. Asking for money for one thing and spending on another. If she cannot pay her mortgage, how does she have money for fishing gear, TS merch, streaming services, etc.

    And we all know she has another income source which she won't disclose. Illegal, no. Unethical, yes. She is not living on soap and drawing sales.

    1. Exactly: “She has stated she's done nothing illegal, but she has crossed a moral and ethical line many, many times.” Jenna has been ripping people off for years. In one way or another. That’s why she’s loathed by locals, and I’m speaking from personal experience of having lived in Cambridge.

  5. It’s no mystery to me as to why she was dumped again. I knew that it wouldn’t last long. I think that the failed, recent romance did her due diligence, and read about Jenna’s rotten reputation. In addition to finding her to be a repellent person.

    1. She also probably couldn’t stomach her stench!

    2. Her hygiene is horrid. One whiff of Wog would be a total turn-off for anyone.

    3. She was dating someone again? Anyone know who?

    4. WiW. It didn’t last long as predicted by us. She’s been keeping quiet about “courting” the “new girl.” Apparently, she lives in the Adirondacks a few hours away.

  6. Let's look at pork shares. The profit margin is very small. She doesn't make much money from it at all. But she does it because she once wrote that she could make money in an instant.

    She does not make money in an instant. She may acquire money in an instant, but there is the cost of the pigs, feed and any other care they get, if any. Then there is the butcher's bill. That should be covered in the pork shares, but we all know when butchering time comes, she is whining and begging for money.

    My guess is a lot of "mortgage" money is really to pay the butcher.

    So illegal? Not really. Unethical, absolutely.

    1. We suspect that Jenna tries to sell the shares mostly for funds up front. Then later lies, and says that one has “suddenly become available!” This has happened too many times to be a coincidence. And it’s usually timed when Jenna’s desperate for mortgage money. Her patterns are predictable. Once you start to see them.

    2. So, anyone giving her money at butchering time is actually subsidizing someone else's pork. And the money's all gone now, what happens next year if she can't get in enough money to buy the piglets? She loses money on the pigs, its a house of cards and could collapse at any time. Anyone who buys her pig shares must like risk or just aren't doing their due diligence.

    3. Anonymous 2:35. That’s why her business practices are fraudulent if not “illegal.” She’s the Cambridge Queen of Con. Talk about being “calculating.”

  7. I’ll agree with her on one point, Jenna isn’t “attractive” on any level.

  8. Jenna is jowly in real life. She tilts up her head for a flattering effect.

  9. She freely admits she has a substance abuse problem. I wonder how much “mortgage” money has gone to drugs and alcohol.

    And as for taking money up front for logos and making them wait 8 weeks, even when she claims sales are slow - she’s either lying about that or is hoping the client forgets.

    Illegal? No. Unethical? Yes.

    1. She has an addictive personality. I think that she’s blown a lot of mortgage money on substance abuse.

    2. Maybe all her dental problems come from being bulimic.

    3. Anonymous 6:37. I’ve thought the same thing about her dental issues.

  10. from the dispatch posted in the previous post: “ That real grown ups aren't depending on the internet to support their livelihood, and how long can I possibly sustain this? I've heard about this from family, friends, exes, strangers... for years.”

    i’m curious, from how many exes has she heard this? shannon, becca…?

    1. Yet Jenna refuses to listen to reason from anyone. It’s no surprise that she’s still single.

  11. “I am a grown up. I'm Jenna fucking Woginrich. And I am doing a hard thing.”

    There’s nothing adult and “grown up” about being a beggar. Jenna behaves more like a troubled teen. “Hey hey, Hoo!!!”

    1. The “hard thing” for her would be to work within being a beggar.

    2. Edit: without

    3. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 31, 2023 at 3:59 AM

      Hard = stupidly

      I struggle to even frame how badly she farms, with her choices to ignore mandatory farm tasks or complete them in the least efficient way.

      For your consideration:
      1. She hauls water with buckets. FFS, nobody hauls water great distances using buckets. That's why garden hoses were created. She has a well. She has faucets. She needs to hook that garden hose up.

      2. She keeps filthy pens and paddocks. Now that her 'ex' is gone (the one who grew up on a real farm), FFF is back to ignoring manure and throwing fresh hay on top of old filth. This is a perfect way to accumulate parasites in fields and animals. Tapeworms (that she's admitted to having) last 'forever'.

      3. She provides inadequate shelter for aged horses and laughable care. No reputable horse person would do this. What else would we expect? She tells readers they should BUY farm animals even if they are clueless, incompetent, careless, or make loads of repeat mistakes that hurt animals.

      4. She continues heating with purchased wood when she has a whole house furnace. She lives on a wooded slice of land, yet doesn't use her own wood, or locally available free wood.

      5. She barely maintains house and barn. She doesn't insulate the house or cover big glass doors in cold weather. She doesn’t paint outbuildings and watches exterior wood rot. She hasn't replaced damaged roof tiles (an easy job, if ever there was one). The list goes on.

      6. She attempts to keep animals contained with sub-par fencing. Fences routinely break, allowing for escapes, property damage and risk to animals and area motorists.

      Rural residents understand that preventing problems is working smart. Fixing little problems before they turn into big problems is smart.

      She doesn’t work smart. She ignores problems, continually works stupidly and that's why it's so "hard".

    4. PDD. You’ve nailed it as always.

    5. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 31, 2023 at 8:07 AM

      Thanks WW. It boggles my mind how she cannot make her businesses work, and instead (consistently) resorts to begging, pleading and misrepresentation for poodle cash.

      I haven't worked for a "boss" in decades and I've operated several businesses (my office was my home). One business was once profitable but ran its course, and so I pivoted to the other, which has remained nicely profitable. Do I need to keep this business going? Possibly not, but it's meaningful, provides cash flow and is fun.

      Like most entrepreneurs, if I choose, I can stare at snow, wander through the woods on a Tuesday or play with my animals. But I also work as needed to satisfy customers. Deliveries are timely, and I have repeat orders. Not once do I need to create posts describing terror and night sweats to goose purchases and donations from existing customers or strangers.

      She could do so much better if she listened to advice and was flexible as needed. At this rate, she's an embarrassment to rural residents and women who work.

  12. It’s fraudulent and unethical to accept donations from people who’ve given them for one stated purpose. But then Jenna has misused them for another one without permission. She’s taken advantage of senior citizens and even kids in the past.

    1. ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️

    2. Anonymous 8:23. I appreciate your response to my comment. I don’t always sign with my username here.

  13. “These colors don’t run”

    Here’s your daily reminder that Jenna’s a lesbian. She’s been busy giving us her loser’s lectures today. So she didn’t have time to mention it.


      Yawn. Another pic of her rainbow flag. What a stupid statement.

  14. Here is a “hard thing”. Working full time, taking care of a house and kids as a single mom. Does she think getting up a 5 am, working all day, then coming home to make dinner an easy thing? Does she think cleaning house and grocery shopping on weekends to catch up is an easy thing?

    Sitting home, fishing, chasing falcons, scrolling on social media, begging, lying in a hammock, binge watching tv, taking “farmer’s naps” - those are not hard things.

    1. I’m clapping at your comment. I appreciate what you wrote. Jenna lives like an overly privileged, pampered princess compared to millions of people.

    2. How many drawings could she have done in the time it took to write that drivel. She will never ever get ahead.

    3. The reason she doesn’t want a job is because working a job is a hard thing.

    4. Anonymous 2:39. I’ve said the same thing on the last post.

    5. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 31, 2023 at 4:06 AM

      Anon 2:20 pm, very well put. Her life is shockingly lazy. Only slackers (or people who are clueless about rural living) would be taken in or 'inspired' by her.

  15. I guarantee that Jenna has wasted most of her day rapidly refreshing this site to see what was written about her little hissy fit this morning.

  16. We’ve been wondering for awhile if the weirdo who was leaving the crazy comments could’ve been Jenna. After reading that ridiculous rebuttal today, in her signature stupid style, we can say with some certainty that Wog wrote the “fucking” crap.

  17. On IG stories she’s offering pork for 2025. Can’t make this up folks!!! Lots of idiots commenting that they can’t believe people would tell her to give up her farm!!!! 😵

    1. I saw that mentioned on the last post here. If people are stupid enough to give her funds up front for over a year in advance, then they deserve to lose their money.

  18. Her whining this morning has hardly attracted any positive feedback from followers. I only see a small number of “likes,” and zero replies as usual.

  19. Jenna appears to be barely “surviving” now. She’s definitely not thriving being a beggar.

  20. Remember the "possum" blog post? That's what the "grow up" post is - an attempt to sell another book. again. An attempt to make her poor choices look like a noble struggle.

    In the same post she claims to have only $100 left after paying a late mortgage... Right there, proof she shouldn't have horses, sheep, dogs and whatever else livestock. She is once again saying she can't afford any of it.

    She makes this "what a mighty struggle I fight each day, you could never do it" hand on forehead histrionics without once addressing the fact that instead of "hustling" for money she could apply for one of the many jobs still available even as the economy downturns - jobs that are likely to be open for a while because covid took out so much of the workforce.

    She phrases her life as a battle when it's really an endless run from employment.

    1. I’ve never seen any other adults who constantly complain about how little money they have in their bank accounts. She’s completely shameless, but brags about being “dignity-free!”

    2. BINGO: “She phrases her life as a battle when it's really an endless run from employment.”

  21. "So tell me this? Which one of us is the grown up? The one who will lose everything the moment they lose their job, spouse, savings and can't borrow money? Or the one who has never had any of those luxuries and has taken care of everything alone since she left home at 18? "

    A job isn't a luxury. Nice try.

    A job is something that contributes to savings, credit ratings and hey - yes - even a spouse! Because when you have your own shit together you're more likely to attract a partner who has THEIR shit together.

    And the majority of people don't experience their life falling apart like a house of cards when they lose their job, spouse, savings, credit etc. The hardships in life come for us all, not just Jenna. God forbid if I lost my spouse I'd be ok financially. I have gone through periods of unemployment, losing savings, having a shit credit rating and being unable to qualify for a credit card.

    The reason people keep telling Jenna to get a job is because that's HOW you build back. I got a new job, then a better job. I paid off debts, bought a home, stock away retirement savings. We have life insurance. I have a death benefit through my job, should I, god forbid, leave my wife. It's enough to pay off the mortgage. In many ways, if tragedy were to strike, the surviving spouse would be quite well off financially with the way we have things structured.

    You know, as a grown person does.

    I don't make an above-average salary either. In fact, most of my career in public service (where I actually help others in my job that I get paid to do and receive benefits for) I have been paid less than the average person in the private sector. I live within my means, which is how we construct stability. I live my horse girl dreams by taking lessons weekly, and thus avoid the expense and responsibility of horse ownership.

    Hell, I have pet insurance for my cats. As they have inevitably aged, one is showing signs of bladder issues and he's going to the vet tomorrow. I have no fear of that unexpected bill.

    I'm an average person and I've lived on my own since age 16. I was forced to leave an unstable home through no fault of my own, and I got my first job at a fast food joint so I could pay my own rent while I finished school.

    Jenna's struggle is manufactured. It's entirely of her own active, ongoing choices and her only goal seems to be not to farm but to avoid having a "boss".

    Sounds immature to me. Sounds pretty childish. Petulant, even. Grow up, you can easily solve these problems Jenna. They're not that hard.

    1. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 31, 2023 at 4:18 AM

      Great comment. I think you've uncovered a fundamental truth about this road accident we can't stop watching.

      So many of her machinations are to keep from having a "boss", a childish and petulant response to the fact that her chosen lifestyle - as she currently manages it - doesn't generate enough income without scamming and begging for handouts.

    2. Both of your comments are great. Jenna’s stupid struggles could easily be solved, but she’d rather have her “live like fiction” fantasy lie-style. That’s subsidized by others who have “direct deposit accounts.” Her adamant refusal to accept any accountability for her actions is the antithesis of being an adult.

  22. She also refuses to acknowledge that she has never done this on her own. She is totally dependent on the kindness of strangers.

    1. Jenna’s been begging since the start of her faux farm, and she’s never stopped mooching for money from followers.

    2. THIS! "I'm doing this completely alone-" NO SHE ISN'T! If she had no help from friends, neighbours, or strangers on the internet her animals would have starved and her house would be rotting from the floorboards to foundation by now.

  23. I hated having a boss. I’ve had good ones and bad ones but I hated having someone in charge of me. But I sucked it up because I’m a grown up and that’s what grownups do.

    I’m retired now and living her dream of having passive income, no debt, financial independence, health insurance and all the time in the world to do what I want.

    1. We’re in the same position due to decades of “being a grown up,” and working hard with wise investments. Jenna will never know what it’s like to be financially solvent.

    2. Yeah my solution in the past to having a boss was to become one of the leadership team, or otherwise get myself into a more autonomous position. More stress but worth it for the ability to use my own judgement.

      In the latter half of my career now, thanks to covid I have the joy of working from home. I may be able to do this until I retire! It's been life-changing. It's improved my income bc I have more energy to pick up overtime and I'm completely removed from any office drama. I'm assessed only on my productivity / ability to collaborate in actual projects vs navigating office politics. I'm no longer in a leadership position and I love the reduction in the stress.

      I literally just log on to my computer for 8 hours a day, process, take care of myself, my animals, and my garden on breaks. I can keep up with the laundry, housework, dishes during my work day so my off-time is pretty much just fun time and time for errands outside the home. I see my wife more, I am far less stressed, I have time for hobbies and exercise now. It's been life-changing in a very good way and I am hopeful this is how my work life will be going forward.

      This straw man Jenna keeps putting up about cubicles and bosses and 9-5 is her limited experience with a handful of jobs. But she's got to keep this story of hers going. She wasn't dumb for quitting her job, she was brave! Sure it's hard but at least she isn't .... uh, whatever you guys don't like being / doing! SEND MONEY!

  24. On Insta stories she reposted a comment from a poor delusional person who just “discovered” her first book and is now “rushing to buy the next one” to see how the heck this single woman living the dream managed to pull it off.
    Hate to break it to her… she just needs to do some research and all her questions will be answered.

    1. I’ve also just commented below on some of her stupid Instagram followers.

  25. “Please don’t quit your farm!!! You are amazing and resilient and brave and inspiring. Have you read “The Salt Path’ by Raynor Winn? You remind me of her in your strength”

    “Thank glob you’re a writer! Miss you, J. Keep following your heart and remember how little it matters what most people think of most things. FUCK EM! Also, you work hard as hell. That counts. Look at you!”

    “I’ve loved your writing for a long time, but oof I worry about you! I’m not saying you should do anything different but the stress must be rough”

    “People who are miserable in their own lives and who don’t dare to dream are the first to poop all over anyone else who dares to live differently. Thanks for articulating what it’s like to be without a safety net and what it’s like to live freely”

    “BRAVA. people who tell other people to quit are heartless jerk-face no goodniks and they can go kick rocks.”

    Her stupid sycophant supporters on instagram are always delusional about Jenna. I couldn’t include the dumb emojis.

    1. Edit: Instagram

    2. She's always going to have people on the hook. That's why she keeps doing this.

  26. Actually, Jenna, it’s spelled grown-up with a hyphen. Of course, I wouldn’t expect a rotten writer like you to be aware of compound words.

  27. Yeesh. Her IG stories are just so angry today. Calling people who don’t like TS “dipshits”, telling straight women not to tell lesbians their straight because it’s a “ shitty” thing to do. WTJenna!!?? Sorry you got dumped but like pull yourself together!!!!

    1. Boo fucking hoo. Poor widdle “grown up” Jenna didn’t get all of the accolades that she was wishing for on her toddler’s temper tantrum yesterday. Her obsession with Taylor Swift’s mainstream music is hilarious. She’ll always be rebuffed in romance, because no one wants a lying, lazy loser like her for their partner.

    2. I guess I’m a dipshit because I don’t enjoy her music. I can’t go to a supermarket, bank, Target, TJ maxx, etc without hearing it, it’s everywhere. I’m not against the artist, I just have no desire to listen for the secret gay clues she’s leaving. I also think it’s weird how Jenna is like “TS held hands with KK at the Victoria Secret show on stage!!” Umm don’t you think they were told exactly what to do? She’s unwell!!

    3. Anonymous 12:49. I also loathe Taylor Swift’s songs. And I don’t mind being a “dipshit.” It beats begging online for a living. Her inane obsession with finding “gay clues” is like a junior high school teen who has an unrequited girl crush on her coach.

      I guess that means Wog wouldn’t be interested in me. Fortunately, I’m happily married. And even if I weren’t, someone sleazy like Jenna wouldn’t get even a coffee date. Let alone a romance.

    4. Gay clues? That reminds me of Charles Manson when he was looking for messages in the Beatles white album. And what grown-up wastes their time like that? They’re too busy being self sufficient.

    5. Gaylor is a whole thing. Jenna's not alone in this there are hundreds of thousands of fans of this theory.

    6. WiW. Then they all sound stupid like Jenna. It reminds me of a quote by the famous psychologist, Erich Fromm: “That millions of people share the same pathology does not make these people sane.”

  28. They’re not their

  29. Jenna, there’s also nothing remotely “grown up” about a middle-aged woman who’s made her whole identity being a lesbian, and Taylor Swift fan. And who’s continued cyber stalking famous females for years now. You behave like you’re 14 not 41. Your immature, arrogant attitude is the issue.

    1. Wow, she's lashing out at the world on IG today. It's like she feels that all lesbians own Taylor Swift who is likely laughing her ass off as she counts her money. It's all manipulative marketing which JW knows a bit about. She's just another TS sheep. My guess is she's either day drinking or else stoned. Getting dumped (again) must suck.

    2. SFF. I guess that “airing her dirty laundry” didn’t have quite the purging effect that she’d hoped it would have. I find it funny that “she’s lashing out” with futility. No one cares about Jenna’s asinine opinions on any subject. She’ll always be “dumped” one way or the other.

  30. We’re waiting for “Grown Up Part Two,” and another ridiculous rebuttal to what was written here.

    1. sign me up!

    2. SFF. Me too. And I wrote the comment.

  31. How many “grown ups” have had multiple platforms for years posting about their rotten reputation?

  32. Jen’s a real “grown up”
    and she’s “doing a hard thing.”
    But she’ll always be a loser
    as we pull her puppet’s strings.

  33. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 31, 2023 at 11:54 AM

    Being told how life should be lived by the fake feral farmer???

    More, please. I love being lectured by a woman who

    🤡 can't string two lucid thoughts together

    🤡 can't pay her mortgage on time

    🤡 manages to be incompetent at living alone in the country, and

    🤡 self-describes as a pariah in love and relationships.


    1. Instead of writing a book called River Diaries, she should do one on what Wog does best: “How to be a beggar.”

  34. Here is what is "hard" for her - it's getting harder for her to separate people from their money. In the beginning it was easy. She spun a good narrative and people opened up their hearts and wallets to give her a hands-up. The money came fast and easy. She thought it would last forever. Her plan was to write about her life and people would send her money for just existing.

    I think she is bewildered that it all went away and she keeps trying to make it come back again. I have bad news for her because it is not. She's past the point of a hands-up and has gotten dependent on handouts. Even her "sales" are like pity donations. In fact, she can't even seem to sell anything without a pitiful narrative behind it.

    I'm sorry, darling. You are not a grown-up. You are a dependent child. I'm trying to be as kind as I can here and would strongly advise you to seek help.

    1. That was eloquently expressed, thanks. I’ve been saying this for years: “She's past the point of a hands-up and has gotten dependent on handouts.”

    2. "Her plan was to write about her life and people would send her money for just existing."

      And don't forget that in the beginning of CAF, she was certain that Hollywood was gonna come calling and do a movie about her and how amazing her story is!

    3. Anon7. Yeah, her whole Hollywood dream was delusional. Just like Jenna’s “live like fiction” fantasy lie-style. She probably also thought that her faux farm would be featured in a reality TV show.

  35. I’d also like to add that it’s blatant begging to plead on platforms: “Support this farm!” And then plaster either a PayPal or Venmo link. That’s not trying to just “sell stuff,” and it’s very disingenuous of Jenna to do it.

    1. Yes, I noticed that she completely avoided the issue of her begging in that post. And that is a very big omission since the crux of most complaints about her are for her pursuit of free funds.

      "AnD iF yOu JuSt wAnT tO KiCk iN fOr sOmE hAy aNd fEEd..."

    2. I wrote the above comment. Jenna deliberately avoided the begging issue, because even she knows that it’s true. She wants people to “kick in” for all of her bills.

    3. Whenever someone hits the donate button for paypal, JENNA DID THAT. HUGE accomplishment to be PROUD of in her books, because she STRUGGLED and EARNED that donation by complaining tirelessly on twitter.

  36. Additionally, her pathetic proclamation of “I’m desperately trying to find love” is a huge red flag for anyone of either gender. I also think that it’s more like Jenna wants a Shannon roommate replacement, who will pay for more than her fair share of the bills.

    1. I’ve always thought that Shannon’s very vague resemblance to Taylor Swift was one of the reasons that Jenna was attracted to her.

    2. I agree on both points. She needs someone to share expenses, but she seems desperately lonely too. Why else would she spill her guts on a public forum. It's not only unseemly, it puts her in a vulnerable position. For someone who is paranoid about talking on the phone, she sure opens herself up online. It's baffling to me that she would throw caution to the wind to get a date and yet shut down a potential cash sale.

    3. SFF. PDD probably recalls this crap, too. When Jenna was still into men, she’d brag about being naked outside in her yard. It reeked of being an exhibitionist. Making herself vulnerable to all sorts of scary scenarios. Yet talking on the phone to a potential client isn’t okay. Her behavior is baffling, contradictory, and comes across as being unhinged.

    4. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 31, 2023 at 4:10 PM

      WW, I remember a number of cringe-inducing posts. She bragged that she slept naked with her dogs, that she kept the windows open at night, and she let readers know the many times she was drunk. Who can forget when she invited strangers to ride horses or go hawking. One of her more desperate posts was a photo of her cleavage with a comment about being a big busted woman who knows how to use them. Laughable too was her homage to men and her written plea for a bearded man who was a civil war buff and moaned her name.

      I'm sure there were more...

    5. I'm still not convinced that given the right sort of male attention she wouldn't go back to being a switch hitter. Her daily lesbian affirmations sound like she's trying hard to sell it to herself more than others. I read her 'perfect man' essay and it sounded pretty heartfelt to me.

    6. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 31, 2023 at 5:39 PM

      SFF, at this point, I don't believe much of anything she writes. She's told her readers that she's an attention whore - craves it. For someone that needy, negative attention is better than no attention, so it's possible she deliberately intends to provoke with idiotic posts.

      More and more, I feel she adopts external personas for their shock value, but with her rigidity and arrogance, I'm not sure who she'd attract. Relationships are about compromise and give & take. It appears she wants a carbon copy of herself, but with fringe benefits and a willingness to do the work and pay the bills. Er, good luck finding that.

    7. I agree that a relationship with her would be one sided. She would likely demand unconditional adoration and constant praise. Who would put up with that on the daily? What an unfulfilling life to be uninterested in anyone's opinion but your own?

    8. I thought this statement was very telling:

      "I am constantly told to grow up. To stop trying to scrape together a living and get a “real” job. [...] I've heard about this from family, friends, exes, strangers... for years."

      So now we know at least one reason that Shannon fled!

    9. SFF - There is no doubt in my mind that if a perfect and $pecial man came along, she'd be real swift to hop on his pogo stick.

    10. Anon7. I was waiting for your input on her post. I literally, laughed out loud at “pogo stick.” And the dollar sign in “$pecial.” The truth is that Jenna would appeal to very few people of either gender. PDD. Thanks for adding info. SFF. I don’t get why she just can’t accept being bisexual.

    11. Whatever, I don't give a shit who Jenna's attracted to or which identifiers she uses. People can identify however they wish. I'm not interested in policing the words she uses to describe herself. She was with Shannon for over a year - the longest relationship she's ever been in that we know about.

      And Shannon told her to grow up - that tracks. At the time when tensions were rising, you could see in how Jenna wrote about wanting savings, wanting to be ABLE to take trips etc., even saying that life might not keep her at the property forever but maybe in 5 years she'd have a husky and live in the city - Jenna was saying what she needed to say to keep Shannon on the hook one day more. She made a lot of empty promises with no follow through.

      It stands to reason Shannon was the "grown up" in that relationship despite being younger. Shannon was clearly paying for more than her share

    12. WiW. “I don’t give a shit who Jenna's attracted to or which identifiers she uses. People can identify however they wish. I'm not interested in policing the words she uses to describe herself. She was with Shannon for over a year - the longest relationship she's ever been in that we know about.”

      I don’t think that it’s “policing” to point out her hypocrisy in trying to come across as always being a lesbian, when for years she was “desperately” seeking male attention. And wrote about it rather extensively on her blog. It’s all part of her pattern of pretense.

  37. How on earth can she call herself a grown-up when she spends all day on social media going on and on about Taylor Swift? That is teeny-bopper stuff!

    1. I agree. And I’m a “dipshit” for preferring inferior composers like Beethoven, Mozart and Chopin over mainstream music like Swift’s stupid songs.

    2. And what all the Swifties like Jenna don't realize is that Taylor is bleeding them dry and well on her way to becoming a billionaire thanks to her obsessed fans. Meanwhile, Jenna drives around with her $6 Taylor Swift air freshener dangling in the wind, whilst Taylor is cruising on a yacht off the Amalfi Coast deciding which flavor Martini she wants.

  38. "I'm Jenna fucking Woginrich."

    I LOLed hard at that. In fact, I cackled. That ridiculously and lengthy diatribe struck me as just one long letter to herself to justify her pathetic grifting lifestyle.

    1. Right!? Like, what does that even mean? What has she accomplished in life besides avoiding employment?

      Not a nice house - the place deteriorates every year, as does the property.
      Not a career as an authour, despite her regular posting about writing this or that book.

      She hasn't been published in nearly TEN YEARS!
      2014 the last book was published - right?

      So what has she been DOING this whole time? Besides smoking pot and posting on the internet? Selling arts n crafts for a living? I hardly believe that's a living. So, lying then. Lying to everyone who reads her shite.

    2. C’mon, you “guys?!” She’s “Jenna fucking Woginrich.” As if being a beggar is a badge of honor. “Hoo!!!”

    3. There is a Shamster here who has always referred to her as JFW. They coined that phrase before she did!

    4. Anon7. I’m the one who’s called her JFW. And I started doing it after she said it in a tweet.

  39. 4,679 and dropping since her toddler’s temper tantrum.

    1. 4,678 and down by one more. How’s that kvetching working out for ya, Jen? “Hey hey!!!”

    2. She is now down over 200 since Twitter started purging fake bot accounts. And some of those are no doubt people who grew tired of her bullshit begging.

  40. Stand back everyone! Everything's on sale as she "builds towards August"! (Posted on Twitter August 29th...)

    1. Everything is almost always on sale with her crap. So it’s a lie to suggest that there are special savings now. What a “grown up!”

    2. The only things she ever builds are lies and cast iron pizzas.

  41. She once wrote that she wished there was a giant or national GoFundMe account she could draw from. Unbelievable!

    There sort of is one and it's called Social Security. But you first must contribute before you can draw from it. If she doesn't get her act together soon, she is going to be so screwed later in life. Because then there is no time to catch up.

    1. I hadn’t heard that one before, but it figures for her. Given Jenna’s massive, unearned sense of self-entitlement. She’s in for a rude awakening in the near future.

    2. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 1, 2023 at 10:36 AM

      One of her earlier supporters belligerently corrected Shamsters and wrote that FFF deserved our money because she's an "artist" and social media influencer. 🤪

      Yep, that was pretty funny! As an artist, she's a mediocre graphics designer, who bangs out pet cartoons, nondescript logos and slap-dash essays. And while art is in the eye of the beholder, there's precious little that sets her apart from other, far more professional, accounts.

      As a wannabe social media influencer, her content isn’t riviting, attractive or informative. Photos are thrown together, old photos are presented as current, self-portraits are contrived and farm content is fundamentally nonexistent. Many posts appear dishonest.

      Put these aspects together and you can surmise why she has such low engagement numbers.

    3. After a disgusting video of rats in a cage being tormented by a hawk ( not original content, I might add) she is back to posting TS crap. Guess she didn’t catch anything. She really had a cruel streak to get enjoyment from tormenting innocent creatures.

    4. PDD. Jenna’s been sneakily this summer trying to interest Orvis, her former employer, to hire her as a fly fishing influencer. As if that’d ever happen! Especially, after she shit on her career there years ago.

    5. *has a cruel streak* (typo, oops)

    6. SFF. I make typos a lot here, too. Particularly, when my fingers are fumbling on my phone.

    7. Great point, Anon 9:28, about Social Security benefits. She won't make jack squat off that with her history. She presumably started working at age 22, after 4 years of college and then QUIT at age 27 after just 5 years in the rat race? Wow, hope you enjoy your monthly $400 SS check, Jenna.

  42. SFF. I’ve just read your comment after my reply to PDD. Jenna has a sadistic side to her personality. I’ll mention this again for newbies here. She’s deliberately shocked her poor pigs for fun. And only a sick sociopath would say her infamous statement: “I put the laughter back in slaughter!”

    1. I remember that incident. To do such a thing in a fit of temper is bad enough but to crow about it publicly with such glee shows that she has no clue about what is socially and morally acceptable and may indicate zoosadism which can be a precursor to psychopathic behaviour. It wouldn’t surprise me if she was a bed wetter as a child. (Taking off my armchair psychologist hat now). 🤪

    2. I think that her “cruel streak” is part of why her romances don’t last long. I’m sure that her parents had their hands full with Jenna as their daughter. And she’s still their “problem grown up!”

    3. Here’s the pig shocking incident as described by Jenna who’s tried to justify it:

      “I knew the charge was good. I waited until a pink nose touched it and I heard a squeal of pain that brought nothing but a smile to my face. I ran off to get the pigs their water and poured some of it right on the grounding rod just for spite. One came up to sniff the wire and shouted when it got a hard jolt. No part of me felt any pity at all. I smiled. If you think that's crule you haven't rewired a charger with the slow burn of nettles on your inner thighs while blood ran down your arms. Peta my ass.”

    4. It doesn't get less disturbing with time.

    5. That disgusting quote fills me with rage. From the first time I read it, to re-reading it just now...I want to tear her to pieces for abusing innocent animals like that. And then she smiled about it?

      What kind of piece of shit, shameless, putrid, hateful, spiteful, horrible, heartless, human garbage loser does that? Oh wait, I think I just answered my own question.

    6. Anon7. I feel the same sense of rage towards the “garbage loser.” Even if she was annoyed at the animal’s behavior, there’s no way for Jenna to justify this kind of unnecessary animal cruelty. She’s a despicable cunt. I hope that she never finds love, and is lonely for the rest of her miserable life.


    Even as a child she was a “Plain Jen,” and still had the same smug smirk.

    1. “we always are who we are”

      And Jenna is an animal abusing beggar, pathological liar, and sociopathic scammer. She’s a great “grown up!” Her younger self would be SO proud of a future adult lie-style.

    2. Jenna’s never been an attractive person. She wasn’t even a cute kid. That mullet was weird on her fat face even then. I can’t believe how little her looks have changed. And certainly not for the better.

    3. Wow, even as a kid she never had a genuine smile. Am I the only one who finds that disturbing?

    4. “we always are who we are”

      She once stated that her first sexual awakening involved a boy in her class. His fingers brushed against her neck whilst adjusting her necklace and she felt all tingly and swoony.

    5. Anon 640 as if you are fat-shaming a CHILD 🤣 You're too much, I would never do that. Re Jenna's smile, again beating the drum - Jenna I am sure is neurodivergent, which means she was a neuro-spicey kid. Not having a genuine smile as a kid could be a part of that, or she could have been an actual SAD kid. You don't turn out like Jenna without some environmental factors. We have no idea whether the child Jenna received the love and security to which every child is entitled, though many kids do not.

      None of this is excusing her actions and choices as an adult I'll reiterate.

    6. WiW, good point. My comment about her smile as a kid may have been beyond the pale but it kinda speaks volumes to me.

    7. In reality, Jenna has a fat face. This isn’t “shaming” to point it out.

    8. SFF. I’ve noticed that, too. Her smile simply isn’t “genuine,” and it is “disturbing.”

    9. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 3, 2023 at 6:41 AM

      I don't think she was an unattractive kid, and mullets were fun hairdos. For the record, I never had one, although I did rock an awful afro, so I'm not one to opine on personal hair choices, lol. But, I put to you - who can forget Patrick Swayze's hair in Roadhouse? That man could rock a mullet!

      Perhaps what Shamsters are reacting to is that her childhood smile (like virtually all of her adult photos) looks forced and fake. But she was a kid - so you really need to cut her some slack here.

      What I'm more interested in are some of the rather strange posts about her childhood recollections. They could signify neuro-divergence, or IMHO, sociopathic tendencies. There was an infamous post where her takeaway to a student who cheated in school was that he "got away with it". I haven't looked at posts recently, but I was always struck by how little interaction or affection she had with family and friends - except, of course, the early teen boy-crushes.

      Her posting the childhood photo feels weird for another reason; she's using it to infer she was always gay. Who knows. Who cares. But it's typical of her to revise facts to fit whatever her latest fashion, be it religion, lifestyle or gender - and then to demonize people who don't pay homage or fit whatever she "believes".

      How dare women call female friends "girlfriends".
      How dare non-queer people drive Subarus or wear flannel.
      How dare straight women tell gay women they're straight.
      How dare people not worship at the altar of Taylor Swift (this one is especially funny).

      It's the long-time dishonest and disingenuous behavior that's the turnoff.

    10. PDD. I’ll respectfully disagree. Jenna wasn’t a cute kid, and she’s an ugly adult. Inside and out.

  44. Off topic anecdote that some might find amusing:

    I accidentally coined a moniker that I deeply regret. We've had Mourning Doves on our porch for 6-7 years now. They produce about 4-8 babies a year on average. This year's mom 'n pop pair have been here since April and are currently raising their 5th and 6th babies. Yesterday, my son said, "They're just as prolific as that Duggar family." And I replied, "Haha, yeah, they are Mourning Duggs."

    Reason I'm annoyed is cuz the Duggar parents are not good people. They turned their daughters into tiny sister-moms -- as when they were just 5-6 years old those poor girls became responsible for taking care of babies and well as being responsible for cooking and cleaning, while the boys had no responsibilities. They robbed their daughters of a normal carefree childhood.

    And then there is the "Blanket Training" that the parents which you place a 6 month old baby on a blanket, and then place a toy near the blanket. When the baby tries to crawl off the blanket to grab the toy, the parents whack the baby's hand with a ruler to teach it how to obey. That is sick!! And that is why I despise the Duggars.

    And now I've tainted the thought of my beautiful Mourning Doves and I am trying very hard to forget that I made that stupid joke. Grrrr.

    1. oh noooooo! Do you listen to the "digging up the duggars" podcast? I enjoy it. I haven't watched *any* of the show, but I really like to hear them deconstruct the episodes as they work through. Audible also served me one of the duggar daughters' autobiographies which is coming out this month, and I'll definitely be listening to that.

    2. ps - how dare you bully those mourning doves lol!

    3. Nooo….they are Mourning Loves! You just mis-spoke. Tell your son.

  45. “PIE DAY! Thank you @sugarhouseworkshop for dropping off this apple sensation! Order your pies from the best, folks”

    It’s no wonder why her body is obese. Funny, how she’s freaked out about her fake fear of foreclosure, and making late mortgage payments. But she has enough funds to buy pie rather than baking it herself. Her whole life is lies.

    1. Jenna is never concerned with the bad optics of bragging about buying luxury items like baked goods. And then begging for mortgage money again.

    2. And she didn’t mention bartering for the pie with her own eggs and other goods. Otherwise, she probably would’ve said something.

    3. It’s a lovely looking pie. A shame she’s got nobody to share it with. I’m guessing she’ll call that dinner. 🐷

    4. SFF. She’ll probably pig out on her putrid pan pizza, and then polish off the pie. Jenna certainly doesn’t have a healthy diet by any standards.

    5. I’m shocked that she didn’t claim to find her pie at the dump. Like she’s done before to justify making purchases.

    6. The woman has a garden! It’s harvest season! And yet we rarely see fresh produce either growing in the garden or on her plate. I live on a corner lot in a large city and my FB is brimming with what I produce and what I cook/bake/preserve from my own small patch. Flowers are more my thing, particularly roses, but I manage to feed two of us from the vegetable garden and apple tree during the season. As I mentioned previously, there is precious little farming going on at ‘this farm’.

    7. SFF. There was only more garden growing done two years ago when Shannon lived there. Jenna’s been neglecting “this farm,” no matter what she lies about it “never being better.” She’s said that too many times to be believable.

  46. 45 comments on the instagram post about her "i won't quit the farm" post. I'm surprised, I haven't seen that level of engagement in years.

    This is why she keeps at this noble heroine take. Sometimes it works and all the "atta girls" show up.

    I'm really surprised she has more than a dozen or so left.

    1. That’s still a very low “level of engagement” considering her total number of followers.

    2. Yeah, 45 comments is nothing for someone who has almost 5,000 followers.

    3. Let’s put it into perspective. 45 comments out of almost 5,000 followers is only a 0.9% engagement. That’s pretty pathetic.

    4. 10 of the comments are Jenna’s responses.

    5. Anonymous 3:34. Exactly. That makes the level of engagement from followers even lower. “Hoo!!!”

    6. FWIW, a 0.1% engagement rate is about what most career influencers go for. That's what is marketable if you want sponsors - BUT you have to have at least 5 million followers for 0.1% to translate into any real money.

      Usually Jenna has maybe 2-5 responses if any, so yeah for her more than 20 comments in practically viral!

  47. Jen buys an apple pie
    but will whine ‘bout mortgage money.
    Anyone who thinks she’s “grown up”
    is so stupid, it ain’t funny.

  48. Begs for money to pay the mortgage, buy hay and firewood…and buys a pie!! She has at least one apple tree on her property -boggles my mind how she claims to be a farm but can’t even make her own damn pie.

    1. Thought exactly the same. Brags all the time how many apples grow on the property that she had to give them to a stranger one year to make hard cider. But amidst all the money troubles, instead of making the most basic of basic things- apple pie- she buys one and brags about it? Makes zero sense. Didn’t she also brag about how much sugar and flour she had stockpiled? What homesteader/or even a really really poor homemaker- doesn’t have fat, sugar, flour and ice water to whip up some delicious pie crust?

    2. Yeah, I’ve commented about that above, too:

      AnonymousSeptember 3, 2023 at 1:00 P
      “PIE DAY! Thank you @sugarhouseworkshop for dropping off this apple sensation! Order your pies from the best, folks”

      “It’s no wonder why her body is obese. Funny, how she’s freaked out about her fake fear of foreclosure, and making late mortgage payments. But she has enough funds to buy pie rather than baking it herself. Her whole life is lies.”

    3. Last week she showed a pic of the family sized box of pumpkin spice pop tarts she bought. Never change, Jenna!!

    4. LOL right! Here's our annual pic of a store-bought pie!

      WHY doesn't she ever bake pies? She used to make quiche all the time I know she knows how to make pastry crust. She lives in farm country! *I* bake pies for heaven's sake and I live in a city that happens to have good farmers markets.

  49. 4,677 and continuing to decline.


    Jenna’s posting more old pics, because her life now is nothing but non-tent. As usual, her question mark was unnecessary: “Picture of me when I first moved to Vermont, this has to be 2009?” No one either knows or cares about her lazy loser lie-style.

    And Becca, the stupid, sycophant supporter said: “Omg I’m obsessed with this picture. I absolutely need a copy of this” What an idiotic, delusional dipshit. I hope that she’s been taken advantage of financially by the FFF.

    1. Looking at that young women with so much potential is sad knowing what a mess she has made of things. I wonder what she would change if she could go back and start again. She would likely say she would change nothing but in her heart of hearts she must see that this life she has built is untenable.

    2. SFF. I’ve thought something similar. Jenna started out with a lot of goodwill towards her ambitions, and she’s had ample help for years. Yet instead of reciprocity and gratitude, her hands are still held out for free funds. She’s learned very little about how to be a mature adult.

    3. Becca is indeed a glutton for punishment! She sent Jenna “$50 worth of cat toys” and a car sticker that says “ darlin” in the past few weeks. She must have money to burn!!

    4. Anonymous 2:33. I don’t get what she sees in Jenna for a friendship. She reminds me of Pember Patty, and her blindness where Wog is concerned. Some people have no ability to discern users.

    5. Jenna isn’t an appealing person on any level. I’d never have a connection with someone sleazy like her. She has nothing of merit to offer.

    6. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 5, 2023 at 5:08 AM

      SFF, I don't know if there was a young woman with potential. By that point, she apparently already had a history of taking money for undelivered artwork, skipping out on customers who questioned or complained, and treating her animals poorly.

      She is what she was.

    7. PDD. I agree with what you wrote. Jenna has always appeared to have the potential for scamming. Even at the start of her faux farm.

    8. I may be late to the party but didn’t she beg for her down payment? Who does that?

    9. SFF. She sure did. You can find the post on her old blog. It’s the one where she thanked people for their financial support, and then vowed to not ask for more help. Yeah, right. Yet she’s never stopped her begging for over a decade. Jenna is a total liar.

    10. SFF. I’ve tried to find that post but couldn’t. Maybe either PDD or Anon7 could locate it. I also used the search bar. It’s possible that she’s deleted it, too. But I know that Jenna had help with the down payment by begging for free funds as usual.

    11. Oh god. Are Jenna and Becca back together? I thought she dodged that bullet

    12. WiW. I think that they’re just friends. But Becca doesn’t mind giving her gifts. She’s far too attractive for Jenna, and doesn’t have to settle for a slob.

  51. A Legend in Her Own MindSeptember 5, 2023 at 3:38 AM

    Wog's expression of sympathy to a Twitter user (17,800 followers) who was grieving over the loss of her beloved dog would be more believable if Wog didn't share the same Susan Conant quote to other bereaved people w/high follower counts (1.1M and 1.6M). Oh, and the distraught woman bought a pet portrait from Wog.

    1. PDD. She’s a shameless attention whore. Her “expression of sympathy” is fake, because Jenna is incapable of human emotions like empathy.

  52. “If you were writing a lesbian memoir about fly fishing and falconry, what would you call it.”

    Here’s your daily reminder that Jenna is a lesbian. What a stupid statement. Funny, how when question marks are necessary she won’t use them. But will often include one when it’s not proper punctuation. What a contrarian cunt.

    1. No one cares what her crap is called. She asks stupid questions just for attention from followers.

    2. No surprise that zero people have replied. “Hey hey!”

    3. A writer who can’t come up with a title for her own work isn’t much if a writer.

    4. SFF. Exactly. My thoughts on it, too. Why would anyone give her ideas? (Correct usage of question mark.)

  53. “This farm is working to pay off the August mortgage as soon as possible while also saving for firewood and hay deliveries for winter. I offer shares of pork and lamb, custom logo designs, handmade goats milk soap, pet portraits, and you can buy my books wherever!”

    GFY, Jenna. And stop hiding behind “this farm” to disguise your own begging. Maybe you shouldn’t be buying apple pie instead of making your mortgage payments.

    1. What a mature “grown up!”

    2. Her language is very revealing. Jenna never takes responsibility for needing to make her mortgage payments. It’s always the shield of “this farm” as her front. She’s been doing this for years.

    3. By her own admission multiples times WEEKLY Jenna cannot afford her property. She can't afford it. Rehome the animals stop buying hay for starters. Jobs pay up the mortgage and heating bills nicely.

  54. “If you're waiting on art - please stand by! My mail carrier quit last month so I only get mail 3 days a week, and I'm waiting on fresh Bristol paper and micron pens to arrive to get sketches out. Hopefully by Weds everyone sees their first sketches for approval!”

    It’s just more of Jenna’s excuses in her lazy loser lie-style.

    1. I don’t believe that anyone is “waiting on art.” Jenna isn’t an in-demand designer. It’s more manipulative marketing to pretend to be popular for pity purchases.

    2. "If you are waiting on art GFY. I'm busy hunting down a hawk and I'd rather spend the rest of the time fishing. Lying about my mail carrier sounds semi believable and I can't afford new paper since I blew all my money on pie and premium ice cream"

    3. SFF. That rewrite is the real truth, not her crock of crap.


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