
I've done a bit of thinking about this whole "wood heat" situation.
I live in a sort of cabin situation so I am not unfamiliar with fires and wood and whatnot.  My situation is not identical to Jenna’s…thank god, but I have enough information to think about it.

Her wood stove is a Vermont BunBaker.  Standard size.  It is said to be able to provide heat for an area of 750-1000 square feet.
The main floor of her house is probably about that.
However, that heated area would certainly be calculated with the stove being in the middle of that space and not dealing with corners.
Her stove is not even close to being in the middle and is in fact next to a large glass door.
She talks occasionally about her second stove which is on a covered porch at the other end of the house.  She has said it is used to keep the pipes from freezing….probably on the backside of the kitchen.
I would think the second stove provides no house heat.  The door to that porch is probably kept closed into the kitchen.
The kitchen and the bathroom are going to be damn cold.  The upstairs is unheated.  So all winter she is probably sitting within 10 feet of the 'warm side' of that little stove.  Also, the fire box is small.  11x13x15”.  The max wood length is 14”.  Every 10-15 minutes she'd have to feed it sticks of wood.

This is a life I wouldn’t want to live.
So the question is….is this the life she would live?

We know she lies.  We know she makes her situation seem worse than it is.  We know she has a whole house furnace. We know she has to buy oil to heat her water. We know she has income other than selling soap and the occasional scribble.

I heat my house with my furnace.  I have a fireplace in my fairly small family room.  When I want to be toasty and cozy I light a fire.  It heats the immediate area nicely.  But it’s a novelty.  COULD I live with only the wood heat?  Sure.  Would I for 10 years?  Oh, hell no.
We have talked about how she begs money for fun stuff.  I propose that is true and wood is another 'fun' thing.



  1. HD. I agree with what you wrote. I’ve just said the same thing about her functional furnace on the last post. It’s always about her manipulative marketing. Plus, she refuses to get off her fat ass, and look for free local wood.

  2. She is sitting on a six acre wooded lot. She is literally surrounded by free wood.

    1. Exactly. Her whining about wood is a crock of crap.

    2. Not to mention she spent the summer fishing... think how much wood she could’ve had if she even cut her fishing trips in half!!!

  3. She hasn’t mentioned the glass door she broke in a while... fixed? Not fixed?

    1. Because it’s all a bunch of bull. Jenna’s moved on to the next crisis fabrication as always.

    2. That's why she's "behind" - spent her fun money on replacing the door. Did you notice she was suddenly behind about $900?

  4. Yep. If she can't do it herself, hire the Amish to cut her wood. Whatever it costs would be cheaper than buying wood in.
    I would love to see her cover that glass door with plastic, quilts, or something and show us pics of it. She must be losing so much heat! I'd be nice if she would write about what she does to help herself, tell us if she closes off a room so as to not heat it etc. Start putting money in a jar everytime she doesn't buy an ice cream cone - that sort of thing. As she writes now, it appears she doesn't do anything but whine and beg for money and then go fishing.

    1. She’s probably burned that bridge, too, with her Amish neighbors. Otherwise, Jenna would’ve mentioned them again. Most locals loathe her for good reason.

    2. Anon 12:49 - you are probably correct in that. Amish people are nice but they would have their limits. She is just too needy, and with no reciprocation. I'd hate to be her neighbor. Afraid she'd be knocking on my door all the time for one thing or another.

    3. Anonymous 3:13. I’m speaking from the personal experience of having lived in Cambridge for years. Jenna has worn out her welcome there long ago. She has the rotten reputation of being a big user.

  5. According to Musk, he’s now doing away with the block option. The stupid, “scrappy little lesbian” will be upset. “Hey hey, Hoo!!!”

    1. I’ll bet that her block list is long. Except for sycophant supporters like Pember Patty. Of course, “Rachel Keane will always shill shit for free. She’s Jenna’s other account.

    2. Edit: “Rachel Keane”

    3. WiW. I thought so, too. That’s why I’ve commented on it.


      And even Jack Dorsey agreed with Musk for once.

  6. Jenna hasn’t posted about Jaws, TS, or her zodiac sign on IG in over 24 hours. I’m worried! Of course she’s probably doing something fun!!

    1. Jenna’s probably busy searching for “digital detectives” so that she can discover our identities.

  7. HD I've never had to live with only wood heat, but when we lived in northern ontario every house had a wood stove as a backup heat source. It has always gotten extremely cold there and damage can be caused quickly if a house isn't heated correctly in winter.

    I do recall we would get 2 cords of wood to stack every fall because I had to stack it (LOL). That's what it took to supplement the electric or gas heat which was more expensive at the time.

    Our wood stoves were not centered in our home either, in fact one house had a setup very similar, next to a sliding glass door. The wood stove in this house was mainly used to keep the upstairs more comfortable overnight as the dry heat rose quickly. The room the stove itself was in was quite cold.

    Just like the mortgage panic, the wood panic lest I die of hypothermia each winter is a performance. In her situation, with the cost of living, I'm surprised it's even feasible for a single income to earn enough for necessities plus the cost of heating a single family home for one person, especially now her mortgage payment has supposedly increased (which she's stopped talking about, I wonder if mumsie is covering that?)

    Here on the island the only cost of living that hasn't increased here is heat. I live in a condo and hot water is included with my strata fees (which do go up each year) but the cost of keeping my lights on has been $30 / month for the past 5 years. I share my living expenses with my wife and we are really getting squeezed.

    Now more than ever, the CAF math does not add up.

    1. It’s like I always say. Her whole life is lies.

    2. speaking of that ridiculous bun baker stove, she's had it 10 years and it's one of the early mistakes she made in that place. She EASILY could have replaced it by now. Here it costs about $3-$5k to replace one including installation, and if you're resourceful you can save a lot of money by installing yourself and disposing of the old one yourself.

      It makes sense that this shitty design would need to be constantly fed kindling. And if she's buying bits of wood as she goes, she's getting the cheapest stuff which burns quickly and not as hot. She has the ultimate atmosphere fire setup there and has she ever made a damn bun in that stove? LOL

    3. WIW. She’s too busy making her putrid pan pizza on the stove instead.

    4. Let's see, didn't she pay around $3K for that truck that immediately needed repairs? Didn't she pay like $6K for Merlin? She could have sold him on when she stopped riding regularly enough to justify owning a horse.

      She always prioritizes the fun / wants / immediate gratifications over the practical / pragmatic / long term good. All the money spent on hay for pasture decorations could have purchased and installed 3 new wood stoves.

    5. WiW. Jenna behaves as if she’s 14 not 41 in terms of financial failures. She’s incapable of making mature adult decisions and changes. That’s why she’s still stuck in a rut of her own creation.

  8. “If this sounds okay to you, or an improvement on our education system, I hope we’re never in the same room.”

    No one cares, cunt. Your opinions are meaningless.

  9. This statement succinctly sums it up: “Anyone giving her money are as stupid as she is and deserves to be separated from their cash.”

  10. “When you see him”
    It’s another stupid tweet that makes no sense at all.

    1. She's attempting to be cute. Find the black kitten in the photo.

    2. Her asinine attempts at trying to be funny are always failures.

    3. There’s so much clutter in her crappy living room that you can’t see details. Let alone a black cat.

    4. Her hovel looks like an episode of Hoarders. “I found it at the dump!”

    5. Riveting non-tent, twat.

  11. Insta-Sham:

    “I was going to put off trapping and training a new bird for a few weeks, but plans changed so I’ll be out at dawn on opening day, coffee in thermos, binoculars cleaned, playlist ready.

    The mews are scrubbed, painted, swept and ready, the trap and bait are standing by, and I just did my gear check and made a list of things to save for (new bells, kestrel hood, etc). I am so looking forward to this season, and another chance with an amazing animal or two!

    What I won’t be doing is documenting the trapping/training process on IG (unless you’re on my close friends list). Once I have a solid hawk and falcon flying regularly I’ll be posting plenty of pics!”

    Of course. Why would she wait? Wog has no real life. She’s certainly not being busy working to make her late mortgage payments. Her enablers are supposed to pay for her lazy loser lie-style. The pet prop is imprisoned only for “posting plenty of pics!” What a poser, piece of shit she is. Jenna doesn’t care about conservation. It’s all about an image that’s fraudulent like her faux farm.

    We’re warning her again now. There’s a network of neighbors that live in Cambridge. They’ll watch what she does with her poor bird victim. And serious consequences will occur if there’s harm done.


      She’s smirking like a scary psycho here again. Jenna has dead eyes, and her creepy, closed mouth looks mean. It’s no wonder why she’s still single. What a repellent person on every level.

    2. I’m sure that her stupid “playlist” is almost all Taylor Swift. Some of you might recall that Jenna was delusional enough a few years ago to invite her idol to go hawk hunting with her. She said something strange in the tweet like “There are oversized sweaters for days here!” That makes no sense at all like always with Wog.

    3. Actions will be taken against Jenna if more birds are harmed. She’ll finally be forced to pay the price for her animal abusing. This is a promise not a threat.

    4. kestrel hood? She's planning on catching a kestrel again? Last one disappeared, my assumption is she died. This was a mature bird who was doing fine in the wild, not a passager red tailed hawk that has a high mortality in the first year of adult life and thus gains some advantages with a falconer for a season.

  12. What happened to the several people she was going to mentor? Hopefully they talked to locals and /or learned online what a horrible and sometimes fatal existence her hawks have had.

    1. We were wondering the same thing. I hope that they’ve done their due diligence on her rotten reputation.

    2. Anon 3:45 pm and Anon 3:51 pm. I was wondering too. My first thoughts were that she isn't going to post about the process this time because of so much criticism and to avoid scrutiny but maybe because the people don't want to be brought into public view?

  13. I’ve noticed in Jenna’s facial photos that her fake fat face always has a cold, calculating expression on it. She reminds me of a reptile waiting to pounce on its prey. In her case, it’s people to filch free funds from.

    1. That’s a great description. She is an online predator.

    2. Yes. Back from a week at the beach. Thanks for asking.

    3. SFF. You’re welcome. I missed seeing your comments. Hope that you had a great trip.


    When all else fails post an overly used, cliche quote of Mary Oliver’s. Who’s the absolute antithesis of Jenna’s rotten writing.

    1. Typical Jenna to not credit the author.

    2. SFF. I’ve posted the comment, and noticed that too. I’m a big fan of Mary Oliver so the quote was familiar. It also appears that Jenna is using it to try to justify her behavior.


    Again, she’s using quotes by others to try to make stupid statements. This idiot’s rotten writing is a lot like Jenna’s.

  16. HD. It appears that you’ve figured out a way to prevent the crude comments from appearing, and adversely affecting the site. I appreciate your efforts. Thanks.

  17. In case you forgot JW is gay, she slipped what looks like a brand new book called Dykes To Watch Out For into a picture of her kitten like the book was just sitting there already. So predictable and so boring.

    1. That book is nothing revolutionary. It’s just another asinine attempt to pose as a lesbian.

    2. Jenna’s version could be called: Fraud To Watch Out For.

    3. Her whole identity is now being both a lesbian and Taylor Swift fan. How completely pathetic for a middle-aged moron.

    4. She must spend hundreds every month on toys. The comic "dykes to watch out for" is I think one of the longest running comics centering queer people - especially as we are, rather than the Hollywood version. It's been syndicated for decades in the underground (now unfortunately terf-y) saffic zine. At least she's buying a piece of queer culture lol.


    “Where there’s smoke there’s fire.”

    1. Most normal people who aren’t celebrities don’t have that many rotten reviews. And one of them is mine.

  19. On X she states that some people think travel is a personality. Meanwhile she thinks lesbian is a personality. Wrong on both counts darling. Her distain for people who work hard and save money is palpable. Travel is a luxury she will never know and it clearly burns knowing that she is a prisoner of her own laziness and bad decisions.

    1. SFF. You might not have seen this. But Jenna’s finally admitted sometime ago that she was jealous of those who could afford to travel. It was very obvious to us. That was well-put: “she is a prisoner of her own laziness and bad decisions.” And she’s become incapable of making mature adult decisions.

    2. If she sold her faux farm, and re-homed her horses and livestock, then Jenna could afford to travel. But I don’t think that she really wants experiences that would take her out of her “dumb small life” insulated bubble.

    3. Plus she would need a complete wardrobe makeover and a bath. Imagine sitting beside that on a plane.

    4. SFF. As Jenna once wrote after sniffing her own stinky pits “Hoo!!!”

    5. It’s also interesting how her “new girl in the Adirondacks” has disappeared. Jenna hasn’t made mention of her. So it’s safe to assume that it didn’t work out as usual.

    6. The “new girl” took one whiff of Wog, and said “Stinky!”

    7. Funny, I don't think constantly having to compare yourself to others and point out why you are different / special is a personality either. You just live your life, hopefully as a good person, develop a sense of humour, continue to work on your own education and life experience, practice compassion to others where it is needed, and to yourself once you've done the work.

      Personality is about doing, not talking.

  20. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 28, 2023 at 6:41 AM

    Note: I tried to publish this earlier, but for some reason, the comment wouldn't load.

    The entire wood saga is truly an exercise in stupidity, rigidity and her inability to find a way out of an entirely self-created predicament.

    When she purchased the house in 2010, she crowed about what a good deal it was, as it included a new furnace. Based on earlier writings, it's evident she had/has a whole-house furnace, and she can use it as she chooses. Initially, she heated the whole house with the furnace. At some point, largely because if her ineptitude at operating a furnace and her desire to mimic a rural homesteader, she started to think about using a combination wood stove / oil furnace. This morphed into the idea of having wood stoves only. She justified this decision, by reasoning she's in the middle of woods (on the side of a mountain, lol), so wood burning would be ideal! She could thumb her nose at "big oil" and achieve a firelight aesthetic. More-experienced people tried hard to dissuade her. Wood lots can be difficult and time-consuming to manage, they said. Better to spend money to insulate the home, floors and windows, they pointed out. But our fake feral farmer would not be dissuaded. She bought (or was given?) the bun stove, and so began the ongoing saga of her laments about being cold, needing wood and begging for $$$ to buy wood.

    We've seen that she never really gathered wood from her own property. She depended on friends (hello PP?) to cut wood & branches because FFF's afraid of saws, heights, and really all sorts of farm tools (and work!). Instead, she has cords of pre-cut wood delivered to within a few feet of her house and she prides herself on stacking it into a pile.

    The furnace, I assume, continues to be useable. In the past, she wrote that she set the thermostat to turn on if the house temperature dipped below 50 degrees F. At one time, she apparently "forgot" to shut off the thermostat, and she was disgruntled (she said) to wake up to a too-warm house. The point is she could set the thermostat to any temperature she wants. Crying that without wood, she will freeze is beyond absurd. She can purchase oil (likely cheaper than the purchase of already-seasoned and delivered firewood) and oil has the benefit of being payable over a 12-month period. But she doesn't do this (or doesn't admit to this). Instead, she bemoans her lack of wood and begs people for money to buy sticks of firewood.

    She's not truthful and counts on gullible readers who don't remember or check out her previous stories.

    1. Exactly. That was well-put as always. Basically, it’s just more manipulative marketing to filch free funds from fools. The whole stupid “saga” was created by Jenna to generate passive income. Her whole life is lies.

    2. Can you imagine Shannon living there that one winter, a perfectly good furnace underutilized as pipes froze and sleep was disrupted all night to feed the bun baker?

  21. Boy Howdy! Somebody has been on a high horse for the last two days and it isn’t either of the ignored and neglected equines in the back forty. The sanctimonious Ms. Holier-than-Thou has once again lit into people who travel and is casting aspersions on people who expect more than a cursory relationship with their highly qualified (BFA) all-talk-and-very-little-action logo designer. Somebody is going to be out-of-business fast if Mr. Elon Musk removes the blocking option on Twitter!

    1. Yeah, I’ve also mentioned Musk removing the block option on the last post. And I noted about her being potentially pissed about it. I hope that it happens to her.

    2. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 28, 2023 at 10:08 AM

      How bizarre it that?? If she's running a business, she needs to behave like a business. She's really disrespectful to clients and customers. I honestly don't understand why people would put up with this.

      As already shown, free logo websites will generate logos that are about as good as those from FFF. On that basis, paying her $150 or $200 or whatever she charges, is already too high.

      She complains about phone calls? What a joke. How hard would it be to schedule a time to call a client? Miss don't-tell-me-what-to-do is happy to take poodle cash, with only HER strings attached.

    3. PDD. It shows how shifty her shady, unethical tactics are in business.

    4. The removing the block button is a way he's trying to force people to pay for the service, and I bet Jenna is one of the first to subscribe if it happens. She doesn't want to give up her best beggin' social media platform which seems to be her main pan-handling corner. She hits up people on instagram sometimes but I get the sense she's not as successful there.

  22. There she goes shooting herself in the foot again. She won't take a scheduled meeting or talk on the phone like a legit business. Huge red flag there for potential clients. What a complete moron.

    1. Jenna is becoming even more paranoid as she ages. Mark my words. Very soon she’ll be the weirdo woman whom children are cautioned against interacting with. It’s probably already happening. Which is why no one wants to learn how to hunt for hawks with her.

    2. Jenna isn’t in-demand as a designer. She’s practically pleading for projects. So she should be grateful for any paying clients. Instead of dictating strict terms to them.

  23. Instagram-Sham:

    “Cold Antler Farm feels like a breed apart from most other farms around me. It’s a true homestead, not a hobby farm. What I mean by that is my entire livelihood comes from this place that shelters, heats, and feeds me. I don’t have a job outside what I raise and create here. I don’t have a spouse, savings, 401k, hell - I don’t have a working thermostat.

    I have myself, what meats, logos, soaps and artwork created here I can sell, and my stubbornness. There’s no loaning 10k from parents when things get tough, credit cards, or someone to do chores if I’m sick. There’s no sleeping in, not if I want heat (wood stoves are what ward off winter). Yes, this is a farm entirely run by the willingness to keep going. Why?

    Because it makes me insanely happy, and gives my days meaning and purpose. But every morning I need to wake up, get chores done, tend fires, and try to create a life out of 6.5 acres and a dusty BFA in design. The esteem and strength making this place my home and business for over a decade is the most valuable thing I’ve done (outside the life I have given 2 codependent border collies).

    Sharing this because every late Autumn it’s easy to slide into seasonal depression. I can’t. I need to keep working, promoting, writing this book Im hoping helps women avoid my own story- and keep finding ways to keep this farms bills paid and hay in the barn. I have no idea yet how I’ll pay the October mortgage. Wake up thinking of that at 3am for ten years and ask me if I’m scared of spiders…

    I’m not discounting more comfortable lives. You got a partner and direct deposit 9-5 job - great! But this place hasn’t had much of that over the last decade and is still going strong.

    You just watch. I’ll make it another ten.“

    This crap was written in November of 2022. But nothing ever changes with Wog. She’s still bragging about living like a filthy feral failure. She “won’t make it another five” before her faux farm is finally foreclosed for real. No one escapes consequences. Not even the lying, lazy loser.

    1. She always “has an idea of how to pay for her mortgage.” Jenna goes on social media platforms, holds out her hand, and shamelessly begs for money.

    2. I also think that she’s lying about “not having a working thermostat.” Jenna is constantly “discounting more comfortable lives” with her asinine opinions about “poodles” who help pay for her pampered princess lie-style.

    3. Bless her heart. She tries so hard to make her life into a “live like fiction” fantasy myth. But it’s a mess instead. “Hey hey!!!”

    4. Hoo Jenna! I have a lifelong partner, a great sex life, money in the bank, investments, private and government pensions, yearly vacations and a vehicle that is under five years old. I think I’m the one who is living like fiction, darling.

    5. SFF. But I’ll bet that you’re still jealous of Jenna having hot “all night lesbian sex during a thunderstorm.” (Said with extreme sarcasm.)

    6. I have a man who knows his way around a woman. I’m good. 😜

    7. SFF. I’m fortunate to be in the same sexy situation;).

    8. The only one to have sex with Jenna is herself.

  24. “reposing, if you will”

    More like laying in her hammock with a prop guitar, and her ugly fat feet that resemble those of troll dolls.

    1. There’s something so strange about her appearance. I can see why she calls herself a hobbit, badger, and Baba Yaga. Jenna certainly isn’t a normal human. And not in a good way.

    2. Her inner ugliness is slowly seeping through to the surface.

  25. Fishing and reposing today. Guess she’s all caught up in bills!!!

    1. Yeah, just like my comment above. She’s a very busy farmer!

    2. She’s rapidly refreshing her computer to see if we’ve called her crap out again.

    3. What a sad, tragic life......Give it up

    4. Molson. Jenna can’t “give it up.” Her lie-style is all that she has. In addition, to making being a lesbian, and Taylor Swift fan her whole personality.

    5. We have a number of gay and lesbian friends (mostly couples) and the words gay and lesbian never come up in a conversation and yet JW feels compelled to sprinkle the word liberally into almost every post. It's weird and it doesn't ring true.

    6. SFF. It’s the same way with us. Only Jenna seems obsessed with her sexuality. It’s kinda creepy.

    7. I think it's because she's always leaned towards external identities. She will loudly identify as *whatever* - shepherdess, Buddhist, vegetarian, farmer, falconer, hunter, lesbian etc etc etc and lately fisherman - and put on a huge show of being that thing while accusing other people of substituting X for having a real personality.

      She doth protest too much.

      Reminds me of that line from game of thrones, "he who must shout I AM THE KING is no king."

    8. Of the people I do know who are walking rainbow explosions, they're usually really young or newly out. They're settling into the identity and that's normal to be extra-out in the early years after coming out. I still have a rainbow on my car, for the sake of the kids who feel different. It's important to show kids that queer folk do grow up and live normal adult happy lives, because sadly there's a lot of negative messaging to the contrary.

      But yeah, Jenna's posturing is practically a back-bend over the rainbow the way she never lets you forget for a second she identifies as queer. She thinks it's a selling point.

      I wonder if she were really truly threatened - if the politics truly turned sour the way they have in other countries, how long would the rainbow flag stay up then?

      Not one second, I promise you. She hasn't done one second of fighting for other people, despite her many advantages.

    9. WiW. That’s right about her issues with “external identities,” because she still lacks a core one. Even at 41. The only person that Jenna fights for is her own stupid self.

    10. BINGO: “She will loudly identify as *whatever* - shepherdess, Buddhist, vegetarian, farmer, falconer, hunter, lesbian etc etc etc and lately fisherman - and put on a huge show of being that thing while accusing other people of substituting X for having a real personality.”

      This is exactly what Jenna has done for years.

    11. How about just being a nice person who contributes to their community? Jenna doesn't contribute anything. Writing self-serving blog posts is not a contribution. Oh let's not forget the half-year she identified as a "heathen" so hard she started a group and got them to do a bunch of free labour on her farm. That didn't last because she didn't reciprocate. People get tired of sponges. I bet she puts Becca to work whenever she visits.

      It's been quite a while since she's mentioned PP. PP I think still likes her instagram posts, but she hasn't helped PP with the hay this year, hasn't gone out with her horses.


    That old barn is almost ready to topple over. Jenna has depreciated what was once an attractive piece of property. Of course, her highlight is the tacky Taylor Swift sign that looks stupid.

    1. I wonder if this will finally be the year one of those outbuildings falls down. It'll depend on how well it was built and maintained before she bought the place, as she hasn't done much of anything to it since.

      How long does it take a neglected barn to fall over? 20 years? 30?


    What one chooses to repost is always revealing. Jenna’s highlighted the “tell me i should focus on a stable career” stupid sentence fragment.

  28. Her weird banner on X is cognitive dissonance at its finest. Two famous female who Wog wishes were lesbians. It’s like something that a teen would use.

  29. On IG she's on another tear about 'the rich'. Jenna darling, your insecurities are showing. Why not get a job and see how the other half lives?

    1. SFF. Check out the new posts by PDD on Reddit about the rich. Jenna is just jealous, because she’ll always be a lying, lazy loser:

    2. Thanks for the links. Boy Howdy, how crooked do you have to be to have multiple sites calling out your cons.

    3. SFF. You’re welcome for the links. It’s like the old sage saying: “Where there’s smoke there’s fire.” And Jenna’s are burning even hotter than her wood stove.

  30. Jenna hates the rich
    but her hand’s out for their money.
    Fall is almost here
    but she still don’t have a honey.

  31. It’s all sour grapes. Critical of the rich, the people who take vacations. The ones who have folding money or direct deposit. Here’s a hint, Jenna. They all have jobs!

    And here’s the kicker. She is totally dependent on them. Sure, she could get a job and have direct deposit too. But she would rather siphon off the employed. Honesty, it is parasitic behavior. I don’t know why she can’t see that.

    1. Jenna has zero self-awareness and conscience. She’s a public parasite who leeches off fools for free funds.

    2. If somebody eventually goes after her civilly it will be a pandoras box and if her finances and practices are scrutinized it could ruin her.

    3. SFF. We’ve been collecting information against Jenna ever since we lived in Cambridge. And I know that we’re not the only ones who have piles of proof. She’s been burning her bridges in doing business for years.

  32. Dang, she won't take my calls. I have a ton of money and really need her to design five logos for me. I will pay double! I will help her continue with her "live like fiction " lifestyle!
    Oh well, guess I gotta hire someone else.

    1. It's no wonder she won't take calls. She's busy posting ridiculous memes hourly, obsessing and posting TS is gay crap, pictures of her feet, the list goes on. Then she has to visit this site, which she considers her fan club, I'm sure, and clean up glaring errors. Then it's onto X to repost her reposted begs and repost her favourite pics from IG. The girl needs to hire staff

    2. SFF. We’re her foe club. Jenna has no fans. Except for her few dumb enablers. Maybe she’s found a foot fetish site for those who get off on ugly hobbit hooves. A girl’s gotta make her mortgage payments!

    3. Anonymous 2:56. Yeah, you should feel crushed that Jenna won’t talk to you on the phone. LOL!!!

      You’re not missing much. Her voice is abrasive and annoying. Just like her personality.

  33. “I can grow myself flowers”

    Riveting non-tent, twat.

    1. No one would buy this bitch flowers.

    2. Me thinks she bought them flowers.

    3. Anonymous 5:00. That droopy, decaying sunflower ain’t nothing to be bragging about buying.

    4. She is trying to be cute. “I can buy myself flowers” is a line from a Miley Cyrus song supposedly written as a dig towards her former husband. If shamsters recall, Shannon used to grow mammoth sunflowers while she lived there.
      I think pop culture and pop culture references are her life. As for any other 13 yr old out there.

    5. It appears she is still hung up on Shannon. How long had it been? Does she think Shannon even bothers to check in on Jenna's train wreck of a life? She really is delusional.

    6. SFF. Shannon dumped Jenna two years ago during the fall. As I recall it was after her birthday.

  34. “Pictures from this week”

    No one cares, cunt. Your “dumb small life” is a meaningless existence.

  35. Did the JuneJulyAugust mortgage get paid? Other than pics of her doing absolutely nothing or saying TS is gay, not much said on IG.

    1. For a site that has the word farm in the title there is little 'farm' content. Her content is not even moderately interesting. She should change the name to something that reflects her current situation.Like everything she does, it's misleading.

    2. Her non-tent is boring drivel. It’s not even click bait.

    3. Anonymous 6:11. You’d think that she’d be bragging about making her mortgage payments at last last minute as always. We’re waiting for her fake fear of foreclosure to appear again.

    4. Edit: at the last minute

    5. SFF. Jenna is far too lazy to rebrand herself. Although “stupid scrappy scammer” would work.

  36. New dispatch. Go read before she exits. It’s a doozy

    1. Jenna is so delusional that it’s unbelievable. Her whole life is lies. One can’t be both victim and victor at the same time.

  37. Edits not exits!!

  38. Ok, I read the latest dispatch. Omg, she needs to grow up! She has zero self awareness. She is 100% totally dependent on the very people she insults day after day. How does she not see that???

  39. Wow. What a whiner. She sure showed us. I like the ick pic of her filtered, fat fake face with the creepy, closed mean mouth, and always wearing the same smug smirk. Her putrid pit hair is an added attraction.

    “I am a grown up. I'm Jenna fucking Woginrich. And I am doing a hard thing.”

    LOL!!! Give this girl a lollipop. Thanks, Jen. This toddler’s temper tantrum made my day.

    1. She’s borrowed the stupid saying of “Jenna fucking Woginrich,” from a famous female, and has used it before to brag about “doing live tweeting while churning out buttermilk!” As if that’s an admirable accomplishment for an adult.

    2. Using profanity doesn’t make you a better writer. It shows your lack of vocabulary.

  40. She sees people as living, breathing ATMs. How dare they take vacations and not give money to her! Everything she has has come from other people. Her sense of entitlement is mind boggling. She definitely acts like she’s 14 and not 41.

    1. Her little letter to us was hilarious! What a total loser.

    2. Every so often she has to remind herself that she is really living the best life in the world. Too bad, dear girl, I am living my best life....bills paid, husband of many years, no anxiety, great kids who we now have as friends, critters to care for and enjoy etc. And it never occurred to us to borrow money from in-laws or anyone else to bail us out.

    3. Methinks she doth protest too much. We definitely hit a nerve. What stood out to me was that she mentioned a couple of times that she has done nothing illegal. Hmmmm. Makes you wonder what she is trying to justify.

    4. “She definitely acts like she’s 14 and not 41.”

      I’ve used that line many times here. Jenna acts as if she’s a teen trapped in the ugly, obese body of a middle-aged moron.

  41. So she’s basically saying that everyone from people who love and care for her, who know her in real life, to complete strangers in the internet tell her that she needs to make changes for her own well-being and the well-being of her animals. Instead of looking within and saying “ gee if everyone says this, maybe I should think about this” she doubles down and says, I’m a bad ass, I’ve been doing this for years, I’m successful.

    Her little guided imagery that we should all imagine her life and that we couldn’t hack it... she’s right, that’s what everyone is trying to tell her! No one wants to live that way, if I “woke up” in her position I would do about 10 things to fix it before getting dressed. I wouldn’t galumph around saying how great it is to be a beggar everyday and months behind on a mortgage! Honestly, she’s so ill. So, so ill.

    Where’s Adirondack girlfriend? Would love her to come here and spill the tea!!!

    1. The “new girl” has already dumped Jenna. We’ve predicted that would happen here.

  42. “I am Wog! Hear me roar!”

    1. Jenna ain’t no Helen Reddy!

  43. This was a sickening mess of self promotion, begging, excuses, and repeated use of catchphrases which I believe she thinks will get her some attention from the big dogs. Things like spelling out and name dropping an eating disorder, addiction, using Glennon Doyle’s “hard things”, and so on. Hard to finish reading. One has to wonder if life is this hard, how TF did she pay the July mortgage? Why even mention how legal things she does are, or foot pictures? Gross. Why. Just why.
    I could never be around someone with this type of abrasive, crass, arrogant, clueless personality.
    And please, do tell those people who supposedly paid for pig shares already how you already can’t afford feed and hay and vet bills.

    1. Exactly. I agree with what you wrote. Jenna is just trying to justify her lie-style with weird word salads and rotten writing. This sentence succinctly sums it up: “I could never be around someone with this type of abrasive, crass, arrogant, clueless personality.”

    2. Jenna’s on IG trying to sell 2025 pork... no joke!!!

    3. Jenna wants free funds up front for pork that won’t be available until 2025. Yeah, that’s SO ethical.

    4. It looks like the coward has deleted it. I can’t find the post.

  44. “It’s a rainy morning here at the farm. When I look up at the living room ceiling I can see where loose slates are letting rain in. I can see the first stains of water, and made a note to call the slate repair guy soon as money allows. I add it to the list of other odd jobs, like a friend's son that may come Saturday to cut back limbs on the big King Maple tree outside, which has grow out over the roof and I worry about storm and winter damage if left as is. I add it to the farrier appt, and the check I still have out for lumber and supplies to repair the sinking kitchen floor last week. If I think about all that needs to be done at once I start to spiral. The caffeine doesn't help. So instead of panicking I am here, once again, writing to you.

    I am happy to report last night was the best sleep I’ve had in weeks. This past weekend I was able to pay the July mortgage, and while I am well aware there’s only about 24-48 hours left in the month (depending on when you read this)—and catching up to September is impossible short of a miracle—I am proud I was able to get that payment out.

    I still need to earn the money for winter heat, and get a cord of dry firewood delivered as soon as possible. So far I only have one green cord stacked, and it was full of boring beetles I needed to spray for to keep them from burrowing into this house's foundation. I also need to get hay in the barn, and hoping to get some of each delivered this week, if sales pick up. It’s always stressful here, as you know. The price I pay to live and create on my own farm, surrounded by nature and animals, is incredibly high. I still think it’s worth it. So I keep going.

    But that doesn’t mean I don’t hear about it. I hear about it from everyone, especially people online. Every time I post about pet portraits, pork, logos, anything I can make and sell here on this homestead - that my posts advertising what I sell are begging for money, or pathetic, or embarrassing. The fact I need to solicit money, something most people never talk about publicly, is crass. I am constantly told to grow up. To stop trying to scrape together a living and get a “real” job. That real grown ups aren't depending on the internet to support their livelihood, and how long can I possibly sustain this? I've heard about this from family, friends, exes, strangers... for years.

    I don’t know what brings a person to email a complete stranger they will never meet to tell them how horrible their life is, but I no longer think it has anything to do with me. It has a lot to do with what makes people uncomfortable, and I think even if you’re just reading abut this farm from afar, the stress gets to some of you too. But if you are worried about me, here’s what I have to say:

    I am not the one who needs to grow up.

    I quit working a full-time job when I was in my late twenties. I left a job with health insurance, and a 401k, and all the things I was told a person needed to be safe and happy here in this hellscape we call late-stage capitalism. I left because that life was making me miserable. I had a thing I called Barnheart, an infliction of my own creation. Because back in my idealistic early-twenties I believed life didn't have to be about the 40-hour work week and asking other adults for permission to go to the dentist. I wanted to be outside, in nature, my own boss and in charge of my own time, passions, and hobbies. And without a trust fund, savings, or independent wealth, that's a dream most people wouldn't even dare consider alone.”

    1. “What can I say? I had barnheart, and I had it bad. I will admit those first few years were a mess. I tried everything and anything to stay on my farm: workshops and classes, crafts and private archery lessons, freelance writing and design work. But despite the struggle and issues I was dealing with (a brutal eating disorder, alcohol dependency, and extreme unmedicated anxiety) I was never lonely or afraid. The biggest thing in my way was myself; this terrified woman who didn’t understand yet who she was, just where she needed to be to figure that out. The farm kept me focused, safe, and created a real sense of home and community while I struggled with allowing myself to simply be myself.

      It took me a decade alone on this mountain to come out as gay. By far the hardest thing I have ever done.

      And things got so much better when I did. Remarkably so. Accepting myself helped heal trauma and find happiness. I stopped the bulimia and drinking, as those things were coping mechanisms of a terrified woman. I can honestly say that my very best days of my life before I came out were worse than my hardest day’s since. Pretending to be something you aren’t is the loneliest, saddest thing a person can put themselves through. I will always feel shame at how long it took me, how much isolation I needed, how much self-acceptance I needed to figure out before I could even imagine a life that wasn’t alone. But I got there, and still believe that someday I will maybe find the woman I’m meant to spend the rest of my life with. Even at 41, I remain hopeful.

      Can’t say I’ve been lucky in that department so far. The woman I’d been courting all summer ended it last week. It caught me by surprise, though looking back it shouldn’t have. I don’t know how or if I’ll ever find someone I like who sees this farm as a paradise like I do, and not a hindrance. Those weren’t her words (and honestly, why she ended it is none of my business) but that’s my personal fear. That the life I chose to find safety and meaning and happiness is the exact reason I’ll never find that with anyone else. So I’m back on the apps and dusting my shoulders and lifting my chin directly at the wind with some hope I can still find her out there, whomever she is.

      What I need to remind myself is that, despite what anyone else thinks, or emails, or calls me - I am doing a hard thing.

      How hard?

      I want you to imagine that tomorrow morning you wake up in the same house, with the same bills, and the exact same life. But take away your job and any forthcoming direct deposits, insurance, or savings. Take away the credit cards. Take away any family you can call to borrow money from. Take away your spouse, roommate, kids, cash in the mattress or that boat in the yard you can sell. Take away anything or anyone that helps you pay your bills.

      Now - imagine you just made a late mortgage payment and you’re back to about $118 in your bank account. That that is all the money you have in the world and you're still behind and you have no idea how you’re going to make the next mortgage payment. Don't panic. Don't sell foot pictures online. Don't commit a crime. Just use whatever skills and abilities you have and start marketing them and making money.

      Now imagine you're running a farm alone. Imagine you haven't had a vacation in 20 years. Imagine the animals and customers depending on you. Because you still need to buy the feed to fatten pigs you already sold even though you have no idea how you’re going to earn the money to cover the vet bills, feed bags, firewood, hay deliveries, hell - even the shipping on the next box of soap you sell. All you have is yourself. Could you pay your mortgage with what you can offer the world? Could you be vulnerable enough to try? Could you shed the dignity everyone else gets to pretend they have? Could you even try? You better baby, because you're all you've got.”

    2. “Now, get up every single morning, alone, and figure it out, because winter is coming and the kitten has a booster-shot appointment and the boys from that farm are loading their dump truck with dry wood and hay is about to reach sky-high prices from our wet summer… and know no matter how bad or good it gets, there is no plan B. There is no credit card to swipe, or parent to slip a check into your back pocket, or savings, or anything but the brain and abilities you have to figure out how to make that electric bill payment before they shut it off in a few days. There is no one but you to handle all of the duties of running a home, a farm, a business, and somehow maintain a social/dating life.

      Could you do that? Could you pay all your bills this coming month if everything you had was gone and you had no one to help you? Because I have done this, every month, for over ten years. And I did it while dealing with root canals and broken down cars or no car at all. I did it while figuring out home repairs, taxes, and insurance. And I did it without someone to cry on and hold, because even if I was dating someone, admitting how scary it was only made me less desirable. So even when I thought I had someone to be honest with, I couldn't be.

      And I still fucking did it.

      The sun just broke out, and now the room I am writing in is filled with light.

      I don’t know if living my dream life was the best decision. I don’t know if I’m being punished, karmically, for getting exactly what I wanted. Maybe the price for that bliss is finding out no one will ever share it with me, because they can't imagine this farm sustaining itself. And it doesn't matter how many years of proof positive I accumulate, because to most people - this life is insane.”

    3. “So I do what I can and adapt, and so far, I am still here. And I believe I will continue to figure this out, even if it’s without dignity or meaning to you. Because it’s what I have. It’s all I have.

      The sun is hiding again.

      What I know is that for the past decade I have done this. A life that most people think is reckless and stressful and unnecessary - I have fought for and kept. I have done this through threats and criticism and police sent to my door. I have done this through screaming pain and heartbreak. I have done it while slowly healing myself, getting over addiction and self-hate. I have done it without hurting anyone, at least intentionally. And I have done it while consistently creating art and sharing my story.

      I have gotten this far, and I did it by whatever legal means necessary with the resources I’ve got. I did this while voting, without a criminal record, while engaging in community and trying desperately to find love. I have done this with horses under me and hawks above me. I have done it finding peace casting to fish and finding mushrooms. I've done it while giving up any traces of a safe and normal life.

      And even today, with the rain falling and sun hiding, I know next week will be dry and hot and the hay fields will be cut and there’s still hope I can get some in my barn and curl up with a coffee this fall. There's still time to feel that peace and safety again. The exhale of a barn full of dry grass and a shed full of seasoned wood. And if I can pull this off, perhaps earn another magical fall to walk my forest path and cast to lurking trout on this mountain's stream and train a new wild hawk that will distract me from how afraid I am waking up alone at 3AM.”

    4. “I am writing a book about fish and falcons, about love and loss, about hope and nature. I am going to publish it regardless if any publisher wants it or not. And I am going to hope that book lifts this farm to a safer place, because what I do know is through all of this I have only had myself to count on, that that woman has been pretty fucking dependable. I’m still here, 13 years into owning this farm, and when I look around the house and animals and land I see a place that has never been better; a quiet thrill that makes me feel strong.

      So Im heading into the last days of August with a prayer this full moon; that I still have the strength to keep going. Because if I can keep on, there’s wings to train and horses to ride. There’s a kitten to raise and pigs to fatten, pullets to tend, and sheep to harvest. There is still wood to stack, hay to store, and supplies to buy for winter. I don’t know how many people make an Oregon-trail inspired list of supplies for winter but I have learned to buy four by the 50lb sack, and coffee by the 5. I have learned to store cheap things I can make, and that a life without a commute and 40-hour distraction means I have time to bake bread and make a stew and watch the snow fall from my kitchen window on a Tuesday morning.

      Those days are why I live like this, what I work towards. And while I know to many it seems foolish, how many people do you know that have made it this far on nothing but their own determination and the Internet? How many of those farm blogs you used to read 15 years ago are still active? How many businesses have you seen rise and fall right on your own main street? How many dreams have you seen people quit because it was too hard, or the work too lonely, or too much?

      Because I am still here. And I will figure out this month. And I will pay for August. And I will be okay. And I no longer care what names people call me or what my reputation is, loser or hero, because I have always taken care of myself and those who love me, even if they’re just cats and dogs. And I don’t care what people with direct deposit jobs and in-laws they borrow 10k a year from think of me, because most of them would fold in three months if they had to live like I have the last decade.”

    5. “I am no longer young and I was never attractive. I am no longer clever and I was never calculating. But I am stubborn and loyal and certain as the stones that make up the foundation of this farmhouse. And I love the woman who has accomplished all this, despite her flaws and embarrassing social media, because she is the hardest working woman I've ever met in the face of uncertainty and loneliness and fear, and still manages to make art instead of threats to strangers, turning her anxiety into a weapon.

      So tell me this? Which one of us is the grown up? The one who will lose everything the moment they lose their job, spouse, savings and can't borrow money? Or the one who has never had any of those luxuries and has taken care of everything alone since she left home at 18?

      I am a grown up. I'm Jenna fucking Woginrich. And I am doing a hard thing.

      Okay, back to work.”

    6. I took a hit for the team and posted the latest drivel, so you don’t have to give her any more clicks. I’ll sum up her crap:

      “Okay, back to begging and whining.”

    7. Here she goes again with the stupid sentence: “I see a place that has never been better.” We’ve recently driven by her hovel. It’s literally, falling apart, and looks like shit. It was only maintained two years ago when Shannon put effort into it. Jenna is incredibly manipulative and “calculating.” What a crock of crap. It’s no wonder why she was rejected again in a relationship. She has zero self-awareness and is insufferable. No one would ever call her a “hero” for being a beggar and scammer. “Loser” fits her fine.

    8. Thanks for taking one for the team

    9. SFF. I deserve a mocha latte now! And my loving husband will make it for me.

    10. “Could you shed the dignity everyone else gets to pretend they have?” I don’t have to “pretend” to “have dignity.” I’ve earned everything without being a beggar, and trying to elicit empathy from fools for free funds.

    11. The fact that she is proud of losing any dignity she may have once had is concerning. On one hand she says she finally has self love and then counters it with stating she gave up her dignity. I don't think you can have it both ways. As for self publishing, I lost count of her grammatical errors at over a dozen and then just gave up counting. Also interested in how she plans to finance her new endeavor. Can't wait for the new begathon to get her so called book produced.

    12. SFF. It’ll be another book that’ll bomb just like Birchthorn did. Even if she does self-publish it. Her writing is rotten, and rife with major mistakes. Jenna refuses to either edit her crap, or polish purple prose.

    13. No one is “worried” about this lying, lazy loser.

  45. Bless her heart. Someone got her big girl panties in a twist today.

    1. It was Wednesday Whining time.

  46. “ I was never lonely or afraid. The biggest thing in my way was myself; this terrified woman“

    i‘m myself:
    terrified yet unafraid.
    scared as hell but
    completely free of fear.

    you can’t intimidate me even though
    you got me quaking in my boots. boots that i will wear
    a thousand times again
    with a kilt
    or a monkeydress
    to show you that i‘m unimpressed.

    (i‘m singing this as if i were L7. a 90s jam featuring Our Hero.)

  47. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 30, 2023 at 11:26 AM

    Woke Wog, you did take a hit for the team. Many thanks 😊.

    In what twisted world, is a person proud of having to beg strangers for pity purchases and shares? How absurdly defiant is a woman who brags that she refuses to listen to sound advice? Who allows their animals to potentially suffer and their home to slide into disrepair because she won't be bothered to take an outside job, even if temporarily?

    As a Shamster noted above, she'd have ten ways to improve that farm by the time she dressed for the day. Almost anyone would. Dealing with a person who stubbornly refuses to improve her lot in life and who constantly "needs" others to bail her out must be positively exhausting for any friends and family.

    Running a farm stupidly isn't the flex she thinks it is.

    What a maroon.

    1. PDD. Thanks! I’ve recovered from the ordeal after drinking my mocha latte. And your comment was spot-on.

    2. Does she actually think she is the only person who has been down and out? In our early years we got ourselves into some financial peril but we had enough sense to stop frivolous spending and fix the situation with budgeting and better choices. I stopped being a stay at home mom and got a job. I hated not being home when the kids got in from school but it was a sacrifice that had to be made. After that we said never again as most sensible people would. We were able to turn things around and pay for university and weddings. Jenna’s problem is she never learns from her mistakes and depends on ‘magic’ and ‘slung luck’. At 40 she still has earning potential but she is too stupid and stubborn to see that she is circling the drain financially and emotionally. If she is actually under as much stress as she claims it will affect her health. Obesity and stress can send your blood pressure off the charts and it only gets worse as you age. If she is such a believer in magic she should look into her crystal ball and see what 69 year old Jenna looks like. I promise you, it won’t be pretty.

    3. SFF. Thanks for sharing your history. Clearly, you’ve learned from past experiences. I also agree with this sentence: “Jenna’s problem is she never learns from her mistakes and depends on ‘magic’ and ‘slung luck’.” Someone else here has said that she always wants a handout not a hand-up. There’s a big difference between the two.

    4. I don’t often get that personal but I thought it was worth sharing to make my point rather than talking in generalities. Put my money where my mouth is so to speak. Few of us a born with a silver spoon in our mouth but hard work and determination really does make a difference in where you end up in life. Of course Jenna’s defence will be that I have a partner …… we also had three kids to support. Do the math darlin’

    5. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 30, 2023 at 3:30 PM

      SFF, you pegged it. Wog has a skewed idea of what hard work is and how much financial support people really have. Perhaps she spent too much time trying to hang with trust fund babies from NYC.

      I'd wager no one here had a trust fund, but what if they did? Each person makes their own way with the circumstances they're dealt - and nearly all do it without begging and scamming.

      Adults take on responsibility, learn from their mistakes, support friends, family and the community. They dont "live like fiction", ripping off kind-hearted strangers who donate/buy under false pretense. Maybe what she does is "technically" legal, but it's immoral as hell.

      For the record, I'm the first one in my family to get an education. As a single female, I knew my way around cars, tools and farms. Always ambitious, I bought my own property (no help from family - no begging from strangers), invested wisely and traveled the world while pursuing a great career. Because I didn't sit on my fat kiester selfishly bemoaning life being unfair, I've had some amazing experiences, lasting relationships and friendships.

      Did I stay single? No. I'm married to a fascinating and successful man. We worked smartly and at this stage, we can basically do whatever we choose. We're not alone in this.

      Was it always easy? Of course not. We've had financial setbacks too. We didn't respond by telling strangers they needed to bail us out - we got on with it and fixed the problem.

      Let Wog whine and carry on with her rationalizations. Until she realizes she's both the problem and the solution, she'll never succeed.

  48. She acts as if it’s unusual to be a woman living alone in 2023. Millions of females do it, too. But they don’t depend on begging to make mortgage payments like Jenna does. And when she pleads for people to purchase products out of pity, that’s also a sneaky form of manipulative marketing.

    1. Jenna has always wanted to be a super special snowflake. Unfortunately, she’s just an average person. If not below the norm.

    2. A Legend in Her Own MindAugust 31, 2023 at 6:32 AM


      I don't care if someone chooses to live in a tent (or a yurt) or a shed. It doesn't concern me one iota if a woman chooses not to work and instead wanders the woods, hiking, fishing, riding. I have friends who lead a quasi-nomadic life, working occasionally but generally subsisting on what they forage, make or earn.

      But that isn't Wog. She demands a middle-class, home-owning pampered life, but she doesn't intend to perform the smart work to get there. At some point, she discovered that posted pleas of impoverishment, fabricated fears and terror yielded a lot of attention: pity shares, purchases and donations. It probably became an addiction.

      I don't think she'll stop until she's dragged into court or her fan base finally loses interest. Honestly, how many times can a reader stomach repeat tales of self-induced woes before thinking WTF???

    3. PDD. That was well-put. Jenna is addicted to attention. It’s her main drug of choice.

  49. It’s hilarious that her handful of stupid sycophants on Instagram is calling Jenna “inspirational.” She’s the antithesis.

    1. If you look at these losers they’re a lot like Jenna.

    2. Most of them are misfits like Jenna, who only have a small number of followers.

  50. Jenna still can’t cope with comments on her dumb dispatches, and she keeps them closed, because she’s a coward who only wants fans to fawn over her lie-style.

    1. She’s only had comments enabled on her old blog, before Jenna ruined her own reputation.

  51. “Don't sell foot pictures online.” This one weird line is almost an admission of what I said on the last post. Jenna frequently shows her ugly fat feet in pics. Perhaps, she’s making money from a few foot fetish fans. Otherwise, she wouldn’t say something so strange and specific.

    1. I’ve found my comment:

      AnonymousAugust 29, 2023 at 4:40 PM

      SFF. We’re her foe club. Jenna has no fans. Except for her few dumb enablers. Maybe she’s found a foot fetish site for those who get off on ugly hobbit hooves. A girl’s gotta make her mortgage payments!


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