She mentioned Patty in her latest post-I am laughing at how Jenna doesn’t even try to hide that she reads every single comment here. HI JENNA YOU JACKASS
Jenna’s ridiculous rebuttals are responses to us calling out her crap here. HD has verified that her IP address is almost always present. She has this blog bookmarked for refreshing throughout the day. We pull her puppet’s strings. “Hoo!!!”
New bleg post and don’t you know it, shamsters, you asked about Patty? Well, Wog immediately obliges because no, she doesn’t read here at all. She is going to immediately let you know, she “just” visited Patty and her husband. Now, don’t go digging for details because the visit was super self- serving, if you have to know. Wog only needed a sucker to test and make sure the mushrooms she found were not poisonous, hence visiting Patty and her mushroom-knowing husband. You asked for it here first.
People who forage are always really clear that there is a way to do it. You only take what you need and you never take all. Jenna makes it sound like she did... take all of the chanterelles. I always find her writing to be disingenuous. It reads like it was written by AI. She knows Becca. It’s a “tradition” that Becca comes and ‘slums” in Cambridge ( I’m sure those that live there appreciate that Jenna) to celebrate Jenna’s birthday and does free labor for her. Jenna knows she doesn’t have a knife on her, so why did she ask? Well... I’ll bet a bale of winter hay that Jenna did not ask her. It’s just a story in Jenna’s mind. Livin like fiction.
Still trying to pay June mortgage. What did she do with the truck sale money? She was supposedly paying the June mortgage and new tires. Now she did not pay the June mortgage AND she’s begging for $300-349 to pay for hoses.
She’s an unethical, greedy cunt. I’ve also been calling Jenna disingenuous for years. She’s incapable of telling the truth about anything. It’s all about making up stupid stories to filch free funds from followers.
Anonymous 3:40. Perhaps, you don’t see the point that Jenna apparently, took most of the mushrooms. And didn’t leave some for others to forage. As usual, she’s put her needs above everyone else’s.
Anon3:40- it’s not about negatively affecting the population, it’s about not being greedy and leaving some for other foragers. I am not a forager but I do follow some on SM and they alwAys talk about leaving for others. I’m local to Jenna and Jenna isn’t the only one who looks for chanterelles 😂
What I found ridiculous in her post about the birthday tradition of Becca is that just in her post before this one, she clearly whined that last year she was all alone on her birthday. I know Becca didn’t come to her birthday the year that Shannon lived there. She had a recent birthday with Patty, if I recall. And she only met Becca in 2019 according to her own admission. Such an exaggeration, again, calling a one time event a “tradition”. She can’t tell the truth to save her life. Always so completely unauthentic.
Mushroom lover and foraged here. Wog is a creep for snagging all the mushrooms that obviously aren't on her personal property. Forager protocol is to leave some for others.
She remains a greedy, self-serving manipulator. No wonder she has so few lasting "friends". PDD
Cannot put my finger on why I find this shot so unappealing. Possibly because the eyes look dead. It's more than just unattractive; she looks disturbed.
Ah yes. I recall that one. As a photographer, I know how critical the eyes are in a portrait. There is something off in this shot. She is clearly uncomfortable with her looks. Never a natural smile. By middle age most people are comfortable with their identity. Not the case here.
SFF. Her eyes are always “off.” And her trying to look cutesy comes across as creepy instead. I wouldn’t trust her to watch even our dog. Are you a professional photographer?
Don’t worry y’all. Jenna can’t pay the June mortgage but she’s fishing and has 10k words written about fishing!! Can’t wait to not read her best selling book on her minute of fly fishing!
I don’t know why she bothers to post pics of her ugly, meaty man hands. The filthy fingers, and cheap, chipped polish only highlight her horrid hygiene.
coldantlerjenna Hard to tell from this selfie, but I’m leaning over my pond on the trunk of a leaning tree having found the only position I can roll cast to bluegills from…
I’m going to hit 10k words about fly fishing today. It’s been such a quiet thrill. Yesterday, while walking the stream in the woods scouting for Brook trout, I watched a juvenile red tail hop between branches above me. Already dreaming of a new hawk. Perhaps she’s it? I was 100 yards from my front door and grinning. I get this and the Barbie Movie in the same week?! What a time to be alive.
Fins and talons are crossing paths as we lean into Lughnasadh and I have not been this excited to write in years 🎣🦅
She's fishing, writing, dreaming and lolly-gagging and meanwhile a logo customer who would have prepaid, is waiting 8 weeks for their logo! Unbelievable! she's got gall, and people are stupid to hire her. People need to do their due diligence when it comes to her for sure!. Newbie.
You know what the very last thing I’m doing if I am broke, late on bills, have bad tires, am making clients wait eight weeks for art, unable to properly care for my aging animals with medication and supplements, unable to upkeep my house which is falling around my ears, and I’m in constant beg mode ?
I’m for damn sure not going to take myself to the Barbie movie, I’ll tell you this much for free. Nor am I telling the World Wide Web that I just did.
Anon 6:30: I happened across this blog when It just popped up when I was entering Cold Antler Farm to find out more about Jenna. I read it a few times and began to see the whole picture. Newbie
Jenna Woginrich 🏳️🌈 @coldantlerfarm · 7m My apologies for mostly using Twitter as self promotion these days. It feels like having a farmer’s market stand on a burning bridge. But the bridge is burning and I can’t put it out without sales. So I keep trying, dignity be damned.
Umm... has she ever used it for more than begging???
That stag fairy is..something. I can’t believe someone paid for a pencil sketch. Pencil. Smh.
There is so much wrong with that stag sketch. Firstly, she forgot the feet and the proportions are all wrong. The angle is awkward and it generally appears unfinished. It looks like a quick study one might do to practice for the final piece. Lazy, lazy, lazy..
Just looked at the stag and had to do a double-take. Was that a joke? Is someone parodying her by posting a horrible scribble that a 5 year old would do better, and called it Jenna’s to humor her? Surely, surely, surely this piece of garbage is not a real product for which someone paid and had to be told they were on a “waiting list” for. Please tell me this is a joke that she is in on. There is no way this trash is for real.
Like the fancy ice cream on her insta stories. I am not here saying that poor people shouldn’t have ice cream. But to post and zoom in on the luxury label, in a month when you are crying three months behind on your basic bill- your mortgage? What purpose does that serve other than biting the hand that feeds you?
Yes indeed, anonymous 7:22am, you can put out the fire with cash, especially because the fire referred to is for unpaid bills, like mortgage, hay, feed, car repairs, dental work, home repairs, etc. etc. etc., all of which JW begs and whines for every day, all day.
I join the chorus of reasonable folks here asking what happened to the $1000 from the sale of the truck which was going towards the June mortgage, supposedly? Why is she still begging for June?? But also, why is there never mention of late fees or other bills? How do those get paid? Last month she said some kind of nonsense about making the minimum payment on the mortgage. How is there such an option? Isn’t everyone’s “fixed” mortgage a set amount?
Jenna has become a beggar for her lie-style. She doesn’t ever mention late fees, because it’s all a bunch of bull. I’ll bet that the truck money went towards Barbie movies, and more ice cream cones. She’s the Cambridge Queen of Con.
“If I can sell 2 logo spots at reg price, I can pay the June mortgage. Or, if I sell 8 pet portraits I can make it. Or if I can sell one half pig for 2024, I can make it. Help spread the word before this farm is 3 months behind in just ten days! The dream is to catch up!”
“But this farm has never been better!!!” She’s so fraudulent that it’s unbelievable. Her fake fear of foreclosure is said to elicit empathy from followers. Jenna only wants to filch free funds.
Jenna’s faux farm has never been solvent in over a decade of having her hovel. By her own admission. She’s never going to “catch up” with her mortgage payments, because being late has become a chronic condition.
CAF math again. How would she be 3 months behind when she said she paid the May mortgage? From her bleg: "Folks, I am writing you from a state of relieved exhale. The May mortgage is paid! Which means, the only month I still owe is the month we’re all living in right now, and while I'm still starting over from scratch to earn it, it’s a huge weight off my shoulders." How is 10 days from now, the end of the month? Looks to me more like July 28, and still she would only be 2 months behind. She must be smoking the good stuff! Which her foolowers also paid for.
Anonymous 2:24. She can’t even keep track of her lies anymore, because it’s too much work. Jenna is a sociopath who tries to instill a sense of panic, hoping to push people to make a pity purchase.
Did anyone else notice how a magical half side of pig just appeared out of thin air in that beg? Weren’t pugs king sold out and supposedly she has already purchased the set of piglets to satisfy those sold out shares?
I think the grand that she got for the truck didn't go to help with the mortgage payment I think it went to payback the person who ever fronted the Taylor Swift tickets and she now has to pay that person back. My son paid $4,000. for my granddaughter and her mothers tickets so that would about right. She is trying to catch up now without saying she never paid back then.
She claimed on IG that she weighs 180 lbs and paid $169 for her ticket. It was her attempt at humor which as we all know isn’t funny. Ever.
Where is the girl she’s texting about fish? Did she bail already. I’m straight but if a guy wanted to date me and was sending fish pics I’d be like “thanks?” I’m not against fishing I just don’t see how that’s really a way to start a relationship off with a bang. Lol. Especially because her fish are literally hand sized and nothing to be excited about.
Anonymous 4:07. We’ve seen her around town. Jenna looks like she’s easily over 200 pounds. She lies about her weight like everything else in her “dumb small life.”
From IG just now: “three days of hiking mountain streams and finally caught my girls wild Brooke of the season” followed by a slew of annoying hashtags. Y’all shut up about work and jawb and whatever. “This girl” has got three days of fishing and hiking to rest up from.Oh, and that tiring Barbie farmer’s matinee. Shame on you. What do you think she is made of?
how can she possibly be hiking the mountain and streams with her broken ankle? What a trooper, such a selfless girl to do all of that with her untreated broken ankle. WOW.
I don't understand how people continue to follow her on social media. Do they not know? How do people not know by now? I found these sorts of blogs years ago, because her demands on social media felt suspicious to me.
I think most of her 4000 followers simple haven’t bothered to unsubscribe. If you look at her retweet rate (and half of her retweets are Jenna retweeting her own self, and the average number of her comments and likes, she has no more than 60 that actually read her crap. Most posts get below five comments. The most likes she gets is when she posts a dog photo, that’s were the 60 max likes come from. Usually less than 20 likes on a regular post. Some posts get zero likes. So yeah, I don’t think she had any followers to speak of. She makes the random sale to people who stumble on her feed.
I also believe that the majority of “views “ on her blog come from people like us. We have watched this train wreck for years, and just like with a very bad tv show where you have thrown away too many hours to not see how it ends, we stick around and read her drivel. Some of us have tried to offer her helpful suggestions with the hope that she will listen and implement, but that’s a fool’s errand. She turns vile the second anyone tries to help her with anything other than cash.
Her Twitter account is down to 4,728 as of today, and it’s been steadily declining again. I think that many have her muted, because of the begging and lying. Her rate of engagement is laughably low considering her numbers of followers.
From IG stories: “ I hope I’m the only lesbian in your IG carousel who won’t shut up about Barbie, Taylor Swift, and trout.” And this tells you all you need to know about her. I can’t even with this statement. It would take too long.
You hope??!! Don’t worry darlin’ lesbian or not, you are one of a kind in that no one, and I mean no one can waste time, not work, and not have adult responsibilities like you! Pinkie promise.
I’m shocked that she hasn’t used her stupid statement about Barbie: “13/14 year old Jenna would’ve loved this movie!!!” Jenna’s a creepy case of arrested development.
It’s dropped down to 4,727 now. She’s lost another one today. I’ll bet that the bitch will buy bots again. Jenna’s done that before when the followers start fleeing.
Just saw those. So here we have her crying as usual about possible foreclosure, higher house payment, truck repairs, etc., but is she doing anything about it? Is she scrambling to find a job to help with her bills?
Nope. Instead we have tubs spending hours in the river and begging for sales and donations on a dying social media platform. Also, I thought she only left the house when she absolutely has to? Nothing but lies and irresponsible actions from her.
"aNd iF yOU dOn'T wAnT tO bUy aNYthiNG mY VeNmO iS..."
Little does this cat know, he will be taken advantage of as a pet prop for severe online begging. 😭 Shame. She certainly knows how to play to the masses for maximum beggability. Yes it’s a word. 🤣
I think that she took The video last week when she was there for the “tradition” of Jenna’s birthday. Timeline seems that Jenna got the cat whilE beccca was there. Now Jenna is introducing the cat.
It’s the 20th. We should be seeing that she paid the mortgage any day now!!
I agree with your suggestion. I have two dogs and three cats. One of the dogs is the same age as Gibson- 13. Two of my cats are elderly. Just in basics per month I spend $100 on senior food for my old girl. Flea and tick protection is around $25 per pet per month. My other dog’s food is around $60. The cats food is around $50. Both dogs get joint supplements which are $52 a month. My older dog gets about $70 of medicines monthly for her arthritis and thyroid which is the absolute basic in case for an older dog. Heartworm prevention for both dogs monthly is about $50 and an annual test to stay on the heartworm prevention is around $100. This does not include regular vet visits, treats, random expenses and specialized meds, vaccinations, or other what I consider annual expenses. All of the above is just the very very basic monthly care for 2 dogs with no major health issues, and three cats. So yeah. No way in hell she is doing even the very very basic, or we would have heard about it, and it would have been begged for.
SFF. This is the second time that I’ve left a comment to you that’s disappeared for an unknown reason. Cats used to be called “assholes” by Jenna. Until she become a stupid “Swiftie” sheeple and lesbian.
she had to get a new kitten. I don't think any of her current animals make good photo props without some heavy cropping to hide goopy eyes, painful stance, uncared for feet/claws, poor body condition scores, etc.
I'm wondering if the person who was defending her and sending her money has been reading the latest posts. Surely by now she should see that JW has been playing her like a fool. If she still decides to send her hard earned money to a scammer, that is on her.
I love how her list says to “make soap”. She must be selling soap like crazy since she’s constantly making it ( supposedly). If she had variety, sure but she has the same soap over and over.
The market is saturated with homemade soaps. I doubt she gets more than a few pity purchases
I peeked at Threads. They have security problems (another app that tracks your location so "friends" know where you are), and I have zero interest in joining until bugs are worked out.
You can see what the fabricating faux farmer writes by going to
Unfortunately, Threads is like Twitter, and you can only see several posts. I refuse to join any platform that’s owned by Zuckerberg. I loathe him even more than I hate Jenna. And that’s saying something.
Thank you all for the threads education! Checked out the threads and it looks like it’s a carbon copy of her Twitter, just about. And to her comment about anxiety- I don’t ow about y’all, but if I were a jawbless able person, a surefire way to cure any anxious thoughts would be a quick part time gig bagging groceries at my down-the-road Publix.
Maybe it was another infamous “farmer’s matinee.” She’ll do any frivolous distraction, other than get off her fat ass, and work to support herself like a normal adult does.
HD. It’s obvious that whenever you don’t moderate comments even briefly, then Jenna tries to leave more vile, crappy content. It’s too bad that you can’t block her IP address.
That’s good. We’re rooting for you to get rid of her. The filthy feral farmer has nothing better to do on a Friday night than try to futilely fight with her foes. I guess that the date didn’t work out. What a shock. Not. No one wants an obese, ugly, stinky loser like Jenna.
I find it hilarious (and pathetic, and telling) that she has spent her life not only not caring about, but openly trashing any kind of sports/organized athletics. Well, dontcha know it, all of a sudden, because it is the thing to do, she has “discovered” it’s cool to be a women’s soccer fan, and now she is desperately playing catch up by drowning her social media in women’s soccer memes and references which show she has cared about it for exactly one minute. I believe it’s all trickery, it all has to do with luring in a previously untapped potential audience out there to cry for donations too. Just a guess.
Hysterical indeed! This week it’s Barbie and soccer with a dash of TS. I’m also chuckling that when I go to her Twitter account, the first post is from 2017. Not sure what Elon is up to but her begging cannot be going well on Twitter. It’s 7/22, so I assume that any day now she will have that mortgage “so close” but how will I know since I can’t see what she posts?? Lol
the horses have dull coats. :( when were they last wormed? do they get senior feed? summer is ideal for coats! they should be shiny and gorgeous this time of year. even if dusty they should show a shine through the coat.
When were their teeth last floated? One of the reasons for the stubborn loss of weight and eventual death of elderly horses is the inability to eat and process their food. When were they last given Bute for their aching bones? Is fat being added to their diet to help that pretty severe weight loss that it’s so visible in Merlin?
Horses merlin's age should be floated 2x a year. He has no topline at all. Because of his age, he should be on a senior feed to supplement grass/hay and maintain condition. But their coats tell the real truth here. Just super dull & poor condition, very concerning.
Remember last year or the year before when she supposedly had close to 250 bales stashed at patty’s, and then something must have happened, or she lied, because she was crying for hay before too long?
On another note that profile picture on IG - the one where you can practically look right up her nose - is hands down the most unflattering shot yet. Is this really how she wants to project her image to the world? She looks like a belligerent little snowflake. She has no clue how to present her ‘business’ in a mature, professional manner. Why would anybody buy anything from such a little snot? Or is that the look she’s been going for all along? She seems to take great delight at thumbing her nose at the world. She needs to grow up and learn how to be taken seriously
SFF. Talk about being ugly and unflattering in photos. Jenna is literally, incapable of maturity. She seems to be stuck at around 13/14 years old. That’s why she’s often mentioned that age range in her writing. It’s not a coincidence.
She cannot be bothered to properly groom her horses. They both look terrible. Meanwhile she must brag about the Barbie movie. Proper animal care was never a priority for her.
OMG - the post where she talks about the Barbie movie on IG and SHOWS HER UNSHAVEN PITS. Lest I draw comments defending the practice, let me be first to say I am a woman who also does not shave my pits alllll the time - it irritates my skin and I think it's kind of silly but also I NEVER SHOW MY ARMPITS. If I'm going out to something fancy and I'm planning to wear a sleeveless shirt or dress, I either wear a cardigan or jacket, OR I suck it up and shave them. There are just too many people who feel the need to comment on it if I didn't, and unless all the gents around are also showing their hairy armpits, it's not appropriate. I wouldn't ever put my hairy pits on social media! It's really kind of tacky and wayyyyyy too try-hard-lookit-me-I'm-hip. Combined with the other information Jenna's shared on social media and her blog regarding her grooming and style habits, I think it says a LOT more about her than she maybe thinks people will pick up on...and nothing good. I'm kind of grossed out by her bad judgement here - I'm a few years younger than Jenna and the fact that she's being such a poser on IG = oof, yikes, woof, etc. Jenna, you are not a radfem, shave your pits or put your arms down, you are not fooling ANYONE.
DA. That was well-put. What a repulsive, slovenly pig on every level. It’s always the same smug smirk on her fake fat face with a closed mean mouth. Her hygiene is horrid.
Jenna Woginrich 🏳️🌈 @coldantlerfarm Hey hey! This farm might be behind on the mortgage, but it's not TWO MONTHS behind until August 1. Which means I've got about a week to still make this month's payment. Logos, pet portraits, soap orders - all have sales! Send me a DM or visit the website and help a dream happen!
Hey hey! I’ll tell you this much for free. It’s not anyone else’s job to keep up with your effing mortgage or your delinquent bill paying history. K?
I’ve made this observation here before. But it bears repeating for newbies. She has a handful of nervous tics that begin her barrage of begging: hey hey, so, well and okay are her four faves. GFY, Jenna. You’re a lying, lazy loser.
It’s only Jenna who’s always months “behind” in making her mortgage payments. There’s no “might” about that fact. She uses the stupid saying “this farm,” to deflect from her refusal to accept any adult accountability for her actions. Like being a financial fuck-up.
Funny how she tries to make her financial woes seem like an occasional hiccup, when it's really a years-long-monthly-never-ending issue for her. "LeT's dO tHiS, gUyS!"
When I first heard there was going to be a Barbie movie, my first thought was "Who in the world would want to see that? Even my grandaughters weren't interested. But the fact that Miss Jenna found a message in it is so funny! People have given her great advice for years and she just figured out that being a woman is great. What a moron. And Jenna, stop blabbing your finances on social media. It's annoying, , very poor form and kind of creepy.
So she paid June? So confused on Jenna math. She’s saying she needs to pay “ this month” which is July. I guess she paid the June mortgage with her truck money after all🤷♀️
So now there's a big Taylor Swift 2024 banner on one of her outbuildings. I predict more TS merchandise that she 'didn't buy' will continue to appear on her IG feed. She's so predictable. What a child.
Oh come on SlimFaceFilter you know she found that and all the other things she will have appear is from the town dump where she finds all her good and expensive stuff.
She is the type of person who really needs help with her mental health and addiction issues... but she will never come to that conclusion herself. She lives in a 1 person kingdom who thinks her life is better than everyone else's. She is basically estranged from her family and her friends are kept at a safe distance unless she needs something. They don't mean enough to her for her to value their opinions and take their advice. They have tried. I don't see her ever changing in a consistent, healthy way without professional help.
Agreed!!⬆️ Sometimes I find it hard to snark because she is unwell.. it’s glaringly obvious she’s unwell. She’s deep in the Barbie zone now. If she had a real friend she could talk to them about Barbie but instead she just posts tons of crap about a movie that will be forgotten In a week.
Yesterday she posted that if your partner refuses to go see the Barbie movie, you should divorce. I know she was being “funny” but she has posted stuff before about how a partner should like what she likes. It’s so stunted and dumb. My partner and I don’t like any of the same media and have very different interests. We’ve been together 25+ years. I’ll tell you this much for free, we never run out of things to talk about!
Now the scammer is being scammed on Facebook and she wants people to go report her account on Facebook. How she has time to mindlessly scroll in her hammock all day when she can’t pay her bills is just nuts!!!!
SOTM. Exactly. You’ve nailed it. The filthy feral failure would rather whine than work. She has no intention of ever making mature changes and decisions. Jenna is a lost cause.
Anonymous 10:46. Are you saying that Jenna’s being scammed on Facebook? I’d like to hear the details. I thought that she didn’t have an account anymore. Shannon was wise to leave the relationship, because Wog only wants a clone of her stupid self.
SFF. Do you have a link? I can’t find her Facebook profile. Jenna probably sent it to herself. Just like that job app. The misused, inappropriate question mark would be a giveaway.
This is the only Facebook profile of hers that I could find. But it looks like it’s not a current one. I don’t have an account to delve any further. Of course, she still has the same smirk on her fake fat face. And the ugly, muscle butch photo was also posted.
“I don’t want to be here either.” What a dumb cunt.
Up above, Anon 10:46 wrote: "If she had a real friend she could talk to them about Barbie but instead she just posts tons of crap about a movie that will be forgotten In a week."
Good point...and made me realize that this Barbie craze is just another soon-to-be abandoned obsession of hers. Just like her phases with Mountain smashing, running 5Ks, equestrian arrow shooting, etc.
Her latest obsession (and area of expertise /s) is fly fishing, which I did not have on my Bingo card of Jenna's useless pursuits. And once she tires of it, I wonder what new obsession will be next? Any guesses?
On IG she was bragging that she had 3 hawk apprenticeships lined up for fall. When someone seemingly knowledgeable replied to her that 3 is really too much to take on, Jenna quickly changed her story and said 3 people were interested but people are so unpredictable and I guess these folks hadn’t even started the prep work yet. She said maybe only 1 person was serious. More living like fiction. She’s going to obsess on hawks in the fall since her other one got away last year.
Jenna Woginrich 🏳️🌈 @coldantlerfarm I am one solid sale away from making the June mortgage. One sale. One sale and I can feel that blesses relief. And start working towards July with the small hope I can make that too.
This was six days ago. Shocked we haven’t heard that she has indeed paid the dang June mortgage. Which the truck sale supposedly paid for much earlier in the month.
Omg staaahhhhpppp with this June mortgage!! Did you pay it or not??
On IG she claims that 100% of her income comes from sales on social media. Not surprised she can’t pay her bills because all she’s done for DAYS is post about the Barbie movie. Where is she begging for sales? I can’t access her “X” account ( most recent is 2018 for me when I search her name). She doesn’t have Facebook... I can only access her website once in a while and I have a decent iPhone with no trouble accessing any other site!!
Inquiring minds want to know if June has been paid. If not? Where did all the truck money go. Also, is she still “hotting ” on the girl by sending pics of tiny fish? which really, I can really get juvenile and go on about why that is funnier than hell but I will not right now.
No one “hots on” that fat slob. I’ve also mentioned below that her Twitter timeline is out of order now. That’s really going to be bad for her already slow sales. LOL!!!
“I write honestly about the struggles of running a farm alone. For the record I receive no:
Govt assistance Family support Spouse support Inheritance
I make a living off what YOU pay me In meat, soap, logos, classes. Stop telling me to quit. No one is requiring you to follow me.”
This stupid tweet was from 11/18. For some unknown reason, since Musk changed names, her old crap is showing when clicked. Unfortunately, she still comes across as a cunt, and a bratty, defiant dumbass. Jenna is a lying, lazy loser.
Thanks for posting this. I can see them too. And I'm not sure if it is you who posted all the other old tweets since you are Anonymous, but if so, thanks for posting those too!
“I would like to share some very good news in all this horror happening around us: for the first time in years, this farm is caught up on the mortgage!!!! Sales I make now are going towards NEXT MONTH'S bills and not catching up on old house payments! No more fear of foreclosure!”
And this one was from 4/20. The timeline dates aren’t in order now. Yet she still whines about her fake fear of foreclosure all the time.
“I want to tell 13 year old me that some day I'll have a pony and a girlfriend, so she knows things will be amazing even in 2020.” 7/20
There she goes again with another ridiculous referral to her “13 year old” self. But Shannon’s dumped her fat ass years ago. That didn’t work out to be “amazing” for her after all. “Hoo!!!”
“Just back from releasing Aya into the wild. It was done beside the Battenkill River, fields, and forests. I miss her already but know a new story is waiting out there with a new bird. Falconry, to me, will always be about the relationship and the honor in letting them fly home.” 10/18
What a fucking liar. It’s only about her stupid image, and using birds as pet props. There’s no “honor” in chaining a living creature to your hot lamp, and using them as accessories in town.
“I have made my social media accounts private due to online harassment ramping up the last few weeks. I do not need to deal with trolls on top of everything else going on in my life. I know that limits my reach and sales, but for my mental health I need to retreat a little.” 4/20
No one cares, cunt. You refuse to accept any adult accountability for your actions. We’re here to keep track of the truth.
“Look at my girl’s bday cake!!!” This one was tweeted shortly before Shannon left. We think that Jenna spent their mortgage money on an expensive cake. It might’ve been the proverbial “last straw.”
I have wondered if Shannon left because of the mortgage. They were in a relationship for a year and if I was paying half the mortgage, I would want my name on the deed. Otherwise, Shannon was basically paying rent to Jenna and doing all the improvements. I bet Jenna said no, and Shannon realized she was never going to be treated as an equal partner so she left. I know I would.
I think Shannon left because she was paying at least half the mortgage but Jenna being who she is, wouldn't put her name on the deed. Shannon was paying rent when it was supposed to be a long term relationship. Plus, her "girl" did all the improvements. What did Shannon get out of the arrangement? Not a damn thing and she wised up real fast.
Anything's possible but it could be as simple as Jenna's horrid hygiene and repellent personality. Jenna is selfish in other aspects of her life and I would wager that she is not a generous lover. But yeah, it could be the financial stuff. Or maybe she ripped her foot on that nail sticking out of the bedroom floor once too often. That place makes Grey Gardens look appealing.
The only good thing that Shannon got out of the relationship was a cake. I’m sure that she thinks of that year as a major mistake. If not for the timing of Covid, I doubt that she would’ve stayed more than a few months.
I just went down a rabbit hole of old posts that basically cover the same old, same old going back years. Was reminded of OG shamsters Duckmama, Red Horse, AnonGA, Cryokid, and more. Are y’all still here?
Yesterday, according to IG stories she had so much fun with friends that her gaping maw was on display. That’s how you know she’s having fun!!! She deleted a pic of one of her horses and the TS flag. Not sure why...
So does anyone have “X” and know what she’s posting. It’s almost the end of the month! Did the Junly payment get made????
From J, on Twitter: Thanks for the retweets (3). No sales yesterday. Can make that up today. Still optimistic. “I got my goal, I have skills and goods to offer”. Want to reserve pork, donate a share of lamb? This farm isn’t giving up. Hasn’t ever. Trying to make July mortgage. So I can stop getting certified letters. So I can stop trying to figure out arrangements with the electric company. So I can exhale.
So June is paid? Lol. I mean it takes a special talent to be so confusing about 2 months!!!
I’ve mentioned this before but after we refinanced our mortgage, the die date was changed. For some reason I wasn’t aware of that and so the next month, I had my payment ready for the old due date. I got a letter within days of the missed payment. I called the bank, explained the situation and had them take payment immediately. I did get charged for being late which I paid since it was my fault.
I can’t imagine being late all the time like she is!!!
Anonymous 8:57. The scrappy scammer is “certifiably” a nut case. Even at age 41, she still can’t cope with being an adult who’s responsible for paying her own bills. Using the stupid saying “this farm,” is always a deflection from Jenna’s refusal to accept any adult accountability for her actions. And she’s a sociopath for “trying” to elicit empathy with trigger terms and wording. It’s just more of her manipulative marketing to filch free funds.
Well, well. Look how quickly she has jumped from Barbie to women’s soccer. As a lifelong fan of the Canadian Womens Team and season ticket holder for MLS plus being a soccer mom for more years than I care to count, I find her jumping on the bandwagon hilarious. Hey, maybe she can write a book about it 🤣 What a poser.
It should be a super busy time on the "farm". What has she been doing? We know what she hasn’t been doing. She hasn't been doing any post-summer clean-up around her shack on the hill. She hasn’t been spending time with all the old friends that got tired of her BS…there are a lot. She hasn’t been dating a new girl. And she hasn’t been writing any interesting quality essays. But really, it’s okay…she shouldn’t worry about it, because nobody really cares what she’s doing anyway. Rehome the animals and you can just carry on.
HD. Consider the source of who bought the stupid sticker.
ReplyDeleteIf she went to my kids dentist she would get a bunch of stickers for free IF she was good during the exam.
ReplyDeleteGold. Hahahaha.
She mentioned Patty in her latest post-I am laughing at how Jenna doesn’t even try to hide that she reads every single comment here. HI JENNA YOU JACKASS
ReplyDeleteJenna’s ridiculous rebuttals are responses to us calling out her crap here. HD has verified that her IP address is almost always present. She has this blog bookmarked for refreshing throughout the day. We pull her puppet’s strings. “Hoo!!!”
DeleteNew bleg post and don’t you know it, shamsters, you asked about Patty? Well, Wog immediately obliges because no, she doesn’t read here at all. She is going to immediately let you know, she “just” visited Patty and her husband. Now, don’t go digging for details because the visit was super self- serving, if you have to know. Wog only needed a sucker to test and make sure the mushrooms she found were not poisonous, hence visiting Patty and her mushroom-knowing husband.
ReplyDeleteYou asked for it here first.
Jenna only has foes not fans.
DeletePeople who forage are always really clear that there is a way to do it. You only take what you need and you never take all. Jenna makes it sound like she did... take all of the chanterelles. I always find her writing to be disingenuous. It reads like it was written by AI. She knows Becca. It’s a “tradition” that Becca comes and ‘slums” in Cambridge ( I’m sure those that live there appreciate that Jenna) to celebrate Jenna’s birthday and does free labor for her. Jenna knows she doesn’t have a knife on her, so why did she ask? Well... I’ll bet a bale of winter hay that Jenna did not ask her. It’s just a story in Jenna’s mind. Livin like fiction.
ReplyDeleteStill trying to pay June mortgage. What did she do with the truck sale money? She was supposedly paying the June mortgage and new tires. Now she did not pay the June mortgage AND she’s begging for $300-349 to pay for hoses.
She’s an unethical, greedy cunt. I’ve also been calling Jenna disingenuous for years. She’s incapable of telling the truth about anything. It’s all about making up stupid stories to filch free funds from followers.
DeleteThat's not true when it comes to fungi. You can take all of them without negatively impacting their population.
DeleteThe bigger question is whose land were they on?
Anonymous 3:40. Perhaps, you don’t see the point that Jenna apparently, took most of the mushrooms. And didn’t leave some for others to forage. As usual, she’s put her needs above everyone else’s.
DeleteAnon3:40- it’s not about negatively affecting the population, it’s about not being greedy and leaving some for other foragers. I am not a forager but I do follow some on SM and they alwAys talk about leaving for others. I’m local to Jenna and Jenna isn’t the only one who looks for chanterelles 😂
DeleteWhat I found ridiculous in her post about the birthday tradition of Becca is that just in her post before this one, she clearly whined that last year she was all alone on her birthday. I know Becca didn’t come to her birthday the year that Shannon lived there. She had a recent birthday with Patty, if I recall. And she only met Becca in 2019 according to her own admission.
DeleteSuch an exaggeration, again, calling a one time event a “tradition”.
She can’t tell the truth to save her life. Always so completely unauthentic.
she’s now used “slum it“ multiple times in regards to Becca’s visit. she thought of it once and now she’s going to use it to death.
Deletegood observation about the new tradition. everything she does is a tradition yet everything is simultaneously new and totally unique to her.
Mushroom lover and foraged here. Wog is a creep for snagging all the mushrooms that obviously aren't on her personal property. Forager protocol is to leave some for others.
DeleteShe remains a greedy, self-serving manipulator. No wonder she has so few lasting "friends".
Delete(Darn auto correct)
ReplyDeleteI guess that it’s also a “tradition” to make putrid pan pizza that’s covered in disgusting grease. It’s no wonder why Jenna has an obese body.
Her food always appears sloppy and repellent. Just like Jenna.
ReplyDeleteIt’s always the same smug smirk on her fake fat face with a closed mean mouth.
Jenna has Lantern Jaw.
DeleteCannot put my finger on why I find this shot so unappealing. Possibly because the eyes look dead. It's more than just unattractive; she looks disturbed.
DeleteExactly. She looks “deranged” in most of her ick pics. None of her photos are flattering.
Ah yes. I recall that one. As a photographer, I know how critical the eyes are in a portrait. There is something off in this shot. She is clearly uncomfortable with her looks. Never a natural smile. By middle age most people are comfortable with their identity. Not the case here.
DeleteSFF. Her eyes are always “off.” And her trying to look cutesy comes across as creepy instead. I wouldn’t trust her to watch even our dog. Are you a professional photographer?
DeleteNot a pro. Talented amateur.
DeleteDon’t worry y’all. Jenna can’t pay the June mortgage but she’s fishing and has 10k words written about fishing!! Can’t wait to not read her best selling book on her minute of fly fishing!
ReplyDeleteI’m sure that Glennon Doyle is also eager to be relentlessly heckled by Jenna to read her rotten writing again. “Hoo!!!”
ReplyDeleteI don’t know why she bothers to post pics of her ugly, meaty man hands. The filthy fingers, and cheap, chipped polish only highlight her horrid hygiene.
Jenna can’t pay her mortgage, but also can’t wait to buy a ticket for the new Barbie movie!
ReplyDeleteShe’s always been a sheeple for mainstream trends. Yet Jenna acts as if she’s so quirky, and immune to publicity. What a huge hypocrite.
DeleteDoesn't Barbie represent everything Jenna despises. Talk about confused.
DeleteSFF. You’ve nailed it!
Deletecoldantlerjenna Hard to tell from this selfie, but I’m leaning over my pond on the trunk of a leaning tree having found the only position I can roll cast to bluegills from…
ReplyDeleteI’m going to hit 10k words about fly fishing today. It’s been such a quiet thrill. Yesterday, while walking the stream in the woods scouting for Brook trout, I watched a juvenile red tail hop between branches above me. Already dreaming of a new hawk. Perhaps she’s it? I was 100 yards from my front door and grinning. I get this and the Barbie Movie in the same week?! What a time to be alive.
Fins and talons are crossing paths as we lean into Lughnasadh and I have not been this excited to write in years 🎣🦅
None of Jenna’s overwrought purple prose can disguise and hide her rotten writing.
DeleteShe's fishing, writing, dreaming and lolly-gagging and meanwhile a logo customer who would have prepaid, is waiting 8 weeks for their logo! Unbelievable! she's got gall, and people are stupid to hire her. People need to do their due diligence when it comes to her for sure!.
You know what the very last thing I’m doing if I am broke, late on bills, have bad tires, am making clients wait eight weeks for art, unable to properly care for my aging animals with medication and supplements, unable to upkeep my house which is falling around my ears, and I’m in constant beg mode ?
DeleteI’m for damn sure not going to take myself to the Barbie movie, I’ll tell you this much for free. Nor am I telling the World Wide Web that I just did.
Newbie. How did you discover this blog? I’m always curious about how it’s found. If you don’t mind me asking. Everything you’ve said is true, too.
DeleteAnon 6:30: I happened across this blog when It just popped up when I was entering Cold Antler Farm to find out more about Jenna. I read it a few times and began to see the whole picture.
Newbie. Thanks for your response. It’s nice to know that the word has gotten out about Jenna’s rotten reputation. She hates that we’re here. “Hoo!!!”
ReplyDeleteJenna Woginrich 🏳️🌈
My apologies for mostly using Twitter as self promotion these days. It feels like having a farmer’s market stand on a burning bridge. But the bridge is burning and I can’t put it out without sales. So I keep trying, dignity be damned.
Umm... has she ever used it for more than begging???
That stag fairy is..something. I can’t believe someone paid for a pencil sketch. Pencil. Smh.
There is so much wrong with that stag sketch. Firstly, she forgot the feet and the proportions are all wrong. The angle is awkward and it generally appears unfinished. It looks like a quick study one might do to practice for the final piece. Lazy, lazy, lazy..
DeleteJust looked at the stag and had to do a double-take. Was that a joke? Is someone parodying her by posting a horrible scribble that a 5 year old would do better, and called it Jenna’s to humor her?
DeleteSurely, surely, surely this piece of garbage is not a real product for which someone paid and had to be told they were on a “waiting list” for. Please tell me this is a joke that she is in on.
There is no way this trash is for real.
Her childish, stupid scribbles are always sloppily done. I’ve seen teens who have more talent, and a more mature work ethic.
DeleteIf the bridge is burning, then why not get a job instead of going fishing?
ReplyDeleteSo you put out a fire with cash??!!
ReplyDeleteMuch writer.
She does burn cash in bullshit purchases so... she’s being honest.
Like the fancy ice cream on her insta stories. I am not here saying that poor people shouldn’t have ice cream. But to post and zoom in on the luxury label, in a month when you are crying three months behind on your basic bill- your mortgage? What purpose does that serve other than biting the hand that feeds you?
DeleteJenna is massively self-entitled, and has zero awareness.
DeleteYes indeed, anonymous 7:22am, you can put out the fire with cash, especially because the fire referred to is for unpaid bills, like mortgage, hay, feed, car repairs, dental work, home repairs, etc. etc. etc., all of which JW begs and whines for every day, all day.
ReplyDeleteI join the chorus of reasonable folks here asking what happened to the $1000 from the sale of the truck which was going towards the June mortgage, supposedly? Why is she still begging for June??
ReplyDeleteBut also, why is there never mention of late fees or other bills? How do those get paid? Last month she said some kind of nonsense about making the minimum payment on the mortgage. How is there such an option? Isn’t everyone’s “fixed” mortgage a set amount?
Jenna has become a beggar for her lie-style. She doesn’t ever mention late fees, because it’s all a bunch of bull. I’ll bet that the truck money went towards Barbie movies, and more ice cream cones. She’s the Cambridge Queen of Con.
Delete“If I can sell 2 logo spots at reg price, I can pay the June mortgage. Or, if I sell 8 pet portraits I can make it. Or if I can sell one half pig for 2024, I can make it. Help spread the word before this farm is 3 months behind in just ten days! The dream is to catch up!”
ReplyDeleteNo one cares, cunt. GFY, Jenna.
“But this farm has never been better!!!” She’s so fraudulent that it’s unbelievable. Her fake fear of foreclosure is said to elicit empathy from followers. Jenna only wants to filch free funds.
DeleteJenna’s faux farm has never been solvent in over a decade of having her hovel. By her own admission. She’s never going to “catch up” with her mortgage payments, because being late has become a chronic condition.
DeleteShe acts as if she’s 14 NOT 41.
DeleteCAF math again. How would she be 3 months behind when she said she paid the May mortgage?
DeleteFrom her bleg: "Folks, I am writing you from a state of relieved exhale. The May mortgage is paid! Which means, the only month I still owe is the month we’re all living in right now, and while I'm still starting over from scratch to earn it, it’s a huge weight off my shoulders."
How is 10 days from now, the end of the month? Looks to me more like July 28, and still she would only be 2 months behind. She must be smoking the good stuff! Which her foolowers also paid for.
Anonymous 2:24. She can’t even keep track of her lies anymore, because it’s too much work. Jenna is a sociopath who tries to instill a sense of panic, hoping to push people to make a pity purchase.
DeleteDid anyone else notice how a magical half side of pig just appeared out of thin air in that beg?
DeleteWeren’t pugs king sold out and supposedly she has already purchased the set of piglets to satisfy those sold out shares?
*long sold out
DeleteI think the grand that she got for the truck didn't go to help with the mortgage payment I think it went to payback the person who ever fronted the Taylor Swift tickets and she now has to pay that person back. My son paid $4,000. for my granddaughter and her mothers tickets so that would about right. She is trying to catch up now without saying she never paid back then.
ReplyDeleteShe’s blatantly lied about being gifted concert tickets by a follower, and had even admitted as much recently. What a despicable piece of shit she is.
DeleteShe claimed on IG that she weighs 180 lbs and paid $169 for her ticket. It was her attempt at humor which as we all know isn’t funny. Ever.
DeleteWhere is the girl she’s texting about fish? Did she bail already. I’m straight but if a guy wanted to date me and was sending fish pics I’d be like “thanks?” I’m not against fishing I just don’t see how that’s really a way to start a relationship off with a bang. Lol. Especially because her fish are literally hand sized and nothing to be excited about.
Anonymous 4:07. We’ve seen her around town. Jenna looks like she’s easily over 200 pounds. She lies about her weight like everything else in her “dumb small life.”
DeleteJenna wants to write a book
ReplyDeleteand thinks that fish will sell.
But like her Birchthorn novel
it won’t work very well.
From IG just now: “three days of hiking mountain streams and finally caught my girls wild Brooke of the season” followed by a slew of annoying hashtags.
ReplyDeleteY’all shut up about work and jawb and whatever. “This girl” has got three days of fishing and hiking to rest up from.Oh, and that tiring Barbie farmer’s matinee. Shame on you. What do you think she is made of?
Dang autocorrect. *first wild brookie
Delete(It corrected it because it’s not a real word!)
how can she possibly be hiking the mountain and streams with her broken ankle? What a trooper, such a selfless girl to do all of that with her untreated broken ankle. WOW.
DeleteI don't understand how people continue to follow her on social media. Do they not know? How do people not know by now? I found these sorts of blogs years ago, because her demands on social media felt suspicious to me.
ReplyDeleteI think most of her 4000 followers simple haven’t bothered to unsubscribe. If you look at her retweet rate (and half of her retweets are Jenna retweeting her own self, and the average number of her comments and likes, she has no more than 60 that actually read her crap. Most posts get below five comments. The most likes she gets is when she posts a dog photo, that’s were the 60 max likes come from. Usually less than 20 likes on a regular post. Some posts get zero likes.
DeleteSo yeah, I don’t think she had any followers to speak of. She makes the random sale to people who stumble on her feed.
I also believe that the majority of “views “ on her blog come from people like us. We have watched this train wreck for years, and just like with a very bad tv show where you have thrown away too many hours to not see how it ends, we stick around and read her drivel. Some of us have tried to offer her helpful suggestions with the hope that she will listen and implement, but that’s a fool’s errand. She turns vile the second anyone tries to help her with anything other than cash.
DeleteI guess I'm thinking of her Twitter. She still has a bunch of followers there. How do people not realize?
DeleteHer Twitter account is down to 4,728 as of today, and it’s been steadily declining again. I think that many have her muted, because of the begging and lying. Her rate of engagement is laughably low considering her numbers of followers.
DeleteFrom IG stories: “ I hope I’m the only lesbian in your IG carousel who won’t shut up about Barbie, Taylor Swift, and trout.”
ReplyDeleteAnd this tells you all you need to know about her. I can’t even with this statement. It would take too long.
You hope??!! Don’t worry darlin’ lesbian or not, you are one of a kind in that no one, and I mean no one can waste time, not work, and not have adult responsibilities like you! Pinkie promise.
DeleteI’m shocked that she hasn’t used her stupid statement about Barbie: “13/14 year old Jenna would’ve loved this movie!!!” Jenna’s a creepy case of arrested development.
DeleteThe filthy feral farmer is the antithesis of Barbie, but she’s a sheeple when it comes to mainstream movies and stupid trends.
DeleteWhat the hell is wrong with her for catching (and posting about) undersized trout? This is nothing to brag about.
Exactly my thoughts.
DeleteWe’re planning on reporting her again to the appropriate authorities in her area.
DeleteThe one she showed sizzling in her skillet was also tiny. I thought someone said the battenkill in her area is catch and release only.
DeleteIt’s dropped down to 4,727 now. She’s lost another one today. I’ll bet that the bitch will buy bots again. Jenna’s done that before when the followers start fleeing.
ReplyDeleteUnless Musk reverses all the stupid changes he made, Twitter will continue to die off. Her sales are gonna completely tank. Then where will she beg?
DeleteAnon7. She’s already signed up for Threads. That’ll be her new begging platform.
DeleteDon’t worry, Jenna was in the Adirondacks today fishing. Hope y’all sent her free funds!!! She’s suuuuppppeeerrrr worried about those bills darlin’s
ReplyDeleteJust saw those. So here we have her crying as usual about possible foreclosure, higher house payment, truck repairs, etc., but is she doing anything about it? Is she scrambling to find a job to help with her bills?
DeleteNope. Instead we have tubs spending hours in the river and begging for sales and donations on a dying social media platform. Also, I thought she only left the house when she absolutely has to? Nothing but lies and irresponsible actions from her.
"aNd iF yOU dOn'T wAnT tO bUy aNYthiNG mY VeNmO iS..."
What a disgusting way to live.
A trip to the Adirondacks to fish AND a new kitten she doesn’t have the money to properly care for. *sigh*
ReplyDeleteI know if I was 3 months behind on the mortgage, I’d get more animals /s
This is like a nightmare to watch. Hopefully you make it Angus. That fauxrm is a mess!!!
Dumb Ass had to find a cute baby animal to generate likes and ramp up interest, because not many people are interested in her ongoing, LAF life.
DeletePraying for the kitten to survive and thrive.
And don't forget that TAS is a fan of cats.
DeleteLittle does this cat know, he will be taken advantage of as a pet prop for severe online begging. 😭 Shame.
DeleteShe certainly knows how to play to the masses for maximum beggability. Yes it’s a word. 🤣
Wtf is Becca still doing there? On IG stories she is posing with I’m assuming the new kitten mentioned above.
DeleteI think that she took The video last week when she was there for the “tradition” of Jenna’s birthday. Timeline seems that Jenna got the cat whilE beccca was there. Now Jenna is introducing the cat.
DeleteIt’s the 20th. We should be seeing that she paid the mortgage any day now!!
Yes, awaiting the Phony express any day now, with that mortgage payment.
DeleteWill that kitten ever see the inside of a veterinary office? NOT A CHANCE.
DeleteI agree with your suggestion. I have two dogs and three cats. One of the dogs is the same age as Gibson- 13. Two of my cats are elderly. Just in basics per month I spend $100 on senior food for my old girl. Flea and tick protection is around $25 per pet per month. My other dog’s food is around $60. The cats food is around $50. Both dogs get joint supplements which are $52 a month. My older dog gets about $70 of medicines monthly for her arthritis and thyroid which is the absolute basic in case for an older dog. Heartworm prevention for both dogs monthly is about $50 and an annual test to stay on the heartworm prevention is around $100.
DeleteThis does not include regular vet visits, treats, random expenses and specialized meds, vaccinations, or other what I consider annual expenses. All of the above is just the very very basic monthly care for 2 dogs with no major health issues, and three cats.
So yeah. No way in hell she is doing even the very very basic, or we would have heard about it, and it would have been begged for.
SFF. This is the second time that I’ve left a comment to you that’s disappeared for an unknown reason. Cats used to be called “assholes” by Jenna. Until she become a stupid “Swiftie” sheeple and lesbian.
DeleteI can see your comments! They are not disappearing
DeleteI can see them too.
Deleteshe had to get a new kitten. I don't think any of her current animals make good photo props without some heavy cropping to hide goopy eyes, painful stance, uncared for feet/claws, poor body condition scores, etc.
DeleteSome of my comments have disappeared, and I’ve rewritten them. So you’re seeing the new ones.
DeleteI'm wondering if the person who was defending her and sending her money has been reading the latest posts. Surely by now she should see that JW has been playing her like a fool. If she still decides to send her hard earned money to a scammer, that is on her.
ReplyDeleteShe is exactly the kind of person JW preys upon.
HD. Some comments are disappearing again today. I’ve lost a few. And I’m a respectful regular, Maybe it’s that glitch in the system.
ReplyDeleteEdit: regular.
DeleteAuntie B must have a loose screw. No civilized, compassionate person could interact with Wog and think this behavior is normal.
ReplyDeleteAnyone with an ounce of smarts can see Wog's "love bombing" of Auntie B is a *giant* red-flag.
I will die on this hill.
I’m still searching for where the Auntie B love bombing is online.
DeleteIt appears to be on Instagram, that “Auntie B” is Becca the bestie. She’s just another stupid, sycophant supporter of the lying, lazy loser.
ReplyDeleteShe’s made sure to show the kitten walking all over her stupid little loser’s lists. So it only appears that Jenna’s not a lying, lazy loser.
I love how her list says to “make soap”. She must be selling soap like crazy since she’s constantly making it ( supposedly). If she had variety, sure but she has the same soap over and over.
DeleteThe market is saturated with homemade soaps. I doubt she gets more than a few pity purchases
Her soaps suck. I bought a few bars, and the scents stink. Just like Jenna.
DeleteThat list also says, "Work on puppy" -- which I hope refers to a sketch and not an attempt at acquiring a new real one.
DeleteAre any shamsters on the new Threads platform? Curious what she is posting over there and if it is visible without a meta account.
ReplyDeleteI haven't ventured onto Threads as their security is problematic.
I peeked at Threads. They have security problems (another app that tracks your location so "friends" know where you are), and I have zero interest in joining until bugs are worked out.
DeleteYou can see what the fabricating faux farmer writes by going to
Eye bleach sold separately.
Tracks your location huh? That could be problematic for someone who 'never leaves the farm'
Delete“If anxiety kills I’ve got 2-5 years left”
DeleteThat’s a Jen gem. Please let this be true.
Unfortunately, Threads is like Twitter, and you can only see several posts. I refuse to join any platform that’s owned by Zuckerberg. I loathe him even more than I hate Jenna. And that’s saying something.
DeleteThank you all for the threads education! Checked out the threads and it looks like it’s a carbon copy of her Twitter, just about.
DeleteAnd to her comment about anxiety- I don’t ow about y’all, but if I were a jawbless able person, a surefire way to cure any anxious thoughts would be a quick part time gig bagging groceries at my down-the-road Publix.
Our girl saw the Barbie movie today. Hysterical.
ReplyDeleteMaybe it was another infamous “farmer’s matinee.” She’ll do any frivolous distraction, other than get off her fat ass, and work to support herself like a normal adult does.
DeleteHD. It’s obvious that whenever you don’t moderate comments even briefly, then Jenna tries to leave more vile, crappy content. It’s too bad that you can’t block her IP address.
ReplyDeleteI don't know of a way to do that, but, yeah.
DeleteI don't want to tip my hand but I'm working behind the scenes.
That’s good. We’re rooting for you to get rid of her. The filthy feral farmer has nothing better to do on a Friday night than try to futilely fight with her foes. I guess that the date didn’t work out. What a shock. Not. No one wants an obese, ugly, stinky loser like Jenna.
DeleteI find it hilarious (and pathetic, and telling) that she has spent her life not only not caring about, but openly trashing any kind of sports/organized athletics.
ReplyDeleteWell, dontcha know it, all of a sudden, because it is the thing to do, she has “discovered” it’s cool to be a women’s soccer fan, and now she is desperately playing catch up by drowning her social media in women’s soccer memes and references which show she has cared about it for exactly one minute.
I believe it’s all trickery, it all has to do with luring in a previously untapped potential audience out there to cry for donations too. Just a guess.
Hysterical indeed! This week it’s Barbie and soccer with a dash of TS.
DeleteI’m also chuckling that when I go to her Twitter account, the first post is from 2017. Not sure what Elon is up to but her begging cannot be going well on Twitter. It’s 7/22, so I assume that any day now she will have that mortgage “so close” but how will I know since I can’t see what she posts?? Lol
I noticed that too. Seems to be pulling her most liked posts in the last few years.
Deletethe horses have dull coats. :( when were they last wormed? do they get senior feed? summer is ideal for coats! they should be shiny and gorgeous this time of year. even if dusty they should show a shine through the coat.
ReplyDeleteWhen were their teeth last floated? One of the reasons for the stubborn loss of weight and eventual death of elderly horses is the inability to eat and process their food.
DeleteWhen were they last given Bute for their aching bones? Is fat being added to their diet to help that pretty severe weight loss that it’s so visible in Merlin?
Horses merlin's age should be floated 2x a year. He has no topline at all. Because of his age, he should be on a senior feed to supplement grass/hay and maintain condition. But their coats tell the real truth here. Just super dull & poor condition, very concerning.
DeleteLooks like she’s helping Patty with the hay. Hopefully Jenna will have hay for more than September this year!!!
ReplyDeleteRemember last year or the year before when she supposedly had close to 250 bales stashed at patty’s, and then something must have happened, or she lied, because she was crying for hay before too long?
Deletewhy does she get small square bales instead of large squares or rounds? small squares are so much more expensive.
ReplyDeleteCaerluna posted on Instagram a thank you to Jenna for helping with hay.
Jenna is a selfish pig. She’s only helped with the hay for kudos. The cunt doesn’t care about her community.
DeleteOn another note that profile picture on IG - the one where you can practically look right up her nose - is hands down the most unflattering shot yet. Is this really how she wants to project her image to the world? She looks like a belligerent little snowflake. She has no clue how to present her ‘business’ in a mature, professional manner. Why would anybody buy anything from such a little snot? Or is that the look she’s been going for all along? She seems to take great delight at thumbing her nose at the world. She needs to grow up and learn how to be taken seriously
ReplyDeleteSFF. Talk about being ugly and unflattering in photos. Jenna is literally, incapable of maturity. She seems to be stuck at around 13/14 years old. That’s why she’s often mentioned that age range in her writing. It’s not a coincidence.
DeleteShe cannot be bothered to properly groom her horses. They both look terrible. Meanwhile she must brag about the Barbie movie. Proper animal care was never a priority for her.
ReplyDeleteShe’s the most emotionally stunted, middle-aged moron we’ve ever met. Jenna doesn’t deserve to have a home and horses.
DeleteOMG - the post where she talks about the Barbie movie on IG and SHOWS HER UNSHAVEN PITS. Lest I draw comments defending the practice, let me be first to say I am a woman who also does not shave my pits alllll the time - it irritates my skin and I think it's kind of silly but also I NEVER SHOW MY ARMPITS. If I'm going out to something fancy and I'm planning to wear a sleeveless shirt or dress, I either wear a cardigan or jacket, OR I suck it up and shave them. There are just too many people who feel the need to comment on it if I didn't, and unless all the gents around are also showing their hairy armpits, it's not appropriate. I wouldn't ever put my hairy pits on social media! It's really kind of tacky and wayyyyyy too try-hard-lookit-me-I'm-hip. Combined with the other information Jenna's shared on social media and her blog regarding her grooming and style habits, I think it says a LOT more about her than she maybe thinks people will pick up on...and nothing good. I'm kind of grossed out by her bad judgement here - I'm a few years younger than Jenna and the fact that she's being such a poser on IG = oof, yikes, woof, etc. Jenna, you are not a radfem, shave your pits or put your arms down, you are not fooling ANYONE.
ReplyDelete- DaffodilAnonymous
DA. That was well-put. What a repulsive, slovenly pig on every level. It’s always the same smug smirk on her fake fat face with a closed mean mouth. Her hygiene is horrid.
DeleteWho but JWog would ever promote her business with a photo like this? She’s a middle aged woman with the self-awareness of a mushroom.
DeleteJenna’s lack of class in showing her hairy pits is gross. She has no sense of either style or good grooming. It’s no wonder why she’s still single.
ReplyDeleteJenna Woginrich 🏳️🌈
Hey hey! This farm might be behind on the mortgage, but it's not TWO MONTHS behind until August 1. Which means I've got about a week to still make this month's payment. Logos, pet portraits, soap orders - all have sales! Send me a DM or visit the website and help a dream happen!
Hey hey! I’ll tell you this much for free. It’s not anyone else’s job to keep up with your effing mortgage or your delinquent bill paying history. K?
I’ve made this observation here before. But it bears repeating for newbies. She has a handful of nervous tics that begin her barrage of begging: hey hey, so, well and okay are her four faves. GFY, Jenna. You’re a lying, lazy loser.
DeleteIt’s only Jenna who’s always months “behind” in making her mortgage payments. There’s no “might” about that fact. She uses the stupid saying “this farm,” to deflect from her refusal to accept any adult accountability for her actions. Like being a financial fuck-up.
DeleteFunny how she tries to make her financial woes seem like an occasional hiccup, when it's really a years-long-monthly-never-ending issue for her. "LeT's dO tHiS, gUyS!"
DeleteWhen I first heard there was going to be a Barbie movie, my first thought was "Who in the world would want to see that? Even my grandaughters weren't interested. But the fact that Miss Jenna found a message in it is so funny! People have given her great advice for years and she just figured out that being a woman is great. What a moron.
ReplyDeleteAnd Jenna, stop blabbing your finances on social media. It's annoying, , very poor form and kind of creepy.
So she paid June? So confused on Jenna math. She’s saying she needs to pay “ this month” which is July. I guess she paid the June mortgage with her truck money after all🤷♀️
ReplyDeleteSo now there's a big Taylor Swift 2024 banner on one of her outbuildings. I predict more TS merchandise that she 'didn't buy' will continue to appear on her IG feed. She's so predictable. What a child.
ReplyDeleteOh come on SlimFaceFilter you know she found that and all the other things she will have appear is from the town dump where she finds all her good and expensive stuff.
DeleteShe pRoUdLy hung it on the chicken coop, which can be seen from the road. Tres tacky. I wonder how much money she wasted on that?
DeleteShe's obsessed with being a Taylor Swift fan and making it her entire personality. Meh.
She is the type of person who really needs help with her mental health and addiction issues... but she will never come to that conclusion herself. She lives in a 1 person kingdom who thinks her life is better than everyone else's. She is basically estranged from her family and her friends are kept at a safe distance unless she needs something. They don't mean enough to her for her to value their opinions and take their advice. They have tried.
ReplyDeleteI don't see her ever changing in a consistent, healthy way without professional help.
DeleteSometimes I find it hard to snark because she is unwell.. it’s glaringly obvious she’s unwell. She’s deep in the Barbie zone now. If she had a real friend she could talk to them about Barbie but instead she just posts tons of crap about a movie that will be forgotten In a week.
Yesterday she posted that if your partner refuses to go see the Barbie movie, you should divorce. I know she was being “funny” but she has posted stuff before about how a partner should like what she likes. It’s so stunted and dumb. My partner and I don’t like any of the same media and have very different interests. We’ve been together 25+ years. I’ll tell you this much for free, we never run out of things to talk about!
Now the scammer is being scammed on Facebook and she wants people to go report her account on Facebook. How she has time to mindlessly scroll in her hammock all day when she can’t pay her bills is just nuts!!!!
Well said. Old age is going to be a real shit show if she doesn't turn things around.
DeleteSOTM. Exactly. You’ve nailed it. The filthy feral failure would rather whine than work. She has no intention of ever making mature changes and decisions. Jenna is a lost cause.
DeleteAnonymous 10:46. Are you saying that Jenna’s being scammed on Facebook? I’d like to hear the details. I thought that she didn’t have an account anymore. Shannon was wise to leave the relationship, because Wog only wants a clone of her stupid self.
DeleteInteresting that the alleged Facebook scammer employs the question mark in the same weird manner as Jenna herself.
ReplyDeleteSFF. Do you have a link? I can’t find her Facebook profile. Jenna probably sent it to herself. Just like that job app. The misused, inappropriate question mark would be a giveaway.
DeleteDid posted it on her IG
ReplyDeleteThis is the only Facebook profile of hers that I could find. But it looks like it’s not a current one. I don’t have an account to delve any further. Of course, she still has the same smirk on her fake fat face. And the ugly, muscle butch photo was also posted.
“I don’t want to be here either.” What a dumb cunt.
I checked out the old Facebook and nothing has changed. Same old schtick plus a ton of Birchthorn crap. What a loser.
ReplyDelete4,721 today and dropping.
ReplyDeleteUp above, Anon 10:46 wrote: "If she had a real friend she could talk to them about Barbie but instead she just posts tons of crap about a movie that will be forgotten In a week."
ReplyDeleteGood point...and made me realize that this Barbie craze is just another soon-to-be abandoned obsession of hers. Just like her phases with Mountain smashing, running 5Ks, equestrian arrow shooting, etc.
Her latest obsession (and area of expertise /s) is fly fishing, which I did not have on my Bingo card of Jenna's useless pursuits. And once she tires of it, I wonder what new obsession will be next? Any guesses?
On IG she was bragging that she had 3 hawk apprenticeships lined up for fall. When someone seemingly knowledgeable replied to her that 3 is really too much to take on, Jenna quickly changed her story and said 3 people were interested but people are so unpredictable and I guess these folks hadn’t even started the prep work yet. She said maybe only 1 person was serious. More living like fiction. She’s going to obsess on hawks in the fall since her other one got away last year.
DeleteOne can only hope that she'll be obsessed with finding a job!
DeleteMy guess is she is going to change religions AGAIN
DeleteBecoming a Muslim could her being covered head-to-toe in a Burka would do wonders for her. And everyone else.
DeleteAnd now after being called out, she took down the fake Facebook account warning.
ReplyDeleteTypical. Her juvenile attention seeking knows no bounds. As soon as I saw that questionable question mark I knew it was fake..
DeleteJenna often deletes her crap after being called out on it here. “Hoo!!!”
ReplyDeleteJenna Woginrich 🏳️🌈
I am one solid sale away from making the June mortgage. One sale. One sale and I can feel that blesses relief. And start working towards July with the small hope I can make that too.
This was six days ago. Shocked we haven’t heard that she has indeed paid the dang June mortgage. Which the truck sale supposedly paid for much earlier in the month.
And it’s “blessed.” What a rotten writer who won’t take time to edit.
DeleteAnd she's also one away from looking for a jawb.
DeleteOmg staaahhhhpppp with this June mortgage!! Did you pay it or not??
ReplyDeleteOn IG she claims that 100% of her income comes from sales on social media. Not surprised she can’t pay her bills because all she’s done for DAYS is post about the Barbie movie. Where is she begging for sales? I can’t access her “X” account ( most recent is 2018 for me when I search her name). She doesn’t have Facebook... I can only access her website once in a while and I have a decent iPhone with no trouble accessing any other site!!
Inquiring minds want to know if June has been paid. If not? Where did all the truck money go. Also, is she still “hotting ” on the girl by sending pics of tiny fish? which really, I can really get juvenile and go on about why that is funnier than hell but I will not right now.
No one “hots on” that fat slob. I’ve also mentioned below that her Twitter timeline is out of order now. That’s really going to be bad for her already slow sales. LOL!!!
Delete“I write honestly about the struggles of running a farm alone. For the record I receive no:
ReplyDeleteGovt assistance
Family support
Spouse support
I make a living off what YOU pay me In meat, soap, logos, classes. Stop telling me to quit. No one is requiring you to follow me.”
This stupid tweet was from 11/18. For some unknown reason, since Musk changed names, her old crap is showing when clicked. Unfortunately, she still comes across as a cunt, and a bratty, defiant dumbass. Jenna is a lying, lazy loser.
Thanks for posting this. I can see them too. And I'm not sure if it is you who posted all the other old tweets since you are Anonymous, but if so, thanks for posting those too!
DeleteAnon7. You’re welcome. I was the one who posted the stupid series of tweets.
Delete“I would like to share some very good news in all this horror happening around us: for the first time in years, this farm is caught up on the mortgage!!!! Sales I make now are going towards NEXT MONTH'S bills and not catching up on old house payments! No more fear of foreclosure!”
ReplyDeleteAnd this one was from 4/20. The timeline dates aren’t in order now. Yet she still whines about her fake fear of foreclosure all the time.
“I want to tell 13 year old me that some day I'll have a pony and a girlfriend, so she knows things will be amazing even in 2020.” 7/20
ReplyDeleteThere she goes again with another ridiculous referral to her “13 year old” self. But Shannon’s dumped her fat ass years ago. That didn’t work out to be “amazing” for her after all. “Hoo!!!”
“Just back from releasing Aya into the wild. It was done beside the Battenkill River, fields, and forests. I miss her already but know a new story is waiting out there with a new bird. Falconry, to me, will always be about the relationship and the honor in letting them fly home.” 10/18
ReplyDeleteWhat a fucking liar. It’s only about her stupid image, and using birds as pet props. There’s no “honor” in chaining a living creature to your hot lamp, and using them as accessories in town.
ReplyDelete“I’m a goner.” The only one who’s “gone” now was Shannon. How’s that working out for ya, Jen?
“I have made my social media accounts private due to online harassment ramping up the last few weeks. I do not need to deal with trolls on top of everything else going on in my life. I know that limits my reach and sales, but for my mental health I need to retreat a little.” 4/20
ReplyDeleteNo one cares, cunt. You refuse to accept any adult accountability for your actions. We’re here to keep track of the truth.
ReplyDelete“Look at my girl’s bday cake!!!” This one was tweeted shortly before Shannon left. We think that Jenna spent their mortgage money on an expensive cake. It might’ve been the proverbial “last straw.”
I have wondered if Shannon left because of the mortgage. They were in a relationship for a year and if I was paying half the mortgage, I would want my name on the deed. Otherwise, Shannon was basically paying rent to Jenna and doing all the improvements. I bet Jenna said no, and Shannon realized she was never going to be treated as an equal partner so she left. I know I would.
DeleteI think Shannon left because she was paying at least half the mortgage but Jenna being who she is, wouldn't put her name on the deed. Shannon was paying rent when it was supposed to be a long term relationship. Plus, her "girl" did all the improvements. What did Shannon get out of the arrangement? Not a damn thing and she wised up real fast.
DeleteAnything's possible but it could be as simple as Jenna's horrid hygiene and repellent personality. Jenna is selfish in other aspects of her life and I would wager that she is not a generous lover. But yeah, it could be the financial stuff. Or maybe she ripped her foot on that nail sticking out of the bedroom floor once too often. That place makes Grey Gardens look appealing.
DeleteThe only good thing that Shannon got out of the relationship was a cake. I’m sure that she thinks of that year as a major mistake. If not for the timing of Covid, I doubt that she would’ve stayed more than a few months.
DeleteSorry, that was me both times. I stupidly clicked past the notice of moderation and thought my post disappeared!
DeleteThese are all great theories. But SFF hit the nail on the head: Shannon lost her clothespin.
DeleteI just went down a rabbit hole of old posts that basically cover the same old, same old going back years. Was reminded of OG shamsters Duckmama, Red Horse, AnonGA, Cryokid, and more. Are y’all still here?
ReplyDeleteOh gosh, I remember them, and I loved their intelligence and wit. Hope they are still here and at least lurking. If so, jump in and say Hi!
DeleteHi! *Duckmama*
DeleteBig time duckmama fan. I also remember anon2011, farmlass, from the OG crew. Miss all of those good folks. So glad duckmama is still here!!
Yesterday, according to IG stories she had so much fun with friends that her gaping maw was on display. That’s how you know she’s having fun!!! She deleted a pic of one of her horses and the TS flag. Not sure why...
ReplyDeleteSo does anyone have “X” and know what she’s posting. It’s almost the end of the month! Did the Junly payment get made????
Musk has made a dumb name rebranding to Twitter. It’s now called X. Her “gaping maw” is grotesque. Just like Jenna.
DeleteFrom J, on Twitter: Thanks for the retweets (3). No sales yesterday. Can make that up today. Still optimistic. “I got my goal, I have skills and goods to offer”. Want to reserve pork, donate a share of lamb? This farm isn’t giving up. Hasn’t ever. Trying to make July mortgage. So I can stop getting certified letters. So I can stop trying to figure out arrangements with the electric company. So I can exhale.
DeleteSo June is paid? Lol. I mean it takes a special talent to be so confusing about 2 months!!!
DeleteI’ve mentioned this before but after we refinanced our mortgage, the die date was changed. For some reason I wasn’t aware of that and so the next month, I had my payment ready for the old due date. I got a letter within days of the missed payment. I called the bank, explained the situation and had them take payment immediately. I did get charged for being late which I paid since it was my fault.
I can’t imagine being late all the time like she is!!!
Anonymous 8:57. The scrappy scammer is “certifiably” a nut case. Even at age 41, she still can’t cope with being an adult who’s responsible for paying her own bills. Using the stupid saying “this farm,” is always a deflection from Jenna’s refusal to accept any adult accountability for her actions. And she’s a sociopath for “trying” to elicit empathy with trigger terms and wording. It’s just more of her manipulative marketing to filch free funds.
DeleteWell, well. Look how quickly she has jumped from Barbie to women’s soccer. As a lifelong fan of the Canadian Womens Team and season ticket holder for MLS plus being a soccer mom for more years than I care to count, I find her jumping on the bandwagon hilarious. Hey, maybe she can write a book about it 🤣 What a poser.
ReplyDeleteSFF. Jenna has never had an identity of her own. She just jumps on whichever trend might make her more appealing to filch free funds.
DeleteUntil Jenna confirms which payment she owes, I hereby decree that she is paying for the month of “Jun-lie”